Parish Clerk: Sara Stilliard T The Old Milking Parlour, Cottam Road, South Leverton, , Notts. DN22 0BU. . Tel: 01427 881582

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 9th April 2019 in the Village Hall.

Present: Cllrs C Keyworth (Chair), D Willcox; R Naish; M Newby; D Cooke; J Goacher, M Bennett; M Burton; G Matthews; C Wright Clerk: S Stilliard. Residents: none Guests: PCSO Airey; DCllr Burton; CCllr Ogle; Alan Guest

PUBLIC FORUM – none present


Apologies for Absence – none

Declarations of Interest and Confidentiality – Cllr M Burton at the third item

New Applications –

Erect a Two-Bedroomed Detached Dwelling With Integral Garage The Manor Sturton Road South Wheatley Retford DN22 9DH Ref. No: 19/00299/FUL | Received: Wed 06 Mar 2019 | Validated: Thu 14 Mar 2019 | Status: Awaiting decision

Council supports this application Action Clerk to report to Planning

Variation of Condition 8 to Amend the Wording to have the Construction of a Length of Footway Removed on P/A 17/01152/FUL - Erect Three Detached Four Bed Dwellings and Construct New Access Land To Rear Of The Old Plough Top Street North Wheatley Nottinghamshire Ref. No: 19/00303/VOC | Received: Wed 06 Mar 2019 | Validated: Mon 11 Mar 2019 | Status: Awaiting decision

Highways stated on the original application that the footpath was needed to protect pedestrians and this should be adhered to, therefore Council objects to this application Action Clerk to report to Planning

Cllr M Burton left the room at this point

Single Storey Rear Extension and Alterations to Outbuilding Including Replacement Roof Mill House Top Pasture Lane North Wheatley Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 9BY Ref. No: 19/00284/HSE | Received: Fri 01 Mar 2019 | Validated: Wed 06 Mar 2019 | Status: Awaiting decision

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Council supports this application Action Clerk to report to Planning

Fell a Conifer Tree The Nook Top Street North Wheatley Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 9DB Ref. No: 19/00314/CAT | Received: Thu 28 Feb 2019 | Validated: Thu 28 Feb 2019 | Status: Awaiting decision

Council supports this application Action Clerk to report to Planning

Old Applications awaiting decisions –

Erect One Detached Dwelling Land Adjacent To Cotswold Top Street North Wheatley Nottinghamshire Ref. No: 19/00145/FUL | Received: Wed 06 Feb 2019 | Validated: Wed 13 Feb 2019 | Status: Awaiting decision

Discharge of Condition 2, 6, 7, 8 and 13 of Planning Permission 18/00651/FUL - Convert Barns to Create Three Dwellings and the Existing Post Office to Remain in Use Post Office And Stores Sturton Road South Wheatley Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 9DH Ref. No: 19/00150/COND | Received: Wed 06 Feb 2019 | Validated: Mon 11 Feb 2019 | Status: Awaiting decision

Discharge of Conditions 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of Planning Permission 17/00638/FUL - Erect Two Dwellings with Garages and Construct New Access Land Off Top Pasture Lane Adjacent To Whitegates Top Pasture Lane North Wheatley Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 9BY Ref. No: 19/00301/COND | Received: Tue 26 Feb 2019 | Validated: Tue 26 Feb 2019 | Status: Awaiting decision

Decisions –

Removal of One Sycamore Tree The Rectory Middlefield Road North Wheatley Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 9DA Ref. No: 19/00281/TPO | Received: Wed 20 Feb 2019 | Validated: Wed 20 Feb 2019 | Status: Granted

Removal of Existing Outbuilding and Erect New Double Garage with New Gates, Wall, Fencing and Hedging Narnia Eastfield North Wheatley Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 9BX Ref. No: 19/00131/HSE | Received: Mon 04 Feb 2019 | Validated: Wed 06 Feb 2019 | Status: Granted with the stipulation that the gates are set back enough to allow for a car to park in front of them

Discharge of Conditions 3, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of Planning Permission 18/00652/LBA - Convert Barns to Create Three Dwellings and the Existing Post Office to Remain in Use Post Office And Stores Sturton Road South Wheatley Retford Nottinghamshire DN22 9DH Ref. No: 19/00201/COND | Received: Wed 06 Feb 2019 | Validated: Wed 06 Feb 2019 | Status: Determined

Installation of a Log Burner and Flue Chimney to Roof The Old Dairy Church Hill North Wheatley Nottinghamshire DN22 9DG Ref. No: 18/01615/LBA | Received: Mon 17 Dec 2018 | Validated: Tue 22 Jan 2019 | Status: Granted

