MG-247 Algernon Sydney and Robert Restalrig Logan Papers 2.5 Cu. Ft
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MG-247 Algernon Sydney and Robert Restalrig Logan Papers 2.5 cu. ft. Consists of manuscript and printed material of or pertaining to members of the Logan family, including those of James Logan, first provincial secretary of Wm. Penn, his father Patrick Logan, and descendents Algernon Sydney, and 'Robert Restalrig Logan, cae 1680's-1945. The collection contains 3 volumes of printed and manuscript copies of Indian treaties, conferences, and other memorials relating to Indian Affairs, covering the period 1722-1762, copies of John Dickinson correspondence, 1753-1776, and one volume of minutes and related items of the Indiana Company, 1776-1789. Material relating directly to the Logan-Wister farniliks (Algernon S. Logan's wife was Mary Wynne Wister, and his mother, who was the wife of John Dickinson Logan, was Susan Wister) consists of 1 cu. ft. of family portraits and photographs, published collections of poetry and novels written by Algernon S., and Robert R. Logan, the journal of Mary Wynne Wister, 1873-1880, a Bioqraphical Sketch of Alqernon Sydney Logan published in 1934, and related ' genealogical materials. Algernon Sydney Logan Papers (c-16- - 1874) Great-great-great grandson of James Logan (1674-17511, Provincial Secretary. Include inherited items from James Logan's father Patrick and later generations of the family. Patrick Logan's MS record of his childrensl births ( pp., mounted) MS IfIndian Treaties at Albany 1722 (24 pp., paper covers) A Treaty with the Shawanese Delaware Indians ... (New York: J. Parker and W. Weyman, 1757) (10 pp.; on front cover, :!Logan of Stenton" ) Bound volume, llCollection of Indian Treaties ...," with James Logan's bookplate (printed minutes of 18 treaties, 1742 to 1762; on front flyleaf, "Logan of Stenton") Bound volume, MS records of the Indiana Company, 1776-1789: minutes, etc:, 154 pp.; accounts, 30 double pages, back to front. (Middle of book, 136 pages used for journal, 1873-1880, by Mr. and Mrs. A. Sydney Logan; with copy laid in of letter, A.S. Logan to his father, May 26, 1877.) Manuscript "Records of the Families of Logan and Norris," by Deborah Norris Logan (wife of George Logan, James Logan's grandson); bound volume, 177 pp., begun 1815, with later additions and notes. Photographs by A. Sydney Logan 1 framed, exhibited 1903 49 mounted, 10"X12I1, dated 1883-1896 (9 undated) 10 miscellaneous (3 in Florence, 1877; 7 at Restalrig, 1900-1913) Family p~rtrai~ts(photographs, including photographs of painted portraits; 1 face - A. Sydney Logan - cut out of an oil portrait) A. A. Sydney Logan (24 photo poses, 34 prints; 1 oil) 1. Miscellaneous (5) a. "as James Logan"; 2 poses, 1 print with hat in left hand, 2 with hat in right. Dated 1895 (Four pictures of Wister homes: 2 fireplaces of l1Vernon,l1 the John Wister home; 1 of lTorvyll; 1 of "Grumblethorpe. ") (1 unidentified portrait, "Elsie Wister.I1) Miscellaneous photographs (9 items) Stenton, Midlothian, Scotland James and Mary Stout Martin (c. 1886) Mary Chamberlaine (cut from post card dated 180-) Elspeth A. Keucher (c; 1910) ~ainorBaird Minot and children Christmas-greeting photographs from llSarobia" (3 cards, 1 winter view of house, 2 summer photos of Robert Restalrig Logan) Mounted photograph of dog, "Zangi 1st": IICompts of J. D. Sergeant" Miscellaneous photographs by A. S. Logan (9 items) 3 snapshots (about 41fX411),Florence, Italy, 1877 unmounted photograph (811X1011)of barn at Goshenville, Pa., "circa 1900" 4 unmounted photographs (8I1X10") taken at Restalrig "Lord Lyddingtonl1 and A. S. Logan, "circa 1898" horses, unidentified man, and A. S. Logan, "circa 190011 A. S. Logan as monk, "cira 1910" E. A. ICeucher as romantic correspondent, "cira 1900" A. S. Logan's machine shop, 1913 mounted photograph (7%11X9%11)of "Hansel ,I1 Restalrig, 1910 Mary Wynne Wister (wife of A. Sydney Logan; see also photographs - and -1 1. small, child. Dated c. 1855 2. small, girl. Dated 3878(?) 3. medium, girl. Dated 1883-1884 4. Large, seated, with Emily Langlands. Dated 1928(?) 5. snapshot, with E. A. Keucher, 2 prints. Undated b. face cut from ,651 portrait; dated 1890(?) 3 poses holding coat and cap: a. 2 small prints (1 signed) with coat on right arm; b. 1 small with coat on left; c. one large with coat on left. Dated c. 1865. 2 poses: a. 3/4 length; b. bust. Dated (a) c. 1869 and (b) c. 1867. seated, 3/4. Dated 1869(?). with wife (Mary Wynne Wister) 2 prints, 1 cut to leave A. S. only. Dated Nov. 20, 1872 tintype, with wife. Dated c. 1876 2 poses: a. 2 prints (one enlarged) facing left; b. 1 print facing right. Dated (a) c. 1880 and (b) May 1876. (Latter probably correct) oval portrait. Dated c. 1880. Dundreary whiskers. Dated c. 1882. 