ATBIACaS DAILY CBODLATIOIf lor tho Mottth of DocAmbor, IMS 5.324 Member of tbo Audit of Olrealottoao.

PRICE THREE CB VOL. L in ., NO. 78. (ClaoMBed Advertl i tng <» Pofo A) MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1934. (TEN PAGES) CLAIM ECONOMY Hartford Man Forced IL DUCE TALKS Slayer To Die In Gas Chamber ROOSEVELT PLANS A a DOES NOT To Rob Lunch Wagon WITH SIMON ON TO DEUVER FIRST ' H U R Tym R A N S LEAGUKHANGE Hartford, Jan. 3.— (A P )—A man^retum to an Albany avenue diner and a woman, describing themselves which be was forced to enter at the point of a gxm and rifie the cash MESSA(X IN PERSON i (Jlaude Brocker, 23, 34 Charter register of 322 while the attendants M ud Speciilation in Official Officials of Association Say Oak avenue, and Mrs. Alice King, were kept in a back-room. 30, 1071 Main street, both of Hart­ After the trio left him in the city, No Hardship Has Been ford, are held on charges of robbery Addey, who said be had been hit Circles Over Conference Congress Opens Tomorrow; with violence and another man is with the butt of a revolver by one TAXES ON UQUOR being sought following two holdups of the robbers, collapsed on the Meted Out to Those Dis­ this morning. sidewalk. S a o r 1 1 y afterward Which W9I Take Up Win Be First Time a Presi­ Harold Addey, cab driver, said Brocker and Mrs. King were picked FIRST SENATE JOB two men and a woman early today up by police in a Union place res­ Arms Cot dent Has Read His Mes­ abled in War. robbed him of 319 after ordering taurant. Brocker is held imder him to drive to Bloomfield. Accord­ bonds of 3S,000 and the woman ing to his story, they then made him 32,500 for an appearance Saturday. New York, Jan. 2,— (AP) — The Rome, Jan. 2.— (A P )— Semi-offi­ Policy Committee Arranges sage in Person at a Joint American Veterans’ Association, aft­ cial circles were intensely Interest­ er an investigation of the Economy ed today in the Franco-German sit­ to Take Speedy Action Session Since the Coolidff Act, reports that "no ac.tukl hard­ uation as Premier Mussolini of Italy ship has been meted out to the war- 31 KILLED, SCORES HURT and Sir John Simon, foreign secre­ When Congress Opens. AdministratioiL disabled veterans.” ' tary of Great Britain, prepared to The organization has concerned it­ confer on disarmament, r^orm of self, since the passage of the act by the League of Nations, and kindred Congress, with the problems of Washington, Jan. 2.— (A P )—The Washington, Jan. 2.— (A P )— BY CALIFORNIAN FLOODS problems. veterans whose disabilities can be President Roosevelt notified Con­ They probably will meet tomor­ Senate Democratic policy commit­ traced to war service. gressional leaders today'be planned The association made public yes­ row and diplomatic quarters and tee today made the Senate’s first terday the results of a questionnaire the government-supervised press order if business the Ijquor tax and to deliver his first azmual message it sent to variovis government de­ Third Major Disaster Within LAGUARDIA ORDERS has attacher' unusual importance to District of Columbia liquor regula­ to Congress tomorrow in person. partments. The replies disclosed, their Interview. This was disclosed in authorita­ Sir John was to arrive by air­ tion bills, and predicted the grant­ the report said, that totally disabled Nine Months; Enonnons tive quarters today as Congressional veterans who received excluding In­ plane today from Capri where he ing of power to the President to surance, less than the average earn­ A HOUSE CLEANING spent the Christmas holidays. make reciprocal tariff treaties with­ leaders busily engaged in preparing ings of labor before the passage of Property Damage Caused Considerable speculation Is heard out Senate ratification. for the convening of Congress. It here as to whethei the two will dis­ the Economy Act, are receiving un­ Announcing the result.of the first will be the first time a President has der the act, despite reductions, cuss any definite plan to solve the meeting. Senator Robinson—the read his message in person at a apparent Impasse between France proportionately more than the re­ hy a Clondhnrst. New Mayor Tells Police Or majority leader—said the adminis­ joint session since the Coolldge ad­ and Germany. Official circles said cent earnings of labor. tration bill to permit the President ministration. merely that there would be "an ex­ Full data concerning the partly ganized Crime Must Be to appoint a governor of Hawaii Preparations were made for re­ disabled veterans was not yet avail­ Los Angeles, Jan. 2— (AP) —The change of ideas.” from the mainland would be aban­ ceiving the President, but it was 4-Power Pact able, the report said. horror of another catastrophe, the doned. said that plans were not fixed de­ Comparisons Made It was generally agreed thAt the finitely and no final decision would third in nine months, flooded South­ Stamped Out. “Thi President has a very clear The information on the totally dis­ four-power conference of Italy, be announced until noon tomorrow, and forceful message on the budg­ abled was given in reply to a ques­ ern Califpmia with misery, distress Great Britain, Germany and the meeting time of Congress. tion asking the amount they are et,” he said, adding this would be and enormous damage today. France—H Duce’s favorite ambition President’s Message. receiving under the act and the New York, Jan. 2.— (A P )—The —would hardly be called unless sent to the Capitol probably on amount they received previous to Sunday the greatest single day of Thursday. Speaker Rainey at his press con­ rainfall in history here loosed flood new mayoral broom started today there should be some definite reason its passage, and requesting a com­ to foresee success for such a parley. Death awaits the unwilling guest in the house of attractive exterior Calls On Garner ference outlined the program of waters which drowned at least 31 to sweep clean. the first day’s session. He said parison with the average earnings To precipitate such a meeting at an shown above, Colorado’s new gas death chamber, displacing the gal­ Lewis W. Douglas, director of the persons. In October 29 men werer "Clean bouse and clean If thor­ lows. At left is Walter Reppln, 18, slayer scheduled as first to die in that after the House is convened of labor. unfavorable time Is known to be budget, called on Vice-President The comparison Is shown as fol­ cremated in a brush fire. Last oughly,” said Mayor Florello La- the chamber, despite his plea to die by hanging. At right is the chair umd the roll call of the membership furthest from Mussolini’s desires. Gamer across the hall from the pol­ March, an earthquake terrorized Guardla who became at 12:06 a. m. in which the doomed will be strapped. The executioner operates a lever is completed the President’s mes­ lows: 'The premier will give Sir John a icy committee room as the commit­ 1928 1923 the Southland, claiming 102 iivM. Monday the first non-Tam msmy and from outside to mix chemicals in the earthen crock, generating the sage will be delivered. broad outline of his ideas on refor­ tee discussed the legislative out­ Average e a r n - Between 8 and 15 Inches of rain anti-Tammany mayor in 16 years. lethal gas. created scenes of havoc second only mation of the League, but It was look. Flainey declined to say, however, Ings of labor One of the first things be did was said officially that he has no com­ that Congress would be in joint ses­ per y e a r ...... 31,449.76 38,889.20 to the appalling damage of the Robinson indicated the tariff pro­ to talk turkey to the police depart^ pletely prepared project to offer. XV- sion tomorrow. Old Law Ec’y Act earthquake. posal would receive consideration ment, whose new commissioner Is Solution of the disarmament MUST WAIT CENTURY Election contests before the Averagd total Besides the known dead, police Major General John F. O’Ryan. probably after the two liquor bills listed 27 persons as missing, 35 had problem is regarded nere as taking TO WRITE THIS DATE are out of the way. House are to be delayed until after disability rate, "The crooks and the racketeers SEE LIH LE NEED comp ensatlon siiffered serious injury and hundreds precedence over reformation of the the President’s message is read. must be kept out.” he told 200 rank­ League, inasmuch as Franco-Ger­ The House will take up all three This is extraordinary. or pension were treated for leaser nurts. Philadelphia, Jan. 2.— (AP) — of these measures first., ing police officers whom he called man amity is cmisidered to be the If you write the dates in figures, (ser^ce con­ Scenes of DlHster Speaker Rainey waa one of th® together yesterday. “There are two basic requirement for succe^ of the FOR EXTRA SESSION put down today as 1-2-34. And i The terms of the tariff legisla­ nected wartime From a New Year’s week-end Democratic leaders at the Whit® kinds of crime— the ordinary kind Geneva Institution in any fi you will have" to wait one bun-1 tion will depend on the recommen­ disabUiUes) . . . 1,689.44 1,043.5^ normally counted aa one of the House conference last night on and the orgajuized kind. Th^ first dred years before you can do It dations of the President. Robinson plans for the session. ? Average insur­ happiest periods here, augmented added the St. Lawrence waterway ance rate, com- you have handled well in the past. FRENCH PROPOSE again, | Plan for Large BodgetM^ by the holidays and the Tournament ’Die *erond .,ha.s ciMiund, you natch treaty with Canada, advocated by pensa 1 1 o n or of Rcoes «a d rose4>owl football- Off* Drys in State Write to Gov. 588.20 trouble. It. thrives .only because the man government today reserved ex­ -Mt. Roosevelt, would receive early Asked how large the budget wtta pension ...... 568.20 game. Southern California awoke to going to be, be smiled and said: Average total men at the head- enjoy protection. pression of its attitude on the aide- Senate cdinlderation. scenes of disaster. “We are removing that protec­ memoire wlflch the French ambas­ Cross Expressing Their Serkras Opposition “It is going to be surprisingly rate where both, Some 3,000 homes and 1,500 auto­ large.” comp ensatlon tion. It Is up to you to see that that sador, Andre Francois-Popcet gave RADICAL LEADERS "I realize there is very serious mobiles were damaged by water, a “Is it going to be larger than 38,« or pension and kind of crime Is kept out. If not— Chancellor Hitler yesterday. opposition to the treaty on both score of bridgeo washed out, high­ get out!” The memolre, understood to be a Views on Subject. 000,000,000?” he, waa asked. insurance are ways swept away, railroad tracks sides,” he aas€,*ted. ”I do not know being paid .... 1,757.64 1,611.72 . He spoke swiftly, incisively, clip­ refusal of Hitler’s arms demands, ”I won’t answer that, becauN inundated and roadbeds undermined. PLACED IN PRISON yet whether there are sufficient “ It will be noted,” the reply adds, ping his words. was described seml-officially as of a maybe you know,” he replied. ’The collapse of bridges and the votes to ratify.” '•that the relationship of the average “courteous and friendly tone, al- New Haven, Jan. 2.— (A P )—The Rainey said the President dis­ washing away of homes caused To Reorganize Board He said the pcrtlcy committee was closed last night he had not written annual earnings to the amount of The mayor spent some time In Connecticut Temperance and Antl- in “ hea ty accord with the program compensation received for total dis- most of the human casualties. (Contlnoed i Page Eight) his message to Congress yet. He conference with Paul Blanshard, his of BO regulating the procedure dur­ abTHty the prior laws was less Caused by Cloudburst Salood League notified Governor Men Responsible for Revolt predicted that it would be a* short favorable than the relationship Tracing the course of the disaster, commissioner of accounts. The word Wilbur L. Cross through its execu­ ing the session and of co-operating summary of the condition of th® shown between the average earn­ flood control engineers agreed a Is out that the office of the commis­ tive committee today that it was with the House with a vlev to ter­ government and that few actual ings in effect at the time of the en­ cloudburst in the Montrose area sioner of accounts will be radically NEW YORK FLOODS opposed to a special session of the in Argentina are Placed minating the session about the first recommendations would be Included. actment of the Economy Act to the precipitated most of the damage revised under Blanshard, and that It General Assembly to consider of lay. Favor Short Session. payment of pension under the recent and loss of life. Montrose is a com­ will take on something of the form changes in the State Liquor Control "As soon as the House disposes The President’s advisors have legislation. When the receipt of in­ munity cupped in the foothills about of the Seabury investigation ma­ Act. On a Lonely Island. of the liquor revenue bill, it.*- enact­ urged him to make but few recom­ surance benefits is taken into con­ 15 miles north of Los Angeles. chine which mac^e an exhaustive in- ARE NOW RECEDING In a letter signed by the Rev. E. ment will be facilitated through the mendations at the present time. sideration the present comparison is Schools here and in Glendale, qtilry Into city affairs two years C. Prettyman, Its superintendent, finance committee and the Senate in They have suggested that he submit even more favorable." which adjoins the Montrose district, ago— an inquiry which is generally the League asserted it could see no Buenos Aires, Argentina, Jan. €. order Jiat the government might bis major proposals to CongreM The American Veterans’ Associa­ did not open ..oday. Examination of accepted as having led to the de­ sufficient reason for incurring the — (A P )—One hundred three Na­ have the benefit of the additional singly In order to expedite action.” schools already was imderway as a feat last November of the Tammany tion was formed in 1932 in Chattan­ expense of a special session, and ex­ tional leaders of the Radical Party, revenue which It will provide.” "Everybody is for a short aeiK result of the March earthquake and ticket by the Fusionist, led by the Serious Ice Jams Clog Rivers ooga, Tenn. Charles M. Kinsolving, pressed the opinion that sufficient including Marcelo T. de Alvear, a sloD, especially 'the President'," National vice commander, said it it was feared the floods may have Ftepublican LaGuardia. Rainey said. further weakened some structures. time should be allowed to see how former President, and Honorlo has chapters in about half the Sparks already have begun to fly and Creeks; Use Dynamite the liquor act operates before "hasty Pueyrredon, once ambassador tc the "What do you mean short ses­ 10 Bodies Recovered sion?” states, and representation in all ex­ In the Boa»’d of Aldermen. 'The attempts are made to *Uter It.” United States, today were impris­ cept one. Sheriff’s deputies had retrieved 10 SOCIALIST MAYOR "Adjournment by May 1,” an­ Tammany attitude was set forth at Liberalization of the control |ct oned on Martin Garcia Island fol­ Kinsolving said many of its bodies from the wreckage in the swered Rainey. “Some of the con­ yesterday's organization meeting of to Release Water. has been urged by hotels, restaur­ lowing the short-lived rebellion of members are former American Le Montrose district. Most of the vic­ ferees seemed to think last night the new Board by Alderman Tim­ ants and taverns, so that they may Dec. 29. flon men who felt they bad no tims were believed to have been in othy J, Sullivan who said: TAKES UP DUTIES that we might get out by April 16, some 25 houses which were destroy­ sell bard liquor in addition to beer Leaders of the Radicals, blamed voice in veterans’ affairs because of "It is the business of the majorf- Albany, N. Y,, Jan, 2.— (AP) — but I rather doubt it.’' what be termed a "gag rule.” He ed by the flood. Twenty-five other and wine. directly by the administration for With aerloua Ice jama clogging the revolts which took 20 lives, said its one concern is with actual homes were damsiged extensively. The League’s Letter ORDER OF BUSINESS (OontintMd on Page Eight) rivers and creeks, manj^ communi­ were brough< to the Island from war-disabled veterans and that it is While police and sheriff’s officials The League's letter: Washington, Jan. 2.— (A P )— H®r« ties In New York state today were Santa Fe, where they had been de­ Jasper McLevy Takes Up opposed to payment of the bonus in directed a search for victims and . "Dear Sir: Is the Senate’s opening day order threatened by overflow waters tained when the rebellion broke a t full and to the establishment of sought identification of the bodies "The executive committee of the business: which during the last 24 hours have out. "preferred class” by giving govern­ recovered, other agencies organized Connecticut Temperance and Anti- Vlco-President Gamer will rap Inundated much of the state’s low­ The revolt came simultaneously Reins of Office in Bridg^ ment "gratuities” to veterans sim^ quickly to provide relief for suffer­ DR. C. C. WU DEAD; Saloon League has taken the follow­ bis gavsl at noon, eastern standard land area. with the decision of a National ply because they wore a uniform. ers and repair the damage done. ing action, wblpb they have asked time, followec’ by prayer by the Some of the most serious threats, Radica’ convention to abstain from Legionnaires aided in policing however, were dispelled during the me to convey to you: port; Makes Brief Speech. Rev. ZeBaraey T. PhUlipM. CHINESE DIPLOMAT "The executive committee of the the March (Chamber elections. night by dynamiting the ice jams Prison On Island Four Senatore, tbrN new, wlB (Continned on Page Three) Connecticut Temperance and Anti- take the oath— Ernest W . G ib M l and releasing tbs water which was Martin Grrcla Island Is a few rapidly rising. Saloon League representing a large (R., Vt.); Carl A. Hatch, (D., N. MJUI IS MURDERED hours from Buenos Aires on the Bridgeport, Jan. 3— (A P )— With IV sn ty cottagers, marooned by section of the dry sentiment of the river Plata. It was the site of the an injunction from Mayor Jasper M .); JoMpL C. O’Maboney, (D., Former Minister to United high water at Chenango bridge near state would register its conviction W yo.); Harry F. Byrd, (D., Vm.). Binghamton, w9re rescued boata that this Is not a time for a special detention of the late President Hip- McLevy to "effect every poMlble m LYNN HOLDUP onto Yrlgoyen when he was over­ The latter hw.i been Mrvlng out the yssurday. The water in that No­ session of the Legislature and can economy In all city departments term of Secretary Swanson and now thrown in 1930. De Alvear was con­ tion was ssveral fset ,dNp over SN no sufficient reason for incurring consistent with efficient operation begins bis own regular six-year States Passes Awa; Sud­ fined there after a Radical plot was highways, but It bad begun to re­ term. the large exp>enie which would be nipped In December 1982 and bad of the city government,” commli cede today. necessitated thereby. A commlttM will be M>polnted to Anolher Seriootly Wounded G y p s y denly; Was 46 Years O li Colnrs Flooded since been released. sioneri, officials and members of "While we are not In agrMment I t was not announced what dis­ wait upon the President to Inform One fifth of lUon la Herklmar city boards named hy the admlnls him th» Sehate Is In session and with the present law, our judgment position would be made of the 108 county waa oovarad with four fset tnition were sworn into office In the ready t receive a memage. When Bandits Flee With Is thkt tbers should be tln^e given prisoners, who constitute a victual City Counqll chamber at noon to­ wHl be your Hong K o u , China, Jan. 3— (AP) of water yesterday when Steele to see bow the present law operates Adjournment will be taken after creek, wblon flowe tbrpugb the cen­ directorate of Radicalism through­ day. — Dr. C. C. Wu, former Chinese min­ before hasty attempts are made to hearing the PrMldent’s message. If ter of the village, went an a raro- out the nation. Mayor’s AddreM $200 from Theater. ister to the United States, dlsd sud- alter it The year between now and A state of siege was Invoked It is delayed until Thursday, 4id- dsnly today of certbral embolism. age. More than 160 oellare were ’The oath of office was adminis­ jourament will eome as soon is the DELIGHT! the regular session of ths Legisla­ primarily tc deal with them, as it Hs was 46 years old, • Slooded. The water went down aft­ trated by a t y Clerk Fred D. commlttM notified the Senate to er dynamite wae uNd to break the ture should furnish adequate time gives the government greater pow­ Modern as the ruby ends of Hs bad been inactive in public Schwarzkopf, In tba prMsnce of this effeot. Lynn, Mass., Jan. 3.— (A P )—One ice jam, for such obNrvatlons of the present ers In that It enables suspensio*Y of more than 300 persons. Aftsr tbs affairs for mors than a year. As a law. The procedure in the Houm will nan was slain and anothsr ssrlous- her flnffer-nails is Gypsy— but Fire' 1: and police department mem- habeas corpus proceedings and im­ swearing in exercise Mayor Mo member of the Conservative Party, "Very truly yours, be almllar. ly wounded in a gun battle today as when her handsome youn'2 hus­ however, be partl51pated In back here reeouedid personspereons from etalled poses censorship, while not Inter­ Levy delivered a short address, in "E C. Prettyman, tbrse bandits robbsd ths Paramount band goes modem himself, this stage politlcaJ dlsouselons. oare, many of which were nearly fering with the normal functioning which be said: Tbsatsr of 3200. ■ubmerged, and from reildenoM in "Superintendent.” of the courts, as would martial law. " I want to extend my grMtlngs Fred Sumner, a bill poster, who 22-year-old bride acts just as the flood lone. of the new year and the new admin­ STRUCK BY AUTO Dr. Wu spent much of his boy­ T failed to respond promptly to an young ladies did in crinoline hood in the united States. He was Dam Carried Away istration to you who have been erdsr of ths robbers to throw thro up his days! ’The entire village of St. Johnivllle ■worn In as members of the official Hartford, Jan. 2.— (A P )— (3eocg« a son of the late Dr. Wu Ting-Fang, wae flooded when k dam acroH Abraham of Torrlngton was itruek hands, was shot through the hsad Chinese minister at Wasblngtoa for family today. You are entering of' and killed. Ultra-modem ideas and old- Zimmerman creek nearby was car­ Two Are Killed by Autos flee to assume serious responalbUl' by an automobile on the Conneetlout many years. Hs formally , presented ried away by the Ice and water. ’The river bridge late last night and waa 'Harry Condon, a cleaner, who fashioned sentiments — you*Il his credentials to President Hoover tlu in what Is perhaps one of the tried to escape as the thugs wsrs overflow dashed through the village taken to the Hartford hospital with find them both in this impetu­ as minister March 26, 1929, but re­ most crucial periods In our munici­ herding employes Into the theater ■treete, filled oellare and carried In State on the Holiday pal history. I am confident that if lacerations of the scalp and posaibto signed In June, 1981. away boxee, barrela, chicken coope fracture Of the skuQ. The driver f t office, was shot through ons shoul­ ous youngster who plays a lead­ Later he returned to China to you all apply yourMlvM to . ^ e der and carried the office where ing part in and other Icon objeote. tasks, you and the administration the automobile waa arrested by po-., take a leading part in efforts to Dynamite waa used In the west lice. Mr. Abraham waa restug ethe* attaches of the theater were smooth out differences between Nan­ By AModited Pn n ^ a hit-and-run driver. The man’e will prove worthy of the trust re­ held prisoners. branch of the Delaware river at comfortably today. y king and opposing governments and Walton to open an ice jam which Two panoaa were killed by auto- body, which police said bad been posed In the administration. The bandits forced Leo Donahue, dragged fifty fM t on the highway People Want Change became chairman of the Kwangt\mg backed water Into the buslneN eeo- mobllM in Oonneoticut New Year’s janitor, to telephone Aislatant Man­ provincial administration in Decem­ was found after someone In the **The election was a mandate ager Stephen Bresnaban and com­ tlon. Day and a third, who' wai injured TBEASUBY BALANCE. Jnarried ber, 1981. At Granville, In eaatem Washing­ neighborhood telephone authorltlee from the dtlaens that they desire a pelled him at gan point to tell Bres- He then served as chairman of the when struck by a oar late Saturday a man wae lying in the road. change In the method of conducting nahan state Inspectors had arrived ton county, dynamite alao wae ueed special foreign affairs commission to kMp tne Mettowee river within night, died aa a result of his in­ Hie father of live ohlldren, Frank affairs of the city, and I feel cer­ Washington, Jap. 8.— (A P )~ ! at the theater and he Should come for the new Nanking government, iti banka. The atream rqni through juries in a hospital yMterday. Ploriccwekl, 48, at New Britain, tain that the men selected by the Dsltton of the Treasury there at once. later being made president of the the center of the vUl|ge and has John Gerber, 84, of Naugatuck, who waa etruok Saturday night by administration will prove equal to i was: Receipts, |6jB01,0StJ7; When Bresnaban arrlvad, they ^ h r b Judicial Yuan. caused aerloua damage in recent waa killed when he wae e tn i^ by an automobile driven by John the occasion. pendltures. ^1,891,882.66; ordered him to open the safe, from Dr. Wu had been minister of for­ yaari. an automobile drivra by FYank O’Connell of Kepiaington, died in "The city 11 faced with aerloua fin­ 31,067,266,^.86: eustoms which they removed |300 In silver. eign affairs for the Southern govern­ Several atrMts in Ithaca were Peps of Waterbury. Peps was re­ New Britain General hosjfltal last ancial responalhllities and the ad­ for thp ihonth, $84,021j WjlUam Jaeger, newspaper ad­ ment flooded when Caeoadllla creek over­ leaf ed by Police (Jhlef John A. night of hie In ju i^ . O’Connell was ministration mhat mroceed In com­ ReoeiptI for vertising representative of tne Lynn Begins Thursday He became minister of foreign flowed Ita baakp, bat eaplMlY** ^ Adanieon of Naugatuck^ urho with charged by pottce with crlninal mon with other officials in con­ Jply I wefe " Evening Item arrived at the Jieater affairs when the Nattonallats set up lleved the dtuatlQii. Oceupaata of Ooroner John T. Monaanl' Inveetl- negl^fenoe and haU. in f 1,000 bond. formity with the financial condition itures. and was robbed of 315 and hit their government at Nanking and one home oa the Onoadaga I&dlan gated the accident Hospital attendant said the man’e of the dty and effect every needed watch. served until becoming minister to Reaervatlaa wetc forced to In tenrlin, an unidtatUtod man InjurtM Included a compound frao- economy without sacrificing the e(- The robbers fled in an automobile. tho united SUtee. eafaty-whea tha a r ik ’iiras flooded. about M years of affe, utiutlOUM by fisMsoy of numloipal g o fm m m ii," 1 ' . . . 4 . ' ' ,V' •*. / ■

