Fisheries News February March 1983
F shees Pêches I I° and Oceans et Oceans RARY HERIES AND OCEANS UOTHÈQUE !CUES ET OCÉANS Vol. 3, No. 2 February/March 1983 (ISSN 0714-97941 Scotia-Fundy Region 1983 Atlantic Groundfish Management Plan Canadian East Coasi fishermen are through a process of consultation with nally established to promote a more entitled to catch 38,200 tonnes more fishermen's organizations, fish pro- orderly and equitable approach to groundfish this year than in 1982, ac- cessors and the governments of the harvesting by the offshore trawler cording to the 1983 Atlantic Ground- five eastern provinces. fleet. fish Management Plan announced in One other new addition to the mid-January by Fisheries and Oceans Implications for the Scotia-Fundy Groundfish Plan is a strategy to over- Minister Pierre De Bané. Region come the problem of seasonality in Under the plan, Canada will take In 1982, total fish and shellfish land- smaller groundfish processing plants. 997,355 tonnes or about 76% of the 1.3 ings for the Scotia-Fundy Region rep- More than 80% of groundfish is landed million-tonne total Atlantic groundfish resented some 484,884 tonnes valued between April and October, which allocation inside and outside the 200- at $255,641,000. Of this, groundfish creates serious gluts and shortages in mile fishing zone. accounted for approximately 42% of supply for these plants, most of which Since implementing the zone in the Landed Value and 5 5 °/o of the do not own fishing vessels. An alloca- 1977, the Total Allowable Catch for Landed Volume. Close to 4,000 ves- tion of 27.000 tonnes of varied species Atlantic groundfish has increased over sels are involved in the groundfish has been reserved for a program to three times from some 425,000 tonnes fishery in this Region alone, and thou- help extend the operating season of to the over 1.3 million tonnes for 1983.
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