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Glial Development and Function in Zebrafish

David A. Lyons1 and William S. Talbot2

1Centre for Neuroregeneration, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH16 4SB, United Kingdom 2Department of Developmental Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305 Correspondence: [email protected]

The zebrafish is a premier vertebrate model system that offers many experimental advantages for in vivo imaging and genetic studies. This review provides an overview of glial cell types in the central and peripheral of zebrafish. We highlight some recent work that exploited the strengths of the zebrafish system to increase the understanding of the role of Gpr126 in myelination and illuminate the mechanisms controlling oligoden- drocyte development and myelination. We also summarize similarities and differences between zebrafish radial and mammalian and consider the possibility that their distinct characteristics may represent extremes in a continuum of cell identity. Finally, we focus on the emergence of zebrafish as a model for elucidating the development and function of microglia. These recent studies have highlighted the power of the zebrafish system for analyzing important aspects of glial development and function.

ollowing the pioneering work of George Ho and Kane 1990; Hatta et al. 1991; Grunwald FStreisinger in the early 1980s, the zebrafish and Eisen 2002), attracting many researchers has emerged as a premier vertebrate model sys- from other fields to the zebrafish system. Follow- tem (Streisingeret al. 1981). A keystrength of the ing the explosion of interest in the zebrafish in zebrafish is that the embryos and early larvae are the 1990s, advances in many areas have added to transparent, allowing exquisite cellular analysis the strengths of the system, including large-scale of many dynamic processes, including cell mi- screens that identified thousands of new muta- gration, axonal pathfinding, and myelination, tions (Driever et al. 1996; Haffter et al. 1996), among many others (e.g., Gilmour et al. 2002; rapid transgenesis (Kawakami et al. 2004), new Lyons et al. 2005; Czopka et al. 2013). The zebra- methods for imaging and tracking all cells dur- fish also has many advantages for large-scale ge- ing development (Huisken 2012), genetic map- netic studies, including relatively small size and ping and sequencing to identify genes and mu- rapid development, high fecundity, and the abil- tated loci (Postlethwait et al. 1994; Howe et al. ity to manipulate the ploidy of gametes and ear- 2013), optogenetic methods to control neural ly embryos (Kimmel 1989). Through the 1980s activity (Portugues et al. 2013), the advent of and early 1990s, insightful studies of several in- targeted nucleases to create mutations in genes teresting mutations elegantly exploited these ex- of interest (Huang et al. 2011; Sander et al. 2011; perimental advantages (e.g., Kimmel et al. 1989; Bedell et al. 2012; Chang et al. 2013; Hwang et al.

Editors: Ben A. Barres, Marc R. Freeman, and Beth Stevens Additional Perspectives on Glia available at Copyright # 2014 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved Advanced Online Article. Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a020586

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D.A. Lyons and W.S. Talbot

2013), and small molecule screening approaches including axonal neuregulin signals and their to isolate compounds with novel biological ac- glial ErbB receptors and key Schwann cell tran- tivities in vivo (Peterson and Fishman 2011). scription factors including Sox10, Oct6, Brn2, Many fundamental similarities in physiolo- and Krox20 (Jessen and Mirsky 2005; Nave and gy and body plan unite the zebrafish and other Salzer 2006; Pereira et al. 2012). Analysis of ex- vertebrates (Kimmel 1989). In addition, analy- pression patterns, cell behavior, and mutant sis of genes and genomes has revealed that se- phenotypes in zebrafish indicates that the func- quence, expression, and function of many genes tions of these genes are broadly conserved are conserved among zebrafish and other ver- among vertebrates (e.g., Kegel et al. 2014; re- tebrates (Postlethwait and Talbot 1997; Howe viewed in Raphael and Talbot 2011). et al. 2013). Thus, insights from studies in ze- A number of approaches have identified ze- brafish will apply broadly to other vertebrates, brafish mutations disrupting Schwann cell de- including humans. On the other hand, there velopment and differentiation, including dif- are important genetic, genomic, and physiolog- ferent genetic screens, as well as reverse genetic ical differences among vertebrates. It is, there- approaches to explore candidate genes, such as fore, important to keep possible differences in krox20 (Dutton et al. 2001; Grant et al. 2005; mind and to recognize that analyzing the diver- Pogoda et al. 2006; Monk et al. 2009). In addi- sity among different species mayenhance overall tion to showing that many genes previously understanding of important processes. For ex- known to have important roles in mammals ample, zebrafish and other teleosts have a much have conserved functions in zebrafish, these more extensive regenerative ability than mam- studies highlighted some new functions of these mals, so that studies of fin, heart, and spinal genes, including, for example, the role of axonal cord in zebrafish may suggest ave- Nrg1-TypeIII as a guidance cue that directs the nues toward new therapeutic approaches in migration of Schwann cells in growing humans (Gemberling et al. 2013; Becker and (Lyons et al. 2005; Perlin et al. 2011). Moreover, Becker 2014). analysis of mutants lacking Schwann cells has In this review, we provide an overview of defined some interesting functions of the cells different types of glia in the zebrafish, with a themselves, including controlling the timing focus on some recent studies that highlight the of sensory organ differentiation, preventing ac- power of the zebrafish system to analyze differ- cumulation of voltage-gated sodium channels ent aspects of glial development and function. at inappropriate locations along , and re- modeling the basement membrane of the skin (Grant et al. 2005; Voaset al. 2009; Raphael et al. SCHWANN CELLS 2010; Lush and Piotrowski 2014). These topics Schwann cells are the myelinating glia of periph- have been reviewed extensively (Raphael and eral nerves (Jessen and Mirsky 2005). Schwann Talbot 2011; Pereira et al. 2012; Glenn and Tal- cell precursors, which derive from the neural bot 2013b). Therefore, we focus here on recent crest, migrate with growing axons as nerves are characterization of Gpr126, a gene with essen- developing. After migration is complete, the tial function in myelination that was defined process of radial sorting begins, during which initially using genetic approaches in zebrafish. Schwann cells associate with individual axons in the bundle of the developing (Jessen Gpr126 and Mirsky 2005; Raphael and Talbot 2011). A promyelinating Schwann cell associates with a A screen for disruptions in myelinating glia large-diameter and begins the process of identified a number of mutants lacking mye- myelination, which culminates with the forma- lin basic protein (mbp) expression in Schwann tion of a compact sheath. Many studies cells (Pogoda et al. 2006). Initial phenotypic in mammals have defined important regulators studies showed that most of these mutations of Schwann cell development and myelination, disrupted early stages of Schwann cell develop-