J ’> D I S a fw « > HANcmsm xvmNo m u ald, lu m r a iT iiit. c o m ., t c is d a t ,- ; a n u a bt a, i«h t Do^rcaiig New Arrivale in Hollywood NFIMDS JAFANISE Deetora Boyd ead Burr will r*> OrnOAL RETUIOIS ORDER mnUUMS m (»R E C E I11C i # i ipead to tmwgney oaUa toater- OBITUARY jptESSIVErOUCV row aftoraeoB. CnUSTIIAS OFTS CODE AUmORITIES iNLpo^visns DEATHS ] ABOUT TOVH Mrs. Edward MoComMOk. Dr, C. T. Handi T A ifistaat fserctary of Oommsroe, General Hugh I. Johnson, cede Year'i ealla oa their aaitor asd his e'eleok la Oraaga hall, EwiBf Y. Mitohell, by the Blaeh u d grandmother of John MoNugh, wife. Rev. u d Mrs. ^^tson Wood- •aM wandaiful aaU'eoDtiol, and it la Diamoad ■toamsbip Corporation of authorities, and United Statei of­ also of BpeoMr etreet, Bhe it Sur­ ruff, u d on s u b other at tbe au u al tba only country which haa baan Miia Elizabeth Dean of Duadea, New York oauaed ais order to bu­ ficials from enforcing provisions of vived by bar huebud. Edward Mc­ rulad tha aama dynaaty auo* Cormack of New York, her daugh­ "opu houee" and informal Hoap- N. T., formerly a weU known local reau shtsfs uadsr bis dlreettoa, to the coat and lult industry in the tiea held yeatorday M tke okurdk oaaalvaly for 2,500 yaara, Dr, Cuylar reaidiet, wrltoa friaada that with refuse all gratulUss aad to retura ter and grandaen. While la Mu* betweu the hours of 5 ud 8 oeaae of five Connecticut Enanufac- eheeter Mrs. MoComuMk waa a oom- V. Kauekf aaaldant pbyalolaa at tha her aiatora ahe ia opeading tha win­ say aow posssised. turera has been granted by Judge O'clock. Many believed to* attoad- ICancheator Memorial hoapltal, told ter in St. Petenburg, Fla., having MltohsU mads public oorrespond- m uaieut of 8t Jamea’a Romu uee greeter thu at aay similar Edwin B. Thomas in U. S. Court, Catholic ohureb. F u eral eervleea mamhera of tha local Klwaali Club arrived there before 'Ihankaglvlng. eaof with the steamship company ending a bearing on the matter New Year function. a t tha vaakly lunchaoa thla noon in and with H. B. Arlsdae, who ap­ Sanuary 15, it was learned today, will be held In New York tomorrow The parlors of the churok were the Hotal Sheridan. The Faat Matrena Aseoelation of peared la the reoeat Beaatoieaato ooeaiocean morning. The body will be bfoui^t made more beautiful by tbe addi­ when we restraining order wu to Maneheeter for burial in st, Uvad In To^o Temple Chapter, O, E. S„ will hold maU iaveaUgatlon, la which be la- served on U. B. District Attorney tion of Christmas wreathe and ever­ Llvlnf 14 yaara In Tokyo during their meeting Thuraday evening at formed the eompany and Arledge James’s osmetery lata tomorrow Frank a. Bergln, one of the defend­ afternoon. greens u d a hudaom* baekft of hlB boyhood days, Dr, Hauch la 8 o'clock in the John Mather room that their gifts were being returned. ants this morning. evergreens, bayberries u d red anUnantly quallflad to apaak au< of the Maeoifld Temple. A similar letter waa sent to Ar- Action for a permanent injunc­ loerrics. In the Robbins room where tboiltatlvely on the people and cua» lodge la Washington, repeating the tion was brought last Friday by TbomM David Forbes coffee and tea were served fh* ^able ton# of Japan- He aketcbed the orl* Enaign and Mre. Horace Weath­ first paragraph of the ether letter Philip Seapeliati, the Independent Thomas David Forbes, of 12 Or­ was gleaming with silver eu 281,- church on Thursday night at 7:15 plaining companys, which claimed sisted of favorite songs aad carols 000 aquare milea, including Ita poa- ment ofnolals and others for small o'clock iiutead of Wednesday night. favors. It la extremely unlikely that great personal hardships had by tbe choir. MUas Betty Woodniff aeaaiona, Japan aeeka additional HARTFOKD WOMAN NRA TO UNDERTAKE resulted from alleged discrimination played a 'cello solo accompanied by land to handle the overflow of her that a present of so small a cbarac The Ladies Aid society of the ter can mean anything except in a by, the code authority agalnat the FUNERALS Miss Louise Burr; Miss Helen- Vier- 87 million population. Swedish Congregational church wlU friendly and loolal way. Certainly Connecticut manufacturers, par­ tel played a violin selectloo, with Fhyndaaa Attend hold its annual meeting Thursday the White House doea not feel called REPORTED MISSING SURVEY OF STATE ticularly in regard to minimum Mrs. Kate E. Jeffers piano accompaniment by Mre. Paul Practically all of the phyaiciana evening at 7:80 at the church on upon to return the multitude of gifts wages paid to employes. The funeral of Mrs. Kate B. Jef­ Mozley. Miss Miriam Watkins, so- in Mancbaater attended the meet­ Spruce itreet. The annual meeting it receives at Christmas time." The manufacturers claimed that fers of 107 OsklEuid street will be p ruo, sang accompuied by her ing today. of the church wUl take place Friday Arledge represents the Soutbsm the code authority for their indus­ held tomorrow afternoon at 2 aunt, Mrs. William Rush. Mrs. Sid­ G. Brwillla won the attendance evening at the eame hour. Steamship Company. Starts for Bank to Deposit To Find Out How Many Em­ try divided the country into western o’clocK at tbe home. Rev. Marvin ney Flench u d her daughter Jean, prize, which waa donated by Clifford and eastern sections, with 81 cento 8 Stocking of the North Methodist played p iu o duets. Mrs. F ru eb R. Burr. The report of Treaaurer The Cecillan club will have a tbe minimum wage for the eastern church will officiate. Burial will be also accompanied her husbud la a Burr, read at the meeting, ahowed epeclaJ rebearaal at the South $800 and Hat Not Been ployers Are Opentiog section and 40 cents the minimum in Buckland cemetery. Pleue omit tu o r solo. Ekicb of the artists was a balan''-e on hand of 185.04 after all Methodist church thie evening at LEGION RIFLE CLUB wage for tbe western section, this flowers. encored and generously responded expenaea had been paid. There waa 7:80 for the Biblical drama, ‘The being for "learners,” or unskilled with additional numbers. 17.91 left In the Kiddiea* Camp Challenge of the Cross.” Thla play Seen Since. Under the Codes. lebor, wDlle no such division of labor Fund, Secretary O, H. Wlloox re­ was to have followed the OPENS SEASON SOON waa provided for tbe eastern sec­ ported a memberahip of 41, and fellowship party New Tear*e eve at tion. SKATING SEASON then preaented an outline of the the North Methodist church but was Hai-tford. Jan. 2.—(AP)—The Hartford, Jan. 2.—(AP)—A sur­ Unfair Advantage HIGHLAND PARK BOYS’ postponed on account of difficult Range in Selwitz Block to Be hlghlighta of the year'a actlvitlea disappearance of Mrs. Elizabeth L. vey of Connecticut employer! who Baltimore was placed in tbe west­ traveling conditions. In all proba­ Put Into Shape— Club Has ern area, they claimed, thereby giv­ Bennett, aged about 48, asslatant are net yet operating under specific TO OPEN TONIGHT PROGRAM TOMORROW bility it will be given Sunday eve­ 20 Members Now. manager of the Waldorf Lunch at ing manufacturers in tbe city an GETS B irr $3 IN CASH ning, January 7, at 7 o'clock. 711 Main street, has baffied the po­ permanent codes for their indue- unfair advantage over tbe "Connec­ lice and her relat'.vea today and a tries, who decline to continue under ticut firms, in ae much as the Colored Group to Be Feature o t Miss EUn M. Petersen, daughter On January 10 the Legion Rifle ■earcb Is being made for her. the President's re-amployment market of both Connecticut and FROM THREE BURGLARIES of Mr. and Mrs. Laurito Petersen of Club WlU open ita winter schedule agreement will be made within two Baltimore companies la New York. Install Radio to Provide Entertainment — Miss Pies- Farm Road, was married yest^day in the Charter Oak Rifle CTub Mrs. Bennett left the lunch room weeks by tbe State Recovery Board, David P. Siegel of New York City cik Paints Scenery. to Dr. Hollis L. Albright of Dor­ League with a match with the shortly before ten a. m., with $800 according to a request from Wash and A. . Albrecht of Hartford will New Haven, Jan. 2—(AP)—Stan­ to deposit at the Hartford National 8 Music — Lodge to Be \ '■ ■ ■ ley Koblickl, 19, of Tbomaaton, waa chester, Mass. The ceremony was Chance Vought team. The match ington received today by the board, represent tbe companies at tbe performed yesterday afternoon at 4 wlU be held on the Legion team’s Bank and Truet Company and her Tbe agreement originally signed by hearing January 15 before Judge Henry Sinnamon u d Alfred Gun­ held under 11,000 bond today in employers have not teen her since. connection with an inveatlgation of o'clock at the South Methodist new range in tbs basement of the empl^ers, agreeing to cerUOn min< Tbomasj Although Assistant U. S. Open, Too. ther, seniors oi the Highlud Park church by the pastor. Rev. Leonard Selwitz block, formerly the Selwitz She was to go to the Gustave Fisch­ imum wvagee and maximum working Attorney George H. Cohen has nptl- Boys club, are in charge of a rru g e ­ three robberlea, one of them in Ihe C, Harris. er Company store on Asylum street boure terminated Deo.,31. Preeldent Tale Uhlveralty Preaa, bowling alleys. fled Washington of the temporary ments for the entertainment ud Other home matches will be as to get a new rubber stamp for 1934 Roosevelt, on Dec. 19, offered to injunction, and has asked for orders, dance the club Is giving tomorrow The youth waa confronted -ith The Manchester Radio club will to use on the deposit slips, and it extend the agreement until April 80, Tbe skating season will be eopiea of hla Anger prlnta, found on follows: Jan. 22, Wethersfield at no word hw been received as to evening at 8 o'clock at tbe Hlgh- bold its regular meeting at the West Manchester; Feb. 7, Mlddlefleld; could not be ascertained that she 1934, providing that employers whether the legal department of launched at Center Springs pond to­ land Park (Community clubhouse. a piece of glaaa removed by the Side Ree tonight at 8 o’clock. could accept the offer by conUnu- night with music andld all tbe tl flxlns. thievea from the rear door of the Feb. 19, Bristol; March 7, Middle- had been to the Fischer store today, the NRA or the district attorney's Those who attended the "Interna- town. She was seen on Asylum street, ing to display tbs Blue Eagle on and office here triJi defend the govern­ Through the courtesy of Potterton tlonal” night program of the Tale Preaa, and police aaid he ad­ after January 1. k Kreih, radio dealers of Main mitted participating in the three All members of the Epwortb The new Indoor range will be put where she went to see her son who ment officials. Y.M.C.A. lu t month will recall that League of the South Methodist works at the Plymouth Lunch, The itirvey will determine what. street, tbe large amplifying bom burglarlea. In shape by club members this If any employers do not wish to the portion of the program in church who plan to attend the open­ week for the start, of the league Her husband after learning that FIRST LICENSES and equipment will be set up In tbe The total caah atolen waa only IS, ing session of the Mid-winter Insti­ continue the N. R. A. skating lodge to provide music for charge of Mr. u d Mrs. Rufus Rob­ but police aald in each caae—at the matches naxi week. The club mem­ she had been missed from thd lunch­ Now Tork, Jan, 2,—(AP) — The inson of Woodbrlage street was tute at Burnside Friday night are Remove the Eagles first marriage license of the New tbe rest of the sesuwn. It is planned Tale Preaa, and in two New Haven bership at prssent is twenty, with room did what he could to assist In far, the pnly action necessary Acknowledged to be outstuding by requested to meet at the church at several new members in prospect. the search for the missing woman. 80 Year was issued today to Ludwig to solicit small contributions from beauty parlora—officea were ran- 8 o’clock. to indicate that they do not wish to tbe local skaters to defray, at leaet all who enjoyed It. Tbe entertain­ aacked, The former bowling alleys are She did not maks the deposit in the Meisler, 24, an automobile painter, ment at Highland Park tomorrow continue is the removal of Blue of 187 Babcock street, Brookline, a part of tbe expense of Installation Koblickl waa arrairaed on a ideal for the establishment of a 50- bank, but the management of the Eagles from their places of buelnese. u d of an attendut. night will provide u hour of Just technical charge of idleneileneaa and ‘‘Red” Grace of New Britain, pool foot range. There are four targets Waldorf deferred malflng a com­ Mass., and Irene Solar, 22, secretary champion of the Travelers Insur­ Just how many employers will of New York. They plan to be mar­ The upper room of the ' skating such darky tunes u d duces ae was waa bound ever for a hearing and the backstop of the range has plaint to the police because they deoids not to continue to be bound lodge wUf be open this evening for presented at tbe Y, u d by the same Thuraday, ance Company and Newton Ken­ been so constructed that there is had tba utmost confidence In Mrs, ried January 21. nedy, runner-up In the Travelers by wage and hour reetrlctlone could A license als(Y was issued to uests who may watch tbe skaters artists. A troupe of fully 16 colored absolutely no danger to partici­ Bennett and said that she bore an not be learned today. A coneider- gh comfort by tbs large open fire­ entainere, from thie town, Hartford touma)ient, will be the guests of pants. excellent reputation. Charles W. Jalnss, 21, of Wethers­ the Army and Navy club tomorrow able number of proteete agalnet pro* field, Conn., and Catherine B. Jones, place. u d Rockville will have a part la tbe Interest in forming a rifls toam vlelone of tbe NRA have Men regis­ song u d due# spedaltlea. evening. They will play a special from tha ranks of the upper class- 20. of 74 Broad street, Wetbere- match with Jarle Johnson and tered by restaurant proprietors and fleid, eWA WORKER KILLED. Miss Josephine Pleaclk of School 666 men of the High school is In pros­ • Traffic note in a London, England, barbers. Neither of these industries U q riD , TABLETS, SALVE Frank D’Amico, recognized as the paper; "The sign should be given by street bae painted a sceale back­ pect, also a woman's toam, wives of are under permanent codes and may Blliworth, Me., J u . 2.—(AP)— ground for tbe program, similar to NOSE DROPS leading cue artlato In tba club. sevsral of the members of the club. holding out the left arm ae far aa withdraw from the NRA, it Is under­ CSieoka Coide flret day, Ueadaehea poeelbie, at leaet twenty or thirty One eWA worker was killed u d that used at the Wbltoa Memorial The dub officers are; President, stood. Phillips Holmes at leut two others erltloally Injur­ ball. William H u ia u d bia Trade if BfatmJgla la 80 mimitee. Malaria Harold Cuds, fr.; vice-president, yarde, before making the turn. la S daya. Besides restaurants aad barbers, ed In a cave-ln of a clay b u k here School orchestra will provide muete HOSPITAL NOTES Philip Newcomb; seereti^ and principal Induetriei net under per­ l o Wed Beauty today. for tbe modem u d old-faebloned Fiat Lszstivt snd Tonic treasurer, Conrad Dwire; executive manent codes include dellcateeeene, The dead m u was Herot fluey Meet Speedy Reaaadlee Kaowa, bakeriee, dairy stores, confectionary duces. Free refreebraente will be officer, Louie MilUgan. of Elliwortb Falls. Lloyd Duffy u d served u d e thoroughly good time Back for Good stores, fire underwriters, retail eoal James Laeroese, both of this city, A son was bom yesterday to Mr. dealers, newopapere, beauty parlors, is assured all who attend. and Mrs. Frank Krlstoff of 260 DIE! PROM IHOCK received internal injuries. and sewing inachine eompanlelies. All wtre members of a 28 m u Porter street. Tbe Btoto Reeovery BMrd C s l i f o p n i a Mra, Mary Wright of 67 Pearl Boston, Jan, 2.—(APl—Mrs. Lor­ ------. — Td was crew engagsd ia exoavating for flOCnCTY GIRL INJURED. etta Lind, 64, sobbed beartbrokenly alio asked to report on the general Ellswortn’i projected eivlo outer. street aad Mrs. Helen Fitzpatrick of attitude on the part of employers 78 Ceator street were admitted and today as police went to her home to They were burled when a 26- foot Bridgeport, Ju . 2.—(AP)—Mlee question her son about a South Bos­ OBd **^j^*** ^ continuation P r u n o f Arthur Potter of 16 Lancaster of the clay bank eudduly caved in. B usy Marjorie Arms, 19 year old debu* Road, Martin Pood of 28 Walker ton beer parlor cbooting. Then, aa was killed Instontly. tu ts , daughter of Mr. u d Mra. Are The Sweetest, Cook Better, street, Mre. Gertrude Hsfenow of the offleeri led John Und. 80, from John Taylor Arms of Greenfield 710 Keeney street and Mrs, Alice the houN, she dropped dead. Uad 81noe the return of beer, the old- Hill, was injured when u automo­ And Tsste Better. Meyer of 60 Hemlock street were was wanted for questloalng in con­ time O erm u band bae made its ap- bile ebe was drlvtag oraehed into a \ La$t Night 'a Fights We have a fine lot which we dleebarged yesterday. nection with the sheetlai of Mat­ pearuoe, we read, and the favor­ tree on Hillside road. Fairfield, this Mrs, EllMbetb Downing of 76 thew P. Gorham, 88, in hla bear ite tune la “Aob du Lieber Augu­ aftomoen. Miss Arras suffered offer at a very reasonable price. Union street, Rockville and Mrs. place last night, Gorham may die. stine.” Lilia song bids fair to be- lacerations about the be.*d u d body, Jessie Staye of 49 East Cantor Police said thsy leamsd Gorham By itsjnnlatad oome the bottle ^ m r of tbe Re­ bruises u d shock, it was announced Del Monte Prunes, size 40 to 60 street were adnuttod today. and Und had a flst-flght earlier In Olnelnnatl—Freddie Miller a n - public.—Denison Dalty Herald. . at Bridgeport bospltaL to the pound, Thomas Xorbss, 84, of 12 Orchard the night. oUiMU, outpointed Jaekle Sharkey, 8 pounds fo r...... m OC strost died at the bespltal this Minneapelle, ton, retained N. B. A. morning at 7:80 o'clock. featherwelfht title Kstive Eggs, OA ^ ADVBR'nSBMENT— Philadelphia—Tony Faleo, Phlla- ' dozen...... t4elphla, outpointed K te Nebo. Kev Beware of lingering eoldi. First Weet, Fla., ( « . irS A LAUGH RIOT Cider Vinegar, j a Aid Gold Tablets wlU give quick re­ Wheellni, W. Va.—Battle Olaiy, pint bet., 8c. Quart 1 4 C lief. Magnell Drug Co. eutpointof Btove O'MaUey, BMe D^sy Ham, Armour's o 1 THETVE LEFT BROADWAY FLAT Delite, lb...... A 1 C Si^'ukM — Frankie Battaglia, ...... ilnd tfiay'r* defeated Banmy Blaughter, Terre taavinfl Cubsi Baftarl 2-in-l Shoe Polish, a ^ Haute, foul. two. pute or liquid .... i U C RBMOVAI. Chleago-^ohnny Phagan, Clblca- go, outj^ntod Belly DukoU^, Ohi- Kte Pkgs. of 'Tobacco, ^ ^ WOTICE cage, ten. •tocl___kton, Calif.—Btar Frisoo, Los AngelM, kneoked out Chgto Larodo, Jersey Com Flakes, m DIANA'S Mexico, D. F., ten. Pkg...... 7 C PMtl d dw rid te f iSSLa' liia tlM TAILOR SHOP Del Monte Pineapple, Tit Bit Formerly TO OIT TBANSrOBTATION or Crushed, m J m o n At 6 Eldridff# Street 8-oz. can ...... / C Boston, Jan. S.—IAP)—Menabars IS NOW LOCATED AT of tbe Oiviilao Oonservatlon Corps . . . Tom’s wives wilting Shaker Salt, MILK Hevaoe bocdu wkh Awsc- In flMrt pRddton end tap who viaitod their homes dvluring the icon wilUemlnia 2-lb. round pkg...... DC boUdayi and are without funoe te Anglo Corned Beef, ^ 56 Omton St. return to camp will be advanoed traneportatlen enponaos. Major JOAN BLONDEU Oeasra! Fo« Oonner today anaeuBo- OUNDA FARREU Campbell's Vegetable q fd. TraneportatiQB xaay be ebtataed, Co-Featurt: GUY KIBBE — FRANK MflBUCV Soup, c a n ...... O C tbe general said, by applying to any recniltlng station or to one of the The OlerloEis Star w Farm Style Creamery q q O 8D B T00R of Butter, lb...... C FOR SERVICE alx Oonservatlon Corps district •Maedchen In Unlfomi’ MILKiCRRAMk. headquartors in Naw England. iB .Granulated Cane Sugar,«10- On All Makea of Film directors turned her Her first Amerlean down, years ago, when she tried pound cloth A m □overleaf Dairy There is aa old proverb, whieb Picture H a v a n d aack *6 g L W. TATLOB, Prep. OIL BURNERS te break into the movies. 80 should bo etudlod a let by all wel­ Miss Florence Rice, above. New Dorothea Weick 148 lentb Mata 11 Pboao 4911 Harriette Lake made food on fare and eoclal help erganlzatloaa. Tork beanty and daughter of la 4T. Broadway, god the H^Iywood Tba proverb reads this way: "Lend OranUend Rice, eporta writer, DIAL high-hats ate bumble crow They a orutob aad asake a erlpple." and Phillipe Holmes, motion pio- “Cradle Song” M A H l E U ' i AMU(M m handed her a eontraot before ebe ture aotor, below, are planning W i d o w f weuld leave Ne« York. Blnee^ a trip to tbe eltar, the hand- 440S however, there are plenty of eo«e star aaneaneed.aa he left WED.andTHUBS. OROCERT Lakee in the movies already.. For relief from eoMs ia 14 beun Loe Angeleo tor a vtsU in New STATE Kgrrlotto kM k4r muoA uea First Aid CMd Tablsts- Bold York. DivoKs ended Mlee Rlee'e , vl88 Spruce Street . , to Aha Bothen. only at Magnell Drug Oo. - two eiurUer Jii^ ta l lontmres. -K _ I- ,w-Vi,- . . Cv


NANHJS SERIOUS, BANKRUPTCY PETITION IN S P E a LOCAL Rdcreation Center COMPLIANCE BOARD WATCH NIGHT SERVICE WEATHER’S RANGE FORMER NURSERYIUN | S. D. Williams, of Manchester, a Items of Interest AT SOUTH M. L CHURCH salesman, has filed a volimtary peti­ HERE KILLED IN Ollld CASE C0NHNUED tion in bankruptcy and lists his li­ WORK PROJECTS Tonight's 8

