The La Jolla Shores Coastal Watershed Management Plan
TThhee LLaa JJoollllaa SShhoorreess CCooaassttaall WWaatteerrsshheedd MMaannaaggeemmeenntt PPllaann FFiinnaall RReeppoorrtt Submitted For: Proposition 50, Chapter 8 IRWM Planning Grant Integrated Coastal Watershed Management Plan January 31, 2008 The La Jolla Shores Coastal Watershed Management Plan Final Report Submitted by Scripps Institution of Oceanography University of California, San Diego City of San Diego San Diego Coastkeeper Report Submitted for Proposition 50, Chapter 8 IRWM Planning Grant Integrated Coastal Watershed Management Plan January 31, 2008 January 31, 2008 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Funding for the project has been provided in part through a grant from the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) pursuant to the Water Security, Clean Drinking Water, Coastal and Beach Protection Act of 2002 (Agreement No. 05-231-550-0). This Plan was prepared by the La Jolla Shores Watershed Management Group, consisting of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, the University of California, San Diego, the City of San Diego, and the San Diego Coastkeeper. The following individuals made major contributions to this Plan: Scripps Institution of Oceanography Tom Collins Lisa Hazard Dr. Bill Hodgkiss Suzanne Lawrence Dr. Ed Parnell Dr. Linda Rasmussen Dr. Eric Terrill Sandra Varond Nancy Wilson University of California, San Diego Anka Fabian Julie Hampel Kimberly O’Connell City of San Diego Ruth Kolb Beverly Morisako Jennifer Nichols-Kearns Chris Zirkle San Diego Coastkeeper Kate Hanley Bruce Reznik Meagan Wylie Consultant Team Meleah Ashford, Ashford Engineering, Inc. Mike Cairns, CValdo Bryn Evans, Weston Solutions Dr. David Pohl, Weston Solutions Nathan Schaedler, MACTEC Rolf Schottle, AMEC Richard Rusnak, MACTEC The La Jolla Shores Watershed Management Group would like to extend a special thanks to the SWRCB Grant Manager Jeff Albrecht.
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