
じ51ࢣȞじ1᱋ ऐ㘶Ḻߔ➕႒៑ pp. 1-16 2013Ꭰ1ᰴ VERTEBRATA PALASIATICA figs. 1-8

Re-study on Gymnoichthys inopinatus from Middle of Luoping, ,

TAN Kai1,2,3ȞJIN Fan1 (1 Key Laboratory of Evolution and Human Origin of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100044 [email protected]) (2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049) (3 The Geological Museum of China Beijing 100034)

Abstract Gymnoichthys inopinatus was initially described by Tintori et al. in 2010, and regarded as a basal neopterygian. According to the new material of the Guanling Formation discovered in Dawazi Village, Luoping County, Yunnan Province, China, we redescribed G. inopinatus, and re-identified its systematic position. G. inopinatus has only one supramaxilla and its symplectic is likely jointed with the articular, which are the identifying characters of . Morever, G. inopinatus has no scales, its vertebral centra are not ossified, and the structure and relationship of the neural arches and neural spines, as well as the shape of teeth and ural haemal spines in G. inopinatus are quite like that of the caturoids. Hence, it is suggested to consider G. inopinatus as a basal form of the superfamily Caturoidea. Previously, caturoids were only discovered in the of Europe and North America, and its recognized forms included Liodesmus, the only genera of the family Liodesmidae, and and Amblysemius of the family . Gymnoichthys inopinatus is not only the first caturoid found in China, but also the earliest caturoid in the world, which is 40 million years earlier than the European and North American caturoids. Key wordsǂLuoping, Yunnan; , Middle Triassic; Guanling Formation; Gymnoichthys inopinatus, Caturoidea; phylogeny


൪bᩏ1,2,3bࠡb֨1 ȞȞȞ(1 ͙఩⻽႒䮎ऐ㘶Ḻߔ➕̺ऐϦㆧⵀ⾢ᝬ喏͙఩⻽႒䮎㘶Ḻߔ➕⑀ࡂ̺Ϧㆧ䊣⎼䛹◥჊侸აȞࡃϘȞ100044) ȞȞȞ(2 ͙఩⻽႒䮎๓႒ȞࡃϘȞ100049) ȞȞȞ(3 ͙఩౜䉔ࢆ➕亲ȞࡃϘȞ100034)

ദ᎞᫜凹冨ڑᨬ㽕喝ᘻโ㸤冨(Gymnoichthys inopinatus)κ2010Ꭰ⩝Tintoriふ仂⁍䃜䔜Ꭲᑾ ᇙ㏰θ⃡ࣽ⣜⮰᫜ᱼ᫅喏ᄥᘻโ㸤ڟၼᱽ̵͙ऌ͂ܥㆧȠӉᢚ౔νࢃⰭᰞ䲂౜ࡦ㒃᎟࣫๓

఩ტ㜖♢⻽႒ദ䛽(ឥ۲ण喝40472017)䉰ߕȠ ᩢ⽫ᬑ᱋喝2012-02-20 2 ऐȞ㘶ȞḺȞߔȞ➕Ȟ႒Ȟ៑ 51ࢣ

㐙俔ڢ㈧Ƞ౔ᘻโ㸤冨⮰᫜ᴳ᱘̶喏छ㻭ڟ㈧㐋ࣽ㗞ڢ᣻䔜喏Ꭲ䛹᫜䃔䃦βٱ冨䔇㵸β㶑 㞮喏Ꭲᰵ⶚ܳᬌ⪽⮰ࢁ̬䒱̶䶸俔喏㶔ᬺᘻโ㸤冨Ꮐͦ凝φ䘔ڟ㞮俔Ⱔڟݹ〛ᒴछ㘩̺ (Halecomorphi)冨ㆧȠₐโ喏ᘻโ㸤冨⮰ѿ㶔ᬌ刊ȟḺѿ᱖俔ࡂȟ俿Ḅস俿ᐿ⮰㏿Ჰসᢾ ݃᫥ᐻБࣶ➅咫সᅪ㘵Ḅ⮰ᒎ⟢䘩̺䛽ᅪ冨䊱⻽冨ㆧ(caturoids)̬㜠Ƞ㈧㐋ࣽ㗞ܲ᲼㏿᳈㶔 ⣜ᬺᘻโ㸤冨ᆊκ䛽ᅪ冨䊱⻽⮰ദ᎞ㆧ㓐Ƞͷݹ䛽ᅪ冨ㆧͧ㺭㻭κ⁓≞সࡃ㒺⮰һ㒃㈧喏 䃐⮰䛽ᅪ冨䊱⻽冨ㆧͧ㺭࠱᠘Liodesmidae͙⮰Liodesmusᆊস䛽ᅪ冨⻽(Caturidae)͙⮰ژ౔ ᣼ݹβ40 Ma, 㔸̀඗⣜ܦCaturusসAmblysemius͐ᆊȠᘻโ㸤冨⮰ࣽ⣜̹ϱҫ䛽ᅪ冨ㆧ⮰ ᱼ᫅⮰⾦㑦Ƞڟ㶑β᜽఩Ⱔ ᇙ㏰喏䛽ᅪ冨䊱⻽喏ᘻโ㸤冨喏㈧㐋ࣽ㗞ڟ䬂䆡喝νࢃ㒃᎟喏̵͙ऌ͂Ⴕᅨ᱋喏݇ Ё೒⊩ߚ㉏ো喝Q915.862Ȟ᭛⤂ᷛ䆚ⷕ喝AȞ᭛ゴ㓪ো喝1000-3118(2013)01-0001-16

喏䯢ᆊκ䒼凹冨φ㏞喏᫜凹冨ܦᰬᬕ⩝Owenκ1860Ꭰ᣼ٯ䛽ᅪ冨҈̬͖ͦ⻽㏓ㆧ ᐿ凹冨Ⱊ(Nelson, 2006)Ƞ䛽ᅪ冨ㆧڑφ㏞喏凝ए䘔喏凝φ䘔喏⣜౔፤҈̬ͦ䊱⻽㷗ᑾ⁍ ࣽ⣜⮰ᅮѹ̶̵ͦऌ㐋㜟̶⮩ೕ㐋喏ͷݹϱ౔⁓≞সࡃ㒺ᰵ៑䕿Ƞ⁓≞⮰ϓ౜ͧ㺭䯲͙ 䛽ᅪ冨ㆧ⮰ڑऺ㷗ᑾٴসऐጠȠڜ౔ᓣ఩ȟ∁఩স㠝఩喞ࡃ㒺⮰ϓ౜ͧ㺭䯲͙౔͈ᵨ䮡 ᆊ࠱᠘Caturus, Allolepidotes, Heterolepidotes, Lophiostomus, Macrepistius, Neorhombolepis, Osteorachis, Otomitla, Sinoeugnathus, Callopterus, Paraliodesmus, Plesiofuro, Amblysemius ͙̹ᄽᆊ⻹⮰㈧㐋ѹ㒚Ϲႄ⪽(㶔1)ȠڢসLiodesmusふ喏Ѳ ᇙ㏰θ⃡⮰䛽ᅪ冨ㆧࡂⴟ(ᑌज़䋯ふ喏ڟ᱘᪳៑䕿β᫜䓽ࣽ⣜κνࢃ㒃᎟̵ऌ㈧ 2008)Ƞ䄑ㆧࡂⴟᰬ䓽㷗Tintoriふ(2010)঩हͦᘻโ㸤冨(Gymnoichthys inopinatus), Ꭲ䃐 ͦᆊκ᫜凹冨̷㏞⮰ദ᎞ㆧ㓐Ƞ᱘ⵀ⾢ͧ㺭䕆䓳ᄥ᫜ᴳ᱘̺₏ಷᴳ᱘䔇㵸℀䒯ࣶ㈧㐋ܲ ⾢౔䛽ᅪ冨䊱⻽͙⮰ദ᎞ѹ㒚喏Ⱊ⮰౔κ䕆䓳ᄥᘻโ㸤冨⮰ᒎᔭ᣻䔜喏ⵀڢ᲼喏⶚჆β 䘔ڱㆧ㓐Ⱔ℀喏Ԛ䃎䛽ᅪ冨䊱⻽㜖䓽㸀ᕓ⟢喏ͦ凝φ䘔یڢᬕ᱋䛽ᅪ冨⮰ᒎᔭߋ㘩喏স ᫜⮰ⰷ∁喏Ꭲ̺̀⁓≞সࡃ㒺ᴳ᱘℀䒯喏ᄥ̵͙ऌ͂ߔ➕౜⤲ܲጯБܦ㈧᣼ڟ㈧㐋ࣽ㗞 ࣶ䛽ᅪ冨ㆧ⩋≧Όᕓ⮰⑀ऄⵀ⾢᣼ӇӉᢚȠ

㸼 1ǂ䞥ሒ剐㉏䚼ߚሲⱘ㋏㒳ԡ㕂ব᳈ Table 1ȞTaxonomic alteration of some genera of caturoids Genus Referred to Caturoidea by Current taxonomic position Caturus Owen, 1860 Still in Caturoidea (=Eugnathus) Owen, 1860 Considered to be the stem group of the ionosopids by Gardiner et al.(1996) Allolepidotes Patterson, 1973 Moved out of Caturoidea by Bartram (1975) Heterolepidotes Patterson, 1973 Considered to be close to Ionoscopus by Gardiner et al.(1996) Lophiostomus Patterson, 1973 Moved out of Caturoidea by Bartram (1975) Macrepistius Patterson, 1973 Considered to be the sister-group of by Gardiner et al.(1996) Neorhombolepis Patterson, 1973 Put into Ophiopsidae by Grande and Bemis (1998) Osteorachis Patterson, 1973 Considered to be the stem group of the halecomorphs by Gardiner et al.(1996) Otomitla Patterson, 1973 Still in , but the family uncertain Sinoeugnathus Patterson, 1973 Moved out of Caturoidea by Bartram (1975) Plesiofuro Su, 1993 Considered to be one of the perleids by Xu and Gao (2008) Amblysemius Lambers, 1994 Still in Caturoidea Liodesmus Grande & Bemis, 1998 Still in Caturoidea Callopterus Lambers, 1995 Moved out of Caturoidea by Bartram (1975) Paraliodesmus Lambers, 1995 Still in Amiiformes, but the family uncertain ⵀ⾢ 3ڹ1᱋ 䅙Ȟ䩠ふ: νࢃ㒃᎟̵͙ऌ͂ᘻโ㸤冨⮰


