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Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid Austin, Texas Permit No. 01949 This paper can be recycled Vol. 37 No. 39 Website: Email: [email protected] Phone: 512-476-0082 Fax: 512-476-0179 March 12, 2010 Former Austinite continues legacy Census Ad Buys Still Under Fire: of firsts and volunteer service Norwich University has Black Lawmakers Still Have Questions selected Barbara Foreman as the first African American to serve on its Board of Fellows. Working with the dean of the School of Humanities, Fore- man will help determine how best to assist the school and enrich educational experi- ences for students enrolled in RAPPIN’ the School of Humanities. The first and only black Tommy Wyatt enrolled in the inaugural class of the Master of Justice Ad- ministration degree program, Will we be Foreman earned her degree Barbara Foreman from Norwich University in Office of Criminal Enforce- getting a new 2004. The university is lo- ment, Forensics and Train- cated among the “green” ing, where she provided lead- Police Chief? mountains in Northfield, Ver- ership and policy guidance When the news broke mont. Foreman will serve a for local and state agencies a couple of days ago that three-year term as a fellow. with environmental crimes Austin Police Chief Art Prior to attending Nor- programs. Foreman has Acevedo is in the finals for wich University, Foreman demonstrated commitment the chief’s job in Dallas, it earned her bachelor’s degree to excellence in each role caught many of us by sur- in public administration from throughout her career in pub- prise. It seems that it was Saint Edward’s University in lic service. She is known for U. S. Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-Texas), talking with NNPA Chairman Danny Bakewell, asked a only yesterday that he ar- Austin, and her associate’s her creative ability, her spirit key question during the hearing pertaining to how a Census ad agency tried to get free advertising rived in town to take over degree in police science from of cooperation and collabo- from the Black Press of America. CREDIT: Roy Lewis/NNPA this city’s police depart- Houston Community College. ration, and her ability to ment. He came in at a time This latest appointment bring innovation to each task. By Pharoh Martin count. This is a very impor- rectly answered the question; when there was growing follows a string of firsts for While living in Austin, NNPA National Correspon- tant issue for everyone. I think only replying that the “re- mistrust between the po- Foreman in professional and Foreman held numerous dent WASHINGTON (NNPA) it’s extremely important to quest for added value was lice and the minority com- volunteer service. Foreman leadership positions in civic During the recent Con- have the fairness in the me- standard”. He couldn’t tes- munities. began her career in justice and and professional organiza- gressional hearing to discuss dia buys and I think that’s tify under oath as to how the During the last few public safety as the first black tions including: Austin what many contend is an in- what we are trying to achieve “added value” was requested years, there has been sev- female deputy sheriff in Travis Commission for Women; sufficiently funded Black ad- and I don’t think that we are but could confirm that it was, eral Austin minority citi- County, TX. She was later Austin Telecommunications vertising campaign of Census there yet.” in fact, requested. “We seek zens killed by APD officers appointed as the first Black Commission; National 2010, the U. S. Census The bottom line is that them, we encourage them but and the community felt investigator for the Texas Women of Achievement, Inc., Bureau’s media-buying agen- Black legislators and publish- we do not make the require- that most of them went State Board of Medical Exam- Sigma Gamma Rho So- cies were blistered by a charge ers say that advertising bud- ment that somebody provide unpunished for their ac- iners, where she was detailed rority, Inc.; National Organi- that they allegedly played gets proposed for African- added value to literally tions. Acevedo had to clean to serve as a narcotic agent zation of Black Law Enforce- unfair politics with Black American media are insuffi- qualify for a media buy,” up some of those open with the US Drug Enforcement ment Executives; and The newspaper publishers. These cient to effectively reach a Tarakajian said. cases. Administration. In 1982, Group. Foreman also hosted charges have resulted in an “hard-to-count” Black popu- A key moment during Since his arrival, former attorney general Mark a weekly television show, ongoing probe into why the lation. Chaired by Rep. Lacy the hearing was when Rep. there has been one case White appointed Foreman as “ETC,” which aired on Aus- Census allocated so little to Clay (D-Mo.), the Information Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-Texas) that has caused a lot of con- the first black investigator in tin Community Television. count African-Americans. Policy, Census and National asked Bakewell about a mat- cern. And that is the Sand- the Medicaid Fraud Control Foreman retired from In a reflective interview Archives Subcommittee, ter involving New York-based ers case, where a young Unit in the Texas Attorney federal service in 2008, but following the hearing, during which held the congressional GlobalHue – which bills itself man was killed at an General’s Office. 