Other planning issues The large static caravan on the building plot at Melvin’s Field, being used as a temporary residence, has been reported to Planning and is in the hands of the Enforcement Officer who is now back at work Action Clerk to chase

SWNP steering committee – progress report / next meeting The Steering Group’s next meeting will be Wednesday May 22nd at 7 pm in Wheatley Village Hall

AECOM is not an acronym - the company is a consultancy employed by the government department - Locality - to help with the development of Neighbourhood Plans. They are being used to produce the Sturton Ward Housing Needs Assessment / Site Assessments and Design codes or Character

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Assessments for each village. Cllr Marchant from Sturton le Steeple and Alan Guest are currently briefing AECOM on the last of these

North Leverton now has several active members on the Steering Group, including Cllrs White and Overend and they are contributing to the Steering Committee.


04.19.01. Apologies for Absence – none received

04.19.02. Declarations of Interest and Confidentiality None declared at this stage.

04.19.03. Report from the Chair – Agenda Issues Addition of annual pay increases at point 9

04.19.04. Police Report. PCSO Dave Airey told Council that there had been 2 reported crimes in Wheatley during March. On the 8th – the theft of gates and other items from a field on Top Pasture Lane and on 28th the theft of 2 sets of bifold doors from a self-build site at Eastfield.

Dave thanked the retiring Parish Councillors for all their help and support over the years and wished them well and the Chair thanked Dave for all his support whilst he has been in office.

This month there have been seven reported crimes of interest across the whole beat area. This compares with seven crimes reported throughout February 2019, and three crimes reported over the same period last year. From 01/04/2018, over the year period, there have been seventy eight crimes of interest reported across the beat area. This compares with sixty six reported in the same period last year. As such, over the course of the full year, these figures equate to an increase in reported crime in that period of twelve crimes.

This month there has been five reported incidents of anti-social behaviour across the whole beat area. This compares with four reported incidents for February 2019 and four reported for the same month in 2018. The anti-social behaviour umbrella covers a wide range of incident types including hoax calls to the emergency services, found/ abandoned vehicles and wildlife/ animal issues.

It has become noticeable to me, and I am sure to most of you too, that there has been an increase in the number of vehicles driving around the area where the occupants are looking for scrap metal. I have been advised that the price of scrap metal is still quite low, but this does not seem to have prevented an increase in this type of activity. Many of these drivers do tend to have the appropriate documentation to carry out this activity – however, some don’t. Please continue to report this type of activity to the control room and, a polite reminder, to ensure that any metal items of value are, where possible, not visible from the public highway or secured accordingly.

The Police continue to receive calls from farmers, landowners and members of the public in relation to vehicles, and their occupants, being involved in wildlife crime. These calls are encouraged. A few years ago, now, Operation Bifocal was introduced by to target this type of activity and behaviour. As part of the operation, the local beat teams now have access to an unmarked vehicle, which is suitable for use off road, and a quad bike. In the past, a neighbouring forces drone has been used to identify potential offenders. Some Nottinghamshire officers have now been trained in the use of drones. Whilst committing these wildlife crimes, offenders have been causing damage, also, to farmers and landowners fields, crops and perimeter gates and hedging.

At this time of the year, there is always an increase in the number of uninvited callers to residents’ properties. Usually these calls are in relation to having work completed at the property, usually on the outside, or in the garden areas. The Trading Standards department advise local residents to search the

Page 1277 website for reputable tradespersons, and to always get three quotes prior to allowing work to commence. The Trading Standards team continually review this site and vet those companies which are registered. Any queries or concerns around work carried out and/ or workers concerned should be firstly addressed to Consumer Direct. There are, however, some tradesmen who travel the country attempting to exploit the vulnerability, and generosity, of some of our local residents. These persons will attempt to negotiate a cost as soon as possible for work to be completed. They might also try to eliminate the period that a prospective customer has, legally, to change their mind in having work competed. This can easily be done by covering up that part of the contract document and getting the customer to sign which, in effect, overrides that part of the agreement. Over the last few years the trading standards department have shown an interest in a number of tradesmen where contract irregularities have been identified.