⹀偼剐㒆Class Osteichthyes Huxley, 1880 Ȟ䕤务剐Ѯ㒆Subclass Cope, 1887 (sensu Rosen et al., 1981) ȞȞᮄ务剐⃵Ѯ㒆Infraclass Regan, 1923 (sensu Rosen et al., 1981) ȞȞȞ劅ষ䚼Division Halecostomi Regan, 1923 (sensu Patterson, 1973) ȞȞȞȞ劅Ѯ䚼Subdivision Halecomorphi Cope, 1872 (sensu Patterson, 1973) ȞȞȞȞȞᓧ务剐ⳂOrder Amiiformes Hay, 1929 (sensu Grande & Bemis, 1998) ȞȞȞȞȞȞ䞥ሒ剐䍙⾥Superfamily Caturoidea Owen, 1860 ȞȞȞȞȞȞȞ⾥᳾ᅮFamily indeterminate ȞȞȞȞȞȞȞȞ㻌剐ሲGenus Gymnoichthys Tintori et al., 2010 ῵ᓣ⾡Ȟᘻโ㸤冨Gymnoichthys inopinatus Tintori et al., 2010Ƞ 䅶ሲᕕȞ͙ふ๓ᄻ喞ᴳ۲䪫Ꮢ190 mm; ๠䪫ࢌᴳ۲䪫Ꮢ⮰1/4; ͖ѿᰬ倄ะѹκ㗸ׂ 俔ࡂ⮰Ḻѿ喏Ѳ᭛ݹ䘔䏛᎞ḺᰵḺѿ⣛₷ڔᰵႸڣ凹ᐬ໷⮰ѹ㒚喏๓㏒50 mmጒट喞̹ ͐ڢ喞ѿ㶔̹㺲刊❳喞Ɫ̷俔2~3ಃ喏䊶䲌ऺ䊶๓喞呧俔౔䷉俔⮰̷ݹ᫥喏㔸̹᭛౔҅ ӓ喞䪫䷉俔সⰤᄥⴙ⮰䶢俔̶౳ᰵᩪᄰ⟢⮰㏥亜喞䶢俔䪫Ꮢⴙκ㛈䉔㔨㕟俔喞䒱̶䶸俔 〚㞮喏㐙俔ӓ䲎̺᫥俔ᣑ㼒喏̷ᅂڟಃ喞㐙俔স᫥俔Ჰ᜼β̬ࣸڣᷙ⟢喏䒯ᄻ喏⃻ӓख ̷℀㞮喞䩑ᒎ咫喞䬠凯Ⰲ俔䒯ᄻ喏ॴ̵㻾ᒎ喞ݹ凯Ⰲ俔ॴ᫜ᰴᒎ喞凯Ⰲ俔ᬺ᭪ڟ䮱俔̺ 凯Ⰲ俔๓喞ᙋ㻵⺊㏻ネӉ⁍⾫䓳β咫俔ȟ䮱俔ȟݹ凯Ⰲ俔ȟ㛈䉔㔨㕟俔ȟ䷉俔ȟ㛈䉔㲢 㕟俔ȟⱢ̷俔স䷉โ㗕㘇俔喞⃻ӓ凯᲍俔᪜Ⱊ10᲍ጒट喞⃻ӓरᰵ2ऺࡅ俔喞ᅪ䘔⺊㏻ ڣ䓽ॴⅠ᎟᫥ऽ喞ᅪ̷俔ὖܳ䲎ॴ〥ढ⟢喞खᰵ̬ಃ㚥凹ᩛ凹俔喞ख܌Ḅ᱗〛ऽ̷ժ喏 ̬㗸凹喞㛬凹ᄻκ㗸凹喏ᒎ⟢̺㗸凹ⰤѨ喏౳ॴ̵㻾ᒎ喞ᅪ凹ࣵ㷮≱喏ࡶₖಷᅪ喏̶ढ ⼹䪫κ̷ढ喞凹ᐻͦ喝P. 15?; V. 8; D. iv15; A. ii11; C. i20iiȠ ǂǂǂǂǂᛣ໪㻌剐Gymnoichthys inopinatus Tintori et al., 2010 (ప1~4; 㶔2) ℷൟᷛᴀȞGMPKU-P-1483, ̬ಃ䓽ͺႸ᪠⮰ᴳ᱘喏ϱ呧俔䶢〛㑦๝喞ᴳ᱘ԉႄκ ࡃϘ๓႒౜䉔ࢆ➕亲Ƞ ⷨおᷛᴀȞIVPP V 16354(ప1)সV 17672(ప2), ͖͐ԉႄദ᱘Ⴘ᪠⮰᜼Ꭰ͖ѿ喞 V 17911সV 17912, ͐ಃ䒯ͦႸ᪠⮰ᎨᎠ͖ѿȠ౳ԉႄκ͙఩⻽႒䮎ऐ㘶Ḻߔ➕̺ऐϦ ㆧⵀ⾢ᝬȠ ᇙ㏰θ⃡㪰ᅮڟᱽ喞̵͙ऌ㐋ٵၼᱽসΉܥѻഄ੠ሖԡȞνࢃⰭ㒃᎟࣫㒃䯰䩳๓ ∑ᮢ▜ᇕȠ 䅶⡍ᕕȞ㻭Ԛ䃎ᆊᒭȠׂ 䪫ܲݗͦ177স145 mmȠڔ⏽ᬌ刊ȠIVPP V 16354সV 17672ٵᦣ䗄Ȟѿॴᷙᒎ喏ѿ㶔 ๠䪫๓κ๠倄喏Ѳ⪑ᄻκѿ倄Ƞѿ䪫㏒ͦ๠䪫⮰3Թȟѿ倄⮰2.7ԹȠᅪᳰ䪫㏒ふκᅪᳰ 䪫ܲݗͦ59ڔ䪫⮰1/4ȠᎨѿᴳ᱘ڔ䪫⮰℀ҷ๓Ắ᭛1:4, ๠সᅪ凹๓Ắरࢌڔ倄Ƞѿ倄স (V 17911)স56 mm (V 17912, 䄑ᴳ᱘⮰ᅪ凹ऺ㑄⇍ԉႄ喏჊䭱䪫ᏒᏀ䄑ๆ2~3 mm), Ⱔᄥ Ђर䘔℀ҷദ᱘Ⱔᑿ(㶔2)Ƞڢ᜼Ꭰ͖ѿ喏๠⪑᭪๓喏 4 ऐȞ㘶ȞḺȞߔȞ➕Ȟ႒Ȟ៑ 51ࢣ

ప 1Ȟᘻโ㸤冨᫜ᴳ᱘IVPP V 16354 Fig. 1ȞGymnoichthys inopinatus Tintori et al., 2010, a new specimen (IVPP V 16354) and its line drawing

ప 2Ȟᘻโ㸤冨᫜ᴳ᱘IVPP V 17672 Fig. 2ȞGymnoichthys inopinatus Tintori et al., 2010, a new specimen (IVPP V 17672) ⵀ⾢ 5ڹ1᱋ 䅙Ȟ䩠ふ: νࢃ㒃᎟̵͙ऌ͂ᘻโ㸤冨⮰

㸼 2ǂᛣ໪㻌剐ᮄᷛᴀⱘ⌟䞣 Table 2ȞMeasurements of Gymnoichthys inopinatus (mm) IVPP V 16354 V 17672 V 17911 V 17912

ܼ䭓(total length) 177 145 59 56 ԧ䭓(body length) 137 115 43 42 ༈䭓(head length) 44 43 19 19 䒃ᑆ䭓(trunk length) 49 48 15 13 ሒᶘ䭓(tail peduncle length) 20 18 5 5 ਏ䭓(rostrum length) 10 7 4 4 ⴐᕘ(orbit length) 12 9 5 4 ⴐৢ༈䭓(head length after orbit) 22 27 10 11 ԧ催(body depth) 50 ? 11 10 ሒᶘ催(tail peduncle depth) 21 18 5 6 㝍务ࠡ㾦(pre-pelvic angle) ? 30º 30º ? 㚠务ࠡ㾦(pre-dorsal angle) 50º 60º 60º 58º 㞔务ࠡ㾦(pre-anal angle) 45º 40º 42º 35º 㝍务ࠡ䭓(pre-pelvic length) 24 ? 8 ? 㚠务ࠡ䭓(pre-dorsal length) 41 ? ? 8 㞔务ࠡ䭓(pre-anal length) 38 23 8 8 㚠务෎䭓 GRUVDO¿QEDVHOHQJWK 32 30 11 10 㞔务෎䭓 DQDO¿QEDVHOHQJWK 20 21 7 9 ሒ务䭓 FDXGDO¿QOHQJWK 57?19?

ᒎ⟢ॴ䪫᲍ڢਏ䚼偼傐Ȟᑿݹⵀ⾢ᴳ᱘͙喏१䘔俔俨ϱV 16354⮰१俔ԉႄ䒯ຩȠ ᒎ喏ὖ㒚κ๠俔ݹ̶〛喏䪫㏒4mm,ᬺ᭪℀䒛俔⶘刊冨ㆧ⮰१俔ⴙȠ१俔㶔䲎ᰵ3͖ᬺ ᭪⮰ᄻႀ喏じ̬͖ႀᐬएऽݹ喏じθ͖ᐬएऽጒݹ᫥喏じ̵͖ऽऺ̷᫥ᐬए喏̵͖ႀ⮰ 䬠䌉Ⱔᑿ喏܌ͺ౔̬᲍Ⱐ㏫̶喏Ꮐͦ१䘔ᙋ㻵ネ⮰ᐬႀ(ప3)Ƞ 乙乊偼傐Ȟ࠱᠘᜼ᄥ⮰呧俔ȟ䷉俔ȟ䶢俔ȟ㛈䉔㔨㕟俔ȟ䷉โ㗕㘇俔সऺ䷊俔(ప 3)Ƞ᜼Ꭰ͖ѿ䶱䶢俔俨โӓ䲎⮰ᩪᄰ⟢㏥亜স∎⊖⟢䓥㑄Ⱔᑿᬺ᭪喏㔸౔ᎨᎠ͖ѿ͙݅ Ⱔᑿ䒧ᓚ喏ϱछ㻭̬χᄻ⮰㹢⯝Ƞ౔V 16354͙喏呧俔⪑ᰵⵠᢋ喏ॴ45º⮰᎟㵸ఇ䓥ᒎ喏 ጒट呧俔ᄥ⼜ȠV 17672⮰呧俔ⶺ㷮䒯ͦ͑䛹喏̺१俔ⶺ❳⌣౔̬䊣䯪Б䓔䃲ȠV17911 ⮰呧俔ԉႄ̹ຩȠV 17912⮰呧俔ॴ䅲⟢喏ѹκ१ݹ〛Ƞ䷉俔᭛䶱䶢俔俨͙ᰬͦ䪫๓⮰ ᩪᄰ㏥喏ᩪᄰ㏥ڣᒎ⟢ݹ⾰ऺჩ喏䓥㑄ॴ∎⊖⟢喏䪫Ꮢ๓κⱨᒰȠ䷉俔㶔䲎ڢ俔❳喏 ܯȠV 16354䷉俔ݹ〛ॴݽܤ䌛⮰͙ᓯ౔䌉ݹ〛2/3ะ喏ᩪᄰ㏥䮲䊣ะᄥᏀ⮰䓥㑄ऽโ ए喞౔䌉ݹ〛๓㏒1/3ะᐬ໷ߌჩ喏ݜ2/3ะֈ₎ߌჩȠܥጒट呧俔Ჰ᜼⮰ڑ喏₏ຩ᣾⟣ V 17672䷉俔ݹ〛স呧俔䔊ᣑะ䒯ⵠⶺ喏᪠ѿऽऺϒ䔼⌼ऄჩȠV 17911⮰䷉俔㉓㉓⣛㐁 ⱨⱢ喏㶔䲎ϱᰵ䒧ᓚ⮰᎟㵸䶱䶢⮰㏥⤲ȠV 17912⮰䷉俔̺V 17911ㆧѨ喏ख᭛ⰤᄥႸ᪠ Ⱐ㏫䪫Ꮢ̺ऺ䓥㑄๓㜠ⰤᑿȠ䶢ڢჩ⮰ᷛᒎ喏ݹ䓥㑄ॴ∎⊖⟢喏ڱ⾰χȠ䶢俔๓㜠ॴโ 6 ऐȞ㘶ȞḺȞߔȞ➕Ȟ႒Ȟ៑ 51ࢣ