'i .‘iii I y '-;T


dlanrlfM tnr probably accounted for by the fact governments are going to pick out that tbe savings bank, as we know individuals for the bestowal of dis­ £nnring Brrald it, is rather essentially characteris­ tinctions of this character they do Health and Diet tic of a small part of the country, ik/v PiiBi.iMwinn BY THi>i much better when they select first EEIULD PRINTINO OOHPANl. INO. Nsw England and a few other class railroad engineers, exception­ A d v i c e IS BHm U StrMt Eastern states. There are savings M&nchMt«r' Ooaa. ally fine ditch diggers, architects, By Dr. Fnuib MoCoy Faithful Performance TBOltAB rasOUBOM banks all ovtr the country, of physicians, tool makers and in­ By PAUL HARRISON >M. Cohan, who playz guardian an­ OtacraJ Maasr«>' of Our Duties course, but they do not begin to fig­ ventors as the recipients than when gel to nobody- knows -how-many New York Jan. 2—Meanderings: DO OTHER PEOPLE LIRE YOU 7 FoundaB October 1. ISSl ure so importantly elsewhere. oldsters of the stage .... The Publlibed JSTcry Dvening tfixoept the honors go to campaign contrib­ Seeing the matronly type of women Broa<^ayman most generous with ROBERT K. ANDERSON Bundaya ana Bolldaya Bntarad at the And In these Eastern areas state utors or vastly successful getters. who wait at the stage door for a his (mly talent is Johnny Green, Perhaps you are one of the many Funeral Director For Poat OSloo at Manobaatcr. Goan, aa banking laws are so strict, in their We should be the last to dispute glimpse or an autograph of the the brilliant young pianist who who have written to me, telling me Baeend Claaa Mall Matter. Bavarian matinee idol, Tonlo Sel- WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. 8 LBBCR1PTIOM RATB8 application to savings institutions, such a contention. wrote' “Night Gub Suite” and you want t' learn how to make TEL. Office 6171. House 7494. One Tear, h' mall ...... |6. wart, suggests that perhaps modern others. At a party, a luncheon, or as to make these well nigh invul­ other people like you. By writing Per Month, by mall .10 And yet there seems to be some­ young things don’t go in for hero even in a music store, he’ll sit Slnrla ooplea ...... | ,ot nerable. Especially is ths main thing inexplicable about tbe espe­ worship any more. down .and play without being such a letter you show you have a Dallvarad, one year ...... I 9.0D Wrong, though; it must be that purpose 'of tbe deposits Insurance cial reason for decorating Engineer begged. very fine quality—you are willing to MBMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED Selwart has a different type of ap­ provision, as applying to mercantile Marilyn Miller likes to enter­ learn. If you really wish to learn PRESS Gilbertson as announced at London. peal, Uke that of Rudy Vallee. For tain Informally, too. At parties The Aaaoolated Preaa ta azolttalTeXy banks, met In the case of the sav­ when lanky Gary Cooper came to how to make yourself more likeable, entitled to the uae tor repablleatlon He gets bis medal, it appears, be­ she demonstrates tricky new dance of all nawa dtapatohea oraditad to It ings bank by the ninety-day clause— cause be piloted his Royal Scot town he was trailed about by none steps, and soon has everyone try­ you can learn. An Interestln^j fact or not otberwlaa ereditad la thla but fiuttering flappers, all oh-lng is that many of the motion picture tbe right, that is, to require ninety over 11,000 miles of railroad in the ing them . . . And when Lois Mo­ paper and alao the local nawa pnb* and ah-lng over his romance with ran was gues’l of honor at the Al­ stare had this same problem. Some llahed herein. days notice of wdthdrawal of de­ Sandra Shaw. UNKNOWN BLOND United States and Canada— the oc­ of them had difficulty in making All rlshta ot rapublleatlon of gonquin Supp6r Club the other _ Sv Ljuifs Lou BROOKMAN m apeola) diapatobea berelr are alao re* posits; that main purpose being to casion being Its visit to the Cooper, by the way, is glad his night she took off her shoes and friends because they were shy or OlM3 MU aerved. prevent runs. fane don’t remember hie first ap­ did a barefoot dance for the cus­ self-conscious. That they s-cceeded ------exposition—“without an accident.” pearance in pictures, back in 1924. Savings banks are permitted to tomers. In learning the secret of how to BEGIN HERE TODAY Full aarrloa ollent of N S A Ser* What on earth did Engineer Gil­ He wore an ill-fitting suit of green the gun in this room anyhow. Lst'f rloa, Inc. Thie-and-Thate overcome their shyness and to make D.-WID BANNISTER undortakee join tbe Deposits Insurance Corpor bertson have to do with the safe tights in a silly bit depicting a others «njoy their company, only go back to the bedroom.” Helen Morgan is considering to find out who killed TRACY "There’s that other room wf Publlabar'a Rapreatnutlre: The ation but since there is no particu­ fantastic drama. And when Billie retiring from the Gay-’Way to proves that with persistent effort, operation of his train over 11,000 k i n g , oroheetra leader. Bannieter haven’t looked In,” Coleman re­ Jullua Mattaawa Special Affonoy—Now Dove came riding along in a chariot go domestic with her husband, you can do the same. Tork. Cblcaffo, Detroit and Boatoa. lar advantage to a solvent bank of miles of railroad tracks that be did le an author and former news­ minded him. Gary bad to jump up and down and Buddy Maschke, the sophomorlc- The desire to be friendly is a paper man. He works on the this kind in paying for the guaran­ Bannister opened the door not know and had never seen? The clap his bands in glee. looklng bridge shark from Cleve­ healthy, wholesome desire. We all murder cose with GAINEY, star of MEMBBH AODIT BURBAC OF tee of Its deposits, few if any of CIRCULATIONS. safety of that train was secured in Speaking of memories, George land . . . Fred Waring, the orches­ want to like the other fellow and in reporter on the Poet. Bannister opened tbe door of them are taking memberships. Jessel likes to recall that he got “That’s right.” dispatchers’ offices, through the so­ tra leader, doesn’t smoke, but he turn want him to like us. A lone- Among those suepeoted are The Herald Prlntl..g Company, ino., his first stage job at the age of 10 collects cigaret lighters . . . Frank Melvlna Hollister’s bedroom. For aaaumaa no flnanelal raaponalblllty Their situation is very different from licitude of Canadian and Ameticso seme, uupopulai person is perfectly JULIET FRANCE, blond, pretty by passing himself off aa a midget. Scully, who helped Jimmy Walker right when he asks for help. Some­ an instant it seemed be could still for typocraphloa. errora appearing la that of a commercial bank, which and known to have visited King see the bulky outline of tlM aheetod advertlaementa In the Manebaater railroad operators, in the labora­ He had a bass voice . . . A1 woods, write a book, edso did a biography one els* can aid you by teaching shortly before his death; HER­ figure, lying on the smooth whito Crenlng HeralA must pay its depositors instantly on tories and workshops of signal in­ the drama producer, used to like of the new Mrs. Walker, Betty you the rules which work in the MAN SCURLACH who wrote King counterpane. But the Illusion was demand and which, by the deposit to talk about the time he fired Compton. And now the ex-mayor majority of cases but you must TUESDAY, JANUARY 2 ventors and manufacturers—in a Charlie Chaplin because the co­ a threatening letter; and JOE gone as quickly as it had come. Ho won’t permit its publication. make most of the effort toward be­ Insurance system. Is practically word, in the railroading system to median demanded a $5 raise — P ARROTT, down-and-out vaude­ entered the bedroom, pulled Mown Ray Long, back in the publish­ coming popular. The rules will guaranteed against the danger of a when he already was getting $25 ville actor, it Is also known that the window blinds and touched tho WOODIN which Gilbertson and the Royal ing field, brings forth a loose-leaf serve as a road map but yo” must MELVINA HOLLISTER, middle- “run.” a week .... Harry Rlchman, the tome called “The Official Mixer’s electric switch. As Secretary of the Treasury Wil­ Scot entrusted themselves. All that songster, used to be a sailor, and take the trip along the road to aged spinster, had quarreled with Under the temporary law. which Manual,” containing about a thou­ friendship for yourself. King recently. Once more the two set to work. the best engineer in the world can then a dress salesman, and was Bannister pulled out the top liam H. Woodin resigns and is suc­ went into effect today and is to sand recipes for cocktails and do with a railroad train is to start pretty good in both lines. Yet such. The concern sends supple­ A good way to start is to make a AL DRUGAN, friend of King’s, drawer of the dressing table. Thofo ceeded by the acting secretary, Mr. continue until July 1, all national he’ll never forget that when he study of the things you like In other is found dead in a wrecked auto­ and stop it and regulate its speed. ments from time to time with in­ mobile. were neat piles of feminine gar­ Morgenthau, the precise status of banks and banks affUiateo with tbe first went on the stage, in Chicago, formation on new mixtures. people— they are looking for the ments there— chastely white cotton He has just nothing at all to do the manager hauled down the cur­ same identical qualities in you. Bannister persuades the police Mr. Woodin in the confidence of the Federal Reserve System automatic­ Determined to click in the mov­ and linen. None of the lacy, pastel- with where it goes or whether the tain in the middle of the act. ies this time, Rudy Vallee took Those qualities which are likeable chief to let Juliet come to his shaded silk stuff he knew most wn- administration and with relation to ally come under the operation of the aunt’s home, ostensibly as a guest, way is clear for it or not. Fred Fisher, the song writer, le.ssons in stage dancing before he are remarkably simple and usually men wore nowadays. Garments cut his own enthusiasm for the Roose­ insurance provision, Other banks remembers with greatest pride not they aprlng from three good charac­ on the theory that 11 the girl be­ All honor to William Gilbertson, left for Hollywood . . . Molla Mal­ after the fashion of another day. velt policies continues to puzzle tbe long list of hits he composed, ter traits: a desire to be kind, a de­ lieves herself free they can learn Carefully Bannister lifted them, may or may not join the Insurance lory, eight times women’s national more about her. and If they had made him a duke but the publicity stunt he devised sire to be tolerant, and a desire to searched the drawer and then many people, particularly those Corporation provided they meet the tennis champion, now retired on went that would have been all right, too. to Introduce a mediocre piece call­ account of a bad knee, is* annoyed help others. MELVINA HOLUSTER is found on to the next. somewhat cynical persons who are condition tests Imposed. Manches­ Why give a silly reason for doing ed “Daddy, You’ve Been a Mother about the report that she’s desti­ Others are willing to like you, but strangled In the apartment where He had reached the last of tho quite convinced that high public ter’s only commercial bank, the to Me.” He hired a bearded lady tute, The fact 1s that she’s mar- you must help them do it. As long she Uved with her brother, Mat­ it? three drawers, waa going through officials never speak the whole to sing it. ri'-d to a prosperous broker, lives as you sit in a comer, lonesome and thew. Her death leaves him sole it carefully and methodically when Manchester Trust Company, is % heir to $150,000. truth. • on Park Avenue, and spends most hurt, you are not helping other peo­ Coleman heard an exclamation. voUmtary member and Its deposit­ Generous Actors of her time at golf and bridge. ple to like you. You must be ready Bannister teUs PARKER COLE- After all, the positldn of Mr. He turned. “You’ve found it? ” ors are guaranteed, under the law, Broadway learned to love Gre­ Admits, though, that she’ll never to go half way and If you fall the MAN he believes Matthew Hol­ Woodin relative to the liberal, not BEHIND TH E SCENES IN gory Ratoff, the raucous, lan­ lister killed his sister and may Bannister waa on his feet and in up to the amount of $2,500, which be a star at either game. first few times, what of ft? Try his hand be held a*^ dark, shining to say radical, monetary ideas of the ■ guage - wrecking Russian here New York’s only ex-klng is Fau- again and keep on trying. I am have killed Tracy King. Bannister is the limit fixed by the act. from Holl3^ ood, especially when and Coleman go together to object “Yes, I’ve found it! S e^ President and his circle of close ad­ stln Wirkus, a Wilkes-Barre, Pa., now going to give you some helpful it’s a 32. And tbe same make a$ There is a general belief that it became known that he gives boy who made good in the Marine pioints which will be of great assist­ search Hollister’s apartment to visers, is not so difficult to under­ away almost every dollar that he se if they can find the gun. the gun that killed Tracy King, there will be new legislation, before Corps and ruled for four years ance in making other people like it is the gun that killed hlmll stand if we will free our minds of earns. He has scores of impov­ NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY next July, which will continue de­ over 12,000 Negroes on the Island you. told you we’d find It here, didn’t I? suspicions for which no real war­ erished countrymen on his pension Qf Gonave, In Haiti. He’s return­ CHAPTER XL VII posit insurance in some form or By RODNEY BUTCHER list . . . The most generous of na­ First, you are to tell your friends I told you Hollister was guilty!” rant is to be found. Herald Washington Correspondent ing soon, not to resume his throne when you believe they are doing Parker Coleman looked up from There was triumph, excitement In other, though there is widespread tive celebrities is probably George but to go into the export business. the open bureau drawer he had Mr. Woodin’s associations, during something well. Honest praise, open­ Bannister’s voice. He opened tho dissatisfaction with the so-called Washington, Jan. 2— The season’s ly given, will make a person feel been searching. “There’s nothing revolver, looked into the cylinders, most of his life, were with "big here,” he announced regretfully. permanent system which, under the most sensational Senate investiga­ safe and confident when he Is “There are four bullets left,” he business.” He made a great deal Hall. Special work has been around you. You can always find Bannister, on his knees before said. With a quick movement he existing law, would go into effect at tion—if it comes off—will probe the planned. the clothes closet, said, “Try the of money by the methods usual in AMUSEMENTS something good to say. Take the emptied them from the gun. that time. This differs in many im­ secrets of the munitions Industry. Arnold Manning of Franklin, mo­ bath room next.” “Why did you do that?” "big business.” But the very fact The peace lobby is quietly 'vork- trouble to say something to every portant respects from the tempor­ tored to see George and Cora Kings­ person you meet which will lea\e a Bannister was going through a “Just to ,be safer. I don’t cars ing for it. Many in the administra­ pile of pasteboard boxes. He fin­ that he is a musician and a com­ bury Sunday. Mr. Mining is a prom­ kindly thought afterward. Second, much about carrying a loaded gun ary system but its going Into effect tion’s liberal group that you’ve been, ished and shoved them back into poser of music ought to he evidence ROUGH, TUMBLE COMEDY inent 4-H Club worker and imw been you are to agree whenever possible around—" in its present form is as yet prob­ hearing so much about just would place, got to his feet and paused, enough that there is something to associated several years with the with w'.iat the other person it say­ Tbe sentence was never flninhH. lematical. adore it. young people. frowning. There waa a sound' in the outside him besides an appetite for gain— Roosevelt is a big navy man, but ing. If you can, sincerely agree, say IN “ HAVANA WIDOWS” Miss Eva Koehler and Jeanette They had searched Matthew Hol­ corridor. Both men heard it an^ be also remembers that the muni­ so. If you can not, then uae a little lister's bedroom high and low but that he possesses some measure of Heckler have returned to their re­ and overlook it. stared at each other. For an in­ NEW YORK WAY tions lobby licked his arms em­ had found no sign of a revolver, stant there was quiet and then they idealism. Being something of an bargo bill — the one piece of legis­ spective schools in Mansfield and A story of a very popular presi­ Catch-as-Catch-Can Type of Bolton. Mrs. Herbert Tomlinson, Bannister pulled out the drawer of heard tbe noise again. Someona idealist, it is easy enough to under New Yorkers are so accustomed lation he asked for last spring and dent, Theodore Roosevelt wl”. illus­ a table and peered into it. No Humor in Picture Coming to Jr., will also resume her work at the was putting a key in the lock. stand bow Mr. Woodin might be to taking graft for granted that it didn’t get. (Hoover wanted it, too, trate this point. After talking to a revolver ^^ere. He had known that There was no time for flight, no the State Tomorrow. Wllllmantlc night school where she man he had just mat he saJd. “ You come quite firmly convinced that our though his secretary of war. Hur­ Myhow, bwause he hsd looked liL .^tlme for anythli^ except what Ban- Meins very difficult for public job­ ley, and Chief of Staff MacArthur Is an Instructor in hoc&e economics. are right. I agr4« with you. You the table before social and economic system needec holders down there to realize that For good natured, rough and Schools of Coventry will begin Ulster and (Joleman did—snaj off lobbied against it.) have just put into words something Then he went Into the hall, e electric light switch and flatten tumble, catch-as-catch-can comedy, the winter term today. rebuilding; that he might come to there is really such a thing, once The investigation would delve I have been trying to say for a long paused before the door of the bath emselvese against the wall. They into: Stock ownership among pub­ Mrs. 'Arthur B. Porter has re­ time.” Then and there he made a room. S subscribe quite without intentional In a while, as an official who ac­ "Havana Widows,” the First Na­ heard the key turning in the lock lic officials and gulders of public turned from Harrison, N. Y„ where Ufe-long friend. reservation to the policies of a pret' tional picture which begins a “There’s no place here where and then the door swung open. tually will not stand for his subor­ opinion. Financial support of mili­ she has been visiting her daughter, Third, you are to build up your anything could be hidden,” Cole ty extreme liberalism. two day engagement on the screen Mrs. George Bennett and family. Someone entered the living room. dinates picking up a bit on the taristic organizations. Lobbying. of the State theater tomorrow, 1s health and to check over small de* man complained, "except In this Friday evening there will be poul­ Bannister could besir Coleman'o But even so, with all the will in side. It would seem, however, that Any efforts that may have been said to be the screen's undisputed fecta which might offend, such as cabinet” heavy breathing. There were volcei try lecture at the Coventry Grange the world to help in the prosscutiOB made to defeat tbe Geneva arms champion. unpleasant breath. Fourth, one of The door of the medicine cabinet in the living room—low, Indistinct. whan Edward P. Mulrooney, chief conference similar to those in 1927. Hall at 7:30 p. m. Professor Roy stood open. On the narrow glass of liberal reforma, it is also easily Riotously funny and startling the rule<3 which will help you to be-' One of them was Matthew Holli­ booze controller of the state, ap­ Contributions to political parties. situations are created by Joan Blon- Jones of the Connecticut State Col­ come popular is join In and give the shelves an assortment of bottles ster's, but the other was unfamil­ conceivable that a man of Mr points young men personally Volume of sales to Japan, China, dell and Glenda Farrell. As two lege will be the lecturer. Last year other fe’low yoifr support when he and boxes were arrsmged, most of iar. Now the men in the outer and South America. Profits. them bearing labels or trade names Woodln's years, Just recently adopt known to him as Inspectors in his wise-cracking Broadway burlesque a similar meeting was held, which asks for help. Be ready to do your room were moving about Bannie­ The State Department would like waa very interesting and helpful, and all too small to concesd smy- ing the theories of liberalism, might department, they would know Mul­ girls, they' Invade the Cuban capl- part. Fifth, when ‘you maet a new ter heard another door open but to know more about the Industry. tol on a hunt for millionaire easy and it is hoped that a large attend­ thing as bulky as a revolver. tbe voices did not seem to go find himself quite often a bit con person put your whole attention far­ rooney welT enough to realize that Sometimes it receives reports of marks, whom they hope to compro­ ance will be present Friday night upon listening to him. Don’t worry “It’s not there,” Bannister agreed ther away. fused between the mental habits of they couldn’t do what five of them salesmen abroad believed to be mise and shake-down for easy about whether he likes you, just curtly. "Well, come on. We’ve bare­ stirring up wars. ly started.” a lifetime and the ideas to which tried to do. money. listen. By listening careftilly you What happened after that took Recently it was discovered that Their decision to Invade the Cu­ flatter him in the IJrst place and put They continued the search. Ban­ plac so quickly that Bannlstsf he had become a wiHing convert. By standing in with a mailing Sir John Simon, representing the ban ccpitol is reached after a him at his ease in the second place. nister went to the kitchen and was never able to describe it clear­ It is to be suspected that Mr. clerk in the Beverage Control British at the disarmament confer­ former chorine friend had blown in He will probably like you. started going methodically through ly. He was crouching closely ence, owned 1000 shares o^ Vickers the cupboads and drawers. Every­ Woodin, while honestly and pur­ Board’s office these five inspec­ on them looking the picture of against the waU. He remembered stock. Peace societies would antici­ These rules will be helpful but re thing was in perfect order. He posefully striving to adhere to the tors, all working in the me­ prosperity. The friend’s story that member the real thing to watch is that Coleman’s head waa just barely pate Interesting personal disclo­ Havana was simply reeking with suspected nothing had been touched visible in the darkness. Suddenly liberalism of the admlnlstraMon’s to sincerely want to Uke others and tropolis, got hold of licenses sures over here. There’s dynamite millionaires all anxious to be sep­ there since Melvlna Hollister » iMt there were footsteps coming toward in their effort. have a kindly feeling toward them. I monetary philosophy, now and then that had been approved and arated from their dough, leads Joan W BRUCS CATION arranged her kitchenware. But the bedroom door. The footsteps found himself confronted by old, Blondell and Glenda Farrell to de- If you have the following habits, the revolver waa not to be found. paused, and then tho door was flu were all ready for mailing to appli­ Klda Prefer “ SUtle” ASSAILS AMERICA’S people are pretty sure not to Uke Parker Coleman put his head habitual concepts of his own and of paa't post-haste for Havana after open. There waa a cry and a rus cants, and delivered them In per­ Little Sistie Dali, grandchild of first shaking down a boy friend for POLICIES IN CHINA you: if you tell them how much around the door amd asked. “Do you and the lights came on in a blind his life-long associates which it re­ son. They gave each applicant to Mrs. Roosevelt, is Just “Elea­ $1500 for expenses. better you do anything than they think we’d better stay much ing glow. nor” at the private school she at­ Former Official Sees U. S. Attitude can do it: if you borrow too often; longer? Somebody’s liable to quired definite struggles to sur­ understand that it had required There their mad adventures lead “Here they are!” Matthew Hol­ tends. The other kids don’t like them into the most unusual lot of As Dangerons if you make fun*of their friends; if come— ” lister exclaimed excitedly. Therf mount. certain special consideration to get the nickname. They like Sistie, complications, which because they you never give the other feUow “I’m not going until I find that were two men beside him, officers ^Determined to play the game loy his license for him and that there though, and sometimes present are played so broadly, result in one In “Ways That Are Dark,’’ Ralph credit but repeat his words as gun,” Bannister told him doggedly. in blue uniforms. ally to his chief, even satisfied that was, therefore, about $16 coming to their parents with a social etiquet fast comedy sitnation after another. Townsend asserts that American though they were your own; if you “Pm sure it’s here and I’m going One of them stepped forward. problem by demanding that she be to find it.” his chief’s theories were in all prob­ On the same bill with “Havsma policy in the Far East is both mis­ break your promisees; and if you Come on!” he said harshly. “What the inspector. Sometimes they took invited to their parties. give the impression that you are Aonther 10 minutes passed. Ban­ ability right, Mr. Woodin’s task w^as Widows” Dorothea Wleck will be taken and dangerous, because we are you two doing here? Let’s ses as little as $5. In each case the looking out for yourself and no one nister finished with the kitchen and that gun!’“ seen in her first starring picture for have permitted the Chinese to play a difficult one. And when ill health mailing clerk had abstracted the li­ Shrinking DoUax Hurts Paramount “Cradle Song”. else. I mention these points so you turned his back on it He found 'We found it here, Officer,” Ban­ A chorus of groans goes up us for a set of suckers. Coleman in the living room. He had came along, regrettably, to compll' cense from a registered letter in wlU know some of the mistakes to nister told him. “Hidden in that around the world every time As a former member of the avoid. Part of the secret of attract­ pulled the heavy writing desk from cate the situation, it Is far from American consular service in ChipH dressing table. It’s tbe gUn that which It was just about to go to the tbe administration succeeds In ing friends Ues in knowing what against the wall and was looking klUed Tracy King!” Mr. Townsend presumably knows surprising that, without rancor or applicant All the applicsint got, in driving the dollar down another not to do. down behind it. “W hat?” any diminution in his loyalty, he half cent. It comes from foreign NORTH COVENTRY something about the Chinese. What “Thought there might be a chance the mailed envelope, was a book he has to say about them is blunt “It’s the gun that klUed Tracy service officers, paid In American QLTCSTIONS AND ANSWERS it would be down there,” he ex­ felt that it would be better to with­ of regulations. Thursday evening the Tolland and forthright. King—or one just like It. We found dollars. plained. It right there— ’’ draw. County Rural Promoters attended The five young inspectors are Dollars were the reason Fratcis For years, he says, the American (Diet for Stomach Ulcers) Bannister nodded. He sat down He turned, pointed to the drawer, a regular business meeting and so­ President Roosevelt did well. In now jobless and tbe clerk, a White resigned as minister to government has followed a consist­ and began taking books from the stni pulled out and its contents cial in the form of a poverty social, Question: -E. S. J. asks: “What his letter accepting Mr. Woodln's Czechoslovakia after 18 yesurs in ently friendly attitude toward kind of vegetables, meats, fruits, book case. As he took them out he rumpled. Negro, is being sweated for what­ the service. He found his $10,000 featuring an “Ole Time Molasses resignation, to stress the very great China—and has won, in conse­ and pastries can one eat who has stacked them In pll^s on the floor. Matthew Hollister’s face wa$- ever further information he can salary cut almost in half. Pull,’’ at the home of Miss Cora quence, only the contempt of the He had finished with two shelves service performed by the little sec­ ulcer of the stomach and intestinal drenched of color. “You found—( supply, Mulrooney is downcast be­ The dollar abroad .is off nearly Kingsbury. Even though the mer­ Chinese. Americana have spent when suddenly he jumped to his that—here?” He repeated slowly, ’ 40 per cent and salaries also are cury registered way below zero, gas? Will the same diet correct retary in the panic days of last cause be thought his appointees enormous sums on missions in constipation?” feet and went to the window. “In Melvina’s bedroom? You—you .. Spring, when his unruffled cheerful­ reduced 15 per cent by the general there waa a fairly good attendance China, have educated thousands of mean— ? ’ were nice young men. They probab- federal pay cut. Congress may do Answer: U you really have an with people coming from the towns Chinese, have saved innumerable ulcer of the stomach, milk is the Coleman was beside him. “What The officer slipped the gun ln*o ness and optimism probably did y were—only they had been something about It. father than Chinese lives In mission hospitals; Is It?” he demanded anxiously. of Mansfield, Amaton, Rockville, only food you should be using until his pocket. “AU right,” he said. "It’s more to reassure the stunned and lose other foreign service men. the Chinese have responded by “Turns the lights off, will you ?” brought up In New York, where for Vernon, u d Coventry. A short bus­ all signs of the ulcer disappears. tbe gun we’ve been looking for.” bewildered business men of the iness meeting was held, games murdering mission workers, burn­ When the room was in darkness He whirled and put a band on i fenerations there has been no such Escape AAA Ogre Then your diet should conrist of Bannister dpened tbe window country than anything else in the played, candy pulled, and poverty ing down schools and hospitals, wfll b^anced combinations such as Parker Coleman’s arm. “ You’U have thing as real honesty in public of­ Rejoicing was rife in the food refreshments of saltines, jellies, pea­ rejecting Christianity, and accus­ cautiously and making aa little whole situation. For his services I recomment In my weekly health to come with us,” he said. fice. industries when most of their nut butter and cocoa served in the ing the Americana of “Imnerial- noise as possible. He looked out, Coleman’s eyes were Incredulous.. codes were transferred from AAA iam.” menus. The same kind ol foods in that first month of the Roosevelt It’s going to be a tough job, self s?rve style. Hlveryone came shook his head and then closed It ‘W hat do you mean?” he demand­ to NRA during the Wallace-Peek properly used will correct constipa­ again. administration Mr. Woodin is en­ dressed in poverty clothes and the Because of our sympathy for tion. ed. "Are you crazy ? This isn’t my breaking that town into the hajilt row. Thfe retail and wholesale food China, he continues, we have taken “ You can put the light on now,” titled to the everlasting gratitude prize went to Robert Steams, Mans­ apartment. Hollister’s the msn you of doing public business without and grocery codes were rushed field, smd Leslie Kinney, Amston. China’s side in her current troubles he said. “It's not there.” want. The gim proves he’s guilty 1“ ' of a nation. through NRA in 48 hours, with (Encephalitis) "What’s not there?” having money stick to the fingers of Sunday evening the annual watch with Japan, thereby putting our­ "Oh, no, It doesn’t You’re under'- features objectionable to the indus­ Question: Mother writes: "My "A window box.” night service and installation of of­ selves in danger of war; but Mr. arrest, Parker Coleman. You’U have public servants of all grades. But tries removed. son is. thirty-seven years old and "W hat?” ficers of the Christian Endeavor Townsend is convinced that Japan to come along—” , DEPOSIT INSURANCE the Mulrooneys and tbe LaGuardias Questioned at the AAA bearings largely was justified in what she has been sick for four months. His ”1 thought he might have hidden Society was held at the church par­ leg Is getting numb and be Is unable It required the two policemen to-, may succeed In doing it, at that. had been considered in poor taste. has done, and be believes that our the gun In a window box,” Bannis­ Depositors In savings banks, who sonage. The officers were: Presi­ to walk. We have had thres nerve hold him. Coleman tried deeper- ' Columbus made an egg stand on "Do you believe a consumer has present policy offers us nothing ter told him. “Just on Idea 1 got ately to wrench himself free. “Let- may have been wondering whether For Instance: dent, Cora Kingsbury: Vice Presi- whatever to gain and a great deal doctors examine him, and they all some where. But there isn’t any." end. dent, Kenneth ^ 1 ; Secretary, June claim he is suffering from encephal­ me go!” he screamed. "I haven’t their deposits are protected imder a right to know what he buys?” to lose. "Listen," Coleman objected. "1 done anything! Why don’t you ar­ Leroy Peterson of the Consumers’ Loomis; Treasurer. Wilfred Hill; In addition, be asserts that itis. Kindly tel] me what Is best to don't think we should stay here the new deposit insurance law, need do.” rest Hollister ? Biunlster, make ” Counsel staff asked a Oanaral Missionary Commlttss, Mrs. Leon Chins today displays not the much longer. You can’t tell what concern themselves llttls with the WHY THE REASON? H. Austin; music committee, Mrs. Answer; You probably misspelled them let me gel TeU thsm It’s Hel- Foods official. •lightest sign of that Impending may happed.” Celeman’e eyes were Uster!” “I know what you’re trying to Wallace McKnight; social commit­ tbe name of your son’/ disorder, operation of that system. It was Among tbe thousand persona “unification^’ that is so m u ^ may happen. You can’t tell what But the other had stepped bsek. ' get me to say,” waa the reply. tee, Lester Hill; finance, Mrs. John talked of; all Its leadsrs are venal, meaning “eneepballtls” which Is a bright ^ t h nervoueneea. He looked not Intended particularly for appli­ who rsceived titles, orders and oth­ Kingsbury. disorder caused by Inflamma .'on of “I’m sorry," hs said. “Youll have “And If I’m smart enough, I won’t patriotism Is unknown, and co­ ae worried aa his voice sounded. to go along with th a m . There Isn’t cation to mutual savings Institu­ er royal bonofs throughout tbe say it for the record.” Miss Jessie Peck of New Haven, the brain. This can affect any part operation is unheard of. “We don’t want to be found here,” anything i can do for you now. I tions, which. In ths part of the Is visiting her nephew and niece, of the body according to tbe section British Empire on New Year’s day All of which, as you can see, be reminded Bannieter. You see I know you killed Tracy • - You can’t guess any more bow Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Tomlinson, of the brain Irritated. I am sure country where such banks bavs was WlUlam Gilbertson, engineer of makes a new and surprising pic­ Tbe other looked at hie wrist King.’’ long a session of Congress will Jr. ture of the far eastern problem. your son would improve through a watch. 'W e've been here 26 min­ come to occupy an important place, tbs Royal Scot, famous British fruit fast and would also ge? along last, so Congressional Record sub­ Miss Margaret Elliott has re­ Published by Putnam, this book utes,” ke announced. "There’s an­ (To Be Contlnned) scarcely need the kind of protec­ railroad train, who was awarded scribers wUl be charged $1.50 a turned to her home after visiting sells for IS. better afterwards on a care^lly other 20 before tbere’i danger of planned diet, but it would be unwise tion provided by the insurance law. the medal of tbe Order of tbe Brit­ month Instead of $8 for the long her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert anyone coming.” session and $4 for tbe sbojt. Tomlinson. for me .o attempt to give you any ^'But HoUleter may decide to Options have been eeourei on 8 ,- ^ That more has not been said about ish Empire. J Short sessions, of which there Thursday evening there will be a specific advice about his case come back sooner than you thinit 970 acres surrounding Kings lloun-^1 the relationship of the savings In­ Thera are any number of reason­ won’t be any more, ran three Betty (who had been served with through this column, as his trouble he WlU!” joint installation of Coventry a wing of chicken for dinner) - tain battlefleld In South CJarallns stitutions to tbs guarantee law is able persons who will bold that If months. Long sessions averaged a Grange, No. 76, P. of H„ and Tol­ Is too serious and requires tne care “W'e’ll have to take that chance,’ for inclusion in the nattonsl perki*"' little more than six. Mother, can’t I have another piece T of a physician who can watch his land Orange at tbe Coventry Orange Thin is nothing but blngsi. Bannister said, apparently unruf­ , the government psepeSIs Is sstal^’a eass carefully. fled. ’Well, I dlda ( think we’d Andfind | llsb there, •• N A MANCIUSTBR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1084L

