Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo

English Edition Vol. XLIII No. 19 October 7, 2012

Editorial Advance the antifeudal struggle, intensify the people's war

dvancing struggles for genuine land reform is among the criti- collectivization. cal tasks needed to push the people's war to the next stage of In the more than four dec- Athe strategic stalemate. Conducting antifeudal struggles on a ades of the Philippine democrat- broader scale, level and intensity and mobilizing peasants in their ic revolution, it has been clearly millions will serve as the foundation for achieving a new level of guer- established that the implemen- rilla warfare and establishing organs of political power. tation of land reform is the key to the advance of the revolu- The land reform program is wages of farm workers, raising tionary mass movement in the the main content of the people's the farmgate prices of the peas- countryside. democratic revolution. It is the ants' agricultural products, Until the beginning of the principal demand of the peas- raising production and income 1980s, antifeudal struggles antry, the main force of the and encouraging various forms steadily advanced alongside the democratic revolution. It is the of cooperation. intensification of armed strug- key link in advancing the revolu- Wherever possible, the max- gle and the estbalishment of the tionary mass movement in the imum program of land confisca- people's democratic govern- countryside and mobilizing mil- tion is implemented, which in- ment. Millions of peasants were lions of peasants for the nation- volves the occupation of public, mobilized and benefited from al-democratic revolution. abandoned or donated lands, the gains achieved in these In the main, the revolution- subjecting these to the authori- struggles. ary forces have been imple- ty of democratic people's pow- But due to disorientation, menting the minimum program er, administering them through the implementation of the land of land reform, which involves the peasant associations and reform program waned. The rev- reducing land rent, raising the implementing various forms of

Inside this issue...

Steeled in agrarian revolution 4

Youth in the revolution 7

Cybercrime law to suppress rights and freedoms 11 olutionary forces were unable to tive areas of jurisdiction. Their returned. take advantage of accumulated goal was to determine how the Higher Party committees up gains to advance to a higher lev- revolutionary program for land to the regional level have been el. This resulted in the noticea- reform could be advanced to a leading current efforts in ad- ble weakening of mass organiza- higher stage and how the peas- vancing struggles for land re- tions and declines in the militan- ant masses could be mobilized form. They have been guiding cy, consciousness and political in their numbers. and training new cadres and Red activities of the masses. Armed There is a need to sum up ex- fighters, local Party branches struggle concomitantly weaken- periences to identify what prob- and peasant associations, con- ed. lems have been encountered in ducting social investigation to The Second Great Rectifica- hewing to the class line in the determine the concrete condi- tion Movement of 1992 called establishment of peasant asso- tions of the peasant masses in for the revival of peasant asso- ciations and in implementing the their areas of jurisdiction and ciations, the various mass or- land reform program. It is like- drafting plans on how to ad- ganizations and organs of politi- wise necessary to analyze how vance land reform struggles on a cal power. The New People's Ar- the revolutionary forces have broader scale from the inter- my utilized the greater part of relied on the strength of the barrio level upwards. its time in establishing the orga- most oppressed and exploited For the past several months, nized strength of the masses strata of the peasantry and these committees have been and advancing struggles for land how, in certain situations, rich leading dynamic antifeudal reform. peasant and petty bourgeois in- struggles in various guerrilla In accordance with the calls fluence became dominant and fronts in different areas of the and directives of the CPP cen- resulted in the neglect of peas- country and reinvigorating mili- tral leadership in 2009 to ad- ant associations and local Party tant mass struggles. In launch- vance the people's war to the branches. There is a need to ing these struggles, formerly next stage of the strategic study experiences in implement- passive local Party branches and stalemate, a number of the Par- ing land reform, achieving chan- peasant associations have been ty's leading committees ges in the relations of produc- reactivated. There are allout ef- summed up their experiences in tion and economic status of the forts to repair these organiza- advancing antifeudal struggles peasant masses and what new tions, launch mass assemblies, and implementing the land re- forms of feudal and semifeudal conduct social investigation and form program in their respec- exploitation have persisted and class analysis. Mass discussions, education, propaganda and or- ganizing have become vibrant. By mobilizing the masses to ANG Contents conduct class analysis in the Editorial: Advance the antifeudal struggle, barrios, peasant associations Vol. XLIII No. 19 October 7, 2012 intensify the people’s war 1 have been reestablished on the EV steeled in agrarian revolution 3 basis of the strength of the basic Ang Bayan is published in strata of the peasantry. Com- Pilipino, Bisaya, Iloko, Hiligaynon, 200 students join bungkalan 6 Waray and English editions. mittees have been formed for in- Youth in the revolution 6 It is available for downloading at terbarrio coordination in order the Philippine Revolution Web NPA metes blows on AFP in Samar and Bicol 7 Central located at: to expand the scope of antifeu- NPA-Panay harasses 61st IB 8 dal struggles. The dynamism of Relentless attacks against minorities 9 the peasant associations has Ang Bayan welcomes contribu- Cybercrime law 10 been unleashed and women and tions in the form of articles and youth associations have become news. Readers are likewise enjoined Casiño, senatorial bet 11 active. Old and new mass lead- to send in their comments and sug- NDFP consultant released 11 gestions for the betterment of our ers have strengthened their mil- publication. You can reach us by Philex mine tailings spillage 11 itancy, ably representing the in- email at: Urban poor resist brutality 12 terests of the peasantry in ne- [email protected] Foxconn workers mount uprising 13 gotiations and confrontations with landlords and merchants. Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee In these areas, important of the Communist Party of the Philippines economic gains have been

