LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY FOR THE AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY STANDING COMMITTEE ON JUSTICE AND COMMUNITY SAFETY Mr Jeremy Hanson MLA (Chair), Dr Marisa Paterson (Deputy Chair) , Ms Jo Clay MLA Submission Cover Sheet Inquiry into 2020 ACT Election and the Electoral Act Submission Number : 008 Date Authorised for Publication : 5 May 2021 ACT ElECTORAl COMMl$SION Ol'ACERS 11'.1i!1 1§Elections ACT O F TH E ACT LEG IS LA TI V E ASSEMBLY liill Mr Jeremy Hanson CSC MLA Chair, Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety GPO Box 1020 CANBERRA ACT 2601 cc:
[email protected] .ay Dear Mr Hanson Inquiry into 2020 ACT Election and the Electoral Act - Submission by the ACT Electoral Commission As you may be aware, the Speaker tabled the ACT Electoral Commission's Report on the ACT Legislative Assembly Election 2020 in the ACT Leg islative Assembly on Friday 23 April 2021. I am writing to advise you as Chair of the Inquiry into the 2020 ACT Election and the Electoral Act that the subject election report and the recommendations contained within it comprise the forma l submission by the ACT Electora l Commission to the Inquiry. In addition to providing a comprehensive report on the conduct of the election, the report makes recommendations for consideration of changes to electora l legislation and notes other areas for improvements. The report should be read in conjunction with the Election statistics from the 2020 ACT Legislative Assembly published on the Elections ACT website in December 2020. The Commission looks forward to the conduct of the Inquiry and the Committee's Discussion Paper in due course, in continuous improvement to the delivery of electoral services to the ACT community.