
(12) INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION PUBLISHED UNDER THE PATENT COOPERATION TREATY (PCT) (19) World Intellectual Property Organization International Bureau (10) International Publication Number (43) International Publication Date 2 December 2010 (02.12.2010) WO 2010/138154 A2

(51) International Patent Classification: HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, AOlG 15/00 (2006.01) KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, (21) International Application Number: NO, NZ, OM, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD, PCT/US2010/001379 SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, (22) International Filing Date: TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW. 10 May 2010 (10.05.2010) (84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every (25) Filing Language: English kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH, GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, (26) Publication Language: English ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, (30) Priority Data: TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, 12/453,444 12 May 2009 (12.05.2009) US EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, PCT/US 10/00 188 25 January 20 10 (25 .0 1.20 10) US LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, PCT/US 10/00 187 25 January 20 10 (25 .0 1.20 10) US SM, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). (72) Inventor; and (71) Applicant : PETROVICH, Svetozar, B. [US/US]; 6526 Declarations under Rule 4.17: North Ponchartrain Boulevard, Chigago, IL 60646 (US). — of inventorship (Rule 4.1 7(iv)) (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every Published: kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM, — without international search report and to be republished AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ, upon receipt of that report (Rule 48.2(g)) CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,

(54) Title: CIVILIZATION'S OPTION (57) Abstract: Advanced Processor magma coupled to mantle magnetic field functions shield mantle coupled groundwater, polar caps and glaciers, and less coupled continental and oceans, with fluids partially decoupled atmospheric transitions, least coupled ionosphere ions, with electrons, fluids' quanta vital masses; mass energy highest conserving (MEHC) Fluid Elements quintessential core natural disposition (QCNDMEHC) functions' stable processes, configured complete compliment boundaries, force longevities least forced forbidden mechanisms energy of distortion and volume changes, stratifications gradations fountains' outflows; Fluid Elements, Isotopes and Ions principles, methodologies, innovations, and inventions (FEIIPMII) tech nologies mass and energy demands minima sustainable en masse forced fluids mass conserving processes exceeding forced energy crisis, natural, and anthropogenic global warming (AGW) constitute civilization's option. TITLE OF THE INVENTION

CIVILIZATION'S OPTION PCT priority, as Divisional continuation, and reference documents are claimed with these PCT applications as priority documents:

PCT/US2 10/000 188 25 January 2010 and

PCT/US2 10/000 187 25 January 2010 and

US National Application Serial No. 12/453,444 12 May 2009 and, these referenced as US Applications, as Divisional Serial No:

12/382,448 17 March 2009 (17/03/2009) and 12/320,441 26 January 2009 (26/01/2009) and

12/320,440 26 January 2009 (26/01/2009) and

12/153,036 13 May 2008 (13/05/2008) and

11/809,132 31 May 2007 (3 1/05/2007) and 11/807,748 30 May 2007 (30/05/2007) and 11/788,172 04 June 2007 (04/06/2007) and

11/ 724,752 15 March 2007 (15/03/2007) and said

12/382,448 (17/03/2009), 11/809,132 (31/05/2007), and 11/ 724,752 (15/03/2007) continuation

of these US applications Serial No:

11/504,304 14 August 2006 (14/08/2006)

11/418,157 03 May 2006 (03/05/2006) 11/385,078 20 March 2006 (20/03/2006) 11/342,006 30 January 2006 (30/01/2006)

11/233,546 23 September 2005 (23/09/2005)

11/212,943 25 August 2005 (25/08/2005)

11/1 88,339 25 July 2005 (25/07/2005)

11/028,982 03 January 2005 (03/01/2005)

10/869,752 16 June 2004 (16/06/2004)

10/840, 152 05 May 2004 (05/05/2004)

10/742,485 19 December 2003 (19/1 2/2003)

10/195,668 15 July 2002 (15/07/2002)

10/1 90,993 08 July 2002 (08/07/2002) /156,192 28 May 2002 (28/05/2002)

/073,914 14 February 2002 (14/02/2002)

/074,966 13 February 2002 (13/02/2002)

/850,927 08 May 2001 (08/05/2001) /231,514 09 September 2000 (09/09/2000)

/226,750 2 1 August 2000 (21/08/2000) /220,358 24 July 2000 (24/07/2000)

/217,308 11 July 2000 ( 1 1/07/2000) /518,884 06 March 2000 (06/03/2000)

/376,957 18 August 1999 (18/08/1999) /123,504 09 March 1999 (09/03/1999)

/123,207 08 March 1999 (08/03/1999) /123,153 06 March 1999 (03/06/1999)

/950,898 15 October 1997 (15/10/1997) US PAT 5,941,273 24 Aug. 1999 (24/08/1999)


AGW, conservation and energy crisis and sciences hugely significant theories are resolved.


The 's fluids evolve forms equal function anion bulb, laminar, globose boundaries sustained and retained stratified fluids' magma core, solidified mantle, molecular, atomic, and plasma mass energy magnetic field shielded, and gravity field, Solar and cosmic wind pressures and radiations forced, with said mass energy, in energy of distortion and volume change constant state of stress.

Inventions real novelty occupies one or more of these artificial and real domains: a) precedent; b) forms equal functions; c) functions equal forms; d) science; and e) God's forbidden mechanisms; the Laws of Mass Energy Conservation embody b, c, d, and e domains; the a domain is artificial; listed references disclose fluids science technologies conforming functions least mass perimeters mass energy highest conserving (MEHC) forced transport mass energy into globose and conduits (GC) processes universe fluid forms MEHC forced configuration, imposed perimeter boundaries; a complete scientific discovery or disclosure must embody all domains, especially said e domain; said domain e each discovery must commend constructive presence among universal discoveries.

Newton in discovering the gravitational force expressed discomfort in his model of the Universe; Friedrich Gauss in elegant mathematics arrived at the Newton discovery and gravitational model; Albert Einstein mathematics nearly discover gravitational field causal properties but then regress. Likewise, Charles Darwin theories of evolution detailed many scientific conclusions raise issues. Nikola Tesla's discoveries, among numerous innovations, clearly transcend across said domains; Milutin Milankovich's revolutionary scope of ice ages theory compiles transcending factual data. The United Nation's International Panel on Climate Control (IPCC) exhaustive, scientific studies reach global warming environmental symptoms consensus, governments cooperative regulations, focused primarily on man activities by controlling releases into the atmosphere as green-house gases main culprit based on detailed geophysical observations; such global warming scope requires exhaustive geophysical observation and governments global control of the Earth's survival processes raising skepticism or global disagreements, reflected by governmental actions; said governmental regulations creativity, as the sciences' novelty, unless proven to belong in said constructive universally commanding domain e, constitute forced incomplete misleading options.

SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Advanced Processor magma coupled to mantle magnetic field functions shield mantle coupled groundwater, polar caps and glaciers, and less coupled continental waters and oceans, with fluids partially decoupled atmosphere transitions, least coupled ionosphere ions and electrons, complete fluids' quanta mass; mass energy highest conserving (MEHC) Fluid Elements quintessential core natural disposition (QCNDMEHC) functions' stable processes, configured complete compliment boundaries, force longevities least forced forbidden mechanisms energy of distortion and volume changes, stratifications gradations plasma fountains' outflows; Fluid Elements, Isotopes and Ions principles, methodologies, innovations, and inventions (FEIIPMII) technologies mass and energy demands minima sustainable en masse forced fluids mass conserving processes exceeding forced energy crisis, natural, and anthropogenic global warming (AGW) constitute civilization's option.

Gravitation generally and magnetic field crucially enforce supra mass energy coupling processes. Aforesaid, in a very brief summary, tots up causal effects of global warming and lone solution(s). The Newton's gravity discovery, through fallen apple from a tree, overlooked causal effects after said apple verified the coupling of the Earth's fluids in said Processor mass energy conservation. But, allowed to dry, the apple under Sun's radiation looses its fluids, water, to the atmosphere in a partial decoupling from ground masses, rising as gas or vapor; raised to sufficient altitudes, the water fluid portions under excitations of the Sun's radiations energy break into , hydrogen ions energy with hydrogen ions escaping the Earth's gravity through the electromagnetic field, in decoupling processes forbidden mechanisms. Said plasma Jean's Fountain outflows mass energy consists of , oxygen, hydrogen outflows squirting from said electromagnetic field's cusp.

Consequently, Newton's shell theory is missing a term integral of mass energy transport from the shell to its centric portion, from the time of its formations to present. At a time instance't' fluids' mass energy in transport from said shell to the centric portion constitutes mass energy demand of centrically positioned Black Hole. Gauss elegant computations of said shell likewise missed said fluids mass energy demand term. To explain gravity as a property, at one time, Einstein came up with a Universal constant which he subsequently called his greatest blunder. Foregoing discloses mathematical science cannot predict forcing forbidden mechanisms' none zero possibility events.

Said shell theory valid model is that of galaxy mass and not the Universe; taking Sun's radiations relatively constant in the last 2000 years (within 0.1- 0.2%) generalized to said shell mass energy

SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) radiations transport correlate Miki Way Galaxy, galaxies in general, relatively constant polarities with mass energy demands in millenniums period probably constant but varying among galaxies. Said fluids mass energy polarity constitutes a sink and a source for planets and stars; in forbidden mechanism realm, said polarities property switches: a planet becomes a source, or a star acts as a sink, with fluids mass and energy densities forbidden mechanism dominance enforced processes. The gravitational force property constitutes fluids mass energy evolutions quest, seeking a lowest potential, mass energy sink, which totted up includes properties of celestial dynamics in common cause search for the Universe mass energy balance, only achievable with forced lowest potentials of mass and energy. Celestial bodies gravitational said attraction property quest continually tests for lower mass energy potential. When two bodies with celestial dynamics do not merge, portion of their dynamics and mass will change toward a more delicate balance lowered mass and energy potential sinks of the evolved two. Normally a planet as mass energy sink normally looses a part of its mass, even if subatomic; it undergoes said polarity switch in forbidden mechanisms forcing a source mass energy functions. Said polarity switch ultimately tests celestial dynamics to which bodies merge or separate more, illustrating mass energy evolutions extremely balanced Universe.

Spacecraft Cassini video shows Saturn's ice crystals rings deflecting in responses to the Saturn's moons passing, wherein most likely least coupled ions leave said rings to merge with mass of the closer moon. Likewise, as the Moon passes through the Earth's magnetotail, electrically charged particles transfer to the Moon's mass. Said evolution quest for lowest potential mass energy sink creates Black Holes, which forbidden mechanisms polarities switch chains can change to galactic fluids largest source. Coriolis Effect discloses the Universe extreme dynamics precise laws, with water in pans and hurricanes, in the Southern, Northern Hemisphere clockwise, counterclockwise rotations, respectively. Aside from mass and energy huge differences of said two, universe space is frictionless media mass and energy three directional gravity, which said shell theory postulates with degree of symmetry about a galactic disk plane. Hurricane eye low pressure is analogous to lowest potential galactic sink largest mass energy source densities, pressures of a half Black Hole portion, postulated symmetry about galactic disk plane. In said analogies, tornadoes which occur at hurricane fringes at low pressures, with lower hurricane eye pressures correlates with Celestial Systems about galactic fringe, Solar System exemplified, higher potential level mass energy than its Milky Way Galaxy Black Hole, with the Earth's mass energy in planet polarity source modes. Galaxy Black Holes, mass and energy polarity said largest source and lowest potential sink, exert

SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) influences over celestial bodies constituted said polarities interconnected nodes network, creating mass and energy dependencies, which extend to the furthest reaches of spiral or globose galaxies. Galactic mass energy said influence with accuracy, sensitivity dominance, enforced by the Black Holes preclude continuum space-time warping, since higher and lower mass densities are needed on warped continuum opposite faces, which the Laws of Mass and Energy Conservation prohibit unless warping constitutes forbidden mechanisms enormous dimensional space-time continuums. Whereas the Universe constitutes conglomerate of galaxies, space-time continuum is restricted to boundaries of each galaxy where discontinuities must occur forced by magnetic and gravitational fields' confrontation among galaxies, Black Holes, mass energy said densities and said polarities confrontations and attractions; said magnetic, gravitational field perimeter boundaries the Earth's magnetosphere exhibits and allows in disconnections' discontinuities and forbidden mechanisms. Disk planes of galaxies do no align; it is more natural than not to expect warping and equilibrium discontinuities at their perimeter boundaries that allow a Black Hole said mass and energy highly sensitive boundaries and influences inside its galaxy. Celestial bodies' polarities switch includes extreme universal dynamics globose spiral forms, references referred to as circumferential strain, with stratifications gradations Universe processes evolution forced MEHC lowest potential level.

Einstein did not account for said forbidden mechanism hydrogen escape from the Earth's mass or similar Nitrogen and Oxygen escapes, plasma said fountains also known as Jean's fountains, thus also, missed Black Hole function, even if he anticipated its existence; and thus, unaware of Black Hole supra mass energy demand, Einstein missed the Theory of Uniformity, assumed throughout the Universe functions' processes that operate now and operated in the past, to unify mass energy dynamics, thermodynamics, and atomic energy in magnetic and gravitational fields, according to the Laws of Mass and Energy Conservation; the Universe consisting of atomic elements building blocks fluids' mass energy subdivides into Galactic bodies, with planets evolved crustal surfaces; within the Universe, fluids' Fluid Elements and said Isotopes plasma, if necessary forced through forbidden mechanisms, unify into celestial bodies seeking said lowest mass energy potential with magnetic and gravitational field densities delineated fields said fluids continually evolving lower potential mass energy perimeter boundaries as celestial bodies advanced function Fluid Elements or mass energy Processors; geologic stratification, gradations processes convert planetary atomic elements, at least in part into fluids which said forbidden mechanisms convert into plasma, which the Earth's said plasma fountains discharge into space seeking mass energy potential lower level.

SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) AGW processes essentially constitute stratifications, gradations main function essential parts that deplete the Earth's fluids potential mass energy levels. Supra constitutes utmost and enormously significant discoveries identified Universe as the enormous mass energy Processor Fluid Element with respective advanced Processor components, configured Fluid Elements making up Galaxies, celestial bodies, and said Black Holes least potential energy level fluids energy demand in transit continuum, said Processors MEHC search of lower mass energy potential levels in stratifications, gradations varied function processes. In our civilization survival, said energy demand continuum steady flow known compositions, based on said Processors observation and theory of uniformity, consist primarily of subatomic particles, versions of split Nitrogen and Oxygen, Hydrogen, water . Lightest atomic elements densities plasma balancing said Processors ranks highest in importance, as water conserving, energy demand and global warming become one eminent issue. Based on the theory of uniformity said shell theory applies to galaxies, also; a globose, a rotating spiral galaxy subdivides into infinite number of concentric globose, ellipsoid shells, respectively. Each shell contributes a share of said energy demand continuum, from outermost to a Black Hole adjacent shell; essentially, a steady flow continuum gravitational field extends progressively with said continuum constituting respective Black Hole control over its internal mass energy function. A Black Hole uniquely grows mass energy, keeps and lowers lowest potential mass energy level, similar to tropical depression lower barometric pressures forced hurricane eye and strength level, with Black Holes minimally restricted, frictionless fluids media, with huge energy supply source.

Stars provide most of said continuum mass energy which eventually ends in Black Holes; planets provide a part of said continuum. Based on size, the Earth is essentially a mass provider because of the huge water sources subject to evaporation processes, parts of said stratifications gradations forcing, large atmosphere with said AGW since industrial revolution that depends in a major way on the solar radiations activity, the Earth's magnetic field and relatively steady gravitational field retained magnetosphere's size projection which is battered by said continuum streaming plasmas. Earth advanced Processor functions consisting of Fluid Elements, Isotopes, and Ions functions go into forbidden mechanisms leading to said plasma fountain periodic discharges, with particularly significant partial atmospheric blow-offs, conforming to Milankovic's cycles triggered glaciation periods about every 140ka and consist of three, equal duration, lower level periods. Diatomic air mass molecules contain interstitial voids, similar to round sand particles gap grading, thus porous to good portions of solar and interstellar radiations and the Earth irradiations that pass into space;

SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) by additions of triatomic water vapors, which permeate air masses similar to water saturating the soil, and greenhouse gases make air masses less permeable to said radiations; the atmosphere air temperature rises enforce more evaporation, said partial water decoupling from the Earth's mass, which by buoyancy forces rise into upper atmosphere which, in turn, assimilates more radiations in a cycle of increasing air temperatures. Especially in the upper atmosphere, the cosmic or solar ultraviolet radiations split air molecules, especially water vapor, into ions forcing the atmosphere to assimilate energy of distortion and energy of volume changes, in global warming phenomenon atmospheric fluids and ionosphere maximized volumes, which increased evaporation rates cause; supra describe forbidden mechanism prelude to constituted Jean's fountain plasma mass outflow, which locally decreases air mass volume and temperatures, by forcing asymmetric precipitations; said distortion and volume changes strain energy with anthropogenic global warming (AWG) has triatomic and higher multi-atomic gas molecules, forced water vapor and other greenhouse gases, partially decoupled from said mantle into the atmosphere filling in diatomic nitrogen and oxygen interstitial voids; thus, compacted atmosphere lower porosity retains more radiation or irradiation heat energy; raised atmospheric temperatures increase water evaporation rates; in perpetual cycle causal effects, decoupled water buoyancy forces water vapor mass to highest altitudes, below the Earth' s layer; subjected to Son's radiations, water vapors break into hydrogen and oxygen ions, and along with nitrogen ions mass energy in forbidden mechanisms escape from the Earth's magnetic and gravitational fields; said decoupling processes cause strain energy of distortion and volume change, fluids mass volume enlarged and overstrained magnetosphere boundaries, fluids forbidden mechanisms said stratifications and gradations, plasma fountains mass energy releases;

Ocean tides attest that celestial bodies deform perimeter boundaries of the Earth's fluids, for said instance essentially by the Moon's body mass. Said magnetosphere instantaneously and severely deforms under solar radiations, showering the Moon with subatomic particles as the Moon passes through its magnetotail. Said atmosphere's globose forms likewise deform and forced by cosmic and solar pressures and radiations, close by celestial bodies gravitational fields configuration and continuum dynamics force gravitational field and atmosphere's essentially stable, energy benign, offset centric Globose Inverse Set in blow offs migrated to an energetic Globose Sidelong Set, in Globose forms change, with the Black Hole's stratifications, gradations fluid functions enforcing said lowest mass energy potential levels extreme magnetopause's deformations enforcing suction at magnetic field cusp shoulder, and thus partial or significant atmospheric mass energy blow off.

SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) Entire magnetic field or its parts may blow off, the Earth's magnetic field extreme reconstruction taking lowest energy position. This did occur in the past, hematite bedrock formations disclosed.

Evaporation processes inflated magnetosphere's volume projected into primarily solar radiations, said energy demand streaming continuum at optimal magnetic field lines extension and distances from Earth's gravitational field center, and Milky Way Galaxy Black Hole mass energy potential low level force said Earth's advanced Processor Fluid Elements Globose forms migration, within cyclical 140ka periods, into said more energetic Globose Sidelong forms, and atmospheric blow- offs. Subsequent reconstructions of the magnetic field allow enormous expansions of left behind air with cooling effects that precipitated most of vapors, regenerating highly diatomic and porous atmosphere and thus triggering glacial periods. Said period cycle continues with sufficient water resources. Said evaporation, electrolyses, atmosphere dynamics, and suction processes constitute unfriendly, forbidden mechanisms that continually harvest said Earth's lightly coupled fluid; said water resources depletion or electromagnetic field weakening leads toward a sterile, permanently frozen or conversely overheated planet. A planet needs water vapors to moderate its atmospheric temperatures; once a Black Hole lightly, partially couples to Galaxy's most light atomic elements fluid with stratification gradation processes, it essentially captures its entire galactic mass energy. The Earth's gravitation field is relatively passive and too week to counter streaming said plasmas continuum constituted of light atomic elements mostly ionized plasma, no sheer strength, with no cohesion same electrical charge dispersed stratification gradation processes rounded, frictionless, particle dynamics that seek mass energy potentials lowest levels. Suspended in said mass energy demand continuum dynamics, electrical charges dispersed particles, must deform magnetosphere and if necessary disconnect outer magnetic lines; otherwise the magnetosphere volume dams said streaming energy demand continuum with suction on the lee side that disconnects any number of magnetic lines necessary to enforce said streaming continuum and as necessary partly or entirely drain or blow off the atmosphere. Said energy demand continuum dynamics proximity, at these altitudes, governs over the gravitational field; the strength of the Earth's magnetic field is crucial.

