TUESDAY. JANUARY 26,1942 r:^’r'^ iHttttrbrBtrr £v«nitio iIrrttUi Give Your Donation Today to the **March of Dimes Emergency Doctor | To Open Local »ut Town Most Business Town Meeting Favors Averace Daily CireuIatloB The Weather Dr. Howard Boyd of the d i f l t 'T P ’ ^ FMsoset of U. 8 . Weather Borsaa toancheater Medical aasociatioii Branch Office For the Meath o t Dseeailisr. IMS i ___ I i >tf«i*»i« liOdM Win unite will respond to emergency calls Places Closed tomorrow afternoon. ' m DftvtO pngm in to Odd Fel* - Motor Vehicle Depart­ ztiA aH rnpB ipr iciiF n xiiH itiF ruvii tonight. . ^ rrUtoy avuntof. All mem- Town Goes Through Its nirmhtr o t Iha Audit manner in which the Police Com­ I o f both lod(M w eordtolly ' ■Private Jamea Maher who is Representatives Are In­ ment to Be at Ameri­ Buraaa o t Orealatloas . . . * 1 to sttoBd this get-together. home on a furiough will be in­ First Heatless Monday: missioners might be removed from A ^ stalled as senior warden, at the structed to Present Bill office, said that the Board- of can Legion Home. Street Deserted. Police Commissioners was created meeting of Manchester Lodge of (FOURTEEN PA(^ES) PRICE THREE CENTS Masons this evening in the In A^<5embly; 5 0 0 by a legislative act and that the (Cfauwlfled Advertlataig tm Pagu U ) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1943 HW^aeeTtKto’e v e n ^ m T ^ home Manchester went through its members could only be removed The Motor Vehicle Department VOL. LXIL, NO. 100 Masonic Temple. will open Its temporary branch of­ t Miss Itatjofle hOtelutl, W Fslr- first heatless Monday yesterday Attend Session. from office for malfeasance, for failure to perform the duties of fice in Manchester at the Ameri­ Mr. and Mrs. William Bpacek with about 90 per cent of the busi­ can Legion home on Leonard and teughter, Mary, of 325 Hilla- Manchester's Representatives to their office as required for an act , I ta n ie Chapter N a 58, Order of ness houses closing in answer to the General Assembly were offi­ or acts against the laws of the street on Wednesday, February town r o ^ , attend^ the gradua­ 17 and continue through imtU ;1Im Xsstem Star, wiU meet tomor- tion of their son rnd brother Frank the request of Gov. Raymond E. cially instriicted by a special town State. E? fow evening at 7:45 sharp, llie F'ebruary 27 it was announced to­ Five Nominations War Plan for 1943 Baldwin. Some of the places that meeting last night that the Board Spacek, from the Administration Immediately after the tally of day. . This office will serve Man­ ~ itT*** win include the initiation class of the Officer Candidate of Police Commissioners should remained open did so because they the standing vote. Judge Hyde chester and vicinity in renewing e ( candidates. A birthday party School, Fort Washington, Md., on be increased from three members called for a motion to adjourn, it wm fOUow to charge of the past J^uary 13. He was commissioned had to heat apartments above to five. automobile licenses for the com­ their stores. For the most part, was made, seconded and the special ing year. ■matrons of the chapter. The meet- a Second Lieutenant. He has been The meeting was held in a set- | town meeting, the best attended in Made by Baldwin I'-ing tomorrow e v e ^ g and here- spending a 10 days furiough here. however, the request of the gover­ ting reminiscent of seversl years Office Hours V to 5 nor was heeded. Today the State years was over. Mapped in Historic tfter will open promptly at 7;45 in ago when the Taxpayers' League Passenger automobiles will, as Um effort to conserve heat Mr. and Mrs. William Kinne, of theater will be closed, but the Cir­ was active and before the m ating cle, which closed yesterday, will be Meeting Highlights usual, receive inserts to replace Bucklan^ have received word was called to order over 500 peo­ the 1942 registration plates. YES, AND THAT HOLDS TRUE On Judges Voted open for buslnesa The crowd came for a Roman Due to the fuel shortage, the that their son, William, Jr., has ple were seated, with several holiday but nothing happened. It msrclal vehicles will also receive toothers Circle of S t Gerard will been transferred to Will Rogers Rather Close Wednesday score standing. There was a growing sentiment reminded one of going to a widely an insert this year whlck will be • OF POULTRY, TOO pObtpone its meetings until further Field, Oklahoma City, Okla. He is Very Brief Session advertised boxing bout only to placed on the old plate. Shortage Conference that the stores should be closed on Senate Confirms With­ 10-Day notice. an aircraft mechanic. The entire biisinesa of the meet­ have it end in the first round. In of materials necessitated this Poultry is in a greater demand and is brimming: better Wednesday Instead of Monday. It ing was conducted within 13 min­ A ccord Seen was pointed out that the stores fact It did end in the first round move it was announced. Office out Debate; House Al­ S t Margaret's Circle. Daugh­ utes and the vote on the proposal and there was a lot of disappointed hours will be from nine to five prices than ever before. F eed... ters c t Isabella, will have a card close on Saturday night and re­ was 278 votes in favor and 36 faces filing out of the High School each day through the period men­ main closed until Monday morn­ so Acts Quickly; Al­ Roosevelt and Churchill . p u ty for members and their Nursing Unit against the enlargement of the auditorium when it was over. TTje tioned above. On Strategy ' friends this evening at the home of ing and that the buildings would police board. Judge William S. end came abruptly. corn Among List; j Wide Differences Attend Parleys Aimed . tors. Henry F. Gruessner. 325 Cen­ not be so hard to heat if they re­ Kyde was elected moderator and MOON^S FEEDS ter street. Playing wlU begin at Is Organized opened on Monday and took all held the meeting strictly in order Comment before the meeting House Delays Action i For Victory At Forcing Uncondi­ day Wednesday off. Police Commission 7:80, and Miss Stephanie Tunsky to the business at hand. The total centered around the call of the On Pay-as-Go Plea. tional Surrender ol and her committee will be in It was said that if the closing vote taken by standing count, was meeting and there were plenty of On Parley Results charge. The drawing on the wool periods were Sunday and Wednes­ predictions that a lot of dirt would , / o r Best Results Offices Elected and Cer* day, in view of the fact that Wed­ 314. To Meet Tonight Defeat of md , Japan, Italy; . blanket will ta l» place at this Selectmen Favor Increase be scattered around before the State Capitol, Hartford, Meeting, and all returns should be tificates Are Presented nesday was only a half-day it meeting was over. The crowd came Allied Heads Separate would not work a hardship on the The meeting was called to or­ Jan. 27.— (/P)— The Senate Germany , First and Marked Approval for sent in. der and Chairman David Cham­ early and went home the same The Board of Police Commis­ To the Members. owners and would conserve more way. Exactly thirteen minutes af­ sioners will meet tonight to take confirmed without debate to­ Japm Second^ Euro- Expect More T o Put Global Strat­ fuel. As far as could be learped bers of the Board of Selectmen Declaration Complete „ There will be a meeting o t the read the call. The Selectmen ter the meeting opened it was all further action on the new police day five nominations recently little or no complaints Wbre regis­ over. manual. It consists of 22 type­ LARSEN’S FEED SERVICE pern Drive Agreed. egy into Execution* ' VFW Chib this evening at the There 'was a large attendance at were reported in favor of the mo­ m ^ e by Governor Baldwin Agreement* Reached tered. Main street was deserted VFW Home following the Auxil­ the meeting of students and gradu­ tion and the increase of member­ written pages and it is expected it 38 DEPOT SQUARE PHONE 5406 to high judicial posts, includ­ .Vital Actions iary meeting. A short meeting of ates of the Home Nursing groups yesterday. ship of the Police Board. One voter, standing near the will be adopted after which about Washington, Jan. 27.—(JP)—A On 1943 War Plans. Casablanca, French Moroc­ front of the hall after the meeting, 200 •■opiea will b« printed. The last ing that of his executive sec­ the officers of the club will precede held at the Y last evening. Mra Walter Mahonby tried to put supreme strategy of victory call co, Jan. 27.—^/P)— A master the membership meeting. Betty Mcllduff presided. remarked "all that waa needed manual was printed about 15 years retary, Howard W. Alcorn, as After Parley through a motion for repeal of here tonight was the whistle of a ago and since many new streets Washington, Jan. 27.— (^) war plan for 1943 aimed at Mrs. Marjorie Eldridge. execu­ Delivering Coal the present special act under iT Su^rioV Court judge, th e I mg for the defeat of Italy and tolantanomoh Tribe No. 58. I. tive secretary, presented National steam engine." He meant, perhaps, have been opened that-do not ap­ Alcorn nomination was approved Germany - first and Japan second — Highly praised in most forcing the unconditional sur­ which the town operates and abol­ that the motion was Steam roller- pear then in the old manual. O. R. to., will hold its regular Red Cross certificates to those re­ ish the present police commission, by a aecret ballot vote of 29 to L and providing for a general Euro­ quarters, minimized in some, Parliament Members render of Germany, Japan j Meeting and Installation of offi- cently completing the Standard To School Plant ed through, but such was not the The board will also act tonight v 7 the precedent-shattering Cas­ but his motion was voted down case. Judge William S. Hyde con­ on the purchase of two new auto­ AU o f the others were confirmed pean offensive as soon as possible Confident Develop* and Italy has been mapped ‘ eers in the Zipser club on Brain- Home Nursing Course under the decisively. Richard Martin tried unanimously. Confirmed with Al- after conclusion of the African ablanca meeting of President in a historic 10-day confei> ard place tomorrow night at 8 auspices of the Manchester Chap­ formed strictly to the call. mobiles. They will cost about $300 to get an explanation concerning more than was allotted for this cop» were Supreme Court Justice campaign was believed in authori­ •Tclock. ter and gave an interesting talk on Although held up by certain Roo^velt and Prime Minis­ ments pf ' Utmost Im­ ence among President Booses the reason for enlarging the police It was the biggest special town purpose last fall. Allyn I* Brown of Norwich and tative quarters today to have been the local activities of the group. parts ordered for the boilers to board from three to five, but no Superior Court Judges John R. agreed upon by President Roose­ ter Churchill drew from offi­ portance WiU Appear. velt. Prime Minister Church­ She expressed the hope that a per­ meeting since the Taxpayers ill and a score of top-flight mili­ The Women's Home Lieague of convert the heating plant on one answered him. Reverting to League opposed the East Centor Booth of New Haven. Kenneth velt and Prime Minister Church­ cial Washington today wide fh< Salvation Army will meet to­ manent organization of the Home School street from oil to coal, the AUCK COFRAN tary and supply leaders, and te- the original motion, the standing street improvement ~^suc ■ some Wynne of New Haven, and Eld- ill. differences of opinion on the London, Jon. 27—(IP)—^Members morrow afternoon in the Junior Nursing unit might be formed. coal to be used when the change vote was taken after the chair (Hnowu As Queen Alice) ward J. Quinlan of Norwalk, all This would amount in effect to day the Allied heads had separat­ thirteen years ago. That meeting Italian and (German soldiers, taken prisoner b y Allied forces near TripoH, march toward the extent of its accomplishments. o t Parliament expressed confi­ hall as usual, and it Is'hoped the This was done and the follow­ over is made, is being delivered. It was In doubt on the voice vote. SPIRITUAL MEDIUM to succeed themselves to the $12,- an affirmation o f plans already in ed to put their global stniqi^ packed the auditorium and when it Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son rear. The prisoners have been separated, with the Italians in front and Germans behind. This Is While some congressmen read in­ "waather will be favorable for a ing officers were elected: Mrs. was estimated on December 14 To File Skeleton Bill was called to order, voters were 000-a-year posts. process of execution, it was said, to last night's announcement of dence today that developments of “into active and concerted execo- . lacge attendance. There will be Betty Mcllduff, president; Mra when the change was voted that it Bom With a Veil. i an official British picture, radioed from Cairo to New York. Concurring with the vote of the lined up, down to the street. Speedy Actloa to House but would mean additionally that the meeting a settlement of North the utmost importance would ap­ Uon.” ' plenty of work for alL The League Nathalie McIntosh, vice pnsident; would require 642 tons of coal Readings Dally, Including Sunday,' the leaders of the two great Allied Breaks More TnUUtton* towp meeting a skeleton bill filed 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appolnt- All o f the Judg:esblp resolutions African political differences, oth­ pear—and unexpectedly noon— has also on hand woric for the Mrs. Claire Comlns, treasurer; from January 1. It was expected recently' under the time limit of western powers also had made at President Roosevelt, bresktag Miss Madeline Smith, secretary. that the change over would be menL In toe Servlee of the Peo­ were immediately sent under sus' ers, such as Senator Nye (R., N. from the dramatic Casablanca con­ hieal hospital which is urgently the General Assembly for submit­ least a rough allocation of their D.), expressed disappointment more traditions, flew 6,000 mllei Mseded. Tea will be served. A committee, congisUng of Mrs. completed during the Christmas ple for SO Years. | pension of the rules to the House ference of President Roosevelt and ting proposed legislation, « ’U1 be resources among the three main that a united French front was for the meeting that b e g u Jeff. J. 8 . Brown, Mrs. Frederick Perry vacation, but such did not prove to 169 Chnrdh Street, Hartford, Conn. where they were speedily con' theaters of war—the AUantlc-Eu- completed calling for the repeal OLD Pbone 6-0097 Russian Ukase of Doom Lies not "announced aa a fact.” Prime Minister ChiuchllL 14 and ended last Stmday with a ' Rad Ctoas surgical dreaaings and Mrs. T. E. Brosnan, was nam­ be the case and nearly a month firmed. ropean, Russian and Pacific-Ast­ press conference on the sunny ed to draw up by-laws for the or-' of that portion of the special acts Judge Booth, like the other four There was marked approval, Buoyant and good natured, they Mill be made tomcwrow from 10:00 has gone since. No trouble has under which the Town of Man­ atic. expected to hear an early report lawn o f a villa in Casablaaca'6 'SL M. to 4:80 p. m. in the American ganisation. A social hour followed been experienced so far in getting RECORDS nominees, were named for eight too. for the declaration from the chester operates, thereby Increas­ .Must be turned to tor sal­ The actual application of this On Nazis Caught in Pockets leaders of the two nations that of the trip from the prime minis­ outakirts near the Atlantic bm fc- e new ones. TOR SALE B Y es the mandatory retirement age reached on 1943 war plans design­ o can eome for aU day or only board, there will be difficulty after chiefs of staff of British and gic decisions which were reached. vember. February 7. three to five members. 81/2O each puid for old rec­ of 70. The veteran Jurist 'wiU then ed to bring about “ unconditional A part o f the time. Those volun- All of the members of the Police American forces. Their declslona i Time Limit of Two to Churchill also flew to toe ren­ rtag for the first thne are ad- ords Irrespective of quantity. be succeeded by Alcorn, member surrender” of the Axis. Praine Roosevelt's Courag* Board were present last night to would be made, if they have not Members praised Mr. Roosevelt's dezvous which found Gen, Charlea ad ta being a wash dress or Last WPA Project CLARKE of one of Connecticut’s best known in some instances been made al­ Yankees Clinch Hold I Three Days Set for Brings Mostly Acclamation De Gaulle, Fighting French lead­ see the town take action on the legal famiUes. By and large, the historic ses­ courage in making the Journey and asasrall apron, and something to To Start Sale police controversy In a decisive ready, on such questions as the er, and Gen. Henri Giraud, Freaeh amrer their heads. KEMP'S YOU WOULDN’T WEAR THE CLOTHES OF THE AIcx)m is the son of Former 11 I Extinction in Spe- sion brought acclamation for its many suggested that he ■visit manner—about ten to one. organization and launching of an "stlmulat- Britain. North African high eommissloner, Ended in Town Inc. NINETIES! State’s Attorney Hugh M. Alcorn, aerial offensive' against Nazi Eu­ daring,” ''inspiring,” Judge Answers Question 763 Mala St. TeL 5680 (Jll UllSSCltia V alley j dal Red communique. and “thrlU- New hope surged throughout getting together for negoUattona Of Tobacco Today Sr... and a brother of Hartford rope from AfricA as well as from ing.” "encouraging," to put a French Army, Navy, and Judge Hyde, In reply to a ques­ Then why be satisfied with an old fashioned, cumbersome mort­ county's present state's attorney, tog” objectives. Britain as the ringing demand for tion put to him concerning the Elnglsnd, and when and where to "unconditional surrender” of the Air Force into toe field for pow. The last WPA project in Man­ a g e! A modem Manchester Building A Loan Associntlon direct Hugh M. Alcorn. Jr. London, Jan. 27.— (/P)— A A few' congressmen tempered reduction mortgage enables yon to really enjoy yonr home, while invade the continent with ground Axis and the promise of a coordi­ erful blows agatost the Axia. MNEHURST chester ended today. It was the The sale of shade grown tobacco Namod Couaty Comsnlssloaers troops. Soviet ukase of doom lay to­ approval with expressilons of re­ Working day and nlgbt, toa Job of removing the rails on Cen­ yon pay for It. Your equity increases every month, la addiUon, Briifak Eighth Army on Mincrs Plan gret that China’s Generalissimo nated, smashing campaign to 1943 opened in the different warehouses { It’s handy to have the mortgage right here In town — yon don't The Senate also adopted resolu­ Ail that waa actually and con day on 12,000 German troops reached this war-boimd island. President and prime minister wera WEDNESDAY... ter street. The work was done in this section today. It does n o t. tions naming George N. McKendry cretely known here about the Heels of Retreating, Chiang Kai-Shek and Russia’s attended by virtually toe entira with the State Highway depart­ • AY":- f'v.cj-;: have to chase all over the country to pay It or find out about IL caught in two pockets in Premier Stalin were not present. Following closely the tremen­ Store Goses At Noon. mean that all of the tobacco is Talk with us about refinancing that old mortgage. , and EMward S. Blrge Fairfield military aspects of the historic dous lift provided by the greet war staffs o f both nations, incluil- ment as sponsor and the warm ready for sale as there is still county commissioners, and Ernest Rommel Corps; Air-! To Ask New front of Stalingrad, the Others praising the purpose of the tog aU toe service heads, and they Orders received by 8:30 G. E. WILLIS & SON, INC. meeting, said the announcement Russian victories and the destruc­ weather yesterday gave an oppor­ much that has not been taken R. Ferguson as sheriff of Middle (Continued On Page F1\'e) drome Under Attack. starving, freezing remnants reached "complete agreement” on k to. Wednesdays are deUv- tunity to pour the cement in the INSURANCE BUY BONDS REGULARLY.. .BUY AN EXTRA BOND failed to tell a great deal of what tion of Mussolini’s African em­ down. The lack of help on the sex county. of Hitler’s Armies once num­ pire, the reports from Casablanca their obJecUves, it was announesd* ired on nominsr delivery. space where the rails were re­ farms this past year has delayed OFTEN! had been accomplished but added Lumber of All Kinds Ferguson, a Republican, was Wage Scale bered at 220,000 men who that waa understandable because were taken as assurance tnat Kept Advised of Frogreaa Other days orders should moved. This was finished at 10 this work. It can only be taken COVERAGE elected sheriff last November. Un- |VwrAnf-a London,' Jan. 27.— (/P)— Premier Joseph Stalin a t Btiari> o'clock this morning and after it down during a spell of damp were surrounded and then it might have revealed military plans were'ready to follow up in the day before for mom- Of All Kinds dcr the resolution approved today | VTA X j v d lL S Though decisive land fighting these victories completely smd un- and Generalissimo Chiang Kal* has been allowed to set for a few weather. \| Mason Supplies— Paint— Hardware slashed to bits by the Red Arm.v. secrets. STiek 'at China were kept advised ts f delivery. FIRE - CASUALTY - LIFE he would take office immediately has been kept to a minimum Speculation Stirred on Secretary of State Hull describ­ sttotingly. days the straw will be removed. Yesterday the weather was fa -' to succeed Sheriff EYed E. Brookes, A time limit for their extinction This will be done by men from the by rainy weather in Tunisia, ed the decisions aa "most wise and Greet Surprises Expected vorable and many of those who now serving as an interim ap­ was set by the Russians to a spe­ (Conlliioed on Page E3gll$) SHOP AT PINEHURST State Highway department. still have tobacco hanging are CLARKE INSURANCE C/^ia/ne/ieyS te/c. Yet to Come a Upited States infantry Eventual Lifting of cial communique— two to three timely” and "o f the most far- Some sections of toe press eX' There was a time when over 500 busy taking it down. pointee. reacnlng importance.” He expect­ preMed disappointment that there WEDNESDAY MORNING COAL COKE OIL Tackling the first of the minor force has clinched its hold on i Ceiling on ^Little days. Manchester persons were employ­ AGENCY BUILDING*«<^L0AN ASSOCIATION,INC Claim Conoplete Victory ed, he said, to comment soon “ on was no mention in the Roosevelt- Meat Department... court judgeships, the Senate also the Ousseltia valley, in east- some of the more vital phases." Churchill communique of a further ed on different WPA projects, but 829 Main St. Phone 3665 ------OROANIZCD APHU ------7 Out of Talks Steel’ Pay Formula. “The history of wars has never Beef Liver the one Just ended employed but 2 Main St. Tel. 5 1 2 5 1891 adopted a reisolutlon naming central Tunisia, and far to Lord Halifax. British amba-wM- unifying of the command, but It Calves’ Liver. seven. Erect Partitions Nathan Rebeck as Judge of New known the encirclement and anni­ dor to the , declared was generally believed the com­ Flashes ! Haven both for an interim term the south the British Eighth Washington, Jan. 27 — (iP) — hilation of such large numbers of Slices of Ham. PROMPT SETTLEMENT Army clung to the heels o f the re­ Casablanca speaks for itself, and munique covered many untold de­ (Late Bulletlna of tbe (JP) WlM) ending June SO and for a two-year New Chapters ^Undoubt­ Preparations of the United Mine regrular troops saturated to the Bag Sausage. In Ration Office OF CLAIMS treating Rommel Africa Corps, the Axis will learn what it mean cisions and that the greatest sur­ Advertise in The Herald— It Pays term ending In 1945. edly Will Be Writ Workers Policy committee to draft limit with modem military equip­ through 1943.’: prises were still to store. New Telephone advices from North Africa said ment,” the Russians set forth in XI Held for T rial' CAPONS DeeUnes Immediate Action new wage demands for the bitumi­ Senator Wheeler (D-Mont) a Full agreement presumably ten' in Sequel to today. There was one report that the war bulletin, os recorded by Boston. Jsn. 37—(J V -T n e a ^ Roasting Chickens Meanwhile, the Houee declined Marshal Rommel’s men had man­ frequent critic of the Roosevelt reached at the conferenc* on the Carpenters are at work at the nous industry stirred speculation the Soviet radio monitor, detailing clarification of the command to seven persons swept op In a ataifi Turkeys. Directory Out bo take immediate action on a aged to gain contact with the Tu­ foreign policy, observed that "of office of the local Rationing Board If You Hold A Certificate Story of Conferences. today that the . War Labor Board the complete victory they claim course it was a very spectacular Africa and may be disclosed soon, poUce investigation of a mnltt-nfil- Fowl. Broilers. In the Lincoln school today setting reaoluUon, adopted yeeterday in nisian Axis forces of Gen. Jurgen eventually must lift the ceiling on the Senate, memorializing Con over the besiegers of Stalingrad. thing for the president to do, but it was learned to military circles Hon doUar lottery pleaded taneeent Chicken Chop Suey. up partitions. These will keep Waahington, Jon. 27—(ip)—As­ Von Amlm. The report wss broad­ its "Little Steel” wage formula. 'We have not yet liquidated two there was nothing new In the press here. There was no Immediate to in Superior court today and wavs The new telephone directory for the crowds away from the desks greaz to enact a "pay aa you go" cast by tbe German-controUed While informed persons, whore- Please check with the W e Have income tax plan, but referred It surance from the White House that small enemy groups separated and release given out that wasn't al­ dication as to what formula was beM for triaL Dr. Harry SagaiH Manchester and Rockville is being and It is expected that it will be Paris radio last nlgbt. fused to be quoted, predicted re- isolated from each other, totalling ready known to the American peo-' sky, Boston dentist and nOeged office if you ’phone, or the distributed. The last one was is­ inatead to the Federal Relations new chapters "undoubtedly will be adopted: of much help to the workers in the Would Be in Jaws of Trap 'vislon of the formul^ they de­ in all no more than 12,000 men, Most Americans here were in­ operator of the pooL was held la meat men if yon shop in sued in Fiebruary 1942 and at that office. committee. wrtlten” in a sequel to the story of clared there is no indication that pie.” This action was taken after This was the union that Allied one to the north of Stallngmd and Effects Remain to Be Seen clined to believe that Lieut. Gen, conUnulng baU of 515,000. Ha tvaa person, for other meat cuts. time there were 46 pages of Man­ Because the allotment of tires President Roosevelt's war confer­ any liberalization of the wage lev­ the bther nearer to the central charged with promoting a flett- chester names. The present direc­ NEW TIRES Rep. Philip E. CurtU (R ) o f Nor­ leaders bad expected in tbe area Wheeler added that the effects Dwight D. Eisenhower would re­ We do not advertise items for Manchester has not as yet been | ences in North Africa left the cap­ el would come in advance of a bi­ part of the towm. Both at theae of the conference on winning the tain over-all control to Tunisia, tions lottery. AU others wei* tory has 51 pages. The average received, no report was ready of , NOTICE folk had advjsed against "hssty between Maretb, Just south of the tuminous pay decision. on which stock is limited groups are doomed and their liqui war remain to be seen. Nye said working closely with Gen. Sir Ber charged with compUrity. The baR number of names on each page is the tires approved a week ago and ■v! actimi” and had declared that if ital expectantly awaiting today Gulf of Gabes, and Foum Tata- The UMW committee meets ...o r any item until it is the House were acting on leglals- great events that would push to bouine. It would place the Axis dation is only a question of two to he had hoped that “we were going nard L. Montgomery when the lat­ of Lee Goldblatt, to whose apart­ 65 which shows a large gain In last night the board was unable to | RECAP TIRES Tuesday to consider wage de­ ment Attorney General Robert T. actually in the store. telephone users in Manchester. tion of that type instead of merely the backgroui|[d even such press­ three days" ter’s British Eighth Army moves get out all of the work that was to mands. Union officials insist the , (Conttoued on Page Two) into this theater. BushneU said the promoters had Many of the new numbers are in be passed upon, because of this We Will Recap Your Tires. Brins Them in the Morning: ing items as taxation, rationing (Continued on Page Two) The Russians listed 40,000 of increase to be sought is strictly a the force IciUed since its leaders But it would be no great sur­ quarters, was reduuced from fK - Pinehurst five digits. trouble. and You Can Have Them in the Afternoon. (Omtonied e« Page Eight) land draft ciUls. matter of guesswork until it is de­ Prer'dentiu Secretary Stephen declined to surrender Jan. 10 and prise if Gen. Sir Harold Alexander, 000 to 55,000. Wednesday Morning termined by the committee—but commander-ln-chief of the British , * • • Early told reporters: tbe most common guess is $2 a said 28,000 had been takien So far as it can be told at Armies to the Middle East, were Army Prisoner* E a c ^ Bombers Hit day. prisoner. Chinese Able FRUIT SPECIALS... Flynn Slated the. present time, the story is com­ Offesnives Continued called'to and Eisenhower returned Camp Edwards, Mass., Jan. 97. Juicy Indian River plete. Subsequent chapters un­ Any increase, the operators say, to Britain to participate In plan —(iP)—^Three prisoners slugged a would be c^ tra ry to the "Little In a regular communique early Natural Color Campbell’ s Service Station doubtedly will be written aa events today, also recorded by the Soviet To Use Help ning for the European offensive. guard, seized his loaded rifi^ Nayal Points Steel” formula unless in the mean­ Coordinate Air Attacks FLORIDA ORANGES Johnson -Built'' 'o Tell Story unfold." ’ monitor, the Russians said their overpowered an Array truck driv­ Cor. Main St. and Middle Tpk. Telephone 6161 Double Guesses Galore On E'venta time the board revises its formula A system also waa reported er and escaped from the camp to­ offensives continued on a 450-mlle 33c doz. 2 doz. fi.lc There were guesses galone as to upward. The formula, permits to w'orked out for coordinated control day. MaJ. Thomas McCabe, pro­ United States Army Air creases up to 15 per cent above front from Voronezh on the upper Have Definite Ideas on of aerial assaults on the Axis Great Large Indian River 4 Room Homes F iw lit T o a t i f v a t «venU might be, and Don river to Armarir in the upper vost marshal, said the truck we# £|®*^***® 10c each 6 for ,5.3c Day of Defense Inn ment John L. Lewis' union got a Reserve forces, bolstered by not Arrive Too Soon. (Conttoued on Page Two) STREETS IN MANCHESTER On Nazis' Homeland. tanks, are being massed by the oners, aU member*' of the anti­ Buy them by the 6 or 12 ing in Rape Trial. (Oohttmisd e« Page Three) raise from $6-to $7 a day in 1941, aircraft training center, woi* loL Grapefruit improves Thes^ houses built under F. H. A. Inspection will soon be ready which exceedseeds the formula rate, Germans on the spproaches to Ros­ for occupancy. A down payment now will permit toe buyer to London, Jan. 27.