ECB CONFERENCE ON WORKING PAPER SERIES MONETARY POLICY AND IMPERFECT KNOWLEDGE NO 764 / JUNE 2007 ROBUST MONETARY POLICY WITH IMPERFECT KNOWLEDGE ISSN 1561081-0 by Athanasios Orphanides 9 771561 081005 and John C. Williams WORKING PAPER SERIES NO 764 / JUNE 2007 ECB CONFERENCE ON MONETARY POLICY AND IMPERFECT KNOWLEDGE ROBUST MONETARY POLICY WITH IMPERFECT KNOWLEDGE 1 by Athanasios Orphanides 2 and John C. Williams 3 In 2007 all ECB publications This paper can be downloaded without charge from feature a motif or from the Social Science Research Network taken from the €20 banknote. electronic library at 1 We would like to thank Jim Bullard, Stephen Cecchetti, Alex Cukierman, Stephen Durlauf, Vitor Gaspar, Stefano Eusepi, Bruce McGough, Ricardo Reis, and participants at numerous presentations for useful discussions and comments. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect views of the Central Bank of Cyprus or the management of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. 2 Central Bank of Cyprus, 80, Kennedy Avenue, 1076 Nicosia, Cyprus; Tel: +357-22714471; e-mail:
[email protected] 3 Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 101 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA; Tel.: (415) 974-2240; e-mail:
[email protected] ECB Conference on “Monetary policy and imperfect knowledge” This paper was presented at an ECB Conference on “Monetary policy and imperfect knowledge”, held on 14-15 October 2004 in Würzburg, Germany. The conference organisers were Vitor Gaspar, Charles Goodhart, Anil Kashyap and Frank Smets.