Earth gravitational and electromagnet field mass energy retained fluids are not decoupled from enormous mass energy demand of the Universe, Milky Way Galaxy celestial bodies gravitational fields' mass energy sinks, including a Black Hole; said electromagnetic field fluids' mass can not avoid constellatory radiations and wind pressure effects; the Earth's surface with solidified fluids

SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) as a phonographic record of magma displacements, and polar ice caps, glaciers, and groundwater partial decoupling changes mark solidified mantle gradation and stratification processes recorded nearly eternal geological and erosional effects when supplemented by the Earth's magnetosphere globose conduit (GC) offset inverse Set boundaries, short periods mass energy, effects constitute: a) triatomic gases energy forced atmospheric temperatures fountain fluids plasma losses to space; b) GC Fluids Element advanced Processor, Earth's electromagnetic field magnetopause mass and energy constitute the contained ionosphere enlarged mass volume forced continual discharges; c) Fluids Element, Processor, continued fluids mass stress processes force solidified mantle cooling forcing seismic activities displacements with energy of distortion and energy of volume changes; thus, crucial aspects disciplined, conscientious civilization can control are the atmosphere's mass energy volume and temperatures, with volume Fluid Elements, Isotopes, and Ions basic property, and all contributing to said Earth advanced Processor mass energy processes controllable effects. Priority documents, and especially S/N 12/153,036 reference has more details on climate control.

In rudimentary Fluid Elements, fluids' mass composition constitutes function of variables, whose composition quantum mass units multiple constitute Fluid Element(s) quanta forcing function(s); given mass energy compositions MEHC, Fluid Elements conforming quanta then constitutes said quanta function(s) least mass volume fluids contained highest energy. Listed references, priority documents, and herein, said MEHC is synonymous or computes, constitutes quantum mass units paths of passage (PP) lengths least sum (PPLLS) for each quantum upright direction motion with the gravitational component multiple. Unmanageable maxima, minima mathematical complexity reduces to algorithm models computed said least fluids quanta MEHC that constitutes least fluids mass energy to sustain quanta perimeter boundaries, in perimeter boundaries optimal longevities. Advanced Fluids Element, Earth, differs from a rudimentary case. The Earth's gravitational field is radial omnidirectional from its center compared to rudimentary Fluids Element limited to local two directional, up or down; the Earth's fluids composition constitutes quanta and quantum mass units extreme numbers and diversities; but, the Laws of Mass and Energy Conservation functions for MEHC fluids perimeter boundaries and thus energy fields directional ities transforming holds; rudimentary Fluid Element principles and methodologies disclosures with said qualifications has: Fluids composition functions conforming globose quanta continuous compact composite free- surfaces highest elevation fluids mass least depth and length, composite quanta rotations globose and conduit boundaries least surfaces mass energy fluids embodied forms, most conserve energy;

SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) conforming embodiment quintessential core, natural disposition, mass energy highest conserving (QCNDMEHC) compact composites completely matched complete complements embody forms; globose enclosure boundaries embodied fluids, an inflows Inlet, and an outlet constitute quantum mass units paths of passage lengths least sum (PPLLS), in part an upper retention and a transition region crucial composition fluids conforming crucial functions, said fluids submerged Inlet lower

end, an End 2, or a globose inverse said outlet spout lower end, a First End, in fluids mass energy

transports constituted directional PAP Lines less than 180°; mass and energy synchronous unique Fluid Elements coincident functions complete complement boundaries release least fluids energy for complete compliment boundaries constituted stable configurations; supra globose boundaries may constitute an open mouth inflow Inlet and an orifice outlet mass energy dynamic boundaries complete complement deformed by higher density on opposite sides of a boundary configuration; conforming least quanta mass optimal energy QCNDMEHC Fluid Elements least losses to fluids interface boundaries free surfaces, optimal densities, optimal longevities, Fluid Elements globose conduit (GC) embodiments generic forms of atomic elements' conglomerates constituted: (a) GC

Sets; (b) fluids' conforming, least quanta mass compositions, functions quantum paths of passage (PP), said PPLLS; (c) said PAP angle lines; (d) paths of passage of least energy demand (PPLD). Said four listings constitute four generic claims referenced applications described and illustrated; atomic elements analogous, rudimentary Fluid Elements generic Sets embody mass energy radial serial boundaries, with deviations Fluid Isotopes and Ions upright, angled to near upright, angled, industrial, low angled, Inline, inverse and hybrid migrations, mutations with varying MEHC; and GC Universe galaxies' functions, methodologies and principles constituted advanced Processors, uniquely superimpose magnetic fields, mass energy evolving gravitational lowest potentials, with the evolving Universe, galaxies and celestial bodies and Black Holes streaming dynamics energy demands cosmic radiations and wind pressures, specifically on Milky Way Galaxy and the Earth.

Rudimental Fluid Elements, drainage lines and drain traps, mass energy fluid functions appear as if in two directional gravitational field. However, as units configure into common boundary field and each unit with water horizontal free surface functions, distant units free surfaces show that in each unit free surface identical function and setting, horizontal free surface constitutes less than a nanometer submicroscopic change deviation which reveals water appearing as horizontal surface transfers into polar directions, fluids lowest potential energy with radius from said gravity center; supra entirely expected reveal: a) said rudimentary and advanced Fluid Elements MEHC process

SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) is identical; b) Fluid Elements' functions subdivide into integral and differential, and finite units, calculated, algorithm computed respective elements; c) confirming of supra advanced Processors uniquely superimposed magnetic field; d) weak gravitational field forces in lowest potential mass energy, also, enforced by galaxy and Universe celestial bodies said Black Holes dynamics, mass energy demands cosmic radiations and wind pressures forced upon Milky Way Galaxy, and thus, on the Earth; e) said identical MEHC processes, in b, constitutes fluids composition wherein said QCND parts of QCNDMEHC refer to fluid viscosity internal and boundary friction, unavoidable molecular fluids constituted energy loss wherein C refers to fluids core mass energy composition properties and to the Earth's mass coupled status; f) natural disposition (ND) refers to the Earth's atmosphere temperatures and pressures; g) advanced Fluid Elements MEHC plasma composition of electrically alike charge, mutually repelling particles constitutes frictionless fluids function; h) MEHC and QCMEHC processes pertain to high pressures, for molecular and/or plasma fluids; as Universe mass energy evolution streaming mass energy demand forces supra galaxy Black Holes lowest fluids potential; thus supra advanced Fluid Elements MEHC functions dominate space; on Earth, the referenced applications reveal entirely crucial Fluid Elements innovating technologies, Fluid Elements supra MEHC, QCMEHC and QCNDMEHC known composition for nonuniform, nonsteady, nonhomogeneous fluids and structure forms, Sets deviations, Fluid Isotopes and Fluid Ions, state of the art sciences state of said art least deviations engineering technologies transfer to practice; all other structures do not qualify, unless they conform to Sets GC forms generic claims supra MEHC least transfer of energy into boundaries which constitute ultimate conformance test.

