

ow do we findout the exciting work alumni do? Our lead to Dave Gingerich FANSHAWE COLLEGE Fo/11999 (ContructionEngineering Technology Managemen 90), the cover story onpage � _ Save now for your 4, came from his family's local newspaper. Sometimes we hear of alumni suc­ Hcess through email, magazines, or conversations in the halls at Fanshawe. We're children's future always glad to know what you're doing-please keep in touch. lanning for our children's "" While Fanshawe continues to fillits role as a community college, it is also home to alumninews education has to start as students from across Canada and overseas. Look for our story on page 22 about the earl as ossible. Man new residence, and check the new PERK in the centre section for the new student Managing Editor P y p y restaurant, Saffron's. Marilyn Turner students have the desire and the Many thanks to John Sing (Audiovisual Technician 79) for our cover photo of Dave, Editor talent to attend university or college but are financially and to Sherry Bruck (Advertising Art 82), our amazing Designer, for the won?erf ul unable to do so. If Simone Graham your child turns seven in 1999, the cost blending of graphic and photo. And welcome back and very many thanks to �1mone of a four- ear universit degree will exceed $100,000. If Graham, our Editor, for all her work getting the magazine to press. The Alumni Office Designer y y ou start saving now, this amount can be manageable. is in the throes of software conversion and, predictably, it's taking much longer than Sherry (Shibley) Bruck y Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs) offer that we expected. As a result, you may findthat your mailing label isn't quite the same as Harquin Graphics, Inc. last time. Please let us know-call us at 800.661.ALUM or email alumni@fan­ opportunity. Alumni PERKS and Banner Ads shawec.on.ca. The advantages of starting an RESP for your child have 1n·our last edition we did not make it clear that the information about our Distin­ Jennifer Baxter never been better. The government grant will add 20% to guished Alumni was the information used to select them, so in some cases it wasn't Cover Photo our child's education fund, allowing for faster growth, and current. For example, Colleen Farrell-Evetts no longer works for Fanshawe College. y John Sing RESPs have never been more flexible. With more than two­ Further1 she was a director of the Board of Women's Community House, not the direc­ tor of the organization. We apologize for any confusion. Colleen is Human Rights Offi­ Contributors thirds of jobs requiring a post-secondary education, your cer, Seneca College, . Pauline Cameron, Jeannine Cookson, child cannot afford to miss this opportunit y.• Marg Cooper, Wendy Curtis, Dennis Dowker, Marilyn Turner, Alumni Officer (Broadcasting-Radio 83) Submitted by: Marg (van Zon)Cooper (Executive Secretory 81/Profes­ Charting success on her o,vn terms r Michelle Floyd, Rebecca LaFleur, Leslie McIntosh, sionol Seceto,y 82),Sales Manager with ESC Education Savings Plans, 877.411. 7377, with assistance from Rebecca Lafleur (Corporate Co111111u- ometimes learning what not to do is more valuable than learningwhat to do. Charles Middleton, Karen Monahan, 11icotions and Public Relations 99). For (Music Industry Arts-Recorded Music Production95) that Barry Moncreiff, Marilyn Peaker, Philip Phelan, means being able to anticipate the pitfalls of the recording industry. Sheila Rees, John Said, John Sing, Dave Singh, S "Fanshawe College gave me a behind-the-scenes look at the business- it was Bruce Wilson, Paul Zomer a good introduction to what to look out for," explained Gryner when she recently returned to the college to perform at the OutBack Shack, Oxford Street campus. According to Emm, it's not just the lessons learnedin the classroom that she Alumni News is published twice a year by the Fanshawe College remembers, it's the fellow students who played in her band and came out to sup­ Alumni Association and Fanshawe College, London, Ontario. The car and home port her at her shows. These are the people whom she describes as providing a 'home base' as she embarked upon her career. It is distributed free to Fanshawe College alumni; others may insurance program subscribe for $10 per year, plus OST. Those supporters were key to her early successes as were her parents and you've been asking for! brothers. As she grew up in the small town of Forest, Ontario, her family was the Publication of information about individuals, organizations or first toencourage her love of music, which began to emerge as early as age 8. In companies does not imply endorsement by Fanshawe College Y:ur Alumni Association is delighted to bring you a fact, Emm starting dabbling in home recording when she was only 16, recording or Fanshawe College Alumni Association. We welcome, but can- errific deal in home and car insurance from Peo· her firstdemo on a four-track. not be held responsible for unsolicited manuscripts, pho­ plePlus Insurance. Because of the unparalleled Years later, Emm and her brother Frank Gryner (Music Industry Arts-Record­ tographs or artwork. Please enclose a self-addressed envelope bu ing ower of grou insurance, ou and other Fanshawe A Cast of Falcons-Fanshawe Alumni are Everywhere y p p y ed Music Production 93) put the finishing touches to a nine song demo album, with sufficientpostage for return. Submission deadlines are alumni ma be eligible for huge savings. While our dis· Our Cast of Falcons this month has not Hown too far from the London Campus, nesting prac­ y y which he mixed for her in his living room in West Hollywood, California.Frank is February I and August I. No part of this magazine may be count de ends on our driving record, t e of vehicle and tically just across the street at 554 First Street. These alumni from London Goodwill Industries p y yp a recording engineer with engineering and mix credits for projects such as Rob reproduced without the publisher's written consent. work together in the Goodwill Employment, Education and Tr aining Division Career Centre so forth, alumni are reporting significant savings in their Zombie, Powerman 5000 and currently, Tommy Lee. (except Brit Archer, who is with Leads Employment Service). The Career Centre motto is, "we Fanshawe College Alumni Association premiums, in some cases as much as SO% off! Emm 's songwriting is made up of brutally honest songs about her relationships, train, we hire, we help''. 1460 Oxford Street East, P.O. Box 7005 The Alumni Office does not give out your name, address coming of age and her journey of self discovery. She accompanies her own strong, Standing, left to right, are: Angela Alushi, Alida Kraven (Developmental Services Work­ London, Ontario N5Y 5R6 or telephone number, so to receive a no-obligation quote, melodious voice on bass, piano, keyboards, and acoustic guitar. er 98), Brit Archer (Developmental Services Worker 87), Brad Forbes (Developmental Ser­ Tel: 519-452-4285 Out-of-town: 800-661-ALUM call PeoplePlus toll-free at 877.896.2020. Call them As far as her career goes, Em m's can-do, will-do attitude is keeping her busy and vices Worker 96) (Developmental Services Worker 98). keeping her star rising. Following the 1996 release of two EPs on her own label, and Dawn Irvine Seated are: Abby Fax: 519-659-9393 E-mail: [email protected] direct from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. or on weekends from noon Gomaa (Call Centre 95), Melissa Van Roes tel (Developmental Services Worker 88) and Philip Dead Daisy Records, she signed with Mercury in 1998 and released her major label Website: www.fanshawec.on.ca/Alumni to 4 p.m. What have you got to lose? Phelan (Machinist 89/SocialService Worker 96). A few camera-shy Falcons are also part of the debut "Public" to critical acclaim. Please tell us if you are ha ppy (or not) with the service team: Cindy Webb (Developmental Services Worker 94), Rick O'Quinn (Developmental Ser­ In 1999, in addition to three high profileLilith Fair dates, she opened for Alanis you receive from PeoplePlus. And If there are other types vices Worker 96), Yvonne Andersen (Developmental Services Worker 94) and Sonna Feica Mailed under Agreement Number 1588281 Morissette and toured with Tom Cochrane and . She recently cele­ of insurance which will help you at home or in your busi­ (HumanServices Foundation 95/SocialService Worker 97). • and Customer Number 6547672 brated the release of her fourth album "Science Fair" in August 1999, once again ness, let us know at S 19.4S2.428S. • on her own label, Dead Daisy Records.• Photo by: John Sing (Audiovisual Technician 79) FANSHAWE COLLEGE ALUMNI NEWS Fall 19/J!J 3 2 "Virtually every industry uses the same tions," he says with a smile. the reality of expanding beyond Earth by build­ scheduling models and methods. Fanshawe Allied has developed the power system, ing in space, and perhaps even colonizing dis­ taught me the business side of things, how to landing gear, cooling and environmental con­ tant planets, becomes one step closer.• supervise teams, budgeting, risk analysis and trol systems and avionics on a demonstrator Since we interviewed Dave, his career has moved how to do the costing of projects as well. !twas vehicle for NASA-the backbone of their space forward again. With A/lied's work on the X33 three years well spent." exploration program. If successful, govern­ demonstrator completed, the company promoted After graduating from Fanshawe's co-op ment and industry will decide whether to con­ Dave to the position of Program Planning Control program Dave worked in Glasgow, Scotland for tinue with the full-scale VentureStarto replace Manager, in charge of costs and scheduling for a year where he firstbecame interested in the the current space shuttle in the year 2005. A/lied's contributions to the InternationalSpace business side of the industry, involved in the The X33 demonstrator will not take payloads Station. The first module of the Station is already scheduling and budgeting for various con­ into space. Instead, it will be used to prove the in space and Allied is working on additional struction projects. He continued in that direc­ design and flight characteristics of the full­ modules, specifically the design and manufac­ tion when he returnedto Canada. scale vehicle. With the new vehicle, NASA turing of thermal control systems, environmental After four years with Ontario Hydro in hopes to cut payload costs from $10,000 to systems and life support systems for the Space ou never know where your education scheduling and cost management, Dave knew $1,000 a pound. By decreasing the cost of get­ Station. that his career focus had indeed shifted. He ting raw and processed materials into space, By Michelle Floyd and skills might take you. For Dave Y moved away from working directly in the con­ Gingerich (Construction Engineering Tech· struction industry and began focussing his career on project management in a high-tech Reusable launch Vehicles nology Management 90}, it has catapulted environment. him into space. In 1996, he joined Allied Signal Aerospace's he Reusable Launch Vehicle Toronto operation as a Project Analyst. There, As Senior Project Analyst at Allied Signal he managed the budgeting, costing and sched­ TTechnology Program Is a part­ uling of projects to build fighterplanes as well nership between NASA and Indus­ Aerospace in California, Dave harnesses the as Canada's contribution to the X33 power try. The goal of the program Is to talent of some of the best minds in science. management replacement part for the space shuttle. design a new generation of launch

