MESSAGE “CALLED OUT TO SHOUT” HYMN INSERT “Shout to the Lord!” THE LORD'S SUPPER INVITATION TO THE TABLE THE PRAYER OF GREAT THANKSGIVING LEADER: The Lord be with you. PEOPLE: And also with you. LEADER: Lift up your hearts. PEOPLE: We lift them up to the Lord. LEADER: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God PEOPLE: It is right to give our thanks and praise. WORDS OF INSTITUTION HYMN #507 “We Come With Joy” v 1&2 COMMUNION OF THE PEOPLE LORD’S PRAYER *HYMN # 91 “Ride On! Ride On In Majesty!” * BENEDICTION Leader: Wave high your palm branches! The Lord of life approaches! People: Sing with great joy for the Savior has come to us! Leader: Let us raise our voices and wave our palms to greet the King of Kings. People: We will shout our praises to the rooftops, let the parade begin! POSTLUDE: "Hosanna to the King" (Ellison) *All who are able are please asked to stand. Bold indicates congregational part ++ CCLI Church License #183566 First Presbyterian Church 310 3rd Ave NW Mandan, ND 58554 CIA PRAISE CHOIR “Hosanna! Hosanna!” (C. Townley) Rev. Deanna Reikow, Minister 1). Jesus rode into Jerusalem. Hosanna! Hosanna! (Church)
[email protected] 663-5788 All the people sang their praise to him. Hosanna! Hosanna! (Pastor Deanna)
[email protected] 426-3857 (cell) Came to town upon a donkey's back; Hosanna! Hosanna! (website) Seems so lowly but he's Lord in fact,Hosanna! Hosanna! PRELUDE MUSIC "We Cry Hosanna, Lord" (M. Farra) Refrain" "The Palms" (Faure) Eileen Edland Pianist/ Organist Hosanna! Hear the people say Hosanna! Save us today.