International Journal of Business & Economic Strategy (IJBES) ISSN: 2356-5608, pp.38 -41 Manage and anticipate skills in distribution logistics: « For Moroccan autonomous administrations» Fatima IBNCHAHID¹, Saïd BALHADJ² ¹ PhD Student 2nd year at the national school of management, Tangier,
[email protected], Tél: 06 30 18 21 19 ² Research professor at the national school of management, Tangier,
[email protected], Tél: 05 39 31 34 87 University Abdelmalek Essâadi, the National School of Management Tangier, Morocco, Research Group in Management and Information Systems (GREMSI). Abstract: Under the same title, the recruitment or It is used under the Main functions that should social relations, the management of competences has assume the HRDs, Such As The recruitment, become essential for managers in human resource compensation, training, Career Management. .Both, to maintain the competitiveness of the company The Management of skills involves and secure professional career paths for employees. identifying the necessary skills for a good operation The company considers the employee as an actor of its professional project, that’s why it should be of the company; they are presented in three criteria enable them to develop their employability. functions: When we talk about management , it is Common competences: concerning all jobs of the automatically means the term training because it is company, it reflects the required skills to solve the the pillar of development of skills and competences, problems exceeding specifications of the job to skill/competence is not a given, it is built and become know its environment, exchange, be autonomous. training activities that should be strengthened to be Managerial skills: it refers to the required exist in the present and in the future as well .