Dave's team is responsible for the develop· That's how he made contacts with Allied's 63 h Longe,, 127 tt vehicles expected to lower the 68h W1 ment of the SSTO (Single Stage to Orbit) vehi­ costs of putting payloads In space LH2l02 �I LH2l02 a position as Senior Project Analyst to move 210000t>s FIIOIVr�IJ I 929000 lbs 2 J-2S LineJv M.wi Propu•-.ion 7RS2200t;,_ cle, also known as demonstrator model X33. projects forward related to the space station dramatically. Today's launch sys· ...._ AMllpdtes '100001bs.. �-off- 3.010000bs and the X33 demonstrator vehicle, the deci­ M.-l(inurltpNd Mach 15+ Jh,lf1'Unlp,Nd Obda.1 tems are complex and costly to P•(oocllo loo# E- Obd N.A Pay\Oad ,o I.ow � °""1 45.000lbs This is the proposed replacement for the cur· sion to move was a simple one. "To be involved with projects of this mag­ use. The current program stresses a simple, fully reusable vehicle that will rent space shuttle program and the stakes nitude was an incredible opportunity," he work much like an airliner. are high. Success of this project will revolu· says. "The chanceto manage such a high-risk venture and work with this calibre of scien­ In July 1996, NASA chose Lockheed Martin Skunk Works of Palmdale, Cal· tionize space travel. tists and individuals just doesn't come along lfornla, to design, huild, test and the X33 experimental vehicle. The wedge· While being involved in an exciting project every day." His days are spent working closely with elec­ shaped X33 will he half the size of the proposed full-size vehicle called of this magnitude may seem like a giant leap trical engineers, mechanical engineers and VentureStar. The X33 will not take payloads Into space hut he used Instead software experts-some of the brightest to prove the design and flight characteristics of the full-scale vehicle. from his home town of Zurich, Ontario and the minds in the scientificcommunity. He essen­ construction field he trained for, Dave says tially turnstheir thoughts, innovations and the­ Lockheed Martin Intends to hegln carrying out the first test flights early ories into reality. In the year 2000. After the test program, government and Industry will the skills he learned at f anshawe are very "I work with people who are technically strong. The challenge is, they don't like to decide whether to continue with the full-scale VentureStar. • transferable to other fields. be constrained by costs or time limita-

4 /i'alf /!Jl/f/ FANSHAWE COLLEGE ALUMNI NEWS FANSHAWE COLLEGE ALUMNI NEWS /1'all ff/!J!J 5 * I IW·W;WWW;-W;WWW..,CWtp«·liillil'lliiWl·l'H·IIHil IW·W;WWW;-W;W'MMW ·lilllil1iliiWl•l1H·IIHil DiD-v -.. Pump up your career with new skills Rapid Text Reporting Engineering degrees, low tuition in Michigan Technology U nder an agreement signed this summer, alumni from three Fanshawe engineering programs receive advanced standing toward a four-year Court Agent Interested In a totally new career direction? engineering degree at Saginaw Valley State University. Alumni in Select Con­ The Court Administration and Tribunal Agent Certificateis a one-year post-diploma pro­ Why not consider becoming a Real-time trol Engineering or Electronic Engineering Technology receive two years gram of interest to graduates of the Law Clerk and Legal Assistant programs. Through this Reporter, also known in the industry as a standing toward a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. Alumni in new offering, students gain advocacy skills needed to represent clients in court or before Mechanical Engineering (Mobile Equipment) can use their diplomas toward Professional Machine Shorthand Reporter. a tribunal. The program focuses on legislation relevant to provincial offences, criminal sum­ SVSU's BSc in Mechanical Engineering. Ted Smith, Chair of Fanshawe's Man­ mary convictions, small claims court and the Tenant Protection Act. For more Information, By learning and using machine shorthand, ufacturing Sciences Division, says that SVSU was so impressed with a Fan­ contact the Business Studies Division at 519.452.4290. graduates of Rapid Text Reporting Technolo· shawe mechanical engineering technology graduate, "they decided to pursue gy will be able to capture the written word more formal agreements" with Ontario colleges and Fanshawe. According to Organizational Learning and Development at high rates of speed and accuracy, trans· Smith, the Professional Engineers Association of Ontario recognizes SVSU's engineering programs. Further, SVSU has agreed to charge Ontario graduates latlng what Is being said instantaneously This post-diploma certificateprogram prepares students to become training and devel­ the same tuition as in-state residents. Smith estimates SVSU's in-state tuition opment specialists and allows them to gain the necessary skills to develop, adapt, deliver into the written word. This specialized skill at $2,500 Canadian a year. For more information contact Ted Smith, Chair, and evaluate training and learning strategies. Within the program, students learn to coach Is in Increasing demand within the fields of Manufacturing Sciences Division, Fanshawe College, at 519.452.4419. • and mentor clients; design course and learning materials and multi-media presentations; education, multimedia, the government, the apply strategic planning skills; and manage organizational change. For more Information, By Paul Zomer (Broadcastloumalis11196) contact Shella Chick at 519.452.4194. judicial system (court reporting), legal and medical transcription, and close•captloning Recruiting First Nations health and social service alumni Web System Analyst for television and film. For more informa· tion, contact the Business Management Dlvl· he Aboriginal Recruitment Coordination Office (ARCO) supports First This eight-month (two term) post-diploma program is offered to college or university graduates. The student in Web Systems Analyst requires a unique ability to work with, and slon at 519.452.4432. • TNations and Aboriginal organizations across Ontario with recruitment, to program computers, combined with artistic skills involving graphic creation, design and hiring and retention of health and social service employees. Their Employment implementation. This program will enable the graduate to work in all facets of the Registry Database (ERO) matches job postings received from employers with WWW/Internetfield within large or small organizations. individuals registered in the ERO. Donna Lyons, Director, ARCO, says, "We are Training is provided in setting up a server in either UNIX or WIN NT (the two major plat­ S_pecial offer actively recruiting individuals with the education and work experience in health forms), creating and designing graphics and web pages effectively, developing full business care and social services who are interested in working in an Aboriginal set­ sites and pages using the latest Browser software and techniques, applying web database for Alumni! ting." Registering with ARCO is free. • access techniques and, finally,understanding and being able to fulfillthe ongoing mainte­ nance requirements of a site. Courses, software and hardware focus on an IBM PC based Register for an Internet environment. online course and Graduates may expect to find employment as Web Systems Analyst, Web Analyst, Web receive a Designer, Web Programmer, Web Administrator, Internet/IntranetAdministrator as well as $15.00 discount! programmer and systems analyst. For more information, contact Dennis Dowker, Chair, Information Technology Division, 519.452.4291. Submit this coupon with your application form Educational Assistant-Post-Diploma Expiration date June 30, 2000. School of Continuing Education This post-diploma program is intended for college graduates in Human Services or uni­ 452·4430 ext. 4689 versity graduates in Social Sciences. During the one-year academic program, students devel­ op a specialty knowledge and skill base in the areas of teaching and learning, special education, augmentative communication, educational technology and adaptive technology. F'll Each semester includes eight practicum weeks interspersed with blocks of academics. 11,A Included in the course, students will learn to use an interactive, Internet-based software FANSHAWE COLLEGE called Knowledge Forum to facilitate collaborative and cooperative learningin the classroom. For more Information, contact 519.452.4149. TIIIS COUPON HAS NO CASII VALUE