1n 1989, has remained true to her com- which NNPA Chairman hearing, was moving offices as a leader in cultural-based apartment complex in East state treasurer Ann Richards mitment to volunteerism. To- Danny Bakewell testified, on the week following the marketing - and NNPA, in Austin and it appears that appointed Foreman as the first day she is serving as a mem- Congressional Black Caucus hearing and was unable to which the ad agency allegedly the only crime that he com- black senior enforcement of- ber of the US Census 2010 Chairwoman Rep. Barbara send updates on resolutions. demanded that Black newspa- mitted, was sleeping in a ficer in the Tobacco Tax Divi- Prince Georges County Com- Lee (D- Calif.) said the hear- But, the intense dialogue dur- pers provided free editorials fa- car. sion at the Texas State Trea- plete Count Committee. As ing was a positive step to- ing the hearing indicated that vorable to the 2010 Census in The officer who did sury. Foreman served in this chair of the sub-committee for ward ensuring equality in the change might be coming. return for an advertising buy. the shooting received only role under Kay Bailey non-profit and community- distribution of media ad dol- Rep. Maxine Waters (D- According to a letter submit- a reprimand for not turn- Hutchison and Martha based organizations, Fore- lars, but there is still a long Calif.) grilled executives of ted to the hearing from ing on his camera during Whitehead. When the Trea- man is busy galvanizing nu- way to go. Census 2010’s media buying GlobalHue to Bakewell, the the incident. That outraged sury merged with the State merous organizations to ad- “I don’t think it’s agencies about a charge from advertising agency wrote: the community and this Comptroller’s Office, Foreman vocate for a higher census where we need to be,” Lee Black publishers that the “In lieu of free ad space, all case is still under scrutiny. moved on to serve as the first count in communities where told NNPA in a phone inter- agencies were unfairly de- papers must agree to run- There was an independent black special investigator at residents are historically un- view. “One of things that we manding that Black newspa- ning six articles (preferably investigation done on the the Texas Commission on En- der-counted. need to do is make sure that pers provide free content, during hiatus weeks) about case, but the results have vironmental Quality (formerly Foreman also serves on the Department of Commerce which they called “added the Census 2010 as well as not been revealed to the the Texas Natural Resource the board of directors of the and all of the agencies re- value” in exchange for ad two editorials. If paper does community. Only an ab- Conservation Commission). Park Police Volunteer Asso- sponsible for insuring media dollars. not agree to the added value breviated version of the In 1999, Foreman was ciation. The organization as- buys for the 2010 Census are Jeff Tarakajian, vice stipulations, buy will be report has been released. appointed the first black man- sists the park police in pro- distributing fairly and go into president of advertising canceled immediately.” In a statement re- ager of the Special Investiga- viding safety in the parks, the area that are hard-to- agency DRAFTFCB, never di- See Census page 7 leased for Acevedo, he says tions Unit at the Commission. and developing programs to that he is happy with the In this role, Foreman served enrich the lives of young Capital Metro Rail to begin services March 22 people. community, but that the concurrently as the chairman On March 22, 2010, “Although my ap- opportunities in Dallas pro- of the Texas Environmental Central Texans will have a new pointment is historical, this vided more security for his Enforcement Task Force, an way to commute as Capital is just one of many firsts for family. The Austin Chief entity created by executive or- Metro opens its passenger rail Norwich University,” does not have a contract der of the governor. line, Capital MetroRail. Capital boasted Foreman. Norwich with the city and would be In 2002, Foreman retired Metro announced that it will was the first private military fee to leave whenever he from public service in Texas, begin passenger service on the college in the nation; the wanted.