NEWS FOR OPERA TORS AND OWNERS Volume 2 Number 3 Jan 1990

ac?iU~ n Glasnost • I Surprises

In November 1989, while visiting Moscow on a fi lm distribution deal, Ian Woolston-Smith arranged to meet cameramen whenever he could. Armed with a translator, a Sony GV-9 TVIVCR , and a book of production stills, Ian discussed the virtues ofSteadieam with Vertical I and Vertical II plans from Mosfilm . -Do not duplicate! everyone he met in thefilm industry.

EuroMasters Reports I and II "Equipment such as this is only a dream in the Soviet Union," said a cameraman who major Soviet 1989 European Masters Nicola Pecorini writes fr om Italy; music videos. conducted at Castle Brolio European Steadicam Operators At Mosfilm, a government studio Association proposed in Moscow, I received a camera ------demonstration by the man in charge of In October, 25 of Europe's best camera equipmen t. When I pulled out assembled near Siena and spent a Siena, 12/31/89 a still of a IIe in low mode, his eyes rewardi ng time studying and collec­ Strange but true, we made it! lit up. "Ahhh! Steadicam! " Yuri , my tively advancing the art and scie nce of We have been able to put together tour guide, expressed to him my Steadicam. The cameraderie, the for one week, a whol e week, 25 of the interest and then told me, "He says weath er, the food and the wine were busiest men on earth. Eu ropean and that we have this, a Steadicam, and all excellent. Castle Brolio, particu­ American operators were cloistered will arran ge a meeting between you larly in the fall when the great stone inside a medieval cas tle in the heart of and the man who does this." walls retain the heat of summer, Chianti, drinki ng wine and dissectin g Alas, it wasn't until my last day in offered a friendly and fasci nating every possible aspect of their profes­ Russia that the meet ing could be atmo sphere, and the portraits of 11th sion . planned, and then it almo st didn 't century Ricasolis and Medicis looked Ten countries were represented: happen. Snow, no taxis, and no quizzically down at our medieval­ Italy, Belgium, France, Sweden, translators all conspired to cancel the lookin g appliances . Holland , Spain , Switzerland , West meeting. Somehow, at the last All of us were domiciled in the Ger many, Austria, and the USA. All moment, I found a taxi and skidded seve ral residential wings of the castle, sorts of "levels" and experience were and slipped acro ss town to Mosfilrn. and breakfast and lunch were taken in represented, even in the equipment. There I waited and waited in a dim the great room, which otherwise All sorts of nuts , bolts, home-made room where all vis itors must awai t served as the ping pong arena. mods , video crap, and mechanical acceptance into the studio. I used a Dinners were served in the Baron's porn ography got integrated with the 1940s style pay phone to cont act a restaurant at the bottom of the hill. XVI century furniture and paintings of translator I had used earlier. My Interestingly, security, usually a Brolio castle. Even the Broli o version guide, Yuri, was able to come and drama for these workshops, was a of the "Slavecam" had a medieval help me with all the paperwork to ge t breeze at the castle. There is only one touch! me inside. One of the ladies in charge

Masters continued on page 3 Nicola continued on page 7 Glasnost continued on page 4 For a free VHS videotape about SteadiMag & other new Steadicam gear, please fax or write to llS Oil your company letterhead.