6 j /l'a/1 /!l!J!J FANSHAWE COLLEGE ALUMNI NEWS FA N SH AWE CO l LE GE Al U M NI NE W S l"a If tfl!J!J I 7 ;

. I N T E R N A T I O N A l N E ·w S

A Fanshawe diploma opens Re1ne1nbering your doors around the world mentors or fel lo,v students ien I started my Electronic Engineering in a tangible ,vay course, I intended to continue my studies in the fieldof Biomedical Engineering Technolo­ f you look bock over your college years, and think gy.W When I searched educational institutes to findthe best college that provides this course, I realized that of the many people who influenced and helped you, Fanshawe's course was in comparison the best one, certain names probably come to mind. Each of us technically, theoretically and practically. I Biomedical Engineering Technology is one of the owes some element of our success to the mentors, par­ newest fieldsin this age of technology. The ability to Ground-breaking news for St. Thomas/Elgin Campus ents and professors who helped shape who we ore today. precisely measure, communicate and structure deci­ sion-making systems throughthe use of electronic and efore the snow flies this Fall, the ground wlll be broken in St. Thomas, embark· You may also hove received on award or scholarship dur­ mechanical devices, combined with the knowledge of ing on the much anticipated Phase II of the St. Thomas/Elgin Campus of Fanshawe ing your studies which encouraged you and assisted you human physiology, has resulted in a new professional College. The addition will add 15,500 square feet to the existing Campus facil­ Biomedical Engineering Technician.Such a person is a B financially to complete your education. ity. This much needed space will be used for labs, shop areas, classrooms, plus a pro· member of a newly emerging medical science team, a posed student lounge and student union office. team dedicated to help translate and develop the lat­ Even though your own college days are done, many Our international students speak for us ... A larger studio/lab area, planned for the north side of the campus, will accommodate est technical research into medical application. current students still benefitgreatly from the array of the existing Theatre Arts Technical Production Program. A smaller addition will be made "Fanshawe has been the major source of success in my life and My diploma in Biomedical Engineering Technology academic awards, scholarships and bursaries that the at the west entrance. Plans ore for a September 2000 move-in dote. people here are the best one can ever find. I took a two-year Busi­ gave me the opportunity to embark on this exciting College administers each year. Fanshawe relies on the career and gave me the chance to finda career inter­ The project was approved by the Ontario Ministry of Education and Training which also generosity of individuals such as you, plus donations ness Marketing Diploma which gave me the best possible under­ nationally, in Jordan. The company I work for special­ committed to financial support to offset a portion of the costs of the expansion. As with from corporations and foundations, to support as many izes in medical devices, laboratory and blood banking the highly successful Phase I project, which was indeed a community achievement, the standing of the business world. Teachers at Fanshawe are great and as 90 ongoing endowments. instruments and scientificequipment My strong edu­ St. Thomas/Elgin Campus Is seeking donations from citizens, corporations, foundations Many of our program specificendowments were set helped me a lot in attaining my goal. A journey of a thousand miles cational background provided me with extra credit to and Alumni to help make Phase II a reality. • up years ago, in memory of a mentor, faculty member, get a better position within my career. My responsibil­ fell ow student or family member. Over the years, these begins with the firststep. I encourage other International students ities at my present job include running and supervising Calling all our Bank of Employee Alumni endowments have fallen behind financially and are in to make the firststep to Fanshawe College." a Biomedical Management System, in addition to tra­ ditional tasks of maintaining and repairing the medical f you work for the Bonk of Montreal, the time M real need of new funds to be donated to them. Fawad Siddiqui (Business Marketing 99) equipment• hos never been better to consider a donation to - BankofMontreal If you feel that you can make a financialgift to one of our existing endowed academic awards, scholarships by: Yasser Abudaka (Electronics Engineering Technician-Biomedical 97) Fanshawe College. That's because the Bonk of Montrealhos approved the inclusion of communityI colleges and institutes into its existing Matching Gift Program for Higher Edu· or bursaries, please contact us at 519.452.4466. We International students pursuing cation. Since Fanshawe is recognized under the Association of Canadian Community Col­ would be pleased to direct your gift in memory of an career studies up 50% leges (ACCC), It con now benefit twice as much from your generosity. appropriate person or within a program that is near and ver the past two academic years, Fanshawe College has been welcom­ Under this program, when you make a minimum donation of $25 to Fanshawe and you dear to your heart. • 0 ing more and more International students within its post-secondary ore a Bonk employee, pensioner or director, the Bonk of Montreal will match your dona· ranks. Currently, 60 students from more than 30 different countries are tion to a maximum of $2,000 per year. studying at Fanshawe College towards a career diploma or certificate.This repre­ In order to quolif y, your contribution must be paid by cheque, money order or by Bonk sents an increase of 50% over the 1997-98 enrollments. of Montreal MasterCard. There ore a few other specific stipulations, so you are encour­ The most popular course choices are Basic Business, General Arts and Science aged to request a Bonk of Montreal Matching Gifts Program Application Form from your for International Students and select courses from computer engineering and pro­ employer before making your gift. gramming. There are still a good number of International students within the There ore many Important programs andservices Identified each year at the College that Hotel/Restaurant/Culinary/fourismand Travel areas. However, we are also seeing an increase in interest and enrollments within some other less traditional program ore difficult, if not impossible, to sustain through government funding and tuition alone. choices such as Interior Design, Graphic Design,Multimedia Design Production and Duringrecelll a visit to Amman, Jordan, Fanshawe professor Bany Mon­ If you would like more Information on how your gift may be used, please contact us at crieff(Manufacturing Sciences) was pleased to meet with former student, 519.452.4466. • Music Industry Arts. • Yasser Abudaka (Electronics Engineering Technician-Biomedical 97) and his wife, Salwa.


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10! /t'a/11999 FANSHAWE COLLEGE ALUMNI NEWS FANSHAWE COlLEGE ALUMNI NEWS /•'all 1fJ99l 11 Check out what's in it for you! Check out what's in it for you! 519.452.4285 · 800.661.ALUM 519.452.4285 · 800.661.ALUM

