BCD Schools 2019 [Edited].Pdf
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Elementary Schools Boston East Boston Central Catholic 69 London Street East Boston MA 02128 Sponsor: Private Elementary: PreK-8, Coed TEL 617-567-7456 FAX 617-567-9559 Email: rcasaletto@ebccs.org Web: www.ebccs.org Principal Mr. Robert Casaletto Pastoral Region: Central Holy Name 535 West Roxbury Pkwy West Roxbury MA 02132 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: PreK-6, Coed TEL 617-325-9338 FAX 617-325-7885 Email: Kathleen.caulfield@holynameparish.com Web: http://holynameparishschool.org/ Principal Ms. Kathleen Caulfield Pastoral Region: Central Our Lady of Perpetual Help 94 Saint Alphonsus Street Roxbury MA 02120 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: PreK-6, Coed TEL 617-442-2660 FAX 617-442-3775 Email: adutson@missiongrammar.org Web: http://missiongrammar.org/ Principal Ms. Aliece Dutson Pastoral Region: Central Sacred Heart 1035 Canterbury Street Roslindale MA 02131 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: PreK-8, Coed TEL 617-323-2500 FAX 617-325-7151 Email: mhaldiman@sacredheart-boston.org Web: www.sacredheart-boston.org Principal Ms. Monica Haldiman Pastoral Region: Central Saint Brendan 29 Rita Road Dorchester MA 02124 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: PreK-6, Coed TEL 617-282-3388 FAX 617-822-9152 Email: mburke@stbrendanschool.org Web: www.stbrendanschool.org Principal Ms. Maura Burke Pastoral Region: Central Saint Columbkille 25 Arlington Street Brighton MA 02135 Sponsor: Private Elementary: PreK-8, Coed TEL 617-254-3110 FAX 617-254-3161 Email: wgartside@stcps.org Web: http://stcps.org/ Head of School Mr. William Gartside Pastoral Region: Central Saint John 9 Moon Street Boston MA 02113 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: PreK-8, Coed TEL 617-227-3143 FAX 617-227-2188 Email: kmclaughlin@sjsne.com Web: www.sjsne.com Principal Ms. Karen McLaughlin Pastoral Region: Central Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy - Columbia 790 Columbia Road Dorchester MA 02125 Sponsor: Private Elementary: KO-8, Coed TEL 617-265-0019 x7101 FAX 617-288-1372 Email: csheridan@sjp2ca.org Web: https://sjp2ca.edlioschool.com/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=415994&type=d&pREC_ID=912948 Principal Ms. Claire Sheridan Pastoral Region: Central Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy - Lower Mills 2214 Dorchester Avenue Dorchester MA 02124 Sponsor: Private Elementary: K0-8, Coed TEL 617-265-0019 x7177 FAX 617-296-0144 Email: lwarshafsky@sjp2ca.org Web: https://sjp2ca.edlioschool.com/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=415995&type=d&pREC_ID=912949 Principal Ms. Lisa Warshafsky Pastoral Region: Central Saint John Paul II Catholic Academy - Neponset 239 Neponset Avenue Dorchester MA 02122 Sponsor: Private Elementary: KO-8, Coed TEL 617-265-0019 x7127 FAX 617-288-3432 Email: ncuomo@sjp2ca.org Web: https://sjp2ca.edlioschool.com/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=415997&type=d&pREC_ID=912964 Principal Mr. Nick Cuomo Pastoral Region: Central Saint Patrick 131 Mount Pleasant Avenue Roxbury MA 02119 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: PreK-8, Coed TEL 617-427-3881 FAX 617-427-4529 Email: tsawyer@stpatrickschoolroxbury.org Web: www.saintpatsroxbury.com Principal Ms. Tiffany Sawyer Pastoral Region: Central Saint Theresa of Avila 40 St. Theresa Avenue West Roxbury MA 02132 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: PreK-6, Coed TEL 617-323-1050 FAX 617-323-8118 Email: jleahy@sttheresaschoolboston.com Web: http://sttheresaschoolboston.com/ Principal Ms. Jean Leahy Pastoral Region: Central South Boston Catholic Academy 866 East Broadway South Boston MA 02127 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: PreK-6, Coed TEL 617-268-2326 FAX 617-268-7269 Email: h.civian@sbcatholicacademy.org Web: www.sbcatholicacademy.org Principal Ms. Helenann Civian Pastoral Region: Central Abington Saint Bridget 455 Plymouth Street Abington MA 02351 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: K1-8, Coed TEL 781-878-8482 FAX 781-871-4471 Email: mcollins@stbridgetschool.us Web: www.stbridgetschool.us Principal Mr. Matthew Collins Pastoral Region: South Andover Saint Augustine 26 Central Street Andover MA 01810 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: PreK-8, Coed TEL 978-475-2414 FAX 978-470-1327 Email: podea@staugustineandover.org Web: http://www.edline.net/pages/staugustineandover Principal Ms. Paula O'Dea Pastoral Region: Merrimack Arlington Saint Agnes 39 Medford Street Arlington MA 02474 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: K1-8, Coed TEL 781-643-9031 FAX 781-643-2834 Email: coglesby@saintagnesschool.us Web: www.saintagnesschool.com Principal Ms. Caitlin Oglesby Pastoral Region: North Beverly The Saints Academy 111 New Balch Street Beverly MA 01915 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: PreK - 8, Coed TEL 978-922 0048 FAX 978-927-6694 Email: kfernald@saintsacademy.org Web: https://www.saintsacademy.org/ Principal Ms. Kelly Fernald Pastoral Region: North Braintree Saint Francis of Assisi 850 