Advanced Fluid Elements reveal that planets function constitutes potential mass energy low level defined weak gravitational fields said lowest potential mass energy sinks which respond to Black Holes said mass energy plasma streaming demands as potential sources and thus captive of those sinks; Black Holes gravitational mass energy sinks similarly capture Stars commanding presence in respective supra streaming energy demand fields despite enormous energy outflows from Stars thermonuclear fusion processes in their cores; galaxies with respective Black Holes constitute the Universe function processes, constant highly delicate balance continual search for compaction of entire mass energy into supra lowest potential energy sink, one enormous body, by said mass and energy forcing demand; mass energy combat extends through endless processes of stratifications, gradations, unifications and compactions. The Universe functions force Black Holes unifications to one space time location, with dynamics that preclude a break up. In Universe, one Black Hole

SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) body warped space time is possible. In galaxies subdivided Universe supra energy demand sinks with not even conceived forbidden mechanism warped space time contradicts the Laws Mass and Energy Conservation; for this civilization with those to come, warped space time final scenario is unacceptable final outcome; supra lowest potential mass energy demands precluded said warping within a galaxy also precludes warping continuity across said galactic perimeters and boundaries. Light elements air molecules and especially plasma, in apparent reason, constitute invisible mass and energy to human vision; with gradations stratifications, said processes said plasma subject to Black Hole stacked mass energy enormous compaction forces constitute ionic perimeters human vision less detectable, wherein light rays passing distinct density layers appearing kinked or bent;

Said masses Universe, Galaxies, Black Holes, celestial bodies, Fluid Elements, Isotopes and Ions mass energy functions, and the Shell Theory made whole solves the Theory of Uniformity riddle. Human lack of vision overcome by the Shell Theory made whole, thus the Theory of Uniformity solved and validated, reveals the Earth advanced Fluid Element functions magnetosphere volume narrow variations range, forced by Solar, cosmic radiations, and wind pressures Black Hole mass energy lowest potential level, supra energy streaming demand, and strength of the magnetic field.

Milankovich's cycles reveal that every 120-140ka triggers glaciation periods, partial or complete blow offs of the Earth's constituted magnetic field and parts or an entire atmosphere, emphasizes the importance of fluids, especially water phases status stated coupling to the Earth's mass; listed reference, GC Boundaries, US Serial Number (S/N) 12/153,036, compiles undisputed geological histories, hematite bedrock layers specific magnetic field shifts, the Earth's crust erosion features including retreating glaciers history of ground surface deposits, and astronomical observations of adjacent planets overwhelming evidence - the Earth advanced Fluid Element Processor sustains a delicate balance presence in the galaxy by said fountains air based plasma mass periodic outflow. After said blow off, magnetic field lines reconnect resurrects the magnetic field with atmospheric volume sudden expansions, which cool the atmosphere, force enormous precipitations, and force triatomic water molecules out of the atmosphere making it mostly diatomic highly porous fluids; said process drops the atmospheric air temperatures and allows higher portion of Sun's radiation and the irradiation to pass through forcing glaciation period; subsequent atmospheric mass energy water vapor regenerations with volume increase restart said process and plasma fountains outflow; said parameters and/or suction at magnetosphere cusps forcing said blow offs is entirely

SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) dependent of the magnetic field strength with said gravitational force of minimal effect. Forcing magnetic, gravitational field strengths inversely proportional to radius cubed, squared, respective distances from respective centers, explain atmospheric volume changes and within certain ranges plasma fountains, in reactionary functions, which enforce the Earth's fluids mass energy outflow; the Earth advanced Processor Fluid Elements, Isotopes and Ions constitute mass energy densities, and living organisms magnetosphere magnetic lines shielded, with inverted inside the ionosphere electrically charged and stratosphere, magnetic field enforced generic forms with magnetic poles two cusps, in higher densities atmosphere, enforcing interchangeable open mouth two Inlets, two orifice outlets, and/or interchangeable, an orifice outlet and an open mouth Inlet, globose inverse offset centric GC Set advanced Processor galactic, solar radiations and wind pressures deformed.

Said application 12/153,036, details processes wherein compactions of diatomic air molecules by triatomic water vapors substitution diminishes voids, interstitial spaces, into less permeable mass energy which raises its temperature; then, greater temperature water evaporation vapor buoyancy water molecules split into ions at high altitudes with Black Hole's said streaming energy demand mass perimeters hydrogen ions sucked through the magnetosphere boundaries, and said fountains squirting hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen ions. Greenhouse gas emission cuts cannot address this advanced Fluid Elements universal energy demand for water elements in evaporation, buoyancy, ionization, , erosion, corrosion, friction and such, stratifications, gradations processes fluid boundaries destruction, as Black Hole's outreach that controls galaxy mass energy domains. Civilization's only recourse constitutes en mass, Fluid Elements, Isotopes, and Ions implemented principles, methodologies, and innovations listed priority and reference applications exemplified. Fluid Elements, Isotopes, Ions principles methodology, inventions, innovations (FEIIPMII) force optimally contained energy inside fluids' functions, minimal energy release into fluids perimeter, thus forcing extended perimeter boundaries longevity with fluids mass energy entirely coupled or maximum duration coupled to the Earth's crust, for least mass energy transfer to the atmosphere; Said application predicts no forbidden mechanisms, atmospheric blow-off inside the next several millennia will occur and that fossil fuel technologies are abandoned and replaced by super plant (SP) with: PCT US2010/000188 application, Sustainable Processes Super Green Nuclear Super Plant illustrated FEIIPMII conglomerate of symmetrically configured Fluid Elements with Isotopes; as equipment inside Fluid Elements, Isotopes compartmentalized buildings configuration, including subgrade construction, configured fluids equipment multiple perimeters and boundaries electrical

SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) power generations least energy of distortion least energy of volume change with all mass energy, including electrical that leaves the site, constituting fluid mass in the Earth's crust coupled phase.

Priority document PCT US/201 0/0001 87 Fluid Elements illustrates Earth's coupled phase fluid's functions rudimentary Sets and forms nonuniform, nonsteady and nonhomogeneous mass energy transport QCNDMEHC retained by least energy of distortions transmitted to boundaries, wherein its independent claim Fluid Element Processor herewith Claim 3 portion substantially duplicates.