CrulseShlpCen• (not wire services). Flowers, fresh and arti­ Enterprises Unlimited How to pre­ home. Terri-Lynn Neath, 519.245.1268. No problem service in � ters, Hyland Centre, ficialarrangements, gourmet, gift and fruit pare, start and develop a home-based busi­ a fun atmosphere �TH�'jf�® Cosmo City,the ultimate laser game. Free � l London. $25 shipboard baskets. Delivery to all hospitals and funer­ ness. Small group workshops, individual makes Kelsey's ·� Soc,1972 0 parking after 6 pm daily, weekends, all day first choice in casual That Paper Place 10% off everything credit per cabin when al homes. All major credit cards accepted. consultations. An affordable "firststep" for Sunday. alumni book a cruise 519.681.6653. aspiring entrepreneurs. 10% off any work­ dining. 15% discount when you show your PERKS card at time of cr�•ntctn $1 off one a with Betty Pickering to Mr:f:-1""""'�� shop or consultation with PERKS card. ("!I with your PERKS card. purchase. 551 York St. or 43 Southdale Rd.E., game (plus ("'(�Sl'() •r�r anywhere! Show your PERKS card and ask Susan Wodlinger 519.657.3439 (days) or 1 1,� i,a: London. group dis- Kelsey's Masonville 519.660.1860 for Betty. 519.850.7766. 519.472.4275 (evenings). counts for 8 or more people) with your Kelsey's Wellington 519.668.1105 Delaware Speedway Park 2-for-1 Lloyd's Cycle and Repairs Bikes for •••• PERKS card. 176 Dundas Street, London. Kelsey's Oxford East 519.455.9463 � DI 'f admission for 1 -�:P� -·•• ni the whole family. ifii+iiNM f��:e Kelsey's Oxford West 519.657.9400 � all 1999 and 2000 I 1 • Johnny Oxford Car Care 10% off car .::a:::__ -llrK LLOYD'S CYCLE Use your PERKS Choice Hotels Canada, Canada's events. Show & Repair parts. Free pick up and delivery with your Head2 HeadGames, • card for 10% off largest lodging chain. 10% off published Multiboard Communications $24.95 your PERKS card at the courtesy ticket win­ Now&UNd � PERKS card. 519.455.4457. 397 Clarence Street, parts and 20% off room rates at over 200 participating Comfort, unlimited access or 15 hour/month for dow for a great night of stock car racing the London. Network and H new bike purchases. 519.452.3881 -924 Oxford Quality, Clarion, Sleep, Econo Lodge, Rode­ $12.95. Save 10%with your PERKS card. Full i whole family can enjoy. 519.641.1214. single player computer D Street East, London, at Barker and Quebec. way and Mainstay inns, hotels, suites and Internet access 24 hours a day, personal cJtl �4iJ;7c:in:��::: a. ... s games. Internet access 111 Dr. Doolittle's health food for pets, with resorts across Canada. 1.800.4.CHOlCE; Fan­ email account and web space, newsgroups, London. 10% off all art �� College Day events at the Toronto Rap• available. Show your PERKS card for Inter­ natural pet food, � • shawe College Alumni ID number C00088263. technical support, free setup software for supplies, 10% off b�r:i.r- Dr.u6ontt Ies ,. net access $4.00 an hour. 519.434.5591. healthy treats, Windows. 519.434.5888. all laminating and A IIEALTH FOOD STORE FOR PETS Cellular Shop,1080 Adelaide Street North, herbal supple- plaqued paper, and 25% off custom framing. your Alumni Officeat \\\ & London. 20% off any Damen's Restaurant, Water Street, ments, homeopathic books, and accessories. � �CELLULAR • London Optical 452.4285,���: o;.�:�·��� or, out-of- "P Bob Jones Auto Supply 15% off auto London Optical, 527 Richmond Street, town, 800.661.ALUM. stock items and spe­ Buffet meals, menu service. 15% off buffet view it on-line @ www.drdoo. com. Free parts. 519.451.1100 orour four London locations. London. 20% off prescription eye glasses. cial orders. 519.434.6196 or 888.CEL.SHOP. with your PERKS card. Lunch, dinner, Sunday rawhide bone or package of cat treats with 519.850.0027. 1\vocan dine for the price of one when you brunch-great food, fabulous atmosphere. Photo Plus & Smoke Shop,A&P Cen­ every $20 purchase. present your PERKS card at Fanshawe's new Cy:a:zleCycles Inc. Bicycles -Sales -Ser­ 519.284.3424 for reservations. tre, Adelaide and Cheapside. Half-hour Bell's Winery 10% off all wine kits made Saffron's Dining Room, Monday, vice - Repairs. Your Ring-A-Wing, 941 photo finishing,specials and black and white in store or at home and any related products. Tuesday, Wednesday evenings; Monday, PERKS card means 15% O'Hagan's Contacts Plus Contact Oxford Street East at •• • service. 10%off photo finishingservices with Ask about our wedding wine package. ,. • Wednesday lunch; September to November; off repairs,10% off sales. lenses,design- Quebec. 15% off any r:, your PERKS card. This offer does not include 240 Graff Avenue, Stratford. 519.275.3603. January to April. A Building, Fanshawe Col­ 360 Springbank Drive, b1 er eyeglasses, tobacco products. purchase over $10. RiNG-A-wtNG 1

12 I /t'a/1 f!JO!) FANSHAWE COLLEGE ALUMNI NEWS FANSHAWE COLLEGE ALUMNI NEWS /t'a// 1!J!J!Jl 13 � ..� r . . . f f • I ' ' '.: : f r· ' ' ' FANS�l°AWE A L i.J M N R P. N · J� F I T · s· · ... P- R o r. R A M .'::.PERKS Check out what's in it for you! Check out what's in it for you! 519.452.4285 800.661.ALUM 519.452.4285 · 800.661.ALUM