2 ANG BAYAN October 7, 2012 achieved, including reduced militarization in their villages ine land reform and intensifying land rent, higher farm workers' more courageously. They have the people's war. wages and lower interest on forged plans of action to vigor- Let us likewise draw lessons loans, among others. Policies on ously and militantly confront the from experiences in forging the weighing and pricing farm pro- presence of fascist soldiers, democratic strength of the duce have been adopted and the conduct propaganda in the mass peasant masses by raising their prices of goods in local stores media and muster support from political consciousness and con- reduced. Various forms of coop- various personalities and organ- ducting political education eration and collective work on izations. They have formed their among them and unleashing the communal lands have been im- defense committees and peo- initiative of peasant associa- plemented for individual or col- ple's militia units and coordi- tions under the guidance and lective gain. Last year alone, nate with local units of the peo- correct political leadership of tens of thousands of families ple's army. Recruitment of new the Party and with the support benefited from such gains. Red fighters has further stepped of the people's army. News of successful antifeu- up. Genuine land reform is the dal struggles are spreading like The experiences of guerrilla consistent demand of millions of wildfire in the municipalities fronts that have successfully Filipino peasants. It is a cry that where these have been launched antifeudal campaigns has grown stronger in the face launched, spurring peasants in must be closely studied by Party of worsening forms of feudal nearby areas to take action. The committees and the general and semifeudal exploitation. prestige of peasant associations membership. From these, they Let antifeudal struggles has been raised and their au- must draw lessons to guide them spread like a prairie fire nation- thority recognized even in the in correctly combining the con- wide. Let us mobilize the peas- town centers. Their alliances duct of antifeudal campaigns, antry in their millions to tread with the middle forces have the strengthening of the mass the path of armed revolution. It been strengthened and expand- base and advancing armed is the greatly resurgent peas- ed, and the support of enlight- struggle to the next higher antry, in solidarity with the toi- ened landlords tested. stage. These lessons must be- ling masses and the Filipino peo- Mass organizations steeled come a source of inspiration to ple that will bring people's war in the furnace of antifeudal the peasant masses nationwide to a new and higher stage of ad- struggles have been confronting in advancing struggles for genu- vance. ~

Guerrilla fronts in EV Steeled by agrarian revolution

This is the first of a two-part article on the experience of advanc- fronts in Samar island from July ing agrarian revolution in Eastern Visayas (EV). 2011 to April 2012. The initial invigoration of antifeudal strug- n the history of the revolutionary movement in Eastern Visayas, gles yielded valuable lessons the strongest guerrilla fronts were those established on the foun- that could spark the spread of dation of agrarian revolution. A stop in the advance of agrarian I the fires of agrarian revolution revolution in the 1980s alongside disorientation also led to the weak- in the entire island. ening of these fronts. In these areas, the revolutionary mass move- ment and armed struggle suffered a decline. Although revolutionary Nature of the campaign gains were maintained in the main, the conduct of mass work by the The campaign was conduct- New People's Army became shallow and mechanical. The mass line ed at the municipal level and was not strictly adhered to. tightly coordinated in the clus- In early 2011, the Party re- ment could overcome the obsta- ter of barrios covered. It was gional committee in EV called cles to its advance. In the spirit led by the Pambansang Katipu- for a resurgence in antifeudal of the region's call, a series of nan ng mga Magbubukid (PKM) struggles as one of the ways by antifeudal struggles were in one guerrilla front and by which the revolutionary move- launched in three guerrilla "Task Force Agreb" in the two

ANG BAYAN October 7, 2012 3 other fronts. The campaign was ancy system. In essence, the ag- victory over the old system begun in one barrio and expand- sador performs the same func- where the peasants suffer the ed wave upon wave to adjacent tions as a tenant in coconut foreclosure of their mortgaged villages. lands, but does not enjoy the land if they are unable to repay The targets were 41 land- same "rights" since his work their debt in cash. In a guerrilla lords, 47 merchant-usurers and contract in temporary). front, up to 328 parcels of land two big businessmen in the mu- In two villages, the peasants measuring 316 hectares and nicipality. Negotiations were won the right to postpone pay- worth `6.2 million were re- launched between the peasants ment of land rental in a land- deemed from mortgage. In an- and the campaign's targets. The lord's 20-hectare landholding, other guerrilla front, a ten-hec- peasants asserted recognition benefiting up to 20 families. In tare mortgaged landholding was for their association and laid another guerrilla front, rich redeemed from a big landlord. down their demands. At the end peasants, upper middle peas- The peasants also won their of every negotiation, barrio as- ants and a number of petty demand to remain in their mort- semblies were conducted to in- bourgeoisie who hired agsador gaged land as agsador or farm form all the other members and were convinced to extend volun- workers. Thus, they do not lose achieve unity on the points of tary financial or material assist- their sources of livelihood. agreement. ance in recognition of the value In a guerrilla front, the The comrades assiduously of the agsador's labor. To peasants won a reduction in in- prepared for and devoted ample achieve job security for the ag- terest, from 20% monthly to 10% time to the campaign. The Red sador, the peasants successfully every quarter and 20% per an- fighters and local Party branch- demanded that any pending de- num. es in the villages as well as local cision to fire them should first In another guerrilla front, mass organizations in the com- go through a review by the local the price of a sack of palay (un- munity united on its goals. So- PKM. Thus, landlords and those husked rice) was fixed at `600 cial investigation and correct belonging to the higher strata of in the "cash-payment-palay" class analysis were meticulously the peasantry couold no longer system where a loan of `250- conducted. Mass organizations arbitrarily fire agsador. 500 is paid with a sack of palay. and other support groups were In mortgages, the peasants On the other hand, in the old organized along the campaign no longer had to redeem their framework. A sustained propa- mortgaged land with cash once ganda-education campaign, as- the landlord is able to recoup his semblies and conferences of capital and earn 100% net profit mass organizations were con- from the product of the mort- ducted. Teams of negotiators gaged land. This is a major were formed and trained.