ప 3Ȟᘻโ㸤冨᫜ᴳ᱘(IVPP V 16354)⮰๠俔 Fig. 3ȞGymnoichthys inopinatus Tintori et al., 2010, close-up of the head region of the specimen shown in Fig. 1 A. head in left side view; B. line drawing of A; C. head in right side view; D. line drawing of C Abbreviations: ang. angular䮱俔喞ant. antorbitalⱢݹ俔喞br. branchiostegals凯᲍俔喞cl. cleithrumۅ㑕 俔喞d. dorsal side bones㗸ӓ俔俨喞den. dentary咫俔喞dpt. dermopterotic㛈䉔⟣یࡅ俔喞cor. coracoid 㔨俔喞exc. extrascapular䷉โ㗕㘇俔喞ڱ㔨㕟俔喞dsp. dermosphenotic㛈䉔㲢㕟俔喞enp. endopterygoid fr. frontal䷉俔喞gu. gularવᲫ俔喞hy. hyomandibular㜸䶸俔喞io. infraorbitalⱢ̷俔喞iop. interopercle䬠 凯Ⰲ俔喞l. left side bonesጒӓ俔俨喞mpt. metapterygoidऺ㔨俔喞mx. maxilla̶䶸俔喞na. nasal呧俔喞 op. opercle凯Ⰲ俔喞pa. parietal䶢俔喞pal. palatine㚙俔喞pas. parasphenoidޛ㲢俔喞pcl. postcleithrumऺ ࡅ俔喞pmx. premaxillaݹ̶䶸俔喞pop. preopercleݹ凯Ⰲ俔喞pt. posttemporalऺ䷊俔喞qu. quadrate᫥ 俔喞r. right side boneटӓ俔俨喞ro. rostral१俔喞sca. scapula㗕㘇俔喞scl. supracleithrum̶ࡅ俔喞smx. supramaxilla䒱̶䶸俔喞sop. subopercle̷凯Ⰲ俔喞sym. symplectic㐙俔喞v. ventral side bones㚥ӓ俔俨

俔㶔䲎ᩪᄰ㏥⮰⟢ۡস䷉俔ㆧѨ喏㏥⤲ㆧѨ㣶㟝ⴟ喏ᩪᄰ͙ᓯջऽऺ̷䘔Ƞᕧ⮰Ბ䄠喏 Ƞ㛈䉔㔨㕟俔⮰䪫ڟV 16354㛈䉔俔⮰㶔䲎ᩪᄰ㏥℀V 17672ᰠͦࣽ㗞喏Ꮐ̺͖ѿࣽ㗞ᰵ Ꮢ๓㏒᭛䶢俔⮰1.5Թ喏ჩᏒࢠखᰵ䶢俔⮰̬ࡶȠ⩝κᙋ㻵⺊㏻ネႀჲ䯲ࣶԉႄ࣋ఌ喏 ጞ㏻ⶺ㷮᜼ᒴๆᄻಃ喏䔅౔V 16354̶ᰠͦᬺ᭪ȠV 17672⮰㛈䉔㔨㕟俔Ⱔᄥ䒯Ⴘ᪠喏ॴ 侘䲹⟢喏ܥะऽ̷ȠV 17911⮰㛈䉔㔨㕟俔ϒॴ侘䲹⟢喏⩝κԉႄ࣋ఌ᭪ᓃ℀䶢俔ⴙȠ 喏V 17672⮰䷉โ㗕㘇俔℀V 16354⮰ᰠͦ⭒䪫ȠᎨڱโ㗕㘇俔ॴ䓽䪫̵㻾ᒎ喏ᅂ㻾ऽ䷉ ⵀ⾢ 7ڹ1᱋ 䅙Ȟ䩠ふ: νࢃ㒃᎟̵͙ऌ͂ᘻโ㸤冨⮰

ѿᴳ᱘⮰䶢俔ȟ㛈䉔㔨㕟俔ȟ䷉โ㗕㘇俔ऌߌ౔̬䊣喏ᒴ䯪Ӊ⁍ࡦܲᐬȠऺ䷊俔㉓䉠䷉ โ㗕㘇俔喏๓㏒ॴ110º⮰ᝳᒎ喏̬㝘Ბ䄠ݹ䓥㑄䪫κӓ䓥㑄ȠV 17672⮰ऺ䷊俔ӓ䓥㑄 ݹ䓥㑄䒯Ⱐ喏̹׻V 16354⮰䗏ᵣऽݹժ᫈喏ఌₐV 17672⮰ऺ䷊俔ݹ䓥㑄ڢᰵⵠᢋ喏̀ সӓ䓥㑄᭪ᓃ䪫ᏒⰤᑿȠV 17911⮰ऺ䷊俔স᜼ѿԉႄ⟢̬ۡ㜠喏㔸V 17912⮰ऺ䷊俔㔧 ӓ䲎᱉โ喏ݹ䓥㑄᱉̶Ƞڱ䒘ᄨ㜠 ೈⴊ偼Ȟͧ㺭࠱᠘Ɫݹ俔ȟ͐ಃⱢ̷俔ȟⱢऺ俔স㛈䉔㲢㕟俔(ప3)ȠⱢݹ俔ѹκ ⱨⱢݹ᫥喏̺䷉俔স呧俔ⰤᣑȠV 16354⮰Ɫݹ俔ᕧѿॴ̵㻾ᒎ喏ݹ䘔ネ⟢喏ऺ䘔ⶺ㷮 ⣜ᒴๆ㏡ऽᑛᰞ⮰㏥⤲ȠV 17672⮰Ɫݹ俔̺ڣᎢ̺ݹ䘔᫙ᐬ喏ⶺ㷮⮰ᄻ俔❳᜼㊚⟢喏 ᐿ凹冨⮰ᒴ׻喏ॴ䪫Ⅰ␠ಷ喏ऺ〛䒯ᅂ喏ݹ〛䒯䧉ȠV 16354̶㘩ⰷݜ͐ಃⴕᒎ⮰Ɫ⩋ ❲俔喏じ̬ಃⵠⶺ喏ݹ〛⪑⾰ऺ〛⪑ჩ喞じθಃӓ䲎䲎⼛㏒᭛じ̬ಃ⮰5~6Թ喏Ϻ俔̷ ̷͙ࡶ䘔ܲ℀䒯ᬺ᭪喏㔸̀㏥⤲䬠䬠䯀΋℀䒯౳㶍喏ڢ͙ᓯऽโᰵ̬㈧݃ᩪᄰ⟢㏥亜喏 ℀䷉俔স䶢俔̶⮰ᩪᄰ㏥㻰݅ȠV 17672खᰵじθಃⱢ̷俔छ㻭喏ԉႄ℀䒯ⵠⶺ喏Ѳ᭛ ᪜Ⱊসᒎ⟢̹㘩⶚჆Ƞ㛈䉔㲢㕟俔ѹκⱨⱢऺ̶ڢᩪᄰ⟢㏥亜Ϲछ㻭ȠⱢऺ俔ⵠⶺ喏 ᒎ⟢ͦᄻ̵㻾ᒎ喏㗸ᣑ䷉俔喏ऺᣑ㛈䉔㔨㕟俔ȠV 16354ڢ᫥喏࣮̺β䶱䶢䘔⮰Ჰ᜼喏 ⮰㏥亜সᙋ㻵⺊㏻ႀѹ㒚౳䷌Ծ̶ڢ⮰ጒӓ䲎㘩ⰷݜटӓ⮰㛈䉔㲢㕟俔ⶺ㷮㔧䒘180º喏 䓳ᲑȠₐโ喏ⱨⱢ䘔ѹ䔄㻭ᰵ̬χ̹Ⴘ᪠⮰㏲ᄻ俔❳喏छ㘩ͦጕ㛈⣛⮰₷⪅ȠᎨѿᴳ᱘ Ђⶺ俔❳⌣ऴ౔̬䊣̹ᬿ㻮ᄋ喏Ɫऺ俔স㛈䉔㲢㕟ڢ⮰Ɫݹ俔⩝κ๖ᄻ⇍ᰵԉႄᝂ㔱̺ 俔̺݅䶱䶢俔俨⮰䶢俔ȟ㛈䉔㔨㕟俔ࣶ䷉โ㗕㘇俔⌣ऴ喏΋䯪Бࡦܲ喏Ɫ̷俔⪽Ѩ㙝㥩 㻮ᄋ̹ݜȠ ݹ〛䓪ݹ㔨俔ݹ㑄喏ݹ͙⃡ڢ㲢俔Ⱔᑿჩ๓喏ޛ㲢俔ԉႄ䒯ຩȠޛ乙ᑩ偼傐Ȟϱ 㚥䲎ჲጯ㏲ᄻ⮰⭐⟢咫喏ⱨⱢ᱗〛छ㻭ޛ㲢俔ࡳᩛ̺ޛ㲢俔܌䓽ಮⰠ喏̀ᓚऽऺժ喏̶ ᅂ̷㇃Ƞޛ㲢俔⮰ऺ⃡๓䘔㷗凯Ⰲ俔ふ䖚Ⰲ喏Ӊ⼬छ㻭ऺ⃡⪑ऽ̷᫥ժ᫈(ప3)ȠᎨѿ 㲢俔㚥䲎โ㔧喏ޛ͙V 17912⮰ڢ㲢俔ݹ䘔䘩࡭ܲᬺ᭪喏ݹ〛倄喏͙䘔⪑Ѻ喏ޛᴳ᱘⮰ सᲰ᜼䪫࡭ႃᒎȠڝछ⌱ᮜ౜㻭ݜ㚥䲎͙䒠⮰⾭䊣喏̺͐ӓࡳᩛ 㔨俔ȟऺ㔨俔ȟݹ㔨俔ȟโ㔨俔ȟ̶䶸俔ȟ䒱̶䶸俔ȟݹ̶䶸俔ȟڱ习ᓧȞ࠱᠘ ͺふκ᪠͖ⱨᒰ喏ऺ̷⃡܌䪫Ꮢڢ㔨俔䪫̀ჩ喏ڱ咫俔ȟ䮱俔ȟ̶䮱俔স᫥俔(ప3)Ƞ 㔨俔Ⱔᣑ⮰䘔ܲ㷗じڱ̺〚䓽లᒎ喏ݹ܌⏽喏ᬌ㏥⤲Ƞऺ㔨俔ٵ䘔㷗Ɫ̷俔㺲Ⰲ喏㶔䲎 θⱢ̷俔㺲Ⰲ喏㶔䲎ᰵχᄻಷ≱ܥ౽喏Ꭲछ㻭सᓯ⩋䪫㏥Ƞโ㔨俔ദ᱘̶㷗̶䶸㛈䉔俔 䩑ᒎ咫Ƞ̶䶸䷃܌㚥ӓ䲎ᰵڢ፩⟢䘔ܲ喏̬ܦ㔨俔ͷݹ喏ख䱞ڱ俨ᝬ㺲ⰂȠݹ㔨俔ѹκ ⏽喏ॴݹᅂऺჩ⮰Ẁᒎ喏㔸̹᭛⠙䪫⮰᷾⟢Ƞ̶䶸俔ݹѤ䊱䓳ⱨⱢݹ㑄喏ऺ㑄ٵ俔㶔䲎 䮣̹ࣽ㗞ȠV 16354⮰̶䶸俔ए㑄ԉႄᰵ12䷃⌱ᮜ⮰䩑ᒎ咫喞V 17672⮰̶䶸俔ܥ⏽喏ٵ ⪒͙ጒӓ̶䶸俔͙⃡ᰵ4䷃➅咫㙝⻧俔俨ᎢԾ䒘喏टӓ̶䶸俔ڢ⃻ӓछ㻭㏒8䷃䩑ᒎ咫喏 ะ喏ܥӓ䲎Ƞ䒱̶䶸俔̬ಃ喏ॴᷙ⟢喏ѹκ̶䶸俔͙䘔ڱڢᓚऽݹ̷᫥䩅ѹ喏ఌₐछ㻭 ݹ〛ⵠᢋȠV 17672⮰䒱̶䶸俔ݹ〛ःโ߇҈⩔ऽ̷ᑛᰞऄᒎȠݹ̶䶸俔౔͐ಃᴳ᱘͙ ౳ԉႄ̹Ⴘ᪠喏⇍ᰵস̶䶸俔䔊ᣑ喏̺呧俔㶀ᣑ⮰⾭䊣΋̹Ⴘ᪠Ƞݹ̶䶸俔⮰➅咫౔ V 16354̶ϱᰵ̬͖⌱ᮜ⮰咫₷⪅喏V 17672̶छ㻭͐䷃䩑ᒎ咫喏Ѳ᭛⇍ᰵ̶䶸俔⮰➅咫 ᅂ䨼Ƞ咫俔ⶁ๓喏ݹ䘔䒯⾰喏ᰵᒴ倄⮰ૅ⾭喏ऺ䘔䒯倄喏䮐β㚥䘔ᰵᙋ㻵ネ⬁䔥โ喏㶔 ⏽Ƞ咫俔̶⮰➅咫℀̶䶸咫⪑䪫喏౔V 16354⮰咫俔̶ᰵ11䷃Ⴘ᪠⮰䩑ᒎ咫喞ٵ䲎ദ᱘ V 17672ጒӓ咫俔ϱԉႄβݹ䘔⮰8䷃咫喏ऺ䘔⮰➅咫㙝㥩䖃๝Ƞ䮱俔ѹκ咫俔ऺ㑄喏স 8 ऐȞ㘶ȞḺȞߔȞ➕Ȟ႒Ȟ៑ 51ࢣ

