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~4~~x(i::;~~~~~~~~~~~\~}3;:§?'~l:l ·· · · · · ·. Notre Dame .1978·.. · . .Commencement· .. I,IIJitl!~fll

...... : •.•• ¥.--·:·.o·o ._.,.,,., .••.. ._...... •. · ·• · ••.• • Weekend . .· .· 1 1 1~lf1Ji~!~ll . . . . . ~ Mayl9-21 ·• •· · ·. ··. 1 1 1~¥lifll11~1

The University . of Notre Dame 1978 Commencement Weekend Mayl9-21 P'fT 'W" FEE =wzrmrm m

Events of the Weekend

7 p.m. COCKTAIL PARTY AND BUFFET EVENTS OF THE to SUPPER-Gold ticket holders-North 8:30 p.m. Dome, Athletic and Convocation Center-(Enter Gate 3 or 4) WEEKEND White ticket holders-South Dining Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 19, 20 and 21, Hall-(Since no parking will be avail­ 1978. ExcejJt when noted below all ceremonies and able at the South Dining Hall, compli­ activities are open to the public and tickets are not mentary bus service will be located at required. Gates 1, 8, and 10 of the Athletic and Convocation Center.) FRIDAY, MAY 19 6:30p.m. LAWN CONCERT-University Con­ 9 p.m. CONCERT-University of Notre cert Band-Memorial Library Mall. Dame Glee Club-Stepan Center. (If weather is inclement, the concert will be cancelled.) SUNDAY, MAY 21 8:30p.m. MUSICAL-"The Mikado"­ 10:30 a.m. BOX LUNCH-Available at the North O'Laughlin Auditorium. to and South Dining Halls. (Tickets must 1 p.m. be purchased in advance; ·graduates SATURDAY, MAY20 with meal validated identification cards need not purchase a ticket.) 10a.m. ROTC COMMISSIONING-Athletic and Convocation Center-South Dome. 10:45 a.m. GRADUATE DIVISION, COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 11:30 a.m. PHI BETA KAPPA Installation­ DIPLOMA CEREMONY-Memorial Memorial Library Auditorium. (Ini­ Library Auditorium. tiates are requested to arrive at 11 a.m.) 12:45 p.m. DISTRIBUTION OF BACHELOR'S 2 p.m. UNIVERSITY RECEPTION-by the AND MASTER'S DIPLOMAS­ to Officers of the University in the Center Athletic and Convocation Center­ 3:30 p.m. for Continuing Education. Families of North Dome. Graduates and faculty the graduates are cordially invited to only-enter Gate 3. (Doctor of Philos­ attend. ophy degrees will be individually con­ 4:15p.m. GRADUATES ASSEMBLE for ferred during the Commencement Academic Procession-Athletic and Ceremony.) Convocation Center-Auxiliary Gym. 1:25 p.m. ACADEMIC PROCESSION begins­ Graduates only-enter Gates 1 and 2. Athletic and Convocation Center­ 4:25p.m. ACADEMIC PROCESSION begins­ North Dome. Athletic and Convocation Center­ 2.p.m. COMMENCEMENT AND CON­ Auxiliary Gym. FERRING OF DEGREES-Athletic 5p.m. BACCALAUREATE MASS-Athletic and Convocation Center-South Dome. to and Convocation Center-South Dome. 4:30p.m. LAW SCHOOL DIPLOMA 6:30p.m. CEREMONY-Washington Hall.

2 f. i ibB ; o+ n g 2 *'t &l ?r&d~··P&f· j-§it§. £45 i§ISP·i * & 1 I# . -&· 81 i iB··P¥ •p-~.; 'dtd . i W·Si;!f¥· ·%#n·.J@§t at t iiSY.#E-¥%1¥ !t§#@-cqpsa Baccalaureate Mass Athletic and Convocation Center (South Dome) Notre Dame, Indiana At 5 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) Saturday, May 20, 1978 Baccalaureate Mass

Musicians The Ministers of David Clark Isele Composer the Mass Robert F. O'Brien Director and Music Arranger, Principal Celebrant and H omilist Notre Dame Band Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C. James S. Phillips Associate Director, Notre Dame Band Principal Concelebrants Sue Seid-Martin Rev. Ferdinand L. Brown, C.S.C. Choral Conductor and Liturgical Rev. Edmund P. Joyce, C.S.C. Music Coordinator Very Rev. John J. Egan Rev. George Wiskirchen, C.S.C. Rev. Thomas E. Blantz, C.S.C. Assistant Director, Notre Dame Band University of Notre Dame Band Deacon University of Notre Dame Chapel Choir Rev. Mr. William W. Faiella, C.S.C. University of Notre Dame Chorale

Alaster of Ceremonies Liturgical Coordinators Mr. William D. Seetch, C.S.C. Rev. John C. Gerber, C.S.C. Rev. Daniel R. Jenky, C.S.C. Cantors Ms. Marian T. Maylath Mr. Daniel J. Zimmerman

Senior Servers _ Thomas G. Landry William F. Mcinerny Ronald P. Raab William G. Starr Kenneth J. Victor Peter Wolf

Readers Louanne K. Bachner Sean J. Coleman

Communion Ministers Communion will be distributed by priests of the University community and by residence hall staff members who are Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist.

4 Baccalaureate Mass

BACCALAUREATE MASS TRINITY SUNDAY PROCESSIONAL During the procession please remain seated in prayerful silence.

Marc he Triom p hale ------···------Sigfrid Karg-Elect Exsultate justi in Domino ------······------Ludovico Viadana Praise your God, ye righteous, rejoice and sing, Strike the ten-stringed psaltery. for the Lord is worthy to be praised. Tell out his praises, declare hir glory, Raise your voices and sound his praise with lute and harp. Sing a new song Worthy is the Lamb that was Slain ------G. F. Handel I ubilat e De o ------...... ------Giovanni Gabrieli 0 be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands, The God of Israel, may He join you, and may he be with you. May he send you help from his holy place and from Zion. May the Lord bless you out of Zion. 0 'be joyful in the Lord all ye lands, serve the Lord with gladness. Sine Nomine ------·····------R. Vaughan Williams Come Holy Spirit, Come ------·------David C. Isele Come, though Holy Spirit, come! In our labor, rest most sweet; Bend the stubborn heart and will; And from thy celestial home Grateful coolness in the heat; Melt the frozen, warm the chill; Shed a ray of light divine! Solace in the midst of woe. Guide the steps that go astray. Come thou Father of the poor! 0 most blessed Light divine, On the faithful, who adore Come, thou source of all our store. Shine within these hearts of thine, And confess thee, evermore Come, within our bosoms shine. And our inmost being fill! In thy sevenfold gift descend; Thou, of comforters the best; Where thou art not, man hath naught, Give them virtue's sure reward; Thou, the soul's most welcome guest; Nothing good in deed or thought, Give them thy Jalvation, Lord; Sweet refreshment here below; Nothing free from taint of ill. Give them joys that never end. Heal our wounds, our strength renew; Amen. Alleluia. On our dryness pour thy dew; Wash the stains of guilt away; Finale from the Water Music ------G. F. Handel Te ·Deum ------·------David C. Isele You are God; we praise l'ou; You did not disdain the Virgin's womb. You are the Lord: we ac~laim you; You overcame the sting of death and opened the kingdom You are the eternal Father; of heaven to all believers. All creation worships you. You are seated at God's right hand in glory. To you all angels, all the powers of heaven, We believe that you will come, and be our judge. Cherubim and Seraphim, sing in endless praise; Come, then Lord, sustain your people, "Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, brought with the price of your own blood Heaven and earth are full of your glory." and bring us with your saints to everlasting glory. The glorious company of apostles praise you. Save your people, Lord, and bless your inheritance. The noble fellowship of prophets praise you. Govern and uphold them now and always. The white-robed army of martyrs praise you. Day by day we bless you; Throughout the world the holy Church acclaims you; We praise your name forever. Father of majesty unbounded, true and only Son, Today, Lord, keep us from all sin. Worthy of all worship, and the Holy Spirit, Have mercy on us. advocate and guide. Lord, show us your love and mercy You Christ, are the king of glory, eternal Son of the Father. For we put our trust in you. When you became man to set us free In you Lord is our hope, may we never be confounded. AM EN.

5 Baccalaureate Mass

OPENING HYMN Please stand and sing at the direction of the cantor.

Holy, Holy, Holy text: Reginald Heber tune: Nicaea

Ho-ly, Ho-ly, Ho-- - -ly! Lord God Al - migh -- -ty! 'J. JU J I r F J 1J J J J1o On this bles-sed eve --- ning our song shall rise to thee: 4\ J J J J IJ J IJ .PJ J 1cJ Ho-ly Ho- ly, Ho--- -ly! mer- ci -ful and migh -- -ty, ;f1r · J J 1J j II IJ 3 J 0 God in three per --- sons, bles-sed Tri - -ni-ty.

2. Holy,· Holy, Holy! all the saints adore thee, Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea; Cherubim and seraphim falling down before thee, Which wert, and art, and evermore shall be. 3. Holy, Holy, Holy! though the darkness hide thee, Though the eye of sinful man thy glory may not see, Only thou art holy; there is none beside thee, Perfect in power, in love, and purity. 4. Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty! All thy works shall praise thy Name, in earth, and sky and sea; Holy, Holy, Holy! merciful and mighty, God in three Persons, blessed Trinity. Amen.

GREETING +GLORIA Please sing at the direction of the cantor. 3 J rr 1 r 1'r J f 1JJN 11 Glo-ry to God in the high-est, and peace to his peo-ple 9n earth,


6 Baccalaureate Mass

~ The Liturgy of the Word

FIRST READING Exodus 34:4-6, 8-9 Please be seated.

RESPONSORIAL PSALM Daniel 3 Please si'l}g at the direction of the cantor. Cantor: Blessed art thou, 0 Father, Son and Spirit People: 'r :P j)IJ 1J. lp p PID i P1J IJ;.~IJ II To be praised and high-ly ex- al -ted for ev ---- er.

SECOND READING 2 Corinthians 13: 11-13

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Revelation 1 : 8 Please stand and sing at the direction of the cantor.

Al - lc -- lu - ia, Al - lc --- lu -ia, Al - le - lu - -in, Al- le -lu - ia.

GOSPEL READING John 3: 16-18

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Please sing at the direction of the cantor. J IF ~ F IJ. Ji J I~- I~- II Al - lc -- lu - ia, Al - lc --- lu -ia, Al - le - lu - -in, Al- le -lu - in.

HOMILY Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C. Please be seated. President of the University

There will be a few moments of silent reflection after the homily.

7 Baccalaureate Mass


We believe in one God, On the third day He rose again the Father, the Almighty, in fulfillment of the Scriptures; maker of heaven and earth, He ascended into heaven of all that is seen and unseen. and is seated at the right hand of the Father. We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, He will come again in glory the only Son of God, to judge the living and the dead, eternally begotten of the Father, and his kingdom will have no end. God from God, tight from Light, We believe in the Holy Spirit, true God from true God, the Lord, the giver of life, begotten, not made, who proceeds frmn the Father one in Being with the Father. and the Son. Through Him all things were made. With the Father and the Son For us men and for our salvation He is worshiped and glorified. He came down from heaven: He has spoken through the prophets.

All bow at the following words We believe in one holy catholic up to: and became man. and apostolic Church. by the power of the Holy Spirit We acknowledge one baptism He was born of the Virgin Mary, for the forgiveness of sins. and became man. We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen. For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate; He suffered, died, and was buried.

GENERAL INTERCESSIONS Please sing at .the direction of the cantor. } } :D :P j p j)' J? & IJ J I CJ w II Lord, have ~r -cy, Lord, have mer-cy, Lord, have mer- - cy.

8 Baccalaureate Mass

r:::;/ . The Liturgy of the Eucharist ee

PRESENTATION OF THE GIFTS Please be seated. BEARERS OF THE GIFTS Officers of the Senior Class and Their Parents Patrick Flynn Susan E. Bailey Mary Lou Mulvihill Robert J. Keffier PREPARATION OF THE GIFTS

Psalm 150 ------·------Ethan Haimo

Praise God in his holy place, 0 praise him with sound of trumpet, 0 praise him with resounding cymbals, praise him in his mighty heavens. praise him with lute and harp, praise him with clashing of cymbals. Praise him for his powerful deeds, Praise him with timbrel and dance, Let everything that lives and breathes Praise his surpassing greatness. praise him with strings and pipes. give praise to the Lord. Alleluia!



SANCTUS Please sing at the direction of the cantor.

llo -ly, ho - ly, hfi?rd, God of power and might, $TJJIJ J I~IPJ ttLJ IF F IFf' •rl Hea-ven and earth are full of your glo-ry. Ho - san- na in the $r J 1- J lr H r ~ Jlo I. high-est, Ho - san - na in the high - -est. 4d J JIJ J U J Jld J J li52£jt4 IF F I Bles-sed is he who co1nes in the name. of tke Lord, · Ho. - sa - na $r t fdr J 1- J IF V lpr J Bo Io 3 in the high -est Ho -- san -na in the high .. - -est.

9 Baccalaureate Mass

MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION Please sing at the direction of the cantor. *3 J A il PJ J If Gr J lo =II Christ has died, Christ is ri-sen, Christ will ~ a- gain .•

GREAT AMEN Please sing at the direction of the cantor.

A - - -men, A - - - men, A ------men.


LAMB OF GOD Please sing at the· direction of the cantor. Cantor: Lamb of God

You take a - way t e sins of the world, have mer - cy on us.

When the cantor and choir repeat Lamb of God ... sins of the world, please sing:

I ._ ___..II 0 Grant us peace.

RECEPTION OF COMMUNION Those who wish to receive are asked to remain in their seats until the usher directs each row to the proper communion station.

] esu, ] oy of Man's Desiring ...... ] ohann S. Bach Adoramus Te, Christe ····················································-·······················G. P. da Palestrina We give praise to thee, 0 Christ and we worship thy holy name. Who by thy cross and bitter passion hast redeemed all mankind. Who suffered pain for our sins, Savior Christ hear us we beseach thee. E'en So, Lord jesus, Quickly Come ...... ~ ...... Paul Manz Peace be to you and grace from Him Rejoice in heaven, all ye that dwell therein, who freed us from our sins, Rejoice on earth, ye saints below, Who loved us all and shed His blood For Christ is coming, is coming soon. that we might saved be. E'en so, Lord Jesus, quickly come, Sing Holy, Holy to our Lord, And night shall be no more; The Lord, Almighty God, They need no light nor lamp nor sun, Who was and is and is to come; For Christ will be their all! Sing Holy, Holy, Lord!

10 Baccalaureate Mass

Non Nobis Domine ------·····-····------Roger Quilter Blessed Are They ------Jean Pasquet Blessed are they who have not seen and yet have believed. Hymn of Praise ------·------Anton Bruckner Psalm 150 ------·--····------David C. Isele


THE BLESSING OF THE FLAG As the flag bearers enter, please rise and join in the singing of the hymn and, after the blessing of the flag, in the singing of the alma mater. BEARERS OF THE FLAG Seniors with the highest academic ranking in the undergraduate colleges. Thomas Everman, Jr. Steven Meyer Jones Matthew F. Kennelly Robert Schleckser Maureen Rose Geary Michael Keefe William F. Maher, Jr. Michael Paul Teske Leslie C. Griffin Michael John Kelly Steven L. Reid James Francis \\7ade

HYMN God of Ot~r Fathers text: Daniel C. Roberts tunc: National Hymn

J ffi IW. J I J J J S Ie of our Fa --- thers 1\'lhose al-might-y hand

Of shin-ing \ in splen-dor thro' ·the skies,

•r-+-r -t-r· ~p -t-£'3-1 r=---· -..rlll'-t-1 --J-~-J -~--J -f-iJ 1f-o ---~11 Our grate- ful songs he-fore thy throne a - rise .•

2. Refresh thy people on their toilsome way, Lead us from night to never-ending day; Fill all our lives with love and grace divine, And glory, laud and praise be ever thine. BLESSING PRAYER

11 Baccalaureate Mass

ALMA MATER Notre Dame, Our Mother O'Donnell-Casasanta

~h-~" r· ~ IJ u 1r· s.r f lbd No -- tre rDame, rour Mo --- ther, ten - der, strong and true, J. J>J J IJ j jJ. >J J Ia • Proud -ly in the hea -- vens gleams thy gold and blue. f\ r· v r r ld cJ lr p J J fo Glo - ry's man -tle cloaks thee. gol - -den is thy fame l JS j j 13 J IJ. tP j J lo '\J.And our hearts for-ev -- er praise thee, No - -tre Dame, 44 J. j>J J IJ J Ir· p r r 10 II And our hearts for ev -- er love thee, No - -tre Dame.


RECESSIONAL During the Procession please remain standing and sing at the direction of the cantor. Holy God, We Praise Thy Name text: Ignaz Franz tune: Grosses Gott tJ J IJ@J J 1tJ J I


==zzazaaca. __ =p n=mnnmP'ffS'EFfff't'P'

Baccalaureate Mass

ALL: 2. Hark the loud celestial hymn angel choirs above are raising. Cherubim and seraphim, in unceasing chorus praising; Fill the heav'ns with sweet accord: Holy, holy, holy Lord! Choir: 3. Lo! th' apostles' holy train join thy sacred Name to hallow; Prophets swell the glad refrain, and the white-robed martyrs follow And from morn to set of sun, through the Church the song goes on. ALL: 4. Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Spirit, Three we name Thee; Though in essence only One, undivided God we claim Thee; And adoring bend the knee, while we own the mystery. Amen.

La Rejouissance ...... George Frederick Handel

The Ordinary of the Mass is taken from "The Notre Dame Mass" by David Clarke Isele, CN 40, reproduced with the permission of: G.I.A. Publications, Inc., 7407 So. Mason Ave., Chicago, Illinois 60638





I_ Those holding GOLD buffet supper tickets are South Dining Hall are located at Gates 1, 8 and requested to leave this building and enter the North 10. It should be noted that there is no parking Dome through Gate 3 or 4. (Please note your available at the South Dining Hall, therefore, present location in the South Dome and the driving will not be permitted on campus. Buses will location of Gates 3 and 4 on the diagram.) also be providing transportation back to the parking areas around the area of the Athletic and Con­ Those holding WHITE buffet supper tick~ts should vocation Center at the conclusion of the buffet please note on the diagram the locations designated supper festivities. for complimentary bus transportation to the South Dining Hall. Buses transporting guests to the

14 125'¥? 8 h ·F·& ·¥¥¥'%22 9& ?*¥ S# · 5 #Uri§ 4 pn£! ?SfD _nawp xi*& One Hnndred 'lbirty-Third Commencement Exercises The Graduate School The Law School The College of Arts and Letters The College of Science The College of Engineering The Graduate and Undergraduate Divisions of The College of Business Administration

Athletic and Convocation Center (South Dome) University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, Indiana At 2 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time) Sunday, May 21, 1978 Order of the Exercises

Presentation of Candidates for Degrees ORDER OF THE by Robert E. Gordon, Ph.D. Vice President for Advanced Studies EXERCISES by David T. Link, J.D. Dean of the Law School Processional by Isabel Charles, Ph.D. Dean of the College of Arts and Letters America, the Beautiful-University Band and by Bernard Waldman, Ph.D. Audience Dean of the College of Science 0 beautiful for spacious skies, by Joseph C. Hogan, Ph.D. For amber waves of grain Dean of the College of Engineering For purple mountain majesties by Brother Leo V. Ryan, C.S.V., Ph.D. Above the fruited plain. Dean of the College of Business . America! America! Administration God shed his grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood The Conferring of Degrees From sea to shining sea. The President of the University

Citations for Honorary Degrees Presentation of the Laetare Medal by the Reverend Ferdinand L. Brown, to Monsignor John Tracy Ellis C.S.C., Ph.D., Acting Provost of the Washington, D.C. University Commencement Address The Conferring of Honorary Degrees by William F. Buckley, Jr. by the Reverend Theodore M. Hesburgh, New York, New York C.S.C., S.T.D., President of the University Charge to the Class Valedictory The President of the University William Francis Maher, Jr. Upper St. Clair, Pennsylvania Notre Dame, Our Mother-University Band and Audience Presentation of the Award and Prize Winners 0'Donnell-Casasanta The Acting Provost of the University Notre Dame, Our Mother, tender, strong and true, Proudly in the heavens gleams thy gold and blue. Glory's mantle cloaks thee, golden is thy fame And our hearts forever praise thee, Notre Dame: And our hearts forever love thee, Notre Dame.

Recessional of the Platform Party

16 a n=· ocr w w qz= seygwz rnrwnzz

Graduate School

Degrees Conferred In the Graduate School THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF LAWS, THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF HONORIS CAUSA ON: PHILOSOPHY ON: The Honorable W. Michael Blumenthal, *Hassan Azad, Karachi, Pakistan Washington, D.C. Major subject: Mathematics. Dissertation: 3- The Honorable Otis R. Bowen, M.D., Structure of Finite Chevalley Groups. Director: Indianapolis, Indiana Dr. Kok-Wee Phan. William F. Buckley, Jr., New York, New York Richard Dean Bourland, Jr., Springfield, Illinois The Honorable Robert E. Lee, Washington, D.C. Major subject: History. Dissertation: Maurepas The Most Reverend William E. McManus, D.D., and His Administration of the French Navy on Fort Wayne, Indiana the Eve of the War of the Austrian Succession Graciela Olivarez, Washington, D.C. ( 1737-1742). Director: Dr. L. Leon Bernard. Ernestine M. Raclin, South Bend, Indiana Billie Ann Brotman, Rydal, Pennsylvania John W. Ryan, Bloomington, Indiana Major subject: Economics. Dissertation: A Comparative Analysis of National Labor Rela­ THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCE, tions Board and Private Sector Arbitration HONORIS CAUSA ON: Decisions. Director: Rev. Thomas J. Mc­ William 0. Baker, Murray Hill, New Jersey Donagh, C.S.C. *Robert James Butler, Pittsfield, Massachusetts Major subject: English. Dissertation: Time and Narrative Design in the Major Novels of James T. Farrell. Director: Dr. Joseph X. Brennan. Charles Francis Caldwell, Deland, Florida Major subject: Theology. Dissertation: Pastoral Theological Hermeneutics: A Quest for Method. Director: Dr. Tjaard G. Hommes. Luis M. Carballo, Neiva, Huila, Colombia Major subject: Chemical Engineering. Disserta~ tion: Kinetics and Crystallite Size Effects During Propylene Oxidation on Supported Pt and Pt-Cu Catalysts. Co-Directors: Dr. Eduardo E. Wolf and Dr. James J. Carberry.

*January 15, 1978, Graduate 17 Graduate School

*Michael James Caulfield, Indianapolis, Indiana *Kara Elene Wike Eberly, LaPorte, Indiana Major subject: Microbiology. Dissertation. Ki­ Major subject: Microbiology. Dissertation: Bio­ netic Studies of the Ozonation of Carcinogens logical Aspects of an Immunoglobulin E Pro­ and Mutagens as Monitored by Biological Assays. ducing Rat Immunocytoma. Director: Dr. Morris Pollard. Director: Dr. Morris Pollard. *Timothy S. Chen, Taipei, Taiwan *Charles Thomas Eby, Northampton, Pennsylvania Major subject: Chemistry. Dissertatitm: Radia­ Major subject: History. Dissertation: Social As­ tion Induced Reactions in Micellar and Polymer pects of Anabaptism in the Archbishopric of Systems. Director: Dr. J. Kerry Thomas. Cologne, 1550-1700. Director: Dr. Marvin R. *Vasilikie Polytimy Demos, Baltimore, Maryland O'Connell. Major subject: Sociology and Anthropology. Lawrence Gorden Eidlen, Niles, Michigan Dissertation: Women Volunteers: The Relation­ Major subject: Microbiology. Dissertation: Pro­ ship Between the Female Role and Participation motion and Inhibition of Dimethylhydrazine In­ in Women's Organizations. Director: Dr. Joseph duced Carcinogenesis in Two Strains of Rats: W. Scott. Director: Dr. Tomoaki Asano. Eileen M. Donohoe, South Bend, Indiana *John Gerard Fleissner, Mishawaka, Indiana Major subject: English. Dissertation: Psychic Major subject: Physics. Dissertation: In-beam 147 140 151 Transformation Through Memory-Work and a-ray Studies of • • Eu and Reactions In- Negation in William Faulkner's Absalom, Ab­ duced by 0Li Ions in the 300-100 MeV Region. salom! Director: Dr. Carvel Collins. Director: Dr. John W. Mihelich. Linda Sheidler Doyle, Toledo, Ohio William Joseph Frascella, South Bend, Indiana Major subject: English. Dissertation: A Study of Major subject: Philosophy. Dissertation: Seman­ Time in Three Novels: Under the Volcano, One tics and the Concept of Evidence. Director: Dr. Hundred Years of Solitude, and Gravity's Rain­ Boleslaw Sobocinski. bow. Director: Dr. John J. McDonald. *Judith Anne Freiburg, Glenshaw, Pennsylvania Joseph Edward Dunne, Chicago, Illinois Major subject: Microbiology. Dissertation: Eval­ Major subject: English. Dissertation: Narrative uation of Liposomes as Carriers of Estracyt into Control in the Fiction of Stephen Crane. Direc­ Tumor Cells in vitro. Director: Dr. Charles F. tor: Dr. Joseph X. Brennan. Kulpa, Jr. *Nicholas Anthony Durso, Norwalk, Connecticut ·:fGeorge Benjamin Garman, Jr., Elkhart, Indiana Major subject: English. Dissertation: Play-With­ Major subject: Economics. Dissertation: A Study in-A-Play in Modern Drama. Director: Dr. of Productivity in the American Steel Industry. James E. Robinson. Director: Dr. Lawrence Marsh. *Joseph Francis Gower, Jr., Scranton, Pennsylvania Major subject: Theology. Dissertation: The ''New Apologetics" of Isaac Thomas Hecker ( 1819-88) : Catholicity and American Culture. Director: Dr. Francis Fiorenza.