Second Phase Photo lab,447 Quebec free 877.896.2020; a licensed, salaried PEO­ Harvest Restaurant Lunch Buffet$5.29, Gollgers Travel Vacation planning, cus­ Fanshawe College Community Fil• Street,London. 15%off PLEPLUS representative will give you a no­ Monday to Friday, tomized honeymoon packages, corporate ness Centre alumni membership rate $29 l!Jcarman's per month-$10 per month less than commu­ all photofinishing to foto soun::eN obligation quote, often in less than 15 11am to 3pm; Sunday travel management. $25 off per person on nity rate! Latest cardiovascular and weight any PERKS cardholder. Carman's Foto Source Club member­ minutes. Call anytime between 7 a.m. and 11 Brunch $6.99. I 0% off any vacation package, value of $500 or more training, dynamic aerobic program. BOXFIT 519.453.890 I. ship is a low $19.99 (plus GST). With your p.m. EST on weekdays or noon to 4 p.m. EST orders over $5.00. ( certain restrictions may apply) with your and BOOT CAMP! New annual members get PERKS card get 20% off processing, 15% off on weekends. Delivery free in area, PERKS Card. www.goligerstravel.com 607 Rutaurant full fitnessassessment, program design, and digital services, 10%off photo supplies,5%off minimum $15.00, King Street West, Suite 204, Kitchener. Show your PERKS card for 15% discount on equipment orientation free. Show your R•G• AUTO REPAIR prepaid film. Second sets (ATD)$1.99 35 mm. from 11am. 519.741.0770, 800.465.4437. all regular price items at Ardene. White PERKS card and get an extra 10% off the R.G. Auto Repair,250 Springbank Drive, Free estimates, the seniors' discount and Oaks Mall and Masonville Place only. London Floral L O N D O N already low price of $45 for a squash Drop-In London. I 0% off labour and parts on repairs, I 0% off painting services at Robbins Arrangements 15% card. That's 20% off the cost of 10 squash brakes, shocks, engines, and safeties. Bud Gow'an Formal Wear offers Fan­ 1!tGu ardianDr ug off in-store sales and Painting l.nterior and Exterior. sessions! 519.452.4477. 1460 Oxford Street shawe College alumni 15% off BUD GOWAN ------rentals. Free delivery 519.642.8869. East, off Cheapside. Free parking. regular price tuxedo rentals Show your PERKS card at Coulter's Phar• for floral purchases nENSCRAFTERS and retail clothing ( cannot For the Best Prices and macy Ltd. for 10% off more than 400 Cer­ over $50.00. Fresh, pre­ Rent classroom space at Fanshawe's •• � : the Best Service ... apply to other special offers). tifiedStore Brand Products. 519.451.0750. served & silk customized bridal packages. Oxford Street campus at 10% off the regular Lenscrafters, Masonville. Quality �.a KDA AUTOMOTIVE Tremendous selection of tuxe­ 519.649.7477, Angela Teixeira. London,Chatham, rates. 519.452.4488 extension 4342. crafted eyewear in one hour! Prescription KDA Used Cars 10% off vehicle pur­ dos, vest, shirts, and acces­ With your PERKS card get 10%off all footwear Windsor, Kitchener, Hamilton, Oakville. Librar borrower's cards are free for and non- prescription sunglasses a special­ chases, 15% off repairs. 934 Dundas Street, sories. 519.672.6210. at any Next Step London locations: White y Fanshawe alumni. $5 off the regular rate! ity. 20% off all eyewear purchases. London,519.433.4141. Oaks Mall, Masonville Place, Galleria, West­ The Aromatherapy Shoppe. Market mount Shopping Centre. 519.452.4236. Golf Outfitters Tour quality golf clubs. Square, Ottawa Jones' Auto Body in London for 32 Custom fittedfor all ages and abilities; lower Street, Windsor. Eyre Reflexology Foot, head and hand years. Complete mechanical services to full Fanshawe alumni get 10% off services in price than top brands; heads, shafts, grips as Organic essential for therapeutic stress reduction and heavy collision rebuilds, you can trust our Counselling and Student Life, such IPIE01PIUE§ as Mapping Out Your Future career coun­ used on PGA Tour; Tour quality repairs, Peoples Jewellers, Masonville Place. oils, natural soaps. improved health. staff of trained technicians. With your PERKS selling,testing, and services for disabilities. regripping, and reshafting. Free fittingpro­ I0% off regularly priced merchandise Show your PERKS $5.00 off for Fan­ card get I 0% off mechanical service and buml 519.452.4282. gram (by phone or in person), club identifi­ ( excluding Gucci products/ cannot be used iATICAI for 10% off and 5% shawe alumni, staff insurance claim deductibles. 620 Third Street, London. Weekdays 8:00am-5:00pm. cation label(s), and a free putter/wedge with with other promotional events). Show your discount on courses at the Aromatica, Cen­ and students with Alumni landlords, list your student 'Reflexale19� 519.455.3743. each set of 11 clubs when you show your PERKS card at point of sale. All major cred­ tre For Natural Therapies & Holistic Study. your PERKS card. housing with Fanshawe's Counselling and PERKS card. 519.357.3745. it cards accepted. 519.667.4055. Call Sara Rankin, 519.966.8000. 519.432.8511. Student Life department. 10% off the listing Joanne's The Esthetics Boutique. Walter's Music, Masonville Place. 15% Show your PERK card at McIntosh Power fee with your PERKS card. 519.452.4282. Personal Edge 7% off all regular price Health care,restaurant apparel, designer uni­ Facials, pedicures, manicures, nail care, ear items when off all regular price items. Guitars, pianos, & Leisure for $25 forms, scrubs, lab coats and chef wear. off any new Troy-Bilt piercing, make- up consultation and applica­ you show your amps, PA systems, repairs and more. _ Closet of Uniform 416.286.4014. Save MelNTtfSH r tion, waxing, aromatherapy, reflexology, and PERKS card. 519.660.1460. Power&· 1'Leisu re mower, chippe or I 0% with your PERKS card. Toronto area only professional massage. 519.663.2073. 10% In-store =EDGE tiller, or installation of please. We stlll have room off, Sunday through Wednesday. Pryde Cleaners. Show your PERKS card a Star Choice satellite 1V system. 2557, Road repairs and service. Masonville 519.672.7894 for I 0% off dry-cleaning. 243 Wellington for more PERKS! and White Oaks 519.681.0990. 163, St Marys. 519.229.8210. Ballett's the Wedding Specialist Compubooks, 1793 Street at Horton. 519.439.8451. Serving Lon­ Wedding gowns, bridesmaids, mother's Do you want your company Dundas Street East, Lon- don for over IO years. Alumni get 10% discount on ONE Oxford --.. Magic Mountain Trading Co. Cloth­ dresses; leading bridal manufacturers. Over to benefit from reaching don. Buy one, get one 9IIPIUUU1U County Continuin Education course Cr ing, sterling jewellery, wood carvings, g 15 tuxedo styles, over 100 styles of vest. 221 50,000 Fanshawe alumnl? free of same price or bronze pottery, masks, instruments, tex­ from Fanshawe College Woodstock campus. WharncliffeRoad South, London 519.434.8078, 11:1.:. Do you want want to be the less, on alI. books and � tiles, beads, essential oils, candles, aroma Register in person and 218 Christina Street North, , software. therapy, cards, books and crystals. Show 11'11�!!�!O�l���I!� present your Alumni 519.337.0404. 10% off any tuxedo rental with first one alumnl think of PERKS card. your PERKS card for 15%discount. 575 Rich­ For all your outdoor needs, visit the experts. 'h your PERKS card. when they make a purchase mond Street, London. From clothing to canoes, we have it all. 10% Digital Audio Video 10% off Interactive Multimedia or need a service? Call Jen• off with your PERKS card. Hiker's Haven, Servicing Complete Highbury Dairy Queen Learning courses, including Windows 95, niter Baxter, Alumnl A11ls• • Masonville Place, 2nd level outside Zellers. electronics repair. 180 OIGrfALAUDIOVIOEO Word and PowerPoint with your PERKS card. Dair Queen, 1160 Highbury at Cheap­ Horton Street at Rich- ·' �· tant, 519.452.4285 or, y Nutrition House. I0% off top grade vit­ Learnat your pace. 519.452.4139. There's more! side, London. Show your PERKS card and get mond. Computer, Fax, Printers, Monitor, TY, I 0% off Business Skills Training Workshops, out-of •town, I0% off everything. Watch for new products amins, supplements, and body building sup­ VCR,Stereo, CD, Microwave, Camcorders and PEOPLEPLUS gives you group buying plies with your PERKS card. Speak to our including Coping with Business Stress,Deal­ 800.661.ALUM, to set up this fall. power for car and home insurance that will even custom design. 519.433.9200. ing with DifficultPeople, and Motivating Your knowledgeable staff at Masonville Place. your Alumnl PERK. save you both time and money. Call us toll- 519.850.0724. Employees. Fanshawe College 519.452.4443.


Social Service Workers, Cla11 of 1977 We're planning an enjoyable evening on Fanshawe College Friday, November 5, 1999. Please pass the ... word to lost alumni and call Georgina (John­ Alumni Association son) Waind at 705.445.6026, Carmen Lamond at 519.657.5595 or the Alumni Officeat If you want to reach someone in Class Notes, please send your letter care Annual General 1Ieeting of the Alumni Office and we will forward it for you. s 800.661.ALUM. Saturday, November 6, 1999, 9 a.m., You moy have gone to points Calllng All Computer Programming Grads!! Room B1080, Fanshawe College, Carrie Smith (Graphic It's time to get together and party. 1460 Oxford Street East, Design 97) is looking for north, south, east and west Join us at the Outback Shack for Homecom­ London, Ontario her classmates! Where is but we and your daumates ing, November 6, 1999. Call the Alumni Office everybody? Just wondering stlll want to hear from youl and send us your EMAIL address (no snail Alumni Association volunteer board members how everyone is doing. decide the mission and strategy for the Please drop me an e-line mail for us!) so we can let you know what's Send a message to ,omeone happening! Association. Elections will be held for three at [email protected]. I miss you guys. or send us Info on yourself. directors, each for a two-year term; for one Nurses from 19961 Tracy (Byrne) Gillan­ All news quahfles-mar• Are getting together in early January when member, College Council; and for one observ­ ders (Recrealional leader­ Robert Postma is back from the Very Far er, Board of Governors. ship 93) gave birth to a rlages, moves, new lobs, North-the Yukon! Give him a call at beautiful baby girl on career changes, pictures, 867.667.8324, or call the Alumni Officeat For more information, call the Alumni March, 15, 1999. Megan kids- anything you think 800.661.ALUM with your updated mailing Office at S19.4S2.428S, out of town Kathleen was bornin address so we can tell you where and when. 800.661.ALUM or Robert Grimminck, Chatham, Ontario, in sur­ wlll be Interesting. You con prising fashion, while President, at S 19.6S9.S 1 OS. use the .. mall or snall It's the last Chapter Tracey and her husband, Ken Gillanders (Recre­ mall-whatever suits your Library Technician/Library and Information The agenda for the Annual General Meeting Technician Reunion and Wake, April 29, 2000 ational leadership 93) were Although Kumiko Hara (English as a Second language 99/General Arts and Science is posted in the Alumni Office, Room A201 S, fancy. Just get us the scoop to say a finalfarewell to the program. attending Tracy's baby 99) has since returned to her home in Japan, she still has great memories of her Cana­ quick. Send your updated address to the Alumni Fanshawe College, 1460 Oxford Street East, shower in nearby Wallace­ dian experiencesand her Homestay family. Above, her Homestay "Dad" Gary Curtis Officeor call Jan McClelland at 519.645.1730. London, Ontario. burg. The new family (Civil Engineering Technology-Municipal 83) and his daughler MacKenzie, were resides in Norwich, pleased to help Kumiko finalize her costume and make-up forher first Halloween. See fax us back Ontario where Ken is on page 10. Recreational leadership Cla11 of 19751 employed as assistant Let's Park and Recreate! 25th Anniversary Send Roopnarine a letter Denise Millman (Home ders what they're up lo! manager of recreation, through the Alumni Office Support /192/ Health Care Reunion, Saturday June 17, 2000 parks and facilities for Rick Staddon (Filness and we'll forward it for you, Aide 93/ Nursing Assistant and Heallh Promolion 92) Host: Alanna (McManus) Hosking the township of Norwich. or email [email protected]. 94) has a beautiful baby girl Update your addresses at 519.227.1018 has been a personal trainer Constance (Adams) He'll be happy to tell you Lily, and is with a wonderful in his hometown Chatham or the Alumni Office,800.661.ALUM

