The Baylor Lariat Is Committed to Alienating, Low-Revenue- Ensuring Fair and Accurate Reporting Tification Number

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The Baylor Lariat Is Committed to Alienating, Low-Revenue- Ensuring Fair and Accurate Reporting Tification Number WE’RE THERE WHEN YOU CAN’T BE TheWEDNESDAY | SEPTEMBER Baylor 22, 2010 NEWS Page 4 NEWS Page 3 NEWS Page 3 Horsin’ around Tweet updates Acting out on the town The equestrian team begins Twitter announces updates to its Baylor Theatre students will perform scenes from the season by hosting the Willis website layout, aiming to improve classic Shakespeare plays, including “Othello” and Invitational this weekend usability and content options “Henry IV,” across campus and in Waco Vol. 111 No. 14 © 2010, Baylor University Viewpoints Program “One imperative of Baylor 2012 is jumps in to have 50 percent of students living on campus. Based rankings on this year’s Entrepreneurship housing and listed second by parking crunches, serious work needs Princeton Review By Sara Tirrito to be done for the Staff Writer university to reach The John F. Baugh Center for that goal.” Entrepreneurship’s undergradu- ate program at Baylor has been ranked second nationally by the Page 2 Princeton Review, moving up two spots from its 2009 fourth-place ranking. The University of Hous- On the Web ton’s undergraduate program was the only one to rank higher than Baylor’s. ASSOCIATED PRESS Entrepreneurship is the pro- cess of beginning a new business Federal police officers stand guard Saturday during the burial of Diario de Juarez newspaper photographer Carlos Santiago in the northern border venture, and Baylor’s program city of Ciudad Juarez. Santiago was shot and killed on Sept. 16 and another photographer was seriously injured when gunmen in two cars intercepted teaches students how to create them and opened fire. Drug violence has forced Baylor to suspend study abroad programs in Mexico. that business from scratch, said Dr. Kendall Artz, professor and chair of management and entre- preneurship and director of en- trepreneurial studies. Mexico drug violence forces “It’s rewarding for outside organizations to recognize all Photos of the week the really good work being done Check out The Lariat’s by all the faculty and staff,” Artz photos of the week BU to suspend study abroad said. “It’s been a sustained com- slideshow, featuring shots mitment for a long period of time By Meghan Hendrickson violence seen along the northern and worked with the other stu- very alarming,” Loa said. “The to develop new programs and of inauguration events, the Staff Writer border of Mexico and in Monter- dent and the student’s parents to road blocks the cartels have set provide services to our students, KWBU Kids Club, soccer rey. determine that the student would up, for instance. They’re stop- and it’s nice to get some recogni- Drug war violence in Mexico and more More than 28,000 people have remain for the last few weeks to ping tourists with vans and buses tion for that.” is escalating to an all-time high, died in drug-related violence in finish the Monterrey Tech pro- because they want to check the However, Artz said the de- forcing Baylor study abroad pro- Mexico since President Felipe gram. traffic. So this has alarmed and partment will continue to strive grams in Mexico to halt. Calderon launched a military of- “We are not currently tak- scared a lot of people.” to improve the program. Baylor has suspended every fensive against drug traffickers in ing students on that program, The drug cartels in the inte- “Rankings are not the goal,” program in Mexico, with the late 2006. as Monterrey is one of the most rior and northern parts of the Artz said. “Rankings are just a exception of the law school in Two Baylor students studied dangerous places,” Morrison said. country have forced Baylor to re- validation of a program. A goal is Bear Briefs Guadalajara, until the conditions in Monterrey in the spring. Fol- Dr. Sijefredo Loa, associate examine its annual study abroad just to continue to make the en- change, said Dr. Michael Mor- lowing an outbreak of violence professor of Spanish, directed the trips to Mexico. trepreneurship program as good The place to go to know rison, director of the Center for outside the gates of Monterrey last Baylor in Mexico program to “In April we were getting the places to go International Education. Gua- Tech, Baylor arranged for one Xalapa, Veracruz, in June 2009. dalajara has not experienced the student to return immediately “There are a few facts that are SEE MEXICO, page 4 SEE RANKING, page 4 Women’s League The Baylor Women’s League will hold an orientation Senate Republicans meeting at 5:30 p.m. today in the Baines Room of the SUB; free food will be served block repeal of Campus diversity Fellowship Among Cultures, ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ Ethnicities, and Shades By Anne Flaherty Pentagon review and certifica- (F.A.C.E.S.) will meet at 7 Assosciated Press tion from the president that lift- p.m. today in the Lipscomb ing the ban wouldn’t hurt troop WASHINGTON — Senate Room of the SUB; students morale. Republicans on Tuesday blocked But with little time left for are invited to come learn an effort by Democrats and the debate before the November bal- more about diversity on White House to lift the ban on lot, the bill had languished on the campus, current event gays from serving openly in the Senate calendar until gay rights issues involving women and military, voting unanimously groups, backed by pop star Lady minorities and other diverse against advancing a major de- Gaga, began an aggressive push issues across the world fense policy bill that included the to turn it into an election issue. provision. Earlier this month a federal The mostly partisan vote dealt judge in Los Angeles declared the Job success a major blow to gay rights groups ban an unconstitutional viola- Jon Stigliano, president who saw the legislation as their tion of the due process and free and founder of Strategic best hope, at least in the short speech rights of gays and lesbi- NICK BERRYMAN | LARIAT PHOTOGRAPHER Solutions Group, will present term, for repeal of the 17-year- ans. The decision was the third a workshop on how to old law known as “don’t ask, don’t federal court ruling since July to stand out in your first job at tell.” assert that statutory limits on the If you build it, they will come 6:30 p.m. today in Bennett If Democrats lose seats in the rights of gays and lesbians were upcoming congressional elec- Wade Harris (top left) and Eric Paisley work together to lift a mat at a construction site outside Auditorium of Draper unconstitutional. tions this fall, as many expect, Reid agreed to force a vote Draper Academic Building on Tuesday. Academic Building repealing the ban could prove on the bill this week and limit even more difficult — if not -im debate, despite Republican objec- Volleyball match possible — next year. The Senate tions. A Nevada Democrat in a Baylor volleyball takes on could take up the measure again tight race of his own this fall, he Iowa State at 7 p.m. today at during a lame-duck session af- also pledged to use the defense Discount movie theater to reopen ter the elections, but a spokes- bill as a vehicle for an immigra- the Ferrell Center By Carmen Galvan be $2 and we’ll have dollar Tues- Joel Davis, vice president of man for Senate Majority Leader tion proposal that would enable Staff Writer days,” John Sampson, director operations for Premiere Cine- Harry Reid said he hasn’t decided young people to qualify for U.S. of Waco Square Premiere Cin- mas, said the original theater was Girls fight back whether to do so. citizenship if they joined the A more affordable movie the- ema 6, said. “It’s all about saving managed by Starplex Cinemas Alpha Delta Pi’s fifth annual “The whole thing is a political military. ater alternative will be available people money anyway, regardless and had stopped operation after “Girls Fight Back” will be train wreck,” said Richard Socari- Republicans alleged that Reid once again to Baylor students and if you’re a first-run or a discount its lease expired in August. Since held at 7 p.m. Thursday in des, a White House adviser on was using the defense bill to score the Waco community beginning theater. But having a dollar the- Premiere Cinemas had shown gay rights during the Clinton ad- political points with the Demo- the Barfield Drawing Room Oct. 1. ater, especially a Premiere dollar prior interest in the property, the ministration. cratic base. of the SUB; Alpha Delta Formerly known as the Star- theater, [is great] because Pre- landowner of the theater con- Democrats included the re- “This is not a serious exer- Pi and Baylor Panhellenic plex Super Saver 6, Waco’s dis- miere runs their dollar houses tacted the corporation to offer it peal provision in a $726 billion cise. It’s a show,” said Senate GOP invite the Baylor campus count movie theater will reopen the same way they run first-runs: the lease. defense policy bill, which autho- leader Mitch McConnell of Ken- its doors as Waco Square Pre- It’s first-class customer service, The theater has undergone to attend a free, interactive rizes a pay raise for the troops tucky. miere Cinema 6 under the new great presentation on the screen, major renovations during its workshop designed to among other popular programs. Democrats countered that management of Premiere Cin- excellent popcorn, just the same hiatus, including new carpeting, provide self-defense tips for In a deal brokered with the White the bill merely reflects public emas.
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