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Glial Cell Development and Function in Zebrafish

ment. In contrast, two allelic mutations had Ultrastructural analysis of the mutants con- normal expression of early Schwann cell and firmed that Schwann cells are present and asso- axonal markers, despite the absence of mbp ex- ciated with apparently normal axons in gpr126 pression, suggesting that the mutated gene was mutants (Fig. 1A). The Schwann cells in gpr126 essential for the initiation of myelination (Po- mutants did not progress beyond the promyeli- goda et al. 2006). nating stage (Fig. 1A), indicating that Gpr126 Genetic mapping and positional cloning is essential to initiate myelination (Monk et al. showed that these mutations disrupt Gpr126, 2009). Analysis of a Gpr126 knockout mouse an orphan member of the adhesion class of G (Fig. 1A) showed that its function in the initia- protein–coupled receptors (Monk et al. 2009). tion of myelination is conserved in mammals

Control gpr126 mutant A B Gpr126

Gs Zebrafish Adcy6



Mouse CREB



st49 Tyr > Stop

Figure 1. The role of Gpr126in Schwann cellmyelination.(A)In zebrafish andmouse, gpr126 mutants lack myelin in peripheral nerves. In control animals, compact myelin is evident in transmission electron micrographs of the posterior lateral line nerve from adult zebrafish (top) and the sciatic nerve of P12 mouse (bottom). In corre- sponding images from gpr126 mutants, Schwann cells associatewith axons but do not form myelin. Scale bars, 0.5 mm. (From Monk et al. 2009; reprinted, with permission, from The American Association for the Advancement of Science 2009; and from Monk et al. 2011 and Monk and Talbot,unpubl.; reprinted, with permission, from the author.)(B)Simplified modelof some components ofGpr126 signaling pathway,beginning withactivationof the receptor by ligands that may include type IV collagen (Paavola et al. 2014) and others, and culminating with the transcriptional activation of the oct6 gene. For more details, see text and recent reviews (Pereira et al. 2012; Glenn and Talbot 2013b). (C) Schematic representation of domains in Gpr126, showing the signal peptide (SP), CUB domain, pentraxin domain (PTX), hormone binding domain (HBD), GAIN domain with the amino acids (His- Leu-Thr) of the catalytic triad mediating autoproteolyic cleavage (black line), and the seven transmembrane helices (1–7). In addition to its function in activating heterotrimeric G proteins, Patra et al. (2013) have proposed that the region of the protein amino terminal to the GAIN cleavage site and nonsense lesion in the st49 zebrafish mutant allele has a distinct function that is required for heart trabeculation in zebrafish.

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(Monk et al. 2011), highlighting the power of strong candidate (Mandemakers et al. 2000; Ja- genetic screens in zebrafish to identify new galur et al. 2011; Glenn and Talbot 2013b). This regulators of mammalian myelination. Cellu- transcription factor is a well-known PKA sub- lar transplantation studies in zebrafish further strate, and it has been implicated in transcrip- showed that wild-type Schwann cells were able tional activation of oct6 (Mandemakers et al. to differentiate and express Mbp when associat- 2000). Elevation of cAMPactivates Oct6 expres- ed with mutant axons, indicating that Gpr126 sion in cultured Schwann cells (Lemke and Chao acts autonomously in Schwann cells (Monk et 1988; Monuki et al. 1989), and Oct6 and its close al. 2009). Similarly, analysis of a conditional relative Brn2 are essential for Schwann cells to mouse mutation showed that loss of Gpr126 express krox20 and initiate myelination at the function in Schwann cells caused defects in the appropriate stage (Jaegle et al. 2003). The ab- radial sorting process , which pairs promyelinat- sence of oct6 expression in Schwann cells is the ing Schwann cells with individual axonal seg- earliest phenotype evident in nerves of gpr126 ments and the initiation of myelination (Mogha mutant zebrafish (Monk et al. 2009), suggesting et al. 2013). that Gpr126 signaling elevates cAMP to activate Although much remains to be determined oct6 in Schwann cells in vivo. about the signaling pathway, there is increasing Interestingly, Gpr126 is not required after evidence that Gpr126 triggers myelination by myelination initiates, because a short pulse of elevating cAMP levels in Schwann cells (Fig. forskolin not only promotes the onset of myeli- 1B). Incubating gpr126 mutant zebrafish with nation in gpr126 mutants, but also allows the the adenylyl cyclase agonist forskolin restored mutants to form compact myelin that matures myelin in the nerves of the mutant, providing and persists for months after the treatment the initial evidence that Gpr126 is coupled to (Glenn and Talbot 2013a). Thus, the current Gs (Monk et al. 2009). Recent work in the mouse data indicate that Gpr126 activates a transiently showed that cAMP levels are reduced in required signaling pathway that includes Gs, ad- Schwann cells lacking Gpr126 and also provided enylyl cyclase 6, and PKA, culminating with the biochemical evidence that Gpr126 is coupled to transcriptional activation of oct6 and perhaps Gs and Gi (Mogha et al. 2013). A recent report other key downstream regulators of myelination identified adenylate cyclase 6 (ADCY6) as a can- (Fig. 1B) (Glenn and Talbot 2013b). A recent didate effector of Gpr126 signaling in Schwann paper reported that type IV collagen, a compo- cells (Laque´rriere et al. 2013). In a consanguin- nent of the Schwann cell extracellular matrix, eous human family, lack of myelin in periph- binds to the amino-terminal region of Gpr126 eral nerves was associated with a homozygous and increases cAMP levels in heterologous cells missense mutation in ADCY6. Furthermore, expressing Gpr126 (Paavola et al. 2014). There- knockdown of duplicate adcy6 genes in zebrafish fore, it is possible that interactions between produced a phenotype similar to gpr126 mu- Gpr126 and the Schwann cell extracellular ma- tants (Laque´rriere et al. 2013). trix activate signaling and trigger myelination in Recent studies indicate that protein kinase peripheral nerves. A (PKA), which is activated by cAMP, is an Gpr126 and other adhesion G protein–cou- important effector of Gpr126 signaling (Fig. pled receptors (GPCRs) undergo autoproteo- 1B). Expression of a constitutively active PKA lytic cleavage at the GPS motif, which is part in Schwann cells rescued mbp expression in of the larger GAIN domain (Fig. 1C) (Morigu- gpr126 mutant zebrafish (Glenn and Talbot chi et al. 2004; Arac¸ et al. 2012). The role of 2013a), and 8-CPT-cAMP, a selective agonist this cleavage in receptor function and signaling of PKA, rescued myelination in cultures of mu- is not entirely clear (Pro¨mel et al. 2013), but a rine Schwann cells lacking Gpr126 (Mogha et al. recent report proposed that the amino-terminal 2013). The key substrates of PKA in myelinating fragment of Gpr126 has a function that is inde- Schwann cells are not yet known, but cAMP- pendent of the Gs/adenylate cyclase/PKA path- response element-binding protein (CREB) is a way described above (Patra et al. 2013). This