18 Graduate School

Richard Griffin, Syracuse, New York Robert La Verne Jones, Syracuse, Indiana Major subject: Sociology and Anthropology. Dis­ Major subject: Economics. Dissertation: Mon­ sertation: Drug User Types and Their Sources etary Policy Implications of Bank Liability of Drug Information. Director: Dr. David L. Management. Director: Dr. John T. Croteau. Dodge. Reverend Lawrence Kanyike, Archdiocese of Sara Joan Groesch, Barrington, Illinois Kampala, Uganda Major subject: Education: Counseling Psy­ Major subject: Theology. Dissertation: The chology. Dissertation: Ego Development and Anonymous Christian and the Mission of the Cognitive Complexity Integrative and Discrim­ Church. inative Complexity. Director: Dr. Sheridan Director: Dr. William J. O'Brien. P. McCabe. William Joseph Keane, Boston, Massachusetts Jane Anne Gouwens Harrington, Holland, Michigan Major subject: Mathematics. Dissertation: Im­ Major subject: English. Dissertation: Animal bedded N-High Subgroups of Abelian Groups. Imagery in Modern American and British Director: Dr. George Kolettis. Poetry. Director: Dr. Ernest E. Sandeen. *Jane Gearhart Kestner, Mishawaka, Indiana *Steven Carl Hart, South Bend, Indiana Major subject: Psychology. Dissertation: Chil­ Major subject: Physics. Dissertation: The Dy­ dren's Maintenance and Generalization of an namic Magnetoelastic Behaviour of Microcrystal­ Interrogative Learning Strategy. Director: Dr. line Ni, Dy, and ·Tb Films. John G. Borkowski. Director: Dr. Howard A. Blackstead. *Sister Catherine E. Knobbs, Philadelphia, Pennsyl- Patrick Dennis Higgins, Detroit, Michigan vania Major subject: Physics. Dissertation: A Study of Major subject: English. Dissertation: Seeing Resonance and Neutral Particle Production in New Englandly: Scene and Character in the . :t High Energy y-p Interactions. Director: Dr. I •' Novels of Harriet Beecher Stowe. Director: Dr. ll I! Nripendra N. Biswas. Thomas Werge. i ; John James Hoover, Lansdowne, Pennsylvania Mary C. Kraus, Lacrosse, Wisconsin ; Major subject: Economics. Dissertation: The Major subject: English. Dissertation: The Uni­ Impact of Conglomerate Corporations on Col­ fying Vision of Sarah Orne Jewett. Director: Dr. lective Bargaining. Director: Rev. Mark J. Thomas Werge. Fitzgerald, C.S.C. Stephen Robert Lancey, Rochester, New York Major subject: Education: Counseling Psy­ chology. Dissertation: The Adaptive Function of the Dreaming Process and the Experience of Chronic Pain. Director: Dr. C. William -Tageson. Kenneth Chau-Kun Liao, Taipei, Taiwan Major subject: Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science. Dissertation: Crystal Defects and Polytypism in Titanium -Base Laves Phases. Director: Dr. Charles W. Allen.

19 Graduate School

*Michael Gabriel Lilienthal, Meriden, Connecticut *James William Mayhew, Portland, Oregon Major subject: Psychology. Dissertation: In­ Major subject: Microbiology. Dissertation: The verse Magnitude Estimation and Reverse Cate­ Development and Composition of the Gastro­ gory Estimation: Tests of Ratio and Interval intestinal Flora of the Rat. Director: Dr. Morris Scales. Director: Dr. William Dawson. Wagner. *Albert Wai Hoon Lum, Honolulu, Hawaii Robert Wayne Moffie, Los Angeles, California Major subject: English. Dissertation: James Major subject: Psychology. Dissertation: The Ef­ Agee: The Child as Synthesis. Director: Dr. fect of Rater Introversion-Extraversion as a Ernest E. Sandeen. Judgment Differential on Selected Qualities and *James Victor Lupo, South Bend, Indiana Characteristics of Others. Director: Dr. Bobby Major subject: Psychology. Dissertation: Treat­ J. Farrow. ment Shock Type and Intensity as Determinants Gary Francis Monnard, Madison, Kansas of Subsequent Two-Way Shuttle Interference Ef­ Major subject: Philosophy. Dissertation: A Com­ fects. Director: Dr. D. Chris Anderson. munication-Theoretic Approach to Two Prob­ Daniel Anthony Lusardi, Hartford, Connecticut lems of Perception. Director: Dr. Kenneth M. Major subject: Chemistry. Dissertation: Thermal Sayre. and Spectral Studies of Some Divalent Metal *Luis A. Montestruque, Lima, Peru Chelate Polymers. Director: Dr. Rudolph S. Major subject: Physics. Dissertation: A Study of Bottei. the 10, 1s, so, s2se ( d,p) 11, 10, s1, ssse Reactions Timothy W. Lutzweit, Sunnyvale, California Using Polarized Deuterons. Director: Dr. Sperry Major subject: English. Dissertation: The Mind E. Darden. in the Wilderness: Nature, Literary Imagination, Moosa Ahmed Motara, Potchefstroom, South Africa and Art Nouveau. Director: Dr. James H. Major subject: Biology. Dissertation: Giemsa Walton. Banding Patterns and Chromosomal Differentia­ *Donald Jay Martin, S.J., New Orleans, Louisiana tion in Stegomyia Mosquitoes. Director: Dr. Major subject: Theology. Dissertation: Ash Karamjit S. Rai. Wednesday in Tudor England: A Study in Rev. Victor Zacharia Narivelil, Kerala, India Liturgical Revision in Context. Major subject: Government and International Director: Rev. Leonel L. Mitchell. Studies. Dissertation: Right to Property in the Edward Peter Masler, Meriden, Connecticut Indian Constitution: A Study of the Conflict Major subject: Biology. Dissertation: Biochemi­ Between the. Right to Property and Certain cal and Hormonal Aspects of Ovarian Develop­ Directive Principles of State Policy. Director: ment in the Autogeneous Mosquito, Aedes Dr. Donald P. Kommers. atropalpus. Director: Dr. MortonS. Fuchs. J. Donald O'Meara, Loveland, Ohio Major subject: Sociology and Anthropology. Dissertation: Louis Wirth's "Urbanism as a Way of Life" and the Social Psychology of Urban Life: A Path Analysis of Selected Propositions. Director: Dr. Richard A. Lamanna.

20 Graduate School

*Phillip David Pattillo, Tulsa, Oklahoma Paul Kaufman Schwieger, Miami Springs, Florida Major subject: Engineering Science. Disserta­ Major subject: Psychology. Dissertation: Stimu­ tion: Constitutive Equations for Rate Dependent lation, Exploration, and Sociability Examined Inelastic Behavior with Finite Deformations. through Intercranial Stimulation: Rats Seek Director: Dr. Nai-Chien Huang. Stimulation Through Sociability. Director: Dr. *Paul Leo Piciulo, South Bend, Indiana Richard Sebastian. Major subject:· Chemistry. Dissertation: The Ef­ *Carlos Victor Serrano Lobos, Cali, Colombia fect of Phase on Photoionization. Director: Dr. Major subject: Chemical Engineering. Disserta­ J. Kerry Thomas. tion: Effects of y-Irradiation and Alloying of Sandra Ann Pursell, Elkhart, Indiana Silver Catalysts in Carbon Monoxide Oxidation, Major subject: Psychology. Dissertation: and Titration of Platinum Catalysts. Co-Direc­ Androgyny and the Perception of Marital Roles. tors: Dr. James J. Carberry and Dr. George C. Director: Dr. Paul G. Banikiotes. Kuczynski. Stanley William Pycior, Richmond Hill; New York Raymond Leonard Sickinger, Cranston, Rhode Island Major subject: History. Dissertation: "The Major subject: History. Dissertation: The British Most Ineffectual Enterprise": The International Textile Trade and Britain's Trading Partners, Committee on Intellectual Cooperation of the 1776-1792·: A Quantitative Study. Director: League of Nations, 1922-1931. Co-Directors: Dr. Dr. Robert E. Burns. Bernard Norling and Dr. Michael J. Crowe. David Franklin Spencer, Kansas City, Missouri Rev. Frank Currier Quinn, O.P., Winona, Minnesota Major subject: Biology. Dissertation: A Major subject: Theology. Dissertation: Con­ Quantitative Study of the Effects of Nickel on temporary Liturgical Revision: The Revised Fresh Water Algae. Director: Dr. Richard W. Rites of Confirmation in the Roman Catholic Greene. Church and in the American Episcopal Church. Dennis Michael Sweetland, Cheshire, Connecticut Director: Rev. Leone! L. Mitchell. Major subject: Theology. Dissertation: The William R. Reichenstein, Dallas, Texas Understanding of Discipleship in Luke 12:1 to Major subject: Economics. Dissertation: A 13:9. Director: Dr. Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza. Demand for Credit Union Shares. Director: *James Francis Tallon, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Dr. Frank J. Bonello. Major subject: Sociology and Anthropology. Walter Sanchez, Santiago, Chile Dissertation: Test of the Power of Selected Major subject: Government and International Deviance Models in Predicting Legal and Illegal Studies. Dissertation: International Relations Drug Use in an Urban Ethnic Community. Between Metropolis and Periphery: Theory and Director: Dr. Clagett G. Smith. Practice. Director: Dr. Michael J. Francis. *Brother Finian D. Taylor, O.S.B., Lisle, Illinois Vesna Sater, Sarajevo, Yugoslavia Major subject: Theology. Dissertation: Augus­ Major subject: Chemistry. Dissertation: Ligand tine of Hippo's Notion and Use of the Apocrypha. Effectors of Isolated and Membrane Bound Director: Dr. Jean Laporte. Acetycholine Receptor from Torpedo Californica. Director: Dr. Marino Martinez-Carrion.

21 Graduate School

Stephen Lawrence Trainor, THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF MEDIEVAL Worcester, Massachusetts STUDIES ON: Major subject: English. Dissertation: Lillo's Deborah Prince Kroll, Gainesville, Georgia Protestant Tragedies. Director: Dr. A. Lewis Soens. Larry Curtis White, Cleveland, Ohio THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF Major subject: Psychology. Dissertation: Inter­ FINE ARTS ON: ference Proneness and the Ability to Shift James Douglas Christensen, South Bend, Indiana Attention in Old Age. Davey Cunningham, Webbs Cross Roads, Kentucky Director: Dr. John F. Santos. *Lanshu Wong, Hong Kong Robert C. Lipnick, Bethesda, Maryland Major subject: Physics. Dissertation: Quasi­ Michael Patrick McSweeney, Doswell, Virginia particle Interference Effects in the Tunneling Characteristics of Thick Superconducting Films of Zinc. Director: Dr. Walter J. Tomasch. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENVIRONIC DESIGN ON: Philip Schuyler Grant, Jr., Bernardsville, New Jersey THE DEGREE OF MASTER Thesis: Enarrnotecture: The Conservation of OF DIVINITY ON: Architecture in Frederick, Maryland. Director: William James Dohar, C.S.C., Warren, Ohio Professor Patrick Horsbrugh. Richard Charles Hockman, C.S.C., Cambridge, Farooq Abbas Mofti, Mecca, Saudi Arabia Massachusetts Thesis: The Urbanization in Arabia. Director: Professor Patrick Horsbrugh. David Joel Porterfield, Mt. Vernon, Ohio John Michael Reid, South Bend, Indiana Kestutis Kazimieras Pocius, East Chicago, Indiana Thesis: Solar-Technics: A Solar Energy Design Thomas Francis Reid, South Bend, Indiana Primer. Director: Professor Patrick Horsbrugh. Francis Charles Schreck, C.S.C., Albany, New York Patrick Joseph Sarb, Dearborn, Michigan William Daniel Seetch, C.S.C., Cleveland, Ohio Thesis: Resource Use and Reuse Towards Richard S. Wilkinson, C.S.C., Plymouth, New Economic Maturity: Economic and Environic Hampshire Consideration for Resource Protection. Director: Professor Pa_trick Horsbrugh. Thomas Mark Serruto, East Hartford, Connecticut THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF Thesis: The Degradation of the American Land­ THEOLOGY ON: scape: The Search for a Rural Lifestyle in an Robert John Bozek, Niagara Falls, New York Urban Society. James Allison Bracke, C.S.C., Moline, Illinois Director: Professor Patrick Horsbrugh. Thomas Francis Garten, Stratford, Connecticut William Wayne Faiella, C.S.C., Columbus, Ohio

22 Graduate School

THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS ON: *Steven Arthur Cortright, Anderson, California *Elaine Marie Abels, Chicago, Illinois Major subject: Philosophy. Major subject: History and Philosophy of Sci­ Lewis F. DeSandre, Lockport, Illinois ence. Major subject: History ~nd Philosophy of Sci­ Salvador Vidaurri Acosta, Jr., Dallas, Texas ence. Major subject: Economics. Joseph Robert DesJardins, Norwich, Connecticut *William B. Alexander, Houston, Texas Major subject: Philosophy. Major subject: Economics. *Jeri Lynn Falk, Omaha, Nebraska Matthew Jacob Baasten, South Bend, Indiana Major subject: Psychology. Thesis: Stimulus Per­ Major subject: Theology. sistence in CFF: Underactivation or Over­ Georgia Ann Bain, South Bend, Indiana arousal? Director: Dr. Donald W. Kline. Major subject: Theology. *Robert Junior Fatton, Port Au Prince, Haiti R. Mathew Behler, Palmerton, Pennsylvania Major subject: Government and International Major subject: Economics. Studies. *Steven John Berceau, Green Bay, Wisconsin *Marco Antonio Flores T., Quito, Ecuador, South Major subject: Economics. America Major subject: Economics. *Loretta Veri Bollschweiler, Downey, California Major subject: Philosophy. *Dennis R. Foust, Cincinnati, Ohio Major subject: History. *Mary Jane Booker, Milford, Massachusetts Major subject: English. *Cesar Jesus Aguayo Garcia, Soledad, California Major subject: History. Emily Jane Boutwell, Rochester, New York Major subject: Government and International David Bruce Glenn, Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania Studies. Major subject: History. *Nan Boyd, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania *Michael W_illiams Glockner, C.S.C., South Bend, Major subject: History. Indiana Major subject: Theology. Laurie Elizabeth Brands, Portland, Oregon Major subject: Theology. Norma Sarah Goertzen, Elkhart, Indiana Major subject: Theology. *Cheryl S. Brischetto, Oxford, Connecticut Major subject: Psychology. Thesis: The Effects *Rev. John David Grabner, Renton, Washington of Introduction of Counselor and Sex of Coun­ Major subject: Theology. selor on the Attitudes of Clients. Director: Dr. Anthony Alan Hains, Port Chester, New York Thomas V. Merluzzi. Major subject: Psychology. Thesis: Moral and David Allan Bruckbauer, Seattle, Washington Cognitive Development of Delinquent Versus Major subject: Government and International Nondelinquent Children and Adolescents. Di­ Studies. . rector: Dr. Dolores Miller. *Jeffrey Mark Bums, Orange, California *Richard Emil Hanpeter, North Creek, New York Major subject: History. Major subject: American Studies. Carey Edward Cavanaugh, Atlantic Beach, Florida * Aly Abdel Halim Helmy, Cairo, Egypt Major subject: Government and International Major subject: Economics. Studies. *Patricia A. Higgins, Au Sable Forks, New York Major subject: ~conomics. *Stanley C. Hoffman, Elkhart, Indiana Major subject: Psychology.

23 Graduate School

Philip Hsu, Hong Kong *Joseph Vincent McCabe, M.M., Maryknoll, New Major subject: Economics. York *Richard W. Hubbard, Kalamazoo, Michigan Major subject: Theology (Liturgy). Thesis: Lay Major subject: Psychology. Thesis: Direct and Anointing of the Sick: A Study of the Ministers Indirect Measurement of Death Fears in Nursing of Anointing in the Christian West from the and Non-Nursing Students. Director: Dr. John F. Third Century to the Carolingian Reforms with a Santos. Model for Pastoral Ministry to the Sick in East *Helen Kathleen Hughes, Newton, Massachusetts Africa Today. Director: Rev. Leone! L. Mitchell. Major subject: Theology (Liturgy). John Joseph McCall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Gregory Lee Jackson, Sturgis, Michigan Major subject: Philosophy. Major subject: Theology. Patricia Anne McCormack, Scranton, Pennsylvania *John Ignatius Jenkins, Omaha, Nebraska Major subject: Psychology. Major subject: Philosophy. Timothy Charles McFadden, South Bend, Indiana William Patrick Joy, Jr., Hingham, Massachusetts Major subject: Theology. Major subject: Theology. Michael James McGinniss, Pittsburgh, Ronn Bill Kirkwood, Mishawaka, Indiana Pennsylvania Major subject: Government and International Major subject: Theology. Studies. William Francis Mcinerny, Jr., South Bend, Indiana Joan Elizabeth Klasing, Smithtown, New York Major subject: Theology. Major subject: Government and International Johnny Lewis Mcintosh, Florence, Kentucky Studies. Major subject: Psychology. Thesis: Effects of Richard Francis Klee, Jr., Williamsville New York Central Stimulus Variation and Peripheral Major subject: Theology. ' Stimulus Location and Shape on Peripheral Carlos Antonio Kobylko, Rio de Janeiro Brazil Recognition Reaction Time. Director: Dr. Major subject: Economics. ' William E. Dawson. Reverend Jure Kristo, Chicago, Illinois Sister Barbara Miller, Greensburg, Pennsylvania Major subject: Theology. Major subject: History. *Mark E. Miller, Evansville, Indiana Rev. Leonard James Kuberski, South River, New Jersey Major subject: Psychology. Thesis: Magnitude Major subject: Theology. Estimation of Apparent Loudness and Softness: A Test of Some Power Law Modifications. Direc­ · Sandra. Rae L7vers, Washington, Pennsylvania tor: Dr. William E. Dawson. Major subject: Psychology. Thesis: Increasing Task-Related Behavior in "Hyperactive" Re­ *Wilson Douglas Miscamble, Brisbane, Australia tarded Children Through the Use of a Self-In­ Major subject: History. structional Procedure. Director: Dr. Thomas L. *Linda Annette Newton, Walterboro, South Caro­ Whitman. lina Major subject: History. Gary Mal~cha, Montgomery, Minnesota Major subject: Government and International *Eugenia Louise Nitowski, Berrien Springs, Michi­ Studies. gan *Laurence A. Mayer, O.Praem., DePere, Wisconsin Major subject: History. Major subject: Theology (Liturgy). Walter Jerome Noyalis, Jr., Wilkes-Barre, Penn­ sylvania Major subject: Theology.

24 illf:'IBT ., g= Fit! 5 Rii5"'H'R!SiiG m sn:mrnrrw xm r:z=r ·=m·nrsm:rwrwzme

Graduate School

Tracy Joseph O'Sullivan,· Chicago, Illinois *Charles Braxton Turpin, Jr., White Plains, North Major subject: Theology. Carolina *Ruth Persails, South Bend, Indiana Major subject: Government and International Major subject: Theology. Studies. Jeffrey Leo Reynolds, Jeffersonville, Indiana Paul Lyle Van Patten, Jr., San Pedro, California Major subject: Theology (Liturgy). Major subject: Government and Int~rnational *Kathleen Louise Riley, Lockport, New York Studies. Major subject: History. *Patricia Anpe Vac.ghan, C.S.J., Concordia, Kansas Jan Bondi Robitscher, Atlanta, Georgia Major subject: English. Major subject: Theology (Liturgy). Ronald G. Vincent, Fort Walton Beach, Florida Barbara Ann Schmich, St. Louis, Missouri Major subject: History. Major subject: Theology (Liturgy). Jan E. Vvarner, Osceola, Indiana Brian Lee Schultz, Curtiss, Wisconsin Major subject: Psychology. Major subject: Economics. Michael Warren Williams, Washington, D.C. *Rev. Edward Cletus Sellner, O.S.C., Fort Wayne, Major subject: Sociology and Anthropology. Indiana Kwang \Vei Yao, Taipei, Taiwan Major subject: Theology. Major subject: Sociology and Anthropology. Virginia R. Seubert, Cottonwood, Idaho Major subject: Sociology and Anthropology. Thesis: Patterns in Facial Communication of THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF MUSIC ON: Emotion. Director: Dr. David M. Klein. John Andrew Humphrey, St. Louis, Missouri Joe-Wha Virginia Shung, Taipei, Taiwan Lisa Lynn Funston-Mahoney, South Bend, Indiana Major subject: Philosophy. Julia D. Smiley, Fayetteville, Arkansas Judith Eileen Smith, San Antonio, Texas Mark Richard Stoneburner, Coraopolis, Pennsylvania Major subject: History and Philosophy of Sci­ ence. *Eli Springs Steele, Pittsford, New York THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE ON: Major subject: Theology. Elisabeth Maria Bourdeu, Koln, West Germany Joan Alice Stewart, Johannesburg, South Africa Major subject: Biology. Major subject: Theology. Michele Rae Brugh, South Bend, Indiana *John Joseph Szot, Mishawaka, Indiana Major subject: Chemistry. Major subject: History. *James Emmett Curry, Cut Bank, Montana *Janet Maye Tillman, Milbank, South Dakota Major subject: Mathematics. ·Major subject: Theology. David A. Elko, Bethel Park, Pennsylvania Major subject: Mathematics. *Susan Marie Fenton, Brockton, Massachusetts Major subject: Mathematics. Sharon Alice Fitzgerald, Coral Gables, Florida Major subject: Biology. James Hayward Freeman, South Bend, Indiana Major subject: Mathematics.

