WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 SHAWWAL 21, 1434 AH Brotherhood US heat wave Wildfire rages on, Arsenal in CL leader denies prompts early threatens San for 16th ‘terror’ 7claims school10 dismissals Francisco10 water straight20 year

Max 45º ‘Ready to hit’ Min 31º High Tide 03:48 & 17:31 West powers could attack Syria ‘in days’ Low Tide 11:01 & 22:52 40 PAGES NO: 15911 150 FILS AMMAN: Western powers could attack Syria within days, envoys from the United States and its allies have told rebels fighting President Bashar Al-Assad, sources who attended the meeting said yesterday. US forces in the region are “ready to go”, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said, as Washington and its European and Middle Eastern partners honed plans to punish Assad for a major poison gas attack last week that killed hundreds of civilians. Several sources who attended a meeting in Istanbul on Monday between Syrian opposition leaders and diplomats from Washington and other governments said that the rebels were told to expect military action and to get ready to negotiate a peace. “The opposition was told in clear terms that action to deter further use of chemical weapons by the Assad regime could come as early as in the next few days, and that they should still prepare for peace talks at Geneva,” one of the sources said. Ahmad Jarba, president of the Syrian National Coalition, met envoys from 11 states in the Friends of Syria group, including Robert Ford, the US ambassador to Syria, at an Istanbul hotel. United Nations chemical weapons investigators, who finally crossed the frontline to take samples on Monday, put off a second trip to rebel-held suburbs of Damascus. Washington said it already held Assad responsible for a “moral obscenity” and President would hold him to account for it. However, with Russian and Chinese opposition com- plicating efforts to satisfy international law - and Western voters wary of new, far-off wars - Western lead- ers may not pull the trigger just yet. British Prime Minister David Cameron called parliament back from its summer recess for a session on Syria tomorrow. He and Obama, as well as French President Francois Hollande, AT SEA: A picture released by the US Navy shows aircrafts assigned to Carrier Air Wing 7 fly in formation above face tough questions about how an intervention, likely the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D Eisenhower (CVN 69) in the Mediterranean Sea. US forces are ‘ready to go’ if to be limited to air strikes, will end - and whether they called on to strike the Syrian regime, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told the BBC yesterday. (Inset) Russian air risk handing power to anti-Western Islamist rebels if defense missile system Buk-M2 is on display at the opening of the MAKS Air Show in Zhukovsky outside Assad is overthrown. Moscow yesterday. Russia has supplied similar missiles to Syria. — Agencies Continued on Page 15 Govts seek info

SAN FRANCISCO: Governments sought information on over 38,000 Facebook Qatar confirms users in the first half of 2013 and the No 1 social network complied with most new MERS case requests, the firm said in its first report on the scale of data inquiries it gets from DOHA: Health authorities in Qatar announced the countries around the world. The report second confirmed case in a week of the MERS coron- follows allegations by former intelligence avirus in the Gulf state, with a 29-year-old man contractor that practi- infected and in intensive care. The Qatari patient cally every major Internet company - suffers from asthma and has been in contact with including Facebook, Google Inc and another patient infected with MERS. He is “in a criti- Microsoft Corp - routinely hands over cal condition and is under intensive care,” the troves of data on potentially millions of Facebook has at least partially com- Supreme Health Council said in a statement late users to national intelligence agencies. plied to about 80 percent of those Monday. Facebook has more than 1 billion requests, the company acknowledged On August 20, the authorities announced the first users worldwide. US law enforcement yesterday. Authorities in other countries infection in the Gulf state of a 59-year-old Qatari. authorities were by far the most active in with large Facebook user bases, includ- Another Qatari national with the infection died in a mining Facebook, seeking information ing India, the United Kingdom and London hospital on June 28. The virus has killed 47 on about 20,000 to 21,000 users between Germany, also requested information on people worldwide since September, 41 of them in January and June. That represents a thousands of users. Facebook, which dis- Saudi Arabia which neighbors Qatar. MERS is consid- slight rise from the six months between closed the figures in its first “Global ered a cousin of the SARS virus that erupted in Asia June and December 2012, when US Government Requests Report,” said it in 2003 and infected 8,273 people, nine percent of agencies requested information on individually scrutinized every informa- whom died. roughly 18,000 to 19,000 Facebook tion request and required governments Like SARS, it is thought to have jumped from ani- accounts, according to figures previously to meet a “very high legal bar” to receive DEIR EZZOR: A general view shows a heavily damaged street in Syria’s eastern user data. town of Deir Ezzor. — AFP mals to humans, and shares the former’s flu-like released by the company. symptoms-but differs by causing kidney failure. Continued on Page 15 PAGE Researchers have pointed to the Arabian camel, or PAGE Kuwaiti student in dromedary, as a possible host of the virus. Scientists India rupee sinks as studying the new virus have found older patients, men and people with underlying medical condi- Asian stocks plunge Australia faces trial tions are those particularly at risk. — AFP Al-Qaeda rebuffs Boy’s eyes gouged out US ‘propaganda’ in gruesome attack BEIJING: A six-year-old boy in China had his eyes gouged out, blinding AQAP denies plots him for life, reports said yesterday, in a gruesome attack that may have been carried out by a ruthless organ trafficker. Family members found DUBAI: Al-Qaeda in Yemen has denied US allegations it is plotting the boy covered in blood some three to four hours after he went miss- massive attacks that prompted the closure of Western missions in ing while playing outside, according to a television report posted the country this month, in a statement posted online. The extremist online. network also denied reports confirmed by Yemen’s President The child’s eyes were found nearby but the corneas were missing, Abdrabuh Mansur Hadi that US intelligence services had intercept- reports said, implying that an organ trafficker was behind the harrow- ed a conversation between Al-Qaeda chief Ayman Al-Zawahiri and ing attack. Police offered a 100,000 yuan ($16,000) reward for informa- Nasser Al-Wuhayshi, head of the Yemen-based Al-Qaeda in the tion leading to the arrest of the sole suspect, who they said was a Arabian Peninsula. woman. “He had blood all over his face. His eyelids were turned inside “Hadi repeated the nonsense and propaganda published by US out. And inside, his eyeballs were not there,” his father told Shanxi intelligence on telephone calls between jihadist leaders to justify Television. the US plot to kill Muslims in Yemen through continued raids,” Its report showed the heavily-bandaged boy being taken from an AQAP said in the statement posted on jihadist Internet forums. operating theatre and placed in a hospital bed, writhing in agony as Hadi had “claimed the jihadists were plotting to target oil terminals family members stood at his bedside weeping. The boy was drugged in the country using bomb-laden trucks,” said AQAP. “We deny what and “lost consciousness” before the attacker removed his eyes, state he said and regard it as an attempt to justify US criminal practices. broadcaster China Central Television (CCTV) said on its account on Sina TAIYUAN: A boy lies on his hospital bed with his eyes covered with bandages in a Continued on Page 15 Weibo, China’s version of Twitter. hospital in Taiyuan, north China’s Shanxi province yesterday. — AFP Continued on Page 15 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 LOCAL News in brief

Commercial licenses KUWAIT: Informed sources said the Cabinet will ask for quick amendments to the commerce ministry’s law to allow employees to obtain commercial licenses to prac- tice any commercial activity in addition to fighting monopoly to supply food stuff, and consumer goods apart from industrial and construction activities.

Media cooperation KUWAIT: Minister of Information and Minister State for Youth Affairs Sheikh Salman Al-Humoud Al-Sabah yes- terday, met separately with Kuwaiti Ambassadors to Brazil and Germany, Eyada Al-Saeedi and Munthir Al- Essa respectively, discussing with them means to boost coordination between the Ministry of Information and their embassies. A statement by the ministry said that Sheikh Salman also discussed with the diplomats means to bolster ties with both Brazil and Germany especially within the media domain. He stressed that the ministry was keen on exchanging expertize and visits between Kuwait and the two friendly nations which in turn would boost ties and also develop media in the country. KUWAIT: Dr Nayef Al-Hajraf, the minister of education and higher education, yesterday toured a number of Mubarak Al-Kabeer educational area schools to check their preparations for the new school year set to begin soon. —- Photos by Yasser Al-Zayyat Kuwait- Palestine relations KUWAIT: Acting Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Ali Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah met yesterday with Palestinian Ambassador to Kuwait MPs seek body to handle Rami Tahboub. During the meeting, the two sides dis- cussed aspects of bilateral relations, as well as develop- ments of situations on regional and international arenas. emergency, manage crises MoE to declare list of 144 retirees KUWAIT: Dr Nayef Al-Hajraf, Minister of Education and Higher Education, said that a new system for recruit- ment and retirement of teachers was being prepared. Syria military strike repercussions Speaking after his second meeting with Undersecretary Mariam Al-Wetaid and other officials, Al-Hajraf said they KUWAIT: Amid reports about a looming discuss the regional situation and its for six months while we need to be pre- MP Abdullah Al-Tamimi also admitted reviewed the lists of those who would be forced to retire military strike against the Syrian regime, potential impact on Kuwait. “The state is pared for surprises or emergencies of any that Syria could react to a United States’ after being in service for over 30 years. He added that lawmakers in Kuwait demanded answers required to announce an emergency kind”. Al-Adasani believes that the pres- military strike by targeting US allies in the new system aimed at filling vacancies as soon as from the government regarding prepara- plan especially since the Syrian regime ent developments provide a reminder to the region, especially Israel. MP possible. Informed sources said that the first batch of tions for potential repercussions and to threatened to retaliate against targets bombings that targeted Kuwait during Mohammad Al-Jabri argued in the mean- retirees would include over 200 school directors, assis- handle cases of emergency. Al-Rai throughout the region if targeted by a the Iraqi-Iranian war in the eighties of time that a confederation union between tant directors and heads of departments in both public reported yesterday that MP Dr Abdullah military strike”, Al-Adasani told Al-Rai on the past century. Gulf Cooperation Council countries and private schools. They added that a new batch of Al-Turaiji and others submitted a draft to Monday. “These incidents serve as historical would have provided protection to Gulf managers would follow soon. Meanwhile, during a tour to inspect the teachers’ hostel, MoE Undersecretary, the parliament’s secretariat yesterday He further indicated that the call to evidence that external insurgencies can states from similar threats. Mariam Al-Wetaid said that a list of 144 forming the first discuss the regional situation at the par- have a negative impact on the local MP Askar Al-Enizy expressed confi- requesting for the establishment of a batch of retirees who had been in service for 35 years national authority to handle emergency liament when it resumes sessions on scene”, he said, before also warning that dence in the government’s ability to would be released on Sunday. Abdullah Al-Otaibim, and manage crises. October 29 aims to “address preparations an espionage cell connected to Iran’s thwart any potential threat “judging from MoE’s Public Services Manager, announced the arrival of This step was taken nearly a week to protect national and food security, Revolutionary Guard and convicted in my experience as member in the interior 420 new teachers of the total of 585 hired from Egypt, after MP Riyadh Al-Adasani announced a especially since the country’s food Kuwait “had planned to blow up oil pipes and defense committee during several Tunis, and Jordan. proposal to allocate a session in order to reserve is only enough to meet demands and military targets”. parliamentary terms”.

Stage set for Riqqa Battleship Race

KUWAIT: The Kuwait Sea Sports Club recently took part in the 25th Annual Pearl announced yesterday that the sea heritage Diving Trip that was concluded last Thursday committee will organize the 19th Annual will be on board the 10 ships. The race starts Riqqa Battleship Race on Saturday under the near the Failaka Island where ships are set to patronage of the Wazzan Social Security sail with the goal of reaching the KSSC beach Foundation. in Salmiya first. The ships are divided into three The race features five pearl diving ships, categories: large size, medium size and small half of which are donated by His Highness the size ships, and they will all set sail at the same Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, and time. The closing ceremony takes place at 7 the other half were gifted by the late Amir pm on Saturday at the Sheikh Abdullah Al- Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah. Divers who Mubarak Hall in the KSSC building. KUFPEC plans to invest in US rock gas

KUWAIT: Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Explorations beginning of 2013. Co’s CEO, Sheikh Nawaf Soud Al-Sabah stressed Further, Al-Sabah stressed that despite the yesterday that half of the company’s profits come negative impact the disturbances on the Arab from Middle East, Pakistan and Yemen, where Spring-stricken Arab countries had on KUFPEC, production is so abundant, in addition to other the company’s investments and operations in productive projects in newly discovered field in Yemen, Tunisia and Egypt were still going Australia. Al-Sabah added that KUFPEC’s share in according to schedule. Responding to a ques- the Australian oil field, that is rich in gas and liqui- tion about oil sand projects KUFPEC intends to dated gas, was 37 per cent. “We are looking for- invest in, Al-Sabah said that KUFPEC was keen ward to linking the company’s share of gas from on investing in untraditional oils such the oil this field with Kuwait’s future needs of gas sup- sands in Canada and Rock oil and gas in plies”, said Al-Sabah adding that KUFPEC also America and that it was only waiting for good invested in Indonesia and Malaysia in addition to investment opportunities that go along with the acquisition of a Norwegian company by the the company’s strategy. Increased job creation leads to rental hikes in Dubai

DUBAI: Increased levels of job creation and as an option, said the report. Dubai has also Dubai’s safe haven status have spurred benefitted tremendously from its safe haven demand in the emirate’s residential market, status for refugee funds from the Middle revealed a Cluttons property market report. Eastern region. Villa values rose by an average of 21 per The report also notes accelerated demand cent in the second quarter of this year, com- in the well-established sub-markets in new pared to 24.4 per cent last year while apart- Dubai owing to job creation. This is evident in ments recorded capital value increases of 25.1 the rise of rental values, which rose by 11.3 per per cent in Q2, almost double from the same cent across Dubai during the first half of 2013, quarter last year. said Cluttons. However the values remain 31.1 per cent “The resounding success of Dubai’s resi- below the previous peak suggesting that dential market so far this year should not recent IMF concerns about market overheat- come as a surprise given the magnitude of the ing may prove to be negative, said Cluttons. correction recorded during the bottom of the The report also said that the drivers behind market; we are still far off the previous peak, the current price growth do not mirror those when growth was far more unsustainable,” seen during the market peak in 2008. The said Steve Morgan, head of Cluttons Middle increased demand seen in Dubai’s residential East. “The acceleration in residential capital market can be attributed to favourable lend- values this year has been underpinned by ing rates which are encouraging buyers to robust levels of job creation and a rising popu- invest in real estate and soaring rents that are lation, rather than being fuelled by ‘fly-buy’ urging tenants to consider home ownership dealers, as was the case in the past. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 LOCAL Kuwait govt ‘eager’ on youth empowerment strategy KUWAIT: Minister of Information and Youth Project, since its inception, has exert- Minister of State for Youth Affairs Sheikh ed strenuous efforts in cooperation with Salman Sabah Al-Salem Al-Humoud Al- government and non-government organi- Sabah said yesterday that the government zations to materialize HH the Amir’s youth- is “eager to implement an ambitious youth supporting initative. empowerment strategy” it had earlier pre- The youth project aims to encourage pared. In a meeting with the new line-up of communication between the political lead- the Public Authority for Youth and Sports ership and youth groups, develop youth (PAYS) Board, Sheikh Salman added that participation on social issues like national supporting and catering for youth is a top unity, democracy, freedom of expression, priority for Kuwait’s political leadership. decision-making, economic development The minister expressed appreciation of and plans to tackle radacalism, fanatasism the role played by former PAYS Board and and tribal division. congratulated its new members. These will aim to unleash their ambi- He expressed hope PAYS would contin- tions and aspirations and develop ways to ue its great contribution in the implemen- enhance them, identify their concerns and tation of the National Youth Project. challenges and prepare promising future Sheikh Salman stated that the National youth leaders. —KUNA Focus on road safety

KUWAIT: Maj Gen Abdelfattah Al-Ali, the law for their safety. Al-Ali said that traf- Interior Ministry Assistant Undersecretary fic officers are educated on rules and regu- for Traffic Affairs, said the goal of restoring lations so that they can carry out their traffic control and the strict implementa- duties in a responsible manner. He said tion of the law on all violators is not to col- another aspect to restoring traffic control is lect money, although KD 18 million was to educate drivers on good road behavior collected from traffic violations from April and this awareness will take place in coop- to July. eration with the public relations depart- KUWAIT: Deputy Premier and Interior Minister Sheikh Mohammad Khalid Al-Hamad Al-Sabah receiving a delegation from the union of civil He said the traffic department focuses ment through various media, lectures, sem- workers at the ministry headed by Union President Badr Al-Enezi yesterday. on intersections, main roads, bridges, inter- inars and SMS to encourage right traffic nal roads and areas which have high traffic culture among children, youth, parents, flow in commercial and entertainment students, employees, taxi drivers, public MPs push populist demands areas and advised drivers to comply with transport users and so on. among list of priorities Steps to promote Japanese food, farm products in GCC Deadline to submit proposals may be extended TOKYO: Japan’s major lender Mizuho improve food security in the region,” KUWAIT: As panels scramble to in child support allowances, to assign a body from outside the which was quoted in Al-Watan Bank Ltd. announced yesterday that it said Mizuho. submit lists to the parliament’s amendments to the Civil Service Ministry of Education to assess the yesterday. She also downplayed has agreed with the Kuwait-based Gulf “Specifically, we will take coopera- head office by mid-September Commission regulations regarding quality of education in the coun- the positive remarks made follow- Investment Corporation to export tive actions including consideration of with topics to be given priority employment in the public sector try. In the meantime, a recent ing the meeting which was Japanese agricultural products to the the establishment of joint venture when sessions resume on Oct 29, as well as proposals to change the meeting between Prime Minister attended by a select number of Gulf countries. companies,” it said. reports emerged of lawmakers distribution of constituencies in HH Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al- lawmakers, saying that the state- The two firms concluded a memo- Mizuho will use this memorandum pushing draft proposals relating to the electoral law. Sabah and Parliament Speaker ments were “repeated”, “far from randum of understanding that aims to of understanding to connect Japan promote the import of food and agri- with the GCC Countries and to support subjects promoted during elec- Meanwhile, the interior and Marzouq Al-Ghanim which high- ground reality”, and “most of them cultural products made in Japan and expansion of agriculture, forestry, and tion campaigns in those lists. Al- defense committee requested lighted the need for cooperation spoke about irrelevant projects”. the introduction of Japanese agricul- fisheries-product exports, which is one Qabas daily quoted parliamentary that the deadline to submit its list between the executive and leg- Meanwhile, MP Safaa Al- tural technology into the member of the strategies stated in the Japanese sources in a report yesterday who of priorities be extended until the islative authorities, seems to have Hashim questioned the motive states of the Gulf Cooperation Council government’s growth strategy, it said. explained that there is a “growing first of October “after the govern- failed to help the relationship behind a public survey which Al- (GCC), the Tokyo-based bank said in a The Gulf Investment Co. is a govern- concern” within a number of MPs ment withdrew a number of draft between the two authorities with Ghanim hired a private firm to statement. ment-owned investment corporation that the lists could be dominated laws while MPs failed to present several MPs questioning its conduct to determine topics to be “As well as promoting import of that aims for economic and industrial by government-sponsored draft others”, MP Abdullah Al-Tamimi motives. given priority during the parlia- Japan’s high-quality food and agricul- development in the GCC Countries. It laws, leaving little or no space for told Al-Jarida daily following the “Despite being present in the ment’s session. She said on tural products and promoting intro- was established in 1983 through equal fresh proposals. panel’s meeting on Monday. country, I did not receive an invita- Monday that the pressing topics duction of production and processing investment by the governments of the Among draft laws that MPs Also, educational committee tion to attend the meeting and I are already known, and criticized technology in the GCC Countries, the six GCC Countries - Kuwait, the United want included in the lists are member MP Dr Khalil Abdullah only got to know about it from the the speaker for failing to provide memorandum also aims to develop Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, amendments to the Family Fund said that the panel discusses top- media, which raises suspicions”, the name of the company hired or industry, promote employment, and Qatar and Oman. — KUNA to cover more debtors, increases ics today that include a proposal MP Dr Maasouma Al-Mubarak said any further details about the deal. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 LOCAL

In my view kuwait digest Can human life Crisis in the be devalued Arab world like currency? By Dr Mohammad Al-Moqatei

By Ramzy Baroud olitical parties in the Arab world are like the majority of Arab regimes: incapable of governing properly. PDespite having opportunities and the need to estab- ow many Egyptians have been killed since the lish modern states, Arab countries have for nearly a century January 2011 revolt? My pursuit for exact fig- failed to achieve this - though their constitutions and ide- Hures has proved to be futile. Various sources ologies suggest otherwise. The key to this realization lies in suggest all sorts of numbers, some scrambled to objective and subjective problems that make them unqual- make a political point. It is as if the life of the ordinary ified for this job, but instead seek power as a main goal. Egyptian doesn’t matter on its own, as an absolute The problem is found in the practice in which govern- value that must be guarded aside from any political ments promote principles and values to garner public sup- considerations. If it does matter at all, it is only within port, creating a huge gap between what they say but actu- a larger context to simply prove a point. ally do. As a result, their approach is often filled with contra- But the deaths are certainly in the thousands. On dictions, like when politicians promote democracy while Aug 14 - one of the bloodiest days in modern denying others’ right to participate in power. This puts Egyptian history - hundreds of people were killed in restrictions on people’s ability to change and at the same Cairo and the rest of the country. time lack the capability to enforce a project to establish a What was the point of killing 38 allegedly pro- modern state. The prime example for this is fragile political Brotherhood political prisoners on their way to Abu systems in the Arab world where building institutions and Zaabal prison in northern Egypt on Aug 18? And programs for proper administration are the least of politi- what did the killing of 25 Egyptian soldiers in north- cians’ concerns. ern Sinai the next morning achieve? Is the life of poor Meanwhile, the objective problem is also found in par- Egyptians cheap to the extent that they are being ties’ work when they show intolerance towards ideologies used as political fodder in exchange of few media different than what they promote, fail to respect others’ sound bites? opinions and go as far as conspiring against others. In the According to the Palestinian Center for Human meantime, the continuous infighting in most cases dis- Rights, 1417 Palestinians were killed during the Israeli tracts people away from the same parties’ failure to pro- 2008-09 war on Gaza, out of which 926 were civilians, mote ideologies of reform. including 313 children. The Israeli rights group The subjective problem lies in the scenario when reach- kuwait digest ing power becomes the end for a political party, instead of being a means by which they seek to fulfill the public goals The civil war in Syria has done more they promote. Once they reach power, the idea of sharing than enough to devalue human lives Unnecessary survey authority or one day losing it dominates parties’ thinking, which is something that could have happened in the after- as well. The UN and other groups cal- math of Arab coups during the fifties and sixties of the past culate the toll as a result of the brutal By Dr Bader Al-Daihani century which bred ruthless regimes willing to do anything to keep their clutches tightened around the seats of power. fighting at around 100,000. The site hat we need now is political, democratic nominal changes. The constitution does not have a Unfortunately, this approach has been adopted by parties of dead bodies piled on top of one and constitutional reforms to help us shift condition that the government needs to win the that reach power through force or by elections. another has become a news media Winto a full parliamentary system that parliament’s trust. Amidst this, Arab thinkers are divided between a group allows establishing political parties with national Therefore, it usually comes with repeated verbal which stands behind a tyrant regime, a group that supports staple. Now allegations by both sides agendas. There is no democracy without political agendas. When the government approved what is an oppressive political party, a group that finds justifica- regarding the use of chemical parties. The electoral system also needs radical known as the ‘Development Plan’, it did not stick to tions for unfortunate events and a group which stands and weapons are adding another twist to changes to bring lawmakers who really represent it but it contradicted the plan’s outlines. watches as atrocities take place before them. Each group the nation. Many paid advisory studies, like Tony Blair’s fails to achieve balance or judge the present situations the gory Syrian reality. Still, there is The request made by the speaker of the house report where he warned of what he described as objectively without having their judgment influenced by little consensus that regardless of the to the National Assembly’s secretariat general to time bombs, have been forgotten for long in gov- preconception. In light of the situation in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Egypt and the remaining Arab countries, I believe that religion, sect, or political views of the conduct a survey amongst citizens to probe their ernment officials’ drawers. There are also studies priorities is nothing but a conducted by the supreme everyone is required to determine their position from the following points: victims, the slaughtering of a family waste of time, effort and planning and development Our government is not a parlia- Has the electoral option in running the state’s affairs in some peaceful village is a repre- money. It is further proof council, Kuwait university, become obsolete? hensible act that must be condemned that the current political mentary one formed according to the parliament and others. Can force be accepted as a base to reach power? with unreserved outrage. system is ineffective and the parliamentary election results. In addition, the problems Is a military coup an acceptable way to express people’s needs radical political It is rather a fixed government with citizens have been suffering will? reforms for the following for two years are very obvi- Is it acceptable to terminate political oppositionists? B’Tselem put the number at 1,385, except it is higher reasons: Public elections slight nominal changes. The consti- ous don’t need further evi- Is it okay for politicians to involve the judiciary into the in its estimation of minors and children killed, which worldwide are considered a tution does not have a condition dence. These problems political scene? it put at 318. survey or a referendum of include unemployment, Is there legitimacy in a regime that kills its people and Despite the outrage at the Israeli action and the citizens’ opinions and the that the government needs to win housing, high cost of living, destroys its country to stay in power? spiteful way in which Israeli politicians justified their best way to solve their the parliament’s trust. Therefore, it deteriorating educational Is it okay to accept freedom only as designed by the war, since then many Palestinians have been killed in problems on the one hand, usually comes with repeated verbal and health services, traffic regime? equal impunity, but the numbers are not as high. and define their future aspi- congestion, population I believe that everyone in the Arab world needs to real- And with every new casualty, there seems to be a tad rations on the other. That is agendas. When the government structure, problems of rev- ize the painful reality that the reason behind our underde- less outrage, and fewer calls for international action. why nominees compete approved what is known as the enue-based economy and velopment is regimes which believe that they are the only When 22-year-old Mohammad Anis Lahlouh was through various agendas so ‘Development Plan’, it did not stick the spread of various types ones who are right and political parties that thrive on the killed by Israeli occupation forces in Jenin on Aug 20, that voters can choose who of corruption, mainly politi- disintegration of their countries through infightings and a the story didn’t make much of a buzz even in local and which program repre- to it but it contradicted the plan’s cal. So, do we need to con- lack of plans to build a modern state. — Al-Qabas Palestinian media. It was barely reported. How many sents them best in parlia- outlines. duct more studies at extra Mohammeds were killed on that very day in Syria, ment. This compels a law- cost? Of course not. The Iraq and throughout the Middle East? maker to keep the promises he made to his voters. problem is not in the lack of studies and research kuwait digest Can human life be devalued like currency? For but in the current ineffective general management months, if not years after the US invasions of Although surveys are important to probe public Afghanistan and Iraq, there has been little mention opinion, studies to define citizens’ priorities should of the whole state. Ending cable of how many civilians have been killed by US forces not be conducted after elections simply because What we need is political, democratic and con- and their allies. In fact, we will never know, as it is all voters’ opinions are already reflected in their votes. stitutional reforms to help us shift into a full parlia- an estimation, some of which is based on newspaper So, the fact that this request was made by the mentary system that allows establishing political thefts clippings and such. It is outrageous, but the kind of speaker right after electing the parliament indi- parties with national agendas and basis. There is no outrage that becomes less shocking with time. cates his thought that the current political situation democracy without political parties. The electoral In Afghanistan, it is still impossible to even narrow is unstable. MPs are not elected because of feasible system also needs radical changes to bring law- By Terki Al-Azmi down the numbers with any plausible accuracy sim- electoral programs but rather over personal, tribal, makers who really represent the nation. The ply because there have been too many casualties, sectarian and family considerations. Cabinet can then be formed out of the parliamen- hile the Ministry of Electricity and Water as well and little time and resources has been invested in Our government is not a parliamentary one tary majority and, unlike what is currently happen- as the Ministry of Interior continue to look for a knowing how many. And of course, there is much formed according to the parliamentary election ing, will get the parliament’s trust after presenting Wsolution from a technical and security stand- politics in that, for US media sources would do what- results. It is rather a fixed government with slight its agenda. — Al-Jarida points respectively to stop high voltage cable thefts at power transformers, people are still wondering who is ever it takes to estimate victims of terrorism, but little responsible for this. In a statement Al-Rai daily published to estimate victims of its government’s own wars. The last Saturday, Interior Ministry’s Brigadier General Los Angeles Times estimated that up to 1,201 civil- Mahmoud Al-Tabbakh suggests that it is illogical to ians were killed between October 2001 and February kuwait digest deploy nearly 3,000 police officers to guard transformers 2002 (reported on June 2, 2002). The British Guardian around Kuwait. I agree with him because I think it is illog- estimated that up to 20,000 Afghans died as an indi- ical to put the safety of that many police officers at risk rect result of the initial US airstrike and ground inva- The shelved govt report just because the MEW cannot keep its facilities safe. sion (reported May 20, 2002). As officials from both ministries meet today in order As for Iraq,, founded in May 2003, to discuss best ways to tackle the issue, I would like to didn’t bother to tend to Iraqi civilian casualties until By Ahmad Al-Sarraf share with them a solution from a technical standpoint nearly two years later. It was then called Iraq that is applied successfully in other countries: Coalition Casualty Count, and until now its main First, electricity transformers are connected to a con- focus has certainly not been the hundreds of thou- don’t know who deserves credit for this; maybe from 39, and in increasing government spending trol system that consist of four surveillance cameras sands of deaths at the hands of these military coali- it is the Minister of Planning Rola Dashti, but I to 100 from 82. It also indicates that the private attached to each transformer. These cameras are con- tions. According to Iraq Body Count website, as of Iwould like to thank the person who played the sector’s role shrunk greatly, and that unemploy- nected with a system that uses laser sensors that can the writing of this article, between 114,164 - main role in releasing the first ‘truly sincere’ gov- ment increased from 4.7 percent to 5 percent in a send warning signals to control rooms located one in 125,081 civilians were killed, and “further analysis ernmental report which shows the number of country where Kuwaitis make up 26 percent of each governorate. Each control room can be managed by of the WikiLeaks’ Iraq War Logs may add 11,000 managerial flaws which resulted in citizens losing the total population. Furthermore, the report one employee, which means that only six staff members civilian deaths.” faith in their government. The Ministry of shows that a large percentage of expatriate labor are required to supervise the system. But of course, the numbers are much higher and Planning report which was forces in Kuwait are found The control rooms are connected with a main control they continue to rise, as the US has created a political reportedly sent recently to in the private sector, and center and the Interior Ministry’s operators - something atmosphere that set the stage for a protracted con- The Ministry of Planning report the Cabinet - perhaps to be that 42 percent of them than can be done easily and at limited costs. flict. On Aug 1, the UN mission in Baghdad released shelved with dozens of oth- which was reportedly sent recently are marginal workers. Surround transformers with barbed wires that rise and new casualty figures: At least 4,137 civilians have trap a thief automatically after he intercepts the lasers er reports filed before it - On the other hand, it been killed and 9,865 injured so far this year, and to the Cabinet - perhaps to be and set the alarm off. I suggest that the Ministry of shows that the private 1,057 Iraqis were killed in July alone, reported the focuses on deteriorating shelved with dozens of other reports Electricity and Water adopts a similar project to monitor levels of efficiency in state sector’s demand on BBC. Since then, hundreds more were killed. filed before it - focuses on deteriorat- main and secondary transformers through contracts with The civil war in Syria has done more than enough departments’ management Kuwaiti manpower focus- international electronic solutions providers that are to devalue human lives as well. The UN and other “in all fields”, as well as a ing levels of efficiency in state es on workers with low signed directly without the need for middlemen. The cost groups calculate the toll as a result of the brutal decline in transparency, and departments’ management “in all academic qualifications as of such deal would be small compared to the losses suf- fighting at around 100,000. The site of dead bodies general weakness in honor- 82 percent of Kuwaitis in fered as a result of the continuous thefts. piled on top of one another has become a news ing the law; especially on fields”, as well as a decline in trans- the private sectors have a I believe that the thefts are allowed to happen as a media staple. Now allegations by both sides regard- the government’s part parency, and general weakness in high school decree as result of the MEW’s ignorance with modern technology ing the use of chemical weapons are adding another which led to lack of law honoring the law; especially on the their top academic qualifi- and its utilization in monitoring. This is a trait shared by twist to the gory Syrian reality. Still, there is little con- enforcement in all fields. cation as of 2012. the government as a whole as we have seen how the sensus that regardless of the religion, sect, or political The report further con- government’s part which led to lack The report is long, and Ministry of Education dealt with a project to install sur- views of the victims, the slaughtering of a family in demns failure on the gov- of law enforcement in all fields. what I mentioned above veillance cameras at public schools a few years back. some peaceful village is a reprehensible act that ernment’s part to improve are selected points quot- Failure to utilize modern technology costs the state a lot must be condemned with unreserved outrage. the e-government project as it shows that Kuwait ed almost literally from it that show part of the including blackouts and financial losses as a result of True, human life has hardly been treated with ranks low internationally in this regard. sustainable disasters that we have. Are we going organized thefts carried out by technicians who know much sanctity in the Middle East, as dictators ruled Meanwhile, it points out significant improve- to see anyone from the government address any very well that transformers are not monitored. with iron fists, and Israeli, US wars carried on with ments in the judiciary’s independence as Kuwait of the flaws mentioned in the report? Or is it Technology showed us the solutions, and there are almost predictable succession. But recent wars and climbed to the 36th spot worldwide in 2012-13 going to be left to gather dust with similar reports successful cases of the West utilizing it to the maximum. revolts have devalued human life even further, for from 48 in 2009-10. that cost hundreds of millions of dinars to pre- Meanwhile, we still have to sit down and listen as the Ministry of Electricity and Water demands that the now some are cheering at the misery of others where On the other hand, the report shows that pare? Isn’t it sad to see the efforts of such an slaughter is shared on YouTube and social media, Interior Ministry arrests cable theft gangs. I hope that Kuwait dropped in the global prosperity index to important ministry in a report which eventually officials from both ministries discuss ways to use technol- with casual comments, similes, and oftentimes utter 38 from 31, in people’s trust in politicians to 53 ends up on some shelf? — Al-Qabas indifference. ogy effectively during their meeting today. — Al-Rai LOCAL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 Kuwait, Japan agree to strengthen partnership

KUWAIT: After frank and candid talks between His Highness the relevant United Nations resolutions and the Arab Peace expressed their readiness to strengthen their cooperation in the * Both sides expressed their intention to facilitate policy dia- Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah and Initiative. In order to achieve this goal at the earliest possible, international arena. They reaffirmed the importance of joint logue among Japanese and Kuwaiti ministries and agencies visiting Japanese counterpart Shinzo Abe here on Monday a they shared the urgent need to make a progress in the Middle efforts in order to achieve urgent reform of the United Nations concerned with the National Development Plan of Kuwait. joint statement on bilateral relations, cooperation as well as East peace process and to reach the two-state solution aimed at Security Council, including the expansion of the permanent and * Both sides welcomed Japan’s contribution to the socio-eco- stances of issues of common concern was issued. The statement, establishing a Palestinian state that is sovereign, independent, non-permanent membership of the Security Council. nomic competitiveness, reform and infrastructure development titled “Joint Statement on the Strengthening of the united and viable and they underscored the need for the major of Kuwait, as well Japan’s intention to actively participate in the Comprehensive Partnership towards Stability and Prosperity international efforts to drive the peace process forward. The Thirdly: Cooperation in the Fields of Economy, Agriculture, formulation of the 2nd National Development Plan of Kuwait. between the State of Kuwait and Japan”, went as follows: Kuwaiti side welcomed the decision made by the Government and Medical Services * The Kuwaiti side expressed its willingness to benefit from Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan, visited the State of of Japan to recognize Palestine as a non-member observer state Both sides stressed the importance of strengthening bilateral Japan’s knowledge and experience in this regard. Kuwait from Aug 25 to 27. Prime Minister Abe met with HH at the United Nations. economic and technical cooperation, and expressed their com- Both sides expressed their intention to expand bilateral Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, acting Amir and Both sides expressed their deep concern regarding the esca- mitment to working together to further promote trade, invest- cooperation on infrastructure in Kuwait such as Independent Crown Prince of the State of Kuwait. lating situation in Syria. Both sides called for the immediate ces- ment and business between the two countries. Water and Power Producer (IWPP), wastewater treatment, refin- On Aug 26, Prime Minister Abe met with HH Sheikh Jaber Al- sation of violence in all its forms and peaceful dialogue, negotia- In this regard, both sides welcomed the entry into force of ery construction, metro project and integrated solar combined Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, Prime Minister of the State of tions, convening the Geneva II Conference aiming to achieve the Convention between Japan and the State of Kuwait for the cycle in Kuwait. Kuwait, and they reaffirmed the importance of further expand- political stability and economic and social development in an Avoidance of Double Taxation on Income, and reaffirmed the The Kuwaiti side welcomed the establishment of the new ing the bilateral cooperation. Recalling the state visit of HH urgent manner. Both sides also expressed their deep concern importance of the of the early entry into force of the Agreement scheme of cost-sharing technical cooperation for human Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Amir of the State of over the alleged use of chemical weapons in the Gouta region of between Japan and the State of Kuwait for the Promotion and resources development by Japan International Cooperation Kuwait, and the Joint Statement issued in March 2012, both Agency (JICA). sides welcomed the tangible progress of bilateral cooperation in Both sides expressed their intention to share Japan’s experi- the political and economic fields as well as in the cultural and ence in the health sector and facilitate medical exchanges and people-to-people exchanges. cooperation via mutual visits, conferences, seminars, and human On behalf of the people of Japan, Prime Minister Abe resources development in the health sector between the two expressed Japan’s gratitude for Kuwait’s generous donation of countries. In this regard both sides expressed their intention to five million barrels of crude of oil, three million dollars to work together in order to raise the level of quality of medical Aquamarine Fukushima and two million dollars to Japan Red services in Kuwait by utilizing Japan’s advanced medical and Cross Society, as well as the reconstruction projects such as the information technology. procurement of new railway coaches, the inauguration of a chil- Both sides expressed their intention to promote cooperation dren’s care center and other projects in the affected areas of the in the field of nuclear safety and disaster management, in partic- Great East Japan Earthquake. ular, means to ensure the safety of foods and water as well as Both sides expressed their intention to further strengthen provision of accurate information by sharing Japan’s experience the comprehensive partnership between the two countries and the lessons learned from the accident at Fukushima Daiichi towards the stability and prosperity through promoting various Nuclear Power Plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company. levels of cooperation as follows. Both sides also reiterated the Both sides expressed their intention to promote mutual importance of strengthening cooperation and consultation understanding of food cultures and information exchange through such measures as follows: between Japanese and Kuwaiti food industries in order for Japan to contribute to the healthy and rich dietary customs of Firstly: Cooperation in the Political and Security Fields the people of Kuwait. Both sides emphasized the importance of holding the Second Meeting of the Joint Committee between the Government of Fourthly: Cultural and People-to-People Exchanges Japan and the Government of the State of Kuwait as soon as pos- The Kuwaiti side welcomed Japan’s consideration of the waiver sible. of visas for Japanese and Kuwaiti diplomatic or official passport Both sides expressed their intention to implement policy holders, seeking entry, into the other country for diplomatic or offi- consultations between the Foreign Ministries of the two coun- cial purposes, or for a temporary visit. Both sides expressed their tries as soon as possible. Both sides expressed their willingness intention to promote bilateral cooperation in the fields of educa- to promote a high-level political and security dialogue to discuss tion, culture, sports, science, and technology, and people-to-peo- regional situations, maritime security, including the safety of the ple exchanges. Both sides welcomed the signing of the sea lanes and counter-piracy, non-proliferation, anti-terrorism, KUWAIT: Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his accompanying delegation departed Kuwait yesterday after an Memorandum of Cooperation in the field of higher education and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, among other issues official two-day visit to the country, upon the invitation of His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Al- scientific research between the two countries on the occasion of between the Foreign and Defense Ministries of the two coun- Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah. Deputy Premier and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Sabah Al-Khalid Al-Hamad this visit. Both sides emphasized the importance of the increase in tries. Al-Sabah, Head of the honorary mission, Advisor at His Highness the Prime Minister’s Diwan Faisal Mohammad Al- number of Kuwaiti students who study in Japan, while noting * Both sides expressed their intention to enhance the coordi- Hajji, in addition to a number of senior officials at the Premier’s Diwan, and the Kuwaiti Ambassador to Japan Japan’s policy to invite trainees from the Middle East and send in nation of assistance to developing countries, and in this regard, Abdulrahman Hamoud Al-Otaibi, bid farewell to the country’s guest at Kuwait International airport. return Japanese instructors to they welcomed the outcome of the Asian Cooperation Dialogue Syria on August 21, 2013 and called for the United Nations to Protection of Investment. the region which will amount to (ACD) summit which was held in Kuwait in October 2012. The promptly investigate into the allegations. Both sides reiterated the importance of the stability of the 20,000 people over the next five Japanese side welcomed Kuwait’s initiative to establish and host Both sides expressed their satisfaction towards the positive global energy market and welcomed Kuwait’s to supplying oil to years. Both sides expressed their the ACD provisional secretariat. outcome of the Donors Conference for the Syrian People, which Japan in a continuous and stable manner. Both sides welcomed willingness to enhance mutual * Both sides expressed their satisfaction with the signing of was hosted by the State of Kuwait on January 29, 2013 o the the energy cooperation between the two countries, particularly exchanges in the field of sports the Memorandum on Cooperation and Strategic Dialogue request made by the Secretary General of the United Nations; joint investment in refinery projects in third countries. and culture. In this regard, the between Japan and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) on which succeeded in mobilizing international financial resources The Japanese side welcomed Kuwait’s decision to review its Japanese side expressed its January 7, 2012, and with its Action Plan. They further expressed in pledging over 1.6 billion dollars for the support of humanitari- offset program in order to ensure a better business environment intention to dispatch to Kuwait a their intention to deepen and expand dialogue and cooperation an operations in Syria. Both sides also urged all pledging coun- for Japanese companies in Kuwait. mission of sports and culture between Japan and the GCC at the ministerial level and senior tries to fulfill their financial commitments in a speedy manner. * Both sides reiterated the importance of the annual experts, which may propose ini- officials’ level. Both sides discussed the current situation in Egypt and Japanese-Kuwaiti Businessmen Committee in promoting the tiatives for both countries. stressed the importance of implementing the Roadmap as set business relations between the two countries. The Kuwaiti side welcomed Secondly: Cooperation on Regional and International issues out in its timetable, expressed their confidence that Egypt will Both sides welcomed the signing of the Memorandum of the desire of the Japanese side Both sides confirmed their commitment to a just, lasting and overcome this critical period and return to exercising its leading Cooperation for the policy dialogue on the National to participate in fairs that will be comprehensive peace in the Middle East in accordance with the role and influence regionally and internationally. Both sides Development on the occasion of this visit. held in Kuwait. —- KUNA LOCAL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 Peru seeks to enhance trade, cultural relations with Kuwait Ambassador Castro to promote ‘Destination Peru’

