GPX Collection

This page holds a large number of GPX tracks or routes that you can use for ideas for walks, indicate where there are viable walks, and/or download the tracks to use The grid references are sorted alphabetically from north to south and West to East. They are only 4 digit references (expanded to 6) so they are very approximate.

It is also available as an interactive PDF file - See "PDF PX Collection" sub menu.

At this point (3-4-17) there are - 220 walks around Lancashire (well SD grid ref) listed below; - 60 around (NY grid ref); - 67 mainly Scotland (N? grid refs) plus one in Austria. Just click on the name to see the walk on a google map that lets you explore the location, the height profile of the walk and local post codes.

The list will be extended soon with more walks from elsewhere in the UK and perhaps elsewhere.

If you record tracks on your own walks PLEASE do forward them to us if you would like them added to the list. We will processes them into the same formats as here. (There is a form to submit a walk in the sub-menu here)

If the name of the GPX starts with "ztrack" then it is a record from an actual walk. i.e the track physically exists (or did) and is walkable. If it starts with "zroute" it has probably been taken from a map and known paths but there is NO guarantee that it is physically walkable. (the "z" is just a technicality.) If you are not familiar with GPX's, please do have a read of the "Using GPX's" in the sub-menu here.

There will soon also be some detailed notes on using a smartphone mapping system under the "Mapping" menu.

CAUTIONARY NOTES:- ASCENTS - The "Ascents" shown in the tables should be viewed with caution. The way some GPX devices work can wildly over estimate the Ascent on a walk. It would be prudent to look at the walk height profile on the google map rather than assume the ascent figure is correct. Also please note that "ascent" is the total upward movement, not just the difference between the lowest and highest points. DISTANCES - Sometimes include a drive to the start point. Time/effort do not permit adjusting these for presentation here. So PLEASE view the map where it will be obvious if the distance includes a drive. IMPORTANT there are very very few walks actually over 8 miles(12.8Km) and only perhaps 3 that are over 10 miles (16Km). POOR GPX - In some locations GPX signals get weak. This can result in the track appearing to "bounce" around. Common sense and a local map will show where the path went.

Track Name (Click to Display Map, Right click for Distance Total Ascent(m) Grid Reference Approx. Location new page) (Km) (total (very approx) "Ascent {ups/downs }" not height) Tracks in SD Grid Reference Mainly Lancashire - Some South Lakes ztrack-2013-10-06T09-55-15D6_0A153.gpx 6.8 153 SD270470 Formby Sands ztrack-2016-02-18T10-33-38D10_0A96.gpx 10.7 96 SD270670 Formby Beach ztrack-2013-12-26T12-41-55D3_0A33.gpx 3.9 33 SD270690 Formby Sands ztrack-2009-07-08T11-03-28D8_0A76.gpx 8.5 76 SD280140 Coniston Water ztrack-2011-07-23T08-26-05D17_0A1146.gpx 17.4 1146 SD280670 Old Man of Coniston ztrack-2014-10-12T09-44-58D10_0A745.gpx 10.5 745 SD280880 Old Man of Coniston ztrack-2011-07-26T10-39-57D27_0A973.gpx 27.7 973 SD290110 Cycle Coniston Water ztrack-2011-07-25T12-17-36D7_0A340.gpx 7.4 340 SD290310 Coniston Park Coppice ztrack-2011-07-22T09-15-24D11_0A945.gpx 11.7 945 SD300770 Coniston-Tarn Hows ztrack-2011-07-24T09-03-22D12_0A961.gpx 12.8 961 SD300960 Coniston-Tarn Hows ztrack-2015-06-04T12-12-31D12_0A211.gpx 12.9 211 SD360660 Lytham ztrack-2015-06-21T09-01-29D12_0A196.gpx 12.9 196 SD360910 Lythaam to Warton ztrack-2009-07-25T08-58-50D4_0A25.gpx 4.9 