Introducing SteadiMag: The compromises are over. SteadiMaggoes far beyond Both threading & throat Cinema Products introduces the this. In addition to the extended cavities areconveniently accessible new Steadilvlagr for Arri 3 & 2C throat, sleekly-styled SteadiMag is - even in the loading bag. So cameras. The 400' capacity nearly 2 lbs. lighter than modified threading is quicker & easier. SteadiMag is ideal for Steadicarne Arri mags! SteadiMag is also great for use. Steadicam operators will hand-held work. The profile of an For over ten years, Cinema appreciate the new positive latch Arri 3 equipped with SteadiMag Products offered an Arri Mag modi­ single door configuration. offers optimum on-the-shoulder fication which extended the maga­ Cinema Products balance. zine's throat, providingvertical dis­ C:: O R F'O AA T I ON For information about placement of the film and allowing 3211 So. La Cienega Blvd., Los Angeles , CA 90016 SteadiMag & Steadicam gear, give enough clearance for Steadicam Ph: 213-836-7991 Fax: 213-836-9512 us a call. Ask for Chuck Jackson or work. 1-800-955-5025 Manfred Klemme. Page 3 the Gre ats of the movie world. May (heav y-duty) geared head . A Aid a Pavoni , who proves that you grip then can keep the head level as don't have to be a nerd to be an the terrain varies and reduce the strain electronics whiz, chaired a seminar on on the operator' s "arm"-hand . the innards of Steadicam, and inciden­ We showed the latest gadge ts, tally made dozens of mods and repairs videotaps, the Sony Diversity TV durin g his two-day visit. Rec eiver, and various low-bud get I organized a session to commu­ low-mode cages, hard mounts, flex nicate the wishes of the European lens -gea rs, and the new oil-filled community to Cinema Products bubble levels that I had desi gned for regarding spare parts , local represen­ the Steadicam JR (for camcorders) If.) tation , etc. [ also presented an which CP will shortly make available Mike Tiverios of Sweden (born in amateurish version of Allen Krantz' for all SOA members. The bubbles Chicago) famous "Music and the Art of respond much slower, more in keeping with the pendular period of .... Steadicam" seminar which, surpris­ Masters continued from page 1 ingly, provoked near-violence the Steadicam, and as a result don't between thos e who agreed with our jump side-to-side because of the entrance, guard ed by a remote­ premise and those who thought it was lateral acce lerations of ordin ary controlled portculli s, and no one gets complete rubbish! I also organ ized walking moves. in or out without scrutiny from the top several seminars on trim , tricks and We showed and used the produ c­ of the 40 foot high , 20 foot thick backups and gadgets. tion prototype of the "Buddycarn " walls. which is now available from Quay We worked on techn ique s and Race Cars in Pottstown, PA. (Call Ed equipment and just generally "shot the Quay at (2 15) 326-8050 or fax him at fat" as the Europeans now have (215) 970-11 26; cost: $200 US.) learned to say. A number of seminars It work s extremely well as a and lectures were presented, including means to get lower or higher lens the follo wing: height s than would be possibl e with Tass Michos discussed the just the arm, i.e., in low-mode. reward s and pitfall s of the combined "Buddy-cam" (we must think of a new A-operator/Stead icam-operator job. nam e for the damn thing) is also an He also ran an impromptu arm­ excellent backup in case your arm repairs -in-the-field discussion breaks; most shots can be managed illustrated with a bravura "battlefield Carlos Cabeceran cable replacement" demo on Nicola Pecorini's broken arm. It's done by "Trim" provided a chance for the immobil izing the springs with a assembled masters to review our latest mumm ywrap of gaffers tape and then understanding of the physics of letting off the tension to slack the Steadi cam, and incidentally resulted cables. in a new operating trick, reported Nicola chaired a meeting which elsewhere in this issue. produced a resolution to organize a Similarly, "Shot Tricks and European branch of the Steadicam Backups" brought the Europeans up­ Operators Association . Henry to-date on our discoveries of the last Chroszick i has volunteered space and few years, including an interestin g secretarial help in Milan , and the way to keep a hard vehicle-mount rig prospects for a pan-European phone in balance when the terrain is wildly Buddycam in Siena number and database service-by-fax off-l evel. It was suggested that the are being investigated. I indicated hardmount be set atop a Worrall or with the help of a good dolly grip. As that some financial arrangement could with a numb er of items at this be made to split the membership particular work shop, there was initial revenues, in order to help with the "Euro-skepticism " and then a lot of local expenses and produce a Euro­ enthusiasm for this simple gadget. for the Letter. We will report on All skepticism, of course, was the progress of this idea in the next ju stified for "Slavecam." We built issue. one out of local hardwoods, which Nicola also is the living master of must have weighed two hund red kilos "politics" on the set, and he described without opera tor and Steadicam! the lessons learned with Storaro and Everyone had a go and was carri ed Bertolucci and the delicate territory alon g, shooting with a four mete r lens between hum ility and arrogan ce that height around our elaborate twelve must be negotiat ed when workin g for Aida Pavoni unwinds the spaghetti Masters continued on page 10 Page 4 .

Glasnost continued from page 1 their heads. It was not adjustable. 1 gam ely took a shuffled through a tall stack of papers short walk down the halJ and shook her head at Yuri. But he and back, then allowed pulled some strings and twenty them to undress me. minut es later led me to the entrance I then showed them gate. the National Geographic "Wal k swiftly and don't spea k Spec ial on my Sony. English. I take you in as Soviet Everytime a rig was show n citizen," Yuri warned me. they wanted to know if it My translator was on the way, but was the most adva nced the meeting started immediately. I mode l. When the y saw first met with two men, Viktor Garrett Brown they sa id, Yerofiv and Vladimir Samunov, who "We know of this man." were in charge of Steadicam electron­ Perhaps from the CP-35 ics and mechanics, respectively . They instru ction book. took me into a small roo m and The group now gre w showe d me a CP-35 and asked if I to six as the research ancl Parallax compensated viewfinder system would like to try it on. Why not? developm ent team arrive d. The two of them suited me up I was co nstantly juggli ng my Sony, said, "Here he is!" Vyac heslav had like a precision team; I had to hold my five issues of the Stead icam Letter, a arrived with his buddies. I showed arms away fro m my body as if I were photo album, and my 35mm camera. him his photograph and everyone was being fit for cosmonaut duty. They 1 drew special atten tion to the chuckling but him. "Bulgary?" he even kept the arm from hitting my Bulgarian-Cam pictured in the kept mumbling. I believe he thought I face. Co ntraption Wars issue of the was a spy and that the heat was on. At this point my tran slator news letter. Someone in the hallway 1 asked the research and develop­ arrived. 1 asked her if they knew I ment team if 1 could see what they had my own Steadicam . "Yes, they were working on. They brou ght out know this, Ian." I tried to get them to "1 showed them the shots of the "Vertical I" and "Vertical adjust the bottom heaviness of the rig National Geographic Il." They gave me perm ission to (it was extremely bottom heavy and , Special on my Sony. photograph the plans but when I got without a lens or mattebox, the arm Everytime a rig was my camera, one of the men was barely deflected). I pointed to the hex shown they wanted to runn ing away down the hall with the screw on the gimbal. They shook know if it was the plans. "Ian, they have second most advanced thoughts," my translator told me. model. When they "I promise there will be no law saw Garrett Brown suits! " I quickly replied. The man they said, "We know returned with the plans, and I star ted of this man. " taking pictures . I then had the honor of meeting

