
Fr. G. Bline Kathryn Buzzelli School: Pastor Principal 330-644-0638 or Fr. Bearer Parish Registration: Kathleen Ott Parochial Vicar Please see one of the Priests Director of Faith Formation Raymond Herrick after any of the weekend Masses. Deacon Colleen McVicker Parish Office Hours: Richard Butz Director of Music Ministry Monday through Friday, Deacon, Retired 9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

Masses: Saturday Vigil, 5:00 p.m. and Sunday, 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday, 8:15 a.m.; Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., 6:30 p.m.

Confessions: Saturday, 3:30-4:45 p.m. or call one of the priests for an appointment.

Baptisms: At Mass on the third weekend of the month. Please make arrangements with the Parish Office.

Weddings: Arrangements with the Parish Priest are to be made at least six months before the wedding date.

Anointing of the Sick: At any time. Please call the Parish Office at 330-644-2225.

4019 Manchester Road, Akron, Ohio 44319 • 330-644-2225 • NO UNDERLINES ON WEBSITES/EMAILS PROOF GRAPHICS CAREFULLY



MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 – BSA Scouts, 5:00-6:30 p.m. (Pavilion) MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, ST. – Youth Group, 7:00-9:00 p.m. (Upper Room) 8:15 a.m. Charles Schneider (Carino Family) 6:30 p.m. Mickey Sullivan (Family) MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 – PSR, 7:00-8:00 p.m. – Ignite, 7:00-8:00 p.m. (Gym) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, – Men’s Scripture Study, 7:00-8:00 p.m. (Classroom) ST. THERESE OF THE CHILD JESUS 8:15 a.m. Andrew Misbrener (Marty & Liz Misbrener) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1 6:30 p.m. Stephen J. Halaiko (Mike Halaiko) – Scripture Study, 9:00 a.m. (Upper Room) – Choir Practice, 7:00-9:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, – RCIA, 7:15 p.m. (Upper Room) THE HOLY GUARDIAN ANGELS 8:15 a.m. Donna Ott (Phyllis Sonneberger) WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2 7:00 p.m. For an Increase in Vocations – Father Wolfgang Talk, 6:00 p.m. (Church) to the Priesthood followed by Mass and Consecration, 7:00 p.m. – Scripture Study, 7:00 p.m. (Upper Room) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3 – AA/AI Anon, 7:30-9:00 p.m. (Refectory) 8:15 a.m. Larry & Agatha Kemper (Arbogast Family) 6:30 p.m. Assunta Berardi (Daughters) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3 – Thursday Scripture Study Group, 12:30 p.m. FRIDAY, , ST. (Upper Room) 8:15 a.m. Deceased of the Edmunds & Bell Families – Adults with Special Needs DJ & Dance, 6:30 p.m. (Gym) (Carol Edmunds Family) – Scripture Study, 7:15 p.m. (Upper Room) 9:00 a.m. Mickey Sullivan (Family) 6:30 p.m. Barbara Yurick (Steve & Anna Rodgers) FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4 – Feast of St. Francis of Assisi Pet Blessing after SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 9:00 a.m. Mass (Pavilion) BLESSED SEELOS 8:15 a.m. Grace Paris (Al & Nancy Porreca) SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 1:00 p.m. Wedding: – Men’s Group, 7:00-8:15 a.m. (Upper Room) Anthony Zimbardi & Brynne Welch – Ministry of Consolation Retreat, 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Kim Mikulin (Walchalk Family) (Gym) Month’s Mind – Tave Stanley, Jr. – Youth Group Donut Sale after 5:00 p.m. Mass SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6 OCTOBER 6, 2019 – Youth Group Donut Sale after all Masses TWENTY-SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME – Rosary for Life, 12:00 Noon (Manchester Road area) 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. – Pro Populo, 11:00 a.m. – Adults with Special Needs Halloween Party, 3:00-5:00 p.m. (Gym) – BSA Scouts, 5:00-6:30 p.m. (Pavilion)

SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR THE WEEK COLLECTION INFORMATION Monday: Zec 8:1-8; Lk 9:46-50 The collection for last weekend was $16,777.32 Tuesday: Zec 8:20-23; Lk 9:51-56 Our parish is blessed by your generosity! Wednesday: Neh 2:1-8; Mt 18:1-5, 10 Thursday: Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12; Lk 10:1-12 REST IN PEACE Bar 1:15-22; Lk 10:13-16 Friday: Please pray for the soul of Homer Bonheimer, father Saturday: Bar 4:5-12, 27-29; Lk 10:17-24 of Michelle Ott, and David Hatfield, relative of Father Sunday: Hab 1:2-3; 2:2-4; 2 Tm 1:6-8, 13-14; Bline. May perpetual light shine upon them and may the Lk 17:5-10 Lord console their families and friends. NO UNDERLINES ON WEBSITES/EMAILS PROOF GRAPHICS CAREFULLY


EUCHARISTIC ADORATION An adorer is needed on Tuesdays from 5:00- 5:30 p.m. and Wednesdays from 3:00-3:30 p.m. If you are able to help, please call Joanne at 330-338-4810. The Lord will bless you in many ways. ARE YOU NEW TO OUR PARISH? Have you been attending Mass but haven’t registered? Please make it a point to speak with one of the priests WEDDING BANNS after Mass. They’d like to meet you, register you, and III Anthony Zimbardi & Brynne Welch welcome you as new parishioners! II Christian Burns & Sarah Hercules II Gliatta & Dana Graham

HOLY ANGELS Mark your calendars now for PARISH DIRECTORIES October 2nd the Feast of the There are still a number of parish directories that Guardian Angels. Fr. haven’t been claimed. If you had your picture taken Wolfgang Seitz from Opus and are yet to get your directory, please stop by the Sanctorum Angelorum, (The parish office and pick yours up. Reminder calls were Work of the Holy Angels), is made to all of those whose directories are still here. coming to St. Francis for an If you’re unsure, give the parish office a call at 330- evening of reflection at 6:00 644-2225. p.m. He will give a talk on the Holy Angels followed by Mass. If you have completed your year of formation, you can be consecrated to your Guardian Angel at this Mass. Please contact Therese at the Parish Office if this applies to you – 330-644-2225. BLESSING OF THE PETS Friday, October 4th is the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron of animals. Following the 9:00 Children’s Mass, Father Durkee will ROSARY FOR LIFE happily bestow on your funky feline, The Respect Life Ministry of St. kooky canine, flounder fish, or any Francis de Sales Parish has other animal you call a member of arranged to pray the Rosary for your family, a pet blessing. Meet in the respect of all life on Sunday, the pavilion and be sure that pets are October 6th at noon following leashed or contained, if necessary. the 11:00 Sunday Mass. Please join us on the lawn up at Manchester Road to give a prayerful witness for about one-half hour.

– AND THE WINNER is... VOCATION CRUCIFIX At our Parish Picnic, children who participated in The parish can always use more volunteers to receive games could turn in their prize tickets for a chance the Vocation Crucifix. Prayers are always needed and to win a Kindle reader. Congratulations to this year’s appreciated! Margaret Zeis received the crucifix this winner…Meghan Teeters! Thank you to everyone weekend. Please call the parish office at 330-644- who helped make the Parish Picnic a great success! 2225 to have your name added to the list. NO UNDERLINES ON WEBSITES/EMAILS PROOF GRAPHICS CAREFULLY


HALLOWEEN PARTY!!! The Suburban South Social Program for Adults with Hey teens… remember that Bible you got as a Special Needs invites you to a Halloween Party in the gym Confirmation gift? You know, the one under your bed next Sunday, October 6th from 3:00-5:00 in the afternoon. collecting dust? It’s time to take it out, dust it off, and The Main Street Singers will be performing. Please dress open it up! Join us: in costume; prizes will be awarded. Bring along a covered dish to share; chicken, jo-jo’s, donuts and soft drinks will T3: The Teen Timeline, by Mark Hart be provided. Pumpkins for everyone! A caregiver must An engaging and dynamic 8-session study that will accompany all participants. Questions? Give Terri a call at help us unpack God’s plan of salvation in Sacred 330-644-3455. Scripture. Beginning Sunday, September 29 7:00-9:00 p.m. (Upper Room) Contact Shirley Clark with questions at 330-412-9241 CONSOLATION MINISTRY RETREAT or [email protected]. The Consolation Ministry of St. Francis de Sales Parish will be offering a FREE one-day retreat on Saturday, October 5, 2019 from 9:00-3:30 p.m. The retreat is open to all who would like to grow in union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary to receive grace, hope and strength for the journey through suffering, loss and grief. The day will include a light breakfast, presentations, discussion, fellowship, time for Eucharistic Adoration, reflection and lunch. It will be held in the St. Francis de Sales All 6th - 8th grade students are invited: gym. For information and to register, please call Ann Monday, September 30, 7:00-8:00 p.m. in the gym at 330-612-5234 or Colleen at 330-232-5319. You can REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE… also register online at Consolation-Retreat/. “Blessed are they who mourn, for they will be comforted.” (Mt.5:4)

