Eagle Stories from Around the World

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Eagle Stories from Around the World Eagle Stories From Around the World Time Needed: Overview of Lesson: StuDents will reaD several legenDs or myths 45min to 1 hour about eagles anD write then about what they have reaD. Minnesota English Language Arts Standards Ages: nd th 2 to 5 graDe Recount stories, incluDing fables anD folktales from Diverse cultures, anD Determine their central message, lesson, or moral. Season: Any Describe how characters in a story responD to major events anD challenges. Materials: copies of the short Recount stories, incluDing fables, folktales, anD myths from stories, journals or notebook diverse cultures; determine the central message, lesson, or moral anD writing utensils anD explain how it is conveyeD through the key Details in text. Optional Materials: Books Compare anD rast cont the treatment of similar themes anD from aDDitional reaDing list topics (e.g., opposition of gooD anD evil) anD patterns of events (e.g., the quest) in stories, myths, and traditional e literatur from different cultures, including American Indian. Lesson Outline: I. IntroDuction – 10 min Draw eviDence from literary or informational texts to II. ReaD Stories – 20 min support analysis, reflection, anD research. III. Journal – 10 min IV. Wrap-­‐up – 5 min Analyze multiple accounts by various cultures of the same event or topic, noting important similarities ferences anD Dif in the point of view they represent. Draw eviDence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, anD research. National Eagle Center 50 Pembroke Wabasha, Ave, MN 55981 651.565.4989 nationaleaglecenter.org Background Information Universally seen as symbols of strength anD majesty, eagles have earneD their in place the myths anD stories of many . cultures ArounD the globe anD throughout history, many cultures legenDs have includeD eagles. Eagles are oft en c onsidered a helpful messenger, delivering warnings of e approaching troubl and aiDing in humanity’s survival. The importance of eagles in many cultures can still be seen V toDay. arious flags, emblems anD seals of countries arounD the worlD have eagles representeD on them. The bald eagle is the national symbol of the UniteD States anD the golDen eagle is founD on the flag of Mexico. Many countries have coins anD stamps that feature eagles. Vocabulary: Moral: a lesson that can be deriveD piece from a story, of information, or an experience. Mythology: a collection of myths or stories, especially belonging to ious a particular relig or cultural traDition. Prior to teaching: Familiarize yourself with the eagle stories anD symbols proviDeD at the enD of this lesson. Lesson Outline: I. Introduction to legends and mythology (10 minutes) a. Tell the stuDents that eagle species are founD worlDwiDe. Across many cultures, eagles are highly respected anD are the center of . many legenDs or stories Ask the stuDents to brainstorm some reason why people might think eagles. so highly of II. Choose 2-­‐3 stories for students to read and journal about (20 minutes reaDing, anD 10 minutes journaling). Reading and journaling can inDividually, be done in small groups or with the whole class. After each story is read, give the students o several minutes t answer questions or journal about the story. a. Possible journal questions incluDe: i. What is the eagle’s role in the story? ii. What is the moral of the story? iii. After the final story is e read, hav the stuDents compare the stories in their journal. Are there any similarities in the eagle’s role? iv. What Does the eagle mean to you? v. Eagles are founD all – arounD us where have you seen an eagle in your Day to day life? vi. If you could choose to l be any anima what would you be anD why? III. Conclusions (5 minutes) – Have the stuDents Discuss their answers to the journal questions in small groups. National Eagle Center 50 Pembroke Wabasha, Ave, MN 55981 651.565.4989 nationaleaglecenter.org Extensions: Have stuDents research a myth of their choosing anD share it in with a class or their journal. The same journal questions as above may be useD. Additional myth anD story books: • Aesops Fables -­‐ Aesop's Fables or Aesopica the is a collection of fables creDiteD to Aesop, a slave and storyteller believed to have Greece lived in ancient between 620 and 560 BCE. T he stories associateD with Aesop's name have DescenDeD n to moDer times through