Valery Davilov, head of the camera department, checks out a back issue of the Letter. Igor Chermych reveals the secrets of the new arm PageS

Special 35mm camera with :.>, magnesium body

Igor Chermych, a director of photog­ raph y who had becom e a Steadicam operator and designer. Now he dire cts and produ ces major war epochs. We went into his office where he Cameraman Vyacheslav Petrenro carefully scrutinizes his own photo in the looked at the production stills and all Steadicam Letter. the other stuff I had. He wanted to know about low mode, adjustable "They brought out They all shrugged their shoulders. spring arms, and how much my rig shots of the "Vertical!" A few minutes later, ten of us weighed . Communication was marched down a long dark hall in the difficult. To tell him the heaviest and "Vertical II." They basement of Mosfilrn' s camer a camera I work with is a BL III took gave me permission to building to see Igor's rig. The others two minutes. They could not under­ photograph the plans seemed as excited as I was. Out of a stand "Arri BL III" even though they but. when I got my Jocked closet came a sled, an arm-type have thirty of them . camera, one of the men suspension, and a magnesium 35mm He told me of his system which was running away camera with paralax ground glass side took 35mm and 70mm cameras and down the hall with the finders. He showed me an extremely weighed only 50 pounds. He said at plans. Glasnost continued on page 10 the bottom of the sled he had... "Ian, they have second Another cameraman then spun his thoughts, " my finger in circles. "Gyro?" I asked. translator told me. "

Mosfilm's answer to John Seitz, Viktor Yerofiv, is in charge of Ian and Igor try to find the right words Steadicam electronics. Page 6

See where we're heade d? If you deliberat ely mrs-adjust the fore- and­ More from aft trim of the sled , and compensate MOD IV FINAL with the camera for correc t static trim, the resulting precession ca n be used to WISH LIST the Masters accomplish a up or down at will ­ with no adverse effects on the rest of Offset Whip Pans you r shot, unless it includes a second Thi s list is compiled from the Asso­ whip pan with the opp osite tilt! cia tion survey and Eur opean Masters Here are two equally effec tive Work shop. I kno w this sounds like some new methods (starting with a rig assumed variety of dessert cookwa re: to be in dynamic trim ): I. Light er "So even the cream at the side 2. Removable/replaceable monitor gets whipped!" To make a whip pan tilt down: 3. Improved extendable post But no! It's a new operating trick I. Shift the sled to the rear (and clamped more posit ively - a technique that takes advantage of the camera forward to static balance). 4. All clamps truly hand-tightenable our increasing understanding of the Use the sliding adjustment provided 5. Bigger screen dynamics of Steadicam to allow finer by Seitz or with CP's adjus table post ­ 6. Monitor bracket tilts up, extends, control over rapid pans, parti cularly in or swing the battery rearward pivots at monitor cg cases where you must simultaneo usly and/o r 7. 24/ l2v dual voltage capability tilt up or down. 2. Raise the monitor. 8. Bigger, stronger dovetail lock Obviously, it is seldom the case 9. Include extra f2v power outlets that the desired angle of tilt is identi­ To make a whip pan tilt up: 10. Movable elect. bubble (i.e ., to top cal for the beginning and ending 1. Shift the sled forward (and of screen) frames of a rapid pann ing move. slide the camera back to static a. Vernier adju stable Getting a whip pan to include a tilt balance). b. Include conventi onal bubble, can be mystifyingly diffi cult to and/or adjustable, adjacent to screen accomplish, and the result is that 2. Lower the monitor. II . Color monitor opti onal many operators lack the confidence 12. Fr ame line dimmable push for this kind of sho t. I believe Note that in both cases you will 13. Bubble dimmable! (Ta rge t now that we ca n provide you with a have to experiment with the magn i­ d immable and removable) reasonably foolproof way to adjust tude of the shifts to accomplish a 14. Filter for camera pow er, to avoid your rig on the spot to make it happen given magnitude of tilt. Th is tech­ video noise semi-automatically, or at least to help nique just provides a tende ncy in the 15. Front panel access to all monitor you avoid fighting a rig's accidental right direction. adjustments tendency to "pre cess" in the opposite By the way, this information can 16. Lighter arm direction. also be used to empirically find 17. Gr eater arm ran ge top to bottom As you know, we have been "neutral dynamic trim ": If a whip pan 18. Make thicker dovetail so top refining "whip pan " skills for some produces a tilt down, shift the sled surface is proud to avo id rubbing years. With a Steadicam in proper fo rward (or lower the mon itor) and try 19. Put receiver and amps, etc . on dynamic trim - with its masses again - and vice versa. Plea se let us removable ca rds positioned so that it doesn't tend to hear from you if you have information 20. Provide ability to raise and lower precess when bein g rapidly rotated ­ regarding this matter. And never arm mounting point relative to these moves can be amazingly precise. confuse whipping pans with beating suit, (even when suit is at shortest) When the dynamic trim is faulty (see or whisking! so operator's entire arm range can the "Trim" articl es in the Letter, be employed - presently arm is not .." ,.". Volume I, numberss I & 2), the rig "centered" with operator's arm .' ~ tries to tilt down (or up) as you pan. '., . 2 1. Make sled "sports" protected • (from rain and moi sture) 22. Provide more common fuses, more accessibl e 23. Provide motor amps built in to junction box 24. Junction box wiring inside post 25. Provide go od lightweight fast PAUL TAYLOR chargers first a ssistant c a mera 26. Provide better docking stand 27. Provide built-in 8mm Sony STfADicAM (OEM) VCR chassi s 213-459-0411 213-340-1666 28. Provide isolated video inputs/ outputs (one including frame­ Barry Markowitz after years of lines) whip pans. Page 7