SFDS YOUTH GROUP DONUT SALE In the mood for a box of fresh Krispy Kreme? We will be selling donuts NEXT WEEKEND, OCTOBER 5 & 6 after all weekend Masses. Come get a box! $6.00/ dozen. Support our 2020 Mission Trip.

HELPERS NEEDED ROSARY DEVOTION AND PROCESSION AT THE OZANAM CENTER The October Rosary Devotion & Procession will be The St. Vincent de Paul Society of our parish is in held Sunday, October 13 at 3:00 p.m. at the Loyola need of helpers on Saturday, October 12, 2019 at Retreat House. This event, co-sponsored by our the Ozanam Center. We will team up with Our Lady parish, will begin with the Rosary and conclude with of Guadalupe Parish. Please come if you can – we’ll a social. Father Bearer and our Deacons will lead the meet at 9:00 at the center, located behind Visitation procession. of Mary Parish, at 93 Kent Street, Akron 44305. Saint Francis de Sales Parish Annual Financial Report for Year Ending June 30, 2019 “I must distinguish carefully between aspects of the role the Lord has given me, a role that demands a rigorous accountability...As a Christian I must give God an account of my life, as a leader I must give Him an account of my stewardship, as well.” (St. )

November marks my ten-year anniversary as pastor (12.5 years as Priest here). Some of us might want to look back at what we once had. Others will want to focus and hang on to what we now have. And, still others may wonder or fear about what the future may hold. With my recent announcement about my transfer to Saint Mary Seminary in June 2020, it is certainly where some of our thoughts might go. Remember what our patron St. Francis once wrote, “Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow; the same everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day...Be at peace, then, put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations, and say continually: 'The Lord is not only with me but in me and I in Him.'” Over the past ten years, we have continued to praise God that we have seen a constant growth in all areas of parish life. There is no other place I would have rather been. That being said, it will come as no surprise to most that administrative and financial matters are not going to be on my list of what I will miss most when I have to leave. So, let me say something about the state of financial affairs of our St. Francis de Sales Parish for this past year. Even though I was not allowed to say anything to anyone, most of this year I was aware of what was coming for me in 2020 and, therefore, made decisions to repair and provide for what I believed would be necessary to strengthen our parish life. You will notice that the annual financial report reflects the capital improvements and major necessary repairs that were made over this past year: the new pole building for parish storage, the added 65 parking spaces, new LED lighting in the church, the church’s Loop hearing system, new bathrooms in the school, the school’s mandatory PA system for security and safety, and the new parish Sacré-Coeur poustinia/retreat house. We also prepared for this upcoming year with the construction of the Memorare Center to accommodate parish meetings and office space for our pastoral staff who help keep the parish alive and well. The financial statement showing how the Parish stands and how the Parish operated during the last two fiscal years is included in this bulletin. The statement of how the Parish stands indicates that we are in a healthy condition. As the Diocese requires us to show capital improvements and major repairs as expenses, you can see that the Parish’s financial loss in 2018- 2019 was heavily influenced by including the $450,000 as expenses. Your generosity, through offertory collections, fundraising, and remembering the Parish in your will or estate, have made it possible for not only what we need today, but for how The Father will lead us in the future as His vibrant and faithful parish. Thank you for making me the most blessed pastor of the diocese. Pax, Fr. Bline (your pastor)