25 SD410180 Winster (Windemere) ztrack-2014-10-10T09-20-31D7_0A286.gpx 7.1 286 SD410210 Winster (Windermere) ztrack-2015-11-19T13-00-29D7_0A59.gpx 7.8 59 SD420090 Martin Mere Area ztrack-2015-01-14T11-14-45D10_0A357.gpx 10.5 357 SD420420 Martin Mere-Mere Sands ztrack-2015-02-15T10-47-56D9_0A131.gpx 9.5 131 SD420710 Martin Mere Mere Sands ztrack-2017-01-08T11-31-31D8_0A102.gpx 9 102 SD420740 Ruff Wood ztrack-2014-09-25T11-54-38D9_0A90.gpx 9.9 90 SD420770 Martin Mere-Mere Sands ztrack-2011-07-02T09-39-27D10_0A566.gpx 10.6 566 SD420980 Winster/Windemere ztrack-2009-07-23T08-48-53D16_0A32.gpx 16.2 32 SD440330 Witherslack (Part) ztrack-2016-05-30T10-18-02D9_0A86.gpx 9.7 86 SD440620 Another Mere Sands-Rufford ztrack-2015-05-17T08-53-04D8_0A825.gpx 8.8 825 SD450160 Lathom Circular ztrack-2010-01-10T10-38-54D12_0A409.gpx 12.4 409 SD450190 Lancaster ztrack-2016-02-07T12-39-50D9_0A61.gpx 9.7 61 SD450690 Another Meere Sands- Rufford ztrack-2011-07-14T09-47-14D15_0A416.gpx 15.3 416 SD450730 Sunderland Point ztrack-2015-06-06T14-39-48D7_0A394.gpx 7.5 394 SD450880 Mere Sands Rufford ztrack-2016-01-31T10-56-33D8_0A67.gpx 8.2 67 SD460160 Much Hoole (winter version) ztrack-2016-01-31T10-59-20D18_0A453.gpx 18 453 SD460260 Barnoldstead ztrack-2016-01-24T11-36-10D12_0A439.gpx 12.9 439 SD460520 Much Hoole Recce ztrack-2013-10-19T08-29-38D9_0A97.gpx 9.4 97 SD460720 Much Hoole ztrack-2013-10-18T09-04-46D9_0A204.gpx 9.2 204 SD470120 Longton ztrack-2010-10-04T16-10-38D4_0A316.gpx 4.9 316 SD470780 Near Stavely ztrack-2016-05-04T13-40-49D9_0A85.gpx 9 85 SD470820 Longton & Ribble ztrack-2009-07-10T19-25-29D4_0A6.gpx 4.7 6 SD470870 Near Stavely ztrack-2011-12-18T10-40-39D6_0A737.gpx 6.2 737 SD470950 Lancaster Estuary ztrack-2015-05-20T10-11-50D10_0A673.gpx 10.8 673 SD480010 Croston-Rufford ztrack-2015-06-17T09-34-56D10_0A965.gpx 10.8 965 SD480040 Croston Rufford ztrack-2014-11-24T10-25-34D8_0A113.gpx 8.6 113 SD480170 Bretherton River Walk ztrack-2014-12-03T09-56-23D10_0A121.gpx 10.6 121 SD480470 Bretherton-Rufford? ztrack-2016-08-26T09-39-22D7_0A324.gpx 8 324 SD480540 Bretherton-RIver Walk ztrack-2014-09-21T10-47-28D10_0A139.gpx 10.4 139 SD480610 Bretherton-Bank Hall ztrack-2015-02-25T09-52-44D9_0A506.gpx 9.1 506 SD480620 Croston 2 rivers ztrack-2015-11-12T13-05-04D8_0A66.gpx 8.9 66 SD480630 East of Much Hoole ztrack-2015-12-13T10-56-08D10_0A362.gpx 10.6 362 SD480710 Croston-Rufford ztrack-2016-09-20T12-32-25D7_0A501.gpx 7.8 501 SD480860 Bretherton River walk ztrack-2016-04-05T12-29-07D7_0A419.gpx 7.7 419 SD480890 Bretherton-Bank Hall ztrack-2014-11-04T09-25-35D9_0A141.gpx 9.6 141 SD480970 Croston 2 Rivers ztrack-2015-09-27T08-50-31D10_0A158.gpx 10.9 158 SD490010 Mawdesley -Rufford ztrack-2015-04-19T09-49-57D9_0A779.gpx 9.3 779 SD490020 Mawdesley -Harrock Hill ztrack-2015-09-28T08-22-59D9_0A992.gpx 10 992 SD490060 Another Parbold Hill ztrack-2013-11-20T10-53-19D10_0A300.gpx 10.4 300 SD490240 Garstang Circular ztrack-2016-01-10T11-02-16D9_0A794.gpx 9.3 794 SD490260 Penwortham Circular ztrack-2015-04-02T09-38-28D9_0A879.gpx 9.7 879 SD490410 Parbold Harrock Hill ztrack-2016-03-17T13-17-21D8_0A154.gpx 8.3 154 SD490570 Parbold-Ashurst Hill ztrack-2016-01-20T10-49-16D8_0A171.gpx 8.9 171 SD490590 Mawdesley-Harrok Hill ztrack-2013-02-17T09-39-20D15_0A491.gpx 15.7 491 SD490690 Parbold-Ashurst Hills ztrack-2013-08-22T09-22-54D14_0A200.gpx 14.8 200 SD490790 Mawdesley Rufford ztrack-2014-11-03T13-01-19D12_0A129.gpx 12.8 129 SD490820 Mere Sands RIffird ztrack-2016-01-10T11-02-13D8_0A250.gpx 9 250 SD490820 Parbold-Harrock Hill ztrack-2013-03-14T10-10-53D16_0A239.gpx 16.3 239 SD490880 Mawdesley-Rufford ztrack-2010-03-01T12-21-19D2_0A143.gpx 2.6 143 SD490920 