News & Trends The State of Pakistan will launch a faster payments system next year – p. 11

Deep Dive Real-time payments could cure the healthcare market’s payment maladies – p. 15



A look at the opportunities David Evans, CEO of A review of new global awaiting companies that DecisionLogic, explains how payment initiatives, including invest in faster payment seamless access to bank data solutions from NatWest, solutions and the costs facing enables faster loan approvals Goji and the State Bank of those that do not and could render credit score Pakistan checks obsolete 03 07 11


An in-depth analysis of how The results are in. See the Information on real-time payments could top scorers and a directory and Fiserv solve common healthcare featuring more than 60 market frictions industry players, including four additions 15 17 51

Table of CONTENTS The Faster Payments Tracker® is powered by Fiserv, and PYMNTS is grateful for the company’s support and insight. retains full editorial control over the following findings, methodology and data analysis.

2 | © 2019 All Rights Reserved What's Inside

Faster payments create happier business and trading to invest in fast, free and invisible customer solutions, partners. Recipients that quickly receive their funds are for example. more likely to be satisfied with and extend their profes- Several FIs around the globe appear to understand the sional relationships, and the rise of consumer-facing, seriousness of the situation, however, and are working peer-to-peer (P2P) services has only increased de- aggressively to implement faster payments. Here are mand for faster business-to-consumer (B2C) payment some of the latest efforts they and other businesses solutions. Customers can easily use their smartphones have taken to more quickly move funds. to send money to friends and family members via P2P apps like PayPal, Venmo and Zelle, and they grow frus- AROUND THE FASTER PAYMENTS SPACE trated with businesses that cannot deliver that same Companies across several global markets are ex- speed for insurance claims, rebates, refunds and oth- panding access to existing faster payment systems, er transactions. while some nations are taking their first steps toward The global B2C solutions market is currently valued building brand-new payment rails. The U.K.’s National at $6.8 billion and is on track to reach $25.9 billion by Westminster Bank (NatWest) recently launched an 2023, meaning firms whose faster payments efforts application programming interface (API)-based fast- are lagging could miss out on lucrative opportunities. er payment service available to more than 200 FIs in Legacy and other traditional financial institu- the nation. The Faster Payments clearing API service tions (FIs) are at particularly high risk of losing revenue allows the bank’s customers to connect to the U.K.’s by failing to invest in key technologies. Recent data in- Faster Payments Scheme (FPS) through their existing dicates that FIs in the United Kingdom stand to lose infrastructures and APIs. The integration will enable out on £8 billion ($10.3 billion USD) in revenue by failing

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 3 participating banks’ customers to make and receive savings accounts for emergencies, meaning many payments in real time. must turn to loans to cover unexpected medical bills or vehicle repairs. Receiving loan approval can Pakistan is taking its first steps toward launching a be problematic for borrowers with insufficient credit national faster payment system. The State Bank of scores, however, and frictions in the application pro- Pakistan (SBP) recently held a workshop at which cess can drive them away. In the Tracker’s Feature SBP governor Reza Baqir outlined the bank’s plans Story (p. 7), DecisionLogic CEO David Evans explains to pursue its National Payment Systems Strategy how the company’s bank verification software en- (NPSS). He said the rail could reduce costs and pro- ables lenders to quickly review data, approve loans mote greater electronic payments adoption in the and rely less on credit scores. country, which still relies heavily on cash. WHAT'S INSIDE WHAT'S United States consumers could see expanded DEEP DIVE: HOW FASTER PAYMENTS CAN CURE HEALTHCARE’S ILLS real-time payments access thanks to a new Fiserv solution that enables quick bill payments. The The healthcare market is not immune to payment fric- CheckFree Next service is being piloted by 10 U.S. tions, as costly inefficiencies can force hospitals to FIs, offering APIs that provide bill payment services chase payments and prompt 47 percent of patients through more than 600 billers. The technology can to consider seeking medical treatments elsewhere. automatically identify consumers, match them to The Tracker’s Deep Dive (p. 15) explores the potential billers’ accounts and quickly issue payments, as well benefits that real-time payments could offer patients as provide alerts and reminders about when bills are and healthcare providers alike. due and payments have been issued. NOVEMBER TRACKER UPDATES For more stories on these and other faster payments This month’s Faster Payments Tracker® profiles headlines, read the Tracker’s News and Trends sec- more than 60 industry players, including four addi- tion (p. 11). tions: BillingTree, Klarna, Moneris and Payscout.

HOW FASTER LENDING TOOLS COULD RENDER CREDIT SCORES MOOT Recent Federal Reserve data indicates that 61 per- cent of U.S. adults have less than $400 in their

4 | © 2019 All Rights Reserved Executive INSIGHT

Which industries have been most successful in adopting faster payment solutions, and which are lagging?

“Faster payments are gaining ground in the United States, driven by growing consumer demand and advanc- ing technology. The provider landscape is also changing, with the Federal Reserve announcing the launch of the FedNow faster payments initiative, which is expected to … go live by 2024. However, faster payments are far from ubiquitous. … It might appear … that businesses and service providers are able to instantly accept payments via credit or debit cards in person … or in an eCommerce setting, [but] these transactions do not settle in businesses’ bank accounts in real time.

In addition, checks are still being used by many businesses to pay employees or send funds, such as claims

payments, to customers. Consumers who are tired of waiting days to receive their payments … utilize INSIDE WHAT'S closed-loop P2P payment systems like PayPal, Venmo and Square Cash. Banks took notice of this trend and launched the first bank-based real-time P2P system, Zelle, which has seen healthy adoption since [its launch].

As the middle class in the U.S. struggles to cope with inflation and a growing cost of living, they are looking to gig employment ... to keep them afloat [with] multiple streams of income. Part-time gig workers need and demand faster payments for the services they render. FinTechs … in the earned wage access area allow gig workers [and] traditional employees to gain access to their earned wages in real time using faster payment rails like Visa Direct, MasterCard MoneySend, Fiserv NOW Network and The Clearing House’s RTP network.

Beyond the gig economy, we also see other industries where faster payments are starting to take hold. In the property and casualty insurance space, utilizing faster payments rails for claim payouts has improved cus- tomer satisfaction and loyalty. Factoring is another area where invoices are sold to … businesses that use faster payment rails to enable liquidity for various types of use cases, like truck drivers hauling freight.

Faster payments are here and their potential to change the future of commerce is promising. Competition in faster payments is good for … customers and will no doubt open doors to innovative new ideas that can raise our standards of living.”

