Leicestershire [Kelly's

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Leicestershire [Kelly's 896 BOO LEICESTERSHIRE [KELLY'S BOOK AGENT. Kimberley Alfred, II4 Curzon st. Le'str Freeman Wm. & Son, Atkins st. Le'ster BurdenGeorge,5~Halford street,Leicestr Kimberley Alfred, 9 Spinner st. L~icestr Freeman Geo. 40 Royal East st. Le's~er Massey Arthur, 138 Syston st. LeIcester Freestone& Doore,48lSt.Georgest.Le str BOOKBINDERS. Mellor Samuel In.7&9 Rudkin st.Le'ster Freestone & Sons, Church & High sts. BuckJohnHenry ,28EastBond st. Leieestr Market Harborough Burdett Fergus, Union street, Leicester BOOT & SHOE MANUF AC- Gamble John, 43 Crafton street, Le'ster Clarke F. W. S. 31 Rutland st. Leicester TUEEES-WHOLESALE. GarnerHy.&Son,LowerWillow st.Le'ster MidlandEducationaICo.Limited(branch) Abbott A. & Co. Earl Shilton, Hinckley Garner Daniel, 8 Bakehouse lane & 26 (George Clayton Neville, manager), 7 Abbott George, 2I Wellington st.Le'ster Charles street, Leicester Market !ltreet, Leicester Adams Bros. & Co. 24 Queen st. Le'ster Garner Geo. Powers, Barwell, Hinckley SmartFrancis,42Charles street,Leicester Ainge F. & Co. 73 Palmerston st.Le'ster Geary Arthur, Barwell, Hinckley Smart Philip, 11 Waring street, Leicester Andrews Henry, 77 Gartree st. Leicestr GoddardAlfd.Queen's rd.Knightn.Le'str Spencer John& Thomas,20Market place i Allen Chas. Gordon, 70 Oxford st,.Le'str Goodfellow Joseph, 71 Burley la. Le'ster printing works,46 Cank st. Leicester Allen Harry, 38 Blake street, Leicester Greatorex WiIliam, 175 Curzon st. Le'str Tacey Alfred,go &2sSilver street & Royal Ashby & Sons, Litchfield st. Leicester GreenGeo.&Sons,43A,Granby st.Le'ster arcade Leicester Ashby T. & Son, 70 East Bond st.Le'str Green Jas.& Co.65 & 67 Willow st. Le'ster 'Wills He~ry 4 & 5 Market pI. Louo-hboro' AustinF.Lansdowne rd.Aylestn.pk.Le'str Green & Son. Anstey, Leicester , '" Barratt T. & Co. 38~ Nichols st. Le'ster Green & Co. Shepshed, Loughborough BOOKSEL~ERS. Barsby & Tomlinson, Clinton st. Le'ster Griffin Mrs. Mary, 14 Frank st. Le'ster Marked thus! are P?bhsh~rs.. BealeT, W. &Co. 13Friar's causewy. L'str GumleyThos. W. 73 Charnwood st. Le'str Marked thus + are Clrculatlllg Llbranes. Bennett, Bott & Co. Barwell, Hinckley Haldinstein & Sons, 32 Belvoir st. Le'ster Barker In.Market st. AShby-de-la-Zouch Bennett, Lane & Sidwell Earl Shilton, Hamerton William,I4Clarence st.Le'ster Barton Samuel,78 & 80 High st. Leicester Hinckley , HangerC.&Sons,Southampton st.Le'ster Bent John, I Town Hall lane, Leicester Billson & Pick, Vulcan street, Leicester Hanger & Chattaway, Western st. Le'ster . British & Foreign BibleSociety's Depot at Bird Williarn, Earl Shilt,on, Hinckley Hardy & Co. 64 Lower \Villow st. Le'ster Midland Educational Co. 7 Market st. Black & Son, Anstey, Leicester Harold Fredk.Rd.87 Gladstone st. Le'ster Leicester; (William Pickering, agent) BlackweIIJ.K.