of Alderman in the Fourth Ward, J. Jobniten; OouneHmen, Lawrence he was taken io hie home on VU- made vacant by the election of Monahan and Paul Menge. lage street. He showed consider­ Mayor Scheets who hsld this posl- Ward Four; Alderman, William able improvement. Queer Twiets FniCASTTONlGi DAILY RADIO PROGRAM ROCKVILLE ion for several yeare. Tbe seat of Rogalus; (Jouncilmen, Cluirlea J. The local manager, J. R. Rathke Councilman in the Fourth Ward Underwood and WUUam Baer. was called and came to tbe bakery TUESDAY, JANUARY 2 (Central and laatem Standard Time) went to William Baer who was se­ City Clerk, Raymond E. Hunt; with several employees. Tbe gas In Day News FOR lOOSE CHAli Netai All profraai to keraDd ouio olutlna or yroope tboreef onloM ipool* lected to fill tbe unexplred term of City Treasurer,. (Claude A. MlUa; was shut off at tbe. meter located B«d: ooast to oout (o U e) doelciiatloa Isolnd* all available itatlona William Rogalus. City Sheriff, Herbert Krauae; Aa- in tbe basement of tbe Fritsebe Prog rime eubjeet to ehanfo. P< M. Cent. loot. SCHEETS BECOMES MAYOR Very little routine work came up sessors: Franklin C. Harlow, Jullua Cigar Store. Tbe imeil of gas was NIC-WIAP NETWORK •iS^ liS^B 011 y Berthell — oMt; Burnsville, W. Va.—Dr. S. Trim­ Jaeli Armetroni—repeat to ntdw for action at the meeting of the M. Koalorek, Otto Yost; Board of reported on all sections adjoining ble clainur some eort of champion­ Meet at Trade Sdiool •AtlO - StitI •i4»- eida-LIttle Ttaly-oaet; Knight Common Council last evening and Relief: Mayor Oeorge Sebeeta, City ths baktry where the windows were o lar wUf woib wfl wilt wlbr wgy Orohee^DIzle: Memerle^woet WITH LITTLE CEREMONY ship. Hi with Influenza, be coughed wban wcae wUm wwj weal; Midi ked •idO— 7iUO— Myrt A Marge - eaat only; practically all of the reports of tbe Clerk R. B. Himt, and City Treas­ kept open during the night. so violently he broke a rib. wmtg well woo-who wow wdal wkbt Loula Panlee Orehaitra— nidwaat committees will be brought in at urer C. A. Mills; Tax Collector, Wil­ Sopierior Court Ssm Iod Opens Ambridge, Pa.—Frank Tablnow- toriom; Several Parts NORTHWEST A CANADIAN - wtmj m s - 7i1S— Juat Plain Bill - aaat; 1 Tbe Mid-Winter sfeslon of tbe wtba katp wobe wday kfyr eret ofcf Tha CanadIan»->Olzle; >anleo Or. In Address to Council He tbe regular meeting on Tueadayi liam F. Patridge (To April , 1984); skl celebrated tbe arrival of the SOUTH — wrva wptl wwne wle wja* — mldwM^ Taxaa Raimaro— waat Stresses Need of Watching evening, January 0tb. , Milk and Meat Inspector, Dr. J. R. Tolland County Superior Ck>urt New Year by firing hie double- wfla*wioa wlod wem wmo web w pl •iR^ 7il^Dal Campo, Tanoi^baale; A special meeting will be held on Morin; Health Officer, Dr. E. H. opened In Rockville this morning barrelled shotgun. (Jne charge went UniUed. ^ wjd* wemb kveo wl^ wfaa wbap kpro Buok Regara— rapaat for midwaat Budget for Needieas Expense Monday, January 8 to pick 60 jurors Metcalf; Auditors, WlUlam H. Yost with Judge Frank P. McEvoy of woal ktbi kths wsoo •i4S— 7i4S-^oaka Carter, Talk— ba* harmlessly into tbe air. The second ate; Satwaan tha Seekanda— weat for the (Jlty Court. and Leo Flaherty; Corporation Waterbury on tbe bench. This Is blew tbe big toe off his right foot. MOUNTAIN-koa kdyl kflr kchl 7t00— liO ^Th a Columbiana— to e Mayor Oeorge Sobgets took tbe PAOlPIp COAST — kfo kll kgw kome 7i1S- IMS— Idwin C. Hill - baale; The following is tbe message of Counsel, John B. Fisk; Supt. Public the big session of tbe year In this "I forgot about tho other barrel," The ’election of the cast amd first - , khq kfed ktar kfn Orehaa.— Dlxia; I Malda— wtat chair of former Mayor Albert B. Mayor Oeorge Scheets; Works, Oeorge B. Milne; City Engi­ community as there are criminal he told police. rehearsal for the presentation oC Cent. ■••t. 7 it> - liSO— Velea ef ExparlajiH— a; Waite on Monday evening at 7:80 "To tho Members of tbe Court of neer, Cbarlee Bancroft: (Captain of cases, civil court actlous, jury cases Harlan, Ky.—There will be no "Loose Change" tbe musical comedljr 4)00- StO^The WEAR Sex cf Muile S. Heflman Oreheetra— mldweat Common Council of the City of Police, Richard Shea; Chief of Fire and also a short calendar session. 7i4S— Ii4^-0BS Plane Teem— o to o o’clock in on# of the quleteet In- two gun deputies in Harlan county being presented by the Amerioaa 4110-i liSOi-Delittlc Advcnturee—to e •tOO- StOO— StekewekI Orehea.— e to e Rockville: . Department, Cworge B. Milne, States Attorney Michael D. O’Con- 4i4^ lid^Nuree^ Rhyme#—alw e aufurationa ever held In tbe city of while Theodore Middleton Is sheriff. Legion on the nights of January I f 1.00— liOO—Mme.FraneeeAlde—altee IMS— IMS— Alexander Weelleett— to o Rockville. "Gentlemen: At our annual city The following are tbe appoint­ nell pf Stafford Springs presented After bis Induction Into office yes­ lilO- iilO-Weekly H/mn Sing—to o Iito— lilO— Qiorga Jeaaell— oat to oat meeting on December 4, 1933, the ments of Mayor Oeorge Scheets: tbe criminal cases. All cases not and 10 vill be completed tonight at • i4»— gi4S—Cheerie Mueleel Mdecieo fiOO— 10;00— Clan Cray Rtvua— o to c Tbe retiring chief executive, Al­ terday, Sheriff Middleton instructed •;t0— 10ilO— OSS Sreadaast— 0 to oat total amount approprlAteJ' for all Finance Committee; Alderman disposed of by pleas of guUty will hla newly appointed deputies to tbe State Trade school auditorium. '' 4.00— 7ioo—The Meunteineert—weaf •i4S— 1 OHS— Evan Evana, Senga— be* bert E. Waite, who has held office There are several vacancies for 4,10— hi»—silly Seeheler'e Sketeh alo! Myrt and Marge.I—rapaat for ' for several terms, opened the spe­ city departments for tbe year end­ William Rogalus; CouncUmen be asulgned for trial next week. carry only one gun apiece and keep iitO— 7iSO-Lum A Abner—exit only ing November 16, 1933, was 194,- Charles Underwood and Arthur R. Cold Spell Paseee Into History them concealed. / male characters and anyone who ia 4,44_ 7,4^Tna Oeldberge, Seriel Act 10M6—11MS—Oertruda■ '11MS ------NIaian—e* to e cial meeting of tbe Board of Com­ Interested In being connected with 7,00- SiO^The Pred Allen Revue— 10(1^11 tf^laham—lahalaham Jonaa Oreh.—oOren.> to e mon Council in compliance with 588.85. This Is tbe smallest sum Newell. Tbe severe cold spell of the past Seattle—It was more than tbe eeeti S. MerefT’e Revue-midweet lliO^llioO—Vlneant______ant Lepaa ' Or.—e to e that has been appropriated for this Public Works and Sidewalk Com­ few days has paseed into history the play la urged to be on band at 7,10- iito—Wayne Klng'e Orehectra mSO—1lit»-Aea___ Erl,igeda Oreh.—e to e tbe provisions of tbs city charter start of a New Year for Mrs. Mary eight o’clock. SiOO- iiOO—San Sarnia and the Uada lliOO— liO^Uanea Hour-wabe only and within a few minutes was ad' work in tbe past fourteen years. mittee; Alderman K. Erwin Little; and tbe temperature rose to weU Jane York and Alexander Ross. It NtO'WJZ NETWORK "For tbe past few months the above forty degrees yesterday A large number of girls of ths liSO- iiNH-id Wy ~ mlniitsrinf ths oath of office to CouncUmen Arthur R, Newell, Paul was also the kith birthday for each. grade school age are going to bs SiOO-IOiOd—Seth Pi . ______■ASIC — Eaati wje wba«wbia wbal Mayor-elect (3eorge Sebeeta who cost of all supplies has been increas­ Menge, Amo R. Weber and William meaning the elimination of much fitO—IOilO—Madame Sylvia—alee eat wham kdka wgar wjr irlw wayr wmal; "Rough and ready living In the given places in choruses. 4,46—10i4»—Robert Sli------Midwaiti woky kyw wanr wla kwk was given a rousing welcome. Un­ ing, and no doubt will continue to Baer. of tbe snow about the streets of tbe outdoors,” was Ross’ receipt for lOiOO-liiOO—Jehn S. k y'e Talk kwor kbit wran wmag kao wkbf usual Intersit was shown in Mayor Increase for some time to come. File Committee: Alderman John city. It was necessary for tbe Pub­ longivlty. "I’ve smoked a corn-cob lOilb—11116—Clyde Luei Orein.—eacti NQRTHWEtT A OANADTa N - wtmj This makes It absolutely necessary H. Yost, CouncUmen, William R. lic Works Department to keep a pipe for years and years,” said Mrs. Georgia claims to have been £bs Cumjm and AeneAbner—mldweat repeat wiba katp wabe wday kfyr eret efof Behests In being elevated to tbe first state to pass a vital statistics lOiJO-1-lliio—Paul Whiteman Orehea SOUTH — wrva wptf wwne wli wjas chair of tbe city’s obisf executive for every committee to watch the Dowdlng End Lawrence' Monahan. large'-number of men at work clear­ York, "and I think it has helped me lliOO-l. .IfiO Ill 46-T ^Tha he'Rudy Rudy VaVgllaa______Oreh, wr1a*wiun wlod warn wmo wab wapi as be has worked bis way up in tbe expenditures very closely and see Police (Committee: Alderman, ing tbe gutters and keeping the too." law, requiring the registration of 11it>-liil0—Preddia“ ~ Idle MartinM Oreheetra wjdx wemb kvoo wky wfaa wbap kpre that they receive full value for every William Rogalus; CouncUmen, Eben storm sewer drains open so as not births. The statute was enacted In woal ktba ktha waoe Common (Jounoll and resigned a Chicago—A good way to defeat 1823. OIS*WAIO NETWORK MOUNTASN-kea kdyl kglr kghi week Mb the pooltion of Alderman dollar spent. Cobb and Cbarlee Underwood. to flood tbe sidewalks. tbe purpose of gunmen is to do a SASIC—Eaeti wabe wade wok J^ejPI^^OAST — kge kfl kgw keme In tbe Fourth Ward so that he might "Our revenue from Corporation Lighting Committee; Alderman, Ths warm speU of yesterday was lot of talking, the Rev. Frederick waab wnae war wkbw wkre w' Tax In 1026 was 185,160.05 but this wdro weaulU wfp wjae wean Cant Eaet. accept tbe oath of office as Mayor Patrick J. Johnston, (Councllmsn, welcomed by the large group work­ W, Otterbeln, found. wjevi MidIdwaati weal wbbm wfbm of Rockvllls. amount has been uocreaslng each Eben Cobb and WlUiam Baer. ing at the eWA headquarters on On the stroke of midnight, three moi wowo wnaion 4ilO- Iito—‘ ha Singing Lady—Mat • • • SAST ANDANB CANADA—wpg w: rphan Annie—aaat only Tbe retiring mayor, Mr. Waite, in year so that in 1988 we only re­ . Health and Sewer Committee; Mile Hill near the Tollaod-Vemon masked gunmen entered the North whaa mea wlbi wtea were wteo lis__ t . lehard Hlmber Orahia. a very short addrsu wlshtd bis suo- ceived 18,261.48. Our revenue from Alderman, Kerwln Little; CouncU­ town line. The men have been suf­ Austin Lutheran church of which NIGHT DIXIE - igat wefa wbre wgam I il ^ Ills—Mary imall, ianga—eeati the town of Vernon for roads has men, Arthur R. Newull and Paul ifira___ wree m at wdau wtoe krid wrr . ^^a.Sjfigmg l-My—r«PMt egdy—rapaat fonwgn fen< osisor suoeggs lir ths conducting of fering In the cold for several days Mr. Otterbeln Is pastor, and lured ktrh ktaa waoe koma wdbo wodx wbt li4S— 1145—UeweTl Thomai — taiti ths city affairs and aloo thanksd all dropped from 19,000 in 1032 to Menge and Am6 R. Weber. and It was necessary to bring sev­ him on the pretext they wished him wdaa wbjk wtar wdU wwva wmbf wij Orpenar; Annie—rapaat to midwaat 18,750 in 1988. Tbe loss of revenue Ordinance Committee; Aiderfiian, to perform a wedding. Instead they MIDWEST — wean w^ wmt wmbi Amee 'n' Andy—ea« only of tbs mgmbgrs of tbs city govsrn eral to a doctor. Tbe outside work wtao inan wibw iifh ktab wken weeo dle In EduaatlenTte a mtnt for tbslr oo-optratlon during from those two sources amounts to John Henry Yoet; CouncUmen, Law­ about tho city will be resumed this demanded he open the safe. liltli: Ra Rhythmlyihm StringStr( Suar. his administration. 187,157.67 and this is equal to a rence Monahan and Eben Cobb. wesk as tbe work of removing the For thirty minutes the pastor ^IN—kvor kll koh kel -- ^rlm# oluHi OluHi DramatiaDi_____ Claims Cpmmittse: Alderman, I '^ h i koin kab kfrss kol kpfy bvl ilO—Health^ Adventuraa, TalkTal Mayor Bphgsts took his stat with 4>/4 mill tax on our grand list. snow and tee have been finished. argued with the men that be didn’t i4l—Hlllpet•Hlllpet A Lambert. SenpeSeng out esrsmony and dslivirsd a short "This IsavsB us with only ont Patrick J. 'Johnston; CouncUmen, know bow to open it, finally con­ tmj kwf kern Kdb kgmb \ •Mue1e Memerice A Poet It was bopsd to start the harvest­ hi en ef Daring—wli only meisagg to tbs msmbers of tbs aourcs of rsvenus, which Is taxa­ William R, Dowdlng and Charles ing of natural ice at Snipsic Lake vincing them. h>^ait only ?he Variety eruica—wji Common Council after which bs ad tion on rsal sstats. Tbs burdtn of Underwood. this week but the warm spell has — Firemen rsiponding aner—to eat a Sa Annaunaad taxation upon rsal sstats has MUk Inspector; Dr. J. Ralph rmitrang<^ only IdiC -Malar, Sharp,arp, Mlntr— mlnlstersd tbs /oath to tbs nsw proved a handicap and softened the to a call from a neigh- >OaergaI Hall Draerehai.-te a tmae 'n ' Andy—rep■"■pat____ for w membsrs ef tbs Common Council. rsachsd ths point whsrs ths Homs Morin. surface ef the ice. borbood theater found some 800 per­ iuak Reaera-e-eaat only I—The PeetPrlneo—baale Tbs first official duty of Mayor Owner, Buslnsss Man and Industry OvTeome by Ooa at Bakery , sons still in their seats, refusing to kateh—repeat tertei mldweat ■Phil Harrie A Orahaatra 111 'iabby•bby SanHn—faitSanHn— enlyi •Paul Aih A Orahaatra Bobssti was admlnlstgrfng tbs oath And It mors and more difficult to Marti Algalr, an employee of tbe heed the manager's warning the *1 ,U t ^ H t A Dill# only •Harry laanlek Orahaatra of offiog to two aldgrmsn and flvs msst this burden. While ths Stats gas department of the Rockville- basement was afire. After ejeoting oouBollmea who wsrs slsotsd at tbe collscti all of tbs fines in ths polios Wllllmantlo Lighting Company, ths audienoe, firemen discovered tbe last city slsotion about a month court for automoblls law violation, was overcome ^ gas at tbs Ubsrty basement was flooded with deadly ■go, elty sbtrlff, auditors, city olsrk, also all of ths tax on gasoline tbs Bakery about 7;8d o’clock Monday 1 uotahona* gas. They wore gas masks while TOLm and sssessori. munloipalltisB have to bear tbs In- Bight while Investigating a leaking extinguishing tbs olasc. Tbs oath was admlnistsrgd io tbs orsassd cost of polios departments, gas pies. Ths smsll of gas bad at­ Milwaukee—Homs tooted, whis­ WDRC following: First Ward, Aldtrmaa also ths inersaasd cost of building tracted ths attention of tbe Fritsebe I sometimes pretend I don't have tles sounded and Milwaukee’s first 'Aaron* Fratt, Jr., ef Windsor, and maintaining better roads for tbs Cigar Store on Market street, ad­ Nsw Year’s baby arrived at tbs HI MsHSord t o n n , 1110 John Henry Yost; Oounollman, Ar a good time, but I really do. My Oesn., w u a rsesnt guest ef Kenry tbur Ifswstti Isecnd Ward, Oounell* automoblkita. Tbla condition Is joining the Liberty Bakery during Idea ef fun le an evening at hom e- stroke ef midnight In a local boi tal, His last name Is Gabriel Hayden. nun, A ne Wsbsrj Third Ward, Al> vary unfair to all munlelpalltlaa and Monday aftemeen but no trace oeuld six or sight psopls dancing In ths TOSSdS^, ISBOAfE f dsmsAn, Fstrlek J. Johnston i Ooun- I hop# It will ba obangad V tba naxt be found of any leakg. ball. a pfoturs. arents, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony m V B COIDS WITHOUT Mra Sarah West ef Snlpsie Lake. Isglslatura. Early In tbe,evening the luneU be­ Siabrlsl, have not dsoldsd wbat ths M a guest ef her parents, Mr. and eUnuA, Lswrsnos Mensben; Fourth —Mary Plekford. F. IL was Ward, Oounollman, Obariss Under­ "Zb oonolualoB 1st ma ramlnd came so strong that ths office of first name will bs. liOD—U. I. Nsry. Mrsn . Ivan Wilcox of Morrow Friday wood. avary mambar of this counoll, also ths Rookvllls-WUllmantlo Lighting 4:80—Efloob U |b t’i Orehsitrs. last. Tm not worrytng about preserv' Tbs slsotion et tbs Presldont ef every person slsotsd or appointed to Company was notified and asked to ing my beauty, and when tbe time 4:45,.Ys Happy Mlastrsli. ’Tbs regular msstlng of Tolland tbs Board of Common Counoll was any offlos in tbla city that tbay bava Investigate. Tbs call was received (Srangs will bs held this svsnlng In I’ll be ready to step back SiOO—fkippy. also a big svsnt last tvsnlng as A1 a vary Important duty to psrfofm. at the gae plant on Maple street as Into the ring. —Max Baer. Ask Mother- AMGO SilS—CbAnsB OATllls. the Communlty House dsrman Roger J, Murphy, Repub This duty la not to any political tbe office on Park street was closed Si SO—Jack Armitroflf, AU*Amsrl- ’The all day sewing msstlng of the lloan, who held tble offloe for many party, or to any person or persons. for tbe day. When Mr. Algalr in­ She Knows Water White can Boy. Union Missionary Society will bs years, rstlrsd this ysar, Ksrwln It Is to work fot* tbe best Interest of vestigated he went Into tbe cellar Sometimes an executive can be Motiisr took this msdJdiM bw S:4S—Ggorffs Hall’s Orebsstra. held ’Thursday In the Federated Little, RepubUoan, has lervsc the whole City of Rockville." of the Liberty Bakery alone and too cloee to the picture to pick fore and after tbe bablca eaa«i 6:00—Tbg Blrmiofbam Barons. church social rooms. The ladles of in ths Common Council for ssvsral . Ths Board of Common (Jouncll Is had hardly reached the foot of the the proper course. It n re her more atreottb 6ilS—H*Bar«0 Ranfsrs. tbs community are invited. terms, was sslsoted for this office now composed of tbe following stairway before bs was partly over­ —Wilbur M. Brucker, former gover aadeoergy when ibe w u oerv* RANGE SiSO—Bllsabstb BartbsU. Charles Hurlbut of Snipslo Lake The President of tbe Common Co\m- members; Ward One, Alderman come. He slumped on the stairway nor of Michigan. ooa tod rundown : . . kept bar ei45—U ttls Italy. hae been on the elck Hit for leveral oil acts as chief neoutlve In the ab­ John H. Yost; CouncUmen, William and was carried to ths top of tbe on tbe job all throuan tbe TiOO—Myrt and Marge. Change. No wonder toe rec­ days with rheumatism. sence of Mayor Scheets. The vote R. Dowdlng and Arthur R. Newell. stairs and brought to fresh air. He A pretty girl, a dainty slipper, ommends it. OIL 7il6—Florencg and Barbara, Har­ Ward tSvo: Alderman, Kerivln mony Qlrls; A1 White, pianist. Miss Helen Pardus of South Wlll- was Little, 0, Paul Menge, 2. again attempted to fo to tbe base­ sparkling champagne, a toast— 7:30—To Bs Announced. Ington,. was a recent caller on -Several other changee were made Little; (Councilman, Amo R. Weber ment to shut off tbe gas meter but they are like tbe curves of this era, LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S 7:4B—Norman Hapgood. friends. last evening as Coimeilman William and Eben CObb. was again overcome. natural, unaffected, genuine. VEGETABLE COMPOUND Dial S7 1 S 8:00—Tbs Columbians. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Cborcbls have Rogalus was advanced to tbe seat I Ward Three: Alderman, Patrick Dr. B. Metcalf attended him after —Helen Morgan. 8:16—Slngln’ 8am. been entertaining gueste from Hart­ 8:80—Voice of Expsrience, ford for several days, 8:45—Fray and BraggiotU. Thelma Price has returned to 0:00—Leopold Stowkowekl and the Kent, where she is engaged i Philadelphia Symphony Orehea- teacher in the high school. tra. Alice Hall has returnee; to Sey­ 0:16—Alexander Woolcott — the mour, Conn., where she ts home eco­ Town Crier, nomics teacher in the high school, 0:80—Oeorge Jegsel. after spending the holidays with 10:00—Casa Loma Orebsstra; Do, her parents. Re Mi trio, Mrs. Mabel Lubrsen Cook has It adds something 10:30—Columbia News Service, been appointed field agent for Tol­ 10:48—Harlem Serenade. land, one of the towns in the coun­ 11:15—Dell Campo. ty to make a survey of rural bous­ 11:80—Ossie Nelson’s Orchestra. ing,* as part of a great national sur­ vey of the Civil Works Administra­ tion. She win work under the di­ rection of Miss Mark Cook, county to the Taste and chairman for home economics of the extension service at Connecticut WBZ-WBZA State College at Storrs, The postponed Men's Community Springfield — Boeton club meeting froip last Friday eve­ ning, will be held tomorrow eve­ ning in the Federated ebureb eoclal Toeeoay. January t roomi, when Dr, Edwin B. Dlmock, commlseioner of Domestic Animals, P» will bs the ipeaker. James Pfeif­ 4;00-I-Betty and Bob. fer of Rockville will furnish music 4:18—Tuesday Serenade. on Uie guitar. Refreshments will 4 :8 0 -'Tbrougli the Hollywood be served by the committee of Looking Glass—Frances Ingram, arrangements. Mason Parker, Al­ 4:45—Brown Palace Hotel Orches­ fred Ludwig, Fritz Walkup and Wil­ tra. liam Senk, Jr, 8:00—Agricultural Markets. Luclen Birdseye of New York, is 8:18—News, a guest at tbe borne of bis aunt. 6:30—The Singing Lady, Miss Miriam Underwood, 8:48—Little Orphan Annie, 'There will be a quarterly confer­ EUROPEAN 6:00—NBC Program Calendar, ence of tbe Methodist branch of tbe W IN E CELLAR 6:01—Duke Dewey and his Hickory Federated church Friday evening, Nuts. January 5 at the boms of Mr, and 6:10—Rite Carleton Orchestra. Mrs, John H. Steele, when tbe dis­ 6:80—'Tims. trict superintendent Rev. Oeorge 6:80—Old Farmers Almanac. Scrivener of tbe New England 6:84—Temperature, Bouthem Ckmference, will be pres­ S o m e t h in g like the method 6:36—Sports Review, ent and all tbe stewards are re­ 6:48—Weather, quested to be present to transact of ageing fine wines is used in age­ 6:46—Lowell Thomas. necessary business. 7 :0 0 -Amos 'n’ Andy. • There will be a joint Installation ing and mellowing the tobaccos for 7:18—National Advisory Council on of tbe newly elected officers of both Radio In Edujsatlon. Tolland and Coventry Oranges at 7:46—Tessle the 'Typist. * the Coventry Orange hall next Chesterfield cigarettes. 8 :0 0 -Eno Crime Club — Edward Thursday evening, January 4 when Rese and John MacBryde. the Rev, Charles A. Downs of Union, The picture you see here was taken 1:30-Horllck’s Adventures In chaplain of the Connecticut State Health—D>. Herman Bundeeen. Orange will be the Installing officer. inside one of our modern storage ware­ 8:48—Smith Brothers — Trade and The alarm was sotmded Wednes­ houses where the tobaccos for Chester­ Mark. day evening for a chimney Are at 0:00—Household Musical Memories. the home of Miss Miriam Under­ field are put away. , 9:30—The Witch of Endor (drama) wood and the prompt action of the 10:00—Provldence-Blltmore Orches­ Tollahd firemen soon extinguished There are about four and one-half tra. the fire. 10:30—Buccaneers Male Quartet There was no service Sunday miles of these Liggett & Myers ware­ )0:4,'>—News. morning at the Federated churph on 11:00—Time, weather, temperature. account of weather conditions and houses filled with thousands of casks of 11:03—Sports Review. 11:14—Old Farmers Almanac, bad traveling. Domestic and Turkish tobaccos, most 11:15—Cascades Orchestra. 11:80—Bt Regis Orchestra. of it lying there ageing and mellowing 12:00—College Inn Orchestra. for Chesterfield cigarettes. 12:80 a. m.—Bdgewater Beach Ho­ Overnight A. P. Modern steroge warehouse tel Orchestra. for Chesterfield tobacco It takes just about tiiree 37ears to age WINS RACE WITH DEATH News the tobacco for your Chesterfields. Sydney, N. 8., Jan. 2,—(AP)—A Everything that money can huy speeding railway train tod^ had Roebseter, N. .H.—Differenoe ef won a race with death and wllUam 98 degrees in temperature register­ and that science knows about that Phllpott. under treatment In hospi­ ed within 48 hoiirt as mercury tal for serious bums, looked back climbs to 64 above from 44 below can make a cigarette that*s mildU on a swift ride that probably saved Saturday. his life. At Point Tupper, 90 miles Montpelier, V t,—Aero Acres, er, a cigarette that tastes better, from hc’-e, Phllpott was thawing home of Porter H. Adame, acting out a frozen hot water pipe when It president of Norwich University, is used in making Chesterfields. exploded and live steam seared tbe deetroy'dd by fire, interior of his throat. A hastily re­ Gloucester Maes.—Word received quisitioned train consisting of an of tbe sinking -at tbe Oloueeeter engine and roach brought him to auxiliary fishing schooner, (Jatb- hcMipltal here. Hospital officials to­ erlne, nerr Canzo Harbor, N, H. Her the cigarette that's MILDER • the cigarette that TASTES BETTER day said he would recover. captain and crew of 28 were saved. • 1094, iM sn r a SljBBf' \ / ■■ J^f}\ tAi S E SDC MANCHESTER EVENING HERAia; MANCHESTER,.0)NN^ TUESDAX, XAb^ 2, HERE IS 1933’s NEWS AS EDITORS CHART IT x

What are the 10 biggest stories of the year? As listed by managing former President Coolidge, the rise of Adolf Hitler to power in Ger­ of the dirigible Akron in a coastal storm, American recognition of Soviet the eighteenth amendment. Were these stories to be charted according editors of Associated Press newspapers, they deal with events that many, Giuseppe Zangara’s attempt on the life of President-elect Roose­ Russia after conversations with its envoy, Maxim Lltvlnoff, the war to the rating given by the editors, the news interest line would run about made history in a 12-month period momentous for America and the velt, the national baking holiday, institution eif President Roosevelt's against kidnaping as a growing national menace— punctuated by a as shown, the chronology being, roughly, left to right. The Roosevelt "new deal" recovery program, the California earthquake, the tragic loss world. The consensus resulted in a choice of these 10: The death of lynching that followed a mob’s attack on a California Jail, and repeal of recovery program was the virtually universal choice of the editors.