Warton Crag ztrack-2013-10-08T09-07-23D17_0A458.gpx 17.3 458 SD500190 Scorton-Dolphinholme ztrack-2013-11-22T13-28-29D9_0A269.gpx 9.4 269 SD500360 Parbold Hill ztrack-2013-11-24T13-02-30D9_0A238.gpx 9.1 238 SD500680 Another Parbold Hill ztrack-2014-09-18T08-45-01D16_0A483.gpx 16.5 483 SD500930 Scorton -Dolphinholme ztrack-2014-10-18T08-53-14D16_0A439.gpx 16.6 439 SD500960 Scortpn Dolphinholme ztrack-2016-09-10T09-37-51D3_0A236.gpx 3.2 236 SD510930 Navigation Course Example Route ztrack-2013-04-13T09-03-21D6_0A182.gpx 7 182 SD520020 Another Billinge ztrack-2013-03-28T11-46-14D6_0A176.gpx 6.7 176 SD520150 Billinge Hill ztrack-2014-04-21T12-37-15D9_0A207.gpx 9.4 207 SD520240 Different Billinge Hill ztrack-2010-05-11T17-49-15D4_0A86.gpx 4.5 86 SD520350 Halton/Caton ztrack-2013-11-04T10-02-08D8_0A189.gpx 8.5 189 SD530020 Another Worden Park ztrack-2013-03-20T13-44-26D8_0A181.gpx 8.1 181 SD530030 Duff Billinge hill ztrack-2015-11-01T12-55-48D8_0A137.gpx 8.3 137 SD530140 Heskin Circular (as led) ztrack-2015-10-30T12-56-12D9_0A758.gpx 9.8 758 SD530180 Heskin Circular(recce) ztrack-2016-09-13T11-54-52D9_0A185.gpx 9.4 185 SD530420 Another Worden Park walk ztrack-2014-04-19T11-01-05D21_0A251.gpx 21.3 251 SD530510 Another Longton ztrack-2010-02-13T10-33-25D4_0A207.gpx 4.9 207 SD530550 Different Over Kellet ztrack-2016-09-22T12-33-25D8_0A725.gpx 8.3 725 SD530790 Another Worden Walk ztrack-2013-07-08T09-29-51D9_0A166.gpx 9.1 166 SD530990 Another Worden Park ztrack-2014-01-30T10-11-11D18_0A572.gpx 18.3 572 SD540080 Beacon Fells ztrack-2010-01-21T10-36-14D3_0A153.gpx 3.4 153 SD540140 Same Over Kellet ztrack-2015-01-24T09-56-43D14_0A1331.gpx 14.6 1331 SD540320 Beacon Fell ztrack-2010-01-20T10-45-15D4_0A208.gpx 4.4 208 SD540710 Over Kellet ztrack-2010-02-14T10-19-37D7_0A287.gpx 7.7 287 SD540870 Further Over Kellet ztrack-2013-03-16T15-05-51D8_0A184.gpx 8.7 184 SD540890 Worden Park ztrack-2013-02-02T09-53-28D14_0A258.gpx 14.4 258 SD550070 Preston/Ribble-Circular ztrack-2012-10-14T09-49-57D14_0A270.gpx 14.4 270 SD550280 Preston/RIbble Circular ztrack-2015-03-01T10-39-30D8_0A232.gpx 8.3 232 SD550560 River Brock ztrack-2016-03-19T09-44-54D12_0A240.gpx 12.9 240 SD560210 Abbeystead-Dolphinholme (actual) ztrack-2016-03-06T10-13-53D13_0A308.gpx 13.5 308 SD560440 Abbeystead-Dolphinholme(recce) ztrack-2016-06-07T17-52-21D7_0A114.gpx 7.4 114 SD560780 Walton-Le-Dale ztrack-2010-11-20T11-14-59D12_0A850.gpx 12.8 850 SD560830 Near Chorley ztrack-2013-04-03T11-57-47D5_0A173.gpx 5.6 173 SD570380 Bryn CIrcular ztrack-2014-09-07T09-01-06D11_0A445.gpx 11.2 445 SD570520 Yarrow - Canal ztrack-2012-01-18T13-11-37D7_0A215.gpx 7.9 215 SD570730 Standish Adlington ztrack-2013-08-31T09-02-20D18_0A531.gpx 18.3 531 SD570780 Chorley CIrcular ztrack-2015-08-11T09-20-29D14_0A1172.gpx 14.7 1172 SD580050 Hornby-Melling ztrack-2015-07-22T09-57-08D10_0A1074.gpx 10.3 1074 SD580150 Haigh Hall & Reservoirs ztrack-2012-10-20T10-09-39D5_0A212.gpx 5.6 212 SD580790 Standish & Reservoirs ztrack-2010-10-31T12-06-52D2_0A27.gpx 2.4 27 SD580830 3 Sisters ztrack-2013-03-06T11-02-29D5_0A153.gpx 5.9 153 SD580890 Bryn Circular ztrack-2015-09-26T08-52-33D13_0A241.gpx 13.9 241 SD580920 Another Hornby-Melling ztrack-2016-03-29T12-27-10D5_0A112.gpx 5.9 112 SD590010 Brindle-canal ztrack-2016-02-16T12-09-21D8_0A481.gpx 8.8 481 SD590060 Brindle (recce) ztrack-2016-02-21T12-50-45D9_0A775.gpx 9.9 775 SD590240 Healy Nab & Anglezaarke ztrack-2015-08-09T10-04-50D13_0A347.gpx 13.3 347 SD590290 Another Haig Hall & Reservoirs ztrack-2010-11-01T12-05-53D3_0A166.gpx 3.2 166 SD590470 Duff ztrack-2016-11-03T13-01-07D9_0A928.gpx 9.8 928 SD590550 Heapey Old canals walk ztrack-2016-04-20T10-08-20D13_0A1290.gpx 