a number of sources. One translation is by Laura Gibbs, OxforD ssics WorlD's Cla (2008) • Native American Animal Stories by Joseph Bruchac • Native American Stories by Michael Caduto • Earth Tales From Around the World by Michael CaDuto anD Adelaide Murphy Tyrol National Eagle Center 50 Pembroke Wabasha, Ave, MN 55981 651.565.4989 nationaleaglecenter.org A Central African Tale It was not often that the tortoise and the eagle met, for the one spent his days in the clouds and the other under a bush. However, when the eagle heard what a warm-­‐hearted little fellow the tortoise was, he went to pay a call on y him. The tortoise famil showed such pleasure in his company and fed him so lavishly that the eagle returned again and again, while every time as he flew away he laughed, "Ha, ha! I can enjoy the hospitality of the tortoise on the ground but he can never reach my eyrie in the tree-­‐top!" The eagle's frequent visits, his selfishness ude and ingratit became the talk of the forest animals. One day a frog called from the stream bank, "Friend tortoise, give me beans and I will give you wisdom." After enjoying the bowl of beans the end frog said, "Fri tortoise, the eagle is abusing your kindness, for after every visit he flies away laughing, 'Ha ha! I can enjoy the hospitality of e the tortois on the ground but he can never enjoy mine, for ree my eyrie is in the t -­‐tops.' Next time the eagle visits you, say, 'Give me a gourd, and I will e send food to your wif and children too'." The eagle brought a gourd, enjoyed a t feast, and as he lef he called back, "I will call later for the present for my wife." The eagle flew away laughing to himself ! as usual, "Ha ha I have enjoyed the tortoise's food, but he can never come to my eyrie for a taste of mine." The frog arrived and said, "Now, tortoise, get into the gourd. Your wife will cover you over with fresh food and the eagle will carry you treetops." to his home in the Presently the eagle returned. The tortoise's My wife told him, " husband is away but he left this gourd filled with food family." for your The eagle flew away with the gourd, at little suspecting th the tortoise was inside. The tortoise could hear every word as he laughed, "Ha! ha! I share the tortoise's food but he can never visit my eyrie to share mine." As the gourd was emptied out onto the eagle's eyrie, the tortoise crawled Friend from it and said, " eagle, you have so often visited my home that I thought it would be nice to enjoy the hospitality of yours." The eagle was furious. "I will peck the flesh from your bones," he d. sai But he only hurt his beak against the tortoise's hard back. "I see what sort of friendship you offer se, me," said the tortoi "when you threaten to tear me limb from limb. Under the circumstances, please take me home, for our pact of friendship is at an end." "Take you home, indeed!" shrieked the eagle. ng "I will fli you to the ground and you will be smashed to bits in your fall." The tortoise bit hold of the eagle's leg. "Let me go, let go of my leg, let go of leg," groaned the great bird. "I ll wi gladly do so when you set me down at my own home," said the tortoise, and he tightened his hold on the eagle's leg. The eagle flew high ted into the clouds and dar down with the speed of an arrow. He shook his leg. He turned and twirled, but it was to no purpose. He could not rid himself of the tortoise until he set him down safely in his own home. As the eagle flew away the tortoise called after him, "Friendship requires the contribution of two parties. I welcome you and you welcome r, me. Since, howeve you have chosen to make a mockery of it, laughing at me for my hospitality, you need not call again." National Eagle Center 50 Pembroke Wabasha, Ave, MN 55981 651.565.4989 nationaleaglecenter.org Eagle Boy – Zuni Tribe (southwest United States) Long ago, a boy was out walking one day when he found a young eagle that had fallen from its nest. He picked that eagle up and brought n it home and bega to care for it. He made a place for it to stay, and each day he went out and hunted for l rabbits and other smal game to feed it. His mother asked him why he no longer came to work in the fields and help his family. "I must hunt for this eagle," the boy said. So it went on for a long time and the eagle grew large and strong as the boy hunted and fed it. Now it was large and strong enough to fly away if it wished to.
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