Polio Shot Maa Alldes Earlier

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Polio Shot Maa Alldes Earlier ■r.' 1 ' . <1 ■fPRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1989 -.y The Weetlwr Average Daily Net Frees Ri rswteet #f O.R. WaeMM ^ ' ' .. A __ ^_____ ______ _ - - — Fer the Week Iteded OeL 81. 1668 , —•**— eeSOmr—a.a-- oOTHERWe Window Bi^ken 38e. Smday epeoiy, eoM. Three Mancheeter itudents Missionary Tidks Sm eu pif Tim e^oinkt^ . by nin of anew ehangtef ‘ te Central Connecticut State (Jol- 13,041 lete in New Britain are eervlftf ;At C alvi^C liapel At Scout Building the CdoUng System of' ' Membee of the Aadtl,^^^ on the decoration committee for BoreEHi ef Ohreidstlea M aneheater-i^ CHy of ViUdge Charm the Homecomlny Weekend dance A.^broKen wlhdow^ln the former Ybttr Car'Against Leaks., ___^ . m hold ita rofulv mOei tomorrow. They are MU* Barbara A' spec^ miastonary service wUl jn Tinker Ball Monday at 8 be held at CaWacy Obapct. 33 Ver­ Cheney Kautee eerrtage.Itouce at: I •' - • ^ Kennedy, M AutunjpjSt, a Junior PRICE FIVE CtO T S majoring In elemenUry educa­ non S t, on Sunday^. 30 Hartford Rd. was tha only danl- USE RYD-D-ERS VOL. LXXEK, Ho. S3 TEN, PAGES—TV SECTION-SUBURBIA TODAY MANCHE8TEIL CONN, SATUSDAYi NOVEMBER 1, i» 5 |. ■’ ■ ■ ■■ '■ —— — tion; Ml** Jobj-na Fedora, 83 Olive Miss Helen B u r g ^ -tpUslohjary age resulUtag from u . apparent ^^%ba.i Joaaph Handley and Mr*. Rd., and MU* Uirralne Renaonl, to the Amertcaa Bidtani'ip Bita break into the building lest night, ird C ham an will be boat- Hoddite, Ariaona, will be 1 13B Summer St., both sophomore* speaker. Traveling with her police eeld today,. Nothing was re­ RAPID LK2UID 1—— a t the Lata Junior Muaaum mt^rlng In elemenUry education StSMOOr from 8 to B p-m. , * two Navajo girls. ported mieeing. A t the Sunday School eeaaion, ^ The broken window wee found Fer Leahy RteM «^ U.S. Hunts The Manchester Garden Club B;46 a.m., Mlaa Burgeaa and the thUl^momlng by Douglas Heleler, SEALER Craohed-Btechs will meet Monday, Nov. 16 a)l 8 girU will accept Chrlatmas, gifts p.m. at Center Church Instead of for Indian famlUaa presented from repreaentative bf the Boy Scout Mixes with all antiifreeae s a t a t ^ , ti—te a - VfltM H S* l>AY thU coming wppk. The change of the Calvary Chapel Sunday School. troop sponaored by South Matho- atelv stops leak*, will never elog, preveatp Cienfuegos MNHR^MI DANCE date was caused by inability In Mlaa Bur eps will apeak at the diet. Church which owns the build- nisL Yon are assured that yeas aatt-fneBa obtalnlrilg the Federation ChrUt- morning worship service at 10;4B <lng. wUI net leak asvay. a.m. The public 1*. invited to at­ A small boat aifd trailer are all Polio Shot maa alldes earlier. tend both the Simday School ahd th at la contained In the east end of In Florida JMH9f16BR morning service. ' th6-^4mildlng- where the window Sold Only bv Independent Dealert The father Qf five childrenfthe treatoent / f ws children. - AJ------ The Oleanera Circle, WSCS. • I -.i'-T... was broken. expelled from.:' Manchester should they contract poHo after r«' Miami, Fla., Nov. 7 (JF)—A M Leeeard Stnet South MethodUt Cpurch, will meet A quantity of acouUng equip­ Dealers See Yoor Leeal JeMien ceivlng shots. in the chapel Monday at 7:30. p.m. Information Night Kinston Photo schools for not having polio Dling wrote Wells Sept. 23 that kearch for Maj. Camilo Cien- Mre. Mae RoMnaon - will be In Edward 'Saxe Stiirtlo ment was tBk'en.4trom the buUdlng Nov. 30 last year, aiid only abbut GRINOLD a u t o p a r t s , Ine. shots today defended his deci­ tha Board would not accept re­ fu^os, miasing Cuban army penon. TMnIa chargd of devotion*.' ^ - Engaged sponaibility. ’The Board, Maid niing, '' Guest Speaker. Ajt’ Legion Home half of it was recoVac^ Some MI 3-1558 sion not to permit the vaccina­ commAnder, was started by ______ ____eea.or at the pest --- 1 The engagement of Miss Madalyn boys walking ..through the-ovoods tion. was acting within its rights under U,.S.