Gains achieved Up to 2,391 families in 32 barangays benefited from the economic gains achieved in the antifeudal struggles. Land rent paid by agsa in coconut lands was reduced, from 50-50 to a range of 60-40 to 66-33 in favor of the agsador even as expenses were still jointly shouldered by both the agsador and the hauler. Meanwhile, in abaca lands, land rent was reduced from 33.33% (tersyuhan) to 25% (apatan). (In Samar, the term agsa refers to the relations of production in coconut and abaca lands that supplanted the ten-

4 ANG BAYAN October 7, 2012 "seeds-payment-palay" scheme, peasants Lumad demand return were charged 100% interest by paying two sacks of palay for a sack of seeds bought on of ancestral lands loan. Now, they are charged interest of only five salop (equivalent to three liters dry meas- 'laan tribespeople belonging to the Labugal ure) for every sack of seeds (equivalent to 75 BTribal Association (LTA) in Tulunan town in liters dry measure) bought on credit. North Cotabato and Manobo tribespeople from the In two guerrilla fronts, fraudulent weigh- Nagkahiusang Katawhang Talaengod in Antipas ing scales (called pindolon or "live weighing town have complained that settlers have en- scales") that shaved off five kilos for every 100 croached on their ancestral lands. kilos of copra were abolished. The abolition of The B'laan were forced to flee in the 1970s due such fraud translates to the addition of more to armed clashes between two armed fanatic `9 than million annually in the peasants' gross groups, the Ilaga and Blackshirts. When they re- income. turned to Kolonsalnafel, Barangay Lampagang, Tu- The excessive and illegal resikada was like- lunan, the Banan, Mangalen, Sumale, Mangge and wise abolished. The resikada system involves Capion families discovered that settlers had shaving off five kilos or more per 100 kilos of claimed their 712-hectare ancestral land. The copra being weighed, based on the arbitrary lands have now been planted to bananas and Gme- classification of copra into "insufficiently lina trees by settlers who had applied for Certifi- baked" or "raw." (The arbitrary designation of cates of Land Ownership Award (CLOA). resiko or "moisture content" of baked copra is The Manobo tribespeople were also forced to one of the ways merchants have been fleecing flee their 500-hectare land in Sityo Alibayon, Ba- the peasants). The practice of reducing the rangay Malatab, Antipas because of the Ilaga- price of copra secretly by landlords in cahoots Blackshirt conflict. Upon their return in 1997, they with businessmen was stopped. Businessmen found out that their ancestral lands had been cov- ` shave off 1-2 per kilo in the price of copra be- ered by an application by Ilonggo settlers for a ing submitted for weighing by the agsador. It Community-Based Forest Management Agreement is a condition imposed by the landlord on the (CBFMA). Their application was supported by Anti- businessman in exchange for a guarantee that pas mayor Van Cadungon. the copra will be sold to him. The Manobo also complained that the 57th IB The peasants also put a stop to the prac- was siding with the settlers and that the soldiers tice of reducing the price of copra merely on have established a permanent encampment on their the basis of rumors heard in town. Fraudulent ancestral lands. scales used in weighing consumer products Meanwhile, peasants and fisherfolk at Hacienda such as rice, sugar, chickens and other basic Looc have demanded that the lands of the vast es- commodities were abolished. To ensure that tate be distributed to them. They aired this demand weighing scales were accurate, the PKM de- in a picket at the Supreme Court on September 13. manded the right to investigate and approve They are opposed to the 8,650-hectare hacien- the weighing scales and other instruments of da’s continuing land-use conversion despite the measurement used by businessmen. Mass or- fact that the estate in Nasugbu, Batangas has al- ganizations also bought their own weighing ready been subjected by the government to the scales and measuring instruments. Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP). The negotiations yielded an agreement im- The hacienda is the site of the Hamilo Coast project posing a maximum 10% markup in the prices of being developed by SM Land, which is owned by big consumer goods sold in the villages. The peas- businessman Henry Sy. ants were able to convince the merchants to The protest picket was led by the Ugnayan ng voluntarily reduce their excessive profits by Mamamayan Laban sa Pangwawasak ng Lupa sa presenting them with a comparative list of pri- Hacienda Looc (UMALPAS-KA) and the Katipunan ces. ng mga Samahang Magbubukid sa Timog Katagalu- Farm workers of almost all categories won gan (KASAMA-TK). They complained about the on- a 25-50% hike in wages. In a cluster of villa- going SM Land project, saying that the government ges, the PKM also began addressing problems should not have sold the Hacienda Looc lands while involving the management of lands adminis- the peasants had a petition for land distribution ~ tered by the mass organization. pending at the Supreme Court. ~