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Glial Cell Development and Function in Zebrafish

hypothesis was put forward to explain pheno- the identity of distinct hedgehog ligands (Park typic differences between zebrafish and mouse et al. 2004; Chung et al. 2013b). Roles for addi- gpr126 mutants. Most Gpr126 mutant mice die tional factors in regulating the differentiation of before birth with defects in trabeculation of the oligodendrocyte progenitors have also derived developing heart, whereas the available zebra- from work in zebrafish. For example, partial fish nonsense mutants are viable with no appar- loss-of-function of autotaxin, a secreted enzyme ent heart defects (Monk et al. 2009, 2011; Wal- that generates lysophosphatidic acid, reduces ler-Evans et al. 2010; Geng et al. 2013; Patra et al. oligodendrocyte progenitor differentiation (Yu- 2013; Paavola et al. 2014). A possible explana- elling et al. 2012). Following a microarray screen tion is that some functions of Gpr126 are spe- (Takada and Appel 2010), that revealed high cies-specific. Patra et al. (2013), however, pro- expression of swap70 in the oligodendrocyte posed that the extracellular region of Gpr126 lineage, studies abrogating swap70 function re- that is amino terminal to the stop codon in ze- vealed a role for this factor in regulating the brafish mutants homozygous for the st49 allele transition to oligodendrocyte progenitor fate (Fig. 1C) could fulfill the function of Gpr126 in the pMN domain (Takada and Appel 2011). in heart development. In their analysis of mor- Analyses in zebrafish have also provided pholinos targeting different regions of gpr126, key insights into how Notch signaling regulates Patra et al. (2013) report that a translation- whether pMN domain progenitors differenti- blocking morpholino causes a heart defect not ate into motor or remain proliferative seen in available gpr126 nonsense mutants or and acquire oligodendrocyte progenitor identi- embryos injected with splice-blocking morpho- ty at a later stage. Disruption of Notch signaling linos against downstream exons. These morpho- causes premature generation of neurons at the lino studies are intriguing, but analysis of target- expense oligodendrocyte progenitors, and con- ed mutations in the corresponding regions of versely, activation of Notch1a maintains pMN gpr126 is needed to definitively address the role domain cells in a proliferative state, leading to of the amino-terminal region of the receptorand excess oligodendrocyte progenitors (Park and its function in zebrafish heart development. Appel 2003; Park et al. 2005). Disruption of the F-box and WD repeat domain containing 7 protein, Fbxw7, causes excess oligodendrocyte OLIGODENDROCYTE LINEAGE progenitors to be specified from the pMN do- main. Interestingly, fbxw7 encodes the substrate Specification of Oligodendrocyte Progenitors recognition component of a ubiquitin ligase The myelinating glial cell of the central nervous that targets Notch and other proteins for deg- system (CNS), the oligodendrocyte, derives radation, and suppression of Notch signaling from a specific progenitor domain (pMN do- rescued the excess oligodendrocyte progenitor main) in the ventral of both zebra- cell phenotype in fxbw7 mutants (Snyder et al. fish and mammals (Lu et al. 2000, 2002; Novitch 2012), further implicating Notch in regulat- et al. 2001; Park et al. 2002; Zhou and Anderson ing progenitors in this domain. The role of 2002; Shin et al. 2003; Norton et al. 2005). Here, Notch signaling in regulating cell fate in vivo Hedgehog signaling regulates the expression of is complex, and there are four Notch receptors essential transcription factors, including olig2, in zebrafish, Notch1a, Notch1b, Notch2, and which are required for motor and oligo- Notch3. notch3 mutant zebrafish have a reduc- dendrocyte formation (Novitch et al. 2001; Lu tion in early oligodendrocyte progenitor num- et al. 2002; Park et al. 2002; Zhou and Anderson ber (Zaucker et al. 2013), but also have dis- 2002; Li et al. 2011a; Sun et al. 2011). The pMN ruptions in vascular and pericyte formation domain population of progenitors first generate (Zaucker et al. 2013; Wang et al. 2014), and an- motor neurons and then oligodendrocytes, and other study implicates Notch3 in regulating work in zebrafish has indicated that specifica- adult neural stem cell behavior (Alunni et al. tion of these distinct cell types may depend on 2013). Dissection of notch3 related phenotypes

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is also of clinical relevance because disruption of and rodents, but also between embryonic spinal human Notch3 causes CADASIL (Joutel et al. cord and adult cortex. Kirby et al. (2006) first 1996), a complex autosomal dominant condi- characterized the behavior of OPCs in the devel- tion characterized in part by degeneration of oping zebrafish spinal cord. They showed that small blood vessels and damage to white matter when the exploratory processes of different (i.e., myelinated axons) (Chabriat et al. 2009). OPCs come into contact, OPCs withdraw from The analyses of cell behavior and cell–cell inter- one another. Following cell ablation, neigh- actions that are possible in zebrafish may help boring OPCs divide to replenish cell number elucidate the relationships between vascular and before showing the same exploratory process glial phenotypes in notch3 mutants that result in behaviors, suggesting that repulsive interactions disease-like pathologies. help establish OPC number and position in the early spinal cord (Kirby et al. 2006). The majority of early spinal cord OPCs then go on Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells (OPCs) to generate mature myelinating OLs (Czopka Following the specification of oligodendro- et al. 2013). Subsequent multipohoton imaging cyte progenitor cells in the pMN domain, their of adult mammalian OPCs revealed that they progeny delaminate from the neuroepithe- behaved in an almost identical manner. They lium to become oligodendrocyte precursor also extended processes that withdrew on con- cells (OPCs) that migrate toward axonal tracts, tacting neighbors, divided slowly over time, in- before differentiation into oligodendrocytes. creased proliferation on damage to neighboring The mechanisms that control delamination are cells, and differentiated exclusively into mature largely unknown, but a recent study in zebrafish OLs (Hughes et al. 2013). provided some intriguing hints. The microRNA Studies in zebrafish have also contributed to miR-219 is specific to the oligodendrocyte line- our understanding of the molecular control of age, its overexpression promotes oligodendro- OPC migration and number. Disruption to the cyte (OL) differentiation, and its down-regula- zebrafish neurofibromin1 genes causes OPCs to tion prevents OL differentiation (Dugas et al. proliferate excessively (Lee et al. 2010; Shin et al. 2010; Zhao et al. 2010) in both rodents and ze- 2012) and to reduce their pause times during brafish (Zhao et al. 2010). More recently, Hudish migration (Lee et al. 2010). However, this does et al. showed that miR-219 regulates expression not lead to increased myelination in the CNS, of the polarity genes, pard3 and prkci, in neuro- showing that the presence of more OPCs does epithelial progenitors, such that in the absence not necessarily result in precocious or ectopic of normal miR-219 function, neural progeni- CNS myelination (Shin et al. 2012). olig2-ex- tors retain expression and localization of po- pressing progenitor cells exist in the adult ze- larity proteins at their apical endfeet. miR-219 brafish brain (Ma¨rz et al. 2010b), but their (po- deficient progenitor cells also remain prolifera- tentially specialized) function(s) have not been tive for an inappropriately long time (Hudish fully explored. Future experiments using zebra- et al. 2013), suggesting that miR-219 dependent fish will continue to illuminate the function of regulation of polarity proteins might deter- this intriguing cell type(s) throughout life. mine whether OL progenitors remain neuro- epithelial in morphology (and thus in the cell Oligodendrocyte Differentiation cycle) or delaminate to become OPCs. OPCs (also known as Ng2 cells in rodents) Studies in rodents have identified several key have also been considered by some to be a sep- transcription factors, such as Sox10, Olig1, arate differentiated class of glial cell (for discus- and Myrf, which control the differentiation of sion, see Mangin and Gallo 2011; Almeida and OPCs into OLs (see review by Mitew et al. Lyons 2013). However, it is clear that their gen- 2013). Mutation of Sox10 prevents terminal dif- eral dynamic behavior and ability to generate ferentiation of OLs in mammals (Stolt et al. OLs is conserved not only between zebrafish 2002), and causes OL in zebrafish.