-Air Force and Civil Air hone or may m obtained at Bona of Italy will meet Sunday Mr*. Ro** Miller of St. Thomas Col. Benjamin 'iruskoweki, ad­ Jean Maaker to Charles James south of Hartford Rd. about <wo Donald D. Wells, 88 Meekvllie State Statute in requiring U14 vac­ Patrol planes today over the door.' at 3:30 at thevltelian American The Apostle Pariah In West Hart­ Luce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles week* after the burglary fouild SCHIEBEL BROS. AUTO PARTS cine, Just as the Board required ford will speak at a meeting of the ministrator of the .State Soldier, Rd., an engineer at P ratt luid vast Florida Everglades. Club. Sailor and’‘Marine Fund, Will be Luce, 604 E. Middle ’Tpke., Is an­ some of the equipment beneath a MI 3-5119 Whlthey Aircraft, aald he had de­ smallpox iutd diphtheria immuni­ J o c k e y s , Rosary Society of 8t. Bridget's nounced by her parents, Mrs. idle of . brush. sation. Orders to search for the Cees^ 8-1 Ballot Church Monday at 8 p.m. lit the the main speaker at the Veterans' cided he would not have the 'vac- Information Night gathering at Ruby Coppola, West Wlllingttm. Pine admliilatered to any of hia In a second letter sent by Wells twin-engine plapt; in which Cien­ church hall. the American Legion.Hdroe.,^ to­ and- ^{Bter Masker, Stafford to niing Oct. 26, 6Vells said there fuegos disappeared Oct. 38'with Mr*. Miller’s topic will be “Uvlng eight children, although 6ve of night. Springs. ' them attend the Manchester was no comparison between the .a pilot and one soldier^cahne from Puts Men the Uturgy of The Church in the Information Night has b • * " The bride-elect 1* t graduate of aehoola Where auch immunisation effectivaieas of the Salk vaccine 'the 14th . Air Force/Search and Facing Probes A Sf. MARY'S ODILD Home." She Is the mother of three scheduled to explain the Work­ Rockville High School and is em­ NEW IHAM SHEU ih mandatory. and the vaccines developed against Rescue division at^Macon, Ga. childreiu A graduate of the Uland ployed by The Trkvelers' Insurance Corner Birch and Spruce SL amalipok and dipth'eria. .There waa nqflmmedlate rt,.... Powers School of the Theater in ings of the fund,, which U a v i ^ Hartford. Her fiance attended Hia reason, he said, la that he able to all Connecticut veterans, Manchester HAT SPECIAL believes the Sklk vaccine npt Wells polntM to the continued on where ther'reiquest for the . hunt By JO ^ AVrailtX Into Mills Boston, she is a commercial per- ^Manchester High School, and research bi pdlio immunisation be- originated;^'but* there was specula­ Washington, Nov. .7 (^*-* former on WTlC-T* for the Hart­ their families and aiirvlvora. Howell Cheney Technical School. IrowR and Gray only does not prevent polio, but it Other apeakers at the meeting TAKE OUT SERVICE might cause the disease. ing» carried on by Dr.-Sabin: tion that it might have been made- A , House subcommittee Is CHRISTA^AS FAIR ford Electric Ught Co. Mrs. Went­ He served wUh the Army in Ger­ 'The conclusion of his letter to by.<5uban Premier Fidel Castro. PUtebargh, Ndv. 7 (iP)—; worth Jbhnson is program Chair­ Will be Col. C. C- Scarborough, many and is now cniployed at .a R«9. $13.50 ...... < Yesterday,' Superintendent of ready to sweep its searchlight \ AT THE CHURCH A SRECIALTY Schools Arthur R. liling reveWed Illing said, ‘Tn view of the fore­ - Air Force hqadquseiers in Wash­ David j . McDonald* f t taU/ud man .^for the Rosary Society. State service officer of the Amer­ aervice stafion in Tolland. going, however, I do feel tha> I ington last night directed that from the tainted world of TV ican Legion; MaJ. Frank Mlneo, - ^A Spring wedding la planned., that th* 6ve children, along with a of- the United StMlworKaiR, SpeclM! Purchase 1 pint of Coventry girl, had been expeUed should be entitled to some^ sort the search begin, reported Capt.' quiz shows'to another phfise / l executive officer of the Rocky fried clams SOo, and recetve F. y , Mighell, coordinator at 14th iaaned thia atatepent today Thursday, Noyember 12 Hill Veterans’ Home; and a repre- are Invited to attend.. Refresh­ from the aehoola for hon-com- of a hearing. At the risk of'sound­ of show business—disk jock­ after the UB. Snpreme Court t to 9 PM. FREE 1 pint of French frleo. pliahce with a compulsory... polio ing like some uninfqrm''ed -crack­ SAR Headquarters,. Robins AIFB, CHARGE YOllR •enUtlve from the Newington Vet- ments will be eerved by the Legion pot, let me say that the Salk vac­ near Macon. eys and song pluggers. uphirtd a T^ft^Karflcy hyoRe- erama' H ovital. , ‘ Auxiliary. Open Sat. 10 A.M. to 10 FJM. law. Chargee of skulduggery wid . T m Room 2 fo 4 P«M. The law was passed by the cine is ribt am idst my religious .Mighell said the Air Force was bribery in promotion of records, tion aniftet the afael atrfke: PRESCRIPTIOliS HERE ’The speakers' will have come SUNDAY 4 P.M. to 6 P ^ ^ beli^, but it Is against all com­ prepared to. answer any qpeatlon Board of EducaUon at its Sep-, advised that a freighter reported particularly on disk Jockey shows Supreme Court htw ■ d a il y 8 P.M. to 10 PJH. tember meeting, and made 0 <U.
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