omy bill.— Senator Howell of at Princeton, N. J.—Michigan la of athletics, dies at 88.—Mr. Khay­ ery dis■covered; troops guard treas­ killed.—Roosevelt stands firm on first state to ratify repeal in con­ Jose, Calif., murdered: kidnap Nebraska dies of heart attack. yam wins American Derby, ury. pensions in address at Legion con­ suspects caught. vention, GREAT CHANGES MARKED 12—Hindenburg drops German re­ 7— Germany given Olympic 10— Cuban army rebels against vention. 17—U. S. recognizes Russia; Bul­ public’s flag for imperial Nasi ban­ 11—Resignation of Eugene Meyer games by pledge of no bar on Jews. President Machado. litt named ambassador. as Federal Reserve governor reveal­ 3—Twenty-three die in Los An­ ner.—Bollva renews Chaco war, —Cyrus H. K. Curtis, famed pub­ 12— Machado flees from Cuba ingeles brush fire.—Auto-motorcycle 20— Settle’s balloon sets official takes fort from Paraguay. ed. lisher, dies. plane to Nassau, Bahamas; De Ces- injuries fatal to "Young" Stribling, stratosphere flight mark, 62,237 13—Louisianans petition Senate to DURING THE PAST YEAR 14—Stock exchanges of nation re­ 8— Max Baer knocks out Maxpedes named president. pugilist.—Chancellor Dollfuss shot feet. open.— House votes 3.2 beer. oust Huey Long.—Roosevelt loses Schmellng in lOth round.—House 13— Roosevelt orders warships toin arm by Austrian Nazi. 21— Dr. Sprague quits U. S. treas­ in farm bill vote in Senate.— Ed­ ' 15— Record advance made in votes $3,459,908 tot industrial re­ Cuba; De Cespedes sworn in ah ury, assails gold policy. I Franklin D. Roosevelt in Miami; ward J. Kelly, Cermak friend, elect­ 5—John D. Rockefeller, Jr., offers stocks as trading reopens.—Tennes­ covery program. president.—Two negroes lynched in 22— Mrs. Rheta Wynekoop found I Mayor Anton Cermak of Chicago ed Chicago mayor. liquor control program,—William L. History Underwent Major see tornado kills 34; injured exceed Alabama; third carried away by Veeck, head of , dies; slain in gheistly Chicago mystery. I shot twice. 16— Bob Carey, noted auto racer, 10— Johnny Goodman, Omadia, 200.—Britain orders sharp protest wins U. S. open golf title. mob.—Gene Sarazen wins national Rene Adoree, actress, dies. 24— A1 Smith attacks Roosevelt I 16— Senate votes repeal, 63-23. killed in Los Angeles crash. professional golf final. monetary policy.-Dr. Alice Wyne­ Upheavals as the United 1 17—Mrs. Douglas Robinson, sister to Soviet in arrest of British sub­ 11— Spanish flierz complete A t­ 7— Roosevelt removes Commis­ jects in Russia. 17— Senate votes down 16 to 1 14— Harvey Bailey, leader in koop arrested in Chicago "operating of the late President Theodore silver, 43-33.—House passes arms lantic hop at Chamaguey, Cuba, sioner Humphrey from Federal 16— Seventy-five per cent of banka Urschel kidnaping, captured in Tex­ room” murder.—McClure and 70 Roosevelt, dies. embargo resolution. covering 4,553 miles.-Chicago ex­ as. Trade Board.—Four get life terms others found guilty in Pennsylvania States Saw ''New Deaf in nation reported reopened.— 18—James J. Corbett, former 18— Soviet sentences two Britonsposition sightseeing plane crashes; 16—Hambletonlan stake, trotting for Urschel kidnaping.— Giants win liquor ring. Roosevelt asks farm rell^, sends world series, beating *Washftigton, heavyv'elght pugilistic champion, to prison; three to be expelled.— 10 die. classic, won by Mrry Reynolds. 25— Hitler asks new accord end­ sweeping bill to Congress.—Senate 4-3. dies. Jimmy Walker marries Betty Comp­ 12— World economic conference 18— NRA bars open shop clauses ing treaty of Versailles.— Camille Operate— Science and In­ approves beer bill, after reducing .19—Wyoming is first state to pro­ ton in Cannes. opens in London. in flna' ruling on codes.—Roosevelt 8— Morris Hillqult, Sociadlst lead­Chautemps chosen to head French alcohol content to 3.05. vide ma(Alnery for repeal. 19— U. S. drops gold standard; 13— Senate passes industriad re­takes control of oil industry. er, dies. cabinet. 18— League council orders Peru vention Also Contribute. 20—House votes, 289-121, for re­ covery bill. 19— President signs lumber code. 9— Gus Winkler, Chicago gang­ 26— Body of Brooke Hart, kidnap to give up i^eticia.—Dr. Hans Luth­ Roosevelt seeks inflation authority. peal of prohibition.—Senate passes —Britain orders ban on chief im­ 15— Britain pays $10,000,iXK) to U.—Joe Kirkwood wins Canadian open ster chief, slain. victim, found in San Francisco bay, er named German simbassador to $315,000,000 Wagner relief bill.— ports from Russia. S. on wau* debt; France defaults. golf title. 11— First employers, in Indiana 27— Kidnapers of Brooke Hart Washington. and New York, stripped of NRA JANUARY Zangara given ninety years in pris­ 21—Ramsay MacDonald reaches 16— President starts national re­ 25— ’Twenty-one nations agree on lynched in San Jose, Calif.; deed 19— Towns in three states flooded insignia.—Transport plane crash in 1— Japan refuses to sign non-on for Cermak shooting in Miami. Washington, confers with Roosevelt covery programs, signs bills. restrictions of wheat crops. condoned by Governor Rolph of hggression pact with Russia. 21 — Hitlerites wreck Catholic by Ohio River; three die in Ken­ 17— London plan to peg money is 26— Samuel Insull arrested in Indiana kills seven. — Klngsford- California, stirring storm ^ pro­ tucky. on world economic recovery.—Sum­ Smlth completes flight to clip 40 2— Mrs. Belle Moskowitz, welfare-meetings. Injuring many.—Hymans ner Welles named ambassador to rejected by Roosevelt. Greece.—Frank Hawks makes Van- test.—Strike of 8000 workers ties 20— New York Jewish leaders ask hours from Englemd-Australia up Chicago stockyards. political leader, dies—Bolivians rout report o League blames Japan for Cuba.—Airship Macon makes maid­ 18— Dr. A. H, Compton revealscouver-Quebec dash in 17 hours.— Washington to protest to Germany record. 28— A1 Smith denies Father Paraguayans in six-hour battle. aggression in China. en flight. atom discoveries. Helen Jacobs beats Helen Wills on Nazi outrages.—Roosevelt signs 12— Senator James J. Davis ofCoughlin’ charge that he is linked 3— Two killed, twelve wounded in 22—Malcolm Campbeb sets auto 24— Premier Herrlot of France 19— William Hamm, Jr., million­Moody ■ lefault for national wom­ $500,000,000 economy measure; Sen­ Pennsylvania acquitted in Moose with Morgan. — Maryland troops mine clash.—Japanese tight­ speed record of 272.108 miles an meets Roosevelt for parley. aire St. Paul brewer, freed by kid­ en’s tennih title. ate adopts 3.2 beer report.—Z«m- lottery trial,—Alcatraz island is clash with mob, carry off lynching en hold on Shanhaikwan.—Jack hour at Daytona, Fla. 25— Admiral Byrd resigns as napers.—Austria outlaws Nazis. 27— Raymond Mol«y quits Roose­ gara dies for murder of Mayor An­ velt "brain trust” to edit maga­ picked for federal prison.—Machine suspects—Touhy and aides acquit­ Plckford, former film star, dies. 24— Federal Inquiry starts on Na­ chairman of Economy League.—Dr. 21— Rail wage reduction put off 4— Mail robbers make $150,000tional City hank and Insull.—House ton Cermak of Chicago.—Britain zine. —Roosevelt slg^ns auto code, Gun Kelly and wife sentenced to ted of Hamm kidnaping in St. Paul. Felix Adler, founder of ethical cul­ for eight months. haul in Minneapolis.—Thirty die impeaches Judge Louderback of suspends Soviet trade treaty. eiffecting 450,000 workers.—Mac­ prison for life in Urschel kidnaping. 29— Four Maryland men held as ture movement, dies.—House passes . 22—Charles Mitchell, former bank when $20,000,000 French ship burns. California.—Indiana dry law repeal 21— Storms rage on Atlantic Donald Smith wins Western open 14— Germany quits League of Na­lynchers freed by court.—Mob in Muscle Shoals bill. chief, acquitted in tax fraud trial.— is voted.—Japan leaves League as­ coast, taking heavy toll.—Charles golf crown. tions and arms conference. St. Joseph, Mo., lynches negro. — 5— Calvin Coolidge dies of heart Hitler ousts Socialists from Reich­ sembly after censure. E. Mitchell, banker, arrested on in­ 27— White House announces that 28— Senator ' Huey Long gets 18— Negro lynched by, mob of Roosevelt names Joseph Choate, Jr., attack at home in Northampton, war debt terms will stand.—Iowa stag and suppresses party. as liquor "czar.” Mass.— 100,000 Chinese fiee Shan­ 25 — Chaoyang, Jehol’s second come tax charges. black eye at party on Long Island. -1000 at Princess Anne, Md. farmers abduct and beat judge in 26— Spanioh fliers who made DECEMBER haikwan.—Senate subcommittee re­ largest city falls to Japanese.— 22— Farm relief bill passed by 29— Roosevelt names Ickes as oil 20— Roosevelt acts for parley on Washington approves League’s ac­ foreclosure row. ocean record found dead ' .i wrecked administrator. Russian recognition by U. S. 1—Scottsboro jury again finds ports favorably on prohibition re­ House.—Beer bill signed by Roose­ plane in Mexico. tion on Manchuria.—Couzens bank velt. 28— Senate, votes farm bill with SEPTEMBER 21— Milo Reno officially opensPatterson guilty.—Richard B. Mel­ peal plan. 27— Hitler dissolves Nationalist lon. banker, dies. bill passed, signed by Hoover.—Bos­ 23— Reichstag votes four-year dic­inflation; bonus defeated.—National 2—New tropical storm rages; farm strike. 6— Thousands flee volcanic erup­ Party; Hugenberg quits cabinet. 3—Alexander Legge, Harvester tions in Chile. ton Red Sox American League base­ tatorship for Hitler regime.—Ferdi­ Recovery Act drafted on “daring Cuban death list high.—Francesco 23—Roosevelt orders buying of lines.” 29— “Fatty” Arbuckle, film com­ chief, dies.—Pan-American Confer­ 9— Albert H. w ’iggin, long headball club sold to Yawkey and Col­ nand Pecora ordered to investigate De Plnedo, famous Italian aviator, gold at once above world price; lins. 30— Tornadoes kill and injure edian, dies at 46.—Primo Camera killed in plane takeoff.—Italy and signs retail code; extends time for ence opened. of Chase National bank, retires.— Harriman National Bank in N. Y. knocks out Jack Sharkey in sixth 5— Repeal of prohibition ratified Rebellion flares in Spain.— Stalin re­ 26— Roosevelt confirms appoint­ scores in Mississippi and Arkansas. Soviet sign friendship and non-ag­ ruling on veterans compensation.— 24— Charles E. Mitchell indicted round, wins heavyweight champion­ William N. Dojik, former secretary by Utah, 36th state.— Ellsworth affirms Soviet policy. ments of Farley and Wallace to on charge of evading income tax.— —President Sanchez of Peru as­ gression treaty.—Virginia Van Wie sassinated. ship. * wins U. S. women’s golf title. of labor, dies.— Graf Zeppelin sails from New Zealand for Antarc­ 10— Hoover ask 5 power to widencabinet.—Two Detroit banks taken Babe Ruth signs contract for $52,- 30— Vienna Diet ousts all Nazi 4.—Storm cuts across Florida, reaches Miami on way to World’s tic flight. Bumas embargo.—Japanese open drive over by Ford; end of tieup seen.— 000, hits homer. MAY deputies. rages on to Texas; loss heavy.—Gar Fair Faiir in Chicago. — Daladier 6— Lindberghs fly from Africa to cn Jehol. Dayton, Ohio, banks declare three- 25— Colpnel Hatfield wins Louis­ 1— U. S. treasury bars gold for day holiday.—Grand Duke Alexan­ JULY Wood successfully defends Harms- cabinet falls. Brazil in 17 hours. 12—House votes to pay bounty iana Derby. securities holders abroad.—’Troops 1—John (Jake the Barber) Fac­ '8—Elmer Layden selected as No­ to farmers.—Soviet expels opposi­ der of Russia dies in exile— in worth speedboat trophy. 25— Albert Sarraut named to 27— Mrs. Jimmy Walker receivesseize 67 farmers in Iowa riot ?sone. tor kidnaped near Chicago.—A. R. tre Dame football coach. tion leaders from party. France. 5— Train wreck at Binghamton, form new French cabinet. final divorce decree in Miami, Fla. 2— Nazis seize unions in Reich inErsklne, Studebaker head, ends own 10— Bill Roper, famed football 15— Pope proclaims holy year, 27— Bankruptcy relief bill passed N. Y., kills 23, injures 100.—Hurri­ 29— Roosevelt decides to Buy gold 28— Federal pay cut of' 15 persurprise raids. — China receives life at South Bend.—Robert Gore coach, dies. starting April 2. by Senate.^—Roosevelt names Ickes cane ravages Rio Grande valley; abroad through RFC — E. H. cent April 1 ordered by Roosevelt.— Soviet envoy after six-year break. inaugurated as governor of Puerto 12— Connie Mack sells Grove, 16— Seven in French plane flyand Swanson to cabinet.—Banks in scores dead and injured. — Henry Sothern, famed actor, dies at 73.— Hitlerites order boycott against 3— House passes inflation bill.—Rico.—Roscoe Turner sets coast-to- Cochrane, Walberg, Bishop and South Atlantic in 14 hours.—Babe more than fifty Ohio cities limit Ford raised wages, fails to sign Paul Pamleve, ex-premier of France, withdrawals. — Incendiary fire Jews in business and schools.—Nm I Muscle Shoals bill passes Senate.— coast air mark, 11 hours, 40 min­ NRA code.—Cuban enlisted men dies. Eamshaw for $300,000 and other Ruth refuses $60,000 contract, a baseball players. $15,000 cut. wrecks German Reichstag building mobs terrorize center of Vienna, German Federation of Industries utes. overthrow De Cespedes regime. 30— Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt in Berlin.—Nineteen indicted on beating Jews.—British air liner falls agrees to Nazi control.—Irish Dali 3—Russell Boardman, famed filer, 8—King Feisal of Iraq dies sud­ opens 1933 Mobilization for Human 14— Lindberghs land in Puerto 17— Philippine independence vot­ Rico on way home. ed over Hoover’s veto.— Japan mail fraud charges in Insull crash. in Belgium; 15 killed. ends oath to British crown. dies of crash injuries. denly. j Needs drive in Chicago. 15— Gen. Hugh Johnson charges makes defiant reply to League ulti­ 28— Roosevelt completes cabinet 29— House passes Roosevelt bill 5— House passes securities bill.— 5—Roosevelt continues federal 10— Grau San Martin sworn in as 31—■ Greek court rejects U. S. re­ quest for Insull ext-adition. U. S. law violation in Weirton steel matum for conciliation. by naming Senator Thomas Walsh for forestry jobs for 250,000. Tornadoes kill 28 in south. pay slash to end of year.—Centrist president of Cuba. plant election: vote fair, legal, says 20— Scotti ends Metropolitan op­and Miss Frances Perkins. 30— Senate votes $500,000,000 di­ 6— Broker’s Tip wins KentuckyParty ’n Germany dissolves. 11— Van Orman and Trotter, | NOVEMBER steel chief. era career in great triumph. rect relief to states.—Father Cough­ Derby. 8— Roosevelt names Harold Ickesmissing balloonists, rescued in 2— First gold is bought in France MARCH to direct public works rogram.— 21— Japan mops up Jehol border. 1— Alabama adopts banking holi­lin’s Detroit home bombed.—Bri­ 8— Senate passes securities bill.— Canada. for RFC. —Roosevelt pledges government op­ day; other states act. tain recalls envoy from Russia. Dr. James Bryant Conaijit named Denny Shute wins playoff for Brit­ 16— Belmont Futurity won by 3— U. S. Senator John B. Ken­ ish open golf title.-^Helen Wills Singing Wood. eration of Muscle Shoals. 2— Senator Thomas Walsh of 31— Roosevelt signs bill liftingpresident of Harvard.—Gandhi, freed drick of Wyoming, 76. dies. Moody wins Wimbledon tennis title 17— Hurricane sweeps Atlantic Deaths Last Night 22— Mermoz reaches Buenos AiresMontana dies suddenly, five days limit on medical liquor.—Tornadoes from jail, starts 21-day fast. 4— Washington assails extradition for sixth time. coast; storm in Mexico kills 110. from Paris, in 54 1-2 hour flight. after marriage. take 48 lives in southern states. 10— Combination farm aid-infla­ treaty with Greece after Insull 9— Roosevelt signs cotton textile 18— Jean Harlow marries Harold wins.—William G. Shepherd, war 23— Technocracy group breaks 3— House Democrats select Henry APRIL tion bill passes Senate.—Tennessee Louisville, Ky. — Dr. Vernon up; Howard Scott ousted from Col­ code, first major industrial pact.— O. Rosson, cameraman. correspondent, dies. Robins, 61, city chemist and former­ T. Rainey of Illinois as speaker.— 1—Roosevelt orders $400,000,000 and Kentucky tornadoes kill scores. umbia.—"Lame duck’’ amendment Colonel and Mrs. Lindbergh start 19— New York Giants clinch Na­ 5— Texas Guinan dies after opera­ly connected with the Rockefeller Bank holidays declared in five west­ cut in veterans’ pensions.—Nazis —Paraguay declares wsu- against fully ratified. Bolivia.—German students bum all flight to Arctic. tional League pennant. tion in Vancouver. Foundation. ern states.—Japanese report cap­ hold one-day boycott of Jews.— 20— Dr. Annie Besant, theosophist 24— Washington opens doors to "un-German” books at universities. 13— John Factor, free, says $50,- 6— Mussolini takes over air min­ Norton, Kas.—Dr. H. V. Scar­ ture of capital of Jehol. Pope opens Holy Door, starts pray­ 000 ransom paid his kidnapers; two leader, 85, dies in India. negotiations with debtor nations. —E. R. Blqck chosen to head Fed­ istry; send Balbo to Africa. borough, 57, well known tuberculosis 4— Roosevelt inaugurated; actser year. arrested for Banker Luer kidnap­ 21— Soft coal wage agreement 7— La Guardia elected mayor ofspecialist in the middle west. 25— A1 Capone denied freedom onquickly to end bank crisis. eral Reserve Board. habeas corpus writ. 3— Michigan first state to vote for ing, Alton, ni. signed: affects 340,000.—Reichstag New York City.—Litvinoff arrives 5— Hitler bloc wins majorities in 11— Roosevelt blocks cash bonus 27— England and League support repeal.—Four British flyers sur­ 14— Cotton crop cut adopted;fire trial opens in (Germany.—Wash­ in New York for Soviet recognition payment; aids veterans. PREMIER DUCA’S FUNERAL Stimson peace plea.— Ford blames Reichstag and Prussian Diet. mount Everest, world’s highest processing tax ordered. ington clinches American League conference. 6— Roosevelt meets governors,peak. 12— Farm inflation bill and Wag­ 15— Balboa’s Italian air fleetpennant. 8— Seven of Touhy gang indic.ed bankers as plants close and 100,000 ner $500,000,000 states’ aid bill sign­ become idle. sums up nation’s tasks.—Mayor An­ 4— Airship Akron crashes off New reaches Chicago, after 6,100-mile 22— Roosevelt offers farmers loanin John Factor kidnaping. — King Bucharest, Rumania, Jan. 2.— ed by Roosevelt.—President orders (AP)—It was announced today that 28— Massachusetts storm takeston Cermak of Chicago dies of as­ Jersey coast; 73 dead or missing. flight. of 10 cents a pound on cotton. of Afghanistan assassinated. sassin’s bullet wound. 5— President Roosevelt invokes274,000 men enrolled for forestry by 17—Lithuanian fliers cross ocean 25— Hurricane sweeps Tampico; 0— Cuban rebels lose fort in six- King Carol had contracted a cold $1,000,000 toil—Cabinet resigns in July 1. * Germany; Hindenburg seeks coali­ 8— Jesse Isidor Straus chosen hoarding law. from U. S., die in crash in Germany. many dead.—Roscoe Turner sets hour battle; 100 killed. and would be unable to attend the S. ambassador to France. 6— Thirty-hour week bill passed 13— Head Play wins Preakness 20— Concordat with Germany new is trapscontinental air record, 10 10— Brooke Hart, San Jose, Calif.,funeral services for the assassinated tion.— Roosevelt and Sir Roland stake race. Lindsay comer on British war debt. 9— Roosevelt asks banking dicta­by Senate.—Ruby Bates, in Scotts- signed at Vatican. hours, 5% minutes. merchant’s son, kidnaped. — Con­ premier, of Rumania, Ion G. Duca. 29— Daladier seeks tc form newtor powers of Congress.—Secretary boro trial, repudiates story of at­ 15— Ernest Torrence, famed film 22— Elliott Roosevelt and Ruth 26— Ring Lardner, author, dies.—troller General McCarl holds Ford Mean.vhile the King and other French Cabinet. of Tresaury Woodin authorizes local tack.—Hitlerites seize control of actor, dies at 55.—Floods kill 15 in Googius wed in Iowa. Ten desperate criminals break In­ eligible to federal contracts. membe~s of the government were 30— Adolph Hitler becomes chan­scrip issues. German business. Indiana and Ohio. 2^—Mollisons cross Atlantic in diana state prison.—Machine Gun 12— Chicago World’s Fair closes.attempting to persuade Nicholas Titulecc j, foreign minister, to re­ cellor of German coalition cabinet. 10— Roosevelt asks powers for 7— Legal beer comes back; mil­ 16— Roosevelt areals to 54 na­plane, crash at Bridgeport, Conn.— George Kelly and wife captured in —sHitler’s policy wins in German consider his decision to resign from 31— League committee upholdscuts on federal and veterans’ pay.— lions celebrate. tions to disarm.—Gaston B. Means Wiley Post finishes world flight, set­ Memphis, for Urschel kidnaping. election, 20 to 1 majority. 27— Cache of $73,500, part of the Cabinet. Titulescu announced he Chinese boycott of Japanese goods. Severe quake rocks southern Cali­ 9— Jury convicts negro in Scotts-convicted of Lindbergh ransom ting record of 7 days, 18 hours, 13— Anthracite strike of 40,000 Urschel ransom, dug up in Texas.— men ended. would quit his nost as a protest —John Galsworthy, British novelist, fornia; 140 dead, 5000 injured. boro trial, with death penalty. hoax.— Dr. John Grier Hlbben, 49% minutes.—Charles Urschel, James W.' Collier, author of 3.2 beer 15— Roosevelt pardons Conrad H.against conditions which permitted dies. 11— House passes Roosevelt econ­ 10— Dr. Henry Van Dyke, 81, dies Princeton University head, killed in wealthy Oklahoma oil man, kidnap­ auto crash. bill in Congress, dies. Mann, convicted in Eagles lottery the slaying of Duca Friday by an FEBRUARY ed.—English Davis Cup team de­ 18— French- chamber approves feats XT. S. 29—Communists riot in Havana; cases — Henry Morgenthau, Jr., anti-Semitic Iron Guard member. 1— Hitler wins Reichstag dissolu­ pact with Russia. 24— Roger Touhy and three aides 6 killed, 27 hurt.—Joseph V. McKee named acting secretary of treasury; tion; election set for March 5. 19— Roosevelt receives bonus jailed as Hamm kidnap suspects. enters New York mayor race. Woodin given leave.—W. K. Van­ 2— Frederick G. Bonflls, Denver marchers’ committee. 26— Louise Closser Hale, noted OCTOBER derbilt, Jr., dies in auto crash. publisher, dies. — Sandino enters 21— Four powers agree at Romeactress and author, dies.—President 1— Roosevelt orders huge . non­ 16— Dr. W. I. Myers named farm Managua and confers on Nicarag­ on 10-year European peace pact. profit relief corporation set up. credit chief, succeeding Morgenthau. STOMACH UPSET uan peace terms. mobilizes nation for recovery drive; 22— Bonus army disbands in 2— Battle rages in Havana; 119 -^Brooke Hart, kidnaped in San 3— Prices soar, then crash in wild orders federal war on kidnapers. Get at the real cause. That’s Washington. 28— Automobile code signed; 35- gold speculation in London.—Senate what thousands of stomach suffer­ suspends Sergeant-at-Arms Barry 23— J. P, Morgan admits he andhour week. ers are doing now. Instead of tak­ for article in A1 Smith’s New Out­ his partners paid no Income tax in 30— England captures )avl8 Cup ing tonics or trying to patch up a look. 1931 and 1932, at Senate banking by beating France, 3-2. poor digestion they are attacking 31— Urschel kidnapers free Okla­ 4—League rejects Japan’s terihs inquiry. the real cause of the ailment— clog­ on conciliating dispute in China. 24— J. P. Morgan’s "stock favor”homa oil man for $200,000 ransom. ged liver and disordered bowels. AUGUST 6— Fire at Coney Island causes list revealed.—Tom Mooney acquit­ Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets help 1— Blue Eagle signs appear over $250,000 loss. — German press ted of "second murder.” arouse the liver in a soothing, heal­ nation as drive officially opens. gagged; Prussian regime displaced. 26— House passes Roosevelt indus­ ing way. When the liver and bow­ 2— Carl Hubbell sets scoreless in­ 9— Cold wave grips nation; 60 re­ trial recovery bill. els are performing their natural ning pitching record. 46 innings.— ported dead.—League of Nations 27— Chicago Century of Progress fimctions, people rarely suffer from Fourteen thousand banks adopt warns Japan not to invade Jehol opened by Postmaster General Far­ indigestion and stomach troubles. NRA code for iiours and pay. province.—Mollison flies South At- ley. Have you a bad taste, coated 3— MiUion-dollar flood sweeps Vmtlc and lands at Natal, Brazil. 29— House votes gold repeal reso­ tongue, poor appetite, a lazy, don't- Denver; two killed. 10— ^Hitler proclaims war on de­ lution, 283 to 57.—Gandhi ends fast. care feeling, no ambition or energy, 5— ^Leaklng valve forces Settle mocracy at Nazi rally.—Gas blast 30— Eleven convicts break from trouble with undigested foods? ftt Neunkircben, Saar, Germany, Kansas state prison.— Loifls Meyer down on stratosphere flight in Chi­ Olive Tablets, the , substitute for kills 100, injures 1,000. wins Indianapolis 500-mIle auto cago. calomel. 11— ^Earthquake in China report­ race: three killed. 6— Joseph D. OUyar. plow manu­ Dr. Eklwards Olive Tablets are a ed to have killed 70,000. 31— Lord Derby’s Hyperion winsfacturer, dies in South ^ n d , Ind. purely vegetable compoimd. Kno^v 7— Rossi and Codos, French fliers, 18— Hawaii frees four charged English Derby in record time. them by their olive color. Tliey do land in Syria for distance record of Mth attack on Mrs. Thalia Massle. JUNE the work without griping, cramps 12— Japan drafts ultimatum for 5,713 miles. or pain. All dug^sts. 15c, 80c 2—Harold W. Dodds elected pres­ 9—Roosevelt app«^ to Cuto for jChina to give up-Jehol. and 60c. More than 100 died, many were injured, and loss ran into ident of Princeton University. peace; Spain and l^ ta jn protest Lynching madness was climaxed by a double outrage by a mob 15—Assassin shoots five times at Take one or two at btdtlma for ■lillipna In the March quake at Long ;Beach, Calif* 8— William Muldooa* "Iron Duka” disorders.—Huge Kansas bond fbrg- which broke into the jail at San Jose, Calif. f quick relief. Eat whtt