—(A')— ^United By Jame* D. White working on a detail near the oamqi if you keep them a few besides elimination of the south tov, the Russians reported. motor pool—a . section where choose the wallpaper and effect his or her own color scheme. Liqs Angeles, Jsn. 27—(P>—-To- Statea heavy bombers. Flying ern differential. Ttoe early wai* bulletin told of ■Washington, Jan. 27.—(IP)—The days. Fortresses and Liberators, at­ Planes Smash .\rniy trucks are housed. He lde»' Change In Office Hours tay was tbe day the courtroom- Deputies Find 'rae WLB allows additional in- the capture of more towms to the Chinese have pretty definite ideas tifled the men a* Private* Harry Consider these outstanding advantages and-corridor-crowdlng cluster of tacked Naval Installations in Ger­ Fresh. Cii.sp many today, it 'was autborltative- of how to use the “ full measure of Bigilin, 21: John W. Schumaker, [1] Lot Located in One of , Choice of 5 Plana Brrol Flynn film fans have been (Oonttoned on Pag* T w e ) (Gontomed on Page Twe) Japs’ Vessel 20, and James B. Card, 34, HoBM GREEN BEANS ,..q t. 22c ly announced. help” promised by President Mnnrhester’s Finest Resi­ (71 P. H. A. Financed. waiting for^ tb e o charges. Afire in Attack on The Senate Committee oB Turnips. White Onions. 15] Two Large Rooms Avail­ U-boat centers particularly were It cannot arrive too soon to suit From Center of Man­ close on Mondays for the duration of the present Dofanao Attom ey Jerry Oiesler Slaying \llien Wife them. Executive Nomination* apprewsd able On Second Floor. chester. chosen for the attack. Harbor at Rabaul. Household Specialties.., fuel emergency. Mid vaguely he had "aeveraj other Refused Him Divorce. Just what part of the Reich was C^t Nation Back on Feet They have been fighting Japan today Governor Baldwin's sels^ NOTEj Steam heat, braes plumbing and gas service In new wHwassss. but Fljmn probably will hit was not disclosed. A United since 1937, and were the first to tion of Willlsm J. Co* to succeed OLD ENGLISH |o OB the stand to tbe afternoon.” warn that unless the democracies Bulletin! himself *s state highway com m ^ Scratch Remover...... 25c construction are now out for the duration. Their pres­ Statea headquarters oommimique ence In these houses gives them extra outstanding Our office will be open from 8:00 A. M. until 6:00 EUgbt persona testUlod at the St. Louis, Jan. 37— (8>)—A 87- said: "United States Army Air Topeka, Kas.. Jan. 27.—(AV— "Too many people are looking acted they too would be attacked Washington, Jan. 37— sioner. The committee’s A ttW DlilUlt©* SftCr lO®0 Red Oil valnes. P. M. every day from Tuesday to Saturday. In- Moond day a t the defense inning year-old baker’s helper led sher­ Force Plylhg Fortreaaes (B-17s) Charles F. Kettering, an authori­ at the future from the standpoint by Japan. — American plane* Hj'ing All Day Wednesday yesterday. The day's star psrform- iff’s deputies to a wooded ravine and Libmators (B-34a) attacked ty on American research, bellwes of money or the employment situa­ Vindication of Predictions over Wake Island on a recon­ dissenter. Harrj Cohen of Harte Furniture Polish ....1 0 c ehudve. Lem on Oil ALL ONE PRICE DOWN PAYMENT ir area suave, neat mustached Fred In suburban St Louis today where Naval installattons. in Germany American know-how will get the tion. which are only factors of, the The promise of increased aid to naissance mission were at­ ford, appeared before It at a lame^ Aloysiua Melivoy, oil man they found tho wire-trussed' and CTitoa. cornea as a vindication of lie hearing to oppose the appolat- Furniture Polish . . . .10c today.” nation back on its feet after the major condition. tacked by JapaneiM pUnes, Our usual emergency service w in be available on tod psrt-tlBM actor, who dselarsd .itially burned body of his wife, "Money la Just a convenient the predictions of Chinese leaders the Na\-y reported today, but roents No Rubbing Wax Not Fnrtoor Identifiod war. • • • tost at no time during the party rs. Elwyn Lawrence, 38, missing While the targets were not fur­ The head of the General Motore method of bookkeeping. of all political complexions. returned safely t* their base. Sundays and Mondays. In All Departments Except Food sr;:since Jan. 17. Plat S9c Quart 59c In his fashionable Bsl-Air home ther Identified officially, possible Here’s how it looks from China Two Japanese Zero fighters Found Dead to Study Sberiff Arnold J. WiUman said reeearch division, who cells himself Rolee Demobilise thinking For Yonr Dog... VS950 «850 Swt Sept 37 did F)yB#go upaUlra. objectives include Bmmerhaven, an enthuelssUc futurist, offer* this and the Pacific theater: were reported shot down, in New York. Jan. rt— Batty Hansen, 17, o f Uneoln.' Harold L, Lawrence had confessed "th e trouble is, we set up rules Thorndike, 30. wa* found dead ts- Meteor Dog Food . .box 2Sc AND UP For emergency service after 6:00 P. M. and on Wllhelmsbaven and Hamburg, all formula: Entrenched to Asia from Man­ the first flight o%er Wake Hah., has tosUfisd that after dip* he struck tbe mother of hla three and abide by them until we com- churia to Burma. Japan now oper­ dav to the book-Uned study *f MS Chilled Horse Meat. .lb. 22c Sundays and Mondajrs, see telephone lisUng~ vital centers a t Adolf Hltfer's "Take American ingenuity, mix since a bombiBg attadc on MONTHLY Prlaeipol, Intorest, oar the semen actor took her up- small chUdrsn with a clawhammer toetely demobilize our thinking. ates as a continental power. She Dec. 35, which started large mother’s apartment at 1075 Paty in an argument during which she shipbuilding industry. it with the raw future of tremen­ We spend 'most of the time fight­ avenue, with a bullet weafij., Gaines Dog Food. Inaumiiee and Taxes Manchester Electric Division, Night Calla. itaim to a bedroom, too "blue The raid followed overnight must be overcome by continental fires la enemy posItkmB. PAYMENT itMm," dtarobod her and was Inti- refused tom a divorce. dous production poesiblllUes and ing bed Ideas Instead o t creating through Us heart. PoMc* said a.i $ ^ ^ .9 8 forays In which the R.A.F. set you can carve out anjritong that offensives. ikJW H A U co M nato with Hbr. Widow Material Witness good Ideea." When Prime Minister ChurchlU .33 caliber Hfle was found Melbourne, Jan. 27.—(!P)—Flying But McEvoy told the Superior An 18-yesr-old widow, Mrs. Ltl your Imagination can picture." side. HI* wife, Mr*. Estella Can Be Seen By Appointment Only MAMCHisnB Conn* (Oontomed On Page Five) Kettering outlined his viewe last Although famous for inventions described toe North African cam­ fortresses smashed another Japa­ sourt Jury a t nine women and Uan TsUey, whom Lswrencs totoc in toe automotive field, Kettering paign as exposing the ‘'soft un- nese ship in Rabaul. New Britain, dike, and bin mother, Mrs. ihroc men that during this tM»s be (nto hto home as a housekeeper, night to an addreee to membara at line FarweO, sent fer aM < toe Legislature, eUte offlelala and etoed away from predicting wkat der-beUy o f Axis ,” the harbor yesterday, eetttog her afire 'hd Flynn wars an a sun porch wss to custody as a material ir\t- Traumry Balfincfi meialag whea ThomdUm^ The Mandiester Electric Diriskn ■dentists. toe poet war eqr would be like. Chincee lost no time in reviving with direct hits. Allied headquar^ IrlnMnig frsppsf. ness. The sheriff said she had ad­ toeir old contention that the de­ ters reported today to to* wake of ea sentely UL Potte* said William F. Johnson OF THE CONNECnCUT POWER COMPANY mitted intimato mlations with Washington, Jan. 37—(iP)^Tba Better Worifi Than BeCot* "N«>body Is working on automo-' dike appaiea tly wsat ts to* I fiaw Ns Klaaing WIes rum . You (toe public) will velopment and us* of Chinese a warning by Preme Minister John . 773 Main Streat Ha said ha did not aoo tho actor Lawrence. position (rf the Treasury Jan. 35: The poetwar world, be believe^ Curtin that greater air and Naval •nfi locked Mmaelf^la. Hip — r e a l E S T A T E tCHOUSe^SOR will be neither a fantastic Utopia, get to* kind you want, because bases by toe United NaUona would hfanehcater. Connefi^leat Has Miss'Hansen or soe .any dsm- When they faced each other yss- Receipts; $88,840,344.98; expend­ BROAD STREET PHONE 7426 itures. $813,636,578.66; net bal' nor a piece for despair, but a bet- yeu’ra Um boos to toe la»t analy- m P e g s Two) > iConttowi OB Pag* T m M ) m isAlfifsXmMm) tnee, |7XaM7l4M>I*> V itSF v h U te u btfqrt. ,'T ■■■■ ^ ...... MAWCITESTER im m N G HERALD, MANCHESTElt^CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANTORT 27,19JT • MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27,194S

coal industry which forces coal the tangled and ugly problems of thcmselvea against ths Bolabsvlst ■as w ers Plan mih'ers to'TAde at company and Wide Differences North African politics was to be Expect More hordes. Indspendsnt storaa where the profit formulated." "Ths joum sy of Rooasvalt, ons Much Doubt in Orient Great Events Tires and .Tubes Issued m arina in many instances are On Parley Results "Personally,” he said, "I have of the moat criminal figures in Dr. Gilkey Pictures We’ve Traveled Thousands Of Miles- T o Ask New double those in the cities . and long believed that the discu.ssion Vital Actions world history, to North Africa, towns, the game of trying to make of post-war planning by the crea­ conquered without a fight, is con­ Yet to Come By Local Ration Board both ends meet is exceedingly dif­ (Oontlnued from Page One) tion of blueprinted international sidered here as ayrobolloal of Over Atlantic Charter Wage Scale ficult In the coal regions. parliaments and economic pana­ After Parley Amarioan Impsrialism," the offl- Background of War Bought By The Carload, Months Ahead— Will Know Desnaads Is Advance to hear of the unravelling of ths ceas. was futile unless instrumen­ olal German agency said. Out of Talks North African political tangle.” talities are created while wg .fight For the week ending January 16,< Passenger tiroa No. II—Cfliarlea •This advanced mMtlng of the Ths British Broadcasting Cor­ Widespread Idea Agree- Ukase of Doom W. Ball, 124 North School street, (CantlWMd from Page One) from which the Instrumentalities (Continued from l*age One) poration gave Germany priority in two weeks ago, the allotment of Policy committee will make it Some other comments; Russia and tries to take from us 2; Karl E. Boglie, Bush Hill Road, Chairman May (D-Ky) of thS of peace can grow." broadcasts on the conference. The ment Only for ‘White Noted Lecturer Tells (Continued Ironi Pnge One) tires for Manchester haa arrived possible for the Industry to know one inch of what we got Irom the and the certificates are now ready. 1; Arvid (Tarlaon, 88 Woodbrldge We Now Proudly Present Our Biggest ■Mifia. however, to eliminate in­ six wseks In advance what the House Military committee: baaed in Tunisia, Malta and Tri- news was flashed to Germany at On Trapped Nazis Czar, the church and the nobles, equalities and BU^tanderds, and to “ Straightening out of the danger­ politanla. 3 a. m. Races’ and Does Not Local Service Gubs were looking for the first signs of They are: street, S: 'Victor Duke, 19 Lilac mine workers demands will be and even the women of Russia will the drive for the “unconditional street, 1; George Fitzgerald, 108 _'d ••in the effective prosecution of thus enable govemmeiital agencies ous political situation in North Chinese Able There waa no attempt In some Apply to Asiatics. Of Events Leading to take guns and drive them out." New tn v k tires— O rison and ^Iha war.” Africa is a major victory for the quarters to concesl the dissppolnt- (Gontlnned from Page Oae) surrender” of the Axis powers, as 03., 44 Stock Place, 1 tire; Lacey Birch street, 1; Raymond D. and the operators to'hold meetings Dr. Gilkey continued with a de­ George, 82 Turnbull Road, 4;* Liawia served notice in the an- United Nations.” mrnt over the failure of the French Japanese Give Their The Present Conflict. scription of the interminable fields pledged by Mr. Roosevelt and S. Cobb, 224 Hlllstown Road, 2 Stock Ever Of Fine Funiiture At Savings which in the end should contrlbutt^ By DeWItt Mackenzie Caucasus, Including one large Prime Minister Churchill of Brit­ Daniel j . Gleason, 37 (Took street, ♦ ^JOsmcite hearing two weeks ago he to the shortening of the period of House Minority Leader Martin To Use Help factions headed by Gen. Charles of waving grain in the Ukraine, tires; Maurice C. Waddell, 250 ■would back bis union's deman is Version of Parley Bombay, Jan. 2.3— (Delayed)— populated place where the German ain at their dramatic meeting in 1; Henry Jacobs, 742 HUlatown wage negotiations." (R-M ass): "It inspires confidence D# Gaulle and Gen. Henri Honore New York, Jan. 27—(iP)—The Dr. James Gordon Gilkey of which he had attempted to photo­ Wetherell street, 1 Urs- ' aegardless of the "Little Steel" Glraud to arrive at a more clear (4*1—Out here where the east la defense in depth was reported Casablanca. Recap truck tires—jchirlson. Oo„ Road, 1; Bennie Kullgowski, 1101 Lewis' last major tussle with that Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. (Continued from Page One) Tokyo radio, in a Japane.se lan­ Springfield, speaking to the mem-\ graph at harvest time. Hitler Tolland turnpike, 1; Bernard Le- 1^'formula. Another indication that government was In the "captive" Churc)illl are determined upon ‘un­ cut agreement. But it was felt very east and regards the west aa broken by the Red Array besiegers. timed his attack on the Russians Amidst all the speculation, the 44 Stock Place, 1 tire: Raymond Impossible Lat^! ■ he is ready to come to grips with that at least some headway had guage broadcast beamed at North bers of the four local eervlce clubs work of Congres sand government Pine, 149 High street, 1; Lionel J. mine case In the fall of 1041, When conditional surrender' by the lay equally bare the armored tor- America early today, gave its ver- another world there |e much doubt The aucesas claimed by the Rue- so that he could take over the C. Miller, 188 Spencer street, 2 the board emerged yesterday in the Defense Mediation board voted enemy.” been made In bringing them to­ si ana also marked the resumption last night at the Y.M.C.A. on agencies continued and a Capitol tires.' Menard, 31 Avondale Roiul, 1; .so of the Japanese empire. alon of the conference at CJo.sa- as to the exact significance of the grain fields and feed the Germans hill highlight was the 13 to 10 vote Monroe C. Morris, 283 Highland : the announcement of ) the policy down his closed shop demand he gether and an open break, which of uninterrupted Russian use qf "Understanding the World Revo­ Passenger tires No, 1—(Jhrlsten Speaker Sam Raybui'n: "We Hold Long htrelrbes of Coast blanca, stating that President for months to come. The world by which the Senate Foreign Re­ street, 1; Hugh Pagani, 161 Maple committee meeting. withdrew the CIO members and could have jeopardlied the mill' Atlantic charter and consequently three railroads out o f Stalingrad— knows how he failed and what ne M. CThrUtenson, 88 Avondale Keith's Once A Year Storewide haven't been told a great deal Fortunately, •h^an doea not oc- campalgn-Jn Tunisia, had been Roosevelt and Prime Minister lution,” turned back the pages of lations Committee approved the street, 5; Kenneth A. Peckham, Unable To Control Prices the board collapsed. Lewis subse­ and we did not expect to be told cupy the entire Chinese coast, and * . Churchill held a meeting "from the great anxiety over its application the lines to Salsk, Tatslnskaya, history for two hundred years in and his armies have continued to Road, 4 tires; Andrew C. Clemson, ' An accompanying statement, at­ after the war. and Povorina. nomination of Edward J. Flynn to 1127 Tolland turnpike, 1. quently won his point in arbitra­ a great deal because It might have long stretches of It are In ths standpoint of trying somehow to his effort to give his hearers the suffer at the hands of the Rus­ be minister to Australia. 108 Oakland street, 2 Ures; Warner tributed to K. C. Adams, editor of tion. Tlie present War Laoor revealed military secrets. One of Military observers said that win the favor of public opinion To put it bluntly, there is a The lengthy war bulletin which background of the present global sians. Murphy, 207 South Main street, 1 possession of Chinese guerrilla widespread idea that the charter Three Democrats voted with the Foggy weather occurs less fre- , the United Mine-Workers Journal, hoard Is made up largely of the the fine things th.at came out of troops In the provinces of Klang- while it waa natural to expect that within the nation In both America recounted the extent o f the Soviet war. Third Turning Point tire; Frank C. (3ordner, 444 Cen­ said: "Tlie demonstrated inability an offenalve to drive the Axle out is designed for the “white races” committee’s seven Republicans quenUy in the St. Lawrence river personnel of the defunct Mediation this meeting was the announce­ sii, Fuktan, and Kuangtung. These and Britain. triumph also detailed an anormoua ■Aftc- expressing hia pleasure at As for the third turning point, against confirming the nominee, ter street, 1 tire; Lester H. Smith, a t the government to control prices board. ment that there may be unity of Tuniain would be among the first and that it doesn’t apply to Asiat­ amount of war materiel captured 67 North Elm street, 3 Ures. than at New York harbor. cnastsl areas, though subject to The broadcast was reported by ics. )>cing able to greet friends in Man­ the speaker told of an engage­ former Democratic national chair­ and the continuing inflationary The Appalachian wage agree­ among the Fighting Frenchmen in moves, it was also logical to as- from the Axis troops since Jan. 10 chester once more, and remarks ment he had in Schenectady, N. Japanese Naval blockade, are po­ the Office of War Information and I am not talking about India man, and the final decision in the trend is creating widespread un­ ments expire March 31. Negotia­ North Africa." aume that the two leaders and was quoted further to the effect and listed a number of generals about service clubs in general, he Y„ and while driving home with Senate next week is expected to be rest in American coal fields and tential bases for air and sea at­ their staffs of military experts had alone, but also of (jhina and the tions with the operators are sche­ tack against Japan. that "there have been no definite and subordinate officers credited told of a newspaperman who was Mrs. Gilkey, they stopped at a by a close margin. EBROIU smaller countries. It ia a ahocklng ether ladustriae. duled to start in New York on made plans for the long-awaited announcements other than of ex­ with the strategy of the victory. sent to Europe in 1939 by his filling station near Troy. Unable ”Due to the isolation of the Willkie DisnppointPfl "Give us the weapons," the (Chi­ attack on the continent of Europe. fact that one is constantly leaving Sees Higher Deliveries March 14. nese have long pleaded, "and with tremely Irrelevant topics of dis­ Col. Gen. Konstantin K. Rokoa- paper, and after he had arrived to attract the attention of anyone On the rationing front, .John J. Thle offeneive, they said, might It impressed upon him that people sovsky and his chief of staff. he sent back this interesting reply: ^In Announced Results our millions of men and years -of cussion." The Tokyo announcer out here not only are in doubt, but within, they were about to drive Pelley, president of the American be expected sooner than waa Lieutenant General Malinin, were "I came here to report a war and on when a white-faced attendant experience fighting the Japanese thought poeeible a few months ago. said the President and the prime many of them are downright sus­ Association of Railroads, predicted Change In Office Hours New York, Jan. 27—(>P)—Wen­ what I find is a revolution." we will drive them into the sea." minister bad been in very low picious. named as the general commanders came running out and in great ex­ to s Senate committee that fuel Penoiial Notices Erect Partitions dell L. Willkie says he Is disap­ Timing Hern Perfect of the operation. Dr. Gilkey averred *hat what we To ths (Chinese, that.“full meas­ spirits "ever since the beginning citement told them of the bomb­ oil and gasoline deliveries to the pointed in the announced results of The timing of the conferences Expressed In Divers Form The (jermans liad been prepar­ are facing today is not a European ing by the Japs of Pearl Harbor. ure of help" will mean first of all of the Greater East Aaia war. The suspicions are expressed in eastern itates would be increaseil: At Ration Office the North African meeting of was perfect, observers pointed out, ing their people for such news aa war with conflicts on the side, but That was the late afternoon of President Roosevelt end Prime ths recapturs of Burma and the "It is said that mention is made divers forms. Some say they be­ a world revolution, a Titanic strug­ from the present daily average o f Card of Thanks coming when Hitler's propagan­ only of empty consultations, such this in gloomy broadcasts during Decemijer 7, 1941; "Within ■ 24 70,000 barrels up to 900,000 with­ The Manchester Electric Division of The Con­ Minister Churchill becau.se a reopening of the Burma supply lieve Britain and the United States the last week. A Berlin radio gle the like of which the world has W« wish to exprstii our sincere road over which such help must dists were striking a gloomy note as that the anti-Axis forces will hours it united the United States. in a month. necticut Power Company will comply with the thanks to our frisndt, relatives sml grand military strategj’ board was actually have post-war exploita­ broadcast last night quoted Capt. never known. After more than seven months, come to China unless It is to be to prepare the Orm an people for maintain a position of leadership tion of the Orient in mind. Others There was no more talk of ap­ But to offset this was a state­ nsighhors for kindnsss and symp.v- not created and a "straightfor­ setbacks in Russia and exhorting Ludwig Sertorius, a Nazi military Goea Bark 200 Years (iovemor’s request that business establishments tbr shown to us durlna the Illness, partitions have been erected in the ward policy" on the political situa­ borne in on the greatest sir trans­ in the war situation to the end, or are more charitable through equal­ Going back more than 200 years, peasement,” said Dr. Gilkey, "and ment yesterday by E. .Lee De Gol- them to show the courage display­ commentator, as saying that each the isolationists went into hiding. yer, assistant petroleum adminis­ and St ths tlms of ths dsath of our local office of the Rationing Board tion in North Africa was not port fleet man has aver dreamed that until the antl-Axis forces ly pessimistic in the view that once Axis soldier stiU trapped at to be specific June of 1712, Jean close on Mondays for the duration of the present husband and father. of. ed by the Russians and British. achieve victory they will not make the Allies have won the war they We were in the war. That was the trator, who told the Council of Mri. Ellaabsth T. Little and that will make it possible to carry enunciated. While the British pMple, going Stalingrad "probably has forfeited Rousseau who' waa born in Geneva, fuel emergency. Real PRE-WAR QIALITY^ .Family. When that help arrived, Chlneee peace,” the. Japanese speaker will forget to implement the was destined to rediscover and third turning point." State Governments at Baltimore on work in the office without Speaking over a Mutual network ahead with the fourth year of his life." He also remarked that believe that the reconquest of went on. charter in the Orient. the initiative in the entire cam­ popularize the idea of democracy "The fourth turning point in that it would be impossible "to last night, the 18-10 Republican war, were given a new glow of the war was Just about two Our office will be open from 8:00 A. M. until fi:00 Keith Guaranteed! Huge VA- Card of Thanks everybody in the room knowing presidentla; candidate praised Chins and the ue« of Chinese beset Russia A o is suspect. How­ paign remained with the Soviet / 1 that had been dead for a period of move enough gasoline into the Qonfldence by the spectacular months ago," said the speaker, east except to meet basic require­ Wa wish to thank all our friends, whet is going on. The wood gnS President Roosevelt for "his part near the coast to strike at the ever, out here as back In the forces. 2000 years. He died in 1778, and P. M, every day from Tuesday to Saturday, in­ RIETY—Our largest stocks ever! . nslghbers and relatlvsa. also the glass partitions came from the S eeting, there was no belief in west, the Soviet Is an enigma when he was 50, issued a little "when with skill and a speed and ments this summer.” De (3oIyer TD for kindness shown us at ths in the hazards of the flight, in industrial solar plexus of the Japa­ formed quarters that ths war Americans Clinch Hints Encircling Tactics clusive. former office of Cjhensy Brothers meeting and reviewing the sol­ to a good many folk who are .book in which he called upon the a secrecy that amazed the world, also said he foresaw nation-wide tims of ths dsath of our brothsr. nese war machine largely ehould waa coming to an easy and vic­ The Russian noon communique British and American troops LOWEST PRICES you’ll see ie jamos Rock. Wa srs very grataful in New York. It has made much diers and honoring the dead, with go hand in hand. Inclined to regard the U. S. ruling classes in Europe to abdi- rationing.of fyel oil. torious conclusion in the early recorded here by the Soviet moni­ seized Northwest Africa. A few fv fer the beautiful floral tributes and smaller the space given to people fine taste and appropriate spirit.” Ousseltia Valley S. R. aa a lone wolf and not* tor hinted at encircling tactics be­ 1 cate their power.- Hia statements The recurrirtg question as to Our usual emergency service will be available on to all who loansd the use of their calling at the offi'ce. which may May Be MacArthur's Plan future. that it has Interests both In were so radical, he waa banished days later Winston Churchill an­ the eventual size of the armed this year! Ha expressed regret, however, General Douglas MscArthur, ing pursued on ths Voroneah front Sundays and Mondays. lira. Ifinnic CanipbslI. later mean that an additional room They pointed out that Hltlsr the C crident and In the Orient. also. from , but they were be­ nounced that waa a 'spring­ forces engaged a Senate Appro­ that Premier Stalin and Generalis­ speaking out of hie experience (Conttnued from Page One) The Japanese, of pourse, are ex­ lieved to have led to the American boardand everybody knows in priations subcommittee, which de­ Miss Htlsn Rock, will be needed. simo Chiang Kai-Shek did not par­ still is unchallsnged in western "Several surrounded groups with the Japanese in the Philip- Europe, that the German U-boat ploiting th 'white ‘ race versue the from among ths routed enemy Revolution in 1775 and the French what direcUon, and everybody cided to call Chairman Paul V. For emergency service after 6:00 P. M. and on ticipate in ths conference, he add­ pinee and in New Guinea, may armies in the jaws of a trap be­ Aeiatica" thei^4 for all it is worth. revolution. knows what is going to happen ed that many had hoped "that a menace is growing and that Ja­ troops attempted to break through McNutt of the War Manpower Sundays and Mondays, see telephone listing— have had thle in mind when he pan's Pacific conquests are still ing devised by the pursuers of Daily they broadcast this poison­ Names Revolutionists this spring," added Dr. Gilkey commission tomorrow for the ?:rand military strategy board was Rommel and by ths Allied forces to the wesO' the Russians said. spoke recently of the poaslbility of largely unchallenged. The North ous seed of propsgands and not "After a brief engagement the en­ Karl Marx and George Sorel All In Our Favor opening of a formal inquiry. Manchester Electric Division, Night Calls. 