Nicola continued from page 1 on this side of the Atlantic. Spare At the very beginning there was parts , back-ups, repair station, etc. electricity in the air. Everybody • Access to appropriate film parked their cases in the deepest cameras and accessorie s (long throats, corner possible, locked. And the Coherent transmitters, etc.) same with their knowledge. There • A price policy, especially was some distrust: the old fear of concerning the relation of equipment being robbed of your capabilities, to rate professionalism, tricks, and thoughts. • A protection against "no-pay" Only those who had taught a work ­ clients shop could easi ly overcom e it. But at the end of day two these The discussion of these po ints prejudices faded and the experience went on for days and , in a typical became produ ctive and useful. For European way, touched on all facets this I have to thank Garrett: from the of the modern world. We considered height of his charisma he guided us the chan ges in the politics, the fall of through the path of all our arguments. the wall, the next crisis of the western Not only did he invent a great so-called democracies, the historical machine that earns us a living but he evolution of the movie industry, and teaches us how to live (because he the wild growth of television. What knows how). came of all this is a proposal for a Broliocam at the Masters We investigated a lot of aspects European Steadicam Operators of our specialty: the role of the set, Association. the market, the money, the assistants, We believe the association handle the mail and faxes at the the relation s with CP , breakdowns, should help solve all of these prob­ beginning. wish lists, projects, suppliers, spare lems : • Put togeth er a datab ase of all parts, clients, rental houses, DP's, operators, equipment, rental compa­ directors, shots, tricks, music, and I • Guarantee a stable and reliable nies, rates, credits, etc. don't remember how many more relationship with CP • Organize the blacklist things. Thanks to G.B., we even • Guarantee of spare parts on approached the del icate field of European soil Som e operators volunteered to "performan ce," or in other words, the • Establi sh minimum rate s for coordinate this research for each feelings, the Zen! operators and equipment country. Riccardo Brunner for And, most important, we got to • Guarantee a complete Stead­ Switzerland, Sean Jack Brehier and know each other. We arrived as icam system as a backup for Associa­ Jean Michel David for France, Flori s colleagues and we left as friends. tion members Sjbesma for Holland, Patri ck De Despite our differences, there was a • Publish a blackli st of "no pay" Ranter for Belgium, Carlos Cabeceran common attitude toward life. Mayb e clients to boycott for Spain, Mike Tiverios for Sweden, it's the same reason we enjoy the • Organi ze yearly meetings so we and Bob Shiefer and Nicola Pecorini Steadi cam so much . Through it, with can revitalize the good feelings for Italy. As you can see, we still it, we can express ourselves in a • Guarantee full mechanical and need to cover the other countries. We certain way. There was so much electrical service appe al especially to the British energy - it's probabl y what would operators to get in touch with us. We happen if you put 20 violin virtuosi or The ESOA should be a branch of hope that the times when Great 20 sculptors in the same settin g. the SOA. The above repre sents the Britain didn 't want to belon g to Also important was the organiza­ specific European peculi arities we Europe are over. tion of all the logistics. Thanks to think a European based and structured If you have suggestions , propos­ Francesca and her staff we were able association can address. We are still als, information, etc., please get in to concentrate on the work and still discussing the form, the rates, touch with the above operators or with enjoy every single aspect of Chianti everything. But we did make a few the European Steadicam Operators life, includin g the wonderful weather. decisions: Association , Preliminary Project , Via It's very hard for me to sum up Vezza D'Oglio, 20 139 Milan o, Italy . what those days were like, what we • Work to build the ESOA Fax: 39 2 552 16029. came up with. I hope and suggest that • Start with a physical reference, Personally, I promise I'll spend all all the people who attended write their accepting the offer from Technovision my free time on this project, and I'll own impressions to the Letter. What to use their facilities in Milano write again to the Letter to analyze in follow s is a list of the practical • Incorporate AIda Pavoni (a a whole organic way the Masters problems we focused on and the great electronic engineer and a better experience. Meanwhile, have a great solut ions suggested. man) who already works within 1990. Needs: Techno vision's offices. He will supply us with his skill, and he has a Nicola Pecorini • A serious servic e for Ste adicam lot of spares on stock. He will also Pa eB