13.2 1290 SD590760 Haig Hall & Reservoirs ztrack-2016-08-24T12-47-24D12_0A1001.gpx 12 1001 SD590770 Whittle-le-Woods (recce) ztrack-2016-09-04T10-04-04D9_0A211.gpx 9.4 211 SD590930 Heapley Old Canals walk ztrack-2016-09-06T12-24-03D7_0A152.gpx 7.5 152 SD600750 Heapley-Wheelton ztrack-2016-09-24T07-51-54D10_0A237.gpx 10.9 237 SD610010 Anglezarke and Moors ztrack-2014-09-29T10-11-45D10_0A282.gpx 10.6 282 SD610110 Houghton Circular ztrack-2011-04-10T08-17-12D13_0A755.gpx 13.8 755 SD610280 Great Hill ztrack-2015-07-18T07-50-02D13_0A437.gpx 13.5 437 SD610490 Great Hill ztrack-2012-04-15T08-03-38D13_0A586.gpx 13.4 586 SD610630 Great Hill ztrack-2011-11-19T09-44-04D13_0A692.gpx 13.3 692 SD610730 Houghton-Cherry Tree ztrack-2015-07-19T13-18-13D8_0A260.gpx 8.6 260 SD610880 Brinscall & Moor ztrack-2016-05-15T11-33-00D10_0A259.gpx 10.5 259 SD620250 Anglezarke & Rivington ztrack-2012-06-20T10-24-23D15_0A587.gpx 15.8 587 SD620310 Great Hill ztrack-2016-05-01T12-22-11D10_0A212.gpx 10.7 212 SD620310 Anglezarke & Healey Nab ztrack-2016-03-01T13-28-50D7_0A789.gpx 8 789 SD620510 RIvington& Yarrow & Moor ztrack-2015-09-06T12-44-06D9_0A776.gpx 9.3 776 SD620660 Anglezarke Part? ztrack-2015-09-16T09-08-16D19_0A1078.gpx 19.4 1078 SD620690 Great Hill ztrack-2011-12-14T13-14-55D9_0A792.gpx 9.5 792 SD620830 Rivington-Anglezarke ztrack-2011-08-21T12-10-51D5_0A372.gpx 5.7 372 SD620880 Rivington-Yarrow Resv. ztrack-2015-12-29T09-38-57D18_0A464.gpx 18.2 464 SD620930 Brinscall-Darwen Tower ztrack-2015-12-09T11-42-40D6_0A672.gpx 6.6 672 SD620980 Yarrow & Rivington Reservoirs ztrack-2016-06-09T10-30-27D8_0A949.gpx 8.3 949 SD620990 Rivington Area ztrack-2012-03-01T11-02-52D8_0A595.gpx 8.6 595 SD630080 Winter HIll ztrack-2013-06-05T11-37-59D33_0A828.gpx 33.4 828 SD630110 Leigh Wigan Canal ztrack-2013-07-06T09-38-13D12_0A424.gpx 12.2 424 SD630130 Part Rivington-Noon Hill ztrack-2016-09-07T09-59-24D10_0A358.gpx 10.4 358 SD630140 Anglezarke and Winter Hill(as led) ztrack-2014-09-16T12-42-42D9_0A396.gpx 9.7 396 SD630250 River Hodder ztrack-2014-06-18T09-11-36D8_0A333.gpx 8.6 333 SD630320 Winter Hill ztrack-2016-09-05T13-16-25D10_0A381.gpx 10.7 381 SD630370 Anglezarke & WInter Hill(recce) ztrack-2010-03-07T11-42-47D9_0A551.gpx 9.9 551 SD630750 Barbon ztrack-2012-01-16T12-10-16D7_0A439.gpx 7.4 439 SD630780 Winter Hill ztrack-2010-11-07T11-05-35D4_0A174.gpx 4.7 174 SD640010 Leigh ztrack-2012-08-08T11-26-41D30_0A696.gpx 30.8 696 SD640060 Leigh-Canal-Wigan ztrack-2011-07-13T13-17-33D10_0A407.gpx 10.6 407 SD640190 Leigh Bike Route ztrack-2013-07-06T08-47-46D13_0A2726.gpx 14 2726 SD640230 RIvington-Noon Hill(faulty height) ztrack-2013-12-08T09-49-59D14_0A526.gpx 14.9 526 SD640230 Abbey VIllige Winter HIll ztrack-2012-07-19T11-09-32D21_0A790.gpx 21.5 790 SD640240 Cycle Leigh-Wigan ztrack-2013-07-07T10-29-00D14_0A811.gpx 14.3 811 SD640390 Abbey Village-Darwen Tower ztrack-2014-02-15T09-37-59D11_0A365.gpx 11.3 365 SD640450 Abbey Village-Sunnyhurst Wood ztrack-2013-03-16T12-03-29D8_0A272.gpx 8.6 272 SD640480 Abbey Circular ztrack-2011-03-14T12-25-58D4_0A178.gpx 4.1 178 SD640550 Westleigh ztrack-2011-08-25T11-34-21D10_0A426.gpx 10.8 426 SD640590 Westliegh-Atherton ztrack-2013-04-02T16-02-49D3_0A54.gpx 3.6 54 SD640650 Westleigh ztrack-2015-11-26T09-16-14D3_0A471.gpx 3.9 471 SD640740 Pleasington Circular ztrack-2014-04-20T12-02-05D8_0A254.gpx 8.5 254 SD640940 Abbey VIllage Circular ztrack-2011-07-03T13-03-22D11_0A453.gpx 11.8 453 SD650190 Pennington Not Relevant ztrack-2011-01-28T14-20-29D8_0A325.gpx 9 325 SD650840 Higher Fold/Leigh ztrack-2015-09-03T09-16-11D16_0A1278.gpx 16.8 1278 SD660080 Dunsop Fell ztrack-2014-02-04T10-31-05D4_0A160.gpx 4.3 160 SD660160 