ST. FRANCIS de SALES STATEMENT OF ASSETS, LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE CHURCH and SCHOOL Balance at June 30, 2019 2018 ASSETS CHECKING, SAVINGS AND INVESTMENTS Checking Account Balances $ 324,272.76 $ 167,103.67 Savings and Investment Account Balances 1,856,845.18 2,050,265.68 TOTAL CHECKING SAVINGS AND INVESTMENTS 2,181,117.94 2,217,369.35 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 816,349.12 10,048.37 OTHER ASSETS 86,294.06 21,674.42 TOTAL ASSETS $ 3,083,761.12 $ 2,249,092.14 LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE AND ACCRUED EXPENSES 120,401.99 131,494.38 INCOME RECEIVED IN ADVANCE 1,313,472.27 102,201.23 EMPLOYEE WITHHOLDING 150.00 - TOTAL LIABILITIES 1,434,024.26 233,695.61

FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE BEGINNING OF FISCAL YEAR 2,015,396.53 943,308.23 Net Surplus (Deficit) for Fiscal Year Parish 78,913.45 1,470,416.37 School - 444,573.12 - 398,329.07 Net surplus (deficit) for fiscal year - 365,659.67 1,072,087.30 FUND BALANCE, END OF FISCAL YEAR 1,649,736.86 2,015,395.53

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ 3,083,761.12 $ 2,249,091.14

ST. FRANCIS de SALES STATEMENT OF CHURCH REVENUE AND EXPENSES Budget Year Ending Actual Year Ended June 30, June 30, 2019 2018 2020 CHURCH REVENUE

Offertory Collections $ 1,063,452.83 $ 994,365.60 $ 1,093,460.00 Other Collections 23,003.00 19,706.47 20,000.00 Donations & Bequests 161,019.60 1,423,388.21 955,226.00 Net Fund Raising Income 21,704.57 - 8,723.62 - 34,000.00 Income from Parish Programs 28,204.29 22,822.05 30,000.00 Investment & Endowment Income (Loss) 116,789.99 43,073.33 70,600.00 Miscellaneous Receipts 19,105.15 13,453.28 7,500.00 Designated Collections 14,974.73 23,959.78 15,000.00 Extraordinary Receipts - 15,299.83 -

TOTAL CHURCH REVENUE 1,448,254.16 2,547,344.93 2,157,786.00


Salaries, Benefits, & Taxes 572,986.17 523,302.82 565,447.00 Rectory & Household 20,187.11 20,798.91 21,000.00 Parish Office & Administration 52,476.27 47,080.22 54,300.00 Altar, Sanctuary, & Liturgical 47,726.00 52,026.02 50,000.00 Community Outreach 28,362.58 31,541.53 30,000.00 Religious Education 41,640.81 22,211.18 41,900.00 Stewardship & Evangelization 16,509.55 15,790.89 6,800.00 Utilities 35,904.97 34,444.96 36,000.00 Insurance & Property Taxes 17,407.20 13,123.02 15,241.00 Maintenance, Repairs, & Plant Operating 62,629.40 72,307.33 63,400.00 Diocesan Assessments 112,302.00 107,484.00 120,000.00 Designated Collections 15,001.58 23,959.78 15,000.00 Capital Expenditures 346,207.07 112,857.90 1,715,000.00

TOTAL CHURCH EXPENSES 1,369,340.71 1,076,928.56 2,734,088.00

NET CHURCH SURPLUS (DEFICIT) $ 78,913.45 $ 1,470,416.37 $ (576,302.00)

STATEMENT OF SCHOOL REVENUE AND EXPENSES Budget Year Ending Actual Year Ended June 30, June 30, 2019 2018 2020 SCHOOL REVENUE

Tuition & Fees (Includes Tuition Assistance) $ 1,104,894.43 $ 1,063,037.77 $ 1,183,137.00 Government Assistance 125,642.50 119,797.19 128,000.00 Donations & Bequests 32,459.25 46,527.14 18,000.00 Net Fund Raising 70,839.98 87,428.64 72,000.00 Net Pre-School & Latchkey 34,761.33 - 21,990.85 24,188.00 Other Student Receipts 78,779.19 72,438.19 82,000.00

TOTAL SCHOOL REVENUE 1,447,376.68 1,367,238.08 1,507,325.00

SCHOOL EXPENSES Salaries, Benefits & Taxes 1,302,169.49 1,250,358.75 1,309,134.00 Instructional 282,742.43 265,132.31 297,857.00 Library & Technology 6,506.28 3,989.05 6,550.00 Utilities 38,082.69 37,364.65 39,000.00 Maintenance, Repairs & Plant Operating 37,025.72 53,614.42 38,100.00 Insurance & Property Taxes 18,505.00 14,798.29 17,100.00 Student Services 77,878.44 65,990.62 74,000.00 Administration 28,374.50 31,374.19 29,800.00 Capital Expenditures 100,665.25 42,943.87 45,000.00