stuff such as: guy passe s cam era in a hallway, Steadicam back s up, booms View fro mthe Bridge up rapidly, arcs into unseen doorway, pans, arcs back out into hall, booms Entering the 1990s, we thou ght it vib ration cau sed frequently by the down, tracks along, and stops, yet it was a good time to summarize less-than-rigid co nnection of camera, just feels like we "watch ed" a guy he ad, risers, dolly, etc.) Both operat­ wher e we've been and how the use pass by. ing technique and equipment have had - shots over rough gro und, ofthe Steadi cam has evolved. In to come a long way for today's particularly where one needs to look the year 2000, we'll run another "Living Masters" to routinely deliv er straight ahead or behind column and see how the this level of work. - where one needs to continue on conventional wisdom has It must be said immediately, of beyond the practic al distanc e that can chang ed . course, that a simple doll y shot can be be accommodated with track made by a relati vely inexperienced - where one wishes a shot to cross crew and can turn out quite accepta­ a threshold, or continue up some The Steadicam was conceived as bly, whereas even a simple Steadicam steps, where a cut would otherwise be a stunt camera, des igned for running shot can be a disaster if the operator necess ary shots over rough ground, but by the isn't familiar with the equ ipment. - where any other technique for time of its feature debut in 1975, we Sadly, great Steadicam shots, which moving the ca mera would be impr ac­ began to realize that we had been are increasingly prevalent in today's tical for external reasons, such as the underestimat ing its potential. My first film s, tend to disappear into the fabr ic loael-bearing abilities of the floor or feature shot was a long, slow, quiet of the picture, while bad or even oka y the rigidity of a dock or bridge track with David Carradin e on Bound Steadicam shots stick out and ring the - for any moving camera shot for Glory, and the history of the old gong. It's a tool that definitely where the quality of the move device eve r since reflects a steady requires skill and practice, anel the contributes to the emotional qualities progression toward precision and need to be a good camera operator to of the the scen e, such as the "hard­ away from all those pel! mell stunt start with . ness" of accelerations/decelerations, running shots up stairs! Wh at are some opportunities for and pans, and the momentary control The emphasis for the last few Steadi cam in the 1990s ? Keep in over the balanced/unbalanced nature years has been on Steadi carn's mind it moves smoothly, it can be ac­ of the composition as actors enter or development as a reliable shotmaking celerated rap idly , it is "hand-held" so are let out of the frame tool which can ope rate not only with it can safely come close to thin gs, it is - where one needs to isol ate the the apparent accuracy and smoothness highly inerl in pan and especially tilt, camera from the movement of a of the dolly, but also with the ability it eliminates vibrations, and it can be vehicle (virtually any vehicle) for any to make subtle moves that curv e in worn or hard-mounted. reason , for instance, where we wish to three dimensions beyond the scope of perceive the onscreen vehicle's motion arm and rails. Yes, friends, all of Steadicam is good for: within our frame or where we wish to the above plus the gut sensitivity and negate the movement of our "feel" of the handh eld camera! (And - movin g camera sho ts in light vehicle so it doesn't affect our shot of without that annoying "chatter " and quarters, particularly for complex some other subject - where we wish to simulate vehicl e motion within a set that doesn't mov e (such as the work in the airplane set in Tw ilight Zon e) - where we wish to prov ide the effect of a zoom lens of much greater range than any available by movin g toward or away from a subjec t (perh aps while slightly) - for human or an imal (or alien) points of view , that mov e through the world realisticall y, but don't shake unrealistically - quick static shots with simple set ups, where time is a fact or - such as during a sunse t or in the middl e of a series of Steadi cam shots - when changing cameras and bringing in a dolly would be an unne cess ary waste of effort - where unpredictable events preclude marks - like shooting dogs Steadicam Universal Model, c. 1976 anel kids and non- actors and rainbows Page 9