J ■ MANCHEOTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN„ TWSADAT, JANtJABT t ■'t BRISTOL’S LATE RALLY NIPS M. H. S. BY 27 Columbici Wins In Greatest Rose Bowl Upsetf 7 UONS TURN BACK STANFORD First Time Since 1920 BRILUANT PLAY OF LOCALS That East Won Contest THROWS SCARE INTO BY SCORING ON TRICK P U Y Pasadena, Calif., Jan. 2 Let them come in large num- When Columbia S ea ted Btaaford I stUl think we'U win.*^ Coach Lou Little substituted only to win the wreath of roses in the four men; Washington aod Jefferson aimuaLNew Year’s Day intersee- used the same eleven throughout Red and White Displays Amazing Reversal of Form, SEVEN FUMBLES BY Nation*s Bowlers Crown tlonal game it was the first time Both games were played on a water­ since 1920 an eastern aggregation logged gridiron. Forces Issue from Start to Shatter Zone Defense Following is the basket by baakat came out victor. Coach Tiny Thomblll said after account of tha thrilling court stniff-. New Champion In April Harvard won that game 7 to 6. In the game; fla between Bristol s m Manchsstat ■ INDIANS BIG HELP the 19 years of the elasslo, not in­ "Columbia played the great game and C aue Shift to Man to Man; Trail by Single Point ^ b at Bristol last oigbt, in wMeb cluding the two service games, the I expected It would. We have no a desperate last quarter rally gave Ten mllUon eubjecta of the prtD**.8t«lB of 8t. Louis. Beribnar sue* east has won two, tied two and lost alibis." the AU a ty five a 27-19 vietory TO EASTS ELEVEN cipaltty of BowllDfanla will bow to'CMifully defended bis bonnet six. The south won three, lost one Bald the Columbia mentor; at Half Bat Falter in Last Period as Fools Take Toll over a gaUisBt Red aad Wblt4 a new monarch tble year. On a date against'these two, but finally bad it and tied ons, while the middle'west "Our team won because it would­ quintet « In April, epeolfled by tba American knocked off by Joe Faloare of New won one and lost one. n't be beaten. Btanford was the First Quarter Bowlinf CoDfrasa, the wlanar of a- York. Kerb Kopf, Columbia backfleld bHt team we played all year. It was B. If. Falcaro, borrowing a few ideas ooaoh and star for Washington and a clean, hard game from start to A long ilumbering Manchester High School basketball quintet Utke, B, short e ld s ...... 2 f Two Fine Plajro Plui Heads country-wlde tournament will bowl Jefferson In the 0 to 0 tie game finish." Joe Millar, of Buffalo, N, Y„ for tba from figbt managers, demanded awakened last night and handed Bristol High’s state and New O'Leary, M, fo u l...... 2 ] sueb hlgn guarantees to defend his with California In 1922, called the A1 Masters, Btanford graduate England court champs their wont scare of the season before Utke, B, fou l...... 3 1 title 0* "Ktnf of the Kaflera," turn in yesterday's 7 to 0 victory, manager, said approximately 36,000 Up Defensive Football Evar atnea, Jimmy Imlth, of title that were was agitation for bowing to a frantic rally In the last quarter that gave the Bell O’Leary, M, short elds .... 8 I Congreee to pa* a Finally, "The Mtup this year," eaid Kopf persons paid to see the game, the Zebrowskl, B, foul ...... 4 8 Brooklyn, Mllwaukae and Chloafo at Tucson before the team left for smallest crowd in the eleven years City five victory by the cloee margin of 27 to 19. Although aet hlmaelf up aa champion, and with the formation of the Bowling Johnson, M, short side ...... 4 8 Gives New Yorkers a Most Pasadena, "Is the same as that 12 the game haa been played In its beaten, ft was a moral triumph for the Red and White, bringing Zebrowskl, B, short ...... 6 8 was aubaaqusn^ dafeatad by Jlm> Proprietors' Association in Detroit, 'ears ago when we came west. present stadium. Many did not ar­ my Blouln of Chlcaffo, the tltla haa three years ago. It was decided to Oallfomia was a bit favorite. We rive until the second half, after the back to the team a long loet fighting spirit and confidence that Bmlth, M, fo u l...... 6 « been claimed by tnis fallow and choose a king by ellmlBatiOB. were outweighed. The weather was touchdown of the day bad been should bring success during the remainder of the current cam­ Judd, M, fbul ...... 6 1 . Amazing Victory. New York staU and Obioago held Baooad Quarter that. to have worked against us. Yet scored. paign. ison, M, short ...... 6 I Blouln retired undefeated. After ell mini. tloB touraaments. Don Btew- California was lucky to get a tie. Masters added that every one Break Zone Defense that Smith, by virtue of a flva>yaar art Watson won out In Chicago, and - tb, M, lo n g ...... 6 11 "This Columbia team Is In the concerned "broke even." It was es­ No better indloatlozi of Masohes- 'owikl, B, fo u l...... 7 11 By Piul Zlmmtrmtn. eahlbltlen tour In which ha aver- Jos Miller copped the New York same spot and the playere have the timated the gross gate was ardund ter'e releatleee, afgreeslve style of ayeC SOY >n 000 fames, again state crown. Miller, to remove aiy 180,000. 0, B, foul ...... 8 11 Piiadm a, Cal.. Jtn. 2.— same attitude we had. Let them be play from start to finish of the hea- B O X S C O R E 1 Mon, M, foul ...... I 13 (AP)—Columbia today still cfalmed honors. But Frank Karth- doubt of his eastern supremacy, of­ tlo, thrill-packed etruirle can be elaar, another Ohleagoan appoint* fered to meet Falcaro for undisput­ t, B, fo u l...... 9 13' was tha gsm of ths octan—th i found than in the fact that Brietol Brietol (17). tb, M, long lids ...... 9 14 ed himself potentate of tha ptna, ed Atlantic seaboard honors. was forced to abandon its celebrat­ Pacific or any old ocaan for that With both Jimmy and Frank The match w u all arranged—but P B F T Utki, B, foul...... 10 14 ed lone dafenae after the first half 2 Utke, r f ...... 2 8-4 7 Sonitroem, B, fo u l...... 11 lA mattar—ao far as football fani claiming honors, and a few other the day before It was to bo held, and lubetltute a man to man de­ would'ba rulers thrown In for food Falcaro was shot and temporarily HEYDLER SAYS BASEBALL 4 Maro, I f ...... 8 8-4 9 Utke, B, long ...... 18 14 of tha waitarn laaboard ware fame that finally brought the Mon 1 Cote, If ...... 0 0-0 0 Maro, B, l o ^ ...... IB 14 measure, the bowling picture rival­ inoapacltatod. ahanmsii their fifth itraight victor concamad. For yaitarday be- ed tha Brownlrig>Londoa>8avoldi*Ed 4 Zebrowskl, o . . . . 1 2-3 4 Third Quarter Miller then went on to defeat over Manobeeter and tnclr sixIS S DiGlovannl, rg .. 0 1-4 1 Sheldon, M, foul ...... 18 18 fora approxlmataly 85,000 per- ?on Oeorge four*rlng circus In the straight of the present eeaion. leavywalfht wrastUng picture. Watson In the playoff and was de HAS WEATHERED STORM 1 Monahan, rg, o .. 0 0-0 0 Sheldon, M, foul ...... 16 16 aoni thi Lloni wrota tha most dared champion. But even his claim Mane heeter’e reversal of form 8 Bonatrosm, ig . .. 2 2-4 6 Maro, B, foul ...... 18 18 amailng chaptar In Rosa Bowl was lltMe short of astonishing. Ths Maro, B, short sid e ...... II 18 Whether or not the boys con­ was not recognised. There arose a Ing aad at this pelat Rookvllls ssnt Clarksmsn rafussd to bs eowired by history by defaatlng Stanford sidered Bmlth too tough remains to chorus of howls from all over the 18 1 11-18 27 Maro, B, foul ...... 19 18 in a flook of frssb mta who ran tbs Bristol's Imprsssive record and Maaohsster (18 Johnson* M. foul ...... 19 17 }e known. Nevertheleea, they Ig­ country that Joe wasn't a good king Head of National League tlrsd Ilso players off thslr feet aad 7 to 0. and something had to be dene abou^ went out at toe starting whistle to P B F ■ T Fourth Quarter Two iroat pltvi plui h»»di-up nored him In challenging for the ti­ left them iaaptaf for air like a ehad play the Maroon and White off their 4 Johnson, rf ...... 2 8-5 7 Johnson, M, foul ...... 10 II dtfOBilv* football I .ve Coach Lou le, and Xartholier was iwamped It. out of water la the iahara deeert. The American Bowling Oongrees Says Hard Days Have f m through the first and leoond 1 Clarks, r f ...... 0 0-0 0 Maro. B, luok sr...... 31 II S_ with •” threats. * - viotory Boon after the opealag whlatle quarters, Brietol leaving the fioor at 0 Leone, rf ...... 0 0-0 0 DiGlovannl, B, fo u l...... 32 II wblob made storm ridden Boutbera He finally dropped hie synthetic took a hand, and It was decided to 'J! hold an elimination contest amon Lerry Malonev drew i n t blood intermission badly ehaken and com­ 4 O’Leary, I f ...... 1 1-8 8 Bonitroem, B, short side ..34 II California forget Its wet feet, mwe orown to Charley_____ Daw of MUwau- Been Left Behind — Talks with a beautiful long ehot from the pletely rid of the oooklneea with 1 Tureok, If ...... 0 0-0 0 Sonetroem, B, short elds .. 38 II so by torrential rains before the kee. Daw, In turn, ■ lost ‘ ‘ to Adolph *'Mph bowlers In 80 states. Winners state oontests were to bold inter middle jf the fioor. Bakulekl re­ v^loh they had entered the fray. 2 Bbeldon, o ...... 0 2*2 a Smith. M. foul ...... 28 II contest and spumodlo showers dur­ Carlson of Chicago,), and Joe Bo:nonb- 2-6 Sonetroem, B. foul ...... 37 19 Kthe title to Auto state eliminations and the final of Future. taliated for Rockville aad the fire­ A Telling Attack 1 Bmlth, r g ...... 2 8 ing the game. victor in those matches was to works atartsd. Ths Reoe countered A Blow end eeutloue etteok, with 8 Judd, Ig ...... 0 1-8 1 Pass Paves Way bowl against Miller for national again when Freddy Blieell reoed ■uprem.. oonfldence written all over Then came challenges from Mort 16 6 9-18 19 The touchdown came midway In Lindsay, of New York, and Otto honors. Editor's Note: This le another under the loop for a sucker shot to it, shattered Bristol’s sons defense the second period. Cliff Montgom of a lerlea of sporti proapeota put the locale in the lead. Maloney to emlthereene. Time and time Score by periods: SAUER LEADS WEST ery, 153-pound quarterback, faked ■wlahed the cords again from ths again Manchester went down the Bristol ...... 6 9 4 8—27 for 1934 written sepeclally for 8 2- an end run, a play on which he had the Associated Preee by promi­ slds court and thsn added two fotil floor and Into Brietol territory, Manchester ...... 7 7 -19 been considerably successful up to nent leaders. shots for good measure. Rockville using the play repeatedly with Score at halftime, 16-14, Bristol. TO WIN OVER EASl this point of the contest But as he called time out in an effort to stop telling effect. Johnson and O’Leary Referee, Coogan. Time, eight ✓ raoed toward the sidelines he turned SPORT PROSPECTS HOLD By JOHN A. HEYDLER the West Bldere spurt. When time went 'nto the comers on the side. minute quarters. and unleashed a sharp forward wee resumed Bakulskl heaved one Sheldon Into the foul circle and (Prealdent of the N. B. L.) Brietol Seconds (86). pass. New York, Jan. 2.—(AP) — Our in from the foul line aad Pr- hnlak Smith and Judd dribhJed around In followed suit. Kozlowski tied the the bank court. And then a long, P B F T All-American Back Tallies In spite of the insecure footing GREAT PROMISE IN 1934 National game, 1 believe, has 1 Palau, rf ...... 6 1-1 11 and the soggy ball, mad Anthony ■core with a neat pot from a pivot looping pass to either Johnson or weathered the most critical year In play and the three hundred Polish 1 Benson, rf ...... 0 0-0 0 Matal, Columbia end, leaped high O’Leary, a quick toss at the basket 0-0 0 Twice to Give Team De­ over the head of Bobby Grayson, fessional In competition with the 40 Its history. fans that packed the ball went wild. and a tally, or. to vary the attack, 2 Harrlgan, r f ...... 0 Ed Jcllev sent one through the hoop 0 Sonstroem, rf ... 0 0-0 0 Stanford back, and brought the year old master, Big Bill Tllden, at - We, In the profeSsloif end of 'th’e a pass to Sheldon, who passed 0-0 6 slippery plgekln down hugged tight­ Brilliant Competition and Re­ Madison Square Garden. 'Ilils game, however, are proud to record frond oublde the foul circle and the quickly to the side to Johnson or 1 Cote, U ...... 3 cisive Victory, 12-0- locals had the lead again Prach for 1 Stone, If ...... 0 0-0 u ly to hlB bosom, 17 yards from the event, the forerunner of an interna­ that all organized leagues starting O’Leary who, in turn, tossed 0 T. Monahan, If .. 0 0-0 0 goal line. tional venture bringing France’ in 1933 — two majors and 14 minors niak matched Jollef’e shot with i the basket. vival of Old Events Stim­ ne-hand flip that seemed to come 1 P. Monahan, c .. 0 0-1 0 Alfred Barabas took the ball on Henri Cochet into the pro-picture, —battled through to the finish, and BrletoTs roolness under fire re­ 0 Heffeman, c .... 0 0-0 0 San Francisco, Jan. 2—(AP)—To the next play and attempted to contrasts with the drab outlook on that without asking or receiving from nowhere. ceived r severe teet In that first half the thirty thousand fans who saw the Amateur eide, where American 1 Lynch, c ...... 0 0-0 0 hand It to Montgomery on a re­ ulated by Comeback Al­ govertunent subsidy or aid. Trail At Half and It was not eurprleing that the 0 Koilkcsneskl, rg 2 2-2 6 the West humble the east, 12-0 in verse but fumbled and recovered for Davis cup prospects are at a low With the hard days back of us, Badculskl counted twice more team crumbled, that It sought des­ 0 Dobreski, rg . . . . 1 0-0 2 the New Year’s day charity foot- no gain. Ho took It again, faking ebb again and the return of Helen 1934 should promise better times for from the floor and then added two perately to gain a decisive m ar^n Jjall game, the brilliant performance ready Felt on Numerous Wills Moody to competition ques­ baseball and give encouragement to 1 Brown, rg ...... 0 0-0 0 first to Ed Brominski and then points to his score from the foul by resorting almoet entirely to long 0 Ferro, rg ...... 0 0-0 0 of a blonde terror from Nebraska Montgomery Another end run tionable. those who have given their all to line. Freddy Bissell made good two range popping at the basket that wii. not soon be forgotten. A challenge from Great Britain save clubs and leagues. 2 Audlano, Ig ...... 3 0-0 6 Montgomery thought Stanford, the Athletic Fronts. free tries and Just before the whis­ failed to take effect until the clos­ 1 Engels, Ig, c . . , . 0 0-0 0 George Henry Sauer, all-Ameri­ for the international polo trophy Is ' Names Five Factors . tle for the first half sounded Malo­ ing minute of the first l^alf, when can fullback, turned halfback for a rain-soaked fans agreed. overdue, but the United States If I were to name five factors to 0 Warzinski, Ig ... 1 0-0 2 Barabas Scores ney cut loose again with a long one Utke and Maro found the hoop In 0 Montelia, I g ...... 1 0-0 2 day to lead his western team mates By ALAN GOULD meanwhile awaits the decision soon make for new interest this season and th- score at the half found the swift succession to place Bristol In­ to victory over gridiron stars from But not Barabas. He started Associated Press Sports Editor a^ to whether Tommy Hitchcock, they would be: Rockville team holding in 18-14 ad- to a single pdint lead, 15 to 14. the eastern half of the country and the right as the red skins sought New York, Jan. 2.—(AP) —Stim­ long the top ranking American 1— The unusual number of shifts 12 16 3-4 35 vantagi. Coming back In the second Locals Take Lead Manchester Seconds (2tt) at the ssune time Inscribe his name Montgomery’s scalp to the left. And, ulated by the effects of a comeback polo star, must share or yield his in players, tending to a well bal­ to the honor role that lists many with the ball tucked half-hidden on position of eminence for 1934 with anced race, in which at least five half Ear) B'.ssell was switched to Bristol took the lead at the start P B F T already substantially felt on many put the damper on Bakulskl smd did tsuned predecessors. 'Twice in the the right side of his hip, Barabas athletic fronts, the campaign of Cecil Smith and Elmer Boeske, Jr. clubs should figure. when Utke dropped a short toss 0 Cobb, rf ...... 2 2-4 a a neat Job, but Prachnlak took up from the side court but only a few 0 Muidoon, r f ...... 0 0-0 0 opening period his cleats carved a hesuled for the goal line. 1934 holds forth the prospect not The horses will gallop on more 2— The novel all-Sunday schedule, touchdown message behind the east­ only of some extraordinarily bril­ tracks than ever before during the one*week shorter Emd not opening where Bakulskl left off and ably as­ minutes had elapsed when Manches­ 2 McCurry, I f ...... 3 6-7 11 Too late the Indians saw they had sisted by Sclbeck, the Rockville 1 Pinney, If ...... 0 0-0 0 ern goal Une. He gained 99 yards of been duped. Barabas was far out of liant competition but a revival of new year. College athletic budgets until April 17. ter knotted the count at f..reo-all, the west’s total 140 yards from events calculated to bring back should be balanced again. Babe 3— Adoption of a uniform baseballteam mjved fur+.her out In front. then at six-all, finally taking a 7-6 0 Gaveiio, c ...... 0 0-1 0 reach and scored standing up. New' Ruth may make his farewell to base­ “Flit" Midioney finally found the 0 Carpenter, c .... 0 0-1 0 scrimmage and defensively he left* ell Wilder, center, kicked the ex boom time memories. by the two majors, which will be advantage a the whistle ended the nothing to be decided. Not since 1930 has it been pos­ ball arms — at half the salary he standard also for many lower class range and dropped In a couple of period. Manchester Increased Its 0 Bycnolskl, rg . .. 5 1-2 11 tra point from placement. It wasn’ drew for 1933. Notre Dame should chuckers amd Red Hadden and 0 Haraburda, rg .. 0 0-0 0 Big Ed Danowski of Fordham^ necessary. sible to paint the New Year’s sports leagues. pace In the text quarter, i-unnlng played a powerful game at fuUhadk^ picture in such flambuoyant colors. stage a comeback on the gridiron 4— Agreement to play another all-"Alfle" Brown added one apiece to Its ma.'gln up to 11-7 before Bris­ 0 Campbell, ig . . . . 0 1-2 1 Stanford partially attended under Elmer Layden. The major tie the score but not for long as 0 Custer, Ig ...... 0 0-0 0 for the east. Satlstlcally the east For the first time in four years the star game in New York, .for the tol tallied twice from the compll- had all the adcantage. The west- that with its fumbles and Columbia Americas’ cup, classic trophy of league races both should be bigger players charity fund. Prachnlak and Sclbeck came back mentan’ circle to stay In. the run­ contributed with its tight goal line and better. in the last quarter after a short rest 9-17 29 erners snatched at a "break’’ to yacht racing, will be contested for 5— The insurance to the public, ning, Vhth a minute to go, Man­ 3 10 score their first touchdown, after an defense and its alert recovery of the between sportsmen of the United the player and to the club owner and tossed ’em In from all angles to chester was In front, 14-10. Son- Score by periods: Indian backs’ bobbles. give Rockville a ten point lead at east fumble. Not long after In States and Great Britain, each stak­ that Judge Landis will pilot the ship etroem made good on a tree throw Bristol ...... 10 14 4 7—38 the same quarter Sauer broke With the great Bobby Grayson ing a fortune to race for the his­ for seven coming years. the final ^histle in spite of the fact and then Utke and Maro counted Manchester .... 6 0 12 11--2 9 REC VOLLEY BALL To the newspaper sports observers that Mihoney added two more to through right tackle to run 28 doing most of the work, Stanford toric "old mug.” Score e^ halftime, 24-6, Bristol. for the second touchdown. Three had time to threaten in that second After an equal lapse, the one and of the country, whose opinions were the West S'ders colle.ctlo:i. to give Bristol the edge. Referee, Prlsser. 'Time, eight expressed in the annual poll con­ times during the second half, the period driving 61 yards to the only Bob Jones, emperor of all there TEAM m s TWICE Rockville (41)« Manchester outacored Brl minute quarters. » east battered at the western goal Lions’ 29-yard marker where it lost was to survey in golf when he re­ ducted by the A. P., I feel grateful p. B. F. T. from the floor In the first half, for the evidence that, against all line to no avail. possession shortly before the half tired in 1930, will re-enter the arena 2. Prachnlak, rf ...... 6 1 13 baskets to four, but Bristol made to tally three times from the floor The game was played on a wet, ended. for a solo engagement in the Au­ amateur or professional rivalry, the 1. Janton, r f ...... 0 0 0 good on seven out of ten attempts gusta, Ga., open tournament this individual and team honors of 1933 and assure the triumpn. Bristol soggy field with rain falling during A 66-Yard March Beats North Adams and Al­ 2. Bakulskl, I f ___ ...... 5 3 13 from the foul circle, while Man­ stalled , or several minutes Just over the first period. coming March, but it will likely be went to baseball. 2. Jaslon. c ...... 0 1 1 chester made four out of seven. The third and again in'the dying one of the main events of the year. With Carl Hubbell winning one the center line to keep Manchester period, the Indians pounded up and 1. Sclbeck, c, rg ...... 2 0 4 Bristol was shaken so badly by from any chance to close the gap. The Poughkeepsie, abemdoned in bany, Loses Only to Pitts­ and his teammates the other, due to 3. Kazlowskl. rg ...... 2 1 5 Manchester’s surprising attack that down the soggy gridiron seeking to 1933 as the climax to the shrinkage their sensational pennant and world Utke, Maro and Sonstroem fea­ PARKER EASILY WINS score, but all they got out of it was 2. Ambrose, Ig . .v...... 1 1 3 the team’s passwork could not get tured for Bristol, while Johnson and of college athletic revenues, will be series triumphs, I conside " the na­ ...... 1 0 2 exercise. The second half was only restored with the likelihood that field in Tri-State. tional league’s forces strongly forti­ 1. Jill, Ig ...... started, another reason being that Smith were outstanding for Man a few seconds old when Grayson Washington and California will once fied to take the field for the 59th Manchester’s defensive game was Chester, although every man on the JUNIOR NET HONORS and Bones Hamilton in five plays season of the old organization. 14 17 7 41 clicking almost to perfection. team deserves much credit for the again challenge the eastern oarsmen The Manchester Centers volley Man to Man Better drove to the 15-yaTd line, a 6o-yard on fhs Hudson river. West Side Rec (81) splendid marmer in which they per New York. Jan. 2 — (AP) — ball team Journeyed to Pittsfield, P. F. T. When the second half started, march. The arrival of the noted Italian Mass., yesterday to play in the Tri- . B. formed. Frankie Parker haa started the New Grayson’s 25-yard run started runner and Olympic 1500 meter 0. Mahoney, rf ...... 4 0 8 Bristol’s zone defense had been re­ Also Win Prelim Year off on the right foot The 17- State tournament as the Connecti­ 0. Jolley, rf, rg ...... 1 0 2 placed by a man to man,.and this this off, but a holding penalty set champion, Luigi Beccall, for the cut state representatives apd were In the preliminary, Bristol’s sec­ •year-old Milwaukee tennii sensa­ the big red team back. A pass, principal eastern indoor track ROCKVIUE P. N. A. 2. Maloney, If ...... 3 2 8 style of play was noticeably more onds, usi.ig a total of eighteen play' tion, now a student at Lawrence- successful in defeating two out of 0. E. Bissau, c, rg ...... 1 1 3 effective as the Be l City five check­ Grayson to Keith Topping, started meets, promises to develop the the three opposing teams in a era, defeated Manchester’s seconds vlUe, N. J., school, swept through to the Cardinals goalward again, but greatest series of middle distance 1. F. Blssell, rg, c ...... 1 2 4 ed closely surd kept the local players by a score c Sc to 29. Manchester’s a straight set victory over Gilbert round robin play-off. The only T0PS_MCS, 41-31 1 from getting se on their shots, so Bill Nevel recovered Grayson’s fum­ races since Paavo Nurmi made his match that they lost was to the 3. Hadden, Ig, If ...... 1 3 regular reserves kept th« game A. Hunt of Washington, D. C.^ and memorable tour of the boards in 2. Brown, I g ...... 1 1 3 much 8 0 , that Manchester fsdiqd to fairly even in the first quarter, ble 15 yards short of pay-dirt. Pittsfield Y. M. C. A. and this only score from the floor through the Mslss. Tech., yesterday to win the Twice more the Stanford stal­ 1925. The fastest milers in Ameri­ after some very hard fought ex­ trailing 10 to 6 at the whistle. Bris­ National Junior indoor tennis cham­ can foot racing history, await the Crippled West Sides Bow In 8 12 7 31 third and fourth periods. Manches­ tol, howjver, ran awa^ with the sec warts, 17 pounds to the man changes in serves by both teams ter’s shooting In the third quarter pionship, 6-4, 6-8, 7-6. • heavier than Columbia, threatened. advent of the 23 year old Milan run­ that were played with no points be­ Score at half, 18-14, Rockville. ond string seconds In the next quar­ Hunt got some consolation out ot ner who has twice taken the meas­ Refeiee, Dabowskl. was unususdly poor, due in large ter and piled up a 24 to 6 margin at a victory in the doubles where he Grayson instigated the first of these ing made by either side for nearly a Last Quarter After Rough part to the fact that the players with a 23-yard dash, but the Lions ure of the great Jack Lovelock. complete tesun serving. halftime, holdi^ the locals entirely {uid Sumner Redman at Harvard de- Apparently past the severe finan­ were tiring under the terrific pace scoreless. The regulars came back feated Frank Rericha and Joseph turned back four thrusts Inside the cial crisis of 1932-33, organized pro­ There was a good sized audience which *’liey had set and the difncult three-yard line and took possession wptching the tournament with much House Battle. ‘ after intermission and proceeded to Abrams of New York 6-0, 6-8, 6-8. fessional baseball faces the New HUNK ANDERSON SIGNS Job of maintaining a tight defense. overwhelm Bristol through the Robert A. Low of New York and two yards short of the gosd. Year with radically shifted playing praise and applauding of the local team’s fine di^lay of team work Scoring In tht tUrd quarter was third and fourth quarters but the Choate School defeated Melvin Lap- , Fumble Sevea Times forces. ’The Boston Red Sox loom In a basketball garfie which fur­ confined to a single doubledecker, margin galnisd in the second period man. New York An the boys itnglea { as American league pennant factors and their fighting determination in TO COACH N. C. STATE The last charge died on the eight- the games which were lost to Pitts­ nished as many thrills and as much that by Mam on a shoft aide shot, proved too mu&b to overcome as final, 8-11, 6-4, 6-0 and pahred with yard line as the final period started. for the first time since war days, roughneus as the annual gridiron and five free tries, three by Man­ Henry Daniels, New York, to wUi ; fortified by one-half of the most fz^ field. ’Those who made the tr ^ and 0>acb Monahan sent In his varsity The team from the sidewalks of played were; George Gibbozu^ Frank classic between Yale and Haiward, chester and two by Bristol that reserves to keep Bristol on top. the doubles ^ m Rolfe Kingsley of ; New York took command and back­ mo us modem battery. Lefty Grove, a much weakened West Side Rec Raleigh, N. C.. Jan. 2—(AP) — msSie the score 19 to 17 at the end Hills school and Warren Cagney ef. while the other half, Mickey Coch­ Mordavsky, Robert Metcalf, Ber­ Palau. Clote aad Audlano were ed the Indians deep into their own nard Schubert, Walter Wilkinson basketball quintet was finally bat­ The job of lifting N. C. State col­ c the period. 'The game Increased best for BrlstoT and McCurry, By- Long Island 9-7, 4-6, 6-4. territory. Columbia took the ball on rane, becomes catcher-manager of lege’s scarlet and storm beaten foot­ In roughness with every passing the Detroit ’Tigers. In the National and Director Frank Bzisch. The tered into submiaaion in the last cholski and Gobb featured for Man- downs, six yards from the Stanford last two were playing their first quarter by the Pollah National As­ ball banner to higher g;roimd rested minute and foul after foul was call­ cheeter. goal, as the gim s^imded to echo league, the Chicago Chibs, St. Louis today on Heartley (Hunk) Ander­ ed that finally resulted In Zebrow- CaiiinaU and Pittsburgh Pirates aU game together and it marked thb sociation of Rockville In Pulaski the greatest Upset In 19 years of first important game that boUi men HaD Simday afternoon. Score, 41-81. son, former Notre Dame coach. skl, the giant Bristol center, leaving Rose tournament history. have strengthened to challenge the On Even Term* Tlie former chief assistance to the the game, followed a little later by TOTAL BECETPT8 LESS world champion New York Giants. have been' in and their defensive and late Knute Rockne will direct foot­ Jotmson and CLesuy of Manchester Statistically Stanford was superi­ Boxing, hardest-hit of all the big offensive play is worthy of honor­ The itec team, minus the services C3ricago. Jan. 2.—(AP)—Profee- Hockc ball teams at State College xmder a and Maro of Bristol. or, ’The IndifiSEs gained 295 yards to professional tpottm, anticipates two able mentizm, but much credit muft of "Milt" Nelson, Bingo Sturgeon atonal and amateur boxing and 138 and collected 13 first downs to also be given to the other zxiembers and Johimy Tleri)ey. fought gamely three years' contract. Dr. R. R. A Sovere Lose world heavyweight matches without Sermon, directqr of athletics, re­ The loss of Johmida and O'Leary wreerilng sbMre tn cadcagD totaling five. But they were their own great­ much basis for enthusiasm, Primo of the Rac team as thOy were aD for three periods, holding .the Rock­ ville outfit OB even terms but in the vealed last night. was a severe blow to Manchester's T42 In 1988 attracted |608,166iS est enemy, for seven timei they Camera, the Italian title bolder of playing beade-up voll^ ball at all worth of ouafomMSy Joaeirii Trlner, New Tdzk AmerteaiM ^ fumbled the ball, and on five ot times. final quarte' the rough *and tumble Anderson, a guard at Notre Dame hopes of victory. Bristol, possessed the title, is matched with Tommy of more stamlaa, pressed harder in president of tiie HUnois State Ath­ those occaslozis an alert Uon recov­ Lougbran for a February match In The game scores wsre Rse type of game played by the P. N, A in 1921, succeeds Jeha P. "O^iper" Smith, another Notre Dome product the final quarter and slowly and letic Commlniod said tod». Tha leronto 8, ered, Miami, the wlimer presumbaly to sgalnst Pittsfield, 18-15, 14-16, Rsc coupled by the local team’s lack of total paid attendance waa 5‘T1,880. a T O N ic n r s against Albany, N. Y., 16-2, 16-7, fresh reliifereeBMats began to taka of the class of 1927, whoea three steadily worked iq> the m a r ^ that Columbia gained 25 yards on one meet Max Baer in New York next meant the dlffersnce between win^ better reOdrd than in 1988. How­ June. Rec sgalnst North Adams, Mast., its toll. It was in this lost quarter year service here was termisated by of its two passes attempted. The In vote of the coundi recmtly. ^ Ding and loaing. Maacbeeter's de­ ever,. the total receiptB were ooaqid- dians could get only 28 on two suc- The New Year’s spo'tligbt will be 15,2, 16-11. 'Tbs Recreation team will that the referee banished one of the erabty leas tta n in ihe previous year turned quickly on the debut of Ells­ travel to Jamaica. L. I., Saturday to Reckvine playere ftom the game be­ During the last season BtiLte Ool- fease loosened up eousldersbly and eeeeful attempts out of a dozen Isgs won but ons foothaU gams. Bristol earns thyeiurb wftb' a mkb. due to redueed prices. throws. worth Vines as a tenzzis playsr pro- play In a six-stata toumamanU cause ef-hie eomUteBt rough play* V . / ■”' ''...' '•... A* r fAOBBxasr MANCHESTER EVENING HBRAID, MANCHESTER, C ( ^ ., TOETOAT^ANT