By Sajeev K Peter well known for the high quality of Peruvian ‘Pima’ cotton. Central America and the United States of America,” Castro Our rainforest, rich in natural resources, also offers a huge mentioned. KUWAIT: The Embassy of Peru in Kuwait has put in place variety of fish to feed our population. For example, the Today, Peru has a solid economy which is considered a work plan to enhance the Latin American nation’s trade Amazon River alone, which starts in the Peruvian rainfor- one of the best in Latin America and the entire world, and cultural relations with Kuwait, said Heli Peláez Castro, est, has more than 2,000 species of fish. This variety of qualified by the Agency Standard and Poor’s as range Peru’s Ambassador to Kuwait. fish almost runs parallel to more than 2,000 varieties of BBB+, due to its long-term credit rating. This places Peru ‘Reform, Talking to Kuwait Times in an exclusive interview, potatoes being grown in Peru,” he said. in a safe and secure place for investment opportunities. the ambassador spoke on an array of topics ranging “Potato is a product originally from Peru which arrived Standard and Poor’s also has raised the rating from BBB+ from trade, culture and tourism to food and literature, in Europe through Spaniards. Today, it is a basic food of to A- for Peru’s sovereign debt in local currency, the outlining the embassy’s initiative to start negotiations the entire world,” the ambassador pointed out. Nuevo Sol, he said. rehab for a bilateral agreement with Kuwait on cultural coop- The embassy also wants to introduce Peruvian food “We are contacting investment businessmen in Kuwait eration. products to Kuwait such as quinoa, a grain that grows in to give them information about the opportunities and “It is my first assignment as a diplomat in the Middle the highlands of Peru. “Quinoa is beginning to be recog- investment projects being executed in Peru,” Castro stat- triangle’ East and I feel very lucky to be here. The Kuwaiti authori- nized in the world for its anti-diabetic power and we ed. ties and society have been very kind to me and to my expect it to be accepted well in the Kuwaiti market,” he “We are also seeking the implementation of technical family,” the ambassador said. Ambassador Heli Peláez said. and scientific cooperation projects with Kuwait in order KUWAIT: Maj Gen Khalid Al-Dayeen, acting assistant Castro took office as Peru’s new envoy to Kuwait three to facilitate professional training through scholarships for undersecretary for Reform Establishments said the halfway house which deals with a group from the addiction center months ago. Peruvian students both undergraduate and post gradu- is advanced in the field of reform and rehabilitation. ate.” “There is a goodwill and interest to collaborate and He said its programs are considered a new addition to strengthen the bilateral relations between Kuwait and the follow-up care, which aims at restoring confidence and Peru through friendship and cooperation,” said Castro, Destination helping the addicts deal with life better. who is a veteran career diplomat with vast experience in “My country is an archaeological treasure with a Maj Gen Al-Dayeen who visited the addiction center international relations and diplomacy spanning over 35 Millenary Inca past. For example, the city of Caral, built and halfway house run by the rehab department at the years. 4,000 years ago, located 150 km from the capital Lima, Awqaf Ministry, said it achieves the standards and evalua- “Kuwait is a country that historically has been distin- requires further research and investment to be complete- tion of reform programs used by rehabilitations. guished for its strategic geographical location as well as ly restored. There are also many archaeological sites that He said the “reform and rehab triangle” is well support- high level of security and democratic system. Kuwait also have been discovered in northern Peru with foreign ed by senior officials at the Interior Ministry. has sufficient financial resources in order to promote cooperation,” he said. trade and investment with other countries,” he added. “I feel great pleasure to see that Kuwaitis have begun to realize Peru as an ideal destination, a destination for Food and culture business, sports, and tourism. They show remarkable Giving a snapshot of the cultural exchange program, interest and desire to know about the capital of the Inca Castro said, the Embassy of Peru has a work plan that Empire, such as Cusco and the historical sanctuary of aims at promoting cultural knowledge of Peru in Kuwait. Machu Picchu. We expect that this growing flow of “Today, telecommunications and transportation have cut tourists from Kuwait to Peru will increase over the com- short the distance between countries. With the valuable ing years,” the ambassador said. assistance from the National Council of Culture, Arts and According to the ambassador, Peru is making signifi- Letters (NCCAL) of Kuwait, we want to promote presenta- cant investments in the tourism industry today. tion of Peruvian artists here. We will also exhibit our plas- “Currently we are building a good hotel infrastructure tic arts in order to showcase Peru’s distinct culture and its KUWAIT: Peruvian Ambassador to Kuwait Heli Peláez across the country, not only to visit Cusco but also Lima, original roots. Castro during the interview. — Photo by Sajeev K Peter the capital, which is unlike any other in Latin America, In Kuwait, the embassy will continue to promote the located at the edge of the Pacific Ocean.” current boom of the Peruvian gastronomy in the world. “A few days ago, I visited the Dasman Diabetes Lima offers a rich view of the colonial period in Peru “We are discovering the Arab contribution to our gas- Institute, an institute that has taken a remarkable initia- and has a variety of high quality gourmet restaurants; tronomy which is remarkable by its variety and good tive and effort to fight and prevent diabetes. The some of them located next to museums and pre-Inca taste, now available in the best restaurants around the embassy is offering the institute information on using ruins. world,” he mentioned. quinoa as a supplementary food for people who suffer “The Millenary Peru opens its doors not only to the The Embassy of Peru will promptly start negotiations from this terrible disease. As we know, quinoa is very world of culture but also offers eco-tourism in the Kuwaiti on trial for a bilateral agreement on cultural cooperation to fur- nutritious and has a low glycemic index, so it is safe for Peruvian jungle. It also has beautiful snow covered ther promote cultural exchange between Peru and diabetic patients,” he mentioned. mountains in the department of Ancash, where I come in Australia Kuwait in order to let Peruvian artists participate in cul- The embassy is planning to bring a Peruvian chef to from, where professional climbing is a practice,” he tural programs organized by the Kuwaiti authorities, he Kuwait who could teach at the Dasman Diabetes Institute added. pointed out. on how different dishes can be prepared with quinoa. A “We expect that this wide variety of opportunities that for speeding “In the framework of this agreement, we expect to campaign can also be launched disseminating informa- Peru is offering to do business, enjoy its gastronomy and repeat the Peruvian Gastronomic Festival that was suc- tion on this product and its high anti-diabetic properties. visit its historical places will be well accepted by Kuwaitis,” KUWAIT: A Kuwaiti student in Australia is set for trial cessfully co-organized by National Council for Culture, “We hope to succeed in our attempt to exchange he added. next month after he broke the speed limit on a high- Arts and Letters of Kuwait, the Embassy of Peru and JW information about the product derived from quinoa and Castro graduated from the Diplomatic Academy of way on his way from one city to another. According to Marriott Hotel in March 2012. Also, we expect to bring its use in the daily diet of Kuwaitis, especially in this year Peru in 1975, though he completed his higher studies in sources, the man was pulled over, arrested and then Peruvian artistes who will delight residents in Kuwait in which FAO declared ‘2013 as the International Year of Languages and Literature. Despite having a hectic official released after a court date was set for driving over 220 with Peruvian folklore music characterized by the Quinoa’”, the ambassador informed. life, Castro is a voracious reader, especially of poetry. km per hour in a place where the maximum speed lim- Andean sounds,” the ambassador stated. “I was reading the poetry of Octavia Paz the other day,” it allowed is 90 km per hour. The man was reportedly Arabic linkages he said referring to the celebrated Latin American writer present in court during the first trial on Monday, in Trade ties Similarly, the embassy wishes to promote the knowl- and the Nobel Laureate, who was also a diplomat. which the judge adjourned the case to Sept 30. The In the field of trade, the ambassador said the embassy edge of the Peruvian Paso horse in Kuwait whose origin is “He is a splendid writer. I found his writings on India man was not jailed but is banned from leaving expects to introduce Alpaca in Kuwait market for its a mixture of the Arabic and the Spanish horse. “The amazing. Paz will help you rediscover India, its cultural Australia until the verdict is issued. Kuwait embassy remarkable quality and softness of its fiber. “Also we are Peruvian Paso has a soft step and elegant walk. This horse diversity and religions, altruism and idiosyncrasies,” the personnel in Australia were contacted for further infor- looking at promoting Peruvian textiles which are very has been appreciated by farmers in Latin America, ambassador quipped. mation but they refused to comment on the subject, Al-Anba reported.

Fugitive questioned Discussions on awareness in civil defense field Authorities at the Nuwaiseeb border checkpoint (south) referred a man to the Criminal Investigations RIYADH: The fifth meeting of the Gulf Cooperation decisions that urge GCC countries to submit detailed which they implement annually, and discussed suggest- Department for questioning to reveal how he was able Council (GCC) security media committee discussed here statements on visional, readable, and audible produc- ed slogan for civil defense day for this year and next to bypass a travel ban order issued against him when yesterday the importance of awareness in the civil tions, as well as production of joint security awareness year. he tried to leave the country. According to sources, the defense field. films on countering crimes. The Kuwaiti delegation taking part in the meeting is man returned to Kuwait on Monday when officers The agendas of today’s meeting included discussing Also, the meeting stressed importance of awareness headed by Lt Col Yousef Al-Ghadban, and including Capt found out that his name is blacklisted because he is guidelines for production of awareness media materials, in the civil defense field as participating countries high- Nafel Al-Aajmi, Capt Abdullah Bahman, Capt Rashed Al- wanted in 13 cases filed against him. The man claimed which comes under the framework of implementation of lighted their reports on their awareness activities, Halfi and Capt Othman Al-Mansouri. — KUNA during questioning that he was not aware of the travel ban issued against him. Investigations are ongoing.

Officer caught A National Guard officer was arrested alcohol dur- ing a patrol mission on Monday. The suspect was reportedly stopped in Dasma by two patrol officers who saw him walking alone with a plastic bag. The offi- cers checked the man’s ID and found out that he is a Kuwaiti national who works with the National Guard. They searched the bag he was carrying after noticing that he was nervous, and found an imported liquor bottle inside it. The man was arrested and taken to the Criminal Investigations Department before being referred to the Drug Control General Department.

Search for shooter Investigations are ongoing in search for a man who fired a gunshot inside the Adan Hospital before escap- ing. No injuries were reported in the incident accord- ing to the police report. The case began when six youngsters arrived at the hospital suffering injuries after they were divided into two teams who engaged in a fight in Al-Andalus in which pocketknives were used. Soon enough, an armed man stormed his way into the reception, fired a bullet into the roof, and then escaped. Police were called to the scene after that and KRCS begins delivering relief aid to flood victims in Sudan a case was filed for investigations. Child injured KHARTOUM: Kuwait Red Crescent Society go as planes continue to arrive over the A child suffered a broken right leg after he was acci- (KRCS) began on Monday delivering next few days. dently run over by his neighbor’s car in Sulaibiya on humanitarian relief aid to flood victims in For his part, Sudan’s Red Crescent Monday. Paramedics and police arrived shortly after Sudan through the first air route in accor- Secretary General Othman Jaafar the incident was reported, and the boy was taken to dance with the directives of HH the Deputy expressed his appreciation and thanks on the Sabah Hospital for treatment. Investigations Amir and Crown Prince of Kuwait Sheikh behalf of the Sudanese people for Kuwait’s revealed that the driver reversed without paying atten- Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. honorable stance towards the victims of tion to his neighbor’s son who was standing behind it. The first of 10 air bridges set to deliver the recent floods that swept the country. A case of negligence was filed at the area’s police sta- humanitarian relief will include aid to Jaafar added that Kuwait’s quick tion. around 930 families in the Khartoum State, response to help with humanitarian aid the most affected due to the floods, KRCS was “something we are used to seeing from Smokers arrested head of the delegation Ahmad Al-Fagaan Kuwait, which stands side-by-side with Two men were arrested at the Kuwait International said. Sudan in times of strife.” Airport on Monday after they refused to stop smoking Al-Fagaan said dispatch operations The widescale floods in Sudan this at the arrivals lounge. The two were first approached began in Ambada and Al-Salam local areas, month, described as the worst for a quarter by police officers who asked them to put out their cig- covering around 530 families, Al-Amir area of a century, have led to the displacement arettes in accordance with the no-smoking regulations which covered 310 families, and Al-Baqaa of some 320,000 as initial numbers, some at the airport and then arrested them when they area for the benefit of 90 families. two days ago, recorded 73 deaths as a refused to cooperate. They were referred to the Jleeb The operations will continue in coordi- result, according to the World Health Al-Shuyoukh police station to face charges. nation with Sudanese Red Crescent air car- Organisation.— KUNA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013

Afghan Taleban kill 12 government workers Jordan vote turnout low Page 11 Page 8 Brotherhood leader denies ‘terrorism’ claim Egypt’s Brotherhood plans new demonstrations

CAIRO: A fugitive leader of Egypt’s has denied accusations his group is committing acts of “terrorism” following the coup that toppled the country’s president. Mohammed el-Beltagy’s address, aired yester- day, comes as the Brotherhood plans new demonstrations to defy a crippling security crackdown that has put most of its senior and midlevel leadership behind bars. Among those detained Monday was 25-year-old US citizen Mohamed Soltan, the son of outspoken Brotherhood fig- ure Salah Soltan, family and security officials said. El-Beltagy, a former lawmaker, is wanted himself on accusations of inciting violence and has been hunted by authorities for nearly three weeks. In a videotaped mes- sage aired by Al-Jazeera Mubasher Misr, an affiliate of the Qatar-based broadcaster, el-Beltagy said that authorities were trying to turn a “political crisis” into a security prob- lem by accusing his group of orchestrating a terrorism campaign. Egypt’s media, almost uniformly anti-Brotherhood after the closure of Islamist television stations, have described the crackdown as a “war against terrorism.” “Don’t be fooled by these lies and deception that aim to label us with terrorism, violence, (and) killing ... at a time when the hands of the coup regime are drowned in blood,” el- Beltagy said. El-Beltagy went into hiding earlier this month after authorities violently broke up protest encampments held by supporters of President Mohammed Morsi, over- thrown July 3 by the military after days of mass protests against him. Hundreds died in the crackdown, including el- Beltagy’s daughter. In retaliation, Morsi supporters attacked police stations, government buildings and churches. Hundreds of Brotherhood members, the group’s top leaders and Morsi supporters were arrested, many accused of orchestrating and taking part in violence. Airport authorities also said yesterday that well-known Egyptian cleric Yousef al- Qaradawi, based in Qatar, would be arrested upon entry to the country. The elderly sheik is very close to the Brotherhood and has spoken out vehemently against the country’s military chief who led the coup. The current bout of violence is the worst in Egypt’s 2 1/2 years of turbulent transition. More than 1,000 people, mostly Morsi supporters, were killed in the raids and other violence since mid-August. Violence has waned in the past CAIRO: In this Friday, Nov. 16, 2012 file photo, protesters led by senior Muslim Brotherhood figure Mohammed El-Beltagy, and former member of the Egyptian Parliament, Essam few days. An official in the Interior Ministry said yesterday Soltan, unseen, chant slogans against the Israeli invasion of Gaza, in Al-Azhar mosque after Friday prayers, in Cairo, Egypt. The fugitive leader of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood is deny- that 106 security personnel have been killed since Aug. 14 ing media allegations that his group is waging a “terror” campaign. — AP and that more than 900 have been wounded in violence, on charges he incited violence during speeches. Police said non-violence and social justice,” a posting on the Facebook the Morsi camp in which the authorities would end the including soldiers and policemen. The official spoke on the group was in possession of plans to spread chaos and page said. Officials at the US Embassy in Cairo could not be crackdown and the media campaign in exchange for an condition of anonymity in line with regulations. violence in the country by inciting splits among the ranks immediately reached for comment. end to street protests. Scattered protests continued across In the latest round-up of Brotherhood supporters, of the army and police and through acts of civil disobedi- The pro-Morsi camp is planning large new rallies on the country yesterday. authorities said they arrested Soltan and three others at ence. Police officials said they confiscated a Thuraya satel- Friday to press for its demands, including justice for those Meanwhile Tuesday, an intelligence official said masked the pro-Brotherhood Rassd Network News service’s office lite phone, six mobile phones, three laptops and a camera killed and the “leaders of the coup” be put on trial. Many militants and snipers attacked the headquarters of military in the Cairo suburb of Maadi. Also detained in the group from the group. are still calling for Morsi’s return to power, though a intelligence in the Sinai border town of Rafah. The official arrest was the manager of the news service, a broadcaster A Facebook group managed by his friends and family Brotherhood official told The Associated Press on Monday said troops responded and injured two of unidentified and one of Rassd’s founders. called “Free Soltan” described him as a “pro-democracy that the group is open for talks only after “confidence- assailants. The official said a second attack with rocket-pro- Soltan, a graduate of Ohio State University, was active activist”. The administrators of the page say they do not building measures” from the new government. pelled grenades and bombs targeted a police station in online in support of the Brotherhood and had posted a know where he is being held and that they are contacting The size of their rallies has dramatically shrunk in the the town of Sheikh Zuweyid in Sinai, damaging the gates picture of his arm after he was shot during the security raid members of Congress and Senate to push for his release. past week. Islamist groups allied to the Brotherhood have and injuring five people. The official spoke anonymously in on the sit-ins two weeks ago. His father is wanted by police “He is a peaceful person and strongly committed to proposed a truce between the interim government and line with regulations. — AP

MANAMA: A Bahraini woman holds a poster of a political prisoner during an anti-regime protest in the village of al- Malkiyah, South of Manama, yesterday. National dialogue launched in February will resume today after a summer break, aimed at resolving Bahrain’s political deadlock since its 2011 Shiite-led revolt. — AFP China Internet hit by ‘largest ever’ attack

BEIJING: China has been hit by the “largest ever” attack on its Internet structure, crashing the country’s .cn servers, according to a government-linked agency. The national domain name res- olution service came under a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack for around two hours early on Sunday, the China Internet Network Information Centre (CNNIC) said in a state- ment. Domain name resolution is a key part of how the Internet works, converting a website name into a set of digits-the IP address-that computers can recognise. The service in China focuses on websites with the .cn extension. DDoS attacks are attempts to overload a server with a huge number of requests, so that it interrupts or suspends its func- tions. A second wave of the assault in China two hours later grew into “the biggest of its kind ever”, CNNIC said, without giv- ing any indication of who might have been responsible. “The resolution of some websites was affected, leading visits to become slow or interrupted.” Washington has repeatedly accused China of waging hacking attacks on the websites of US government agencies and businesses.—AFP WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 INTERNATIONAL Dread grips Damascus as US mulls military strike

DAMASCUS: A heavy sense of dread is responsible for protecting Damascus upmarket Abu Rumaneh neighbour- “On (Saudi-based) Al-Arabiya TV, quarter of Tijara, rebel mortar fire on the pervades Damascus, as Washington and and its outskirts against any rebel hood in the centre of Damascus, said they’re talking about striking Mazze and centre of the capital is far worse than its allies mull military action after alleged advances. Jihan, her husband and their that “for three days rumours have been Damascus international airport,” Malek any airstrike by the West could be. chemical weapons attacks by the Syrian two daughters already moved in on flying around. said, sitting in his shop now deserted by “These mortar rounds are far scarier regime outside the capital last week Monday with relatives living closer to “My mother is terrified because we customers. Malek’s sister Mayada has because they practically land on our reportedly killed hundreds of people. the centre of town and away from the live near all the central government already withdrawn all her money from heads,” he said. Others profess their Jihan is convinced the first US strike airport. Traffic in downtown Damascus, buildings, and they’re a real target.” the bank. “I sent my wife to the market sometimes apocalyptic views on the on Syria would hit Mazze military airport already diminished since the outbreak of Futun, a mother living in the same area, and she bought large amounts of meat, fallout from a US strike. “If they strike, near her Damascus home, and has the 29-month civil war, has thinned con- said she was “suffering from hyperten- tomatoes, bread and pasta,” Malek said. Russia and Iran will help us,” said Abu already packed her family’s bags, ready spicuously as the West ramps up talk of sion because I’m so scared by talk of a “She thinks we might have to stay barri- Ahmad, a baker. “It’ll be the Third World to flee the capital. military intervention. strike.” Malek, an electrical goods sales- caded in for a long while.” War and the fire won’t go out.” But “They’ll hit Mazze, I’m sure; the target People only venture out for urgent man, appeared tense. “Everyone is nerv- Food sellers in the market have wit- architect Maysa was more philosophi- makes sense,” the young mother said of business or to gather supplies. “There ous after listening to (US Secretary of nessed the same sense of panic. “Lots of cal. “The strike is inevitable-Obama’s the facility, which that President Bashar are fewer people around,” said Adel, a State) John Kerry,” he said, in reference to people come to stock up in the morning been under a lot of international pres- al-Assad himself uses to travel within bank worker. “My wife doesn’t go to see comments by the top US diplomat that and after work,” said Mohammed, whose sure to react. “In any case, our country is Syria. Mazze is guarded by the army’s her mum everyday anymore. She just suggested a strike would go ahead stall sells rice, olive oil and pasta. already at war,” she said of Syria’s con- fearsome Fourth Division, which Assad’s goes straight home from work.” should it be discovered Assad did But for Michel, a cosmetics shop- flict, which has killed more than brother Maher al-Assad commands, and Mohammed, 35, speaking in the indeed use chemical weapons. owner who lives in the mostly Christian 100,000 people.— AFP Iraqi Kurdistan rules out intervening over border More than 40,000 Syrians flee to northern Iraq

ARBIL: Iraq’s northern Kurdistan region has no plans to send troops into Syria to defend fellow Kurds, a senior Iraqi Kurdish official said, despite safety concerns which have driven thousands to cross the bor- der. Iraqi Kurdish leader Massoud Barzani said earlier this month his well-armed region was ready to defend Kurds living in northeastern Syria if they were being threatened by rebel militants who have cap- tured swathes of land in the north. But his chief of staff said it did not mean that Iraqi Kurdistan was considering sending troops across the border, a move which would drag the region deeper into a con- flict that has increasingly split it AMMAN: Jordanian police and municipal workers control the entrance to a polling down ethnic and sectarian lines. station in Amman as voters arrive to cast their vote in the municipal elections yester- Western powers were weighing day. The Muslim Brotherhood, the main opposition party, is boycotting the polls, up options yesterday for a possible charging that, despite repeated promises since the of 2011, there is no military strike against Syria follow- real readiness for change. — AFP ing a suspected chemical weapons attack on a Damascus suburb last week that killed hundreds of civil- Jordan vote turnout low ians. “Our policy is not to intervene AMMAN: Jordan’s municipal elections announced a raft of austerity measures as it militarily,” Fuad Hussein told BAGHDAD: World Food Program executive director Ertharin Cousin, left, speaks as United Nations High drew a poor turnout yesterday with the battles to reduce a $2 billion deficit this Reuters in the regional capital of Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres, right, listens during an interview with The Associated Press impact of a huge refugee influx from year and rein in a foreign debt that now Arbil. “I think the Kurds in Syria, in the heavily protected Green Zone in Baghdad, Iraq, yesterday. The head of the United Nations refugee neighbouring Syria on a struggling econo- exceeds $23 billion. they have got their own people to agency is warning that Syria could be on the “verge of the abyss” as aid workers brace for a likely increase my stoking voter resentment and apathy. Last month, it doubled taxes on cell- defend (them),” he said. “They do in the nearly 2 million refugees who have already fled the country’s civil war. — AP “After eight hours of voting, the turnout phones and mobile telephone contracts, not need military units to go there, was 21 percent, and 500,000 people voted,” and it also plans to raise the price of elec- but perhaps they need all other refugee agency have made internal lose that part of Kurdistan,” Hussein united in one state. Ahed Ziadat, a spokesman for the munici- tricity by 15 percent. kinds of support,” he said. predictions that up to 100,000 said. The influx of refugees last “I hope that the four pieces of pal affairs ministry, told a news conference. “We are suffering from the large number He said Iraqi Kurdistan could Syrian refugees could to flee to Iraq week was so large and sudden that Kurdistan can be one union and “The turnout was low this year compared of Syrian refugees. We have additional help coordinate international aid, within the next month if the pace border officials shut a pontoon people will vote and decide who is to 2007. Some institutions, like the armed water and electricity problems as well as predicting more refugees after continues. bridge connecting the countries, going to be in the presidency,” said forces and security forces, did not vote.” obstacles in finding jobs,” said Odai Khendi, about 40,000 mainly Kurdish Hussein urged Syrians not to fearing it would collapse under the 25-year-old student Fadia Haji, sit- In local polls in 2007, more than 50 per- before voting in the northern city of Syrians arrived in the last two leave unless absolutely necessary, weight of people. ting cross-legged at the entrance to cent of the registered electorate took part. Ramtah, home to a large community of weeks in one of the largest single saying he feared the exodus may Around 500 dust-covered refugee her family’s tent. Polls opened on Tuesday at 7:00 am (0400 Syrian refugees. movements of people since the turn attention away from Kurdish tents blanket a valley outside of While refugees said they were GMT) and officially closed at 5:00 pm “I am voting today to help improve our conflict began in 2011. political issues. In Arbil, some Arbil. The camp grew so fast in the relieved to come to the stable Iraqi (14000 GMT). In Amman, however, voting situation. Our demands for help are not Regional officials refer to north- Syrians who fled have obtained res- past week that there is a waiting list Kurdish region, most dismissed the was extended by two hours, and polling political.” Khitam Rodan, from the city of eastern Syria, where most Syrian idency permits and work in hotels for tents. Some families have been idea of making it their permanent stations also closed one hour late in several Mafraq, which is hosting tens of thousands Kurds live, as “Western Kurdistan.” and cafes. forced to fashion shelters out of mat- home. other regions. of Syrian refugees in the north, agreed. Kurds form big populations in Syria, “We are worried about having tresses and blankets. “We have everything here but if Under the law, electoral officials in each “Our situation is disastrous. We need a solu- Turkey and Iran but have no state an empty Kurdistan in Syria Refugees said the crisis had the situation gets better (in Syria), governorate can independently extend tion,” she said. The desert Zaatari refugee of their own. They have an because if the population will leave made them think about the future believe me, I will not stay here one voting hours if the need arises. The Muslim camp, home to more than 150,000 Syrians, autonomous regional government then there will not be a Kurdish of the Kurdish population, which hour longer,” 31-year-old barber Brotherhood, the main opposition party, is located 10 kilometres (six miles) east of in Iraq. Officials from the UN issue in Syria and then we will also many said they would like to see Juwan Khalil Yousef said. — Reuters boycotted the polls, charging that, despite Mafraq. repeated promises since the Arab Spring of In the mainly Christian city of Fuheis, 2011, there is no real readiness for change. west of Amman, supporters of candidates “Anyone who boycotts the polls affects offered Arabic coffee to voters amid normal Coalition for action in Syria: Who and how? the turnout and contributes to electing traffic and a low-key security presence. “I weak candidates,” Ziadat said. With few can- know the country is going through difficult PARIS: A coalition of countries that could States, France and Britain. The US president has Turkey, which as a neighbour of Syria has taken didates of the leftist or nationalist opposi- times, but I want to vote and choose the launch military action in Syria is taking shape, the power to decide to launch air strikes with- in around 500,000 refugees as well as army tion standing, tribal figures, who are the right person to help the city,” Widad Issa, following the alleged deadly chemical weapons out the agreement of Congress, which is cur- defectors, has said it is ready to join an interna- traditional bedrock of the monarchy, are 85, told AFP after her grandson helped her attack last week that the West has blamed on rently on summer break and is only due to tional coalition even without UN consensus. set to sweep the elections. vote in Fuheis. the regime. reconvene on September 9. But he must inform Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab “Jordan held parliamentary elections in Some 3.7 million Jordanians were regis- Congress and Barack Obama is already actively Emirates (UAE), all of which support the Syrian January and today people are voting in tered to vote in the elections, to select 100 WHO? consulting lawmakers. rebellion, have been consulted by the West over municipal elections. It is an achievement mayors and 970 municipal councillors The United States would no doubt spear- In Britain, Prime Minister David Cameron has a potential military operation. Jordan, which has for democracy and reform in this turbulent from about 3,000 candidates in 94 munici- head any intervention, France and Britain would said he will recall lawmakers from their summer also taken in some 500,000 refugees from Syria region,” Prime Minister Abdullah Nsur told palities. The electoral law reserves 297 participate and nations in the region such as break on Thursday to vote on a “proportionate and fears a rise in Islamic extremism, has said it reporters after he voted in his northwest- municipal council seats for women. Turkey would provide support. Russia-a perma- response” to the alleged gas attack. In France, will not be a “launchpad” for military interven- ern hometown of Salt. Around 50,000 policemen were deployed nent member of the United Nations Security where President Francois Hollande has called tion in Syria. Washington’s top regional ally But the election has been overshad- across the kingdom on election day “to Council and a Syria ally-opposes military action, for a “common response” from Western coun- Israel, which is believed to have carried out sev- owed by anger among Jordanians over the prevent any violations and ensure a which means any such intervention would take tries to “an intolerable act”, a one-off military eral strikes in neighboring Syria since the start of impact of more than 500,000 Syrian smooth process”, according to police chief place without the world body’s green light. The intervention does not need parliamentary the crisis, has warned it would retaliate “fiercely” refugees on their lives and country, with its Talal Kofahi. The government had countries, gathered together as part of a “coali- approval. Germany, meanwhile, is not consider- if Damascus responded to international military population of just 6.8 million. announced that about 1.25 million mem- tion of the willing”, would take part in an opera- ing military participation less than one month action by striking the Jewish state. Officials say the influx has placed a huge bers of the armed forces, security services, tion aimed at punishing the regime of Bashar before crucial legislative elections. burden on already overstretched water and people living abroad, and more than Al-Assad for the alleged chemical attack with But Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle has HOW? power supplies as well as housing and edu- 40,000 election employees would not take targeted strikes, but not aimed at overthrowing said his country would support potential action The countries involved in a potential opera- cation. Also, the government has part in the vote. —AFP the government. against the Syrian regime. Italy has rejected any tion already have significant air and naval mili- A one-off operation is unlikely to be met military intervention in Syria without the tary capabilities in the region. Limited action-the with major political opposition in the three approval of the UN Security Council, where option most favored by experts at this stage- countries currently most involved: the United Russia is likely to block any such move. But could consist in targeted strikes by missiles launched from the sea against ammunition Vandals slash car depots or strategic infrastructure. The United States has four destroyers in the Mediterranean Sea (USS Mahan, Ramage, Barry, Gravely) carry- tyres in Jerusalem ing Tomahawk long-range cruise missiles. It can also count on two air bases in Turkey, in JERUSALEM: Vandals slashed the tyres of “price tag” suspects as part of “unlawful Izmir and Incirlik. Several ships belonging to the six cars in an Arab neighbourhood of east organisations”, stopping short of the origi- 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit are docked in a Jerusalem, a police spokeswoman said yes- nal justice ministry proposal to call their port in the UAE, and the Truman aircraft carrier is terday morning, in an apparent racist acts “terrorism”. also currently in the north of the Indian Ocean. attack. Meanwhile, Czech President Milos France, meanwhile, has submarines equipped “The tyres of six cars belonging to Arabs Zeman has proposed deploying Czech with cruise missiles that can also be launched by were found slashed in Beit Safafa,” police troops as UN peacekeepers in the disputed planes. It has frigates in the Mediterranean that spokeswoman Luba Samri said in a state- Golan Heights. The force was established in can carry helicopters, and also has fighter planes ment. “The words ‘price tag’ and ‘revenge’ 1974 to monitor the disengagement of in Djibouti (seven Mirage 2000s) and Abu Dhabi were spray-painted onto some of them,” Israeli and Syrian forces in the Golan. (six Rafales). Britain can mobilize a cruise missile she wrote. Some countries have recently with- submarine, which would be its main contribu- “Price tag” is the name used for Jewish drawn their contingents from the U.N. mis- tion to the operation, experts say. extremist hate crimes that generally target sion amid escalating hostilities after fight- British ships are also currently in the Arabs. Unknown assailants threw a ing from the Syrian civil war threatened Mediterranean: the HMS Illustrious, a helicop- Molotov cocktail at a Roman Catholic their positions. ter carrier, and two Type-23 frigates, but none monastery in Israel last week and scrawled Zeman says the deployment would at of these can launch missiles. The Royal Air Hebrew graffiti on its walls, reading least “help reduce the risk of this conflict’s Force also has a base in Cyprus. Turkey has “Gentiles perish” and “revenge”. escalation” and increase his country’s “pres- A picture released by the US Navy shows the guided-missile cruiser USS Gettysburg (CG 64) (L) Patriot air defense missiles stationed on the Initially carried out against Palestinians tige.” He made his proposal yesterday dur- and the aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75) transiting the Strait of Gibraltar on border with Syria, set up by the US, German in retaliation for state moves to dismantle ing an annual meeting with Czech ambas- August 3, 2013 on their way to the Mediterranean Sea. US forces are “ready to go” if called on and Dutch armies to protect it against poten- unauthorised settler outposts, price tag sadors and diplomats. Such a Czech to strike the Syrian regime, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told the BBC yesterday, saying evi- tial Syrian strikes. Italy, finally, has not ruled attacks have become a much broader deployment would have to be approved by dence pointed to its use of chemical weapons. The Pentagon chief said forces had been out allowing its allies to use its air bases, phenomenon with racist and xenophobic Parliament, and the country is facing early deployed as needed and President Barack Obama had reviewed military options presented by despite its opposition to an intervention with- overtones. The Israeli cabinet has defined elections in late October. — Agencies commanders. — AFP out UN consensus.—AFP INTERNATIONAL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 Germany’s ex-president to face trial over favours scandal Merkel’s party ahead in polls before vote