Tockhiles-Sunnyhurst Wood ztrack-2014-07-20T12-29-46D9_0A348.gpx 10 348 SD660180 Witton Circular ztrack-2015-01-19T09-30-29D16_0A1319.gpx 16.1 1319 SD660220 Turton HIll-Darwen Tower ztrack-2013-10-10T09-08-44D18_0A586.gpx 18.8 586 SD660260 Witton-Houghton ztrack-2014-10-15T09-40-17D9_0A282.gpx 9.8 282 SD660340 Witton Circular ztrack-2014-08-16T08-28-08D13_0A447.gpx 13.4 447 SD660350 Ryal- Winter HIll ztrack-2015-11-21T09-20-49D16_0A420.gpx 16.7 420 SD660430 Turton Moor & Whitehall ztrack-2014-08-30T08-43-28D14_0A615.gpx 14 615 SD660470 Ryal Sunnyhurst Abbey Village ztrack-2015-11-26T13-01-43D7_0A698.gpx 7.4 698 SD660590 Witton Park Circular ztrack-2011-08-28T09-56-00D12_0A643.gpx 12.4 643 SD660630 Belmont-Turton Moor ztrack-2014-03-12T09-53-59D18_0A580.gpx 18.8 580 SD660770 Witton figure eight ztrack-2016-10-02T10-01-51D10_0A212.gpx 10.3 212 SD670150 Belmott-Delph Reservoir ztrack-2012-09-28T10-11-52D3_0A144.gpx 3.9 144 SD690110 Egg Hillock ztrack-2011-06-18T10-28-17D7_0A275.gpx 7.2 275 SD690150 Part INgelton Falls ztrack-2011-03-25T10-39-07D11_0A739.gpx 11.3 739 SD690270 Counting Hill/Belmont ztrack-2012-03-25T09-33-00D9_0A579.gpx 9.8 579 SD690920 Counting HIll ztrack-2016-06-04T08-58-10D19_0A1449.gpx 19.9 1449 SD710780 Slaidburn-Baxton Fell ztrack-2012-11-16T10-30-51D16_0A1279.gpx 17 1279 SD720030 3 Reservoirs ztrack-2014-01-19T08-53-04D16_0A520.gpx 16.1 520 SD720110 Another 3 reservoirs ztrack-2016-07-03T10-07-20D12_0A344.gpx 12.3 344 SD720240 Last Drop-Jumbles ztrack-2015-10-19T08-56-45D14_0A1205.gpx 14.7 1205 SD720660 Reservoirs & Turton Tower ztrack-2012-10-21T09-17-55D12_0A667.gpx 12 667 SD720880 Turton & Wayoh ztrack-2013-05-16T09-29-29D15_0A370.gpx 15.4 370 SD720880 Another 3 Reservoirs ztrack-2011-09-22T08-48-46D14_0A945.gpx 14.6 945 SD730350 Jumbles-Hazelhurst ztrack-2016-10-07T12-17-16D6_0A178.gpx 6.1 178 SD730450 Turton Towers -Jumbles ztrack-2016-02-25T11-15-13D6_0A664.gpx 6.3 664 SD730540 Turton Towers & Jumbles ztrack-2012-10-27T09-45-08D5_0A544.gpx 6 544 SD730720 Turton Bottom-Jumbles ztrack-2016-11-06T11-04-50D11_0A303.gpx 11.7 303 SD730730 Last Drop Jumbles ztrack-2011-09-15T09-57-04D32_0A774.gpx 33 774 SD730910 Cycle Leeigh-Wigan ztrack-2015-06-05T08-50-03D18_0A1274.gpx 18.4 1274 SD740790 Ingleborough ztrack-2008-09-10T09-26-36D11_0A552.gpx 11.3 552 SD750490 Whernside ztrack-2008-09-08T09-58-17D15_0A655.gpx 15.1 655 SD750740 Inglebough ztrack-2015-07-15T08-48-10D12_0A938.gpx 12.7 938 SD760640 Whernside ztrack-2014-08-31T09-04-10D16_0A414.gpx 16.8 414 SD770020 Sawley-Gisburn ztrack-2014-02-06T10-07-13D16_0A438.gpx 16.4 438 SD770920 Sawley-Gisburn ztrack-2013-09-18T08-21-34D11_0A536.gpx 11.4 536 SD770960 Swarth Hill, The Nab ztrack-2012-11-15T09-59-08D16_0A1135.gpx 16.6 1135 SD800210 Near Ramsbottom ztrack-2012-04-30T11-13-30D9_0A499.gpx 9.7 499 SD800280 Scout Moor ztrack-2012-11-23T10-20-15D14_0A384.gpx 14.5 384 SD800460 Scout Moor ztrack-2011-05-22T18-50-09D9_0A587.gpx 9.4 587 SD800510 Pen Y Ghant ztrack-2013-06-06T09-02-06D14_0A453.gpx 14.2 453 SD800710 Another Shuttleworth ztrack-2012-11-19T10-01-35D13_0A378.gpx 13.5 378 SD800740 Shuttleworth ztrack-2012-09-04T09-06-21D15_0A469.gpx 15.4 469 SD800940 Scout Moor ztrack-2012-09-09T08-56-20D14_0A660.gpx 14.1 660 SD810850 Pen Y Ghent ztrack-2014-08-23T09-03-39D14_0A579.gpx 14.2 579 SD810860 Pen Y Ghent ztrack-2014-08-27T09-37-04D3_0A80.gpx 3.9 80 SD820030 Gisburn Circular ztrack-2014-03-15T09-35-51D16_0A467.gpx 16.7 467 SD820620 Gisburn Circular ztrack-2014-09-17T09-25-54D9_0A446.gpx 9.6 446 SD820630 Pendle Hill ztrack-2009-08-19T09-47-37D16_0A364.gpx 16.1 364 SD820750 Settle Circular ztrack-2013-09-23T09-36-57D15_0A514.gpx 15.8 514 SD860740 