Trading Standards said it would never recommend employing a trader based on a cold call. They also suggest – • Don’t be lured in by the promise of discounts, one day only offers and “this deal is only available now”. • Don’t believe the scare stories a seller may tell you – they are rarely true. • Don’t believe genuine companies have lots of left over products or cancelled orders. • Don’t leave large sums of money in the home

The control room continue to receive reports from community members of sightings of suspicious person vehicles and activity across the beat area. These calls are important to us all and do help in keeping reported crime figures relatively low across the beat area. My contact number is 07525 226838 and my E mail address is [email protected] PC 3258 Jason FELLOWS has a contact number is 07525 226893 and his E mail address is [email protected]

Please do not use these telephone numbers to report incidents and/ or crimes. Our works numbers should only be used for non-urgent matters – including seeking advice and/ or information.

Confirmation of the Police contact numbers are as follows: - Notts Police – Non-Urgent – 101. Notts Police Urgent – 999. Mobile numbers for other non-urgent matters: PCSO Dave Airey – 07525 226838 and PC Jason Fellows – 07525 226893

04.19.05. Community Speedwatch / Neighbourhood and Home Watch Reports. The Speedwatch Team has been out during March – there were few speeders and maximum speeds recorded were 36/7. There seems to be less traffic coming through the village which may be a reflection of the closure of the Power Station. Alan thanked the retiring Councillors for their support with Speedwatch over the years

04.19.06. Traffic Calming The costs of Interactive signs have been passed to Cllr Newby for consideration at the next PC meeting Action Cllr Newby Action Clerk to follow up the Traffic Calming proposals with Jo Horton now we are in a new Financial Year

04.19.07. District and County Councillor Reports DCllr Burton was presented with a card and gift from all 3 of his Parish Councils in Sturton Ward. The Chair thanked him for all his work with Wheatley PC and with the Ward as District Councillor over the last 20 years. In turn DCllr Burton presented those Parish Councillors leaving in May with cards and thanked them all for their years of service

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CCllr Ogle mentioned the recent roadworks and road closures in the village and the fact that he is challenging the need to close roads rather than use lights. He is arranging a meeting with Highways and the Clerk to discuss the options. He also said that if an interactive traffic sign is needed it could be applied for via Highways rather than funded by the PC.

04.19.08. The Lengthsman Scheme The lengthsman does not want to paint the wooden posts at the village triangle Action Chair to ask the contractor repairing the shelter to paint them and possibly stick on reflectors for night visibility

04.19.09. Finance Bank Reconciliation. The bank reconciliation to 25th March 2019 was approved by Council Accounts for Payment. The following payments were approved. Action Clerk S Stilliard – salary and expenses for March £ 398.56 Freddie Allen – grass cutting March £ 180.00 Ian Wilkinson – Lengthsman services £ 241.00 Steve Rockcliffe – IT services Jan – March £ 51.00 HMRC – Clerk’s tax Jan – March £ 149.00 Terry Kirk – repair to village hall path light £ 91.20 Sara Stilliard Ltd – SWNP printing £ 60.00 Church in the Levertons – SWNP hall hire £ 50.00 Sturton le Steeple Village Hall – SWNP hall hire £ 12.00 Nth & Sth Wheatley Village Hall – SWNP hall hire £ 82.00 Annual pay rises Council very kindly voted to increase the Clerk’s hourly rate to £15 in line with the lengthsman

04.19.10. Minutes of the PC Meeting held on 12th March 2019. The minutes were agreed by Council and signed off by the Chair

04.19.11. Matters Arising from the Minutes (non-agenda items) None

04.19.12. NALC / reports from outside bodies NALC announcement of the Best Kept Village Competition – no further action required NALC information about Long Service Certificates for Councillors Action Clerk to apply on behalf of Cllrs Goacher, Cooke and Keyworth Offer of a BDC Conversation team member to address the Council – no further action required

04.19.13. Correspondence / Reading bag There were 6 items of correspondence this month:- Offer of a Merchant Navy flag – no further action required Letter about a policing meeting on July 18th at Tuxford – no further action required Letter from EDF offering a visit to the PC to explain their proposed Gas fired Power Station Action Clerk to invite them to the June or July PC meeting Notification from VIA about Public Paths on arable land – noted by the Council Letter from a resident about the cutting of grass verges in the village Action Clerk to respond to say that this is County Council responsibility Offer of Lamp post poppies – Action Clerk to order 20 for the village

04.19.14. Playing Field / Pavilion / Community Garden Matters to report The shelter in the Community Garden needs both repair and painting. Cllr Keyworth is meeting a contractor to show him the shelter and seek a quote for the work

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Cllr Newby has obtained a quote to add a roundabout to the junior play park and for it to be resurfaced. This to be firmed up with Cllr Cooke and additional quotes sought to bring to next PC meeting and then make an application for funding via Tesco Bags Action Cllrs Newby and Cooke

