[email protected] for further information about this collection 1 John Woodruff Interview (5-15-96) Tape 1 of 3 (beep) Q: I would like you to begin be telling me your name, date of birth, and where you were born. A: My name is John Woodruff. My date of birth is July the 5th, 1915. And I was born in a small town about 50 miles south of Pittsburgh. The name of this town is Connellsville. , Pennsylvania. It’s spelled c-o-n-n-e-l-l-s-v-i-l-l-e. It’s just a small town right, right in the mountains, about 30, about 32 miles from, from Morgantown, West Virginia. That’s where I was born. Q: Tell me a little bit about what it was like growing up, your family. A: Well, I grew up in a uh well it was a poor family. We didn’t have too much you see. And of course there was a lot of members of my family. My, my mother birthed twelve children. I was the eleventh child. Well the, it was eight girls and there was four boys. Now all the girls grew up to be adults except one that which was the twelfth child and she, and she died in infancy. Two of my brothers died in infa, two of my older brothers. And one brother got killed hunting when he was sixteen years of age. And that’s how, that’s, that’s how my family, family was set up.