0 be crested. That Russia and pointing toward the coast from all of it fails on stony ground. were others in the eighteenth cen- China were at last to be recognis- massive coordinated air and land j African situation is still far from emy laid down his arms and 1.467 “ Every one of these four turn­ Chairman Bankhead (D., Ala.l, attacks rather than the slower St least two points in th^ interior Doubt Tenacity Of F^rpoae , tury who fanned the flame, of re­ td as equals In the problems of settled, with a bloody and bitter of Tunisia. German officers and men were ing points has been In our favor, of the group said: "island by Island” theory of recon­ fight impending there. So far, as regards the United taken prisoner." bellion, Marx in the industries, and "We are going to go thoroughly war and the peace to come. That a While the main body of the Brit­ States, there is far less a disposi­ Sorel with his writings on "Revo- and we are going to win glorious­ straightforward policy worthy of quest. Informed sources expres.sed the The Russians also reported that ly, and sooner than many faint­ into the subject with a view of ish Eighth Army moved westward tion to charge her with having luion by Violence.” Nikolai Lenin, determining whether we should our traditions with reference to Fuller CThinese stature in the opinion that the question of an the 534th German Infantry regi­ hearted people think." toward the port of Zuara, 60 miles ulterior motives than to donbt her ment, caught in the Stalingrad the founder . t the U.S.S.R. and definitely limit the size of the The Manchester Electric Division United Nations scheme of things over-all command for continental west of Tripoli, the Air Forces had Bolshevik leader waa another. Dr. At the close of hia lecturz he Is Implied In the Roosevelt-Church- tenacity of purpose in carrying out trap, had surrendered in entirety Army and Navy to assure food operations had been dlscus.sed, if ranged along Rommel's road of re­ the Atlantic charter. I am con­ Gilkey recalled that when standing dramatically recited an appropri­ OF THE CONNECTICUT POWER COMPANY ill -communique, which announced not .settled finally, and that some during the night's fighting, while production to support this nation treat to plaster his transport with stantly encountering the idea that some units of the 668th German by hia nauseleum in Red Square, ate poem on the subject tliat 773 Main Street that they had been in communlca progres.s probably was made to- Moscow, a gi rd remarked, “This night was over and. the darkest and the armed forces we have." Gas on Stomach bombs and had pounded the air­ America may have a return to Infantry were wiped out by Rus­ May .\ffert Shipbuilding Manchester, Connecticut tion with Generalissimo Chiang j ward the creation of a permanent is the most historic spot in all hour was just before dawn. The M Uved la I adaats* av drome at Medenine, which sits at isolationism after the wa.’ and sians mopping-up outfits. The manpower situation came Kai-Shek and had "apprised him council for the exchange of In­ Russia.” audience arose and gave him a _ _ y««r mammy keek ! a road junction in the so-called leave Europe and Asia to cook in The Red Army was reported to up also in the House committee of the measures they are tinder­ formation and ideas between the Mareth defen.se line where the their own fat. I found that thought The speaker continued with hearty round of applause. The •*f*f*h ■ndk^tbum, doctnrj um,lly have taken another town on the proceedings. Rear Admiral E. L. taking to assist him in China's Allied armies. Axis troops were counted on to especially persistc: t in China events that followed, briefly gave Kiwanis members at the outset of magnificent and unrelaxing strug­ southwestern front, several towns the family history of Hitler: he Cochrane of the Naval Bureau of KSCSriL. In mu-in* make at least a token stand. when I was there recently. on . the southern front, and num­ his Ulk sang their stirring Ki­ gle for the common cause." My definite impreeslon Is paused to speculate on what might Ships describing it aa likely to Rear Guard Engaged bers of places in the Voronezh and wanis welcome song. constitute the most serious inter­ More attention to the Pacific Axis Radio Denounces The Eighth Army engaged Rom­ that the Orient generally re­ have been the story of historians The meeting was well attended north C!aucaius sectors. Large if the shot intended for him had ference with progress of the theater of operations is discern­ African Conference mel's rear guard west of Zauia. gards Uncle Ham as mainly stores of guns, sheila and other y i by the members of the four service honest although there are foimd Ita mark. He said the most clubs. The sponsoring Rotary emergency shipbuilding program. FRADIN’S ible in the accounts of the confer­ London. Jan. 227—()Pi—In the yesterday, a (Jairo communique war materiel 'were taken In th e / | Cochrane’s statement was in an said today. Zauia is SO miles west- those who wouldn’t put a pitiful figure in the world today Club's president Sherwood Robb ence- Japan was Invariably men­ first Axis reaction to the Roose- advance, the Russians reported. is Benito Mussolini, /hile Hitler official summary of testimony to ^ saflilONl..™ tioned along with Germany and i of Tripoli. sharp horse deal beyond him. presided, At the head table were vclt-Churchill conference Jieard In any event, there can be no has proved himself the most suc­ seated Miss Hellen A. Holbrook, the House Naval committee, in j Italy, and the Nipponese empire Libyan and Egypt based aircraft cessful student of “Revolution by which he furnished secret details . here, the German radio said today swept over Bicily for bombings but doubt that this part of the world Great Winter Battle president of the Soroptimist Club, came in for special attention when “ it took ten days to establiah Violence” the world has ever of 1942 shipbuilding and repair i President Roosevelt foretold the other aerial activity waa reduuced. is leaning heavily on the United President Stuart G. Segar of the harmony between the Anglo- States not only to aee it through Spreads to New Areas known. •. Exchange club and President work. end, for all time, of Japan's at­ American forces in the region "My church, your church, wheth­ Capt. Eddie Rlckenbacker. American government chiefa.'f of Makna-ssy offered a threat to the war, but to assist it in recon- London, Jan. 27—(F)— The (Ser­ James T. Blair of the oldest serv­ tempt to dominate the Far East. The announcer at the same er Roman Catholic, Protestant or World War One air ace and air­ the rear of the Mareth line as wall atnictlon after the conflict. mon high command declared to­ ice club in town, the, Kiwanis club. time denounced the meeting as a day "the great winter battle on jew^-everythlng our American de­ Chairman Robb presented these plane executive, gave his support Bargains in Every Department as to the coastal road running Follow Despite Vague Fear* mocracy stands for—they are all Protective Mother Nature "fourth-rate Hollywood bigwig President Roosevelt’s four free­ the eastern (Russian) front is rag­ officers, as well as the guest to the proposal for establishing a pow-wow on the romantic shores north sines they were in a position bound up in this vast, unprecedent- to plunge to the gulf coast be­ doms and ths Atlantic Charter ing with undlminishsd force and speaker. Dr. Gilkey. well known separate" House committee on ci­ Rayon Hose Mother Nature clothea her ani­ of Africa.” spreading to new aresa" ' ed sfruggle. There isn’ t a person in Springfield clergyman and radio vilian and commercial aviation. 6 Misses’ tween Sfax and Gabes. are a pillar of fire which untold this room who hasn’t a stake in February Sale Feature! Xe*»! Different! Beautiful! mals in coats of bony armor, fur, DNB said It was “ Roosevelt's millions in the Orient are follow­ The communique, recorded by personality, who "was a Rotarian A telegram from Rlckenbacker Tweed duals $10 2 for $1.00 hair, bids, prickles, scales, skin, desire to see the European na­ Capture .Mountain Pass this war—my boy on a battleship was read to the House Rules com- The other Allied forces were ing despite vague fears that some­ The Associated Press, gave a and therefore able to apeak for Sl/e» 12-11-16 SeamlesK ,'Sheen* — Soialoe spines, and wool. tions bleed to death defending blacker picture than ever before in the Pacific, your boys in serv­ i mittee. Our $129.05 Modern Bedroom Groups those in the Ousselitia valley, thing will happen ' to disappoint ice, we have all a great stake in himself," said Mr. Robb. Weight. them. It is amasing the way this of the remnants of the German The meeting opened with a verse In another construction report, I about 45 miles wsst of Bouses, and this war, and if it is lost it will 1 Group of QUALITY details almost unheard dispatches from the front last bill of rights has captivated Imag­ Sixth Army trapped in the Stalin­ be just to bad for the United of "America" and the invocation the War Production board dis- of at the price! Superb modern tsstH- night told how Americans had cap­ inations throughout the Oriental grad area. States and everything we stand by Rev, T. A. Gustafson of Eman­ 1 closed that the Army halted w ork Dresses Heavy Coveralls HolI>a*'ood .styling — new wide '.75 ■-^^flyRION'S...fOR flEEI tured a mountain pass command­ world. I encounter it at every turn German movements In ths Ku­ for in democracy, friendships, ra­ uel .Lutheran church who also oc­ on ordnance projects totaling $22,- vision mirrors — new concealed ing the valley plain, near the peaks as I travel from country to coun­ ban area, In thfl western Caucasus cial tolerance and religion. cupied a seat at the head table. 171,033 in the week ended Jan. | $2 $3 $3 $3.50 handles — 'selected walnut Veneers where the Nasi Armies are with­ of Djebel Er Rihana and Djsbel A1 try. "What are the Prospects? Wlip Serve Turkey Dinner 22. All told, construction proj- j Small Slze*i Only. 65.00 Value! — full dustprooftng - - drawer Not unnaturally one's mind re­ drawing, "were continued entirely ia winning this w ar?” he queried. ects having a cost of $56,34^612 i guides — dovetailing — every fine Haifa. The Nazia took the position according plan,” the commimiquc The delicious turkey dinner was from ths French last week." verts to the closing days of the "I can see four turning points’. The served under the direction of Miss were stopped during the week, . detail. $87.7.5 for bed, cheat and The U. 8. forces mustered artil­ last war. I was on the British aald. first was at Dunkirk in September Marion Tinker, director of the Y. bringing the total to $1,271,195,- dresser complete. Save *41.75 Tomorrow lery against the )^sition and de­ front in France and never shall of 1940 when Hitler had his great M C A. and vice president of the 509 since Oct. 23 when the WPB Just 4 FUR COATS $79.50 forget how fighting men were sua- chance for an all-out attack oq Soroptimists. After the meal, created a facility review commit­ ployed tanks for the asssult. But tee to reappraise the essentiality (iood l.»oking — Long Wearing! Sizes 14-16 Only. tbs Infantry moved in without ex­ tainsd by Prasidsnt Wilson's four­ defenseless Britain, when all ita popular songs were sung, with pected opposition and found that teen points. Day after day officers guns and equipment were in the Russell Potterton at the piano. of such projects. Fathers to Face Draft ths enemy had pulled out during sought me out and asked what qhannel or on the beach. For some James T. Blair, chairman of was the latest word from the reason he did not take .hat chance, the coming Red Cross drive for That fathers would be drafted . the night. within a year was seen in an an- ! Occupation of the mountain ob­ president for whose ideals they but that same month he launched $30,800 as Manchester's share, NOW PLAYING an air attack such as no country nounceraent that the armed forces jective waa achieved in an hour were fighting. ■ brought up for discussion the ques­ Limited Quantity i . : Probably many of the on earth has ever seen, thinking tion of joining with Hartford, would total 10,420.000 by 1944, an and a half and then patrols moved to soften the English people for announcement that gave new em­ through the mountains to wipe out present doubts regarding the which has a goal of $650,(X)0. He invasion. Tliank God. Britain held.” phasis to a' statement by Selec­ German nests. •ffleaey of the Atloatle CXur- said Rockville, Glastonbury, Weat said the speaker with emotion, tive Service Director Lewis B. tor ara rcaOy feara Impelled Hartford and other towns had Sale! Cricket Chain "and civilization, whethei you or gone in with Hartford; Bridgeport Hershey some time ago. In that by the unhappy devatopmento 1 realize it or not, was saved." Americans Smash growing out of tha laat war. and other large cities were doing statement he indicated the supply $3.88 Turns On Russia the same thing, and asked for of childless married nien would Back German Lines It is for this reason that I have "The second turning point was Gay chintz on maple reporied this unwelcome news opinions. The speakers were not last only about ten months if the frame. Allied Headquarters In North in June. 1941. Hitler, remember­ armed forces went above 10,- about ths feeling In ths Orient ing how the Finns withstood the in favor of Mancheater losing ita No mall oi-ders. Africa. Jan. 27 — ifTi — United 000,000. now. I bsllsvs it is something onslaught of the Russians so Identity, and when Mr. Blair call­ Statee forces in Tunisia have which could be remedied. To my ed for ralaing of handa, it waa As a special congressional com­ smashed back the German lines, vsliantly at the outset of the war, mind ths easiest way to do it unanimoualy voted not to Join with mittee resumed its Investigation capturing several places of tacti­ believed he could conquer them in of fuel oil and gasoline shortages, would be through a categorical a few weeks, and with incredible Hartford, Announcementa pertain­ Step-ins and cal importance covering the moun­ ing to the dLTerent cluba were the War Production board ap­ statement of assurinca from this treachery turned on his erstwhile SAi.E! DiVANOl.A 2 IN 1 UVING R(X)M tain pass from Ousseltia to Kai- man with whom this new btli of made. proved allocation of materials for rouan, it waa announced today. friend, Joseph Stalin.” construction of a 20-lnch pipeline rights is associated—President The speaker who studied for a Chairman Jack Sanaon of the Our lowest price yet! Ma.saive, beau­ Despite Intermittent raina the Rooaavalt "Mile of Dimea" fund, made an from Texas to Seymour, Ind. The Foundations tiful, comfortable - - built with deep Americana eraeked through the year in Berlin, and who has been in Russia several times, as well as appeal for contributiona from $44,000,000 pipeline, which offi­ COIL SPRINGS (Which will not be German defenses to recover large Munich, told of a conversation he those in attendance and a neat sum cials hope can be finished by Sept. possible later) - hand tailored in fine ■actions of the area loat a week rouB^ p y to Bad had with an educated young Rus­ was dropped in the container as 1, is expected to add 110,000 bar­ long wearing fabric. Divanola (opens age by the French when German sian woman, a university graduate, the men and women left the ban­ rels a day to the eastward flow Closeout! 9x12 Rugs to full size bed I wit)i reclining chair Sofa and armored units emashed forward Milford, Jan. 37,—(gv-Joaeph who said, "If anybody comes into quet hall. ‘ of petroleum. nr platform rocker...... S69. Either Chair several. miles southwest of Pont- Polok, M-year-old employe of a $29.50 Du-Fahs. local aaed company, who waa laat P L U S .. .Virginia Gllnwra Lowest price yet. Wool SOveral Prisoners Captured ■aan alive by nelghbora on Friday face, famous makao. r. An Allied headquarters spoksa- nlflit, waa found dead in bad to­ in ’‘That Othtr Woman” I.lmited quantity. Keith's raan said sevtral prisoners hsd day by Patrolman William Froe- Closed been captured in the engagement. llch, who forced entrance to THIS THEATER WILL CLOSE \ll Day The American attack was the Polok’a Railroad avenue home aft­ ALL DAY EVERY TUESDAY! .yiondays only genairal aotivlty on the front er the man's employer reported (Open All Day whero arUllory ospoctsUy was him misalag. Wednesday) 7 mired hy recent nUns. Madleal Examiner W. J. H. Spring Champion ‘Theee poeltlons are being eon- " Open Thurs. Fischer sgtd Polok died of a heart and Saturday ■olidsted,’^ a headquarters eom- attack aavaral daya ggo. IS»RSH(iSSff.>S(llllWP7aM0g Come Early! Evenings munique said- Two Allied planes were lest dur­ ing yekerda/e air eratatlens, .the You*re in for a Thrill! Solid Maple Bedrooms STATE SA C f.aSU N . nn.90 UP communique said, while two Axle HARXFORD HANDBAGS $69 bombers were deetroyed. Two ene­ Were $89. . .Bed, cheot my fighter-bombers which attack­ r Lastex sides and back and dresser Included. . ed an AlUed airfield In the Tunl- THE BAND OF 1943 ■lan war sone also wees deetroypd. TODAT AND THURSDAY panels, sippers, stay-up Special Feature! Dinnerware m e Ta the Ladlaat iC to $2 .9 8 “SURE FIT' Keith’s 18 Point CUSTOM Reupholstery Seis'h’e Special! Bnwlea Off to PM*ey 1 ALL TONY SUP COVERS YOUR LIVING ROOM REBUILT AND Hartford. Jan. f t —(ff3—Cheeter tops and all the fine fea­ To BeauUfy Your RECOVERED Piu PERfECI. . . YOUU Bowlee, state director a t the Offloe Biggest Selection In Town! Living Room Suite of Price AdnUnistratlon, left today tures you’ ve been used Every piece rebuilt, recov- ANY PASTOR See Thera AU Tomorrow! Any Chair $2.95 'ered, reflniahed by factory for Waahlngton to r what hia of- SOFA— ffee deecribed as ”a routine con- ORCHESTRA Any Sofa . $4.95 experts, fully guaranteed. ferenee” with OPA adminletra- PLUS: to in the good old days. not slip, creep Now springs and fillings as Huge, handaome handlNiH to keep company wHk will needed. Choice of coverings. tdrs. He is expected to return Fri­ ATB-flffBK TBUBB. AND BAT. Hsrrist Cbspin of Stsmford. ons V ______M MAIN ST, MANCUfSlffli son sad a daugAtsr a t Nsw Haven. ffiHiiiiiuiiniiiiiiminiiiiiinuuiiM^^^ . . ■■ t ■ ■ - ... ■ ...... V-.v MANCHESTKR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 27,194S MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27.19^3 PAGE

known to have held the view aU It gave them opportunity to visit Hurley Joins Hold Deserter Local Boys Overseas Accord Seen along, however, that no matter the front, the selection of Casa­ inference Decisions how great the need or opportunity blanca was regarded os a powerful Rationing Data See Prompt, Peaceful for action In the European theater "appeal by action" for unity Machine Firm As a Suspect On Strategy there never could be the slightest among the French which would ■ o Reach Every Home Here’s Informal ion You Will Want To Have— Furnished Tell of Island Life relaxation of pressure in the Pa­ result in their wholehearted, fight­ ' Action on Judgeship Foir Victory cific, even though victory in Eu­ ing support of the, United Nations Former Governor Is By Local War Price and Rationing Board, No. 112.16 Bridgeport Soldier Is rope was the United Nations' first cause. regularly, and it ia one of the main objective In 1943. It was .understood *ln Washing­ of Manpower Top Over $900 Received Named Vice President Giught After Leaping Members of Old G>m> things they look forward to. (Continued froin Page One) x To gain this victory would be a ton that if and when Gii^ud and For Our Mdbile Canteen The office of War Price and Ra­ lons each and ten-unit coupons 90 new bridge calla for the old one tioning Board 112.16 ia located in gallons each. ^ From Window. pank K Are Located Following are the names of Man­ Judiciary Committee to be razed within 180 days; and lo'ng step; toward concluding the DeGaulle complete a practical actor in ‘Complete Of Company. chester boys who are still connect­ 10-day meeting between Messrs. Pacific conflict since it would per­ working agreement to assure such roe Lincoln school, opposite the All 1101 applicants, covering Highway Commizaioner William J. Roosevelt and (Thurchlll was Manchester is still giving In Southwest Pacifie, ed with old Company K: Fir.st Approves Five Nomin­ mit the concentration of both support, the United States govern­ ^reeinent' Reached post office. Office hours are as premises other than,private dwell­ Bridgeport, Jan. 27— (iP) ■ An Cox recalled that the Army was what was announced latfe last generously to the Mobile Can­ PawtucRet, _R. f., Jan. 27—Rob­ follows: Monday, 9:30 a. m. to 5:30 ings, must return their coupons Sergt. Tony Rowe. Staff Sergts. American and British Naval and ment stands ready to put lend-' teen Unit Fund which iJ-Being- Army deserter, who leaped out of South of E(|uator. ations Made by Bald­ ?::aAxioua” to have the old bridge night in dispatches from Casa­ ffAt Casablanca. ert A. Hurley, goverrtor of Con­ p. m.; Tuesday, closed to the pub­ immediately to the local Board in Roger Aleaci, William Chambers, tom "down. Air Forces in the Pacific and lease assistance to the Fighting .sponsored by the Salvation Elarl Russell; Sergts. William Mc­ blanca based on a press confer­ throw the whole militarj’ powers necticut from 1941 to 194.3, has lic all day: Wednesday through order that adjustments may be a second story window at his Fair- win in Session. But h number of legislators ence with the two United Nations French on a large-scale basis simi­ Army and the V. F. W. Auxil­ "There are plenty of wild lem­ Carthy, John Perottl, Andy Kra- of thpse nations against Nippon By Jam** Marlow and Joined the Narragansett Machine Frtday, 9:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m.; made under Amendment 23 reduc­ field home to escape police. Was ------from that area objected to de- chiefs themselves. lar to that on which supplies are iary. ing these rations 25 per cent. This v|intka, John Baldyga, Frits Lucas, Should Russia then enter the fight now furnished to Russia and Bri­ Uoarge Ztelke Company of Pawtucket, R. I., as Saturday, closed all day. The tel­ captured yesterday after a chase ons, bananas and coconuts here, Hartford Jan. 27—(/P)— Prompt structlop of the old bridge and Previous amount ...... $896 ephone number is 2-0494. applies only to non-residential /Jerry Lov'ett and Barnard Wamtr. ,\gree to Maintain Initiative also, air bases would become avail tain. : Waablnyton,' Jan. 27— —The by three policemen along the and most of all, plenty of mosqui­ and peaceful action on Judgeships labor representatives from the Today’s gifts ...... 41 vice president and member of the Gsaollne buildings. ^ ■ Also listed are Corporals Ben Electric Boat company said that These facts' principally were able from which Japan might rap­ ^ •teomplete' agreement" reached at board, it was announced today by The No. 4 coupons In "A ’' books Tires banks of Aah creek during which tos,” states Sergeant Fred L. Benevento, William Powera, How­ for the first time in ten years, was workers there were ’aroused” that plans had been agreed upon idly be brought to heel. '’Oahahlanca by President Rooae* Total ...... $937 ^orman T. Bolles, executive man­ are now valid until March 21. All holders of "A '; ration books two shots were fired. Lucas In a letter received this ard Wilson, Michael Kokoch and Indicated by the General Assembly; at the prospect of having to pay to\maintaln the Initiative in all In the European theater, as .Monument To Monk Donations may be given t o , ^ ♦ eltw d Wtoaton ChurcWU will ager. The Narragansett Machine "A ,” “ B," and "C" coupons are must have tires Inspected by March The soldier. Private August Dls- week. Sergt. Lucas Is a non-com- Privates WUllam Adamson, Triesta yesterday, as the Judiciary com -! a toll and possibly travel further theaters in 1943; that the war mllltar>’ men here evaluated the touch every American home. Walter Buckley at the Man­ Company, a leading New England worth three gallons each, All 3L and those with , "B" and "C" mlssloned officer of Company K, Paganl, Chester Olbrias, William would never be completed short Champagne’s sparkle Is the re­ tafl, 24, of 2161 King's Highway, mlttee approved five Judicial nom- to work, situation, the primary need is to sult a discovery by a Benedic­ Their deciaiona on military mat- chester Trust Company or war production plant, is engaged pleasure driving Is banned. cards by Feb. 28. Commemial 169th Infantry, the former local Hepry, Charles Barrera, Ernest The War department has called of an unconditional surrender by overcome all Axis resistance in of Quantities and Sizes Are Important Factors In either of the sponsors. has been A.W.O.L. from Fort inations made by the governor, tine monk, Dom Perignon. A iera will ultimately decide, too: in the manufacture of arms, equip­ Sugar vehicles must have tires Inspected Knox, Ky., for three months, police National Guard unit. Squatrito, Michael Savino, Walter and resolutions for municipal a meeting lor Thureday in New Germany. Italy and Japan; that North Africa. The ouster of Gen. ment. precision tools and parts for Sugar ration stamp No. 10 Is by Feb. 28. \ Russia and dfiina would receive monument dedicated to him and 1. Whether the man of the said, and bis srrest followed an The only description which the Quinn and Julius Cohen. JuteM I in three communities, London to consider its attitude in Erwin Rommel’s forces from Tri­ ^ Souse will be needed in the armed the armed forces of the United valid through Jan. 91 and is go<^ Commerelsl VeMcles the matter. the maximum amount of supplies his discovery stands at the monas­ Investigation of a burglary Mon­ sergeemt is able to give regarding All mail addressed to members •niefie peacefulness and the speed poli by the renewed drive of the tery of Hautvllles, France. Our Business Today ^ lorcea, or in essential Industrial Jr., in an Army Air Forces uni­ States and our Allies. for three pounds of sugar. Cou­ Operators of commercial vehi­ the present location of Company of Company K should be sent to Part of the legislators’ time which can be given them; that cles and non-highway equipment day at the Behrens' restaurant In with which the legislators set British Eighth Army has gone a *r farm work. form, toW of Miss Hansen’s con­ Is Constnirtlon Engineer pon No. 11 becomes valid February A. P. O. 43, care of Postmaster, about staffing the minor courts of yesterday was taken In routing to Free French leaders. Generals long way toward accompilshlng Governor Hurley brings to his who use bulk coupons for delivery Fairfield. K ia "out in the Southwest Pacific 2. How much food you 11 get. duct at the gathering in Mc-Kvoy’s 1 for three, pounds. Institutional Foliceman Frank Grywmlskl and south of the Equator.” The San Francisco, California. the state was in marked contrast committees some of the bills intro­ Henri Glraud and (Charles De- that objective. home before dinner. duties with the Narragansett com­ and Industrial users may obtain of gasoline to their own storage duced last Friday, the closing day Gsulle. have undertaken a move­ You may find that in making a piece of Mork il will pay to in­ 3. How warm you’ll “toe next went to Dlstafl’s home to question climate is very hot, according to to recent years. Biennially, the Could Prove Formidable Sat on .Arm of Chair pany a wide exj>erience'in engin­ January.-February allotments now tanks must turn in old coupons to for new business. ment to put a French Army, Navy Quick Relief From iWhteh. ! eering. public .service, Indu.strlal the local Board in exchange for a him after police learned that Dls- the letter, but the place itself is appointments bgve been delayed to 4. How much higher your "She came into the .sun room but will be subject to penalties for tafl had been seen around the res- tha and of the session, while party County Caucuses Held and Air Force into action. The problem remains, however, vestigate available sizes in screws, bolts, maebine screws, etc. It management and personnel rela­ new type coupon. not all that the movies would Im­ County caucuses took up much of driving Rommel’s battered taxes will go. and sat very gingerly on the up­ late registration. taurantf quite frequently with his ply. One of the Uisappointing Au88ie Ca8ualtie8 leaders dickered with each other. The assurance tnat the Initia­ Pile Irritation tions. A graduate of Lehigh Uni­ Coffee Stoves of the rfternoon, the senators and forces and the reinforced German For on their decisions depends, holstered arm of Flynn's chair— wife, Helen , who is a waitress things the local boys have found Able to Speed Appointments tive would be maintained In all Flynn didn't invite her to. ” he versity. he was for many years Coupon No. 28 on sugar ration All. coal-fired and oU-burning representatives of each county Army in Tunisia back into the 30 years ago a Buffalo druggist may be neces;8ary to alter your plans now and then to adapt your s in great mcasxire, the length of one of Connecticut’s principal con­ stoves are subject to rationing. there. out Is that there are no hula hula Total 52.142 But this year, the Republican theaters was Interpreted here as the war—and. in turn, what it said. "Then slowly, during the card is, good for one pound of cof­ leaders are able to speed ‘.he ap­ meeting to discuss county matters, Mediterranean. Military men say created an ointment for relief from struction engineers. Before his elec­ Certificates for the purchase of Jumps From Window girls on their islands as they were as required by the general statutes meaning .specifically that there ■ Will cost in lives, money and dis­ next 30 or 45 minutes, to the fee, until midnight Feb. 7. This pointments without the possibility would be no denial of necessary Ht coiilrt- prove a formidable and the Itching and smarting of Piles. work to available materials. tion a.s Grvemor. he was Public applies only to books i.saued to per­ these two items are available to Dlstafi was In bed when Gry- led to believe. on the fourth Tuesday of January. comforts. amusement of my wife, myself and walskl arrived and asked to be ex­ o f serious opposition by the Demo­ troops and supplies for the war time-ronsumlng job for expect It brought such quick cooling, Works Commi.s.sioner of his native sons at leafit 15 years old at time eligible persons at the local Board.f Need PhonogimpS Needles Canberra, Australia, Jan. 27— Fairfield county legislatora au­ that it will be accomplished by soothing, astringent relief that its One of the top considerations Flynn, she tried to slide in and state and had successfully com­ Bicycles cused while he dressed. After -a crats. against Japan in order to concen­ occupy a portion of the seat with of registration. Institutional users The small amount of free time OP)—Prlmi Minister John Curtin thorized hiring four additional sometime next spring. fame spread throughout the coun­ must have been manpower: pleted a $25,000,000 public works Anyone gainfully employed or few minutes Grywalski went to hl's Whether that will mean Repub­ keepers at the county Jail in trate on Europe. Australia and Shall the United SUtea put its him.” may now apply for FebrUai^ allot­ the soldiers have is spent in hunt­ told Parliament today that from lican Judges throughout the state China particularly have Indicated Considerable siKniflcance was at­ try. and made Peterson’s Ointment building program which, has been ments, 40 per cent of the quantity doing volunteer war Work can qual-. bedroom and found that Distafl Bridgeport, each to be paid $2,016 manpower into the largest possi­ Private Martin E. Ross, former ing, Oshing and swimming. They the outbreak of the war to the end is still not clear, although one of at times a fear that preoccupation tached here to the fact that Mr. a favorite in thousands of homes. widely cited as one of the most used during the September-October Ify for a certificate to buy a bicy­ had leaped from a window and was a year. ble armed forces 7 night bellhop at a Holly\-.'ood hotel, have a radio, and the entire outfit of December total Australlan*bat- the resolutions approved yesterday with Germany might allow Japan Roosevelt and Mr. Churchill chose Ask your dniggist for a 35o box of outstanding public construction base period. cle. Bicycles are also available to running down the street. The po­ New London county legialators . Or shall the United SUtes be- testified Miss Hansen once men­ liceman telephoned Fairfield head­ listens to programs from San tle casualties in all theaters were was thought to indicate It. a relatively free hand in the Pa­ to meet in French North Africa, Peterson's Ointment today, or 60c achievements of the pre-war pe­ Fuel Oil pupils who need them to get to Francisco nearly every night. The discussed but took no action on a ’ come even more the arsenal and tioned she had met Flynn at a Bel- quarters and gave chase. 