Entomological Nomenclature Literature

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Entomological Nomenclature Literature ENTOMOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE AND LITERATURE 3rd Edition Revised and Enlarged By W. J. CHAMBERLIN Oreqon State CoUeqe WM. C. BROWN COMPANY DUBUQUE. IOWA ENTOMOLOGICAL NOMENCLA TURE AND LITERATURE Copyright 1952 by W J . Chamberlin Manufactured by WM C. BROWN CO., INC., Dubuque, Iowa Prlnled In U.S.A. PREFACE In attempting to teach courses dealing with various phases of entomology over a period of 30 years, there has been an increasing tendency to separate course work into more and more restricted fields. Much of the material presented herewith is given by various instructors in connection with courses in historical entomology, taxonomy, etc., and, in such courses, it is usually treate d only briefly and in an incidental manner. Nomenclature is of sufficient importance that it should be treated directly and with con­ s iderable emphasis. Its importance, development and historical background should be understood by every student in entomology. Literature is, of course, the basis from which all present-day workers get their inspira­ tion, and the literature in the field of entomology is so extensive that one must handle it in a systematic manner. It has been the hope of the writer that, by pointing out those works where bibliographies are obtainable, the task of obtaining information on any given phase of entomology would be made an easier one. When late works are available which contain extensive bibliographies, such as Wiggles­ worth, Principles of Insect Physiology, or Snodgrass, Principles of Insect Morphology, the student is referred to those works, and from the bibliographies he will be able to select those applicable to the problem at hand. 'Source works, such as bibliographical catalogues, monographs with selected bibliog­ raphies , indexes and similar works, have been included so that a bibliography upon almost any specialized field may be assembled with the least possible outlay of time. Judging from comments made by alumni who have taken State and Federal Civil Service Examinations, much of the material here presented has proven extremely valuable in their examinations. Two editions of this work have appeared in planiograph form. These have received very favorable reception and have been rather widely used for course work at various uni­ versities and colleges. Oregon State College W. J. Chamberlin CorvalliS, Oregon July 1952 iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PART 1. NOMENCLATURE Object and Importance of Nomenclature 1 Examples of Its Practical Value .• I Historical Development 2 Aristotle •...• 2 John Ray 4 Francesco Redi 5 Carolus Linnaeus 6 Development of a System 7 Biography of Linnaeus 8 Linnaean Chronology 9 The Species .•....•..•. 9 Categories of Less than Specific Standing 10 Concerning the Naming of Species 11 Regarding Illustrations 12 Keys •.•...•.•••... 12 Rules of Nomenclature .••. 14 Development of Various Codes 14 First International Zoological Congress 15 Permanent Commission .......••• 15 Date and Place of Meeting of the International Congress of Zoology and International Congress on Entomology .•. 15 International Rules of Zoological Nomenclature 16 General Considerations •...•. 16 Family and Sub-Family Names .... 16 Generic and Sub-Generic Names 17 Rules and Suggestions on Generic Names .• 18 Specific and Sub-Specific Names 18 Formation of Zoological Names 20 Author's Name .•.•..••••.• 21 The Law of Priority ...•.•••• 21 The Application of the Law of Priority Zl Designation of the Genotype .... 23 Rejection of Names •.•.• 24 Code of Ethics 25 Suspension of Rules in Certain Cases 26 Some Examples of Opinions Rendered. 26 Remarks on Family Names 32 Nomina Conservanda ••••••••• 33 Bibliography of Papers Relating to Nomenclature 34 The Type 38 Bibliography of Papers Relating to Types 40 PART II. ENTOMOLOGICAL LITERATURE Systems of Literature Classification .•••••••••• 43 Call Num be r s of Books. • • . • • • • • • . •••.••••••• 47 References on Book Classification and Use of the Library 48 General Remarks on Bibliographies ..•••.•••.•••.•• 48 v vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Page How to Review Literature and Assemble a Bibliography .•••••• 49 Methods of Citing Literature in a Bibliography ..•..•..•••• 49 Bibliographical Works Relating to Zoology and Natural History 52 Bibliographical Works Relating to Entomology ........•••• 54 Indexes and Guides to Popurar Scientific Literature .••••..• 56 Where to Find Information - Published by Department of Agriculture 56 Index to Articles in Yearbooks .•....•. 57 Index to Farmer's Bulletins ....•.•...• 58 U.S.D.A. Publications Relating to Entomology 58 Annual Reports 59 Bulletins . " " " " . " " " " " " " " " " " " " . " " " " 60 Circulars 60 Farmer's Bulletins - Journal of Agricultural Research 61 Station Articles on EntomOlogy •...