Said application S/N 12/153,036 and S/N 12/453,444, precursors to this application, in extensive details, not repeated herein, especially the details of unfriendly and forbidden mechanisms supra

Milankovich' cycles said stratifications, gradations status processes of near planets, Solar System interplanetary status, detail rudimentary Fluid Elements and Earth advanced Processor functions; with - four generic claims, physics, chemistry, thermodynamics and forbidden mechanisms laws merge;

Quintessential, core, natural, buried GC aqueducts perimeters heat energy transfer up to insulated globose crown with or without irrigation for mass energy highest conserving combats fluxing ocean levels 'global warming' effects, the Earth's surface cooling. Near vacuum, least density globose masses light pushed to infinity, globose-conduits (GC) Sets approach the speeds of light. The GC aqueducts cycle heat energy of subatomic submicroscopic to cosmos mass energy systems, for electro-thermodynamics, electromagnetics perimeters bound universe having buoyancy/density, evaporation, and suction forcing. Atmospheric, GC mass forms energy sequential equilibriums transport, generic claims compliant, forcing temperatures with pressures funnel spouts, gravitational potential energy, dipolar electromagnetic field, ions driven electrons boundaries flux forces mass hydrodynamic thermodynamics electro-superconducting, up to speed of light

-said Application 12/153,036 in extensive details confirmed and astronomical observations substantiated.

Said Application S/N 12/453,444 claim part herein Claim 3 reiterates MEHC, QCNDMEHC and

QCMEHC said Fluid Elements entirely consistent analogy with atomic elements, also, analogous to transistors and processors mass energy processing, constituted conforming GC Universe fluids mass-energy four 'functions' confirmed said continual Universe omnipresent four generic claims define perimeter boundaries as one and the same. Retained, transported, mass energy 'functions' with 'sub-functions' enforce said generic claims quantum masses said paths, forms, and patterns. Said application S/N 12/153,036 detailing of geological formations astronomical revelations find the Earth's stratifications gradations forcing electromagnetic field taken orientation shifts and the global warming and glaciations cooling cycles, geologic histories depleted water mass and vapor energy budgets for a waterless state frozen planet status altered hydrodynamics, thermodynamics

SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) function equilibriums that need no human emissions pollution greenhouse gases effect; industrial emissions cut goals to turn air pollution back several decades by said gas emissions cut in energy generations received top rating for preserving the Earth; foregoing QCNDMEHC processes place highest priorities to control and contain water vapors; Mars crustal geology showed fluids caused massive erosion wit the fluids nearly absent; the only fluid the Sun can evaporate and blow-off at such a distance is water; the surface of Mars is rocky dust covered dry mostly frozen and under a carbon dioxide atmosphere; Venus atmosphere several billion years ago was more like that of the Earth, but with water budget lost to evaporations that generated gaseous extremely thick, mainly carbon dioxide atmosphere; thus including Mercury, the Earth is at equilibrium with the first four planets orbiting the Sun and has large water budgets; the others do not; the Earth's magnetic field boundary layer, ionosphere protects water vapors from solar and cosmic winds and/or radiations; conversely the Earth's, the Mars's ices caps composition appearances show ominous similarities; considering the omnidirectional processes matrix of infinities leading to the stratified Black Hole outcome, said FEIIPMII and GC Sets and SP combat, oppose scramble, stratifications gradations forbidden mechanisms processes; consequently, the Earth's strongest magnetic field is a must do.

Application S/N 12/453,444 God Device Genres Cadres afore stated four generic claims physics, chemistry, thermodynamics and forbidden mechanisms laws merge intelligently, in this instance, toward planets contained water and living organisms, human habitats, water not lost to space or a Black Hole; intelligent civilization's only option constitutes forced highly disciplined supra Fluid Elements, Isotopes, Ions, in individual, serial, and radial configuration(s) implementations, stated references exemplified; said Fluid Elements principles, methodologies and innovations, said God device genres cadres constitute stated technologies optimal mass energy conservation, especially fluids' conservations MEHC; constituted fluid functions with optimal boundaries longevity force least mass fluids' function least energy of distortion and volume change; causal effects evidence, planet more distant from the Sun than the Earth forced frozen status, in addition to FEIIPMII and magnetic field relevance functions, resolves water conservation, energy crises AGW, and natural global warming; said FEIIPMII enforce optimal longevities perimeter boundaries, minimal water vapor decoupling from the Earth's crust aqueducts heat energy transfer removed access triatomic water vapors from the atmosphere, SP electrons generation, avoided AGW in controlled diatomic atmosphere forces climate control; said aqueducts added irrigation functions transfer atmospheric water vapors into groundwater strongly coupled to the Earth's crust, increased, optimally secured

SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) water source; said transfer forced continental crust expansion hinders volcanic or tectonic events, cooling mantle said coupled to least coupled mass least energy of distortion and volume changes, wherein sustainable processes super green nuclear super plant radially serial Fluid Isotopes fluid, slurry walls seal boundaries and groundwater; buried, thermal aqueducts irrigation boundaries, in precipitation and groundwater heat energy coupling, crucially reverse mass and energy forbidden mechanism fluid energy, coupled or partly decoupled path directionality across crustal boundary; the Earth crustal boundary confines generated electrical and thermal energy transfer destinations; FEIIPMII civilization's lone recourse constitutes Fluid Elements minimal fluids mass and energy demand, global warming and energy crisis combat, science technologies sustainable solutions, en masse water conservation which must exceed natural and anthropogenic global warming (AGW). Based on climate change, global warming current momentum will take unpredictable time period to reverse; reference applications, especially S/N 12/153,036 has more details on climate control.

With supra disclosures, most risky electrical power generation is geothermal, as it weakens supra crucial magnetic field functional strength, forces energy of distortion and volume change deep in the Earth's crust and potential volcanic action and/or tectonic movement fluids enormous energy and mass release into the atmosphere, breaching crustal surficial mass energy natural restrictions of said decoupling processes; less risky also detrimental are wind power and fossil fuel electrical energy generation. UN ICCP addresses fossil fuels emission issues; wind power electric turbines mix diatomic and triatomic molecules in optimal water vapor content most uniform compositions reducing chance of precipitation that wrings out triatomic molecules, including greenhouse gases in the atmosphere; such least permeable compositions most trap Son radiations including Earth's irradiations; by buoyancy water vapors rise; in forbidden mechanisms their molecules split which forces atmosphere and ionosphere mass volume increases. Wind turbines slowed air circulations may not significantly reduce surface water evaporation, with further increases in air temperatures because of said air lower permeability forcing least evaporation; said diatomic, triatomic air mass greater uniformity compaction, diminished precipitation chances, water vapors greater mass risen to higher elevations with portions split to ions upon solar radiations impacts, forced by buoyancy float into ionosphere. Not precipitated water vapor forces plasma fountains to squirt that mass to space; thus ballooned ionosphere diminishes the Earth's water supply, whereas greenhouse gases settle out by weight or precipitation; water vapors as most potent of greenhouse gases make wind energy riskier of the two, as it also disorients the Earth triatomic fluids naturally evolved control.

SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) Land based solar bulk energy electrical generation accelerates the Earth's cooling, with advanced magnetic field deterioration; both are detrimental irreversible and may force the Earth to wobble. Space omnipresent infinity matrixes said stratifications gradations seek mass energy least energy. Said applications God device genres cadres and GC Boundaries with extensive details document inorganic and organic analogy said Fluid Elements, Isotopes and Ions, Sets advanced Processors, comparative human and Earth concurring core processes, said FEIIPMII coincident relationships. Said QCMEHC, QCNDMEHC, and FEIIPMII force fluids energy boundaries MEHC mechanics. By Laws of Mass and Energy Conservation, mass-energy is the substance that makes everything; FEIIPMII supra analogies disclose Universe, Galaxies, celestial bodies and Black Hole functions solving said Shell Theory and Theory of Uniformity also cracks the Theory of Everything riddle. FEIIPMII solved Theories discloses the Theory of Evolution disconnects with fluids mass energy missed fluids' effects on evolution; no record of advancing civilization surviving a glacial period and living organisms, humans migrating in pursuit of water, and bird migrations almost certainly, imprinted instinct to locate water, inbred in glaciation period adversely positioned magnetic field forced disconnects, forced partial atmospheric blow offs, solar radiations and pressures enforced. If ever there was a specific time in evolution of intelligent, disciplined civilization, it is now; this civilization must drastically change habits, and on mass implement supra FEIIPMII technologies.

Black Holes' mass energy streaming demands, MEHC, and magnetic and gravitational fields rule the Universe with densest mass energy densities dominating at confronting perimeter boundaries, and thus mass energy sinks, gravity minima maxima functions - conforming least mass MEHC - forcing forms equal functions, functions equal forms, evolving globose spherical celestial bodies; Earth obscured mass energy decoupling, shielded by magnetic field's ionosphere, pays with most valued commodity - water based and nitrogen ions plasma fountains outflow; strongest magnetic field, gravity and least volume ionosphere mass energy densest boundaries are forced and a must.

Acknowledgments go to many, especially to mentioned scientists and innovators, to Al Gore and IPCC, especially to Tesla and Milankovich whose work fits the Theories without a gap or a fault. GC forms, Sets, and buried aqueducts FEIIPMII technologies synchronous operations, said Earth advanced Processor, and said SP strategically transferred heat energy reinforcing present position strong magnetic field shielded Earth systems constitute this civilization only real survival option.


The Universe, Galaxies, celestial bodies, and Black Holes, herewith, disclose energy crisis, water conservation and anthropogenic and natural, geophysical, global warming resolutions, with listed priority and referenced documents containing supplemental information that addresses the issues. Here, science specific universal emphasis on fluids energy bodies - functions equal forms, forms equal functions - energy conservation processes ruling the Universe provide sciences' resolution to energy crisis, water conservations and anthropogenic, AWG, and geophysical global warming, rather than IPCC consensus of scientists on geophysical symptoms; disclosed sciences make here the Shell Theory whole, solves the Theory of Uniformity, which cracks the Theory of Everything riddle, and together fill in significant pieces in the Theory of Evolution, together revealing fluids' processes true and correct said significant challenges disclosed resolutions, and need no drawing.


The Universe, Galaxies, celestial bodies, and Black Holes, herewith, disclose energy crisis, water conservation and anthropogenic and natural, geophysical, global warming resolutions, with listed priority and referenced documents containing supplemental information that addresses the issues. Here, science specific universal emphasis on fluids energy bodies - functions equal forms, forms equal functions - energy conservation processes ruling the Universe provide sciences' resolution to energy crisis, water conservations and anthropogenic, AWG, and geophysical global warming, rather than IPCC consensus of scientists on geophysical symptoms; disclosed sciences make here the Shell Theory whole, solves the Theory of Uniformity, which cracks the Theory of Everything riddle, and together fill in significant pieces in the Theory of Evolution, together revealing fluids' processes true and correct said significant challenges disclosed resolutions, and need no drawing.

SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) What is claimed is:

1. Advanced Processor magma coupled to mantle magnetic field functions shield mantle coupled groundwater, polar caps and glaciers, and less coupled continental waters and oceans, with fluids partially decoupled atmospheric transitions, least coupled ionosphere ions, with electrons, fluids' quanta vital masses; mass energy highest conserving (MEHC) Fluid Elements quintessential core natural disposition (QCNDMEHC) functions' stable processes, configured complete compliment boundaries, force longevities least forced forbidden mechanisms energy of distortion and volume changes, stratifications gradations plasma fountains' outflows; Fluid Elements, Isotopes and Ions principles, methodologies, innovations, and inventions (FEIIPMII) technologies mass and energy demands minima sustainable en masse forced fluids mass conserving processes exceeding forced energy crisis, natural, and anthropogenic global warming (AGW) constitute civilization's option.

2. Earth gravitational and electromagnet field mass energy retained fluids are not decoupled from enormous mass energy demand of the Universe, Milky Way Galaxy celestial bodies gravitational fields' mass energy sinks, including a Black Hole; said electromagnetic field fluids' mass can not avoid constellatory radiations and wind pressure effects; the Earth's surface with solidified fluids as a phonographic record of magma displacements, and polar ice caps, glaciers, and groundwater partial decoupling changes mark solidified mantle gradation and stratification processes recorded nearly eternal geological and erosional effects when supplemented by the Earth's magnetosphere globose conduit (GC) offset inverse Set boundaries, short periods mass energy, effects constitute: a) triatomic gases energy forced atmospheric temperatures fountain fluids plasma losses to space; b) GC Fluids Element advanced Processor, Earth's electromagnetic field magnetopause mass and energy constitute the contained ionosphere enlarged mass volume forced continual discharges; c) Fluids Element, Processor, continued fluids mass stress processes force solidified mantle cooling forcing seismic activities displacements with energy of distortion and energy of volume changes; thus, crucial aspects disciplined, conscientious civilization can control are the atmosphere's mass energy volume and temperatures, with volume Fluid Elements, Isotopes, and Ions basic property, and all contributing to said Earth advanced Processor mass energy processes controllable effects.

