n e w s Issue No. 67 An Occasional Newsletter from Parry People Movers Ltd January 2014 (PPML) and Pre-Metro Operations (PMOL)
[email protected] PHILIPPINES VILLAGE CELEBRATES ‘MIRACLE’ All credit is due to a young American STORM aid worker, Elsa Thomasma, who had become convinced of the concept of SHELTER building a storm shelter on high columns so that water-driven debris On November 8th could pass below the living 2013 Typhoon accommodation. With amazing Haiyan made persuasion and foresight, Elsa raised landfall across the $40,000 in order to build the central areas of the Cangumbang Village storm shelter, Philippines which was completed in early 2013, 6 archipelago striking Ocean surge coupled with typhoon winds destroyed everything months before the storm. the east coast with except for the storm shelter wind speeds On Nov 8th, when news reached exceeding 200 mph. The typhoon caused system, that is now being used in three Cangumbang that outlying islands had a powerful ocean surge which swept flood prone areas of Africa. been experiencing wind of extraordinary away hundreds of thousands of flimsily ferocity and sea levels had begun rising, constructed dwellings and shops, and In November, viewers of ITV main the well-drilled community ran for the also more solidly built schools evening news saw terrible scenes of High and Dry style structure in order to constructed on the flat land just above destruction from the Philippines around take shelter from the storm. As was sea level. The death toll is currently the city of Tacloban where there had intended, the inundation carrying estimated at over 6,000 with unrecorded been a complete lack of preparedness for floating debris passed beneath the numbers of serious injuries probably in the storm.