25 Graduate School

Guy Augustine Guzman, Lawndale, California THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN Major subject: Physics. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ON: *Ronald Cary Hart, Sr., Elkhart, Indiana *Richard Edward Garrett, Jr., Notre Dame, Indiana Major subject: Chemistry. Clinton David Gibler, Louisville, Kentucky Philip Allsopp Rising, Lancaster, Ohio Thesis: A Real-Time Process Control Operating Major subject: Physics. System for Microcomputer Applications. Direc­ Richard Harry Seall, South Bend, Indiana tor: Dr. David L. Cohn. I Major subject: Biology. Thesis: An Ultra­ Thomas Carl Holzschuh, Rochester, New York l' structural Study of the Adult Cat Spinal Cord *James William Kaiser, South Bend, Indiana After Reinnervation by Ventral Root Axons. Thesis: A Computerized Laboratory Monitor. Director: Dr. Robert E. Kingsley. Director: Dr. Eugene W. Henry. Michael Arthur Laird, Taylorville, Illinois Thesis: System Identification and Adaptive Con­ THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN trol Studies for a Solar Heated imd Cooled CHEMICAL ENGINEERING ON: Building. Director: Dr. James L. Melsa. John Conrad Burger, Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania *William Edward Longenbaker, Columbus, Ohio Donald Francis Byrne, Jenison, Michigan Thesis: Time Optimal Control of a Two-Spool Girish Keshav Chitnis, J abalpurJ M.P., India Turbofan Jet Engine. Director: Dr. R. Jeffrey Daniel Ta-Jen Huang, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic Leake. of China Michael Joseph McLane, South Bend, Indiana Nandheeswaran Jothi, Kaniyambadi, Tamilnadu, Thesis: Digital Speech Encoding Using Adaptive India Delta Modulation to PCM Conversion. Direc­ tor: Dr. James L. Melsa. * Arun Keshaorao Pan de, Yeotmal, India I THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN Elizabeth Ann Raven, South Bend, Indiana 1 CIVIL ENGINEERING ON: l Edward M. DePaola, Scotch Plains, New Jersey Maureen Ann O'Hora, Midland, Michigan *Paul Nicholas Sackos, Billerica, Massachusetts

26 Dlz Graduate School

THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH ENGINEERING MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ON: ON: Hsiu Chi Chiou, Taipei, Taiwan Michael John Dean, Daily City, California *Edmund Dominic D'Silva, Bombay, India Thesis: A Physical Model of Wastewater Treat­ ment by Overland Flow. Director: Dr. Robert L. Irvine. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN *James Gerald Dixon, Dallas, Pennsylvania METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING AND Thesis: Investigation of the Solubilities of Several MATERIALS SCIENCE ON: Polynuclear Aromatic Compounds in Aqueous Surendra Kumar Gupta, New Delhi, India Solution. Director: Dr. Thomas L. Theis. Chen Ti Hu, Republic of China Elizabeth Elsa Dodge, Colonial Heights, Virginia James William Simon, Jr., Bridgeview, Illinois Thesis: The Effect of Chemical Speciation on Copper Uptake by Chironomus tentans. Direc­ tor: Dr. Thomas L. Theis. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN Chiung Liang Hsu, Taiwan ADMINISTRATION ON: Thesis: Heavy Metals Uptake by Soils Sur­ Robert Leo Devitt, Chicago, Illinois rounding a Fly Ash Pond. Director: Dr. Martin Johannes Nuechtem, Vienna, Austria Thomas L. Theis. King Woodward Pfeiffer, Peoria, Illinois Ping-Chau Liao, South Bend, Indiana *Fred Paul McGuigan, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Bappanadu Namadev Rao, Bangalore, India Thesis: A Numerical Study of the Effects of Hydrologic Variability on Non-Point Source Pollutant Concentrations in Small Lakes. Direc­ tor: Dr. Terry W. Sturm. *Jerry Wayne Ross, Huntington Beach, California

! I I i I I I I I i f I i I I

27 Law School

Edward Charles Caha, Jr., Elkhart, Indiana The Law School B.S., Brown University, 1970 THE DEGREE OF JURIS DOCTOR: M.B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1971 Richard Frederick Cahill, Lindsay, California Constance Mary Acton, Framingham, Massachusetts 1975 B.A., University of Toronto, 1975 B.A., University of California, George E. Adela, Pecos, New Mexico John Powers Cain, Burlington, Vermont B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1975 B.A., University of Vermont, 1973 Richard James Annen, Kalamazoo, Michigan Joseph Anthony Cari, Jr., Evergreen Park, Illinois B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1974 B.B.A., Western Michigan University, 1974 **Steven L. Artusi, Cum Laude, South Bend, Indi­ Fredric Michael Carlin, New York, New York ana B.S., Long Island University, 1965 B.S., Indiana University, 1969 M.B.A., Long Island University, 1971 *Paul Thomas Barnes, Upper Darby, Pennsylvania David Harn Cofrin, Gainesville, Florida B.S., St. Joseph's College, 1962 B.A., Jacksonville University, 1970 M.S., Temple University, 1965 *Gregory Delane Coleman, Atlanta, Georgia M.A., Vniversity of Iowa, 1969 B.A., Emory University, 1969 Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1971 David Francis Cooney, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Ellen Knowles Barry, Denver, Colorado B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1975 B.A., New School for Social Research, 1971 John Joseph Cotter, Jr., Buffalo, New York Michael Edward Barry, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada B.A., Canisius College, 1975 B.A., Harvard, 1975 *Paul W. Creasy, Mahanoy City, Pennsylvania Edwin Thomas Basi, Aumsville, Oregon B.S., Pennsylvania State University, 1969 B.S.-P.S., Oregon State University, 1975 Patrick Joseph Crotty, Chicago, Illinois Bradford Peter Bauer, Syracuse, Indiana B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1975 B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1971 Steven Jay Cuda, McHenry, Illinois Paul E. Becher, Cum Laude, Elkhart, Indiana B.A., St. John's University, 1975 A.B., Indiana University, 1969 *Mary Kathleen Curran, Rochester, New York Dale John Belock, Lyndhurst, Ohio B.A., San Francisco State University, 1975 B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1973 Ellen Daly, Benton Harbor, Michigan M.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1976 B.A., Marquette University, 1975 Raymond H. Berndt, South Bend, Indiana Frederick Richard Daniel, Tiffin, Ohio B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1973 B.A., University of No-tre Dame, 1975 *Santo Bisignano, Jr., Lynchburg, Virginia *Dara Doris Davidson, Baltimore, Maryland B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1969 B.A., Vassar College, 1974 M.B.A., University of Chicago, 1971 *Charles Arthur Davis, Jr., Beech Grove, Indiana *Thomas Scott Botkin, Cum Laude, South Bend B.A., Indiana University, 1971 Indiana ' M.A., Ball State University, 1973 B.A., Indiana University, 1975 *Kymson Ford DesJa.rdins, Orchard Lake, Michigan John Jerome Brancato, Brooklyn, New York A.B., Colgate Umversity, 1973 B.A., St. Francis College, 1975 Dwight Deane de Stefan, Emerson, New Jersey David Robert Bruegel, East Lansing, Michigan B.A., Adelphi University, 1971 A.B., Albion College, 1975 Edward Charles DeVivo, Verona, New Jersey Margaret Michel Burtchaell, Portland, Oregon B.A., New York University, 1975 B.S., Portland State University, 1971

**December 15, 1977, Graduate *January 15, 1978, Graduate 28 Law School

James Dale Donathen, Cum Laude, North Liberty, *Herbert Lee Hawkins, Jr., Bay City, Texas Indiana B.A., Texas Southern University, 1972 B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1975 Lawrence Joseph Hayes, Jr., St. Paul, Minnesota Michael Craig Donovan, McLean, Virginia B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1975 B.S.C.J., Northeastern University, 1974 William B. Hayes III, Champaign, Illinois Robert Carlisle Douglas, Jr., Coldwater, Michigan B.S., University of Illinois, 1975 B.A., University of Michigan, 1975 Thomas Joachim Herd, Rochester, Michigan Stephen John Duggan, Santa Rosa, California B.S.F.S., Georgetown University, 1975 B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1972 Susan Jeanne Herdina, Elm Grove, Wisconsin Patricia Ann Dunn, Cheektowaga, New York B.S., Georgetown University, 1975 B.A., State University of New York College at Irma D. Herrera, Alice, Texas Brockport, 1972 B.A., St. Mary's University, 1971 Susan Tate Dwyer, Shawnee Mission, Kansas D. David Hill, South Bend, Indiana B.A., Colorado College, 1975 B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1973 *Marypat Elderkin, Newtown, Connecticut Charles R. Hood, Cum Laude, Westfield, New Jersey A.B., Smith College, 1975 B.A., College of William and Mary, 1970 John Bernard Ennis, Providence, Rhode Island M.B.A., Northwestern University, 1972 1975 B.A., University of Notre Dame, Thomas Rudolph Hurtekant, Summa Cum Laude, Matthew Arthur Farner, South Bend, Indiana Mishawaka, Indiana B.A., Kalamazoo College, 1975 B.A., Texas Christian University, 1975 Cora Sue Feingold, Brooklyn, New York Dovre Christian Jensen, Jr., Atlanta, Georgia B.A., New York University, 1975 B.A., The Citadel, 1971 Kenneth G. Freitas, Houston, Texas *Kiddy -Chloe Johnson, Fort Wayne, Indian';L B.A., University of California, 1968 B.A., William Jewell College, 1969 M.A., , 1969 M.S., St. Francis College, 1972 Michael Francis Gaffney, Jr., Peabody, Massachu­ Terrence Martin Johnson, Elmhurst, Illinois setts B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1974 B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1975 Vincent Robert Johnson, Cum Laude, Latrobe, Michael Gahan, Joliet, Illinois Pennsylvania B.A., Lewis University, 1975 B.A., St. Vincent College, 1975 Carl Fredrick Gamble, Hillsboro, Ohio Bernard John Karol, Geneva, New York B.A., University of Cincinnati, 1975 B.A., St. John Fisher College, 1975 Patricia Anne Gaughan, Fairview Park, Ohio Catherine Mary Karol, Geneva, New York B.A., St. Mary's College, 1975 B.A., College of New Rochelle, 1975 · Gretchen Marie Gehr, Michigan City, Indiana Kenneth James Keber, Omaha, Nebraska B.A., University of Arizona, 1970 B.S., University of Nebraska, 1975 Paul Joseph Giacomo, Jr., Port Chester, New York Kathryn A. Kelly, 'Voodstock, Illinois B.A., The College of William and Mary, 1975 B.A., Butler University, 1975 Joanne Carol Graham, Cherry Hill, New Jersey Thomas Patrick Kemp, Tinley Park, Illinois B.A., Villanova University, 1975 B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1975 Nicholas Thomas Grosch, Belleville, New Jersey Barry Charles Kessler, Dayton, Ohio B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1975 B.A., DePaul University, 1975 *Michael Jay Grossman, Santa Barbara, California *Benedetta Ann Kissel, Cum Laude, Buffalo, New B.A., University of California, 1972 York ·Gregory Bond Hatch, Cumberland, Rhode Island B.A., State University of New York at Bing­ B.A., Merrimack College, 1975 hamton, 1973

29 Law School

Kenneth Ross Larywon, Yorktown Heights, New Martin Edward Mooney, Cum Laude, Cincinnati, York Ohio B.A., College of Santa Fe, 1974 A.B., Princeton University, 1974 Paul Joseph Laughlin, Chicago, Illinois Jerry Hammes Mowbray, Las Vegas, Nevada B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1975 B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1975 Daniel Michael LaVille, Columbus, Ohio Frank Dominic Musica, Meadville, Pennsylvania B.S., Ohio State University, 1973 B.Arch., University of Notre Dame, 1973 Jeffrey Arthur Lichtman, Hollywood, Florida Michael D. Mustard, Cum Laude, South Bend, B.A., , 1975 Indiana Thomas Armond Lilien, Cum Laude, Orland Park, B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1973 Illinois Jeanine Marie N emesi, Grand Blanc, Michigan B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1975 B.A., Michigan State University, 1975 John Timothy Loats, LaGrange, Illinois Philip Joseph Newton, Baltimore County, Maryland B.A., George Williams College, 1975 B.A., St. Mary's Seminary and University, 1973 Frank Farmer Loomis III, Coloma, Michigan M.A., University of Notre Dame, 1974 A.A., Lake Michigan College, 1975 Vicente Ochoa, Flint, Michigan Michael Joseph Malkiewicz, Dover, Delaware B.A., Michigan State University, 1975 B.A., Delaware State College, 1975 James Edward O'Connor, Omaha, Nebraska James Richard Mall, Glenshaw, Pennsylvania B.A., University of Nebraska, 1975 B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1974 John F. O'Donnell, Woodside, New York Edward Gerald Maloney, Jr., Portland, Oregon B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1975 B.S., Portland State University, 1974 Lucia Susanne Orth, Hannibal, Missouri Frank Joseph Marasco, South Orange, New Jersey B.A., Universtiy of Missouri, 1975 B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1974 Brian John O'Shea, Atlanta, Georgia Christopher Evan Marks, Long Beach, California B.B.A., , 1975 B.A., University of Redlands, 1974 Nancy Ilene Quinlan, Lincoln, Nebraska Donald Craig Martin, Sturgis, Michigan B.A., University of Nebraska, 1975 B.A., Amherst College, 1973 Thomas Joseph Quinn, Worcester, Massachusetts M.Sc., Trinity College, Dublin, 1975 B.A., St. Francis College, 1975 Kenneth Roger Martin, Cum Laude, Syracuse, *Linda Kay Rexer, Essexville, Michigan Indiana B.A., University of Michigan, 1971 A.B., Indiana University, 1968 M.S., Purdue University, 1972 Michael Shawn Riley, Fort Lauderdale, Florida B.A., Florida Atlantic University, 1974 James Anthony Masters, Midland, Pennsylvania B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1974 *Paul Gerard Robeck, Portland, Oregon B.B.A., University of Portland, 1975 Patrick Terence McFadden, South Bend, Indiana B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1975 *Barbara Root Wentworth Roberts, Niles, Michigan A.B., Syracuse University, 1961 T. Mark McLaughlin, Magna Cum Laude, Peabody, Massachusetts Blanche Elizabeth Rockwell, Grangeville, Idaho B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1975 B.A., Seattle University, 1975 Patrick John McManama, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Robert William Rodrigues, Phoenix, Arizona B.A., Western Connecticut State College, 1970 B.A., Arizona State University, 1971 M.S., University of Bridgeport, 1973 M.A., Arizona State University, 1975 Victor-ia Sarah Mendoza, Las Vegas, Nevada Jerry Wayne Ross, South Bend, Indiana B.S., University of San Francisco, 1971 B.S., Stanford University, 1973 M.S., University of Notre Dame, 1978 Joanne Kelley Montague, Greenhills, Ohio B.A., Ohio State University, 1975 Linda Leigh Ross, Palmyra, Illinois B.A., Illinois College, 1975

30 wm·mm=wmrrrre=-T I' rs 'T'I '" '?i' && rF5'7?

Law School

*James Joseph Rowan, South Bend, Indiana Justin Michael Stuhldreher, Cum Laude, Akron, B.A., University of No!re Dame, 1968 Ohio B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1969 B.S., Villanova University, 1974 John Raymond Ruhl, Seattle, Washington Jane Elizabeth Thornton, Coral Gables, Florida B.A., Seattle University, 1974 B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1975 Francis V. Russo, Jr., San Diego, California William Thomas Thornton, Tulsa, Oklahoma B.A., Georgetown University, 1975 B.A., Brown University, 1975 " Michael William Salsieder, Rothschild, Wisconsin **Emil Anthony Tonkovich, Summa Cum Laude, B.S., St. Norbert College, 1974 Hammond, Indiana Patrick Albert Salvi, Lake Zurich, Illinois B.A., Indiana University, 1973 B.A., St. Mary's College, 1975 Virginia Coop Ullman, Muncie, Indiana John Allen Scanlan, Jr., Closter, New Jersey B.S., Ball State University, 1975 B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1966 Paul Robert Unger, Redmond, Oregon M.A., University of Chicago, 1967 B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1974 Ph.D., University of Iowa, 1975 *John Thomas Van Gessel, Grand Rapids, 1v.l1chigan Mary Elizabeth Schaffner, Grosse Pointe, Michigan B.A., Western Michigan University, 1973 B.A., University of Michigan, 1974 James Michael Varga, Dolton, Illinois John Joseph Schalter, Roseville, Michigan B.A., Southern Illinois University, 1975 B.S., Michigan State University, 1973 Randall Lee Velzen, Grand Rapids, Michigan Richard Allen Schlosser, Cum Laude, Sheboygan, A.B., Calvin College, 1975 Wisconsin Lawrence Robert Vander Haar, St. Louis, Missouri B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1975 B.S. in B.A., St. Louis University, 1975 Kevin John Short, Minneapolis, Minnesota Michael Jaines Wahoske, Summa Cum Laude, B.A., Boston College, 1975 Ripon, Wisconsin Kathleen Elizabeth Skiba, South Bend, Indiana B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1975 B.A., Ball State University, 1974 Douglas Reid Weimer, Somerset, Pennsylvania M.A., University of Notre Dame, 1975 B.A., University of Pennsylvania and University Thomas John Snider, Massena, New York of Pittsburgh, 1975 B.A., LeMoyne College, 1975 Steven Handley White, Summersville, West Virginia Dana Leigh Snoap, Magna Cum Laude, Wyoming, D.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1972 Michigan Joseph Francis Winterscheid, Magna Cum Laude, B.A., Central College of Iowa, 1973 Rock Island, Illinois *Ronald Elmer Sokol, South Bend, India~a B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1975 B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1966 Christopher Thomas Wolfe, Cum Laude, William Backus Solomon, Jr., Harper Woods, Michi­ Kalamazoo, Michigan gan B.A., Kalamazoo College, 1973 B.A., University of Detroit, 1973 Jane Woodward, Cum Laude, Munster, Indiana M.A., McMaster University, 1974 A.B., Indiana University, 1972 Vincent Martin Spohn, San Francisco, California JoAnne Marie Yanish, St. Paul, Minnesota B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1970 B.A., Creighton University, 1974 M.A., University of Minnesota, 1975 *Carl Finan Stafford, Detroit, Michigan B.A., Michigan State University, 1974 Steven Francis Stratman, Omaha, Nebraska B.A., College of St. Thomas, 1975 ,. I 'i

31 Arts and Letters

Fred Middleton Beasley, Tulsa, Oklahoma The College of Arts Douglas James Becker, Hamilton, Ohio David Paul Bender, Jr., Ojai, California And Letters David John Beno, With Honors, North Olmsted, THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS: Ohio Edward W. Aberger, Jr., With Highest Honors, Barbara Jean Berhalter, With Honors, Kendallville, Indianapolis, Indiana Indiana Jose Ahumada Figueroa, Santiago, Chile George J. Berry, Indianapolis, Indiana Charles Sheridan Allanson III, University Heights, Heidi Ann Betz, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin Ohio James yincent Bielunas, Upper Darby, Pennsyl­ Timothy Leo Ambrose, Omaha, Nebraska varua Frances Anne Anastasio, South Bend, Indiana Charles Francis Biladeau, With High Honors, Victoria Beth Anderson, Chesterton, Indiana Potomac, Maryland Charles Robert Anhut, With Honors, Ypsilanti Arthur John Bilek, Park Ridge, Illinois Michigan ' Mark Edward Blankenburg, With High. Honors, Rosamond Alice Appelbe, Phoenix, Arizona Hamilton, Ohio Robert Scott Blankenburg, Hamilton, Ohio Robert Scott Appleby, With High Honors, Shreve­ port, Louisiana Rose Claire Blondis, Lemont, Illinois Peter Francis Arden, Glenview, Illinois James Patrick Blunt, Brockton, Massachusetts Mary Emily Armstrong, With Honors, Janesville Mary Claire Boast, Bettendorf, Iowa Wisconsin ' Michael Joseph Bodle, West Lafayette, Indiana Anne Marice Ashe, Stamford, Connecticut Christopher John Bogan, Danbury, Connecticut Gary Steven Aumiller, Damascus, Maryland Donald Francis Bohlinger, Jr., West Babylon, Louanne Kathryn Bachner, With Honors, Niles, New York Illinois Jack Alan Boller, With Honors, Columbus, Ohio David Maynard Badway, With Highest Honors, James Martin Bonaventura, Huntington Beach Shillington, Pennsylvania California ' Susan Elizabeth Bailey, Oak Park, Illinois Dennis James Bonetti, Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania Michael Xavier Ball, With Honors, Chillicothe, Ohio Steven Anthony Bonomo, Jr., Poughkeepsie, Vincent Joseph Barbera, With High Honors, New York Somerset, Pennsylvania Barry Joseph Booher, With High Honors, New Thomas F. Barrett, Cleveland Heights, Ohio Rochelle, New York Thomas Fiorino Basile, Clarksburg, West Virginia Philip Peter Borchard, With Highest Honors, Buffalo, New York Marie Michelle Abad Batacan, Michigan City, Indiana Elaine Isobel Boyle, With Honors, Simsbury, Lee Mills Baty, Monett, Missouri Connecticut David Robert Batton, Springfield, Pennsylvania Mary Katherine Braccio, Bainbridge, New York Mark E. Bauman, With Honors, Indianapolis, Michael William Bradley, With High Honors, Indiana Homewood, Illinois Jay William Brandenberger, Beaver, Pennsylvania Mark Stephen Braunlich, Monroe, Michigan

*January 15, 1978, Graduate 32

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Arts and Letters

Martin Paul Brauweiler, Arlington Heights, Illinois Patrick Thomas Cimino, Tampa, Florida Peter Leo Breen, Palatine, Illinois Warren Joseph Cinnick, With Honors~ Morton Barbara Ann Breitenstein, Kansas City, Kansas Grove, Illinois Gerard James Brems, Birmingham, Michigan Richard Thomas Clancy, Jr., Royal Oak, Michigan John Blaise Brence, Middletown, Ohio Richard John Clarizio, Chicago, Illinois Kathleen Marie Brennan, West Hartford, James Edward Clubb, Jr., Rockville, Maryland Connecticut Kelly Ann Cobb, Acton, J.Yfassachusetts Kathryn Elizabeth Brennan, Westport, Connecticut Kathleen Suzanne Coen, With Highest Honors, Patricia R. Brennan, Buffalo, New York Little Rock, Arkansas Louis Gregory Brien, Deerfield, Illinois Charles Raymond Colbert III, Johnstown, Robert Dwyer Brink, Westport, Connecticut Pennsylvania Paula Kathleen Brobst, Harbor Beach, Michigan Patrick Edward Cole, Lompoc, California Brian Patrick Brodfuehrer, North Tonawanda, Patricia Ann Coleman, Wilmington, Delaware New York Sean Joseph Coleman, South Bend, Indiana George Thomas Brown, Mastic, New York Matthew Oviatt Collier, Stuttgart, West Germany Ross Dean Browner, Warren, Ohio Jennifer Elizabeth Collins, Indianapolis, Indiana Charles Edward Brungardt, Maysville, Oklahoma Ann Laine Combs, Sturgis, Michigan Thomas Michael Burke, Washington, Indiana Michael Griffin Conaty, Huntington, West Virginia Mary Pat Burns, Chicago, Illinois Roberto Jose Concepcion, Madrid, Spain Catherine Ann Marie Buzard, With Honors, Lake Kent Michael Conness, With Honors~ Ottawa, Forest, Illinois Illinois Daniel Roger Byers, Burnsville, Minnesota Brian Thomas Connolly, Houston, Texas Richard James Byrne, Jr., Shrewsbury, New Jersey Stephen James Conover, Norwalk, Connecticut Thomas Mitchell Byrne, With Honors~ Atlanta, Marianne Corr, With Honors~ Rosemont, Georgia Pennsylvania Donald George Cain, Colorado· Springs, Colorado Timothy John Corrigan, With Honors, Jacksonville, Albert F. Callahan, Jr., Medfield, Massachusetts Florida John David Campbell, Morrison, Illinois Richard Francis Cousins, Alexandria, Virginia Thomas J. Canna, South Holland, Illinois James Joseph Daniel Coyne, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Peter Michael Cannon, With Honors~ Columbus Ohio Deborah Patricia Cross, With Honors, Redwood Bernardino Luis Cantu, San Antonio, Texas City, California Patrick James Cuneo, Erie, Pennsylvania David Omar Cantu, With Honors~ Bellevue, Washington James Patrick Cunningham, Chicago, Illinois Margaret Ann Capo, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Andrew Anthony Cuomo, JtVith High Honors, Huntington Station, New York Nancy E. Cashman, Hinsdale, Illinois John Arthur Dadmun, With Honors, Milwaukee, Joseph Leo Caverly, With High Honors~ Southfield, Michigan Wisconsin +:·Patricia Ann Champeau, Kokomo, Indiana Sheryl Lee Daigle, With High Honors, Vernon, Connecticut Cori Jan Kam Oi Ching, With High Honors:~ Honolulu, Hawaii