3 poses: a. lfbestrlpose, 2 prints, mounted; b. "not good;t1: 3 prints, 2 mounted; c. Byronic (retouched?) 1 print, unmounted. Dated (a) 1882 and 1883, (b) 1883,;and (c) C. 1895(!-1 seated, side view. Dated c. 1885. standing, full length. Datedrlc. 1888. outdoor snapshot, mounted. Dated 1894(?) seated, with mandolin. Dated c. 1910. (Hat seems to be same as in No. 13.1 2 poses, seated with book: a. (bookmark in book) 3 prints, 1 mounted; b. (bookmark in hand) 2 prints, unmounted. outdoor winter view at Restalrig, 1 print. Dated c. 1922 B. Logan - Norris family portraits James Logan (card-size reproduction, facsimile signature) Isaac Norris (mounted photograph, 1871, of painted portrait) (later photograph of same original; 2 glossy prints) Mary Lloyd Norris, wife of Isaac Nortis (photograph of painted portrait; 2 glossy prints) John Dickinson Logan, father of A. SYDNEY LOGAN (three quarter photograph, in Scotch cap) (group photograph with wife Susan Wister Logan and two others) (full-length photograph in white topper, dated c. 1880; 2 prints) Sarah Wister Logan, wife of John Dickinson Logan (dated c. 1882) Mary Norris Logan, sister of John Dickinson Logan (small photograph, facing right, holding dog) (small photograph, facing left, dated c. 1870(?) Fanny (Frances) Logan, daughter of John Dickinson's brother Gustavus George Logan; full-length child photograph) (small portrait, in hat, facing left) MG-247 Algernon Sydney and Robert Restalrig Logan Papers, fc. 16--?-1945 5 Boxes Volumes Copies Alqernon Sydney and Robert Restalriq Loqan Papers, . -- --a- c. l6--'!-168 / A. Patrick Loaan's record of his childrens' birth, c. 16--?-1687 3 pp. B. James Loqan's Items, 1722, 1742-62 Indian Treaties at Albany, 1722 Fort Johnson Treaty, ~uly-1756 Collection of Indian Treaties, 1742-62 C. Alqernon Sydney Loqan Items, 1776-1934 (Indiana Company), 1776-89, -also: Journal, 1873-80 "Records of the families of Loqan and Norris," 1815 Portraits and Photoqraphs, 1865-1922 a. Of A. Sydney Logan, 1865-1922 b. By A. Sydney Logan, 1877-1913 c. Logan Family Portraits, 1901-11 e. Wister Family Portraits, 1855-1928 Author (~ublishedj, 1873-1913 The Last Crusade, New York, 1873 --- -. -The Mirror c~f a Mind,. New ~ork,1875 -A Feather --from the Worlid's Winq, Philadelphia, 1885 ----Not on the Chart, New York, 1899 -Vestisia, -- NE?w York, 1913 Authora ("Collected Editions", Phila. : National P ub 1 is hinq Co-.-) , -1934 -The Mirror of a Mind, c. 1875; ----The Imaqe of Air, c. 1878; -Saul, c. 1883; The Last Crusade, c. 1873. -A Feather from the World's Winq, c. 1885; Messalina, c. 1890; Vestiqia, c. 1913. ---Jesus in Model:n Life, c. 1888 ----Not on the Chart, c. 1898 Warren, c. 1900 Miscellaneous keepsakes, 1843-88 8 Items D. Robert Restalriq Loqan Items, 1753-76, 1884, 1912-45, n.d. Author, 1914,1934 4 Lichens --from the Temple, New York, 1914 Bioqraphical Sketch of Alqernon Sydney Logan, Phila.: 1934 John Dickins~nCorrespondence (transcripts), 1753-76 Miscellaneous keepsakes, etc., 1884, 1912, 1945, n.d. MG-247 Algernon Sydney and Robert Restalrig Logan Papers, c. 16--?-1945 N.B. A.S.L. is the great-great-great grandson of James Logan (1674.-1751), Provincial Secretary. Includes inherited items from James Logan's father Patrick and later generations of the family. 5 boxes Volumes Boxes A. Patrick Loqan's Items, c. 16--?-I687 1 MS record of his childrens' births, c. 16--?-1687 3pp. 4X5S ea. B. James Loqan's Items, 1722-1762 "Indian Treaties at Albany, 1722. " MS, 24pp. 1 Vol. -A Treaty held with the ~h&anise& Delaware Indians --at Fort Johnson b~ -Sir William Johnson, July 1756. New York: Printed and sold by J. Parker and W. Weyman, at the ~ew-printing-office in Beaver Street, MDCCLVII. 10pp. front cover reads: "Logan of Stenton, "Collection of Indian Treaties Conferences &c with Some other Memorials relating to Indian: Affairs. " James Logan's bookplate; on front flyleaf, "Logan of Stenton". Contents: Treaties and Conferences, 1742-1762 1742, July. Treaty, Six Nations, Philadelphia. sold by B. ~ranklin,1743. (Printed: C. R., Vol. 4, 560-583, including names of Indians present) 1744, June. Treaty, Pa. Governor and Commissioners for Virginia and Maryland. Philadelphia: Printed and sold by B. Franklin, 1744. (Printed: C.R., Vol. 4, 698-737) 1744, Aug. 21. "Murther" of John Armstrong, the Indian trader. (Printed: C. R., Vol. 4, 742-748; 757-758) pp.11-16, 27-28 1745, Sept. 4-7. Governor's message to the House (Printed: C.R., Vol. 4, 772-773) pp. 49-53 1745, Oct. Treaty. Six Nation's, Albany. Philadelphia: B. Franklin, 1746 pp 5-20 (Printed: C.R., Vol. 5, 7-26) 1747, Nov. 13. Treaty. Indians of the Ohio, Philadelphia. Philade$phia: B. Franklin, 1748. pp. 3-8 (Printed: C.R., Vol. 5, 145-151 including list of goods bought for) 1749, July 1. Treaty. Seneca Nation, Philadelphia pp 39-43 (Printed: C.