3. Fluids composition functions conforming globose quanta continuous compact composite free- surfaces highest elevation fluids mass least depth and length, composite quanta rotations globose and conduit boundaries least surfaces mass energy fluids embodied forms, most conserve energy;

SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) conforming embodiment quintessential core, natural disposition, mass energy highest conserving (QCNDMEHC) compact composites completely matched complete complements embody forms; globose enclosure boundaries embodied fluids, an inflows Inlet, and an outlet constitute quantum mass units paths of passage lengths least sum (PPLLS), in part an upper retention and a transition region crucial composition fluids conforming crucial functions, said fluids submerged Inlet lower end, an End 2, or a globose inverse said outlet spout lower end, a First End, in fluids mass energy transports constituted directional PAP Lines less than 180°; mass and energy synchronous unique Fluid Elements coincident functions complete complement boundaries release least fluids energy for complete compliment boundaries constituted stable configurations; supra globose boundaries may constitute an open mouth inflow Inlet and an orifice outlet mass energy dynamic boundaries complete complement deformed by higher density on opposite sides of a boundary configuration; conforming least quanta mass optimal energy QCNDMEHC Fluid Elements least losses to fluids interface boundaries free surfaces, optimal densities, optimal longevities, Fluid Elements globose conduit (GC) embodiments generic forms of atomic elements' conglomerates constituted: (a) GC

Sets; (b) fluids' conforming, least quanta mass compositions, functions quantum paths of passage (PP), said PPLLS; (c) said PAP angle lines; (d) paths of passage of least energy demand (PPLD). atomic elements analogous, rudimentary Fluid Elements generic Sets embody mass energy radial serial boundaries, with deviations Fluid Isotopes and Ions upright, angled to near upright, angled, industrial, low angled, Inline, inverse and hybrid migrations, mutations with varying MEHC; and GC Universe galaxies' functions, methodologies and principles constituted advanced Processors, uniquely superimpose magnetic fields, mass energy evolving gravitational lowest potentials, with the evolving Universe, galaxies and celestial bodies and Black Holes streaming dynamics energy demands cosmic radiations and wind pressures, specifically on Milky Way Galaxy and the Earth.

4. The advanced Processor magnetic field shielded said fluids' quanta mass functions of claim 1, said distortion and volume changes strain energy with anthropogenic global warming (AWG) has triatomic and higher multi-atomic gas molecules, forced water vapor and other greenhouse gases, partially decoupled from said mantle into the atmosphere filling in diatomic nitrogen and oxygen interstitial voids; thus, compacted atmosphere lower porosity retains more radiation or irradiation heat energy; raised atmospheric temperatures increase water evaporation rates; in perpetual cycle causal effects, decoupled water buoyancy forces water vapor mass to highest altitudes, below the Earth' s ozone layer; subjected to Son's radiations, water vapors break into hydrogen and oxygen

SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) ions, and along with nitrogen ions mass energy in forbidden mechanisms escape from the Earth's magnetic and gravitational fields; said decoupling processes cause strain energy of distortion and volume change, fluids mass volume enlarged and overstrained magnetosphere boundaries, fluids forbidden mechanisms said stratifications and gradations, plasma fountains mass energy releases;

5. The advanced Processor magnetic field shielded said fluids' quanta mass functions of claim 1, in space constitute advanced Processor Fluid Elements, Isotopes, and Ions living organisms mass density and energy, magnetosphere electromagnetic field lines magnetic poles two cusps inverted from inside the ionosphere, electrically charged stratosphere, and the higher densities atmosphere electromagnetic field enforced generic forms forcing interchangeable open mouth two Inlets, two orifice outlets, and/or interchangeable, an orifice outlet and an open mouth Inlet, globose inverse offset centric GC Set advanced Processor galactic, solar radiations and wind pressures deformed.

6. The advanced Processor magnetic field shielded said fluids' quanta mass functions of claim 1, continuum dynamics force gravitational field and atmosphere's essentially stable, energy benign, offset centric Globose Inverse Set in blow offs migrated to an energetic Globose Sidelong Set, in Globose forms change, with the Black Hole's stratifications, gradations fluid functions enforcing said lowest mass energy potential levels extreme magnetopause's deformations enforcing suction at magnetic field cusp shoulder, and thus partial or significant atmospheric mass energy blow off.

7. The advanced Processor magnetic field shielded said fluids' quanta mass functions of claim 1, wherein sustainable processes super green nuclear super plant radially serial Fluid Isotopes fluid, slurry walls seal boundaries and groundwater; buried, thermal aqueducts irrigation boundaries, in precipitation and groundwater heat energy coupling, crucially reverse mass and energy forbidden mechanism fluid energy, coupled or partly decoupled path directionality across crustal boundary; the Earth crustal boundary confines generated electrical and thermal energy transfer destinations; FEIIPMII civilization's lone recourse constitutes Fluid Elements minimal fluids mass and energy demand, global warming and energy crisis combat, science technologies sustainable solutions, en masse water conservation which must exceed natural and anthropogenic global warming (AGW).

8. The advanced Processor magnetic field shielded said fluids' quanta mass functions of claim 1, said FEIIPMII and universal GC Sets and SP combat, oppose scramble, stratifications gradations forbidden mechanisms processes; consequently the Earth's strongest magnetic field is a must do;

SUBSTITUTE SHEET (RULE 26) Black Holes' mass energy streaming demand MEHC, with magnetic and gravitational field, rules the Universe with densest mass energy densities dominating at confronting perimeter boundaries, and thus mass energy sinks, gravity minima maxima functions - conforming least mass MEHC - forced forms equal functions, functions equal forms, evolving globose, spherical celestial bodies; Earth obscured mass energy decoupling, shielded by magnetic field's ionosphere, pays with most valued commodity - water based and nitrogen ions plasma fountains outflow; strongest magnetic field gravity and least volume ionosphere mass energy densest boundaries are forced and a must; GC forms, Sets, and buried aqueducts FEIIPMII technologies synchronous operations, said Earth advanced Processor, and said SP strategically transferred heat energy reinforcing present position strong magnetic field shielded Earth systems constitute this civilization only real survival option.

9. The advanced Processor magnetic field shielded said fluids' quanta mass functions of claim 1, fluids conservation, MEHC, constituted fluid functions with optimal boundaries longevity forces least mass fluids' function least energy of distortion and volume change; causal effects evidence, planet more distant from the Sun than the Earth forced frozen status, in addition to FEIIPMII, SP and magnetic field crucial function, resolves water conservation, energy crises AGW and natural global warming; said FEIIPMII enforce optimal longevities perimeter boundaries, minimal water vapor decoupling and the Earth's crust aqueducts heat energy transfers removed excess triatomic water vapors from the atmosphere; SP electrons generation avoided AGW in controlled diatomic atmosphere forces climate control; said aqueducts added irrigation functions transfer atmospheric water vapors into increased, optimally secured, groundwater water source strongly coupled to the Earth's crust; said transfer forced continental crust expansion hinders volcanic or tectonic events, cooling mantle said coupled to least coupled mass least energy of distortion and volume changes.