33 Arts and Letters

John Joseph Daley, Western Springs, Illinois Terrence Keyes Donahue, Omaha, Nebraska James Wilton Daly IV, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania Patricia Ann Dondanville, With High Honors, Debra Lee Darko, Mesa, Arizona Springfield, Illinois Christine Martha Datzman, Fort Wayne, Indiana Diane Carole Donnelly, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Charles James Daubner, Hartford, Wisconsin Edward William Dougherty, Jr., Orlando, Florida Thomas Alan D'Aunno, With High Honors, Brian James Doyle, Merrick, New York Southington, Connecticut Gerald Paul Doyle, With High Honors, Houston, Craig Martin Davis, Colfax, Indiana Texas Deborah Frances Dean, Fayette, Missouri Robert Martin Dreger, Jr., Skokie, Illinois Nicholas Joe DeCicco, South Bend, Indiana Martin Leo Driscoll, Huntington Station, New York John Patrick Delaney, Jr., Philadelphia, Martha Anne Duensing, Kansas City, Missouri Pennsylvania Kevin Thomas Duffy, Hayward, Wisconsin Rex Eugene Delcamp, Orlando, Florida Michael William Duffy, With Honors, Park Ridge, Mark Philip Delisi, With Honors, Bound Brook, Illinois New Jersey Victor Robert Dukay, With Honors, Ann Arbor, Alicia Ann Denefe, Ottumwa, Iowa Michigan Patrice Marie Dermody, Oak Lawn, Illinois Elizabeth Ann Jane Du Melle, Chicago, Illinois Mary Elizabeth DeRoche, With Honors, Weston, James Joseph Dunne III, Babylon, New York Massachusetts John Patrick Dutton, Des Moines, Iowa James Louis Desmond, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Virginia Mary Dwyer, With Honors, Elmhurst, Michelle Marie Despres, Granger, Indiana Illinois Thomas Michael de Werd, Owatonna, Minnesota Lisa Lynn Easley, With Highest Honors, Fort Orest Steven Deychakiwsky, Brecksville, Ohio Madison, Iowa Terrence Patrick Diamond, With High Honors, Mark Allen Eck, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Palos Park, Illinois Michael Gerard Edwards, Council Bluffs, Iowa Mary Gertrude Digan, With Honors, Needham, Tracy Carolyn Enright, With Honors, Devon, Massachusetts Pennsylvania William Francis Dillhoefer, Jr., San Marino, Christopher Joseph Erickson, Ludlow, Massachusetts California Norma Estrada, Fabens, Texas Janet Marie Dillon, With High Honors, Bronx, Jeffery Charles Etoll, Bryan, Ohio New York Terry Allen Eurick, Saginaw, Michigan James Kevin Dilworth, La Porte, Indiana Wallace Eugene Evans, Jr., Phoenix, Arizona *Brother John Winston Disser, C.S.C., Notre Dame, Maureen Patricia Eyres, With High Honors, Indiana Coltsneck, New Jersey Christopher James Doherty, Indianapolis, Indiana Lesley Anne Fair, With High Honors, Scottsdale, Linda Marie Doherty, With High Honors, Arizona Des Plaines, Illinois William Michael Farmer, With Highest Honors, Thomas K. Dolan, Dubuque, Iowa South Bend, Indiana William Michael Dombrowski, Jersey City, New Danny Eugene Faulk, Indianapolis, Indiana Jersey Edward Joseph Fayen, Lakewood, Ohio Philip Cole Finegan, Tulsa, Oklahoma

34 Arts and Letters

Andrea Fink, Eau Claire, Wisconsin Charles Bruce Gordon III, Franklin, Massachusetts Regina Marie Fink, Huntington, Indiana Kathleen Susan Gorman, With Honors, Rockford, Peter Francis Fitzgerald, With High Honors, Illinois Florham Park, New Jersey Dexter Jan Gourdin, Jamaica, New York Steven Joseph Fitzmorris, Palm Springs, California Mary Elizabeth Grady, Hamden, Connecticut William Joseph Flanagan, Allenhurst, New Jersey Daniel Harrison Graf, Phoenix, Arizona = Mary Flannery, With Honors, West Hartford, Gemma Eileen Graham, With Honors, Hopkins, Connecticut Minnesota Elizabeth Mary Flood, Kingston, Rhode Island Annette Marie Grande, South Bend, Indiana Richard Reyes Flores, San Antonio, Texas Anthony John Greco, Sydney, Australia Kathryn Marie Flynn, Pottsville, Pennsylvania Mary Cecilia Gregerson, Park Forest, Illinois Maureen Ann Flynn, With High Honors, Saint Brian Patrick Griffin, With Honors, Emerson, Louis, Missouri New Jersey William Andrew Fogarty, Fair Lawn, New Jersey Leslie Carol Griffin, With Highest Honors, Bryn Susan Maureen Foley, St. Petersburg, Florida Mawr, Pennsylvania Joseph Leo Forman, Plainsboro, New Jersey *Michael Thomas Griffith, With Honors, Fort Sheila Kathleen Foss, South Bend, Indiana Wayne, Indiana Emily Frances Foster, Morgantown, West Virginia Paul Thomas Grogan, Toledo, Ohio Joan Louise Fremeau, Chelmsford, Massachusetts William Lawrence Grundy, Jr., Jeannette, Pennsylvania Barbara Anne Frey, With High Honors, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin William Joseph Guappone, Cincinnati, Ohio Willie Fry, Jr., Memphis, Tennessee Kerry Wade Hab, South Bend, Indiana Katherine Warner Fulnecky, Mishawaka, Indiana John Randall Haefner, Milford, Ohio James Leonard Gajewski, Wyomissing, Pennsylvania Brian William Hainline, With High Honors, Redford, Michigan Paul Michael Gales, With High Honors, Livermore, Iowa Peter G. Haley, Dayton, Ohio Guy L. Gantt, New York City, New York Randall Eugene Hand, Plano, Texas Michael G. Garvey, Glenview, Illinois John Lawrence Hannan, Orlando, Florida Peter Joseph Garvey, Springfield, Illinois Philip Henry Hannigan, Parma, Ohio John Michael Gearin, Indianapolis, Indiana Valerie Theresa Hardy, Oakland, California Randy Lewis Gelber, Hackensack, New Jersey Mark Thomas Harmon, Indianapolis, Indiana *John F. Gelson, Jr., South Orange, New Jersey Peter J. Harrington, Riverside, Connecticut Frances McDonald Gilbert, With Honors, Peoria, Joyce Anne Hatala, Peckville, Pennsylvania Illinois James Gerard Healy, With Honors, Atlantic City, Julie Marie Gill, With Highest Honors, Florissant, New Jersey Missouri Robert Randolph Heimbuch, Randallstown, ·Michael Geoffrey Glynn, Indianapolis, Indiana Maryland Peter Gregory Goerner, South Bend, Indiana Frederick Joseph Heinzen, Jr., With Honors, Peoria, Illinois *Thomas Jefferson Golden, Jr., Hammond, Indiana *Jane Carla Heinzmann, Metamora, Illinois Thomas James Goldsworthy, Jersey City, New Jersey *Peter S. Helland, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin

35 Arts and Letters

Richard Lee Hendricks, Jr., South Bend, Indiana Anthony Joseph Karr, Evergreen Park, Illinois Arthur Stephen Henrich, With Honors, Mansfield, Tracy Elizabeth Kee, W itlz Honors, Dallas, Texas Ohio Terrence Patrick Keelan, Du Bois, Pennsylvania Paul Joseph Hess, Jr., Cincinnati, Ohio Ann Louise Keenan, With Honors, Davenport, Iowa William T. Heywood, Los Angeles, California Robert ]. Keffier, Midland, Texas Colleen Marie Hickey, With Honors, South Bend, Kathleen Kelly, Denton, Texas Indiana Maureen Elizabeth Kelly, With High Honors, Terry Joseph Hinnendael, With Honors, De Pere, North Caldwell, New Jersey Wisconsin Matthew Francis Kennelly, With Highest Honors, David Justus Hoag, South Egremont, Massachusetts Fort Wayne, Indiana John Patrick Holbrook, Hornell, New York John Allen Kenward, With Honors, Highland, Daniel James Horgan, Worcester, Massachusetts Indiana Kevin Christopher Horton, Dayton, Ohio Lawrence John Kermon, San Antonio, Texas Theodore A. Howard, New Canaan, Connecticut Christopher]. Kernan, Grosse Pointe, Michigan Dennis-Patrick Hubbell, Traverse City, Michigan Carol Jeanne Kersten, With Honors, Fort Dodge, Patrice Kikue Huffman, Elgin, Illinois Iowa Robert Newman Hutchison, Jr., Pittsburgh, Kathleen Louise Kerwin, With Honors, Detroit, Pennsylvania Michigan William Douaire Igoe, Chicago, Illinois William Kica, Glenview, Illinois Albert Mark O'Driscoll Illig, San Antonio, Texas Steven Anthony Kiepe, Boulder, Colorado Thomas Constantine Iskalis, Elm Grove, Wisconsin Peter Christopher King, St. Peter, Minnesota Robert Noel Jacobs, With Honors, Piscataway, Kathleen Judith Kinney, St. Joseph, Michigan New Jersey Peter William Kinsella, Jr., Ladue, Missouri Christopher Michael Jaeger, Galion, Ohio John Francis Klebba, Chicago, Illinois Donna Jayn Johnson, Atlanta, Georgia Dennis Anthony Klee, Clarence, New York Joseph William Johnson, Toledo, Ohio Mark Joseph Klein, Doylestown, Pennsylvania Mark Galen Johnson, With High Honors, Dallas, Kent Alan Klopfenstein, South Bend, Indiana Texas Arthur Earnest Koebel, Jr., Indianapolis, Indiana Susan Marie Johnson, Hartford City, Indiana Paul Korzeniowski, With Honors, Revere, Melanie Leigh Jorgensen, With Honors, Alexandria, Massachusetts Virginia Milo Robert Kosich, Billings, Montana James Andrew Kahl, With High Honors, East William Reed Kostoff, Port Huron, Michigan Chester, New York Leigh Anne Kremer, Erie, Pennsylvania Robert Hickey Kahn, With High Honors, Glen Rock, New Jersey Mark Francis Krepich, Tyrone, Pennsylvania Mary Elizabeth Krick, With Highest Honors, Grand Raymond James Kalinowski, St. Louis, Missouri Island, Nebraska Kevin Stewart Kamen, Loudonville, New York Karl Stephen Krone busch, With Highest Honors, Matthew Joseph Kane, South Bend, Indiana Rollingstone, Minnesota Patricia Jean Kane, Potomac, Maryland Mark Christopher Kulyk, With Honors, Albion, Timothy Edward Kapshandy, With High Honors, Pennsylvania South Bend, Indiana

36 Arts and Letters

Vilija Stase Labanauskas, Chicago, Illinois Paul Joseph Makielski, Edwardsburg, Michigan Robert John LaBarge, Clarendon Hills, Illinois Lorne Joseph Malkiewich, Caldwell, New Jersey Mark Joseph La Fratta, Richmond, Virginia James Vernon Maniace, With Honors, Upper Larry Joseph Lambert, With High Honors, Troy, Arlington, Ohio Michigan Michael Francis Manier, South Bend, Indiana James Michael Landi, Rockaway, New Jersey Mark Raymond Manning, Westchester, IPinois Richard Gerard Landry, With High Honors, Patrick Augustine Mannion, Fayetteville, New York Waterbury, Connecticut Kimberlee Ann Manzi, Burlington, New Jersey Thomas Gerald Landry III, Leominster, Rosemary Anne Marks, Merrick, New York Massachusetts Edmund Joseph 1v!aroney, Jr., Providence, Rhode Dianne Louise Lapeyre, With High Honors, Houma, Island Louisiana Joan Catherine Martel, Albuquerque, New Mexico Thomas Anthony LaSalvia, Gibsonburg, Ohio Mary Catherine Masters, Midland, Pennsylvania Frank Joseph Laurino, Pittsford, New York George W. Matteo, Jr., Chews Landing, New Jersey Mary Ann Layden, Houston, Texas Carolyn Mattern, Pine Bush, New York Michael Stephen Leahy, Indianapolis, Indiana Mary Ann Mayer, Butler, Indiana Clare Eileen Leary, With Honors, Rice Lake, Marian Theresa Maylath, With Honors, Potomac, Wisconsin Maryland *Michael Arthur Leary, Winthrop, Massachusetts James Edward McArdle, South Bend, Indiana Paul Francis LeBrun III, Shape, Belgium Ronald Lynn McArtor, With Highest Honors) Patricia Ann Leckey, Bronxville, New York Marion, Iowa Robert Duane Lein, Lindenhurst, New York Mary Ellen McBride, Oak Park, Illinois Randall Scott Levin, Fort Wayne, Indiana William John McCall, Chicago, Illinois Timothy Patrick Lew, Shorewood, Wisconsin Edmond Robert McCarthy, Jr., Wright-Patterson Joseph Michael Lischwe, St. Louis, Missouri Air Force Base, Ohio Terrance Kevin Livingston, With Honors) Michael Joseph McCarthy, With Honors, Lombard, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Illinois Daniel D. Lombardi, With Honors, Canton, Ohio Mary Gertrude McCormick, Cincinnati, Ohio Maria J. Losurdo, Aurora, New York Kathleen Mary McElroy, With Highest Honors, Paul Vincent LoVoi, Tulsa, Oklahoma Silver Spring, Maryland Joseph George Luberda, St. Louis, Missouri Matthew James McGrath, Michigan City, Indiana Michael Eugene Lyons, Posthumously, Union Margaret Ann McGuire, JtVith Honors, Holstein, City, Indiana Iowa Kenneth Adams MacAfee II, Brockton, Mary Teresa Mcinerny, South Bend, Indiana Massachusetts Deborah Ann Mciver, With High Honors, *Mark Joseph MacDougall, Woburn, Massachusetts Thomasville, Georgia Anne Brady Mack, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan John Matthew McKenzie, Oshkosh, Wisconsin Valerie Maggos, With Honors, Oakbrook, Illinois Patrick Joseph McKillen, Jr., Waukegan, Illinois *Richard J. Magjuka, Belmar, New Jersey Ellen Elizabeth McLaughlin, With Honors, *Christopher Edward Mahon, With Honors, Hinsdale, Illinois Grosse Pointe, Michigan *vVilliam M. McLean, Chicago, Illinois Sharon Anne McMeel, South Bend, Indiana Brian McMenamin, With Honors) Scranton, Pennsylvania

37 Arts and Letters

Michael Francis McReynolds, With High Honors, Marianne Murphy, South Holland, Illinois Lakewood, Ohio Terrence Thomas Murphy, Saginaw, Michigan Christopher John Meehan, Wood River, Illinois Timothy J. Murphy, Brick Town, New Jersey Stephen J. Meiskey, With High Honors, William John Murray, Louisville, Kentucky Lancaster, Pennsylvania Molly Ann Murtagh, Toledo, Ohio James Patrick Melia, With Honors, Pittsburgh, W. David Myers, With Honors, El Paso, Texas Pennsylvania David T. Nani, Anaheim, California JoAnn Marie Melody, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Elizabeth Anne Naquin, Elkhart, Indiana Patrick 'Villiam Merman, With Honors, Monroe, Maryanne Nasiatka, New Gretna, New Jersey Michigan Barbara Ellen Neal, With High Honors, Columbus, Thomas William Merrigan, Maryville, Missouri Ohio Patricia Mary Metcalf, Elkhart, Indiana Cheryl Joanne Nester, Chardon, Ohio Michael Joseph Meyer, With Honors, South Bend, Susan Elizabeth Nestor, San Bernardino, California Indiana Stephen J. Ninneman, Toman, Wisconsin Lisa Marie Michels, Baltimore, Maryland William Spirgion Noakes, Jr., Camp Springs, Nancy Marie Michuda, Boynton Beach, Florida Maryland Kathleen Mills, With Highest Honors, Bergenfield, Katharine Mary Noelke, With Highest Honors, New Jersey Milwaukee, Wisconsin Loretta Jean Mirandola, With High Honors, Catherine Margaret Nolan, Elmhurst, Illinois Leechburg, Pennsylvania GregoryLawrence Nussbaum, Amarillo, Texas Maria Carmela Mirto, Clark, New Jersey James Matthew O'Brien, With Highest Honors, Joseph Frank Mizzi, Dearborn, Michigan McHenry, Illinois Thomas Michael Modic, Fairview Park, Ohio Keith Bryan O'Connell, San Antonio, Texas George Lennox Moher, Wellesley, Massachusetts Patrick Joseph O'Connell, Northbrook, Illinois Quentin Moore, Glen Rock, New Jersey John Kevin O'Connor, Niagara Falls, New York Peter Joseph Morelli II, With Honors, Dix Hills, Michael Sean O'Connor, University Heights, Ohio New York Patricia JoAnn O'Donnell, Palos Heights, Illinois Richard Bruce Morrison, Ashland, New Jersey John Denis Ogburn, Louisville, Kentucky Michael Francis Moses, Bethel Park, Pennsylvania Kevin Michael O'Hara, Norristown, Pennsylvania Sheila Michelle Muldoon, With High Honors, Bonita, California Kathleen Erin O'Hora, Midland, Michigan James Patrick Mulhall, With Honors, Omaha, David John O'Keefe, Northbrook, Illinois Nebraska Brian Joseph O'Leary, Indianapolis, Indiana Michael Kevin Mulherin, Mansfield, Ohio Timothy Daniel O'Meara, South Bend, Indiana Stephanie Anne Mulherin, With Honors, Adrian, Elizabeth Ann O'Neill, Norwich, New York Michigan Joseph Emmett O'Neill, St. Paul, Minnesota Brian James Mulhern, Hinsdale, Illinois Maureen Ann O'Neill, Norwich, New York Donald Joseph Mulvihill, Jr., With Honors, Thomas Emmet O'Neill III, Winnetka, Illinois Westchester, Illinois Joan Alice Orie, Allison Park, Pennsylvania Carl Fredric Muiiana, Madrid, Spain Don Jeffrey O'Sullivan, With High Honors, North Grace Denise Murgia, With High Honors, Little Rock, Arkansas Midland Park, New Jersey Jean Marie Murphy, Roselle Park, New Jersey Joan Byrne Murphy, Cos Cob, Connecticut

38 Arts and Letters

Jon D. O'Sullivan, With Honors, North Ronald Patrick Raab, Edwardsburg, Michigan . Little Rock, Arkansas Alex Thomas Rafferty, Libertyville, Illinois Peter Robert O'Sullivan, East Amherst, New York Rafael Roberto Ramirez, San Juan, Puerto Rico Kevin A. Packer, St. Davids, Pennsylvania Victoria Louise Ramirez, Fort Wayne, Indiana Michael Patrick Padden, With High Honors, Bruce Edward Rand, Elkhart,. Indiana Chicago, Illinois Karen Randolph, With Honors, Oak Lawn, Illinois Timothy Joseph Pakenham, With High Honors, Patricia Margaret Raphael, With Honors, Louisville, Kentucky Westchester, Illinois Thomas Charles Panzica, South Bend, Indiana Caroline Louise Rapp, Glen Ellyn, Illinois Christopher Peter Papayanakos, Potsdam, Michael Reda, Phillipsburg, New Jersey New York *Thomas Jude Reedy, Northfield, Illinois Mark Philip Parillo, With Honors, Girard, Ohio Michael Patrick Reid II, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Gary ·Thomas Paruta, Hamburg, New York Stephen Leavitt Reid, With Highest Honors, Jill Audrey Pascuzzo, Tioga Center, New York Concord, New Hampshire Jim Pastore, Ballston Spa, New York William Edward Reifsteck II, Haddonfield, Michael C. Pastore, Brooklyn, New York New Jersey Thomas Joseph Pavelka, Brooklyn, Ohio Kevin John Resch, Rochester, New York Jeffrey Maurice Pecore, With High Honors, Norma Ida Reyes, Chicago, Illinois Baltimore, Maryland *Maureen Ann Reynolds, With Honors, Winnetka, paniel Francis Pedtke, South Bend, Indiana Illinois Mary Ann Pelczar, West Nanticoke, Pennsylvania Maureen Anne Reynolds, With High Honors, Carl Anthony Penn, El Paso, Texas Noblesville, Indiana Michael Shawn Pettis, Omaha, Nebraska William D. Riley, Seaford, New York Eric Paul Philippsen, South Bend, Indiana Timothy Mark Rippinger, Aurora, Illinois Anthony Francis Phillips, Jr., With High Honors, Kurt Kevin Robinson, St. Louis, Missouri Nashua, New Hampshire Lloyd Edgar Robinson, Jr., South Bend, Indiana Michele Marie Pidgeon, With High Honors, Theodore John Robinson, Rockville Centre, Palos Verdes Estates, California New York Carl Raymond Pivarsky, Jr., Northport, New York James Nicholas Romanelli, With Honors) Laurel Jack Paul Pizzolato, Jr., With High Honors, Hollow, New York New Providence, New Jersey Daniel Michael Romano, River Forest, Illinois Thaddeus Stanley Michael Plis, With H onorsJ John Edward Rooney, Jr., With Honors, Tulsa, Syracuse, New York Oklahoma Carolyn Marie Popp, Knoxville, Tennessee Edward Alan Rosini, Teaneck, New Jersey Mary Virginia Porcari, Rochester, New York *Mark Craig Sakaley, Washington, D.C. Susan Jeanne Pastorino, Racine, Wisconsin Dominick John Salemi, Springfield, Virginia Daniel Francis Prebish, Milwaukee, Wisconsin· Mark Jesse Samolczyk, South Bend, Indiana Charles McDaniel Prejean, Danbury, Connecticut Evelyn Elaine Sandeen, With Highest Honors, Mark Steven Prill, Billings, Montana South Bend, Indiana Gregory Onofrio Principato, Parlin, New Jersey Pedro Miguel Santoni, Bayamon, Puerto Rico Michelle Ann Quinn, Lindenhurst, New York Kathryn Marie Sarb, Dearborn, Michigan Lynne Marie Savard, Palos Heights, Illinois

39 Arts and Letters

Mary Margaret Sawall, With Highest Honors, Jean Marie Smith, With Honors, New City, Meguon, Wisconsin New York Mary Ellen Scalera, West Orange, New Jersey Kevin Micheal Smith, South Bend, Indiana Joseph Thomas Scally, Chicago, Illinois Marilee Virginia Smith, With Honors, Millcreek, Shawn Scannell, Royal Oak, Michigan Indiana Melita Christina Schaum, With High Honors, Peter John Smith, New Providence, New Jersey South Bend, Indiana Therese Augustina Smith, Lynnefield, William Joseph Scheible, North Olmsted, Ohio Massachusetts Christine Ann Schmitt, Washington, Missouri Denise Lynn Snyder, Ligonier, Pennsylvania Katherine Anne Schmitt, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Richard Edward Sofranko, Mount Pleasant, Steven Thomas Schmitz, Lakewood, Ohio Pennsylvania Kathryn Ann Schneider, With Honors, Arlington, Joseph Michael Sopcich, Independence, Missouri Texas Mark Thomas Spence, Orchard Park, New York Mark Andrew Schramm, South Bend, Indiana Patrick James Stapleton III, Indiana, Pennsylvania Margaret Elizabeth Schumaker, Milwaukee, William Gregory Starr, Allison Park, Pennsylvania Wisconsin Michael Aloysius Staub, Avon-by-the-Sea, New Mark Howard Scribner, Chatham, New Jersey Jersey Jean Ann Sculati, La Crosse, Wisconsin Robert Henry Staunton, South Bend, Indiana William John Seeger, Kerrville, Texas Joan Victoria Stephan, Evanston, Illinois Joseph Philip Sergio, South Bend, Indiana John Patrick Stephens, With Honors, South Bend, Paul Maes Shafer, Pittsford, New York Indiana Edward Francis Shea, Chicago, Illinois Charles Albert Stevens III, Fargo, North Dakota *Mary Patricia Shea, Hinsdale, Illinois Stephanie Anne Strine, York, Pennsylvania Michael Edward Sheehan, Pittsburgh, Hugh Patrick Sullivan, Warren, Ohio Pennsylvania Mark David Sullivan, Brookline, Massachusetts William Gerard Sheehan, Sylvania, Ohio Teresa Ann Sullivan, Omaha, Nebraska Janet Elaine Sherman, Palos Heights, Illinois Jane Ellen Swihart, Elkhart, Indiana Mary Ann Elizabeth Shilala, DuBois, Pennsylvania Mary Patricia Tarpey, River Grove, Illinois Dwight Edward Shrader, Hanover, Pennsylvania Kevin Michael Taylor, Springhouse, Pennsylvania John Charles Silhavy, Cary, Illinois David Alphonsus Tezza, Charleston, South Carolina Carol Elizabeth Simmons, Daytona Beach, Florida Deborah Diane Thomas, Perry, Georgia Jeffrey Lawrence Patrick Simnick, Vincennes, Steven Gerard Thomas, With Honors, White Indiana Plains, New York Jean Marie Simon, Naples, Florida Julius C. Thompson, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Theresa Louise Sinnott, Washington, Indiana Charles W. Tiedemann, Scarsdale, New York Theodore C. Slaughter, Jr., Markham, Illinois Michael John Towle, Richford, Vermont Donald Sherry Smail, Jr., East Providence, ·»Tina Michele Traficanti, With Highest Honors, Rhode Island Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Mary Katherine Smelser, South Bend, Indiana Giselle Leonor Urruti, With Honors, South Bend,. Barbara Michelle Smith, St. Charles, Missouri Indiana Cherene Rene Maria Smith, Mansfield, Ohio

