Of OAS Aid Bills

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Of OAS Aid Bills Distribution 17, Today trims, **&* awl *•- RED BANK morrow. Ugh both dayi la U» 19,525 IN. Low tonight in the M*. FaJr Wednesday. See weather page i. MOMMY TMBUGHrMlOAYSaT. im DfaTsH I- l IQn Iiiurt duty, Monday Uraum Fria«y. Second Clm Posllf* Jl Jau Piid «l Rtd E.nk md it Addttlootl M»I1|D1 OHIce.. RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY. MARCH 26, 1962 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Nab Top See Fight Leader On Storm Of OAS Aid Bills French Capture AERIAL VIEW OF LILY-TULIP plant, Rt. 35, C.ntervill., now nearing completion. Senate Passage River Plaza Ex-Gen. Jouhaud Bridge Closed Today Predicted ORAN (AP)—The French government today re- RIVER PLAZA - Work Is The World'sLargest TRENTON (AP) — Leading Republican legisla- ported i£s biggest success to date in its war against expected to start today on re- pairs to Shadow Lake Bridge tors and Democratic Gov. Richard J. Hughes have the Secret Army Organization (OAS)—the capture of on Hubbard Ave. Lily-Tulip Cup Operations Start in July formed an alliance in hopes of pushing a four-part former Gen. Edmond Jouhaud, one of the top leaders According to H. Leroy Mar- storm aid package through the state Senate today. of the European underground in Algeria. tin, county engineer, the span By FRANK W. HARBOUR It is the Lily-Tulip Cup Corp. The plant will produce its firsl HOLMDEL — Construction of building, Rt. 35, Cenleryille. The paper cup sometime in July, But they faced some strong opposition. A French spokesman announced that Jouhaud and will be closed to traffic for •bout 60 days. the world's largest plant, for front of the structure stretches based on the present construc- The package includes manufacturing paper cups and his staff were captured during a 10-hour battle that He said a wooden walkway for a fifth of a mile along Rt. tion schedule — and from that food containers will be completed; proposals for inheritance raged through the heart of will be provided so that school 35, and its concrete slab sides day on, it will turn out some 15 here in another four to five tax increases, ah extended children to the neighborhood extend nearly that far south of million cups or food containers 9 Oran, Algeria's second city months. the highway. Paret racing season, $2.5 million per day — to be sold from n western Algeria. could walk lo school while the Rightists repairs are being made. Maine through Maryland on the special appropriation to Secret Army commandos coast, and from the coast west storm-damaged shore communi- The county plans to install a through Ohio and Indiana. tried to rescue Jouhaud, deck and new piling for the Fights ties and an additional $4 million It will he a big operation — their commander in western Al Back Not bridge. even for American Industry. for beach erosion projects. gcria, but were driven off. Over $15 Million Hughes has taken an all-or- Jouhaud and four others, in To Holmdel It will mean a tax nothing position, saying he will eluding a woman, were flown to ratable in excess of $15 million For Life sign only the entire package. He Broken Paris today and locked up in Freehold Just how much over that wil said he may call the Senate back Sante Prison. Jouhaud, along later this week1 if all four bills (Newt Analysts) depend on the plant's stock ol NEW YORK (AP) - Benny with ex-Gen. Raoul Salan and raw materials and inventory. don't pass today. By ANDREW B0R0W1EC (Kid) Paret, battered senseless in other fugitive leaders of the abor Man Dies To Monmouth County residents losing the world welterweight Predicts Passage ALGIERS (AP) — The failure five general's revolt in Algiers it will mean jobs for 1,000 to championship to Emile Griffith, Senate Majority Leader of the uprising in the Algiers sub- last April, is under a death sen 1,200 workers, this yenr, and was in a coma and reported near Charles W. Sandman, R-Cape urb of Bab el Oued is a heavy tence for that defiance of De In Crash 1,600 (plant capacity) by the end death today. May, predicted that all four bills Gaulle's government. will pass the Senate, despite the blow to the European Secret Ar- of next year. His manager, Manuel Alfaro, Tells of Capture CLIFFWOOD — A 26-year-old opposition. my Organization but it has not The structure Is so huge (one said Dr. Howard Dunbar. a neu- A French spokesman in Algiers The package passed the As- broken its back. Freehold man was killed instantly million square feet of floor rological specialist, told him that gave this account of the capture sembly last week but stalled in The right-wing