Planning Meeting 15th January 2010 SENNEN PARISH COUNCIL


PRESENT Councillors A Semmens (Chairman), T Gwennap, D Angove, C Angove, Mrs J Barker, Z Nicholas, P Shannon and A Tonkin.

ALSO PRESENT Ward County Councillor Bill Maddern, Mr Andrew O’Brien (Affordable Housing Team Leader for West ), Mrs L Double (“Cornishman” correspondent) and fourteen members of the public.

370. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillor M Gwennap.

371. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillor P Shannon declared a prejudicial interest in Planning Application No 09‐1349‐P and left the room when the matter was discussed. Councillor T Gwennap declared an interest in the discussion about Horizon Fields. Councillor Maddern, as a member of the West Sub‐Area Planning Committee, advised that he would take no part in the discussion or resolution relating to any application but would remain to hear the comments of councillors.

372. POLICE MATTERS PC Dan Care being unable to attend, Councillor A Tonkin presented the Police report for the period 4th December to 15th January 2010 during which time two crimes had been reported compared to twelve in a similar period the previous year. One of these had been the theft of a mobile telephone and the other the non‐payment of a bill at a Bed and Breakfast. There was a report that the gate by the sewage treatment works had gone and trees were being lopped but Councillor Gwennap informed the members that he had reported this to South West Water as they were responsible for making sure that the gate was shut.

373. S106 AGREEMENT AND LOCAL LETTINGS PLAN RE HORIZON FIELDS During an adjournment Andrew O’Brien (AB) had addressed the meeting when many questions had been put about the under‐occupancy rules, the problem posed by the possibility of Phase III not going ahead if the Parish Council continued to not support the application, the Local Letting Plan taking precedence over the planning legal agreement, properties being allocated to people from secondary parishes, the importance of employment criteria, interviewing applicants prior to allocations. Once back in session it was put to AB that those applicants already on the list should be given priority on the next phase and that it would make a difference to how the Parish Council would feel about supporting the planning application. AB thought this could be considered. When asked about the time scale for a tenant who might prefer to buy, AB thought it to be two years but it was pointed out that the sale would need to be with perpetuity of affordability. It was agreed that the priority of applicants working outside the parish with local connections as opposed to those working within the parish but with less clear local connections should be clarified. It was resolved that a letter should be sent to Andy Golay expressing the Parish Council’s feeling that it could only support the application on condition that there is a satisfactory S106 agreement and a suitably amended Local Lettings Plan, that has been agreed to by Sennen Parish Council, the Affordable Housing Team and the Housing Association, in place. Also that the Local Lettings Plan must take priority and will emphasise at least that properties must be allocated to people with a strong local connection to the primary parish, the mix of two and three‐ bedroom properties will be reviewed and the under‐occupancy rule will be relaxed to meet local needs. It was also agreed that Councillor Semmens should attend the West Sub‐Area Planning Committee meeting on Tuesday, 9th February.

103 Planning Meeting 15th January 2010

374. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The minutes of the meeting held on the 4th December 2009, having been circulated, it was resolved that they should be signed as a true and correct record.

375. MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES a) Pre‐Application Questionnaire – It was agreed that the Chairman and Vice‐Chairman would complete this after the meeting.

376. PLANS a) Planning Application No 09‐1349‐P – Ltd, cape View, Cove Hill, Sennen Cove – construction of cycle/surf board building at Longships, Marias Lane, Sennen. It was resolved not to support this application on the grounds that it is of an excessive size and scale, incorrectly positioned, the proposed materials are unsuitable and out of keeping with the buildings already on site. b) Planning Application No 09‐1386‐P – Mr J Abdilla, Unit 3, Mary Seacole Road, The Millfields, Plymouth – demolition of dwelling and construction of dwelling and associated works. It was resolved to support.

377. DECISIONS AND APPEALS a) Application No 09‐1098‐HP – Mr and Mrs P Reynolds, 19 Gardens, Blackheath, – permission granted for the raising of ridge height and construction of extensions and dormer windows at Chy an Gargo, Marias Lane, Sennen. b) Application No 09‐1135‐P – Mr and Mrs B Durrant, Sunnybank Hotel, Sea View Hill, Sennen – permission granted for construction of extensions. c) Application No 09‐1184‐P – Mr D Shannon and Miss K Coventry, Trelevan, Mayon Green, Sennen – permission granted for demolition of existing dwelling and construction of replacement, change of use of agricultural land to extend residential curtilage. d) Application No 09‐1182‐P – Sennen Primary School, Sennen – permission granted for installation of solar panels. e) Application No 09‐0709‐HP – Mr Geoffrey Haslam, 16 Elm Lane, Redland, Bristol – application for alterations including replacement and extension of porch, changes to roof pitch and external finishes and installation of flue and solar collectors at Top Cottage, Marias Lane, Sennen had been withdrawn by the applicant.

378. CORRESPONDENCE a) Civic Society – An invitation to a talk by Richard Ward of Cornwall CPRE on ‘The Planning System in Cornwall is a Mess Can we improve it?’ had been received. No councillor being interested in attending it was agreed to note its receipt.

379. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION OR THE NEXT MONTH’S AGENDA There were no items brought to the meeting.

The meeting closed at 8.15pm

Chairman 5th February 2010