40 Arts and Letters

Stephen Joseph Vamos III, Curtice, Ohio THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF Raymond A. Vander Heyden, Mishawaka, Indiana FINE ARTS Robert Andrew Van Tornhout, South Bend, Terrence Michael Broderick, Pittsburgh, Indiana Pennsylvania Robert Anthony Varettoni, Totowa, New Jersey Sally Ann Dentz, Holden, Massachusetts Kenneth Joseph Victor, Columbia, Missouri Terence Anthony Fallon, South Bend, Indi~na Leticia Olga Vidaurri, San Antonio, Texas Susan Mary Hart, Aurora, Illinois *Michael Anthony Villani, New Milford, New William Joseph Hassell, With High Honors) Dallas, Jersey Texas Monica Anne Vogel, Peoria, Illinois Sharon Kay Ladewski, South Bend, Indiana John Patrick Walker, Wayne, Illinois Joan Marie Luttmer, With Honors) Cincinnati, Mark Christopher Wallace, Madison, New Jersey Ohio Michael Thomas Madden, Washington, D.C. John K~ Walsh, Ramsey, New Jersey Peter Francis Warmenhoven, Jr., Santa Maria, William Godollei-Reis, La Puente, California California Katherine Ann Robinson, South Bend, Indiana Victoria Lynn Warren, New Carlisle, Indiana Sharon Louise Simon, Vincennes, Indiana Theresa Anne Wathen, Madisonville, Kentucky Marylou Walsh, Cranford, New Jersey Arthur Michael Weingartner, Fort Wayne, Indiana Eric Paul Walton, South Bend, Indiana Charles Joseph Weis, Middlesex, New Jersey THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF MUSIC: Joseph Daniel Welch, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania Kendall Joan Rafter, With Highest Honors) Kathryn Edna Werhan, New Orleans, Louisiana Alexandria, Virginia Gregory Joseph Weston, Rochester, New York James P. Johnston, Roscoe, New York John Raymond Whalen, Oak Brook, Illinois Michael Patrick Whiteside, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Robert Joseph Wilmouth, Barrington, Illinois Geoffrey William Wladecki, Elyria, Ohio Peter Wolf, Chicago, Illinois Donald Lee Wolford, Niles, Ohio John Benton Wood, Anna Maria, Florida Leslie Marie Worden, Harleysville, Pennsylvania Mark Edward Wurfel, Plainfield, Indiana Robert Tim Wurz, With High Honors) Memphis, Tennessee Victor F. Yeandel, South Bend, Indiana Gregory Joseph Young, Long Beach, California Peter Jude Zabroski, Hartford, Connecticut Michael Joseph Zengel, Indianapolis, Indiana Daniel John Zimmerman, Jr., Sepulveda, California James E. Zorn, With Honors) Phillips, Wisconsin

41 Science

John Francis Carmody, Moberly, Missouri The College of Science James Christopher Carney, West Bloomfield, THE DEGREE OF BACHELGR OF SCIENCE: Michigan Mary Katherine Allare, With High Honors, Mount Ronald P. Carzoli, Jr., With High Honors, Brent­ Prospect, Illinois wood, England Michael Anthony Amaro, Manchester, Missouri Aaron Mark Casady, Carmel, Indiana Constance Andres, Coopersburg, Pennsylvania Ross Allen Christensen, With High Honors, Racine, Wisconsin Dominick Paul Artuso, Elmont, New York William Kevin Clegg, Toledo, Ohio William Francis Askins, Jr., With High Honors, Flemington, New Jersey Gregory Millard Cloyd, With High Honors, Paducah, Kentucky Mary Elizabeth Bak, West Collingswood, New Jersey Mary Elizabeth Cohan, Rocky River, Ohio Timothy Daniel Baldy, Pensacola, Florida Ann Louise Colbert, Ionia, Michigan Richard Timothy Barock, Fulton, Maryland Geoffrey Philip Cole, Wexford, Pennsylvania Ramiro Barrera, Jr., Roma, Texas Gwen E. Coleman, Wheaton, Illinois Jeffrey C. Bartlett, Coral Springs, Florida Nancy Jeanne Colpitts, Windsor, New York Michael Patrick Bartlett, With High Honors, Mark Alan Connelly, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Schenectady, New York Michael Alan Conti, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania James Trent Beaton, Wynne, Arkansas Kathleen Conway, With Honors, Ballston Lake, James Francis Benenati, Sea Ranch Lakes, Florida New York Ann Marie Bennett, Mequon, Wisconsin James Richard Cook, With Honors, Center Moriches, New York Michael Morgan Bidwell, Meriden, Connecticut Richard F. Bis, North Olmsted, Ohio Paul G. Coppola, With Honors, Snyder, New York John Charles Corrao, With Honors, Fort Wayne, Frank Leahy Bleyer, Carbondale, Illinois Indiana Debra Boyer, With Honors, Oil City, Pennsylvania Christopher Michael Corrigan, With Honors, David Arthur Bradley, Silver Spring, Maryland Albuquerque, New Mexico David Houston Brown, Williamsville, New York Patrick Daniel Coveny, Streator, Illinois Anthony Joseph Bruno, With Honors, Hartland, Nancy Jean Cox, With High Honors, Hillsboro, Wisconsin Illinois Timothy John Buckley, Evergreen Park, Illinois John Richard Gray, With Honors, Cedar Falls, James Anthony Budde, With Honors, Dayton, Ohio Iowa Nancy Jane Budds, West Hartford, Connecticut Paul Francis Cromwick, Worcester, Massachusetts Marie Antoinette Bufalino, Chicago, Illinois Marc Gerard Cullerot, Manchester, New Hampshire Augustus Theodore Burke, Jr., Skokie, Illinois Timothy Joseph Curtin, Rockville, Maryland Mary Carmel Burke, Chicago, Illinois Stephen Mark Dane, With Honors, Perrysburg, William Peter Burke, Marietta, Georgia Ohio Stephen Frederick Calonje, Posthumously, New Deborah Anne Darnley, With High Honors, Orleans, Louisiana Birmingham, Michigan Frank Carmen Candela, With High Honors, Morton David Wayne DeFacci, Richton Park, Illinois Grove, Illinois

*January 15, 1978, Graduate 42 tf ~me TCE7'5C 'Cf''WS"'f'"'fEC""'S p 1


Jill Ann DeLucia, Coxsackie, New York Brian Joseph Furia, Woodstown, New Jersey Steven William Paul DeSalva, Somerset, New Jersey Patricia Ann Gallaher, Edwardsville, Illinois Thomas Benton DeStefani, Jr., With Honors, James David Gamble, With High Honors, Riverside, Burr Ridge, Illinois New Jersey Joseph Paul Dinnocenzo, With Honors, Pittsburgh, Keelin Maire Garvey, Warren, Ohio Pennsylvania Sheila Anne Gavan, Allendale, New Jersey­ John Thomas Doherty, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania Milton John Gavlick, Jr., With High Honors, Elizabeth Ann Dolezal, North Judson, Indiana Attleboro, Massachusetts Patricia Anne Dooley, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama Robert James Gildea III, Andover, Massachusetts Lawrence James Drahota, Omaha, Nebraska Thomas Patrick Gill, Brownsburg, Indiana David Gordon Drake, Minneapolis, Minnesota Mary Therese Goddard, South Bend, Indiana Mary Elizabeth Draper, Hillsboro, Illinois Thomas Carl Golubski, Rockford, Illinois Paul Stephen Drzaic, With Highest Honors, John Joseph Goodill, Jr., Erie, Pennsylvania Omaha, Nebraska Daniel Patrick Griffin, Hohokus, New Jersey Christopher Sean Dugan, Valparaiso, Indiana John David Gumpert, Jr., Davenport, Iowa Patrick Michael Dunne, Chicago, Illinois William Benson Guyol, Jr., With High Honors, Martha Sanders Dwyer, Ruxton, Maryland St. Louis, Missouri Eric Charles Eckman, Indianapolis, Indiana Regis William Haid, Jr., Huntington, West Robert Benedict Edelmann, Jr., Short Hills, New Virginia Jersey Michael James Haley, With High Honors, Cherry Kenneth Eugene Elek, South Bend, Indiana Hill, New Jersey Robert Gordon Ellis, Clifton Park, New York Melinda Marie Hallinan, Temple City, California Julie Marie Engelhart, Flossmoor, Illinois William Joseph Harper, Springfield, Ohio Robin Lee Eresman, With Highest Honors, Pine- Robert Gerard Hassett, Port Byron, New York dale, Wyoming Gerald J. Hattrup, Jr., Austin, Texas David George Eveleigh, Cincinnati, Ohio Ronald Anthony Heiderman, Niles, Illinois Margaret Louise Eyler, With High Honors, San James Kevin Henegan, Oak Park, Illinois Marino, California Gary Lee Hickman, Alexandria, Virginia James Anthony Ferrara, Camillus, New York Elizabeth Mary Hinders, Celina, Ohio John Steven Fezy, South Bend, Indiana James Francis Hora, Dallas, Pennsylvania Robert Francis Fisher, Johnstown, Pennsylvania Stephen Douglas Horak, Rochester, New York Richard Alan Fitzgerald, Inwood, New York John Francis Xavier Horan, Fairfield, Cormnecticut Timothy R. Fitzgerald, Alton, Illinois *Kathleen Louise Horwath, Encino, California Peter Michael Fitzpatrick, Dannemora, New York Steven Gerard Hughes, East Orange, New Jersey Edward Joseph Fitzsimons, Mt. Prospect, Illinois Kimberley Elizabeth Huhta, Wauwatosa, Wisconsin Michael Thomas Flavin, Downers Grove, Illinois Gary Martin Ivins, With Honors, Glenview, Illinois Michael Vincent Fons, Cudahy, Wisconsin Ann Marie J arabek, Middleburg Heights, Ohio William John Ford III, Fargo, North Dakota John Patrick Franko, Richmond, Virginia Anthony Francis Fransway, With High Honors, Ann Arbor, Michigan

43 Science

Eve Mary Jehle, With Honors, North Miami Beach, John Michael Larrabee, Arlington Heights, Illinois Florida Dennis Howard Laughlin, With High Honors, David Richard Johnson, South Bend, Indiana Rockledge, Florida J ulieann Johnson, Stevensville, Michigan Robin Ann Lavender, Champaign, Illinois Terence Alan Joiner, Huntsville, Alabama Bernard Joseph Lavins, Jr., Newport Beach, Steven Meyer Jones, With Highest Honors, Red­ California field, South Dakota David Michael Lee Van, South Bend, Indiana Mary Susan Jordan, With High Honors, Columbus, Craig Richard Lem, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Ohio Daniel Joseph Lennon, Grand Rapids, Michigan Daniel James Kacey, With Honors, Darien, Illinois James Peter Leonard, St. Louis, Missouri Daniel Michael Kambic, Steelton, Pennsylvania *Gregory Jon Libby, Washington, D.C. Michael John Karels, With High Honors, Richfield, Timothy James Loughran, Centralia, Illinois Minnesota Frederic D. Loveland, Somerville, New Jersey Robert Laurence Karl, New Hartford, New York Jeffrey Michael Lowd, Shaker Heights, Ohio Mark James Kasper, With Honors, Mercer Island, George Michael Lucas, Roanoke, Virginia Washington Michael Ludwig Lukschu, Owensboro, Kentucky Michael Keefe, With Highest Honors, Golden Charles W. Mackett III, With Honors, Tonawanda, Valley, Minnesota New York Richard Ralph Keller, With Honors) Sandusky, Joseph J. Madura, South Amboy, New Jersey Ohio Brian David Mahany, Middletown, Ohio Stephen John Kendra, Jr., Lansford, Pennsylvania Timothy James Malloy, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania James Francis Kerwin, Jr., With Honors, Broomall, Norman Roy Marcotte, Lewiston, Maine Pennsylvania Frederick Steven Marencik, North Apollo, Charles R. Klaus, Jr., Liverpool, New York Pennsylvania Debra Ann Kolbert, Hammond, Indiana Louis Wendell Marks III, With Highest Honors, Kevin Harris Komadina, With High Honors, Greenlawn, New York Granite City, Illinois Kevin John Massarelli, Saddle River, New Jersey Robert Charles Komasinski, Michigan City, Indiana Daniel Thomas Maurer, With Highest Honors, John Michael Kowieski, South Haven, Michigan Lima, Ohio Linda Margaret Kraus, Dubuque, Iowa Michael E. Mawhorter, Albion, Indiana Molly Ann Kreher, Columbus, Ohio Bernard Joseph McDermott III, Riverdale, Timothy Joseph Kruzel, Niles, Illinois New York Frederick William Kunzinger, Jr., Virginia Beach, Michael Xavier McDonald, With High Honors, Virginia Indianapolis, Indiana John Luke Kweku Laast, Accra, Ghana Christopher Mullany McMackin, Brockway, James Vincent LaFrankie, Jr., Moorestown, Pennsylvania New Jersey John David McMannis, Westerly, Rhode Island Paul Joseph Lancos, Bayonne, New Jersey John Mark Langley, With High Honors, Michigan City, Indiana

44 Science

James Philip McMenamin, South Orange, Edward Michael Okosky, Saratoga Springs, New New Jersey York Scott Allen McNamara, Wheeling, West Virginia Walter Kevin Olehnik, North Brunswick, New Patrick Hugh McNulty, Wyndmoor, Pennsylvania Jersey Michael Thomas Michalek, Manchester, New Stephen Patrick Oliver, Sulphur, Louisiana Hampshire James Anthony O'Neill, With Highest Honors, Kathleen Marie Militello, Buffalo, New York Lima, Ohio Kathleen Marie Minck, With Highest Honors, Maria Louise O'Neill, Alton, Illinois Palo Alto, California Gregory Venedictovich Osetinsky, Shreveport, Marsa Lynn Mitchell, Chicago, Illinois Louisiana Mark Michael Mitros,' Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Richard Frank Pacropis, With Honors, Ambler, Adonna Marie Moede, Rochester, New York Pennsylvania Mark William Molloy, Chicago, Illinois Karyn Marie Patno, With Honors, McLean, Virginia Theodore John Molnar, McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania Robert James Pavlak, With Honors, Vandergrift, Pennsylvania Joseph Frank Mondschein, With High Honors, Catasauqua, Pennsylvania Alan Gerard Paulus, With Honors, Midland, Michigan JoAnn Patricia Mooney, Bowie, Maryland Charlotte Ann Peterson, With Honors Annandale Patrick John Mooney, Watseka, Illinois Virginia ' ' John Matthew Motto, With Honors, Bettendorf, John Charles Peterson, Montreal, Quebec Iowa Randall Lee Peterson, Plymouth, Indiana John Charles Mueller, With High Honors, Peru, Illinois Michele Renee Pfeiffer, New Carlisle, Indiana Donald Thomas Mullaney, Jr., Warren, Michigan Giancarlo Piano, Chicago, Illinois Donald Jerome Murphy, With High Honors, Marc Anthony Pilato, Bound Brook, New Jersey Casper, Wyoming Mary Ann Pizza, With High Honors, Blue Island, William Patrick Murphy, With Honors, Naperville, Illinois Illinois Mary Anne Pleasants, With Honors, Granger, Indiana Donald Joseph Nadar, With High Honors, Oak Park, Illinois Knut Detlef Pohl, Flemington, New Jersey Joseph Edward Nicholson, Dallas, Texas Ronald Bruno Polidori, King of Prussia, Raymond William Nissley, Lancaster, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Robin Terese Price, With Honors, York, Thomas Charles Nussdorfer, With Honors, Shelby, N~braska Michigan Joseph Gerard Reeve, Rochester, Minnesota James Lawrence O'Brien, Jr., New Britain, David Edward Ridenour, St. Petersburg Beach, Connecticut Florida Stephen Joseph O'Connell, With High Honors, James Phillip Rieker, Altoona, Pennsylvania Marlton, Maryland *Thomas Francis Robertson, Lynn, Massachusetts James Martin O'Hara, Jr., With Highest Honors, Joan Marie Rocap, fVith Honors, Indianapolis, Waterbury, Connecticut Indiana

45 Science

Timothy Michael Roddy, Portland, Oregon Kathleen Marie Sullivan, Town and Country, Ann A. Rogers, Arlington Heights, Illinois Missouri Richard Roseman, Bedford, Ohio Timothy Joseph Sullivan, With Honors, Sparta, New Jersey John Michael Rosenberger, Allentown, Pennsylvania Marylyn Cleary Sutton, With Highest Honors, Stephen Michael Rowley, With High Honors, Aurora, Indiana Auburn, New York Charles Jerome Sweeney, Palatine, Illinois Stacy Ann Rudnicki, With High Honors, Monroe- ville, Pennsylvania James Richard Taylor, With Highest Honors, Wichita, Kansas William Thomas Rusin, Lorain, Ohio Michael. Paul Teske, With Highest Honors, Timothy J. Russell, Hinsdale, Illinois Palos Verdes Estates, California William John Russell III, Daphne, Alabama Monica Lynne Thoms, With High Honors, Chicago, Timothy J. Salamunovich, Los Angeles, California Illinois Ignacio Sarmina, With Honors, Findlay, Ohio William Ralph Tomkiewicz, With High Honors, Richard E. Sayers, Jr., Ypsilanti, Michigan Racine, Wisconsin Carolyn May Schiffels, Deerfield, Illinois Michael David Tsubota, Novato, California Eric James Schmitt, Xenia, Ohio John M. Ulrich, Fort Wayne, Indiana Brian Otto Schoenrock, Lincolnwood, Illinois Jill Frances Van De Veire, Edwardsburg, Michigan William Andrew Scott, Indianapolis, Indiana John Walker Van Gilder, Elm Grove, Wisconsin James William Scruggs, Glen Ellyn, Illinois David Williams Vinson, With Highest Honors, James Anthony Severyn, South Bend, Indiana Liberty, Texas Lawrence James Shepard, Lincoln, Nebraska Kevin Gibbons Wallach, Elmhurst, Illinois Maureen Elizabeth Siat, Grafton, Ohio Richard J. Walton, Rochester, New York *Timothy Patrick Siefring, With High Honors, Stacy Mary Weaver, York, Pennsylvania Magnolia, New Jersey James Schoelles Wendel, Cincinnati, Ohio Nancy Leah Siegler, With Honors, Menomonee Charles Millikin Wilke, Lorain, Ohio Falls, Wisconsin *Gordon Alexander Wilson, Posthumously, Salt Mark Francis Silady, Huntington Beach, Californ~a Lake City, Utah *Timothy James Simon, Pontiac, Michigan Karen Marie Wischerath, Liverpool, New York Joan M. Skarnulis, Adelphi, Maryland Pat J. Witkowski, Somerset, New Jersey Bryan Paul Smith, Baltimore, Maryland Karen Lynn Wollweber, With Honors, Burbank, Donald Lee Sprague, With High Honors, California Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Robert Coventry Woodruff III, With High Honors, Michael Francis Stalteri, Buffalo, New York Ballwin, Missouri Joseph Edward Steinmetz, Indianapolis, Indiana Jerry Joseph Woznicki, South Bend, Indiana Michael Jerome Stenger, Cincinnati, Ohio Judith Ann Zabek, Glens Falls, New York Robert Charles Stohrer, South Holland, Illinois Thomas Fred Zatorski, With High Honors; Kathleen Mary Strah, With Honors, Twinsburg, Clarendon Hills, Illinois Ohio Mark Adam Zaucha, Washington, Pennsylvania Walter William Strauser, Jr., With Honors, Robert Paul Zurcher, With Highest Honors, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Columbia, South Carolina

46 Engineering

Elizabeth Rose Corbin, Port Huron, Michigan The College, of LeRoy Martin Courseault, New Orleans, Louisiana Catherine Mary Cusick, Mt. Lebanon, Pennsylvania Engineering Denis Neal Cyrus,- South Bend, Indiana THE DE9REE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Terry Brent Davis; Lebanon, Indiana _ IN AEROSPACE ENGINEERING: Peter John DeCrane, With Honors, Cleveland, Ohio Joseph Michael Chuckran, Lansford, Pennsylvania James Phillip DeMarre, Fullerton, California James P. Cycon, Stamford, Connecticut Thomas Gregory J?emetrion, Turners Falls, Lawrence John Foreman, Perth Amboy, New Jersey Massachusetts William Michael Hawes, With Honors, Greenville, Kermit Edward Duncan, Greenville, Mississippi Pennsylvania *Joseph Allen Dzierla, South Bend, Indiana John Frederick Kinney, South Bend, Indiana Joseph Stephen Eddy, Geneva, New York Andrew Joseph Petro, Allentown, Pennsylvania William Andre!V Lucien Gaudreau, With Honors, Celeste Volz, With Honors, Englewood, Colorado Baltimore, Maryland Paul Weinacht, With High Honors, Newark, Peter John Gergel, Chicago Heights, Illinois Delaware *Michael Ten~ant Gorman, Sudbury, Albert Spurgeon Wicke!, Stony Brook, L.I., Massachusetts New York Joan Teresa Hanna, Rochester, New York Leo Cramer Hansen, Fort Lauderdale, Florida THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE: Daniel Francis Charles Hayes, Williamsport, Pennsylvania Francisco E. Alonso, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico Susan Denise Hicks Gibler, With Honors, John Vincent Antonucci, New Carlisle, Indiana Terre Haute, Indiana Lisa Louise Becker, Erie, Pennsylvania *James John Holmberg, Columbus, Nebraska *John David Bender, With Honors, Pinole, Robert Stevens Howard, Beaver Dam, Wisconsin California · Mary Roetker- Inchauste, Lafayette, Indiana Edward J. Blieszner, With Honors, Pittsburgh, Joseph John Istvan, Rochester, New York Pennsylvania Mark Alfred. Koplin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Barbara Jeanne Boylan, Winchester, Massachusetts Daniel Peter Kovac, Westchester, Illinois Brian Patrick Brady, Havertown, Pennsylvania *George Digby Lafferty, Jr., Hollidaysburg, Mark Thomas Budd, Fort Lauderdale, Florida Pennsylvania Joseph Gilmary Burns, With High Honors, John Sebastian LaMonica, Elkton, Maryland Columbus, Ohio *Patrick Owen Laughlin, Rockledge, Florida Abelardo Trevino Cantu, Los Angeles, California Stephen Michael L'Heureux, Bennington, Vermont Dominic G. Carbone, Jr., Pepper Pike, Ohio - *George Michael Madaras, Palos Heights, Illinois Mark Ernest Cipos, Stratford, Connecticut Paul Francis Madden, Indianapolis, Indiana Robert Louis Civitello, Rochester, New York· William Reid Malewitz, Jackson, Michigan James Patrick Coleman, Latham, New York William Edward Cole~an, Jr., Kailua, Hawaii

