Partition of Kosovo Undermines Multiethnic Concept
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No.143 SEP 2018 PG 1 OF 9 Helsinki HELSINKI COMMITTEE bulletin FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN SERBIA address: Kneza Miloša 4, Belgrade, Serbia tel/fax. +381-11-3349-170; 3349-167; bulletin e-mail: office@helsinki NO.143 // SEPTEMBER 2018 HELSINKI COMMITTEE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN SERBIA FOR HUMAN RIGHTS HELSINKI COMMITTEE Helsinki A. Vučić i H. Tači Foto: FoNet/AP PARTITION OF KOSOVO UNDERMINES MULTIETHNIC CONCEPT For 20 years now, the Kosovo question has been values” to be acknowledged such as the rule mirroring all the dilemmas and uncertainties of law, human rights, tolerance, pluralism and that challenge the 21st century. With NATO in- the like. In the meantime, new trends have be- tervention (1999) and the ensuing Agreement gun undermining these very values that make of Kumanovo the Western community actually the groundworks of the liberal system and its set the course of Kosovo’s independence. The principles. Ahtisaari Plan and Belgrade-Pristina dialogue are parts of the package preparing Kosovo (and As it turned out, Kosovo’s and Serbia’s negotia- other countries in the region) for the mem- tors have found some other channels – outsi- bership of the EU and NATO. Moving at a snail’s de the Brussels Dialogue meant to be crowned pace the process itself faces strong resistance of with a normalization agreement – in centers of the region itself, mostly when it comes to “new international power through which to discuss No.143 under-the-table modes for a final, comprehensi- to Serbia and UN High Representative in Bosnia- SEP 2018 ve, political agreement. This opened the door to Herzegovina was among participants. For some PG 2 OF 9 new proposals for regional partitioning, which is time now, he has been open about the two pre- a recipe for geopolitical instability, as Carl Buildt sidents discussing territorial exchanges against put it an article published in the Washington the backdrop of a new situation in Brussels in Post. Quite discretely, Serbian and Albanian lea- 2018. He reminds of the only remaining histo- bulletin ders are examining the possibility of reconcilia- rical conflict in the region, the one between the tion through territorial exchanges. The very idea Serbs and Albanians, saying that he sees a new – reconciliation through territorial exchanges chance now – probably the last one in many HELSINKI COMMITTEE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN SERBIA FOR HUMAN RIGHTS HELSINKI COMMITTEE Helsinki – that has been circulating in Belgrade for ye- years to come. “I am fully aware of potential ars, attracted the attention of leading Albanian flaws of ‘an administrative correction’ of borders circles not long ago.1 if not realized carefully and in full cooperati- on with the UN, EU and OSCE,” he says. “In the In the past couple of months all the promoters light of the upcoming referendum in Macedo- of this idea, from US ex-Ambassador in Belgra- nia and a possibly soon decision to be made in de Manter’s East-West Institute (New York),2 Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, I suggest prepara- Alex Soros Jr.3 and Wolphgang Petrich to Ivan tion of a binding document that would put an Vejvoda,4 Jelena Milic5 of CEAS and many others end to all future border disputes, including the showed their face. “Correction of borders” is issue of Bosnia. As we know, there still are some frequently mentioned as a solution to the pro- lesser disputes between Yugoslavia’s successor blem. However, no one has articulated an actual states that have to be settled6…Should it take scenario so far. place (decision) it would be about lesser cosme- tic changes that would affect few villages around Austria, supportive of President Vučić’s “ende- Bujanovac and Kosovska Mitrovica. It would not avor” to solve the Kosovo question for some change the ethnic structure of any state and, time now, placed the issue of “territorial exchan- therefore, not produce any side effect. This is all ges” between Serbia and Kosovo at the agenda about a ‘new realism’ of the Balkans.”7 to the Albach Forum. Advocate for partitioning Wolfgang Petrich, former Austrian Ambassador Statement by John Bolton, President Trump’s national security adviser, opened the floodgates to speculations of all sorts. Namely, Bolton said 1 that the US would not get involved in the debate podele-kosova-evo-i-zasto/5060es8. 