Apparently the Pavilion is not heated on a time switch, so only when in use, there could be a risk of burst pipes as a result. Action Cllr Cooke to look at current options – there is a temperature controlled heater near the boiler for example - and report back to the PC Repair of Junior Slide This has now been done Action Clerk to remove from agenda Progress of new MUGA order Installation of the MUGA equipment for the playing field has started and should be complete by 19th April (being done over the schools Easter holidays). The equipment will be ready for use then but will be finalised with coloured markings etc by mid-May. An opening event / publicity to be arranged at that time to acknowledge Tarmac funding Action Clerk to add to agenda for May Whilst digging out a drainage ditch the contractors damaged a water pipe. This is now repaired but it remains to be seen who will pay Simon Blackburn (plumber) for the repair. The water pipe was very near the surface. Action Clerk to bring forward to next PC meeting for a decision Cllr Naish had to remove much more top soil than previously expected over a 3 day period. Action Cllr Naish to bill the PC for his time and for that on installing the adult gym equipment The Council expressed their thanks to him for undertaking both jobs Tennis club lease Cllr Newby has reviewed the tennis club lease agreement – giving them a 25 year lease – and the Chair signed it Action Clerk to send to Bill Cullen The land deeds are needed – not currently held with the Land Registry Action Clerk to contact the previous solicitors on behalf of the Council

04.19.15. Highways / Footpaths / Water Course / Public Safety Street Lights / street furniture Street light number 30 on Sturton Road is still out having been reported A new streetlight on Low Pasture Lane will not be supplied by Highways for budgetary reasons The Beck No update on repair to the bank slippage as yet. Other matters to report The large and deep hole in front of the planter at the cross roads at Low Street / A620 is scheduled for repair by Friday April 12th The ‘Stone Lane’ road sign off Low Street has been hit by a car and needs repair Action Clerk to chase

Highways are considering an extension of yellow lines to stop parking outside the school and we await a response Cllr Keyworth has obtained the agreement of the head teacher to organise a project for children to design a sign (for example “I go to school here please help to keep me safe by not parking here”) to be placed outside the school gates. The PC would then pay for and install it Action Cllr Keyworth to chase this through

The more residents who report issues themselves to Highways the more impact this will have. The number to call to report issues is as follows:- 0300 – 500 - 8080

The blue grit bin at the corner of Eastfield and Church Street can be moved if Council wish to do this

A ‘Welcome to Wheatley Village’ sign can be located at Eastfield from the bypass. Action Cllr Newby to meet with Highways to decide on the exact location

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A resident has e-mailed the PC to ask why the Council has not applied ‘Slow Down’ signage to Wood Lane. Council has discussed the traffic / speeding issue on Wood Lane several times and has in the past asked Highways for a reduction of the speed limit which was rejected. The PC is not allowed to apply any road signs on public roads however the Clerk will ask Highways if they would add Slow Down signage and also ask the Footpaths department for a larger Public Footpath sign Action Clerk

04.19.16. Village Hall Update. Matters to report It is thought that the Tennis Club could be using the Village Hall bin for their rubbish Action Clerk to write to them asking them to obtain their own bin or take rubbish away War Memorial Simon Britt’s successor – Aimee Dobbs knows about the pending work Relocating the Defibrillator on the Sun Inn An electrician has been found to provide a quote for this work and is contacting Andrew Womak directly to arrange to look at the re-siting of the defibrillator Action Clerk to follow this through

04.19.17. GDPR / Standing Orders GDPR documents and policies were checked and amended by Cllr Newby (as DPO). These are now ratified by Council Action Clerk to post on web site and remove from the agenda

04.19.18. Plaster Pits / Allotments Nothing to report

04.19.19. Hand over of Colin’s roles The Chair currently has the following roles which will need to be allocated to other Councillors at next month’s APM:- Snow and flood warden Empty dog bins Liaise with the Lengthsman Holding keys for the Village Hall / Hall Barrier and Pavilion Checking the defibrillators

Cllr Keyworth kindly offered to continue to raise the barrier for the Savannah Rags collections

04.19.20. Dates of meetings for 2019

May 14th to include the AGM and APM and hand over from Colin to new Chair – 7pm start

June 11th; July 9th; September 10th; October 15th; November 12th; December 10th

Sara Stilliard – Clerk, tel. 881582 Minutes subject to approval at the next meeting

Distribution list: All Parish Councillors, CCllr J Ogle, DCllr H Burton, Website, Clays Contact, Alan Guest – Community Speedwatch; PCSO Dave Airey, Notice boards

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