ANG BAYAN October 7, 2012 5 200 students join Ka Alex, Ka Adrian and Ka Errel Youth for the revolution bungkalan a Alex, Ka Adrian and Ka Errel are typical countryside ome 200 students joined a move- youth. Even at a young age, they have been helping Sment to collectively till the land at Ktheir parents and participate in production. Like grow- Bariquit Compound, Purok 13 in Bu- ing numbers of other youth, they are politically conscious, gac, Barangay Maa, Davao City on working for and honing themselves to contribute to the revolu- September 8. Hailing from various tion. schools, the students helped the resi- dents plant vegetables. In joining the They are among the best sons and daughters of the peasant- bungkalan, they showed their solidari- ry who have joined the New People's Army (NPA) to defend and ty with the residents of Bariquit Com- further advance their gains in agrarian revolution and other pound who are in danger of being programs of the people's democratic government. evicted. A big landlord began claiming the Ka Alex land in 2006. The Villa Abrille family in "I am determined to join the NPA when I turn 18." This is Ka joint venture with Filinvest Land Inc. Alex's firm commitment. He will be reaching his 18th year on plans to construct a high-end subdivi- November 30. sion in the area called Le Jardin. Alex is the fifth of six siblings. His parents usually eke out a The residents said Francisco Villa living by planting coconut and rice. His uncle is a former Red Abrille-Juna, one of the heirs of the fighter and their barrio is often visited by comrades. Villa Abrille family showed them a bo- Ka Alex was just a Fourth Grader when he first decided to gus land title. No less than the resi- become a Red fighter. He liked joining the guerrillas in their dents who cleared and developed the tasks and treks, but he was too young. The guerrillas encour- land more than 60 years ago said that aged him to help in various revolutionary tasks in the village. He they have documents proving their joined a children's group that often staged cultural presenta- ownership of the land. tions and participated in other children's programs. Nonetheless, in 2011, the Villa His elder brother became a Red fighter in 2010 and was Abrilles made another attempt to evict transferred to another area. Ka Alex then tried again to join the the residents. On August 24 this year, NPA. But he was just 16 then and was not allowed into the peo- Filinvest Land Inc. tried to fence off ple's army. He was advised to continue working in the barrio and the Bariquit Compound. The residents help in various ways. fought back, accompanied by members Ka Alex was not discouraged and continued working with the of the Kalipunan ng Damayang Mahi- village youth group as the team leader. Part of his duties is to hirap (KADAMAY) and other people's report on enemy movements in their barrio to the comrades. He organizations. is also asked by comrades to purchase supplies in nearby towns. Led by Nanay Silay Camomot and From time to time, he attends educational discussions in the Antonia (Inday) Bariquit, the area's barrio and even with the Red fighters. original residents, they formed a hu- Ka Alex was inspired to become a Red fighter because of the man barricade. They determinedly good example shown to him by the guerrillas. blocked a backhoe despite threats Meanwhile, the from the police and armed guards. comrades have Eventually, four members of KADA- asked Ka Alex's par- MAY, League of Filipino Students, ents to tell him to be Anakbayan and KARATULA were ar- careful because rested. the youth is on Despite the violent dispersal, sym- the enemy's pathy for the struggle of the Bariquit watchlist. Ka Compound residents has further Alex has spread. The participation not only of stopped going students, but of workers, urban poor to school and and a number of teachers in the bung- is awaiting his kalan movement was a demonstration 18th birthday so of such solidarity. ~

6 ANG BAYAN October 7, 2012 he could finally become a full- tional-Democratic School and supplies. fledged Red fighter. join cultural presentations in Ka Adrian misses his family their barrio and other areas. but his homesickness is alleviat- Ka Adrian and Ka Errel The brothers have a typical ed by daily organizing work Ka Adrian and Ka Errel are relationship. They often tease among the masses. Sometimes, brother revolutionaries. Ka Adri- each other and play, and some- Ka Errel is able to visit him and an is the eldest and Ka Errel is his times get peeved with each other join in some of the unit's activi- younger sibling. Their parents and quarrel. ties. Through Ka Errel, Ka Adri- are both active members of the Ka Adrian is more outgoing an is able to send his regards to Party branch in their barrio. while Ka Errel is the serious and his parents and two younger It was not difficult for the shy type. siblings. The two brothers have two brothers to decide on taking When Ka Adrian turned 18, been able to talk more often the path of revolution. Growing he decided to join the NPA while since Ka Errel became the lead- up in the countryside, poverty Ka Errel continued his tasks in er of the youth group in the bar- was not a stranger to them. the barrio. rio and has been active in re- They became aware of the Ka Adrian was assigned to porting on the enemy's move- revolution because their father their barrio for a while but was ments in their area. and uncle were former Red eventually transferred. It was in More than being brothers, fighters. Ka Adrian was only six the NPA that he took up other however, they have underscored years old when he started min- Party courses and became a full their relationship as comrades gling with the Red fighters oper- member of the CPP. He under- serving the revolution in differ- ating in their area, while Ka Er- takes various tasks in the peo- ent capacities. rel joined the children's group in ple's army—from security to Even now, Ka Errel is already their barrio early on. They both kitchen duty to ensuring that preparing to join the NPA when attend discussions at the Na- their platoon has enough food the right time comes. ~