67,142. That one was for New Haven, cific. rather than in London or Washing­ t»ibe with applicator. Money back riod. Purchasers must now pre.sent and from school. boys also have a victrola and sev­ proposal to sell the temporary if you are not delighted with relief. Advertise in The Herald— It Fays granary of the United NaUona Air home. He was asked: Presented l-abur Trouble The number comprised 6,826 where Judge Fred L. Trotta, a The American high command is ton. Over apd above the fact that coupons "2” or "3" for oil, the for­ Automobiles Sergt. Thomas Shaughnessy and eral modern records. However, home for children at Norwich to and use Its manpower to Increase "Did you ask Miss Hansen if As governor, Mr. Hurley made Applications for automobiles are Policeman Harold B. Cole arrived killed, 23,892 missing, 9,059 known Democrat, is now serving under a the state, now that the aid to de­ she had relations with Errol Flynn mer being valid through Jan. 26 states Sergt. Lucas, "right now we recess appointment which expires output of armaments and food? a signal record in administration and the latter through Feb. 20. now handled through the local in a short time and aided in the prlsmiers and 12,371 wounded. , pendent children act passed at the Senator Lodge (R.. Mass.), a or any one else or If she monkeyed of the state's affairs, paying off Board which forwards them to the are forced to use a thorn off a wild Feb. 10. For his post, the resolu­ last session relieves the counties around with Errol Flynn or any No. 4 coupons will be valid from search, finding Distafl hiding be­ bush for a needle." A package of member of the Military Affairs two-thirds of the public debt of the County Field Office at Hartford for hind a billboard. As the police ap­ tion named Nathan Reback, a Re­ of much of their responsibilities in one else?” Jan. 31 to March 26. No. .5 from needles would be more appreciat­ publican, not only for the next two committee which has been hear­ state. Notable among his achieve­ March 13 through Sept. 30. One final approval."' Eligibility require­ proached, the soldier fled along the /*TonlM dMrraa of M Um V^ that respect. ing from the Army and Navy “I did." said Ross: "she definite­ ments In preparing Connecticut ments remain the same. banks of Ash creek lihd did not ed than anything right now by years after July 1, but also for the Windham county legislators ly denied any such acts had tak­ unit coupons are tvOrth nine gal­ about their expect^ needs, told for all-out participation in the war surrender until two shots were these Manchester boys In uniform. five months remaining after Trot- considered a bill for $-.,605, repre­ reporters that by the end of this en place." effort, was the Compact For Vic­ fired by Grywalski and Cole. There are not many of the local ta's appointment expires. senting the county’s half share of year the armed forcey would total tory between labor and manage­ a result of a recent automobile ac­ boys left with the outfit, but those Female Vbakiitts Republican leaders said yester­ the expenses of fighting the forest cident. Distafl, held on breaking and en­ 10,000,000 to 11,000,000 men. ment. which he put into effect the C C Auxiliary tering charges, was taken to the that are still on the roster are day, however, that the appoint­ fires there last April. A committee And Chairman Reynolds (D-NC» day following Pearl Harbor, and An Activity Fund was discussed getting along fine and are In the lOdU I . PlnkhuB's Vseetabla Oom- ment followed a policy of filling was appointed to see if more of Cro88^ Birthday to provide the Ladies' Auxiliary county Jail to await word from pound Is made apeeiallr for toooton o f the committee said he “rather which during his ^administration military authorities. best of health. "Though It gets to isUave psrlodlo pain with weak, unexpired portions of terms with the coat could be borne by the Imagined there may be some na­ effectively prevented all work with its 0W71 treasury fund and pretty tough around here now and those who will fill the full terms, state or by Rhode Island, since the Plans Program after a vote was taken in the af­ narvoua, blue (eeUnKs—due to fuaa- tional service legislation" for work To Be Ob8er\ ed stoppages in Connecticut’s war Accident Deaths Top War then, the spirit of the fellows is ttoaal monthly dlaturbanees. Thkan and did not necessarily indicate bill exceeded budgetary allotments. on the home front. plants. firmative it was put into effect. always high. We would have all rsfularljr — Plnkham’a Oompouiid all Republican courts throughout The Army's announced goal still During his administration. Gov­ All members will be assessed $1.00 liked to be home for Christmas bains buUd up isslatsaos acalaat the state. Newcomer Tea to Be to create the f^ d . More people are killed and In­ sum symptoms. PoUow isbsl dlies- Is around 7,500,000 enlisted men by Hartford, Jan. 27—<>Pi—Judge ernor Hurley established the Con­ jured annually by accident in the but with a Job to do we Just Gens. Tboumads beasOtsdl Other Resolutions Approved Bombers Hit the end of IMS. Curront total is Saul Berman cf Hartford, associ­ necticut War- Industries Commis­ Hehl the Latter Part of United States than have been couldn't so we Just want the folks The other municipal resolutions around 5,500,000, Undersecretary ate chairman of the Wilbur L. sion which undertook the conver­ killed or wounded In any of the to know we are' all fine and hope approved yesterday were for John Naval Points | o f War Patterson said the other cross scholarship of Yeshiva col­ sion of smaller plants to war pro­ Next Month. nation's wars. to be home by next Christmas." A. Maresca of New Haven, Doug­ lege. announced today that a re­ duction. Manchester Get Mall Regularly las B. Johnson and William T. T m Potets Stfsaasd Still In PiibUc Life ception will be held at Hotel Taft, The fir.st meeting for 1943 of the A hamster is a small rodent of Sergt. Lucas goes on to say HaUoran of West Haven, and (Continued from Page One) An . Pattoiwn Itrtseed two points: His intention to return to priv­ Dale Book Thompson Dean and John R. Thim New Haven, on Sunday evening. Executive Committee of the Wom­ northern Europe.. that the men are getting mail 1. *Tt is as essential to-obtain ate industry was announced short­ At Our o f Hamden. All are Republicans fires in the dock area of Lorient, February 21. In honor of the for­ We almost decided against our big January Sale — but after we thought It owr we decided that - supertority over our enemiee in mer governor's 80th birthday and ly after his retirement from of­ en's Auxiliary of the Chamber of ”»>nlKht and all except Dean incumbents. Nazi U-boat base on the coast of 1 Overcoat '^■UBber of soldters as It is in traln- fice. He remains a key figure in Commerce, took place at the The governor’s nominations were France, and bombed the Gironde a smash, war-tuned. Budget-saver of a sale would be a patriotic thing to do! So here it is, men— the fSth anniversary of the schol­ Connecticut public life, however, Meeting, Mary Bushnell Cheney HARDWARE ■g sad la number and quality of arship. Chamber Offices ye.sterday Auxiliary, at Army A Navy club­ Howard W. Alcorn, now Baldwin’s estuary port of Bordeaux after a | Mapons." through his recent election as the sale you’ve been waiting for, full of genuine bargains. The guest speaker will be Dr. house at 8. executive secretary, to be Super­ two-night lull In offensives over And A X *Wfe are training men in 1M3 Democratic National Committee­ afternoon, followed by the regular ior CJourt Judge; Supreme Court Jan Papenek, minister plenipoten­ man from Connecticut. Tuesday, Februai^ 2 STORE the continent. to Cgtit in 1544. Our training pro­ tiary of tbe Czechoslovak govern­ monthly meeting. B IN G O Judge Allim L. Brown of Norwich, gram must contsmplate a long The Narragansett Machine Com­ This meeting was turned over to Annual meeting of Manchester and Superior Court Judges John Topcoat and unfortunately there are ment. pany which he has Just Joined was Starts Thursday, January 28th Yeshlvs college. In New York Mrs. L. T. Wood, the new chair­ Red Cross Chapter, Trade School Tomorrow Night 8 0*Gock, Odd Fellows Hall R. Booth of New Haven, Kenneth Naples Bombed ae aound reaaons to believe that founded in 1882. This is the third auditorium at 7:30. n ty , the only college c i liberal man for 1943 by Mrs. George W. Wynne of New Haven, and Ed­ the war will be ffadshed in IMS.” war for which it has helped to SPONSORED BY KING DAVID LODGE, 1. O. O. F. ward J. Quinlan of Norwalk, all During Night A ll In One arts and sciences In tbe world un­ Chenev. Vice Chairman and retir­ Wednesday, February S J w ------OA.ME8 ------O W Ifuraerous oongreeemen. how­ equip the nation. ing officer for 1942 in the absence except Alcorn to succeed them­ London, Jan. 27.—(S’ *—Naples I ever, have declared that available der Jewish susplcea, offers schol- In normal times, it is a leading Work on Red Cross Surgical 25 G a m e*...... $4.00 Prise Per Game was bombed last night, an Italian • Cavalry Twill srahlps in regularly accredited of Mrs. Thomas Dannaher, chair­ selves for eight-year terms. aumpowor and'womanpower miut manufacturer of machine tools, dressings at the American Legion 4 Special Games ...... $10.00 Prtae Per Game Actually, Judge Booth will communique reported today in a • Zip-In Lining courses to a selected group of man for last year. The new com­ hall between the hours of 10 a. m. be balanced among the armed gymnasium and athletic equip­ 1 Special Game ...... $50.00 PrUe serve only until he reaches the Rome broadcast recorded here by | young men. mittee consists also of Mrs. apd 4:30 p. m. Sweaters • Cravenette Shower, ^ fbteea. eesentlal industry end ment, metal lockers, and cabinets. Door Prise $10.00 statutory retirement age of 71 on .The Associated Press. Suedes Governor Baldwin and former In the period immediately before Stuart Warfey, Mrs. George W. $1.00 Admission Includes All of the Above Games. Proof r :; fum ing. Cheney. Mrs. Thomas Dannaher Wednesday, February 17 Sept. 26. He will then be succeed­ Messina, on Sicily, also was re- I P ' Some have estimated that indus­ Governor Hurley will attend the the war and since Pearl Harbor Special Cards 10c Each. ported bombed yesterday morning Zipper Coat Styles Cross reception next month. and Mrs. Harold R. Burr. Office opens for renewal of auto ed by Alcorn. try will need 6,000,000 new work- it has undergone extensive expan­ licenses, American Legion Home, All Bingo Players Are Invited To Attend! Intoveet in Bridge Bills and last night by four-engined j High Grade Suede A $35.00 Value At Only Speakers will include Rabbi Jo­ sion o f -plant and facllitle.s of war Mrs. Cheney was elected Hospi­ Crew Necks, Doifble Elbows e n this year, including replace- tality chairman for this year and Leonard street. Considerable Interest was arous­ bombers. , amnts for men going into the serv seph H. Lockstein, pre.sident of the production. The Italians Said the Naples I New York Jewish ^ a r d of Min­ Mrs. Burr, publicity chairman. ed yesterday by the Roads, Rivera and Bridges committee's hearing raid was carried out at dawn to- | Leuger Work-Week isters and of the Rabbinical Coun­ Color Aimed .At Youth Tes for Newcomer* day by a single plane which drop­ cil of America, who as member of It was decided to hold a New­ on Identical bills proposed.by Sen­ JACKETS These estimsites have brought ped its bombs from great altitude, I Yefihiva faculty will appear on be­ comer Tea during the latter part ator Thomas F. Dorsey, Jr., (R.) .97 fttecuBsion of a longer work-week. Orange carpets, green pews, and of New London and Rep. Otto W. causing some damage. half of the college, and Dean of February in place of the regular .Manpower Chairman Paul V gaily painted walls were intro­ Grossman (R.) of Groton to re­ McNutt expressed belief that Moses Legis Isaacs, of the college. duced into St. John's church, Eng­ meeting, the date to be announced tain the old bridge there toll free A seemingly minor weather I The present chairman of the later. It was also voted gUMrel 46-hour work week is nec- land, because the vicar thought after the new bridge is opened, condition, low cldhds, causes the ' * 8 '” Cross scholarship is Samuel Mcl- to send flowers to Mrs. Thomas eeeery to get “ maximum produc­ such brightness would attract more which will be soon. greatest number of delays In air | Excellent Quality! Top Grade Skinx! Irrl- litz, of Bridgeport. young people. — Dannaher who is. in (he hospital as The coat that has everything.. .*tyi«, tion with what wa have." ‘The 1939 act authorizing the travel. Jeacent Bavon Lined! Zlp|>er Front! Bl-Swlng • Smart Color Combinations amartne**, durability PLUS double Senator Oumey (R-Sd), a mem­ lack ! Sizes 36-46. Our Celling Price $9.95 Small and Medium BIza • Attractively Styled ii*e! The lining zip* Out and yon have ber of the Military Affairs commit­ a topcoat. With the lining In, you tee. eald: SWEAT SHIRTS U Zipper Pockets have a comfortable overcoat. See thi* “Twenty million workers in In­ Regnlar gl.tS Value! great coat tiMlay! dustry working 40 hours per week, Button Sport Coat • Sizes 36 to 46 which is approximately the na­ ...You can 99 c tional average In Industry, will IFoduct a given amount of goods Ironing Boards 100% NEW WOOL CAMEL in 1943. * 1 2 -” spot it every time Ironing l^ r d CoTera Our Ceiling Price $14.95! “If these same workers would Mail Boxes put in not qulU the 56 hours a Heavy Shakers Week that the workers of England Whisk Brooms Overcoats o s t e s s e s of Pan American at the airports penoniff Tj...... are putting in-----we could Uke Mop Handles * 6,000,000 workers out of Industry the service of air traveL They provide many Mop Fillers Zipper Sport Goat All Wool! and give to agriculture more farm H Bicycle Tires and Fubea .47 workers than the farms could pos- pleasant surprise. They offer so many extra i Maroop Croquet Sets $ 1 1 . 7 7 GABARDINE CAMEL COATS Mbly use In producing the Increas­ for your information and convenienca. Navy ed victory food objective, end still Garden Tools Green COATS 50% Wool — Fly Front maintain the aame 1943 Industrial Wheelbarrows Our Ceiling Price $12.95! production now contemplated. " And when you’re thirsty, at a terminal or 70% Worsted — Zip-In Lining Fully Lined The farm labor situation has Clipper, another surprise awaits you in icef prac. Screwdrivers SPORT aak what effect the Army’s man­ MACKINAWS W o^ Chisels JACKETS power drain on Industry and farms tice. The only thing like Coca-Cola is Would have on this aid. Cold Chisels Sell ALL WOOL SINGLE OR Coca-Cola, itself. Regular The question is, they say: Manila Rope DOUBLE BREASTED $ COATS * « a $14.93 8-*7 How can America's manpower Snow Shovels be put to the best possible use for * '” Chi-Namal Paint 11 100% WOOL Ii*t natural for popular namos (B aequira fristMUy the .United Nations' cause? ALL WOOL , Some answer to that question abbroviatidiBa. That’s why you baar Coca-Cola Turpentine CAMELS, TWEEDS, PLAIDS must have be^en sought at Casa­ callad Cofca. Both mean tha samo thing••• Putty AVIATION OR REVERSIBLE $5-$7 blanca. The decision reached there EXTRA LONG s "coming from a singla toutoa, and wall known Heavy Iron Palls Children ! Will have farreeching effects on 72x90 s tha coaum nlty". Paint Brushes JACKETS the home front. Paint Backets We sell them everything from carriages to cribs! Flynn Slal.ed' Solid colors: Rose, Blue, = JACKETS ♦ 1 2 '” Green, Peach, and (^


I peace problems demand considera­ transport in an effective combi­ A m r ^ r a t t r Favor Bowers tion on a wOrld-wide basis. nation with ground forces repre­ Making Survey Acquisition of Dakar Recreation It la good news thet, although sent tactical and strategical ele­ Irra tt no political formula for the unity ments of a broadened conception On Manpower J^olr Judjgeship Center Items of North Africa has yet been pro­ of warferj that will permit the "The War Clouds Have A Silver Lining" claimed, Generals Oirsud snd De application of offensive power in Rated Great Victory Tonight: It ■Iim U ftrMt Town Committee Indi­ Qiarter Oak Unit to MmaskMtar, Conik -Osulls havs at Isast met and swift massive strokes rather than Plans for Use of Women 6-9-^unlor boys’ gam* open E. S. and W. 8. THOXAS rS^OUflON shaken hands, and decided to fight the dilatory aqd costly island-to- MAPLE BEDROOMS A tA T a L o r i t v : Conaequently we made it cates Preference at Hold Session in Hart* d«ii«nU l*ma*i»r To Be Given in Detail Attempt to I ake V.Iiy j moat hlghly-fortined 6:15-7—Junior boya’ plunge pe­ Fewii** 0«tob«r 1, lltl the war together. island advance that eome have Meeting Last Nigjit. riod B. S. ford Tomorrow. For Millions Of People Next*Week. Bv F orce W ou ld H ave i corridor* In the world. FabtltllM Branlnv Bzoapt But the best constructive result assumed, to be necessary in a 6-9—Boya Intermediate baaket- Z i "Morever, any force able to ef- ball league game* E. S. ■andart and Bonda7*< BntariM at of the conference uniguestionshly theater where the enemy’s far- M e a n t T e n s o f I n o u * feet * landing on either aide of The Republican Town Commit-^ The annual meeting of the (Char­ til* Fott OSIe* at Manohastar, Coon, Bridgeport, Jan. 27—(4h—Plans 6- 7—Small gym open for hand­ Employed In W ar W ork at Koood Claaa Mall Mattar. lies in the solid fact that the flung strongholds are dispersed J As Featured By 1 e ' the city, or perhaps pushing north tee held''* record-breaking meet­ ball E. S. ter Oak Council, Boy Scouts of for solving Connecticut’s man­ > s a n d s o f G a s u a l t ie s . Gambia, would have had to American and British general through a vast expanse of archi­ ing for attendance last night w**en -;T-8—Small gym open for box­ America, will be held Thursday •UMCRIFTION RATM ^ power pniblem by using woman------light every inch of the way before Ona Taar by Mail ...... staffs had ten days of concentrat­ pelagoes. Air forces ‘U!9 glMund 56 members found their way to the ing E. S. afternoon at Christ Church Cathe­ fa r Xaoth by MaU ...... -I! power in the state’s war produc­ By Joaeph Morton reaching the back door. The min- 7- 8— Beginner* awimming claaa ed discussion snd planning. forces were welded together In dral Parish House, 45 church ■tnala Copy ...... ••J.'S? tion lines will be announced in de­ Dakar French West Africa— i ute a hostile foot entered French Municipal building. The meeting for women E. S. street, Hartford, at 4:.3U p.m. We will not attempt to justify this point of view. DalTyarad Ona Taar .It-M As the present North African Papua, and when in sufficient tail next week. Gov. Raymond E. was called for 8 o’clock for the 8- 9, — Intermediate awimming (Delayed)—(A*)- The negotiations! territory the battle wquld have The purpose of this meeting is to MEMBER OP offensive, took shape in the meet­ strength with proper naval sup­ Baldwin declared laat night. WATKINS begun. We were far, far stronger purpose of getting an expression claaa for women E. S. transact the busineiis of the Coun­ It is the accepted order of things. So we urge you THE a s s o c ia t e d PRESS "We are making a survey now," which won Dakar peacefully for than at Casablanca or Rabat.” of the committee on the proposi­ 7-10— Bow".ng alley* reserved Tha Aaaoelatad Praaa la axclualva- ings of last June snd the previous port, their indissoluble union • A cil, to maka application for the he said in his weekly broadcast, the United Nations constitute one After inspecting Dakar’s "back tion ofjthe Town Court Judgeship. for S. Moske’s group E. S. renewal of the charter, and to elect to make the most of this situation by SAVING ly aotltlad to tha uaa of rapubi ca­ points the way to victory through tion of all nawa diapatohaa eraditril December, so, beyond doubt, defi­ "to determine where the needs are of the great victories of the war. door,” I can confirm that, while It Chairman W. S. Hyde callid the 7-10—Bowling alleys reserved officers and members of the execu­ to It or not otherwise credited iti nite military plans for further at­ new and broadened strategic and the greatest and where women This Is a conviction based on is no Siegfried or Maginot line, It meeting to order and aa he said It for men's league W. S. tive board for 1943. All local scout as much as you can from your pay each week for this paper and also tha local news what I have learned while rsm- tack upon Hitler have now been tactical conceptions." can best be used. We are setting certainly must be among the waa the first meeting that many leaders and committeemen are re­ published herein. up the niiichinery for their train­ Youth's or bling unrestricted around the of the members had ever attended Tomorrow: the needs that will develop in the days to come. All rJabta of rapublloatlon of shaped. Naturally, we, and Hit­ In the Pacific, as in the Euro­ Ik world’s "most highly-fortified cor­ quested to make an effort to at­ special dispatches herein ara also ing and placement.” city’s defense installations, driv­ ridors.” The defense arrangement he ordered a roll call. Then the 6-9—Junior boys’ game room tend this meeting. reserved.______■ ler, will know of these plans only pean theater, we do not Intend to Commenting on the state’s ing through the coastal sector cannot be discussed In specific de­ chairman explained the reason for open E. S, and W. S. The annual banquet of the Coun­ "splendid production record,” the above and below it and question­ the call of the special session. He 6-8:30—-Boy’s Junior basketball Pull service client of N. E. A. when they arc put into action. fight this war on the pattern Guest Bedroom tail, but it Is permissible to say cil which waa to be held at this BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS! governor declared tha^ it* fac­ ing Army officers entrusted with told the members that resolutions Service Inc. Naturally, that will take some which the enemy expects and that there are thousands of land league games E. S. time has been postponed to a tories are being asked to produce its defense. had been introduced to the Gen' 6- 7—Small gym open for boxingfuture date, due to the shortage Publishers Represenullves. The time. But there Is satisfying cer­ for which the enemy is prepared. (Dakar and French West Afri­ mines, tank traps, enough barbed next year even more thsn the wire to fill several large ware­ eral Assembly for two candidates E. S. of gas, tires and heating fuel. The Julius .Mathews Special Agrency— four times normal production of Solid Maple ca were won for tho United Na­ 7- 8—Small gym open for hand­ New Tork, Chicatro, Detroit and tainty that the United States ami We have already prqved that, in houses. machine-gun nests, and for the Judgeship. The resolution date for the banquet will be given Boston. Britain stand closer and more one instance, by opening the last year. tions In negotiations between Gen. naming Raymond R. Bowers, he ball E. S. out later. Need More Workers Dwight Elsenhower, commanding anti-tank and anti-aircraft bat­ 7-8—Soldiers plunge period E. S. teries camoufiaged so carefully said, was Introduced by Represen­ MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF unified and more agreed on com­ North African campaign. And, "To do this we need more work­ the U. S. occupation forces, and tative George E. Keith and the 7-10—Bowling alleys open E. 8. CIRCULATIONS. mon blows than ever. before long, we may be making ers. Where are they coming the late Admiral Darlan, then high that one scarcely notices them un­ 9 9 . 5 0 til he stumbles Into them. one naming Raymond A. Johnson Tha Herald Prlnttna Company, It remains for future steps to Japan fight on battlefields of our from ?” he asked. "That is a ques­ commissioner for French North was introduced by Henry H. Hunt, Navajos Ready for Warpath The Savings Bank . Inc., sssumas no financial rasponsi- tion which the women of Connec­ and West Africa. Pill Boxes Guard City Proper the senator for the Fourth Dis­ nUENDS TELL blllty for typopraplilcal errors ap- bring Russia and- China into a choosing. Inside the "back door,” guard­ jWlRBOiniS earlnp In advertisements In the ticut can help to answer." 3 Pieces Dakar Valuable Prize trict, which Includes Manchester. San Diego. Calif., Jan. 27—(*V - that from one acnerstkm to another Slanchester Evening Herald. similar degree of understanding The governor sp >ke from \ Because of its strategic loca- ing the city proper, is a ring of Mr. Hyde also stated that both the Forty-two Navajos from Arizona they have uied Father John'i Medicine and cooperation. Bridgeport, where he attended the Uon, Its airfields. Its wonderful pill boxes studded by larger in­ representatives, G. E. Keith and and New Mexico are about ready .to relieve ooughi due to coMi by Wednetiday, January 27 ceremony at which an Army-Navy harbor and its excellent dock and stallations housing the big guna S. Raymond Smith favored the for the warpath—as U. S. Marines. soothing the throat, you must realize of Manchester "E ” was awarded to the Panish shipping facilities there can be no And offshore, standing watch on resolution of Mr. Bowers. The The Indians, who left boot camp that such recommeixUlion it ttrongei Vour Federal Control* company. ’Thg^ award, he question that Dakar was a valu­ either aide of Dakar, are Made­ several weeks ago, are at Camp than any written praise. 85 years’ Casablanca Results Polities Meets Politics Sturdy solid maple pieces to withstand chairman suggested that the vote jj^d^eM abl^roo^^merit^^^^^ said, waa the 65th of it* kind for able prize. But the victory lay not leine and Goree islands, equally be taken by ballot and named Ar­ Elliott undergoing a special train­ A Mutual Savings Bank . Tho "Unconditional Surrender The Flynn bearing was con­ Income Tax Connecticut industry. the knocks a youngster will give it! 80 much In acquiring it, as In ac­ well-stocked with artillery and de­ thur Davis and Victor Johnson aa ing course that combines native ducted with open opportunity for "I believe that we can aafely quiring It peacefully—without the fense works. tellers. When the vote was counted and modern war tactics. rmnuonc SERVICE Conference” at Casablanca has its make the claim that we have more Notice the husky, deeply turned spool presentation of the case against Information of vital inter­ loss of a single life. Anyone driving along the roads It showed 56 ballots cast, of which plus and minus points. Army-Navy ’E’ award* in Connec­ bed. It’s exactly as illustrated. Large The commander of Dakar’s de­ leading north ar ' south from the 36 favored Bowers and 20 were A cubic foot of solid gold The greatest, disappointment, "Dear Eddie,” and with equally est to those who must file ticut in proportion to our popula­ dresser base and the four-drawer chest fense forces, Gen, Pierre Mathieu peninsula sees barriers or place­ for Johnson. weighs about 1200 pounds troy FA®c’(!l?irs tion than any state in the union. and the greatest gap still to be favorable opportunities for his de­ a tax return not later Tristan!, believes that an Allied at­ ments of one type or another, and Mrs. Julia Crawford, the treas­ weight. SOOIHES THROAT IRRITATION! \Vc are out in front and we have have typical Early American bracket tempt to take the city by force in the coastal strip between It and urer, reported more than $400 in nUed tai the fighting of this war fense against these charges. Con­ than .March 15, I94.