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Glial Cell Development and Function in Zebrafish

Time-lapse analyses in zebrafish showed that 1968; Butt and Berry 2000; Almeida et al. 2011). sox10 mutant OLs initiate axonal wrapping be- To test whether such distinct morphologies re- fore undergoing cell death (Takada et al. 2010), flect the existence of subtypes of OLs or the ax- suggesting that sox10 is specifically required onal environment, Almeida et al. (2011) used for survival of cells committed to myelination. two independent genetic manipulations to in- Studies in mammals have shown that Sox10 crease the numberof large-caliber Mauthner ax- actstogether with Olig1 and Myrf to control my- ons in zebrafish and assess how this affected OL elin gene expression (Park et al. 2002; Li et al. behavior. They observed that OLs that typically 2007, 2011a; Bujalka et al. 2013; Hornig et al. myelinated only smaller caliber axons in wild 2013). The expression of olig1 (Schebesta and type readily myelinated both large and small cal- Serluca 2009) and its interaction with sox10 in iber axons in the presence of extra Mauthner promoting myelin gene expression is conserved axons (Almeida et al. 2011). This result showed in zebrafish (Li et al. 2007) but the role of Myrf that the mature morphology of myelinating remains to be analyzed. OLs is plastic and determined by the axonal en- Transcription factors under the control of vironment. There is increasing evidence that the canonical Wnt signaling pathway are also new myelin sheaths can be made on previously implicated in OL differentiation. Several studies unmyelinated axons well into adult life and that in rodents have indicated that activation of b- there may be some degree myelin sheath turn- catenin negatively regulates OL differentiation over along previously myelinated axons through (Fancy et al. 2009, 2011, 2014; Ye et al. 2009). life (for review, see Wang and Young 2013). Treatment of zebrafish with compounds that However, until recently it was not clear when stabilize b-catenin (mimicking activation of during the life of any single oligodendrocyte it the Wnt pathway) also disrupted OL differenti- could generate new myelin sheaths. To address ation (Kim et al. 2008). In contrast, Tawk et al. this question in vivo, Czopka et al. (2013) per- showed that reduction of b-catenin signaling formed time-lapse and time-course microsco- (following heat shock induction of a truncated py of individual oligodendrocytes in zebrafish. dominant repressor form of the Wnt target tcf3) They observed that individual OLs always initi- repressed myelin gene transcription in zebrafish ated formation of their final new myelin sheath (Tawk et al. 2011). Interestingly, in the same within 5–6 h of the first (Czopka et al. 2013). study, activating the Wnt pathway promoted ex- This remarkably short period of new myelin pression of the myelin protein PLP in both fish sheath generation relative to the length of the and rodent cells, suggesting that Wnt can also cell’s life appears to be conserved across spe- promote OL differentiation and myelination, cies, because previous in vitro coculture stud- and that apparent discrepancies may reflect the ies showed that mammalian oligodendrocytes timing of Wnt pathway activation in OL lineage also generate new myelin sheaths for a period cells. Indeed, Wnt signaling also acts at earlier of only 12 h (Watkins et al. 2008). Togetherthese stages of OL development in zebrafish (Kim data indicate that new myelin sheaths generated et al. 2008; 2011). Further complementary stud- at distinct times in life must be made by newly ies in fish and rodent models will help disentan- differentiating oligodendrocytes. gle the complex roles of Wnt in the OL lineage. Although textbooks indicate that the myelin sheath is wrapped around the axon by growth of the oligodendrocyte’s myelinating process at the Cellular Regulation of CNS Myelination interface with the axon, this has evaded direct The mechanisms by which axons and OLs inter- observation. Very recently, Snaidero et al. per- act to coordinate CNS myelination in vivo re- formed high-resolution imaging of individual main largely unknown. In both fish and mam- myelin sheath “wraps” in vivo using zebrafish mals, individual OLs typically myelinate either a (Snaidero et al. 2014). Quantification of fluo- small number of relatively large caliber axons or rescence intensity of membrane-tethered green a larger number of smaller caliber axons (Bunge fluorescent protein (GFP) along the length of

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individual myelin sheaths revealed a distinct For example, a combination of mutant analyses quantal step pattern, with areas of high intensity and chemical studies has shown that choles- in the middle of the sheath and lower intensity terol biosynthesis is required for normal CNS at laterally growing distal ends (Fig. 2). These myelin sheath formation in vivo (Matthews et intensity profiles were taken as evidence of the al. 2014). Zebrafish mutant analyses also re- discrete wraps of myelin and time-lapse analyses vealed that the kinesin motor protein Kif1b (Ly- suggested that the addition of new wraps of my- ons et al. 2009) and the cytoskeletal component elin first occurs at the center of the sheath and a-tubulin 8-like 3a (Larson et al. 2010) are es- that the individual wraps subsequently extend sential for the subcellular localization of myelin along the length of the axon. These predictions basic protein mRNA to myelinating processes, from in vivo imaging in zebrafish were validated a feature of myelination previously shown to be by ultrastructural reconstruction and viral label- conserved in fish and mammals (Colman et al. ing studies in rodents (Snaidero et al. 2014). 1982; Bro¨samle and Halpern 2002). In kif1b mutants, ectopic, myelin-like membranes were observed in inappropriate regions, suggesting Molecular Regulation of CNS Myelination that the ectopic translation of MBP might con- Studies in zebrafish have also provided insight tribute to ectopic membrane compaction (Ly- into the molecular regulation of myelination. ons et al. 2009). Additional functions for the

A Tg(nkx2.2a:mEGFP)




50 Fluorescence intensity 2468 Distance (µm) B

Figure 2. Live imaging of myelinating oligodendrocytes in vivo. (A) Top panel shows a single nkx2.2a:mEGFP expressing myelin sheath imaged in the living zebrafish spinal cord at 2 days postfertilization (dpf ). Note the step-like changes in fluorescence intensity along the length of the myelin sheath, which are quantified in the bottom panel, indicating the quantal nature of the step pattern. (B) Individual nkx2.2a:mEGFP expressing oligodendrocyte with numerous nascent myelin sheaths, many of which show the characteristic step change pattern of fluorescence intensity along the length of the sheath, with highest intensity always toward the middle relative to the ends. Images were taken on a confocal microscope and subsequently deconvolved. Scale bar, 1 um.