TOTAL SCHOOL EXPENSES 1,891,949.80 1,765,566.15 1,856,541.00

NET SCHOOL SURPLUS (DEFICIT) $ (444,573.12) $ (398,328.07) $ (349,216.00)



SACRED STEPS TO PEACE CATHOLIC DIVORCE RECOVERY Attempting to pick up the pieces of one’s life after a divorce is complex, confusing and often heartbreaking. The Church wants to help in the process of healing. The Sacred Steps gathers twice a month with focus on healing and growth through education and prayer. The program features a two- part series of a general meeting that has a focus on prayer, scripture, and education on how to heal from your divorce. The second part is the support group where you implement your own story. The program is led by trained clergy and pastoral ministry staff. The Sacred Steps to Peace Catholic Divorce Recovery will begin in the Wayne, Ashland, Medina and Summit Counties on October 11, 2019 at Sacred Heart Parish in Wadsworth at 7:00 p.m. The Sacred Steps Support LOYOLA RETREAT HOUSE Group, working the steps, will meet on November REVERSE RAFFLE AND AUCTION 6, 2019 at Sacred Heart Parish in Wadsworth at 7:00 The annual Reverse Raffle and Auction will be held on p.m. Register online at the Diocese of Cleveland, Wednesday, October 9th at 6:30 p.m. at Guy’s Party Center Marriage and Family website, and click on the WAM/ in Akron. This is a great opportunity to win $3,000.00 and Summit Counties Sacred Steps. You may also contact support the Loyola Retreat House. For more information or to Colene Conley at 330-483-3808. register to attend, go to or call 330-896-2315.

LOVE AND LOGIC PETER’S SHADOW The Love and Logic parenting course is coming to St. HEALING PRAYER MINISTRY Sebastian. While no parenting course has everything Will host an Unbound, day of prayer and reflection, you need to raise happy and responsible children, Love on Saturday, October 12th at Immaculate Heart of and Logic parenting presents a pattern to help children Mary Parish Community Center, 1905 Portage Trail, understand the consequences of their actions. All are Cuyahoga Falls. The conference will begin at 8:00 welcome! The West Side Catholic Couples will be a.m. and conclude at 8:30 p.m. with breaks for lunch, organizing the program for six weeks starting Tuesday, dinner and Mass. Unbound is a simple, gentle and October 1st through November 5th at St. Sebastian Forest powerful prayer ministry where you will learn how to Lodge, 260 Greenwood Avenue, Akron, Ohio 44313. If you claim the freedom that Jesus Christ promised! Cost is would like to register or if you have questions, please call $35.00 per person and includes lunch and materials. Dave or Kathleen Myers at 330-603-8236 or kapmyers@ Register online at For more There is a $10.00 registration fee. information, please call 234-206-0263.

THE AMAZING LIFE OF RITA RIZZO A NEW FORMED IS HERE! The Early Years of Mother Mary Angelica Did you know there is a digital platform home to St. Center, Inc., sponsor of The Mother Angelica over 4,000 of the best Catholic videos, talks, and Tour, published its second book on the early ebooks? After nearly four years and almost a million life of Rita Rizzo who eventually became users, we are proud to release the newest version of Mother Angelica. Tour director Barbara Gaskell wrote the book and our very FORMED packed with updates and improvements to own Peggy Dolensky hand-sketched the make growing in faith easier than ever. Our Diocese illustrations. This eye-opening biography has provided each of us with a free subscription to can be found on our book rack in the Go to and follow narthex or is available on the registration instructions. Enjoy! or for $9.95. NO UNDERLINES ON WEBSITES/EMAILS PROOF GRAPHICS CAREFULLY


Parish School Entrance Project

A brick pathway has been created to lead to the school entrance. You can still purchase a brick and/or a paver and become part of St. Francis de Sales school history forever while honoring or memorializing a loved one or by creating a family legacy.

We welcome your support of this exciting project through the purchase of an engraved brick or paver!