BERLIN: Germany’s former president At the height of the scandal, Wulff was bat- prosecutors had demanded his immunity be she hopes to win a third term as German Christian Wulff, who resigned amid a scandal tered by almost daily media allegations that lifted. Wulff, who had been Chancellor Angela chancellor, faces an unexpect- last year, will face court on charges of accept- he had accepted favours, including other holi- Merkel’s hand-picked choice for the post, was ed problem that could damage her chances - ing a favour while in office, justice officials said days and a home loan, from business friends replaced by Lutheran pastor Joachim Gauck, a how to respond to shocking pictures of a sus- yesterday. when he was state premier. former rights activist in communist East pected chemical weapons attack in Syria. Wulff, 54, who was Germany’s youngest He stepped down in February 2012 after Germany. Meanwhile, just four weeks before She is caught between overwhelming president and served less than two years in opposition from German voters to military KIEV: Ukrainian feminist movement FEMEN activists the largely ceremonial job, will become the action in Syria and pressure from international Oleksandra Shevchenko (L) and Yana Zhdanova pose out- country’s first former head of state to answer allies to back their calls for “consequences”. side the organisation’s office in Kiev after police conduct- charges in court. He is accused of having Berlin’s decision two years ago not to support ed a search yesterday. Ukrainian police claimed they had allowed a film producer friend to pick up part Western intervention in Libya has intensified found weapons in the offices of feminist movement of his Munich hotel bill during a 2008 that pressure. Femen, a move the group slammed as the latest provoca- Oktoberfest visit in return for lending support Merkel, tipped to win a third term in the tion by the authorities. — AFP to a film project when he was Lower Saxony’s Sept. 22 vote although she may have to state premier. switch coalition partners, knows only too well Film producer David Groenewold has also how international crises can turn elections. Weapons found been charged on suspicion he paid more than A clear “no” to US plans for an invasion of 500 euros ($668) for Wulff and his wife, from Iraq in 2002 was widely seen as a crucial factor whom the ex-president has since separated. in handing a surprise victory to Social in Femen office Wulff has insisted he did not notice the favour Democrat (SPD) Gerhard Schroeder. Few at the time and later repaid the money in experts think Merkel will depart radically from KIEV: Ukrainian police said yesterday they had found cash. the traditionally cautious German stance on weapons in the offices of feminist movement Femen, which The trial is expected to start on November military action abroad - a pacifist strain that the group denied and slammed as the latest provocation by 1 in Hanover. The charge of accepting favours derives from the collective shame of having he authorities. Kiev police released a statement, saying that while in office carries a maximum penalty of started World War Two and perpetrated the police had received an anonymous call saying that explosives three years’ jail and a fine under German law. Holocaust. had been planted at an address in the Ukrainian capital, which The accusations were reduced from the more A poll yesterday showed 69 percent of is where the Femen group’s office is located. serious corruption and bribery charges which Germans were against a military strike in Syria Bomb disposal technicians were dispatched to the premis- had been demanded by prosecutors and carry and only 23 percent backed it. However, the BERLIN: In this Feb. 17, 2012 file picture then German President Christian Wulff, left, es, the statement said without mentioning the group’s name. up to five years’ jail. conservative Merkel and Foreign Minister announces his resignation during a statement at the Bellevue Palace in Berlin, Germany. “During the search of the premises law enforcement members Wulff and Groenewold earlier this year Guido Westerwelle, a member of her Free At right is his wife Bettina Wulff. A German court says the country’s former president will have confiscated objects that look like a TT handgun and a rejected an offer to settle the case with a fine, Democrat (FDP) junior partners, ratcheted up go on trial on corruption charges in November. — AP grenade,” it said. saying they want to clear their names in court. the rhetoric this week. — Agencies Anna Hutsol, the head of the Ukrainian branch of the movement, told AFP that police claimed to have found a hand gun, a grenade and portraits of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill. “This is a provocation. We did not have any weapons,” Hutsol said, adding that the weapons might have been plant- ed in the office during the absence of the group’s activists. The group published photographs showing policemen tak- ing pictures of the weapons and Putin and Patriarch Kirill’s portraits during the search. Femen’s female activists have become well-known in Ukraine and abroad for baring their breasts to protest discrim- ination against women and other rights violations. They have declared Putin and Patriarch Kirill their top enemies and have repeatedly heckled both men. Three members of the group along with a photographer were beaten up by unidentified men and held in police custody overnight in late July when Putin visited Ukraine. The group blamed the attack on Ukrainian and Russian special services. Earlier this month, Femen claimed that Hutsol and two other activists had again been beaten up by special services in the latest attack by the government aimed at pressuring them to halt their protests. Putin was met with a bare-breasted Femen protest when he visited a trade fair in Germany in April alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel. — AFP

Azerbaijan bars opposition from presidential poll

BAKU: yesterday blocked the country’s main opposition candidate from challenging strongman presi- dent in October elections. The oil-rich ex-Soviet state’s election commission said Oscar-winning screenwriter Rustam Ibragimbekov had been barred from standing in the autumn polls because of his dual Russian-Azerbaijan citizenship. “The Central Electoral Commission reviewed all the documents presented by Ibragimbekov and considers that there is no legal basis for registering his candidacy for the presidential polls,” said Arifa Mukhtarova, the commis- sion’s secretary. “The basis for this decision is his Russian citizenship and his obligations to that country.” Ibragimbekov, who co-authored the Oscar-winning 1994 film “Burnt by the Sun” with Russian director Nikita Mikhalkov, had been put forward as a united candidate by a coalition of Azerbaijan’s main opposition parties. Representatives from the opposition National Council of Democratic Forces (NCDF) coalition lashed out at what they called a “predictable” decision by the Azerbaijani authorities even though Ibragimbekov has initiated the process of renouncing his Russian citizenship. “The fact that Rustam Ibragimbekov has applied to the Russian authorities and therefore already renounced his Russian citizenship was not enough for the Azerbaijani authorities,” said Isa Gambar, head of the party which is part of the coalition. “Authoritarian regimes take whatever decision suits them best even if they only have the minimal justification for it,” Gambar said. In the meantime, the NCDF coalition on Friday picked Jamil Hasanli-a former lawmaker and his- torian-as a back-up candidate should Ibragimbekov be refused permission to run. —AFP WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 INTERNATIONAL Missing Arizona teen found dead in Oregon

PORTLAND: The father of an Arizona information. He didn’t return a call for for our family.” The father said he had no Hutson said earlier that text messages Wild,’ and in text messages we’ve looked teenager whose body was found Monday comment. specifics on a cause of death. The teen had between Croom and a friend indicated at, he does specifically talk about running evening near his abandoned SUV in the In a telephone interview from Oregon, talked with his parents about the book Croom wanted to run away. Hutson said away, kind of just running away from his woods of southern Oregon said his son David Croom said his son was grieving the “Into the Wild” and told a friend he wanted Croom also talked to his parents about life.” Earlier this year, a 19-year-old from was “a young man who had a broken end of a recent relationship with “someone to run away. Christopher McCandless, whose journey to Oklahoma disappeared after talking to his heart.” The body of Johnathan Croom, 18, back in Phoenix.” Croom’s SUV was found Wednesday in Alaska was documented in the book “Into parents about the same book and setting was found about 1,000 feet from where his “He was a young man who had a bro- Riddle, a town of 1,200 people just off the the Wild.” McCandless gave up his worldly out to test himself against the Oregon vehicle was found abandoned last week, ken heart and headed out to try to find state’s main north-south thoroughfare, goods to live in the Alaska wilderness, only wilderness. Douglas County sheriff’s spokesman Dwes himself,” the elder Croom said. “We’re look- Interstate 5. His mother, Monica Croom, to die there, perhaps from eating wild Dustin Self’s truck was found in April on Hutson said in a statement. ing forward to finding out exactly what had said he was traveling alone and on his potatoes. Steens Mountain in southeast Oregon. The Hutson said the Apache Junction, Ariz., happened.” way back from Seattle, where he visited a “I think we have kind of a combination last search for Self was in the spring, after youth’s death was being investigated as a He thanked everyone who helped friend. The teen was due in Arizona on there,” Hutson said earlier Monday. “He snow melted, but it yielded no hints to his suicide but he provided no additional search for his son and added, “Please pray Aug. 17 to start college in Mesa. talked with his parents about ‘Into the location. —AP Mudslides kill 13 Fernand weakened to tropical depression

VERACRUZ: Mudslides crashed fall. The storm carried maximum “our experience shows us that Atlantic, where the hurricane through several homes in east- sustained winds of 85 kilometers this type of weather phenome- season runs from June 1 to ern Mexico on Monday, killing at per hour (50 miles per hour) non makes an impact with the November 30. The US National least 13 people after a tropical when it made landfall, according amount of rain that it brings.” Oceanic and Atmospheric storm pelted the state of to the US National Hurricane The US hurricane center said Administration has forecast an Veracruz with heavy rains, offi- Center. In a final advisory at 2100 Fernand and its remnants were unusually violent season of 13 cials said. GMT, the Miami-based center expected to dump four to eight to 19 named storms, including The storm named Fernand said Fernand had dissipated 125 inches (10-20 centimeters) over six to nine hurricanes. Mexico is weakened to a tropical depres- kilometers southwest of Tuxpan, Veracruz and five other states, also vulnerable to Pacific hurri- sion after making landfall just Veracruz. But Duarte said the with possible isolated amounts canes. In July, Hurricane Erick before midnight, unleashing a “emergency continues” amid the of 15 inches. Fernand is the fifth left two people dead and 500 CALIFORNIA: Angel City fire fighters Cody Stephens, left, and Kevin Brown, deluge that flooded streets, remnants of the storm, because named storm this year in the without homes. —AFP center, wait as helicopter dumps water on hot spots battling the Rim Fire in homes and businesses in some the Stanislaus National Forest along Highway 120 near Yosemite National towns and caused rivers to over- Park, Monday in, California. — AP flow. Governor Javier Duarte, who had ordered the closure of schools before the storm came US wildfire expected ashore, urged residents to heed any calls for evacuations and to burn more deeper said the authorities remained on high alert. SAN FRANCISCO: A wildfire raging in the With the flames so close, ash fell on the Nine people died in the town northwest part of Yosemite National Park surface of the reservoir on Monday. But of Yecuatla, three more in was expected to advance farther into the water samples from the supply were test- Tuxpan and one in Atzalan, he park yesterday and continue to threaten a ing clean by the late afternoon, San said. The deaths “were all caused reservoir that supplies most of San Francisco Public Utilities Commission by mudslides on their homes,” Francisco’s water. spokeswoman Suzanne Gautier said. Duarte told a news conference. The so-called Rim Fire has charred more “There continues to be no change or The storm triggered 16 mud- than 160,000 acres (64,749 hectares), which impact to water quality or from the slides, while storm-related dam- is larger than Chicago, most of that in the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir,” the utilities com- age was reported in 22 munici- Stanislaus National Forest west of Yosemite. mission said in a statement. If fallout from palities, affecting more than 450 But the blaze was expected to move the blaze were to foul the Hetch Hetchy, its homes, said state civil protection east overnight and push deeper into water could be diverted to a smaller Bay director Noemi Guzman Yosemite, as well as in areas to the north, Area reservoir for filtration at a local treat- said US Forest Service spokesman Trevor ment plant before delivery to customers, Lagunes. Augustino. Gautier said. More than 400 people were On Monday the blaze “made a good run The Rim Fire, named for a Stanislaus housed in 10 temporary shelters, to the park,” Augustino said. But firefighters National Forest lookout point called Rim of she said. Authorities urged peo- had the blaze 20 percent contained toward the World, has already damaged two of the ple who live near rivers to move the end of the day, up from 15 percent ear- three hydropower generating stations to shelters as a precaution. lier Monday. linked to the Hetch Hetchy reservoir that Duarte asked the federal govern- The weather yesterday was expected to supply electricity for all of San Francisco’s ment to declare an emergency in remain hot with temperatures in the high public facilities, such as hospitals and fire- 92 municipalities, which would 80s Fahrenheit and low 90s Fahrenheit (low houses. The city has drawn on reserve pow- make them eligible for disaster 30s Celsius), with winds of 10 miles per er stored for emergencies and purchasing recovery funds. hour to 15 miles per hour (16-24 km per additional electricity on the open market to Duarte said Fernand was hour) from the southwest, Augustino said. make up for the difference. “atypical” because of how quick- TUXPAN: People mourn the death of relatives who died after a landslide caused by tropical The eastern flank of the fire on Monday The blaze has destroyed about a dozen ly it morphed into a tropical burned to within a half mile (0.8 km) of homes, and some 4,500 dwellings storm Fernand swept their homes in Tuxpan, Veracruz State, on Monday. Mudslides crashed storm over the Gulf of Mexico through several homes in eastern Mexico on Monday, killing at least 13 people after a tropical Yosemite’s Hetch Hetchy reservoir on the remained threatened. Most of the 1,200- late Sunday before making land- Tuolumne River. It supplies 85 percent of square-mile Yosemite National Park has storm Fernand pelted the state of Veracruz with heavy rains, officials said. —AFP the water consumed by 2.6 million people remained open to the public. The cause of in San Francisco and several communities the wildfire remained under investigation. in three adjacent counties about 200 miles More than 3,700 firefighters have been (320 km) to the west. assigned to the blaze. — Reuters Hitmen captured in plot to kill Maduro

CARACAS: Venezuela said Monday it the late Hugo Chavez. office from 2002-2010, vehemently denied derailed a plot to kill President Nicolas “Is President Obama so weak that deci- the plot, branding the allegations “slurs.” In Maduro, arresting two hitmen it said want- sions are made for him in the United States an interview with Colombian television, ed to assassinate the leftist leader on orders to kill a Latin American head of state with- Uribe said he would rather talk about from a Colombian conservative ex-presi- out his knowing it?” Maduro said to “important issues and not the slurs of the dent. Interior Minister Miguel Rodriguez reporters. The pair detained were part of a dictatorship.” Venezuelan opposition leader said at a briefing that Caracas arrested the support team for a “highly experienced hit- Henrique Capriles, who lost the April presi- alleged hitmen, two Colombians, on August man” identified by the alias David, whom dential vote to Maduro and is contesting 13. The pair, Victor Johan Guache Mosquera they reported to directly and who was to the results, shrugged off the alleged plot, and Erick Leonardo Huertas Rios, were part personally carry out the assassination, the saying: “Nobody believes that tall tale.” of “a group of 10 men who were coming to minister said. Rodriguez in June alleged that Maduro carry out the murder of the president,” David, Rodriguez charged, was taking was targeted by a separate assassination working with former Colombian president orders from a Colombian who is in prison, plot launched from Colombia and the Alvaro Uribe, Rodriguez charged. Oscar Alcantara Gonzalez, alias “Gancho United States. Maduro himself called on US President Mosco”, who allegedly works for Uribe. Venezuela made frequent allegations of Barack Obama to say if he ordered or knew “We have no doubt that Alvaro Uribe assassination plots against the late leftist BOGOTA: Protesters throw stones at riot police in Ubate, north of Bogota, of the alleged assassination plan. Maduro Velez has knowledge of all these things ... President Hugo Chavez and has continued Colombia, Monday. Hundreds of protesters clashed with police in support of said that besides Colombia, it was hatched And we are not the least bit surprised that to do so under Maduro, his handpicked suc- farmers who had being blockading highways for a week for an assortment by far-right Venezuelan opposition figures he is the one giving orders through opera- cessor. Official results gave Maduro, 50, a of demands that include reduced gasoline prices, increased subsidies and in Miami. Maduro is a frequent and fiery tives,” Rodriguez alleged. razor-thin margin of just 1.5 percent over the cancellation of free trade agreements. — AP critic of Washington, as was his predecessor, The Colombian ex-president, who held Capriles, 41, in the April 14 election.— AFP Midwest heat wave prompts early school dismissals

LINCOLN: An unusual, late-summer heat early. Parts of all 10 of district buildings have “It can get uncomfortable even when the wave has enveloped much of the Midwest, air conditioning, but some rooms aren’t con- temperatures are in the upper 80s,” superin- putting schools and sports events on hold. nected. tendent Troy Unzicker said. Minneapolis stu- Schools in Iowa, Nebraska, Wisconsin, the “The buildings can heat up pretty fast, dents attended school all day, but adminis- Dakotas and Illinois let out early on Monday especially when you have kids in there,” dis- trators canceled after-school activities and as temperatures crept toward the mid-90s - trict spokesman Jason Staker said. “It’s not a distributed 750 cases of water to schools. beyond in some places. After-school sports good environment for students or teachers.” Officials also sent industrial fans to the 18 practices and evening games were canceled Five elementary schools in Fargo, North buildings that lack air conditioning, district in St. Paul, Minn., and misting stations kept Dakota, canceled classes through Wednesday spokeswoman Rachel Hicks said. Parents people cool at the Minnesota State Fair, because the buildings weren’t fully air-condi- were advised to dress their kids in light cloth- where about 90 fairgoers had been treated tioned. Temperatures inside them on Sunday ing, while staffers watched for symptoms of for heat-related illnesses over the weekend. ranged from 85 degrees to 90 degrees, Fargo heat-related illnesses. With temperatures The heat wave is supposed to last through Schools Superintendent Jeff Schatz said. again forecast in the mid-90s in Minneapolis, much of the week, the National Weather In South Dakota, the Sioux Falls School classes Tuesday were going ahead as planned. Service said. Heat of this magnitude is unusu- District continued with classes as scheduled, The district said parents could keep their chil- al for this time of year, but not unprecedent- but spokeswoman DeeAnn Konrad said dren at home if they felt it necessary. In Des ed. In Des Moines, Iowa, temperatures on teachers kept window blinds closed and Moines, organizers of a downtown farmers Aug. 26 have reached 100 degrees at least six turned off lights in classrooms. The district market set for Wednesday postponed the times since 1881. The weather service said was also prepared to move students into event out concern over the extreme heat The South Dakota was experiencing its hottest cooler rooms at nearby churches and a Iowa Department of Public Health issued a final week of August on record. School dis- Christian school, she said. statewide advisory for vulnerable popula- tricts took precautions to avoid putting stu- School administrators in the western tions, including young children and the eld- dents and teachers in sweaty - and possibly Nebraska town of Alliance decided to send erly. Sometimes our natural defense against dangerous - situations. In central Iowa, students home early after local forecasters extreme heat - sweat - won’t suffice, Dr. Marshalltown Community School District predicted temperatures in excess of 90 Patricia Quinlisk said. “Especially when the MINNEAPOLIS: Parent liaison Lisa Horn distributes ice pops to students in administrators canceled afternoon preschool degrees. Some classes in the 1,600-student humidity is high, sweat will not evaporate as the Hiawatha Elementary School cafeteria on the first day of school, in classes on Monday and Tuesday and were district are held on the third floor, and tem- quickly, preventing the body from releasing Minneapolis. The school is without air conditioning and struggled through planning to release other students two hours peratures rise when students fill the room. heat quickly,” she said. —AP the first day of classes amidst high temperatures. — AP WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 INTERNATIONAL Afghan Taleban kill 12 government workers Taleban increasingly targeting civilians

HEART: The Afghan Taleban exe- cuted 12 Afghan workers in two provinces after accusing them of working for the government, offi- cials said yesterday, the latest in a series of brutal attacks on civil- ians this year. The Taleban are increasingly targeting civilians seen to be cooperating with the govern- ment, raising concerns about the prospects for peace after most PUTHUMATHALAN: UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay, center, foreign troops pull out next year. prepares to leave after talking to ethnic Tamil war survivors at Puthumathalan, President Hamid Karzai con- Sri Lanka, yesterday. Survivors of Sri Lanka’s civil war have complained to Pillay demned the killings with a swipe about missing relatives, military land grabs and a life without basic facilities at Pakistan which he has been more than four years after the end of the quarter-century war. — AP visiting for two days. “The killing of innocent engineers and work- Relatives of Lanka’s missing ers shows that the Taleban and their foreign masters want vent grievances at UN Afghanistan to be a impover- ished and underdeveloped coun- JAFFNA: Protesters in Sri Lanka criti- victory over the Liberation Tigers of Tamil try forever,” he said in apparent cised the United Nations for a second Eelam rebel group. reference to Islamabad, among day yesterday during a visit by UN “I am confident that he is alive. He is others, which he has often Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay somewhere in a secret detention centre,” accused of playing a double who is assessing rights in a country still she told Reuters. game in the 12-year-old war. divided by a 27-year war. Pillay’s seven-day visit comes after a Karzai on Monday stressed the Angry members of the majority second United States-sponsored U.N. res- need for Pakistan’s help in KABUL: Afghans help a man mourning over his brothers’ death, south of Kabul, Afghanistan, yester- Sinhalese community protested in the olution in March this year urged Sri arranging peace talks with the day. Afghan officials say insurgents have shot and killed a dozen civilians, including six aid workers capital, Colombo, on Monday, calling on Lanka to carry out credible investigations Taleban in a meeting with working on government projects, in two separate incidents. — AP Pillay to get out of the country and stop into killings and disappearances during Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz worked for a World Bank-funded of the discovery of the bodies of Taleban executions of workers criticising its rights record. the war, especially in the brutal final Sharif. programme created by the Karzai six Afghans in the restive eastern associated with the Karzai Pillay visited the northern town of stages. In Herat, one of Afghanistan’s government that aims to province of Paktia. The six, all administration or the interna- Jaffna yesterday, which was at the heart A U.N. panel said earlier it had “credi- most stable provinces whose improve local project manage- drivers, were killed by Taleban tional community are not rare, of a bid by members ethnic minority ble allegations” that Sri Lankan troops small but promising private sec- ment. because they were working with but recent attacks have typically Tamil guerrillas to break away and where and rebels both carried out atrocities and is driving the national econo- “We had gathered some elders the government, deputy provin- occurred in the restive eastern protesters criticised the United Nations war crimes, and singled out the govern- my, the Taleban kidnapped and to meet the Taleban to tell them cial governor Abdul Wali Sehee and southern parts of the coun- for not protecting them. ment for most of the responsibility for killed four engineers and two that they ... worked for everyone said. Elections are expected to be try. About two weeks ago, eight “The UN failed in its responsibility,” the deaths. workers on Sunday, Governor in the country, but the Taleban held in Afghanistan in April to people who worked for Afghan said Ananthi Sasitharan, a 42-year moth- Sri Lanka has come under internation- Fazlullah Wahidi said. killed them before they arrived replace Karzai, who came to security forces were executed in er of three girls, who holds out hope her al pressure to bring to book those The men, four engineers and for negotiations,” Wahidi said. power in 2001 after US-led forces violent Ghazni on their way to missing husband is alive, perhaps in a accused of war crimes and boost efforts two trainers and all Afghan, The killings came within hours toppled the Taleban. Kabul by bus. —Rreuters secret detention camp. to reconcile a polarised country. But it The husband, Velayutham Sasitharan, has rejected the accusations of rights was a top Tamil rebel leader. Sasitharan abuses. was demonstrating with about 300 other In July, President Mahinda Rajapaksa, Sonia Gandhi back home from hospital people outside the town’s main library under pressure from the United Nations where the Pillay had a meeting. They said and the West to address the question of NEW DELHI: Sonia Gandhi, the president of they had protested after failing in their rights abuses during the war, ordered an India’s ruling Congress party who is widely seen bid to meet Pillay to discuss their griev- inquiry into mass disappearances. as the country’s most powerful politician, was ances over disappearances and what According to human rights activists in back home from hospital on Tuesday after she they see as land-grabs by the military. Jaffna, more than 700 people disap- took ill during a marathon parliament debate, The Sri Lanka government battled peared in the final phase of the war officials said. separatist Tamil guerrillas from 1983 until between 2006 and 2009. Some said Gandhi, 66, was led limping out of the finally defeating them in 2009. Tens of loved ones had been abducted by lower house on Monday evening by her son thousands of civilians were killed in the unidentified men in white vans. and colleagues, and then taken by car to the final months of the war, a UN panel said Sasitharan and other relatives of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences hospi- earlier, as government troops advanced missing can only hope. Sri Lanka’s mili- tal in New Delhi. on the rebels’ last stronghold. Many hun- tary spokesman, Ruwan Wanigasuriya, A Congress party official said Gandhi had a dreds of people, most of them Tamils like said he had no information about touch of viral fever and was fine now. “Madam Sasitharan’s husband, simply disap- Sasitharan’s husband. “There are lists of Gandhi is home now. She is perfectly fine,” the peared. all the detainees and the released people official said. The Italian-born politician, who Sasitharan said her husband had sur- after the rehabilitation ... There are has led her party to two successive terms gov- rendered to the military on May 18, 2009, records of all of them,” he said. “Anybody erning the world’s largest democracy, has played a day before the government declared can get them from police.” — Reuters a slightly reduced public role since being treated abroad for an unknown illness in 2011. Still, she is the world’s sixth most powerful woman, Forbes magazine said last year. The party is usu- Mumbai gang-rape suspects ally very secretive about Gandhi’s health, but several media reports said in 2011 that she had feared in their slum home been treated for cancer at New York’s Sloan- MUMBAI: As Mumbai reels over the gang- Pevekar, a 32-year-old neighbour and com- Kettering Cancer Center. On Monday, Gandhi NEW DELHI: India’s Congress Party President Sonia Gandhi (2R) is supported by Minister rape of a young photographer in the heart munity worker. The eldest suspect, 27-year- participated in a parliament debate on a scheme of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation Kumari Selja (L) as she leaves Parliament in of the city last week, angry neighbours of old Mohammed Salim Ansari, was the last to provide cheap food to more than two-thirds New Delhi late yesterday. The chief of India’s ruling Congress party Sonia Gandhi was the arrested suspects describe a gang of to be arrested on Sunday in New Delhi of India’s poor - one of her pet projects - when released from hospital yesterday, hours after being admitted with fever, cold and a jobless youths known for petty theft and after fleeing from his home in eastern she felt unwell. headache, a doctor and colleagues said. — AFP drinking. Mumbai. His four alleged accomplices, Gandhi and her son, Rahul, are banking on The five men are accused of repeatedly aged between 18 and 24 according to the nearly $20-billion food security programme is my fervent appeal that we shall pass this despite pressure from the party after the first raping the 22-year-old woman and attack- police, were from nearer the mill in slums to boost the Congress party’s prospects ahead unanimously.” Critics say the programme will victory in 2004, and chose the quiet economist ing her male colleague in an abandoned surrounding Dhobi Ghat, a site famed as of a difficult election next year and the party’s strain government finances further at a time Manmohan Singh for the top job. However, she mill compound in central Mumbai, which the world’s largest outdoor laundry. campaign is built around the two members of when the economy has slowed and the coun- arguably wields more power over policy than was known as a haven for drink and drug The men have not yet been formally the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty. try’s external imbalance has deteriorated, with the prime minister. addicts. charged and have not commented on the Television images showed the normally the rupee currency languishing at record lows. Her son is now leading the party’s prepara- While smart neighbourhoods of luxury allegations against them. Unlike the indus- strong-looking leader trembling as she read out The food security bill was passed two hours after tions for a national election - due to be held in apartments, office blocks and malls are trious washermen of Dhobi Ghat, three of from a clutch of papers a short speech on the Gandhi and her son left parliament. It must now less than a year. The Gandhi family, descended close to the scene of the crime, most of the the suspects known to Pevekar “had no food security bill, one of the world’s largest wel- go to the upper house. from India’s first prime minister, Jawaharlal accused gang members hailed from nearby regular work, were playing cards all the fare programmes and one that Gandhi has Gandhi became Congress party president Nehru, enjoys a status similar to royalty in the slums where they earned themselves an time, and all of them drank”, he told AFP, insisted on to ensure India’s poor are not left some years after the 1991 assassination of her country of 1.2 billion. They are not related to unfavourable reputation. adding that the men would regularly behind in its emergence as an economic power. husband, former Indian prime minister Rajiv independence hero Mahatma Gandhi, a close “They were local criminals,” said Ajit snatch people’s chains or purses.—AFP “It’s time to take the historic step,” she said. “It Gandhi. She declined to become prime minister ally of Nehru. — Reuters INTERNATIONAL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 Taiwan women put their eggs on ice

HSINCHU: Caught between traditional expectations marry late and I was sure that I wanted to become a riage. “We thought if they had frozen their eggs earli- Chen Fen-ling, a professor of social work at and career pressures, working women in Taiwan are mother,” said Linn Kuo, 34, who chose to freeze her er, maybe they wouldn’t need to use donated eggs,” National Taipei University, said societal pressures increasingly opting to freeze their eggs at fertility eggs three years ago. he said. “That’s why we combined in-vitro fertilisation were causing women to delay marrying and starting clinics as they postpone marriage and motherhood. Kuo, a manager at Cisco System Taiwan Ltd, has a with the idea of prevention - prevent them from a family. “Married women are like candles burning at Women play a big part in Taiwan’s workforce, trail- well-paid job that allows her to work from home. using others’ eggs after their fertility has deteriorat- both ends,” she said. “We say that women work two ing only New Zealand and Australia for female While her career has had a smooth trajectory, Kuo ed.” The clinic now gets more than 100 phone calls a jobs. They make money with a daytime job but, employment among 14 countries in Asia, a recent said she has not been as lucky in her love live. month asking about egg freezing. Five years ago, it when they go back home, they take care of their chil- report by MasterCard showed. After her mother died, she realised the impor- did just 20 of the procedures. It handled more than dren and parents-in-law. This pressure often makes A slowdown in the economy has made job securi- tance of having the support of children in later life. 70 cases in 2011, more than 50 last year and already women hesitate when making the decision about ty an even more pressing priority. That has been a “I already had my conclusion,” she said. “So I did more than 40 in the first six months of this year. The marriage.” Those realities about career, marriage and factor in pushing the East Asian island’s average mar- some research and decided to freeze my eggs.” technology has matured and the embryo now has a motherhood are reflected in a woefully low birthrate. riage age to 30 these days, from 24 in the 1980s, and Lai Hsing-hua, the clinic director at e-Stork high survival rate with egg freezing, Lai said. The Taiwan is tied with Hong Kong in third-last place in driving the interest in egg freezing. Reproduction Center in the city of Hsinchu, said he service costs around 80,000 Taiwan dollars ($2,680) globally in terms of the average number of children “I was not sure when my ovaries would start realised the need for egg-freezing services when and the whole process of retrieving the egg takes born per woman, just above Macau and Singapore, degenerating but I was sure that I would probably many patients asked for egg donors after a late mar- about 20 minutes. the CIA World Factbook says. — Reuters Bo trial reveals lifestyles of China’s rich and infamous Xu paid $3.2 million for a villa in French Riviera

JINAN: The family’s safes held more cash than an average Chinese might see in a lifetime. Their French villa was held through shell companies designed to avoid taxes and publicity. The son gallivanted around the world at huge expense. The sensational corruption trial of Bo Xilai exposed the lavish lifestyle of one of China’s most powerful politicians, gripping the Communist-run country where mounting inequality has stoked public discontent. The bribery and embezzlement charges against Bo, until last year the head of the megac- ity of Chongqing and one of China’s top-25 lead- SEOUL: Lee Han Soo (center), 78, checks his application with an official from the Red ers, amount to 26.8 million yuan ($4.4 million). Cross in Seoul to see if it was possible to take part in upcoming reunions with relatives in And that only touches on a few business North Korea, while Choi Jang Dong (right), 75, waits his turn, at the administration office dealings in the early part of the 64-year-old’s for separated families at the Red Cross building in Seoul yesterday. — AFP career. Bo defended himself against allegations from his wife Gu Kailai that she once saw $80,000 in bribe money by revealing the amount China arrests British, of ready cash they kept at home. “In the shared safe there were hundreds of American investigators thousands of yuan, so how could she know the money she took out was from me?” he said, BEIJING: Beijing is tightening control over Jinping, the new ruling party leader, and retir- according to court accounts. trade in information that can help companies ing Premier Wen Jiabao. The ruling party mounted an apparently unusually open trial following its most explosive find their way through China’s secretive busi- Humphrey’s and Yu’s firm, ChinaWhys Ltd., JINAN: In this file photo taken Thursday, a website blog run by the Jinan Intermediate People’s political scandal in decades. The court in the ness world. Yesterday, police announced the says on its website it “specializes in discreet risk Court shows a picture of Bo Xilai attending the trial, near barricades outside the court in Jinan, eastern city of Jinan posted lengthy transcripts arrest of two corporate investigators, a Briton mitigation solutions, consulting and investiga- in eastern China’s Shandong province. — AP and an American who work in Shanghai, on tion services” aimed at “walking multinationals on its Twitter-like Weibo account each day- charges of improperly selling personal infor- through the labyrinth of opportunity, risk and although their completeness and accuracy could where she lived with their only son Bo Guagua. enjoyed much more than what was revealed in mation about Chinese citizens. unfamiliar cultural environment.” Humphrey, a not be verified. Both bribery accusations stemmed from Bo’s court.” Many Chinese have come to expect ill- Peter Humphrey and Yingzeng Yu, a mar- former reporter for the Reuters news agency, Bo was charged with bribery amounting to years overseeing Dalian city and its northeastern gotten riches of their leaders and Bo’s support- ried couple, are part of an industry of investi- has worked as an investigator for the past 14 21.8 million yuan, embezzlement of 5.0 million province Liaoning in the 1990s and early 2000s. ers may be willing to overlook his actions, said gators who help corporate clients screen years in Asia, focusing on white-collar crime yuan and abuse of power, all of which he vehe- He became national commerce minister in 2004 David Goodman, of the University of Sydney. potential partners and employees or watch for prevention, fraud investigation and crisis miti- mently denied during the five-day trial. and Chongqing’s leader in 2007. “Given that they’re all at it, why shouldn’t you embezzlement and other employee miscon- gation, according to the website. It says Yu has He is accused of accepting 20.7 million yuan Their son meanwhile attended top-notch support people you think have views that you duct. “The opaque nature of the investigation worked for or advised companies in the United in bribes from businessman Xu Ming, who testi- schools and universities with hefty tuition fees think are acceptable?” he said. and detention of the Humphreys is troubling States, Hong Kong and China in technology, fied for the prosecution. including Harrow in Britain, Oxford, Harvard and, “They don’t make a complicated calculus at best and puts a serious chilling effect on medical products and other industries over a The court heard that Xu paid for a $3.2 mil- from this autumn, Columbia law school in New about, well, he’s corrupt but he’s for us-but that’s legitimate efforts to investigate even benign, 25-year business career. lion villa in the French Riviera resort of Cannes York. Xu paid for Guagua to travel to Germany what it comes down to.” Official corruption is public information,” said James Zimmerman, Humphrey and Yu are accused of paying after Gu said she wanted to buy it. The six-bed- for the 2006 World Cup, as well as Italy, Latin rampant across China, as the leadership has managing partner of the Beijing office of the 800 to 2,000 yuan ($130 to $320) per item of room mansion with a pool, shaded terrace and America and Africa, and for toys such as an acknowledged this year while vowing to crack law firm Sheppard Mullin Richter & Hampton. personal information, the official Xinhua News colonnaded balconies sits in an exclusive neigh- 80,000-yuan Segway scooter, the court heard. down. Multiple examples of excess have been Chinese leaders want the prosperity that Agency said. A report about the case on the bourhood overlooking the Mediterranean. Guagua charged $50,000 to his credit card- revealed over recent months, even among low- comes from free-market competition but see state television midday news showed two peo- It was allegedly funded by Xu through three paid off by Xu-brought back a month’s worth of level civil servants. A county official in the south- control over information as a tool to protect ple in handcuffs with their faces blurred. different companies and managed by others, so exotic meat from Africa and in 2011 treated 40 ern province of Guangdong was found to own the Communist Party’s monopoly on power. “To obtain this information, I sometimes that neither Bo nor his family appeared on Harvard classmates to an expenses-paid trip to 22 properties worth as much as 40 million yuan, The government operates an extensive surveil- used illegal means,” said the man, a Westerner, records as owners of the property. China. At the same time in Chongqing, Bo-who at a time when homes are becoming increasing- lance network to track China’s public and limits speaking in Mandarin. “I want to apologize to The complex setup was “to avoid tax” and during the trial admitted to having had extra- ly unaffordable for many. access to data on companies and individuals. the Chinese government.” The latest case could because “I didn’t want to bring any bad influence marital affairs-mounted Maoist revivalist rallies But far greater wealth at the highest levels Since last year it has further narrowed what mark an escalation in enforcement against for- on (Bo)”, according to Gu’s testimony. chanting “Serve the People”. was exposed by Western media last year-and can be obtained. eign as well as Chinese investigators. Tang Xiaolin, another businessman, allegedly Some Chinese would be surprised if a politi- proved so sensitive that the outlets’ websites Other companies that supply information People of Chinese ancestry have been pros- gave Bo 1.1 million yuan including the $80,000 cian of Bo’s stature had not obtained even more have since remained blocked inside China. already are under pressure. In January, four ecuted in the past on charges of industrial spy- seen by Gu after profiting from a land deal the wealth, said Steve Tsang, a China politics expert President Xi Jinping’s family was reported by Chinese employees of a unit of Dun & ing or other corporate misconduct but politician helped facilitate. at the University of Nottingham in Britain. Bloomberg to have investments worth $376 mil- Bradstreet Corp. were sentenced to prison on Humphrey appears to be the first non-ethnic- Gu would grab thick wads of yuan and US “I think for a lot of people, the question lion, and the New York Times said former pre- charges of improperly buying personal data of Chinese to face such treatment. dollars from safes in the couple’s homes during would be, could this be it?” he said. “Surely mier Wen Jiabao’s relatives had controlled assets Chinese citizens. A string of Chinese compa- In January, the four former executives of three trips back to China a year from England, someone in Bo’s position could and would have worth $2.7 billion. — AFP nies have been hit by disclosures by investiga- Dun & Bradstreet’s Shanghai Roadway D&B tors about possible financial misconduct that Marketing Services Co. were sentenced by a caused their share prices to plunge. Shanghai court to up to two years in prison. China sees no basis for Japan Possibly in response to that, regulations The company was fined 1 million yuan issued in February 2012 prohibit government ($160,000). The British Embassy in Beijing con- agencies from disclosing financial or commer- firmed last week that Humphrey was arrested talks; Islands dispute simmers cial information about a company without its but gave no details of charges. The embassy permission. That made it harder for companies said it was providing unspecified consular BEIJING: China yesterday brushed aside calls from ers on the sidelines of the G20. “We must clearly convey our intention to protect to investigate potential partners or acquisition assistance to his family. Japan to hold a leaders’ summit as “grandstanding”, Aircraft and ships from both countries have played the Senkaku with the Maritime Self-Defense Forces. In targets to find liabilities or conflicts of interest. The American Embassy in Beijing said earli- while Japan’s finance minister said Tokyo should make cat-and-mouse games near the islands for months, that sense, we cannot avoid increasing defense Known as “due diligence,” it is a common prac- er that diplomats visited Yu on July 16. A clear it would use its navy to defend islands at the ratcheting up tension. spending ... This is the reality we’re in while facing the tice in other countries. spokesman said Tuesday he had no additional core of a dispute with Beijing. Japan’s coastguard said on Tuesday three Chinese situation in the East China Sea.” Several dozen reports prepared by information. The detentions coincided with Ties between the world’s second- and third-largest coastguard vessels had briefly entered what Japan The legacy of Japanese militarism in the 1930s and Humphrey and Yu for corporate clients con- the announcement in July of an investigation economies have been strained for months because of considers its territorial waters near the disputed 1940s also haunts Sino-Japanese ties. China’s Li said a row over the islands, known as the Senkaku in Japan islands. China said the trip was a routine patrol in its denials by some Japanese politicians of the country’s tained information that “seriously violated the into possible bribery of doctors by employees and the Diaoyu in China, as well as disputes over the own waters. wartime past do not help. “Under these conditions, legitimate rights of citizens,” the Shanghai of pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline. countries’ bitter wartime past. Japan’s finance minister, Taro Aso, who doubles as how can we organise the kind of leaders’ summit that police department said in a statement. It said That prompted suggestions their case might Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is keen to Abe’s deputy, said the government must make clear Japan wants?” Li said. they were formally arrested on Aug. 16. be linked to Glaxo, but yesterday’s announce- improve ties and has called for dialogue with China, its intent to defend the islands or risk what happened China reacted angrily this month when Abe sent That included home addresses and infor- ment made no mention of that. though he has rejected any conditions on talks. China when Argentine troops landed on the Falkland islands an offering to a shrine for war dead, which also hon- mation on family members, real estate and Glaxo declined yesterday to comment. The has shown no inclination to respond to the overtures. in 1982, triggering war with Britain. ours war criminals, while cabinet members visited it in vehicles, the statement said. It said they were announcement said Shanghai police are inves- “A meeting between leaders is not simply for the “When Britain deployed aircraft carriers to the person. China suffered under Japanese rule, with sold to clients including manufacturers, law tigating 126 people on suspicion of improper- sake of shaking hands and taking pictures, but to Falkland Islands, it did not convey its intentions to parts of the country occupied from the 1930s. firms and financial institutions. ly gathering personal information and have resolve problems,” Chinese deputy foreign minister Li protect the islands. Argentine saw that (Britain) had Japanese leaders have apologised in the past but Such information can reveal links between detained 35. Baodong told reporters ahead of a G20 summit next no intention of protecting the Falklands and so invad- many in China doubt their sincerity, partly because of people and establish who controls a business. Chinese companies have reacted angrily to week that both Chinese President Xi Jinping and Abe ed,” Aso said in a lecture to parliamentarians in contradictory remarks by politicians. That can be essential in a Chinese business disclosures of information by investigators. In will attend. Yokohama, near Tokyo. “What Japan has to do now is show vision and world dominated by behind-the-scenes per- the highest-profile case, a US firm, Muddy “If Japan wants to arrange a meeting to resolve “Fighting ability, national consensus and informing courage, properly face up to history and take a proper sonal connections. Also last year, communist Waters Research, accused Chinese forestry problems, they should stop with the empty talk and other countries (of our intention to use force) can act attitude and real actions to get rid of the obstacles leaders were embarrassed by news reports company Sino-Forest Corp. of exaggerating doing stuff for show,” Li said, when asked about the as a deterrent only if these three are all present,” Aso which exist for the healthy development of bilateral that disclosed details of the family wealth of Xi the value of its assets. — AP possibility of a meeting of Chinese and Japanese lead- said. ties,” Li said. — Reuters Japan postpones launch of new, rocket