‘t, fur­ got to stay there.” bases; solid oak drawer interiors; dust- would have meant tens of thous­ the Gambia border— "la petite the treasury after all bills had and the consolidatipn of the peace, flicting testimony left many ques­ nished by the Bureau of cote”—scarcely ever is out of proofed. All pieces come in a mellow, ands of casualties. Such an attack been paid. Hes in the fact that this was still tions factually undecided. But per­ Internal Revenue. waa anticipated early in Decem­ sight of French soldiers. Nothing has as yet been said haps the fact that the defense antique maple, rubbed to satin smooth­ ber, he saya, about a month after Three other Important questions about the naming of a Deputy a two power inst^d of a four No. ’>1 I From the bearing on Dakar’s defen se- could not. prove its points clearly Income From Rents and Royalties | ness. a thousand women and children Judge, which Is now held by power conference. / were removed to North Africa. .He planes, Naval strength and ammu­ George Le.ssner, a Democrat. The beyond ail suspicion and doubt There seems little doubt that Many taxpayers derive income Governor’ s Office la “very glad” it didn’t come off. nition supply—cannot be.discussed pre.sent prosecuting attorney, Ja­ except In their broadest aspects. the main purpose of the President left the entire case in the same from rents, and royalties. Such in­ Dtnwa Maps Side by Side cob Rubinow, another Democrat, unsatisfactory status where it come i.s shown in item 6 of the re­ By Rajmond E. BaMwia General Tristani is a mild-man­ Planes Strategically DIspei'sed was named by Judge Bowers. The in going such a perilous distance turn Form 1040. Only the net in­ It can bci said, however, that was left by the New York grand nered, extremely agreeable little meeting last night lasted less than from American shoree was to come—or loss—is shown in item (; man who bas the reputation of a Naval units based at the port, a half-hour. jury, which found that a crime that is. the difference between the The response to my request for backed by the batteries of the make it possible for at least Sta­ closing "non-cssentlal-to-the-war" flrst-clnaa tactician and strategist. was committed, but which was t al amount received in revenue His passion, ever since the Fight­ disabled b leship Richelieu, Were lin and perhaps Oeneralissimo places of business on two consecu­ not certain that any one could oe from the property less the total ing French and the British nearly strong enough to inflict consider­ Selvage Namecl Chiang-Kal-sbek*to attend. The tive days has been moat gratify­ able damege on any invasion con conv'icted for it. This, coupleil , amount of the ordinary and neces­ took Dakar In 1940, has been per­ fact that Stalin found himself sary expenses incurred. expla­ ing. ’Through voluntary coopera­ fecting its defense. When he dis­ voy. As for planes, there were *Too busy" with the worthy pur­ with the fact that even the wit- j nation of income, chargeable ex- tion we are-not only saving much cusses this pet subject he gets out more strati-gically dispersed in Publicity Head nesses intended to be friendly to p.!naes, and the kind of property, needed fuel but are also saving paper and pencil and draws two the Dakar area than popularly ' •yi pose of directing Russisjs winter gasoline which workers might SOLID MAPLE CROUP supposed. It is true that virtually n ust be shown in Schedule B of maps, side by side. One la of Da­ Wa.shington, Jan. 27 — (jP) — offensivs may or may not be a Flynn and the President were not ordinarily use in getting to and the return. kar. the other of Singapore. all were of pre-war vintage— James P. Selvage of Princeton. t ^ - I valid eacuse. But the probability able to keep all their testimony on ffom work. The more we can re­ "Dakar, like Singapore, is perch­ some Curtis P-35s—but judging by N. J., a former newspaper report­ ’The "kind of property’’ might be maneuvers I saw. the French fliers Is that be could have found it pos­ the favorable side, classifies the duce our demands for gasoline, the ed on the end of a peninsula,” he er and former director of public re­ indicated as a farm, dwelling, more tank and barge and truck A ; were able to handle them like de­ sible to attend had he felt the appointment as one which is cer­ store building, or the like. The explains, “where the problem of lations for the National Associa­ space can be made available for defending against a frontal attack mons possessed of wings tion of Manufacturers, is the new same seal for a real United Na- tainly in doubtful territory, and chargeable expenses are shown un­ transporting oil for heating our To the question of ammunition. 5 1' der three headings, as la) de­ V from the aea is principally a mat­ General TTiatoni has an answer. publicity director of the Republi­ ticBS unity that Churchill and therefore an abuse of Presidential homes. I want to thank Connecti­ ter of big guns with which to blast can National committee. preciation allowable, (b) repairs, cut people for the splendid manner “We had enough to hold out Roosevelt felt in arranging this privUege. approaching ships and water front Selvage’s appointment was an­ and (c) other expenses. Where de­ in which they have cooperated to ■'r againat any potential enemy our BBeeting. StaUn’s absence high­ The capacity for playing poli­ preciation is claimed, a further ex­ defenses behind which we could intelligence told us could be nounced yesterday at the first of meet this grave emergency. beat; off beach landing forces. a scries which Harrison W. Span­ lights the fact that be is still tics with an ambassadorship In planation Ls equired in Schedule J It is a grave emergency— and thrown against us. Of course the (i^planation of Deduction for De­ Highly-Fortified Corridor Americans were the uncertain fac­ gler, the new national Republican keeping to his own purjjoaea, and time of international strain and the men and women Who have \/\/ "But like Singapore. Dakar had chairman, will make. Clarence preciation Claims). Repairs and been without heat, the parents of Mj tor. But if they had come, there not yielding to the opportunity to crisis is not limited to the Presi­ a back door. Singapore's was the Budington Kelland of Arizona had other expenses must also be ex­ children, old people and sick peo­ still would have been a heavy make Britain and tha United dent, however. There were Dem­ plained and itemized. strait separating it from the main­ fight, not because we didn’t like been serving as publicity director ple— those who had little or no V vv^ f H land, and this strait was so long Americans—on the contrary we for the committee. States bis friends as well as bis ocratic senators willing and eager A distinction must be made be­ heat during the cold spell of last tween expenditures for mainte­ that the defense force could not liked them very much—but be­ allies. Russia is still fighting one to meet him on bis own ground. week, they know what it is to be cover all of It. Our back door was cause we wanted to remain French First stone arch railroad bridge These were those senators who nance and repairs and expendi­ cold. And because we knew that y i i $ was completed in Maryland in war, and doing very well at * fore the war. Heavy $ •onferenoe results. On the plus "For months on end air trans­ ry the battle to the enemy. I am 2 4 - 5 0 A real emnfortable mat­ rryaltles from mineral properties therefore aaklng the women of ACA ticldag. KoU edgea. tress. Win give years af a * working feverishly to get ready for those The job could never be done without side, the good reeulta range from port with constant fighter cover­ 139 It’s a tough job to provide swift, reliaWc the statute provides for certain al- Connecticut to listen to their ra­ New England craftsmen, working in the foothills of.Veiroon^ servlc*. REG. $44.50 the thrill that must have come to age moved complete infantry regi­ lr,,-able depletion expense, depend planes. telephone service to the armed forces, the loyalty, skill and hard work of tele­ dios next Tuesday evening. Feb­ have always made Cushman Creations of solid, rutfRM NffKher* Americaa troops seeing their ments and artillery battalions Ing upon the nature of the proper­ ruary 2, at 7:30 p. m. At that .Ime Early American BEAUTIFUL NO. 12 BLUE BELL FANTAN phone men and women. And without the ty and other factor*, and the birch. Only birch takes the unique C ustoan finish ..a Stringing 24,000 feet of telephone wire war industries and civilian defense President in J^orth Africa to fu­ across the almost impenetrable I plan to outline in detail our LAYER FELT Super DeLuic China Felt amounts deduct^ may not ex­ plans for recruiting, training and LAYER FELT officials, and at the same time provide patient understanding of the public, too. ture military developments that mountains and jungles of Papua scuffed, richly highlighted maple color. Now, MATTRESS MA'TTRESS over hills and through woods .. . racing ceed the statutory limitationa placing women In faduetry. Bedroom in ment prizes this wood even above maple where s^ n ^ h is Will speak for themsetvas when and tha reachea of the sea; trans­ Twta er tall alaa. Attraa- MATTkESS The last word la fine bedding. the clock to splice and match and patch essential services to keep life and busi­ You have helped enormously . . . by thsr arrive. quired, we appreciate more fully the reason Cushman Creations ttva greea dawiaah ttehtag. ported field hospitals and other AmerioM Pilot Killed Faafl Best to Nartii A frlw la heavy hlae aaniea strip* Made of layars of flaeat white the wire $vailahle in their trucks . . ness moving on the home front. It’s cheerfully accepting party-line service The psoeeitetitleealibig nature have always Dean so popular. Fra-hnlU hordars. Aak for ttchfag. BnUt far eom fen China felt—attractive brown Saaa toatallatloos of tha fronts Solid Birch Medel 117-D. RegnUrly and white $ oa. aerriee rick- or even no service at all... by making aC the Prestdent’s trip, oeupled Lisbon. Portugal. Jan. 37—tM — X^ndon, JaB. 2T—OBV— Large Regularly $SAS0. rushing equipment to the airfield from tough because the number of calls has auppUed the troops and evacuated Report* from south Portugal laaf quantities of food aad ether me- $1435. lag. Regularly $49.50. fewer and briefer local calls . . . by hold­ udth the fact that caituxhiil him- oaaualtiee. For hundreds of miles night said an Americaiv fighter The Early American bedroom 8hown_^(bed, dresser a nearby city . . . patiently yet swiftly mounted steadily. It’s tough because teriala have been aent for tha and cheat) haa the mellow charm so desirable in fl livable bed­ . artf le w the htlawtle homa from bontoera provided aU-around re­ plane caught fira over Portugal United 'Nations from Britain to tPiccefl $19.95 testing each wire back across the miles needed new central office equipment' ing back on calls to distant out-of-state laat eonferenea in Waahlng- and the pilot, who waa not Identi­ the civilian population at North $29.50 $39.50 connaissance, protected the coast fied, was killed when ue jumped 13900 room. points between 7 and 9 in the evenings adds up to demonstration Africa aa an emergency measure, to the nearest telep^ne exchange. cannot be secured because of tlie war. from ho.stUe naval Intervention and his parachute failed to open. the Ministry of Production said to­ BUDGET TERMS and blasted tbs way lor the Infan- day. These suppUM war* marked AVAILABLE AT THB ns R drove forward. A sew Attonv* OH Nagoea’ Ufa with red, white and blue let bearing Ameiioaa, Britlah i HOME OP ' M l total fei M OBprM*. form o< campaign was tested London, Jan. XT—(flV^Tha Parla French flags. GOOD BEDDING! ital Bsorid war. Thon which points the way to the ultl- radio, in » broadcast heard by Tha W-B Budge! Benson'S kata Aaaod atad Praaa, reported today Open avaiy Tutaday and Thura- Govci.inenl .appiy'^u uims: mate defeat of the enemy fa the VAaraa CbIsb Leader Dta* day avanlag until i P. M. Or NEXT TO THE A. A P. thta wiHUih , e< Pacific. ' from Tanglera that an unsuccess­ •maU initial payment; nalanM THE SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE COMPANY ful attempt had been made on the any othar arafang by spaclal weekly or monthly; plum email TEL. 3535 ril'TII MAIN fTAIIT ila ta cattkic to ha VondJu, Jan. 27— Ben Til- "The offensive and defensive life o f Gen. Auguste Nogues, appofatmant; call Mancheater WATKINS carrying charge. lett, 82, veteran trade union lead 617L < . • •OTHCSS I N C I. ta whick preaant pever of the sir and the adapta- French North. African leader who er and former member of Parlia^ ta deputy for Gen. Henry Honorc yange aad capacity o f its ment, died today in a Liondon boa- I I airaud.-lta flstaita war* giVao. U- V. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27,1948 PAOB JrANCIIESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN:, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27. lD4f! may complete two full yetrt of offered by the Exteneion Center I college work a t the Center in a meana of continuing tbsir ool- sent, Roosevelt said the 10-day > and "No" are tlie only ones pro­ Show Interest Hartford, or may transfer to ths" lege work. Dr. Prjee pointed out. 1913 ar Plan conference had ended in "complete | Trains as Navy Flyer Five Noiiiiiiatioiis vided. the House clerk reported Fliers Face Handicap campus at tha end of any ssmsa- Some atudents now enrolled and >lton Plans About Town agreement" on 1943 plans to bring ' that on the vote naming Judge No One Hurt ter. others who plan to enter in ths Mapped During about the "unconditional surren­ Miule l>v Balflwin Quinlan for another term one bal­ In Courses The fliat extension student to second semester will carry two or d e r’ jot the Axis. This did not lot was marked "Undecided." Mary Bushnell Cheney auxUiarj-. In New Guinea Fight complete all the work for his de­ three courses in addition to their Scrap Drive mean, the President said, the de­ House Speaker Harold E. Mitch­ In 4 Crashes gree after transferring to campus wartime Jobs and by doing this U. S. W. V., will meet;;this evening 10-Day Meeting struction of the populations of On Judges Voted ell ruled the ballot void. RegistPUtion for Exten­ will do BO ai ths end of this will add to the credits already at eight o’clock in the Army and Germany. Japan, and Italy, but It Judge Quinlan was confirmed month. He enrolled in Septem­ earned toward a college degree. Navy clubhouse. did mean the smashing of the 189 votes to 2. - Slippery Highte’ays h i after they have passed out of sion of UConn Study S c h o o l to Be a (Continued from Page One) (Continued from I’age One) Unable to Hit What sight. You can hear the Ihlcu ber 1939, when the program was They plan later to return to the philosophy of these countries baked inaugurataU, took a full freshmen campus to oomplsts ths work tor Troop No., 15. Boy Scouts of St. on conquest'and reigns of terror. Early Hours Oiuse Main crump of bombs exploding. Proves Popular. Collection Center; of the progress and results of the memorializing Congress it would Can’t Be Seen; Back down the road a bit, you year in Extension, and by attend­ their degree. Meanwhile they James’s church will hold their Here Churchill interjected "Hear, ' have not completely lost touch Typewriters. conference which outwitted Nasi not do so without lengthy study. Local Accidents. Line Advanced ^ i i l y bad seen transport planes—Doug­ Preliminary treglstraUons at the ing summer sessions on the cam­ regular meeUng this evening at hear," as if he were home attend­ Rep. Harry F. Farnham (R) of Elliiigtou pus, will finish at mid-year. A with their studies. seven o'clock In the K. of C. home spies based in adjacent Spanish ing a parliamentary session. i las C1470—circling low and drop­ Morocco. South Windsor said his under­ 50 Yards in Month.' ping sacks filled with tins of Hartford Extension Onter of the number of other students expect Still other students are en­ Bolton, Jon. —(Specir.n—An on Main street. The boys are re­ "To Press War Initiative Treacherous, slippery highways ra­ 27 The pie.sence of .such a galaxy I standing of the "pay as you go" Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lu.sa of Pin- tions and hardtack out the door Uslverslty of Connecticut, ahow to receive their degress at Ctera- rolled in single courses which VHLEIITinES vng. _ji)aAvor !■ to be made to make a minded to bring their registration Allied determination to pres.s the plan was that it would leave "a accounted for at least four acci­ of American and British leader.s, war initiative In every part of the j ney street, celebrated their 50th By Bill BonI and onto a small landing field. a continued Interest in tha work menesment at the end of May. specifically fit their individual hlwrou£h collection of prepared tin fee. both strategi.st.s and field comman­ *15.000,000.000 deficit on the wedding aniiiversarj' at their home dents up to noon today but no one Those are the only a irc ra ft In for the second semester, says 8. Sines many axtension students needs. world was .strc.ssed. Roosevelt'T books.” ' JEWELRY is the matchless, lasting gift of love for your one . CMW In Bolton. In cooperation with ders, indicated that not only Euro­ said that a "theater by theater," ! riiesday with only their Inimedi- was seriously Injured. Paul Cer- it’s Willard Price, director of Univer­ are emplosred fulltime and attend Full details of the program, Mrs. Marjorie Eldrcdge of Hai-- pean invaaion course.s had been Rep. William W. Hoppln. Sr.. GidJiei ^an"‘l3^(cS pond ^ ll‘^i,Sr^ay*fo7wekB"lhat air class only in the Iste qfternoon courses offered, and admission re­ vard Road, ha.s tendered her re s­ .survey, as the communique phrased ate families present. Their chil­ vini of Main street skidded near sity Extension. Greatest inter­ :tUw collection to be made in Ma"; charted, but that field commanders (R| of Farmington, who urged dren pre.sented them a sum of est is shown in engineering, sci­ and evening, they carry a partial quirements may be obtainad from ami only Valentine. ieliester not later than the 7th of ignation as secretary of the Man­ it. had been made. adoption of the resolution, said its Hollister street at noon and smash- ' had been decided upon for im­ This was interpreted to mean money and flowers. Mr. Lusa is a ed his car. Mr. Cervini was not ence, and Spanish language load of course work. Such stu­ the University Extension office St chester Red Cross chapter and it purpose was "to obtain prompt dents may take three or four 39 Woodland Btreet, Hartford, 4' Mrt. Stoughton, teacher at the has been accepted by Chairman pending operations. Those who will 1 that Allied military’chieftains had action on payment of personal in­ retired farmer. Both Mr. and Mrs. hurt beyond a few bruises. r * " a ^ r h l‘ whlTe s^ ' o’^^hJ ^ o r a T nearing forward head. courses. Although these courses command and where they will j niapped invasion plant, and prob- Lusa are in fair health for people E arlier in the m orning an oil u" 8 'A iiiy Air p U e s on th eir 1 ■“PP'y continue through the year work years to complete the equivalent where classes are now held in the Diamond Waterproof blorth school, .rery , generously of- Dr. Eugefle Davl.s. ,Mrs. Leona come tax." o. Aruijr ^ .dumps of both Allied forces, Sol­ of the first two yeafs of college, building ot the Colleges of Law strike probably will remain mill- ! ably also picked their generals of their years. truck sidewiped a young maple wings. e begun in the first sem ester, jfsrod the services of her school in Reed baa been as.signed tempor­ t.iry aecret.s for some time. Would Pay Travel Expenses 1 diers come down the road or go before transferring for their two and Insurance. ilocatlng these collections In their arily to the office of executive lor .such field (lo-sts. W ithout dcbi'tc. vhe House Mrs. John B. DcCnrli of Main ti-ce just over the curbing in front They make two bcmblng runs, courses are open to new students President Roo.'evelt took time .Ml the chieftains were present street has been ill at her home for of the home Joseph Chartier on then zoom down even lower and up, singly and in twos or threes, in American economic history, final yeqn of Concentration in Engagement Rings WATCHES Itorrltory. and from past expert- secretary. adopted and sent to the Senate a of with rifle or tommygun over shoul­ their major field of work pn cam­ Josephine’s Birthplace fences with the other schools their out from the deliberations to for the meetings—-Gen. George C. resolution providing that members the past week. Main street opposite the Csrlyls you hear their machine-guns chat­ government, European history, award decorations to U. S. troops, Marshall, chief of staff of the U. S. Rural Mail Carrier Charles H. Johnson company. The truck was ter as they go over the Japs in der and tin hat ovar one ear. sociolology and apcMh. pus. Many students who first itouhers. too, will assist in locat- King David and Sunset Rebek- of the Legislature be paid travel You atop at an Australian Intel­ enrolled in the Extension Center The Island of Martinique, in ths J lu collections In their respective ride a jeep to review troopa in the Army;. Gen. Sir Alan Brooke, chief expenses they incurred attending Bancroft has returned to his work able to proceed under Its own strafing attacks. You hope they're Students who have completed ahs lodges will hold a joint social field, and eat Army rations of ham of the Imperial general staff; Ad­ ligence shack, where the Ausaiea' in its beginning years, 1939 and West Indies, was ths birthplace of $ 3 9 - 5 0 MMununltles. which would mean a on Friday evening at 8 at the their respective party caucuses be­ a fte r s tw-o w eeks’ Illness, hts power, The driver, apparently, hitting something, but you don't their high school wmrk and who and beans. miral Ernest J. King. commander- positions are being outlined for 1940, are pail way through at the the Empress Josephine, wife of $ 2 7 -5 0 up Jsavlnr In gasoline, tires and time I. O. O. F. hall. The program will Milton J, Turklngton fore the General Assembly con­ daughter Minnie, who was also ill was not hurt. see how they can tell in this dense meet regular r^uirementa for en­ Special for Service Men! Timing Partlrularly Fortunate in-ehief of the U. S. Nav-y; Ad­ A Connecticut Company bus Capt. Leon Walton, of Everett, trance to the University may en­ present time. Boms are atUI an- Napoleon Bonaparte. itor the coUector. Any who have consist of sound pictures and a vened. Marsh told the House that at the same time has returned to jungle. Wa.sh,, intelligence officer for the rolled in Extension and others are inropared and saved tin cans for The timing of the meeting was miral of the Fleet Sir Dudley Milton James Turklngton. old­ m previous years these travel al­ her studies at the Rockville High skidded over the curbing In front Not many aircraft are in action. ter at this time and receive full fine choral chorus with Miss Lil­ Pound; Lieut. Gen. H. H. Arnold, Americans who are manning the now on campus. Blood ot fish and turtles con­ inelwage, are respectfully request- lian Kittle ns director. Also a particularly fortunate from an Al­ est son of Mrs. Cfiara J. Turking- lowances had been paid as a m at­ schooU of the Odd Fellows building at the You can’t hit what you can’t see, credit toward their college degree commander of the I T . S. Army Air ton, of 76 Scarborough Road, is Center and it was fortunate that wedge between the roadblocking for work satisfactorily completed Oollegs students who have In tains ntarly three times aa much ■■d to notify the school teacher In whistling .soloist, Miss Jean Walk­ lied standpoint, with Gei;man ter of course, but that it had been - Mrs. Mario Lusa returned from from the air any more than on the Japanese and the main enemy phosphorus as that ot the higher ^ e ir nelg^iborhood or a member of troops reeling In Soviet Ru.ssia Forces; artd Air Chief Marshall now in training at the Naval discovered there was no statutory no one was standing near this ac­ ground, and that Is the terrific at the Extension Center. terrupted their studies to enter er. After the entertainment re­ Sir Charles Portal, chief of Brit­ the Rockville (Sty hospital Sunday force. There obviously Is nothing Members of extension classes wsr industries and in the program mammsts. lltanlvage committee. freshments will be .served. and Africa, with Italy having just Aviation Flight Training school authority for such payments. where she recently underwent an cident. The big bus nearly problem of this New Guinea fight- ain’s air staff. at the University of North Caro­ slammed into the building. Its rear much doing, so yoti wander across S According to reports the collec- been stripped of its last symbol of The Senate later approved the appendectomy. .Ing. the way to the forward Y.M.C.A. In emphasiiing the aim of the lina. Chapel Hiil. N. C. After reso.lution. while the House re­ bumper catching op a comer of .qillfsi Have .Advantage DONNELLY’S African empire, and with Japan rAktw 00 far throughout the coun- The son born yesterday at the Allied high command, the preai- Nicholas Barchook, 63, of this hut—and really forward for such a JEWELERS AT THE CENTER i try are far below the requirements being smashed In New Guinea. three months of preliminary in­ turned the complimenting by con­ the concrete and on its way across On this front the AlUes have the Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. dent suggested that the entire st^ucUon at this-school he will go town died Monday night st the unit, since the front is a bare 200 *’1b war efforts; therefore all must Willard Brewer Hills of 26 Walk­ Here are the highlights of the curring in the Reback, Ferguson the sidewalk broke off a sign post. advantage of unopposed aid bom­ Thisjls Whfll Your Neighbor m eeting be called "the -...r unconai- I advance training. Upon and McKendry appointments. The Engleman (S>nvalescent Home in The bus was able to continue on its yards away. Another cup of tea ^^Bake an extra effort in saving and er street is their fourth child. They conference which Roosevelt and Somers. Bom in Russia, he has bardment and atraflng, air artil­ here, and while you sip it and sat jStMOoctlng these prepared cans. Churchill, in a Sunday summary, tional *>>rrender" con^Prence and | completion of his courses he will House previously had approved schedule. lery observation, lack of any artil­ now have two sons and two daugh­ recalled that Gen. U. S. Grant had _ commissioned as an Ensign in lived in this section for many years Early this itiomlng an out-of- with pocket knife the tin of meat Thinks About MacDonald’s The salvage committee says; ters. They are the grandchildren agreed was unprecedented and will Ferguson’s appointment. and worked as farm hand for lery by the Japanese, at least 3 to The secret ballot vote in the town wrecking car towed In a and beans you carried up on your . "Uet us not slacken our effort in of Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Hills of affect the coiir.se'of the war; ^nTVhJ’cnofideret^ U. S. Naval Reserve, receive many farmers. He is believed to 1 superiority in numbers — and hip, the AuBsles wheel one of their ,aavlag and marketing fats and One—Military' and civil leaders mg the Confederate Armies. designation as Naval Aviator House on the five high coiirt judge- badly damaged automobile from yet in more than a month the main East Center street. To Lond Beds Material .\ld ship nominations was: Brown, 194 have a wife and three children in oiit east. A checkup here revealed two-pound guns—a bit larger than Btaases as requested by our gov- of both nations agreed on a 1943 and be assigned to duty with the Allied line was advanced a matter the 37-mllllmeter—up to where It WARDS FINAL to 1; Wynne, 213 to 1; Booth, Russia. The funeral will be held that no one was admitted to the a ro tto n t. Pvt. Merrill Soderlund of 30 plan designed to retain the initia­ One of the main decisions reach­ fleet. of no more than 50 yards, if that can pot the Japs in a pillbox ed was to lend all possible mate­ 208 to 0; Quinlan, 189 to 2, and Wednesday at the Burke Funeral local hospital as a result of this ■ : “An urgent plea has Just been Ridge street is now stationed at tive in every war theater. home in Rockxrille and burial in It's a quiet day on the Sanan- The gun gets into position ncelved for typewriters for our Two—Roosevelt and Churchill, rial aid to the Russians who are Alcorn, 184 to 15. accident. The car was almost anda front. RE-UPHOLSTERING the Twin Engine Flight Training about noon. An artillery lieuten' sapping German manpower and now is pursuing Marshal Rom­ Before the two Houses adjourn­ the Ellington O nter Cemetery. completely wrecked. Our living room suite was in very poor oondltlon. Wo Mttetpnted buying new taml* Bmed forces, as no new typewrit- school in Seymour. Indiana, an ad­ perhaps In anticipation of Axis mel’s retreating forces into Tu­ It has rained heavily during the ant returns. art are being made for the dura- peace feelers, agreed that peace war materials, the president said. ed for the day they approved, night. It always rains these ture but after consulting ths MecDonald Upholstery Company ws fouad wa oouM have vanced flying school. He added that China vvas to get nisia from TrlpoUtania. also was without debate; resolutions nam­ “Iron Deer” ForMt Fire Loss. "When are you going to have i our old suite re-upholstered with the same quality material and workmanship for ahoiri tlan, and it la therefore necessary’ can come only through uncondi­ reported to have attended. nights in New Guinea, for this is go at themT" you ask. to get together all machines that a full measure to help end forever ing these minor court judges: John the rainy aeaaon in a portion of one third the price of a new suite. Private Clifford Rautenberg of tional surrender of the three major the Japanese attempt to dominate A. Mareaca of New Haven: Wll- Workmen digging Iron ore from Approximately 140,723 forest "Oh, batwean 3:80 and 3,” he Ban poMdbly be spared by business Axis partners. the country where the annual After examining the returned suHe we- found It to be a perteet npholslery Job In every 12 Emerson street. Is home on a the Far East. lian^ T. Holleran and Douglas B. a bog in central Virginia a cen­ fires, burning 43,889,820 acres for says, and disappeara before you ■cams and also private homes. 