Eije ,*Ign,5 Oc Ales

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Eije ,*Ign,5 Oc Ales J "Behold I come quickly, and my reward Is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be." Rev. 22:12. VOLUME 12. OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, FIFTH-DAY, JULY 1, .1886. NUMBER 25. traits that are too prominent, encouraging those tains instruction of priceless worth to old and that are deficient. young. It should be often read in the family Eije ,*ign,5 Oc ales. Mothers, will you not dispense with useless, circle, and its precious teachings exemplified in PUBLISHED WEEKLY, FOB THE unimportant labor for that which must perish the daily life. The golden rule, " Whatsoever with the using? Will you not seek to draw ye would that men should do to you, do ye International Tract and Missionary Society. near to God, that his wisdom may guide and even so to them," as well as the apostolic in- (For terms, etc., see last page.) his grace assist you, in a work which will be junction, "In honor preferring one another," as enduring as eternity? Aim to make your should be made the law of the family. Those Entered at the Post-Office in Oakland. children perfect in character. Remember that who cherish the spirit of Christ will manifest such only can see God. politeness at home, a spirit of benevolence even PATI ENT FAITH. I speak the more freely and earnestly, be- in little things. They will be constantly seek- cause I know that many parents are neglecting ing to make all around them happy, forgetting 0, GOD thy wisdom connot err; Thy tender mercy never fails; their God-given work. They are themselves self in their kind attentions to others. This is Although thou mayst the help defer, far from purity and holiness, and they do not the fruit which grows upon the Christian tree. Till hands and feet are pierced with nails. see the defects of their Children as they would Few realize the influence of the little things Thy Best-beloved bore the cross; if their own eyes wore beholding and admiring of life upon the development of character. He died that awful death for me; the perfection of Christ's character. Mothers, cease to spend your time and strength Help me for him to suffer loss, Parents, for Christ's sake, for the sake of for that which is merely attractive to the eye, Like him to bear my agony your children, seek to conform your own lives but which does not minister to comfort or real to the divine standard. Set a pure and noble happiness, and you will cut off a large share of • Teach me to look in faith to him; His wounded feet, and hands, and side, example before your precious charge. Let the cares and worries that make you nervous Have made all earthly honors dim; nothing come in between you and your God. and irritable, impolite and unchristian. The While pain and grief are glorified. Be earnest, be patient and persevering, instant precious moments heretofore given to needless Give me, 0, Father! strength to bear in season, and out of season. Give your chil- labor should be devoted to beautifying the souls All burdens gladly for his sake; dren intellectual culture, and moral training. of your children, teaching them how they may With him in grief below to share Lot their young hearts be fortified with firm, obtain the inward adorning, that meek and And in his joys above partake. pure principles. Teach them to exert every quiet spirit which God accounts of great price. —Thomas Hill, D.D., in Independent. faculty of mind and body. While you have If real politeness were practiced by all the the opportunity, lay the foundation for a noble followers of Christ, if obedience to the golden manhood and womanhood, and your labor will rule were made one of the corner-stones of turn' g(rfictes. be rewarded a thousand fold., Christian character, we would see fewer church- You must make the Bible your guide, if you trials, less hardness and animosity between would bring up your children in the nurture brethren. There would be no harsh, thought- Importance of Home Training. and admonition of the Lord. Let the life and less words, no strife for the highest place. BY MRS. E. G. WHITE. character of Christ be presented as the pattern God's people will be tested. Every one will be for them to copy. If they err, read to them exposed to the fierce fire of trial and temptri- IN the words, "That our sons may be as what the Lord has said concerning similar sins. tion. If we would not be consumed as dross, plants grown up in their youth; that our There is need of constant care and diligence in we must have the love of God—the gold that daughters may be as corner-stones, polished this work. One wrong trait tolerated by par- has been tried—abiding in us. Now is the time after the similitude of a palace," the psalmist ents, uncorrected by teachers, may cause the to soften and subdue our rough, harsh traits of sums up the results of careful home training. character to become deformed and unbalanced. character. We must cherish kindness,-forbear- It should be the object of every parent to se- Teach the children that they must have a new ance, Christian integrity. Ungenerous criti- care to his children a well-balanced, symmetri- heart; that now tastes must be created, new cism, hard speeches, questioning the motives of cal character. And this is a work of no small in ,fives inspired. They must have help from another, or magnifying his faults, open the door magnitude and importance, but one that will Christ; they must become acquainted with the to Satan's temptations, and lead many away require earnest thought and prayer, no less character of God as revealed in his word. from God. The holy Scriptures give us a safe than patient, persevering effort. A right foun- Family prayer receives too little attention. and profitable rule for thought and conversa- dation must be laid, a framework, strong and In many cases, the morning and evening wor- tion. " Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever firm, erected, and then day by day the work ship is little more than a mere form, a dull, things are honest, whatsoever things are just, of building, polishing, perfecting, must go for monotonous repetition of set phrases in which whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things ward. the spirit of gratitude or the sense of need finds are lovely, whatsoever things are of good re- ',Parents, your own home is the first field in no expression. The Lord accepts not such port; if there be any virtue, and if there be any which you are called to labor. The precious service. But the petitions of a humble heart praise, think on those things." If we would plants in the home garden demand your first and contrite spirit he will not despise. The have our children practice kindness, courtesy, care. To you it is appointed to watch for souls opening of our hearts to our Heavenly Father, and love, we ourselves must set them the ex- 4 as they that must give account. Carefully the acknowledgment of our entire dependence, ample. 'tonsider your work, its nature, its bearing, and the expression of our wants, the homage of "Charity suffereth long, and is kind." It its results. Line upon line, precept upon pre- grateful love,—this is true prayer. When we " thinketh no evil,"—another fruit borne on the cept, here a little and there a little, you must come pleading the merits of Christ's blood, and tree of love. Our souls must be stayed upon esi instruct, warn, and counsel, ever remembering trusting with implicit faith his promises, we God, imbued with his Spirit, if we would learn that-your looks, words, and actions have a shall secure the blessing of the Lord. these sacred lessons. Said the apostle, "Gird f.direct bearing upon the future course of your Redeem the precious hours worse than wasted up the loins of your mind." If the thoughts dear ones. Your work is not to paint a form in talking of your troubles, or gossiping over are rightly disciplined, it will be a far less diffi- b,, of beauty upon canvas, or to chisel. it from the faults of others. Seek earnestly to God for cult task to control the feelings. Looking unto marble, but to impress upon a human soul the help, and you will become strong in his strength. Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, will image of the Divine. You may have Christ as a guest in your home. give us courage, hope, and constancy. Shall Did mothers but realize the importance of Be not satisfied merely to bear the name of we not obey the teachings of God's word? their mission, they would be much in secret Christ. Be in truth followers of Jesus. Let Shall we not make it our guide and counselor? prayer, presenting their children to Jesus, im- your hearts be warmed with his love. Make Shall we not devote time and thought to its ploring his blessing upon them, and pleading him your friend, your helper, your counselor. perusal? How can Christians neglect the book for wisdom to discharge aright their sacred The most valuable rules for social arid family in which God has revealed his will to men? duties. Lot the mother improve every oppor- intercourse, are to be found in the Bible. There Our children need help to understand the Script- tunity to mould and fashion the disposition and is not only the best and purest standard of ures.
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