Purchaser's Name:______Address:______Phone:______E-mail:______

Kindly send or deliver this form with payment (Checks made payable to St. Francis de Sales) to the Rectory at: St. Francis de Sales Parish, 4019 Manchester Rd., Akron, OH 44319 You may also return this form and payment in the collection basket marked "Brick/Paver Order."

□ 4"x8" $125 COMMON AREA RED BRICK Two (2) lines of text; 20 characters per line.

□ 4"x8" $300 MAIN AREA TAN BRICK Three (3) lines of text; 20 characters per line.

Questions? Please contact the Rectory at 330-644-2225.



THANK YOU FOR CONTINUING TO SUPPORT OUR SCRIP GIFT CARD PROGRAM Acme Bonefish Grill CVS HomeGoods Marshall’s Red Robin Taco Bell Aeropostale Bravo Dick's Honeymoon Grille Menard’s Red Lobster Target Amazon Burger King Dillards iTunes Menches Brothers Regal Cinema TGI Fridays Applebee's Carrabba's Grill Dunkin Donuts JCPenney 's Sam's Club Tinseltown Theaters Arby's Chili's Bar & Grill GameStop Jo-Ann Fabrics Old Navy Sheetz TJ Maxx Banana Republic Chipotle The Gap Kohl's Olive Garden Speedway Walgreen's Bath & Body Works Cinemark GFS Longhorn Steakhouse Outback Steakhouse Starbucks Walmart Bed Bath & Beyond Circle K Giant Eagle Lowe's Panera Steak 'n’ Shake Wendy's Best Buy Claire's Handel’s Ice Cream Macy's Pier 1 Imports Subway Bob Evans Cracker Barrel Home Depot Marathon Pizza Hut Sunoco

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“It Takes a Community to Make a Home” Erin English Beitko ® BRIER CREEK INDEPENDENT LIVING GREENVIEW ASSISTED LIVING Realtor 4020 Brier Creek Parkway, City of Green 4000 Massillon Road, City of Green Green/Uniontown, Ohio 44685 Green/Uniontown, Ohio 44685 330-896-0400 330-899-0404, Fax 330.899.0450 330-310-6061

The Source for BE All Your Abrasive PRO-LIFE Blasting Needs David, Eric & Katie Anthony $3 OFF ANY WASH OR $3 OFF ANY MONTHLY PLAN Family Owned and Operated PLANS START AT $15.95 +TAX PER MONTH (330) Please Patronize Our Advertisers … To Place An Ad, Call 1-800-292-9020 330-773-7656 606-1126 144 W. Wilbeth Ave., Akron Automobile Collision Repair SCAN AT PAY STATION FOR DISCOUNT We build value back into our customer’s vehicles Your Locally Owned and Operated Shops 878 W. Bowery St., Akron 3385 Manchester Road, Akron (Next to Coventry HS) Parishioners Tim & Teresa Rickus QUALITY BODY SHOP Touchless Wash Process • Hand Towel Dry Apply Store #37189 David W. Vincent – 330-376-5121 Quality is the key to customer satisfaction Barnett Spouting, Inc. Coventry’s Favorite CATHOLIC CEMETERIES 5”, 6”, & 7” K-Style Gutter ASSOCIATION 7” Commercial Apron Gutter – K-Style Spot for Family Dining Water Master Gutter Cover 330-896-4949 204 E. Ralston, Akron Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Specials 216-641-7575 330-882-0853 • 330-644-0853 The Menches Family 3333 Manchester Rd. 330-644-7933 invite you to our full service Family Owned and Operated Handy Jim’s Restaurant and Menu. Thanks for your support. INTERNET BUSINESS STRATEGY AND DEVELOPMENT Drive-Thru | 330-417-0991 Shops of Green 1174 Portage Lakes Dr. John Menches Learn how we create competitive advantage from Internet Technology Call today! 1199 Wooster Road W, Barberton, OH 330-644-9808 330-896-2288 Chris Silva Akron’s Best Since 1963 Dwane Hostetler 330-644-5568 Steve Best [email protected] Heating and Air Conditioning Where Quality & Service Come First 330-923-1333 330-825-8700 Call for a FREE estimate today! 8 W. Turkeyfoot Lake Rd. Chris Silva Tom Wackerly: 330-697-5561 Save $25 Bacher Funeral Home Extraordinary People. Work Hard, Play Hard WITH THIS AD “Service is our Privilege” Exceptional Care. TOOL AND PARTY RENTAL B&B & Sons Present at time of Purchase. 3337 Fortuna Drive, Akron Call 330-644-8842 not valid with other offers Heating & 330-644-0024 330-645-0555 STF OH Lic #14610 14 E. Caston Road Cooling Eric Bacher & Jeff Reitman See Rick Saunders for all of your tool and party needs. 330-882-5100 Akron/Canton’s GEHM & SONS Leading Golf Shop SUMMA PHYSICIANS INC. DRY ICE for over 40 years! For Caregiver Services INTERNAL MEDICINE CO2, Helium, Nitrogen & Propane Joe Durkin, Parishioner 234.815.0140 Franciska Kiraly, M.D. 28 Conservatory Drive, Suite C Opportunities 825 S. Arlington 40 W. Turkeyfoot Lake Rd. Barberton, OH 44203 330-644-1331 234.815.0140 330-745-8802 330-773-6176 Same-day/next day appointments are available NORTH HILL GLASS A UNITED CHURCH HOMES & MIRROR CO. COMMUNITY Now selling shower Doors Independent, Assisted Living, Rehab Granite Monuments – Bronze Markers GLASS FOR ALL PURPOSES 12200 Strausser Street, NW, Canal Fulton Family Owned and Operated - Serving the area for over 25 Years 560 N. Main St., Akron Call Us or Go Online for a FREE Estimate! 1610 W. Turkeyfoot Lake Road (Rt. 619) (330) 848-3474 ®