ᰵᩪᄰ⟢㏥ڣȠ䮱俔⮰โӓ䲎ڔऺ〛̺ݹ凯Ⰲ俔Ⱔ䗧ะԉႄ̹ڢ咫俔⮰⩸㏫̹⩆⌱Ẇ喏 亜Ƞ̶䮱俔౔⣜ᰵᴳ᱘͙̹छ㻭Ƞ᫥俔ॴԾ̵㻾ᒎ喏㶔䲎ᰵχܥܤ̹᎟喏㗸㑄̺ऺ㔨俔 㞮䲎㷗䮱俔䖚ⰂȠᎨѿᴳ᱘䶸ᐿ⮰䒛俔ࡂ俔ڟ㞮俔⮰ڟⰤᣑ喏ऺ䘔স㐙俔Ⱔ䗧喏ݹ䘔̺ ⏽喏ᙋ㻵ネႀ̹ᬺٵ㶔䲎㏥亜ᄽ喏Ⱔᄥڢᄻ̀ⵠᢋ喏䯪Б䓔䃲喞Ѳ㛈䉔俔俨ԉႄ䒯ຩ喏 ӓ䲎喞ऒڱ͙V 17911⮰टӓ̶̷䶸俔⪑ऽऺ̶᫥䩅ѹ喏छБ㻭ݜጒӓ̶̷䶸俔ڢ᭪Ƞ โटӓ̶䶸俔ऺ̶㑄⌱ᮜछ㻭̬ಃ䪫᲍ᒎ䒱̶䶸俔喞टӓݹ̶䶸俔ॴẀᒎѹκ̶䶸俔ݹ ̶ڢए㑄ԉ⪅ᰵ3䷃➅咫ȠV 17912⮰䒱̶䶸俔㻮ᄋ̹⌱喏Ѳݹ̶䶸俔ԉႄ䒯ຩ喏ڢ喏〚 䔄ᰵ͐咫喏᪠̶͖䶸छ㻭15䷃䨷ݕ⮰䩑ᒎ咫Ƞ 䱞䘔ܲॴࠦ⟢喏ࠦᳰ᱉̷喏㗸ܦ⏽喏ٵ㟠ᓧȞϱ㜸䶸俔স㐙俔छ㻭Ƞ㜸䶸俔㶔䲎 㔨俔সऺڱ㲢俔ȟޛᣑ㛈䉔㔨㕟俔喏ऺӓ㷗ݹ凯Ⰲ俔䖚ⰂȠ⩝κԉႄ࣋ఌ喏ݹӓܲݗ̺ ჩ⮰㗸〛̺㜸䶸俔㉓ჲⰤ䔊喏ͧѿ̺᫥⪒ڢ䱞䘔ܲॴ䪫Ẁᒎ喏ܦ㔨俔ऺ㑄Ⱔ䔊Ƞ㐙俔 㞮䲎(పڟ㞮俔⮰ڟ̺ڢ俔᎟㵸ᐢѤ喏ऺ䘔㷗ݹ凯Ⰲ俔䖚Ⰲ喏ݹ〛㷗᫥俔Ⰲѻ喏ⰷ̹㻭 3)ȠᎨѿᴳ᱘⮰㜸ᐿ俔俨ԉႄ̹ຩȠ 劗Ⲫ㋏㒳Ȟ⩝ݹ凯Ⰲ俔ȟ凯Ⰲ俔ȟ̷凯Ⰲ俔ȟ䬠凯Ⰲ俔ȟવᲫ俔Бࣶ凯᲍俔㏰᜼ ప3)Ƞݹ凯Ⰲ俔⾰㔸䪫喏ॴ᫜ᰴᒎ喏Ϻ㛈䉔㔨㕟俔̬ⰠᐢѤݜ䮱俔喏䓽ऺ䓥㑄ᰵᙋ㻵) 倄㏒̷ͦ凯Ⰲ俔⮰͐ԹȠ凯Ⰲ俔̶ᰵБڢ㏻ネ䉛⾫Ƞ凯Ⰲ俔᪠ѿॴ̶⾰̷ჩ⮰ᷛᒎ喏⺊ ݹ̶㻾͙ͦᓯࣽ᪏⮰䔊䉛ⴙᴝ⟢㏥亜Ƞ̷凯Ⰲ俔ॴ㝥ᒎ喏⪑䪫κ凯Ⰲ俔Ƞ̷凯Ⰲ俔⮰ݹ ͺ䓪ݜ凯Ⰲ俔͙䘔Ƞ̷凯Ⰲ俔⮰㶔䲎ϒᰵ܌ᰵ̬᭪㦃⾭䊣喏౔V 17672̶छ㻭䄑⾭䊣〚 ⏽ȠવᲫ俔ॴᱻϭ⟢喏ݹ〛䒯ᅂ䨼喏ٵⴙᴝ⟢㏥亜Ƞ䬠凯Ⰲ俔ᄻ̀ॴ̵㻾ᒎ喏㶔䲎䒯ͦ 㶔䲎䔄ڢऺ〛ჩ䭀喏䪫Ꮢ̺ⱨᒰⰤᑿȠ౔V 16354⮰ጒӓⰷݜ⮰᭛વᲫ俔⮰โӓ䲎喏 ԉ⪅βटӓ㔧䒘䓳Ბ⮰̵ᵥ凯᲍俔Ƞ⃻ӓ๓㏒ᰵ10ᵥ凯᲍俔喏౳ͦ䪫᲍ᒎ喏͐〛䒯ల 䧉Ƞ凯᲍俔⩝ݹᒬऺӉ⁍ऄ๓喏倄Ꮢ๓㏒᭛3~4 mmȠV 16354ᰬݹ䲎⮰̬ᵥ凯᲍俔䪫ϱ 8 mm, ᰬऺ⮰̬ᵥ䪫ጞ䓪18 mm; ̀⩝䓽ͺⰠ⿷ऽऺ䔼⌼ժ࢓喏ᰬऺ̬ᵥ凯᲍俔̷̺凯 Ⰲ俔᎟㵸Ⱔᣑ喏䪫ᏒⰤ䓽ȠV 17672ᰬݹ䲎⮰凯᲍俔䪫7 mm, ᰬऺ⮰̬ᵥ䪫15 mmȠᎨ Ꭰ͖ѿV 17911⮰ݹ5ᵥ凯᲍俔⇍ᰵԉႄ喏खᰵऺ5ᵥछ㻭喏V 17912⮰凯᲍俔݅স̷䶸俔 ऺ䘔̬䊣͎๝Ƞ㸤冨⮰凯᲍俔᪜Ⱊखᰵጞⴑ䛽ᅪ冨⮰̬ࡶጒट喏Ꭲ̀㸤冨凯᲍俔⮰䪫ჩ ℀๓㏒खᰵ䛽ᅪ冨⮰̬ࡶጒटȠᎨѿᴳ᱘凯Ⰲ㈧㐋স᜼ѿദ᱘̬㜠喏ϱ䬠凯Ⰲ俔℀ҷ䒯 ๓Ƞ 䘔ͦ俔ࡂ⮰ᙋ㻵ネ(ప3)Ƞ⣜ᰵᴳ᱘͙℀䒯ᬺ᭪⮰᭛१ڔᛳ㾝⼲㒣ㅵȞᙋ㻵⺊㏻ネ 俔̶3͖ᙋ㻵ネᐬए喞䉛⾫㛈䉔㔨㕟俔ȟ䷉โ㗕㘇俔ȟऺ䷊俔স̶ࡅ俔⮰๠ࡦͧӓ㏫⮰ ᐬए⩝κⵠⶺ㔸᭪ᓃ̹㻰݅喏Ѳ᭛᪠͖䊜ऽ䔄᭛ᒴ⌱ᮜ⮰喞䷉โ㗕㘇俔̶⮰ὖ᳁ネ̹ ᭛ᒴ᭪㦃喏ख㘩ⰷݜ䒧ᓚ⾭䊣喞䷉俔স呧俔̶⮰Ɫ̶ネБࣶⱢ̷俔̶⮰Ɫ̷ネ̹᭛ᒴ ᰵ4͖ᬺ᭪⮰ṙలᒎᙋ㻵ネᐬए喏䮱俔ࣶݹ凯Ⰲ俔̶⮰ᙋ㻵ネ̹⩆ᬺڣᬺ᭪喞咫俔ݹ䘔 ᭪ȠᎨѿ⮰ᙋ㻵⺊㏻ネ⇍ᰵ᜼ѿ⮰ࣽ䓪Ƞ 俔ࡂ喏㘶㉎ϹⰤᑿࣽ䓪喏㘶ᴝϱ⩝̬χ⣛㐁㘶㉎⮰ᐿڔ㛞᷅Ϣ㙟偼ȞḺѿ⇍ᰵႸ ❳᜼ܲ㏰᜼(ప1)Ƞ䏛᎞䘔⮰ദ㗸❳সദ㚥❳俔ࡂ䒯ຩ喏Ѳ᭛Ꭲ⇍ᰵᒎ᜼Ⴘ᪠⮰俔ࡂ ᰵݦ⟢⾭䊣Ƞ䬠㗸❳স䬠㚥❳⇍ᰵ俔ࡂȠ̶㗸❳ጞ㏻俔ڣ̹〚Ƞᐿ❳ദ䘔ॴẀᒎ喏ݹ⣛ ࡂᒎ᜼β俿Ḅ喏౔V 16354̶छ㻭䏛᎞䘔সᅪ䘔⮰31ᵥ俿Ḅ䪫Ꮢ11~25 mmȠ㖷俔俔ࡂ䒯 ຩ喏౔V 16354̶छ㻭12ᄥ㖷俔喏䪫Ꮢ๓㏒20 mm, 䔊ᣑ㖷俔⮰Ḻѿὖ⾭̹छ㻭Ƞᅪ䘔⮰ ⵀ⾢ 9ڹ1᱋ 䅙Ȟ䩠ふ: νࢃ㒃᎟̵͙ऌ͂ᘻโ㸤冨⮰