DEVA ANNAMALAI WHAT'S INSIDE WHAT'S vice president of payments strategy and solution consulting at Fiserv

5 35% Increase in the number of real-time payment systems in use around the world over the past five years

£8B 25% WHAT'S INSIDE WHAT'S Estimated revenue losses Share of online medical among British banks that bill payments that will be fail to offer instant, invisible completed using real-time and free digital services by payments by 2022 2025

100% $25.9B Projected CAGR of Projected value real-time payments in of the faster B2C healthcare from 2018 to disbursements market 2022 by 2023

66 | |© © 2019 2019 All All Rights Rights Reserved Reserved © 2019 All Rights Reserved | 6 FEATURE STORY


© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 7 Feature Story

Recent Federal Reserve data indicates that 61 per- accounts, in turn enabling faster loan approvals that cent of U.S. adults do not have $400 in savings on issue the payouts users need. hand to cover unexpected expenses. That reflects Underwriting tools provide both borrowers and a steady increase from 2013’s measure — 50 per- lenders with confidence and help the latter more cent — and indicates that many Americans may need seamlessly access reliable bank data that super- loans to deal with financial disruptions like medical sedes credit scores. They can also supply banks and emergencies or vehicle repairs. other FIs with better senses of borrowers’ financial Faster payment services could help such consum- histories, such as how pending transactions affect ers get much-needed funds, provided lenders can account holders’ available capital by “aggregating access equally fast underwriting tools. Borrowers the [data] aggregators.” needing seamlessness could instead face addition- “The same person’s bank account can look different al hurdles if their credit histories or scores become in many ways for many reasons,” Evans said. “Our problematic, however. challenge … is to get as full and complete a picture A consumer’s credit score needs not be the sole of that banking data as we possibly can to mitigate factor to determine loan approval, though. Banks those gaps and holes.” can instead gauge risks by checking consumers’ re- TAKING THE FRICTION OUT OF cent financial histories for reliable incomes. David LENDING Evans, CEO of bank verification software provid- DecisionLogic recently announced that it surpassed er DecisionLogic, said in a recent interview with 40 million customers since launching in 2011. The PYMNTS that the firm’s solutions allow consum- provider’s solutions focus on helping FIs issue loans ers to quickly provide data from their primary bank

8 | © 2019 All Rights Reserved to qualified applicants rather than facilitating borrow- credentials. Speedy account access can grant FIs er disqualifications. the assessment data they need to initiate loans.

“Lenders are looking to lend money because that’s A COMPLETE BANKING PICTURE how they make money,” Evans said. “They actually Quickly receiving financial history snapshots can like spending money, so they’re looking for reasons persuade lenders to grant loans they already want and justifications to lend to people.” to issue by alleviating concerns about borrowers’ po- DecisionLogic’s customers are often lenders that tential risks. serve subprime borrowers. Such consumers fre- “If a person has a regular income, that’s a quently lack credit scores for lenders’ review and confidence-booster,” Evans said. “Most of the time must instead provide their bank statements. it’s usually pretty simple. We have [people] who [were] Borrowers must first be willing to complete the lend- paid for 90 days, they get paid regularly for the same ing application process, and frictions can arise when amount each week or month and they don’t have any- FIs request bank histories, which force these cus- thing really funky going on in their bank statements. tomers to find physical copies of their statements They’re likely to work out.” and then visit establishments like Staples to either Even customers’ most recent bank statements might print duplicates or fax materials along. These is- not provide full financial profiles, Evans acknowl- sues can ultimately alienate those facing short-term edged. Consumer activities can shift rapidly in a day, emergencies. and pending transactions might not post in time to “We found in talking to lenders [that] four out of five be reflected. times, a consumer [with whom] they have direct con- “In today’s real-time world, you can literally — this tact [and] they want to lend money to — that would morning — go and get a payday loan from a lender, probably be [qualified to lend] money to — goes get funds deposited into your bank account today, away because the process has so much friction,” and your bank statement today — this afternoon — Evans said. would look very different than your bank statement DecisionLogic’s solutions address these problems from last night,” he said. by enabling lenders to access customers’ accounts The faster pace means lenders need the most current in real time and transmit recent bank statements. and updated data sources available. DecisionLogic Applicants receive links either through emails or uses solutions from financial services technolo- SMS messages that prompt them to enter their login gy provider Fiserv, including its AllData PFM data FEATURE STORY FEATURE

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 9 Under The HOOD

aggregator, to completely picture borrowers’ finan- cial histories. DecisionLogic also works directly with several banks, including Citi and Wells Fargo, to David Evans, CEO of DecisionLogic, explains swiftly access borrowers’ information. how more seamless access to financial data Real-time data tools can give lenders clearer risk helps democratize financial services for projections, especially in an age where transactions borrowers. hastily alter financial statements. Evans noted that many DecisionLogic customers will perform under- “As the technology has gone mainstream, I think that writing activities just prior to initiating loans, ensuring [the] democratization that technology brings to so- customers’ bank statements have not changed sig- ciety [has] come with it. Every time technology has nificantly since their initial applications. become mainstream, it has changed society [in] my “It’s all kind of happening in real time [when bor- perspective to where the consumer is put [first] again. rowers seek access to payday or cash installment The credit card industry, which owned the FICO scores loans],” he said. “The person is online, in a website, for decades and imposed this dinosaur on us — and applying for a loan. [Websites that have] integrated

FEATURE STORY FEATURE forced us to live by [its] rules — I think those rules will with DecisionLogic’s technology … can make the un- go out the window. I really hope they do. derwriting decision and fund right away.” I really think it’s time consumers … own their data, These data-based insights into borrowers’ financial not have their data owned by others. I think the bank histories can benefit all parties, as cash-strapped statement or banking history is the absolute perfect borrowers who may lack previously needed cred- replacement for the old-fashioned FICO score — the it scores can still access funds, and lenders do not ‘dinoscore,’ as I like to call it. [The current system is] all have to deny financially vulnerable users loans that very wrapped up in who benefits from the FICO score. would quickly address their unexpected expenses. The fact that you go and apply for a loan and find out what your FICO score is, the fact that they ding for [checking on] that, is the ultimate insult, isn’t it?

[As a consumer, you] want to find out what [credit] in- formation somebody has on you. It’s your information. You’re just asking about it, and they’re going to punish you [by running a credit check]. It’s a slap in the face. I think the future is going to move away from others holding information from you [and shift to] you being able to show your information transparently and stand by it for good or for bad.”

10 | © 2019 All Rights Reserved News & Trends

New faster payment integrations, including alternative investment and direct lending platforms provider Goji. The compa- players ny recently launched an “advanced investments” NATWEST DEBUTS NEW FPS payments capability to help users more easily navi- OFFERING gate complex payment flows. The solution will assist More U.K. consumers will gain access to faster bill lenders with payouts that involve multiple recipients pay services thanks to a solution from NatWest, or funds held in escrow, Goji said, and uses an API which recently launched an API-based faster pay- to hold investors’ funds — and provide access to in- ment service that will be available to more than 200 stantly cleared funds — through the FPS. Users will FIs nationwide. The API works with the U.K.’s FPS be able to create different accounts, approve finan- and can be integrated into banks’, credit unions’, cial recipients and support payment flows to different building societies’ and other U.K. FIs’ existing bank- parties involved in a transaction, including borrowers ing infrastructures to enable faster transactions. It and solicitors. also gives banks the option to connect to the FPS SBP LOOKS TO ENTER FASTER without joining it, allowing those that are not based PAYMENT LANDSCAPE in the U.K. and not part of the scheme to more effec- The SBP announced that it plans to launch a lo- tively serve customers. cal faster payment gateway next year. Reza Baqir, NatWest claims the new service operates 24/7 and SBP’s governor, explained during a recent work- offers an alternative to the bulk files that can take shop that the bank will aggressively pursue adoption longer to process and delay funds’ delivery. Similar and implementation of its National Payments active real-time payment systems have expanded by Systems Strategy (NPSS). The goal of the NPSS is 35 percent worldwide over the past five years. to increase Pakistan’s gross domestic product (GDP) by 7 percent and create millions of new electronic GOJI ROLLS OUT NEW FPS SOLUTION FOR PROPERTY LENDERS payments-related jobs. Other U.K.-based financial services players are Government entities and merchant receipts and set- unveiling their own payment solutions with FPS tlements are largely driving digitization in Pakistan.

