This Paper Is Made of Books
THIS PAPER IS MADE OF BOOKS by Noa Vigny Billick A thesis presented to OCAD University, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Fine Arts in Interdisciplinary Master’s in Art, Media, and Design. THIS ROOM IS MADE OF BOOKS, Stackt Market, April 3rd to 10th Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2021 Noa Vigny Billick, 2021 ã Copyright Notice This document is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. You are free to: Share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format), Adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material) Under the following conditions: Attribution (give appropriate credit, provide a link, indicate if changes were made), Noncommercial (you may not use the material for commercial purposes) ii Abstract The purpose of this project is to demonstrate value of the book as art and to highlight the power of narrative. To expose the archive of self, I pull from various theorists, ranging from Walter Fisher and Umberto Eco to Albert Camus and Julietta Singh: touching on a unique set of subjects creates a balanced space to ask new questions. This project pushes boundaries to prove a point, and reframes the book less as a literary form than a shifting cultural object. THIS PAPER IS MADE OF BOOKS is about many things, but is really about books, how we communicate and what we trust to hold that communication: not only the object but the oral tradition it intermingles with, too. I will argue that books are special and unique, and irreplaceable: the book is both symbol and object, and needs to be reintroduced as such to demonstrate its actual value.
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