Speech by the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, During the Graduation Ceremony of the Rio Branco Institute – Brasília May 3, 2019

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Speech by the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, During the Graduation Ceremony of the Rio Branco Institute – Brasília May 3, 2019 SPEECH BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC, JAIR BOLSONARO, DURING THE GRADUATION CEREMONY OF THE RIO BRANCO INSTITUTE – BRASÍLIA MAY 3, 2019 * Official translation ofFUNDAÇÃO the intervention by the Minister ALEXANDRE of State for Foreign Affairs, DE Ambassador GUSMÃO Ernesto Araújo, at the G20 Trade and Investment Ministers Meeting (September 22, 2020). Source: < https://www.gov.br/mre/en/content-centers/speeches-articles-and- interviews/minister-of-foreign-affairs-speeches >. SPEECH BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC, JAIR BOLSONARO, DURING THE GRADUATION CEREMONY OF THE RIO BRANCO INSTITUTE – BRASÍLIA* Dear Ernesto, who, in sign language, selection process for this and the coming years. together with my, with our Navy Commander, It is proof of the recognition of the work you all has let us know that there will be no shortage of perform. seawater. Not because he would lose his job, Our field, me as a military man, and yours, no, but it is a sign that, together, all of us here which is also the opposite, but, within a nation, will fight for our dear Brazil. they are complementary. Dear Vice-President, Antônio Hamilton I was telling Ernesto about the matter of Martins Mourão, my friend and contemporary at Venezuela, and I take this moment, a unique the Military Academy of Agulhas Negras, moment of being heard by our dear, esteemed, Dear Ambassador Ernesto Araújo, yes, and necessary press, that, apart from together we will change the fate of our Brazil. Venezuela, the concerns of all of us should turn When you fail we come in, the Armed Forces. more towards the south now, in Argentina, for And I confess that we hope very, very much whoever could return to the command of that that we do not have to go into action. country. We do not want, I think no country in Heads of diplomatic missions accredited the entire world would want another Venezuela with my government, more to the south of our continent. Senator Nelsinho Trad, But, ladies and gentlemen, in such a Congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro. He has special day for the Rio Branco Institute a gift for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and a graduates and their families, I would also like to very special care for it, without meaning to speak about the very special moment we live replace you, obviously. today in Brazil. Everyone knows, we have a Ambassador Otávio Brandelli, new project of nation. This project was chosen Ambassador Eugênia Barthelmess, by the Brazilians in the ballots, with the choice Ambassador Gisela Padovan, of a platform the people identified as its won. It Secretary Sarah Cruz Ferraz, class is a project of a Brazil that is great, sovereign, speaker, on whose behalf I greet all Rio Branco and prosperous, faithful to the values and Institute graduates and their families. yearnings of its people. And also, with all certainty, inspired by this I want you to know that the foreign policy unique name of class patron, my Minister, our conducted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Chief of Staff, Onyx Lorenzoni, in contact with and captained by Minister Ernesto Araújo will our Minister of the Economy, Paulo Guedes, be essential to the successes of this project. It informed me that he will maintain your public is for this task that the Rio Branco Institute * Non-official translation of the speech by the President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, during the graduation ceremony of the Rio Branco Institute (May 3, 2019). Source: < https://www.gov.br/mre/pt-br/centrais-de-conteudo/publicacoes/discursos-artigos-e- entrevistas/presidente-da-republica >. Speech by President Jair Bolsonaro during the graduation ceremony of the Rio Branco Institute graduates are today called: giving a voice to The world is the great flow of goods and our people, defending our values, and elevating merchandise, but it is more and more a great Brazil to the level of greatness and prosperity to flow of ideas. And, at the end of the day, it is which it is destined. these ideas that will determine the structure of This is the guideline I pass on to you: work political and economic power in the future. for a Brazil that is open to the great economic Have the humility of recognizing our limitations flows, a Brazil capable of connecting with the and problems, but dare to work to overcome great technological hubs, of attracting them. Never let the dreams that brought you investments, and opening markets. here be undone, and believe that, yes, you can Work to defend democracy and freedom in make a difference. Think of the example of our region and in the world, because only your patron, Aracy Guimarães, who went under the governance of law, in an beyond her bureaucratic duty and took over her environment of freedom, we can prosper and moral duty, saving hundreds of Jewish people grow. Brazil can make a difference. The voice from death in the holocaust, driven by her deep of the people and the voices of each one of values, and not by abstract rules. you, Brazilian diplomats, can be decisive. Aracy showed that those who make foreign Innovate, show initiative, and apply the best of policy must view the human being in its your lives in the service of our nation and our concrete reality, therefore, look to reality and people. Seek to understand Brazil and to accept the best advice I can give you: listen to defend it. Do not allow our country to be our people, learn with it, and bring its voice to defined from the outside, based on foreign the four corners of the world. concepts and interests. Seek to understand the Our project is building a more vigorous world and work so that Brazil can occupy the nation in which society, and not the state, is the best place possible within the concert of great protagonist. nations. Study the trade currents and how to I count on all of you for us to work together increase them, but also study the currents of on this project of a new and great Brazil. thought. Congratulations to all and thank you very much. 3 .
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