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 11 SBP’s new service could reduce costs, especially funds via smartphone. This will allow Indian con- related to interchange fees, and promote the adop- sumers to use the UPI to seamlessly make payments tion and benefits of digital payments in an economy when abroad. that is still cash-dependent. Workshop attendees in- The UPI recorded approximately 955 million transac- cluded officials from various Pakistani FIs, FinTechs, tions as recently September, according to the latest payment service operators and telecom firms. NPCI data, and expanding its usage into new glob- al markets could help boost acceptance in India as Bill payments well. NPCI is allegedly working to ensure availability in the United Arab Emirates and Singapore within the FISERV RELEASES AUTOMATED BILL PAYMENT SOLUTION next six months. CheckFree Next, a new bill payment solution from financial services solutions provider Fiserv, helps users quickly and effectively pay their bills through personalized suggestions and automated tools. Ten U.S. FIs recently piloted the service’s APIs, which en- able banks to provide bill payment services through Fiserv’s connections to more than 600 billers. The

NEWS & TRENDS NEWS solution includes some real-time capabilities, in- cluding instant notifications, and the company plans to offer real-time money transfers in the com- ing months.

A news release noted that CheckFree Next relies on proprietary technology to automatically identify and consumers’ billers with their financial accounts. It also establishes billers as payees when pinpointing matches and offers users reminders and alerts when payments are due or have been issued. A separate feature, Withdraw Now, enables users to have their bill payments debited from their accounts immedi- ately or in the future. MASTERCARD PARTNERS WITH RETAILERS FOR PAY BY BANK APP UPI EXTENDS GLOBAL REACH A quartet of U.K. eCommerce retailers — Cult Pens, Indian citizens are also finding it easier to make pay- Funky Pigeon, The Card Gallery and WHSmith — are ments, particularly when using the nation’s Unified also investing in new faster payment solutions. The Payments Interface (UPI) during international travel. group recently announced plans to allow online shop- The National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI), pers to use Mastercard-owned ’s Pay By which runs the UPI, is extending the service into Bank (PbBa) app. PbBa uses the FPS to allow users to new markets to boost its ability to instantly settle

12 | © 2019 All Rights Reserved make payments for goods using their bank accounts Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA). This connectivi- without providing sensitive details such as account ty enables Moorwand’s clients to make transactions numbers or passwords. The app also does not re- across the 36 SEPA member nations, including all quire a separate download and is instead accessed EU and European Economic Area (EEA) members. from users’ primary banking apps. Mastercard said This development adds to Moorwand’s portfolio of the solution aims to help users exercise greater con- digital banking solutions, which currently include trol over their finances. FPS access, direct deposits and Bacs Payment Schemes Ltd. FUNDBOX RAISES FUNDS TO EXPAND B2B PAYMENTS The SEPA connection enables Moorwand to ex- Business-to-business (B2B) payment and credit net- tend cross-border payment capabilities and a wide work Fundbox is helping consumers exercise greater range of banking services to its clients. The com- control by enabling greater transparency into their pany — which is also a bank identification number transactions. The company recently secured a sig- (BIN) sponsor, issuer and acquirer — also recently nificant fundraising haul to expand its operations, launched an online acquiring solution for European raising $176 million in growth equity for its Series FinTech, merchant and payment service provider C round and acquiring a $150 million credit facility. (PSP) customers. Fundbox plans to invest the funds in its B2B pay- FIBANK JOINS SWIFT GPI ments solutions to make payments faster and more Bulgaria’s First Investment Bank (Fibank) took steps & TRENDS NEWS transparent, giving businesses clearer insights into to help its customers access faster and more seam- their cash flows. less international transactions by joining the SWIFT A recent PYMNTS and Fundbox study found that global payments initiative (gpi) in September. It is the $3.1 trillion is owed to U.S. firms, but these funds first bank in Bulgaria to join the initiative, which al- have become stalled in accounts receivable “limbo” lows its customers to make cross-border payments — a development Fundbox refers to as the “net terms that settle in as little as five minutes. Thirty-six per- economy.” Releasing these funds with faster pay- cent of SWIFT gpi’s total transfers are credited to ments technology could help millions of businesses recipients within that same amount of time, and 96 that either offer or rely upon open credit terms to percent arrive the same day, according to company complete their transactions. data. The platform also provides real-time transpar- ency into payments’ movements from identifiers Faster cross-border included in attached messages. Fibank is one of 660 banks worldwide to join SWIFT gpi, which makes payments daily cross-border payments valued at more than MOORWAND OFFERS SEPA ACCESS $330 billion. Financial services firm Moorwand is looking to im- VISA B2B CONNECT INTEGRATES WITH prove the speed and security of cross-border INFOSYS payments, announcing that it is granting its digital A recent partnership between financial services giant banking customers access to the European Union’s & TRENDS NEWS Visa and Indian business consulting and information

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 13 technology solutions provider Infosys has also complete transactions in less than three minutes. expanded the availability of faster cross-border pay- The company announced in a tweet that users can ments. The latter firm willintegrate with the former’s set up the , receive funds, make on-chain Visa B2B Connect network, which has access to and off-chain payments and complete a backup re- more than 60 markets worldwide. The integration will store all within that three-minute timespan. ACINQ enable banks to use the network to quickly, seam- also claims the wallet can address many frictions lessly and securely process cross-border payments. by offering more streamlined backup, onboarding Participating FIs will also be able to access the net- and restoration processes. This comes shortly after work through Bottomline and FIS, both of which are ACINQ completed an $8 million Series A fundrais- Visa hub partners. Visa B2B Connect aims to remove ing round led by Idinvest Partners, with participation frictions from the cross-border payments process by from Serena and investment bank Bpifrance. enabling faster transactions from origin banks to re- COINBASE RESTORES FASTER cipient FIs, providing status tracking and reducing PAYMENT SERVICES WITH NEW the time needed to settle payments. PARTNER A news release from Visa announcing the partner- Real-time payments have been restored for U.K. ship cited a survey of banks and corporates in 20 customers of cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase, global markets, finding that 59 percent of respon- thanks to the platform’s newest financial partnership dents expect revenues from cross-border payments with ClearBank. The interruption in real-time pay- NEWS & TRENDS NEWS NEWS & TRENDS NEWS to increase over the next five years as a result of fast- ments occurred in July when its then-partner, U.K. er payments. Visa B2B Connect uses tokenization to bank , stopped providing services such as protect users’ identities and sensitive information, in- instant deposits and withdrawals at the exchange. cluding bank account numbers, and instead provides The former also lost access to the U.K.’s FPS when a unique identifier to complete transactions. It cur- the partnership ended. rently reaches 62 trade corridors and plans to expand ClearBank began operations in 2017, and its partner- to 100 countries by 2020. ship with Coinbase restored access to the FPS for the latter’s customers, who can now also make depos- Faster coin-based its or withdrawals in as little as one minute. Zeeshan Feroz, Coinbase’s U.K. CEO, said that “that gap be- payments tween crypto and traditional banks will be bridged” ACINQ LAUNCHES BITCOIN-POWERED over the long term. The move comes as new data es- WALLET timates that British banks stand to lose an estimated French FinTech ACINQ, a bitcoin company that $10.3 billion in revenue by 2025 by failing to offer dig- works on the cryptocurrency’s Lightning Network, ital services that are instant, invisible and free. has launched its own faster payment solution. The firm recently unveiled its Phoenix wallet, which can

