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Presidential Documents Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Monday, July 16, 2007 Volume 43—Number 28 Pages 913–962 VerDate Aug 31 2005 12:05 Jul 17, 2007 Jkt 211250 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 1249 Sfmt 1249 E:\PRESDOCS\P28JYF4.013 P28JYF4 cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with PRESDOC Contents Addresses and Remarks Communications to Federal Agencies— James S. Brady Press Briefing Room Continued renovation, ribbon-cutting ceremony—938 Waiver of Limitation on Obligation and Office of Management and Budget Expenditure of $642.5 Million in Fiscal Mid-Session Review—939 Year 2007 Economic Support Funds for Ohio Iraq, memorandum—957 GrafTech International Ltd. in Parma—920 Greater Cleveland Partnership and a Interviews With the News Media question-and-answer session in Cleveland—920 Exchange with reporters in the James S. Provincial Reconstruction Team leaders and Brady Press Briefing Room—938 brigade combat commanders, briefing—958 News conference, July 12—944 Radio address—913 Virginia, White House Conference on the Proclamations Americas in Arlington—914 Captive Nations Week—937 Communications to Congress Death of Lady Bird Johnson—943 Initial Benchmark Assessment Report, Parents’ Day—956 message transmitting—957 International Convention for the Suppression Statements by the President of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, message Death of Lady Bird Johnson—943 transmitting—958 Communications to Federal Agencies Supplementary Materials Presidential Determination on Transfer of Acts approved by the President—962 Economic Support Funds to the Overseas Checklist of White House press releases—961 Private Investment Corporation To Digest of other White House Establish a Loan Guarantee Program, announcements—959 memorandum—938 Nominations submitted to the Senate—960 WEEKLY COMPILATION OF Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Docu- ments, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents will be furnished by mail to domestic subscribers for $80.00 per year Published every Monday by the Office of the Federal Reg- ($137.00 for mailing first class) and to foreign subscribers for ister, National Archives and Records Administration, Washing- $93.75 per year, payable to the Superintendent of Documents, ton, DC 20408, the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. The ments contains statements, messages, and other Presidential charge for a single copy is $3.00 ($3.75 for foreign mailing). materials released by the White House during the preceding The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is also week. available on the Internet on the GPO Access service at http:// The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is pub- lished pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Reg- There are no restrictions on the republication of material ister Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C. Ch. 15), under appearing in the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Docu- regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the ments. Federal Register, approved by the President (37 FR 23607; 1 CFR Part 10). VerDate Aug 31 2005 12:05 Jul 17, 2007 Jkt 211250 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 1249 Sfmt 1249 E:\PRESDOCS\P28JYF4.013 P28JYF4 cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with PRESDOC cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with PRESDOC VerDate Aug 312005 12:05 Jul17, 2007 Jkt211250 PO00000 Frm00003 Fmt7969 Sfmt7969 E:\PRESDOCS\P28JYF4.013 P28JYF4 newmail.eps Week Ending Friday, July 13, 2007 The President’s Radio Address taxes and spending restraint, the economy July 7, 2007 grows, tax revenues go up, and the deficit goes down. Good morning. This week, we received Democratic leaders in Congress want to more good news showing that our economy take our country down a different track. They is strong and growing. Department of Labor are working to bring back the failed tax-and- reports that our economy has now created spend policies of the past. The Democrats’ jobs for 46 consecutive months. America budget plan proposes $205 billion in addi- added 132,000 jobs in June, and that means tional domestic spending over the next 5 our economy has added more than 8.2 mil- years and includes the largest tax increase lion new jobs since August of 2003. Unem- in history. No nation has ever taxed and spent ployment is low; consumer confidence is its way to prosperity. And I have made it high; incomes are rising; and opportunity is clear that I will veto any attempt to take growing across America. America down this road. Our Nation’s strong economy is no acci- dent. It is the result of the hard work of the Democrats