Spring Bulletin 2018
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CIF-SS BULLETIN VOL. 80, NO. 3 SPRING 2018 For Full CIF-SS Winter Playoff Results See pages 7-10, 12, 15-20 Serving High School Athletics Since 1913 Page 2 CIF-SS BULLETIN -- Spring 2018 CIF-SS COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES ing staff member at the school of enroll- January 24, 2018 ment. Current policy prohibits athletic eligibility when the student is hosted by 1. OPENING BUSINESS Crestview League Representative, who a coach either paid or voluntary. A. Call to order by Carter Paysinger, gave the history on why this proposal 4. Proposed Bylaw Revision 504.M President of the Council: - Call to order was reintroduced after narrowly being – Day of Respite - Proposal requests at 9:06 a.m. defeated last April. Motion and 2nd a change in how an alternate day of re- B. Pledge of Allegiance to approve Discussion: None Motion spite would be determined. The schools C. Roll Call passed 51-31-0 that do submit paperwork for an alter- D.Introduction of Guests - Brian Sey- 2. Proposed Revision to 21-Day Sum- nate day of respite would identify an mour – CIF State Offi ce - Steve Fryer mer Dead Period - Proposal was pre- actual 24-hour time period, not simply a – Orange County Register sented by Jeff Williams, Golden League day, i.e. Saturday. E. Adopt Agenda - Motion and 2nd to Representative. Motion and 2nd to ap- 5. Proposed Bylaw 502 – Competi- approve the agenda as written. Motion prove. Discussion: None Motion passed tion vs. Non-CIF Member School - The passed 69-1-3 80-2-0 Commissioners Committee is propos- F. Approval of Minutes 4. NON-ACTION ITEMS ing a revision to further clarify who a 1. Minutes of the October 3, 2017 A. STATE FEDERATED COUNCIL CIF member school is allowed to play. Council Meeting - Motion and 2nd to NON-ACTION ITEMS Schools outside of California must be approve the minutes as written. Motion 1. Proposed 2018-19 State BudgetNo members in good standing with their passed 74-0-2 CIF State Budget submitted at this time. respective State Association and must 2. PUBLIC HEARING SESSION 2. CIF President Elect and Execu- also be eligible to compete in that State A. Recognition of anyone wishing to tive Committee Nominations - Southern Association’s Championships. address the Council. - -Speakers must Section President-Elect, Dr. Monica 6. Proposed Bylaw 2001.B Revisions limit their remarks to three minutes. - Colunga, agreed to have her name for- – Football Full Contact Allowance - Pro- Tim Ballaret – Special Olympics and warded for consideration for President- posal calls for a reduction of full con- Unifi ed Sports. His goal it to help bring Elect of the CIF Executive Committee. tact football practice from 180 minutes Unifi ed Sports to the high school cam- 3. Proposed Bylaw 208.A(4) - Foreign per week to 90 minutes per week bro- pus. Tim gave a brief description on Exchange Programs Host Famil - This ken into no more than 45 minutes per how the activity or event can look on proposal would allow for Limited Eligibil- day, twice a week. The time limitation the individual campus. Grant funding is ity for a Foreign Exchange student who applies only to full contact. A possible available and he is simply here to make resides with a paid or volunteer coach- See COUNCIL on next page. schools aware and off er his services. Gary Bohamed – Water Boy Sports California Interscholastic Federation – Proud sponsor of the CIF Southern Southern Section Section. They are here today to pro- 10932 Pine Street mote their product and they brought with them today a sample of the prod- Los Alamitos, CA 90720 uct and how it works. The product is (562) 493-9500 * FAX (562) 493-6266 designed to provide a healthy way to fi ll water bottles during an athletic event OFFICERS without removing the lid. Carter Paysinger, Consultant 3. ACTION ITEMS Las Virgenes USD, President A. STATE FEDERATED COUNCIL ACTION ITEMS Dr. Monica Colunga, Principal 1. Proposed Revision to Bylaw 207 Irvine High School, President-Elect – Transfer Eligibility, International Stu- dents - Motion and 2nd to approve. Dis- Jim Monico, Liaison Dir. of Athletics cussion: A question was asked about Paramount High School, Past-President the additional language added in Bylaw 207.A(3) which reads, “Evidence that Jeff Jordan, Dir. of Educational Services multiple students have transferred or Walnut Valley USD, Treasurer changed schools to participate in a par- ticular sports program at one school.” Rob Wigod, Commissioner of Athletics (CIF Bylaw 510E) Motion passed 60-20-2 2. Proposed Elimination of Bylaw BULLETIN EDITOR 1605 – Basketball Coaching Box - Mo- Thom Simmons, Assistant Commissioner tion and 2nd to approve. Discussion: None Motion passed 81-0-1 EDITORIAL ASSISTANT B. SOUTHERN SECTION ACTION Anita