(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0170574 A1 Bleckmann Et Al
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US 2004O170574A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0170574 A1 Bleckmann et al. (43) Pub. Date: Sep. 2, 2004 (54) AUTOMATICALLY FOAMING OR (57) ABSTRACT FOAM-TYPE PREPARATIONS COMPRISING Self-foaming and/or foam-like cosmetic or dermatological NORGANIC GEL FORMERS preparations which comprise I. an emulsifier System which consists of (76) Inventors: Andreas Bleckmann, Ahrensburg (DE); A. at least one emulsifier Achosen from the group of Rainer Kropke, Schenefeld (DE); wholly neutralized, partially neutralized or unneu Heidi Riedel, Hamburg (DE) tralized branched and/or unbranched, Saturated and/or unsaturated fatty acids having a chain Correspondence Address: length of from 10 to 40 carbon atoms, GREENBLUM & BERNSTEIN, P.L.C. B. at least one emulsifier B chosen from the group of 1950 ROLAND CLARKE PLACE polyethoxylated fatty acid esters having a chain RESTON, VA 20191 (US) length of from 10 to 40 carbon atoms and a degree of ethoxylation of from 5 to 100 and (21) Appl. No.: 10/469,695 C. at least one coemulsifier C chosen from the group of Saturated and/or unsaturated, branched and/or unbranched fatty alcohols having a chain length of (22) PCT Filed: Mar. 14, 2002 from 10 to 40 carbon atoms, II. up to 30% by weight-based on the total weight of (86) PCT No.: PCT/EPO2/O2851 the preparation-of a lipid phase, III. 1 to 90% by volume, based on the total volume of (30) Foreign Application Priority Data the preparation, of at least one gas chosen from the group consisting of air, OXygen, nitrogen, helium, Mar. 15, 2001 (DE)..................................... 101 13 047.3 argon, nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon dioxide Publication Classification (CO) IV. 0.01-10% % by weight of one or more gelling (51) Int. Cl." ............................... A61K 9/00; A61K 7/00 agents chosen from the group of the inorganic thick (52) U.S. Cl. ................................................................ 424/47 CCS. US 2004/0170574 A1 Sep. 2, 2004 AUTOMATICALLY FOAMING OR FOAM-TYPE pellant liquid mixture escapes through a fine nozzle, and the PREPARATIONS COMPRISING INORGANIC GEL propellant evaporates, leaving behind a foam. FORMERS 0009. After-foaming cosmetic preparations are also 0001. The present invention relates to self-foaming and/ known per Se. They are firstly applied to the skin from an or foam-like cosmetic and dermatological preparations, in aeroSol container in flowable form and, after a short delay, particular to skincare cosmetic and dermatological prepara develop the actual foam only once they are on the skin under tions. the effect of the after-foaming agent present, for example a Shaving foam. After-foaming preparations are often in Spe 0002 Foams or foam-like preparations are a type of cific formulation forms, Such as, for example, after-foaming disperse System. Shaving gels or the like. 0003. By far the most important and best known disperse 0010. However, the prior art does not include any sort of Systems are emulsions. Emulsions are two- or multi-phase cosmetic or dermatological preparations which could be Systems of two or more liquids which are insoluble or only foamed as early as during the preparation and nevertheless slightly Soluble in one another. The liquids (pure or as have a Sufficiently high Stability in order to be packaged in Solutions) are present in an emulsion in a more or less fine the usual manner, Stored and put onto the market. distribution, which generally has only limited stability. 0011. An object of the present invention was therefore to 0004 Foams are structures of gas-filled, spherical or enrich the prior art and to provide cosmetic or dermatologi polyhedral cells which are delimited by liquid, Semiliquid, cal Self-foaming and/or foam-like preparations which do not high-viscosity or solid cell ribs. The cell ribs, connected via have the disadvantages of the prior art. points of interSection form a continuous framework. The 0012 German laid-open specification DE 197 54 659 foam lamellae stretch between the cell ribs (closed-cell discloses that carbon dioxide is a Suitable active ingredient foam). If the foam lamellae are disturbed or if they flow back for Stabilizing or increasing the epidermal ceramide Synthe into the cell rib at the end of foam formation, an open-cell sis rate, which may serve to enhance the permeability foam is obtained. Foams are also thermo-dynamically barrier, reduce the transepidermal water loSS and increase unstable Since a reduction in the Surface area leads to the the relative skin moisture. To treat the skin, the CO is, for production of Surface energy. The Stability and thus the example, dissolved in water, which is then used to rinse the existence of a foam is thus dependent on to what extent it is skin. However, the prior art hitherto does not include any possible to prevent its