in Congress are also behind American people and progrowth policies in schedule passing the individual spending bills Washington. Starting in 2001, my administra- needed to keep the Federal Government tion delivered the largest tax relief since Ron- running. At their current pace, I will not see ald Reagan was in the White House. Our tax a single one of the 12 must-pass bills before relief has left $1.1 trillion in the hands of Congress leaves Washington for the month- citizens like you to save and spend and invest long August recess. The fiscal year ends Sep- as you see fit. tember 30th. By failing to do the work nec- Over the past 3 years, we have also held essary to pass these important bills by the the growth of annual domestic spending end of the fiscal year, Democrats are failing close to 1 percent, well below the rate of in their responsibility to make tough deci- inflation. The result is a thriving and resilient sions and spend the people’s money wisely. economy that is the envy of the world. This moment is a test. Under our Constitu- Over the past 6 years, our economy has tion, Congress holds the power of the purse. overcome serious challenges: a stock market Democratic leaders are in control of Con- decline; recession; corporate scandals; an at- gress. They set the schedule for when bills tack on our homeland; and the demands of are considered. They determine when votes an ongoing war on terror. Despite these ob- are held. Democrats have a chance to prove stacles, our economy recovered, and tax reve- nues soared, and America is now in a position they are for open and transparent govern- to balance the Federal budget. To achieve ment by working to complete each spending this goal, I sent Congress a budget plan this bill independently and on time. I urge February that would keep taxes low, restrain Democrats in Congress to step forward now Federal spending, and put us in surplus by and pass these bills one at a time. 2012. As they do, I will insist they restrain spend- Next week, my administration will release ing so we can keep our Government running, a report called the Mid-Session Review, while sustaining our growing economy and which will provide you with an update on getting our budget into balance. And to help our Nation’s progress in meeting the goal of achieve these goals, I call on the Senate to a balanced budget. We know from experi- act on my nomination of Jim Nussle as Direc- ence that when we pursue policies of low tor of the Office of Management and Budget. 913 VerDate Aug 31 2005 12:06 Jul 17, 2007 Jkt 211250 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 1244 Sfmt 1244 E:\PRESDOCS\P28JYT4.013 P28JYT4 cprice-sewell on PROD1PC66 with PRESDOCST 914 July 7 / Administration of George W. Bush, 2007 Jim is a former chairman of the House Budg- I do thank members of my administration et Committee, and he will be a strong advo- who have joined us. I understand after this cate for protecting your tax dollars here in event there’s going to be a series of breakout Washington. groups, led by members of my Cabinet— By setting clear budget priorities and Hank Paulson is here, the Secretary of the maintaining strong fiscal discipline, we can Treasury. As a matter of fact, he’s heading promote economic growth and bring our down to, I think, Brazil tomorrow. Secretary budget into balance. Our Nation has the Carlos Gutierrez, Secretary of Commerce, most innovative, industrious, and talented will be leading a group. Mike Leavitt will lead people on the face of the Earth. And when a breakout session—he’s the Secretary of we unleash the entrepreneurial spirit of our Health and Human Services; and then Mar- country, there is no limit to what the Amer- garet Spellings, who is the Secretary of Edu- ican people can achieve or the hope and op- cation. I think you’re going to find these folks portunity we can pass on to future genera- to be concerned, compassionate Americans tions. who care about the lives of our citizens in Thank you for listening. our neighborhood. And I appreciate them, certainly. NOTE: The address was recorded at 7 a.m. on And then you get a speech from my wife, July 6 in the Roosevelt Room at the White House which is, like, really smart to have her speak. for broadcast at 10:06 a.m. on July 7. The tran- [Laughter] You’re stuck with the B team script was made available by the Office of the Press Secretary on June 6 but was embargoed for right now, and then the A team will be com- release until the broadcast. The Office of the Press ing for—[laughter]. Secretary also released a Spanish language tran- I want to thank all the folks who have script of this address. joined us. Thanks for coming. As you can see, we’ve got an interesting way of making a vari- ety of points.
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