10-day furlough from Fort Bragg. Three—Generals Giraud and De rainfall la 130 inches—almost can aak him what should make reepect. t lHypewrlters made since 1935 "The official communique of the To Hold Series Johnson of West Haven, and John tury ago came across a deer’s an estimated loss of (60,274.960, eleven feet But you have man N. C. His wife who has been at Gaulle met for the first time under meeting which today is being R. Thim and Thompson Dean of skeleton, still Intact, that had occurred In the United States dur­ that particular time more desir­ Signed—Mr*. Charlsd E. Ubdrt Win bring to the owner' from (26 Fayetteville for some weeks re­ sponsorship of the president and aged to keep dry becauae of >the able than noon. to«4«: and for older models which broadcast in a score of languages Of Card Parties H am den. turned to iron from long immersion ing 1933. Most of these fires were ground aheet stretched along the 13 Oxford Street turned with him. prime minister to negotiate for an throughout the world, also called House Democrats met after ad­ in iron-bearing w'sters. caused by carelessness. V isit Portabla Hospital .WOOM be unserviceable with the effective union of their two forces. inside ot the thatch roof over Manchester BHvao in foreign parts of the attention to Russia’s great fight. journment to discuss the war pow­ There obviously is very little Pfc. Edward Blovlsh has return­ Four—Stalin was kept informed. your cot—two parallel poles, with *«artd, on account of lack of repair It said: The Memorial Hospital Wom­ ers bill, slated for action tomor­ half a pup tent stretched across stirring, so you start back tha ed to an embarkation point In Churchill and Roosevelt disclosed "The president and prime minis­ row. That bill would give the gov­ three miles or so to camp, stop­ Wwta, they should be offered for New Jersey after spending a short en's Auxiliarj' will hold a series them and a light sleeping bag on Here's What MacDonald Does UM fo r duration, to people or they had offered to meet the Rus­ ter realized up to the full the of fireside bridge parties Monday ernor power to suspend or modify ping off first to see if Maj. Fred S-Pi«c« Living furlough with his wife, the for­ sian leader—whose Armies have enormous weight of the war which that. O'Brien of Cambridge, Mus., and s who in turn could deliver mer Miss Margaret Hennequin of afternoon. F eb ru ary 15, a t homes any state law which may conflict Drinking H’atsr Sterilized made machine to the gov- dealth such prodigious blows to Russia is successfully bearing with the war effort his portable hospital have any Knighton str^t, and his parents, that may be reached by bus or You go down to the creek to the Germans—at a point "very along her whole land front and easy walking distance, it was de­ new cases. O’Brien, Capt. Peter Room Suitea spoeUled need for type- Mr. and Mrs. Adam Blovlsh of much further to the east.” But it their prime object has been to wash. It ia a swlft-flowlng, Angelo of Wellealey, Mass., and North street cided at a meeting of the execu­ brownish-yellow stream that is one machine for every was pointed out that because of draw as much weight as possible tive board held yesterday. The *Vndecided* Ballot Lieut. Jim Walker of Boston are people; that would mean that the big Red Army wHnter offensive off the Russian Armies by engag­ changes two feet in depth from ribbing Capt. “Wild BlU” Ckjmeau Howard L. Holmes, eldest son names of those granting the use Ruled Void one day to the next according to A$M $ Re-Upholstered need account for at least 4 Stalin was unable to leave the ing the enemy as heavily as pos­ of their homes for the benefit of of Haverhill. Mass., because he of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Holmes, of sible at the best selected points. state Capitol, Hartford, Jan. 27 the amount of silt that flows $tnut$ yaafhlnes. country. 'The two Allied leaders the work of the auxiliary will be is the only one of the foursome ' ■‘^Typewriter concerns in our 28 Woodbrldge street who enlist­ also communicated with Chiang Premier Stalin has been fully in­ —(/P)—One representative in the down. It la where you wash who didn’t go to Tufts Medicsl Denim* ed tw o w eeks ago In th e U. S. formed on the military proposals." announced later when the list is House apparently could not make your body, wash your clothes— W tif towns can be notifled and: Kai-Shek and "have apprised him complete. school. Ne went to Georgetown '^e supposed to cooperate in Navy, received his call to duty to­ of the measures which they are All Resources Pooled up his mind today about whether and draw your drinking water, and sticks up for it—but they day. He will be sworn in ai the This first project of the year is he wanted to continue Judge Ed­ which is sterilized by the addition Tapestried BMifceting these machines." tak in g to assist him in CTiina’s "The best selected points" at in addition to the voluntary serv­ have nothing to report, either. New Haven induction center on magnificent and unrelaxing strug­ ward J. Quinlan of Norwallt—M iss a motor road. Carl Spaatz. air commander of Ireiie and Florence Fay. There are St. Margaret's Circle, Daugh­ Aside from the fact that he flew „ , , Ttary Ann Grinvalsy. 39, who died Stray Horses and Fonlea ■Moral grand nephews and nieces ters of Isabella, held a successful across the Atlantic, details of the the Allied Expeditionary Force In ^ night, is survived by 15 There are some stray horses ■too aurvlvtng. card party last night at the home president’s trip still have not been North Africa; Lieut Gen. Mark , brothers and sisters, among whom and ponies, several of which were W. Clark, commander of the U. S,. | the Rev. Stephen A. Grivalsy ' The funeral will be held from of Mrs. Henry Gruessner of Cen­ disclosed. left by or taken from the Japs, tile W. P. Quiah Funeral home on ter street, under arrangements CTiurchill arrived first. When Fifth Army in Africa: W. Averell ; ^j,e Holv Name church. Strat- browraing through the tumbledown Harriman, U. S. defense expedit- ; glster Maria Thelma of Main Btreet on Friday morning at made by a committee consisting the president landed he dispatched cocoanut grove where your hut is. er in Brjtain; and Lieut, den. F. ; gg cyril and Methodius convent SHIRT SALE! S:30 and from St. Bridget’s church of Miss. Stephanie Tunsky. chair­ Harry Hopkins, chairman of the One bears a scar across his nose, at • o’clock with a high mass of British-American munitions as­ M. A ndrW s. U. S. A rm y A ir | B rid g ep o rt where he was potshotted the man; Mrs, Gruessner, Mrs. John Forces commander in the Middle ! w an a eou atuffa up the nose, requiem. Burial will be in the fam- SuIIivran, Miss M ary Miner, Miss signment board, to Churchill’s causes mouth breaming, throat other night by an itchy-fingered 8 y iff 8t. Bernard’s cemetery villa, and the prime minister re­ E ast. tickle and night coughing, use Odd Lot of Fine Quality sentry who ' wasn’t taking aHy Anna Legate and Mrs. Philip For Britaiiiv-Field Marshall Sir In Rockville. Friends may call at ,(!^rney. The latter won the door turned with him to begin the talks. this time-tested Vicks treatment chances in the dark. Another the funeral home this evening un­ The first one began at 7 p. m. John Dili. heM of the Briti.sb Jhat goes to work lasteatly... wrandered into the hut one morn­ prize and John McCarthy of Fhne X w tf» at MMOl til the hour of the funeral. Ilease Hill .street won the wool blanket i the night of Jan. 14 and lasted un­ Joint Staff mission in Washing­ ing while you were away at omit flowers. ton; Vice Admir^ Lord Loulr At bedtime rub good eld Vicks on which the members have been til 3 a. m. the next day. Military breakfast, and scattered copy pa­ Moimtbatten. chieK of Combiner! VapoRub on throat, chest and canvassing. Ten tables were in j bigwigs participated, as did the NOTICE! b a £ Then watch ite nariMTaw- SHIRTS per all over the place in search Peter K. Wharton - Operations (C^jmmmdoi; Lieut play in bridge and setback. Fir.st field commanders- of both nations gnMOumag action bring reUef of something to eat. Peter Kingsley Wharton, two- charged with smashing the Axis- On, Sir Hastings Is^y, chief of ftoa dtitTMIe Not far up the track you pass peafwold son of Mr. and Mrs Rich- honors in bridge fell to Mrs. Clar­ (Values To 82.25) ence Smith; second to Mrs. Rob­ held strip of Tunisia preparatoty staff to the office of tlm minister The office of the .Man­ It PUmmilS to upper breath' an Auotrallan Y.M.C.A. hut. with arf E. Wharton, of 34 Westwoc^ to opening a po.ssihle second front of defense; Admiral o f\^e Fleet ing passages withth soothing$t Americana and Auasiea aittlng atreet, died yesterday at his home. ert E Carney, In setback Mrs. m^telnal vapors. It gnMUno Aceto wa.s first and Mr.a. F ritz on the underside of Europe. Sir Andrew Chmnlngham. Allied chester Water .Company around rough-hewn tables in the He wee bom In Hartford and was President Roosevelt received chest and back surfaces Uka a Magmison, second. i Naval commander in Wfrica' back yard waiting for the water an only child. Private funeral correspondents in the red-flower­ Gen. Sir Harold AleqanderN^fid- will be closed all day Sat­ warming, comforting poultice. . . to boll for tea. writing letters aervlcee will he held Thursday at and it kam on working for hburs. NOW $ 1 .4 9 Each ed garden of his villa Sunday af­ dle Eastern commander-in-eWef: avaa white yaa alaaa—to ease home, or borrowing a razor blade. 1:S0 & m. at the Thomas G. Dou- Olaf Erlandson, chairman of ternoon while American fighters urdays during the fuel the Dairymen’s bureau of the Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur coughing spasms, relieve muscu­ On a bulletin board on the front gan Funeral home, 59 Holl street. and R A F. spitfires hummed over­ Tedder of the R. A. F. Middle lar sorehesa and tightneaa-and of the attack are posted tbs latest Rev. James S. Neill, rector of st. Manchester Chamber of Com­ head protectingly. ‘ emergency period. bring grand oomforti Try It to- merce, has called a meeting of the Eastern command, and others. (Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only!) Issuas ot “Guinea <3oId," the Allied M ary’s Episcopal church, will offl- Gen, Sir Bernard L. Montgom­ nlims..-Vteks v^ioRub. forces’ nswrspapsr which Is print­ elate and the body will be sent to bureau for tomorrow night at 8 Only Woman Present The only woman present was ery, whose Eighth British Army ed In Port Moresby. Alongside are Springfield. Mass., for cremation. o’clock in the Chamber rooms in detailed descriptions of the Japa­ W ends are asked to omit flowers. the Hotel Sheridan. All dairymen, WAAC Capt. Louise Ander.son of Denver, a stenographer from Lieut. nese machine-gun and Uluatra .whether members of the bureau tlona of Japanese Army insignia. Donald E. Modean or not, are asked to attend. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower's head­ 23482353534823532323484823235353232348534823482353482323482323232353484823485748534823235348 GLEMNEY’S q u arters. Fartbor on part of an Ameri­ Donald .Edward Modean, son of can Infantry battalion is policing Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Modean of William C Kennedy, of 45 Fair- First to arrive was Hopkins and “Where The Good Men’s Wear Comes From” the president's son, Lieut. Col. El­ up Its camp. The boys return your Vernon, formerly of this town, view street, has been named air 789 MAIN STREET "Hi,” ask “How’s the war going?" died this morning at thtiSMemorial raid w arder of Precinct 4 to fill liott Roosevelt, who is stationed in A frica. America’s Supreme Effort ^ Who known? hospital. afte r a long „ illness.------'The ---, vacancy caused by the death Dig Drainage Ditches y y who w-as eight years old leaves , of Thomas Holden. Mr. Keruiedy Then Generals De Gaulle and M ides his parents, three younger , was deputy to Mr. Holden. Giraud appeared from the presi­ On up the track and here, in a brothers aind a . sister. They a re ! ^ ' ____ dents quarters, followed by F^se- In The Art Gf Weaving | particularly muddy patch, RMald and Richard, twins; ar.-1 Attorney George C. Lessner. of velt himself, clad in a light grey bunch of Yanks arc digging drain- Other brother’ Robert and Betty I 149 W est Center street w as dis- suit and with the usual cigarette agS ditches, while riflemen and Min. His maternal grandmother is charged from Memorial hospital holder. Hovering In the ' hack- tommygunnera atand by for the Mrs. uiMtave Kirshsieper and the yesterday following an operation gi-oiind was the president's envoy ever-present possibility of Jap Mtomal grandparents. Mr. and to North Africa, Robert Murphy, snipers. Tha jungle grows right for appendicitis. SHOE SALE\ Mrs. FriU L. Modean of Lydall who did valuable contact work W ORUM BO I up to the track through her*. There’s an Australian 35-pound' Street. The meeting of the police com­ with the French before the Allied The funeral will be heid at the invasion. A Fabric for the Man Who sr battary stuck In the woods far­ 1 mission schediileii for last night ■ Churchill, smoking a cigar and WOMEN’S GIRLS’ MISSES’ ther along and, as you catch up John B. .Burke Funeral Home, 87 was postponed because of the in­ Bast Center atreet, Saturday after­ with some American medical boys ability of some of the members of dressed in a dark grey suit, then Wants An Overcoat of Un­ noon at two o’clock. Burial will be appeared. going to tha forward portable hos- ■ the board to be present. Buster Brown -- Brownbilt Shoes In the East cemetery. The funeral General Giraud and De Gaulle usual Quality and Distinction! ' pltid, you hopo It won’t start Durable twosdtl BrigMploicM home will be open Thursday eve­ shook hands for the benefit of the BROKEN SIZES firing ju st. then. Which means ning from seven o’clock until the correapondents, then retired, as • H that tha thought no sooner haa MIony evoiahiaB wool. Iroko* hoar of the funeraL Hospital Notes the conference got under way. Although the makers of this won­ laft your head than thsra la a tre­ First Roosevelt expressed hla derful overcoating are now wholly mendous wham behind you and courw, something goes wbiatUng over tiaat, of sNS a Admitted yesterday; Mihs Mary oxvn and Churchill’s regret at the on production of Navy cloth wa Two Are Missing death of one correspondent, your head./Up closer to tho lines, Monohan. 91 Foster street; Wif- atUl have a fine aelection of pat­ a O O they go over with such a wdng- ^od sataafloatbr o>l 11am A. Dunlop, (Chestnut street: Edouard Baudry of the Canadian terns in this famous fabric. I From This State Broadcasting Corporation. Baudry bsatlng aound you’d awrear you Ann Flynn, 418 Center street.. ooukl oee ths oheUa If you atarsd Admitted today: Miss Mabelle was struck by a machine-gun bul­ let over Spanish Morocco when into the. sl^ overhaad long enough i, t^ahington. Jan. 27—i/P)— The Cunningham, 9 Cook street; Riis- .aad hard snough. sell Ferguson. 51 Foster street; the plane in which he was riding .. .OF COURSE ifllsvjr announced today 48 caaual- w-ith o th er correspondents enroute Jeeps are running both ways, ^i|ia (a Navy forces. Including one John Vlchl, Homestesd street. It Should Be Custom Made I Regular Price* $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 forward wdth* supplies, back with Discharged yesterday: Mrs. Anna to the meeting lost its way tem­ oao wounded and 47 missing, porarily. He died when the plane wounded. Lieut. Gen. Robert L. htingi to 31,967 the total ol Unsworth. 95 Forest street: Mrs. Eichelberger, one-time West Point James Copeland and daughter, 85 made an emergency landing In Time now to select custom-made Mama Oocps and 0>aat French Morocco. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY ONLY eOBunaadant who now commanda oaaualUes roported to next Doming street; George C, Lessner, Bult from our fine aelection of Amtriean ground forces in New Dooemhor 7.1941. The 149 West Center Street. The President then explained the background of the historic meet­ 100% wool fabrics: Worsteds, Co- Guinea, passes by riding s jeep. laeludes 6,399 dead. 3,- Discharged today: Mrs. Mary G. 'verta, Chevlota, Flannels. Hear Bombs Explodlag ~ 11,661 mlasing. Kenton. 22 West Center street; ing. It became clear, he said, Tbs occasional saploalons at (ho ■nnonaced today W illisth Beiflore, 132 C harter Oak when the North African campaign was launched that he and the 25-poundsr ahslls are all tha bat­ and Boae-commU- s tr e e t tle noise you hear from up forward ■iliae otherwise Death; Today, Donald Modean, prime minister would have to meet TEL. 5181 again. GUSTAFSON’S s you draw nearer the front — (-828 MAIN STREET eight Vernon. Stalin had been'cordially Invited which actually la tha point whare Birth; "roday, a son to Mr. and to meet the President and prime Keller’s Men’s Wear 1 I th h track paaasa tram Anstraliaa Mrs. Dorothy Mrs. John Cervini. 218 Osk street. to Japaasaa eentroL Than, suddsa minister but was "unable to leave ___ "Aa Individual Aa Your Fingerprint" 3M UatiM avoBue, Russia at this time on account of J s BROWNBILT SHOE STORE ly, thosa four Douglas A-SOs break Advertise in The Herald— It Pay* Tlse BOW cargo plane haa a low the great offenstve which be him­ 887 MAIN STREET out ot one of tha lowhangtng, sod- laa^ng speed, excellent takeoff, self as eommander-tai-chief la l^sxt Ih Esdaeai Bake lh <9 705 MAIN STREET JOHNSON B14>CK iiiiiiiiHiUiitittM|iy|iniiSiftt»ai(ttiitiMiiiiiim MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 27. l?H!f MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 27.1948 PAGE KLS\

• SlkiAL STORY Four Boys Die I 'i AM A MURDERER' As Ice Breaks s of Interest to Local Women DaOy Radio Programs Artillery Team Swamps Grocers^ 71 to 20 eerrmflHT, tM*. t r M0M(» MMKIV NKA •C»Vie>. INS. Bodies of New Haven Reunion in Flotbush Quartet Recovered Shopping with Judy •twyt lU a li th« atory af it, Mrs. Porter West had reached Former Champions aaiaaa”—tka aaarJar the considered conclusion that Hours Later. Adjust Meat President to Be Heard Yanks Sell Gonlez qr Ham Merrtwatker Cynthia Merriwether was a suit­ Cutting e b b e t s i r r M r s n ? r a< Ua im r lalmd able wife for Frederick Hallibur­ New Haven. Jan. 27—(/P) Four Menus To Advertlsement- Advertlsemeht- Advertisement- ______of tfco oveata leadiBK ton Weat. not merely Yale '37, Over Air on Saturday mVENT I SONDiOfir laughing little boys played happily; Corners To Boston Braves to It. Wo hava awt thi wealthy but capUln of Yale’s polo team, book is issued at a date to be an­ ouvs No Match for Fast m l’a attractive daafkter Cya- and by no means neglected in the on the thin Ice of the West river Extend Supply nounced later. New York, Jan. 27.—(/P)—Ae haa^one penny per letter that would ___ ; Heary Preatlaa. Fied Weat photographic art of either sport­ late yesterday when suddenly the Good news for the housekeeper • a i ether frienda and aoltera who ing page or rotogravure re;'orts of been the case ever eince the be $700 inasmuch as quite a few Colorful Soulli^w SoW SuTC tee cracked and plunged them into Although America’s meat sup­ Sweet Potato Tsrta whose refrigerator is too badly of them contained more than a are waiting for a po>« to be-: hunt balls and kindred fetes. the water. ’Their bodies were re­ ply this year is the largest in our , call for little sugar and are filled worn for use is a new icebox president hee been honored via cent, no doubt there is more. For Waiver Price to Charging Winners That her son. Fred,' had turned made almost entirely of a pressed >«»■• ______i history, it must feed more people with vitamin A. Mix 1 1-2 cups : radio on hie Mrthdey eimultaneoue- out to be really an amusing, and covered hours later. mashed iw'cet potatoes with 1-2: wood material, the moat popular Boston; Believes He. Of Finishin Of Chapted U |friendly, and unpretentious sort of They were: Anthony Cioffo. 8; than ever before—our armies, our ly with the'cloec o f the annual Listening tonight: NBC, 8— Mr. teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon cinna­ model requiring only eight pounds and Mrs. North; 8:30—Tommy Will Like New Club. Aa usual, the huge, pale .green young man did not enter into her Ernest Jacobs, fl; Augustin Cala- allies and ourselves. To make sure of steel. The box is. said to use infanUle paralysis fund drive, he Games Tonight Shamrocks Falter When mon, 1-8 teaspoon each cloves, | is to be heard in Saturday night'a Dorsey: 9—Eddie Cantor and r Btanda aurrounding the Broken calculations at all. Those calcu- melette, 11; and Harry Willis, 12. HELLO THERE:— only a hundred pbunds of ice per . our armed forces and allies get ginger and mace, 2 beaten eggs, all network broadcast, 'ITUi year Rudy Vallee; 9:30—District At­ In Top Berth! RUI Club polo Held, were empty laUons. on the contrary, were Guided only by the sobbing ac­ 1-3 cup sugar. 1 tablespoon mar­ week and to mamta'in an even By BUI King (Intermediate League) Polish Team Presses and a little desolate even in the meat, which is a great food weapon GATHER 'ROUND. FAMILIES OF AMER CA! Newspapers all the program Is called “America torney: 10—Kay Kyser's Hour. based in sound, realistic fashion count of an eight-year-old sister in this war, civilian families must over the land have.vitol messages for you these days . . . messages garine or butter, melted, and temperature of about 46 degrees. l.exington. Mass., Jan. 27 — 7- 8-—Buttermen vs. Falcons. Mght sunshine. That was not a upon the absurd things which all Salutes Uie President,” and will CBS, 8—Premiere Sammy Kaye In Last H alf; Chute to the Jacobs boy. police for a change their meat habits. on how to keep- the family aa healthy and comfortable as possi­ 1 3-4 cups milk, fill shallow tart The wood construction has a very —Now that be has recovered from ■ Peckinpaugh 8- 9— Royal Blues vs. Vlklnga ' Jipolo year, and even in the best this excitement —' silly wars and Ume believed there might haae high ln. physical condition in the with ladders. But that failed and soylieans,' and peanuts. Milk, fish, quisite settings while they are thoroughly and chill the dough, if son Harold, now in the Marinee, What to expMt Thursday: NBC, I was surprised, of course,” the Tribe manager who is now vice it little the field. cluster Just of beyond men and the horses side- needs dough. You’ve got it, or still available. wallpaper production is to be cut or cranbe»ry jelly. aa a consequence for her failure 0 a. m.—Everything (3oee; 1 p. m. president of the club, bases his bargain. * ' mthered at the far end. She then they tried to wade in the and cheese excepted, these are convenient. Drop portions from a colorful southpaw said. “ But I ANt> muL tm eip, 'to , See Stars Play. P. .A.’s Pressed your bid man has. I’m Just put­ shallow water. in half during 1943 find many ot to aiurwer a question in Ralifli Ed- —Alrbreaka Variety; 6—Indiana am convinced I still have enough optimistic prediction for 1943 Jumped from . her seat and called also good sources of iron. For the spoon onto greased baking sheet. the.se fine papers will be irreplace­ OMH o u t G S M lS m E N Those Shamrocks were hot alt ting it straight on the line for you. 'They were unable to find the Flatten each cookie with the back wanJs' program last week, the Indigo. CBS, 3:30— Indianapolis stuff to be a winning pitcher and upon the fact that the team's out ^ ly to players and grooms. B vitamins and iron, stress whole- With meat rationing just able. O F B X X X V )7 f By Robert Melluoe through the first half and gave the There’s no use my saying take bodies, however, until a boat and around the comer of your cup­ of a spoon frequently dipped in THE FURLOUGH Usteners to send a penny each. Symphony: 5—^Madeleine CarroU I’m looking forward to working in strength has been little affected by U'f-««d patted a lean brown pony on it or leave it, because I know grain and enriched cereals and NE.A Service Ooirespondent Polish-Amerlcans a pretty b a ttle - grappling irons were brought. bread. Green leafy vegetables board, Uncle Sam wants you to warm water. 1-2 cup nuts or can­ FEATHER CUT It is hoped to have the final Reads; 6:30— Bobby Tucker’s the Braves’ big park. 'Those long the draft. the nose. Everybody grinned at. damn well you’re going to leave The Victory Dickey by Shirtcraft Milwaukee, Jan. 27—Misinter­ Leaving the floor at half time they ■f .“ har, and Captain Pugh, the um- Tbe death of the four bays was are rich sources of iron. learn moxe about the many varie-, died fruits can be added to this figure for Saturday's broadcast. Voices. BLU, 12:30— Farm and foul lines sound very attractive Contraeto Mailed To $1 had a 17-11 lead over the Polish it. But I’ve got the right to say the greatest loss of life in a dough, if desired. Bake 12 min­ 'To dress up simple But lettere with the pennies have Home ProgTwm; 3—Three R’n For the last couple of seasons the Of the 31 players to whom con­ pretation of the suggestion by Bill ' ptiw, got down from his tail cbest- that no matter how obvious it is, Buy only as much meat as you ties of edible fish that can fill the boys. But things took a different aut to take both o t her hands, single New Haven accident since plan to use and store. Put raw gaps scarce steaks and chops will utes in moderate oven. street cloihes and to been pouring In at the rate of a Variety: 4—Club Matincie. MBS, 301 and 295-foot left and right tracts have been mailed, 23 were Chandler to eliminate disqualifi­ turn in the final two quarters for this money business hasn’t any­ give fresh effects to autd return her smile, and boom 10 'employes of the New Haven meat in a refrigerator, or other leave in your menus. Some of thousand an hour, so that the 11:30 a. m.—Yankee House party; fields in the Yankee Stadium seem­ listed on the club roster during cation of basketball players after the P.A.’a climbed into the lead thing to do with the way I go for Quilt and Pad company burned to sweaters, suits, dresses total haa gone considerably beyond 3:80 p. m.—Shady Valley Folks; ed much too short for me.” the 1942 season. li;* that abe was ruining the game by you. Oh, hell — you’re already very cold storage ' space If you these tasty fish are well known, Warm and Beautiful New Fur four personal fouls has driven and stayed there. The PA* de­ hetting too much money on it death on Feb. 5. 1940. keep it longer than a few hours but were neglected during the and sportswear. Pre­ an earlier estimate of 70,000. A t 6:45— Songs For Service Men. Pointa to MacFayden “If we don’t lose any more fenses tightened in the last half, bored vrith the whole idea. . . Coats cision tailored Inside and out by a wedges into the widening schism "Careful, Mr. Puritan,” she said, Cooked meat also needs careful lush days of meat plenty. Others There are tremendous values in Gomes appears to have ample men, we’ll be right up with the Phils In Bad Spot allowing but 6 points to th* loser* She had not laughed. Which maker of fine men’s shirts with other top teams,” Pecklnpaiigh between eastern and western 1 ^, : "o r you’ll get no bid to the cham- waa something. She had taken storage. Ground meat, cooked or arc Httle-known, but make ap­ fur coats at Montgomery Wards. grounds on which to base his hopes while they accounted for 20. It was full-length back and front, the deelarea oonfldently. ||« yagne party Tm throwing on my hia reluctant hand. uncooked, needs colder storage petizing, nourishing dishes. Have They have received many new 1880 for a successful term with the coaches. a fine game to watch. IfS riaiBBings.” Overnight News than unground, and cannot be a chat with your local fish store Victory Dickey comes in striped The Indian official considers the (Chandler denies the so-called Cavaliers Win ‘•You’re sweet.” she said; “That’s ones of sable dyed coney, skunk, and soUd-color shirting fabrics wnc WDRC Kilocycles Braves. He recalls the happy ex­ When Stars Depart p "ObJecUona Withdrawn!” he the sweetest, nicest thing I ever kept SO long. keeper. dyed opossums and seal dyed periences one of his old teammates. New York Yankees and the St. penalty box movement, such as in The Parachute team gave the ^ Bhout^, and the grooms consid- Cook meat the modern way, at and in rayon sharkskin. In three Louis Browns as the chief ob­ hockey, which was attacked by Cavaliers a tough hard fight heard anybody say. Listen, Fred. Of Connecticut coneys. In sizes 12 to 42 they are sizes, and 21 colors Peter Pan Deacon Danny MacFayden, enjoy­ s ered^this a monstrously amusing moderate heat until done, and no Wedneaday, Jwinnry 27 Wedaeeday. January 27 ed with the Braves after the Yan' stacles to a Cleveland champion­ Joe Lapchlck of Brooklyn St throughout three quarters of a Just let’s see a tot of each other Your Old Records Will Make splendid buys at $42, $54 and $68 or convertible collar models. At Bv Harry Grayson fth e Army beat the National 'Mniark. By .Associated Press longer, Thia keeps cooking losses P. $L P. M. kees cut him adrift when he reach' ship. John’s and other coaches along the hotly contested basketball game. this summer. What say? Wouldn’t New Ones plus tax. Don’t miss .seeing these Glenney’s Men’s Shop, 789 Mam NBA Sports Editor League to it and gave the young ‘‘a Henry Prentiss helped 'Poby we be a couple of chumps to go low. and the meat is more juicy Whether they’re scratched, fine fur coats while the selection 3:00—The Story of $(ary Martin. 3:00—^David Harum. cd the 30-year-old stage back in He believes the loss of Ted Wil­ Atlantic seaboard. They rightfully At half time the score wift knotted street, and only $1.00! Philadelphia, Jan. 27.—National righthander a reprieve from hie 8 all and the umbrella men had the Pariter and Fred West to unload off and quit speaking and having Bristol—The estate of Roger S. and tastes better. Coo’>t accord­ broken or worn' out, your old rec­ is complete. 3:15—Ma Perkins. 3:15—News. 1935. liams, Johnny Pesky and Dominic contended that coUege boys 3:20— Landt Trio League, like Gerald Nugent, is go­ Philadelphia sentence. CTavaliers covered In flhe sty)*. Mt'.their gear, and then went off to people aorry for us?” Newell, who left a SSO.OOO trust ing to cut and fatness. Roast or ords can be used for making new 3:30—Pepper Young's FamUy. The supposedly washed-up Mac DiMaggio will eliminate the Bos­ should not be humiliated by being broil a tender cut in an uncov­ Our Guests 3:45—The Right To Happiness 3:30—Tune Time. ing about the builnes-s o< rebuild- j Inflelder Danny Murtaugh, who But Zamaitis broke loose whlU chat with his teanunatea. His right ” Oh, you mean that kid stuff.” fund to his widow ”to protect the ones. Search through your col­ Fayden. after winning only four ton Red Sox from the role of a placed in penalty boxes before l ^ a r m hung in a white linen sling, ered pan with no water added. Apples .Are Plentiful (author unknown) 4:00—^Backstage Wife. 4:00—News. ing the Philliee—backward. j would be a topnotcher if he could the losers were watching Chepma* “ Certainly I do. Men have an estate from the inflation of the lection and gather together the There’s something so ap|ieal- games during his last year as a title contender. crowds. K ^ aad there were bandages around Give tough meat Icng, slow cook­ Apples won't be rationed. They You're welcome here, be at your 4:15—etsUa PaUas. 