- for variou s extremel y technical it needs to be said again. shot requirements, such as certain Call for serial Model IlIA posts now comin g out kinds of optical plates, or shots that of the factory are being pinned for need to pan around diverse axes, such numbers safety, but you should check yours. as five feet behind the lens or three ------You can pin it youself or send it back feet in front or right on the old 'nodal to the factory (call Chuck Jackson at point of the lens. Plea se be sure to fill in the serial CP, (213) 836-7991). number(s) of your sled( s) if you are an With the addition to the database, Steadicam is not good for: owner, owner/operator, rental house, they'll be able to contact us in case of or large global super power. a recall , a flashy new mod, or some - static shots of long focal A commonly heard complaint other need. lengths. (It is possible , but no particu­ from owners refers to the historical lar treat, for a Steadicam operator to lack of communication and follow-up hold an entirely still frame out to from Cinema Products Corporation, about 100mm, but this only makes particularly as regard s to enginee ring McConkey gets sense if it is at the beginning or end of callbacks and upgrades. Thi s is due in a Steadicarn move.) some mea sure to the nature of CP's notice - ultra-violent actions while sales organization and to the fact that runnin g (why risk falling or crashing final purchasers of are In an article on the filming of with a $50,000 rig plus camera? This often not on record with the factor y if "War of the Roses" (page 52, January kind of thing is perfect for "shak ey­ warranty cards are not submitted. 1990 issue of the American Cinema­ cams" and "Pogo-cams" that don 't Th ey remain on file at CP only as a tographer), we found the following: have to be rock steady, and that sale by the dealer. mostly don't need video viewfinding) In an attempt to finall y develop "Steadicam operato r Larry - quick pans with instantaneous an up-to-date owners list, CP has McConkey came infor high praise lockoffs. (This can be murder, even acce pted the Association's offer to from (DP) Burum . "Larry was truly on a tripod, because of the view­ poll our members and include serial amazing. We did things that were findin g problem , and it's perhaps best numbers in the database. We believe wonderful that we couldn't have done done on a geared head. However that this is a worthwile endeavor. if we'd laid 300 f eet ofcrane track Steadicam is getting to be a close Please be sure to make the entry on and had it buried and had the arm second. Rapid tilts are eve n more your databa se form and mail it back offse t. Unless you really know diffi cult - that is the most inert axis of promptly. Steadicam and know motion picture Steadicam.) Ultimately we will be able to techniqu es, you'd never guess there -for mounting/carrying on things track the history of used machines, was so much of it, and we had him fo r that regularly crash: skis, skates, and make them harder to fence if almost the whole picture. His work is horses, helicopters, vehicles in violent stolen. In the past, several rigs have so brilliant you don't even notice it, motion (F.Y.I. - Steadicam hard shown up mysteriously (e.g., as you just take it for granted." mounts should be subjected to no unclaimed freight!), but with no more than one-foot bumps, while global record , they couldn't be traced Way to go, Larry. "soft-mount" - wearing it with legs back to any owners. bent - can be effec tive in up to two­ foot bumps, but the operator must A case in point have room to work and a secure way and a warning to to be held onto the vehicle. Again , Workshop in shakey-c am is great for stunt vehicle Model lilA shots, includin g skates, because if you fall, at least you aren't welded to it and owners Yellow Springs can toss it away. ) - for any shots which can be At the Masters, it was discovered

" easily and perfectly executed on the that many of the new Model IlIA The next Steadi cam workshop dolly. Why carry the camera if it can centerposts had a serious defect. The will be held in Yello w Springs, PA, ride just as well? three plugs at the ends of the two (outsid e of Philadelphia) May 13-18, posts are only glued in place. 1990. Garrett Brown Cost of the workshop is $ 1350, They are not pinned and call which includes room and board, separate with heavy loads or jolts. doubl e occ upancy. Space is limited to 16. Thi s will be a good workshop for Even one of the old posts with a beginners and those who want to welded plug gave way in low mode brush up on their skills and knowl­ with a 35BL. Michael Fylyshtan edge. warned us about this hazard in Members of the Association get a Volume 1, Number 4 of the Letter, but $75 discount on the workshop. Page 10

He stood there thinking for a moment. Then the head of the camera depart­ ment' Valery Davilov, broke out in English, "Yes, yes, yes, yes!!" I shook hand s with everyone and then it was goodbye. At the gate I was again warned not to speak English and to walk like a Soviet. The guard stopped us immediately. Perhaps it was my running shoes and the ski jacket, or the fac t that I was dressed in co lors. We were led down to the deepest depths (honest!) of Mosfilm, where all my possession s were searched, including my notes, camera, and all my rolls of film - except one . The roll of the Steadicams was stuck in my underpants for safekeeping. After thirt y minutes of interrogation and paperwork, we were allowed to leave with all our gear. The meeting at Mo sfilm lasted Nicola watches as Tass repairs only ninet y minutes. Lookin g back, his arm Igor Chermych assembles his it's clear that the evolution of Stead­ mysterious equipment icam in the Soviet Union has been hamp ered by the lack of so many Masters continued from page 3 techn ologi es we take for granted. I Glasnost continued from page 5 never did see if there was a gyro on kilometer course, with 12 mount s and heavy focus/iris cable. Igor' s rig. dis mounts and much grumbling. For When asked how we focus in the One encouraging aspect of my pa rt, I can now understand why United States, [ modestly explained glasnost is that if these cameramen slavery never took hold in Europe. that we used radio control. He told receive a formal invitation from , for Only Baron Ricasoli himself appeared me [ was very lucky. Unfortunately, example, someone in the United to intr insically appreciate this facet of Igor was in a big rush to get back to States, they can travel to the US. Is our profession. the set of his film , so he had to put the any one up for a Moscow Masters Like the origina l Masters in gear away. I asked Igor if he planned Work shop? Rockp ort, it was a very rewardin g to join the Steadicam Operators week. One of the best resul ts of the Associat ion that I had told him about. Jan Woolston-Smith Steadi cam phenomenon, from my point of view , is the opportunity to know and associate with these hotshots all over the world . I think everyone had a great time , and we continued to advance our strange and amazing craft.