TOKYO: Japan yesterday canceled the launch The Epsilon is the first new rocket design to be used to watch Venus, Mars and Jupiter. of a new rocket it hopes will be a cheaper and for Japan since the H2A was introduced in According to JAXA, the Epsilon costs more efficient way of putting satellites into 2001. The H2A continues to be Japan’s pri- about 3.8 billion yen ($40 million), one-third space, saying it suffered a problem that abort- mary rocket but officials are hoping develop- the cost of the H2A. The rocket is about 24 ed the countdown 19 seconds before it was ment of the Epsilon will lead to improve- meters (80 feet) tall, half the size of the H2A, supposed to blast off. ments in the much more costly H2A program and can be assembled and readied for launch Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency offi- as well. Japan hopes to compete more in just one week, one-sixth of the time cial Yuko Hoshikawa said an automatic count- aggressively in the international rocket- required for the H2A. down for the three-stage Epsilon rocket launching business. The Epsilon rocket, which uses a solid-fuel stopped when an irregularity in the rocket “We are so sorry we failed to live up to the propellant, is meant to broaden the range of posture was detected. No further details were expectations,” Okumura said. Japan’s space space missions Japan is able to perform and immediately available on the scrapped policy minister Ichita Yamamoto said lower the hurdles to space by streamlining launch from a space center on the southern Tuesday’s launch cancellation was unfortu- the launch process. JAXA says the rocket’s Japan island of Kyushu. nate but that does not change Japan’s policy extensive use of computer technology means JAXA President Naoki Okumura said the to set Epsilon as a centerpiece of Japanese monitoring work that once required a fully cause of the problem is under investigation space business. staffed control room can now be done essen- and that he could not say how soon the “I hope the cause is promptly identified tially on a single laptop. “If we hope to make launch could be rescheduled. and necessary measures are taken so that we the access to space much easier, more sophis- “Finding the cause is our first and foremost can see a successful launch as soon as possi- ticated factors are required,” project manager KAGOSHIMA: Spectators keep eyes on the Epsilon rocket that stays on the launch pad after its task,” he told a televised news conference. “We ble,” he said. Yesterday’s rocket was to carry Yasuhiro Morita said in a pre-launch state- countdown at the Uchinoura Space Center in Kimotsuki town, Kagoshima, western Japan, yes- must examine what happened today, and our the SPRINT-A, the first space telescope specifi- ment. “We are trying to make rocket launches terday. Japan has postponed the launch of a new rocket it hopes will be a cheaper and more next launch depends on what we find out.” cally designed to observe other planets. It is much simpler and ordinary events.” — AP efficient way of putting satellites into space. — AP



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Issues US could look beyond UN in any Syrian hit

By Louis Charbonneau

n the face of a UN Security Council deadlocked on Syria, the United States and its allies could seek other means of legit- Iimizing any retaliatory strike they launch against Syria’s gov- ernment for last week’s alleged gas attack on civilians. The 15- nation council has been split on Syria since 2011. Russia, President Bashar Al-Assad’s ally, and China have vetoed three resolutions condemning Assad and calling for punitive steps against his government. But the United States has intervened in conflicts before without Security Council backing, most notably in the Kosovo War in 1999, and could do so again. Any strike by the United US strike would aim to punish Assad, not turn tide of war States, Britain, France and others without a clear UN mandate would likely infuriate Russia, which could be expected to By Peter Apps Secretary Chuck Hagel said the US military is overwhelming force and a robust regional aircraft could still be ultimately used - Israeli denounce it as illegal. Richard Haas, president of the US Council ready to act immediately should Obama order coalition available to deter any Syrian retalia- jets have already raided Syrian targets on sev- on Foreign Relations think tank, rejected the idea - suggested ny strike by the United States and its action. The United States and its allies were tion. Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet eral occasions, proving it is possible. US F-16 by Russia - that a Western attack on Syria would need UN allies on Syria will probably aim to teach strengthening their forces in the region even Davutoglu said yesterday that last week’s jets have remained in Jordan after an exercise approval. “The UN Security Council is not the sole or unique APresident Bashar Al-Assad - and Iran - a before hundreds of people were killed in rebel- attack was a “crime against humanity” which earlier this year. The US air force could also custodian about what is legal and what is legitimate, and, as lesson on the risks of defying the West, but not held suburbs of Damascus last Wednesday. should not go unanswered. Current and for- reinforce its Turkish airbase at Incirlik while B2 many have pointed out, it was bypassed at the time of Kosovo,” try to turn the tide of the civil war. US and Syria has blamed the rebels but Washington, mer Western officials, including those directly long-range bombers could fly from the conti- he told reporters in a conference call. “To say only the UN European officials say a short, sharp attack - London and Paris say they have little doubt it involved in policy, say Syria’s sophisticated air nental United States, unseen by Syrian radar. Security Council can make something legitimate seems to me perhaps entirely with cruise missiles - is the was a chemical strike by Assad’s forces. defenses and worries about the risk of casual- France retains Rafale and Mirage jets at a to be a position that cannot be supported because it would preferred response to what they believe is Without some action soon, officials worry that ties among allied aircrew meant the cruise base in the United Arab Emirates. British, allow in this case a country like Russia to be the arbiter of inter- Assad’s responsibility for a chemical weapons Assad will feel he can resort to chemical missile strike was now most likely. French and other aircraft could operate from national law and, more broadly, international relations,” Haas attack on rebel-held areas last week. weapons again with impunity - a year after A “stand-off” attack could be launched bases in Cyprus, although the island’s foreign said. If such a strike goes ahead, President Barack Obama declared their use a “red line” that, if from US warships or aircraft firing missiles minister said yesterday he did not expect Legitimacy for a strike on Syria, Haas said, could come from Obama’s administration will have to select its crossed, would require strong action. Some without entering Syrian airspace. The United Britain’s Akrotiri base to play a major role in a “coalition of the willing” of individual countries that support targets with extreme care as it tries to deter also fear inaction in Syria could cast doubt over States says it has raised the number of any strike. Gulf and other regional allies might retaliation against Assad to demonstrate that the use of not only Assad but also Syria’s ally Iran over its other US “red lines”, encouraging Iran to pursue destroyers that carry cruise missiles in the provide useful intelligence, Western officials weapons of mass destruction will not be tolerated. That coali- nuclear program. “The administration has to a nuclear program which Tehran says is peace- Mediterranean to four. Its most powerful ship said, although their direct involvement in ini- tion could include Arab countries and have formal backing decide what its objective is - punishment to ful but the United States and its allies including in the region - the aircraft carrier USS Harry S tial strikes was seen unlikely. The main focus from NATO or other institutions, he said. US and European offi- show that there is a price and to re-establish a Israel believe aims to produce weapons. Any Truman - left the Mediterranean on Aug, 18, would be protecting them from any retalia- cials have cited NATO’s bombing campaign intended to pres- deterrent, or to change the balance of power failure to strike Syria could also prompt Israel passing south through the Suez Canal into the tion by Damascus. sure Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic to withdraw troops in Syria,” said Dennis Ross, a top White House to take matters into its own hands by attacking Red Sea, although it could still be within strik- Syria’s conventional forces still pack con- and militia from Kosovo. In that case, the United States adviser on the Middle East until late 2011. “I Iranian nuclear facilities, causing yet more ing range. siderable punch, experts say, including anti- bypassed the Security Council to avoid a Russian veto and got suspect it will be geared towards the former.” upheaval in an already highly unstable region. Defense sources say Britain has kept an ship missiles that could hit vessels nearby in backing instead from NATO. NATO air strikes in 2011 helped to change attack submarine in the Mediterranean for the Mediterranean and conventional rockets The Arab League could also formally endorse military action the course of the Libyan civil war, allowing CHOOSING TARGETS several months, allowing it to join any US-led that could hit neighboring countries includ- against Syria as it did with Libya in 2011, said Richard Gowan, a rebels to overthrow , but Choosing targets is fraught with danger. missile barrage, just as it did with Libya. The ing Israel. Last year, Assad promised not to foreign policy expert at New York University. But it might not be Obama is unlikely to opt for something similar The most likely, officials say, would be Assad’s French carrier Charles de Gaulle has just been use chemical weapons within Syria’s borders - easy to secure a consensus in the Arab League and NATO. in Syria. US officials said the Pentagon has sub- command and control facilities, air defenses declared operational after a refit. Currently in but explicitly threatened foreign countries if “Some members of both blocs would have qualms about mitted a range of possible attack plans for and any part of his chemical arsenal they the Mediterranean port of Toulon, it could be they attempted to impose outside “regime doing so, and the diplomacy could get messy,” Gowan said. Syria to the White House, and analysts believe believe can be attacked safely. What must be off Syria within three days. change”. Western officials believe Syria retains US President Barack Obama has tried to distinguish himself the scope would be modest. “I think it will hap- avoided is any action that, while designed to considerable stocks including VX gas, regard- from his predecessor, George W Bush, on foreign policy by pre- pen but it will be minimal, just enough to punish the use of chemical weapons, perverse- LEAST WORST OPTION ed as much more lethal than the sarin sus- senting himself as more multilateralist. He no doubt would like show the world that we did something,” said ly ends up releasing dangerous materials into Most officials who talked to Reuters said pected to have been used in last week’s some kind of international legitimacy if the United States Hayat Alvi, lecturer in Middle Eastern studies at the environment. Likewise if any technicians the possibility of allied and civilian casualties attack near Damascus. Such worries were a attacked Syria. But the tough tone of comments on Syria by the US Naval War College. from Russia, a major arms supplier to Assad, was a top consideration. “It’s about the least major factor in Turkey and Jordan requesting Secretary of State John Kerry and strong suggestions that US “The broader goal is not to get the US were killed, this would inflame already trou- worst option,” said a European defense source US and NATO Patriot missile batteries now naval forces are moving into position might mean Obama will involved too deeply - and especially not to bled Western relations with Moscow. on condition of anonymity. “No one wants the based along the border to shoot down ene- go ahead with an attack on Assad’s forces no matter what. allow any boots on the ground.” Defense Defense sources say US commanders want risk of pilots being captured or killed.” Manned my missiles.— Reuters White House spokesman Jay Carney on Monday deflected questions about whether Obama would seek authorization from the United Nations or the US Congress for military strikes Arkansas lawsuits test fracking wastewater link to quakes on Syria, saying the president had made no decision on the US By Mica Rosenberg around Greenbrier. But J. Kelly Robbins, the group’s executive vice 98 percent of the 2010-11 swarm of small quakes occurred within response. Carney repeatedly said that Syria’s government had president, said the companies had no way of knowing of any 3.7 miles of two of the wells. “Given the strong spatial and tempo- conducted a “clear violation of an international norm” by ony Davis, a 54-year-old construction worker in central such link before wastewater injection began, and he said the ral correlation between the two wells and seismic activity on the allegedly using chemical weapons against civilians. Russia and Arkansas, said he welcomed the boom in natural gas operators shut the wells down when questions were raised. “The fault,” Horton wrote in a study published in “Seismological Assad blame the rebels for the attack that killed hundreds in drilling that brought jobs and new businesses to his home- appropriate state agencies stepped up, collected data, did what Research Letters” in the March/April 2012 issue, “it would be an Damascus suburbs. T town starting about a decade ago. But that was before the earth they were supposed to do and made a decision,” Robbins said in extraordinary coincidence if the recent earthquakes were not shook. In 2010 and 2011, the quiet farming town of Greenbrier, an interview. “Industry abided by that and those wells were triggered by the fluid injection. For these reasons, I conclude that KOSOVO, IRAQ, LIBYA Arkansas, was rattled by a swarm of more than 1,000 minor closed.” Robbins also said that while Arkansas is a traditional oil fluid injection triggered the recent seismicity.” Obama has some other options for legitimizing a retaliatory earthquakes. and gas producing state, fracking in the Fayetteville shale had It was only after the wastewater injection wells went online strike against Syria, apart from securing formal NATO and Arab The biggest, with a magnitude of 4.7, had its epicenter less brought billions of dollars of investment and boosted the state’s that scientists discovered a previously unknown fault, now called League endorsements. Article 51 of the UN Charter speaks of than 1,500 feet from Davis’s front porch. “This should not be hap- natural gas production ninefold in seven years. the Guy-Greenbrier fault, Ausbrooks and Horton said. The “the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an pening in Greenbrier,” Davis recalls thinking. He said the shaking The earthquake cases are part of a wave of litigation that Arkansas Oil and Gas Commission declared a permanent morato- armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations.” damaged the support beams under an addition to his home. has followed the rapid expansion in natural gas production rium on new injection wells in almost 1,200 square miles around In theory, Turkey or Israel could ask the United States and its Then came another surprise: University of Memphis and across the United States using fracking, a drilling process that the newly discovered fault. The commission now requires new allies for “self-defense” assistance in light of the cross-border Arkansas Geological Survey scientists said the quakes were likely deploys a highly pressurized mix of water and chemicals to wells to be between 1 mile and 5 miles from known faults, and it violence the two countries have faced during Syria’s two-year triggered by the disposal of wastewater from hydraulic fracturing break apart shale rock to release oil and gas. Since 2009, some more closely monitors the amount and pressure of injected civil war. But Article 51, UN diplomats say, might be difficult to - commonly known as fracking - into deep, underground wells. 40 civil suits related to fracking have been filed in eight states, wastewater. The EPA currently has no regulations relating to construe as the basis for a response to an attack that did not That finding prompted regulators from the Arkansas Oil and claiming harm ranging from groundwater contamination to earthquakes and disposal wells - known as Class II wells - but the directly affect any of Syria’s neighbors, the United States or its Gas Commission to order several wells in the area shut down, and air pollution to excessive noise. So far none of the lawsuits has agency began working on a report addressing the issue in the allies. There is also the “Uniting for Peace” resolution of 1950, the earthquakes soon subsided. It also prompted Davis and more made it to trial and about half have been dismissed or settled, wake of a spike in quakes in the central and eastern United which allows for the UN General Assembly to call an emer- than a dozen of his neighbors to file five lawsuits in federal court with company lawyers mainly arguing that a link between States. In a November 2012 draft report, the EPA said it was gency session to take up matters related to international peace against Chesapeake Operating Inc, as the owner in 2010 of two fracking and contaminated groundwater or other environ- studying “injection-induced seismicity” in central Arkansas; north and security when the Security Council is deadlocked due to a injection wells near Davis’ home, and BHP Billiton , which pur- mental problems has not been proven, according to a Reuters Texas; Braxton County, West Virginia; and Youngstown, Ohio. disagreement between its permanent members. That resolu- chased Chesapeake’s shale gas assets in 2011. analysis of legal filings. The US Environmental Protection In Texas, operators in 2009 voluntarily plugged two disposal tion enabled the United States and its allies to thwart Soviet Another company, Clarita Operating LLC, owned a third well Agency is expected to issue a major report on fracking and sites after regulators started investigating whether the wells attempts to use its Security Council veto to cut off support for that was shut down, but the company went bankrupt and was drinking water next year that could have an impact on these touched off several quakes around the Dallas Forth-Fort Worth UN-mandated forces in the 1950-53 Korean War. dropped from the litigation in 2011. Chesapeake and BHP both cases, lawyers closely following the litigation say. International Airport. Virginia’s Department of Environmental UN diplomats say the United States would most likely not declined to comment, citing policies not to discuss ongoing liti- Protection in 2010 reduced the rate of wastewater injection turn to “Uniting for Peace.” But it is possible Washington could gation. In court documents they denied they were responsible FINDING FAULT allowed after a series of small tremors. seek political support from the General Assembly in the form of for the quakes and for any damage the quakes may have caused. The Arkansas litigation does not target fracking itself, but And in Ohio, officials shut down five injection wells in a non-binding resolution to help legitimize action on Syria. The litigation marks the first legal effort to link earthquakes to rather the disposal of the leftover toxic, briny water known as Youngstown following a 4.0 earthquake on New Year’s Eve 2011 While it would not carry the legal weight of a Security Council wastewater injection wells, according to a search of the Westlaw “flowback.” Millions of gallons of wastewater are typically trucked in an area that had never experienced seismic activity before, the mandate, an assembly resolution could demonstrate that most database and interviews with legal experts, and the first attempt from the fracking site to the well site, where they are injected EPA report said. The EPA said the draft, obtained by the special- of the world supports retaliation - provided Washington to win compensation from drilling companies for quake damage. thousands of feet underground into porous rock layers, often for ized news service EnergyWire through a Freedom of Information secured sufficient support in the 193-nation body. —Reuters If any of the earthquake cases make it to a jury and the plaintiffs weeks or months at a time. Seismologists say fracking can cause Act request, was a “technical report” as opposed to a policy blue- prevail, the outcome could spark additional litigation, since tiny “micro earthquakes” that are rarely felt on the surface. The print and “is still under development.” wastewater injection wells are used not only in fracking, but in process of disposing of the wastewater, though, can trigger other kinds of oil and gas drilling and geothermal energy produc- slightly larger quakes when water is pumped near an already SEEKING PLAINTIFFS All articles appearing on these tion. “The scientific community is really focusing on this issue so I stressed fault, even one that hasn’t moved in millions of years, While the federal regulatory process plays out, the relation- pages are the personal opinion of imagine we will see more cases because of that,” said Barclay according to the US Geological Survey. Only a handful of the ship between injection wells and earthquakes could first be the writers. Kuwait Times takes no Nicholson, a Houston lawyer who represents major oil and gas 30,000 injection wells across the country have been suspected of thrashed out in court. Defense lawyers say proving negligence responsibility for views expressed companies and is not involved in the Arkansas cases. “That’s one causing earthquakes, the US Geological Survey has said. could be a difficult hurdle. “You have to prove that the conduct of the new battlegrounds.” That rare event likely happened in central Arkansas, said Scott was unreasonable,” said Thomas Daily, an Arkansas lawyer who therein. Kuwait Times invites read- Ausbrooks, a geologist at the Arkansas Geological Survey in Little represents energy firms and is not involved in the earthquake ers to voice their opinions. Please LITIGATION WAVE Rock who lives in Greenbrier and said he received calls from pan- cases. “You are not liable for a bolt out of the blue.” send submissions via email to: opin- The first of the suits, filed in US District Court in Eastern icked neighbors when the quakes were rattling the town more The plaintiffs’ attorneys, from the Little Rock firm Emerson Arkansas, is scheduled to go to trial before Judge J Leon Holmes than a dozen times a day. Ausbrooks said he became interested Poynter, claim the companies should have known the risks of [email protected] or via snail next March, though the parties have been engaged in settlement in studying wastewater injection in the area because it had previ- drilling in a historically seismic area. “The scientific proof is mail to PO Box 1301 Safat, Kuwait. talks, according to the court docket. The Arkansas Independent ously experienced some earthquakes, including a notable swarm absolutely there,” said plaintiffs’ lawyer Scott Poynter. Emerson The editor reserves the right to edit Producers & Royalty Owners, an oil and gas industry group, in the 1980s. He worked with Steve Horton from the University of Poynter lawyers said they currently represent 35 homeowners, acknowledges that scientists found a possible connection Memphis Center for Earthquake Research and Information to set about half of whom have yet to file lawsuits but plan to do so in any submission as necessary. between the disposal wells and the spate of minor quakes in and up seismic monitors around eight disposal wells. They found that state court. — Reuters NEWS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 Deaths in custody revive Egypt rights fears

CAIRO: Sherif Gamal Siyam spent MENA said. afternoon, the day before his death. his last minutes in an Egyptian An interior ministry statement After days without word of him, Governments ‘seek’ Facebook users’ info police van, suffocating to death matched that account, adding that and a frantic search of Cairo’s police Continued from Page 1 “When we are required to comply with a particular after tear gas was fired into the some of the prisoners had been stations, they had finally found him request, we frequently share only basic user informa- vehicle taking him to the Abu trampled in the panic, and the on Friday. They saw him that day, tion, such as name.” Facebook said it would begin to Zaabal jail. He had been arrested police officer had escaped with and one final time on Saturday Although the full scope of the National Security publish information on data requests on a regular basis. four days earlier, on August 14, injuries. Osama Al-Mahdy, a human afternoon, his sister Lamia told AFP. Agency’s electronic data collection programs remains Google and Twitter, among other companies, have peri- when security forces began clear- rights lawyer, met Siyam years earli- Death from tear gas is relatively unclear, Facebook has vigorously contested claims that odically released similar information for several years. ing a protest camp against the er, and stayed friends with the 29- rare, according to experts. “There is it allows the US government unfettered access to Facebook’s report included secret information ouster of Egypt’s elected president year-old communications engineer. a huge gap between when the secretly gather information on a significant fraction of requests within the US authorized under the Foreign . He had no idea his friend had been gas... is effective and when it is its users. Facebook General Counsel Colin Stretch said in Intelligence Surveillance Act and the Patriot Act. US The Islamist president, a Muslim arrested until August 19, when he deadly,” according to Sid Heal, a the yesterday report that Facebook hoped to contribute companies are ordinarily prohibited from acknowledg- Brotherhood member, was deposed discovered Siyam’s family was retired commander with the Los to the “ongoing debate about the proper standards for ing the existence of data requests made under those by the army on July 3 after massive among those waiting outside Angeles Sheriff’s Department and government requests for user information in official statutes. Facebook negotiated with the US government protests against his rule. But Siyam’s Cairo’s Zeinhom morgue for news an expert on crowd control. investigations.” in June to begin publishing the total number of data friends and family insist he wasn’t of their loved ones. And the van would have had to “We fight many of these requests, pushing back requests it receives without specifying how many are camped at the protest-he had even Mahdy’s work means he is no be sealed, said Alistair Hay, a profes- when we find legal deficiencies and narrowing the related to law enforcement investigations as opposed joined rallies against the army and stranger to death, but even he was sor of environmental toxicology at scope of overly broad or vague requests,” Stretch said. to intelligence-gathering efforts. — Reuters the Brotherhood, and considered a shocked by the condition of Siyam’s Leeds University. “If the doors had parliamentary run as an independ- body. “The bodies from the prison been opened there would almost ent. They say he rushed to the camp were very swollen, and the faces certainly have been no deaths, only Al-Qaeda rebuffs US ‘propaganda’ site in the naive hope of convincing were very blue, almost black,” he people overcome by the effects of Continued from Page 1 ing they were more precise than other weapons. “The both sides to avoid violence. said. Mahdy took pictures of the the tear gas,” he said. This is the idea cooperation in the field of combating terrorism is not a However he found himself at the bodies and posted them on Twitter, that haunts Sherif’s sister Lamia, “We also affirm our concern... in preserving the blood secret,” Hadi said, referring to his country’s US-backed scene, what happened next is not in part to dispel theories that the “How could they lock people, of Muslims,” the statement added. A source close to Hadi fight against Al-Qaeda. AQAP criticized his comments. in dispute: he was arrested, and prisoners had been shot. He exam- human beings, inside a truck?” she quoted the Yemeni leader as saying Friday that in the “Instead of showing repent and apologizing (over the US became one of 37 prisoners who ined the 20 bodies of prisoners he said. “Are you trying to tell me you alleged conversation between the Al-Qaeda leaders drone strikes), Abdrabuh praised these massacres with- died in a van full of tear gas on saw inside the morgue and found didn’t hear people screaming to Wuhayshi told Zawahiri he would be hearing of some- out any shame,” it said, adding that he was “dragging the August 18. Egypt’s government no signs of bullet wounds. death, screaming for fresh air? “This thing “that will change the course of history”. Hadi and US country towards a war with an unforeseen end.” denies wrongdoing in the incident, The blackness of the faces led is not a mistake, this is a murder.” President Barack Obama had discussed the matter at the The network also spoke of failed efforts by clerics and and the interior ministry has some to speculate that the bodies Mahdy is equally forthright. “It’s White House on August 1, according to the same source. tribal chiefs to broker a truce between it and the govern- pledged a full investigation. But were burned. But Human Rights a crime,” he says, “no matter how On August 4, the United States shut 19 of its con- ment. An official said in March that Hadi had rejected human rights activists and relatives Watch researcher Priyanka they died.” “The police and the gov- sulates and embassies in the Arab and Muslim countries these efforts, insisting the militants must lay down their of those killed accuse authorities of Motaparthy showed pictures of the ernment are responsible for these amid what American officials said was a threat of an arms. AQAP said that “when details of the negotiations responsibility for the deaths. bodies to a forensics expert who people, even if they are under imminent Al-Qaeda attack. The missions were later came out against the US will, they were met with rejec- The official story of how the pris- said that was more likely a result of arrest.” For him, the deaths are a reopened. In the remarks delivered Friday to police offi- tion from Abdrabuh”. oners died has evolved, with state decomposition. “He was very sur- sign that little has changed in cers, Hadi said a bid to attack an oil terminal in Yemen Among their conditions was the formation of a com- news first saying gunmen had prised at the state of decomposi- Egypt, two years after the 2011 had been foiled after the phone conversation between mittee of scholars that would oversee the implementa- ambushed the prisoner convoy as it tion of the bodies,” she said. But he uprising, which included calls for Wuhayshi and Zawahiri was intercepted. tion of Islamic sharia law in Yemen and bring an end to approached Abu Zaabal, north of told her it could be due to poor human rights and justice. “After the On August 7, Yemen said it had foiled an Al-Qaeda US drone attacks. The militants took advantage of a Cairo. Later, state news agency storage of the bodies, and that revolution, I thought the human plot to storm the Canadian-run Mina Al-Dhaba oil termi- decline in central government control during a 2011 MENA said the prisoners had taken black areas could be the result of rights situation would change,” he nal and seize the eastern Hadramawt provincial capital uprising that forced veteran president a policeman hostage inside the van, blood pooling. Mahdy at first ques- said. “But the reality didn’t change, Al-Mukalla. Hadi said authorities were still searching for from power to seize large swathes of territory across the prompting officers to fire tear gas tioned whether the prisoners had in fact it is getting worse, because the second explosives-packed truck but had arrested south, including most of Abyan province, which they into it. “Thirty-seven supporters of died earlier than reported. But now the government feels that members of a cell who had helped “facilitate the opera- controlled for a year. the deposed president suffocated Siyam’s family confirmed that their whatever it does, no one will say tion”. The president said a wave of drone attacks during They were driven out of these areas in June last year to death inside the transport van,” son had been alive on Saturday anything.” — AFP the past two weeks on suspected Al-Qaeda targets in and have been increasingly weakened mainly due to US Yemen killed 40 militants, including some ringleaders in drone attacks. They still carry out hit-and-run attacks the Sanaa region. State news agency Saba on Friday against security forces. Yemen is the ancestral home of Boy’s eyes gouged out in gruesome attack quoted Hadi as saying he had asked Washington to pro- Al-Qaeda founder Osama Bin Laden and the home base vide Yemen with drones. of the militant faction AQAP, the network’s deadliest fran- Continued from Page 1 each year, but only about 10,000 people can get them The Yemeni leader defended the use of drones by say- chise according to the United States. — AFP due to a lack of donors, state media said. Seven people Internet users were outraged by the attack on the were jailed last year when a teenager sold a kidney for boy-who had a cleft palate-in Fenxi, in the northern an illicit transplant operation and used the proceeds to province of Shanxi on Monday. “This is extraordinarily buy an iPhone and iPad. Child organs are usually more ‘Ready to hit’ vicious,” said one Sina Weibo user. “How and why could expensive on the black market, an organ trafficker told someone be so cruel?” “A truly tragic boy,” said another Sina Internet news portal in 2010, as “most people think Continued from Page 1 women and children and innocent bystanders by chemi- poster. the younger the donor is, the better the quality of cal weapons is a moral obscenity ... And despite the excus- About 300,000 patients in China need transplants organs”.- — AFP In France, which took a vocal lead in helping Libyan es and equivocations that some have manufactured, it is rebels topple Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, Hollande was undeniable.” about to address ambassadors. A French diplomatic How an intervention, likely to be limited to air strikes, source said Paris had no doubt Assad’s forces carried out would affect the course of Syria’s two and half year old civ- the gas attack and would “not shirk its responsibilities” in il war is far from clear. The conflict is largely at a stalemate. responding. In an indication of support from Arab states Turmoil in Egypt, whose 2011 uprising inspired Syrians to that may help Western powers argue the case for war rebel, has underlined the unpredictability of revolutions. against likely UN vetoes from Moscow and Beijing, the And the presence of Islamist militants, including allies of Arab League issued a statement holding Assad’s govern- Al-Qaeda in the Syrian rebel ranks, has given Western ment responsible for the chemical attack. leaders pause. They have held back so far from helping In Saudi Arabia, the rebels’ leading regional sponsor, Assad’s opponents to victory. Foreign Minister Saud Al-Faisal called for “a decisive and Russia, a major arms supplier to Assad, has said rebels serious stand by the international community to stop the may have released the gas and warned against attacking humanitarian tragedy of the Syrian people.” Fears of inter- Syria. Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov criticized national conflict hit some financial markets, notably in Washington for cancelling bilateral talks on Syria that neighboring Turkey, as well as emerging economies that were set for today. The Syrian conflict has split the Middle could be hit hard by a chill in world trade. East along sectarian lines. Shiite Muslim Iran has support- Asked if US forces were ready to strike Syria just “like ed Assad and his Alawite minority against mainly Sunni that”, Hagel told the BBC: “We are ready to go, like that.” rebels, some of them Islamists, who have backing from “We have moved assets in place to be able to fulfill and Gulf Arab states. comply with whatever option the president wishes to In Tehran, a foreign ministry spokesman said: “We want take,” he said. A senior US official said that Obama had yet to strongly warn against any military attack in Syria. There to decide on military action. Top generals from the United will definitely be perilous consequences for the region.” States and European and Middle Eastern allies met in Syrian foreign minister Moualem, who insisted the gov- Jordan for what could be a council of war. ernment was trying to help the UN inspection team, told Hagel said the United States would have intelligence a news conference in Damascus that Syria would hit back to present “very shortly” about last week’s mass poison- if attacked. “We have means of defending ourselves, and ing. But he noted after calls with his British and French we will surprise them with these if necessary,” he said. “We counterparts that there was little doubt among US allies will defend ourselves. We will not hesitate to use any that “the most base ... international humanitarian stan- means available.” dard was violated”. Turkey, Syria’s neighbor and part of the Assad’s forces made little or no response to three US-led NATO military pact, called it a “crime against attacks by Israeli aircraft earlier this year which Israeli offi- humanity” that demanded international reaction. cials said disrupted arms flowing from Iran to Lebanon’s The Syrian government, which denies using gas or Hezbollah. China, which has joined Moscow in vetoing obstructing the UN inspectors, said it would press on with measures against Assad in the UN Security Council, is also its offensive against rebels around the capital. Foreign leary of Western use of force to interfere in other coun- Minister Walid Al-Moualem said US strikes would help Al- tries’ affairs. Beijing’s official news agency ran a commen- Qaeda allies and called Western leaders “delusional” if they tary yesterday recalling that the United States invaded hoped to help the rebels reach a balance of power in Iraq in 2003 on the grounds that it possessed banned Syria. In Britain, whose forces have supported the US mili- weapons, which were never found. tary in a succession of wars, Cameron called for an appro- The continued presence of United Nations experts in priate level of retribution for using chemical weapons. Damascus may be a factor holding back international mil- “Our forces are making contingency plans,” a spokesman itary action. A UN statement said the investigators had told reporters. London would make a “proportionate put off a second visit to the affected areas until response”. Wednesday to prepare better. Some residents of the capi- On Monday, US Secretary of State John Kerry said: tal are getting anxious. “I’ve always been a supporter of “President Obama believes there must be accountability foreign intervention but now that it seems like a reality, for those who would use the world’s most heinous I’ve been worrying that my family could be hurt or killed,” weapons against the world’s most vulnerable people. said one woman, Zaina, who opposes Assad. “I’m afraid of “The indiscriminate slaughter of civilians, the killing of a military strike now.” — Reuters

SAO PAULO: Rescuers work amid the rubble of a building in construction that collapsed killing at least six people and injuring 22 in Sao Paulo, Brazil yesterday. According to Fire department sources, between eight and ten people would be still buried under the rubble. — AFP WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 SPORTS

Honda rule out Stoner Vikings’ Felton suspended Woods pulls out of event MINNEAPOLIS: Adrian Peterson’s lead blocker will be missing from SYDNEY: Honda team boss Livio Suppo yesterday ruled out Casey Stoner making a VERONA: Tiger Woods has pulled out of a charity golf event scheduled the Minnesota Vikings for their first three regular season games. Pro wildcard appearance at his home Australian Grand Prix despite the former world Moto for today because of back pain which troubled him during the PGA Tour’s GP champion testing with the Japanese manufacturer. Stoner fuelled speculation of a Bowl fullback Jerome Felton has received a three-game suspension for violating the NFL’s policy on substance abuse, the league The Barclays event, organizers said Monday. “The important thing for return to the sport when he test-rode with his old team earlier this month and said it Tiger is to make sure he is 100 percent healthy was “really good to get back on the bike after nine announced Monday. No details were disclosed, per the NFL’s confi- and not risk further injuring himself,” said months”. But Suppo said the 27-year-old Australian, dentiality agreement with the players’ union. Felton was drafted by who shocked the sport last year when he retired at Detroit in the fifth round in 2008 out of Furman but bounced tournament organizer Notah Begay. the peak of his career and switched to V8 Supercars, between three teams over his first four years in the league until his Woods was set to play in the 18-hole had no plans to compete again. “For every manufac- breakthrough last season with the Vikings, when Peterson rushed exhibition, called the Notah Begay III turer, to have a fast test rider is something like a for 2,097 yards and won the Most Valuable Player award. Felton Foundation Challenge in the state of New dream; it’s almost impossible to find a super-fast then signed a three-year contract with the club in March worth as York, until back spasms bothered him dur- rider to do tests,” Suppo told the Australian much as $7.5 million, including $2 million guaranteed. ing The Barclays. Despite the injury, he fin- Grand Prix podcast. “With Casey, it was a perfect With an $850,000 base salary for 2013, Felton will lose $150,000 ished runner-up on Sunday, one shot behind because of the ban. Felton had an emergency appendectomy two situation. Since he retired, we spoke about his Adam Scott. dream to still ride the bike sometimes. Everybody weeks ago and has been recovering since, so even though his sus- expects this means he will come back racing, pension doesn’t take effect until Saturday, he’s not expected to play It is not known if Woods will be able to partici- but that’s not the case.” “We are more than in the team’s final preseason game Thursday against Tennessee. He pate in this weekend’s Deutsche Bank happy to have such a strong and fast rider in must miss the games at Detroit on Sept. 8, at Chicago on Sept. 15 Championship in Boston. The tournament is testing available, (and) Casey is very good at and against Cleveland on Sept. 22, and he’ll be eligible to return to the second of four FedEx Cup playoff events understanding the bike and giving sugges- the active roster the day after that with his first allowable action on on the PGA Tour. The Deutsche Bank tions to the engineers,” added Suppo.— AFP Sept. 29 against Pittsburgh in London. —AP Championship begins on Friday.—AFP Blue Jays snap 10-game losing streak

