First Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and Schools First Good Shepherd Lutheran Church and Schools 301 S. Maryland Pkwy, Las Vegas, NV 89101-5320 Members of the Body of Christ being lifted up in prayer. Church (702) 384-6106 ▪ Schools (702) 382-8610 March 25, 2018 11:00am Thank you for joining our First Good Shepherd family in celebration today. To better help you during the worship service we have provided ♥ Praise God for the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and the following information. Each worship is also on the screen. MISSION STATEMENT the beginning of Holy Week! “Connecting people to Christ and one another” Preservice Music ♥ Praise God for keeping Ron Burreson safe during a car Words of Welcome accident. Prayers for continued healing and reliance on God. 702- 527-5328 preferred landline or 702-732-0719 cell STAFF We Come Before Our Lord Opening Prayer ♥ Mary Carpi, recovering in the neural ICU at Sunrise Hospital Pastor Brad Beckman
[email protected] after having a stroke on March 8th. ♫ “Hosanna Praise is Rising” Deacon Steve Launer
[email protected] ♫ “All the People Said Amen” ♥ Kay Cheney, Mark Cheney’s mom, prayer for positive test Jon Peterson (Church Office)
[email protected] results. Invocation, Confession and Absolution Terri Humphrey (School Ministries)
[email protected] ♥ Connie Delzer, metabolic issues. Debbie Simkins (School Office)
[email protected] We Praise the Lord for His Mercy and Forgiveness ♫ “Made Alive” ♥ Friends & family of Ryan McDonald, who was killed by a Jon Peterson (Youth)
[email protected] falling tree and called home to be with Jesus.