14 | © 2019 All Rights Reserved Deep Dive

Giving Healthcare Payments A Real-Time Upgrade

Customer-facing markets such as financial ser- in unpaid medical expenses each year, according to vices and insurance have greatly benefited from PYMNTS’ research. real-time payments, and healthcare could be next. These payment issues only add to the healthcare Frictions are rampant in the U.S. healthcare market, market’s maladies, as a recent report found that 15 which is constantly at the center of debate regard- percent of healthcare spending is connected to bill- ing how to expand access and manage treatment ing and payment inefficiencies. The same report costs. Real-time payments can address these pain found that 47 percent of patients would consider points by granting claimants quicker access to funds seeking medical treatment at different hospitals with and providing clearer data regarding insurance pay- more efficient payment experiences. ments’ purposes. They also deliver more seamless experiences that consumers — and millennials in par- There is evidence that players in the healthcare mar- ticular — have come to expect. The following Deep ket are starting to understand how to effectively use Dive highlights how real-time payments can disrupt digital payment systems, however. The market is and improve the healthcare industry. seeing increased usage of automated clearing house (ACH) payments in particular, according to Nacha, A PRESCRIPTION FOR MORE which reported that more than 306.7 million ACH EFFICIENT PAYOUTS electronic funds transfer (EFT) payments were made The U.S. healthcare market saw a rise in from health plans to health providers in 2018 — an high-deductible plans following the 2010 pas- 11.5 percent increase from the previous year. This sage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), shifting a put the value of ACH-based healthcare payments greater share of out-of-pocket payments, such as at $1.59 trillion in 2018, an increase of 80 percent deductibles and co-pays, onto patients. This unin- from 2014. tended side effect of the ACA has caused $7.5 billion Real-time payments could address many healthcare A REAL-TIME PAYMENTS HEALTHCARE OVERHAUL payment ills by allowing providers to immediate- ly transfer funds 24/7 year-round. They could also Significant barriers to real-time payment adoption eliminate one of healthcare payments’ most com- remain, despite their potential benefits. The costs mon ailments: matching transactions to patient data. involved in implementing new services are among the top concerns for payment providers, of which 17 Real-time payments could result in more efficient percent indicated they pay fees to use electronic pay- payment operations that improve payer-to-provider ment systems. Many providers are also concerned flows by quickly issuing disbursements from pay- about the potential return on investment (ROI). They ers to healthcare providers. Electronic messaging worry that electronic systems would not positively standards, such as ISO 20022, could also repair affect revenue issues. healthcare’s reconciliation issues. Payments made

DEEP DIVE DEEP using such standards could include information Recent data found that these troubles are ill-founded clarifying whether funds were used for surgeries, as these systems could save approximately $240 prescriptions or dental work, for example. They can million for claim submissions. Automated real-time also prevent staff from having to track down pa- payments could also result in a potential $7.9 billion per checks. in savings for providers.

Faster healthcare transactions can also help patients Real-time payments in the healthcare industry are more effectively manage their working capital. They on track to expand significantly in the coming years. could initiate healthcare payments directly from their Recent projections indicating that real-time payment bank accounts, granting them clearer visions of how systems’ adoption will expand at a compound annual much money they actually have available. Healthcare growth rate (CAGR) of 100 percent from 2018 to 2022 providers on the other end of transactions would as consumers shift away from payment methods like thus receive payments faster and at lower costs be- credit cards, debit cards and ACH. Additionally, 25 cause they would not incur fees as they do with more percent of all online bill payments to providers and expensive methods, like credit cards. payers will be conducted using real-time payments. The debate over healthcare and how to improve pay- The availability of faster payments can also result ment flow is sure to continue for years to come, but in faster insurance claim payouts, helping patients real-time payments could be the immediate cure for cover medical expenses. Patients who immediately what ails the market. receive insurance claims in their bank accounts, as opposed to waiting days or weeks for checks to ar- rive in the mail, are more likely to be satisfied and remain with their current providers.

16 | © 2019 All Rights Reserved Scorecard

If you would like your company to be considered for inclusion in this Tracker’s provider directory, or if you would like to have an existing listing reconsidered for an update, visit our profile submission/update page.

Companies are organized in alphabetical order.

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 17 SCORECARD

American Express Serve offers prepaid debit card accounts, with money manage- ment capabilities and cash load features. Its mobile app supports sending and receiving payments between Serve accounts, check capture, online bill payment and early direct deposit.

American Express Serve VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: Direct deposit, mobile check capture, financial management tools, corporate cards Services Provided: Website: AMEX Serve Website:

ACI Worldwide powers electronic payments for financial institutions, retailers and processors with its suite of electronic payment software. ACI Disbursement Services™ allow for return of prepaid funds, insurance claims, refund of fees and loy- alty rewards.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Insurance, merchant disbursements Services Provided: Website: ACI Worldwide Website:

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 18 SCORECARD

American Express Serve offers prepaid debit card accounts, with money manage- is an electronic payments system that provides domestic and cross-border ment capabilities and cash load features. Its mobile app supports sending and payments services through partnerships with various Chinese financial institutions. receiving payments between Serve accounts, check capture, online bill payment and Alipay enables national businesses to accept payments instantly, and funds are de- early direct deposit. ducted from buyers’ accounts in real time. Users can make online payments with credit and debit cards, bank transfers and eWallets. The company also offers securi- ty features such as risk management and real-time monitoring. American Express Serve Alipay VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Instant SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: Direct deposit, mobile check capture, financial management tools, corporate cards Services Provided: Card payments, fund transfers, person-to-person Services Provided: Website: AMEX Serve Website: Alipay Website:

ACI Worldwide powers electronic payments for financial institutions, retailers Bambora provides payment software for online purchasing platforms. It offers pay- and processors with its suite of electronic payment software. ACI Disbursement ments integration that supports real-time cross-border and bank-to-bank payments Services™ allow for return of prepaid funds, insurance claims, refund of fees and loy- and that accesses local payment methods. alty rewards.

ACI Worldwide Bambora VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Instant SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Insurance, merchant disbursements Services Provided: Card payments Services Provided: Website: ACI Worldwide Website: Bambora Website:

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 19 SCORECARD

Bellin provides treasury management solutions for small businesses, multinational companies and banks. Its offerings include cash and risk and exposure management services as well as in-house banking, payments and other capabilities.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: Treasury management, cross-border payments, fund transfers Services Provided: Website: Bellin Website:

BillingTree is a payment technology company that helps organizations accept pay- ments using a variety of channels, including automated clearing house, credit and debit cards, online, point of sale and text messages.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Digital payments, direct payment transactions, card payments Services Provided: Website: BillingTree Website:

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 20 SCORECARD

Bellin provides treasury management solutions for small businesses, multinational Boon. is a payment app developed by Wirecard. The app allows users to make pay- companies and banks. Its offerings include cash and risk and exposure management ments using their iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch. The solution can be used for online services as well as in-house banking, payments and other capabilities. shopping, P2P transactions and contactless payments.