TORONTO: RA Dickey pitched into RANGERS 8, MARINERS 3 the seventh inning and Jose Reyes AJ Pierzynski hit a three-run sparked Toronto’s offense as the Blue homer for Texas, and Mitch Moreland Jays snapped a 10-game losing had a solo shot in a win over Seattle. streak against the New York Yankees Alex Rios had two hits and two RBIs with a 5-2 victory on Monday. Alex as the Rangers picked up their fifth Rodriguez hit his 650th home run, a win in seven games. Elvis Andrus cel- leadoff drive in the fifth, but the ebrated his 25th birthday with three Yankees lost for the ninth time in 13 hits and an RBI. Kyle Seager hit his road games this month. Rodriguez is 20th home run of the season for the 10 homers away from tying Willie Mariners, who have lost four in a row. Mays for fourth on the career list, Travis Blackley (2-1) earned his first which would secure a $6 million win since being acquired in a trade bonus for the third baseman. Derek with Houston on Aug 14. Blackley, Jeter went hitless in his return to making his second start of the sea- New York’s lineup. Jeter, who had son, allowed three runs and five hits been out with a calf injury, finished 0 over six innings in his longest outing for 3 with a walk. since Oct 2, 2012. It was a much dif- Reyes walked and scored in the ferent night for Seattle starter Joe PHOENIX: Arizona Diamondbacks’ Adam Eaton (right) celebrates with teammate third, and doubled and scored in Saunders (10-13), who turned in Didi Gregorius (1) after a baseball game against the San Diego Padres on Monday, Toronto’s three-run fifth as the Blue another sluggish outing. The left- Aug. 26, 2013 in Phoenix. The Diamondbacks defeated the Padres 6-1.— AP Jays beat the Yankees for just the sec- hander allowed seven runs and nine ond time in 14 meetings this season. hits in seven inning to fall to 1-5 with Dickey (10-12) allowed two runs, one a 7.71 ERA in his last seven starts. Lee and Asche lift earned, and six hits in 6 1-3 innings. Casey Janssen got three outs for his ASTROS 10, WHITE SOX 8 24th save in 26 chances. New York Matt Dominguez hit a tiebreaking Phillies over Mets right-hander Phil Hughes (4-13) homer with two outs in the ninth allowed five runs, four earned, and inning and Chris Carter followed NEW YORK: Philadelphia’s Cliff Lee outpitched Carlos Martinez (1-1) pitched two innings for seven hits in 4 2-3 innings. He is 0-6 with his second homer of the game, Zack Wheeler after the Mets learned All-Star his first major league win, and Edward Mujica with a 5.84 ERA in his last nine starts. TORONTO: Toronto Blue Jays second baseman Ryan Goins powering Houston to the win. The starter Matt Harvey has a partially torn liga- worked a perfect ninth for his 35th save. forces out New York Yankees’ Austin Romine at second base as Astros squandered a five-run lead ment in his right elbow, while Cody Asche had Zack Cozart had two hits and three RBIs for ATHLETICS 8, TIGERS 6 he turns a double play during the third inning of a baseball and trailed 8-7 before Carter hit a a two-run triple as the Phillies beat New York the Reds, who dropped to 4-9 against St Louis Coco Crisp and Daric Barton each game in Toronto. — AP tying RBI single in the seventh. White 2-1 Monday. Lee (11-3) gave a bullpen taxed this season. Jay Bruce hit his 25th homer in the drove in two runs, leading Oakland three in a row. Martinez went 4 for 5 three. He fanned Kelly Johnson with Sox reliever Addison Reed (5-2) by an 18-inning loss Saturday a much-needed eighth. Cozart and Todd Frazier both hit two- past Miguel Cabrera and Detroit. and Torii Hunter had two hits. two aboard to end the third inning, struck out Jose Altuve and Jason rest. He allowed a run and five hits in eight run triples off Tyler Lyons in the second, help- Cabrera hit his 43rd homer, bolster- Barton’s tiebreaking single in the and then struck out David DeJesus Castro to open the ninth before innings to win for the first time in seven starts ing Cincinnati build a 4-0 lead. Holliday home- ing his pursuit of another Triple sixth came against Jose Alvarez (1- on a called third strike to leave the Dominguez belted a drive to left for since July 5. red in the third. The Cardinals went ahead to Crown, but Barton had a tiebreaking 4). Grant Balfour allowed an bases loaded in the fourth. Jeremy his 19th homer. Carter then added Asche hit his first major league triple - with stay in the seventh. Jon Jay drove in a run with RBI single in Oakland’s two-run sixth unearned run in the ninth on Matt Hellickson (10-8) allowed five runs his 25th of the year. David Martinez two outs in the fourth - as the Phillies improved a bases-loaded grounder off Manny Parra (1-3). inning. Crisp also had a solo homer Tuiasosopo’s grounder before finish- in just 2 2-3 innings for Tampa Bay. (1-0) pitched 2 2-3 innings to get his to 7-4 under new manager Ryne Sandberg and JJ Hoover then walked Holliday, and Craig during his three-hit performance. AJ ing for his 33rd save. It was the right hander’s shortest first major league win, and Jordan won for the second time in 15 road games. The drove the next pitch over the wall in right for Griffin (11-9) earned his first win start since June 30, 2012, when he Lyles - Houston’s third pitcher of the Mets lost their fifth straight and dropped into his 13th homer. since July 29 despite allowing four ROYALS 11, RAYS 1 went the same distance in a game ninth inning - struck out Avisail fourth place in the NL East. Jonathan Papelbon runs and seven hits in five-plus Jeremy Guthrie tossed five effec- against Detroit before getting pelt- Garcia looking on a full count with was perfect in the ninth for his 22nd save in 28 ROCKIES 6, GIANTS 1 innings. The right-hander was 0-2 tive innings, helping Kansas City roll ed in the leg by a line drive. the bases loaded to get his first save opportunities. Wheeler (6-3) worked 6 2-3 Todd Helton homered to move within three with a 3.47 ERA in his previous four to the victory in the makeup of a Salvador Perez hit a three-run in his first chance this season. Carter impressive innings in his 13th big league start. hits of 2,500 as Colorado beat San Francisco. starts. Omar Infante and Victor snowed-out game from early May. homer and finished with four RBIs as finished 3 for 4 with the two homers New York lost for just the second time in his last Juan Nicasio tossed six shutout innings and Martinez also homered for the AL Guthrie (13-10) allowed one run and the Royals won their second straight and four RBIs in his third career mul- 10 outings. The rising star gave up two runs added an RBI single, and Charlie Blackmon also Central-leading Tigers, who had won six hits, struck out five and walked following a seven-game slide. tihomer game.—AP and five hits, and threw 105 pitches. homered for the Rockies. Buster Posey singled and reached base for the 49th straight game DODGERS 6, CUBS 2 against Colorado. Zack Greinke came within one strike of his The Rockies began a nine-game, 10-day fifth career shutout, and Hanley Ramirez and homestand with a strong performance against NFL to study hits to knees Yasiel Puig homered as the Los Angeles lefty Barry Zito (4-10), who has struggled away Dodgers defeated the Chicago Cubs, ending a from home this season. Zito allowed five runs NEW YORK: The NFL will keep a close eye on hits two-game skid. The Cubs lost for the eighth and nine hits and struck out one in four to the knees of defenseless players this season, straight time to the Dodgers, including a four- innings in his second start since being put with the possibility of extending the rules pro- game sweep at Wrigley Field earlier this month. back into the rotation. tecting such players. If the league’s competition The Dodgers equaled their longest winning He is 0-8 with a 9.61 ERA on the road this committee finds enough evidence this season streak against the Cubs in franchise history, set season. Nicasio (8-6) tied a season high with that hits to the knees are “becoming a problem,” it from June 9, 1974-May 19, 1975. Greinke (13-3) nine strikeouts and allowed four hits. He could take action, chief of football operations Ray tied his season high with nine strikeouts and he worked out of a bases-loaded jam in the first Anderson said yesterday. The committee could walked two while improving to 5-0 this month. inning and pitched around two hit-batters make a recommendation to the owners next The right-hander has won 10 of 11 decisions before leaving after 95 pitches. The Giants March to prohibit direct hits to the knees of since June 22. Greinke had a two-out hit in the spoiled the shutout attempt on Joaquin Arias’ defenseless players. The owners would then vote fourth that scored the Dodgers’ first run. After two-out RBI double off Jeff Francis in the ninth. on such a change. giving up a single to Starlin Castro to open the “We are always looking at plays that may ele- game, Greinke retired the next 13 batters DIAMONDBACKS 6, PADRES 1 vate themselves and we do include in that cate- before Donnie Murphy singled in the fifth. Brandon McCarthy turned in seven strong gory hits on defenseless players,” Anderson said. Greinke got the first two outs of the ninth innings, and Paul Goldschmidt drove in two “And certainly the hits to knees to players who before running into trouble. runs to lead Arizona over San Diego. After a have not had the opportunity to protect them- Brian Bogusevic’s RBI double scored shaky first inning, the 6-foot-7 McCarthy (3-8) selves or are not looking in the direction of where Chicago’s two runs. Brian Wilson came in to allowed only four runners over his final six the hit comes from - we have had a couple hits strike out Murphy for the final out. Jake Arrieta innings. It was his first win since he beat San whereby a player was hit below (or at) the knees.” (1-1) gave up four runs and six hits in five-plus Diego on May 28. His other victory was a Currently, hits to the head and neck of defense- innings in his first road start for the Cubs. shutout at Miami on May 18. less players are outlawed. But two direct hits to Goldschmidt stretched his NL-leading RBI the knee in preseason games that injured Miami CARDINALS 8, REDS 6 total to 103 with his first triple of the season tight end Dustin Keller and Minnesota defensive Allen Craig hit his first career grand slam and a ground out. He has the most RBIs for an tackle Kevin Williams have drawn complaints with two outs in the seventh inning, helping St Arizona hitter since Luis Gonzalez drove in from some players. Keller is out for the season Louis rally to beat Cincinnati. Matt Holliday also 104 in 2003. Between the first inning and with several torn knee ligaments. Williams has a had a long three-run homer as St. Louis moved when he left the game, McCarthy allowed a hyperextended knee. Anderson said the league into sole possession of first place in the NL one-out single in the third to Venable, a two- will monitor plays during the year, study the data Central for the first time since July 29. out single in the fourth to Chase Headley and when the competition committee begins meet- SAN FRANCISCO: Minnesota Vikings wide receiver Joe Webb (14) catches a three- The Cardinals lead idle Pittsburgh by a half- a two-out single to opposing pitcher Tyson ing after the season and see whether such hits to yard touchdown in front of San Francisco 49ers defensive back Perrish Cox (20) game and Cincinnati by 31/2 games. Rookie Ross (3-7) in the fifth.— AP the knees are an “aberration or becoming a prob- during the third quarter of an NFL preseason football game in San Francisco, lem.” —AP Sunday, Aug 25, 2013.— AP MLB results/standings

Kansas City 11, Tampa Bay 1; St. Louis 8, Cincinnati 6; Toronto 5, NY Yankees 2; Oakland 8, Detroit 6; Philadelphia 2, NY Mets 1; Houston 10, Chicago White Sox 8; Colorado 6, San Sheep sacrifices lift Kazakh Francisco 1; Arizona 6, San Diego 1. American League National League Eastern Division Eastern Division Shakhter to Euro big time W L PCT GB Atlanta 78 52 .600 - Boston 77 55 .583 - Washington 65 65 .500 13 ALMATY: Located well beyond most people’s idea Shakhter manager Viktor Kumykov told reporters in played stoutly in defense and managed to convert Tampa Bay 74 55 .574 1.5 Philadelphia 60 71 .458 18.5 Baltimore 70 59 .543 5.5 of the frontiers of Europe, far-flung Kazakhstan side Kazakhstan. “The club from Glasgow are experi- their chances into goals. “But in the return leg NY Mets 58 71 .450 19.5 Shakhter Karagandy are a match away from reach- enced European Cup fighters as they are without Celtic will enjoy the support of their fans, who are NY Yankees 69 62 .527 7.5 Miami 49 80 .380 28.5 Toronto 59 73 .447 18 ing the group stages of the Champions League doubt a classy outfit. famous for getting behind their team. I think noth- Central Division with a little help from ritual sheep sacrifices and a “I think they’re still the favorites. We all are ing is decided yet and I expect a very interesting Central Division St. Louis 77 54 .588 - Detroit 77 54 .588 - chain-smoking manager. Kazakhstan’s reigning preparing for a very tough match at Celtic Park on clash today.” Meanwhile, Shakhter’s players are Pittsburgh 76 54 .585 0.5 Cleveland 71 59 .546 5.5 champions Shakhter, who hail from the country’s Wednesday,” he said. The coach-famed for being a hoping that higher forces will also lend a hand, Cincinnati 74 58 .561 3.5 Kansas City 66 64 .508 10.5 industrial centre Karagandy, produced a sensation heavy smoker for almost 35 years-added that he with last week’s victory over Celtic coming after the Minnesota 57 72 .442 19 Milwaukee 57 73 .438 19.5 in the first leg of the Champions League play-offs was ready to quit smoking if his side makes it to team sacrificed a sheep on the pitch for good for- Chicago W Sox 54 76 .415 22.5 Chicago Cubs 55 76 .420 22 by beating 2-0 Scottish giants Celtic. the Champions’ League group stage. Kairat Almaty tune. “We have a tradition of sacrificing a sheep on Western Division Western Division They head to Glasgow for the second leg with midfielder Stuart Duff, the only Scottish footballer the threshold of various important tournaments,” Texas 76 55 .580 - LA Dodgers 77 54 .588 - every chance of making it to the group stage of in the Kazakhstan league, told AFP he was not sur- explained the club’s goalkeeper Alexander Mokin. Oakland 73 57 .562 2.5 Arizona 67 63 .515 9.5 Europe’s most lucrative club competition and forc- prised with Shakhter’s win over his compatriots. “We did it before the national championship’s start Seattle 59 71 .454 16.5 Colorado 62 71 .466 16 ing top sides to make the long and arduous jour- “Shakhter looked the better side at Astana and and ahead of the Champions League qualifying LA Angels 58 71 .450 17 San Diego 59 72 .450 18 ney out to the heart of Central Asia for away won deservedly. Now they have a fair chance of round as well. It’s a tradition that has brought us Houston 44 86 .338 31.5 San Francisco 58 73 .443 19 games. “Nothing is decided yet in the clash with going through,” Duff said. luck in the past and we believe it will also help us Celtic, even though we won the first leg match,” “They chose the right tactics for the match. They this time.” —AFP WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 SPORTS Washington to bid Photo of the day for 2024 Olympics

WASHINGTON: Washington is making a dent, Juan Antonio Samaranch, was grilled push to host the 2024 Olympics. DC 2024 by lawmakers under oath. president Bob Sweeney announced yester- New York went on to finish fourth in the day the formation of a nonprofit group international bidding, losing out to eventual aimed at making Washington the first winner London. Chicago made a bid for American city to host the Summer Games 2016 and suffered a stinging first-round exit, since Atlanta in 1996, and the first to host an with Rio de Janeiro winning the games. Olympics since the Winter Games were held Chicago’s defeat was blamed partly on a rev- in Salt Lake City in 2002. “We are the safest enue-sharing feud between the USOC and and most secure city in the world,” Sweeney IOC. The two sides have since resolved the said. “The largest expense of any Olympic dispute, and USOC leaders have worked Games is security, and the fact that we’ve hard to improve their standing in the inter- got it pretty built in to our everyday life here national Olympic community. “It’s a different in Washington, we would leverage that USOC than it was, certainly, for Chicago,” asset tremendously to put on this high-pro- Sweeney said. Sweeney, a former president file event.” The bid has a long way to go. of the Greater Washington Sports Alliance, Washington was one of 35 U.S. cities to helped out with the city’s 2012 bid and said receive a letter from the US Olympic he has no concerns about the political prob- Committee to gauge interest, and Sweeney lems that hurt that effort. He pointed out expects about 10 to step forward as serious that Washington was recently chosen to candidates. host a major Olympic meeting - the general The USOC hasn’t even decided for certain assembly of the Association of National that it wants to bid for the 2024 Games, Olympic Committees - in 2015. which will be awarded by the International Washington is also making a push to Olympic Committee in 2017. “They need to host the 2017 fencing world champi- make sure there is a strong horse to ride,” onships, which would be timely if Thomas Sweeney said. “And we certainly intend to be Bach, a former German fencer, is chosen as that.” Los Angeles, which hosted the 1932 the next IOC president in an election next and 1984 Olympics, Philadelphia and Tulsa, month. Sweeney said he hopes to raise $3 Oklahoma, have announced their interest. million to $5 million to support the bid by San Diego wants to host a cross-border the end of 2014. He estimates the cost of Olympics with Mexican neighbor Tijuana. hosting the Olympics would range from $3.5 Other potential 2024 contenders from billion to $6 billion, although he expected it around the world include Paris; Rome; Doha, would be toward the lower end because a A competitor performs at the Red Bull Olabillop in Bergen, Norway. — Qatar; and a city in South Africa. good deal of the infrastructure is already in Washington made a push for the 2012 place. There will be the need, however, for a Games a decade ago and was thought to be new stadium to host the opening ceremony the favorite to be the US representative, but and track and field. Sweeney said he has met the USOC chose New York instead. There with the Washington Redskins, whose lease McLaren say no talks was concern at the time that the at their current stadium in Maryland expires Washington bid was tainted by hearings in 2026. Local leaders will be pushing hard held by Congress in connection with the Salt for the team to come back to the city at that Lake City bribery scandal, the thought being time, so a stadium built for the Olympics with Raikkonen...yet that the IOC would not want to put the could become an NFL stadium shortly after- Olympics in the city where its then-presi- ward. —AP LONDON: McLaren considered well as finishing overall runner-up did last year with Hamilton and ambassadors and I think they signing Kimi Raikkonen last year in 2003 and 2005. Button, might get more “positive deserve another go with us next but there have been no talks - so Button and Perez are expected media mileage”, Whitmarsh agreed year.” Button told reporters before All Blacks ‘machine’ far - with their former driver since to stay at McLaren next year, that might be the case. Sunday’s race at Spa that he was last season, team principal Martin despite a miserable season for the “Yes, it might do,” he replied. happy at McLaren and expected to shifted up a gear Whitmarsh said yesterday. former champions who have yet to “We’ll see. We are not talking to see out his Formula One future Raikkonen, the 2007 Formula One finish higher than fifth, although Kimi at the moment so let’s see with the team. MELBOURNE: A pair of humbling losses to the Under of an end to the All Blacks’ dominance. champion with Ferrari who is now Button told reporters at last week- what happens in the driver mar- McLaren celebrate 50 years in All Blacks marked a tough initiation for new with Lotus, is at the heart of pad- end’s Belgian Grand Prix that he ket. “I think one thing I have to say Formula One at Monza next week Wallabies coach Ewen McKenzie, but that was to TOUGH YARDSTICK dock gossip with the driver mar- did not yet have a signed deal. is that we haven’t given our drivers and a contract renewal could be expected against a world champion team But the former test prop’s honeymoon end- ket thrown into ferment by Asked whether having two world the car we should have done this come at the same time for the showing no sign of stopping, former Australia ed with a 47-29 shellacking in Sydney, backed Australian Mark Webber’s decision champions on board, as McLaren year. But they’ve been fantastic Englishman.— Reuters Stirling Mortlock has said. Mortlock, who up by another emphatic 27-16 loss in Wellington to leave champions Red Bull for battled a succession of top-ranked New Zealand at the weekend which kept the Bledisloe Cup, sportscar racing. teams in an 80-cap career from 2000-09, said the annual trophy contested between the trans- Lotus say they are confident Steve Hansen’s side had defied belief by raising Tasman rivals, in New Zealand’s possession for they can persuade him to stay their game to another level since winning the an 11th straight year. McKenzie will mull once they have secured a new 2011 World Cup under former coach Graham changes for the Wallabies’ third match of the investment deal but the Finn has Henry. “The reality is the New Zealand team right southern hemisphere’s Rugby Championship been linked to Red Bull, Ferrari and now are essentially a machine,” Mortlock told against 2007 world champions South Africa in McLaren in media speculation. Reuters on Tuesday. Brisbane, and singled out his reserves for failing Asked in an interview with the offi- “They’re full of confidence, they know exact- to make an impact off the bench in Wellington. cial website ly what they’re doing both on an individual and But Mortlock believes the former World Cup- whether McLaren had ever consid- collective level and they’re accuracy and execu- winning forward should not lose faith in his cur- ered getting Raikkonen back, tion when opportunities arise is fantastic. “It rent squad ahead of the Lang Park clash on Sept Whitmarsh replied: “Yes, we have. seems as though, since winning the World Cup 7. “I guess (the All Blacks) are a fairly tough yard- Kimi has always been great and I in 2011, this All Blacks outfit has just gone up stick to measure the Wallabies against,” said the am a big fan of him. There is a lot another gear, which you’d almost argue you 36-year-old, a bustling inside centre during his of speculation out there at the didn’t think that they were capable of doing. Wallabies career. “There’s a lot of positive things moment so let’s see what happens. But that seems to be the case.” The appoint- the Wallabies have been doing over the last two “Last year we had talks with him, ment of McKenzie, who replaced Robbie test matches but to do that consistently and to but for various reasons it didn’t Deans after the New Zealander led Australia be able to finish your opportunities off when happen,” added the team boss. to a morale-sapping series loss against the you have a sniff, that takes a bit of time to get “This year we’ve had no talks - yet.” British and Irish Lions, raised hopes Down that right.—Reuters McLaren signed young Mexican Sergio Perez from Sauber last year as a replacement for 2008 world champion Lewis Hamilton once the Briton had decided to move to Mercedes. Britain’s Jenson Button, the 2009 world champion for Brawn GP, is their other driver and has been with the Woking team since 2010. Raikkonen drove for SPA, LIEGE: Lotus F1 Team’s Finnish driver Kimi Raikkonen (center) drives ahead of Lotus F1 Team’s McLaren from 2002 to 2006, when French driver Romain Grosjean, Caterham F1 Team’s French driver Charles Pic and Ferrari’s Brazilian Ron Dennis was team principal, driver Felipe Massa after the start of the Spa-Francorchamps circuit in Spa during the Belgium and won nine races with them as Formula One Grand Prix.— AFP It’s Asia’s turn at IOC: Singapore’s Ng

SINGAPORE: Would-be IOC boss Ng Ser Miang said Ng said in an interview. He added: “I hope so!” when Puerto Rican banker Richard Carrion. Ukrainian pole- the Olympic body would benefit from having an asked if it was time the IOC had an Asian leader. “But I vault great Sergey Bubka and Denis Oswald of Asian leader and pledged a new era for the organiza- think it’s important not just symbolically but for the Switzerland are the other hopefuls. tion as the race for the presidency enters the home values they can bring to the table as well, when we Ng has strong credentials as an existing IOC vice- straight. The Singaporean supermarket chief and talk about universality, different value systems, differ- president with a successful business career, after diplomat said that the 119-year-old International ent cultures, different ways of looking at issues and starting out as a bus entrepreneur and now heading France’s lock Lionel Nallet Olympic Committee (IOC) needs a “different perspec- challenges,” said Ng. “Which also means that you Singapore’s biggest supermarket chain. He also tive” as it heads into an age where the world’s most have different solutions, coming from different chaired the inaugural Youth Olympic Games, in RugbyU: France’s Nallet populous region will play a far greater role. angles and different perspectives. I believe that’s Singapore in 2010, and was a driving force behind The 64-year-old Ng is considered a strong con- going to be very, very useful to the movement and the city-state’s rise from sporting backwater to tender among the six candidates vying to replace very important to the movement in future.” regional centre with Formula One in its portfolio of to leave with no regrets Belgium’s Jacques Rogge as IOC president in a vote Ng is one of two candidates from Asia, along with events. Wearing an electric blue tie and a humble in Buenos Aires on September 10. The IOC, founded Taiwan’s CK Wu, head of the International Boxing manner, and sitting in his office near Singapore’s new PARIS: Former France rugby union captain 2009 before losing it to Thierry Dusautoir, said in 1894 by Baron Pierre de Coubertin, has had seven Federation. But he played down fears that the two Sports Hub, an under-construction complex includ- Lionel Nallet said on Monday he will retire that regardless of it being his last season noth- European presidents and one American, with Rogge were harming each other’s chances by competing for ing a 55,000-seat national stadium, Ng said he could without any regrets at the end of the season ing much had changed in terms of preparing in charge since 2001. “The IOC has become very regional votes. “I’m happy that we have very strong bring similar acumen to bear on the IOC. which will bring to an end a highly successful for it. “The only thing different I guess was that global and I think for the IOC it’s also important to candidates,” said Ng, Singapore’s non-resident He proposed containing the huge costs of put- 15 year career. The former Castres, Bourgoin I have endured my final preparation for a cam- have a different perspective, in this case coming from ambassador to Norway. Germany’s Thomas Bach is ting on Summer and Winter Olympics, which cur- and Racing-Metro lock - capped 74 times and paign, which is no bad thing and I will not miss a very important part of the world,” the Chinese-born touted as the front-runner, followed by Ng and rently rule out many cities, and better risk assess- scorer of nine tries from 2000-12 - will he that too much,” he said laughing. ment to protect hosts from financial difficulties. hopes captain Lyon back to the Top 14 after “Nevertheless I still take pleasure out of Russia’s Sochi is estimated to be spending $50 billion they failed to regain their place at the first try playing. Sometimes it is true the daily training on next year’s Winter Olympics, while Rio de Janeiro last season. routines are a little tough,” added Nallet, who is already under pressure over its hosting of the 2016 Whilst he says that were they to return to was part of three Six Nations winning sides, Summer Games. “We have to review the Games bids the Top 14 he might reconsider his retire- including the 2010 Grand Slam winners. Nallet, process, despite scales and complexities of the ment plans he added with his contract at an who gained even more respect for alone Games. At the same time reviewing sports programs end at the climax of this season it was unlike- among the French players coming before the as well. We have to make sure they continue to be ly he would be given that option and he media and apologizing for their humiliating exciting, to be relevant,” said Ng. would be almost 38 by the time the next pool stage loss to Tonga at the 2011 World He added: “Organizing the Games is very com- campaign begins. Cup, said that he had done all he needed to in plex, it’s huge... but definitely it’s time that we have a “I won’t regret retiring at the end of the rugby to leave a happy man. major review of this and see how we can move for- season for several reasons,” said Nallet, who “I think that I’ve done what I needed to do ward.” Ng also pledged to work more closely with appeared in two World Cups’ including the in rugby,” he said. “I have all the same experi- sports federations, national Olympic bodies and 2011 final where they lost narrowly to the All enced some extraordinary moments and I sponsors to try to tap their “huge resources” and raise Blacks. “First of all my age and all those morn- have had a privileged life in some respects. partnerships to a more “strategic level”. He said he ings when I have to get up. “Also my other “We have a pretty good life in comparison to would hold half-day meetings with each of the 115 interests outside of rugby have become others, we don’t work 10 hour days. “Alright I IOC members and then a group retreat to chart the increasingly difficult to manage at the same don’t have any weekends off, but you can take way forward on “hot-button issues” such as the time as carrying on playing. I cannot be every- that any way you like it, because we have a Games’ size and scale, which sports are contested, where 100% of the time. lovely life in general. “This part of my life is doping and illegal betting. “My future does not lie in rugby: I have a going to come to an end but I have other really And to raise efficiency he plans to delegate proj- precisions tool business which is developing interesting things on the side which sees me ects to IOC vice-presidents and members, and review well in Bourg-en-Bresse (his birthplace).” Nallet, leave without any regrets. “I have done my SINGAPORE: Would-be IOC boss Ng Ser Miang pictured during an interview in his office in the body’s staff and internal operations. —AFP who captained France 16 times in 2008 and time.”—AFP Singapore. — AFP WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 SPORTS Don’t pity me says cancer-survivor Kleybanova NEW YORK: Cancer survivor Alisa Kleybanova 2011 and played just one tournament in Miami in enjoyed a winning return to Grand Slam tennis on 2012 before launching her comeback on a full-time Monday at the US Open, but pleaded with fans not basis in May this year. It began with baby steps at to pity her after her courageous battle for survival. second-tier tournaments before Kleybanova The 24-year-old Russian was diagnosed with returned to the big time in Toronto, where she lost Hodgkin’s lymphona in 2011, an illness which first round, and then at Cincinnati, where she won forced her off tour until May this year. Kleybanova, one match before heading for New York. It was a who once reached 20 in the world but now stands comeback she was already dreaming of when she at 363 in the rankings, marked her first major was first diagnosed. Back then she announced the appearance in over two years with a 6-4, 3-6, 7-5 bombshell news on her website under the headline: win over number 44 Monica Puig of Puerto Rico. “Alisa Kleybanova defeats Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 6 “I’m happy that all those things are over for me Love, 6 Love.” now. I went through them. I came as a winner in “I just wanted to come back on the court so that battle,” said Kleybanova. “I hear a lot from peo- much. I wanted to play tennis again so much that it ple that I’m a big inspiration for them. A lot of peo- wasn’t a question for me,” said the Russian. “I want- ple now look up to me. I mean, I think it’s great. But I ed to be back healthy and play again. I was very don’t want to be an example. “I’m not trying to patient. I wasn’t so stressed about those things. show anything or whatever. I do it for myself. I want Just took it as part of like when you do very tough to play tennis. I’m not trying to pretend anything. training, you know it’s going to be tough. “You But if my story inspires people and gives them more have to go through this, because after you’ll get belief, makes them feel stronger at some point, better and things will get better.” Kleybanova next NEW YORK: Alisa Kleybanova, of Russia, returns against Monica Puig, of Puerto Rico, during the first that’s great.” faces Serb ninth seed Jelena Jankovic for a place in round of the 2013 US Open tennis tournament on Monday, Aug 26, 2013, in New York. Kleybanova, a Kleybanova came off the tour in the middle of the last 32. — AFP former top-20 player, is recovering from cancer. — AP end winless streak, thump Pakistan

HARARE: A sturdy 85 from and a crucial late cameo from Sean Williams saw Zimbabwe record their first one- day win over Pakistan since 1998. Chasing 245 in the first one-day international of a three- match series yesterday, Masakadza laid the platform before Williams finished the job with an unbeaten 39 from 23 deliveries as Zimbabwe won by seven with 10 balls to spare. Although Misbah-ul-Haq held the Pakistan innings together in his 50th consecutive ODI as Pakistan captain, he was left to lament his decision to bat first at a venue where the pitch generally improves as the day goes on. “We misread the pitch - it was looking like it was NEW YORK: Bernard Tomic of Australia serves to Albert Ramos of Spain during their going to be slow in the second innings, but I men’s singles first round match on Day One of the 2013 US Open. — AFP think it was slow in the first innings and played better in the second,” said Misbah. “Still I think Zimbabwe really deserved it - Tomic fights without dad they played really well and played better than NEW YORK: With his father banned from ting partner, in Madrid on May 4. It’s a us. There was no panic in their line-up the US Open and memories burning of an charge the elder Tomic has denied and the and they did it comfortably.” Misbah finished early surrender in a second-round exit last matter remains before a Spanish court, unbeaten on 83 and shared in a 99-run stand year, Australia’s Bernard Tomic ground out a although Tomic ripped the ATP for rushing for the third with Mohammad Hafeez, five-set victory Monday. Tomic, the Aussie to judgment in the case after winning his who made 70, but with Pakistan’s middle and : Zimbabwe players celebrate a wicket during the first game of the three match ODI cricket number one at 52nd in the world, rallied to first match at Wimbledon. lower order failing to fire they could only man- series between Pakistan and hosts Zimbabwe at the Harare Sports Club yesterday. — AFP outlast Spain’s 75th-ranked Albert Ramos “I’m managing now,” Tomic said. “It’s still age 244 for seven. game in emphatic fashion when he hit Taylor. “To beat the quality team that they’ve 6-3, 3-6, 4-6, 7-6 (7/1), 6-3 and said he felt difficult, but what can I do? I’m trying to It could have been far worse for the tourists Mohammad Irfan for six over wide long- got shows we’re doing the right things, and it he had proven a point with a courageous play as best as I can. The main thing now for had Zimbabwe held their catches - both Nasir on.”We were badly beaten by India a couple of just shows that if our top-order batters come fightback. me is just to keep improving. Every day I Jamshed and Ahmed Shehzad were put down One year after headlines dubbed him want to improve. I want to get better. That’s weeks back, so to come out with that sort of off it lays that foundation.” The two sides meet during an opening partnership of 56, while performance shows a lot of character,” said again at the same venue tomorrow. — AFP “Tomic the Tank Engine” after he lamely where my mindset is at.” That, Tomic says, Hafeez was let off on 10 and 55. Misbah withered through the final games of a sec- means becoming more independent of his required no such luck in a well-paced knock ond-round loss to Andy Roddick, the father. “I’m not looking where my dad is,” that saw him go to fifty in 62 balls before German-born 20-year-old was on his game, Tomic said. “Of course my dad is still on my opening up towards the end, and his two sixes SCOREBOARD not going home. “To turn any match around side with me and that’s an important thing, off Tinashe Panyangara in the final over of the like this where I think I was probably one or but I’m trying to find myself deep down innings ensured that Pakistan at least had HARARE, Zimbabwe: Scoreboard Tuesday after Pakistan’s innings in the first one-day international two points away from being out of the tour- inside and become the best player I can be. something to bowl at. against Zimbabwe at Harare Sports Club: nament, being able to turn that around and “Each day is a new stepping-stone for find something inside to win this match, later in my career. I approach days different- However Masakadza, who was restored to Pakistan Bowling: Tinashe Panyangara 10-2-38-0 (1w), was very good for me, and I take that as ly now, so it’s good.” With fitness coach Ivan the top of the Zimbabwean innings for Nasir Jamshed c Taylor b Chatara 27 Brian Vitori 10-0-42-2 (6w), 10- confidence into my next round,” Tomic said. Dimitrijevic in the player’s box, Tomic has Pakistan’s tour, put on a confident stand of 107 Ahmed Shehzad st Taylor b Utseya 24 2-32-2 (1w), 10-0-60-1, Elton Tomic will next face 179th-ranked British somewhere to turn when times get tough with his opening partner Vusi Sibanda as Mohammad Hafeez c Maruma b Chatara 70 Chigumbura 2-0-11-0 (1w), Malcolm Waller 2-0- qualifier Daniel Evans, who upset Japanese as they did against Ramos.”Felt very good to Pakistan’s bowlers found little assistance in the Misbah-ul-Haq not out 83 19-0, Sean 11th seed Kei Nishikori in the first day of come back from that match,” Tomic said. “He pitch. Sibanda was eventually trapped lbw for Umar Amin run out (Vitori/Panyangara) 1 Williams 4-0-18-0, Hamilton Masakadza 2-0-17-0. play on the Flushing Meadows hardcourts. should have got the better of me, but I 54 by Saeed Ajmal, but Brendan Taylor main- Shahid Afridi c Taylor b Vitori 11 Zimbabwe team: Brendan Taylor (captain), Vusi Tomic’s father and coach, John Tomic, has found something in the end to turn it tained stability with a calm 43 not out as he Haris Sohail c Utseya b Vitori 2 Sibanda, Hamilton Masakadza, Sean been banned from ATP and Grand Slam around. “Sometimes you don’t need to play and Masakadza took Zimbabwe to 176 for one Sarfraz Ahmed run out (Waller/Taylor) 7 Williams, Timycen Maruma, Malcolm Waller, Elton events after being accused of assaulting really well to win. You just need to do the in the 38th over. Masakadza missed out on a Saeed Ajmal not out 3 Chigumbura, Prosper Utseya, Tinashe Thomas Drouet, who had been his son’s hit- right thing.”— AFP potential century when he slapped an Ajmal Extras: (7lb, 9w) 16 Panyangara, Tendai Chatara, Brian Vitori. delivery straight to short extra cover, and the TOTAL: (for 7 wickets) 244 Toss: won by Pakistan. pressure was back on when Timycen Maruma Overs:50. Umpires: Richard Illingworth, England, and 49ers trade linebacker put in another nervous showing with the bat. Did not bat: Junaid Khan, Mohammad Irfan. Russell Tiffin, Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe needed a nerveless innings to put Fall of wickets: 1-56, 2-80, 3-179, 4-184, 5-198, 6- TV : Owen Chirombe, Zimbabwe. Match Haralson to the Saints them back on track, and Williams provided it 202, 7-223. Referee: Jeff Crowe, New Zealand. as he struck four fours before finishing the SANTA CLARA: The San Francisco 49ers and not have to stay on season-ending traded linebacker Parys Haralson to the injured reserve. Saints on Monday to fill a big need for “It was really hard,” Haralson said in a New Orleans, a person with knowledge recent interview with The Associated Bangladesh’s cricketers of the deal said. The person spoke on Press. “I think that’s hard for anybody, condition of anonymity Monday night especially being in this business that because neither team had announced we’re in. That’s what you get paid for, you the trade. It wasn’t clear what compensa- get paid to come out and play football deny corruption charges tion the 49ers would receive in return. not sit back and rehab. “It was hard on New Orleans is in desperate need at the me, but it’s one of those things you can’t linebacker position as a pair of would-be do anything about it. You take the bad DHAKA: Two Bangladeshi cricketers declared their when he confirmed that he has been charged with match on February 2. Ashraful, who became the starters are dealing with serious knee and turn it into good and do as much as innocence yesterday after confirming they were failure to report a corrupt approach made to him. country’s youngest Test centurion in 2001 at the injuries - Will Smith and Victor Butler. you can to stay around it and stay in it.” among those charged with match-fixing following The scandal has already ensnared Ashraful, the for- age of 17, was also allegedly involved in fixing Haralson departed San Francisco team New Orleans’ injured defense will certain- a probe earlier this month by the sport’s world mer Bangladesh captain, who made a tearful con- another match 10 days later against the Barisal headquarters Monday night after saying ly get Haralson up to speed in a hurry to body. Paceman Mahbubul Alam and left-arm spin- fession to match-fixing on national television in Burners, which his team lost by seven wickets, his goodbyes before the team began a play in Rob Ryan’s new 3-4 scheme. ner Mosharraf Hossain said they would defend June after being quizzed by the ICC’s officials. He local reports have said. Across the border in India, late practice, acknowledging that he had San Francisco faces New Orleans in themselves against charges of fixing in the was allegedly involved in fixing a match between the sport is embroiled in separate spot-fixing and been traded while providing no further Week 11 on Nov 17 at the Superdome, Bangladesh (BPL), a scandal that the Dhaka Gladiators and the Chittagong Kings. betting scandals in the Indian Premier League, details other than, “I’m outta here.” Saints and 49ers running back Frank Gore told has already brought down teammate and national Local media have reported that the batsman was with three cricketers among 39 people charged by outside linebacker Smith will be side- Haralson, “When we play y’all, be easy hero Mohammad Ashraful. paid about one million taka ($12,800) to lose the police in July. — AFP lined for the season with a knee injury, a on me.” The 29-year-old Haralson was a “I am innocent, I was not involved in any kind of person familiar with the situation said. 16-game starter on the 2011 defense corruption,” said Alam, 29, who has played four Butler is recovering from knee surgery that ranked No. 1 stopping the run. A Tests and four one-day matches for his country. “I that will sideline him most or all of the seven-year veteran, Haralson has 145 have appointed a lawyer to represent me in the Sex-for-fixing Lebanese season. career tackles and 211/2 sacks in 86 (upcoming) disciplinary panel hearing,” Alam said. Haralson said while walking to the games. He had been set to be the pri- Hossain, 31, also confirmed he would contest the referees refuse to testify parking lot, “I want to let them announce mary backup last season behind Ahmad charges laid under the Bangladesh Cricket Board’s it,” pointing upstairs to the team’s front Brooks and Aldon Smith before he was SINGAPORE: Two Lebanese match officials jailed in on their involvement with Ding Si Yang and have (BCB) anti-corruption code, ahead of the deadline Singapore for accepting free sex from an alleged nothing to add to the statement which can assist office. He offered handshakes and hugs injured in the third preseason game. later for officially responding to the allegations. throughout the locker room, changed Haralson said he gained valuable match-fixer have refused to return to the city-state the prosecution in the trial,” Tan said. Selim Chowdhury, owner of the Dhaka out of 49ers gear and into shorts and a T- expertise during his season on the side- to testify at his trial, a court heard yesterday. Ding’s lawyer Hamidul Haq told the court he Gladiators BPL franchise, confirmed that he and his shirt, then left the facility. He told team- line and helping his teammates in meet- Assistant referees Ali Eid, 33, and Abdallah Taleb, 37, would “vehemently” object to the admission of the mates he would fly out first thing in the ings, practice and on game day. son, co-owner Shihab Chowdhury, have also been were deported in June after serving three-month written statements as evidence as “we don’t have prison sentences for accepting the services of a the right to cross-examine them”. morning to join his new team - headed “I never felt like I stepped away from charged along with the franchise’s Indian CEO prostitute as a bribe from Singaporean nightclub The trial was abruptly adjourned Tuesday to back to the Big Easy, where San Francisco football because I was still here through- Gaurav Rawat. Selim Chowdhury said they would all plead not guilty at the hearing. The owner Eric Ding Si Yang. Another Lebanese nation- allow Ding’s lawyers to prepare for an “ancillary lost the Super Bowl 34-31 to the out the whole injury and IR process,” al, referee Ali Sabbagh, testified for the prosecution hearing” on the admissibility of the written state- Baltimore Ravens in February. Haralson said. “It’s one of the things get- International Cricket Council (ICC) announced this month that seven unidentified people had been last month while he was still in Singapore serving a ments. Ding, 31, is accused of “corruptly giving The NFC champion Niners have depth ting back used to the football move- six-month jail term. gratification” to the three Lebanese football offi- at linebacker and Haralson was in a ments. As far as the mental part of it, I’ll charged with fixing involving the Dhaka Tan Kian Tat Jeffrey, an investigator from the cials as an inducement to fix football matches reserve role while beginning a comeback never forget that.” During the offseason, Gladiators, following an investigation by its anti- Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (CPIB), told that they would officiate in the future. He faces a season after missing all of last year’s Haralson restructured his contract in a corruption officials. Another two were charged the court that Ali Eid and Abdallah Taleb had com- maximum prison term of five years and fines of postseason run with a torn left triceps. In move to save the team salary cap space. with failing to report corruption when they were municated to him through the Lebanese Football up to Sg$100,000 (US$80,000) for each of the June, 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh A talented run defender, Haralson enters approached during the 2013 season of the Association and a Lebanese diplomat in Singapore three charges-all of which he has denied. He sep- acknowledged he wished he had used his contract season with the chance to Twenty20 tournament, in a scandal that further their unwillingness to return to testify. State prose- arately faces two charges of stealing evidence the return exemption in Haralson’s situa- get more exposure as a starter for the shook confidence in the game across South Asia. cutors had earlier said they hoped they could get and obstructing police investigations after he tion that would have allowed him to be Saints. The Mercury News first reported English all-rounder Darren Stevens became the the Lebanese pair to appear in court. “Each of them declined to disclose the password to his laptop activated and play again once healthy the trade was with New Orleans. — AP first among the nine accused to reveal his identity, say they have made clear and detailed statements computer. —AFP WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 SPORTS19