161 /•'all /090 FANSHAWE COllEGE ALUMNI NEWS FANSHAWE COLLEGE ALUMNI NEWS Fall f!J!JOl 17 · RIAGES • NE JOBS • CHILDREN • BUSINESS • UPCO ING REUNIONS • MOVES l.ost (hmb of "l :; N. Health Care Aide Douglas Grieve Genii Aortsen · ···· Lucrezio Ciriello Bortioro Hodgins Michael Coghill .· ·· Helen Clayton .... Juliette Hoeree David Cunningham .... Michael Dodge Juel Hog Hilton Dove •... � E Dione Mcloughlin Carolyn ing Kirk Galbraith Valerie Somm Gayle MacDonald Joseph Guido Science Mory MacDonald Robert Newbigging Norma Morten Ro mond Pierce John Bensleod rs Deborah Cosselman Steve Molnar Wi son Powell Industrial Design Lorr Porizeou Kathleen Russell William Gates Susanna Neufeld George Ryon r Barbaro Schnurr Ro er Siegrist Timothy Bradshaw Ashi Peermohmed Koren Scholtz Verne Halonen r Robert Francis Mork Savage Rebecca Tillson Nancy Reinders Valeri (McPhoil) Sco11 Bil Stouttener Eric He Mio Steeghs Carol Wick Dione Roch Pamela Wright Electrical Engl• Rond M c(rimmon Joanna Yellond Kendall through the Alumni 25th Anniversary Reunion Evison (Welding Fitter 92) still needs memorabilia Val at [email protected]. J Robin Von Executive Secretary Science Laboratory neerlng Davi Menory William Whittemore Office. Saturday June 17, 2000! and her other sons and from intramural sports Teresa Butler Technology Tourism and Travel Technician Rob Dore (Municipal Robert Slowinski Ronald Wilkins Counsellor Randoll Bergeron Please call me with your family, has started a new teams, and Ernie has some Siu Ling Chon David Dores Michael Stoparczyk Administration and Assess­ Peter Woldshyn John Wilson Margaret Jewell Janel Storr Richard Dutton new addresses- venture. Cathy left the photos without names. Timothy Enright (Broadcasting- Radio 96) ment 93) recently had a Interior Design Business Data Rosemary Mortellotti Susanne Holt Anne Vivona Mork Guthrie has been promoted to 519.227.1018. Registrar's Officeat Fan­ Give him a call at great write-up for his busi­ Susan Illingworth Processing Debro Pote David Miller Judith Webster Stanley Kotsiroubos Website Manager at CJCS Ken Kowatsch (Business shawe College and is 519.452.4430, extension ness, Main Street, in the lneke Kersten Robert Besley Brenda Rouse Elodie (Vereecken) Vereeck- Electrical/ Dione (Trewick) Posmore Garry Gillet Jogjeel Shergill en Sheehan Electronics 1240 in Stratford. Finance 93) Since gradua­ offering summer cottage 4318. September edition of Lon­ Survey Cathy Schertzberg Nancy Keys Susanne (Micallef) Wilkens Environmental Technology getaways at Cathy and Technician tion in 19931 have been Val (Poirier) Roe (Recre­ don Business Magazine. Shubrendu Nondy Engineering Tech• Murray Minshall (Recre­ Interior Le al Secretary Louis Bombardier Richard Groves working at FAG Bearings Archie's Family Cottages ation leadership 83) has Barbaro Rose � nlclan ational leadership 70) John McCulligh (Human Decoration Mori yn Bomberry Baxter Bushell on Manitoulin Island. The Meredith Sollows Patricio Heaphy Ltd. where I have worked been married since 1992 Mor Grant Joan Farrow Lonee Dealy Control Engineer• would like to hear from cottages are on Lake Kaga­ Services Foundation 93/ t William McRoberls my way up through and has two children, Shie a Houston Business Janet Finsten Donston Joseph In Technician "any classmates that may Social Service Worker 95) is Jeffrey Pike � accounting positions to wong and feature fabulous Christine and Andrew. Her Ferol Procunier Marketing Frances (Pennington) Fischer Brion Kenna Ado I Gedies be still alive". Murray can working for the Employ­ Lindo Stock Dorrell Geiger Carolyn Fleming William Wood become the Controller of sunsets in a very quiet set­ husband Robert is an Angli­ Suzanne Laforest Electrical Engl• be reached at mminshall@ ment and Training Access Steven Hamilton Christine Gouthier Mathematics ting. You can reach Cathy Graphic Design Richard Morrison neerlng Technl• city.barrie.on.ca. the National Sales Division. can Minister and Youth Centre for persons with Chon N Bonnie Giffen Natalie Hathaway at 705.282.0989. Eleonor Bergen b Erno Vonloy Construction Engl• clan/Technology I'm working on my CGA Pastor at Trinity Church in Lloyd Chung Robert 'Brien Mor Koncir Stephanie Spicer (Nurs­ disabilities in London and � Urban Affairs and neerlng Technician Biomedical designation and I'm getting Ernie Durocher has an Sarnia and they are both Kerry Graham Peter Quigley Cynt io Medoi ing 96) just graduated from plans to work for his Holis­ Ronald Regier Jacqueline Morningstar Real Estate Supervision William Hurn married in September urgent call for intramural involved with running youth tic Counselling degree. Doris Lester Michael Bouchard Swornjit Ahluwalia UWO with her Bachelor of Nelda Vonkruistum Allon Wysynski Mory Pearson Air Conditioning/ 1999. athletes! The Hall of Fame programs. You can email Pierrette Pilon Jennifer Coldbick Lyle Boll Refrigeration Science in Nursing. She'll Kori Wichowski Business Ph lis Proll Mirella Cesco Gerold Bere Engineering Tech• be moving to the sunny Sharon (Parker) Park­ Phillip Wood Chin Chow t' William Fronk Denis Foirful Step � en Munro Do e Quattrocchi nlclan south, and is working in er-Copeland (Practical In Memoriam Urban Design Carol Rushton William Koens John Hardmon D 'Ar Collens administration in a clinical Nursing95) is working as a Mortin Dix Business Holly Smith Gory Yeoman Thomas Mccallum Orin iing RPN on a busy post- partum Mr. Frixos M. Constantlnou (Hairdressing93) on September 20, 1997. Fronk Folkemo Administration Nancy Whitney Recreation Bill Orosz Mohomod Mujoy cancer center. Alexander Herlovitch Joseph Aucoin Leadership Adrionus Roefs obstetrical floor. Hello to Mr. George I. Elliot (Ambulance and EmergencyCare 83)on January 17, 1998. Sandro Willis Elvet Richardson Lori (Hibma) Millar Robert Ross David Dyk William Atkinson Architectural all classmates, especially Peter Kosmock Medical Catharine Cruickshank Motive Power (Developmental Services Tracey, with best wishes Mrs. Mary E. (Hemphlll) Fry (Dental Assistant 72) in July 1997. Landscape Design Secretary Technician Technician William Birnie Robert Nemeth Peter Hilhorst Charles Fordham Worker 97) married Gary on for that RN diploma. Mr. Kenneth W. Gilbert (Architectural Technician 72)on September 11, 1998. Gordon Percival Susan Acton Pamela Ker Automotive Robin Affleck Brion Sterlilt Lorry Edmonds February 19, 1999 in Las Sharon and husband Wayne Fine Art Edward Seduikis Susan (Brooks) McGuire Vegas. Lori has a daughter Mr. Mark G. Gillin (Broadcast Journalism81) on October 18, 1997. Gerard Frenette Robert Stolz Coleen Campbell Patti Moore Architectural Thomas Moclejowski moved to their firsthouse Heather Lourie Enid Doniel Lynn O'Neil Technology Judith McCabe Payton, born July 9, 1998. Ms. Marie A. Glofcheski (Dental Assistant 81) in July 1996. Farm Business north of the big city and Hons Oosthoek Mory Diegel Bryon Peter Glenn Dolmoge Geor e McPhoil Management• Gail (Walters) Kavel­ eagerly wait the arrival of Ms. Janet R. Hauch (PersonnelManagement 87) in November 1997. Janel White Mory Dzus Kevin Rig Richard Houle Poul 1horpe Oxford � man (Home Support Work­ their firstchild in Septem­ Raymond Williamson Donna Greer Bertha Sc enk Michael Lombard Motive Power 7/) Felix Oduro Elizabeth Horris Jomes Mclachlan Mr. Frank R. Huse, Sr. (law and SecurityAdministration on November 13, 1998. Printmaking Phillip Schmidt Technician Diesel er 1191) owns a service ber 1999. She's enjoying Nancy Heron Poul Ogglesby Zeke Livingston Secretarial Arts Douglas Campbell business that provides her RPN career and the Mr. Donald W. Jones (Welding Fitter 92) on October 13, 1998. Joanna Arou o Vivion Hill Library William Ritchie i Technician Civil Engineering Gerri! Dehaan cleaning services, compan­ continuing upgrading. You Margaret Be I Gail MocEwen Ms. Susanne Kertesz (English as a Second language 90). Sharon West Mor Technology Ion Turrill Deborah Buckingham Roxanne MacKenzie Brennon ion services, homemaking can reach Sharon through Keil� Guyill Lorry Breau Ronald Wood Mr. Blaine V.Mackie (Metallurgical Engineering Technician 88) in April 1999. Creative Electronics Betty Burprich Hordo Me services and meal prepara­ the Alumni Office. t Marianne Hoople Jomes Doon Mechanical Peter Cracknell Angelo C�eng Koren Mil s tion in Kitchener. Mr. James M. McNally (Farm Business Management77) in February 1999. Gail (Elsden) Moir Rodney Joiner Engineering Tech• Bernice Hull (Mathemat­ Business Accounting Connie Chow Debro Nodon Groce Plonkenhorn Allon Meyer nlclan Design Sandro Cook Patricio Nowell Laura (Jenkins) Willits ics 75)has some exciting Mr. Frank A. Otten (ElectronicsTechnician Robotics and Process Controls 97) George Abdelmolek Mory (Finlayson) Wick Bill Tonner Peter Kjeldsen Gory Bennett Lourie Doniel Marylynne Putnam (Hotel and Restaurant Man­ new challenges ahead of Civil Engineering on February 7, 1999. Moo Cheun Moridon Duncanson Elizabeth Riedl Law and Security Metallurgical Engl• agement 91) wants to say a her at Fanshawe; she's fl Lindo Sedley Technology Munlcl• Mr. Glenn D. Peach (Career Planning 93) on August 4, 1995. Michael Cli ord Dionne Oyer Administration neerlng Technician hi to all her former class­ been appointed to a newly Ann Crowford Marlo Fluellon Corio Seehogen Douglas Porker pal Phillip Venema Patricio Baxter mates. "I would love to created position, Director Gerard Dewan Susan (Mackay) Fry Lindo Willis Mr. Ken B. Rogers (Radio and Television Arts 73). Legal Office Robert Corrigan Manufacturing Jomes Ellis Mory Holler Helen Zowodo hear from Mike Summer­ of Planning and Administra­ Administration Brodle House Engineering Tech• Ms. Mary E. Specht (Nursing 82). Lynda Fitzgerald Wen Hearn Professional ton and anyone else who tive Services. Bernicewill � Dorothy Airth Richor x Schwalm nolo y Joan Flanagan Gail orbownik Secretary r may still be around (you be in charge of several Mrs. Darien L. (Hardy) Stubberfteld(Early Childhood Education 82) in August 1997. Martha Blommers Kenneth Sinclair Michoe Demeyere Jomes Holl Koren Kindy Rosanne Jurjevich Paulo Brocci Poul Fung know who you are)." areas around the college, Mr. Edward J. Surowaniec (Architectural Technology 79) on May 4, 1999. Donald Hooper Judith Lamontagne Hedy Kersten Survey Technology Ro r Bur e Motive Power including retail services Helen Innes Sou Won Leung Dorion Schwan Kot� leen (ironston Brent Thomas Alanna (McManus) Mr. Peter N. Tallman (Electronics Engineering Technician 69)on March 24, 1999. Technician Service and the new student resi­ Rebecca Lee Carolyn Menage Thora Espinel Adrion Vlosblom Hosking (Recreational Carol Mitchener Personnel Management Mr. Ronald L. Weaver (Basic Training for Skill Development 93) on February 21,1999. Robert Metz Terry Finn Electronics Engl· leadership 75) Class of dence. Valerie Overholt Management Horr r Monsoor Mohomed Charles Micallef Gory Gombocort neerlng Technician «t 1975-Let's Park and Cathy Evison (Business Mr. Thomas A. Wetzel (ElectricalEngineering Technician 87) on June 12, 1997. Mork Nixon Ann (Miller) Premo Med or Zormelo Recreate! I'm hosting a 87), with the help of Dave