㘵Ḅϒ俔ࡂ䒯ຩ喏౔V 16354̶छ㻭13ᵥݹ㻲ॴϦႃᒎ⮰㘵Ḅ喏̺㛬凹⮰ᩛ凹俔Ⱔ䬠ᢾ ȠᎨѿᴳ᱘⮰Ḻѿ俔ࡂᰠᑝ喏䏛᎞Ḻ䘔ܲⰷ̹ݜ̬◥俔ࡂ⬁䔥Ƞ݃ 㙽ᏺ੠㛌务Ȟ㗕ፒ俔俨࠱᠘̶ࡅ俔ȟࡅ俔ȟ͐ಃऺࡅ俔Бࣶ㗕㘇͸ૅ俔(ప1)Ƞ̶ 䲎㉓ჲⰤᣑȠࡅ俔ॴ᫜ᰴᒎ喏̶〛̶̺ࡅ俔ڱࡅ俔Ẁᒎ喏㗸㑄㷗ऺ䷊俔㺲Ⰲ喏̺ऺ䷊俔 ӓⰤ䔊喏ݹ〛ᬌ䨭俔Ƞऺࡅ俔͐ಃ喏̶ऺࡅ俔ᬺ᭪๓κ̷ऺࡅ俔喏Ѳ͐㔱๓䘔ܲ䘩㷗ڱ ̶ࡅ俔সࡅ俔㺲ⰂȠ̶ࡅ俔ȟࡅ俔ࣶऺࡅ俔䔅χ㛈䉔㗕ፒ俔俨㶔䲎⮰㏥亜স凯Ⰲ俔̶⮰ ᒎ⟢সᒨₐ⩸㏫̹⌱喏㐋ڢᒴ׻喏䘩᭛ⴙᴝ⟢䔊㐙㏥⤲Ƞ㗕㘇俔স͸ૅ俔ϱԉႄ₷❳喏 ᰵ⶘ḄȠV 16354⮰ጒӓ㘤凹ⵠⶺ喏टӓڣ㗕㘇͸ૅ俔Ƞ㘤凹๓㏒ᰵ15ᵥ䒛凹᲍喏̹ͦ⼜ 㘤凹㷗䖚Ⰲᝂ͎๝喏ϱᰵ̬ᵥ㘤凹凹᲍喏᱗〛ᰵᄻѲ℀䒯ᬺ᭪⮰ܲࣵ喏ᝬᰵ㘤凹凹᲍⮰ ԉႄ䘔ܲ䘩ⰷ̹ݜܲ㞮ȠV 17672⮰㘤凹ԉႄ䒯ຩ喏छ㻭15ᵥ䪫ᏒⰤ䓽⮰ጒӓ凹᲍㔧䒘ݜ 㞮喏ܲ⣜ܦβ̶䘔喏4ᵥⴙ⮰স6ᵥ䪫⮰टӓ凹᲍㔧䒘ݜβ̷䘔喏䌉ᩛ凹俔㏒15 mmะᐬ໷ ܲ㞮䘔ܲϱԉ⪅β㏒10 mmȠᎨѿᴳ᱘⮰㘤凹凹᲍䘩Ⱔᑿ㏐㏲喏ܲࣵসܲ㞮䘩̹ᬺ᭪Ƞ 㝄ᏺ੠㝍务Ȟ㚜ፒ俔俨ϱ㻭̬ಃ䨞⟢⮰ᬌह俔(ప1)Ƞ㚥凹ॴ̵㻾ᒎ喏⻧㛬凹䓽㔸 ⻧㘤凹䒯䔈Ƞ㏒ᰵ8ᵥ凹᲍喏⩝κ䘔ܲ₷ⵠ喏䪫Ꮢ6~22 mm, 䌉ദ䘔13 mmะ凹᲍ᐬ໷ܲ 㞮喏̹ܲࣵȠV 16354⮰ጒӓ㚥凹⍤⻧ݜβ㗸凹ᩛ凹俔⮰ѹ㒚喏ጒӓ㚥凹凹᲍䒯Ⱐ喏ट ӓःโ߇㔸ᑛᰞȠᎨѿᴳ᱘⮰㚥凹ԉႄ̹ຩ喏V17912⮰㚥凹⇍ᰵԉ⪅喏V 17911㚥凹⮰ 䔈〛ܲᩛ΋̹⌱ᮜȠ 䊣◥ѹκ㚥凹㏴◥ͷऺ喏㛬凹䊣◥ͷݹ(ప1)Ƞ㗸ڢ㚠务Ȟᷛᒎ喏ݹӓ䪫ऺӓⴙ喏 凹ᩛ凹俔俔ࡂႸຩ喏䮐じ̬䓽〛ᩛ凹俔ᄥᏀ܌͖Ḅ刊喏じθᩛ凹俔ᄥᏀ4ᵥ䒱ߕ凹᲍喏 Ђᩛ凹俔স15ᵥͧ凹᲍̬̬ᄥᏀȠ凹᲍Ϻ䓽ദ䘔1/3ะᐬ໷ܲ㞮Ƞ㗸凹⮰ݹ͐ᵥͧ凹ڢ Ђͧ凹᲍๓㏒౔䓽ദ䘔1/2ะじ̬⁍ܲࣵ喏౔䓽ദ䘔5/6ะじڢ᲍̹ܲࣵ喞౔V 16354̶喏 θ⁍ܲࣵ喞ͧ凹᲍⩝ݹ㜟ऺ䔼⌼ऄⴙ喏⩝38 mm㑕ⴙݜ11 mmȠᎨѿᴳ᱘⮰㗸凹᭪ᓃ䪫 䪫⮰1/4Ƞڔ䪫छ䓪ڢᵥ㗸凹凹᲍喏܌๓喏̺䏗ѿ⮰℀ҷᬺ᭪๓κ᜼ѿ喏ຮV 17911⮰ݹ 㞔务Ȟ⪑℀㗸凹ᄻ喏͐㔱ᒎ⟢ㆧѨ喏ᩛ凹俔ϒ俔ࡂႸຩ(ప1)Ƞ㛬凹⮰じ̬ᩛ凹俔 Ђᩛ凹俔স11ᵥͧ凹᲍̬̬ᄥᏀȠ๓㏒౔䓽ദ䘔1/3ะڢḄ刊স2ᵥ䒱ߕ凹᲍喏͖܌ᄥᏀ ⁍Ђͧ凹᲍๓㏒౔䓽ദ䘔1/2ะじ̬ڢᐬ໷ܲ㞮Ƞじ̬ᵥͧ凹᲍̹ܲࣵ喞౔V 16354̶喏 ࣵ喏౔䓽ദ䘔7/8ะじθ⁍ܲࣵ喞ͧ凹᲍⩝ݹ㜟ऺ䔼⌼ऄⴙ喏⩝35 mm㑕ⴙݜ15 mmȠܲ V 16354⮰㛬凹⩝κโ߇҈⩔ܳ᫙β̬χ凹᲍ȠᎨѿᴳ᱘͙喏छ㘩⩝κԉႄ⮰࣋ఌ喏V 17911⮰㛬凹凹᲍℀V 17912⮰䪫Ƞ 11ಃ㛈䉔ᅪ俔(urodermal), ѹκᅪڣढ℀̷ढ⪑䪫Ƞ̶ڢሒ务Ȟᅪ凹ࣵ㷮̹ᬺ᭪喏 凹㗸ढḄ刊̷᫥Ƞᅪ凹⮰ᩛ凹俔ͧ㺭᭛ᅪ̷俔Ƞᅪ̷俔⮰᪜Ⱊуๆ喏౔V 16354̶छ㻭 ᆁጯ᫥ऽϒ䔼⌼䊷䓽κⅠ᎟喏䔈ڢ ,10ᵥᅪ̷俔Ƞᅪ̷俔ऽऺӉ⁍ऄⴙ喏䪫Ꮢ14~2 mm ὖ᝖䲎ॴ〥ढ⟢Ƞ9ᵥᅪ⺊㏻Ḅ䪫Ꮢ2~11 mm, ̀Ϻݹऽऺ䔼⌼䓳⍍ݜ䓽Ⅰ᎟᫥ऽܲ〚 ጯȠᅪ凹᲍࠱᠘1ᵥ̶䒱ߕ凹᲍ȟ20ᵥͧ凹᲍স2ᵥ̷䒱ߕ凹᲍Ƞᅪ凹⮰̶ȟ̷ढ䔄ࣽ 㗞ᰵḄ刊স亜㑄Ḅ刊Ƞ̶ȟ̷ढ⮰ݹ〛ܲݗᰵ11স4ᵥḄ刊喏̶ढ䔄ᰵ̬݃亜㑄Ḅ刊Ƞ ₐโ喏౔じ2ᵥ㗸Ḅ刊̺ᅪ̶俔ͷ䬠喏㻭ᰵ̬ಃᄻ俔❳喏छ㘩Ⱔᑿκ䛽ᅪ冨⮰ᅪ̶凹᲍ (epaxial fin-rays of caudal fin)Ƞᅪ凹᲍౔䓽ദ䘔1/8ะᐬ໷ܲ㞮Ƞ䒱ߕ凹᲍̹ܲࣵ喞ͧ凹 ᲍๓㏒౔䓽ദ䘔1/2ะじ̬⁍ܲࣵ喏౔䓽ദ䘔3/4ะじθ⁍ܲࣵ(ప4)ȠᎨѿᴳ᱘⮰ᅪ凹̺ ᜼ѿⰤѨȠ 10 ऐȞ㘶ȞḺȞߔȞ➕Ȟ႒Ȟ៑ 51ࢣ