SPL PREVIEW Celtic captain issues Euro rallying cry

GLASGOW: Celtic captain Scott the Glasgow giants. But the midfielder Europa League but we want to be in “The atmosphere at Celtic Park under pressure, make them make mis- Brown says the Parkhead club’s recent says the summer signings don’t have with the big guns. We showed last when it’s full is incredible and as soon takes. If we don’t score in 70 minutes signings need to stand up and be time to ease themselves into the team season we could compete there and as Shakhter walk out they’re going to we’ll stay patient because we know counted as the Glasgow giants take and must start making an impact as we want to show it again.” be hit with it,” the midfielder said. we can score two goals in five min- on Shakhter Karagandy for a place in Celtic face their most crucial game of Celtic, who came back from two “That’ll put shivers down their spines utes. “We just need a few goals and I the group stages of the Champions the season. “It took me a good six goals down to secure a 2-2 draw with because I know it did when I came believe we can do it. It doesn’t matter League. months to settle in but these days Inverness in the Scottish Premiership here with Hibs. “They’re going to give what anybody else thinks, what mat- The Hoops face the Kazakhstan there isn’t that much time,” the Celtic at the weekend, have successfully us a lot of possession because they ters is the confidence in our dressing champions at Celtic Park today look- captain said. overturned a 2-0 away first-leg deficit will try to defend a 2-0 lead but we’ve room.” European minnows Shakhter ing to overturn a 2-0 deficit from their “They’re straight into big games. I in three of the four occasions they got good enough players - including Karagandy rested almost their entire first leg in Astana. There is a place in don’t know if they realise how huge a have been faced with the task. They those who didn’t play against first-choice team on Saturday ahead the lucrative group stage of Europe’s club Celtic are but that’s why you defeated the French side St Etienne 4- Inverness on Saturday - to come in of the crunch tie against Celtic. The elite competition for the winner while come here - to play in the Champions 0 in Glasgow in the 1968/69 European and score goals. defending champions were held 1-1 the loser will drop into the group League, in the big matches. They’ll fig- Cup, Sporting Lisbon 5-0 in the “In the second half against at home by Irtysh in the Kazakhstan stages of the Europa League. ure that out very quickly. “The home 1983/84 UEFA Cup and Cologne 3-0 in Inverness the fans were behind us 110 Premier League. But manager Viktor Scottish international Brown is con- games in the Champions League have the 1992/93 UEFA Cup. And Brown is per cent and that pushes us on to that Kumykov selected just one player who fident recent signings Amido Balde, left a couple of them gobsmacked. But convinced the current crop of Hoops extra 10 per cent. “It’s going to take featured from the beginning of their Virgil van Dijk, Steven Mouyokolo and this is the biggest game of the season can achieve the same feat with the three goals and we’re going to have to 2-0 first-leg win over the Scottish Derk Boerrigter will make the grade at now. “Whatever happens we’re in the help of their passionate support. start high up the park and put them champions.— AFP Barkley and Townsend handed England call-ups

LONDON: England manager Roy Hodgson yesterday awarded first senior call-ups to Everton young- ster Ross Barkley and Tottenham Hotspur winger Andros Townsend for the World Cup qualifiers against Moldova and Ukraine. Barkley, 19, caught the eye with a fine goal at Norwich City on the opening day of the Premier League campaign, while 22-year- old Townsend impressed during a loan spell at Queens Park Rangers last season. Barcelona’s Argentinean forward Lionel Messi “We’re giving ourselves a chance to look at players who’ve got a very bright future and who Barcelona await Messi are capable of making a difference to a game, as we see them doing each week in Premier League foot- for Super Cup decider ball,” Hodgson said. “Players like MADRID: Barcelona will give Lionel repeatedly downplayed his side’s Barkley, Townsend and (Liverpool’s Messi every opportunity to prove his fit- chances of competing with Barca and Raheem) Sterling can make a differ- ness ahead of their second-leg of the Real Madrid for the title this season, but ence. They can be players who Spanish Super Cup against Atletico believes their record of winning three make a big impact and help you Madrid at the Camp Nou today night. trophies in little over a year shows they win. They’re there on merit, really.” Messi was taken off at half-time during have what it takes to go the Camp Nou Southampton striker Rickie last week’s 1-1 draw in the first-leg with a and lift the club’s first Super Cup since Lambert retains his place after thigh injury and missed the Catalans’ 1-0 1985. scoring with his first touch on his win away to Malaga on Sunday which “The tie is still alive and we now have debut in the 3-2 win over Scotland moved them back to the top of La Liga. a big game at their place,” he said. “I still earlier this month, with Liverpool’s However, the Argentine took a full part think the league can only be won by two Daniel Sturridge returning after in training on Monday with those who teams, there are so many games it is missing that game through injury. hadn’t been involved in the Malaga almost impossible, but we are talking Hodgson said he was pleased to game as the majority of his colleagues about a tie over two games and we have be able to call upon Sturridge underwent a recovery session. shown we can compete in finals.” again, after he injured his ankle in LONDON: A combination of file pictures shows (left) Tottenham Hotspur’s English midfielder Andros “We have two days to make a deci- Simeone is expected to name the same May’s 1-1 friendly draw with the Townsend and Everton’s English midfielder Ross Barkley. —AFP sion, but with the information that I have side that started in the first-leg with for- Republic of Ireland. “It’s great he’s today we are very happy with how he is mer Barca favorite David Villa and the played for Liverpool and done so been ruled out for around 12 goalkeepers are always in the fir- mistake, it’s highlighted. As far as recovering,” Barca boss Gerardo Martino on-form Diego Costa entrusted with the well,” the England manager said. weeks with a stress fracture of a ing line-they’re the ones people I’m concerned, I’ve every faith in told reporters after Sunday’s game. task of exploiting a Barca defense that “He started so brightly with bone in his right foot. Hodgson turn to and look at,” Hodgson said. Joe.” England tackle Moldova at However, Martino indicated that Neymar has looked far from solid in the opening England in the Ireland game and defended first-choice goalkeeper “I’m sure Joe is confident enough on September could once miss out from the start week of the season despite keeping two unfortunately got carried off and it Joe Hart, who was at fault for and big enough to understand 6 before travelling to Kiev to play despite shining in cameo appearances as clean sheets in three games.— AFP kept him out for two months. But Scotland’s opening goal in these things. Ukraine four days later. Hodgson’s a substitute in Barca’s last two games. he’s always one we’ve had in England’s friendly win and was “Goalkeepers like Joe in top side currently trail Montenegro by The Brazilian scored his first Barca goal to mind.” Celtic goalkeeper Fraser also criticized for his display in teams like Manchester City, and two points in European qualifying rescue a draw for Martino’s men in the Forster replaces Ben Foster of Manchester City’s 3-2 loss at again with England, don’t get a lot Group H, but have a game in first-leg and again looked like the visitors West Bromwich Albion, who has Cardiff City on Sunday. “We know to do, so every time you make a hand.—AFP most dangerous outlet when he Matches on TV replaced Pedro with half an hour to go at (Local Timings) La Rosaleda at the weekend. “Neymar is improving all the time, you UEFA Champions League Moyes refuses to deny Bale interest can already see the difference in him Zenit v Pacos Ferreira 19:00 between the the last two matches and Aljazeera Sport +7 MANCHESTER: Manchester United manager striker Wayne Rooney, who belied reports chased when we needed it.” the first one against Levante. “I don’t Aljazeera Sport +3 David Moyes says his club have not made an that he is unsettled at the club with a per- Moyes said Rooney had “a positive mind” know when exactly we will start him but Aljazeera Sport 3 HD offer for Tottenham Hotspur forward Gareth formance of effort and determination. Rooney and rejected the notion that the 27-year-old you can see mentally he is ready and we Celtic v Shakhter Karagandy 21:45 Bale, but he refused to deny an interest in the has been the subject of two failed bids from needs to make a public declaration of alle- will do it at the most opportune time.” Aljazeera Sport +3 player. Bale is poised to join Real Madrid for a Chelsea during the close season and their giance to United. “I think his performance Even if Messi and Neymar don’t start, world-record fee after several months of coach Jose Mourinho was pessimistic about tonight said enough,” he said. “I think his Martino will make a couple of changes to AC Milan v PSV Eindhoven 21:45 Aljazeera Sport +6 courtship by the Spanish giants, but reports the prospects of signing him after the game, actions tonight showed what he thought.” the side that started against Malaga as emerged in the British media on Monday that saying he would only wait “24 hours, 48 Despite his failure to make progress in his Sergio Busquets and Dani Alves will Aljazeera Sport 5 HD Real Sociedad v Lyon 21:45 a rival club had also shown an interest. hours” for Rooney to make a decision on his attempts to sign the player, Mourinho also return after being rested in place of Alex When asked if United had submitted a bid future. “I was very pleased with his perform- praised Rooney’s display, branding him “fan- Song and Adriano, who is also struggling Aljazeera Sport +1 for Bale on Monday, Moyes told reporters: ance and I was very pleased with the reaction tastic” and describing his attitude as “very with a hamstring injury. NK Maribor v Viktoria Plzen 21:45 “No”. However, he added: “Manchester United from the crowd,” said Moyes. English”. Although he selected a team with no Despite the fact that Barca have set Aljazeera Sport +2 are always interested in the best players and “I’ve got to say, I didn’t think it was unex- recognizable strikers, Mourinho could find no the early pace in La Liga, Atleti’s start to the board and myself would always be look- pected. I expected it. I don’t know how many place in his starting XI for Juan Mata, but he the season has been arguably even more SPANISH SUPER CUP ing to sign who we think are the best players, times I have to say it-he’s been great in train- said it was purely because the Spanish mid- impressive as they followed up a 3-1 suc- Barcelona v Atletico de Madrid 0:00 wherever they are.” Moyes was speaking after ing. “I think anybody who looked at him fielder was short of fitness. “He’s very impor- cess at Sevilla on the opening weekend Aljazeera Sport +3 a goalless draw with Chelsea in the Premier might have seen a slightly leaner-looking tant for me, very important for Chelsea,” said of the season with a 5-0 thrashing of Aljazeera Sport +8 League in his first home game as United man- Wayne. I said to him, ‘I might only play you for Mourinho, who added that any reports to the Rayo Vallecano on Sunday to move into Aljazeera Sport 2 HD ager. The contest was a drab affair, but Moyes 60-70 minutes tonight, I’ll see how you go.’ second. Manager Diego Simeone has contrary were “nonsense stories” and that was encouraged by a committed display from “But no, he worked back, he tackled, he Mata was “going nowhere”. Mourinho also left Fernando Torres on the bench, but he dismissed suggestions that the Mourinho praises Bayern Spain striker is still to repay the club following his £50 million ($78 million, 58 million euros) ahead of Super Cup clash switch from Liverpool in January 2011. “He scored a goal that won the UEFA Cup (Europa BERLIN: Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho has Madrid, told “To keep that level League), so that means some millions,” praised treble-winning Bayern Munich and that ambition in all three competitions Mourinho said. “He scored the goal against ahead of Friday’s UEFA Super Cup clash was fantastic, it was remarkable, it was Everton that put Chelsea in the Champions and said he wants to measure his side unbelievable work by Mr Heynckes. “Of League (last season), that means also some against the European champions. Bayern course I was impressed by the way they millions. “So he’s not already (repaid) 50 - became the first German team to win the performed all last season.” maybe he’s 20 now. He’s doing his job.” treble of league, cup and Champions The Prague showdown will see former Chelsea this week agreed to sign attacking League titles last season under previous Real boss Mourinho continue his rivalry midfielder Willian for a reported fee of £30 coach Jupp Heynckes, winning the with ex-Barcelona coach Guardiola, who million, but Mourinho refused to confirm Bundesliga by 25 points while breaking or took charge of Bayern in June after winning reports he is interested in the Brazilian’s Anzhi equalling 25 league records. Chelsea, who 14 titles in four years at the Camp Nou Makhachkala team-mate Samuel Eto’o. “We won last season’s Europa League title, between 2008 and 2012. With the group don’t like to speak about players,” he said square off against Pep Guardiola-coached stages of this season’s Champions League with an ironic smile. “It’s dangerous.” Moyes Bayern at Prague’s Eden Arena stadium and to be drawn on Thursday, Mourinho said he the 50-year-old Mourinho was full of praise is looking forward to seeing how his side said he had been overwhelmed by the recep- for the Bavarians’ achievements. measure up against Bayern, 24 hours after tion he received in his first home game as “With Bayern, what impresses me was they discover their European opponents. Alex Ferguson’s successor. “I’m extremely always the difficulty of achieving a treble “To play against the best team in the world proud to be manager of Manchester United and only great teams with a great mentali- in the last year is a big challenge for us,” and my family would be as well,” he said. “But ty and fantastic football qualities manage said Mourinho after Chelsea beat Bayern in I want to earn the reception in the future. I it,” Mourinho, who is back at Stamford Munich in the 2012 Champions League want the claps to be because I’ve won things Bridge after three years coaching Real final.—AFP Manchester United’s Scottish manager David Moyes and I’ve got a good team here.”—AFP Zimbabwe end Townsend and winless streak, Barkley handed beat Pakistan England call-ups

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 201318 19 Sheep sacrifices lift Kazakh Shakhter to Euro big time Page 16

LONDON: Fenerbahce’s Turkish midfielder Selcuk Sahin (center) clears the ball under pressure from Arsenal’s Welsh midfielder Aaron Ramsey (left) during the UEFA Champions League Play-Off second leg football match at The Emirates Stadium in North London onyesterday. Arsenal won the game 2-0, and the tie 5-0 on aggregate. — AFP Arsenal in CL for 16th straight year Schalke, Vienna, Steaua qualify amid drama

LONDON: A brace from Aaron Ramsey earned new players to his squad in the final days of the Demirel prevented from increas- deny Santi Cazorla and Walcott bent a free-kick Adam Szalai scored twice for the Bundesliga Arsenal a 2-0 win over Fenerbahce yesterday transfer window. ing Arsenal’s advantage with a sharp save, against the crossbar, before Ramsey made it 2-0 side, who were facing their former coach Huub that confirmed their place in the Champions The first-leg result meant Fenerbahce had before Szczesny displayed his alertness at the in the 72nd minute with an insouciant side-foot Stevens, while their other goal was a brilliant League group phase for the 16th consecutive not travelled in hope, and they must now await other end by touching Emmanuel Emenike’s volley from Kieran Gibbs’s cross. Ramsey effort by Julian Draxler. Austria Vienna, 2-0 win- season. Leading 3-0 from last week’s first leg, in the Court of Arbitration for Sport’s decision on drive onto the post. walked off the pitch and onto the substitutes’ ners at coachless Dinamo Zagreb in the first which Ramsey also scored, Arsene Wenger’s their appeal against a two-year UEFA ban for The aggregate scoreline robbed the game of bench before injury time had elapsed, without leg, took an early lead in the return, looked to men finished the job in unfussy fashion at the match-fixing, which will be delivered on any real drama, but there was a moment of being replaced, but there was no indication have blown it as they fell 3-1 behind, only to Emirates Stadium thanks to a goal in each half Wednesday. Arsenal had an early fright when potential significance early in the second peri- that he, too, had succumbed to injury. snatch a decisive late goal which put them in from the in-form Welsh midfielder. Raul Meireles deflected Bacary Sagna’s od when Podolski had to be stretchered off Meanwhile, Schalke 04, Austria Vienna and the group stage for the first time. It was a third straight victory for Arsenal attempted clearance back towards goal and with what looked to be a hamstring problem. former European champions Steaua Bucharest Steaua Bucharest, held 1-1 at home by Legia since the shock of their 3-1 loss to Aston Villa Wojciech Szczesny had to produce a reflex save, Wenger can scarcely afford to lose more first- survived drama-packed, topsy-turvy playoff ties Warsaw in the first leg, took advantage of a on the opening day of the Premier League sea- but the tie was wrapped up inside 25 minutes. team players, and the appearance of sole close- to secure Champions League group stage calamitous opening period from the Polish side son, but an injury to took some Podolski sent Theo Walcott into the season signing Yaya Sanogo from the bench places, and handsome payouts yesterday. to go 2-0 ahead inside nine minutes. Legia of the gloss off the evening. The German Fenerbahce box and although he was dispos- only served to highlight his lack of options in Schalke, held 1-1 at home by PAOK in the first fought back for a 2-2 draw on the night but it appeared to succumb to a hamstring injury ear- sessed, Caner Erkin’s sliding challenge sent the the forward line. leg, won 3-2 away to the Greek side in the was not enough as Steaua went through on ly in the second half, which will only increase ball straight to Ramsey, who swept home from There was solace, of sorts, on the pitch, how- return, scoring their second and third goals away goals following the 3-3 draw on aggre- calls from impatient fans for Wenger to add 12 yards. Fenerbahce goalkeeper Volkan ever. Demirel produced a finger-tip save to with 10 men after Jermaine Jones was sent off. gate. — Agencies Nadal, Williams sisters cruise at the US Open

NEW YORK: Rafa Nadal made an ominous women’s title as she demolished Italy’s 12th for the US Open but found Williams too return to the US Open on Monday while the Francesca Schiavone 6-0 6-1. hot. “When Venus is on fire, she is on fire,” said sister act of Serena and Venus Williams shared The American showed no mercy against Flipkens. “If Venus is fit and she’s focused she’s the spotlight as the last grand slam of the year her opponent, who won the French Open in a top 10 player. Today she was like a top 10 got underway. Roared on by the energetic 2010 and was a finalist in Paris the following player.” Flushing Meadows crowds, the trio turned on year, conceding just 23 points in the 60- Flipkens was the first notable casualty on a a masterclass of power hitting at Arthur Ashe minute romp. “I knew playing a former grand day where most of the top players safely made Stadium before New York’s fickle weather slam champion in the first round was a really it through. China’s Li Na, the 2011 French brought proceedings to an early end. tough draw so I decided to be super serious,” Open champion and runner-up in Australia A late rain shower forced tournament she said. Not to be outdone, her older sister this year, needed just 64 minutes to crush organizers to abandon the opening day’s play Venus rolled back the years with a headturn- Olga Govortsova of Belarus 6-2 6-2. And before former world number one Roger ing appearance on the center court, arriving Poland’s Agnieszka Radwanska, the third seed, Federer was about start his match against with her hair braided and dyed a deep purple. was even more ruthless, thumping Spain’s Slovenia’s Grega Zemlja. Nadal, who missed Her fingernails were also polished in the Silvia Soler-Espinosa 6-1 6-2 in 63 minutes in last year’s US Open because of a chronic knee same vivid fuschia and no repeat of the injury the opening match on the center court. NEW YORK: Serena Williams celebrates a point during her women’s singles first round problem, demonstrated his intentions to make problems that have sidelined her for most of There was an early upset in the men’s draw match against Francesca Schiavone of Italy on Day One of the 2013 US Open. — AFP up for lost time as he demolished American the year as she dispatched Belgium’s Kirsten when Japan’s Kei Nishikori, Asia’s highest- chemotherapy through most of 2011 and after circuit, Blake was inspired to take up tennis wildcard Ryan Harrison 6-4 6-2 6-2 during the Flipkens 6-1 6-2. The 33-year-old, the second ranked man, was beaten 6-4 6-2 6-2 by English beating the disease she decided on a come- after hearing Arthur Ashe address a group of day session. oldest player in the women’s singles draw, qualifier Dan Evans, ranked 179th. “It’s defi- back. “All those things are over for me now,” young players at a tennis clinic in Harlem. He Bouncing around the unforgiving hard- provided a glimpse of the form that saw her nitely a good one,” said Evans, playing in his she said after defeating Puerto Rico’s Monica turned professional in 1999 after attending court like a kangaroo, the Spaniard chalked up win the US Open in 2000 and 2001 as she first US Open. “That was pretty good out there Puig 6-4 3-6 7-5. “I went through them. I came Harvard University and despite enduring 28 winners despite the blustery conditions at strolled to a surprisingly quick win. “It’s good to play so well and against someone so highly out as a winner in that battle.” Just as the first moments of hardship, including breaking his the US National Tennis Center. “For me, the to be back,” said Williams, who has only played ranked.” Russia’s Alisa Kleybanova made an matches were starting, American James Blake neck in a freak accident in Rome in 2004, he chance to be back here playing is great,” said 18 matches this year and slipped to 60th in emotional return to the grand slam circuit, announced he was retiring after the Aug 26- retained a sense of perspective. “This is my last Nadal. “The first match after two years in the the world rankings while Flipkens is enjoying more than two and a half years after she was Sept. 9 championships, ending a 14-year tournament,” he said. “I have had 14 pretty Arthur Ashe is a great feeling.” Serena needed the best season of her career. The 27-year-old diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a form career where he rose to number four in the darn good years on tour, loved every minute just one hour to remind everyone why she made the semi-finals at Wimbledon in July, her of blood cancer. world rankings. of it, and I definitely couldn’t have asked for a remains the overwhelming favorite to win the best result at any grand slam, and was seeded The now 24-year-old underwent One of the most respected players on the better career.” — Reuters Oman signs MoU to import Iranian gas Page 22

Kuwait inflation Business steady at 3% in June WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 Page 23 Harvard Business School uncovers the secret to Turkish CB won’t defend lira with interest rates NBK’s success Page 25 Page 26

MUMBAI: Onlookers watch share prices on the digital broadcast on the facade of Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) building during intra day trade in Mumbai yesterday. The benchmark Sensex index plunged 3.18 percent to close at 17,968.08 points, while local prices of gold, considered a safer investment, rose. (Inset) A shopkeeper makes a garland with Indian 20-rupee banknotes for sale in Jammu yesterday.—AFP/AP Indian rupee sinks, stocks plunge Confidence in govt falters • Food bill raises fiscal fears MUMBAI/NEW DELHI: India’s rupee hit a need now is not a closed economy but a agencies,” said G. Chokkalingam, managing breached,” Chidambaram told a morning record low and posted its biggest percent- more open economy,” Chidambaram told director and chief investment officer of news conference. The food bill comes at a age fall in 18 years yesterday as parlia- lawmakers. The rupee has lost 17 percent Centrum Wealth Management in Mumbai. time when the government is showing Dubai plummets 7%, ment’s approval of a $20 billion plan to pro- against the dollar so far this year - making it India’s oil minister Veerappa Moily said signs of having increased spending since vide cheap grain to the poor renewed the worst performer by far among Asian yesterday the country was looking to save the start of the fiscal year in April, reversing Kuwait drops 2.9% doubts about government resolve to con- emerging market currencies tracked by $25 billion on oil imports in the current fis- an earlier tight grip, while tax revenues trol spending ahead of elections due next Reuters - despite frantic attempts by the cal year, citing a request from the prime could stagnate amidst a slowing economy. MIDEAST STOCK MARKETS year. government and central bank to support it minister. That is raising concerns about a poten- The alarm over India’s fiscal deficit and repeated comments by the finance Oil is India’s biggest import, with the tial ratings downgrade, although Standard DUBAI: Dubai’s stock market tumbled 7.0 percent eclipsed an announcement by Finance minister that the rupee is oversold. import bill rising 9.2 percent to $169.25 bil- & Poor’s is the only one of the three major yesterday, its heaviest one-day loss since the emirate’s Minister P Chidambaram that the govern- The partially convertible rupee slumped lion in the year that ended in March. credit agencies to have a negative outlook corporate debt crisis in November 2009, as it led a ment had approved infrastructure projects to a record low of 66.30 to the dollar, Worries are growing that Prime Minister on India’s BBB-minus sovereign credit rat- regional sell-off on worries about an escalation of worth 1.83 trillion rupees ($28.4 billion), a despite central bank intervention to ease Manmohan Singh’s coalition government ing. Chidambaram also sought to address Syria’s civil war. Western powers told the Syrian oppo- step aimed at reviving economic growth the pace of the decline, surpassing its pre- will be tempted into a populist spending concerns about the economic slowdown sition to expect a Western strike against President and shoring up investor confidence. vious all-time low of 65.56 hit last Thursday. splurge ahead of the general elections due by pledging to kickstart 36 stalled projects Bashar al-Assad’s forces within days, after determining Instead, the rupee plumbed new depths The currency fell 2.9 percent on the day to by May and so will struggle to meet the fis- in sectors ranging from oil and gas to roads his government was responsible for the use of chemi- while shares plunged after Chidambaram close at 66.24/25, its biggest single-day cal deficit target. The 1.35 trillion rupees and railways. cal weapons, sources told Reuters. It is by no means spoke due to investor anxiety about a percentage fall since October 1995 accord- ($20.94 billion) Food Security Bill is a key However, analysts say these projects will clear that an escalation of the fighting in Syria would country also facing other challenges, ing to Thomson Reuters data and its part of the ruling Congress party’s strategy not take off quickly, while the government have any impact on Gulf economies. Although it is including a record current account deficit biggest fall ever in absolute terms. to win re-election, with its focus on selling has little to show from recent economic possible that Damascus and its allies could mount and the weakest economic growth in a Shares also slumped, sending the subsidised wheat and rice to 67 percent of reforms. Its move last year to allow foreign covert action against the Gulf, such action would decade. Despite measures to address these benchmark BSE index down more than 3 India’s population of 1.2 billion. Kotak investment in the retail sector has yet to probably not change positive long-term economic concerns, including a slew of steps to percent and benchmark 10-year bond Institutional Equities said there would be attract a proposal, though its liberalisation prospects. Abu Dhabi’s measure lost 2.8 percent yes- attract dollar inflows and curb gold yields up 44 basis points. Indian markets “no free lunch”, estimating India’s subsidy of the aviation industry has yielded invest- terday while Kuwait’s benchmark fell 2.9 percent. imports, Indian policymakers are struggling have been caught in a downward spiral burden would reach 827 billion rupees ment plans from Malaysia’s AirAsia and Abu Retail traders dominate in Kuwait’s market after a to instil confidence and end the climate of since May as the prospect for a tapering off from the budgeted 606 billion rupees, cit- Dhabi’s Etihad Airways. sharp early-year rise pushed it up to levels not seen in fear that traders say is gripping currency in the Federal Reserve’s period of cheap ing the costs of procurement, logistics and “I don’t think these announcements in more than four years. The market is still up 30.9 per- markets. money exposes India’s vulnerability among identifying beneficiaries. particular will incrementally have any cent year-to-date. In an appearance in parliament in the emerging markets. Chidambaram yesterday pledged the impact on sentiment until we see visible “Nothing that’s happening has to do with Kuwait - afternoon, Chidambaram acknowledged “The trinity of the fiscal deficit, slowing bill would not lead the government to impact of implementation and execution of companies’ financials are good and there’s no reason the government’s need to do more. “What growth and an unstable currency is hitting meet its fiscal deficit target. “I have already these projects,” said HDFC Bank chief econ- for the market to fall except geopolitical risk,” said we need now is not less reforms but more us badly. In addition to these, the govern- said that 4.8 percent of GDP and the omist Abheek Barua, referring to the gov- Fouad Darwish, head of brokerage services at Global reforms. What we need now is not more ment has passed the food security bill absolute number that was indicated in the ernment’s drive to energise the infrastruc- Investment House. Several Gulf countries including restrictions but less restrictions. What we which may put fear in the mind of rating budget is a red line. The red line will not be ture sector. — Reuters Saudi Arabia have already been supporting Syrian rebels for many months with no negative conse- quences. Geopolitical tensions can actually benefit US, European stocks crash over Syria fears the Gulf in one way by pushing up global oil prices. But Gulf markets were near multi-year highs, so they were vulnerable to a sudden wave of profit-taking by NEW YORK: Stocks declined broadly in trad- prices, traders feared an intervention in Syria said its consumer confidence index rose to cent in June from a year earlier, nearly match- the retail investors who have dominated trade in ing yesterday as investors feared that the pos- could cause further instability in the Middle 81.5 in August, up from 80.3 the month ing a seven-year high. But month-over-month recent weeks and wanted to lock in gains. sibility of a US military intervention in Syria East and possibly disrupt the flow of oil from before. Economists had expected 79, accord- price gains slowed in most markets, a sign “Politically, the region is a mess and concerns could become a reality. The Dow Jones indus- the region. Oil jumped $2.77, or 2.8 percent, ing to FactSet.The Standard & Poor’s/Case- that higher mortgage rates may be weighing about the war in Syria are high,” said Yassir Mckee, trial average lost 98 points, or 0.6 percent, to to $108.70 a barrel, the highest price since Shiller 20-city home price index rose 12.1 per- on the housing recovery. —AP wealth manager at Qatar’s Al Rayan Financial 14,851 as of noon EDT. The Standard & Poor’s May 2011. Energy prices dragged down the Brokerage. “But the extent of the drop doesn’t make 500 fell 15 points, or 0.9 percent, to 1,641 and airline sector on concerns that higher oil sense and people are over-reacting because local fun- the Nasdaq composite dropped 45 points, or prices could lead to higher fuel costs. United damentals are strong and even if there is a war, I don’t 1.2 percent, to 3,612. Continental Holdings, the world’s largest air- see it significantly impacting Gulf countries.” Dubai’s Investors have fretted about US-led mili- line by revenue, dropped $2.41, or 8 percent, index sank to 2,550 points, cutting its year-to-date tary action against the regime of President to $27.44 and Delta Air Lines lost $1.27, or 6 gains to 57.7 percent. Margin calls hit local individual Bashar Assad since Secretary of State John percent, to $19. Stone said oil prices could investors, who were net sellers according to bourse Kerry said Monday that it was “undeniable” start weighing on consumer spending down data, while foreigners were net buyers. that the Syrian government used chemical the road, but it is still too early to gauge the Margin calls may keep Dubai under pressure today weapons. longer-term impact. Concerns over a US-Syria but there is no sign that the positive long-term tech- “The law of unintended consequences conflict spilled over into global markets. nical outlooks of Dubai and most other Gulf markets and the history of previous military interven- In Europe, the Britain’s FTSE 100 index fell have changed. Yesterday’s slide brought Dubai back tions in the region is not a recipe for political 0.8 percent at 6,440 while Germany’s DAX fell to its levels of just a month ago. Dubai’s index is long- and economic stability,” said Neil MacKinnon, 2.3 percent to 8,242. The CAC 40 in France term bullish after July’s decisive break above major global macro strategist at VTB Capital. Traders was 2.4 percent lower at 3,968. In corporate resistance on the October 2009 peak of 2,409 points; moved money into investments typically con- news, discount shoe seller DSW jumped that triggered a double bottom formed by the 2009 sidered safe during times of crisis or uncer- $6.44, or 8 percent, to $87.76 after the com- and 2010 lows and pointing up to around 3,300 tainty, like gold and US government bonds. pany reported an adjusted profit of 97 cents points in the very long run. Immediate chart support Gold rose $27, or 2 percent, to $1,420.20 an per share, easily beating analysts’ estimate of is at the 2,500-point level, where the market peaked ounce while the yield on the benchmark 10- 80 cents per share, according to FactSet. in June and found support in July. Saudi Arabia tum- year Treasury note fell to 2.76 percent from J C Penney rose 46 cents, or 3.5 percent, to bled 4.1 percent, its largest one-day loss since August 2.79 percent Monday. “People worry about $13.81 after the company’s biggest investor, 2011, to below the psychologically important 8,000- this becoming a worst-case scenario and Bill Ackman, said he plans to sell his entire point level. The heavyweight petrochemicals sector turning into a regional conflict,” said Bill stake in the discount department store chain. slid 3.5 percent despite rising global oil prices, while Stone, chief investment strategist at PNC Wall Street is also digesting two economic the banking sector, the other main weight in the mar- Asset Management. Oil prices also rose. While reports, one on US consumer sentiment, the NEW YORK: Traders gather at a post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange yes- ket, also fell 3.5 percent. — Reuters Syria itself has little oil to impact energy other on home prices. The Conference Board terday.—AP WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 BUSINESS New Iran CB chief starts work with inflation target DUBAI: Iran’s new central bank governor, Valiollah President Hassan Rouhani, who took office on Aug 3 ket from about 11,000 in 2011. The free market rate et deficit. “All monetary and banking activities must Seif, took office yesterday amid expectations he promising to work to lift the sanctions while reduc- is used by most Iranians to obtain hard currency, be supervised by the central bank so that the move- may hike rates in an effort pull down rampant infla- ing inflation and unemployment. Iran raised inter- although the government also uses a stronger rate ment in the direction of disciplined financial prac- tion and attract more money into bank deposits. est rates on bank deposits to around 21 percent in for some purposes such as financing imports of key tices is strengthened,” Seif was quoted as saying on Seif is charged with reining in 40 percent-plus 2012 in an unsuccessful effort to curb inflation. goods. Seif has signalled that he will not try to engi- Monday by Khabaronline, an Iranian news site. But inflation and helping to rescue the economy which Seif’s predecessor, Mahmoud Bahmani, who served neer any major recovery of the rial in the free mar- he also sought this week to temper any expecta- is battered by Western sanctions imposed over under previous President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, ket. “Right now the value of the dollar in the free tions for a quick end to Iran’s economic difficulties. Tehran’s disputed nuclear program. He has held top was criticized for failing to control wild fluctuations market is 32,000 rials, and this is not such an illogi- “We can’t see very positive changes in the economy positions at several private and state-owned Iranian of Iran’s rial currency. cal rate,” Fars news agency quoted him as saying on in a short amount of time,” he was quoted as saying banks and has said Iran’s interest rates ideally The Western sanctions against Iran’s oil exports Sunday: Lawmakers hostile to Ahmadinejad also on Monday by the ISNA news agency. “We must should not be lower than inflation - prompting the and its banking sector have slashed its ability to accused Bahmani of failing to maintain the central give the new government time so it can take useful expectations of higher rates. earn foreign currency, pushing down the rial to bank’s independence and printing money to help and precise decisions after a careful review of the In his early 60s, Seif was appointed by Iranian about 32,000 against the US dollar in the free mar- the Ahmadinejad administration bridge a big budg- situation.” — Reuters Oman signs MoU to import Iranian gas 25-year deal valued at $60bn

DUBAI: Iran signed a memorandum of under- minister Bijan Zanganeh and his Omani counter- According to a working copy of the 2007 standing (MoU) yesterday to export gas to Oman part Mohammed bin Hamad Al Rumhy, includes agreement between the two countries, in addi- from 2015, in a 25-year deal valued at around an agreement to start laying a gas pipeline to tion to imports of 1 billion cubic feet per day $60 billion, Iran’s energy ministry news service Oman as soon as possible, oil ministry news (bcfd) of gas from Iran for domestic use, Oman YANGON: Airport staff clean an Asian Wings aircraft at Yangon’s international airport said. service Shana reported. “We can start implemen- would allocate 2 million metric tons per year in yesterday. Japan’s All Nippon Airways (ANA) said it would acquire a 49 percent stake Energy-hungry Oman agreed to buy gas from tation of the project; mainly because top execu- excess capacity at its Oman LNG plant to process in Myanmar airline AWA (Asian Wings Airways), in the latest foray into the rapidly- Iran as far back as 2005 and a later draft deal in tives of the two countries insist that the project Iranian gas for export. The copy of that agree- opening and potentially lucrative Southeast Asian market. — AFP 2007 included plans for Oman to process Iranian should be implemented as soon as possible,” ment was obtained by the US embassy in gas for export as liquefied natural gas (LNG). But Shana quoted Zanganeh as saying after the Muscat according to 2007 cable leaked to the two sides have never finalised terms and signing ceremony held on Monday during a visit Wikileaks. ANA to buy stake in Oman has been pressured by the United States to Tehran by Oman ruler Sultan Qaboos. It is very unlikely that the big European share- to source fuel from alternative suppliers such as Iran sits on the world’s largest gas reserves, holders. Iranian gas while EU sanctions on Iran Qatar, according to US embassy cables released according to the latest statistics compiled by BP, are in place, but Iranian gas imported for domes- Myanmar airline by Wikileaks. but it has been prevented from exporting much tic use could free up more Omani fuel to feed Oman, which has warmer relations with Iran of it because of western sanctions that have Oman’s existing LNG export facilities. In addition TOKYO: Japan’s All Nippon Airways (ANA) said growing Asian airline market and this invest- than other Arabian Peninsula countries, began slammed the brakes on its LNG export ambi- to sanctions pressure, US ally Oman’s enthusi- yesterday it would acquire a 49 percent stake ment in AWA will support that strategic goal,” importing Qatari gas in 2007, but its demand tions. Oman has plants able to produce up to asm for building the pipeline with Iran may in a Myanmar airline, the latest foray into the it added. has risen rapidly since, threatening its LNG 10.4 million tons of LNG a year but has not pro- depend on whether it can agree terms for BP to rapidly-opening and potentially lucrative Shares in ANA Holdings fell 0.47 percent exports and pushing Muscat back to the negoti- duced more than 8.8 million in the last five years develop the Kazzan tight gas project, which Southeast Asian market. Foreign firms have to 208 yen on the Tokyo Stock Exchange yes- ating table with Tehran. and output fell to 8.4 million in 2012, according could supply around 1 billion cubic feet per day piled into Myanmar since the installation of a terday after reports of the deal. The formal The latest MoU signed by new Iranian energy to Oman LNG’s latest annual report. by 2018. — Reuters nominally civilian government in 2011, eager announcement came after the Tokyo bourse to make the most of opportunities in a fast- closed, with the benchmark Nikkei index hav- changing country, but this is the first move on ing shed 0.69 percent. Asian Wings, based in an airline. “ANA Group will invest $25 million the commercial hub of Yangon, flies to 13 China, India shore up (2.5 billion yen) for AWA (Asian Wings Airways) cities in Myanmar. It will begin an internation- as part of its stated strategy of expanding into al service this October. new international markets,” ANA Holdings-the The Myanmar carrier is considered a mid- parent of one of Japan’s major airlines-said in tier player in a domestic market packed with alumina sales to Iran a statement. nine airlines, including the government-run “As part of the investment, ANA will also Myanmar Airways. With demand for travel in HONG KONG/BHUBANESWAR: Iran has hiked pur- quality smelter grade alumina rather than the The European Union sanctioned Iralco in work with AWA to improve its operational and Japan expected to remain largely flat because chases of alumina from China and India in the past high-purity material known as chemical grade, December 2012 for supplying aluminum to The on-time performance and support its expan- of the greying, shrinking population, ANA is two months as the country scrambles to shore up traders said. Iran Centrifuge Technology Co (TESA), which is a sion into markets outside Myanmar,” the com- trying to capture rising demand in Southeast supply after the US tightened sanctions on raw and Chemical grade alumina can have military subsidiary of the Atomic Energy Organization of pany said. The Japanese airline also said it will Asia. In October, ANA restarted direct flights semi-processed materials at the start of July. uses, such as to make ceramic composites used in Iran (AEOI). Swiss trading giants Trafigura and employ larger aircraft and make the currently from Narita to Yangon after a 12-year hiatus, Western measures targeting Iran’s disputed nuclear missiles and armor. The prices Iran paid for the Glencore Xstrata have both supplied alumina to three-flights-a-week service daily between pointing to the rising number of business program have hit many sectors of its economy material from India and China were less than a Iralco in the past as part of barter deals in Tokyo’s Narita and Yangon from the end of travellers and tourists headed to Myanmar. including industries producing steel and other met- quarter of that for chemical grade material. exchange for aluminum, but both halted supplies September. “The acquisition of the stake in Unlike many industrialised countries, Japan als, where it is heavily dependent on imports. Aluminum alloys can be used to make tubes over new EU sanctions. AWA represents the first investment in a maintained trade ties and generous aid for Tehran says its atomic work is peaceful. for uranium enrichment gas centrifuges. Most NALCO company officials, including Chairman Myanmar-based commercial carrier by a for- Myanmar while it was ruled by a military jun- Tightened US sanctions came into effect on newer gas centrifuges are made of a carbon com- and MD Ansuman Das declined to comment on eign airline,” the statement said. “ANA intends ta, warning that taking a hard line could push July 1 that extended a ban on aluminum metal posite material, though Iran’s current centrifuge the tender award. Iralco could not immediately be to capture an increasing share of the fast- it closer to China. —AFP to cover raw and semi-finished metals as well. program in operation is based on aluminum. reached for comment. China and India have won waivers from any US Aluminum is also used in everything from cars to A senior official at India’s mines ministry, sanctions on their financial system related to aircraft, buildings and cans. under which state-owned NALCO operates, said trade with Iran because they have cut imports of China, the world’s top producer and consumer the government was not looking into the issue Abu Dhabi appoints Iranian oil. of alumina, exported 15,072 tons to Iran in July but could investigate if required. “In general, we China’s alumina exports to Iran jumped to and 15,078 tons in June, customs data showed. do not have anything against trade ties with Iran,” record levels in June and July, customs data That compared with sales to Iran of 553 tons for the official said. The sale was for 30,000 tons of board for free zone shows, while India’s national aluminum producer the whole of last year, out of China’s total 2012 alumina to Iralco and shipments were due to ABU DHABI: Abu Dhabi named a chairman named chairman of the Global Marketplace has awarded an alumina tender to Iran’s national alumina exports of43,293 tons, customs data start in August, the sources said. The deal comes and the board for a new financial free zone Abu Dhabi (GMAD). The board includes smelter in the past two months, company sources shows. as India tries to boost exports to Iran to balance a it hopes will attract top global banks and Mohammed Darwish Mohamed al Khouri, a say. “Iran has historically had a decent-sized alu- It is unclear from official customs data which trade deficit with the country due to India’s oil financial firms when it launches in the board member of Abu Dhabi Commercial minum industry. Given the savage squeeze in the companies have been selling to Iran and where imports. India is seeking to boost overall exports fourth quarter. The oil-rich emirate outlined Bank and executive director of internal international sanctions against it, clearly it’s easier the alumina was produced. worldwide to shore up its currency, which has plans in May for the zone on an island near equities at Abu Dhabi Investment Authority for Iran to do these kind of transactions with Sources in international and Chinese trading sunk to record lows. its downtown area that will have its own (ADIA), one of the world’s largest sovereign countries like China,” said Nic Brown, an com- houses said the alumina recently shipped to Iran “(The) Indian government is encouraging administration, court system and tax incen- wealth funds. Other members include Ali modities analyst at Natixis in London. probably came from China’s bonded warehouses, exports to Iran. There is nothing wrong in NALCO tives. The zone is seen as a challenge to Majid Mubarak Al-Mansouri, chairman of “Particularly if they are handled as some sort of where the alumina has not paid China’s 17 per- exporting alumina to that country,” a senior com- neighboring city state Dubai, which has Abu Dhabi Airports Authority, Ibrahim barter arrangement, where China gets its energy cent value-added tax, which means the metal was pany official who declined to be identified due to prospered as the top financial centre in the Obeid Al-Zaabi, deputy chief executive for and in return it provides raw or intermediate most likely produced outside of China. corporate policy told Reuters. region for nearly a decade. issuance and legal affairs at market regula- goods,” he added. Alumina is a refined version of Iran has been paying a premium to domestic NALCO said last week it planned to raise its Ahmed Ali Al-Sayegh, chairman of green tor Securities & Commodities Authority the raw ore bauxite. It is typically used to make Chinese prices, making the metal attractive to re- alumina exports by 40 percent to 1.4 million energy firm Masdar, chief executive of (SCA), and Mohammad Naim Al-Qubaisi, a aluminum, but in its high purity form it can have export rather than import into China, traders said. tonnes this fiscal year to help India increase dollar state-owned Dolphin Energy and the director at the Department of Economic sensitive military applications. But the price of the In India, the National Aluminum Co Ltd (NALCO) inflows as global investors dump emerging mar- deputy chairman of Abu Dhabi Media, was Development in Abu Dhabi. — Reuters material would indicate that Iran’s imports from has awarded a sell tender to the Iran Aluminum ket currencies anticipating the gradual end to US China and India are likely to have been of lower Company (Iralco), two sources said. stimulus. — Reuters EXCHANGE RATES