Bellin Boon. VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Instant SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: Treasury management, cross-border payments, fund transfers Services Provided: P2P payments Services Provided: Website: Bellin Website: Boon Website:

BillingTree is a payment technology company that helps organizations accept pay- BPC’s SmartVista is an instant payments solution enabling banks to instantly process ments using a variety of channels, including automated clearing house, credit and ingoing and outgoing payments. The platform supports multiple channels in a unified debit cards, online, point of sale and text messages. and secure manner, and can also seamlessly integrate with various internal systems to provide capabilities such as message enrichment or liquidity management.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Instant SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Digital payments, direct payment transactions, card payments Services Provided: Automated Clearing House payments, card payments, fund transfers Services Provided: Website: BillingTree Website: BPC Website:

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Briisk develops and implements cloud-based insurance platforms for managing product distribution and the insurance claims supply chain.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: Insurance disbursements, software solutions Services Provided: Website: Briisk Website:

Buckzy offers 24/7, year-round, real-time, cross-border payment services to consum- ers, small businesses and financial institutions. Buckzy’s person-to-person solution allows users to make instant transactions, including bank-to-bank transfers, inter- national bill payments, instant digital wallet top-ups, internet-of-things payments, international student payments and retail payments, among others.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Bill payments, fund transfers, merchant disbursements, person-to-person payments Services Provided: Website: Buckzy Website:

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Briisk develops and implements cloud-based insurance platforms for managing Bunq is a personal finance solutions developer that provides customers with a digi- product distribution and the insurance claims supply chain. tal banking product. Its app allows users to scan invoices, make QR code payments, create personal payment links and more.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Instant SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: Insurance disbursements, software solutions Services Provided: P2P payments Services Provided: Website: Briisk Website: Bunq Website:

Buckzy offers 24/7, year-round, real-time, cross-border payment services to consum- Checkbook’s Instant Pay solution enables businesses to deliver digital checks with ers, small businesses and financial institutions. Buckzy’s person-to-person solution an “Instant Pay” option, allowing recipients to enter their debit/ATM card numbers allows users to make instant transactions, including bank-to-bank transfers, inter- and receive funds within minutes. Transactions are typically settled in 18 seconds, national bill payments, instant digital wallet top-ups, internet-of-things payments, although it could take up to 15 minutes. international student payments and retail payments, among others.

Buckzy Checkbook VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Instant SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Bill payments, fund transfers, merchant disbursements, person-to-person payments Services Provided: Fund transfers Services Provided: Website: Buckzy Website: Checkbook Website:

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Chillr offers users a personal finance app that allows them to send instant mon- ey transfers, connect multiple bank accounts and pay bills. Chillr also developed a business product that allows companies to, among other things, send payments to employees.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: Payroll disbursements, P2P payments Services Provided: Website: Chillr Website:

Curve is an over-the-top banking platform that consolidates all bank cards into a sin- gle smart card and app.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Card payments Services Provided: Website: Curve Website:

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 24 SCORECARD

Chillr offers users a personal finance app that allows them to send instant mon- DiPocket is a personal finance solutions developer. Its app is associated with a ey transfers, connect multiple bank accounts and pay bills. Chillr also developed a Mastercard prepaid debit card, and allows users to send instant payments to other business product that allows companies to, among other things, send payments to DiPocket users, receive notifications about their expenses and deposit their salaries. employees.

Chillr DiPocket VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Instant SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: Payroll disbursements, P2P payments Services Provided: P2P payments, payroll disbursements Services Provided: Website: Chillr Website: DiPocket Limited Website:

Curve is an over-the-top banking platform that consolidates all bank cards into a sin- Enservio offers insurance software that provides instant ACH/EFT solutions for gle smart card and app. auto and household claims. It also provides B2B virtual turnkey solutions, with a Mastercard reloadable card for quick access to funds.

Curve enservio VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Instant SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Card payments Services Provided: N/A Services Provided: Website: Curve Website: enservio Website:

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Finastra offers a set of real-time payment solutions that can be deployed in a variety of configurations, ranging from smart gateways to multinetwork routing and connec- tivity to end-to-end real-time payments processing solutions. Its main capabilities include built-in digital channel integration, a micro service layer to take advantage of API banking innovations, stand-in processing to provide year-round 24/7 uninterrupt- ed service and real-time intraday liquidity and position management. Finastra VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: P2P payments, corporate disbursements, merchant disbursements, government disbursements, payroll disbursements Services Provided: Website: Finastra Website:

FIS offers real-time payments processing solutions to FIs, corporations and retail- ers. The company’s digital payments solutions provide business customers with real-time P2P and real-time account-to-account transfer capabilities.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Digital payments, corporate disbursements, enterprise disbursements Services Provided: Website: FIS Website:

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 26 SCORECARD

Finastra offers a set of real-time payment solutions that can be deployed in a variety Fiserv, Inc. helps clients create and deliver financial services experiences. The com- of configurations, ranging from smart gateways to multinetwork routing and connec- pany supports payments, processing services, risk and compliance, customer and tivity to end-to-end real-time payments processing solutions. Its main capabilities channel management and insights and optimization. include built-in digital channel integration, a micro service layer to take advantage of API banking innovations, stand-in processing to provide year-round 24/7 uninterrupt- ed service and real-time intraday liquidity and position management. Finastra Fiserv VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Instant SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: P2P payments, corporate disbursements, merchant disbursements, government disbursements, payroll disbursements Services Provided: Automated clearing house, bank platforms, business-to-business, business-to-consumer, person-to-person Services Provided: Website: Finastra Website: Fiserv Website:

FIS offers real-time payments processing solutions to FIs, corporations and retail- Guru is an online platform that allows businesses to hire freelancers in areas such ers. The company’s digital payments solutions provide business customers with as software and IT, writing and translation and management and finance, among real-time P2P and real-time account-to-account transfer capabilities. others. Freelancers can get paid in different methods including PayPal, credit card and eCheck.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Instant SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Digital payments, corporate disbursements, enterprise disbursements Services Provided: Employee and contractor disbursements Services Provided: Website: FIS Website: Guru Website:

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Inpay offers a payment infrastructure enabling real-time cross-border transactions in more than 60 countries. Its service can be used for payroll payments, retail refunds and fund disbursements for charitable donations.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: Payroll, merchants refunds, aid disbursements Services Provided: Website: Inpay Website:

IntegraPay is an Australian payments services provider that supports real-time pay- ments, application programming interface integrations and small business-focused payment solutions.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Real-time Services Provided: Card payments, payment gateway, API solutions Services Provided: Website: IntegraPay Website:

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Inpay offers a payment infrastructure enabling real-time cross-border transactions in is responsible for the development and operations of the Interac network, a more than 60 countries. Its service can be used for payroll payments, retail refunds Canadian national payment network. Interac’s branded products and services are and fund disbursements for charitable donations. currently offered by Interac Association and Acxsys Corporation.