Fopma, Program Coordinator ITEMS 1. Proposed Revision to 2018-2019 Photos provided by Heston Quan Sports Calendar – Baseball/Softball - Bulletin published three times yearly by CIF Southern Section Proposal was presented by Tom Fox, CIF-SS BULLETIN -- Spring 2018 Page 3 COUNCIL number of required regular Executive schools. Ontario Christian High School Committee meetings from six to fi ve. and Moorpark High School were the (Continued from page 2) revision and clearer defi nition may be With the move from four Council meet- two schools recognized for their eff orts brought forward as to the defi nition of ings to three several years ago there toward this program from the Fall sea- “full contact”. is no longer a need for the Executive son and each will be receiving $1,000 7. Proposed Bylaw Revisions 211 and Committee to meet six times each year. grants from the Southern Section offi ce. 303 – Continuation School - The Com- 4. Proposed Revision to Bylaw Rob announced that the Hall of Fame/ missioners Committee is proposing a 2003.3 - Use of Full Pads on First Day of Distinguished Service and Champions revision to Bylaws 211, Continuation Practice - This revision would allow the for Character Award nominations are School Eligibility, and Bylaw 303, Multi- use of full pads on the fi rst allowable day both due by May 1. The Champions for School Membership, that would revise of fall practice provided that the require- Character Golf tournament held at Rio the athletic eligibility of students who ment of three mandatory conditioning Hondo Golf Club that supports this pro- attend a Continuation High School. Stu- days is met prior to that day. gram will be on June 19, 2018. Rob con- dents could not use this as an avenue 5. Proposed Revision to Bylaw 2021.3 tinued by lauding CFO Mitch Carty for toward eligibility if they were placed in and all sports sections - This revision his work on our behalf in the fi nancial the Continuation School due to a disci- would allow the required three weeks area. Finally, Mr. Wigod is very pleased plinary issue. This proposal is an out- of the Summer Dead Period not to be with the active discussions that take come and direction from the Federated taken consecutively. place at Council Meetings on various Council Roundtable discussions held in 6. Proposed Revision to Bylaw 3303 agenda items. This feedback is critical January, 2017. – Water Polo Host Teams - This revision in understanding particular proposals 8. Proposed Bylaw Revision 201.A.4 would allow in the sport of Water Polo, and shows that we are doing what is - The proposed bylaw revision would Division 1 only, the higher overall seed best for the membership and the stu- allow coaches to communicate directly will remain the home team for all rounds dent-athletes. with incoming 9th grade students/par- throughout the Southern Section play- 6. ADVANCE PLANNING ents beginning May 1st who have reg- off s. A. DATES istered for classes at the CIF member 7. CIF Southern Section Executive 1. February 14, 2018 – Executive school and, in the case of a private Committee Nominations - Mike West, Committee Meeting, Teleconference school, paid a non-refundable registra- Principal of ML King HS, and Dr. Nan- 2. March 20, 2018 – Executive Com- tion fee. cy Kelly, Superintendent Upland USD, mittee Meeting, CIF Southern Section 9. Proposed Bylaw 207.B(5).c(viii).e were introduced as President-Elect Offi ces, Los Alamitos, Move – Return to Previous School - By- Candidates for the position of Southern California, 1:00 p.m. law 207.B. (5).c. (viii). (e) Regarding Re- Section President-Elect for 2018-2020. 3. March 22, 2018 – CIF Southern turn to Previous School without partici- 5. REPORTS Section Council Meeting, The Grand, pation is presently listed under Hardship A. Treasurer’s Report - Jeff Jordan - Long Beach, Waivers in the Blue Book. The Commis- Treasurer Jeff Jordan noted that as of California, 9:00 a.m. sioners Committee is recommending this date the Southern Section shows 4. May 9, 2018 – Executive Commit- moving the bylaw to a more appropriate a net income of $692,000. Football tee Meeting, TBD, 1:00 p.m. place in CIF Bylaw 207, Transfer Eligibil- revenue sharing is $454,239 to mem- 7. ADJOURNMENT ity, Non-Participation. ber schools, while Volleyball revenue A. Time of Adjournment B. SOUTHERN SECTION NON-AC- shares to schools is $37,541. 10:58am TION ITEMS B. President’s Report - Carter Pay- 1. Proposed 2018-2019 Southern singer - President Carter Paysinger fo- Submitted by: Section Budget - Mitch Carty presented cused on the role of the athletic trainers Mike Middlebrook , Assistant Commis- the proposed 2018-2019 Southern Sec- and the need for a site action plan for sioner tion 18-19 Budget. Mitch explained that each sport. He then reminded all mem- sports revenue continues to remain fl at.