NPA metes blows on AFP (NPA-Northern Samar) allow soldiers to wreak havoc in the in Samar and Bicol province. In June alone, the mil- itary in Northern Samar suf- fered 13 dead and six wounded nits of the New People's Army (NPA) in Samar and Bicol have in a series of military actions been thwarting the US-Aquino regime's Oplan Bayanihan. launched by the NPA. Based on correspondence reports from Samar island, up to U On June 5, the Red fighters 20 Philippine Army troops were killed and more than ten wounded harassed a composite unit of the due to attacks by Red fighters from May to August. In Bicol, the en- 20th and 52nd IB in Barangay emy suffered four casualties in NPA harassment operations in Sep- Among, San Isidro town, killing tember. three soldiers and wounding an- other. In Samar island. Two sol- wounding another. On June 8, Red fighters har- diers from the 87th IB were On August 23, an NPA unit assed the practically stationary wounded in a harassment oper- figured in an encounter with the fascist troops in Barangay E. ation launched by a unit under enemy along the boundary of Duran, Bobon town, killing three the Arnulfo Ortiz Command Barangay Biri, Motiong and Ba- and wounding two others from (NPA-Samar province) on Au- rangay Hagbay, San Jose de Bu- the 20th IB. gust 20 in Barangay Zone 4, San an. The Red fighters were able The next day, it was a unit Jose de Buan. The enemy trans- to seize the initiative and with- under the 34th IB that was met- ported their casualties by heli- draw without any casualties. ed blows by the NPA. Three ene- copter. Earlier, an NPA unit am- The wounded enemy troops my soldiers were killed and an- bushed a column of the 87th IB were brought aboard a helicop- other one wounded by the NPA. conducting operations in Sitio ter. Four other soldiers of the San Pedro, also in Barangay Neither did the NPA under 20th IB were killed and two Zone 4, killing a soldier and the Rodante Urtal Command wounded in the Red fighters'

ANG BAYAN October 7, 2012 7 next harassment operation. mand (NPA-Catanduanes) at- ing a detachment in Barangay On May 1, a soldier from the tacked 83rd IB troops in Baran- Tabion, Del Gallego town at 20th IB was wounded in an NPA gay JMA, San Miguel at around around 3:30 p.m. of September harassment operation in Baran- 9 a.m. of August 29. The enemy 3. gay Among, San Isidro town. unit masquerading as a "Peace A soldier was killed and two That same month, the NPA at- and Development Team" was others wounded in a harassment tacked the 20th IB camp in Ba- part of a larger force of the 83rd operation by the Jose Rapsing rangay Happy Valley, San Isid- IB launching the counterrevolu- Command (NPA-Masbate) on ro, killing two enemy soldiers tionary Oplan Bayanihan in 11 the PNP Special Action Force and wounding another. barangays of San Andres, San camp in Barangay Lalaguna, In another guerrilla front, Miguel and Virac towns since Mobo on August 30. four elements of the 81st Divi- August 16. The Red fighters also An NPA team under the San- sion Reconnaissance Company harassed the headquarters of tos Binamira Command-Albay (DRC) were killed and several the 83rd IB Charlie Coy in Ba- burned down an old detachment others wounded in a harassment rangay San Marcos, San Miguel. with 13 huts in Barangay San operation on July 26 by a team The NPA in Camarines Norte Ramon, Daraga town. The Red from the Silvio Pajares Com- also launched a series of harass- fighters razed the camp at mand (NPA-North-Northeast ment operations against 902nd around 9 p.m. when soldiers Samar) in Barangay Quirino, Las Brigade troops. The Red fighters from the 2nd IB Charlie Coy Navas. sniped soldiers of the 49th IB in temporarily left it to guard a big In Bicol. Two soldiers from Barangay Peter, Capalonga company in Barangay Alobo. the 31st IB were killed and town on the night of September The local residents have long three others were seriously 3. Earlier, a soldier was wound- wanted to expel the military de- wounded in an encounter with a ed when the NPA opened fire at tachment because of the sol- squad under the NPA Celso Min- troopers in Barangay Maot, La- diers' involvement in several guez Command in Sitio Kapiriku- bo town. The angered and star- crimes and human rights viola- han, Barangay San Isidro, Bu- tled soldiers reacted by indis- tions. This unit was also in- lusan, Sorsogon at around 10 criminately firing their weapons volved in the massacre of Ba- a.m. of September 6. in various directions. rangay Kagawad Wilfredo Loti- Meanwhile, Red fighters un- In Camarines Sur, Red fight- no's family in Nabas-an, Dara- der the Nerissa San Juan Com- ers attacked soldiers construct- ga, Albay in October 2010. ~

NPA-Panay harasses 61st IB detachment

soldier under the 61st IB was killed in a harass- the military action was a punitive measure against Ament operation launched by Red fighters of the the 61st IB for the death of Rodelyn Aguirre and New People's Army (NPA) on a military detachment other human rights violations. in Barangay Tacayan, Tapaz, Capiz on the morning Aguirre was a six-year old girl killed on March 11 of September 8. An undetermined number of troop- when she was hit by a grenade from an M203 fired ers were also wounded. from the 61st IB detachment. The grenade landed in The NPA team was able to safely withdraw while the Aguirre family's yard where the young girl was being provided cover fire by another team of Red playing. Her four-year old sister Roda was seriously fighters positioned at a higher area. injured. In a statement, Ka Jurie Guerrero, spokesperson On May 14, Red fighters also closed in on anoth- of the NPA Jose Percival Estocada Jr. Command er 61st IB PDT detachment in Barangay Acuña, Ta- (JPEC), said an NPA team was able to quietly close paz, where they buried three command-detonated in on the detachment at around 4:30 a.m. The de- explosives while the soldiers were away. tachment was manned by 14 soldiers composing a The NPA detonated the bombs when the soldiers Peace and Development Team (PDT) under the 61st arrived. Some of the soldiers scampered out of the IB. When a soldier appeared at around 7 a.m., the detachment with their tails between their legs, leav- NPA team fired their weapons in unison, some ten ing behind the other troopers who were immobilized meters away from the detachment. Guerrero said with fear. ~