18 I Fall tfJ!J!J FANSHAWE COLLEGE ALUMNI NEWS FANSHAWE COLLEGE ALUMNI NEWS Fall f[JOOJ 19 advisory committee responsible for the devel­ Alumni take leadership roles at the College opment of the City of London "Inclusion of A Call to Serve: Fanshawe Board of Governors People with Disabilities in Recreation Policy". f you have an understanding of large, complex and diversified organizations; a In addition to her diverse experience in dis­ the affairs of Council and ensures the provi­ knowledge of and commitment to policy-driven governance; and the skills to con· he 17·penon Board of Governors of the ability issues, Jean has many years of experi­ sion of support services in accordance with tribute to the success of the College, we Invite you to apply to join the Fanshawe Col· College Is made up of alumni and non· ence at senior level non-profit management I policies, procedures and priorities. Prior to lege Board of Governors. Members of the Board serve without remuneration for as well as familiarity with the Carver model of this appointment, he served in executive posi­ three-year terms of office and can serve up to two terms. alumni who volunteer their time and governance. She is currently pursuing the Non­ T tions at several hospitals across south-west­ At this time, the Board Is especially Interested In candidates with knowledge or skills expertise to provide direction and leadership to ProfitManagement Certificate (UWO). • ern Ontario. In the following areas: the College. They do this by setting corporate Paul is an Assistant Professor in the Depart­ • senior management In a large organization; ment of Epidemiology of the Faculty of Medi­ • the financial Industry or goals, oblectlves and pofldes, and they serve on cine at the University of Western Ontario and • tourism and hospitably. a volunteer basis for up to two three·year terms a part-time instructor in health care manage­ Fanshawe College of Applied Arts and Technology provides post-secondary education, ment at Fanshawe College. In addition, Paul is skills training and upgraclingto over 46,000 full-time and parl·tlme students In Elgin, of office. Alumni News Is proud to hlghllght the a recent nominee by Fanshawe for the Pre­ Middlesex, Norfolk, and Oxford counties. The College has an annual operating budget In followlng four Board Governors who not only play mier's Awards.• excess of $85 million and more than 850 full-time employees. Please submit your letter of application with a curriculum vitae to the Board of Gover· Important leadership roles, but who are also Fan· nors, Fanshawe College, Room B1049, 1460 Oxford St. E., P.O. Box 7005, London, shawe graduates. Ontario. HSY SR6 The deadline for submissions Is 12:00 p.m. noon, Wednesday, February 24, 2000. Marla MtndH graduated from Fanshawe Col­ For further information, please call Pauline Cameron, Executive Secretary, Board of lege in 1973 as a Legal Secretary and went on Governors 519,452.4458. to study Law at the University of Windsor. She Paul Hura1 graduated from Fanshawe in 1973 is a partner with Foster, Townsend, Graham with a diploma in Recreation Leadership. Over and Associates in London. the years, Paul gained extensive experience Maria actively rejoined the Fanshawe family serving on several boards and since 1998, he The newest alumni recruit to the Board is when she was named to the Board in 1994. Dur­ has been a valued Board Governor for the Col­ Betty Semenluk. She is a long-time resident Do You Kno,v Any Distinguished Alumni? ing her distinguished tenure, she served on lege. He is currently Chair of the Certifica­ of Oxford County and an active member of her If you know a fellow graduate of Fanshawe who has demonstrated out­ the Administration Committee and chaired the tion/Articulation Task Force, an area of keen community. She graduated from Fanshawe in standing career success and contribution to their c3mmunity or society, we Quality Outcomes Task Force, and is an ongo­ expertise for Paul since he also holds degrees 1974 with a diploma in Accounting and has con­ ing member of the Board Process Committee. from UWO, the UniversityofWaterlooandWil­ tinued her association with the College by par­ would like to know. Please consider nominating them for a Fanshawe College She serves on the Future Directions for Col­ frid Laurier University. ticipating in the Oxford County Campus Distinguished Alumni Award. Jean Knight is entering her second year of lege Programming Task Force and chairs the Paul is CEO of the Thames Valley District College Advisory Committee. This prestigious award celebrates graduates who best exemplifythe poten­ service as a Board Governor and Chairs the External Governor Appointment Task Force. Health Council, a job held since 1991. He manages Betty has demonstrated her capabilities in tial of a college education. It is an honour to be nominated and a wonderful Board's new Student Success Task Force. Beginning in September 1999, Maria became group activities, highlighted by serving as Jean studied at Fanshawe in the Social Ser­ feather in the cap forour Award winners. Plus our Distinguished Alumni win­ Chair of the Board of Governors, a one-year National Chair of the Canadian Farm Women's vice Worker Program earning her diploma in ners go forwardas nominees in the provincial-wide Premier's Awards com­ appointment. Education Council and Chair of the Oxford 1976. Between graduation and 1985, she held a petition. As a barrister and solicitor, Maria brings an County Federation of Agriculture. Her leader­ number of social worker positions. !twas then We welcome your Inquiries and nominations of graduates within five categories: important legal perspective to the Board. In ship experience has given Betty a solid under­ that her career became firmlylinked with the Applied Arts: Creative Arts and Design; Applied Arts: Community Services; Busi­ her past positions as Chair of the London standing of policy-driven governance. Ontario March of Dimes. She began as Police Services Board, and Chair of the London As co-owner of Semeniuk Farms, an expand­ ness; Health Sciences; and Te chnology. Employment Services Manager in Toronto, a and Middlesex Housing Authority, she was ing farm enterprise consisting of cash crops, It is quite likely that you do know a leader within your community or your job she held until 1987, when she became actively involved in issues relating to the local broiler chicken production, custom corn dry­ industry, someone who is making a real difference. If so, please call for Regional Director, operating both out of Toron­ community. ing and trucking, Betty has considerable expe­ more information and to receive a Nomination Form from your Alumni office: to and London. In 1993, Maria was honoured to receive the rience in directing and planning a multi­ During her career with the Ontario March of 800.661.ALUM or 519.452.4285. The deadline for the year 2000 nominees is prestigious Premier's Award, recognizing out­ faceted business enterprise.• June 30, 2000. standing alumni of the Ontario community col­ Dimes, Jean's committee work has been instrumental in advancing disability issues and By: Pauline Cameron, Executive Secretm)', Boord of Governors lege system.• Photos by: John Sing (Audiovisual Technician 79). rights. For example, she is a member of the Photographic Art Direction by: Sheila Rees.