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Glial Cell Development and Function in Zebrafish

local translation of mbp mRNA during myeli- OL number in morpholino-treated animals. nation are also likely. A recent in vitro study Future generation of targeted germline mutants suggested that neuronal activity might stimulate and unbiased genetic screens will help to further the local translation of MBP to regulate myeli- elucidate the molecular basis of CNS myelina- nation via phosphorylation-dependent activa- tion in vivo. tion of the nonreceptor tyrosine kinase Fyn (Wake et al. 2011). Although Fyn was previously Oligodendrocytes during Injury and Disease shown essential for normal myelination in vivo, its role was unclear (Umemori et al. 1994). Promoting OL differentiation and (re)myeli- Czopka et al. (2013) used transgenes to drive nation has been proposed as a therapeutic strat- a constitutively active version of Fyn kinase egy for the treatment of demyelinating diseases, (ca-Fyn) specifically in zebrafish myelinating such as (Compston and Coles OLs. Ca-Fyn OLs generated one-third more 2008). Given their suitability for chemical myelin sheaths than wild type, and knockdown screening and the fact that such screens have of Fyn function by morpholino antisense oli- lead to clinical trials forother conditions (North gonucleotides caused individual OLs to gen- et al. 2007; Yuelling et al. 2012; Cutler et al. erate fewer sheaths. The sheaths that formed 2013), zebrafish larvae have been used to identi- in these animals were of normal length and fy compounds that promote OL differentiation thickness. Thus these results indicated that (Buckley et al. 2010). Combining new live re- Fyn regulates the number of sheaths that an in- porters of myelin (Almeida et al. 2011) and dividual OL makes, but not the properties of transgenic systems to ablate OLs (Chung et al. individual sheaths (Czopka et al. 2013). The 2013a), with large-scale chemical screens, will signals and mechanisms upstream of and down- help identify compounds that modify the re- stream from Fyn in regulating myelination in sponse to glial damage and the consequent re- vivo await elucidation. pair process, and thus be of potential therapeu- Neuregulin ligands and their ErbB receptors tic importance in the future. have central roles in regulating many aspects of Schwann cell development and myelination CNS–PNS Boundary (Nave and Salzer 2006; Pereira et al. 2012; Glenn and Talbot 2013b), but mouse and zebrafish The axons of peripheral nerves have regions in mutants in Nrg1, Erbb2, and Erbb3 have no ob- the CNS (where they are myelinated by OLs) and vious CNS myelin defects at early stages (Lyons the peripheral nervous system (PNS) (where et al. 2005; Brinkmann et al. 2008). Despite these Schwann cells fulfill the myelinating function). genetic analyses, a morpholino study suggested Therefore, mechanisms must exist to keep OLs that knockdown of either erbb2 or erbb3 inter- and Schwann cells at the respective sides of the fered with an active process of myelin sheath CNS–PNS boundary. The CNS–PNS barrier, pruning by OLs, so that individual OLs have however, can be breached. Following damage more sheaths per cell on average (Liu et al. to CNS, Schwann cells can invade the CNS 2013). However, the morpholino-based knock- and myelinate CNS axons (Blakemore 1977). down of erbb caused animals to have fewer OLs, In addition, overexpression of human Neuregu- which was not observed in previous analyses of lin 1 type III in the zebrafish CNS can divert fish or mice erbb mutants (Lyons et al. 2005; Schwann cells into CNS (Perlin et al. 2011). Brinkmann et al. 2008; Liu et al. 2013). Inter- Conversely, in the absence of Schwann cells, estingly, in vitro studies have shown that, under OLs can enter the PNS in both zebrafish (Kuce- normal conditions, the density of OLs inverse- nas et al. 2009) and rodents (Coulpier et al. ly correlates with myelin sheath number per 2010). In rodents, a specialized set of neural- cell (Rosenberg et al. 2008), suggesting that the crest derived cells, called boundary cap cells, “pruning” phenotype may be a secondary con- take up positions at the CNS–PNS boundary. sequence of a delay in development and reduced In addition to their role in preventing the exit of

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motor neurons into the PNS in mammals (Ver- throughout life do not have radial glial char- meren et al. 2003), boundary cap cells may also acteristics (Ma¨rz et al. 2010a), but rather have restrict astrocytes and OLs to the CNS (Coulpier characteristics of simple neuroepithelial cells, et al. 2010). In addition to this possible role, for example, expression of the intermediate boundary cap cells can also function as stem filament nestin and not GFAP (Mahler and cells, and may even be capable of generating Driever 2007). Conversely, it is also clear that CNS cell types including OLs (Zujovic et al. some radial glial cells have more specialized 2011), although this has to be confirmed in functions beyond their role as progenitor cells. vivo. Boundary cap cells have not yet been stud- One striking difference between the zebra- ied in detail in zebrafish but given the suitability fish and mammalian CNS, or more specifically of zebrafish for live-cell imaging and lineage- between anamniotes (including fish) and am- based studies, this is likely to be a very fruitful niotes (including mammals), is the absence area of future research. Another article in this of stellate astrocytes in anamniotes. Although collection discusses the evidence that perineu- a very small number of studies have suggested rial cells covering peripheral nerves originate in the existence of stellate or rounded astrocytes the CNS (Kucenas et al. 2008; Kucenas 2014). in fish (Kawai et al. 2001; Alunni et al. 2005), these observations have not been repeated to date, nor have stellate astrocytes been observed Fish Radial Glia and Their Relationship in nonfish anamniotes, such as Xenopus laevis. to Mammalian Astrocytes This raises the possibility that some radial glia The fundamental radial morphology of neuro- (which can directly transform into astrocytes epithelial progenitor cells of the CNS of avariety at late stages of mammalian nervous system de- of vertebrates was described almost 80 yr ago velopment [Voigt 1989; Barry and McDermott in the seminal work of F. C. Sauer (1934, 1935, 2005]) become specialized in anamniotes to 1936, 1937). Neuronal progenitors in the ze- subserve many of the functions of differentiated brafish neuroepithelium also have a radial mor- astrocytes. Over the past decade, the number phology, and express markers of radial glia, such of functions associated with mammalian astro- as the glial acidic fibrillary protein (GFAP) (Ly- cytes has increased greatly, with evidence of ons et al. 2003). Extensive work in rodents their involvement in processes as diverse as re- starting in the early 2000s indicated that these sponding to neuronal injury (Cregg et al. 2014), cells are indeed neuronal progenitors (Malatesta providing metabolic support to neurons (Bouz- et al. 2000; Noctor et al. 2001, 2002). The diver- ier-Sore and Pellerin 2013), maintaining ionic sity of neuronal progenitors and stem cells of and osmotic balance and integrity of the blood radial glial-type identity has been discussed ex- brain barrier, regulating blood flow (Attwell tensively elsewhere for both rodents (e.g., Krieg- et al. 2010), regulating the formation (Eroglu stein and Alvarez-Buylla 2009) and zebrafish and Barres 2010; Allen et al. 2012), pruning (e.g., Grandel and Brand 2012). However, it is (Chung et al. 2013c), and function of clear that there is considerable heterogeneity (Dalle´rac et al. 2013), and even regulating learn- among neural progenitors between species and ing and , where transplantation of hu- brain areas and between embryonic and adult man astrocytes into rodents enhanced synaptic stages, and heterogeneity even among cells that plasticity (Han et al. 2013). Detailed discus- have a very similar radial morphology. In ze- sion of the many roles of astrocytes is beyond brafish, numerous studies indicate that cells ex- the scope of this review, but we briefly con- pressing radial glial morphology and markers sider the evidence that radial glia in zebrafish function as progenitor cells throughout life may serve some specialized roles of astrocytes (e.g., Lyons et al. 2003; Lam et al. 2009; Ito in mammals. et al. 2010; Kroehne et al. 2011; Dong et al. The “reactive ” response to ner- 2012). However, it is also clear that many radi- vous system damage is characterized by changes al progenitor cells that remain proliferative in the morphology of astrocytes (Cregg et al.