8 ANG BAYAN October 7, 2012 Relentless attacks on minority activists

ng Bayan recorded a series of attacks on minority leaders and activists opposed to large-scale mining. In Cagayan de Oro, a yon and a stop to the takeover ALumad leader was killed in October. Two antiming protests of their tribe's 52,000-hectare were attacked by armed agents of the state in Benguet and Bukidnon ancestral lands by mining com- in September, while 74 Lumad activists also opposed to large-scale panies and plantations. mining in Surigao del Sur and Agusan del Sur have been maliciously August 16. The military linked to the New People's Army (NPA) and slapped with trumped-up slapped trumped-up murder charges in court. charges against Genasque En- riquez, vice president of Katribu October 3. Two men aboard the company did not obtain their Indigenous Peoples' Partylist a motorcycle shot to death Gil- free and informed consent be- and the party's second nomi- bert Paborada who chairs fore commencing operations in nee. The AFP has implicated En- PANGALASAG, an organization the area. They are also worried riquez and 36 others in an en- opposed to large-scale mining. about the destruction of their counter between the NPA and It is affiliated with KALUMBAY, sources of water if the 75th IB in Bunawan, Agusan the regional alliance of Lumad the project is del Sur on July 21. organizations in Northern Mind- pursued. Enriquez is anao. September also the secre- Paborada had just alighted 3. Eight tary-general from a tricycle in front of his masked men of Kahugpun- house in an urban poor commu- aboard four mo- gan sa mga nity in San Nicholas, Puntod, torcycles at- Lumadnong Cagayan de Oro City when he tacked the pro- Orga-nisasy- was shot by the assailants. He test camp of on (Kasalo) died on the spot from five bullet scores of Lu- in Ca-raga Re- wounds to the head and various mad in front of gion. Kasalo- other parts of his body. the Bukidnon Caraga has Paborada is the third leader provincial capi- been actively ex- of KALUMBAY killed under the tol in Malay- posing the in- Aquino regime. balay City. The tense militariza- September 17. More than men smashed tion in the region and the hu- 100 elements of the Benguet the sound system, tore down man rights violations against PNP attacked the barricade set streamers and banners and at- the Mamanwa minorities in or- up by the Save Mankayan Move- tacked some of the protesters der to pave the way for the en- ment (SMM) and residents of with stun guns before leaving. try of big mining companies and Sitio Madaymen, Tabeo, Man- The Lumad from the Tigwa- plantations in the area. kayan, Benguet. The skirmish hanon tribe have been camping Earlier, trumped-up cases of resulted in head injuries to one out at the provincial capitol rebellion, attempted murder, of the barricaders and undis- grounds for six months. Hailing arson and illegal possession of closed injuries to several others. from Sitio Kiranggol, Barangay firearms and explosives were Many had their clothes torn off. Dao, San Fernando, Bukidnon, also filed against 37 leaders and The policemen arrested Tony they were forced to flee their members of the Malahutayong Ugalde, vice president of SMM community after the murder in Pakigbisog Alang sa Sumusunod and detained him overnight. He March of Jimmy Liguyon, their (MAPASU). MAPASU is oppos- was released after posting bail. barangay captain and leader of ing the seizure of the Manobo's The residents of Tabeo have the campaign against mining in ancestral lands in Lianga, San been barricading the drilling site their area. Liguyon was killed by Agustin, Marihatag and Tago in of Far South East for nine Alde "Butchoy" Salusad of the Surigao del Sur by big mining months now. Far South East is a paramilitary New Indigenous companies. The victims have mining project of Lepanto Con- Peoples' Army Reform (NIPAR) been maliciously linked by the solidated Mining Co. (LCMC) and his father Nonong Salusad, police to the NPA attack on the and Gold Fields Mining Compa- a CAFGU element. The Lumad Lianga PNP Station on April 29, ny. The residents charged that are demanding justice for Ligu- 2011. ~

ANG BAYAN Setyembre 21, 2012 9 Cybercrime law to suppress rights and freedom on the internet

for large-scale data collection under the Echelon program of the CIA, the Pentagon and oth- er police departments. This pro- gram goes far beyond existing legal and moral standards in the US and other countries and is epublic Act 10175 or the Cybercrime Prevention Law, a re- likewise violative of acceptable pressive law passed by the Aquino regime on September 12 privacy rights worldwide. has been met by widespread and intense opposition. Eleven R The latest to file a petition separate petitions have been filed at the Supreme Court for the law's against the Cybercrime Law is repeal for being violative of the rights and civil liberties of the Filipi- the Philippine Bar Association, no people. the country's oldest lawyers' The Communist Party of the most of which is directed group. The Bagong Alyansang Philippines (CPP) and all the against Aquino. Criticisms (BAYAN), its allied revolutionary forces threw their against Aquino quickly go viral organizations and National Art- full support behind moves to op- over the internet, especially ist for Literature Bienvenido pose the new law. In launching when found in social networking Lumbera had also filed their protest actions against the cy- sites patronized by millions of own petition earlier. BAYAN bercrime law, the Filipino people Filipinos such as blogs, Face- likewise called on the Filipino may be able to form a strong book, Youtube and Twitter. people to resist RA 10175 on movement for civil liberties and Using the Cybercrime Pre- the internet, in the courts, in privacy rights and link this to vention Law, the regime may or- the streets and in Congress. the struggle to defend the peo- der the closure of websites or The National Union of Jour- ple's human rights. block blogs or accounts of Filipi- nalists of the Philippines is also The regime claims that the nos on social networking sites set to file a separate petition Cybercrime Prevention Law that do not conform to the re- against the new law, saying it works against internet crimes gime's standards. The law also suppresses freedom of speech such as child pornography, iden- grants formal authority to the and the press. tity theft and the like. In fact, police and military to surveil Reps. Teddy Casiño and the law actually suppresses the communications equipment like Raymond Palatino and Sens. right of ordinary people to inter- cellphones, computers, tablets Teofisto Guingona III and net privacy, their freedom of ex- and broadband gadgets and Francis Escudero have also pression and freedom of the monitor email and other inter- filed resolutions calling for the press. Those who compare it to net traffic. repeal of the law's repressive e-martial law against internet- Even before the law was provisions. based opposition and protest passed, telecommunications In protest, "hacktivists" be- are entirely correct. The law companies had already been ful- longing to the group Anonymous may be used by those in power ly cooperating with the state's Philippines defaced 11 govern- whenever they want against armed minions to collect elec- ment websites. Simultaneously, their critics and political oppo- tronic data and surveil cell- the practice of blacking out pro- nents. phones and online traffic not on- file images on Facebook and What netizens and the mass ly against criminals, but also po- mass media websites such as media oppose the most is a pro- litical opponents of people in the Inquirer has become more vision categorizing libel as one power. Under the new law, this widespread as a means of dram- of the items punishable under can now be done wholesale, le- atizing protest against the law. the cybercrime law. This provi- gally and on a broader scale. Among those that have joined sion demonstrates the regime's The Aquino regime's cyber- the "black out" movement is the intolerance to media criticism crime law is in accordance with revolutionary movement's web- and ridicule over the internet, efforts by the US government site ~

