Charles Dickens Created Many Characters in His Stories. Can You Match the Character to the Story Using the Clues Below?

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Charles Dickens Created Many Characters in His Stories. Can You Match the Character to the Story Using the Clues Below? Charles Dickens created many characters in his stories. Can you match the character to the story using the clues below? 1. My name is Oliver and I have no parents. I was born in a workhouse and as there’s never enough food I am always hungry. A. Oliver Twist B. David Copperfield C. Robinson Crusoe 2. I am the Ghost of Christmas Present and keep the spirit of Christmas alive all year round. A. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone B. The Snowman C. A Christmas Carol 3. My name is David and I go to a boarding school. A. David Copperfield B. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory C. Master Humphrey’s Clock 4. My name is Estella and I am a rich and proud lady who lives with Miss Havisham. A. The Mystery of Edwin Drood B. Great Expectations C. Charlotte’s Web 5. My name is Nell and I live with my grandad in a shop that sells everything. A. Bleak House B. The Old Curiosity Shop C. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 6. My name is Nicholas and I have a friend called Smike. I am very poor. A. Oliver Twist B. Gangsta Granny C. Nicholas Nickleby 7. My name is Amy. I was born and live in a debtors’ prison. I sell my sewing to make money. A. Matilda B. Little Dorrit C. Martin Chuzzlewit 8. My name is Mr Pickwick and I have set up a club where my friends and I go travelling. A. The Tale of Peter Rabbit B. The Pickwick Papers C. Sketches by Boz Guildhall Museum Rochester @Guildhallmuseum These next questions are all about stories Charles Dickens wrote. Do you know what happens next in the story? 9. In A Christmas Carol Ebenezer Scrooge asks a boy to buy the biggest turkey in the butcher’s. What does he do with it ? A. Looks at it B. Eats it all by himself C. Gives it to Bob Cratchit’s family so Tiny Tim can have a proper meal 10. In Oliver Twist The Artful Dodger is showing Oliver what naughty work he does . He goes up to an old gentleman and A. Asks him the way to London Bridge B. Steals from his pockets C. Sells him a handkerchief 11. In David Copperfield Aunt Betsey does not like donkeys riding across her front lawn. What happens when David’s stepfather arrives on a donkey to take him home? A. Aunt Betsey chases the donkey away B. Aunt Betsey let’s the donkey eat her grass C. Aunt Betsey rides on the donkey 12. In Great Expectations Pip, who is poor, meets Magwitch, an escaped prisoner, in the graveyard. He promises to help him by… A. Not helping him and running away B. Giving him food and drink C. Giving him all his money 13. In The Pickwick Papers Mr Pickwick is taking his first trip to Rochester but the horses’ coach driver gets angry with him. What does he do ? A. Forgets why he is angry and they become best friends B. Hits Mr Pickwick and gets a crowd of angry people around him C. Tells him to fly to Rochester as he will not drive him in a coach and horses 14. In A Christmas Carol Ebenezer Scrooge is about to open his door to his home on Christmas Eve but what happens next? A. Nothing B. The door won’t open because there is snow blocking it C. He sees the doorknocker turn into his old partner Jacob Marley’s face 15. In Great Expectations when Pip meets Miss Havisham for the first time, what is she wearing that is very strange to him? A. Trousers B. Her wedding dress C. A Halloween costume 16. In Nicholas Nickleby Wackford Squeers is a cruel schoolmaster to Nicholas Nickleby. He only has one what…. A. Eye B. Leg C. Friend Guildhall Museum Rochester @Guildhallmuseum.
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