4:15—Afternoon Melodics. A year ago, Gerry Nugent made ; smite the ball, and Pitcher Johnny "1 said nothing about a penalty and put his team out th fronL Outs awful time making any sense out Ro 8 e V e I t administration,” ones you no longer want and turn Ingly feiiilnin* in this smartly Yankee righthander, turned in 17 Red Sox Hurt the hand. He gave assurances that 0 ing in a covered pan with water are plentiful and reasonable, an ease 4:80—Lorenso Jones. 4:65—National News. a terrific bid to get the Philliea out | Podgajny are other marketable box,” stresses Marquette’s veteran side of the first game between Uw of it when t girl says, ’I haven't amounted to $235,959.44. an in­ them in for cash, 2c for 10” , 3c for adaptable hairstyle! Wear it as victories during his first season as “The Red Sox have loot |,-r ao bonea were broken, that he got marriage In the back of my or steam. Grind tough cuts and old American favorite and an ex­ Get up when you’re ready, 4:45—Young Wldder Brown. 4:45—War News. a Brave and then collecte.d 14 more of the cellar. He took the Ue out ! gents. coach. Soldiers and Grocers th* other twa - ventory filed in probate court yes­ 12” records at R. S. Potterton's, cellent source of food value. trim as you please at your war 6:00—Ad Liner. their three best men and I of them, changed their name to ------games were well matched. T h *. fO had Buffered only a bad sprain, bean.’ But they mean it—some­ cook as tender meat. Go to bed when you please. 5:00—When A Girt Marries,.^ in each of the next two seasons. don’t believe they’ll be able to "My idea is that a man who ;!e aad he spoke earnestly With the terday indicated. at the Center. This is most impor­ work, and be traiisforrocxl the 5:15—Portia Faces Life. 5:80—News. the Phils, but that didn’t fool M y- I National League is looking for score; times. I mean it now, Fred." tant, as the more you bring in the Happy to share with you same evening Into a carefree Among the other recent pitch­ make much of a showing this commits four personal fouls re­ |t.* youthful Mike, who this day would Hartford—Mrs. Alice Russ, vice Since dust on electric bulbs and Such as we’ve got. 5:SO-^ust Plain BUL 5:40—Memory Lane. body. Including the PhUllea. 1 another Larry MacPhail. and how turn to his team’s bench, say for C.A.A.A. "You’re O. K.,” he said. "How chairman of the Republican State greater the selection for your en­ butterfly! Arrange It In these ers to drink from this “fountain oi year.” Peck reasons. lids in his place. , about something that comes in a shades cuts down illumination, the The leaks in the roof. 5:45—Front Page Farrell. 5:45— Ben Bcmie. youth” were the then 30-year-old- So the National League practi- ; it misses the colonel who put the three minutes. At the first dead B. r . T. Kls admonitions were cheerful, Central committee, announced tertainment! frivolous little bangs, to bewitch 6:00—News. 6:00—News. Joe Oonin, ex-manaper of the cally had to take over the Phil- j breath of llf^ back into the C?in- Reno, if ...... I 6 S glas. «C fouling. I New Haven - A divorce suit is on. 1-2 cup dark brown sugar—white can find the best val-1 THE 7:00—Fred Waring in Pleasure 7:00—Amos 'ii' Andy. Cfieveland’s tentative 1943 roster due, the National League execut­ baseball wrrlters frankly that he The fouling player’s absence from the Cincinnati Reds BUt he is liberally sprinkled with players Then girths were brought up 1 filed in Superior Court yesterday lies in potted plants . at McCon- LILY BEAUTY SALON Time. 7:15— Harry James. managed to stay with them until ed another maater stroke in the wrould not stick his own money, or might be of vital Importance. $2 T n Mght. The men began climbing Enters Training by Harold C. K. Campbell charged ville’s, 832 Main streef. Primroses. | Maude Turklngton. 7:15—News of too World. 7:80—Easy Aces. of the 3-A variety. Moat of the Phillies’ reconstruction. ask his fnends to invest, in the Howard CJann of New York Fairfield Gi'uees* 7:30—Ray Blocks Orehastrs he waa almost 40, pitching effec­ L,jr toto Hietr saddles. And Henry his wife with desertion for the Cyclamen, Begonias, oetc., 50c a ' Proprietress 7:45—Mr. Keen — Tracer of Lost tively most of the time. Redskins are fathers It engineered a deal whereby Phillies. University is the author of the last three years. Mrs. Campbell pot up. Call 2-1059. 7:45—H. V. Kaltcnbom. Persons. Redskins wiro are now in ’. Prsatias walked with Cynthia As a Navigator 527 Main St. .Manchester Likes Now Friends First Baseman Nick Etten, one of "I’d take the job if the money football element alam. Zwick, rf .. MMVlwather aver the soft grass a traveler and lecturer, is known Tel. 7484 8:00—Mr. and Mrs. North 8:00—Sammy Kay’s Orch. some branch of military serv­ were satisfactory.” says Bill Ter­ Elimination o f the center jump, Schrope, If . 8:30— Dr. Christian — jean Her- I’m tickled to .death at the the mighty fSw PhUUea who could to her box hi the clubhouse en- professionally as ’’the petticoat Tailored to a “T”! — Be Sure and Drop Into Beck’s ! 8:30—^Tommy Dorsey. ice include pitchers B<^ Fel­ hit the ball out of the infield, went ry. and who, with nothing else tb the TO-second rule and Ume out Biseell, If .. .> dcBure. Aviation Cadet Alfred E. Can­ vagabond.” There are still many exciting j 9-UO—Eddie Cantor. sholt chance to play baseball .some­ ler, Tom Ferrlck and Joe Kra- do, wouldn’t ? for free throwo accelerated, con­ Murphy, e . 9:30-^r. District Attorney. 8:55— C!ecil Brown—News. where,” Gomez continued, "but I out of the loop—to the New York non, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hartford - Beginning soon ’’buys” at Beck’s, Manches­ ksuskas, outfielders Clarence Yankees. American League cham­ gested and lengthened play. Kehler, rg . t .Whan they were in their seats, A. Cannon of 91 Chestnut street, town clerks will have cards for Well fitting clothes, as everyone ter’s newest Women's Shop, | 10:00—Kay Kyeer. 0 ;00— Lionel Barrymore, Mayor of will miss the new frienda I have (Soup) ('ampliell and Buster According to the way baseball (Chandler contends that the four- Greene, rg . ki ows, require well-fitting under- i 11:00—News. 9:30— G the territory where it attained its Boissy ...... 1 0 1 Higher Milk Price comprehensive new pattern book mation on the printed form 10:45—Robert 8t. John 10:45—Bachelors L.iUdren •sides w'ith his wife, the former Sco» e Is 5 to 3. fouls which should be called. ___ 0 0 0 ' together, and the poisons of frus­ 11:00—Mary Lee Taylor. New York, Jan. 27 -OPi—Cadets greatest eminence. Jock Suther­ Packard ...... ar sewing guide, hashlon has 52 which you’ll receive when tne 599 MAIN - hotel SHERIDAN BLDG - PHONE 7590 11:00—Read of Life. June O’Dea of stage fame: Ver- 3 1 T tration and resentment and anger 11:15—Vie and Bade. 11:15—Second Husband. land followed the precepts of Pop Siamonds ...... __ {.ages, illustrated in color, of cannM-goods and meat ration nona.' their two-year-old daugh­ at the North C!arolina Navy Pre- Warner. CTiarley Bowser’s meth- brewed within her heart. It looked Boston, Jan. 27.—(/P)— Milk dis­ patterns for spring and summer. 11:80— Snow Village 11:30— Bright Huiizons. Bv The .\s80ciated Press bke a match. That was that. But Hartford Books tributors gathered here today for ter, and Infant son, Gery. Go­ Flight school will get some of their oda were of the same school. So If Detroit’s Red Wjng.s today | 10 2 23 11:45—David-Harum. 11:45— Aum Jenny's Stories mez finds winter life in such mas­ Hi^li Schdok thia meant that her own thought­ a series of meetings which will Send for your copy today, the 13:00—Medley Time—Hel Kolb, 12:00—Kate Smith Speaks. exercise next summer cultivating anj'one has any tears to shed over staged a twin celebration—one j Rcfeice Blinn sive and rambling quarters very the pa.sslng of Warner football fully contrived plans were to be Toiiv Pastor Baud last through Friday to discuss a price is 25 cents. organist. , P. M. a 144-acre victorj’ garden under half of it because of their first ignored, cast whimsically aside, program intended to permit price enjoyable, despite the fact they the guidance of lieut. Oimmander hereabouts, he may prepare to Cavaliers F. M. 12:15— Big Sister. are 20 miles away from his de­ Hold to Sport and the family of West profoundly increases to dairy farmers without 1 2:15—Lunoheonaires Harvey Harman, the Athletic Di­ ; ahed them now.” victory in five years over Boston B r T Tony Pastor and hia orchestra, 12:30—Romance of Helen Trent. fense plant. on Bruin ice and the other portion injured thereby. increasing the price to consumers A New Shipment of 13:30—Marjorie hdlls. 13:45—Uur Gal junday. rector. and Ensign Warren Chiv- ; ------I Chapman .rf ...... 2 ■ 1 5 Mrs. Porter West was, as the the hit band of the year that has ------7" era, former Dartmouth ski star. ' One-Minute Sports Page because the apace between them Reichenback, If ...... 1 0 2 won the title of ”Tfie Band of to the same extent. 1:00—News. 1:00—Esso Reportei. ■aying: goes, of the old school: the Samuel W. Tator, administrator LEADING STYLES 1:15—Aimt Jenny'i Real Life 1:05—Do You Remember. . And members of the Mld-At- ‘ Note on the Manpowerr short- and first place in the National : Zamaitis, If ...... 5 3 13 old Long Island school which had 1943”, la appearing in person this iantic Greenkeepers As80ciat(pn age; The other night in San Fran- Hockey League was narrowed to jCone, c ...... A 1 0 Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the Boston milk market, called IN Stories. l;1 5 ^ M s Perkins. Baflketbull Off List; carefully forgot that the family the meetings. 1:30—Big Sister. 1:30—Vic A,Sade. Coast Guard recently were urged to coax golf cisco two preliminary boy* each a single point. ' Brown, rg ...... 0 0 0 only, on the stage of the State 0 0 fortunes got their primordial start The program calls for reorgani­ BUSTER BROWN ANKLETS 1:45— Here Comes The Band 1:45—The Qolduergs. club members to do the same thing , fought twice to fill gaps on the Prior to last night’s 5 to 3 ver­ Continue Tournevs. Cheney, rg ...... 0 in paper bags or imitation velvet theater, Hartford. Tony Pas­ 2:00— Young Dr. Malone. by turning the courses into huge \ program. Reuben Marino and Chi- dict you had to go all the wav Kennedy. Ig ...... 1 0 3 tor features that sensational zation of New England milk trans­ 2:00—Concert Miniatures. •—forgot such uncouth affairs portation from farms to assembly SHOES • 3:16—Cqnnecticui Men and Wom­ 2:15— Joyce Jordan—M. D. T oP lavY alc gardens. . . . enhances are the golf­ pid Gordon each scored first-round back to Dec. 7, 1937 before find­ drummer. .Johnny Morris, better ing a Detroit victory .over the Chicago.. Jan. 26— , 13 5 31 amid, the sweet smells of the plants fo conserve tires, gasoline en in the War—Jane DUlon. 2:80—We Love and Learn. ers would find it easier than the knockouts. Then they met and stable, the gentle langvor of the known as "Paradiddle Joe"; Rayon and Rabbit Hair 2:30—Uttle Show. 2:45—U fe Can Be Beautiful. aviation cadeU. They’ve been Marino won a four-round decision. Ro^men in a regularly scheduled five per cent of the nation’s high rioiieer Parachute and manpower, to maintain milk 1 T beach. In that neatly oidered Stubby Pastor, trumpet BtMt; 2:45—Day Dreams with Bud drlvlng-into the soil with niblicks Trackman , Eulace Peacock game although the Wings did vrin schools have dropped basketball. B F production, to'Bold retail prices at Sailors Boast of Big Henry V. Porter, secretary o f the 0 2 school, suth trifling tnough neces­ Marcia Rice, lovely swing song­ Rainey. for a good many year*. . . . But does such a nifty job of putting two playoff contests there early 1 McDowell, rf ...... 1 or near their present levels and to National high school federation, 0 0 0 sary interludes ai' romance were stress; The Kaddettes and many HOURS: 9 A. M- TO 6 P. M. 2:55—News. — Tall Squad; Rolfp Is any amateur gardener can tell you Coast Guardsmen through the in 1942. ' Dunahue. rf ...... avoid rationing. .0 1 guided by rules that were spien-i Extra added on the bill Two Australians generally dull routine-of caliathcn- C?art Liacombe. who pulled the reported tod 'y. He said the figure 1 Vittner, If ...... 1 SATU R D AY: 9 A. M. TO 5 P. M. ' that hoeing corn and digging was .based on survey.^ in many 1 0 2 did in their simplicity. with Tony Pastor are several top Working Blue Hard. spud* Is plenty of exercise and ies at Manhattan Beach that bis hat trick against the New York Arckivy,. If ... ___ Neither ssiuns of the grand names in the world of entertain- Rangers Sunday night, almost states. Smith, c ...... 0 \ 1 Five Cans Limit Get Silver Stars maybe the Navy ^ the right class of about 400 broke out in a Illustrative, he said, is the case ...... 1 2 4 ' order, the perpetuation of blue ment, including Dolly Dawn, Milk Production New Haven, Jan. 27. — Yale’* idea in listing it a» "labor engi­ spontaneous cheer one day after a duplicated the feat against the Kerr, c ...... blood, nor the sustenance of social ’’singing star of stage, screen and Bruins by poking in two markers i of the Illi -is Prep cage tourney, Wilson. I g ...... 2 1 5 athletic activities «11l continue neering." stiff 40-mliiute session. . . . Th* 1 3 'prestige were the desiderata. The radio” ; Dave Barry; .the Colstons, CHENEY BROTHERS REMNANT throughout n vxt week in spite of and assisting on a third. ' < which begins late in February "'ith Blanchard, Ig ...... 1 Without Penalty Allied Headquarters In Aus­ committee to decide what kind of 850 teams competing against 887 young ' were supposed to fall in »nd many others. Per Cow Drops 8347 the scheduled examination period. a baseball will be used In the ma­ The Detroit left winger appear* .lO-M SALESROOM tralia, Jan. 37— —Qen. Douglaa A Hand for Han* of a year ago. Most other state* 6 6 IS ' love where it would do the most { usual, there are midnight Tonight, Red Rolfe’s varsity bas­ Just after the world series, Hans jors this season hasn’t reported to be on one of his scorinR 1 good. In such forthright fashion.! stage and screen shows every Frl- HARTFORD RO^D MANCHESTER MacArthur today awarded silver are finding the same widespread Releceev Blnin. Boston, Jan. 27.—(iP)—The rate ketball ‘ team will play the U. S. Lobert of the Phils learned that yet, but Ed Barrow figures the streaks. On March 13, 1938 he interest in the continuation of the tboac sinews which took their first day midnight and every Sunday Washington, Jan. 27—(P)—A ^ stars to two Australians. Coast Guard Academy from New of milk production per cow in New tal of five cans of foodstuffs will one of his old West Point baseball clubs will pool their present sup­ netted the puck three times In 78 cage sport, he reported, although , > < nourishment from paper bags or tnidnight for the benefit of de- England dropped to 14.5 pounds Sergt. Pilot David R. Sinclair, London and the Freshmen will en­ pupils, Ueut. Col. Red Rceiler, was plies and have enough to carry seconds to establish a league mark imitation velvet were nurtured.' fense workers and others unable be the maximum each person may New South Wale*, of the Aus­ counter Hamden High school. The there have 'leen some nileage-sav- t fi a t iS u th t S t ISttllS on Jan; 1. the lowest for a Jan. 1 possess without penalty when ra­ heading for Australia so he gave them well Into the season before and on Nov. 5. 1942 he registered ing modification* m the tounia- o a e g # and renewed to attend regular performances. since 1930. the U. S. Department tralian Air Force was cited for starting time for both of these Red B letter to General Douglaa they have to shift to the qew one. three goals and four assists to set tioning of canned goods bsglns in gallantry in action over Rabaul ment program. If a Bcacbam family fell upon. On Saturday and Sunday the of Agriculture reported today on Optical Science games has been changed, the var­ MacArthur. who was Superinten­ Buffalo court cranks are so a one-game scoring record. Porter gave this picture of the troubled times, for example, it evening stage shows go on at thrse or four wsaks. A c t 0. He was co-ptlok o f a Fly­ sity game being at 8 o'clock and Bv The Associated Presa the basis of report* from dairy­ haa desiirned fflassM m ,at­ 'This limit was announesd by ths dent of the Military Academy steamed up over the Niagara-Ca- Last night he and his mates I National High School cage activ- was the decent and proper thing 7:45 and 10 p. ra. ing Fortresa during an Important the freshman game at 6:80. when Hana waa coach. . . . The nisius basketball rivalry that tore into the Bruins from *h«jitv: Buffalo. N. Y.—Bobby MoQuU- tor a Crandall family (currently men. tractively that yoM no long­ Office of Price Administration yes- photographic r*connai.isance mis­ Ian, 134 1-2, Lackawanna, N. Y.t The figures compares with 16.1 Practices throughout this week other day Lobert got a reply from they’re Importing Pat Kennedy start and before the .first period , ‘connecUcut, Iowa and Missouri able to increase iu string of Irish American Patriots Drink AGlk! er need worry about your tertey although earlier, some of sion. will be cut down to Ices than an outpointed Armand* Sicilia, 1S014*> pounds last year and 14.8 pouhds the agency’s oincisla had expected Reeder, telling how the letter had and Matty.. Begovich from New was over Llicombe, Don O*’’’""® ; have eliminated competition by Huntera and even pay its tailors' Meagles in Stale appearance when you w%ar The fortrees was attacked more hour each day with most of the been presented by General Suther­ York to referee Sunday * game. and Mud Bnineteau all had with all teams playing in New York.'(St. for a 10-year (1032-1041) average, that the maximum might be be­ New Bedford, Mass. — TiR bull) ,to send forth a youth or a Milk is a patriotic driak beeaaae It than an hour by four enemy time being spent on Individual land. brother-in-law of Bucky Har : passed Frankie Brlm-sek. ' Q^e championship series. tomden. as the ease might be, and the report said. It said unusually theni. tween eight and 10 cans. work. ' Coach Rolfe was satisfied Lowry. 176, New Bedford, kno^| gives you the energy aad vigor for In- fighters. Sinclair waa seriously ri*. . . . “ For 26 minutes he (MaC' Service Dept. ! Buz* Boll then went on a scor- | Kentucky has doubled the num- * W toe perfectly ordinary proceos Show Increase cold weather “ has doubtle(M been Bring your prescriptions Bach can purchased under the wounded In the legs and chest, but with the way the team played Sat­ ed out Charlie WiUianuh 170, Nm T;^ a factor in delaying toe uaual sea­ ereaaed prUdnctloa — on the battle rattonlng program arlU have a Arthur) talked of football, base Ehislgn Phil Bucklew. former Ing spree for the Bruin* In the her of first round tournaments so ; W ■atrlBKxiy betng the situation to us and let lU show you two enemy planes were destroyed urday night against the University coach of the Columbus Bulls pro mlddle session with a pair of only haU aa many teams are in York. i"). son upturn in milk production per point value. A can of peao, for ex­ ball and you.” Reeder said. "When Jersey City, N. J.—Lou_ ■ t o a aaoBly balance. When, Mariford, Jsn. 27—i/Pt — 'Tbs front, the factoir front and on the the attractive frames avail­ and th* damaged fortress was of Pennajivania, but the team’* in- it waa time for me to leave, he got footbiUl team who says he has markers. Eddie Wares added to each preliminary meet, thereby .■fifitotos, the arrangement . grew number of measles cases in Con­ row thia winter.” ample, might be worth 10 points brought safely back to Ita baee. ablUty to hit long shots is the de- 143, Bayonne, outpointed F a ll. home front! Drink at least two able. and a can of com seven points. up and stood etarlng out a win­ served on 10 ships since he joined the Detroit total. cutting down t r a v ’ for each team. toe aouU of the youthful necticut. most of them centered in Lieut. Alfred T. Daniels, Of the pulm ent that needs the moat. Im­ The first round of its final tourna­ xenga, 141, Baltimore, ($0)- • glassM of "health’* a day. Try toe Each member of a family, OPA dow. ‘Red,’ he aald, ‘you that the Navy, had one sunk under him At the start of the last period Portland. Me.—$Iauriea totolvad, there waa Hartford county, hopped upward 206 Arrested In India „ ALL KINDS OP Australian Imperial forces, waa provement. The team has made during the invasion of Northsrn Red HoIIett made a rink-long ment will be staged in four center* popular Homogenlced Vltamla "D** explained, will he aUowed the five- cited posthumously for action near 10 out of 22 foul shots in the last old rascal Hans Lobert that at Lachance, 127, Lisbon, ' and a reoliuffluig ef from $58 to 375 last week it was LUXURIOUS LACE OPTICAL REPAIR WORK night when the pressure la on and Africa, One of the aaUors who d rive'for the Bruin* final while and only tout teams. Instead of Milk produced under The Bealteet can maximum. Sanananda Nov. 30. While acting two gamas. ed Abe Denner, 126, Boston, torde eaaily to to ef- reported today by the State Health Bombay, Jgn. 27— —About TRIM . . . 32-40 It’s hard for me to go to sleep, I’m pulled him out was another (3o- Liacombe had to wait until 45 16, will travel to the site of the department. Scene of moat cases Bystem ot Laboratory Protection. as artillery liaieon offloer with Th* Coast Guard haa playsd two New T w k ^Bobby 200 persona were arrested in Vari­ able to rest only by thinking of lunqpus boy, Kenny Billingsley. . . seconds before the busser to get stat# fltuUs. New York, 'outpotaitod were Southington. 98; Plainville, ous parts of India yesterday in TEAROSE severe EartIqpMih* Reported American troops attacking an en­ games, splitting aven with a 44 to Johnny HoloU, who played a few In illinois only four teams, in­ emy strongpolnt 1 accompanied 43 win ovar Amheiat and a 59 to 52 those days at West Point when I his aecond. Groon. 140 1-4, Now York, 8$; Windsor, 54, and Nsw Britain, incidents growing out o f the cele­ \^TIITE was .superintendent and he was games with the Detroit Red Wings stead of eight. wUl play in sec­ for this once the top spo< 31. EXCLUSIVELY AT ORDER FROM The Dewey- New York, Jan. 27—(^ — An the asriulUng platoon in a final lose to Connecticut in an over­ tional tournamente, by dropping Loo Angolso—Jeik O ^ ., bration of India Independence day our jolly baseball coach.’ ” while awaiting his (Canadian Army Cursing, OlSelai Job ga. Tbs ward was; I thquake described as very bayonet charge, and was .killed in time gam*. All but two members the pracUe* of permitting re­ Donvor, knocked out Jaekw i I Scarlet fever, advancing from 74 by members of the Al'-Indla Con­ call has found Army hockey can be 140, Blytheriiie, Ark.. (8). W dlCieult for them to SO cases, and lobar pneumonia, gress. The Congress has dbserved :.-ere and approximately 4,650 action. Hie award will go to his of th* visiting taam are over Kx Natlvas o f Annam hav* an offi­ gional runnera-up to advance to GUSTAFSON’S father in Sydney. talL To date, the team has Today’s Guest Star just os tough as tA t big league b sr Mubbem when Inoraasing from 76 to 78, ware India Independence day on Jan. Burton's mllea from New Yot'k waa racord- brand. In his first gam* agalnat cial who hsara the title of "Master the aactlannla. BROWNBILT Riclmian Co. uaad both a man to' man and a zone John P. McFarlane. Pittsburgh Frequency o t i toi for tos foadly other gainers. BRYANT & CHAPMAN CO. ed last night by th* Fordhan Unir > In Ohio f

MICKEY FINN Proper Treatment! TWELVB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 27,194S S^nse and Nonsense EVKY Olty MC I'U . OO MX I YOU CERTAINLY LOOK '" V tNELL, PHH.<— > X HAD NO fTNM m BIO CAlt M m . N N N lOEA YOU WERE SO FAR WHX MAKE ^ — X -miNK V Otm OON8. AND I'M SURE The Farfsel liaat What Are You Flaatiaf t PatrloUam. . . . Don’t make the error ot maeaurlng your oontribu- N (M M X T h A , k i n UfINO THI HAVE YOU KEPT UP OLAO X CAME OUlR’-rJ^'E T here’s Just one line a girt need Life is a garden, thought ia seed; tlon to tUa war by that of the WEMf.' T E L U S T H E ’ ■aid bank by the Person in whose a FOR SALE—1939 PLYMOUTH Repairing 2.3 Machines in Auto. with Mrs. Viola Newmarker of "I’m not the man t used to be," niaaia such book was issued, for GRANDMA'S, AND THIS / THAT ALL | PINE OPPICE GOT POUR MORE VIOMAN I FED therefor. coupe, all good tires, new spare, FOR RENT—SINGLE ROOM for Grove atreet. This is a change Said Uncle Simon Fuzz; TRIED MAKE* YHE CHILD AS — B U T payment of the amount of deposit Wanted—Pets— ■Polnitry— "But come to think of it, be-gosh, FUNNY BUSINESS IS MINB. AND TMI& IS /GOBS IN THIS / POR THIS NEUbHBORS TO LOOK/ HE‘G WER INFANT A LOST—OCTOBER 1ST., male Dal­ mileage 24,000. Inquire 26 Birch SAWS OF /UU. KINDS filed, set. gentleman, near bus line. ’Tele-1 Rockville, Jan. 27.— (Special)— from the date originally announc­ CROW AS Al^ OLD represented by said book, or for phone 3563. " Maybe I never wee!’! matian' answering name ‘Mutt.’ street. uJohn_Bohlln. and repaired, cord wood sawa Stock 44 Dr. Jacob Shapera, 28, of 32 Vil­ ed. (SINING m»A Rt9 BOTTLE IS S L E E P IN G 8OV0L OF WARMED the issuance of a duplicate book lage street, local dentist, was. ar­ Benefit Bingo —B. F. Ferguson. Owner in Naval service in Pacific gumm^, power and hand lawn WANTED TC BUY beef cows, LIKE LEADING A . w AS PEACE - ONER POCK GRA'IY. therefor. 1940 G. M. C. 3-4 TON pickup; jQowera iverhauJed, and aharp- rested by state and local police A bingo for the benefit of St. anxious to locate.” Write Box J, calves and pigs for slaughtering. FOR RENT—ROOMS on bus line. ,’Boy (to his mother after refus­ FULLS A S SHE'LL FIN A T 1936 Chevrolet pickup. 25 cars. ened. Stored all winter no extra yesterday charged with attempt Bernard’s church will be given by COLLEGE SELL.' „I/>ST—CREAM COLORED Per­ Herald. Will pay good price. Manchester 65 East Center street. Tel. 8082. ing to eat spinach)—Mom, If there M E UVAE a sian cat. If found return to 65 36 to 38 models. Price from 335 charge. Axes, knlvea, abeara, and to murder on grounds that he the Daughters of Isabella this eve­ up for quick sale. Cole Motors— Slaughter House. Tel. 2-0294. ning at eight o’clock at the Moose Is so much iron in spinach, why MOTWER : Ridgewood street. LOST—SUNDAY noon, pair red akatea sharpened. Oapltol Grind­ twice placed homemade Incendiary 4164. rooms on Elm street. don’t the government take all Ot mittens, cable-stitch, cross lots ing Co., 38 Main. Tel. 7958. Apartments, Flats, bombs In an auto belonging to It? Woodland to Center Springs Prosecutor Robert Pigeon of the Meeting Tonight AUTOMOBILES "Eqiial to New.” Articles for Sale 45 Tenements 63 There will be a meeting of the park. Tel. 4794. 1941 Olds club sedan, 11,000 WANTED TO TUNE, repair and Rockville C ity CViurt and is being Teacher—Junior, how many held under bonds of 325,000. W.S.C.S. of the Rockville Metho­ PROTECT miles, 1940 Chevrolet coach, 10,- regulate your piano or player FOR SALE—PIPELESS furnace. 464 HARTFORD ROAD, 4 room bones have you In your body? piano. Tel. Manchester 5052. Lieutenant Harris J. Hulburt, dist church this evening at eight WITH INSURANCE 000 miles, 1940 Dodge cosch, 13,- Rare buy! See Jones, 33 Oak flat With” bath. Available Feb. lat. o’clock. The installation ot offi­ Junloj’—I don’t know, mam! 000 miles, 1940 Mercury conver­ atreet. Open evenings. Tel. 8254 Couple only. Rent 325.00. Tele­ commanding officer of the Stafford Teacher—But you were told yes­ MOWERS SUARPENED, repair­ Barracks of the State Police aaid cers will take place followed by an A See tible coupe, 18,000 miles, 1942 o r 7247. phone Mystic 341-R. . entertainment. During the pro­ terday. Chevrolet sedan, and convertible ed. shear grinding, key fitting, that Dr. Shapera admitted placing Junior—Yes. but I had fish for MclUNNEV BROTHERS duplicating, vacuum cleaners etc. the bombs In Prosecutor Pigeon’s gram pictures will be shown of the all have good tires, heaters and Yellbwstone National Park. breakfast this morning.'.- I AM Main 8t^ Manchester, Conn. HELP car and also admitted that he Telephone M60 or 7432 some radios. Terms and trades overhauled Braithwalte, 52 Pearl Fuel and Feed 49-A Houses for Rent 63 Past Exalted Rulers N ight accepted. Dial 5191 now. Brun- s tr e e t made the bomba himself. It is stat­ Rockville Lodge No. 1359 B.P. So live that your friends w on't FOR SALE—FIREPLACE and FOR RENT—FURNISHED five ed that the FBI was also called ner’a 80 Oakland street, Man­ O.E. has announced that the an­ th in k your funeral sermon ia being WANTED NEW CONVER’HBLE TOPS, cel­ furnace wood. Tel. Glastonbury room cottage with gxrage space, into the case on 'Tuesday. preached for some other fellow. chester. Open evenings. Tel. 4485. 2485 after 7 p. m. nual past Exalted Rulers night luloid replaced In curtains, all steam heat, coal furnace. Ref­ ’The police state that I*ro8ecutor will take place in February with kinds of leather work. Chaa. Lak- erences required. Phone 6157. Pigeon found the first bomb In his Past Exalted Ruler Paul J. Roden Junior had returned from hla Headquarters W ar Work Building—Contracting 14 Ing. 90 Carubfiage street Tele­ Household Goods 51 car when he stepped Into it last in charge assisted by the other first day in school when his fa­ phone 4740. Thursday night while the machine Past Elxalted Rulers of the lodge. . ther asked what he had learned: flsr the Bolatlon of all yow heat- Wanted to Rent 68 was parked on Park Place. ’The Junior—I learned to say "Yes, kig problems. Stoves of all WANTED— CARPENTER work, 2 ROOM OUTFIT Graduation Women for typing, remodeling and repairing, free PIANO TUNING and repairing prosecutor noticed an unusual odor The Rockville Evening school sir.” and "No, sir." "Yes, ma'am” M ads—new and used. Stove —399.95— WANTED—FURNISHED apart- and “No, ma'am.” a»d fnraaee sapplles. Also estimates. Call 4671. Player piano specialty. John in the car and upon Investigation closed on Tuesday night with 31 clerical work and as Cockerham. 