underground— last night when his car went out space) that to see it as n unit Paret's chances of recovering of Jouhaud and members of his the Senate when Minority Leader with its arms depots, accom: of control and skidded 230 feet one would have to climb into an from brain damage were "one in staff: plices in the French administra- into an unoccupied bungalow at airplane and view it from some- 10,000." Joseph V- Cowgill, D-Camdon, tion of the territory and its or- The operations began at County Rd. and Moore PI. here. where underneath the clouds. requested a public hearing on the At 1:30 a.m. today, however, ganization intact — continues a p. m. yesterday in the center of Police identified the man as It is a single-story structure, key revenue proposal, a bill to Alfaro said Paret appeared to be threat to the application of the Oran when 10 companies of gen- Calvin Cross, 5 Avenue A, Free- with no basement, but almost a raise $8 million by extending the slightly improved because his cease-fire in Algeria. darmes supported by many bat hold. mile of service area tunnels, full racing season by 30 days, prob- muscles were relaxed Instead of After the street fighting ended talions of infantry moved in on He was pronounced dead at of big and little pines and other ably at Garden State Track near the city. rigid and he was able to move Camden. In Bab el Oued and troops moved the scene of the crash by Dr gadgets which will make the his eyebrows, Paret had Just In to clean up' the defiant sub- The troop movement provoked Girolamo PUgllese of Keyport. high speed printing presses and Cowgill said after Friday's harassing fire by Secret Army been given some blood transfu- hearing that he would continue urb, it appeared that this was Police said Cross' car was Cutting machines hum this sum- sions. not the kind of uprising that the commandos who began to build mer. his fight against the bill. Other traveling on County Rd. when ll Alfaro made the statement to Secret Army'i command wanted barricades with cars and buses, The blowers for the air con- (See STORM AID, Page 3) apparently went out of contra newsmen as he left Paret's room at this time. Tracts issued last aided by the civilian population ditioning units are as large as and rammed into the house. The at Roosevelt Hospital to sleep night In Algiers and Oran said By 4 p. m. the objectives in FAIR SCIENTIST — Mn. Judion Goldimith, formerly ef building was knocked off Its two automobiles. There are on a couch In the hospital office •s much in condemning fratrici- the center of Oran had been foundation by the impact. Fair Haven, performs experiment on a frog, on* of th* several of them. Fire Hits reached. for his first rest since Paret was dal combat.. Cross was alone iin the car, Railroad Can carried out of the ring at Madi- Jouhaud and his staff were duties the will parform n a scienca damonitrator in the 'The creation' of an isolated re- Railroad siding will be brought son Square Garden Saturday trapped in a building on the police said. ;; United States Pavilion at the Seattle World's Fair. ilstarice point appeared contrary right into the building — a sec- night. Furniture to all directives issued by the waterfront that had been under The body was removed to the tion long enough for 17 or 16 terrorist group in the past few surveillance for some time. The Bedle Funeral Home, Keyport. railroad cars. Wife Weeps months. All spoke of "progress- house had been searched pro Patrolman Royce Wallace in- Ten thousand gallons of liquid Boxer Jose Torres, a friend Warehouse tve mobilization" that would lead viously but without success. vestigated. At World's Fair paraffin will be used each day of the 25-year-old Paret who FREEHOLD - A fire dam- to an eventual "generalized war The captives were transferred Traffic accidents claimed nine to coat food and cold drink con- spent hours at the hospital, said aged a warehouse of Sllverfs lives in New Jersey over the of liberation." to a gendarmerie barracks. Min- tainers. There will be 12 paraf- Parefs wife, Lucy, wept most of Furniture Store early yesterday week-end, the Associated Press Earns Post at the U. S. Pavilion utes later a strong Secret Army (In storage tanks on the prem- the time she was in her husband's morning. Personal Quarrel reported. commando group attacked the SEATTLE, Wash. — Mrs. Jud- reaction of light stimulation using ises, each holding 12,000 gallons room. The warehouse is near the The Bab el Oued rising most Other victims were: barracks. TJie French forces re son Goldsmith, the former Carole electronic apparatus.
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