Hawes-Great Shunner ztrack-2010-03-23T12-20-39D12_0A548.gpx 12.2 548 SD870260 Hawes ztrack-2016-02-10T11-38-53D3_0A165.gpx 3.4 165 SD870350 Foulridge (Partial) ztrack-2012-09-08T11-06-30D8_0A675.gpx 8.8 675 SD900550 Malham ztrack-2011-05-22T10-11-19D13_0A653.gpx 13.4 653 SD900670 Malham/Dales ztrack-2014-03-04T10-12-22D13_0A419.gpx 13.3 419 SD910350 Watergrove Resv. Moor Walk ztrack-2015-09-09T08-55-16D14_0A523.gpx 15 523 SD920740 Wycoller & Lad Law ztrack-2011-05-07T08-34-28D7_0A460.gpx 7.6 460 SD920910 Buckden ztrack-2013-10-26T10-20-48D12_0A271.gpx 12.1 271 SD930230 Hollingworth ztrack-2013-09-22T10-53-43D9_0A227.gpx 9.5 227 SD940210 Ashrigg-Hawes (linear) ztrack-2009-08-18T10-13-24D18_0A797.gpx 18.5 797 SD940380 Buckden to Kettlewell ztrack-2011-05-08T09-30-29D8_0A584.gpx 8.7 584 SD950420 Kettlewell ztrack-2012-05-16T09-53-41D8_0A412.gpx 8 412 SD950520 Near ztrack-2012-09-22T11-58-20D10_0A471.gpx 10.7 471 SD990750 Hebden Bridge

Tracks in NY grid References Roughly Cumbria - Some South Scotland ztrack-2017-03-01T14-11-21D5_0A425.gpx 5 425 NY050670 Caelaverrock nature walk ztrack-2009-07-19T08-43-59D12_0A204.gpx 12.1 204 NY080220 Lamplugh-Blake Fell ztrack-2016-10-22T09-55-32D10_0A1236.gpx 10.4 1236 NY080360 Another Blake Fell ztrack-2009-10-29T11-31-33D12_0A998.gpx 12.4 998 NY080810 Another Blake Fell ztrack-2009-07-19T14-49-59D13_0A19.gpx 13.9 19 NY100050 Ennerdale Water Circular ztrack-2016-10-20T13-33-15D3_0A255.gpx 3.4 255 NY120470 Near Cockermouth ztrack-2009-10-12T10-45-56D8_0A288.gpx 8.6 288 NY130210 Loweswater Circular ztrack-2012-05-05T09-10-38D11_0A870.gpx 11.8 870 NY170230 Buttermere-Stair ztrack-2012-03-31T12-32-02D8_0A458.gpx 8.1 458 NY170390 Buttermere Circular ztrack-2016-10-23T10-43-48D7_0A988.gpx 7.9 988 NY190240 Buttermere Circular ztrack-2008-09-20T10-15-18D9_0A761.gpx 9.8 761 NY220480 Little Town-Robinson ztrack-2013-09-13T07-57-41D10_0A659.gpx 10.4 659 NY220720 Lord's Seat ztrack-2011-10-02T09-01-12D11_0A705.gpx 11.6 705 NY230830 Stair-Keswick ztrack-2012-05-04T10-15-47D10_0A883.gpx 10.3 883 NY230920 Stair-Braithwaite ztrack-2009-09-20T09-13-35D20_0A800.gpx 20.1 800 NY240010 Another Skiddaw (some poor GPX) ztrack-2011-09-30T08-27-14D5_0A542.gpx 6 542 NY240240 CatBells ztrack-2011-12-31T10-59-37D6_0A663.gpx 6.7 663 NY250010 Brandelhow Bay- Keswick ztrack-2009-11-05T16-22-13D2_0A57.gpx 2.1 57 NY250040 Manesty Caravan Site Wander ztrack-2008-10-13T08-18-20D6_0A184.gpx 6.3 184 NY250220 Castle Crag ztrack-2013-05-26T10-52-15D5_0A385.gpx 5.5 385 NY250310 Another Castle Crag ztrack-2012-03-30T12-29-13D6_0A696.gpx 6.6 696 NY250330 Another Castle Crag ztrack-2009-07-24T09-52-20D6_0A241.gpx 6.3 241 NY250750 Longthwaite-Grange(some poor GPX) ztrack-2012-03-27T08-36-12D12_0A1155.gpx 12.9 1155 NY250950 Another Skiddaw ztrack-2013-12-31T13-05-04D6_0A255.gpx 6.6 255 NY260060 Watendlath Valley ztrack-2016-10-17T14-00-02D6_0A683.gpx 6.5 683 NY260370 Watendlath Valley ztrack-2012-03-22T13-37-49D10_0A478.gpx 10.7 478 NY260960 Keswick-Grange, boat return ztrack-2009-10-06T08-26-03D6_0A118.gpx 6.4 118 NY260970 Day 5 (most off) - North Lakes Walk ztrack-2009-10-22T12-13-33D10_0A448.gpx 10.5 448 NY260980 Walsa Crag ztrack-2012-05-06T09-26-32D11_0A757.gpx 11.4 757 NY270440 Keswick-Applethwaite ztrack-2013-05-22T08-17-30D5_0A691.gpx 5.3 691 NY290550 Harrison Stickle ztrack-2008-09-23T09-03-37D17_0A1221.gpx 17.1 1221 NY310090 Clough Head - Stybarrow ztrack-2009-10-05T08-59-43D11_0A430.gpx 11.7 430 NY310180 Day 4 - North Lakes Walk ztrack-2008-09-18T08-16-42D28_0A1074.gpx 28.6 1074 NY320580 Skiddaw (+drive!) ztrack-2011-06-27T09-30-02D7_0A837.gpx 7.8 837 NY330090 Another Blake Fell ztrack-2012-03-21T09-48-42D10_0A1233.gpx 