Malaysian Ringgit 86.526 Al-Muzaini Exchange Co. UAE Exchange Centre WLL Nepalese Rupees 3.890 Singapore Dollar 0.2180962 0.2240962 Malaysian Ringgit 86.526 Sri Lankan Rupee 0.0021030 0.0021450 Nepalese Rupees 3.890 Thai Baht 0.0084734 0.0090734 ASIAN COUNTRIES COUNTRY SELL DRAFT SELL CASH Malaysian Ringgit 86.526 Japanese Yen 2.899 Australian Dollar 260.64 261.000 Arab Canadian Dollar 274.44 275.000 Indian Rupees 4.447 Bahrain Exchange Company Bahraini Dinar 0.7480832 0.7565832 Pakistani Rupees 2.741 Swiss Franc 312.83 313.000 Egyptian Pound 0.0386438 0.0406588 Euro 384.04 386.000 Srilankan Rupees 2.140 Ethiopeanbirr 0.0126425 0.0191425 US Dollar 284.05 285.500 COUNTRY SELL CASH SELLDRAFT Nepali Rupees 2.726 Ghanaian Cedi 0.1446254 0.1464154 Singapore Dollar 222.380 Sterling Pound 446.50 449.000 Europe Iranian Riyal 0.0000791 0.0000796 Hongkong Dollar 36.702 Japanese Yen 2.94 3.000 British Pound 0.4358200 0.4448200 Iraqi Dinar 0.0001837 0.0002437 Bangladesh Taka 3.654 Bangladesh Taka 3.670 3.780 Czech Korune 0.0065615 0.0185615 Jordanian Dinar 0.3956266 0.4031266 Philippine Peso 6.403 Indian Rupee 4.418 4.800 Danish Krone 0.0469785 0.0519785 Thai Baht 8.850 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.143 2.700 Kuwaiti Dinar 1.0000000 1.0000000 Euro 0.3752942 0.3827942 Lebanese Pound 0.0001744 0.0001944 Irani Riyal 0.271 Nepali Rupee 2.773 3.220 Norwegian Krone 0.0432463 0.0484463 Irani Riyal 0.273 Moroccan Dirhams 0.0225463 0.0465463 Pakistani Rupee 2.747 2.900 Scottish Pound 0.4337028 0.4412028 UAE Dirhams 77.40 77.900 Nigerian Naira 0.0012076 0.0018426 GCC COUNTRIES Swedish Krona 0.0395508 0.0445506 Omani Riyal 0.7278199 0.7388190 Bahraini Dinar 756.02 757.900 Swiss Franc 0.3038091 0.3108091 Saudi Riyal 75.937 Egyptian Pound 40.63 41.000 Qatar Riyal 0.0774761 0.0782591 Qatari Riyal 78.244 Saudi Riyal 0.0753200 0.0759600 Jordanian Dinar 404.27 410.000 Australasia Omani Riyal 739.640 Omani Riyal 738.71 740.000 Sudanese Pounds 0.0462492 0.0467992 Bahraini Dinar 756.340 Australian Dollar 0.2459809 0.2579809 Syrian Pound 0.0019382 0.0021582 Qatari Riyal 78.44 78.800 New Zealand Dollar 0.2147588 0.2247588 UAE Dirham 77.551 Saudi Riyal 75.88 76.200 Tunisian Dinar 0.1717385 0.1777386 Uganda Shilling 0.0001127 0.0001127 UAE Dirhams 0.0760179 0.0774679 ARAB COUNTRIES Yemeni Riyal 0.0012831 0.0013831 Egyptian Pound - Cash 41.950 Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd America Egyptian Pound - Transfer 40.658 Canadian Dollar 0.2638155 0.2728155 Yemen Riyal/for 1000 1.329 Rate for Transfer Selling Rate Colombian Peso 0.0001447 0.0001627 Al Mulla Exchange Tunisian Dinar 173.570 US Dollar 284.400 US Dollars 0.2823000 0.2844500 Jordanian Dinar 402.130 Canadian Dollar 271.640 Lebanese Lira/for 1000 1.910 Sterling Pound 444.385 Asia Currency Transfer Rate (Per 1000) Syrian Lier 3.094 Euro 381.000 Bangladesh Taka 0.0036121 0.0036671 US Dollar 284.100 Morocco Dirham 34.713 Swiss Frank 309.255 Cape Vrde Escudo 0.0031552 0.0033852 Euro 382.900 Bahrain Dinar 752.955 Chinese Yuan 0.0454730 0.0504730 EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES UAE Dirhams 77.410 Pound Sterling 444.650 US Dollar Transfer 284.650 Qatari Riyals 78.065 Eritrea-Nakfa 0.0164300 0.0195300 Canadian Dollar 272.950 Guinea Franc 0.0000441 0.0000501 Euro 382.000 Saudi Riyals 76.705 Indian Rupee 4.437 Hg Kong Dollar 0.0341269 0.0372269 Sterling Pound 444.620 Jordanian Dinar 400.910 Egyptian Pound 40.645 Egyptian Pound 40.655 Indian Rupee 0.0043018 0.0043668 Canadian dollar 271.460 Sri Lankan Rupee 2.141 Turkish lira 141.900 Sri Lankan Rupees 2.144 Indonesian Rupiah 0.0000211 0.0000262 Swiss Franc 309.840 Indian Rupees 4.485 Jamaican Dollars 0.0028406 0.0038406 Bangladesh Taka 3.651 Australian Dollar 256.190 Pakistani Rupees 2.740 Japanese Yen 0.0028145 0.0029945 Philippines Peso 6.451 US Dollar Buying 283.450 Bangladesh Taka 3.656 Pakistan Rupee 2.743 Philippines Pesso 6.420 Kenyan Shilling 0.0031878 0.0034178 Cyprus pound 697.645 Malaysian Ringgit 0.0815701 0.0885701 Bahraini Dinar 756.500 GOLD Japanese Yen 3.880 Nepalese Rupee 0.0025730 0.0027730 UAE Dirham 77.400 20 Gram 263.000 Thai Bhat 9.175 Pakistan Rupee 0.0027148 0.0027548 Saudi Riyal 75.900 10 Gram 133.000 Syrian Pound 4.060 Philippine Peso 0.0059525 0.0064225 *Rates are subject to change 5 Gram 68.000 Nepalese Rupees 3.890 Sierra Leone 0.0000727 0.0000757 BUSINESS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013

Kuwait inflation steady at 3% in June NBK ECONOMIC REPORT

KUWAIT: The Consumer Price Index went up by 3.0 the housing component makes up 29 percent of the from lower inflation (or deflation) in some sub-com- percent y/y in June, similar to the increase in May. But CPI. Prices in the furnishing and household mainte- ponents, such as the purchase of and repair of person- the major components of the consumer basket did nance component went up by 2.7 percent y/y in June, al vehicles. Miscellaneous goods and services inflation not see their inflation rates carry over from May. from 2.2 percent in May. This also contributed signifi- stood at 2.9 percent in June, down from 4.3 percent in Inflation in the food component slowed in June, but cantly to the upward pressure on the CPI, as the com- May. The component had previously been a source of this was offset by an increase in price inflation in hous- ponent is the third largest in the index, making up 11 upward pressure on general inflation, though it had ing services as well as in furnishing and household percent of the general index. But the component has an opposite effect in June. The 1.4 percentage point maintenance, among other components. With some been relatively stable in recent months, averaging 2.4 drop in the June rate came from lower inflation rates non-food components edging higher, core CPI went percent in 1H2013, below its 2011 highs. in some personal effects items, such as gold jewelry up by 2.4 percent y/y in June, from 2.1 percent in May. Offsetting some of the upward pressure, inflation (up 1.6 percent y/y in June, from 15.6 percent in May). Inflation in housing services reached 4.0 percent in the food and beverages segment slowed to 5.8 per- We expect inflation to remain contained for the y/y in June, from 3.2 percent in May. Housing services cent y/y in June, from 6.3 percent y/y in May. remainder of this year, averaging around 2.5 percent were the largest source of upward inflationary pres- Nonetheless, food price inflation in June was still high- for 2013 as a whole (similar to its 1H 2013 average). sure in June, though Inflation in this component er than the average for 1H2013, which stood at 4.1 Key to this is an expected further decline in food price should see little movement for the 2 months following percent. Some easing in the prices of certain sub-com- inflation, linked to international food price trends. This June, as most of its sub-components are not updated ponents could continue in the near future, resulting in should broadly offset what we see as a slight increase monthly. Rent, which makes up most of this compo- more modest inflation figures in the food segment in core inflation as the year goes on, including poten- nent, was up by 4.5 percent y/y in June, from 3.6 per- (excluding some potential one-offs such as Ramadan). tially higher housing costs. Overall, we are still some cent in May. Anecdotal evidence points to increased Another source of downward inflationary pressure way from price pressures becoming a major concern pressure on rents. If such pressures were to materialize was transport, where prices went up 1.4 percent y/y in for the authorities, who are likely to retain a pro- in the index, they could easily push inflation higher, as June, down from 1.7 percent in May. The easing came growth policy bias. US ‘vultures’ shake up the world of sovereign debt

WASHINGTON: A US court’s decision to back over all parties, as in a corporate bankruptcy More recent bond restructurings make use of two hedge funds demanding Argentina pay case. Weisbrot says the Argentine case demon- collective action clauses by which a majority can them for defaulted bonds has jolted the mult- strates the need for a formal restructuring mech- impose restructuring conditions on minorities, trillion dollar market for sovereign debt. On anism for the global financial system. One was and deny holdouts any payment, the court Friday the New York appeals court rejected proposed by the IMF in 2003, but ultimately pointed out. Buenos Aires’ arguments that the funds-the rejected. Adam Lerrick, researcher at the American country brands them “vultures”-deserve nothing The New York court however argued that the Enterprise Institute, agreed that the Argentine because they refused to take part in a restructur- Argentine case was “exceptional” and hinged on bond contract was the source of the problem. ing of the debt, which the country defaulted on the country’s “extraordinary behavior” as a “Argentinian bonds have a specific sentence say- in 2001.Instead, it ordered the Argentine gov- “uniquely recalcitrant debtor.” ing basically that they cannot pay any other ernment to shell out $1.47 billion to the funds, a The judges insisted their ruling would have bond holder without paying the holdout decision that critics say could unravel the “little apparent bearing” on other cases, because investors.” “This issue is important for Argentina. restructuring deal and send the country back of the way Argentina’s debt contracts were writ- But from the point of view of the capital mar- into virtual bankruptcy. ten, giving holdouts the right to make full repay- kets, this is just a non-event, just a blip,” said Moreover, critics say the decision could ment claims. Lerrick. — AFP MUMBAI: Onlookers watch share prices on the digital broadcast on the facade of Bombay upend other sovereign debt restructuring deals Stock Exchange (BSE) building during intra day trade in Mumbai yesterday. The bench- and make it harder for some countries to get mark Sensex index plunged 3.18 percent to close at 17,968.08 points, while local prices back on their feet after falling into default. of gold, considered a safer investment, rose. — AFP Buenos Aires defaulted 12 years ago on nearly German business confidence $100 billion worth of bonds. In two restructur- ings, in 2005 and 2010, most of the bond hold- rises for fourth month: Ifo ers took a steep 70 percent “haircut” on the face Total to buy Chevron’s value. But New York hedge funds NML Capital and BERLIN: German business confidence sub-index edged up to 103.3 points from Egypt retail network Aurelius Capital, which bought some of the rose for a fourth consecutive month in 102.4 points. defaulted debt at a steep discount, declined to August, data showed yesterday, boosted With the battered eurozone now join the restructuring. They sued to recover 100 by a stronger export outlook and adding climbing out of recession, the German CAIRO: French oil major Total said it had deal. Chevron had been seeking to sell its to signs of a pickup in Europe’s top econo- business climate in manufacturing rose agreed to buy the Egyptian retail network of Egyptian and Pakistani downstream assets to percent of the bonds’ face value, plus accrued my. “significantly”, reaching its highest level US energy company Chevron, in a move it said raise $300 million for the second-largest US oil interest. Argentina still refuses to repay them, would create its biggest marketing and servic- company, sources told Reuters in May. and has petitioned the US Supreme Court to The Ifo economic institute’s closely since April 2012, the Ifo indicator showed. es subsidiary outside Europe. Total said the Total already agreed in May to buy the review the case. A Supreme Court endorsement watched business climate index rose to “Assessments of the current business situa- Chevron network has annual sales of more Egyptian retail assets of Royal Dutch Shell. of the lower court would “have serious effect on 107.5 points this month from 106.2 in July, tion were considerably better than last than 1.4 million tonnes and includes 66 service Once the Shell and Chevron purchases close, the ability to negotiate necessary debt restruc- in a move likely to provide a boost to month. Business expectations also contin- stations, two oil depots and the aviation fuel the annual sales of its local subsidiary Total turing in the future,” said Mark Weisbrot of the Chancellor Angela Merkel a month before ued to brighten,” Carstensen said. operations at Cairo and Marsa Alam airports. Egypt will exceed 3 million tonnes through Center for Economic and Policy Research in general elections. Analysts polled by Dow “Firms expect stronger impulses from It bought the assets jointly with Egyptian 218 service stations, giving it a 14 percent Washington. Jones Newswires had predicted an export business,” he added. While the busi- partners Beltone Capital and Beltone Private share of the market, Total said. The service sta- When countries cannot pay their debt, they increase, albeit slightly lower, to 107 ness climate index in wholesales Equity (BPE) Energy. The purchase is subject to tions will also distribute lubricants provided by can negotiate with creditors as a group-aiming points. improved, it edged downwards in retailing approval by the relevant authorities, Total said a blending plant owned jointly by Total Egypt to reduce some of the value and lengthen the “Companies are more satisfied with and fell in construction. in a statement. It did not give a value for the and OilLibya. — Reuters time for repayment, in a way that makes the their current business situation. Their opti- Berenberg bank economist Christian government solvent and allows the creditors to mism regarding future business develop- Schulz noted that the export outlook was recover at least some of their investment. ments-although slightly cautious also “brightening” despite difficulties for Such deals depend on the large majority of grew,” the think tank’s economist Kai emerging markets, a slowdown in China Libya oil output bondholders to agree, while holdouts are meant Carstensen said in a statement. “The and tough Japanese competition. to get nothing. That was the case with the German economy moved up a gear.” “Stabilising eurozone and growing US largest restructuring ever, the 2012 deal Ifo calculates its headline index on the demand, which together account for two- hit by shut ports between Greece and holders of some 200 billion basis of companies’ assessments of their thirds of German goods exports, should current business and the outlook for the offset weaker developments elsewhere,” TRIPOLI: Libya’s oil output is stuck at less were still blocked. The deputy oil minister euros ($267 billion) worth of its bonds that than half of pre-war levels due to idle east- said last week that the Hariga port had wrote off about half of their value. next six months. The figures offer further he said. Jennifer McKeown, an economist ern oil ports, its oil minister said yesterday. been cleared of striking workers but That makes it troubling if holdouts can lay cheer to the German economy after gross at Capital Economics, said the sharper- Oil production has fallen to 665,000 bar- tankers have not been able to load. The claim to full payback, according to Jacob domestic product (GDP) expanded by a than-expected rise “adds to encouraging rels per day (bpd) due to a month long dis- tanker Hellas Warrior was called in at the Kirkegaard, of the Peterson Institute for stronger-than-expected 0.7 percent in the signs that the economy is recovering”. ruption by armed security guards who end of last week, the ship operator said, International Economics. second quarter following zero growth in But she said the fall in the construc- shut down main export ports, Abdelbari but was unable to take crude. Another “If it turns out that a holdout creditor could the first quarter. tion index seemed to indicate that the Al-Arusi said. “In Libya we are precisely tanker was also waiting, a trading source end up being paid out in full, this would have Growth was driven mainly by domestic sharp second-quarter rise in activity “was a producing 665,000 bpd as a result of the close to the matter said. very detrimental effects on the prospect for demand, with consumer spending and temporary bounceback from bad weather” strikes and the problems arising. We used Only Marsa al Brega in the east was future debt restructuring,” he told AFP. public expenditure both on the rise, and in the previous three-month period. to produce 1,550,000 bpd and when we open. Production was mainly coming from “Because it means that the funds that can investment was also up on the previous “And the fall in the retail index is a produce now 665,000 bpd we are talking two western and southern fields in Zawiya afford to wait and to hire enough lawyers, they quarter. The Bundesbank said in its June reminder not to put too much faith in about a big difference,” he said in an inter- and Mellitah, he added. Brega loaded its will have zero incentive to agree to any debt monthly report that German GDP would German consumers. Nonetheless, it seems view aired by Libyan television channel first crude oil tanker since Aug. 9 over the restructuring.” expand by 0.3 percent in 2013, while the that a moderate recovery is finally under- Libya Al-Hurra. weekend. “The oil ports are completely “In many cases, you would not get enough International Monetary Fund has cut in way,” she said. UniCredit economist The minister said the oil ports of Es closed. Brega was recently opened and participants to join in a such an operation,” he half its forecast for German growth this Alexander Koch said the data indicated a Sider, Ras Lanuf and Zueitina and Marsa Al Zueitina and Hariga are still closed. Every added. year, also to 0.3 percent. bright horizon. “Looking ahead, the latest Hariga, which are all in the east where port has a different reason for their clo- The Argentine case has sparked concern in Companies’ sentiment on both expec- business sentiment readings confirm our most of the country’s oil production lies, sure,” the minister added. the International Monetary Fund, often a crucial remained closed. Arusi blamed mainly non-oil workers tation and the current assessment of their view that the German economy will be player in arranging restructurings for countries A spokesman for the Petroleum and agitators pushing for federalism in business situation rose in August, Ifo said. able to maintain a somewhat more moder- Facilities Guard also said on Tuesday that Libya for the strikes, which he said had mired in unpayable debt. The debt deals are vul- The sub-index measuring current business ate but still robust momentum in the sec- the situation had not changed since last cost the country $2 billion in lost rev- nerable to holdouts because the restructurings increased to 112 points in August from ond half of 2013 following the exceptional week and Es Sider, Ras Lanuf and Zueitina enues.—Reuters are negotiated as contracts, rather than being 110.1 points last month, while the outlook rebound in the spring,” he said. — AFP decided by a specialized court with authority WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 BUSINESS Gold hits 11-week high on Syria fears LONDON: Gold hit an 11-week high yesterday, safe-haven currencies but remained broadly Data due later in the day from the United bolstered by safe-haven buying on geopolitical steady, while European shares dropped as States includes the Case-Shiller house price tensions as the West edged towards possible unease about the threat of a military strike index, consumer confidence and the Richmond military action against Syria, while strong sup- against Syria prompted investors to cash in on Fed survey. Dealers said physical demand in port came from hopes of prolonged US mone- recent strong gains. Asia remained subdued due to a seasonally tary stimulus. Gold has gained more than 6 percent this weak summer period and the recent jump in The United States signalled on Monday pos- month and almost 19 percent from its year low prices. Premiums of Shanghai gold futures to sible military moves against Syria over a chemi- of $1,180.71 hit in late June. Recent US data on London prices have fallen to about $18 an cal weapons attack in Damascus suburbs for industrial production, new home sales and ounce from last week’s levels above $20. India is which it said it believed President Bashar al- durable goods orders has suggested economic considering asking gold traders to provide Assad was responsible. “Geopolitical tensions in growth this quarter will probably not accelerate proof of payment for their jewellery exports, Syria are one of the factors which will be sup- as much as economists had hoped. trade body officials said on Monday. porting gold prices in coming sessions,” Natixis Traders believe the weak data could deter Imports have come to a standstill since July analyst Nic Brown said. the Federal Reserve from tapering its stimulus 22, when the Indian central bank issued a rule “And you also have the latest data out of the as soon as next month. tying imports to exports in a bid to reduce its United States over the past couple of sessions The Fed’s $85-billion-a-month bond purchas- trade deficit. that was relatively weak and raised the ques- es have helped drive increased liquidity towards Spot silver was little changed at $24.26 an tion mark over the timing of the US Fed taper- gold and other commodities. ounce, having touched a 16-week high of ing,” he added. An early end to stimulus could hurt gold by $24.40 in the previous session. Spot gold rose to its highest since June 7 at drawing investors away from non-interest-bear- Platinum rose 0.3 percent to $1,544.99 an $1,412.30 an ounce earlier and was trading at ing assets. “A lot of people think it is still going ounce. The metal reached its highest since April A man walks past Tiffany & Co sign in Boston. Tiffany & Co reports quarterly $1,411.50 by 0950 GMT, up 0.5 percent. US gold to happen in September but if the Fed was 9 at $1,552.50 in earlier trade, buoyed by supply earnings yesterday.—AP futures for December delivery climbed $18.50 going to delay that, then that is clearly support- disruptions in South Africa. Palladium was to $1,411.60 an ounce. The dollar fell against ive for gold prices,” Brown said. unchanged at $744.39 an ounce. — Reuters Tiffany Q2 profit rises, China growth helps NEW YORK: Tiffany & Co’s fiscal second- share on higher revenue of $941.5 million. quarter net income climbed a stronger Shares of Tiffany gained $1.89, or 2.3 per- than expected 16 percent, driven by cent, to $83.56 in premarket trading about strong sales in China. The high-end jewel- two hours ahead of the market opening. ry company also boosted its full-year earn- Asia-Pacific sales climbed 20 percent, ings forecast. Its shares rose more than 2 led by strong results in China. European percent in premarket trading. sales rose 11 percent, buoyed by strength Tiffany is considered a bellwether for in the U.K. and most of continental the luxury market. Its performance is Europe. encouraging, given that many retailers In the Americas, sales edged up 2 per- have reported disappointing profits and cent led by better sales at its flagship store lowered expectations for the rest of the in New York. Japan’s sales were dragged year. Several upscale retailers including down by a weaker yen, falling 14 percent. Saks Inc, Ralph Lauren Corp and Coach On a constant currency basis, sales Inc, reported weak sales during the spring climbed 7 percent on increased sales of and early summer period. The company, engagement and higher-end jewelry. known for its blue boxes, earned $106.8 Revenue at stores open at least a year million, or 83 cents per share, for the peri- rose 5 percent on growth in most regions. od ended July 31. A year earlier it earned This metric is a key indicator of a retailer’s $91.8 million, or 72 cents per share. health because it excludes results from Revenue for the New York company stores recently opened or closed. Tiffany increased 4 percent to $925.9 million from now foresees fiscal 2013 earnings in a $886.6 million, helped by strong perform- range of $3.50 to $3.60 per share. Its prior ances from its statement and fine jewelry guidance called for earnings between products. Analysts polled by FactSet pre- $3.43 and $3.53 per share. Wall Street dicted lower earnings of 74 cents per expects earnings of $3.54 per share.— AP Mongolia plans to scrap foreign investment law ULAN BATOR: Mongolia plans to scrap a Australia. controversial law designed to curb foreign The country also planned to create an ownership in what it considers to be strate- investment agency, Invest Mongolia, to lure gic sectors, such as mining, a government foreign investment, he added. SEFIL was official said, as the country seeks to kick- introduced just before parliamentary elec- start its stalled economy. tions in May 2012, as lawmakers sought to The new measure, if passed, will replace block a bid by the Aluminum Corporation the 2012 Strategic Entities Foreign of China Ltd (Chalco) to buy a majority Investment Law (SEFIL), which analysts say stake in a Mongolian coal deposit, but ana- has been partly responsible for a slump of lysts said the law triggered a slump in for- 43 percent in overseas investment in the eign investment. first half of 2013, on an annual basis. “There’s no doubt (the law) led to a Sereeter Javkhlanbaatar, director of foreign more uncertain environment for foreign investment at the economic development investors,” said Nick Plummer, an analyst at ministry, said the new law would seek to the Economic Policy and Competitiveness allay concerns about limits in sectors such Research Center in Ulan Bator. as mining. “We won’t separate the market But it was unclear if a new law could between strategic and non-strategic,” he reverse the slide, he said. Investors have told an audience of investors on Monday. also been put off by a stalemate between Sectors identified as strategic by the Mongolia and Anglo-Australian miner Rio 2012 law include telecommunications, Tinto over the development of the Oyu banking and finance, besides mining. At Tolgoi copper-gold mine, the country’s the moment, companies looking to buy 33 biggest foreign investment project by far. percent or more of any company deemed Javkhlanbaatar said the new law alone to belong to a “strategic” sector must would not be enough to bring foreign secure government approval. State-owned investment back to levels in 2011, when firms require government approval for any Mongolia racked up world-beating eco- interest in a strategic asset, and full parlia- nomic growth of 17.3 percent. He also not- mentary approval for a stake of more than ed that existing licensing systems govern- 49 percent. ing sectors like mining and banking could The new law would continue to limit be tightened to guarantee national securi- state-owned entities’ efforts to acquire ty, which could raise concerns among Mongolian assets, said Javkhlanbaatar, but investors. Plummer said tougher licensing would apply to all sectors, not merely terms could actually increase uncertainty strategic ones. “We won’t have approval and extend delays, whether or not the dis- systems for strategic sectors, but we will tinction between “strategic” and “non- have for state-owned companies,” he strategic” was removed. “Until we see the added. Mongolia hopes to establish an draft legislation, we can only guess at what approval board to review proposed acquisi- changes the government intends to make,” tions by state-owned firms, he said, along he said. Parliament will discuss the new law similar lines as one that already exists in next week, Javkhlanbaatar said. — Reuters Landmark Chinese copper deal with Afghanistan at risk KABUL: A consortium of Chinese investors ceed in halting work on the mine by forcing has demanded a review of a landmark $3- workers to flee. Donors hope the largest billion deal to produce copper in foreign investment project in Afghan histo- Afghanistan, the Ministry of Mines said, ry will help wean the country off interna- putting at risk one of Kabul’s greatest tional aid, which is expected to fall short of hopes for economic independence. It said the amount needed to pay for its security China Metallurgical Group (MCC) and forces and sustain economic growth. Jiangxi Copper wanted new terms that IWA said that renegotiating the deal, would cut their royalties to the govern- which was agreed in 2007, would dramati- ment, release them from building a power cally reduce the benefit to Afghanistan and plant and copper smelter, and postpone set a bad precedent for others seeking to the laying of a railway. invest in the already unpredictable country. “The Afghan government is trying its “The terms of the contract they want to best ... to negotiate with the company but renegotiate were the terms that made contract conditions are clear and previous- them the winners in the bidding process,” ly both sides have agreed about it,” a min- said Javed Noorani of IWA. istry spokesman said. Noorani said the Chinese investors were An independent anti-corruption moni- seeking to cut royalty payments to the gov- tor, Integrity Watch Afghanistan (IWA), said ernment by almost half, to 10 percent, as the Chinese venture also wanted to delay well as delay production to 2019. The the start of production by five years to Afghan president is expected to travel to 2019. The Chinese consortium confirmed China with the minister of mines to discuss that talks to amend the contract were salvaging the project. The government was underway and said the project faced “eco- split between accommodating Chinese nomic and security problems”. In an e-mail, demands and cancelling the contract. it said, “The topics being talked about “Others for strategic reasons want it to include the scope of the contract, the prod- happen ... so China remains committed to ucts plan, the economy of the project, helping Afghanistan when the money dries security measures and conditions for con- up in this country,” Noorani continued. struction to start.” Once production starts, the mine will The copper deposit is among the generate a quarter of a billion dollars a year world’s largest but is situated in a danger- and create around 75,000 jobs, according ous province and the site has often come to a “low-impact” scenario by the World under attack by insurgents, who have suc- Bank.—Reuters BUSINESS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28 , 2013 Toyota marks 16 years of Technology leadership in hybrid vehicles More than 5.5 million worldwide sales of Toyota hybrids

KUWAIT: Toyota will bring together its wheel drive capability. Using technology launch of a production car by 2015. Toyota sales of more than 5.5 million hybrids and 2015 Toyota will have introduced a further past achievements and future plans for like that featured in Toyota’s TS030 Hybrid considers the energy and emissions bene- today has a portfolio 23 different models - 16 new or revised hybrid models. hybrid power in a Frankfurt motor show race car, energy recovered under braking fits make this the best technology yet to four times more than any other competi- TMC will continue to conduct R&D and presentation devoted entirely to its indus- is stored in a super capacitor, a unit that’s deliver the ultimate zero-emission car, tor - available in 80 countries and regions invest in facilities for the development of try-leading technology when the show particularly suitable for use in a sports car with hydrogen as an ideal, ultra-clean around the world. As of June 2013, world- hybrid and other cutting-edge technolo- opens on September 10. Since it intro- thanks to its high power density and quick energy source. wide cumulative sales of the “Prius” gaso- gies and achieve sustainable growth by duced the original Prius saloon in Japan in 1997, Toyota has sold more than 5.5 mil- lion hybrid vehicles worldwide and con- tinues to extend its portfolio, currently offering 23 models worldwide. According to Nobuyuki Negishi, Chief Representative of Middle East & North Africa Representative Office, Toyota Motor Corporation, “Toyota’s commitment to environmental leadership is reflected in our concerted efforts at developing viable hybrid technologies for everyday use. Given the need to nurture a clean and sus- tainable environment driven by environ- mentally conscious customers and gov- ernments, we will continue to work towards developing innovative hybrid vehicles including fuel cell driven vehicles to expand our product lineup to create vehicles that are popular with consumers.”