ప 4Ȟᘻโ㸤冨᫜ᴳ᱘(IVPP V 16354)⮰ᅪ凹 Fig. 4ȞGymnoichthys inopinatus7LQWRULHWDOFORVHXSRIWKHFDXGDO¿QRIWKHVSHFLPHQVKRZQLQ)LJ photo and line drawing, in left side view Abbreviations: epx. epaxial fin-raysᅪ̶凹᲍喞fub. basal fulcraദḄ刊喞fufr. fringing fulcra亜㑄Ḅ刊喞ۅ㑕 hyp. hypural ᅪ̷俔喞pfr. principal fin-rayͧ凹᲍喞rfr. rudimentary fin-rays䒱ߕ凹᲍喞ud. urodermal㛈䉔 ᅪ俔喞uns. ural neural spineᅪ⺊㏻Ḅ


ڢTintoriふ౔℀䒯䃔䃦ᘻโ㸤冨̺ ͺ܌❲㈧ᬢ喏䔵ंβ5⻹刊ڟЂ冨ㆧ⮰ ⮰᫜凹冨ڔᰵԉႄȟḺѿ俔ࡂ΋̹Ⴘ⇍ ㆧ喝Probalecites porroi, Marcopoloichthys ani, Semionotus indet., Paralepidotus ornatusসTurbomesodon praeclarus, ܲ᲼ βᘻโ㸤冨̺ႯИ౔㘶ᴝ俿ᐿ䘔ܲ⮰ᐮ सȠᘻโ㸤冨䏛᎞䘔⮰俿Ḅ̺⃻̬ᄥ俿 Ђ⮰᫜凹冨ڢᐿႸ㒺ᄥᣑ喏ᬺ᭪ᰵݗκ ㆧ(Tintori et al., 2010: pl.1)Ƞ ぀㔱ᄥसᵣ㑦๝刊❳সḺѿ᱖俔ࡂ ⮰䛽ᅪ冨ㆧCaturus furcatus (MCZ10457, Agassiz, 1843)΋ֆβㆧѨ⮰ܲ᲼喏Ꭲ̀ ⩔सᵣѿ㶔ᬌ刊̀Ḻѿ᱖俔ࡂ⮰ಆ咫冨 ㆧStemmatodus rhombus҈࣮ͦ⚓ᄥ℀喏 ࣽ⣜Caturus furcatus俿Ḅস俿ᐿ⮰㏿Ჰ ⰤसڔЂ᫜凹冨ㆧ俿ᐿস俿Ḅ⮰℀䒯 সᢾ݃᫥ᐻ̺ᘻโ㸤冨䓽ͺႸڢప 5Ȟᘻโ㸤冨̺ Fig.5ȞComparison of neutral archs and neural spines (ప5), 䔅㶔ᬺᘻโ㸤冨छ㘩̺䛽ᅪ冨ㆧ among some neopterygians ㈧ᰠͦᣑ䓽ȠڟA. Gymnoichthys inopinatus;B.Caturus furcatus; ⮰㈧㐋 C. Stemmatodus rhombus ͦβ⶚⿷ᘻโ㸤冨⮰㈧㐋ѹ㒚喏᜽ ⵀ⾢ 11ڹ1᱋ 䅙Ȟ䩠ふ: νࢃ㒃᎟̵͙ऌ͂ᘻโ㸤冨⮰

,Иݕ⩔GrandeসBemisκ1998Ꭰᐦ⿷⮰凝ㆧᕓ⟢⮰᪜ᢚⴕ䭡(69͖ᕓ⟢喏㻭Grande and Bemis ᰵㆧѨᕓ⟢⮰ಆڣसᬢ㔯㭽ݜᘻโ㸤冨ѿ㶔㸤䱞ȟḺѿ᱖俔ࡂふ➥ᒭ喏ᄲ ,(587~1998:572 ڑ᲼喏Ꭲា㷮咫冨ㆧ⮰Plesioperleidus yangtzensisߌܲڑ咫冨ㆧStemmatodus rhombus̬Ꭲߌ ᓃݜ33225ḡᰬガ㏒ڝโㆧ㓐ȠᩛᎻܲ᲼䛳⩔WIN-PAUP4.0b10䒛Т喏Бज़ࣽᐻ᥈ᄧ᫥ᐻ喏 ᴽȠᰬガ㏒ᴽₑ䪫ͦ121, ̬㜠ᕓᠳ᪜ͦ65, ԉ⪅ᠳ᪜ͦ89(ప6; 䭰ᒁ1, 2)Ƞ

ప 6Ȟᘻโ㸤冨⮰㈧㐋ѹ㒚(凝ㆧ50%⮰ๆ᪜̬㜠ᴽ) Fig.6ȞPhylogeny of halecomorphs, with the addition of Gymnoichthys inopinatus Tintori et al., 2010 * ⣜⩋⻹ the present species 12 ऐȞ㘶ȞḺȞߔȞ➕Ȟ႒Ȟ៑ 51ࢣ