*January 15, 1978, Graduate 47 Engineering

David Williaii]. McAlpine, With Honors, Fort THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Lauderdale, Florida IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING: Guy Elwood Michel, Palos Heights, Illinois *Mark William Balmert, Rolling Hills, California William Charles 'Michel, Whittier, California Constance Marlene Biegel, Crown Point, Indiana Robert Bradley Mills, Tegucigalpa, Honduras Lawrence B. Burke, With Honors, Harlan, Iowa Hal Peter Munger, Perrysburg, Ohio John Stephen Clarke, With High Honors, Wood- Michael Edward Nolan, Tulsa, Oklahoma cliff Lake, New Jersey Nancy Joan Novak, San Antonio, Texas 'Villiam George Compton, Chicago, Illinois John Joseph O'Brien, Birmingham, Michigan Henry Joseph Fetta, With Honors, Clarendon Hills, John Patrick O'Connell, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania Illinois *David William Otto, With Honors, Florissant, Diane Helen Galdikas, With High Honors, South Missouri Holland, Illinois Gregory Robert Peckham, Richland Center, Sharon Ann Gallagher, With Honors, Rockaway, Wisconsin New Jersey Daniel Joseph Pichler, With Honors, Lansing, Robert Paul Goodpaster, With Highest Honors, Michigan Parma, Ohio Thaddeus J. Przybylowski, Jr., Cheltenham, Douglas Edward Grauel, South Bend, Indiana Pennsylvania Kimberly Anne Green, Warwick, New York Christopher William Przywara, Runnemede, Carol Marie Hank, Moline, Illinois New Jersey Kathleen M. Kenney, Springfield, Illinois *Mark Joseph Rechtsteiner, Cincinnati, Ohio Edward. Charles Kistner, With Highest Honors, Terence McGinnis Riley, Crystal Lake, Illinois Springfield, Pennsylvania Joseph Dominic Santella, Lake Forest, Illinois Kenneth Vincent Lamb, Pelham, New York Edward John Samocinski, Chester, Pennsylvania Kathryn Florence McGonigle, Spokane, Washington Charles Jacob Schneider, Buffalo, New York John Joseph Meyers, With High Honors, St~ Joseph, *Reid E. Simonds, Chenango Forks, New York Michigan Jane Louise Short, With High Honors., Archbold, Maurice Eugene Miller, With High Honors, Ohio Evansville, Indiana Virgilio E. Sosa Vallarino, Panama, Republic of Danielle Maria Panozzo, Flossmoor, Illinois Panama David M. Rue, Hamilton, Ohio William E. Stenz, Scottsdale, Arizona Eduardo Alberto Salinas V., Managua, Nicaragua Clifford James Trinkaus, Neptune, New Jersey Tighe Joseph Schafer, Clarendon Hills, Illinois Gregory Alan Trzupek, Hammond, Indiana Robert Norton Schleckser, With Highest Honors, William Giles Tumure, Wilmington, Delaware Convent Station, New Jersey Wade Charles Waldock, Olean, New York David Joseph Simmens, Nauvoo, Illinois Martin Webb Waldron, Fort Wayne, Indiana Robert John Stell, With Honors, Akron, Ohio Alix Ann Walsh, Port Washington, New York Susan Frances Velicoff, With Honors., Pittsburgh, Gregory James Weithman, Plano, Texas Pennsylvania Chris Eugene Wiley, Colorado Springs, Colorado Harry Stanhope Walker, Jr., Cincinnati, Ohio Patrick Clark Wilson, Newark, Ohio Thomas Lester Wittenberg, Chappaqua, New York

48 Engineering

THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Patrick Joseph McAward III, Garden City, IN CIVIL ENGINEERING: New York James Joseph Barry III, Battle Creek, Michigan Jean Marie McGrath, With Highest Honors) Pitts- Mary Katherine Baty, North Muskegon, Michigan burgh, Pennsylvania Steven Anthony Bonomo, Jr., Poughkeepsie, Holly Ann McSorley, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania New York Christopher Francis Murphy, Natick, Massachusetts Philip Peter Borchard, With Highest Honors) John Joseph Murphy, Garden City, New York Buffalo, New York . Kevin Joseph O'Reilly, With Highest Honors) Frank Joseph Brotschol III, With Honors) Morris- Atlanta, Georgia ville, Pennsylvania Michael Joseph Patterson, Wickliffe, Ohio Mary Lou Campbell, Walla Walla, Washington Clyde Leslie Pikkaraine, Silver Bay, Minnesota Lawrence Michael Celeste, Syracuse, New York Theodore Paul Rigo, Inwood, New York Joseph O'Neil Cooler, South Bend, Indiana Susan Alice Ronan, With Honors) Memphis, Chris F. Crnkovich, Bellevue, Nebraska Tennessee Thomas Michael DaMario, Scottsdale, Arizona *Walter John Schwarz, Lake Forest, Illinois James Edward Dunbar, Chicago, Illinois Georgi Lynne Siefring, With High Honors, Black­ Daniel Eugene Egging, With High Honors) Sidney, wood, New Jersey Nebraska James Walter Singer III, With Honors) Mattoon, James Andrew Feeney, Haverstraw, New York Illinois Paul Casimir Fujawa, With High Honors, South Brian Vincent Smith, Leesville, South Carolina Bend, Indiana Robert Cas Stackowiak, South Bend, Indiana Thomas Michael Galeziewski, With High Honors) John Joseph Sweeney, Jr., Elmira, New York South Bend, Indiana John J. Talbot, Centerville, Ohio Gregory Mark Gibbons, North Canton, Ohio Brian Albert Temme, Houston, Texas Timothy Byrd Gorie, Casselberry, Florida Thomas A. Traina, Vermilion, Ohio Louis Martin Groden, Geneva, New York Michael John VanAcker, Monroe, Michigan Charles Paul Guess, South Bend, Indiana Matthew Allen Vietmeier, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Kenny Welton Harris, Gary, Indiana Keith Henry Werwas, South Bend, Indiana Thomas William Humen, Centerville, Ohio David Edward Wisniewski II, With Honors, James Matthew Joyce, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Toledo, Ohio James Walter Karmozyn, North Conway, Charles D. Wolf, Evanston, Illinois New Hampshire James Michael Kelly, Springfield, Massachusetts THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Raymond James Kilway, Kalamazoo, Michigan IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: James Edwin Kreis, With Honors) Merrill, Mark David Allison, Bettendorf, Iowa Wisconsin Paul Jerome Anderson, St. Paul, Minnesota Joseph Robert Kroon, With Hon·ors) Mt. Clemens, Peter Andreyev, Elmira, New York Michigan Martin Paul Best, With Honors, Idaho Falls, Idaho Sharen Walsh Linford, With Honors) Anchorage, *Robert Michael Catanach, Santa Fe, New Mexico Alaska Paula Madeline Maruf, Cheshire, Connecticut Charles Michael Mazzilli, With High Honors) West Babylon, New York

49 Engineering

Daniel Cowan Chaney, With High Honors, Seattle, Gary Lawrence Pelkey, Benton Harbor, Michigan Washington Daniel Alfred Poydence, Bellevue, Nebraska Richard Wilk Clunan, Jr., Nashville, Tennessee Ronald John Rundstedt, South Seaside Park, Kent Michael Conness, With Honors, Ottawa, New Jersey Illinois James Scarola, Syosset, New York Donald Cozzolino, With High Honors, Benton James B. Sellinger, St. Louis, Missouri Harbor, Michigan Frederic Xavier Shadley, With Honors, Cincinnati, Dennis Owen Doughty, Mesquite, Texas Ohio Stephen Christopher Durant, Westwood, New Jersey Bruce Mark Skeldon, With Honors, Orchard Park, Thomas Leo Everman, Jr., With Highest Honors, New York Kettering, Ohio Theodore C. Slaughter, Jr., Markham, Illinois James John Faggiana, West Haven, Connecticut Thomas Francis Tainer, Shaker Heights, Ohio James Paul Fredette, Birmingham, Alabama Mark Alan Tarczynski, Niles, Illinois Dexter Jan Gourdin, Jamaica, New York Joseph A. Tatman, Indianapolis, Indiana Philip Edwin Henseler, Jr., Glen Ellyn, Illinois Daniel Earl Weninger, With High Honors, Colwich, Michael Howard, Fairfield, Connecticut Kansas Lawrence John Kermon, San Antonio, Texas Thomas Keith Wrape, With High Honors, Little William Alan Lamanna, Albany, New York Rock, Arkansas *Kevin Joseph Lynch, Latrobe, Pennsylvania . THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Robert James Lynch, Middle Village, New York IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING: William Francis Maher, Jr., With Highest Honors, William Henry Alban III, Houston, Texas Valedictorian, Upper St. Clair, Pennsylvania Jose Hernan Bedoya, Pittsburg, California Kevin John Malloy, With-Highest Honors, Flint, Michigan Anthony Leonard Bezouska, Berwyn, Illinois Michael Lawrence Markel, With High Honors, William Edwin Bransley, Northbrook, Illinois Fairlawn, Ohio Thomas Michael Bruggeman, Middletown, Ohio Sterling Jay McCullough, Oxon Hill, Maryland Teresa Marie Buckley, Chicago, Illinois Michael Edward McGillan, With High Honors, Michael Joseph Callahan, Dayton, Ohio Milwaukee, Wisconsin David Albert Castellini, Cincinnati, Ohio F. William McLaughlin III, With Honors, Arling- Mark Joseph Cybulski, With High Honors, South ton Heights, Illinois Bend, Indiana Steven Michael Moninghoff, Milford, New Jersey Jeffrey Richard Dargis, Arlington Heights, Illinois *Terrence Michael Nicholson, Florissant, Missouri Michael C. Davisson, South Bend, Indiana Julia Ann O'Keefe, Piqua, Ohio Frank J. Englert III, Miami, Florida Ronald William Okoren, With High Honors, Ronald Joseph Frerich, San Antonio, Texas Eveleth, Minnesota Anton Felice Gabel, Oak Forest, Illinois John Lawrence O'Lear, Lower Burrell, Roberto Garza Delgado, Monterey, Mexico Pennsylvania Mark Michael Gmerek, Clayton, California John William Owendoff, Lincroft, New Jersey John James Halbig III, Ann Arbor, Michigan Gregory J. Peczkowski, Hampton Bays, New York Philip Henry Hannigan, Parma, Ohio Daniel Francis Pedtke, South Bend, Indiana David Walter Jaskiewicz, New Brighton, Pennsylvania

50 Engineering

Thomas William Johnson, Middlesex, New Jersey Robert Henry Staunton, South Bend, Indiana Charles Francis Lefky, Manitowoc, Wisconsin *James Michael Strong, Palo Alto, California Mark Thomas Lynch, Truckee, California Michael Mark Teague, Fairview Heights, Illinois Douglas Warren Meyers, Bridgewater, New Jersey Mark Robert Tovey, With Honors., Chesterton, Margaret Anne Morgan, Yardley, Pennsylvania Indiana Wayne John Morrison, Edison, New Jersey Martin Leslie VanHaltem, With Honors., Nancy Ann Naville, Lafayette, Indiana Little Rock, Arkansas John Philip Nohl, Indianapolis, Indiana Barry Francis Weiss, Alliance, Ohio Anne Therese O'Donnell, With Honors., East Thomas L. Welch, Wheaton, Illinois Aurora, New York Eugene Yao-Tseng Yang, South Bend, Indiana John Daniel O'Neil, Aurora, Illinois Terence Leo Zimmerman, Tiffin, Ohio Suzanne Therese Perry, South Bend, Indiana THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE *Rene Alberto G. Piiia, Nogales, Arizona IN METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING: Bruce Stephen Ramey, Midland, Texas Michael Edward Lebiedz, With High Honors., Anita Rachel Regelbrugge, Matthews, North Springfield, Virginia Carolina *Douglas Gregory Lee, Mequon, Wisconsin Jack Leonard Sacco, Birmingham, Alabama Anthony P. More, With High Honors, Pittsburgh, Paul Martin Schappler, Nashua, New Hampshire Pennsylvania Christopher Carl Schneider, La Crosse, Wisconsin William Joseph Sammon, Kennett Square, Gabriel R. Shakkour, Haifa, Israel Pennsylvania George August Spohrer, Jr., Wilkes-Barre, Robert G. Sierks, Glenview, Illinois Pennsylvania

51 Business Administration/Graduate Division

Joseph John Bustin, Vero Beach, Florida The College of B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1976 Casey Kathleen Cannon, Liverpool, New York Business Administration B.B.A., St. Mary's College, 1976 David James Cemak, South Bend, Indiana IN THE GRADUATE DIVISION B.S., Indiana University at South Bend, 1975 THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF BUSINESS Thomas Chandy, Palai Kerala State, India ADMINISTRATION B.S., University of Kerala, 1970 Constance Theresa Abrashoff, Altoona, Pennsylvania Peter Michael Ciulla, Waldwick, New Jersey A.B., Trinity College, 1974 B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1974 Darryl Bruce Adachi, Honolulu, Hawaii Patrick John Corbett, Chicago, Illinois B.A., University of Hawaii, 1969 B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1976 Jane Ellen Adams, With Honors~ Muncie, Indiana B.S., St. Mary's College Joseph C. Costanzo, Lewis Run, Pennsylvania B.A., Colgate University, 1976 Guilherme Agricola, Sao Paulo, Brazil Paul G. Crowley, South Bend, Indiana B.S., Fundacao A. Alvares Penteado, 1975 A.B., Georgetown University, 1973 Richard James Annen, Kalamazoo, Michigan James Warren Cruckshank, With High Honors~ B.B.A., Western Michigan University, 1971 Springfield, Ohio Mary Margaret Anthoine, Lewiston, Maine B.B.A., University of Portland, 1976 B.A., St. Mary's College, 1975 Gregory Alan Davies, Wilmington, Delaware Laurence James Arseniadis, Norwalk, Connecticut B.A., University of Delaware, 1976 B.A., Mount St. Mary's College, 1976 Robert Terrance Dolan, Rochester, New York Randy Jay Bailin, Mishawaka, Indiana B.S., Boston College, 1976 B.S., Indiana University, 1976 Cynthia Marie Farhart, Glens Falls, New York Linda G. Bal, Skokie, Illinois B.A., Fairfield University, 1973 B.B.A., Loyola University, 1975 Terrence Michael Fettig, With Honors~ South Bend, Mark A. Bard, With Honors~ Winslow, Maine Indiana B.S., Thomas College, 1975 B.A., Illinois Benedictine College, 1971 Remi Pierre Baylot, Pontcharra, France Charles Nick Georgis, Oak Park, Illinois Diplome E.A.P., Ecole des Affaires de Paris,· B.A., Northwestern University, 1976 1976 Jean-Etienne Philippe Ghyoot, Kortrijk, Belgiwn With Honors~ Craig Irwin Bentzen, South Bend, B.A., St. Ignatius (UFSIA), 1976 Indiana B.S., Purdue University, 1972 Cornelius F. Gillespie, Jr., With Honors~ West Hempstead, New York Jacques Christian Bourdeu, Paris, ~ranee B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1976 Diplome E.A.P., Ecole des Affa1res de Paris, 1976 Arthur Joseph Grugan, Runnemede, New Jersey B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1971 Walter Franz Brandhuber, With Hon-ors~ Chicago, Illinois Russell Paul Hamerly, With Honors, Boise, Idaho B.A., Loyola University, 1976 B.A., University of Washington, 1972 Michael Nicholas Bruno, Rochester, New York William Joseph Hartigan, Bethesda, Maryland B.S., Brigham Young University, 1975 B.A., Franklin and Marshall College, 1976 William Miller Burke, Jr., South Bend, Indiana Joseph William Hession, With Honors, Indianapolis, B.S., U.S. Air Force Academy, 1970 Indiana B.S., Indiana State University, 1976 Thomas Jordan Buseck, With High Honors~ Erie, Pennsylvania Robert Michael Hittle, With High Honors, B.S., John Carroll University, 1974 Anderson, Indiana A.B., Dartmouth College, 1975

52 Business Administration/Graduate Division

Connie Denise Hogan, Birmingham, Alabama Jean-Dominique Mallet, With Honors, Angers, B.A., St. Bernard College, 1976 France Mark Robert Huffman, Erlanger, Kentucky E.G., Ecole Specialedes Travaux Publics, and B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1975 Maitrise de Sciences Economiques at Universite Harvey Joseph Humphrey, Jr., Framingham, Mas­ de La Sorbonne, 1976 sachusetts Julie Marie Maloney, Westchester, Illinois . B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1976 B.S., Mundelein College, 1976 _ Selim Sezen liter, With High Honors, Istanbul, Christopher Evan Marks, Long Beach, California Turkey B.A., University of Redlands, 1974 B.S.M.E., Robert College, 1969 James Anthony Masters, Midland, Pennsylvania M.S.M.E., Robert College, 1971 B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1974 Terrence Martin Johnson, Elmhurst, Illinois Mary Sue McAnallen, With Honors, Claysville, B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1974 Pennsylvania Nancy Marie Kemp, Tinley Park, Illinois B.B.A., St. Mary's College, 1976 B.A., St. Mary's College, 1976 Joseph Gerard McCauley, Kennet Square, Penn­ Robert Farish Key, With Honors, Houston, Texas sylvania B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1976 B.S., Penn State University, 1976 Robert Charles King, With Honors, Carle Place, Thomas Michael McDonough, Annapolis, Maryland New York B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1976 B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1976 Mary Lynn Mickelsen, Reston, Virginia Neil J. Kuhlman, Kokomo, Indiana B.S., George Mason University, 1975 B.A., Indiana University at Kokomo, 1976 Martin Edward Mooney, With Honors, Cincinnati, Robert John Kujovsky, Shillington, Pennsylvania Ohio B.S. in B.A., LaSalle College, 1973 A.B., Princeton University, 1974 Hans Gerhard Kupfer, Panama City, Republic of Kevin James Morley, Springfield, Virginia Panama B.S., U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, 1976 B.S., Bucknell University, 1976 Frank Dominic Musica, Meadville, Pennsylvania David Anthony Leferink, Fort Worth, Texas B. Arch., University of Notre Dame, 1973 B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1972 Marianne Odenbach, Rochester, New York Mary Denise Lenihan, With Honors, Prairie B.A., Manhattanville College, 1976 Village, Kansas Sadruddin Ebrahim Patel, Bombay, India B.A., University of Kansas, 1974 B.A., Sydenham College of Commerce and Eco­ Herve Le Vigouroux, Auray, France nomics, University of Bombay, 1972 GR. ENG., Ecole Superieure D'Electronique De John A. Rau, Jr., South Bend, Indiana L'ouest, 1976 B.A., Loras College, 1970 D.E.U.G.1, Faculte De Droit et Des Sciences Paul Christopher Reilly, With Honors, St. Peters­ ,Economiques burg, Florida Patricia Ellen Luczai, New Paltz, New York B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1976 B.A., St. Mary's College, 1976 James Philip Ritcheske, Muskegon, Michigan Mark Matthew Lukas, Manitowoc, Wisconsin A.B., Hope College, 1976 B.S., Carroll College, 1976 Michael \.Yilliam Salsieder, With H on·ors, Francoise Shun Lym, With Honors, Taipei, Taiwan Rothschild, Wisconsin B.B.A., National Taiwan University, 1976 B.S., St. Norbert College, 1974 Felix Brandon Maduro, With Honors., Republic of Robert Bacon Scarlett, Baltimore, Maryland Panama B.A., St. Lawrence University, 1976 B.S., Drake University, 1976 William Joseph Schenck, Boonton, New Jersey Kevin Thomas Maguire, Rochester, New York B.S., Fordham University, 1972 B.B.A., St. John Fisher College, 1976 Margaret Anne Schuler, With High Honors, South James Richard Mall, Glenshaw, Pennsylvania Bend, Indiana B.B.A., University of Notre Dame, 1974 B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1976 53 Business Administration/Graduate Division

Dennis Joseph Serwick, Sharon, Pennsylvania B.S., Gannon College, 1974 The College of Larry Andrew Sigmund, With High Honors~ Crystal Lake, Illinois Business Administration B.B.A., Augustana College, 1976 IN THE UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION William Ward Sprague, Jr., With Honors, Augusta, THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF Maine B.S. in B.A., University of Maine at Orono, BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION: 1976 William Andrew Adams, Colonia, New Jersey John Andrew Stewart, North Palm Beach, Florida Robert Edward Ahern, Jr., Hyde Park, Massachusetts B.A., St. Edward's University, 1975 William Anthony Allmendinger, West Babylon, New Justin Michael Stuhldreher, With High Honors~ York Akron, Ohio Joseph Gerard Andersen, Bristol, Connecticut B.S., Villanova University, 1974 Susan Lyn Anthony, Euless, Texas Lowell Gee Nam Tom, South Bend, Indiana Thomas Patrick Apker, Phoenix, Arizona B.S.M.E., University of Santa Clara, 1968 Vincent Robert Arena, Jr., Absecon, New Jersey John DeWitt Ulrich, With High Honors, Harrisburg, James M. Aubry, Des Plaines, Illinois · Pennsylvania Robert Joseph Bader, Lakewood, Ohio B.S., Lebanon Valley College, 1971 Henri-Jacques Van Tichelen, With Honors, John Thomas Badke, Chicago, Illinois Brussels, Belgium Stephen Edward Balls, Nashville, Tennessee C.E., Free University of Brussels, 1976 Eduardo Ernesto Barreda, Laredo, Texas Susan Jane Fought Vincent, With H·onors, Urbana, Stephen William Barrett, Lockport, Illinois Ohio Joseph Louis Bauer, Tulsa, Oklahoma B.L.A., Oral Roberts University, 1974 Mark Andrew Baumgartner, West Bend, Wisconsin Mary Ann Welden, With High Honors~ Canton, Robert Van Baumgartner, West St. Paul, Minnesota Ohio James Joseph Bausano, Carlinville, Illinois B.A., Walsh College, 1976 William T. Beargie, With Honors, Cleveland, Ohio John Charles Wilson, With Honors, Northville, Michigan Frank Gus Vincent Beaullieu, San Antonio, Texas B.A., Madonna College, 1975 Sandra Lee Bennett, Findlay, Ohio John Arthur Wright, Miami, Florida Stephen J. Bennett, Fort Wayne, Indiana B.A., University of Dayton, 1976 Robert Edward Berdelle, Flossmoor, Illinois James Lawrence Yates, With High Honors, Mark Paul Berno, Mansfield, Ohio Cincinnati, Ohio David Eugene Betlach, Janesville, Wisconsin B.S., University of Notre Dame, 1974 Robert D. Birck, Miami Beach, Florida Mary Margaret Zoeller, Wilbraham, Massachusetts Stephen Vincent Taylor Bitter, Convent Station, B.S., Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1973 New Jersey Maria-Elena Blanco, With Honors, Niles, Michigan Roger Michael Blanken, Batesville, Indiana Anthony Joseph Blazi, South Bend, Indiana

*January 15, 1978, Graduate 54 Business Administration/Undergraduate Division

James Charles Blum, Dansville, New York Thomas Dale Clarkson, Watseka, Illinois Jack Edward Boehm, Jr., Peru, Illinois Patrick Joseph Clynes, Ithaca, New York Bonnie Jeanne Bona, Evergreen Park, Illinois Ann Marie Cohen, South Bend, Indiana Sheila Mary Boo, With H onoors, St. Paul, Minnesota Geoffrey Denison Collier, Montreal, Canada *Donald P. Borchers, Westerville, Ohio Kevin R. Comerford, Peru, Indiana *Luther Alexander Bradley, Muncie, Indiana Thomas Robert Coogan, Peoria, Illinois Robert John Brady, Jr., Bridgeport, Connecticut Mark Robert Coons, Niles, Michigan Frank Joseph Bramanti, Arizona City, Arizona Salvatore Joseph Cosimano, Edison, New Jersey Robert Manus Patrick Brennan V, Peoria, Illinois Bryan Paul Coughlin III, Palatine, Illinois Frank Edward Bright, Sparta, New Jersey John Bernard Coyne, Summit, New Jersey Michael James Brinkman, Worthington, Ohio Jeffrey Frank Crippen, Bal Harbour, Florida Mark Joseph Brown, Lewiston, New York Brian Thomas Cronin, Elmhurst, Illinois Ted Joseph Burgmeier, East Dubuque, Illinois Dennis Joseph Crowley, Elmhurst, Illinois David John Bushelle, Freeport, Illinois Anthony Frank Crudele, Miami, Florida Mary Brady Bustin, Cincinnati, Ohio Richard Terrence Cullen, Victoria, Texas Peter N. Buzaid, Danbury, Connecticut John Robert Dallacqua, Redford, Michigan Francis Patrick Byrrie, Detroit, Michigan Patrick George Dalsin, Edina, Minnesota Thomas John Byrne, Chicago, Illinois Dan Charles Dargene, Rockford, Illinois Edward William James Byrnes, Kingston, Tennessee Ronald James Darin, Lockport, Illinois Joseph A. Camarda, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania L. Christian DeDiana, With High Honors, Jeannette, Patrick J. Campbell, Noblesville, Indiana Pennsylvania Mark Wesley Carbone, Bridgeport, West Virginia Beth Ann De Lucenay, Avilla, Indiana Dina Thomas Carbone, Southington, Connecticut Susan Louise Denis, Green Bay, Wisconsin Michael Louis Carbone, Nutley, New Jersey Thomas Patrick Desmond, With Honors, Katonah, New York Stanley Clark Carmichael, South Bend, Indiana Kenneth H. Dike, Merrillville, Indiana William Burt Carmichael, Mishawaka, Indiana Edward Anthony DiLuia, Homewood, Illinois Robert Jeffrey Carpenter, Oak Park, Illinois Mary Theresa Doherty, Indianapolis, Indiana Carl Peter Casazza, Vineland, New Jersey Kathleen Ann Doman, Janesville, Wisconsin Sean Christopher Casey, Valparaiso, Indiana Timothy James Donnelly, Peoria, Illinois Thomas Kenneth Cauley, Jr., With High Honors, Glen Ellyn, Illinois Patricia Jane Doran, With High Honors, Benton Harbor, Michigan David John Cervone, Fairfield, Connecticut Maurice Edward Doyle, Flossmoor, Illinois Mark NL Chain, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Michael Andrew Doyle, Greenwich, Connecticut Mary Ann Charles, Indian~polis, Indiana Patrick Terrence Doyle, Davenport, Iowa Darryl Lee Chock, Pleasant Hills, Pennsylvania John Roger Driscoll, Cincinnati, Ohio James Robert Chriszt, Brook Park, Ohio Margaret Jane Duensing, Kansas City, Missouri Michael Anthony Cieslak, Des Plaines, Illinois Patrick Joseph Cira, South Bend, Indiana Brian Michael Clancy, Hicksville, New York

