Domestic Partnership Bill Defeated
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Caymanian Trade and Business Licenses are being processed online For all other licenses re: Liquor, SEZ, Tobacco, LCCL please email [email protected] Friday, July 31, 2020 Issue No 572 Complimentary Caymanian 1/4 Page $149 Back to We deliver 5,000 free newspapers twice weekly BUSINESS 1/2 page $299 across the Islands with no returns Newspaper Advertising Sale Buy ads in bulk and use any time before December 31, 2020 Full page $499 Email [email protected] or call 916-2000 or 945-8463 Sale ends August 31, 2020 Print is here to stay INSIDE THIS ISSUE DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIP EDITORIAL — page 2 BILL DEFEATED The Paradox of a Modern Cayman COMMUNITY VOICE — page 6 (L-R) Hon. Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Cayman Islands LA, Arden McClean; Hon. Deputy Leader of the Opposition and MLA for Newlands, Alva Suckoo The Cayman Islands Legislative A likelihood that the UK might also bly that by early in the day the disen- Assembly on Wednesday rejected a impose same-sex marriage on the terri- chantment that he felt had somewhat proposed Domestic Partnership Law tory as a result also loomed large during THE DANGERS OF EXPEDIENCY by a narrow but yet telling 9-8 vote, the previous two days of debate. was doing the right thing, his displeas- AND CONFLATION despite a passionate appeal by Hon. A disappointed Hon. Premier Alden uresubsided was still as palpable.he was con�ident that he Premier Alden McLaughlin. Seemingly anticipating that his gov- The law was intended as a compro- the disillusionment and despair which ernment was facing losing the historic COMMUNITY VOICE — page 6 mise in lieu of same-sex marriage. descendedMcLaughlin over on Wednesday him on Tuesday re�lected night on The historic vote brings to an end one following two days of intense and pas- tions, Mr McLaughlin felt that political phase of a long-running battle over legal sionate contributions over the contro- expediencyvote with its had socially-de�ining triumphed over implica- prior recognition of same-sex unions but it is versial Domestic Partnership Bill, giving indications of support even though he now felt that it could open the door to a legal recognition to same-sex couples. had agreed to a free vote. full imposition of same-sex marriage as Although he told Wednesday’s meet- further legal challenges are expected. ing of the territory’s Legislative Assem- ... Continued story on page 3 COUNTING THE Barbadian COST OF COVID TO landlords The Growing Pains of a Colonial Territory GOVERNMENT losing out ART & CULTURE — page 7 The Cayman Islands government is It highlights that up to 19 June the expected to end up spending around Government had spent $21.5 million to tenants CI$46.7 million on the range of meas- on COVID-related activities. ures it has put in place to suppress the Titled “Overview of the Government’s spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in costs in relation to COVID-19”, the re- the jurisdiction. port provides a factual summary of the That’s the conclusion of a report Government’s response to the COV- ID-19 pandemic and a position state- Auditor General (OAG). ment of costs incurred to 19 June 2020 issued“We estimateMonday fromthat the Of�icetotal cost of the of and the estimated costs of commit- COVID-related activities will be at least $46.7 million,” the report says. ... Continued story on page 5 Eco-friendly art show opens July 31st Barbadian landlords are suffering from delinquent tenants LOCAL NEWS — page 9 Barbadian tenants who are not pay- ing their rent because of the COVID-19 problems for property owners. pandemicSeveral arelandlords causing are severe complaining �inancial that since the national shutdown start- whoed in are March using they Prime have Minister been Mia�inding Amor it Mottley’sdif�icult to appeal receive for rentlandlords from totenants be le- nient as an excuse not to pay up. The landlords are frustrated that while the tenants are not keeping up Red Cross launches Mobile Health and Wellness Unit ... Continued story on page 10 World Class Laboratory using the latest technology: • Accurate • Affordable • Fast • Reliable Visit US: Countryside Shopping Village, Your Health is Our Mission Dr. Joan Harriott Savannah Internal Medicine Specialist Dr. Alice Blavo Pediatrician + General Practitioner 345-943-4500 EDITORIAL | COMMUNITY NOTICES PAGE 2 Friday, July 31, 2020 | Issue No 572 C�������� T���� EDITORIAL COMMUNITY NOTICES Botanic Park hosts Orchid Sale The Queen Eliza- beth II Botanic Park in partnership with the Cayman Islands Orchid Society is host- ing an Orchid Sale on Saturday, 1st August 2020. This latest sale is set for 9:00am to 3:00pm at the