8-27-19 ctm 940620 330-753-2210 330-535-1558 330-854-4177 or 800-992-4177 Pierre’s Brooklyn 3577 S. Arlington Road,Akron3577 S.Arlington Bob + Nancy Wilson, Parishioners� Bob + Nancy 68 W. StateSt.,Barberton� WE DELIVERTILL8P Bob &NancyWilson, Ranger •PontoonsStarcraftStarweld 330-253-8800 330-867-3010 EVENT CATERING Brian Longworth Serving familiesfor66years 330.745.9999 K Mercury • Yamaha &EvinrudeOutboards 68 W State St. Barberton� StateW St.68 Chevrolet 330-673-7600 •Fax:330-673-7617 Open 6daysaweek oehler 330-745-7900 964 KenmoreBlvd. Parishioners We Service All MajorBrands Pizza &Deli 2039 Tallmadge Road,Brimfield Kia Parishioner CHIROPRACTIC HEALTHFIRST 3522 ManchesterRd.,Ste.D, Akron Vic &Tom Vatalaro 330.253.6126 Director Dean E.Biscan l Therapeutic Massage Therapy 330-896-8800 By appointmentonly CLINIC egal 500 PortageLakesDr., Ste.C, Akron 330-644-3572 Ron Koehler Mary JoFox-Peck,LMT Attorney atLaw S 330-253-6137 330-645-9500 erviceS Auto Outlet 330-753-7718

Buick 330-745-8324 330-283-7367 Spencer Tax Service Massage Therapy Jessica Z.Quentin,RN,LMT • Snow &IceManagement • Irrigation Companies 617 Wooster RoadW., Barberton 330-745-4778 • Estates • Trusts • Wills [email protected] $25 OFFWITH AD! 330-413-2295 Car Washes ForLife Upfront VIP Pricing Guaranteed Trade Warranty Forever Call oremailfor Experience the Parishioner in Appraisal Free Carfax availability Family Owned&OperatedSince1973 Parishioners forover50Years Christopher J.Maczko Insurance Company Tim &JeannetteEberhardt 3271 BarberRoad,Barberton New York Life [email protected] 330-620-0908 330-745-6063 Take Comfort in Tradition Agent Fully Insured•10 Yr LaborGuarantee 2483 S.MainStreet• Akron OH Lic.#19153 F 330-825-5191 P 330-706-3032 90 16thSt.SW,SuiteB,Barberton Apartment Manager Rick Moye Residential propertiesthroughoutSummitCounty North HillRentals Residential Roofing•BBBMember Aaron Neugebauer, Parishioner Insurance &FinancialServices Representative Thomas Pitsch 660 Allenford Street, Akron, OH

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