10 ANG BAYAN Setyembre 21, 2012 MAKABAYAN's Casiño files NDFP consultant certificate of candidacy released, another for senator arrested

want to represent in the Senate the voice of ordi- ational Democratic Front of the Philip- "Inary people, especially the very poor who com- Npines (NDFP) consultant Randy Malayao prise the majority in our country," said Rep. Teddy Ca- was released on October 4 after posting bail. siño, one of two representatives in Con- Less than three days later, however, the gress. military illegally arrested Benjamin Mendoza, Casiño filed his Certificate of Candidacy (COC) on another NDFP consultant. Mendoza was ar- October 3 in his desire to be an alternative candidate rested with his wife and two others along Au- for the Senate in next year's elections. Casiño first rora Blvd. in Quezon City in the early morning made a symbolic run under heavy rain from the San of October 6. He represents Southern Tagalog Agustin church to the office of the Commission on in the peace negotiations. Elections in Intramuros, Manila where he was met by Malayao was abducted by military agents his family, representatives of progressive parties and in Cainta, Rizal in May 2008 and tortured for hundreds of supporters. five days before he was surfaced. He was de- Casiño is the sole candidate of MAKABAYAN, a co- tained at the 5th ID headquarters, Tuguega- alition of progressive parties, organizations, NGO net- rao District Jail and Ilagan District Jail in Isa- works and patriotic personalities. He currently chairs bela. the House Committee on Small Business and Entrepre- He had earlier been acquitted in 2010 of neurship Development and is the senior vice chairper- killing former Col. Rodolfo Aguinaldo because son of the House Committee on Higher Education. of the incredible tesimony of the AFP's wit- Before being elected to Congress, Casiño chaired ness. He has been allowed to post bail for a the College Editors Guild of the Philippines (CEGP) and second murder charge, where the AFP alleged was secretary-general of the Bagong Alyansang Maka- that he participated in an ambush by the New bayan. He began his activism at the University of the People's Army in 2005 in San Mariano, Isabela Philippines-Los Baños where he was involved in ad- where three soldiers were killed and four oth- vancing various advocacies and social movements. As ers were wounded. Bayan Muna representative, he has filed bills for social Malayao's release was greatly delayed be- reform and stood for the interest of the toiling masses. cause of the Aquino regime's refusal to comply In his bid for the Senate, his platform includes the re- with an agreement between the NDFP and GPH duction of prices of prime commodities, job creation, in February 2011 that called for the release of livelihood development and competent governance. ~ all detained NDFP consultants. ~

Philex must be held accountable intact and it contained a volume of mine tailings commensurate to he Cordillera People's Alli- TP3's breaching on August 1. its capacity. Tance (CPA) demanded that TP3 was first used in 1992 But the MGB said that TP3 Philex Mining Corporation be and had an expected lifespan of contained more than 20 metric held accountable for the de- 20 years. Thus, it should have tons of mine tailings, which is 47 struction wreaked in Padcal, Tu- been closed down in the first half times bigger than the garbage ba, Benguet due to the breaching of 2012. But Philex insisted on produced by Metro Manila, and of the mining firm's Tailings Pond using it even its materials and 1,600% more than the mine tail- 3 (TP3). even its foundation had already ings that flowed into and killed An investigation by the Mines deteriorated and was filled be- the Boac River in Marinduque in and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) yond capacity. 2002. The MGB has ordered revealed that TP3's structure did The damage could have been Philex to pay a `1 billion fine, not weaken merely because of avoided if Philex had conducted based on the computation of `50 strong rains in August, as Philex direct investigation, monitoring per metric ton of spillage. has alleged. The MGB cited gross and repairs to ensure that the The mine tailing spillage has neglect as the reason behind facility's foundation remained contaminated the Batog stream