&COAiGuthlaxl on st.L'str Harrold & Henderson,58Queen st. Le'ster 17 Borough, Hinckley & (Miss E.Huck- Blake John, Shepshed, Loughborough Hartshorn& Jesson,215~Birstall st.Le'str ett,ag-ent) Leicester rd.Mrkt.Harboro' Bott, Rhodes & Co. Moro-ate st. Leicster Harvey&Richardson,38Causewy.la.L'str Buck, Winks & Son, 53 High st. Leicester Bradshaw & Payne, 18~ Humberstone Hassell Geo. & Co. I4Si Willow st. Le'ster Christian Knowledge & Bible Society road, Leicester Haywood Fredk. S.6o! Stanley st. Le'ster Depot(J.Hawthorn),Highst.Uppnghm Brandon & Draycott, Victoria works, HeadIey, Cox & Co. 12 Shenton st.Le'ster Christian Knowledge&NationaISocieties' Willow street, Leicester Hearn In. Wm. 59 Up. Conduit st.Le'ster Depots C~Iiss Eliza Mal1et, agent), 5 Branston & Woolright, 49 & SI Charn- Hinckley Boot Productive Society Lirn, St. Martin's, Leicester wood st. & 40 Shenton st. Leicester i (Alexander John Troup, manager), tCLARKE &. HODGSON, 5 Gallowtrec & 61 Church gate, Loughboroug-h New street, Hinckley gate, Leicester BridgewaterHenryO'Connor,Lansdowne Hobson Thos. & CO.45Welford rd.Le'ster tClarke F.W.S. 31 Rutl~nd st. Leicester road, Aylestone park, Leicester Hoskins James, Marble street, Leicester Uolby Geo. Freeman, HIgh st.Uppnghm Briggs & Co. 26 Morlidge street, Le'ster Houlden E.& Co. 29 Brou;rham st. Le'ster Eland Wm. Church st.Market Harboro' Brooks Thomas Saml.Countess st.Le'str Howkinsl\Villiam,7Cumberland st.Le'str Freeman Henry, i:ihepshed, Lough boro' Brown Bros. IA, Friar's ca useway, Le'str Hughes & Crooks, Anst.ey, Leicester Green George, High st. Market Harboro' Brown Thos. & Co. UpperBrown st.L'str Hunt Thomas, 3 Vine street, Leicester Haigh J.2Nottingham st. Meltn.Mowbry Burton & Co. 1 Lower Hill st. Leicester Hunt Thos.G.Moore's rd.Bel~ave,Le'str Hewes James, Coalville, Leicester Callington Mrs. Z. Barwell, Hinckley Burst Enoch,Io2 Sanvey gate, Leicester Holyoak W.H.75 Humberstone g"t.Le'str Carr & Bale, Bath st. Belgrave, Leicestr Hyde James E. 30 Nichols st. Leicester Hoone John, 97 Leopold st. Loughboro' Carr Tom, 2 Princess street, Leicester Indestructible Butt Leather Boot & Shoe Ma~namara Michae~ [catholic], 76 We1- Carter Ernest, Earl Shilton, Hinckley Co. Lim. Bank buildings, Gallowtree hngton street, LeIcester Cave WilIiam, 18 Newarke st. Leicester gate & 28 Crafton street, Leicester Matkin Mrs. Sarah, High street,Oakham Chater&Goadby,Little la. High st.Le'ster Inman & CO. IOTA, Cobdcn st. Leicester Midland Educational C~. Lim. (branch) Church George, 61 Stanley st. Leicester Ison & Wyatt,I8! Belgrave gate, Leicestr (George Clayton NevIlle, manager), 7 Clarke Henry & Sons, Anstey, Leicester Jackson Arthur & Co. 30 York street, . Mar~et st~e~t, Lelcester . Clarke & Warner, Moores road, Bel- Welford road, Leicester PICkermg WIlltam, I7 Borough,Hlllckley grave, Leicester Jackson & Co. Oadby, Leicester Uiley Brothers (G. D. & A. P.), Cattle Coe In. 21 Checketts ru. Belgrave,Le'ster Jennings E. & Co. 74 & 76 Church gate, market, Loughborough Collin William 23 Castle street Le'ster Leicester !R~weJ.R.&Sons,3~,&IOBel.voirst.Le'str Cooper In. & S~ns, 3 Red Cross ~t. Le'str Johnson& Bailey, 103 High.Cross st.. Lestr SOCIety for Pr?motmg ChristIan Know- CooperWm.& J as.28A,Stamford st. Le'str J ohnson J oseph & Co. Erskme st. ~eICestr ledge (H. '\Ills, agent), 4 Market pI. Co-operative Wholesale Shoe Works Johnson WaIt. Upper Bond st. Hmckley Loughborough (Geo.Heathcote,mgr.),Enderby,Le'str Jones Evan, 22 East Rond st. Leicester !Spe~IC~r John & Thomas, 20 Mar~et pI.; Co-operative Wholesale Society Limited J ones J oseph,2o'5i Belgrave gate,Leicstr prmtmg works, 46 Cank st. LeIcester (John Butcher, manager), West End Jones WilliaPl, 74 Bedford st. Leicester Spencer ~erbert John,. 