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Glial Cell Development and Function in Zebrafish

2014). One notable example of the reactive as- cytes toward a more radial glial-like phenotype trocyte response is its contribution to formation could promote a more favorable regenerative of the , which correlates with the failure response in mammals, which is appealing be- of mammalian CNS axons to regenerate (Cregg cause cells of the radial glia/astrocytic lineage et al. 2014). Some aspects of the reactive astro- can function as bona fide neural stem cells in cyte response are conserved between mammali- the mammalian adult CNS (Kriegstein and an astrocytes and fish radial glia. Reactive glia Alvarez-Buylla 2009). However, it is clear from are present following injury to the adult zebra- studies of astrocytes in rodents and radial glia fish optic nerve (Neve et al. 2012) and spinal in zebrafish that there is an enormous diver- cord (Hui et al. 2010), and overexpression of sity in the types and states of these cell types. rat Lipocalin-2, an autocrine mediator of re- Whether this diversity represents the existence active astrocytosis in rodents, induces changes of distinct committed cell types or polarized in GFAP expressing radial glia in zebrafish (Lee phenotypes of a single cell type remains to be et al. 2009). However, one well-known differ- fully elucidated. ence between fish and mammals is their regen- The injury response of zebrafish radial glia erative capacity, particularly that of CNS axons, has been studied more extensively than other and one suggestion has been that this, at least in astrocyte-like functions. However, it is clear part, reflects differences in the astrocytic versus that zebrafish radial glia do have at least some radial glial response to injury (see review by additional features in common with mammali- Becker and Becker 2014). One striking response an astrocytes. Astrocytes have a well-known role of radial glia to spinal cord transection in ze- in regulating ionic and water homeostasis in brafish is the formation of “glial bridges” that the CNS. The expression of the water-transport- help rejoin the transected spinal cord and pro- ing protein aquaporin-4 is characteristic of vide a substrate for subsequent axonal regrowth astrocytes, and it is localized to the characteris- (Goldshmit et al. 2012). Intriguingly, this func- tic astrocytic endfeet that contact endothelial tion of zebrafish radial glia depends on fibro- cells at blood vessels, that is, at the blood–brain blast (FGF) signaling, and treat- barrier, and the pia mater and at ment of primate astrocytes with FGF-2 induced CNS–cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) interfaces (Pa- them to adopt a similar bipolar morphology in padopoulos and Verkman 2013). Zebrafish ra- vitro to the zebrafish radial glia morphology dial glia express aquaporin-4, although its local- observed in vivo. Furthermore, mouse gray mat- ization is not polarized in the same way as in ter astrocytes express the FGF pathway target mammalian astrocytes (Grupp et al. 2010). Ze- Sprouty4 after (Goldshmit brafish radial glial endfeet also express markers et al. 2012), suggesting further similarities be- of tight junctions much like mammalian as- tween these cell types. trocytic endfeet (Corbo et al. 2012). Zebrafish In zebrafish, radial glial-like progenitors radial glial endfeet also associate with neuronal and the analogous Mu¨ller glia in the retina processes (Marcus and Easter 1995). Although proliferate in response to injury and regenerate the functional significance of this association neurons and other cell types (Kroehne et al. remains to be determined, zebrafish radial glia 2011; Kizil et al. 2012; Gorsuch and Hyde also express the glutamate transporter Eaat2b 2013). Following spinal cord transection, the (McKeown et al. 2012), suggesting that they proliferative and neurogenic response of radial may share with mammalian astrocytes func- glia recapitulates many aspects of developmen- tions related to the regulation of neurotransmit- tal (Reimer et al. 2008, 2009), and ters. Further studies of specific markers, trans- it has been suggested that this response of radi- genic reporters, and mutants (Barresi et al. 2010; al glia may partly occur in place of the contri- Johnson et al. 2013) will continue to illuminate bution of astrocytes to the glial scar seen in the roles of radial glia in zebrafish, which may mammals (Becker and Becker 2014). This sug- in turn provide novel insight into the biology of gests the hypothesis that manipulation of astro- mammalian astrocytes.