Garrett Brown

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_ Sales _ Serv ice _ Rental New & Used Systems, Parts, Access. WHITEHOUSE AUDIO VISUAL 1 269 6 Lavery COUfI #8 Newbury Park CA 91320 The focus control system is explained t'f:• Ph: 805·498·4177 _ Fax 805-499-194 1 Page 11 Back Issues Available

Many of you have ask ed about re­ shop Proposed for Europe , The ce iving copies of back issues of the Contra ption Wars (History Part III), 108 Church Street Stead icam Letter. To cover the costs Letter to Panavision , Public Speaking Philadelphia, PA 19106 Phone: (215) CALL CAM of handl ing and ma iling , back issues Increases Yo ur Visib ility and Pro­ Fax: (215) 922- 1753 are available at $5 each. Alas, we motes Jobs, Custom ATV Available don't have any more originals of fro m Associat ion , New Associate Vo lume I, Number I. If there's Mem ber to Provide Te chnical Je rry Hol way, Edi tor eno ugh demand, we might xerox the Support. plates of Vol ume I , Number I and Contributing Editors sell them for the same price as the Volume 2, #2: Pour En Finir Garrett Brown other issues. We do have about Avec "L'effect Steadicam," Report lOa Nicola Pecorini or so eac h of the other issues . If you from So uth Afri ca, New Life for Old want any issue(s), please write to us, Vests, Boffincam in Oz, Report fro m Steadicam Letter is publishe d ide ntify the issue by volume and New Zealand. quarterly in Philadelph ia by the number, and include a check for the Steadicam Operators Associ ation, Inc. amount of your order. Su bs cr iptions : Free with mem ber­ Below is an index of the maj or ship. For non -members, $42 per yea r articles : Association USA, $52 foreign. Volume 1, #1: "Stead icam Adv er tising: Classifieds: $ 10 per Operators Assoc iation " is it!, Masters Notes 100 wo rds for members, $20 for non­ Agenda , Schoo l Figures, Go thic members. Sp ace ad verti sing rates on Market in Milwaukee, T rim (Part I), "News Quarter Paid" Explained request. Ad Dendum (the beginni ng of the de bate), New s Flash From The Mas ters, Mode l II Vest Makeover, Working with co mpu ters is great Ass oc iation Workshops, Referral fun, but some times it's hard to ex plain Example: Operator B was a "NQP Policy, Reg ional News fro m Can ada. how the system works. We've #1." She should have renewed her descr ibed how the database works for membersh ip in June 1989 (w ith Volu me 1, #2 : Report from the producers, but we 've bee n a little Vo lume 2 , #1, (the fifth newsletter). Mas ters, Steadicart, Letters (end of vag ue about billing and members hip. We kept her on the da tabase and sent the deb ate), Camera Music, Tri m II : Basically, membership has yearly her newsletters until she pa id in The Sequel (all those num bers!), dues, and mem bers are grouped and Oc tober. She's now a "NQP #5" and Be tter Yoke for Model II, Care and re-bi lled by the "news quarter." The will get her next requ est for renewal Feedin g of Operators, Fa stchargers, "new s quarter" corresponds to the and payment in June 1990. Siena Workshop. quarterly issues of the newsletter. You ca n figure out when you 're For example, Operator A joined going to be bilIed again by looking at Volume 1, #3: McConkey on about a year ago (before or close to the "pe rso na lized" insert that we send Thai land , Ancient History (History of the time the 3rd issue of the newsletter with your newsletter. the Noble Gadget, Part I), Th e was issued). He is classified as "news Bluedots Mee t the An imals, Model III quarter paid 3 (NQP #3)." He is on Monitor Mod, Muro Flies in Jam aican the data base and rece ives new sletters Ju ngle, Quirk in GUTT , Ad De ndu m, Vol ume I, # 3 through Vo lume 2, # 2 Patches sold out Buddycam Version 2.0, Ultimate (4 issues or qu arters). Because we're Steadicam Survey. nice, we 're sending him the current issue, Volume 2, #3, his fifth newslet­ Al as, all of the original pa tches Volume 1, #4: Survey Resul ts, ter, with a requ est to sign up ag ain. have been sold. We had some The Iron Age (History Part II), When he does, he will be cla ssified as d ifficultie s with our supplier, but Ce ntrepost Reh ab, Seitz OK After "news qu arter pa id 7" and wiII receive we're looking for a new one. Is Fire, New Zoom Video Tap and issues through Vo lume 3, #2 as well anyone interested in tee shirts, gimme Centerpost, Teflon Grease Rescue, as rema in on the data base for another caps, or beer m ugs? And should we Ste adinick Tales fro m Mil ano, Motor year. match our logo with CP 's new, wrap­ Mounting Madness, How the Data­ If someone was late in their around logo? base Wo rks. renewal, but we haven 't taken his/her name off the datab ase, then the Volume 2, #1: Master's Wo rk­ payment applies retroactive ly. Pa e 12