2 Time for Action in the Western Balkans, https://www. about territorial exchanges between Serbia and Kosovo, and that Washington did not rule out Western-Balkans.pdf. the possibility of territorial corrections. There 3 as some new signals that the two governments macedonia-rename-greece.html. might want to negotiate it quite silently, he 4 Ivan Vejvoda: “Territorial exchange with Kosovo is not emphasized, adding that if the two sides co- to be excluded,” Novi Magazin, November 21, 2017. “I uld reach an agreement about it, the Ameri- would say the two countries could make it even now regardless of what other states say about it. But such can policy would be not to rule out territorial agreement has to be made under the auspices of the international community and the UN, EU, US, Russia 6 https: and permanent members of the UNSC.” petric-za-blic-ja-sam-za-podelu-kosova- 5 Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies (CEAS) at https://www. evo-i-zasto/flygmvs // volfgang-petric-podrzavam-organizovanje-dejtona-dva/. Zapadne_Strane.pdf. 7 No.143 corrections. “Indeed, it’s not on us to decide compromises,” but there still was the option of SEP 2018 this.”8 demarcation agreeable to both sides. PG 3 OF 9 A statement by US Ambassador in Pristina Greg It turned out, however, that the two sides inter- Delawie not excluding the possibility of Kosovo’s preted “border corrections” quite differently: partitioning explicitly was also much speculated among other things, due to opposition both of bulletin about. Though he twitted soon that fake news them faced in their countries. It also turned out should be ignored, to some his statement remai- that corrections – in public discourse at least – ned a proof that “something’s cooking.”9 also implied territorial exchange: Kosovo North HELSINKI COMMITTEE FOR HUMAN RIGHTS IN SERBIA FOR HUMAN RIGHTS HELSINKI COMMITTEE Helsinki for the Preshevo Valley.11 Neither was Ron Johnson, the republican sena- tor and chairman of the Foreign Policy Com- For the first time Vučić went public with the idea mittee, precise about it during his visit to Belgra- about “demarcation between the Serbs and Al- de. He said he believed presidents of Kosovo banians in Kosovo North,” which Belgrade has and Serbia had meant it indeed when referring actually always advocated. “Owning a territory, to a way towards a solution. The US would not one knows not who treats it in what way and to be imposing anything on anyone, a solution whom it belongs is always a source of potenti- should be a product of dialogue, he said, adding al conflict…Getting the most of what is possible he believed that people were concerned – and and losing the least of what we have to, that’s their concern was quite legitimate in the light of what we are struggling for – against all odds a domino effect, but” we shall leave a solution – when it comes to Kosovo and Metohija,” he on Serbia’s and Kosovo’s leaderships, then con- said.12 sider their solution and have a say about it, and our possible concerns about it.” 10 This is for sure neither his nor his predecessor Boris Tadić’s personal view but a part of the state strategy the Serbian Academy of Arts and Scien- ces (SANU) and writer Dobrica Ćosić formulated VUČIĆ AND THACHI: FIRST long ago.13 Ivica Dačić, the foreign minister, kept COME, FIRST SERVED 11 https// The hints about the US turning more flexible granice-medjunarodna-zajednica/ Time 1. about cutting the Kosovo knot made presidents 12 Vučić and Thachi refer to a future agreement podela-kosova/29405225.html. almost as one: over the past months both have 13 Dobrica Ćosić’s interview with Večernje Novosti, March been announcing a final stage of their dialo- 20, 2008. “In brief, I have always seen a compromise gue, an extremely burdensome one, as they put of historical and ethnic rights as the settlement of it, saying that an agreement with “the other the centuries’ long antagonism between Serbs and side” was almost impossible, calls for “painful Albanians in Kosovo and Metohija. Such compromise implies the right of Albanians in territories where they are in majority right to unification with their mother 8 country Albania. Territorial division of Kosovo and iskljucuju-teritorijalne-korekcije-izmedju-Srbije-i- Metohija, and a demarcation line between Serbs and Kosova.html. Albanians has to be implemented with no ambition 9 for ethnically pure territories and include reciprocal podela-kosova/29405225.html. and guaranteed forms of national and civil rights for 10 minorities. Kosovo in Serbia – biologically waning and dzonson/29482298.html. in demographic depression – would turn Serbia into a No.143 saying that partition was the best solution and Vučić because – as he like to say – “special re- SEP 2018 that the proposal for demarcation mirrored the lationship” he has established with her.