The Digital Transformation of Manufacturing Industries: Revolution or Evolution?

November 22–24, 2016 at the Residenz and the International Congress Center in Munich,

In recent years, the “Platform Industrie 4.0” has gained recognition beyond the borders of Germany. Similar initiatives can be found in other countries; they may have different names and different foci but the conception and goals are comparable. In the USA, for example, the Industrial Internet Consortium was established under the leadership of key companies such as General Electric, IBM, and Cisco to advance the digitalization in manufacturing industries from a data-driven perspective. In , the digitalization of industry is being discussed under the label “Made in China 2025.” Similar initiatives can also be found in Japan (Industrial Value Chain Initiative) and in France (L'usine Digitale). acatech and the MÜNCHNER KREIS will hold a two-day conference in Munich in November 2016 with the goal of bringing together the perspectives and concepts of selected industrial countries. The conference will give participants the opportunity to intensively discuss current developments in the digitalization of manufacturing industries and ideas for how different countries can better work together in this area. Besides comparing technological initiatives, special focus will be placed on revolutionary business plans. In addition, there will be a chance to identify the similarities and future challenges in areas such as security and interfaces.

We will begin with a pre-conference event on the evening of November 22nd at the Residenz in central Munich with a presentation by Prof. Henning Kagermann of the results of an international study carried out by acatech in 2015 and 2016. The study will be discussed by an international panel of manufacturing experts.

The conference will be held on November 23rd and 24th in the International Congress Center in Munich (Riem). Ms. Ilse Aigner, Minister of Economic Affairs, Media, Energy and Technology for the State of Bavaria, will open the conference. Leaders from German and international companies (e.g. Atos, , Fujitsu, genua, , SAP, Siemens, thyssenkrupp, TRUMPF) will present and discuss business models, technologies, and key challenges.

The invitation and program will be sent out during July 2016 so please save the date now. The conference fee for the entire program is 300,00 €.

Should you have any questions concerning the conference, please contact us at: [email protected]

Sincerely yours

Prof. Dr. Michael Dowling Prof. Dr. Henning Kagermann Chairman, MÜNCHNER KREIS e.V. President, acatech