10.4 1233 NY330770 Another Blencathra ztrack-2015-07-24T08-54-48D10_0A755.gpx 10.8 755 NY330920 Another Blencathra ztrack-2016-10-24T09-19-09D9_0A952.gpx 9.9 952 NY340040 Another Blencathra(Sharp Edge) ztrack-2008-09-28T10-08-43D17_0A828.gpx 17.1 828 NY340430 Blencathra ztrack-2008-10-08T10-03-14D6_0A648.gpx 6.6 648 NY340870 Different Blencathra ztrack-2008-09-21T10-46-18D9_0A408.gpx 9.6 408 NY350530 Mungrisdale-Bowscale Fell ztrack-2008-09-25T11-23-19D12_0A626.gpx 12.7 626 NY350680 Mosedale - High Pike ztrack-2015-02-13T11-47-54D6_0A297.gpx 6 297 NY360390 Rydal Water Circular ztrack-2009-07-10T09-11-29D29_0A872.gpx 29.9 872 NY370280 Ambleside - Fairfield ztrack-2016-10-16T14-47-00D4_0A450.gpx 4.4 450 NY370280 Another Stock Ghyll ztrack-2012-03-03T12-19-47D4_0A361.gpx 5 361 NY370320 Stockgyhll Force valley Walk ztrack-2012-03-29T08-05-04D14_0A1306.gpx 14.4 1306 NY380010 Another Helvellyn ztrack-2014-10-11T10-36-51D14_0A234.gpx 14.5 234 NY380220 Windermere Boat Trip! ztrack-2011-06-28T08-28-40D19_0A1267.gpx 19 1267 NY380470 Helvellyn ztrack-2009-10-04T08-33-32D11_0A905.gpx 11.9 905 NY390330 Day 3 - North Lakes Walk ztrack-2009-10-02T09-04-55D14_0A315.gpx 14.3 315 NY390810 Day 1 - North Lakes Walk ztrack-2014-01-01T11-11-26D3_0A189.gpx 3.1 189 NY390970 Aira Force Valley ztrack-2011-03-05T10-28-49D5_0A354.gpx 5.5 354 NY430440 Watermilloch (near Ullswater) ztrack-2009-10-03T10-56-25D11_0A100.gpx 11.2 100 NY430780 Day 2 (part 2) North Lakes Walk ztrack-2009-10-03T08-35-32D4_0A1.gpx 4.3 1 NY470230 Day 2 (part 1) North Lakes Walk ztrack-2008-09-30T14-14-05D6_0A76.gpx 6.4 76 NY500780 Penrith(shows walk but damaged GPX) ztrack-2009-10-26T11-10-27D9_0A216.gpx 9.3 216 NY570610 Little Salkeld (Penrith) ztrack-2009-09-25T12-29-33D12_0A356.gpx 12.7 356 NY690810 Haltwhistle (Carlise) ztrack-2016-04-10T10-55-56D2_0A150.gpx 2.6 150 NY700430 Nature Trail Kielder Water ztrack-2013-09-20T08-10-20D13_0A582.gpx 13.4 582 NY780260 High Seat ztrack-2016-04-11T10-01-27D4_0A650.gpx 4.7 650 NY840050 Waterfall Walk, Bellingham

Tracks in N? Grid References Mainly Scotland - Some NE . ztrack-2010-07-10T19-52-56D2_0A155.gpx 2.2 155 NT690090 Dunbar near Edinburgh. ztrack-2010-07-12T16-10-34D1_0A192.gpx 1.7 192 NT550680 North Berwick Law ztrack-2010-07-12T13-11-45D13_0A350.gpx 13.5 350 NT550050 North Berwick-Bass Rock Boat Trip ztrack-2012-08-19T08-29-16D11_0A590.gpx 12 590 NT540880 Day 1 St. Cuthberts Way ztrack-2009-06-22T20-40-22D1_0A3.gpx 1.1 3 NT270390 Near Wallace's Cave, Rosewell ztrack-2010-07-11T12-39-38D8_0A412.gpx 8.3 412 NT240190 Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh ztrack-2014-01-11T14-09-09D4_0A110.gpx 4.7 110 NT190140 Aberdour Walk ztrack-2014-01-12T11-39-48D6_0A312.gpx 6.6 312 NT150470 Benarty Hill, Ballingry ztrack-2014-01-14T10-43-26D8_0A158.gpx 8.6 158 NT130280 South Queensferry Walk ztrack-2010-05-17T08-51-23D15_0A1188.gpx 15.1 1188 NS360180 Ben Lomond ztrack-2010-07-05T10-17-54D15_0A1005.gpx 15.7 1005 NO710070 Scolty Hill (near Aberdeen) ztrack-2008-06-06T15-01-48D4_0A154.gpx 4.2 154 NO150790 Creag Choinnich (Breamar) ztrack-2014-05-19T11-10-07D10_0A569.gpx 10.1 569 NO140150 Morrone (Breamar)(Part) ztrack-2014-05-15T11-45-58D10_0A480.gpx 10.3 480 NN750180 Falls of Acharn (near Killin) ztrack-2009-06-21T08-55-52D14_0A1193.gpx 14.1 1193 NN620020 Ben Ledi ztrack-2014-05-16T09-42-08D6_0A318.gpx 6.6 318 NN590580 Glen Ogle (Walk/Cycle Railway) ztrack-2009-07-04T12-27-35D9_0A391.gpx 9.5 391 NN530020 Balquhider Circular ztrack-2009-06-20T12-09-28D6_0A401.gpx 6.4 401 NN490850 Ben A'an ztrack-2009-06-22T09-44-16D29_0A300.gpx 29.5 300 NN480990 Loch Katrine (Boat out Cycle back) ztrack-2010-05-24T10-50-33D8_0A501.gpx 