౔WIN-PAUP4.0b10ᄨܦ⮰50%ๆ᪜̬㜠ᴽ͙喏ᘻโ㸤冨ᬌ⪽ᆊκ凝ㆧȠ凝ㆧ䔅̬ ȟݹ凯⾭⟣یᰵڣⰤద㏿ȟ̷䶸ڹ㞮◥⮰ᕓ⟢࠱᠘๓䘔ܲ䒛俔俔ࡂȟ̶䶸俔̺ݹ凯Ⰲ俔̹ Ⰲ俔㗸ᩛ⾰㔸䪫ȟᰵ䬠凯Ⰲ俔স䒱̶䶸俔ȟᬌ䨭俔ȟ㗸凹স㛬凹⮰⃻̬ᩛ凹俔खᩛᠭ̬ᵥ ҅ڢ㞮ᅆᰵᒱ⶚䃐喏ڟ㞮Ƞ䔅χ➥ᒭ䮐β㐙俔࣮̺ࣸڟᰵ㛈䉔ᅪ俔ȟ㐙俔࣮̺ࣸڣ凹᲍ȟ ำȠڣ⮰ᘻโ㸤冨䘩 㞮᫥ᐻȠTintoriڟᘻโ㸤冨⮰ጞⴑᴳ᱘ᰵ䭼喏౔⣜ᰵ⮰ᴳ᱘͙ᬌ∁Ⱐᣑ㻮ᄋݜ䶸⮰ ふ౔₏ಷᴳ᱘GMPKU-P-1483সGMPLU-P-1687̶Ꭲ⇍㻮ᄋݜ㐙俔喏खⰷݜβ᫥䷓俔Ƞ ⪒ڢѲ᭛぀㔱Ϻ͖͐ԉႄ䒯ຩ⮰᜼ѿᴳ᱘͙喏㮩᱖㻮ᄋݜ᫥䷓俔喏ࢠ㻭㐙俔ॴ䪫Ẁᒎ喏 ჩ⮰㗸〛̺㜸䶸俔㉓ჲⰤ䔊喏ͧѿ̺݅᫥俔᎟㵸ᐢѤȠ౔V 17672̶喏᜽ИछБᒴᬺ᭪ ݹ〛ᒴڢ㞮喏ڟछ㘩̺᫥俔ᝂ᫥䷓俔Ⱔ̹ڢβ᫥俔喏䃭ᬺܦ౜ⰷݜ㐙俔⮰ᰬݹ〛ጞ㏻Ѥ ⩝㞮(ప7喏͐ಃᴳ᱘͙᫥俔স䮱俔⮰Ⱔᄥѹ㒚䩅ߔ᭛ڟ㞮俔Ⱔڟछ㘩̷̺䶸䮱俔㗸䲎⮰ 㞮䔅̬➥ᒭϹᰵᒱ᫜ᴳ᱘ڟᰵࣸڣκ䶸⮰ᑌऴ๓ᄻ䕌᜼⮰)Ƞᑿ♢喏ᘻโ㸤冨᭛॒ⱋ₏ ⮰ࣽ⣜ᝂ᫜ឬᱛ⮰Ꮐ⩔Ƞ ౔凝ㆧ͙喏᫜⮰ᩛᎻܲ᲼㶔ᬺᘻโ㸤冨̺䛽ᅪ冨䊱⻽ᰬͦᣑ䓽喏͐㔱ξͦ໼໥㓐 䛽ᅪ冨䊱⻽喏҈ͦ䄑䊱⻽ڑ㈧Ƞ౔凝ㆧ⣜ᰵ⮰ܲㆧᵲ᳢͙喏᜽Иժऽκᄲᘻโ㸤冨ᑾڟ ᰵ5͖ᩛᠭ➥ᒭ喝1) ᜼Ꭰ͖ѿ䶸ڝ⮰ദ᎞᜼঄ȠGrande and Bemis (1998)჆͵⮰䛽ᅪ冨䊱⻽ ̶咫ӓ䲎ࢷ᝭喏䶢〛ᅂ䨼喏咫䶢㻾๓㏒20°~30°;2)̶䶸俔㏲䪫᷾⟢喞3) 凯᲍俔22ᵥᝂᰠ ๆ喞4) ᅪ̷俔ὖܳ䲎ॴჩ䭀⮰〥ढ⟢喞5) ᅪᳰ䘔⮰俿Ḅস㘵Ḅᑦ◴ժ᫈㜟܌䓽Ⅰ᎟Ƞ Ђ䛽ᅪ冨䊱⻽冨ㆧ̹げ喝ڢᘻโ㸤冨ᰵ͖͐➥ᒭ̺ ᰵ20ڣЂ䛽ᅪ冨ㆧ䕆፤ڢᘻโ㸤冨⮰͖͐᜼Ꭰ͖ѿ⃻ӓ凯᲍俔䘩खᰵ10ᵥ喏㔸 (1) ᵥБ̶⮰凯᲍俔喏ຮAmblysemius pachyurusᰵ21ᵥ凯᲍俔Ƞ̬͖ᒴᰵᘻ͵⮰⣜䆍᭛ᘻโ Ђ䛽ᅪ冨ㆧ凯᲍俔⮰䪫ჩ℀ҷ喏ᘻโ㸤冨じ̬ᵥ凯᲍俔⮰䪫ჩ℀๓㏒᭛4ı1, じڢ㸤冨স ࡭ᵥ凯᲍俔⮰䪫ჩ℀๓㏒᭛6ı1; 㔸Amblysemius pachyurusⰤᏀ⮰凯᲍俔䪫ჩ℀ܲݗͦ7ı1 স10ı1, 䶳Ѩᘻโ㸤冨⮰̬ᵥ凯᲍俔᜼ͦऺᲑ䛽ᅪ冨ㆧ⮰͐ᵥ凯᲍俔Ƞ䔅㶔ᬺ䛽ᅪ冨ㆧ 凯᲍俔⮰⑀ऄ䊷߫᭛ऄ䪫ऄ㏲喏᪜ⰚऄๆȠ 㗸ȟ㚥㑄⮰๥㻾ᄻκ5°, ݹऺ䓽ͺふڢݹጞⴑ䛽ᅪ冨ㆧ⮰̶䶸俔౳᭛᷾⟢喏ٴ (2) ჩȠ㔸ᘻโ㸤冨⮰̶䶸俔ॴݹ㏲ऺჩ⮰Ẁᒎ喏㗸ȟ㚥㑄⮰๥㻾๓㏒30°ȠᵥᢚGrande 㑦(maxillaryܥ䮣᜼̬ڱসBemis (1998)⮰㻮ᄋ喏凝ㆧ䮐βAmblysemius, ̶䶸俔ऺ㑄䘩 notch)Ƞ̶䶸俔ऺ㑄⮰ܥ㑦౔Amiinae䒯ᄻ喏౔Solnhofenamia݅䒯ͦჩ䭀Ƞᘻโ㸤冨⮰̶ 㑦喏䔅̺AmblysemiusⰤѨȠܥᰵڣ䶸俔ऺ㑄ల⏽喏̹ ᰵ⮰3͖➥ᒭ喏ѿӓ刊❳䔬ࡂ喏Ḻѿ⇍ᰵ俔ࡂڝ䮐β̶䔜ᘻโ㸤冨সጞⴑ䛽ᅪ冨ㆧ छ㘩ϒछ҈ͦ䛽ᅪ冨䊱⻽⮰➥ᒭȠ ᰵ⮰㜖䓽㸀ᕓ⟢喏℀ຮ喝१俔ॴⴙڣЂ䛽ᅪ冨䊱⻽冨ㆧ̹ڢₐโ喏ᘻโ㸤冨䔄ᰵ̬㈧݃ 㑄ᰵᬺ᭪⮰ᙋ㻵⺊㏻ネ喞じ̬Ɫ̷俔ݹ〛ᅂڱネ⟢喞㛈䉔㔨㕟俔ॴφⴕᒎ喞㛈䉔㲢㕟俔⮰Ɫ ए喞㖷俔᱗〛᝖ᒎ̹ᅂ䨼喞ᅪ⺊㏻ᐿ᜼ᄥ俔ࡂॴಃ⟢Ƞܥڣ䨼ऺ〛ჩ䭀喞̶䶸俔ऺ㑄̹ ᄽ喏ѿ䪫সѿ倄๓ۻ᫜ᴳ᱘͙喏ᎨᎠ͖ѿ⮰凹᲍᪜ⰚⰤᄥ᜼Ꭰ͖ѿᰵ10%ጒट⮰ ㏒᭛᜼Ꭰ͖ѿ⮰1/5~1/4, 䏗ѿर䘔ܲ℀ҷ๓㜠ⰤᑿȠⰚݹखࣽ⣜͐ಃᎨᎠᴳ᱘(ప8)Ƞ̺ ᜼Ꭰᴳ᱘⮰ͧ㺭ጚᐮ࠱᠘喝१俔স呧俔⮰⩸䭼̹⌱ᮜ喞ఠⱢ俔䒯⌱ᮜ(౔V 17911̶ᰠͦ 俔ࡂ喏ڔᬺ᭪), छ㘩⩝κ䶱䶢俔俨᱖俔ࡂႸ᪠喏᝹㘩䒧ᬿछ㻭喞㚙㔨᫥Бࣶ㐙俔䘩᱖Ⴘ ⵀ⾢ 13ڹ1᱋ 䅙Ȟ䩠ふ: νࢃ㒃᎟̵͙ऌ͂ᘻโ㸤冨⮰

㞮ڟప 7Ȟᘻโ㸤冨⮰䶸 Fig. 7ȞJaw joints of Gymnoichthys inopinatus Tintori et al., 2010 A. IVPP V 16354; B. V 17672; for abbreviations see Fig. 3

ప 8Ȟᘻโ㸤冨Ꭸѿ᫜ᴳ᱘(IVPP V 17911সV 17912)⮰๠俔 Fig. 8ȞGymnoichthys inopinatus Tintori et al., 2010, head region of two juvenile specimens A. IVPP V 17911, B. line drawing of A; C. V 17912, D. line drawing of C; for abbreviations see Fig. 3 14 ऐȞ㘶ȞḺȞߔȞ➕Ȟ႒Ȟ៑ 51ࢣ

ԉႄ⮰俔俨䓥⩸ᒴ̹⌱ᮜ喞凯Ⰲ俔⮰倄Ꮢ㏒̷ͦ凯Ⰲ俔⮰4Թ喏䔅◥℀᜼Ꭰ͖ѿጚݗᰠ ๓喞ݹ䘔凯᲍俔᱖ԉႄ喏खᰵऺ䘔⮰2~4ᵥ⌱ᮜछ㻭ȠᕧѿᲑ䄠喏䔅͐ಃᎨѿᴳ᱘凹⮰ ߌ̶ए͙➅咫ጞ㏻℀䒯⌱ᮜ䨷ݕ喏ए䭰䓽⇍ᰵᎨ冨㇄䭰ஔڹᒎ⟢স℀ҷ䘩̺᜼ѿⰤᑿ喏 ⮰₷⪅喏ఌₐᣔ≷䔅͖ѿಷ⮰Ꭸ冨ጞ㏻छБᐬ໷㜖ͧ≧ߔ喏̀ᴳ᱘䘩᭛⠘⿷ࣽ⣜喏ᣔ≷ ᘻโ㸤冨Ꭸѿ⇍ᰵ㓐ѿ≧ߔ⮰⩋≧ΌᘛȠᘻโ㸤冨⮰ࡂⴟԉႄκ叽㞞͙ࣆᅮ▜ᇕ͙喏㏿ ऴࡂⴟϓ౜ᝬะ⮰ऐ౜⤲ѹ㒚喏ႯИᑿᬢᏀ䄑᭛⩋≧౔̬❳≱⊣ज౜(Jin, 2006)Ƞ