Self-destruction. Sort of cosmetic or dermatological bases in which a gaseous 0005 Cosmetic foams are usually dispersed systems of active ingredient could be incorporated in an adequate, i.e. liquids and gases, where the liquid represents the dispersant effective, concentration. and the gas represents the dispersed Substance. Foams of 0013. It was thus a further object of the present invention low-viscosity liquids are temporarily Stabilized by Surface to find cosmetic or dermatological bases into which effective active Substances (Surfactants, foam stabilizers). Because of amounts of gaseous active ingredients can be incorporated. their large internal Surface area, Such Surfactant foams have a high adsorption capacity, which is utilized, for example, in 0014. It was surprising and could not have been foreseen cleaning and washing operations. Accordingly, cosmetic by the perSon Skilled in the art that Self-foaming and/or foams are used, in particular, in the fields of cleansing, for foam-like cosmetic or dermatological preparations which example as Shaving foam, and of haircare. comprise 0006 To generate foam, gas is bubbled into suitable 0015 I. an emulsifier System which consists of liquids, or foam formation is achieved by Vigorously beat 0016 A. at least one emulsifier Achosen from the ing, Shaking, Spraying or Stirring the liquid in the gas group of wholly neutralized, partially neutralized atmosphere in question, provided that the liquids comprise or unneutralized branched and/or unbranched, Suitable Surfactants or other interface-active Substances Saturated and/or unsaturated fatty acids having a (“foam formers”), which, apart from interfacial activity, also chain length of from 10 to 40 carbon atoms, have a certain film-forming ability. 0017 B. at least one emulsifier B chosen from the 0007 Cosmetic foams have the advantage over other group of polyethoxylated fatty acid esters having cosmetic preparations of permitting a fine distribution of a chain length of from 10 to 40 carbon atoms and active ingredients on the Skin. However, cosmetic foams can a degree of ethoxylation of from 5 to 100 and generally only be achieved using particular Surfactants, 0.018 C. at least one coemulsifier C chosen from which, moreover, are often not well tolerated by the skin. the group of Saturated and/or unsaturated, 0008 A further disadvantage of the prior art is that such branched and/or unbranched fatty alcohols having foams have only low stability, for which reason they usually a chain length of from 10 to 40 carbon atoms, collapse within approximately 24 hours. A requirement of 0019 II. up to 30% by weight-based on the total cosmetic preparations, however, is that they have Stability weight of the preparation-of a lipid phase, for years, as far as possible. This problem is generally taken into account by the fact that the consumer produces the 0020 III. 1 to 90% by volume, based on the total actual foam himself just before use using a Suitable Spray Volume of the preparation, of at least one gas chosen System for which purpose, for example, it is possible to use from the group consisting of air, OXygen, nitrogen, Spray cans in which a liquefied preSSurized gas Serves as helium, argon, nitrous oxide (N2O) and carbon diox propellant gas. Upon opening the pressure valve, the pro ide (CO) US 2004/0170574 A1 Sep. 2, 2004 0021) IV. 0.01-10% % by weight of one or more 0028. The invention further provides for gelling agents chosen from the group of the inor 0029 the use of self-foaming and/or foam-like cos ganic thickeners, metic or dermatological preparations which com 0022 overcome the disadvantages of the prior art. prise 0030) I. an emulsifier System which consists of 0023. According to the prior art to date, foam-like cos metic emulsions which are characterized by a high intro 0.031 A. at least one emulsifier Achosen from the duction of air cannot be formulated or prepared industrially group of wholly neutralized, partially neutralized without propellent gas. This is true in particular for Systems or unneutralized branched and/or unbranched, which are based on classic emulsifiers and gelling agents Saturated and/or unsaturated fatty acids having a and develop a foam with an extraordinarily high Stability as chain length of from 10 to 40 carbon atoms, a result of shearing (stirring, homogenization). As a result of 0.032 B. at least one emulsifier B chosen from the the invention, the introduction of the gases is aided, and a group of polyethoxylated fatty acid esters having Stabilizing and Significantly after-foaming effect is achieved a chain length of from 10 to 40 carbon atoms and over a prolonged Storage period, even at relatively high a degree of ethoxylation of from 5 to 100 and temperatures (e.g. 40 C.), without comprising after-foam 0.033 C. at least one coemulsifier C chosen from ing agents customary according to the prior art, Such as, for the group of Saturated and/or unsaturated, example, by propellent gases.