Case 18-2004: a 61-Year-Old Man with Rectal Bleeding and a 2-Cm Mass in the Rectum
The new england journal of medicine case records of the massachusetts general hospital Founded by Richard C. Cabot Nancy Lee Harris, m.d., Editor Jo-Anne O. Shepard, m.d., Associate Editor Stacey M. Ellender, Assistant Editor Sally H. Ebeling, Assistant Editor Christine C. Peters, Assistant Editor Case 18-2004: A 61-Year-Old Man with Rectal Bleeding and a 2-cm Mass in the Rectum Paul C. Shellito, M.D., Jeffrey W. Clark, M.D., Christopher G. Willett, M.D., and Aaron P. Caplan, M.D. presentation of case From the Department of Surgery (P.C.S.), A 61-year-old man was referred to this hospital for treatment of a low rectal adenocar- the Hematology–Oncology Unit, Depart- cinoma. He had been well until five months previously, when he occasionally began to ment of Medicine (J.W.C.), the Department of Radiation Oncology (C.G.W.), and the note blood in his stool. A stool guaiac test was positive. Three weeks before the patient’s Department of Pathology (A.P.C.), Massa- referral, a colonoscopy was performed at another hospital. A sessile polyp, 10 mm in chusetts General Hospital; and the De- diameter, was removed from the right side of the colon and was determined to be a tu- partments of Surgery (P.C.S.), Medicine (J.W.C.), Radiation Oncology (C.G.W.), bular adenoma; a sessile polyp, 4 mm in diameter, was found 80 cm into the left side of and Pathology (A.P.C.), Harvard Medical the colon; it was excised and found to be associated with a hyperplastic polyp containing School.
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