8.3 501 NN170640 Nevis Ski Lift Walk (Not actually Ben Nevis) ztrack-2008-06-26T16-21-57D9_0A300.gpx 9.6 300 NN060560 Gleann Chaolais(Ballachulish) ztrack-2010-05-25T13-19-39D9_0A.gpx 9.7 NN020410 POOR Bunree Viewpoint Walk ztrack-2009-05-13T12-45-32D7_0A280.gpx 7.5 280 NM810440 Strontian Valley Walk ztrack-2009-05-10T19-29-27D1_0A63.gpx 1.3 63 NM720250 Little Resipol Walk ztrack-2009-05-14T16-57-44D2_0A112.gpx 2.3 112 NM720240 Another Little Resipol Walk ztrack-2009-05-11T10-07-13D11_0A1117.gpx 11.1 1117 NM720150 Ben Resipol from Resipol ztrack-2008-06-28T16-03-14D3_0A194.gpx 3.9 194 NM650040 White Sands of Smirisary ztrack-2009-05-15T14-25-50D5_0A435.gpx 5.5 435 NM640490 Arivegaig Walk ztrack-2008-01-30T11-40-46D7_0A40.gpx 7 40 NJ090770 Carn na h-Elge ztrack-2008-08-18T09-53-34D15_0A394.gpx 15.5 394 NJ040810 Carn Ghiubhais ztrack-2008-12-06T10-54-02D14_0A501.gpx 14.7 501 NJ020110 Forres-Grantow-on-Spey cycle route ztrack-2009-04-30T13-04-25D3_0A250.gpx 3.6 250 NJ020070 Cairn Eney base CIrcular ztrack-2008-02-19T10-13-56D13_0A1150.gpx 13.8 1150 NH980610 Local Forres Walk ztrack-2008-08-29T08-24-11D17_0A989.gpx 17.9 989 NH950450 Lurchers Crag/Cairn Gorm ztrack-2008-02-17T10-34-38D19_0A1003.gpx 19.5 1003 NH910090 Carn Eilrig ztrack-2008-08-23T08-53-17D18_0A779.gpx 18.1 779 NH900030 Creag Dhubh ztrack-2014-10-22T12-36-35D7_0A223.gpx 7.6 223 NH890410 Loch an Eilein ztrack-2009-04-23T09-42-44D9_0A503.gpx 9.9 503 NH880690 Carn a Chrasgie (part) ztrack-2009-06-23T10-29-28D3_0A78.gpx 3.6 78 NH800280 Strathspey Wild Life Park ztrack-2010-06-27T10-06-23D6_0A305.gpx 6.1 305 NH560160 Dingwall ztrack-2010-06-10T09-56-03D6_0A558.gpx 6.1 558 NH110950 Dundonnel Waterfall Walk ztrack-2009-05-22T19-16-02D1_0A120.gpx 1.4 120 NH110020 Ardmair Waterfall and Cnoc Breac ztrack-2009-05-23T20-13-50D3_0A123.gpx 3.5 123 NH100630 Meal Mor (Ardmair) ztrack-2009-06-30T08-51-46D23_0A812.gpx 23.6 812 NH030830 Kinlochewe 14ml circular ztrack-2009-06-28T09-36-58D11_0A926.gpx 11.9 926 NH020880 Meall Giubhas ztrack-2010-06-05T10-34-45D25_0A739.gpx 25.9 739 NH020360 Lochs Clair & Coulin Walk ztrack-2010-06-08T12-27-24D1_0A157.gpx 1.8 157 NH000110 Kinlochewe Nature Trail ztrack-2010-06-09T13-52-58D3_0A160.gpx 4 160 NG890140 Rubha Beag ztrack-2010-06-09T10-47-25D2_0A310.gpx 2.5 310 NG860010 Inverewe Gardens ztrack-2009-06-04T13-04-19D5_0A310.gpx 5.3 310 NG850420 Meall a Ghlas Leothaid(near Slatadale) ztrack-2010-06-07T10-39-30D14_0A804.gpx 14.6 804 NG800730 1) (Bottom walk) in wild area ztrack-2010-06-07T10-39-30D14_0A804.gpx 14.6 804 NG800730 2) (Top Walk) Easan Bana Waterfall ztrack-2010-06-07T10-39-30D6_0A487.gpx 6.5 487 NG800730 Easan Bana Waterfall ztrack-2009-05-17T09-28-44D3_0A344.gpx 3.5 344 NG500160 Old Man of Storr ztrack-2010-05-30T11-54-14D7_0A511.gpx 7.5 511 NG430120 Quiraing ztrack-2010-06-21T09-57-38D2_0A121.gpx 2.8 121 ND400830 Duncansby Head ztrack-2010-06-23T10-34-42D4_0A237.gpx 4.5 237 ND120470 Thurso Walk ztrack-2010-06-26T09-42-44D4_0A554.gpx 4.9 554 NC830740 Ben Braggie (Sunderland Monument) ztrack-2010-06-18T11-27-26D7_0A555.gpx 7.1 555 NC610050 Altnahara Walk ztrack-2010-06-19T09-17-34D39_0A926.gpx 39.8 926 NC370910 Cape Wrath Ferry/Bus ztrack-2009-06-01T10-03-26D12_0A941.gpx 12.4 941 NC230320 Quinag ztrack-2009-05-30T10-08-50D11_0A867.gpx 11.5 867 NC180770 Cul Mor ztrack-2009-05-29T14-28-56D1_0A144.gpx 1.7 144 NC180650 Knockan Crag ztrack-2010-06-12T10-23-25D75_0A1417.gpx 75.3 1417 NC160320 Handa Island (poor) ztrack-2009-05-31T09-40-44D4_0A591.gpx 4.6 591 NC100930 Stac Polliadh ztrack-2009-06-02T11-22-55D7_0A411.gpx 7.9 411 NC000940 Old Man of Stoer

Austria track-2008-08-02T09-16-33D11_0A770.gpx 11.3 770 Austria Seebernalpe