55 w 2''3W 'T'! wre= -,...- W' W75 *' j'

Business Administration/Undergraduate Division

Daniel Kevin Duffin, Plainfield, Indiana Thomas Luke Gettings, With Honors, Bethlehem Richard Charles Dullanty, Spokane, Washington Pennsylvania Brian Richard Dunn, Wheaton, Illinois Edward James Giniat, Hinsdale, Illinois Raymond Patrick Duran, Jr., With High Honors, Patrick Peter Giordano, Morristown, New Jersey Louisville, Kentucky James Alan Giuffre, Waterbury, Connecticut Francis Joseph Dwyer, Cheshire, Connecticut *Timothy Carrigan Glass, Niles, Illinois Joseph Patrick Dwyer, Olean, New York *Richard Faraon Glennon, Jr., With Highest Martin Albert Dytrych, North Palm Beach, Florida Honors, Dayton, Ohio Robert Easby-Smith, Bethesda, Maryland Paul David Goniu, Mequon, Wisconsin Lorraine Theresa Ehrline, Medford, New Jersey Brett James Gossen, With Honors, Franklin Park, Illinois Mary Elizabeth Emich, Joliet, Illinois Kurt Allen Gotta, Fort Wayne, Indiana John H. Erickson, River Forest, Illinois Mark William Gottsacker, Sheboygan, Wisconsin *Thomas Keenan Evans, Davenport, Iowa Arnold Gregory Gough, Jr., With High Honors, Donald Blair Fairholm, Beaconsfield, Quebec, Merrillville, Indiana Canada Susan Jeanne Grace, With Honors, Mountainside, Terrence Allan Fairholm, Beaconsfield, Quebec, Canada New Jersey Michael Thomas Graham, With Honors, Scotch Martha Louise Fanning, Milton, Massachusetts Plains, New Jersey *Steven Louis Fantano, Dix Hills, New York Marcia Lynn Gramelspacher, Jasper, Indiana Patrick Gerard Finnegan, Cleveland, Ohio Norman Edward Greer, South Bend, Indiana Charles Andrew Fischer, Mequon, Wisconsin *Patrick Joseph Griffin, With High Honors, Chicago, Grace Marie Fisher, Indianapolis, Indiana Illinois Aimee Elizabeth Fitzgerald, With Honors, Joliet, Maurice J. Guinan, East Lansdowne, Pennsylvania Illinois Charles Bray Haaser, W. Simsbury, Connecticut *Kathleen Ann Fitzpatrick, Dallas, Texas *Randy Steven Hadley, Bethesda, Maryland Patrick J. Flynn, Jr., Plymouth, Indiana Kenneth Mark Haffey, Mayfield, Ohio James J. Fredian, Arlington Heights, Illinois James Alan Hagene, With Honors, Oshkosh, Wis­ Richard Angelo Gabbianelli, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania consin Brian John Gaffney, Chicago, Illinois Diane Halliwell, Ridgewood, New Jersey John Michael Gallo, Wolcott, New York Robert Paul Hames, With High Honors, Chicago, Victor Gerald Galvez, Gary, Indiana Illinois Katherine Ann Gannon, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Kevin Patrick Hanifin, Brea, California Mark David Garcia, Farmington Hills, Michigan Pamela Anne Hansen, Kewanee, Illinois James Robert Gardner, Highland, Indiana James Owen Harte, Mt. Kisco, New York Mark Christopher Gargula, St. John, Indiana Stephen Leo Haskins, Key West, Florida Mary Ann Gaynett, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Daniel John Haugh, Evergreen Park, Illinois Maureen Rose Geary, With Highest H on·ors, Grand Daniel Raymond Heck, Indianapolis, Indiana Rapids, Michigan Terrence Gerard Heidkamp, LaGrange, Illinois Rock Joseph Gennaro, Dallas, Texas John G. Geppert, Jr., Rockaway, New Jersey Cary Michael Gerber, Cannelton, Indiana

56 Business Administration/Undergraduate Division

John Patrick Hennessy, River Forest, Illinois Joseph Raymond Karpowicz, With Honors, Colum- John Robert Hennigan, With Honors, Pittsburgh, bus, Ohio Pennsylvania Edward Brendan Keaveny, Toledo, Ohio Kevin Francis Heraty, Westchester, Illinois Daniel Michael Kelly, Margate, New Jersey Jesse Joseph Herr, Davenport, Iowa Dennis John Kelly, Fort Wayne, Indiana Marianela Herrera Arauz, San Jose, Costa Rica Michael John Kelly, With Highest Honors, Mil- Jeffrey Howard High, Fraser, Michigan waukee, Wisconsin - Johnston Steven Hill, Hammond, Indiana Patrick William Kennedy, Indianapolis, Indiana Mark Everett Hill, Fort Wayne, Indiana William V. Kephart, Jr., Nonvood, Pennsylvania Mark Otis Hinken, Rockford, Illinois Michael Leo Keough, Atlanta, Georgia Arthur G. Hoesterey, Mt. Prospect, Illinois Ronald Brian Kerver, Union Lake, Michigan Gerald Michael Hoffman, West Palm Beach, Florida Michael Donald Kinsella, Jr., Newtown Square, Janet Marie Hoffman, With Honors, Jasper, Indiana Pennsylvania Michael William Kirke, Des Moines, Iowa Richard Burton Hohman, Jr., Vienna, Virginia Paul Bernard Kluck, Englewood, Colorado James Gregory Holland, Fort Wayne, Indiana Christina Maria Klucka, With Honors, Plymouth, Paul Brendan Holm II, Victoria, Texas Michigan Richard James Howe, Bemidji, Minnesota Jonathan Paul Klug, Fort Wayne, Indiana Jan Marie Hrinya, With Honors, Seneca, Pennsyl- Richard William Knee, With Honors, Wilmington, vania Delaware Ernie Loyal Hughes, Jr., Boise, Idaho Edward Mark Koenig, Chicago, Illinois James Emmet Hughes, Glenview, Illinois Robert Daniel Koney, Jr., With Hon·ors, Parma, Christopher Michael Hurst, With Honors, Planta- Ohio tion, Florida Jodie Marie Korth, Glenview, Illinois Michael Francis Hussey, Goshen, Indiana Mark Edward Kosnik, With Honors, Harrisonburg, Thomas Aloysius Huthwaite, Florham Park, New Virginia · Jersey Kevin Paul Kowar, Newington, Connecticut Donald Clinton Jackson, Bloomington, Minnesota David Stanley Krempecki, South River, New Jersey Robert A. Jacques II, With High Honors, Richard Gerard Kresse, Evergreen Park, Illinois South Bend, Indiana Robert James Kruse, Edina, Minnesota Brent Edward Jagla, South Bend, Indiana Gregory Eugene Kulis, Chicago, Illinois Daniel Herbert James, Melrose Park, Illinois Paul Marvin Kwiecinski, South Bend, Indiana Mary Grace James, Penns Grove, New Jersey David Alan Lauer, Cassopolis, Michigan . Jeffrey Marvin Jones, Marshall, Michigan Joseph Charles Leahy, Liberty Lake, Washington Dennis John Jordan, With Hon·ors, South Bend, Indiana Peter Enos Lee III, With Honors, Glen Ellyn, Illinois Diane Marie Judge, With Honors, Charleston, South Carolina Patrick Thomas Lennon, Plantation, Florida Kathleen Joanne Kane, Freehold, New Jersey Maria Patricia Leon Santacruz, Mexico City, Mexico William George Kane, Grand Ledge, Michigan Glenn Bruce Karlberg, Scituate, Massachusetts

57 'ST ' znmww j, err'f'MP"'Bi P"T2'B!i! zrr ms Ef?F

Business Administration/Undergraduate Division

*Stephen Roland Ley, With Honors, Arlington Colleen Marie McGrath, Louisville, Kentucky Heights, Illinois Molly Ann McGuire, Warren, Ohio Peter Bartholomew Logan, Fort Wayne, Indiana Brian Joseph McHugh, Scarsdale, New York Antonio A. Longoria, Mission, Texas Diane Marie McKay, River Forest, Illinois Juanita Anne Lopez, Espanola, New Mexico William Joseph McKearn, With High Honors, Vicki Lynn Lopez, Fort Myers, Florida Beloit, Wisconsin John Joseph Loria, Reston, Virginia William Joseph McManus III, Philadelphia, Penn- Gayle A. Loughridge, South Bend, Indiana sylvania Paul A~thony McRedmond, Nashville, Tennessee Thomas A. Luksetich, Dubuque, Iowa Thomas Anthony Meade, Rochester, New York Thomas Edward Lux, Grand Forks, North Dakota Marjorie Anne Meagher, Larchmont, New York Elizabeth Ann Lyons, Janesville, Wisconsin David Allen Medley, With Honors, Jeannette Penn- Thomas Francis Maher, Des Plaines, Illinois ~w~ ' David Ames Mahler, With High Honors, Faribault, Timothy Joseph Mehall, South Bend, Indiana Minnesota Patrick Brian Mehigan, With Honors, Whitefish Bay John Patrick Mahoney, Glenview, Illinois Wisconsin ' Robert John Maier, Park Hills, Kentucky Law~ence Joseph Mehler, With High Honors, Louis­ Thomas Joseph Marme, With Honors, Addison, VIlle, Kentucky Illinois Anthony Joseph Mendiola, Ravenna, Ohio Bruce William Martin, Webster Groves, Missouri Mark Steven Merriman, With High Honors, North James Vincent Martin Jr., East Greenwich, Rhode Canton, Ohio Island Anthony John Miller, Brookfield, Wisconsin Marietta Therese M~rtin, With High Honors, Apple- Lawrence E. Miller, With Honors, Pittsford, New ton, Wisconsin York David B. Martinez, Albuquerque, New Mexico James Melvyn Moellering, Florissant, Missouri Stephen William Martinez, Torrance, California Kevin Lee Moffatt, With Honors, Marinette Wis- Thomas Barry Marvinac, Elmhurst, Illinois consm. ' Anthony John Mashuta, Schenectady, New York Mary Ann Moorman, Coral Gables, Florida Edward Joseph May, Oakland, New Jersey Michael Patrick Moran, Ardmore, Pennsylvania Richard B. Mazzei, Everett, Massachusetts William Bernard Morand, Cincinnati, Ohio Christopher John McCabe, Severna Park, Maryland Lawrence Patrick Morris, Williamsville, New York Martin Brian McCormick, Omaha, Nebraska Joan Marie Mostardi, With Highest Honors, Oak Steven W. McDaniels, Renton, Washington Park, Illinois · William Martin McDonagh, San Francisco Ignatius Francis Mullen, Exton, Pennsylvania Cilifum~ ' Mark Alan Muller, Fullerton, California Robert J. McDonnell, Wilmette, Illinois Raphael Bryan Mulroy, Jr., Memphis, Tennessee James Patrick McFadden, Niagara Falls, New York Mary Lou Mulvihill, Wilmette, Illinois Robert Joseph McGann, Newtonville, Massachusetts Patrick Joseph Murnane, River Forest, Illinois John F. McGivney, Hillside, Illinois John Thomas Murphy, With Honors, Indianapolis Michael Joseph McGlinn, Reading, Pennsylvania fudima ' Mary Joan Murphy, With Hon·ors, Wyoming, Illinois :i

58 Business Administration/Undergraduate Division

*Peter Francis Murphy, South Bend, Indiana Suzanne Marie Quigley, With High Honors, Michael Douglas Nadeau, Chelsea, Michigan Wheaton, Illinois Debra Marie Nalepinski, South Bend, Indiana Brian George Rapp, Phillipsburg, New Jersey Michele Ruth Nashert, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Christopher Scott Reddick, Alexandria, Virginia Kevin John Nelson, Dix Hills, New York Michael William Reed, With Highest Honors, War- William Charles Nester, Cincinnati, Ohio saw, Indiana Dennis Brian Neumann, Palos Heights, Illinois Reginald Curtis Reed, Tampa, Florida John William Noell, With Honors, St. Louis, Mis­ David Alan Reeve, Bloomington, Indiana souri Mary Jeanne Reimer, Hamilton, Ohio Jeffery James Norkus, With Hon·ors, Wilton, Con- Harold George Reinke, Jr., South Bend, Indiana necticut Lauretta M. Reising, Mount Prospect, Illinois John Philip Norris, Arlington Heights, Illinois Vincent W. Renz, Jr., With Honors, Colonia, New Kevin John Nugent, Edina, Minnesota Jersey Rourke Matthew O'Brien, With Honors, Bellevue, John Edward Reynolds, With High Honors, Syra- Washington cuse, New York Daniel Patrick O'Connor, With Honors, Richmond Kenneth Charles Ricci, South Euclid, Ohio Heights, Ohio John Joseph Riley, Burlington, Vermont Patrick Joseph O'Donnell, Highland, Indiana Peter F. Riley, Jr., Newburgh, New York Thomas John Ogren, Munster, Indiana Richard Thomas Riley, With Honors, 'Villingboro, Kevin Conners O'Keefe, Indianapolis, Indiana New Jersey Daniel James O'Leary, Bellmore, New York Robin Lee Robb, South Bend, Indiana David Michael Oleasz, Wethersfield, Connecticut David Michael Robinson, Madison, Mississippi Ramon Oliu, With Honors, Old Bridge, New Jersey Eric David Robinson, South Bend, Indiana Philip O'Malley, Montrose, Pennsylvania John W. Rodgers, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania Mark Joseph Ondash, With High Honors, Rocky John Norman Rodock, With Honors, Falls Church, River, Ohio Virginia Thomas Charles O'Neill, Freehold, New Jersey John Michael Roman, Youngstown, Ohio Steven Paul Orsini, Hummelstown, Pennsylvania Matthew Paisley Romano, Skokie, Illinois Eugene Ronald Pal, Jr., Grandview, Missouri Diane Marie Ross, With High Honors, Mishawaka, Frank Gregory Paniccia, Columbus, Ohio Indiana Reynold B. Pattillo, Hollywood, California Stephen Paul Rossiter, 'Vestport, Connecticut Don Ray Peck, With Honors, Coronado, California Gerard Lee Roybal, Montclair, Californi~ Kevin Lee Petracek, With Honors, Manhattan, Michael Louis Rozman, Steelton, Pennsylvania Kansas Dan Edwin Rumbach, With Honors, Jasper, Indiana Donald Matthew Pfau, Hinckley, Illinois Julie Ann Runkle, Peoria, Illinois Mary Sheila Pfister, With Honors, Leesburg, Florida Jane Louise Running, Medfield, Massachusetts Alberto Martinez Piedra II, Bethesda, Maryland Judith Mary Rupprecht, Liverpool, New York John Allen Pietzak, Fort Wayne, Indiana James Patrick Russell, Park Ridge, Illinois Murray Powers, Yardley, Pennsylvania William James Prendergast, Wyckoff, New Jersey William C. Prindible, Steubenville, Ohio Alanna Purcell, Munster, Indiana

59 ft"'' EM!''M"f'B

Business Administration/Undergraduate Division

William Peter Ryan, Barrington, Illinois John Paul Stenson, Milton, Massachusetts W. Michael Sabitus, Vestal, New York Douglas Malcolm Stevens, Casper, Wyoming Mark Goad Sampson, Elkhorn, Nebraska Paul William Stevenson, Hinsdale, Illinois William Robert Sawyer, Valparaiso, Indiana Matthew Charles Stolte, With High Honors, Frank Patrick Scanlon, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania Asheboro, North Carolina Jay Martin Scanlon, Kingston, New York Timothy Richards Strader, With High Honors, Lake Oswego, Oregon Brian Jeffery Schmidt, Pompton Plains, New Jersey John James Strass, Glenview, Illinois Christopher Kelly Schneeman, St. Paul, Minnesota John Christian Strauss, Mobile, Alabama Charles Eugene Schnur, Evansville, Indiana John William Street, Atlanta, Georgia Margaret Rose Schramm, Winnetka, Illinois Glen Mark Sturm, Jasper, Indiana Stephen Michael Schuster, Western Springs, Illinois J o Ann Stuber, Palos Heights, Illinois John Theodore Schwartz, San Mateo, California Kevin Gerard Sugg, Boyertown, Pennsylvania Barbara Lynn Sennett, With Honors, Winfield, Illi- nois Gregory A. Switaj, Bay Village, Ohio Ronald John Serger, Cincinnati, Ohio Mark Szporka, Warren, Michigan Gregory Joseph Sergesketter, Houston, Texas Louis Joseph Talotta, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Timothy David Shea, Belleville, Illinois Timothy William Taylor, Eureka, Illinois Mark Thomas Shupe, Amherst, New York James Robert Thomas, Westbrook, Maine William Raymond Shults, Jr., Williamsville, New Michael G. Thomas, Chicago, Illinois York Michael Francis Thomassen, Newport Beach, Cali­ *Linda Francine Sisson, La Junta, Colorado fornia Steven Jerome Slater, With Honors, St. Louis, Amy Louise Thornton, With H oriors, Lincoln, Missouri Nebraska David James Smith, Westlake, Ohio Robert Marvin Tobben, With Honors, Washington, Missouri David John Smith, Highland, Indiana Dennis Michael Smith, St. Louis, Missouri Jeffrey Loui~ Tolari, St. Clair Shores, Michigan Thomas Gregory Smith, Brookfield, Wisconsin Michael Anthony Treemarcki, McKees Rocks, Penn­ sylvania Robert Gerard Sobanski, Fairfax, Virginia Michael John Trucano, With Honors, Lead, South Thomas Joseph Spaeth, With High Honors, M~line Dakota Illinois ' Donald Joseph Trybus, Grosse Pointe Woods, Michi- Timothy Craig Spangler, Kettering, Ohio gan Robert Michael Speer, Tucson, Arizona Robert Francis Tull, South Bend, Indiana Darcie Ellen Spence, With Honors, Hingham, Mass­ Mary Beth Tumulty, North Brunswick, New Jersey achusetts Joseph Thomas Ungashick, Kansas City, Missouri Louis Gregory Spisto, With Honors, Phoenix, Ari- zona Christine Louise Spittler, Alliance, Ohio Michael Edward Stabile, Sioux City, Iowa Richard Michael Stark, Taylor Ridge, Illinois John Joseph Stavola, Hartford, Connecticut

60 Business Administration/Undergraduate Division

Gregory L. Urban, Niles, Illinois Paul Gerard White, Worcester, Massachusetts Raymond Michael Urban, Dallas, Texas Joan Frances \,Yiegand, With Honors, Michigan City, Kathleen Marie Valdiserri, South Bend, Indiana Indiana Richard Bartley Van Beveren, Aloha, Oregon Donald Edgar Williams, Washington, D.C. Thomas \,Yilliam Van Eck, Chicago, Illinois Charles Lee Wills, Frederick, Maryland Christopher David Vaughan, Montclair, New Jersey William Wayne Wirthman, Jr., Pickerington; Ohio John Thomas Vellutato, Paulsboro, New Jersey Mark Richard \,Y olfe, Vincennes, Indiana Charles Veloze, Jr., Taunton, Massachusetts *Daniel Gerard Woods, Des Plaines, Illinois James Francis Wade, With Highest Honors, Mount Michael John \¥urdack, Bethel Park, Pennsylvania Prospect, Illinois Christopher John, Atlanta, Georgia Mark Andrew Wagner, Franklin Square, New York Richard John Wynne, Lincolnwood, Illinois Janet Clare Walsh, Benvyn, Pennsylvania Lauren Ann Wysocki, Oak Lawn, Illinois Jean Marie Walsh, With Honors, Edina, Minnesota Bruce Alan Zakrzewski, South Bend, Indiana Mary Roberta Walsh, Epoufette, Michigan *John Albert Zalud III, Mishawaka, Indiana Maureen P. Walsh, With Honors, Blauvelt, New Joseph Edward Zavodny, Lithonia, Georgia York Mary Katherine Zima, Elmhurst, Illinois Aaron Watson, South Bend, Indiana Joseph Gerard Zinger, Ruth, Michigan Daniel Joseph Weidner, Plymouth, Indiana *Joseph Brian Zmolek, With Honors, Oshkosh, Wis­ Cary Paul Weiss, Englewood, Colorado consin *Mary Beth Wenk, Old Brookville, New York Timothy Blaze Zweber, Rugby, North Dakota David James Wenke!, East St. Louis, Illinois Anne Mary White, Nashville, Tennessee ·*Belinda White, Phenix City, Alabama Mary Judith White, Haverford, Pennsylvania

61 mr

Honor Societies

Sharon L. Leahy (English) Honor Societies Louis Wen dell Marks III (Preprofessional) Daniel Thomas Maurer (Preprofessional) IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL AND THE Ronald Lynn McArtor (Theology) COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, THE FOLLOWING Kathleen Mary McElroy (English) WERE ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP IN THE D~borah Ann Melver (Psychology) HONORARY SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY OF Michael Francis McReynolds (Economics) SIGMA XI: Kathleen Marie Minck (Earth Science) Antonio Lacson De Vera Charlotte Ann Peterson John Charles Mueller (Preprofessional) Mark E. Miller Mary Ann Pizza Grace Denise Murgia (Theology) Moosa Ahmed Motara Stacy Ann Rudnicki Donald Jerome Murphy (Preprofessional) Leonard Elmer Donald Allen Shroyer Donald Joseph Nadar (Preprofessional) Munstermann David Franklin Spencer Barbara Ellen Neal (American Studies) Charles Arthur Katharine Mary Noelke (English) Orme-Rogers James Matthew O'Brien (Government) James Martin O'Hara, Jr. (Preprofessional) IN THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS James Anthony O'Neill (Preprofessional) AND THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, THE Michael Patrick Padden (Government) FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED TO MEMBER­ Jeffrey Maurice Pecore (English) SHIP IN THE HONOR ACADEMIC SOCIETY Anthony Francis Phillips, Jr. (General Program) OF. PHI BETA KAPPA: Michele Marie Pidgeon (Psychology) Mary Ann Pizza (Preprofessional) Edward W. Aberger, Jr. (Psychology) Stephen Leavitt Reid (English) David Maynard Badway (Sociology) Evelyn Elaine Sandeen (Psychology) Barry Joseph Booher (Psychology) Mary Margaret Sawall (General Program) Philip Peter Borchard (English) Marylyn Cleary Sutton (Preprofessional) Ronald P. Carzoli, Jr. (Preprofessional) James Richard Taylor (Biology) Ross Allen Christensen (Preprofessional) Michael Paul Teske (Preprofessional) Gregory Millard Cloyd (Preprofessional) Tina Michele Traficanti (English) Kathleen Suzanne Coen (History) David Williams Vinson (Preprofessional) Terrence Patrick Diamond (Sociology) Robert Coventry Woodruff III (Preprofessional) Linda Marie Doherty (Psychology) Robert Paul Zurcher (Preprofessional) Paul Stephen Drzaic (Chemistry) Lisa Lynn Easley (Sociology) Robin Lee Eresman (Biology) William Michael Farmer (Mathematics) Peter Francis Fitzgerald (Government) Anthony Francis Fransway (Preprofessional) Julie Marie Gill (Preprofessional) Leslie Carol Griffin (Theology) Brian William Hainline (Preprofessional) Mark Galen Johnson (Government) Steven Meyer Jones (Mathematics) Timothy Edward Kapshandy (Government) Michael John Karels (Microbiology) Matthew Francis Kennelly (Government) Mary Elizabeth Krick (Government) Karl Stephen Krone busch (Economics)