܃໦ᄻثٛτ۪ٓိԅᄗӽ͚ۤᅙēۤ݉ڛ໦჆਻ਃၝಶcᅋਖ਼c჆ߞစc༗ث㟈䇶Ȟ ದdܤד߰༉सγ·ēहჲဳඔ٢Ϧ


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䰘ᔩ1Ȟ凝ㆧ⮰ᕓ⟢ܲጯⴕ䭡ࣶ㞮◥ܲ᲼ Appendix 1ȞNodal characters with the states of Halecomorphi (Modified from Grande and Bemis, 1998: App. A, B) Data set with 69 characters for 47 taxa 11111111112 2222222223 3333333334 4444444445 5555555556 666666666 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 123456789 Gymnoichthys inopinatus 0?0?0?00?? 000000?101 1000??0000 100010?000 0030000000 ??001100?? 101010111 Amiopsis prisca 1?1100?000 00?000??01 ???0??0000 0?0??00?00 0??0111?0???000???00 11??0001? Amiopsis lepidota 1?11000000 0000000001 0010000000 0000000000 0000111000 ??00011000 110000011 Amiopsis woodwardi 1?1100?000 0000000101 ?010000000 0000000000 00?0111000 ?100011000 110000011 Amiopsis damoni 1?11000000 0000000101 ?010000000 0000000000 0000111000 ??00011000 11?000011 Amiopsis dolloi 1?110?0000 000000??01 001?000000 0000000000 0000111000 ??00011000 11?000011 Solnhofenamia elongata 1112100000 0000000101 0010000000 00?0010000 0021111000 ?100011000 110000011 cylindricus 1112111100 0000000012 1121111000 0000000000 0000111000 1100001000 110100011 Calamopleurus mawsoni 1?12????00 ??0?0???1???2????00? 0??0?????? ????111??? ????0????? ????0?0?? Pachyamia latimaxillaris 1112??1100 00?010?0?2 111?0?0111 1111111111 10?????000 ?100011000 11?00?011 Pachyamia mexicana 1112?11100 0000100012 1110000111 1111111111 01?1111000 ??00011000 11?000011 Vidalamia catalunica 1?12??1100 0000000012 1110000111 1111110?00 0000111000 1?00011000 110000011 Cyclurus oligocenicus 1??2??1111 111121?101 0?1?00000? 000?000000 00?0111000 ??0?0110?0 ?1?00101? Cyclurus macrocephalus 1?12??1111 111121?101 0010?00000 0000000000 0000111000 ??0001100??1?001011 Cyclurus ignotus 11122?1111 1111211101 0010000000 0000000000 0000111000 ??00011000 110001011 Cyclurus valenciennesi 11122??111 111121??01 0010000000 0?000?00?00??0111000 ??0?0???00 ?1?001011 Cyclurus fragosus 11122?1111 1111?11101 0010000000 000000000? 0000111000 1?00011000 110001011 Cyclurus efremovi 11?22?1111 1111211101 0010000000 0000000000 0000111000 ?100011000 110001011 Cyclurus gurleyi 11?22?1111 1111211101 0010000000 0000000000 0000111000 1100011010 110001011 Cyclurus kehreri 1112211111 1111211101 0010000000 0000000000 0000111000 1100011000 110001011 pattersoni 11122?1111 1111200001 0010?00000 0000000001 0000111000 1100011000 110001011 “Amia” hesperia 11122?1111 1111200001 0010?00000 0000000000 0?0?1??000 ??0??11??0 110001011 Amia scutata 1?122?1111 1111300001 0010000000 0000000001 0000111000 1100011000 110001011 Amia calva 11?2211111 1111300001 0010000000 0000000001 0000111000 1100011000 110001011 Maliamia gigas ?????????? ?????????? ????11???? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?????????? Melvius thomasi ???2???1?0 ?????0?0?? 10???????1 ??1??????? 0??????0?? ??0??????0 ?1?0?????? Melvius chauliodous ???2???1?0 ?????0?0?? 10???????? ????1????? 0??????0?0 ??0??????0 ?1???????? Nipponamia satoi 1??2????00 ????????0? ???0?????? ?????????0 ?0??11?0?? ??0?????0? ????0?01? Pseudamiatus heintzi 1?12???1?1 ???????0?10???????0? 0?000000?? ??0?1??000 ??0??1?0?0 ?1????011 Sinamia zdanskyi 000?00?000 000?00??01 0110??00?0 0000000000 00001??111 1100011000 110000011 Ikechaoamia orientalis 0?000?0000 0?0?00??01 001???0000 0?00?00000 0?00111111 ??00011000 11??0001? Ikechaoamia meridionalis 0?000??000 000?00??01 0?1?0?0000 0000000000 0?00111111 ??00011000 110?00011 Caturus furcatus 000?000000 0000000101 1000?10000 0000000000 0030000000 1111111000 110010111 Amblysemius pachyurus 0?0?0?0000 0000000101 100000000? 0000000000 0000000000 ??11111000 100?10111 Liodesmus gracilis 0?0?0?0000 ?00000?101 10000?0000 0000000000 00?0001000 ??11011000 110010111 Liodesmus sprattiformis 0?0?0?0000 ?00000?101 100???0000 0000000000 00?0001000 ??11011000 ?10010111 Ionoscopus cyprinoides 0100000000 00000000?1 0000010000 0000?00000 0000000000 0000011000 111000011 Ophiopsis procera 10?21?0000 00000???01 00000?0?00 0?00000000 0?1000?00???00011111 ?11000011 Macrepistius arenatus 1002??01?0 ?0??1????1 000?0?0??? ?000?00000 00100??00? 0000?1?111 1?1?00011 Oshunia brevis 0000?00000 0?0?0000?1 000?000000 0000?00000 0?1?000000 0000011011 111000011 Watsonulus eugnathoides 000?000000 0000000103 00000000?0 0000000000 000000?000 0000000000 110000011 Eurycormus speciosus 000?0?0000 00000?0000 000???000? 0000?00000 ?000000000 ??00000000 000000012 Pholidophorus bechei 000??00000 00?00?0100 0?0???00?? 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 000000112 Pholidophorus macrocephalus 000?000000 00?00???00 0000?0000? 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 000010112 Atractosteus spatula 0100000101 00010000?0 101001000? 0?00100000 0?00010011 ??000000?0 000?00000 Stemmatodus rhombus 0?1?011000 110111?103 0021?11000 1?000000?0 ???0110011 100011??11 001?0?000 Plesioperleidus yangtzensis 0????001?? 00?0?????31??1?????0 ??0010?0?? ??2?10?000 ?000?0?000 001??1?00 ȞȞNote: 0 = plesiomorphic state; 1,2,3 = apomorphic state; ? = unavailable characters or logical impossibility. 16 ऐȞ㘶ȞḺȞߔȞ➕Ȟ႒Ȟ៑ 51ࢣ

䰘ᔩ2Ȟ㞮◥⮰ᕓ⟢݃㶔 Appendix 2ȞList of nodal character states Node1ĪPlesioperleidus yangtzensis: 20(3), 43(2)ȞȞȞȞȞ Node7ĪWatsonulus eugnathoides: 20(3) Node2ĪAtractosteus spatula: 20(0), 26(1)ȞȞȞȞȞȞȞȞ Node7ĪNode8: 20(1), 56(1), 57(1) Node3ĪStemmatodus rhombus: 20(3), 23(2)ȞȞȞȞȞȞȞ Node8ĪNode9: 18(0), 63(1) Node3ĪNode4: 68(1), 69(1)ȞȞȞȞȞȞȞȞȞ ȞȞȞȞNode8ĪNode10: 47(1), 51(1), 52(2) Node4ĪEurycormus speciosus: 67(0)ȞȞȞȞȞȞȞȞȞȞ Node10ĪNode11: 21(1), 65(1), 67(1) Node4ĪNode5: 18(1)ȞȞȞȞȞȞȞȞȞȞȞȞ ȞȞȞȞNode10ĪNode12: 23(1), 45(1), 46(1) Node5ĪNode6: 69(2)ȞȞȞȞȞȞȞȞȞȞȞ ȞȞȞȞȞNode11ĪGymnoichthys inopinatus: 31(1), 35(1), Node5ĪNode7: 61(1), 62(1), 69(1)ȞȞȞȞ ȞȞȞȞȞȞȞȞȞȞȞ43(3), 63(1) ȞȞȞȞȞȞ ȞȞȞȞȞȞ ȞȞȞȞȞȞ ȞȞȞȞ Node11ĪNode13: 53(1), 54(1)


ࡃ㒺ऐ㘶Ḻߔ➕႒ц(Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP)じ72ᅶᎠцκ2012Ꭰ10 ᰴ17~20ᬑ౔㒺఩ࡃࢍ㒃Ბ㏟ጊ仂Ꮘ㒃ݕ(Raleigh)䶦ݕͪ㵸喏Ბ㜖͂⩸र౜⮰1000҅Ϧ ࣮ߌβₐ⁍ⰇцȠ सͧߊȠᎠцڝₐ⁍Ꭰц⩝ࡃࢍ㒃Ბ㏟ጊ㜖♢⻽႒ࢆ➕亲সࡃࢍ㒃Ბ㏟ጊ⿷๓႒ ᬔ౔ᣔϷࡃࢍ㒃Ბ㏟ጊ̵ऌ㏖⮰ऐ⩋➕䉰⎼Ƞц䃚䃪3౦̿䷄䃔䃦ц喝“㈧㐋ࣽ㗞স℀䒯 ऐ⩋➕႒喝᫜⮰჆䛻᫥∁ⵀ⾢㘶Ḻߔ➕⮰Ⴛ㻮䔇ࡂ”喏“㒺఩䭫ፁ៵๽φ౜ࡦ⮩ೕ㏖ߔ➕ 㓐喝㈧㐋ऐ⩋➕႒ȟऐ⩋ᔭ႒স೷㫻႒(㏖ᔡDonald Bairdࢆท⮰̿䷄䃔䃦ц)”喏“ࡃ᫥᫜ ☙ፒ⮰ऐ㘶Ḻߔ➕喝⾫䊶౜䉔ᬢЏ⮰⩋➕⑀ࡂ⮰ᥳㄚসࢆ➕亲”Ƞₐโ喏ц䃚䔄㏰㏳β 19౦፤㻰៑ॶস4౦Ძ៑ᆁ㻴喏㺲Ⰲऐ㘶Ḻߔ➕႒ȟ౜ᅮ႒Бࣶࡂⴟឬᱛะ⤲ふ䶲ഋ⮰ ᰬ᫜ⵀ⾢䔇ᆁȠ ͙఩⻽႒䮎ऐ㘶Ḻߔ➕̺ऐϦㆧⵀ⾢ᝬⰂᔃ⥔ȟॠ上㔀ȟ݄Ӷȟ㜾ᴛ᪳(Corwin ڢSullivan)স䗥ᮢᶱ(Jingmai O'Connor)БࣶࡃϘ๓႒౜⤯̺⾦䬠⻽႒႒䮎↋๓߳᪅ᢴࣶ ̵ऌ㏖⊣⩋㘶Ḻߔ➕ⵀ⾢ఎ䭋ふ࣮ߌβₐ⁍ц䃚ȠЂИ䕆䓳ц䃚៑ॶᝂᲫ៑⮰ᒎᐻϷ㏹ ͙Ⰲᔃ⥔ࢆท㐨ऴܲၼ⩋➕႒ȟࣽ㗞⩋➕႒̺ऐ⩋➕႒ふๆڢβर㜖ᰬ᫜⮰ⵀ⾢᜼᳈Ƞ ̵͙ऌ̬͂࣋໷哅ڟ႒⻽Ϸ㏹β㘶Ḻߔ➕䶸䊣⎼ⵀ⾢⮰ᰬ᫜䔇ᆁ喞ॠ上㔀ࢆทϷ㏹βᰵ 冨㘽䶱⮰ⵀ⾢喏᭪⹦β͈➥᣼᫛ࡦ̵͙ऌ͂哅冨ㆧ⩋ᔭ䔮Ꮐ᫥ᐻ⮰ๆᵣᕓȠࡃϘ๓႒⮰ ᭛Ⴕᓩጎ⎂ᬕ̵ڢఎ䭋݅Ϸ㏹β䓽ᎠᲑЂИ౔ᬕ̵͙ऌ͂⊣⩋㘶Ḻߔ➕⮰ⵀ⾢䔇ᆁ喏ᅐ ऌ͂౜ᅮ͙࣋໷⊣⩋❘㵸ㆧ⮰᫜ࣽ⣜Ƞ ₐ⁍Ꭰц䃪㒃㒺ᅀຂ(Romer Prize)ȟ㒃㒺ᅀ-䓇ᮚ⩋ຂ「(Romer-Simpson Medal)Б ࣶ∜߾সᑃ᱃㺫᫛ຂ(Taylor & Francis Award)ふ17͖̹सㆧಷ⮰ຂ䶥Ƞ䶭ຂᮆრκ10ᰴ 20ᬑ౔㒃ݕ఩䭱ц䃚͙ᓯͪ㵸ȠⰂᔃ⥔ࢆทఌ౔㘶Ḻߔ➕䶸䊣⎼ⵀ⾢᫥䲎ᝬंᓃ⮰᜼ ᳈喏㣣ᓃβࣽᆁ͙఩ტ䱾Ꭰ⻽႒ტຂ喏Ꭲᣑःβ㒺఩఩ტ౜⤲ᱮᔃふๆტ⻽႒྾ѿ⮰䛳 㶔⣜㢏㣣㒃㒺ᅀຂȠܦᩧ䄧ࢆท႒ѹ᱋䬠⮰ᲜڢՋܙ䃫喞ᰪᔃᲜࢆท݅ ̷̬ᅶᎠцᄲκ2013Ꭰ10ᰴ30ᬑ~11ᰴ2ᬑ౔㒺఩≇ᱵⴢͪ㵸Ƞ (㑂䒽䘔)ȞȞ