ANG BAYAN Setyembre 21, 2012 11 which flows towards the ACT to represent NCR teachers Agno River, and from Ito- TEACHERS gon, Benguet, flows to- in the National Capital Region (NCR) achieved a major victory in wards Pangasinan prov- October when the Civil Service Commission recognized the Alliance of Con- ince. In Padcal, in particu- cerned Teachers (ACT)-National Capital Region Union as the sole and exclu- lar, the residents' liveli- sive negotiating agent for all public school teachers in negotiations with the hood has been adversely Department of Education-NCR. Their petition for a salary increase has been affected because are no signed and supported by more than 26,000 teachers. This was one of the gains longer able to fish in the of the teachers' struggle announced during the commemoration of Interna- polluted rivers and tional Teachers Day on October 5. The ACT-NCR Union was formally recog- streams. nized as an exclusive bargaining agent on September 17. Meanwhile, the CPA al- This is just the beginning, said ACT Teachers Partylist Rep. Antonio Tinio. so demanded that MGB On September 14, more than 1,000 teachers marched to the Batasan Pamban- and the DENR be likewise sa. Led by ACT and ACT Teachers Partylist, they demanded the enactment of held accountable for per- HB 2124 which calls for a raise in teachers' pay from the current Salary Grade ` ` mitting the irresponsible 11 ( 18,549 per month) to Salary Grade 15 ( 24,887 per month). The bill al- ` operations of mining com- so calls for raising the monthly salaries of volunteer teachers from 3,000 to ` ` panies like Philex. The CPA 6,000 and adding 6,000 to the minimum salary of non-teaching personnel. called for a stop to de- Tinio said teachers should receive decent salaries to ensure good educa- structive mining and for tion for the youth. ACT secretary-general France Castro complained that due serious efforts to rehabili- to the teachers' very low salaries, they are not able to cope with the rapid and tate the environment. ~ relentless hikes in the prices of basic goods and services.

Urban poor resist Aquino regime's brutality o one can stop us from exposing the Aquino gle. Roxas issued the order after residents marched regime's brutality against the urban poor. to the DILG office to oppose government plans to NThis was the strongly worded statement of destroy their community for the construction of the Estrelita Bagasbas, chair of the September 26 Quezon City Central Business District (QCCBD), one Movement, an alliance of urban poor residents in of the biggest projects under the Aquino regime's North Triangle, Quezon City, after policemen at- Public-Private Partnership (PPP) scheme. tempted to arrest on October 5 Jocy Lopez who There have recently been a series of brutal at- chairs KADAMAY's North Triangle chapter. KADA- tacks by state agents against the urban poor. On MAY stands for Kalipunan ng Damayang Mahihirap. October 1, fifteen-year old John Cali Lagrimas, a The residents blocked and drove away six armed member of Partidong -Gitnang Luzon was men who were out to arrest Lopez for illegal assem- killed when 150 elements of the Tarlac Police and a bly and malicious mischief. 100-man demolition team mercilessly tore through Five others whose names are mentioned in the a barricade set up by residents of Block 7, Barangay same charge sheet filed at the Metropolitan Trial San Roque, Tarlac City. Court Branch 42 of Quezon City have already gone Meanwhile, 27 persons were injured when ele- into hiding. They are Carlito Villilia, Jr., an officer of ments of the Makati City police and the Special Anakbayan-BIR Road Chapter; Rogelio Borres, chair Weapons and Tactics team swooped down on a res- of Anakbayan-NIA Road Chapter; Karen Romero, idential area housing some 250 families on Guate- member of Anakbayan-North Triangle Chapter; Shei- mala Street, Barangay San Isidro, Makati on la Marie Buenaflor, chair of Alyansa ng Kabataang September 24. Up to eight urban poor residents Lumalaban para sa Sambayanan (AKLAS); and Myrna were arrested and charged by the police. The Ma- Dalida, an officer of Anakpawis-Agham Chapter. kati local government plans to construct a three- The attempted arrest has also exposed the storey building at the site that will serve as a baran- Aquino government's hypocrisy. Just this October 2, gay hall, health center and covered court. The resi- Mar Roxas, newly appointed secretary of the De- dents are opposed to the relocation site being of- partment of Interior and Local Government (DILG) fered them in Calauan, Laguna because of the ab- had ordered the suspension of demolitions in Sitio sence of facilities and its distance from their sour- San Roque, Barangay Bagong Pag-asa, North Trian- ces of livelihood. ~

12 ANG BAYAN Setyembre 21, 2012 Foxconn workers mount uprising

ome 2,000 workers in Taiyuan, Shanxi, Chi- comply with incoming orders. Such forced labor is na rose up on September 23 because of their due to the strong demand for Apple's newest prod- Sbrutal exploitation and oppression by tech- uct, the iPhone 5. nological giant Foxconn. More than 40 workers Foxconn is notorious for its abuse of workers were wounded and more than 100 arrested by the and violations of work safety standards. In 2010, police and company guards. a number of its workers committed suicide, spur- Foxconn Technology Group is one of the biggest ring strikes in various Foxconn plants and other suppliers of electronic products to American com- companies. In March, Foxconn workers in Taiyu- panies. It is best known as the factory for Apple an struck to demand a wage hike. This was fol- Inc. products, an American company selling one of lowed by a declaration from 300 workers that the most expensive computers, cellphones and they would commit suicide if their demands for a other electronic products worldwide. wage increase is not granted. In June, some 100 The Foxconn workers destroyed the windows of workers rose up at the Chendu plant in Sichuan their dormitory and burned vehicles in an uprising province because of the company's maltreatment that lasted five hours. Up to 5,000 policemen were of its work force. called in to suppress the uprising. The company Foxconn workers receive slave wages. They are was forced to close for more than a day and ad- paid only 550 renminbi or about `10,000 per dress the workers' demands. month. From this amount, Foxconn deducts pay- The uprising began when company guards co- ment for food bought from the company canteen, erced and beat up workers who were resting and dormitory rent, services for cleaning the toilet, refused to work overtime. Foxconn workers are kitchen and other company property. The remain- made to live in dormitories. Any time, night or day, der is grossly inadequate for the workers' basic they could be called by management to work and needs.

ANG BAYAN Setyembre 21, 2012 13