Inpay Interac VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Instant SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: Payroll, merchants refunds, aid disbursements Services Provided: Digital payments, debit payments, fund transfers Services Provided: Website: Inpay Website: Interac Website:

IntegraPay is an Australian payments services provider that supports real-time pay- Jiffy is SIA’s P2P money transfer service. Jiffy’s solutions enable users to send ments, application programming interface integrations and small business-focused money to friends in real time using their mobile phone numbers instead of requiring payment solutions. senders to know the payment recipients’ account details.

IntegraPay Jiffy VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Real-time SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Card payments, payment gateway, API solutions Services Provided: P2P payments Services Provided: Website: IntegraPay Website: Jiffy Website:

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 29 SCORECARD

JUSPAY provides mobile payment solutions. Its JUSPAY SAFE offering is a mobile payments browser designed for secure digital banking and payment applications. The company also offers a checkout software-as-a-service layer that works with pay- ment gateways.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: Fund transfers, digital payments, ACH payments, merchant disbursements Services Provided: Website: JUSPAY Website:

Klarna is a Swedish bank that provides online financial services such as payment solutions for online storefronts, direct payments and post purchase payments.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Digital payments, direct payment transactions, card payments Services Provided: Website: Klarna Website:

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JUSPAY provides mobile payment solutions. Its JUSPAY SAFE offering is a mobile Ledge provides a platform for digital distribution of financial products. It focuses payments browser designed for secure digital banking and payment applications. particularly on installment/revolving credit products and retail financing for prime, The company also offers a checkout software-as-a-service layer that works with pay- near-prime and subprime markets. ment gateways.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Instant SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: Fund transfers, digital payments, ACH payments, merchant disbursements Services Provided: Loan disbursements Services Provided: Website: JUSPAY Website: Ledge Website:

Klarna is a Swedish bank that provides online financial services such as payment Moneris is a Canadian FinTech specializing in payment processing, eCommerce solutions for online storefronts, direct payments and post purchase payments. solutions, digital wallets and more. The company’s offerings help nonprofits, retail, restaurant and other professional services with their business financing, gift card and loyalty needs.

Klarna Moneris VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Instant SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Real-time Services Provided: Digital payments, direct payment transactions, card payments Services Provided: Digital payments, direct payment transactions, card payments Services Provided: Website: Klarna Website: Moneris Website:

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Montran’s real-time payments systems supports mobile, person-to-person and retail payments. It allows individual payments to be processed in real time, with funds set- tling in just a few seconds. Payments and confirmations between participants and the central operator are handled in a secure, digital environment.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Real-time

Services Provided: Merchant disbursements, mobile payments, person-to-person payments Services Provided: Website: Montran Website:

NACHA — The Electronic Payments Association runs the Automated Clearing House (ACH) electronic fund transfer system, and creates payment and financial messaging rules and standards. The ACH Network uses batch processing and a store-and-forward system to move about $39 trillion and 22 billion electronic finan- cial transactions each year.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Up to same day Services Provided: Direct deposit, direct payment transaction Services Provided: Website: NACHA/ACH Website:

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Montran’s real-time payments systems supports mobile, person-to-person and retail Instant payment services provider Nets serves consumers, businesses and payments. It allows individual payments to be processed in real time, with funds set- government authorities. Its instant payments clearing solution, RealTime24/7, op- tling in just a few seconds. Payments and confirmations between participants and erates globally and can handle high-value, low-value, bulk (intraday), domestic and the central operator are handled in a secure, digital environment. cross-border credit transfers. RealTime24/7 also supports central bank money set- tlement for both instant and bulk payments.

Montran Nets VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Real-time SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: Merchant disbursements, mobile payments, person-to-person payments Services Provided: P2P payments, corporate disbursements, merchant disbursements, government disbursements Services Provided: Website: Montran Website: Nets Website:

NACHA — The Electronic Payments Association runs the Automated Clearing Nubank issues, administrates, processes and transfers payments related to post-paid House (ACH) electronic fund transfer system, and creates payment and financial credit cards and equity investments in other entities. messaging rules and standards. The ACH Network uses batch processing and a store-and-forward system to move about $39 trillion and 22 billion electronic finan- cial transactions each year.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Up to same day SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: Direct deposit, direct payment transaction Services Provided: Fund transfers, card payments Services Provided: Website: NACHA/ACH Website: Nubank Website:

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 33 SCORECARD

NYCE Payments Network LLC, an FIS company, provides consumers with secure, real-time access to their money, offering ATM and point-of-sale locations nationwide. The NYCE On-Demand product gives cardholders a way to pay bills online, receive loan proceeds and transfer funds, all in real time.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: Instant payments Services Provided: Website: NYCE Website:

Obopay offers payments technologies and services. These include a white-label mobile payments platform with bulk digital payment capabilities, a digital money platform for businesses, agent solutions and more. The company serves industries such as telecom operators, retail chains and government.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Payroll disbursements, corporate disbursements, P2P payments Services Provided: Website: Obopay Website:

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 34 SCORECARD

NYCE Payments Network LLC, an FIS company, provides consumers with secure, Ozow offers an instant electronic fund transfer payment service in South Africa real-time access to their money, offering ATM and point-of-sale locations nationwide. enabling customers to make online payments directly into merchants’ bank ac- The NYCE On-Demand product gives cardholders a way to pay bills online, receive counts. The latter provide the former with payment links via QR codes, emails or loan proceeds and transfer funds, all in real time. SMS messages.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Instant SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: Instant payments Services Provided: Billing services, online payments Services Provided: Website: NYCE Website: Ozow Website:

Obopay offers payments technologies and services. These include a white-label Payfi provides merchant service providers, processors, banks and FinTechs with mobile payments platform with bulk digital payment capabilities, a digital money real-time interbank money movements via APIs. Its services give corporates, mer- platform for businesses, agent solutions and more. The company serves industries chants and insurance firms cost-effective ways to move money between bank such as telecom operators, retail chains and government. accounts, 24/7/365.

Obopay Payfi VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Instant SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Real-Time Services Provided: Payroll disbursements, corporate disbursements, P2P payments Services Provided: Merchant disbursements, corporate disbursements, insurance disbursements, mobile payments, payroll disbursements Services Provided: Website: Obopay Website: Payfi Website:

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Payment Data Systems is a payment solutions provider offering merchants, billers, banks, service bureaus and card issuers credit, debit/prepaid and ACH payments, among other services. The company enables businesses to provide contractors, employees and additional payment recipients real-time fund transfers by instantly pushing money to any U.S.-based debit card.

Payment Data System VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Real-time

Services Provided: Employee and contractor disbursements, ACH payments Services Provided: Website: Payment Data System Website:

PayPie provides business financing, analytics and risk scoring to help businesses sustain their cash flows. The platform uses blockchain-powered risk assessment based on near real-time business financial data to help provide trust and transparen- cy to the FinTech space.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Real-time Services Provided: Financial management tools Services Provided: Website: PayPie Website:

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 36 SCORECARD

Payment Data Systems is a payment solutions provider offering merchants, billers, Payscout is a global payment processing provider that connects merchants and con- banks, service bureaus and card issuers credit, debit/prepaid and ACH payments, sumers via credit, debit, ATM and alternative payment networks. It offers payment among other services. The company enables businesses to provide contractors, processing solutions for brick-and-mortar and eCommerce transactions. employees and additional payment recipients real-time fund transfers by instantly pushing money to any U.S.-based debit card.