62 z

Honor Societies

IN THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS IN THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS, AND THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, THE THE FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED TO FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED TO MEMBER­ MEMBERSHIP IN THE NATIONAL HONOR SHIP IN THE HONOR PREMEDICAL SOCIETY OF SOCIOLOGY OF EPSILON SOCIETY OF ALPHA EPSILON DELTA: CHAPTER OF ALPHA KAPPA DELTA: Mary Katherine Allare John Matthew Motto Gary Steven Aumiller Deborah Ann Melver Michael Anthony Aramo John Charles Mueller David Maynard Badway Joan Alice Orie Michael Patrick Bartlett Thomas Charles Mark Blankenburg David Michael Robinson Frank Leahy Bleyer Nussdorfer Robert Scott William Peter Ryan Debra Boyer Stephen Joseph Blankenburg Mark Jesse Samolczyk Anthony Joseph Bruno O'Connell Sheryl Lee Daigle Kathryn Marie Sarb Frank Carmen Candela James Martin O'Hara, Lisa Lynn Easley Richard Edward James Christopher Jr. John Lawrence Hannan Sofranko Carney Edward Michael Okosky Theodore A. Howard Arthur Michael Ronald P. Carzoli, Jr. James Anthony O'Neill Larry Joseph Lambert Vveingartner Gregory Millard Cloyd Richard Frank Pacropis Thomas Gerald Landry Geoffrey Philip Cole Karyn Marie Patno III Thomas Benton Robert James Pavlak DeStefani, Jr. Mary Ann Pizza IN THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS, Lawrence James Drahota Robin Terese Price THE FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED TO David Gordon Drake Timothy Michael Roddy MEMBERSHIP IN THE NATIONAL HONOR Peter Michael Fitzpatrick Ann A. Rogers SOCIETY OF ECONOMICS OF OMICRON Anthony Francis Stephen Michael Rowley DELTA EPSILON: Fransway Stacy Ann Rudnicki Mary Emily Armstrong Kathleen Judith Kinney Milton John Gavlick, Jr. Kathleen Mary Strah Barbara Jean Berhalter Karl Stephen Thomas Carl Golubski Marylyn Cleary Sutton James Vincent Bielunas Krone busch William Benson Guyol, Michael Paul Teske Peter Leo Breen James Vernon Maniace Jr. William Ralph Peter Michael Cannon Patrick Joseph Brian William Hainline Tomkiewicz Kelly Ann Cobb McKillen, Jr. Gary Martin Ivins John Walker Van Gilder Ann Laine Combs Ellen Elizabeth Richard Ralph Keller Robert Coventry William Francis McLaughlin Kevin Harris Komadina Woodruff III Dillhoefer, Jr. Michael Francis Louis Wendell Marks III Thomas Fred Zatorski Diane Carole Donnelly McReynolds Daniel Thomas Maurer Robert Paul Zurcher Robert Martin Dreger, Donald Joseph . Christopher Mullany Mulvihill, Jr. McMackin Jr. Martin Leo Driscoll Joan Alice Orie Victor Robert Dukay Peter Robert O'Sullivan James Joseph Dunne III Kevin John Resch Terry Allen Eurick William John Seeger Regina Marie Fink Paul Maes Shafer William Joseph Flanagan William Gregory Starr Mary Flannery John Patrick Stephens John Michael Gearin Hugh Patrick Sullivan Robert Newman Theresa Anne Wathen Hutchison, Jr. Arthur Michael William Douaire Igoe Weingartner Tracy Elizabeth Kee Michael Joseph Zen gel Kathleen Kelly

63 Honor Societies

IN THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS, ETAKAPPANU THE FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED TO (ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING) MEMBERSHIP IN THE NATIONAL Donald Cozzolino F. William McLaughlin . POLITICAL SCIENCE HONOR SOCIETY William Francis Maher, III OF PI SIGMA ALPHA: Jr. Daniel Earl Weninger Michael William Duffy John Allen Kenward Michael Lawrence Thomas Keith Wrape Tracy Carolyn Enright Mary Elizabeth Krick Markel Mark Galen Johnson Kathleen Mary McElroy Michael Edward James Andrew Kahl Loretta Jean Mirandola McGillan Timothy Edward James Matthew Kapshandy O'Brien PI TAU SIGMA (MECHANICAL ENGINEERING) IN THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS, William Henry Alban III Margaret Anne Morgan THE FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED TO Michael Joseph Callahan Nancy Ann Naville MEMBERSHIP IN THE GERMAN HONOR Mark Joseph Cybulski Anne Therese O'Donnell SOCIETY OF ZETA PHI CHAPTER OF Frank J. Englert III Jack Leonard Sacco DELTA PHI ALPHA: Timothy Joseph Mark Robert Tovey Barry Joseph Booher David Richard Johnson Gallagher Martin Leslie Michael Gerard Edwards Robert Hickey Kahn Mark Michael Gmerek VanHaltern Kathryn Marie Flynn Peter Christopher King Thomas William Johnson Thomas L. Welch Frederick Joseph James E. Zorn Mark Thomas Lynch Heinzen, Jr. ALPHA SIGMA MU IN THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, THE (METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING) FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED TO GRADUATE STUDENTS: MEMBERSHIP IN THE HONOR ACADEMIC SOCIETY OF THEIR MAJOR FIELD OF Surendra Kumar Gupta Kenneth Chau-Kun Liao STUDY: Chen Ti Hu James William Simon, Jr. CHI EPSILON (CIVIL ENGINEERING) Mary Katherine Baty Sharen Walsh Linford Philip Peter Borchard Charles Michael Frank Joseph Brotschol Mazzilli III Jean Marie McGrath Mary Lou Campbell Susan Alice Ronan Daniel Eugene Egging Georgi Lynne Siefring Paul Casimir Fujawa James Walter Singer III Thomas Michael Michael John VanAcker Galeziewski David Edward James Edwin Kreis Wisniewski II Joseph Robert Kroon Charles D. Wolf

64 EEZM bSR!"R 77 'iB?ff'D'fDm Wf !Etef · $'"?

Honor Societies

UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS: IN THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, THE FOLLO,VING Michael Edward Lebiedz Anthony P. More WERE ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP IN THE HONOR SOCIETY OF BETA GAMMA TAU SIGMA DELTA SIGMA: (ARCHITECTURE) GRADUATE STUDENTS: John David Bender David William Edward J. Blieszner McAlpine Mark A. Bard Paul Christopher Reilly Brian Patrick Brady . Hal Peter Munger Craig Irwin Bentzen Michael William Joseph Gilmary Burns David William Otto James 'Varren Salsieder Peter John De Crane Gregory Robert Peckham Cruckshank Margaret Anne Schuler Thomas Gregory Daniel Joseph Pichler Russell Paul Hamerly Larry Andrew Sigmund Demetrion Christopher William Robert Michael Hittle Jus tin Michael William Andrew Lucien Przywara Selim Sezen IIter Stuhldreher Gaudreau Mark Joseph Robert Farish Key John DeWitt Ulrich Susan Denise Hicks Gibler Rechtsteiner Robert Charles King Henri-Jacques Van Robert Stevens Howard Jane Louise .. Short Felix Brandon Maduro Tichelen Martin Webb Waldron Martin Edward Mooney Mary Ann Welden John Charles Wilson IN THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, THE James Lawrence Yates FOLLOWING WERE ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP IN THE HONOR ACADEMIC UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS SOCIETY OF TAU BETA PI: (TWO-YEAR MEMBERS): Martin Paul Best Michael Edward Thomas Kenneth Cauley, Larry Joseph Mehler Philip Peter Borchard McGillan Jr. Joan Marie Mostardi John Stephen Clarke Kathryn Florence L. Christian DeDiana Mary Joan Murphy Kent Michael Conness McGonigle Patricia Jane Doran John 'Villiam Noell Mark Joseph Cybulski Jean Marie McGrath Maureen Rose Geary Daniel Patrick Donald Cozzolino F. William McLaughlin Richard Faraon Glennon, O'Connor Peter John De Crane III Jr. Mark Joseph Ondash Thomas Leo John Joseph Meyers Susan Jeanne Grace Michael William Reed Everman, Jr. Maurice Eugene Miller Patrick Joseph Griffin John Edward Reynolds Paul Casimir Fujawa Anthony P. More Robert Paul Hames Richard Thomas Riley Diane Helen Galdikas Ronald William Okoren Robert A. Jacques II Thomas Joseph Spaeth Sharon Ann Gailagher Robert Norton Michael John Kelly Matthew Charles Stolte Thomas Michael Schleckser David Ames Mahler James Francis Wade Galeziewski Jane Louise Short Marietta Therese Martin Robert Paul Goodpaster Georgi Lynne Siefring William Michael Hawes James Walter Singer III Susan Denise Hicks Robert J cihn Stell Gibler Martin Leslie Edward Charles Kistner VanHaltem James Edwin Kreis Paul Weinacht William Francis Maher, Thomas Keith Wrape Jr. Michael Lawrence Markel

65 FE?DY GEFZ 'lltCIJW'W·· W

Honor Societies

BETA GAMMA SIGMA continued: IN THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS ADMINISTRATION, THE FOLLOWING (ONE-YEAR MEMBERS): WERE ELECTED TO MEMBERSHIP IN THE HONOR ACADEMIC SOCIETY OF BETA Maria-Elena Blanco William Joseph ALPHA PSI: Thomas Patrick McKearn Desmond Mark Steven Merriman James M. Aubrey Stephen Roland Ley Brett James Gossen Jeffery James Norkus Joseph Louis Bauer David Ames Mahler Arnold Gregory Don R. Peck James Joseph Bausano Marietta Therese Gough, Jr. Suzanne Marie Quigley David Eugene Betlach Martin James Alan Hagene Vincent W. Renz, Jr. Sheila Mary Boo Molly Ann ·McGuire Janet Marie Hoffman Diane Marie Ross Thomas Kenneth Cauley, Brian Joseph McHugh Christopher Michael Dan Edwin Rumbach Jr. Patrick Brian Mehigan Hurst Barbara Lynn Sennett Mark M. Chain Raphael Bryan Mulroy Diane Marie Judge Louis Gregory Spisto James Robert Chriszt Mary Joan Murphy Joseph Raymond Timothy Richards Anthony Frank Crudele John William Noell Karpowicz Strader L. Christian DeDiana Daniel Patrick Christina Maria Klucka Robert Marvin Tobben Susan Louise Denis O'Connor Richard William Knee James John Tucci Thomas Patrick Frank Gregory Desmond Paniccia Patricia Jane Doran Kevin Lee Petracek Patrick Terrence Doyle Donald Matthew Pfau Raymond Patrick Duran, Suzanne Marie Quigley Jr. Michael William Reed James J. Fredian John Edward Reynolds Maureen Rose Geary Richard Thomas Riley Thomas Luke Gettings John Norman Rodock Richard Faraon Glennon, Jane Louise Running Jr. William Peter Ryan Paul David Goniu W .. Michael Sabitus Brett James Gossen Stephen Michael Arnold Gregory Gough, Schuster Jr. Barbara Lynn Sennett Susan Jeanne Grace Gregory Joseph Michael Thomas Graham Sergesketter Marcia Lynn Christine Louise Spittler Gramelspacher · Matthew Charles Stolte Patrick Joseph Griffin Robert Marvin Tobben Robert Paul Hames Joseph Thomas John Robert Hennigan U ngashick Janet Marie Hoffman Jean Marie Walsh Christopher Michael Maureen P. Walsh Hurst Joan Frances Wiegand Dennis John Jordan Christopher John Robert Daniel Koney, Jr. Wynne Richard Gerard Kresse

66 Awards and Prizes

Awards and Prizes IN THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND LETTERS: THE REV. JOSEPH H. CAVANAUGH, C.S.C. IN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL: AWARD To the senior who has evidenced high qualities of THE JOHN HIGHBARGER MEMORIAL personal character and academic achievement, PRIZE particularly in Theological Studies To the graduate student in the Department of Louanne Kathryn Bachner, Niles, Illinois History who proposes the best research topic Wilson Douglas Miscamble, Brisbane, THE DOCKWEILER MEDAL FOR Australia PHILOSOPHY To the senior in the College of Arts and Letters who submits the best essay on a philosophical IN THE LAW SCHOOL: subject Michael Thomas Griffith, Fort Wayne, Indiana THE COLONEL WILLIAM J. HOYNES AWARD THE MARGARET EISCH MEMORIAL PRIZE For outstanding scholarship, application, deport­ IN SOCIOLOGY ment and achievement To the outstanding senior majoring in Sociology Michael James Wahoske, Ripon, Wisconsin Sheryl Lee Daigle, Vernon, Connecticut THE DEAN JOSEPH O'MEARA AWARD THE REV. RAYMOND W. MURRAY, C.S.C. For outstanding academic achievement AWARD IN ANTHROPOLOGY Thomas Rudolph Hurtekant, Mishawaka, To the outstanding senior majoring in Indiana Anthropology Sheila Michelle Muldoon, Bonita, California THE A. HAROLD WEBER MOOT COURT AWARDS THE ACADEMY OF AMERICAN POETS For outstanding achievement in the art of oral PRIZE argument To the student submitting the best collection of Richard Allen Schlosser, Sheboygan, Wisconsin original poetry Susan Jeanne Herdina, Elm Grove, Wisconsin Susan Marie Johnson, Hartford City, Indiana Bernard John Karol, Geneva, New York THE SAMUEL HAZO POETRY AWARD EDWARD F. BARRETT AWARD For outstanding poetry written during the school For outstanding achievement in the art of trial year-honorable mention to advocacy Susan Marie Johnson, Hartford City, Indiana Patricia Anne Gaughan, Fairview Park, Ohio THE JOHN T. FREDERICK PRIZE IN Thomas Joachim Herd, Rochester, Michigan ENGLISH INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY OF For the best essay in literary criticism TRIAL LA WYERS AWARD Richard G. Landry, Waterbury, Connecticut For distinguished achievement in the art of THE MEEHAN MEDAL FOR LITERARY advocacy MERIT David Robert Bruegel, East Lansing, Michigan To the senior who writes the best literary composition in English Melita Christina Schaum, South Bend, Indiana

67 Awards and Prizes

THE MITCHELL MEMORIAL AWARD THE DISTINCTIVE ACHIEVEMENT IN FOR PLAYWRITING PSYCHOLOGY AWARD To the student who submits the best original play In recognition of outstanding achievement in to the Department of English research, academic performance and student-life Charles James Daubner, Hartford, Wisconsin activities Edward W. Aberger, Jr., Indianapolis, Indiana THE HUGH A. O'DONNELL AWARD IN AMERICAN STUDIES SENIOR RECOGNITION AWARD IN To the seniors in American Studies with the PSYCHOLOGY highest academic averages over their four years at In acklowledgement of meritorious accomplish­ Notre Dame ment in research, academic performance or Julie Marie Gill, Florissant, Missouri student-life activities Kathleen Mills, Bergenfield, New Jersey Brian Patrick Griffin, Emerson, New Jersey Rafael Roberto Ramirez, San Juan, Puerto THE PAUL NEVILLE JOURNALISM AWARD Rico For excellence in campus journalism Evelyn Elaine Sandeen, South Bend, Indiana Barbara Ann Breitenstein, Kansas City, Kansas THE J. SINNOTT MEYERS JOURNALISM IN THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE: AWARD For excellence in campus journalism THE J. BRUCE ALLEN PRIZE John Paul Pizzolato, Jr., New Providence, New To the student who submits the best research Jersey paper in ecology Kathleen Marie Sullivan, Town and Country, THE WILLIS D. NUTTING AWARD Missouri To the General Program of Liberal Studies senior who has contributed most to the education of THE REV. ALEXANDER KIRSCH, C.S.C. fellow students AWARD Anthony Francis Phillips, Jr., Nashua, New To the senior majoring in Earth Science who has Hampshire evidenced high qualities of personal character, scholarship and leadership THE OTTO BIRD A WARD Donald Lee Sprague, Philadelphia, For the best essay written by a graduating senior Pennsylvania in the General Program of Liberal Studies Terrance Kevin Livingston, Pittsburgh, . THE LAWRENCE H. BALDINGER AWARD Pennsylvania To the seniors in the Preprofessional Program who excelled in scholarship, leadership and THE JACQUES GOLD MEDAL OF FINE character ARTS Frank Carn1en Candela, Morton Grove, William Joseph Hassell, Dallas, Texas Illinois THE JACQUES SILVER MEDAL OF FINE James Richard Taylor, Wichita, Kansas ARTS THE SENIOR GENERAL ELECTRIC PRIZE Katherine Ann Robinson, South Bend, Indiana FOR MATHEMATICS MAJORS For excellence in Mathematics Michael Keefe, Golden Valley, Minnesota THE SENIOR GENERAL ELECTRIC PRIZE FOR MATHEMATICS CONCENTRATORS For excellence in Mathematics Steven Meyer Jones, Redfield, South Dakota

68 Awards and Prizes

IN THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING: IN THE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION: THE FATHER STEINER AWARD To outstanding engineering students who have IN THE GRADUATE DIVISION, displayed qualities of leadership AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING ACADEMIC Joseph Gilmary Burns, Columbus, Ohio ACHIEVEMENT William Francis Maher, Jr., Upper St. Clair, Mary Ann Weldon, Canton, Ohio Pennsylvania Jean Marie McGrath, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania THE DEAN'S AWARD Hal Peter Munger, Perrysburg, Ohio To the students, as voted by the class of 1978, whose contributions to the graduate program of THE ZAHM AWARD FOR AERONAUTICAL the College of Business Administration were ENGINEERING outstanding To the senior who has achieved the most distin­ John DeWitt Ulrich, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania guished record in Aeronautical Engineering Margaret Anne Schuler, South Bend, Indiana Paul Weinacht, Newark, Delaware IN THE UNDERGRADUATE DIVISION: THE VICTOR NEWLOVE AWARD For overall excellence in fifth-year design THE HAMILTON'AWARD FOR Martin Webb Waldron, Ft. Wayne, Indiana ACCOUNTANCY To. the outstanding senior in the Department of THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF Accountancy in the College of Business Adminis­ ARCHITECTS AWARDS tration For general excellence in the field of Architecture Maureen Rose Geary, Grand Rapids, Michigan Jane Short, Archbold, Ohio Joseph Gilmary Burns, Columbus, Ohio THE HAMILTON A WARD FOR FINANCE To the outstanding senior in the Department of THE ALPHA RHO CHI MEDAL Finance in the College of Business Administration To the senior in Architecture who has the quali­ Joan Marie Mostardi, Oak Park, Illinois ties of leadership and who shows promise of high professional merit THE HAMILTON AWARD FOR MANAGE­ Joseph Gilmary Burns, Columbus, Ohio MENT To the outstanding senior in the Department of THE GERTRUDE S. SOLLITT -AWARD­ Management in the College of Business Adminis­ STRUCTURE tration For best project completed by a fifth-year archi­ Diane Marie Ross, Mishawaka, Indiana tecture student during the elective design courses or a thesis completed in the required design THE HAMILTON AWARD FOR MARKETING course. To the outstanding senior in the Department of Hal Peter Munger, Perrysburg, Ohio Marketing in the College of Business Adminis­ tration THE RALPH T. S.OLLITT AWARD-DESIGN Diane Marie Judge, Charleston, South For best design in fifth-year architecture in the Carolina required design course Terence McGinnis Riley, Crystal Lake, Illinois THE ROHM AND HAAS COMPANY AVVARD IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING To seniors in Chemical Engineering on the basis of their academic performance and personal and leadership qualities Edward Charles Kistner, Springfield, Pennsylvania Maurice Eugene Miller, Evansville, Indiana 69 w

Awards and Prizes

THE INDIANA ASSOCIATION OF C.P.A.'S THE BYRON V. KANALEY AWARD AWARD Awarded to the senior monogram athletes who To the Indiana student best exemplifying the have been exemplary as students and leaders qualities necessary for success in the accounting Michael Patrick Padden, Chicago, Illinois profession David Williams Vinson, Liberty, Texas Michael William Reed, Warsaw, Indiana THE JAMES B. CARROLL ANNUAL PRIZE THE DEAN'S AWARD For the best contribution to the JUGGLER To the students whose leadership within the William Joseph Hassell, Dallas, Texas College of Business Administration was out­ standing THE PATRICK DIXON ARMY R.O.T.C. Gerald Michael Hoffman, West Palm Beach, AWARD Florida To the outstanding Army R.O.T.C. cadet at James Francis Wade, Mount Prospect, Illinois Notre Dame this year THE TWENTY-SECOND ANNUAL HASKINS Christopher Sean Dugan, Valparaiso, Indiana AND SELLS FOUNDATION AWARD To the senior showing the highest promise in the THE REV. JOHN J. CAVANAUGH, C.S.C. AWARD field of Accountancy To the senior Army cadet officer for excellence in Raymond Patrick Duran, Jr., Louisville, leadership, academic attainment and participa­ Kentucky tion in military affairs THE HERMAN CROWN AWARD Robert Michael Speer, Tucson, Arizona To the College of Business Administration senior THE REV. J. HUGH O'DONNELL, C.S.C. who has achieved excellence in Finance AWARD Michael John Kelly, Milwaukee, Wisconsin To the senior achieving the highest combined THE WALL STREET JOURNAL STUDENT merit of scholarship in Naval Science subjects and ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Naval aptitude To the senior majoring in Finance who has shown Michael Edward Lebiedz, Springfield, Virginia exceptional scholarship THE STRAKE A WARD John Joseph Riley, Burlington, Vermont To the Midshipman First Class who has made an outstanding record in academic. achievement, in IN THE UNIVERSITY: student activities, and in leadership qualities throughout four years as an NROTC candidate THE REV. A. LEONARD COLLINS, C.S.C. John Robert Hennigan, Pittsburgh, MEMORIAL PRIZE Pennsylvania . To a graduating senior who has made substantial personal efforts to advance the interest of students THE NOTRE DAME AIR FORCE AWARD at the University of Notre Dame To the Air Force ROTC senior for highest Thomas Mitchell Byrne, Atlanta, Georgia combined merit of leadership, character and scholarship THE DAVID R. CAPLAN HONOR AWARD Mary Susan Jordan, Columbus, Ohio To a graduating senior in recognition of out­ standing academic achievement THE NOEL A. DUBB AWARD James Anthony O'Neill, Lima, Ohio To the Air Force ROTC senior who has consist­ ently demonstrated outstanding leadership Kathleen Erin O'Hora, Midland, Michigan

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Academic Costume Code

The Academic Costume Code CAPS: Black cotton and stiffened into the so-called mortarboard style. Each cap has a long tassel fas­ The history of academic dress reaches far back into tened to the middle point of the top of the cap. the early days of the oldest universities. Academic The tassel color denotes the subject field. The Doc­ dress finds its sources chiefly in ecclesiastical wear, tor's cap may have a tassel of gold thread. Univer­ although mediaeval scholars tended to adopt a col­ 'Sity administrators may also have a tassel of gold legiate costume. A statute of 1321 required that all thread. - "Doctors, Licentiates and Bachelors" of the Univer­ sity of Coimbra (Portugal) wear gowns. Beginning Subject Field Colors Used on Hoods and Caps with the second half of the 14th century, civilian collegiate costume was specified in various regula­ Arts and Letters ------White tions of the universities. European institutions con­ Business Administration and Accountancy ------tinue to show great diversity in their specifications ------Sapphire Blue of academic wear. Economics ------···------Copper Education ------Light Blue In American colleges and universities, the academic Engineering ------Orange costume is prescribed by the American Council of Fine Arts including Architecture ------Brown Education, and its present form was adopted in Law ------Purple 1932. The first suggestion for a uniform code was Library Science ------Lemon Yellow made in May, 1895, following an educational con­ Music ------·-···------Pink ference at Columbia University. In 1902, the Inter­ Philosophy ------Dark Blue collegiate Bureau of Academic Costumes was cre­ Physical Education ------Sage Green ated. It codified the 1895 rules and its legal firm Science ------Golden Yellow serves as a clearinghouse and "repository" for of­ Theology ------········------Scarlet ficial university and college colors, costumes and Humanities ------·------·------Crimson insignia. Blue and Gold in Hood Denotes The present academic dress consists of gown, hood a Notre Dame Degree and cap with the pattern and trimmings listed below. Exceptions have been granted to specific universities upon request.

GOWNS: Black cotton with long pointed sleeves for the Bachelor's Degree, long closed sleeves (with a slit for the arms) for the Master's Degree, and bell-shaped open sleeves for the Doctor's Degree. The Bachelor's and Master's gowns d~ not have trimmings. The Doctor's gown is faced down the front with black velvet and there are three bars of velvet across the sleeves.

HOODS: Black in all cases. For the Master's it is three and one-half feet long and· closed at the end. The Doctor's hood is four feet long with panels at the sides. All hoods are lined with the official color or colors of the college or university which con­ ferred the highest degree. The edging of the hood is velvet and three inches and five inches in width for the Master's and Doctor's degrees, respectively, while its color is distinctive of the subject field.