, ’.**1

Read \\\e(!!lussilie(J Renlal Propertq Lishnq on this Paq I

ttio 8 while Allied C9ieinleal, Amer- mornliv tlis Cbristmss sad lees Commerdel Alcohol sad U. 8. LOST AND rOUNP I AUTOMOBILES FOR SALB 4 T bs pupils New liar's vaoatlon. Industiial Alcohol edveaced about sttsndlBff WlDdbsm High also D.DUCE TALKS KXOKEST PRICED pAld for your MONET FOR RADIO —KOfS FIFE SAturdAV starisd u s ssflfis dsy, N. Y . Stocks Local Stocks a p ^ t each. Other galaers of frac> FtaidM' plMM rttuni to V. OAT, CASb WAltlnf. Armory Oa- A dotblBf ffisstlof wlU bs bsld t tm i to a point or more laduded r t n o , XU W « l0 ftfM t or FbOM. rA fs, 80 WaUs street Tsl^bone Tuesday of this week at tbs • ball, Aaierlcaa 'Telephoae, U. 8. 8teel, 8874. IS OVEN PASTOR WITH SMON ON DuPoat, Oeaeral Electric, Aaierlcea ■ 1^ . wltb Mias Van Clssf, clotbinf n>s- Adame E x p ...... 7 ^ (Fnraleiiad b j Pntaain A Co.) OeotraJ Bow, Hartford, Coan. Caa, Case, Amerlcaa Tobacco B, olallst of tbs Homs Bursau of Tol- A ir Reduc ...... 100 , |oST—DECEMBER Mth noar Ar> m. land Couaty la ebargs. Sbs will Liggett A Myers B, (Jommerclal MOVING—TRUCBING— Alaeka Jun ...... 22% ttiur Druf Stor«, a wrlft WAtob. bslp OB rsnoratlag clothing and also 1 F. M. Stooke LEAGIHHANQ: Solveats, Santa Fe, N/ T. Central, fliidor pl«AM CAll 7942. 8TORAOB SO Rot. Stocking Honored by In m aking new artlolss. jb e n y ...... 2% Jobns>Maaville, United Aircraft, Allied Cnem ...... 101 Bank Stocks Weeterh Union, Weetlngnouee, U. SILVER LANE BUS LINE Offer the Tbs annual eburcb suppsr and (Oonttnoed from Page One) business meeting will bs bsld at tbs Am Can ...... > > ■ 100 Bid Asked 8. 8meltiug, Sears Roebuck and AccomniodAtloo at tLelr lArge De* U>IT—ONE ELECTRIC flAt Iron. Paruhioners — Is Popular ball Friday of this week. Tbs sup­ Am Coml Alco ...... Cap Nat Bank A Trust 8 11 American Smelting, Lune hue (or lodfs, perty or teem though the document brings forth IMttdor pleAM CAll 4880. per will bs served at 7 o'clock by Am F or P o w ...... 8% Coim. River ...... 450 — The statement at Chairman Jones trips At spedAl rAtes. Phone 8088. no sensations.” Minister. tbs Ladles' Aid Sodetv and tbs Am Rad 8t 8 ...... 14% First National of Htfd. — ' 110 It was stated that, owing to the of the R.F.C. that a little more than 88M, 8884. business meeting will follow. This is Am Sm elt ...... 45 Htfd. Conn. T r u s t ----- 40 45 document's great detail its examina­ 160,000,000 o f foreign gold bad been •08T— A P A IR OF eye flA ««M In Am Tel and T el ...... 112 Htfd. National B and T 15 17 l o c a l a n d l o n g d i s t a n c e not for Just the members of tbs tion would require several days and purchased apparently was a minor brown leAtber CAoe. Phone 8192. Am Tob B ...... 69% Phoonix St. B and T .. — 180 m ovln f, goDortu jriicltinf, livery church but anyone Lrterested in the a reply from Germany would be market factor. Chairman Jones Rev. and Mrs. MarVln 8, Stock­ Am Wat Wke <...... 18% West Hartford Trust,, — 175 eervlee, Oui effUletioo with United work of tbs church or its societies forthcoming only after a convention also azmounced that around 124,800,• ing were pleasantly surprised yes­ in any way is cordially Invited to A naconda ...... 14% Insurance Stocks Vene Service meene tower retee on of Nazi/leaders. 000 of the domestic metal bad been kUTOMOBlLES FOR ciALE 4 terday when a commlttM, repre- come to both the supper and meet­ Atchieon ...... 07% Aetna Casualty ...... 47 49 furniture moving to distant points. purchased since the operation of the sentl^ their parishioners at the ing. Auburn ...... 06 Aetna Life ...... 14% 16 M Largs modem truciu. esperlenceo BRITAIN’S POSITION gold-buying plan. These totals were INNOUNCINO 1934 Wlllye sedan North Methodist church, and the Clajrton E, Hunt, Jr,, a senior at Aviation Corp ...... 8 Aetna Fire ...... 29 81 Paris, Jan, 2 — (AP) — Great men, prompt eervloe, All goods m- about in line with estimates of bank­ 8476, 1934 Willys coupes 8455 de­ Vernon Methodist church, which is the Worcester Polytechnic Institute Balt and Ohio ...... '...... 24 Automobile ...... 18 20 I Britain was said in an authoritative livered, fully equipped to you. cured while In transit are (estures also In charge of Mr. Stocking, returned to bis studies there Tues­ Bendlx ...... 17% Conn. General ...... 23% 25^ ing firms. I quarter today to have tried to get Most market analysis, while ad­ America's most economical car. offered at no cstra ezp«ne« to you. made them a call and before leaving day night after spending his Christ­ Beth Steel ...... 37% Hartford Fire ...... 38% eOV. France to soften its rejection ye^ mitting that the outlook for busi­ Terms, trades. Cole Motors, tele­ Dally trips to New York, baggage the parsonage presented to them a mas vacation here at his home. Beth Steel, pfd ...... 66% National Fire ...... 40% 42^ terday of Germany’s disarmament ness and industry during 1984 is phone 6463. delivered direct to eteamship ^ers sum "of money, with the suggestion Borden ...... 20% Hartford Steam Boiler 44 46 1 terms. For further Informatloo call 8068 that they purchase a new radio with Can P ac ...... 18 Phoenix Fire ...... 48% 50 V The refusal, expressed in an aide- probably the brightest in the past 8860. 8864. Perrett A Glenney. Ina it. Both Mr. and Mrs. Stocking ex­ Case (J. I.) ...... 70% Travelers ...... 325 335 memoire submitted to Chancellor four years, were not altogether in pressed tbelr gratitude to their Cerro De Pasco ...... 86 Pnblio Utilities Stocks Hitler by the French ambassador to agreement either as to the near- WILSON WILL GET Ches and Ohio ...... 40% term or distant prospects for se­ Want Ad iBfomiAtlea PAINTING—PAPERING 21 friends for their thoughtful kind­ Conn. Elec Serv ...... 36 39 Berlin, was conveyed to Germany ness, and assured them that a new Chrysler ...... 59% Conn. P o w e r ...... 34% 36V six days earlier than had been ex- curity prices. Col Carbon ...... 62% IF YOU ARE HAVING work done, radio was one of their urgent needs Greenwich, WAG, pfd. — 60 I pected. Of immediate interest to the fi­ Manchester and something they would enjoy for A FEDERAL POST Coml Solv ...... 32% Hartford Elec ...... 47% 49 V The authoritative source said that nancial district was the forthcoming get my prices on day or estimate. Cons G a s ...... 38% Evening Herald Painting and papering. J. W. Mc­ years to come. The presentation had Hartford Gas ...... 40 45 Lord Tyrrell, British ambassador to session of Congress at which drastic been planned for the New Year’s Cons Oil ...... 10% do., pfd ...... 45 — France, went to the French foreign legislation pertaining to the recov­ Adams, 105 McKee street. Tele­ Cont C a n ...... 77% fellowship meeting Simday evening 8 N E T C o ...... 99 103 office Saturday asking that France ery program is expected to be con­ CLASSIFIED phone 4885. C om P r o d ...... 76% at the church, but this was postpon­ Manufacturing Stocks 1 modify the terms of her refusal be­ sidered. Not only, it is believed, will ADVERTISEMENTS Rnmor Says the State Demo­ Del L and Wn ...... 24% ed at the solicitation of the pastor Afn Hardware ...... 19 21 cause of Ekiglish fears that a rup­ new banking laws be proposed but himself who witnessed several near­ Du Pont ...... 96% Am Hosiery ...... — 30 Count elx everag* word! to » COURSES AND CLASSES 27 Eastman Kodak ...... 82% ture between Firance and Germany brokerage circles generally feel that accidents Sunday on account of the cratic Leader WiD Be Of­ Arrow H and H, co m .. 9 11 laltlale, numben end abbrevlatlone Elec Auto L ite ...... 20% might result. bills for the Federal regulation of keob count aa a word and conip<^no BEIAUTY CULTURE—Bam while ice-bound highways. do., p f d ...... 90 100 However, the reported British ef- stock and commodity exch&nges and Vorda aa two words. Minimum coet is learning. Details free. Hartford Since coming to Manchester Gen E lec ...... 20% Billings and Spencer.. — 2 ^ c s of thro# lines. Gen Foods ...... 83% I fort was forestalled by a hasty com­ speculation will be introduced. Academy of Halrdreaslng. 693 Main about seven years ago Pastor Stock­ fered a New York Job. Bristol Brass ...... 17 19 lane rates osi day for trensleot Gen Motors ...... 86 munication of the diplomatic mem­ Leading bankers were, awaiting street. HartfonL ing and bis family have made many do., pfd ...... 95 — orandum to the French Embassy in announcement of the administra­ BCeetlTe Merdi 17. 1S*^_ friends, not only in the North Meth­ GUlette ...... 9% Case, Lockwood and B — 300 Cerb Charge Gold Dust ...... 17% Berlin. tion’s budgetary plans for an indica­ odist parish but throughout the Washington, Jan. 2.— (A P )— An Collins Co...... 40 — I Consecutive Days Hershey ...... 51% tion as to the tax burden which HELP WANTED—MALE 36 town, and in Vernon. Not so many (Jolt’s Firearms ...... 15 17 I ConsecnUve Days .. » cu U sts invitation to David A. Wilson, Con­ Homestake Mining ...... 322 business will have to bear during years ago the genial pastor was Eagle Lock ...... 28 — f Pay ...... I WANTED—YOUNG MAN over 21, Hudson Motors ...... 14% the next fiscal year. In some quar­ All orders for irregular inseruons greatly surprised at a Christmas necticut Depiocratlc state chairman, Fafiiir Bearings...... 40 50 rill be charged at the one time rats. Int H arv ...... 40% having car, for ateady employment, eve party, to, find at the door of the to attend the judicial reception at Fuller Brush, (Jlaas A. 7 10 LATEST STOCKS ters confidence was expressed that Special rates for long term s v ^ Int N ick ...... 21% lay advertising given upon raqnest. must be neat in appearance. Re­ vestry a new automobile, the gift of Gray Tel Pay Station 12 14 excessive taxation, both for the or­ the White House Thursday was seen Int Tel and T e l...... 15 Ads ordered for three or sin d^s ferences required. Pay discussed at his church family, which he has Hart and C ooley ...... — 125 New York, Jan. 2.— (A P )—Finan- dinary and extraordinary budgets^ here today as another indication Johns Manville ...... 61% and stopped before the third or nfth interview. Write P. O. Box 133 made good use of in pastoral calls Hartmann Tob, com.. — 5 I cial markets stepped cautiously but would be avoided and the heavy ex­ day win be charged only for the ac­ that an appointment to the Federal Kennecott ...... 20% WiUimantic, Conn. and work at the church in Vernon, do., p f d ...... 9 — I firmly into 1934 today and senti­ penses of the recovery measures tual nnmber of times the ad appear­ bench awaits him. Lehigh Val Coal ...... 2% ed. charging at the rate earned, bnt Int Silver ...... 31 36 ment, as a whole, was of the mildly spread over such a period that the and the year the Windsorville Meth­ In well-informed quarters it was Lehigh Bal Rd ...... 13% BO allowance or refunds can be made do., pfd ...... 60 63 cheerful variety. economic structure would not be OB six time ads stopped after tbs odist church was a part of the expected bqimay be offered the first Ligg and Myers B ...... 79% SITUATIONS WANTED— Landers, Frary A Clk, 29 31 Leading equities pushed up 1 to 2 unduly strained. North Methodist larger parish. available opening in a New York Loew ’s ...... 28% FEMALE 38 New Brit. Mch. com.. 6 8 I or more points in quiet trading Rumors continued to dreulate in **K o^il forbids"; asplay Unas «ot Rev. M. S. Stocking succeeded District Court or the New York Lorillard ...... 16% do., pfd ...... 30 50 [while grains, cotton and most other Wall street of an impending mone­ Rev, John E. Duxbury, who was Customs Court, No vacancy is ex­ McKeesp Tin ...... 88 "* ^ s Herald will not be responalble WANTED—ONE OR TWO wash­ transferred from Manchester to Mann A Bow, Class A 3 7 I commodities registered moderate tary statement from Washington. for more than one Incorrect Insertlou pected in the near future on the M ont W ard ...... 23 ings to do at my home. Mrs. Putnam, and is at present pastor of do., (Jlass B ...... % — Improvement. The dollar eased a bit Whether this statement would have of any advertisement ordered for Federal bench in Connecticut. Nat Biscuit ...... 46% more than one time. Ernest Smith, 64 Holl street. the Methodist church in Hills Grove, North and Judd ...... 14 16 in foreign exchange dealings as the to do with gold, specifically, or dol­ A Judicial appointment, it is ex­ Nat Cash Reg ...... 18% The Inadvertent omission of incor­ Niles, Bern P o n d ...... 8Vz 10’ I gold rate was again unchanged. lar revaluation, was a matter of rect publication of advsrUslng ^ R. I. pected, will satisfy Senator Loner- N at Dairy ...... 14 Peck, Stow and Wilcox 2 3 Rail loans displayed a rising in- conjecture. In circles usually well rsoUflsd only by cancellation oi tbs FUEL AND FEED 49-A gan, who sought Wilson’s appoint­ Nat Pow and L t ...... 9% •barge mads for tbs service -sndered. Russell Mfg ...... 13 — I cUnation and other bonds were com- ihformed it was believed, however, All adTortlssmsuts must oonfonn ment as district attorney, and cause N Y Central ...... 34 FOR SALB—HARD WOOD for Scovill ...... 21 23 I parrftively steady. that anything the President might la style, copy and typojrraphy with him to withdraw his opposition to NY NH and H ...... 15% stove, furnace and dre place 88.0U Stanley W orks ...... 18 20 Shares of Chrysler and G«-neral have to impart on the monetary regulations enforced by the puLilsh- COLUMBIA the confirmation of State Senator Noranda ...... 34 srs and they reserve the right to cord, 84.50 per load, white birch North Am ...... 15% Standard Screw ...... 43 — Motors moved up fractionally to policy probably would be incorpor­ •Alt, revise or reject say copy cou- for stove 86. per cord, for fire place Frank S. Bergin in that post. do., ,pfd., guar...... lOO — around a point to exceed their 1933 Mdered objectionably _ * ^ The extreme cold of Friday and Packard ...... 4% ated in his message, or messages, to 87 per cord. Chas Heckler, Phone Bergin’s nomination as well as Penn ...... 30% Smythe Mfg Co...... 23 — highs. National Steel got up more Congress. CLDSIHO HOURS— Classified ads to Saturday is something that this the nominations of Dr. Eldward G. Taylor and Fenn .... — 110 be published same day must be rs« Roseda.r 13-13. town hasn’t experienced for many Phila Rdg C and I ...... 3% Dolan as collector of internal reve­ Torrington ...... 49 51 sslvsd by IJ o’clock noon: Safu’-days years. The temperature Friday Phil Pete ...... 16% 10:10 a. m. FOR SALE—SLABS, Hickory and nue and of Mrs. FEUinie Dixon Welch Pub Serv N J ...... 35% Underwood Mfg Co .,, 37 39 morning was from 10 to 14 below on Union Mfg Co...... — lo TELEPHONE YOUR Oak. Selected fireplace wood, cut the Green with lower figures further as collector of customs, were made Radio ...... 7% mm to order. C. A. Staye, Dial 31497 over Senator Lonerg^n’s opposition^ Reading ...... 43 U S Elnvelope, com... — 45 WANT ADS. out. Saturday morning was even do., pfd ...... 70 — Ada are accepted over the telephone colder with as low sw 18 being re­ Rfey Tob B ...... 44% •t the CHARGE) RATE given above Sears Roebuck ...... 43% Veeder Root ...... 16 18 ported. There were few cars that Whitlock Coil Pipe .. — 3 aa a oonvsnlence to advertisers, bnt HUUSl^HOLD GOODS 51 would start Saturday morning, «uiy Socony V a c ...... 16% O cta re a t e _ Z s paHH r a t e s will be accepted as South Pac ...... 20% J.B.Wil’ms Co. SIO par 35 — HAL J S I 2 S S & s c f o a o FULL r a i m e n t if paid at the bnal- BARGAINS—IN USED STOVES. one having one that would start be­ ONE DEAD, 4 HURT Sou P Rlc S ...... 35% aess office on or before the seventh Bought sold, exchanged; also oU ing occupied towing their neighbors’ Aay following the first Insertion of cars to start them. Frozen water South Rw y ...... 26% each ad otherwise the CHARGE burners. Speak quick. Open eve­ St Brands ...... 21% BATE will be collected. No reaponsl- nings until 8. Jones, The Stove pipes were plentiful. Sunday morn­ LACUARDU ORDERS Mllty for errors In telepbcned ads ing the temperature was a few de­ WHEN TRUCK SKIDS St Gas and El ...... 7% will be assumed and tbelr accuracy Man, Manchester Green Garage. grees above zero, rapidly rising to St Oi) Cal ...... 42 gannot be guaranteed. abote the freezing point, when a St .Oil N J ...... 46% A HORSE CLEAWHCl INDEX OF APAKTMEN'l S— FLAl'S— light rain fell, freezing soon as it Tex Corp ...... 24% Timken Roller Bear ...... 31% CLASSIFICATIONS hit the cold ground, making st thin eWA Workers Thrown Out TENEMENTS 63 film of ice on the scraped roads, in­ Trans'America ...... 6% (OoDtInped from Page One) Births ...... « . . . A creasing the hazards of driving. The Union Carbide ...... 47% Sngagsments t e • c e e e • • • FOR RENT—FOUR R(.)OM tene­ Unit Aircraft ...... 32% ty to advance s constructive pro­ ■ a r r l' 'es .. .i ment 19 1-2 Elorldge street. In­ state road crew were called out at of Vehicle While Rounding noon and started sanding the road Unit Corp ...... 5 gram and'o' the minority to criti­ Paatbs ...... quire 320 Main street. Telephone Card of Thanks • • • • e r e • ere e e • • w e taking the most dangerous curves Unit Gas Im p ...... 15 cize.” In Msmoiiam I e # e e r e e ? i9 le ’e*e e « a 5584. first. Incidentally, the crew which a Comer. U S Ind A l c o ...... 55% Mayor’s Answer Lost and Found Announcements ...... WE HAVE A SUNNY 3 ROOM serves Columbia deserves great U S R u b b e r ...... 16% W^it toll"’ of the Sullivan re­ U S S m e lt ...... 101% mark, Mayor LaGuardla said Rersonals ...... apartment, that will make a com­ credit for the mEinner in which they AntomobUes U S S t e e l...... 49 ’’That all depends on who the fortable home this winter, in the have kept the roads open and safe Bridgeport, Jan. 2.— (AP) — One Automobiles for Sale ...... to motorists. They have quite a Util Pow and Lt ...... a msijorlty is. Fm the majority in this Johnson Block. Telephone 6917 or eW A worker was killed, another is Automobiles for Bxcbarga long stretch or road to serve, but West Union ...... 66 administration.” Auto Accessories—Tires 3726. dying jind three other laborers are Auto Repairing—Painting motorists going through, state that in serious condition in hospitals here West El and M fg ...... 38% Tammany has a majority vote on • Auto Schools » t «• FOR RENT—TWO THREE ^and this section is sanded much more following an accident at 7:45 o’clock Wool worth ...... 48% the Board of Aldermen. Its presl 'Autos— Ship by Truck ...... * thoroughly than some other places Elec Bond and Share (Curb). 12% Autos—For Hlrs ...... 8 four room furnished or unfurmsheo this morning, when they were dent, Bernard S. Deutsch, however, Garages—Service—Storage « . .. 10 apartments. Manchester Construc­ in the state. The men were on duty thrown from a city owned truck as Is a Fuslonist He aroused the Tam­ Motorcycles—Bicycles ...... 11 tion Co. Tel. 4131 or 4359. from Tuesday morning to Wednes­ it skidded when rounding a comer many Ire at yesterday’s meeting by Wanted Autos—Motorcycles .... U day night clearing the roads after saying: Bnslaeas aud Professional Servtees while transporting 35 CWA work­ DRIVERS OF COMMUTERS Business Services Offered ...... IS the heavy snow amd high winds men to their Jobs. ”If 'his Board Is to rehabilitate ivn.uaMT.orv. Household Services Offered .....ll-A BUSINESS LOCATIONS which drifted it so badly. The Clarence M. Robinson, 72, was itself in the public estimation it • iM« SY wM sBRyiet. wa Building—Contracting 14 Rural Mall Carrier is also having fatally injured and died at St. Vin­ must bs a city board and not an Florists—Nurseries ...... 16 FOR RENT 64 his troubles at present, but has MUST PAY INSURANCE Funeral Plrectors ...... !• cent’s hospital. assemblage of district errand boys.” (BEAD THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) Heatln Plumbing—Roofing .m If TO RENT—OFFICES AT 866 Mam given wonderful service in spite of On Danger List Deutsch said the present annual the ground, looked rather sad, and insurance ...... 16 street (Orford Bldg.) Apply Ekl- the drifted roads. Fred Frohm, 59, was critically salary of $4,600 a year to aldermen The snowman cried, “Ho, ho, Millinery—Pressmaking ...... 18 A driving rain Sunday night with Regarded as Common Carriers, what fun. I knew Td make the Goldy • said, “Why, what’s come Moving—Trucking—Storage ... 10 ward J. HoU. Tel. 4642 and 8025. hurt and is on the danger list at St. —’’about $100 an hour for the actu­ a temperature of 45 above on Mon­ Vincent’s hospital. He received a al work done”—is 'little short of two girls run. Here’s where we over you? Anting—Papering ...... 11 Obliged to Take Out Proper “The friendly smile has left your Professional Services ...... 11 day morning changed the ice into possible fnuiture of the skull. criminal.” have a dandy chase. I hope my Protective Policies face. I guess we’d better stop our Repairing ...... 1> HOUSES FOR RENl 65 lakes of slush. The three other victims are: Jo­ William C. Dodge, one of the few legs hold out. Tailoring—Pyelng—Cleaning ... 14 In spite of the ice which covered race. The running's tired you out. seph Akin, who received back and ------h Tammany candidates to win elec­ “If they fall off, of course TU Toilet Goods and Service ...... 16 FOR RENT— SINGLE house, seven the roads Just at night, the twelve Gee, is there something we can Wanted—Business Service ..n.... H head injuries; Walter Dehart, 45, There has been posted in the office tion in the Fusion sweep of Novem lose the race, but I am going to Bdncatlonal rooms, modem unprovements, ga­ singers from Columbia to take part whose back and head were injured, of several Insurance companies In strength in running, do?” in the Christmas concert given by her, hai announced an immediate bourses ana Classea .. a a;* • rM** 17 rage, 268 Hackmatack street In­ and 7 ter Leko, 44, back injuries. Hartford a notice to the effect that l so wm both the girls, no doubt.’’ ^ivate Inatructlon ...... 18 the Tri County Christian Union “N o, I quesa not,” cam e the quire 264 Hackmatack street John Edward Freese, driver of the automobile owners, whp have been lo r 2 “ o™ . Jancing ...... im... 18-A Lobec. Chorus at Hebron Sunday evening, X reply. “Look overhead, gWs, in e truck, was arrested and is held in canning passengers to and from (uslcal—Pramatlo O'* e e • e efiCH re • 11 made the trip safely, as did several ty. A genera’ reduction of salaries ^ ^ on the sky. The sun has Just peek­ Vanted—Instruction ...... 10 81,000 bond on the technical charge their work in Hartford and their TO RENT —SEVERAL desirable other carloads fropa here. The of assistant district attorneys was Financial of causing loss of life by careless homes in suburbam communities, one of his first acta. ^ ^ou re very ed through the clouds. It soon will five, six and seven room houses, music was given by the singers from tonda—Stocks—Mortgagee m ... H operation of a motor vehicle. must secure the proper form of in­ cold. get real hot. Business Opportunities ...... 32 the eix churches in the Union, un­ “No more with you girls can I single and double; also heated surance to continue doing this. “Why, you would freeze me and, Money to Loan ...... 11 apartments. Apply Eklward J. Holl, der the direction of Rev. EHmer ------' — play, ’cause I will shortly melt Help and Sitnatlons FLEES STATE SCHOOL In some cases letters were written RALPH B IVES DEAD | TU bet, that I soon would be soak­ Phone 4642 and 8025. Thlenes of Marlboro church. Next ing wet.” T*'.en in the snow the away. OI’ Sol la laughing a t me. Help Wanted—Female ...... 16 Simday evening the concert will be to drivers of •cars who have baeu Help Wanted—Male ...... — SI Hartford, Jan. 2.— (A P )—Harry bringing the employees of different HartfonL Jan- 2.— (A P )—Ralph I snowman fell, and o’er and o’er he Now. I guess I’m on the s p o t ” given at the East Hampton Cimgre- The I^ea soon saw he was 5alf*5Tnf'n Wir, ted 36>A Prentiss, 15, of 709 State street, stores and offices to Hartford, tell­ B. Ives, chairman of the board of 1 rolled. gational church. right The sun blazed forth with aeip Wanted—Male or Female .. If New Haven, was reported to the ing them there has already been se­ the Aetna Fire Insurance Company, Miss-Flora Wheeler of Scotlsmd all its might and Dotty cried, “Just Agenta Wanted ...... « t f - A 2 6 ALARMS LAST MONTH state police today as having escaped cured ample proof that the custom and president of the Aetna Group "Ha, ha,” laughed Dotty. “Serves Situations Wanted—Fem ale...... 18 spent the night Sunday with her of fire insurance com p a res from you right! That was a very funny look at that. Our friend is melting Sitnatlons Wanted—Male 81 friend, Mrs. Edith Isham. from the Connecticut School for of carrying passengers for a weekly Employment Agencies ...... 40 Boys at Meriden yesterday. He is piayment was known and that it 1923 to 19.33, died______today 'n his 61st sight. Come on, get up and run fast.” A letter has been received from Then Scouty said, "Well, goodby, Live Stock—Pete—Poultry—'Veblelea IN SOUTH END DISTRICT 5 feet, 2 inches tall, and weighs 110 must be stopped unless a proper year at his home here" From 1919 I some more. We still have lots of ' Doga—Birds—Peta ...... -...... 41 Mrs.. Duane Wain, wife o f a former sir. It’s tough that this had to pounds. form of insurance for a common car­ to 1923 Mr. Ives had been i charge pep.” Lilvi Stock— Vehicles e e e e e e(r « see 41 pastor of the Columbia Church, now occur, but we were having such Poultry and Supplies ...... 41 rier is taken out. A check up cf of the western division sf the com- "All right, ’ replied the old aaiow- stationed at the Mission Field in good times, I knew they couldn’t Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 No. 3 Answers Call This After­ cars going into Hartford each morn­ panieA, with headquarters in (Jhlca- man. “I’ll gladly do it, if I can, Per Sale—MlseeUaneone Ango^ West Africa. Mrs. Wain ADVERTISEMENT— go. He was vice-president o^ the but I will have to slow down, girla last.” noon for Chimney Fire on states that ttiey will start the last ing, suspected of carrying passen­ Articles tor Sale ...... 41 gers for pay, is also promised by in­ National Board of Fire Underwrlt- I’ni forced to watch my step, Boats and Accessories ...... 41 of April for America for their fur­ Keep First Aid Cold Tablets in (The Tillies meet Jack Froet hi Bissell Street. spectors of thd motor vehicle depart­ ers, imd prominent in many assocla- Then (3oldy stopped, and turned Building Materials ...... 47 lough. the house for quick relief from colds. the next story.) Diamonds—Watohee—Jewelry 48 ment. tiona of Insurance executives. ' 1 around. The snowman, Imeeling on Bleotrleal Appllanoee—Radio « . 48 The town schools opened Tuesday Sold only at Magnell Drug Co. Fuel and Feed ...... 4t-A During the month of December Harden — Farm—Dairy Products 60 Household Goods ...... 61 the South Manchester fire depart­ By HAMUN Machinery and Tools il ment answered 26 alarms, Chi^ Al­ ALLEY OOP Journey’s End! Musical Instruments 61 bert Foy reports. Of this number ' Dffioe and Store Equipment .« « 64 23 were still alarms smd three were teeolala at the Stores ...... 66 wearing Apparel—Ehirs 67 box alarms. 1 THINK 1 WONDER Wanted—To Buy e e e e e e are e r« • •*« 68 The first fire this month that TH‘ OO IF W t'U EVER IS 6ETT\N* FIND A UTTbE Beets want > called the department’s apparatus came at 1:30 this afternoon when, DIN O SAU R- »ouas Without Board ...... 66 aarders Wanted . • sees rr r.s.r * ’* 66-A on a still alarm, No. 3 responded to l*K ABOUT »uati7 Board-Resorts SO call at 52 Bissell street. The alarm REAOV TO ttalg—Bastaurants II GIVE U P/; raated—Rooms—Board •»....«■ 61 was for a chimney fire and was ex­ I Betate Fea Beat tinguished without damage. Its, Flats, Tenements » 68 Locations for Rent 64 Mr. Roosevelt will be in session tor Rent • a:e e eu e e X C * S QUEEN tor Bent > again in January. Cong^resa will Homes for Bent look on.—Pfluger^e Press. to Bent lU^OTttDlE % AND HER apMtmeat BnUdlax tor Sale ;P ^ \ R T V f jg e s e s Property tor Bale ^ m s and Land tor Sale ARE STH.L tor Salt. ecea^e • FOR RENT J* 1^ jSEARCHINty tor Sale ( M e e*e e n ^ • e c a a g a # a a UNFURNISHED HEATED Property tor SeJe FO R . A tor Bale ... BOOBIS. Ltidrt bin paid — hot te tor Exchaare water fnndshed. Apply ^ 8 A B V Estate e • e e e e e #(% IDINOSAUR. GLENNEY'S STORE V R—-.! J ' Xx.* ,