Payment Data System Payscout VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Real-time SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Real-time

Services Provided: Employee and contractor disbursements, ACH payments Services Provided: Digital payments, direct payment transactions, card payments Services Provided: Website: Payment Data System Website: Payscout Website:

PayPie provides business financing, analytics and risk scoring to help businesses Pelican is a real-time payments and compliance solution that enables banks to add sustain their cash flows. The platform uses blockchain-powered risk assessment immediate payments functionality to their current infrastructures while retaining ex- based on near real-time business financial data to help provide trust and transparen- isting investments in legacy systems. It provides quick access to the liquidity and cy to the FinTech space. service benefits of real-time transactions without the traditional implementation challenges and costs.

PayPie Pelican VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Real-time SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Real-time Services Provided: Financial management tools Services Provided: Fund transfers, loan disbursements, person-to-person payments Services Provided: Website: PayPie Website: Pelican Website:

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 37 SCORECARD

ProPay offers payment processing solutions to a wide variety of industries. Its ser- vices include credit card payments for small businesses, pay-by-text and email one-click payments for independent software vendors (ISVs).


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Real-time

Services Provided: Card payments, direct payment transactions, financial management tools Services Provided: Website: ProPay Website:

Pungle is a payments-as-a-service cloud technology company that provides real-time B2C and B2B transfers and disbursements for business. Its platform connects to multiple networks and services and allows for intelligent sequencing and rout- ing to optimize payments. Pungle provides turnkey solutions that include APIs and white-label applications that support enterprises and SMBs.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Payroll, corporate disbursements, P2P payments Services Provided: Website: Pungle Website:

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 38 SCORECARD

ProPay offers payment processing solutions to a wide variety of industries. Its ser- QuickPay provides payment services to merchants across most of Europe. The vices include credit card payments for small businesses, pay-by-text and email company supports credit card and other payment method acceptance, and pro- one-click payments for independent software vendors (ISVs). vides a plug-and-play integration that can be quickly integrated into more than 40 shop systems.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Real-time SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: Card payments, direct payment transactions, financial management tools Services Provided: Transaction processing, card payments Services Provided: Website: ProPay Website: QuickPay Website:

Pungle is a payments-as-a-service cloud technology company that provides real-time Rapid offers businesses end-to-end payment solutions including direct deposit, B2C and B2B transfers and disbursements for business. Its platform connects payroll, corporate deposits and others. The company supports various industries, to multiple networks and services and allows for intelligent sequencing and rout- including government, providing solutions for tax refunds, jury payments and ing to optimize payments. Pungle provides turnkey solutions that include APIs and bond payments. white-label applications that support enterprises and SMBs.

Pungle Rapid Financial Solutions VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Instant SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Payroll, corporate disbursements, P2P payments Services Provided: Government, corporate, employees, P2P payments, law firm disbursements Services Provided: Website: Pungle Website: Rapid Financial Solutions Website:

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 39 SCORECARD

Rapyd helps businesses and their customers pay and be paid worldwide. It provides a FinTech-as-a-service platform that enables domestic and cross-border payments of any type. The solution integrates local payment methods — such as bank transfers, eWallets and cash — into digital applications through a single interface.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: Card payments, digital payments, direct payment transactions Services Provided: Website: Rapyd Website:

Real Time Debit is a real-time payment processing firm that offers instant and se- cure fund transfers. Merchants can embed its solution on their eCommerce sites, enabling customers to pay directly via online bank transfers.

Real Time Debit VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Fund transfers Services Provided: Website: Real Time Debit Website:

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Remitly is an international payments company. The firm allows customers in the United States, United Kingdom and Canada to instantly send money to recipients in countries such as the Philippines, India and Mexico. Delivery options vary, but include cash pickup and direct deposit.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: P2P payments Services Provided: Website: Remitly Website:

Repay is a financial and payments processing firm offering real-time electronic set- tlement for businesses and customers. The company offers ACH and same-day bill payments. Repay has also developed instant funding technology that combines its payment platform with Visa’s and Mastercard’s global networks to immediately push funds to customers’ debit or prepaid cards.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: P2P payments Services Provided: Website: Repay Website:

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 41 SCORECARD

Ripple’s global payments network, RippleNet, connects more than 200 worldwide fi- nancial institutions and payment service providers. The standarized network utilizes blockchain technology and can process cross-border transactions in seconds, en- abling instant settlement.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: Fund transfers Services Provided: Website: Ripple Website:

SatoshiPay is a micropayment platform that facilitates microscale digital transactions.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Software solutions, digital payments, direct payment transaction Services Provided: Website: SatoshiPay Website:

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 42 SCORECARD

Ripple’s global payments network, RippleNet, connects more than 200 worldwide fi- Square Cash allows individuals and businesses to exchange money with others, and nancial institutions and payment service providers. The standarized network utilizes cash out to a bank for free. Users can withdraw money at ATMs or onto Square Cash’s blockchain technology and can process cross-border transactions in seconds, en- Visa debit cards. The service also supports ACH direct deposit. abling instant settlement.

Ripple Square Cash VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Instant SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: Fund transfers Services Provided: P2P payments Services Provided: Website: Ripple Website: Square Cash Website:

SatoshiPay is a micropayment platform that facilitates microscale digital transactions. Banking software developer Temenos offers a real-time payment solution to help fi- nancial institutions implement and leverage instant payments. Its module provides 24/7 instant processing, accounting, status, information and dashboards, and sup- ports real-time payment systems like EBA RT1, the Dutch Instant Payments system, the U.K.’s Faster Payments Service and more.

SatoshiPay Temenos VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Instant SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Software solutions, digital payments, direct payment transaction Services Provided: Software solutions Services Provided: Website: SatoshiPay Website: Temenos Website:

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 43 SCORECARD

The Clearing House Payments Co. LLC. is a banking association and payments company owned by the largest commercial banks. The Clearing House owns and operates core payments system infrastructure in the U.S. and offers a real-time pay- ments scheme. It is the only private-sector ACH and wire operator in the nation, and it clears and settles approximately $2 trillion daily, representing half of all commer- cial ACH and wire volume. The Clearing House VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Depends on the product; ACH can operate on the same day.

Services Provided: ACH, CHIPS, secure token exchange, RTP, image exchange, wire Services Provided: Website: The Clearing House Website:

TransferMate’s global payroll solution enables companies to process global pay- ments in more than 30 currencies. The company also delivers solutions such as mass payments, international receivables, spot transactions and stop-loss orders.