29 Loseby lane works, 27 Duns lane; Knighton fields J udd William D. & Co. 16 South Bond & 3 1 SlIver street, Lmcester & Newarke street Leicester street, Leicester Tomlinson R. /3i & IS rvrar~et st.. L~'ster Cornfield Fredk. 49 'Grafton pI. Leicestr Key W.& Co. 14 & 16 ~ewarke st. Leicestr Underwood '" m. H .. lmperIaI bmldmgs, Cotton In. Edwd. Earl Shilton, Hinckley Kilby Isaac, Lower Free lane, Leicester Halford ~t~eet, LeICester Crick & Sed don, Regent street, Lutter- King & Son, 6 Nichols street, Leicester WaHace WIlham, 14 Granby st. Le'ster worth & at Leicester Kirby Edwin & Co. Low. Willow st. Le'str Wa!ner J. W. 2 South par.Meltn.Mowbr~ Crick T. & Co. 109 Bedford st. Leicester Kirby H. P.& Son, 9 Charles st. Leicester ~~Ills Hy.. 4. & 5 Market pI. Loughboro' Crick Throne & Co. Sileby, Loughboro' Knight A.& Co. Belgrave road, Leicester WIthers WIlham (secondhand),2sLoseby Cunningham William, Sarah st. Le'ster Lacey C.& Co. 17 New Bond st. Leicester lane, Leicester CurryJas. Crown bldgs. Welford rd.Le'str Langley Samuel, 57 Charles st.. Leic'ester BOOT CLOSER. DaykinJsph.B.14 UpperBrownst.Le'ster Lawrence Thomas & Co. 66 Humber- Dexter W. & Co. 94 HighCross st. Le'ster stone gate, Leicester March Jsph.Dunton Bassett,Lutterwrth Dow-ell & Co. 41 Wellington st. Le'ster Lawrence Thomas & Co. Oadby, Leicester BOOT & SHOE FACTORS. Dunkley A~fred, Brui~ s~reet, Leice~ter Laxton T.RI81 Humberstonel'd.Leic~tr Abbott Isaac, 34 Erskine st. Leicester Du:rad S~lft & CO. I~2 (~rape st. Le ~ter Leavesley &.N o,rth, 44, 46 & 48 Erskme Beal Sarn, 37 Garendon st. Leicester Ell~ott & ~tev.enson.52 ~)xendon st.Le ~tr str~et, LeICester Carpenter Rt. W.34 Nichols st. Leicester EIlls BenJamm ~ Co. Clyde st. i. Rrskme Lee 'lbomas Cotchett & !ohn Sutton, 5 Frisby J.66Rutland st.&Wigston st.Ustr street ,~ ~A, '" harf street, LClcest;r & 7 Rutland st~eet, LeIC~ster lIalford J.F. W. II2 HighOross st.Le'ster Evans ~Ilham, I~9 Churcb gate, Le ster Leeson John & Sons, AlblOn wor~s, 5 OliveI' George, 18 Charles st. Leicester Evans Geo:ge & Sons, 89 Humberstone ~henton st. Humberstone rd. Lmcestr Scampton John & C'o.Clinton st. Le'ster gate, Le~cester , LeICester Co-.operatlve. Boot &. Shoe Scarborough T. Church st.:Vlarkt.Harbro' Ex~on &Bndgewater,C~arlot~e st. Le,ster Manufacturmg SOCIety (RIchard Tyler Alfred & Sons, Halford st. Le'ster ~a~re &: Heath, 63 Welhngt~n st. Le ster Potter, manager),. Bede street & Tyler John & Son, 7 Charlcs st. Lcicestr FaIr~ F. Newport place. L~lcestcr Braunstone gate, LeIcester TrIer Henry P. I7 Rutland st. Leicester Farrm George, Barwell, Hmckley, Lennard Brothers,. Asylum street & Tyler Josiah, 36 Beh'oir street, Leicester Fauknell Thomas & 9o.l\Iere rd. Le ~ter Welford place, LelCester ~ Watson & CO. 2A, Rutland st. Leicester FosterSaml.Pool rd.Ne'~F?un~ln~l.Le str Letts Allen~ Mount road & 298 Syston Freeman, Hardy & WIllIS LImIted, 39 street, LeICester BOOT & SHOE FINISHERS. Rutland st. ; 32 Granby st. ; 3 Cheap- Lewiu Jsph. Spinney Hill road, Leicester Carter William, 26 Wanlip st. Leicester side & 2 Nichols street, Leicester & Loveridge Hy. South Wigston, Leicester Green Geo. & Sons, Glenfield, Leicester 9 Market place, Longhborough Loxley R. & Co. Earl Shilton, Binckley .
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