i m H AS A B m W P , ForfoUm Mao: Wbo YQUF \KTO ACTiP^i.WORE were going to run down and ccontrol TU Another year haa just begun the sleeping sickness. ^AY AN D It brings new hopes, new work, new First Gossip — W hy did toey ■EORT-^WM-M'VTWe FIX fun, separate ? \hJ . NOW, A.L’YiK, I THINK YOU D Whether its wishes «11 come true Second Gossip— Nobody k n o w ! T O ? Is largely a matter that's up to you. First Gossip4rOh, how terrlhif! HAW.THVS l&THEaAW\6'Vi&« Every year is a milestone . . . A- A fter you’ve paid other pfipple “PROBLEM I USED IN THE BO^i^j f stepping stone or a stumbling block good money fof thair judgment, you -E iR O U S K T V f I Q ^ have more respect tor your ow^...... Your life is a part of many YOU lives and thes^ many lives are a part of yours .... Character is the Any time you run across a hmis- WEPE AMOKKo THE TENS OF? estipaation of your conduct in life ed and lacarated tbeo^, set it down THOUSANrJS.IN TRONTT OF by those who dwell about you. that it has been in collision w ^ a fact. TVivUkCE, WHO ^AW ME DECP^Al Hopeful— Time me around the Man— They say that he ou' track, coach? t h e k i n s p everything be earns on his ^iqfe Coach— Sure. Just wait till I get m my calendar. bach. r S Neighbor — Business certainly j 1 January Shorts .... It’s all right muet be rotten. to be thrifty but you can keep America flat on her ears by over­ TRINKETS . . . don’t worry, but \1 doing it . . . . The boy who is around if you do, don’t worry others with -J a lot of kissable girls, is like the your worries .... Every maq ap­ candy store clerk, he soon gets his proves the strict enforcement ^ all fill . . . . 'When temptation knocks laws that don’t affect him . . , . It at the door, it gets quicker response does not grieve a skiqny girl to • 1 ^ than opportunity .... You hear a dress modestly .... It’s the food lot about men running for office but tire that always finds the nail , . . little about men running from them If you don’t pay as you go, yaw’re M r - .... A man isn’t really great until gone . . .. Contentment is the heri­ he is quoted as the author of any tage of the man who gets used to wisecrack he quotes .... If a man just any old thing .... fopae peo­ UM ain’t more than ha.f an hour late for ple aim at nothing and Wt the n^ark dinner he thinks he is living up to every time . . . . Many a man pre­ his marriage vows . . . Even the tends to have a cool head when all commonplace becomes important hr has is cold feet .... Gfiamatlcs Mussolini says it . . . . The boy are peach preservers .... The early that makes eyes at a girl, who is bird may get the worm, but who likes worms anyway? . ...Whst the 1!3we o l d vs/ap^ ho^ s e \s crazy to get married, is flirting with . a p *T . I fate .... under dog wants is assistance not = e 1«34 BY HI* wvica IWC. , NOW OUT TO •RASTURE - /-X- sympathy • . . Most any-Fin, will flirt when the train is going out , Jerry—What color bathing Nobody seems to worry about the (# r»iut*t rwi !•><> was £hsie wearing? jierslmmen crop .... Be on the Harry— I couldn’t tell. She level and you are not likely to go her back turned. down hill ...» out HV SiVUik^ Outlaws’ Lookouts By John C. Terry Harold— Let’s go inside and dance Rod kBNNY VUAJ right. you ah' Mf’5 gctta’ Rod say5 t h ‘Bo o bs have got - a n ' he says fr o m -m* ~ H oiy $MCKB f HERE COMEf A youQg preacher ^ad had sev­ THAT AIRPLANE IS SOMETHIN’ KEEP 'EM FROAA TH ilR AAACHiNERy AN' BQOlPAieNT LOCATION OF TH' DlGGIN‘5 the next number. t m a t c ir c l i b a r p l a n e Frances—Let’s go into a huddle eral funerals, but no weddings. To I I PICKONSO \W*TH GITTIN)' through ALL ser UP AN' AR5 RIADY To THEY Giv e h im To w o r k , WITH TH' MoTbR SHUTOFFi and pet it out. Finally just before the Christmas I M ti p o s ii 4 t e iM t d Bur TMEY'U NgUEB SPOT THIS PASS AH' START HYDRAULIC IN'. \o o KNOW HE CAN SEE EVERYTHIN' holidays be was called on to marry | ? THAT'S GoiN’ oN - Joe —Your dad’s lucky to have a a couple in church. He was con­ seat in Congress. fused and very nervous, and instead I *mAp tfifnim'iT** ^ old doff*. Sam— and your dad’s lucky to of saying: “ I now pronounce you | have a seat anywhere! man and wife,” he said: *Thie H o d K ttm / Audd€H/tf friends will come forward and take] chsh^es his U\A/ks$ a U d u d t First Spectator— Say, who you charge of the remains.” shovin’ ? d o o u t o / •ftiehd/ihHS $hd Second Ditto — Dimno, what’s k pet-MrHcd bif /Hh 3toujh To your name? lapper anny ays pisetr hkitte dot ^cld. Scohchij F SCQ.U. F a w.orr.______S : It will not be a complete Re­ Mtd M e , hovoevet, t-emtih covery Act until that certain party ^tispioiOiJS of K thutf , returns the book that was borrow­ ed before the depression. jScoK^ktf 's deM/ p ltu e Dentist—Ah, I sec a large cavity. • aft a r, Ai M(Mt aMTHii Patient— Yes, I haven’t had lUnch yet. ______W A8tUi> b 1 OiN 11 i isa II By ( rane (>1'T ()l >K WAY By Williams BOY.oeOYl A \ f rr^ a q ip t , pod nbr. WELL,YOU'RE KOT Helen— I hear Dick ^leis been tak­ m il l io n dollar palace ) ^-*-3 ::— ------ing you out to eat. FOR ONLVIEOO A ■ ■ ■ TOO SICK TO KEEP Elizabeth — Yes. Tm all fed up MONTH. ■ ■ UP WITH YOUR with him. ■ SCHOOL WORKf rm ■ THIS IS THE DAY Clarence— I love you more than I can tell you, Dorothy. l IE J OF EDUCATION. Dorothy—How about letting a diamond ring do the talking?

Jean—But surely you didn’t tell him straight out that you loved him? Mildred— Goodness, no. He had to squeeze it out of me.

Someone has suggested a good slogan would be: “ Pay as you go, but don’t go so much!” 7 MILS WASH AND E«SV ARC <3U3QVING ! IN THEIR NEW PLAYTHIMS, GAIL IS Harry— What does the w QUESTIONING THE SERVANTS’. ‘davenport’ suggest to you? A girl who s^ f herself as Dorothy—Oh, I know! A city others see her is never blind to D, WHILE RIDING Iowa. her shortcomings. AW, FIRST, THE EXPEN SE. SERVANTS' SALA W ^ BACK TO TO W N , YER .‘tLONE ARE < 6 0 0 A* WEEK. SECOND, THE, DOESN'T MESITATETD CRA2Yf> PLACE IS h a u n t e d . TWO M U R D E R S HAVE EXPRESS HER o p in io n . HAPPENED THERE FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser '^R G A IN , MV EYEl''* Y ou GOT


vice. INC. \l SALESMAN SAM One.Way of Doing It! By Small r ,■ ^oaNiNo^ooi.'t.'. Ya L o o k 606LL, WHY tOOULOU’r ' /^OoO,I_ISSEW,SAm '. i'M MMOOSH,MESS \S RlG+ITl KlNOA,GLUf-(, PeaTH' \'2 OeeM OOOAkiN'S1NC6. ,<>ONNA PUT IT RiOHT UP lOORK DAY OF TU' M tu J s f x o 'c l o c k o n g i l l s ! (TY T a YOU! I OOV'T tOAWTCHA Y e a r I OFFICS ts A CAe.SS>PJ€.N£VeR. T a o o a n o t h e r t m i n o J i 1/ HAo < 0 MUCH noN ey ouTsISwoiw: T lLU ev'RY b il l i s r THAT’S THE WAY I AM— DUMB, ...B l/r 1 DO 7WAT, JUST <5N O UR d o c k s '. c o l l g CT^o '.__ ' LIkE A FOX*. PEOPLE TWlNk IM T© COVIR UP .DOSSWw omet klWDA (3DOFY FDR TURN­ SOMETH I MG CAN QUITFR^N' ING OUT A BUNCH OF ELSE r ig -h t n o w I CRAZY INVENTIONS...

GAS BUGGIES Womanly Intuition? By Frank Beck


£ 2 2 1 " f ; ‘ -‘fr rt ■ » \ f ii r*f. t If'< >'y t' t .4 f \n» • ■« K' •/ •■ ■• # I *if ••<• »•, F •« }U' ’ HIM llurltl TemllaioB, • fNih* U tn BuibatU Obtaty AuiUUty. Tho fMIIBl MBUBlttM IB o b iifi A buiUwM mottlBf Df tbi Aaaotl- the Ladlei OulM I t Mary*i T jM k K illtf ind Hit M at latM OeUtfi, Uwiftoii No. II, Uaitad Bpaalib War Vatar- of MiMhoiter'i Ball ior «miXB8uraaoi Ualoa will be held ebureh win hold Ite aa- ?V " IdaiM. l«ft for Mboel today aftor will hold a apaalal aiaatiaf at tb« Friotdeat'' to bo bo^ at the teasorrew evealag at • e'pleek at Bual meetlaf iHtb eleetlea of offi* ■poadlBf tho Obrtitmai vacatioa at Armory toaaorrew alffbt Itato Armory oa Tuesday, Jabuary tm home of ICraTRMbel T f Muaale, eeri Tbunday aftoraooa it 8:80. Nteheiter Biltinort B u d hor homo oa noaiaat itroot. at I o'olook. Uambara of Ward 10, will most la tbo Mualolpal IfM OiBter itreet. All membpri are Mri. Charlotte Ootberg aad Mrs. Obaaay Camp, U. B. W. V., who are bulldlag at oifbt o'olook toaifot. requested to be preeeat, Jamee Harrisoa will be the hoet* Iptolal Addad rtstUK • oil tba oommlttaa of arraafOBMata These Omirmn William J. Tbora- u f, rLOOR •■OW MIm Idariarot Fan*) blood t«ohal> for tba jolat laatallatloa ooraawBlas tOB bas Barbed to the geaeral oem- Mrs. Oeorfe H. WtlUams, Mri. LomlM »nd Bebbj AndM olaa wltb too John Maaeook Xaiur- OB Jaauary 11, ara aakad to ba praa- mlttee are as feUowsi Dr. 1. 0. Joha O. Maboaey aad Mlie Ida aaot Oompany la loitoa, Maai., waa aaat toaMrrew airht. Dolaa, Mrs. William 0. Oheaey, Mrs. Pagaal will be la obarge of the K b ool St. Rec, Fri., Jan. 5 uoit of tao fltv. aad llri. Loeoard Tbosaas D aaa^ r, Robert 1. Emblem Club members’ social to* I , Karrla over Now Yoar'a. S The Itallaa Ladlea Aid Boolaty la Hathaway, del. Hariw B, Blssell, Al* morrow aftsraooa at tbs Elks boms Atedtiaftn idfl InoludlBg chtrtdnf. arraoflBf for a play to ba praaeat* bort T. Dewey, Roaaid H. Fergusoa, la RookviUs. RANGE on. Mlaa Ifabol Wllllama who haa Harry Russell, William P. wuiih, Outstanding ad at High Bobool ball oa Jaauary Fraaoli 1. Bray, Tbomu Ooaraa, CALL booa apt tho Ohriatmaa vaoa< 14. 'The weskly setback for the beat* A' Miraadparoata, Ifr. and Mrs. C, R. Bukr, Leo J. Fay, Mrs, fit of the radio fuad will be held this ABOUT TOWN tloa wfth h o r ,______Edward Brosaaa, Beleotmaa Aaroa evealag at tbs Highlaad Park Com* Van’s Service Station Mra. J. If. Wllllama of Hudaea Oaorfa Fay bow looatad la Plala* U8 Hartford Road Tel. 88M Values atroot, aad with frloada la Wllllanu- Coo^ Col. William C. Cheimy. Har* mualty olubhouie. ’Tbs usual Ij^i. Joha IfeOllna, wlfo of lo r flald, N. J., II ipaadlBf a few dava old W. Oarrity, Miss Eva jobbsob, prills will be awardtd and rsfrssh* afit Joha MoOllna, who lajurod port, Marylaad. will rMumo hor la Ifaaobeiter vlaltlBi with rala* E. J. MoCabe, Arthur MoCaaa, meats isrvsd. r kno«ioo ^ 1^ a fall on a illppary atda* atudloa at Wolloaloy oolloyo tomor* tlvee. Joseph Pero, Charles Ray, W. B. That were planned special for our January Claaranoa walkB oa Suaday. li to bo oporatod row. Rogers, Mrs. Mathias Bpleis and but we shall put them on sale WEDNESDAY so that eus- iq>oa at tho Maaoboitor Moasorlal The regular moathly meetlag of Mrs. Fred Van Ness. tomers may take advantage of these two bargains toi- koipltal today. Bho waa takoa to ADVntTXSSMllNT— the Benlor Olrli' Friendly Boolety morrow. » tto boapital on Sunday and X*ray of Bt. Mary*i ohuroh will be, held Xoop Flret Aid Cold Tablota la John Mather Chapter, Order of LOANS eturea takon ahow that tho opora* Wedneeday evening at 7 :^ at the DeMolay, will Install officers at Its SOCONY on muat be performed Immediate* tho houBO for quick relief from oolda. home of Mre. Viola Trotter of f Bold only at Mayaoll Drug Co. regular meeting In the Masonic Our Entire Stock of IS Bigelow itreat Temple tonight RANGE AND ^ w TO *300 FUEL OIL ” OOICK SERVICE Some 2,(X)0 Yards I Mrs. Can Nyman’i Circle of the A well*baby conference will be Wesleyan Oufld will meet at the held tomorrow afternoon at 3 Prompt Delivery! INUU MONTMIY PAYIMNTI South Methodist church parsonage, o’clock at the Y. M. C. A. COMI m —WUTf —PMONI 816 Spruce street, tomorrow after* noon at 8:80 o’clock. Mrs. H. Levi Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Gark of 187 Dial 6282 PlRSONAL F bONOI C o. 80 Square 0 Carr’s group will meet at the church Room a, State Tkeater BallSins Henry street have returned after a T53 Mala Bt., Kfaaekeater tomorrow at the same hoar. Bach week^s stay In New York City. Phone 84S0 member Is requested to bring some SCHALLER’S The onlr '^.'larve la Three Per- discarded wearing apparel. ’The rehearsal for the Ama­ eent Per Month on nnpald Amount of Lronn. Percale Prints ranth Installation which was to ’The Women’s League of the Sec­ have been held this evening at the ond Congregational church will meet Masonic Temple, will take place to­ tomorrow ^temoon at 2:80 at the morrow evening at 7 o’clock. The Shop For These church. It will be the annual meet' regular meeting with installation of ing with election of officers. Both the new officers will be held at the yards sewing and folding will be done for Temple Friday evening at 8 o’clock the Memorial hospital. The hostess­ A social will follow with Mrs. Fred­ RANGE & FUEL 008 es win be Mrs. H. L. Tenney, Mrs ericks Spless as chairman of the We Handle Only The Best I L. J. 'Tuttle, Mrs. Frank Vlftner committee of arrangements. and Mrs. James Virginia. When In 5ieed Of Range Or Fuel Oil Set your alarm early for ' ’The first meeting of Anderson- PHONE 5293 WEDNESDAY because these Wednesday MASONIC BRIDGE prints will cut up quickly at Shea Post in the New Year will be night. ’The business meeting will be Tonight At 8:15 P. M. this saving. Gay, fresh prints held at the armory at 8 o’clock to- of fine percale — 80-full short, after which the house com­ Masonic Temple The Bandy Oil Co. mittee will provide refreshments threads to the inoh both and cuds will be played. A good For Members Only. Adm. 35c. 155 Center Street Manchester \ways. Everyone know! that attendance of members is requested 4 Prizes. 2 Series* Prizes. tmeans longer wear and more by the committee as plans for the rbeauty after laundering. A winter activities of the post will be discussed. grand assortment of designs. BRING THE WHOLE FAMILY Every yard tub-fast Tomorrow evening at 7:80 the reg­ S/cc/J ///roi/o'// ular annual congregational meet­ to the Program and Dance ing will take place at the Concor­ Tomorrow Night at 8, at dia Lutheran church. All members Highland Park Oommonlty Clnb Extra Heavy 1 36*Inch! eligible to vote are requested to at­ Troupe of IS In 1 hour of Specialties Specials tend this meeting. Free Refreshments! Admission 26o House Warm as CHILDREN’S JERSEY SUITS Toast at 7 A. M. Outing Flannel All wool, 2-piece, in color combination, ^ lined, sizes 3 to 6, value $2.00, f o r ...... ^ X • O v I We Have Now Been Ap­ pointed A Dealer For Kop- O / z / i^ Come in ond see the TOILET SEAT COVERS OPPERS per’s Coke aad are now in ^CONNECTICUT a poeltion to furnish te yards Choice of colors, values to $1.00...... 29c you a Clean, High Test 18.95 i d u e f o a l ' Linen department Fuel. Heat Requiator Price $18.50 Per Ton This is a bargain! Extra heavy, fleecy warm outing flannti ASH TRAYS at 7 yards for $1,001 36 inches wide. Neat stripes and plain Set of 4, in polished or brush brass, OKE Sold For Gash Only. white. You can make up warm gowns and pajamas for a song regiilar $1.00, f o r ...... 59c The W. G. Glenney Co. during this sale! Phone 4496 Coal, Lumber, Masons’ Supplies, Paint MILLER ELECTRIC CLOCKS L. T. WOOD CO. Yard Goods—Main Floor, left. For kitchen or boudoir, in ivory, or green, Q Q 336 No. Main St. Tel. 4149 Manchester regular $2.95 ...... ^ O C WOMEN’S HANDKERCHIEFS Women’s linen handkerchiefs, 1-16 inch C Q hem, initial, in white, regular 25c, 3 f o r ...... O ^ C H A LES SELF-SLHV l: MEN’S HANDKERCHIEFS THE MANCHESTER TRUST COMPANY IS A Rolled hem, in white. 6 for G n a c E 47c MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT WAIT J I f ^ -4 NOTIONS Kleenex cleansing tissues, INSURANCE CORPORATION 8 f o r ...... 43 c Thrifty Savings WOMEN’S GLOVES at Manchester's Public Pantry In fabric, in black and colors, $1.00 and $1.25 value, p a ir ...... 79c Report of the Condition of Land O’Lakes Beech-Nut THE MANCHESTER TRUST CO. BUTTER COFFEE PINEHURST-Dial SI Manchester, Connecticut. lbs. J lb«. 9 $ e 41 Unexcelled table batter. A coffee of One flavor! Fresh Pork Sauerkraut, .lb. 10c at the close of business Blue Packaged SPARERIBS Scotch Ham, lb. 35c Tissue...... roll 5c Lard...... 2 lbs. 15c . December 30th, 1933 1,000 sheet rolL. Pound cartons. lb. 1 2 e Large Sausage . . .. Beech-Nut • 3 lbs. 33c...... lb. 19c Columbia Spaghetti ...... ASSETS LIABILITIES Mettwurst — Tripe — Scrapple Ammonia, 2 qts. 25c ...... lb. pkg. 10c This Is Jost the weather your faa^y will e n ^ wmnn soups Loans and Discounts.___ $174,398.28 Capital stock...... $100,000.00 and stews. We have nice meaty Soup Bonec — Veal Fbmka —> Overdrafts...... 77.49 Surplus — ...... 100,000.00 Florida Pot Rooete and Lamb for etewing. These cuts ore easy on your budget, too. U. S. Government Securi­ Undivided Profits...... 157.47 ties ...... 230,770.31 General Deposits .,___ . . . 520,814.49 G r a p e f r u it ^ i o r 2 3 * Sweet and Juley! 2 Lbs. Lamb Q C IVi Lb#. V«al O C Other Securities (Net of Treasurer’s, Certified, Div­ S te w ...... e39C Leon Bboulders. st«w...... u D C Reserve for Deprecia­ idend Checks, Etc. .. 8,737.24 tion) ...... 59,529.16 Revenue Tax Collected... 14.40 Green Mountain Bare Marrow Bnnea ...... 2 Iha. Ifle Vegetable Sot ip Bunchee...... lOe Furniture and Equipment 11,975.00 Dr. Phillips’ 1rangerinei ...... doK. 18e Cash and Due from Banks 240,678.18 $729,723.60 POTATOES peck 23* Cauliflower — Spinach — Carrot#. Cash Items and Exchanges 11,090.07 No. 1 Green Moun^ln potatoee. Accrued Interest...... 1,162.91 Veal Pork Veal Ground Foreign Coin and CJurren- K. • Chops Cutlets Veal Chops cy 42.20 HALES

Cnif hed Pineapple $729,728.60 MEALTM MARKETl Diced Pineapple ^iSoold^ 2 lb#. 2 5 c Green Beane Edg#mont Griham#. 8TA1?B OF CONNECTICUT Spinach Edgtmont Butttr Crack* • i.' Manehefter, DBqfmbor 80,19S8. COUNTY OF HARTFORD Carrote tri. Wednesday Speeiids Applesauce Freeh MOLASSES I, Harold C. Alvord, Traaaurar of tha aforoMid The ManehMtar Trust Company, do lolamnly swear that the foregoing etatement ii true to the best of my knowledge and belief. in 8 or 10-os. eana 2 5 c 3 5 c HAROLD C. ALVORD. SPARE RIBS « ^ , Buy it hi bulk—better Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 80th day of December, 1988. grade co#t# lee#. 3 “ “25c ROPJIRT B. HATHAWAY, amt n Mag Lctto’f OnngB Marmaladt...... jtr I Notary Public. Blrduys Raspbciritf and StrawbarritB...... SAUBRERAUV Try Birdfiy* BroccoU or Aipanifub.