Washington Street Braintree MA 02184 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: PreK-8, Coed TEL 781-848-0842 FAX 781-356-5309 Email: bcote@sfab.org Web: http://www.sfab.org/sfabschool/ Principal Mr. Brian Cote Pastoral Region: South Brockton Trinity Catholic Academy - Lower 631 North Main Street Brockton MA 02301 Sponsor: Private Elementary: PreK-3, Coed TEL 508-583-6231 FAX 508-583-6229 Email: kblanchette@tcabrockton.org Web: http://www.trinitycatholicacademybrockton.org/index.aspx Principal Ms. Kristin Blanchette Pastoral Region: South Trinity Catholic Academy - Upper 37 Erie Avenue Brockton MA 02302 Sponsor: Private Elementary: 4-8, Coed TEL 508-583-6225 FAX 508-583-6229 Email: sdegnan@tcabrockton.org Web: http://www.trinitycatholicacademybrockton.org/index.aspx Principal Ms. Susan Degnan Pastoral Region: South Brookline Saint Mary of the Assumption 67 Harvard Street Brookline MA 02445 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: PreK-8, Coed TEL 617-566-7184 FAX 617-731-4078 Email: tkirk@stmarys-Brookline.org Web: http://www.stmarys-brookline.org/pages/St_Mary_of_the_Assumption_ES Principal Doctor Theresa Kirk Pastoral Region: Central Cambridge Saint Paul Choir School 29 Mount Auburn Street Cambridge MA 02138 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: 4-8, Male TEL 617-868-8658 FAX 617-354-7092 Email: thaferd@saintpaulschoirschool.us Web: https://saintpaulschoirschool.us/ Principal Mr. Tom Haferd Pastoral Region: Central Saint Peter 96 Concord Avenue Cambridge MA 02138 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: K1-8, Coed TEL 617-547-0101 FAX 617-441-8911 Email: Sdegnan@saint-peter-school.org Web: www.saint-peter-school.org Principal Ms. Susan Degnan Pastoral Region: Central Canton Saint John the Evangelist 696 Washington Street Canton MA 02021 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: K0-8, Coed TEL 781-828-2130 FAX 781-828-7563 Email: Chris.Flieger@sjscanton.org Web: http://www.sjscanton.org/ Principal Doctor Chris Flieger Pastoral Region: South Chelsea Saint Rose of Lima 580 Broadway Chelsea MA 02150 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: PreK-8, Coed TEL 617-884-2626 FAX 617-889-2345 Email: mbutler@strosechelsea.com Web: www.strosechelsea.com Principal Ms. Michele Butler Pastoral Region: North Danvers Saint Mary of the Annunciation 14 Otis Street Danvers MA 01923 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: PreK-8, Coed TEL 978-774-0307 FAX 978-750-4852 Email: sburrill@smadanvers.org Web: www.stmaryschooldanvers.org Interim Principal Ms. Sharon Burrill Pastoral Region: North Everett Saint Anthony of Padua 54 Oakes Street Everett MA 02149 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: PreK-8, Coed TEL 617-389-2448 FAX 617-389-3769 Email: mgiggie@saseverett.com Web: www.saseverett.com Principal Ms. Maria Giggie Pastoral Region: North Framingham Saint Bridget 832 Worcester Road Framingham MA 01702 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: K1-8, Coed TEL 508-875-0181 FAX 508-875-9552 Email: cchaves@saintbridgetschool.info Web: www.saintbridgetschool.info Principal Ms. Cathleen Chaves Pastoral Region: West Haverhill Sacred Hearts 31 South Chestnut Street Haverhill MA 01835 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: PreK-8, Coed TEL 978-372-5451 FAX 978-372-1110 Email: kblain@sacredheartsbradford.org Web: http://www.sacredheartsbradford.org/Home.html Principal Ms. Kathleen Blain Pastoral Region: Merrimack Hingham Saint Paul 18 Fearing Road Hingham MA 02043 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: K1-8, Coed TEL 781-749-2407 FAX 781-740-1262 Email: lfasano@spshingham.org Web: www.stpaulschoolhingham.com Principal Ms. Lisa Fasano Pastoral Region: South Holbrook Saint Joseph 143 South Franklin Street Holbrook MA 02343 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: KO-8, Coed TEL 781-767-1544 FAX 781-767-3975 Email: merritt@stjosephholbrook.com Web: www.stjosephholbrook.com Principal Doctor Corinne Merritt Pastoral Region: South Kingston Sacred Heart 399 Bishops Highway Kingston MA 02364 Sponsor: Private Elementary: 1-6, Coed TEL 781-585-2114 FAX 781-585-6993 Email: Smorgan@sacredheartkingston.com Web: https://www.sacredheartkingston.com/page ** Interim Principal Ms. Shaun Morgan Pastoral Region: South Lawrence Lawrence Catholic Academy 101 Parker Street Lawrence MA 01843 Sponsor: Private Elementary: PreK-8, Coed TEL 978-683-5822 FAX 978-683-1165 Email: jhernandez@lawrencecatholicacademy.org Web: http://www.lawrencecatholicacademy.net/ Principal Mr. Jorge Hernandez Pastoral Region: Merrimack Lowell Immaculate Conception 218 East Merrimack Street Lowell MA 01852 Sponsor: Parish Elementary: PreK-8, Coed TEL 978-454-5339 FAX 978-454-6593 Email: c_fiorino62@yahoo.com Web: www.icslowell.com Principal Ms. Catherine Fiorino Pastoral Region: Merrimack Lowell Catholic 486 Stevens Street Lowell MA 01851 Sponsor: Private Elementary: PreK -8, Coed TEL 978-452-1794 FAX 978-452-5646 Email: dprice@lowellcatholic.org Web: http://www.crusaderclub.org/s/400/16/start.aspx Associate Principal Mr. Dan Price Pastoral Region: Merrimack Saint Louis 77 Boisvert Street Lowell MA 01850