Botanic Park on Frank Sound Road, North Side and The Paradox of a will feature outdoor orchids only. The fundraising sale Modern Cayman will be held inside the Rotary Schoolhouse, The issue of same sex marriage is sex relationships, it is unlikely that you and will host a range easily one of the most divisive topics of plants from the Cayman has ever faced, and the out- ty of debate from some legislators. stunning Vanda Or- come of the debate and vote on the Do- mayIn havethe face been of satis�ied inevitable with defeat, the quali- the chid to the fragrant Chocolate Orchid. Admission is $5.00 for adults while mestic Partnership Bill is indicative of Premier urged his fellow legislators to All plants will be will be individually children 12 and under are free. Spend that reality. “vote their conscience”. In the end, the the day enjoying the natural surround- Though Cayman prides itself on its Bill was defeated by the narrowest of ings of the Queen Elizabeth II Botanic rich Christian heritage, it also positions margins (nine votes to eight) with re- sale.priced and of �lowering size but not Park and take home an orchid or two itself as a modern, progressive society. joicing from church supporters in the necessarilyOrchid lovers �lowering can also at expect the time to hear of in support of the Park and the Orchid And that creates an interesting paradox. gallery and sighs by others who hoped a talk from the Botanic Park’s Horti- Society. The Bill provides for an “alterna- to see a new day being ushered in to cultural Manager, Nick Johnson on or- Requests for the propagation of tive framework for the recognition of promote equality. chid tying and potting. Mr. Johnson has plants found at the Park can also be ar- rights for people who wish not to mar- This issue has highlighted politi- been propagating and growing orchids ranged, and a variety of other types of ry” and is not limited to same sex part- cians’ ability to debate issues on merit for 25 years representing a wealth of plants will also be on sale in the Botan- nerships. However, it has been seen as and reason compared to impulse and knowledge and expertise, ideal for ic Park’s Visitor’s Centre. a straight vs gay debate. emotion. One of the questions that lin- the beginner and intermediate orchid To learn more, email manager@bo- Legislators spoke passionately as ger is if this legislative exercise should grower. or call 947-9462. they debated the Bill, which the Pre- be used as a barometer by which to mier was at pains to point out was not test the suitability of its leaders. as a result of any government policy but As Cayman prepares to consider who because the Court of Appeal found Cay- should occupy the hallowed halls of the Tourism Stipend man to be in breach of Article 8 of the Legislative Assembly come next sum- European Convention on Human Rights mer, it is clear that the microscope by and the corresponding section (9.1) of which they will be doing so looms large. Programme Re-Opens the Cayman Islands Constitution. Another lingering important ques- As the debate unfolded, the contri- tion, however, is how will the people butions of some have left many in our of Cayman preserve their proud Chris- for New Registrants community shaking their heads at the tian heritage, while showcasing them- absurdity of the choice of words from selves as an equally proud progressive The Ministry of Dis- people elected as leaders. Regardless country. That remains an interesting trict Administration, of where you stand on the issue of same paradox. Tourism and Transport will reopen registration for the stipend program aimed at assisting Cay- manians who worked in PLANE WING the Tourism sector and have been displaced due CLEANINGC SERVICE to the COVID-19 pan- demic that has impacted OFFICES, HOUSES, SCHOOL etc our tourism industry. We are reliable & trust worthy Starting on Wednesday, 29 July structions for submitting their bank- 2020, displaced tourism employees ing details for payment. Applicants Ni job is too small who have not yet registered with the should monitor their spam or junk Ministry of Tourism can access the reg- folder, noting that this correspondence +1 (345) 329-6956 istration link at only. Persons interested in registering for To accommodate persons with ques- +1 (345) 923-6328 the stipend programme must meet the will go to veri�ied persons CALL NOW! following criteria: • Caymanian ingtions details, pertaining the call speci�ically centre will to be the open of- • Worked in the Tourism sector during�icial email the hours and instructions of 9:00 am – on4:30 bank- pm, • No longer working full-time starting 29 July 2020. • Have not applied already Call centre numbers are as follows: The deadline to apply is Friday, 7 • 526 1252 August 2020.