INQUIRY INTO ENGAGEMENT WITH DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION PROCESSES IN THE ACT S TANDING C OMMITTEE ON P LANNING AND U RBAN R ENEWAL A PRIL 2020 REPORT 12 I NQUIRY INTO E NGAGEMENT WITH D EVELOPMENT A PPLICATION P ROCESSES IN THE ACT THE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Ms Caroline Le Couteur MLA Chair Ms Suzanne Orr MLA Deputy Chair (until 23 August 2019) Mr Mark Parton MLA Deputy Chair (from 28 August 2019) Ms Tara Cheyne MLA (until 20 September 2018) Mr James Milligan MLA (until 20 September 2018) Mr Michael Pettersson MLA (from 23 August 2019) SECRETARIAT Ms Annemieke Jongsma Secretary Danton Leary Research Officer Jayden Evett Research Officer Alice Houghton Research Officer Lydia Chung Administrative Assistant CONTACT INFORMATION Telephone 02 6205 1253 Post GPO Box 1020, CANBERRA ACT 2601 Email
[email protected] Website i S TANDING C OMMITTEE ON P LANNING AND U RBAN R ENEWAL RESOLUTION OF APPOINTMENT On 13 December 2016 the Legislative Assembly for the ACT, when it created Standing Committees for the Ninth Assembly, resolved at Part 1(f) of the Resolution that there would be a: Standing Committee on Planning and Urban Renewal to examine matters relating to planning, land management, the planning process, amendments to the Territory Plan, consultation requirements, design and sustainability outcomes including energy performance and policy matters to support a range of housing options.1 On the same day, the Legislative Assembly also resolved at Part 3 of the Resolution that: If the Assembly is