! 1 I~0 .•....~ .•.... j ij .~ ~!~ i·i.. ~ ~ ~ ~h~2~1~!S6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SULTANPUR Besed or tne /,,[to5t oata refresh on Mar 2019, S,lltanpur stands at a ra+ d 48 out of 75 districts ":vi:t' 3 ccnocsite score 0' 0,44. Sutanpur's Ut:,t oerfOI'l'i ng .ndtcetor IS % of pregnant women received 4 or more ANC and tested for Hb against estimated PWwhen? II IS ranked 1/75 dtstnrts Wltl, a 5COIt2 ')' 100.00. The next nest perfcrrrmg indicators % of children received full immunization (BCG,Penta 1,2,3, Measles)where Sultanpur is ranked at . /75 w.th a score 0' 100.00 Jajsinghpur, PP Kamaicha, Dubeypur ,ire fie :CJ) pe"'orming blorxs wrt CC"1!)cslte score. Su!tanpur, DHQ Sultanpur, Kurebhar ere +e em pertormng blocr5 wrt (C"1!)C'5!te score. CQI',l?OS -E SCC'\, R!,N< ,'-0 :2:)" INDICATOR PERFORMANCE CHANGE Rf .~ \/:;i..C -6 -: o~r- "e~rar'c v.cr-er "cce .ec .: or me "-: L.i\C 8( :1 :.:s:e:l ;c" - ~ f g?ir:;:t estimetec C ,\ 1175 100.00 0.44 t6- -: -0; C·~tc:ic'" oe . e""j ~26 "':t repc":ed ~ei'.e·'ii I~:: ,:,(:is'i!a;~e:o c...C) i48175 40175 0.48 ·'",6-1::',; "e', :u, ';~-:, ., ~:1C:t~~'~:~~~~I~e:el"~,?JJs:parn :'-e-:·- .,j:'" ~'::'8 r,:.'" cf ~cr'''e celtver, cgair.:;: "e~,j":e: celi ..er/{~ofTle 63175 19.25 TOP 3 PERFORMANCE BLOCKS i' ::0' e!i~ole coup t ac:to:e:llil11:"~ 'T,t:rc':, :·,1io 00 tee.
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