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MICROGLIA Differentiating microglia, however, initiate ex- pression of distinct genes, such as apoe and Microglia are highly specialized phagocytic cells p2y12, and they transition from the amoeboid dedicated to the defense of the CNS (Ransohoff appearance of primitive to a more and Cardona 2010). In zebrafish and mammals, complex morphology with highly active pro- mature microglia are present throughout the cesses (Herbomel et al. 2001; Peri and Nuss- parenchyma of the brain and spinal cord (Sieger lein-Volhard 2008; Sieger et al. 2012). and Peri 2013; Svahn et al. 2013). In the healthy In zebrafish and mouse, the initial migration CNS, the cell bodies of microglia are largely sta- of primitive macrophages from the yolk sac to tionary, but they actively extend and retract pro- the CNS and other parts of the embryo requires cesses as they inspect their environment for Csf1r, the receptor for -colony- any sign of perturbation (Nimmerjahn 2005). stimulating factor (Herbomel et al. 2001; Schulz After injury or infection, microglia adopt an et al. 2012). In csf1r mutants, primitive macro- amoeboid morphology and migrate to the site phages appear normal at early stages, but are of the insult, where they engulf pathogens and delayed in leaving the yolk sac to colonize the debris (Davalos et al. 2005; Neumann et al. rest of the embryo (Herbomel et al. 2001). In 2009; Sieger et al. 2012). Microglia are acti- mutants, the few macrophages that have entered vated in many disease states and they may ini- the brain do begin to express apoe and clear ap- tiate or exacerbate neurodegeneration (Aguzzi optotic cell debris, suggesting that the csf1r is et al. 2013). Several recent analyses have exploit- required for migration rather than differentia- ed imaging and genetic approaches in zebrafish tion of microglial progenitors. Despite the pau- to increase the understanding of the develop- cityof microglia in csf1r mutant embryos, recov- ment and functions of microglia. ery of microglial cells in the mutants is evident by early larval stages, indicating that other yet- to-be identified signaling pathways are also ca- Microglia: Origins and Migration pable of allowing primitive macrophages to en- Unlike neurons, OLs, and radial glia/astrocytes, ter the CNS in the absence of csf1r (Herbomel which originate from neuroepithelial progeni- et al. 2001). A recent study reported that xpr1b, tors, microglia derive from primitive macro- which encodes a zebrafish ortholog of the phos- phages that move into the CNS from the pe- phate exporter Xpr1, is required for primitive riphery and later differentiate as CNS-resident macrophages to colonize the brain (Meireles et microglia (Herbomel et al. 2001; Ginhoux et al. al. 2014). Unlike csf1r mutants, the macrophag- 2010; Schulz et al. 2012; Sieger and Peri 2013; es that do enter the CNS in xpr1b mutants do Svahn et al. 2013). The first macrophages in ze- not differentiate as microglia, and microglia brafish arise from anterior mesodermal cells and do not recover in xpr1b mutants at early larval begin to migrate throughout the embryo by 24 stages. Additional work is needed to determine hours postfertilization (hpf ) (Herbomel et al. how Xpr1b functions in the differentiation of 1999, 2001; Le Guyaderet al. 2008). As in mouse, microglia. the development of these primitive macrophag- Another recent study shows that control of es requires the transcription factors Pu.1 (Spi1) the inflammatory phenotypes of primitive mac- and Irf8 (Rhodes et al. 2005; Li et al. 2011b). rophages is essential for their normal migration Primitive macrophages in the CNS begin to dif- during development. In a screen for microglia ferentiate as microglia as early as 60 hpf (Herbo- mutants, Shiau et al. (2013) identified nlrc3-like melet al.2001;PeriandNusslein-Volhard2008). as a gene essential for development of microglia. Primitive macrophages and microglia are both Most well-characterized members of the NOD- actively phagocytic, and microglia maintain ex- like receptor (NLR) family encode pattern rec- pression of some early macrophage genes, such ognition receptors that trigger inflammation in as mfap4 and mpeg1 (Zakrzewska et al. 2010; response to pathogen- and damage-associated van Ham et al. 2012, 2014; Svahn et al. 2013). molecules (Davis et al. 2011). In contrast, nlrc3-

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Glial Cell Development and Function in Zebrafish

like encodes a noncanonical NLR that is essen- vivo. Apoptotic neurons are remarkably motile tial to suppress inflammation in the absence of and often move to the basolateral aspect of the infection or injury. Expression of proinflamma- developing brain, where they may be extruded tory cytokines is greatly elevated in nlrc3-like from the CNS at earlystages before macrophages mutants, and primitive macrophages adopt in- are present. Starting at 2 dpf, apoptotic cells flammatory phenotypes that are reminiscent of are actively engulfed by primitive macroph- the response to wounds and infection in wild- ages and microglia. A recent study reported type embryos. In the mutants, primitive mac- that xpr1b, which encodes a zebrafish ortholog rophages actively migrate toward each other and of the phosphate exporter Xpr1, is required for form large aggregates with neutrophils instead primitive macrophages to colonize the brain of entering the brain to differentiate as micro- (Meireles et al. 2014). Unlike csf1r mutants, the glia as they do in wild type (Shiau et al. 2013). macrophages that do enter the CNS in xpr1b Additional work is required to identify all of mutants do not differentiate as microglia, and the pathways that control the migration of mi- microglia do not recover in xpr1b mutants at croglial progenitors and to determine how un- early larval stages. Additional work is needed checked inflammation overrides these signals in to determine how Xpr1b functions in the differ- nlrc3-like mutants. entiation of microglia. In elmo1 knockdown an- imals, macrophages approach apoptotic cells but only rarely engulf them (van Ham et al. Microglial Functions in Development 2012). Elmo1 is thought to activate Rac1, sug- Many studies have analyzed the roles of micro- gesting that elmo1 is required for the cytoskeletal glia in inflammatory and neurodegenerative reorganization that is involved in engulfment disease, and recent studies have begun to focus (van Ham et al. 2012). moreonthefunctionsofmicrogliain thehealthy Another study used in vivo imaging to show CNS (Ransohoff andCardona2010;Aguzzietal. that Atp6v0a1, a component of the vaculolar 2013). Microglia have a widely recognized func- ATPase, is required for the digestion of neurons tion in clearing apoptotic cell corpses during after engulfment (Peri and Nusslein-Volhard development, which prevents the contents of 2008). In Atp6v0a1 knockdown zebrafish, mi- dying cells from leaking and harming neighbor- croglia engulf apoptotic neurons, butthe phago- ingcellsor triggering inflammation.Inaddition, cytosed material persists for a much longer pe- recent studies in mammals have reported that riod of time than in wild type. Studies with microglia engulf specific synapses in an activi- indicator dyes showed that phagosomes in the ty-dependent fashion, raising the exciting pos- Atp6v0a1 knockdown animals acidify normally sibility that microglia shape connections be- but do not fuse with lysosomes to form phago- tween neurons (Schafer et al. 2012, 2013). lysosomes, the organelle that digests engulfed In zebrafish csf1r mutants, numerous apo- material (Peri and Nusslein-Volhard 2008). ptotic neuronal corpses accumulate at 3days Thus, the combination of genetic studies and postfertilization (dpf ), when the mutant CNS invivo imaging in zebrafish has provided impor- contains few or no primitive macrophages or tant new insights into the phagocytic activity of microglia (Herbomel et al. 2001). Similarly, primitive macrophages and microglia. knockdown of pu.1 eliminates macrophages Li et al. (2012) provided exciting evidence and causes a pronounced accumulation of apo- that microglia regulate the activity of neurons ptotic cell corpses in the CNS (van Ham et al. in the developing zebrafish CNS. Simultaneous 2012). Primitive macrophages and microglia are in vivo time-lapse imaging of microglial mor- actively phagocytic cells, and the apoptotic cell phology and neuronal activity (something that corpses are cleared soon after these cells reach would be hugely challenging in most other an- the CNS of csfr1 mutants (Herbomel et al. 2001). imal models) revealed that microglia extend the Using elegant in vivo imaging approaches, van process toward the cell bodies of active neurons. Ham et al. (2012) followed apoptotic neurons in These dynamic microglial processes typically

