DDaakkiinnii PPooeettiiccss:: EExxppeerriimmeennttss ooff AAtttteennttiioonn A Poetry Workshop with Anne Waldman SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 2 – 4PM 1129 Oak Valley Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48108 JEWEL HEART How is poetry like hidden terma or treasure rescued by the playfulness and imagination of the dakini principle? Shapeshifting-trickster-feminine-energy dynamics will be invoked. And the question of how are we in creative symbiosis with our environment will be explored. This workshop will suggest a practice of how to work with dream, ritual, memory, montage, performance and collaboration, in the construction of a hybrid poetics. Sliding scale - $20 - $40 Register early or pay at the door –
[email protected] or 734 994 3387 x 223 Recommended - Manatee/Humanity (Penguin Poets) and Vow to Poetry (Coffee House Press) Recently deemed a “counter-cultural giant” by Publisher’s Weekly, Anne Waldman is a poet, performer, professor, editor, and cultural activist. She is the author of more than 40 books and has concentrated on the long poem as a cultural intervention with such projects as Marriage: A Sentence, Structure of The World Compared to a Bubble, Manatee/Humanity (all three books published by Penguin Poets) and the anti-war feminist epic The Iovis Trilogy: Colors in the Mechanism of Concealment, recently published by Coffee House Press this past Fall. Her CD The Milk of Universal Kindness with music by Ambrose Bye was also released in 2011. She has presented her work at conferences and festivals around the world, most recently in Wuhan, Beijing, Berlin, Nicaragua, Prague, Kerala, Mumbai, Calcutta, Marrakech, and Madrid. Her work has been translated into numerous languages.