•••. 62 Leaflets - Miscellaneou,> - Special Reports 62 Mon~. hly Reports - Offi ce of Secretary 62 Technical Bulletins .•...•.•.•...... 63 Weekly News Letter - Yearbooks - ....•• 63 List of Chief Entomologists of the U.S.D.A. Bureau of Entomology. 64 Bureau of Entomology Publications. 64 Bulletins ..••.•...•.........• 64 Circulars - Insect Pest Survey •..•. 65 Unnumbered Publications - Insect Life 65 "E" Series - Technical Series Bulletins 65 U.S. Entomological Commission 65 Bulletins - Circulars •.•..•..•.••• 66 Entomological Current Literature •.•. 66 News Letters - Extension Entomologist 67 Patents Relating to Pest Control ..•... 67 MET· Series" . " . " .. " . " " " " " " " " , 67 Publications of Other Bureaus or Divisions 67 Agricultural Economics 67 Animal Industry .• 67 Biological Survey .• 68 Division of Botany .. 69 Bureau of Chemistry 69 Office of the Expe riment Station 69 Food, Drug, and Insecticide Administration 70 U.S. Forest Service. 70 Library ..•.•...•.•.•• 71 Bureau of Markets 71 Bureau of Plant Industry 71 Division of Pomology 71 Division of Publications 71 Office of the Solicitor 71 Division of Statistics n Weather Bureau •..•• n Insular Possessions n U.S. Treasury - Department Public Health Reports. 73 U.S. Department of the Interior 73 74 Smithsonian Institution. " " " " . " Sta te Publications . 75 Serial Publications •. 75 United State s •••• • •••• 76 Bontanical Publications of Interest to the Entomologist 82 83 Chemical Publications of Interest to the Entomologist " " " " Medical Publications of Interest to the Entomologist .. 83 Other Publications of Interest to the Entomologist. 85 Foreign Serial Publications 86 Austria, Belgium """.""""""",,.,,"""""" 86 'TABLE OF CONTENTS vii Page Brazil, British Colonies and Canada 87 Chile, China ............... 88 Czechoslovakia, Denmark, England 89 Finland, France, Germany .•...•. 91 Italy, Japan •.•••.•••••.•.•.• 92. Mexico, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden 93 General Works •••••••••.•.•.••.• 94 Catalogues, Monographs, etc., on Orders or Lesser Groups 99 Near Relatives of Insects 115 Acarina ...... ,. .. ,. .. 115 Ticks and Spiders .•.••• 116 References on Special Subjects 117 Works not Exclusively Entomological but of Value to the Entomologist 123 PART III. SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS Brief History of Early Typography. 125 Glossary of Terms Used in Printing 126 Preparation of Scientific Articles 128 Publica tion 128 Purpose .••..••.... 129 Scope, Character .•... 130 Arrangement of Contents 130 The Title, The Author .. 131 Introduction, Historical Review 131 Conclusion, Bibliography 132 General Remarks ..•••.••• 132 Consistency •.•••••. 133 Preparation of the Manuscript . ,. 133 IHus tra tions •.••• 133 Photoengraving .•.••• 134 Half-tones, Color-Plates 134 Abbreviations -Na mes . 134 Orthography, Quotations 135 Correction of Proof .• . 136 Postage Rates ..•••. 136 Literature Relating to Manuscripts 136 Part I ENTOMOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE It is at once apparent that in order to needs no supporting argument, we find those deal intelligently with objects we must who attempt to belittle and even ridicule the apply names to them, and, were there only work of the systematist. The latter admit a few objects, the manner of naming these that it is wo1'th while to know that a fly is a would be of small importance. The name fly or that the caterpillar is an immature might be a phrase or sentence: i.e., the butterfly~ that the little spots on a grapefruit small, black, oval object always found at­ are scale insects, but question the vast tached to the broad, green leaf. However, amount of time and energy expended in sepa­ when, the objects of which we wish to speak rating all the various insects, such as mos­ become numerous, this type of classifica­ quitoes, scales or other creatures, which tion is not only cumbersome but useless. look so much alike. Why bother to place Imagine trying to describe a particular spe­ each, in a specific niche? Why not call all cies of insect by saying, "the grayish crea.., mosquitoes just mosquitoes, and let it go at ture about one inch long, with horns two that? A few examples of why this is imprac­ inches long, often found about logs in the ticable may be in order. Ladybird beetles spring." It is true that anyone with ento­ are numerous in species and individuals; mological training would suspect at once broadly speaking, they are among the great­ that the author was referring to a ceram­ est friends of man, since they destroy count­ bycid beetle, but to which particular spe­ less injurious scales and other small in­ cies, it would be impossible to say, since sects. There is, however, one species 1 there are perhaps twenty or more species which is very injurious; like many other spe­ which\ would correspond, in a measure, to cies, it must be controlled and therefore that
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