TransferMate Global Payments VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Payroll disbursements Services Provided: Website: TransferMate Global Payments Website:

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 44 SCORECARD

The Clearing House Payments Co. LLC. is a banking association and payments Venmo is a PayPal service that allows users to send money to other Venmo users, company owned by the largest commercial banks. The Clearing House owns and make purchases and transfer Venmo balances to their bank accounts. The app has a operates core payments system infrastructure in the U.S. and offers a real-time pay- social media interface that lets users share that they have made a payment. ments scheme. It is the only private-sector ACH and wire operator in the nation, and it clears and settles approximately $2 trillion daily, representing half of all commer- cial ACH and wire volume. The Clearing House Venmo VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Depends on the product; ACH can operate on the same day. SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: ACH, CHIPS, secure token exchange, RTP, image exchange, wire Services Provided: P2P payments Services Provided: Website: The Clearing House Website: Venmo Website:

TransferMate’s global payroll solution enables companies to process global pay- Verse is an app that links to users’ bank accounts, after which they can send or re- ments in more than 30 currencies. The company also delivers solutions such as ceive money by just providing their phone numbers. Users can also transfer their mass payments, international receivables, spot transactions and stop-loss orders. Verse balances to their bank accounts.

TransferMate Global Payments Verse VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Instant SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Payroll disbursements Services Provided: P2P payments Services Provided: Website: TransferMate Global Payments Website: Verse Website:

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 45 SCORECARD

Visa’s Visa Direct gives businesses, governments and financial institutions the abili- ty to pay customers, employees, contractors or business partners in real time, rather than through cash, checks or ACH. The ready-built solution is used for contractor payments, insurance disbursements, tax refunds or loan distributions, among others, with funds available within 30 minutes of approval.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Real-time

Services Provided: Insurance disbursements, tax refunds, contractor payments, loan distributions Services Provided: Website: VISA Direct Website:

Vocalink’s real-time payments system, its Immediate Payments Solution (IPS), is being implemented in markets worldwide as part of a drive to introduce universal real-time payments. IPS powers the Faster Payments Service in the U.K. and has been part of the development of FAST in Singapore, PromptPay in Thailand and Real-Time Payments in the U.S.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Insurance disbursements, merchant disbursements, government disbursements, corpo- rateServices disbursements, Provided: P2P payments, employee disbursements

Website: VocalinkWebsite:

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 46 SCORECARD

Visa’s Visa Direct gives businesses, governments and financial institutions the abili- Volante Technologies’ real-time payments solution has been configured specifical- ty to pay customers, employees, contractors or business partners in real time, rather ly to handle all aspects of The Clearing House’s Real-Time Payments (RTP). The than through cash, checks or ACH. The ready-built solution is used for contractor cloud-enabled service allows end-to-end real-time payment processing and integra- payments, insurance disbursements, tax refunds or loan distributions, among others, tion to any third-party or in-house systems. It also orchestrates end-to-end payment with funds available within 30 minutes of approval. flows by interacting with back-office, payment, sanctions, risk, accounting and any other required systems. It processes instant payments through clearing houses that VISA Direct Volante Technologies support the Real-Time Payments platform. VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Real-time SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Real-Time

Services Provided: Insurance disbursements, tax refunds, contractor payments, loan distributions Services Provided: Fund transfers Services Provided: Website: VISA Direct Website: Volante Te chnologies Website:

Vocalink’s real-time payments system, its Immediate Payments Solution (IPS), is Weezzo is a P2P and B2C web-based payment system. Its business services include being implemented in markets worldwide as part of a drive to introduce universal payments acceptance, global payouts, digital wallets and multi-currency accounts, real-time payments. IPS powers the Faster Payments Service in the U.K. and has while its personal services include payment cards and digital wallets. been part of the development of FAST in Singapore, PromptPay in Thailand and Real-Time Payments in the U.S.

Vocalink Weezzo VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Instant SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Insurance disbursements, merchant disbursements, government disbursements, corpo- Services Provided: Payroll, P2P payments rate disbursements, P2P payments, employee disbursements Services Provided: Website: Weezzo Website: Vocalink Website:

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 47 SCORECARD

Worldline connects and secures transactions covering the entire payments value chain. Its instant payments solutions have been developed for a range of use cases, including P2P and online solutions for consumers, point-of-sale solutions for mer- chants and optimized liquidity and cash management solutions for corporates.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: P2P payments, corporate disbursements, merchant disbursements Services Provided: Website: Worldline Website:

Wyndy is an app that helps parents find, schedule and pay college-age babysitters. Babysitters receive payments within one to three days, or, for a $3 fee, can receive payments within an hour.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Gig worker payments Services Provided: Website: Wyndy Website:

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 48 SCORECARD

Worldline connects and secures transactions covering the entire payments value Yapstone provides online and mobile payment solutions for global marketplaces, chain. Its instant payments solutions have been developed for a range of use cases, software and large vertical markets. It powers electronic payments for sharing econ- including P2P and online solutions for consumers, point-of-sale solutions for mer- omy platforms such as HomeAway and VRBO, software companies like Kigo and chants and optimized liquidity and cash management solutions for corporates. thousands of apartment and vacation rental companies, homeowners’ associations, self-storage companies and many other markets.

Worldline Yapstone VERTICALS

Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Instant SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: P2P payments, corporate disbursements, merchant disbursements Services Provided: Software solutions, digital payments, ACH payments, direct payment transactions, financial management tools Services Provided: Website: Worldline Website: Yapstone Website:

Wyndy is an app that helps parents find, schedule and pay college-age babysitters. Zelle is a payments solution from bank-owned Early Warning Services. It allows Babysitters receive payments within one to three days, or, for a $3 fee, can receive users to send P2P payments to anyone with a bank account in the United States. payments within an hour. Transactions happen in minutes unless the recipient isn’t enrolled with Zelle, in which case it can take one to three days after they enroll.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time: Instant SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant Services Provided: Gig worker payments Services Provided: P2P payments Services Provided: Website: Wyndy Website: Zelle Website:

© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 49 SCORECARD

Zooz is a technology company that focuses on supporting international eCommerce businesses, providing a single payment platform for merchants to manage local and global payment providers and methods.


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

SettlementSettlement Time: Time: Instant

Services Provided: Card payments, direct payment transactions, financial management tools Services Provided: Website: Zooz Website:


Government Corporates Merchants Lenders Insurers Law Firms P2P Marketplace Healthcare

Settlement Time:

Services Provided:


© 2019 All Rights Reserved | 50 Zooz is a technology company that focuses on supporting international eCommerce businesses, providing a single payment platform for merchants to manage local and About global payment providers and methods. ABOUT THE TRACKER The Faster Payments Tracker is your go-to monthly resource for staying up to date on faster payments news. The Tracker highlights the contributions of different stakeholders, including institutions and technologies com- Zooz ing together to make this happen.


We hope you like the Tracker and we welcome your feedback. Drop us a line at [email protected]. is where the best minds and the best con-

Settlement Time: Instant tent meet on the web to learn about “What’s Next” in

Services Provided: Card payments, direct payment transactions, financial management tools payments and commerce. Our interactive platform is re- inventing the way in which companies in payments share Website: Zooz relevant information about the initiatives that shape the future of this dynamic sector and make news. Our data and analytics team includes economists, data scientists and industry analysts who work with companies to mea- sure and quantify the innovation that is at the cutting edge of this new world.

Fiserv is a financial services technology company that helps clients worldwide create and deliver financial ser- vices experiences. It is involved in payments, processing services, risk and compliance, customer and channel management and insights and optimization. Fiserv is a member of the FORTUNE® 500 and has been named one of FORTUNE magazine’s World’s Most Admired Companies® for six consecutive years.

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