28 Bigelow street. ment by American couple for ap­ found the oblong object. The police Father—You did! Hot Water Heaters. Just the Outfit You Need to Start proximately six months. No pets students receiving certificates of !iT G l^tO i power sewing machine TeL 4219. describe the alleged bombs as attendance Indicating completion Junior—Yep. Your Own Home or children. Do not drink or cylindrical in shape about an Inch OOTDOORft SEE JONES AND LET smoke. Eaaentihl office worker. of the year’s work. The following operators* In diameter and four or five inches are the graduates. Business, Edith t d d a n , HIM SOLVE YOUR 320 Deposit—32 Weekly ______Call Manchester 20762. long. The prosecutor took the ob- Elderkin, William G. Fox, l^ulllie FOR SALE Help Wanted—Female 33 T he business Of f ic e MASOR' HEATING PROBLEMS Men— LOCAL FAMILY of two. for many I Into the police headquart^ Griffin, Margaret Hale, Catherine 1-17 West Center Street— Includes modem Bedroom Suite: and the police took U apart. A lit­ Hines, Agnes Kerr, Florence Lam­ n Oak St. TeL 82M or 7247 GIRL OR WOMAN wanted. New Beo, Dresser and Chest, Sheets, years residents of Manchester de­ 6 - Room Single, steam sire 5 room rent, March 1st. tle later In the evening when the bert, Elizabeth Macfarlane, Helen - Open Evenings. Experienced firemen Model Laundry, Summit street. Pillow Cases, Rug, Lamps, Picture: prosecutor again went to his car E. McCarthy, Constance -iomeo, heat. Fireplace. Heated . pc. Dinette; Table and 4 chairs, Phone 7697. *lt't my wife— I brought her along for closerilp No Fooling BY EDGAR MARTIN and machinists. he found a second bomb in it. This Paul O. Schlott, Nettie Smith, BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES garage. 3 pc. Dinner Set, 26 pcs. Silver was also taken to th^ local police Lelia Tansey, Jean E. Thomas, WANTED -WOMAN to do family ware. Metal Utility Cabinet, Rug, Florence Trapp. laundrv and curtains. Call 8946 Wanted—Real Estate 77 but burst into flames before It ? 0 0 ^ CHENEY S-Family Dwelling, Main Ash Stand, etc. could be taken apart. About two Citizenship. Anna Bastek, Sophia SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH Town street. North section. Won­ WE HAVE SEVERAL customers weeks, the prosecutor recalled a Blondiarz. Joseph Cluchta, Matalla y o u EHOUVO AM A GIRL AS WAITRESS and to We will warehouse this merchan­ for 5 and 6 room homes, also for Dreszewska, Agata DiMauro, An­ Y O W O r W . ? 0 6 CAV^ BROTHERS derful loMtion for a profes­ care for rooms in a small Inn. mysterious fire in the rear of his Advertisement sional man and good invest­ dise at no extra cost to you, for farms. We have a few customers cai?, while It was parked and the nie Filip, Walenti Galewski, Anna M\6 7 Notice of the Tax valuable experience. Good work­ A-L-B-E-R-T-S wrecks—Just good stuff. See Natalie Orlowski, John Witkowski, Foster street, near Cen­ ing conditions and homelike at­ Lieljtenant Hurlburt was noU­ Y ^ \Y :M O € > 43 Allyn St. Jones, your Manchester broker. fled after the finding of the bombs Anna Wojari, and Evangeline Zer- s w v y Collector ter, 6-Room Single. Fur­ mosphere. Address Mrs. Spafard, Hartford Conn. Give him your listings. 33 Oak blnl. A VOAO OY Storrs Inn, Storrs, Conn., or Tel. and St^te Policeman Arthur A - t r nace .heat. Large lot. Ex­ Cvr, Train, or Bus Expenses will atreet, open evenings. Telephone Koss, John J. Yaskulka and Arthur V\AV cellent location. Wllllmantlc 9535. be refunded on purchase of above 8254 or 7247. / ■ AU persons liable by law to pay W. 'Whltmarsh were assigned to n hin Notice merchandise. the case, ip the course of their in- Planes Smash SAV (5! ($ the Old Age Aaslatance Tax of Also several new, central­ GIRL OR YOUNG woman wanted WMCH MIOhT B8 $8.00 In the Town of Manchester, for counter work in dry cleaning FOR SALE —4 PIECE walnut bed­ vestigatlonX Dr. Shapera came un­ THE BOARD OF TAX RE- ly located, thoroughly mod­ der suspicion and questioning, led USEFUL To THt awe hereby noUfled that I have a store, experience not easentlal. room set. beds, springs and mat­ Japs’ Vessels eN E M -y / >nta bm for the Enrollment of VIEW OF 'THE TOWN OF BOL­ ern 4-Room Singles with 2 Pleasant work, good hours, good tresses. Occasional chairs, rock­ Deputies Find to the alleged admissions. :lf43, due and payable on Febru TON will meet In Bolton Hall In It was reported that Tuesday af­ unfinished rooms on second pay, steady employment. Thrifty ers, kitchen and bedroom chairs, (Continued from Page One) Imrf 1. 1948. said town on Feb. 1, 1943 from 9 Cleaners. 981 Main street. ternoon In the presence of local A. M. to 4 P. M., and thereafter floor. F. H. A. financed. dressers, tables, etc. Buffet for Woman’s Body recreation room. 221 Pine street. and state police, Dr. Shapera ad- ■AID TAX PAYABLE AT THE on Feb. 6 and 13. i.iltted placing bombs in the strength was needed in the Soiith- Apply A FEW MORE GOOD women to Tel. 7949. (Continued from Page One) wc.st Pacific to hold the Japane.'-e HOLD EVERYTHING *AX OOIiLECrOR'8 OFFICE IN All persons claiming to be ag­ work in warm warehouse. Good Prosecutor's car.\The reasons that RB MUNICIPAL BUILDING in check. grieved by the doings of the As­ pay. Burr Nurseries. FOR SALE—KITCHEN range. he gave for the act. the police said, FROM sessors are warned to appear and A-1 condition. Inquire 2 Congress terday. officers said she burst out. would not be di.srlbped. Curtin emphasized tiiat the pre- Edward J. Holl .seivation of t)ie continent of Aii'- iVBRUART 1st TO MARCH 1st present their claims at one ot .street. "I thought I loved you. but now Prosecutor Pige^ states that 1948, INCLUSIVE. the above meetings. 1009 Main St. Manchester Help Wanted—Male 36 you get me into this kind of a less than a year ago he represent­ trnlln was vital to the United Board of Tax Review, mess.” ed a client hi a civil action against States and .said “the Southwest Pa­ P n a tty of $1.00 will be added On the Beam BY ROY CRANN Samuel J. Dunlop, Machinery and Tools 52 Mrs. Lawrence's body was wrap­ Dr. Shapera for alleged alienation cific area is too crucial to tie left > WASH TUBS ff not padd in full on or before C hairm an. WANTED— DEPENDABLE boy of affections and that the case was to a force of caretaker^. 1 put It 16 or 17 to learn quality pressing,' ped In a home-made quilt tied with lla r d i 1, 1948. Tony Ansaldi, USED OILVER "70” tractor with an electric cord. Wlllman -aid settled «1th a payment by Dr. to the American people. The men Samuel Nelaon, Sebastian Gambolatl. Read Herald Advs. and finishing on ladies and men's mounted plow. Used sprayers and Shapera before the esse w ent to of Corregidor can be avenged only Tax Collector. dry cleaned garments. Good pay Lawrence related that he poured tractors. Repair parts, Dublin gasoline over the tiody and set it trial. Dr. Shapera, who is unmar­ if N aval and a ir stren g th In thi.s while learning. This is a chance Tractor Oimpany, Wllllmantlc. ried, has been In prai tlce here theater are adequate to the plans to learn a good paying job. Ap­ afire. of the commander.” Authorities began the investiga­ nearly-five years and has an office ply In person. Rainbow Cleaners, in the Beckendorf block. In addition to hitting the ahip Manchester 50 Harrison street, Manchester. tion two days ago at the request in Rabaiil harbor, the fortres.sea Musical Instruments 33 of Mrs. Lawrence’s father, V. C. CnunrII Meets Evening Herald At the meeting of the ilty Onin- started fires in the airdrome area. WANTED-TRUC1C driver for FOR SALE—SCHAFFER piano. Phillips, who came here from his Other planes, the regular head- home In Hopkinsville, Ky. rll Tuesday evening It was voted Gaasified Advertisements Guards and Manchester Laundry. 72 Maple In good condition, reasonable. to have the city clerk send a letter quartera communique aaid. attack- Count six uverag* words to a lin« street. Call 3284. Lawrence first told the sheriff oF sympathy to the family’of Rus­ «l Buka airdrome in the Solomons, Initials, numbers and abbreviations his wife left St. Louis by train the Lae and Sal Amaua in New Guinea •ach count as a word and compound sell Boucher, who according to night of Jan. 17. Neighbors were word received Tuesday, was killed and five other targets. words as two words. Minimum cost told she was visiting her father, la prioe of three lines. in action in North Africa and also Una ratts ‘ ptr> day tor transient Wanted By Willman said, and a postcard voted to have the clerk record the da. mailed to Hopkinsville for Mrs. india-Bmed Bomber» IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF AND SHOPPING FOR death In the city records. BflWL i« u BY laa aotvCT. sK , T. n . are, u. » » t. ew. /•*> n aectlT O M arch IT. 103T Lawrence from one of them Cash Charge The resignation of K enneth H. M ir prompted the father’s trip here. Raid Jap Airdrome . • Consecutive Pays ...| ^ ctsi 9 cts Smith from the BoarL FRBCKLRS ANB HM FRIENDS A Rag, a Bone, a Hank of Hak teed . Tneaday, Feb. 8—8:80 P. M. to 8 P. M. Ql\ f — ANO MB STOOD / O Wedaeeday, Feb. 10—8:80 P. M. WHY OOULONT EveRYTHIN& HAPPeHS TO M C j I WONOeR QOSH A GIRL I AND TUB SNOW.SNIFFNY' / ^ f p REO RYDER Clever Stuff BY FRED HARMAN to 8 P. M. IS WHO’S CAUSING MS ALU ^^WHAT PERFUME!! Thnraday, Feb. 11—8:80 P. M. MRS. ALTVRS WHO THATT %UY SOME SlUCTHINGS J. • LAZY odusiN e o iHis 'mousLB Y AND SAVIN’— * SURE-^eiVlN’ US \ ^■w en\fthet do n i Find to 5 P. M. ALL right, eXa /"BY THE BUT HE’S r Friday, Feb. 18—6:80 P. M. to TOTHS DePOTAMD IS A H -H -H -H f AND et^4EROOS-* . BLAME fOR. THAT STILL bunded PLENTY OF TIME TO rr BY themselves— • P. M. GET HIS J p M iH HOW TWLT OaweOYy LAST JOB WE BID' FROM THOSE SET AVJAY— JUSTIN 1 reckon 1 COULD Saturday, Feb. 18—8:80 P. M. TRUNK t// A N D IN D A H i IT^ EVIDEMT BEE STINGS' CASE A POSSE Finds HELP’EM' SAVVY. to 8 P. M. , WD HELP HE *5 A STRAMGER IT WILL BE OUR. Hid e o u t .' All peraona claiming to be ag­ riH E S E DAYS BEFORE grieved by the doings of the As­ sessors of the Town of Manches­ 8296 HE CAN SEE' ter, 0 » n ., and those requiring oCfseta muat appear and file their complaint at one of these meet- Cbata under four doUara to make I (Uattem No. 5296) send 10 cents Inga or at some adJoumM m a t­ -la as big, handsome and wide as ‘ tn Coin, Your Name and Ad'ire a ing of said Board of Tax Review. a square yard! Takes 9 balls of | and the Pattern Number to A*i ::j 'The dime of appeal la limited by c.ark cotton rug yam—6 baits of J Cabot The Mancheater Eve:- law to twenty'daya from-and aft­ light color. This one has a deep H.rald, 108 Seventh Avenue, i er the first day of February, 1843. . enns border and a copper color- ; York City. Elnclose 1 cent po.^t.-'. . o 4 Gustave Sebreiber, f at center. Uae' any two harmonlz-' fu .* each pattern ordered. (3ialrman. In colora Knit'and cut the loops Ainne (3abot’a Fall and Winter Everett T. McKinney, until you have f big, shaggy rug I Album now available—dozen.s ot Secretary, that looks like a hlghpriced deco- au;igcsUona for smart, warm kn t iS iL m m tohn 1. Olaon. rstor’s rt)g! ^ an I crocheted garments^’ patch Board of Tax Rsvlsw, Manches- To obtialn complete knitting in-; wjrii ideas, quilta, eRbroldOTlea- -.L Aii. -.i, isr^jPO pu...... ' ' vt'^rNT' WEDNESDAY, JANUARY ST, 194S Put Manchesjer in the Lead in the *March of Dimes

Red Croee llemberehip RoU ing of the committee but the The Weather call Chairman Jamee Blair haa Dimes Drive youngsters mentioned above were TAWB THBM OCT OF TUB Average Dafly Orcidatton Fofaeaat at D. 8. Weattar About Town called a meeting of hie campaign the first to take definite action..’ IS THE TIME nO T O R B ! OLD committee for this evening at the It was feared, however,^ that a di- ; P te S m MoBth a< Dacaot l» tt Hravy anow this afteraooa aad YMCA a t 7:S0. Plana for con­ rect appeal to the children might tonight; aUghtly wanner toalgktj , I Mom to hi W»«hing* Reached $800 not be within the proper spirit TO BUY YOUR US‘E RECORDS ducting the local Red Cross drive Moat ba taraed la tor aai 7,858 hMsreaabig winds becoming freak %ai, IK C, a poit-fraduaU for ^0,800 will be made at to- and a committee will report back I NOW this afternoon and tonlglit. on this matter tcmight. | COAL vase It yoa waat to kerp i l a n r l i IB «toctro4urg«ry which to n l^ t’s meeting. a< tka AedM , gtrm h r Dr* WUUam I. Expect $1,000 by This Mr. Sanson, however,' Indicated plaiytat me aew oaea. that the idea could be advanced' JVew 1943 AND COKE Sl^e aach paM fW old rer B anaa at I a t tho Waltfl- RMd hoapltal. The officers and members of Evening; Youngsters otda IneapacHra at qaaatlty Manchester— A City of ViUage Charm King David Lodge, I. O. O. F., without hurting anyone and has will meet at 7:30 Friday evening Set Patriotic Example. arranged for the kiddles who i Keep year family imeltky by (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS a u r u CXlFKAJt want to undertake this service to keepins them warm. Coal MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 1943 come before the lodge instead of Wallpapers and Coke win de It. KEMP'S (ClaaalSed Adrerttolaf aa Paga ie> 'tSaowB A t Qana ABco) come before the lodge in stead of call at the State theater for con­ VOL. LXIL, NO. 101 ' V n U T O A lJ MUEDIUM The general committee for th* tainers and instructions. Inc. I D aaahtor o t a Sertoith Sob the usual time at 8:00 o’clock on Infantile Paralyaie Fund and the They, won’t last lonji — and FIREPLACE COAL TSS Mala a t 1W.I account of the joint meeting fol­ March o’ Dimes will meet this Several new subcommIttMS will -Bora W ith a VeU. lowing. be appointed this evening at the production in 1943 is ffoinff ______O allj, faMtadfaig. Sna^lay, evening In the State theater meeting in the State theater SEAMAN Stalingrad WoAers Defend Their Plant • A.M .toBP. M. Or By Appolnt- building at 8 o’clock. Jack San­ building. to be cut 50rr* If you plan FUEL & SUPPLY CO. Yanks •H B t. Ba the Servlee of the JPeo- Llnne Lodge No. 72 Knights of son. chairman, said at noon today Saeeeeaore te Seamaa Coal House Passes War Axis Pythias will hold its regular meet­ to do papering in 1943, buy fw fir •• Peaw. „ _ . _ that unofficial returns Indicated Ce. aad Pola Coal Ce. Read Herald Adva. U t Ctranh Street, Hartford. Oobb. ing tonight at 8 o'clock in Orange that close to $800 had already your new 1943 patterns Phoae B-O09T Hall. been turned In and expected to Soldiers’ Dance hear from two or three other right now. Our selection is Powers Bill Today sub-commltlces tonight which On This Evening at its best right now! Try to Drive Wedge might put the total over $1,000. or a fifth of the quota set by the general committee last week. The Parachute Social club of After Floor Fight Interesting Letter the Pioneer Parachute Company Thos. McGill, Jr. Mr. Sanson received an inter­ will sponsor the dance this evening Winter Hangs On POPULAR esting letter this moAilng which for the Anti-Aircraft unit station­ Paints — WaOpapera To Separate les indicates how seriously the young- ed here. The affair will be held at Artists* Materials Only Few Scattering FOOD MARKET .sters are taking the efforts this the Legion Home on Leonard 645 MAIN ST. TEL. 8887 N{izi Orders year to raise money. The letter street and will be entirely formal. Noes Heard on Final Allied Airmen Resume follows: The orchestra from the Coast With No Sign Of My Dear Mr. Sanson: Artillery Band will furnish music Vote Which Comes Cause Riots Lethal Sweeps from 855 MAIN STREET RUBINOW BUILDING On Sunday afternoon my and dancing will start at 8:30 Duesseldorf Target daughters. Patricia and Kathleen sharp. After Republicans Bat North African Bat­ McCann, with the help of three Starting back last November Down Democratic Pro­ In Bulgaria FRUIT AND VEGETABLE SPECIALS little friends, Jimmy Taylor, Mar­ Commander Wilfred Clarke of the We Have The Largest Stock Of Abating tle Lines to Italy; shal Aitken and Dwight Ducette, local poat extended the privileges posal on Ratification. For British Bombs Vichy Radio SaVs IV. canvassed our neighborhood with of the Legion Home to various Reports Germans Face Seedless Grapefruit a milk bottle. 'The neighbors local organizations for dances. State Capitol, Hartford, j United States Sol­ Juicy Florida Oranges are kind and understanding and Lack of suitable USO taciliUes Trouble If They In Fourth Alliefl Aerial At» Allied Chiefs 23c Doz. 4 for 25c cooperated with the children. here was the main reason and thus Jan. 28.— against Russia. bombs la.st night during the dren canvass the streets in their Artistic sal which would have required The reports said that Bulgaria Reds Continue Extermination fourth Allied aerial blow at ca to Be Springboard. lied air arms resumed lethal neighborhoods came up for seri­ both Houses to ratify any order if might be forced to contribute per­ the German war machine in sweeps from the North African, ous discussion at the first meet­ haps 10 divisions to Hitler’s battle lines to Italy. The Vichy Floral Arrangements Issued by the governor while the two nights and a day, it wps Allied Headquarters in North radio said last night that the Legislature was In session. Armies, but that the Ormans announced today. "Preliminary $ 3 9 . 9 5 a"** “p faced trouble if they insisted on Of Germans Near Stalingrad Africa, Jan. 28.-^(J>—A 48-hour United States forces originally for Defeated by 180 to 51 reports of last night’s raid on the concentrated on Tebessa, Algeria using Buigars in Russia. Rhineland by Lancasters and conference here attended by the SPECIAL OFFER The amendment, the chief point The Bulgarians long have look­ beat military brains In Britain and 150 miles southwest of Tunto, had CATERING In dispute during a debate last­ Hallfaxes show several hundred begun an offensive. This Advertisement and 25c in Coin Entitles You To One Weddings, Funerals, ed to the Russians as brother Slavs tons of high explosives and incen­ America today sharply foreshad­ ing more than an hour, was de­ and their best friends and have Quote Prisoners as De- A llied LoSSeS “Planning Major Offensive^ For All Occasions feated 180 to 51. diary bombs were dropped on owed the day when the United 8 X 10 Mellotone Doubleweight Anniversaries considered it unthinkable that they Flynn Denies nouncing Hitler tmd. Duesseldorf in 20 minutes." an A Berlin military spokeaman In an effort to restrict further would be required to bear arms Nations will use North Africa as was quoted by the (German radio Is Our Business the powers that would be granUd authoritative statement said. a springboard Into Europe. this morning aa saying the Amer­ Est. 1922 against the people who gave them Officers Who ‘Ran D urinff PapU a Attack Believed Effective Exhibition Print Enlargement the governor under the bill. House their Independence in 1877. Girl’s Story The military chiefs conferred icans were "planning a major of­ The JW.HAU CORK Democrats proposed to go ^ong Away and Left Us\ a • t 153 Eldridffe Street Basic Policy To Keep Army Home “Heavy clouds made it difficult with Lieut. Gen Dwight D. Eisen­ fensive.” Presumably such a diivo From Your Negative. Roll Film Only. Arnold Pagani MAMCNISTM COHH* with the Republican administra­ to assess the result, but the glare hower, commander in chief of the would be toward the Gulf of Mail Coin, Negative and Your Address To: Phone 8486 The travelers said it was felt Actions Low 174 Vi Spruce St. Tel. 5790 tion measure only it two restric­ that the Buigars might be more Of Relations Moscow, Jan. 28.—(/P)— of fierce fires was seen and the Allied Expeditionary Force in Gabes, a relatively vulnerable sec­ tive amendments were written into willing to fight 'j\irkey or oppose ------The Russians continued the attack Is believed to have been North Africa, after speedlhg east­ tor on the line of Rommel’s re­ ♦t- an Allied invasion in the Balkans, very effective.” ward from the Casablanca confer­ treat. MELLING PHOTOS The Republican-controlled Judi­ A . _ RnoL- merciless extermination of Casualties Less Than London commentators expressed ence of President Roosevelt and The Nazi-controlled Paris radio 156 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER. CONN. but the basic Bulgarian policy is Actor Called Back to doomed Germans before ciary committee, called into a to keep the Army home for de­ Half Japan’s; Figures belief that great damage was Fh-ime Minister Churchill. was more specific and said that . This Offer Expires January 30, 1943 special executive session while the fense of their Macedonian or Thra­ Witness Stand Today Stalingrad today, quoting caused by the swift and searing That they came to this theater most of the troops involved wero Slipon Sweaters House was in recess, refused, how­ cian gains whenever the Axis col­ To Renlv to Betty prisoners as denouncing Hit- Reverse of Usual in saturation raid. after the policy-making Casa­ British. ever. to accept the two Democratic lapses. ler and officers who "ran The Air Ministry had reported blanca conference was taken as Anglo-American forces concen­ proposals. The (German high command was Hansen^s Testimony. Ground Offensive. that six bombers were missing an indication the Allies consider a trated in the regions of MedJez-EJl- Last Week oi HALE’S JANUARY WHITE SALE Zipper Sweaters Under the bill as It appeared in reported threatening to make the away and left us,” and wid­ from a heavy attack on industrial Mediterranean offenalve against Bab and Bou Arada have begun an the House files, the governor would ened the Caucasus front Allied Headquarters in Austra­ objectives in the Rhineland, which the Axis as one of the best bids offensive against the Axis forward have the right to suspend or Bulletin! westward by -capturing two cities continued a cycle of raids featured for victory. positions,” the Paris station de­ (OonSirasd on Page Three) lia, JAn. 28—(iP)—Allied casualties clared. "It is imderstood that tho Heavy Weight Dundee modify any state law which in his Los .\ngeles, Jan. ZS.—tiP) close to the Maikop oii fields. In the Papuan campaign, in which by the first U. S. Air Force as­ Marshall, King and Arnold Attend Button Front Sweaters opinion might hamper the war ef­ —Errol Flynn denied today Pravda reported 60 German avia­ sault on the Reich and the first British 76th Motorized and tho Extra Special! a Japanese Army previously esti­ The meeting waa held in .the 30th Infantry divisions formed ttao fort. The Democrats p ro v e d in from the wltnesa stand the tors were captured near Stalin­ bombing of Copenhagen. headquarters of Lieut. Gen. Dwight one of their amendment that any Pay-As-Earn state’s charges that he had grad when the Red Army wras mated at 15,000 men was destroy­ Duesseldorf, a center of trans­ ■D. Elsenhower,' American com­ bulk of the attacking force.” Towel Ensembles such action. If token while the intimate relations with blonde driving the foe from behind into ed, were less than half of those of The British Eighth Army con­ 42” X 36” Fine Quality Coat Sweaters port and heavy industry in north- mander in chief In this theater, tinued its drive toward Tunisia and White with colored border. Solid color with white Legislature was in session, would Betty Hansen, second of kl. the city. They were caught the enemy. General MacArthur de­ we.st Germany, is 160 miles south­ and for the United States waj at­ have to be raUfled by both Houses. young accusers. Fl>Tin spoke throwing gasoline on their planes west of the Wilhelmshaven Naval its patrols were reported In con­ border. Tax Hearings clared today. tended by Gen. George C. Mar­ tact with the enemy in the Sabrn- The second Democratic amend­ calmly and slowly ns he de­ when the Soviets captured the ba.se which, with Eraden, was shall. Army chief of staff: Ad­ ment proposed that any order scribed his first casual meet­ last German airdrome. The loss ot These figures are the reverse of tha area, 41 miles west of Tripoli Coat Style Sport Sweaters heavily pounded yesterday by Uni­ miral Ernest J. King, commander and less than 60 miles from tho Bath Percale Pillow Cases issued by the governor under the ing with Miss Hansen, at a 48 more tanks In the last 12 hours the usual results in a ground of­ ted States heavy bombers. In chief of the Navy; Lieut. Gen blll aball carry no criminal penal­ Next Tuesday dinner party at the home of greatly weakened the Germans fensive, where the attacking side Tunlsian-Tripolltanian frontier.' Size , generally loses several times as Declare .Attack Foiled H. H. Arnold, commander in chief . 59c s.r . 29c ty or deprive a person of property Fred McEvoy, former Brit­ near the center of the Volga city. of Army Air Forces, and other Plane* Roar to Attack Fine quality percale ^ a t will Plain ond Fancy Colors- many men As the defenders, the The German high command, in a without due process of law. ish bobsled racer. He never Recently From Sicily high officers. From the landing fields of both wear tor years. 'V’ou will want to . After the Judiciary committee Enactment of Plan and waa formally Introduced to Allied commander declared. communique broadcast from Ber­ Tunisia and TripoUtanld* Allied Face Cloth ...... I V C stock up on these. fc each One captured pilot said the Ger­ “Probably no campaign in his­ lin, sought to discount the effect Britain waa represented by Field 2 2 meeting, Rep. T. Emmet Clalrie, the girl, he testified, and his man fliers came only recently Marshal Sir John Dill, head of the planes roared to the attack. th . minority leader, said that Passage of Legisla­ first recollection of her wras tory against a thoroughly pre­ of the American blows. It -declared A United States cominunlqu# to- Boys' Zipper Style and from Sicily. pared and trained Army produced that ”a daylight attempt under BritLsh Joint Staff mission in Aqua, peach, green, pink and blue. Democrats would press on the tion to Punish Union “when she came over and sat The eruption of new fighting in Washington: Admiral Sir Dudley sued in C^ro said that "during tho floor for adoption of the ratifica­ on the arm of mi' chair.’’ such complete and decisive results the cover of cloud to bomb targets night of Jan. 26-27 Liberator the western Caucasus was dis­ with a lower expenditure of life at Helgoland bay were foiled by Pound, first sea lord; Gen. Sir Startex Carnival Stripe tion amendment, but would not Leaders Are Goals Set. closed with the capture of Ap- Harold Alexander, commander in heavy bombers of the Ninth U. & Pullover Sweaters flght for the second proposal. Loa Angeles, Jan. 28. — ((Pi- and resources.” he added. fighters and AA de^nscs. Air Force ■ successfully attacked 70”x90” All White sheronskaya and Neftegorsk. Striking back by daylight, Ger­ chief In the Middle East; Vice Ad Part Linen Debate opened soon after with Washington, Jan. 28.—(iP) — Handsome Errol Flynn was called Apsheronskaya is little more VtiSbst Care Taken miral Lord Louis Mountbatten House Majority Leader E. Lea than 19 miles from Maikop and MacArthur explained that one man fliers attacked a southeast (Continued oO Page Four) Enactment of a pay-as-you-eam back to the witness stand today reason for this was the fact that coast town of England this morn- chief of Combined Operations $ 1 . 3 9 Beach Jackets and Vests Marah, Jr., asking passage of the income tax plan and passage of to deny that he was intimate with Neftegorsk is 25 miles southwest (Commandos), and others. Sheet Blankets measure as . “an instrument by of the oil center which was burn­ utmost care had been taken for legrislation to punish union labor 17-year-old Betty Hansen — the the conservation of our force •” (Continued on l*agt» Two) The seven men nam-d conferred Be warm under sheet blankets. stand where yesterday he solemnly ed and blasted by the Russians be­ day and night for two days with Dish Towels (Oontlnoed on Page Four) leaders for interference with in­ denied violating 16-year-old Peggy fore they moved out in the face of and no attempt was made to Eisenhower after speeding east­ Cotton and Rayon Pajamas terstate commerce shipments were La Rue Satterlee. the German advance early last storm enemy positions without ward from the Roosevelt-Church- Flashes ! Warmth and Comfort WTth goals set today by two House com­ The dapper screen star, testify­ summer. It was held unlikely that careful preparation. ill meeting at Casabianca. mittees. ing at his trUl on statutory rape Hitler's troops were able to get Allied air los.ses were even less Attack Shows General Marshall and Admiral (Late Bulletins of the UP) Wirt) for Four Groups Chairman Doughton (D-NC), of charges, yesterday told the jury much oil ouj of the Maikop fields. in proportion to the Japanese. King stayed at General Eisenhow­ $ 1.00 the House Ways and Means com And a breathless roomful ft Flynn The news of this advance, tying MacArthur said, while Allied sea er’s residence and Lord Mountbat­ .Apprehend Three Soldiers Bed Slippers pr. fans It was not true that he was In with other successes reported In losses werie negligible, being con­ Strength Gain ten, Marshal Dill, Admiral Pound C^amp Edwards, Mass., Jan. M mlttee announced that hearings fined entirely to small boats. Absorbent and durable toweto Handle Relief would begin Tuesday on pay-as- guilty of misconduct with Miss the Caucasus which would help en­ _<.P,_jOinrlals at Camp Edwmfw Small, medium and large. Good quality cotton flannel that will wear for years. Multi­ you-go tax plans, separating this Satterlee aboard his yacht off Cat circle . the Maikop area, came as The general gave no actual fig­ (Continued on Page Four) announced at noon today that nfli- with knitted cuffs. allna island one night in August the Russians pushed another ures In Allied casualties but made Presages Conlinuiiig Se­ Itary poUce had apprehended thren color stripes. it plain that he had included the (Oontinned on Page Four) 1941, nor, was he Intimate with spearhead into the arc bristling soldiers who were accused of Notion Department. Vast Job Rapidly Being her the next day enroute back to against Rostov and as fresh re sick as well as dead and wounded ries of Raids on slugging a guard yeeterday nM Coordinated to Pre­ the mainland. ports came of the surrender of in comparing with Japanese losses. Jap Premier escaping with » loaded rifle UM Denies Going To Cabin thousands of cold, war-weary Many American and Australian Heart of Germany. an .-Army truck. The men, *•[*** Washable Quilted Small Quanity! While They Last! vent Any Duplication. On the Saturday night when Axis troops on other fronts. troops were stricken with fever unarmed when captured, hn