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contacted a particular neuron for 5–6 min, after microglia to respond to injury, but the calcium which they retracted. Pannexin-1 hemichan- wave propagates independently of ATP.Instead, nels, which are gated by membrane depolari- it seems that glutamate released from damaged zation, are required for directed extension of neurons may be the cue that initiates the cal- microglial processes, based on both pharmaco- cium wave via activation of N-methyl-D-as- logical approaches and morpholino knock- partate (NMDA) receptors. Thus, this work down. ATP, which can direct microglial migra- highlights a conserved role of ATPand puriner- tion after injury in mammals (Davalos et al. gic receptors in microglia migration, and also 2005), released from pannexin-1 hemichannels defines a mechanism by which microglia are apparently guides microglial processes, because able to detect neuronal damage at distant sites elimination of extracellular ATPand pharmaco- (Sieger et al. 2012). logical blockade of puringeric receptors pre- vents process extension. The spontaneous and CONCLUDING REMARKS evoked activity of neurons was reduced after microglial contact (Li et al. 2012). These exper- The chief advantages of zebrafish as a model iments provide evidence that microglia detect organism, their suitability for high-resolution active neurons in their vicinity and modulate in vivo imaging and genetic analyses, have un- their excitability. derpinned studies that have taught us a great deal about glial cell development and func- tion over the past decade. Work performed to Microglial Functions in Injury date has discovered widespread conservation Many studies have addressed the response of in mechanisms of glial development and func- microglia to injury in the CNS in mammals tion between fish and mammalian species, and (Ransohoff and Cardona 2010; Aguzzi et al. future studies are likely to take advantages of 2013). In particular, ATP, acting through its re- complementary models. As genetic screens ex- ceptor P2Y12 on microglia, serves as an attrac- pand to encompass additional glial cell types tant that guides microglia to sites of injury (Da- and functions, important new genes will contin- valos et al. 2005; Haynes et al. 2006). Other ue to be discovered and analyzed. The advent of signals may also serve to attract microglia to better reverse genetic technologies in zebrafish injuries, and the complete sequence of events (including the possibility to generate condition- by which microglia detect and migrate to dis- al alleles) will allow zebrafish to be used to quick- tant sites of neuronal damage remains to be ly examine the functions of genes identified in elucidated. other studies, such as genome-wide association A recent study used an elegant combination studies and other efforts that generate candidate of in vivo imaging, pharmacology, and knock- genes for functional studies. Generation of new down approaches to define a cascade of signals transgenic reporters and imaging approaches that direct microglia to injured neurons (Sieger will ensure that the zebrafish remains a premier et al. 2012). Their injury model used a laser to system for study of glia activity in vivo. Screens damage 200 neurons at a defined position for chemicals that rescue zebrafish models of within the zebrafish CNS. Analysis of a geneti- glial disease and injury will make important cally encoded calcium indicator revealed that contributionsto understanding and treating hu- the injury initiates a calcium wave that propa- man disease. gates at 14 mm/sec over a distance that is pro- portional to the number of damaged neurons. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Microglia orient their processes toward the in- jury site within a minute of the increase in cal- Work in our laboratories is supported by the cium, and begin translocating their cell bodies Wellcome Trust, European Commission, Lister in that direction shortly thereafter. ATPand the Institute, UK Multiple Sclerosis Society, Nation- P2Y12 purinergic receptor are also required for al Institutes of Health, and National Multiple

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20 Advanced Online Article. Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a020586 Downloaded from on September 26, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Glial Cell Development and Function in Zebrafish

Yuelling LW, Waggener CT, Afshari FS, Lister JA, Fuss B. Zhao X, He X, Han X, Yu Y,Ye F,Chen Y,Hoang T,Xu X, Mi 2012. Autotaxin/ENPP2 regulates oligodendrocyte dif- QS, Xin M, et al. 2010. MicroRNA-mediated control of ferentiation in vivo in the developing zebrafish hindbrain. oligodendrocyte differentiation. Neuron 65: 612–626. Glia 60: 1605–1618. Zhou Q, Anderson DJ. 2002. The bHLH transcription fac- Zakrzewska A, Cui C, Stockhammer OW,Benard EL, Spaink tors OLIG2 and OLIG1 couple neuronal and glial sub- HP, Meijer AH. 2010. Macrophage-specific gene func- type specification. Cell 109: 61–73. tions in Spi1-directed innate immunity. Blood 116: e1– Zujovic V, Thibaud J, Bachelin C, Vidal M, Deboux C, 11. Coulpier F, Stadler N, Charnay P, Topilko P, Baron-Van Zaucker A, Mercurio S, Sternheim N, Talbot WS, Marlow Evercooren A. 2011. Boundary cap cells are peripheral FL. 2013. notch3 Is essential for oligodendrocyte devel- nervous system stem cells that can be redirected into cen- opment and vascular integrity in zebrafish. Dis Model tral nervous system lineages. Proc Natl Acad Sci 108: Mech 6: 1246–1259. 10714–10719.

Advanced Online Article. Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a020586 21 Downloaded from on September 26, 2021 - Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press

Glial Cell Development and Function in Zebrafish

David A. Lyons and William S. Talbot

Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol published online November 13, 2014

Subject Collection Glia

The Nodes of Ranvier: Molecular Assembly and Oligodendrocyte Development and Plasticity Maintenance Dwight E. Bergles and William D. Richardson Matthew N. Rasband and Elior Peles Microglia in Health and Disease Oligodendrocytes: Myelination and Axonal Richard M. Ransohoff and Joseph El Khoury Support Mikael Simons and Klaus-Armin Nave The Astrocyte: Powerhouse and Recycling Center Drosophila Central Nervous System Glia Bruno Weber and L. Felipe Barros Marc R. Freeman Microglia Function in Central Nervous System Perisynaptic Schwann Cells at the Neuromuscular Development and Plasticity Synapse: Adaptable, Multitasking Glial Cells Dorothy P. Schafer and Beth Stevens Chien-Ping Ko and Richard Robitaille Transcriptional and Epigenetic Regulation of Astrocytes Control Synapse Formation, Function, Oligodendrocyte Development and Myelination in and Elimination the Central Nervous System Won-Suk Chung, Nicola J. Allen and Cagla Eroglu Ben Emery and Q. Richard Lu Origin of Microglia: Current Concepts and Past Schwann Cell Myelination Controversies James L. Salzer Florent Ginhoux and Marco Prinz Glia Disease and Repair−−Remyelination Schwann Cells: Development and Role in Nerve Robin J.M. Franklin and Steven A. Goldman Repair Kristján R. Jessen, Rhona Mirsky and Alison C. Lloyd Astrocytes in Neurodegenerative Disease Perineurial Glia Hemali Phatnani and Tom Maniatis Sarah Kucenas

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