Life on Campus: now 24 hours a day! Two ne,v ways to dine with Fansha,ve Tourism and Hospitality ourism and Hospitality is the largest sin­ time for a coffee, gle industry employer of any sector in made to order sand­ Canada and as an industry it continues wich or choose a pre­ toT enjoy strong growth worldwide. In turn, pared wrap and Fanshawe College has experienced a steady baguette. increase in the number of students wanting In September 1999, hospitality education. we opened three com­ To keep up with the times and the demand, pletely remodelled Planning a get•away, we are pleased to be in the finalstages of a dra­ kitchens, two cooking graduation, family matic facelift. In January 1999, we opened our labs, a bake lab, a larg­ state of the art demonstration theatre and our er, more user-friend­ reunion, friendly visit, newest food outlet on campus, Olive Oyle's. ly mixology lab and to complete the picture, With our new Saffrons, you really need to see it to believe it. This room is gorgeous and holiday or vacation? This Mediterranean theme deli/caf e f ea­ our new restaurant, Saffron's. Saffron's is tures many food products produced by our located at the front doors of A-Building in will definitelybe one of the places to dine in London. Reservations can be made by calling Take advanlage of special Fanshawe students and the students also operate it. full view of Oxford Street. Olive Oyle's has become a favourite for stu­ As always, we feature the talents of our hos­ 452-4433. • College Alumni rates when your trip brings dents and staff, open Monday to Friday from pitality and culinary students, with lunches By: Jea1111i11e(Gignac) Cookson (Hotel and Restaurant Man­ he Oxford Street, London cam· you to any residence managed by Campus 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We welcome alumni and from 11:30 a.m. to I p.m. and dinners from 6:00 agement 82), Coordinator, Hospitality Management Pro­ pus took on new life this Sep· members of the public too, so drop in some- p.m. to 7:30 p.m. each week day. grams. living Centres. Special Alumni rates are tember with the addition of our available in London, Kitchener, Oakville, T first-ever student residence complex. � King City, Toronto, Oshawa and Welland The Fanshawe Residence and Fanshawe students shine for Cystic Fibrosis (Niagara), with more facilities being built Conference Centre is located in the northwest section of the campus between the Fanshawe Child Care Centre and the Community Fitness Centre. It was completed on schedule, just in For the first time ever, every year. Fanshawe College students time for move-in day. All our locations offer full housekeeping joined in London's Shineara· The residence is home to 394 students throughout the school year. The students and their ma with their brethren from service and a complimentary continental parents are delighted with the building and the services provided. The controlled access the University of Western breakfast served fresh every morning. entrance is monitored 24 hours a day and all visitors must be signed in. Ontario. Together, the two groups of students set a These accommodations are all seasonal The residence is linked directly to the heart or the campus so students can take advantage of the library, fitnesscentre, Student Union, cafeterias and restaurants, plus get to class in a record for province-wide from May 1 through August 31, pending donations gathered in one hurry, without even putting on a coat. city, netting S 114,000 for availability. For additional information or This new building features approximately lOOair-conditioned, all efficiencysuites. Each spa­ the day in aid af Cystic reservations, call 877.2.ALUMNI (1 ·877· cious suite contains four private bedrooms, a kitchenette with refrigerator, microwave and Fibrosis. Student organizers sink, a common living room area and two 3-piece bathrooms. In addition, all residents and expect next year ta be even 225-8664). guests are welcome to gather in the any of the fivelounges, which include a large screen tele­ bigger and better, as the vision and comfortable seating areas. There are also video games, a pool table and a study enthusiasm and spirit at Celebrating Fanshawe's new residence our Successes area within the building. continues to grow. The Fanshawe Residence and Conference Centre also has a conference facility available The visual identity and marketing materials for the Community Celebration of Fanshawe College year round which is ideal for groups from 10 to 80 people. The conference room is profes­ Photo by: Dave Singh were developed by two creative grads, John sionally styled, and has the ability to meet most audio/visualrequirements. For more infor­ Couper (Broadcast Radio 81) and Rob Sele­ mation please reel free to contact Campus Living Centres (the managing company) at nis (Business Marketing 90), with their associ­ 519.452.4440.• ates at the Burnett Couper Design Group.

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If undeliverable, please return to: Address correction requested Fanshawe College Alumni Office 1460 Oxford Street East, P.O.Box 7005 London, Ontario NSY 5R6

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