KAYE , SCHOLER, FIERMAN, HAYS & HANDLER, LLP A NEW YORK LIMITED L1ABIUTY PARTNERSHIP THE McPHERSON BUILDING 425 PARK AVENUE: 901 FIFTEENTH STREET N.W., SUITE 1100 NINE QUEEN'S ROAD CENTRAL NEW YO"K, NY 10022-3598 HONG KONG WASHINGTON, D.C 20005-2327 1212) 836-8000 852-2845-8989 FAX (212) 836-8669 FAX 852-2845-3682 12021682-3500 IG••• AJ FAX (202) 6823~ET tfVWoo 1999 AVENUE OF THE :3TARS FILE copy OR IRVING GASTFREUND SUITE 1600 (202) 682-3526 Los ANOELES. CA 90067-6048 (310) 788-1000 Internet E-Mail Address FAX (310) 788-1200 April 13. 1998 RECEIVED
[email protected] Magalie Roman Salas, Esq. APR 13 1998 Secretary Federal Communications Commission :"tDEfIAL COMMlJNlCATIONS COMMISSIOH 1919 M Street, N.W., Room 222 IlfflCE OF THE SECRETAII'{ Washington. D.C. 20554 Re: Amendment of Section 73.202(b) ofthe Commission's Rules Table ofFM Channel Allotments Radio Station WPEZ(FM) Macon, Georgia U. S. Broadcasting Limited Partnership (MM Docket No. 98-18, RM-9204) Dear Mr. Salas: Submitted herewith for filing, on behalf ofour client, U. S. Broadcasting Limited Partnership, licensee ofRadio Station WPEZ(FM), Macon, Georgia, are an original and four copies of its Comments in support ofthe Commission's proposal to reallot FM Channel300Clti'om Macon, Georgia, to Hampton, Georgia, and to modify WPEZ(FM)'s license to specify operations on Channel 300CI in Hampton, Georgia, following the proposed rulemaking. These proposals by the Commission were set forth in the Notice of Proposed Rule Making, __ FCC Rcd __' DA 98-289 (Allocations Branch, Policy and Rules Division, Mass Media Bureau, released Febru- ary 20, 1998).