With use, the gimbal gets gritty u and no longer pans smoothly. This can have a serious effect on delicate pans and precision moves. Fortu­ nately, it is easy to disassembl e, clean , and re-Iubricate your gimb al. Don't worry, a thousand balls are not going to spill out of the gimbal and roll all IJ bearing 2 over the floo r. I All you need is a little patience, I I I I I I­ some General Electronics "Versalube" outer shell - I I I c_ (G 34 1 M, a silicon greas e), and a I I degreaser (naptha). For sale: Model III Steadicam, First, remove the gimbal from the like new. 51 Ib adjustable arm , post. Remo ve the yoke by unscrew­ inner shell with washable vest, rebuilt quick charger, 2 ing the two trunions, then loosen and clamp for post trickle chargers, 4 batteries, all Seitz unscrew the "top nut." (This opera­ mods, cases. $29,995. Contact Kyle tion doesn't require a spanner wrench Rudolph, 118 Orchard Way, Berwyn, if the gimbal has been remo ved from PA 19312, (215 ) 647-5595 . the post). Remove the nut and the six bevel head screws from the top of the For sale: Adjustable Steadicam POST gimbal. Gentl y pry up the top ring POSITION arm, 30-471b capacity. $6250 or best from the outer shell. offer. Dave Knox, (2 12) 288-1603. Gently push down on the inner shell while hold ing on to the outer (this drawing is not to scale) For sale: BL III camera #35893 shell. Push the inner shell out. with rh pistol grip, slid ing bridge Pull up and remov e the two plate, 2 cables, one set Zeiss primes bearings and spacer(s). Note the and place the gimbal on the center with PL adaptor, 16, 24, 32, 50, orientation of the bearings and post. 85mm, $80,000. Also BL II #35 296 spacer(s) as you take them out. Add camera, balance according to and BL II # 35517, each with rh pistol There may be some variation in the latest rules of trim, and give it a grip, slidin g bridge plate, 2 cables, design, but basicall y there are two spin. matte box, lens strips, one set Zeiss ident ical bearings separated by one or Cinema Produ cts uses General primes, bayonette mount. 16, 24, 32, more spacers. The dust cover has Electronics "Vers alube" for the 50, 85mm. $ 32,000 each. 1,000 foot been removed from one face of each gimb al bearings. I've tried three other mags, $3,500 each; 400 foot mags, of the bearin gs to allow it to be lubricants, partl y as a test and partly $3000 each . Contact The Power greased. becau se I couldn't find any Versalube Broker, (2 13) 470-7569. and I was in a hurr y. These relatively open (bumpy) The Radio Shack "Gel Lube with For sale: IPD 12 to 24 volt DC faces should face each other and the Teflon" that works well on the arm amplifier, $300. 1 set Bob DeRo se spacer(s). (see VOlume I, Number 4, page 9) , hand grips for Steadi cam Model III, was a disaster on the gimbal. The $199. Spare Steadicam Model III Soak the bearings and spacer(s) grease sticks too well to itself, giving centerpost, including base pivotal in a degreaser such as napth a. Wipe, the gimbal a smooth-but-sludge-like worm gear and top plate $250. work, and/or blow clean. Re-pack the feel. Delicate pans were impossible. Contact David Crone, 23 Leacrest bearings and coat the rings with new White lithium grease works fairly Road , Toronto, Ontario , M4G IE4, grease. Also clean the inner and outer well and will do in a pinch , but don't Canada. (4 16) 421-3388. shells. overgrease. Re-assemble the gimb al by gently The last thing I tried is a light­ For sale: New Frezzi 4&5 amp/ pushing the greased bearin gs and weight oil with Teflon. It is very, very hour Steadi cam batteries, PAG spacers into the lightly greased outer slick. It's been six weeks now and the fastchargers, Sony XC-77 CCD shell. Push the inner shell up through oil hasn't run out of the bearings. If camera, Precision's new 16/35mm the bearings and outer shell. Attach the oil continues to stay put, it might Arri eyepiece tap with adj ustable the top ring and tighten the top nut. be the lubricant of choice for the centering. Call us for a quote on all Spin it to be sure you've put it all gimbal. your Steadicam need s. We are dealer back together properly. (It's actually for everythin g. Call Derri ck at quite forgivin g; the bearings will work Jerry Holway Whitehouse AV. (805) 498-4177, "upside down." ) Re-attach the yoke Fax: (805 ) 499-7947.