Yaris Hybrid-R concept Frankfurt will mark the world debut of charge and discharge speeds. The result is 16 years of Toyota hybrid technology line-electric hybrid vehicle passed the 3- deploying these developed technologies the new Yaris Hybrid-R concept, created as a highly focused machine, designed to Toyota has been researching and million mark. The Prius was the world’s across the globe. In line with this commit- a showcase for possible future hybrid deliver the maximum driving pleasure, developing environmentally efficient first mass-produced hybrid passenger ment, in 2012 TMC also brought hybrid development ideas that can deliver both on road and track. transport solutions for more than 40 vehicle at the time of its launch. technology to the race track by returning greater performance and driver rewards. years, building world leadership in the Toyota calculates that its global hybrid to endurance racing as a full-time entrant Based on the three-door Yaris, Hybrid- Fuel cell technology: next steps design and production of full hybrid pow- fleet has already saved 12 billion litres of with a hybrid LMP1 car making history by R features a 1.6-litre GRE (Global Race towards the ultimate zero-emission car ertrain technology. It made the science a fuel and 34 million tons of CO2 emissions, becoming the first manufacturer to build Engine) developed by Toyota Motorsport, Toyota will show the latest status of its marketplace reality in 1997, when the first compared to the same number of equiva- a team entirely around a hybrid power- combined with two powerful electric Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle (FCHV) technolo- Prius went on sale in Japan. Since then, lent, conventionally powered vehicles. The train. The car had a successful first season motors that give the car intelligent all- gy at Frankfurt, ahead of the market Toyota Motor Corporation has amassed story does not end here: by the end of winning three of the six races it entered. Turkish CB won’t defend lira with interest rates Fed, Syria, elections weigh on Turkish appeal

ISTANBUL: Turkish Central Bank Governor est rate side, just expect interesting manoeu- Erdem Basci said yesterday he did not intend vres on the forex side that will result in an to hike interest rates to defend a sliding lira, appreciation of the lira,” Basci said, in charac- which hit record lows on concern about the teristically cryptic comments. outlook for US stimulus and the conflict in “I am neither a hawk nor a dove,” he said neighboring Syria. when questioned about his policy stance. “I In an interview with the state-run Anadolu am not a bird.” The central bank raised its news agency (AA), Basci said the central bank overnight lending rate, the upper end of the NEW YORK: People walk by JP Morgan Chase & Company headquarters in New York. had $40 billion in reserves which it could use interest rate corridor it uses to control mone- Spanish police yesterday arrested a former JP Morgan trader wanted by the United States to shore up the lira and would intervene tary conditions, for a second straight month to face criminal charges in the massive “London Whale” fraud scandal. — AFP defensively as needed to reduce exchange last week, hiking it by 50 basis points to 7.75 rate volatility. The lira weakened to a record percent in a surprise move to try to prevent an low of 2.037 to the dollar as markets won- uncontrolled slide in the lira. Wanted JPMorgan trader dered whether the bank had the firepower Basci said the average cost of lira funding necessary to defend the currency. would remain between 6.75 percent, the rate arrested in Spain The main Turkish share index slid 4.7 per- at which it funds primary dealers, and 7.75 cent to close at its lowest in a year. The 10-year percent until inflation drops to its year-end MADRID: Spanish police yesterday arrested a how to proceed”. “The US cannot have him benchmark bond yield spiked to 10.83 per- forecast of 6.2 percent. former JPMorgan bank trader wanted by the arrested as long as he is in France,” Little told cent during Basci’s interview, which was “The central bank is once again demon- United States to face criminal charges in the AFP by telephone. “The only way he would broadcast live on Turkish financial TV stations, strating it is unwilling to raise rates much fur- massive “London Whale” fraud scandal. return to the US is if we can reach a reason- from 10.18 percent on Monday. It closed at ther, and that will continue to drag (the dol- ANKARA: Turkey’s central bank governor Erdem Basci Officers arrested Spanish national Javier able agreement on bail.” 10.28 percent. “We will not be using our inter- lar/lira rate) higher,” Luis Costa, head of speaking during a press conference in Ankara. The Turkish Martin-Artajo Rueda on an international war- According to US prosecutors, Martin- est rate weapon against the exchange rate. CEEMEA currency and debt strategy at Citi, lira hit a record low yesterday, but the central bank rant by the United States for alleged fraud Artajo was the most senior of the three We are very clear on that and we have said referring to more lira weakening. warned that it had a war chest of up to $40 billion to and tax crimes, police said in a statement. employees implicated in the scandal. The there will not be any uncertainty about inter- Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan, a vocal defend the currency amid turmoil for emerging He is accused of being the senior figure Spaniard’s law firm earlier said he would be est rates,” Basci told AA Finans. supporter of low interest rates and champion economies. — AFP in the 2012 trading scandal involving $6.2 bil- “cleared of any wrongdoing.” “Since we will not be using this then we are of Turkish exporters, who benefit from a weak lion (4.6 billion euros) in trading losses at the The US complaint documents how the left with the balance sheet weapon, and that lira, said the central bank did not need to US banking giant. “The detainee is suspected London team allegedly falsified financial is a very powerful weapon. That means we will intervene to support the currency, saying the China to hold of being responsible for manipulating and records after Martin-Artajo was pressured use our foreign exchange reserves against the 2 to the dollar level it breached on Tuesday inflating the value of positions on his firm’s from higher-ups about losses in early 2012. slide in the foreign exchange market.” His was only a psychological barrier. economic reform credit portfolio,” the statement said. Martin-Artajo directed underlings to comments surprised many economists. He also dismissed suggestions that any The suspect went before a judge at the calculate trades and price assets in such a “Turkey’s central bank is digging itself into a Turkish participation in an international coali- meeting in Nov National Court in Madrid, who granted him way as to discount the losses, according to deeper hole. For a country whose forex tion to intervene in Syria would have a nega- bail pending a ruling on extradition after the complaint, which cites phone calls and reserves barely cover its short-term external tive impact on the economy. BEIJING: China’s Communist Party will hold a key Martin-Artajo did not consent to be extradit- emails. debts, this is highly imprudent policymaking,” But the effects of the weak lira - which has meeting in November to discuss deepening reforms, ed voluntarily, a judicial source said. He was Iksil is depicted in the complaints as a gen- said Nicholas Spiro of Spiro Sovereign fallen 14 percent against the dollar from a the official Xinhua news agency said yesterday, as released on condition that he check in with erally unwilling participant in the cover-up, Strategy. peak this year of 1.7455 on Feb. 1 - are already leaders look to set the country’s economic agenda for the court every two weeks and was banned urging Martin-Artajo to revise pricing prac- Emerging markets have borne the brunt of being felt by some of Turkey’s top firms. A the next decade. The meeting will mark the third time from leaving Spain, said the source, who tices to more accurately reflect the losses. At heavy selling in recent weeks amid concern weak lira cut net profit at national flag carrier China’s elite 200-member Central Committee has asked not to be named. one point, Martin-Artajo allegedly quarrelled that the US Federal Reserve will soon start Turkish Airlines by almost a third in the sec- gathered since a leadership transition last year, US federal prosecutors filed criminal with Iksil after he reported in an email a sin- reducing its massive bond-buying program, ond quarter despite a sharp rise in sales, send- though political reform is not expected to be a major charges on August 14 against Martin-Artajo gle-day trading loss of $40 million. which had flooded developing economies ing its shares tumbling more than 2 percent talking point. Historically, such meetings, known as and Frenchman Julien Grout, alleging they As a result of the false records, JPMorgan with cheap liquidity. Turkey is particularly vul- yesterday. third plenums, have been a springboard for key eco- kept false records on trades, committed wire in July 2012 understated losses from its cor- nerable because it is heavily dependent on The country’s largest telecoms group Turk nomic change in China. fraud and submitted false US securities filings. porate private equity division, which included foreign inflows to finance its current account Telekom , whose liabilities are in dollars, euros “The decision to hold the third Plenary Session of The Securities and Exchange Commission, the London trading operation, by $459 mil- deficit, running at over 7 percent of national and Japanese yen, said last month its net prof- the US stock trading authority, also filed civil lion. the 18th CPC Central Committee in November was output. it fall 56 percent in the same period due to for- charges against the two men alleging securi- The defendants each face a maximum sen- made at yesterday’s meeting of the CPC Central Concern about the consequences of a pos- eign exchange losses. The weakening lira and ties fraud. tence of 65 years in prison when all the crimi- Committee’s political bureau,” Xinhua said. sible US-led intervention in neighboring Syria Basci’s comments helped knock the main A third ex-JPMorgan banker, French nal charges are combined, and a fine of at President Xi Jinping is likely to use his first such Istanbul share index down by more than 3 national Bruno Iksil-originally identified as the least $5 million. and political uncertainty ahead of an election meeting since taking the role in March to push ahead “London Whale” responsible for the trades- The debacle led to senior bank resigna- cycle beginning next year have further damp- percent to a year low although it later recov- with his agenda to reform the structure of the econo- was cleared of criminal responsibility after tions, slashed pay for JPMorgan chief execu- ened its appeal as investors shun riskier assets. ered somewhat to trade down 2.4 percent by my. He is looking to wean it off a heavy reliance on cooperating with prosecutors. Martin-Artajo, tive Jamie Dimon and sparked various gov- Basci said he was not overly worried about the 1030 GMT. exports, credit and investment and towards more con- 49, is a Spaniard who usually resides in ernment probes. The case is one of several exchange rate, forecasting it would recover by “Combined with the uncertainty over a sumer-driven growth. London, while Grout, 35, resides in his native regulatory headaches still facing JPMorgan. the end of the year to around 1.92 to the dol- multi-party military intervention in Syria, the The priority is likely to be financial and tax reforms France. The bank also faces probes on its sale of lar, and that long-term bond yields would also comments are negative for Turkey’s financial but the meeting may also discuss how to loosen the Grout’s lawyer Edward Little said his mortgage-backed securities, among other be back in single digits. markets,” said Ibrahim Aksoy, economist at grip of the household registration, or hukou, system team was “negotiating with the US to decide issues. — AFP “Don’t expect a shock from us on the inter- Istanbul-based Seker Securities. — Reuters that constrains labor mobility and how to push land reform to help quicken urbanization. Some have cau- tioned that the reforms could face resistance from vested interests, especially state firms. Syria adds impetus to investor flight from emerging markets Many economists see this as a critical period for China if it wants to avoid the so-called middle income LONDON: The Indian rupee and Turkish lira tumbled to new “Today we have more of the same but with the added twist triggering speculation of new rate increases to defend the rupi- trap, where wealth creation stagnates as market share record lows yesterday as investors’ headlong flight out of emerg- of geopolitical concerns so you have all the ingredients of a ah, plumbing new four-year lows every day. is lost to lower-cost competitors and the attainment ing markets gathered pace with added impetus from uncertain- heavy risk aversion shock,” said Benoit Anne, head of emerging The Turkish lira plunged 1.5 percent, feeling the heat from of high-income country status stays out of reach. ty over Western military action against Syria. A number of other markets strategy at Societe Generale in London. “Add to that the the situation in neighbouring Syria as well as the central bank’s Some critics said the previous administration of emerging currencies hit multi-year lows even though US uninspiring performance by EM central banks such as Turkey so reluctance to raise interest rates to levels that provides investors President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao had Treasury 10-year yields, which such currencies tend to track, we have a credibility shock as well.” with adequate rewards for the risks. Losses spiralled after delayed economic reforms and failed to deal with the were off two-year highs. The currency losses also led to an exit The rupee fell almost 3 percent for its biggest monthly fall in Governor Erdem Basci said he was prepared to use the central fallout from China’s 4 trillion yuan ($650 billion) stimu- from emerging equities, which fell 1.8 percent 18 years after news of a $20 billion cheap food scheme raised bank’s net reserves of $40 billion to defend the currency but said lus package in 2008. The package insulated China Currencies of countries with current account deficits have fears of a renewed fiscal deficit blowout for what is seen as one he would not use interest rates. Two-year bond yields touched from the global financial crisis but left a mountain of sold off heavily ever since the US Federal Reserve hinted at the of the most vulnerable emerging economies. January 2012 highs around 10.4 percent and shares fell 2.5 per- end of May it would consider cutting back on its monetary stim- The rupee losses fed into share markets which fell 3 percent cent. Five-year credit default swaps used to insure exposure to local government debt and contributed to record ulus. The selloff has since spread to more robust emerging while government 10-year bonds fell 2.5 points. Elsewhere Turkish debt, jumped 11 basis points to 14-month highs of 242 house prices as the free cash went into property spec- economies. Indonesia’s central bank called a surprise meeting for Thursday, basis point, according to Markit.—Reuters ulation.—Reuters BUSINESS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013

Harvard case study: A special report Harvard Business School uncovers the secret to NBK’s success

arvard Business School (HBS) recently released a abroad, however, NBK first needed a full suite of banking recent case study on NBK, the first Harvard case options for its clients in Kuwait. The bank moved into It is recognized as one of the safest, strongest and most financing major infrastructure projects, including oil field Hstudy of an Arab bank ever. The 31-page report, published early June, discusses the leadership style of exploration and refining capacity, desalination plants, NBK Group CEO Ibrahim Dabdoub and his team. It also respected banks in the Middle East. The National Bank of power stations, roads and bridges, hospitals, and schools. examines the various challenges the bank has faced and Kuwait is legendary for its ability to weather pretty much any To service the Bank’s wealthy clients and capitalize on how its culture of prudence and conservatism has proven the surpluses generated by Kuwait’s oil wealth, NBK the key to its success. economic, political or geopolitical crisis. But what is the opened operations in major global financial centers, such Established in 1952 by nine leading merchant families as London, New York, and Singapore. With the rise of a in Kuwait, NBK is the leading bank in Kuwait. By 2012, NBK secret to NBK’s remarkable success? How has it been able to solid middle class, NBK expanded its mandate beyond remained the largest and dominant bank in Kuwait with catering to the wealthy business class of Kuwait and “took assets of $58 billion, a market share in excess of 30 per- not just survive but thrive in times of cataclysmic change advantage of consumer banking long before anybody cent in all businesses, and the largest branch network in where other banks have failed? else,” Dabdoub recalled. He continued, “When I first told the country. NBK is the partner of choice for blue chip cor- my board that I wanted to lend an individual, for example, porates and most foreign firms doing business in Kuwait. 10 times his salary, they wanted to kill me. If this individ- Its 2011 acquisition of Boubyan Bank gives it access to the are prudent by nature. That is what is in our cells, in our Arab uprisings broke out in late 2010 and early 2011. ual has a good job, why can’t I lend him 10 times his growing Islamic banking market, the only bank with both DNA.” NBK’s prudent aversion to unnecessary risk is a key When revolution engulfed Egypt, prospects at first looked salary? Now the most profitable business is lending an conventional and Islamic banking reach in Kuwait. strength and has protected it time and again. For bleak. AWB experienced skyrocketing costs due to higher individual 10 times his salary.” instance, NBK was the only Kuwaiti bank to stay out of the salary demands and reduced business activity. But To support its emerging diversification and regional- Calm in any crisis informal Souq Al-Manakh stock market. It was the only remarkably, AWB’s commercial network grew, capturing ization strategy, the bank reorganized over time to “break In a region where financial, political and geopolitical Kuwait bank untouched by the Souq Al-Manakh crash in new deposits and customers, mainly as “flight to safety” down silos” between line and support functions and also crises are common, NBK has weathered storm after storm 1982. on account of the bank’s affiliation with NBK. moved to a group structure. This allowed the bank to take thanks to its conservative culture, prudent risk manage- When Iraq invaded Kuwait in 1990, NBK shifted to advantage of the economic boom in the GCC that started ment and careful stewardship. operating in exile out of its London branch. In fact, NBK Building the bank’s future in 2003, along with a liberalization drive sweeping across Many at NBK acknowledged that the culture of the was the only Kuwaiti bank to continue operations NBK is consistently awarded the highest credit rating the region. Bank was largely defined by its Kuwaiti merchant her- throughout the Iraqi occupation honoring all obligations of all banks in the Middle East by the major international In less than five years, NBK undertook four acquisitions itage. As one member of the Executive Committee elabo- and remaining liquid. rating agencies Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s, and Fitch as it entered promising markets: 30 percent of rated, “If you look at the history of Kuwait, the owners of When the 2008 financial crisis hit and other Kuwait Ratings, as well as ranked among Global Finance’s “world’s International Bank of Qatar (2003), along with a manage- NBK are the merchant Kuwaiti families, and when I say banks and investment houses went bankrupt or required 50 safest banks” from 2009 to 2012. ment contract, 75 percent of Credit Bank of Iraq (2004), ‘merchant,’ I mean those who were rich before oil was dis- the Central Bank to step in, NBK remained strong. When Led by a stable team of highly professional executives, 98.5 percent of Al-Watany Bank of Egypt (2007), and 40 covered. Even before oil came in the thirties or forties in the Madoff ponzi scheme broke in late 2008, NBK reim- with respected banker Ibrahim Dabdoub at the helm, the percent of Turkish Bank of Turkey (2008). It also opened Kuwait, they were rich because they were traders with bursed its clients who had invested even though the bank bank has also grown, diversified and is on the path to five branches in Jordan, a branch in Saudi Arabia, and a India, hunting for pearls in the sea. And those families are itself was not a party to the investments. becoming a leading regional bank. branch in Dubai. These acquisitions lifted the Group’s still on the Board...They value money and they don’t really NBK has also weathered the Arab Spring well. NBK had NBK quickly realized that given Kuwait’s small size, the total assets to roughly $43 billion by year-end of 2008 go and spend; they have worked hard to earn it and they only recently acquired Al-Watany Bank of Egypt when the bank’s future lay in regional expansion. Prior to stepping from $29 billion by year-end of 2007. Yusuf A Alghanim & Sons Automotive special offer on Legendary Camaro Own it today and benefit from a KD500 gift!

taying true to its tradition, Yusuf A. supercar, it generates a monstrous 580- Alghanim & Sons Automotive, the horsepower, the Camaro ZL1 is the Sexclusive distributor of Chevrolet fastest Camaro to ever be built. Once vehicles in Kuwait, introduces excep- you get over the rush of the all-alu- tional offers at the best value and serv- minum 6.2L supercharged V8 engine ice as well as surpassing customers’ and its 580 horsepower and 556 lb.-ft. of expectations with an exclusive promo- torque, you will realize that this Camaro tion on Camaro vehicles that comes goes beyond raw power. The Camaro’s with an impassable price tag that starts performance and precision continues at KD 9,999 only during the month of with Magnetic Ride Control, world-class August. The Camaro also comes with a braking and 4-wheel independent sus- remarkable pack of features that pension. The Camaro ZL1 is the kind of includes a gift worth KD500 that can be vehicle that engineers dream of design- utilized to purchase an accessories pack- ing and speed lovers crave to drive. Bamboo Paper 2.0 age or towards trade in assistance. Yusuf A Alghanim & Sons Automotive If you are seeking a durable drive commits itself to its promise by offering the advanced Digital Notebook that is equipped with powerful perform- customers an unparalleled experience ance, the Camaro is the dream sports car specifically during the purchase and lready a successful app in its first ver- sketching and drawing. that is made for someone like you. Apart after-sales stages. Yusuf A Alghanim & sion, receiving more than five mil- The app now features an improved, near from having a long and rich history, Sons Automotive is also proud to offer a Alion downloads, Bamboo Paper 2.0 perfect palm-rejection, eliminating almost Camaro has been the ultimate drive that large selection of vehicles and services has evolved significantly. Originally an app all accidental marks while sketching or won the hearts of thrill-seeking youth through its service center that includes a focused on note taking, it now offers a drawing. Combined with the Intuos ever since it was introduced. variety of maintenance services all of broad range of writing and drawing tools, Creative Stylus, the new digital stylus from Available in three models, the SS, LT which operate using the latest techno- such as a watercolour brush and pencil, Wacom, Bamboo Paper 2.0 provides an and ZL1, the 2013 Camaro is equipped logical advances in the market under that enable users to create particularly indi- even more natural and intuitive drawing with three engines, a 6.2-liter engine the dedicated supervision and skillful vidual digital notebooks. experience. The Creative Stylus offers 2,048 that generates 426 hp, another model is hands of experienced technical profes- Bamboo Paper 2.0 still remains in its levels of pressure sensitivity and comes equipped with a V6, 3.6-liter engine with sionals. Visit any of our four showrooms unrivalled, uncluttered, clean design but close to a natural pen-on-paper feeling. an impressive 323 hp. The latest model today to experience the marvelous leg- offers much more versatility through three The app in its basic version can be introduced is The Camaro ZL1 which is a end from Chevrolet. additional new notebook styles that differ downloaded for free. Additional styles and in paper types and covers. This way, differ- tools are offered as in-app purchases at ent demands and use cases find their spe- 0.89 Euro; new creative pack with a varia- cific expressions. A ‘Writer’ notebook, for tion of paper styles and brushes or pens ASAR advises Global on $1.7bn instance, may be used for note-taking or can be bought at 3.59 Euro. When purchas- creative writing, whereas an ‘Artist’ note- ing a Creative Pack, the ‘Artist’ notebook book could be used for more elaborate comes as a free gift. debt restructuring plan

Tech Mahindra first Indian IT firm KUWAIT: ASAR - Al Ruwayeh & Partners NCH has assumed $428.8 million of the com- restructuring services, which include corporate (ASAR), Kuwait’s leading and most prominent pany’s debt obligations. Existing shareholders and financial restructuring, to some of Kuwait’s to achieve TMMi Level 5 Certification corporate law firm, and one of the region’s top of the company now have been diluted to 30 leading companies. In terms of restructurings tier firms announced that it has acted as legal percent. The financial impact of this transac- our firm is well experienced in advising both DUBAI: Tech Mahindra Ltd, a specialist Martin Adcock - Managing Director, provider of connected solutions to the con- Experimentus said “This is an outstanding advisor to Global Investment House in its $1.7 tion will be reflected during the company’s creditors and debtors alike. We typically advise nected world and enabling future digital achievement and we are delighted to have billion debt restructuring plan, which resulted third quarter financial results. our clients with legal risk analysis, structuring enterprises, has announced that its Global played a part in their success. This demon- in bringing a comprehensive solution to the Rob Little, partner at ASAR said: “We are options, we assist with negotiations and dis- Test Factory has achieved TMMi Level 5 strates to their clients and the industry, that company’s capital structure. proud to have advised Global Investment cussions as well as prepare transaction docu- capability. This makes Tech Mahindra the the Tech Mahindra Global Test Factory has The restructuring transaction resulted in a House in one of the most complex and inno- ments. ,” added Rob Little. first Indian Information Technology compa- been independently certified as achieving separation of Global’s core-fee businesses vative restructurings in the middle east With dedicated offices in Kuwait and ny in the world to achieve this prestigious the highest standards against the TMMi from its non-core principal investments and a region.. Global Investment House, as a busi- Bahrain, coupled with its associated offices certification, with zero exceptions. This cer- model. This certainly sets the standard not transfer of its substantially entire debt obliga- ness has gone through significant changes, and relationships, ASAR provides clients tification, by TMMi Foundation, acknowl- only for their peers, but for the industry to tions, allowing Global to become a debt-free and this result represents a fantastic achieve- across an extensive range of industry sectors edges the highest level of process maturity compare capabilities and strive to achieve company. The majority of non-core principal ment for all parties. We look forward to sup- with comprehensive legal advice and support that is being practiced within the Test these benefits.” Dr Richard Sykes - Chair, investment and real estate assets have been porting and advising the company as it enters for their business activities in Kuwait, across Factory. TMMi Foundation said “On behalf of the transferred to “Asset SPE(s)” specifically creat- into the next stages of its development.” the GCC, and beyond. Tech Mahindra’s Test Factory drives con- TMMi Foundation I am delighted to be able ed for this purpose. The Asset SPE, namely “We have advised Global Investment House ASAR has been consistently rated as the sistency, standardization and agnostic to celebrate its achievement by one of the NAC Ventures SPC has assumed $1.28 billion on facilitating its successful restructuring plan leading corporate and commercial law firm in acceptance of testing units or work pack- leaders of our industry, Tech Mahindra, in of the company’s debt obligations and all the along with discussions with the company’s fin- Kuwait by many of the world’s leading and ages thus enhancing quality, test velocity establishing itself as a TMMi level 5 compa- accrued interest/profit. anciers. Our role included advising on strategy reputable legal guides such as the Chambers and low running costs. It provides a central- ny, a beacon to us all”. Moreover, Global issued 1.22 billion new and structuring, conducting due diligence, Global Guide, International Financial Law ized testing framework with established T S Krishnakumar, Head of Global Test shares at par value of KD 0.100 per share to drafting and reviewing transaction docu- Review, and the Legal 500. In 2012, ASAR was KPIs, governance model, enterprise wide Factory, Tech Mahindra said “This certifica- another special purpose entity, namely NCH ments, issuing legal opinions and providing named as the “Best Law Firm in Kuwait 2012” metrics and uniform testing process. The tion demonstrates our commitment to Ventures SPC (NCH) giving it a 70 percent critical Kuwaiti law advice relating to the by the International Financial Law Review “Test Factory” embeds the fundamentals of being world class in our testing process. The continuous improvement, best practices consistent use of these mature test prac- stake in Global. Total new issued capital restructuring, and local compliance matters. (IFLR), the market-leading guide for financial and innovation, leveraging economies of tices, procedures and tools will add signifi- amounted to KD122.24 million ($428.8 mil- We are extremely pleased with the outcome of law firms worldwide. The firm also won the scale and maximizing resource utilization cant value to our clients.” lion), bringing the company’s total paid up the restructuring. ASAR has been at the fore- “Best Equity Deal in the Middle East” award by capital to KD174.620 million ($612.6 million). front in Kuwait in providing a full range of IFLR during the same year. technology WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 Assange dons wig in Internet parody

CANBERRA: In a departure from his public before agreeing to appear in the cameo role. that it was too late for her to withdraw from the image as the ever-earnest fugitive, WikiLeaks “We were really impressed- and a little sur- race. Now, she said if she wins, she would sit as founder has donned a long blond prised - that Julian agreed to the Farnham idea,” an independent senator. Cannold, a renowned wig to star in a video parody of an Australian Nanni said in a statement. Assange last week ethicist, had been regarded as a likely replace- singing legend filmed in the Ecuadorian Embassy took responsibility for problems in his political ment for Assange if he were elected but cannot in London. Lip syncing John Farnham’s 1986 hit party, saying he had over delegated to his team travel to Australia to take up his Senate seat by “You’re the Voice,” Assange made a pitch to while he was concentrating on the cases of Army July next year. WikiLeaks Senate candidate for Australian voters to back his troubled WikiLeaks Pvt and of US National Security New South Wales state, Kellie Tranter, said Party in national elections Sept 7. “We can write Agency leaker Edward Snowden. Tuesday that “all is well” within the party despite what we want to write; we gotta make things Manning, who was previously known as the resignations of Cannold and four of the par- leak so we can get much bolder,” the parody ver- Bradley Manning, was sentenced to 35 years in ty’s 11 National Council members. sion of the song goes. prison for giving more than 700,000 classified Tranter, a lawyer and human rights activist, The 42-year-old Australian is the newly military and diplomatic documents, plus battle- said Assange would feature in more WikiLeaks formed party’s star candidate and is running for a field footage, to WikiLeaks. Snowden was grant- Party campaign events. Assange has been cam- Senate seat in the state of Victoria despite being ed asylum in Russia in August against the wishes paigning by Skype from a room in the embassy, confined to the embassy in London for more of the United States. The party’s second Senate where he was granted asylum in June 2012 to than a year. The footage with Assange wearing candidate in Victoria after Assange, Leslie avoid extradition to Sweden to face sex crime the wig to look like Farnham was released online Cannold, and several party officials quit last allegations. Assange argues his extradition to Monday by Australian political satire website week, saying the party was not living up to it Sweden is merely a first step in efforts to move Juice Rap News. Juice Rap News co-creator democratic principles. Cannold said yesterday him to the United States, where he has infuriated SYDNEY: This screen grab shows WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange (right) taking part in a Giordano Nanni said Assange thought for hours that she had been told by electoral authorities officials by publishing secret documents. — AP musical spoof on his Australian political party for cult web series Rap News. — AFP US tech zone feels pain from PRISM ‘Protectionist’ measures could affect cloud-computing

WASHINGTON: Revelations about vast US data collec- firms could lose between 10 and 20 percent of the for- to the loss of foreign customers, US customers may tion programs are starting to hit American tech com- eign market in the next few years. look overseas for cloud services, and the rest of the panies, which are ramping up pressure for increased Tech companies, especially firms in cloud comput- tech sector could also see an impact. transparency to try to mitigate the damage. An indus- ing, have been in a frenzy since details leaked in June “Add it all up and you have a net loss for the service PASADENA: Plastic items made by Diego Porqueras using a Bukobot 3-D try group, the Cloud Security Alliance said last month about surveillance efforts led by the secretive National provider space of about $180 billion by 2016, which printer manufactured by Deezmaker are featured in his newly opened that 10 percent of its non-US members have cancelled Security Agency, including PRISM, believed to scoop would be roughly a 25 percent decline in the overall IT Deezmaker store in a strip mall in Pasadena, California. — MCT a contract with a US-based cloud provider, and 56 per- up massive amounts of data as part of efforts to thwart services market,” Staten said. The tech sector has been cent said they were less likely to use an American terrorism. Castro said in his report “the disclosures of active on several fronts, filing court cases and making 3-D printers begin company. the NSA’s electronic surveillance may fundamentally public pleas to the US administration for more trans- A separate report this month by the Information alter the market dynamics.” parency, in the hope that fuller disclosure will ease Technology & Innovation Foundation, or ITIF, a The news “will likely have an immediate and lasting fears about how data is shared. Six large high-tech lob- to make impression Washington think tank, said US cloud providers impact on the competitiveness of the US cloud com- by groups sent a letter to President Barack Obama this stand to lose $22 billion to $35 billion over the next puting industry if foreign customers decide the risks of month asking for such steps, saying more transparency PASADENA: Diego Porqueras’ opportunities. three years due to revelations about the so-called storing data with a US company outweigh the bene- “can assist in reestablishing trust, both domestically Deezmaker store in Pasadena, Calif, is In June, 3-D veteran Stratasys Ltd., PRISM program. Daniel Castro, author of the report, fits,” he wrote. Much concern in being expressed in and globally.” which for decades has made ultra- a geeky version of Santa’s workshop, says a loss of trust in US tech firms could lead to Europe. Estonian President Toomas Hendrik last month Ross Schulman of Computer & Communi-cations brimming with action figures, chess pricey printers for companies such as Boeing Co and General Motors Co, “protectionist” measures that hurt the fast-growing urged the EU to develop its own cloud industry, noting Industry Association, one of the tech associations, said pieces and jewelry. But instead of cloud sector. that 95 percent of the services come from US firms. “the lack of information is compounding the trust prob- relying on elves, Porqueras has built announced plans to buy MakerBot, which specializes in affordable desk- “The risk is that a country like Germany will say you “Recent months have proven once again that it’s lem.” Schulman said it’s not clear if the volume of data his own one-man factory using 3-D top printers. Rival 3D Systems Inc. have to be a German company to provide data services very important for Europe to have its own data clouds collected by the government is more or less than people printers capable of churning out plas- launched two consumer-oriented in Germany,” Castro told AFP. “I don’t think that helps that operate strictly under European legislation,” he believe. “If it’s less, that could help trust,” he said. “If it’s tic objects within a few hours. He sells models this year, the Cube ($1,299) anyone. We do benefit from free trade and the robust said. Some analysts say losses could be even greater more, people could have an informed discussion of sur- the printers, which go for as little as and the CubeX ($2,499 and up). competitiveness in the tech industry.” The report notes than the ITIF predicts, if the fallout affects consumer- veillance practices.” But in the current situation, he said, $650, at the shop, which opened in 3D Systems’ chief technology offi- that the United States dominates the cloud computing based services like email and search. And Forrester “it’s difficult to go to customers and say the cloud is the September in a strip mall. The 37- cer, Chuck Hull, is widely credited with market both domestically and abroad, and that US Research analyst James Staten argued that, in addition best place for your data.” — AFP year-old entrepreneur is part of an pioneering 3-D printing about three emerging industry for affordable 3-D decades ago. He leads a research lab printers. The technology has long in Valencia, Calif., where scientists been used in the aerospace and auto- such as engineer Scott Turner experi- Japan’s new rocket ment with new materials in the chem- motive industries, among others, to istry lab and tinker on machine proto- create prototypes, but has slowly types. Turner said that health care is fails to lift off crept into the consumer market with one of the biggest areas for 3-D print- simplified printers that can be had for ing; already, companies are testing liv- TOKYO: Japan’s first new rocket in not immediately clear how much a few hundred or thousand dollars. ing cells with a view toward making 12 years failed to lift off yesterday, of an impact the failure would “You can make so many things organs and other human parts such as dealing a potential blow to hopes have on Japan’s ambitions to cash with them,” Porqueras said. “People ears. In March, a man in the US had 75 that Japan may be able to take a in on the international satellite who have businesses buy them for percent of his skull replaced with a 3- larger share of the growing, multi- launch industry. “This was the first making prototypes. Parents buy them D printed implant. billion dollar satellite launch flight and it was already post- to make toys for their kids. Hobbyists Another early adopter is the edu- industry. It was the second set- poned once and now will be post- buy them because they like to tinker.” cation sector: With a 3-D printer, stu- back for the Epsilon rocket this poned again,” said Yukihiro 3-D enthusiasts imagine a day when dents can make and play with models month. An earlier launch was Kumagai, an analyst at Jefferies & these printers are as ubiquitous as of cells rather than just study them in phones and people print out many postponed because of a comput- Co securities in Tokyo. textbooks, or make custom robots in er glitch. No word was immediate- “Inevitably, this will raise some household goods instead of stopping physics class. The Art Center College ly available on the cause of the questions, but overall it is unlikely at a store. Small-business owners are of Design in Pasadena already owns already switching to these printers seven 3-D printers and plans to order problem yesterday or when the to have much influence,” he from more expensive industrial more. The machines give students the launch might be tried again. added, noting that the Epsilon is machines. Prices are expected to drop luxury of repeatedly tweaking their The countdown at Japan’s not scheduled for another flight Uchinoura launch centre was until 2015. The rocket’s smaller SHANGHAI: Tracy Teng, a 26-year-old public relations specialist who lives in even further after key patents on 3-D designs for products as varied as car Shanghai, peruses a Chinese social media platform on her smartphone. — MCT printing technology expire next year. fenders and kitchenware, said David broadcast live over the Internet, size and a computer system that Usually about the size of a Cawley, director of the school’s rapid with commentary in English as allows it to perform its own sys- microwave, these machines “print” prototyping and model shop. well as Japanese. But nothing tem checks means it can be Despite strict censorship in three-dimensional objects by melting “If you are making a design and happened at the end of the assembled quickly, which is plastic and depositing the material lay- you have to create it by carving it out countdown. JAXA, Japan’s space expected to cut both personnel China, social media thrives er by tiny layer based on a three- of wood, the amount of time to create agency, later said the launch was and equipment costs. Launch dimensional computer-generated a model would be prohibitive,” halted with 19 seconds to go. control can be carried out using SHANGHAI: On Nanjing Road, the home of “People who air opinions on social network- design of a necklace, say, or a fork. Cawley said. “But 3-D printing allows Japanese media said an “irregular- conventional desktop computers, More advanced - and expensive - flagship stores like Apple and Coach, it’s hard to ing sites are very displeased if the opinion is them to refine the design because it’s ity” had been detected. greatly reducing costs and mak- miss the giant Nike billboard that covers the deleted,” said Wang Shaodi, a 38-year-old printers can use materials such as met- pretty fast. You send the file the night A three-stage rocket, the ing the launches more mobile facade of an entire building. A familiar Nike English teacher at Shanghai International al and chocolate. For those who are before, and the day after that a physi- Epsilon - named for the fifth letter since they could take place at swoosh, “Air Max,” and then “Air,” are prefaced Studies University. “One of my students said less tech-savvy, there are new smart- cal object will be on the shelf.” of the Greek alphabet - is 24.4 more sites. U.S. companies had a and followed by # symbols. To social media some words about the party and had them phone applications that streamline the Small-business owners have metres (80 feet) high, about half monopoly on the commercial process of crafting or altering a design. already taken to the printers. John users who now comprise almost 300 million deleted, and he was very, very displeased.” the size of Japan’s workhorse H2A launch business 30 years ago, but Chinese, this billboard serves as a prompt to As Chinese students move to work or study Online markets have also popped up Hariot of Los Angeles, for one, is using rocket. It weighs 91 tonnes and its hold has steadily declined, with in which shoppers can customize and search #Air# in Sina Weibo, which will return in major cities in China or around the world, a printer bought from Deezmaker to has been touted as a new, low- most of the business going to the order 3-D-printed clothing, toys, gadg- any results mentioning the Nike Air product. their parents are turning to microblogs and create prototypes, such as knobs for cost alternative. The rocket was France-based Arianespace, a pub- et accessories and other products. drawers, for his new cabinet-making In many ways, the prominence of #Air# in social networks as a modern way to connect Industry experts say 3-D printing scheduled to carry a telescope lic-private European partnership an advertisement on Shanghai’s busiest shop- with their children. “Social media can facilitate company. He said the 3-D printer is a into space for observation of the that in 2012 reported revenue of could revolutionize traditional manu- much cheaper option compared with ping street mirrors the prominence of social older people connecting with their children solar system.Analysts said it was 1.3 billion euros.—Reuters facturing, much as the Internet the pricey rapid-prototyping media in Chinese culture. China already has far who may be studying or working far away,” said upended the music industry, and fun- machines he once had to use. “It’s more Internet users than any other country, Baohua Zhou, a professor at Fudan University damentally alter how consumers much easier to work with, and there’s with 564 million of its citizens hooked up to the in Shanghai who studies media’s impact on shop and how much they pay. Some less waste,” he said. For consumers web. Despite heavy Internet censorship, almost political institutions. “It can increasingly help tech companies are already foresee- who aren’t tinkerers or designers, 300 million are using social networks and parents still living in rural areas to be able to ing a day when every home contains industry experts say, a potentially big- microblogs to stay in touch with one another, connect with their children in urban areas.” a 3-D printer churning out custom ger market could lie in on-demand share information and participate in e-com- Yinfang Fu, 58, the mother of a graduate furniture and clothes, or a Kinko’s- services. Think of it as merce. Microblogs, which translates to “weibo” from Fudan University who moved to esque store in every neighborhood for custom orders, only with no ware- in Chinese, are sites where users can publish Singapore to study journalism, uses social where items can be manufactured on houses required because a purse or short posts that are limited by a certain num- media to connect with her daughter. “In China, demand via printers. belt is only made after it’s ordered. ber of characters, typically 140 or less. These if you want to call someone abroad, you have It’s also raised concerns among Shoppers can already go on sites microblogging platforms are distinct from to open an international account, and that’s not law enforcement professionals, who such as Shapeways or Cubify, run by social networks, like Ren Ren, which impose no cheap,” Fu said. Fu’s eyesight is poor, so she worry that criminals will be able to 3D Systems, and either find a design- limits on the number of available characters in turned to Skype in order to keep in touch with print untraceable guns and other er for a custom design or tweak an a post. “Nowadays, it seems like people can’t her daughter. But that wasn’t her first choice. weapons at home. “The billion-dollar available product. More than 10,000 live without Weibo,” said Fu Yinfang, a 58-year- “For us common people, the site QQ is very question is, how big will this become shops have been set up by designers old Shanghai resident. popular, especially among people whose kids and when?” said Terry Wohlers, presi- on Shapeways, which manufactures Weibo, a privately owned, uniquely Chinese have moved far away,” Fu said. “A lot of my dent of consulting firm Wohlers and ships a product after an order site that has flourished in the face of govern- friends use QQ to contact daughters or sons Associates, which tracks the industry. comes in, said company spokes- ment bans on access to Western sites like who have gone to study or work abroad.” “You see companies already making woman Elisa Richardson. Bestselling Twitter and Facebook, is still subject to govern- Beyond a means of keeping in touch, fashion garments and jewelry items include iPhone accessories, jew- ment censorship. “We have this censorship microblogs and social networks in China are through printing. And we have seen elry, home decor and wedding cake review system,” said Tracy Teng, a 26-year-old used to share ideas. “These are platforms where demonstrations of 3-D printing food toppers - grooms and brides-to-be public relations specialist in Shanghai. “If you we can get diverse information, discuss things, and living tissue.” send in photos of themselves and post something sensitive, it’ll be deleted and learn from experts in other fields, and also Wohlers said that by 2021, the US receive toppers with their faces print- prevented from being reposted.” maintain friendships,” Zhou said. market is estimated to hit $10.8 bil- ed on them. Kimberly Orvitz, a fash- In January, the Sina Weibo account Social media in China also appears poised lion, up from $2.2 billion last year and ion designer who recently launched a @Geniune - Yu - Yang - believed to be the to capture the vast potential of advertising in a $$1.18 billion in 2008. The industry 3-D printed jewelry line, said the tech- account of a Sina Weibo manager - publicly dis- country that has established itself as an eco- has been growing, on average, more nology saves money: There’s no closed details about the censorship process at nomic superpower with a rapidly expanding than 25 percent a year for the past requirement to order products in bulk Sina Weibo. As explained in this post, the policy class of consumers. Teng, the Shanghai public decade. The consumer side, which is KAGOSHIMA: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s (Jaxa) new from a factory and no storage costs. of the Sina Weibo managers is to remove cer- relations specialist, focuses on social media in its nascent stages, is especially ripe solid fuel rocket Epsilon stands on a launching pad at Jaxa’s Shoppers can also “customize by tain flagged comments, with a specific warning marketing at Citigate Dewe Rogerson, an inter- for growth, Wohlers said. Tech com- Uchinoura Space Center at Kimotsuki town in Kagoshima prefec- selecting colors and materials,” she that the only alternative to deleting a comment national financial communications consultancy panies are already salivating at the ture, Japan’s southern island of Kyushu yesterday. — AFP said.—MCT “is that your account will be banned.” in China. —MCT WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 HEALTH & SCIENCE Program may help black women avoid weight gain

NEW YORK: A program including self-mon- food, for example - was to have women itoring, gym access and occasional counsel- consume no more than 200 fewer calories ing calls helped black women maintain than they burned each day. Of the original their weight in a new study. Black women participants, 177 finished the study. At the who are overweight or slightly obese are one-year mark, women in the weight gain known to have a lower risk of weight-relat- prevention program had lost an average of ed health problems than white women at about two pounds; those in the compari- the same weight. Research suggests they son group had gained about one pound. are typically also more satisfied with their Those differences held for another six bodies and seem to care less than white months after the program ended. women about shedding extra pounds, Gary Additionally, 62 percent of program par- Bennett, head of the Duke Obesity ticipants were at or below their original Prevention Program in Durham, North weight at one year, compared to 45 percent Carolina, and his colleagues said. of those who were assigned to receive usu- But, “If black women continue to gain al care, the researchers reported Monday in GOBABIS: (Left) Anatolian Shepherd dog Bonzo leads a herd of goats on Retha Joubert’s farm near Gobabis, east of the capital weight year and after year, and they almost JAMA Internal Medicine. Bennett and his Windhoek. (Right) Farm worker Theo Awochab walks with a herd of goats on Retha Joubert’s farm.—AFP photos invariably do ... they go from that lower lev- colleagues did not find any differences in el of obesity, where health risks are relative- waist circumference, blood pressure or ly low, to that higher level of obesity,” cholesterol between women who did and Part of the herd, dogs ease Bennett, who led the new study, told didn’t go through the weight gain preven- Reuters Health. He said focusing on weight tion program, however. maintenance could be a better strategy for In a commentary published with the Namibia’s cheetah-farmer conflicts women who are just a bit heavy and aren’t study, Dr Regina Benjamin - until recently interested in losing weight or who have the US Surgeon General - and colleagues GOBABIS: Winding through the parched Namibian sheep and goat farmers and led to less retaliation rather opt for prey that does not have a guardian. tried without success. called the findings “promising.” But, they farmland, Bonzo, an Anatolian shepherd dog, has a against the vulnerable cheetah. But they will attack if a hunter does not back off. To test that theory, Bennett and his col- wrote, “It may be that greater weight losses singular focus: protecting his herd of goats from Bonzo for example, has killed jackals, who attack in leagues recruited 194 overweight and than those reported ... are required to lurking predators. He pads along, sniffing the air ‘Fight to the finish’ packs and a young, weak cheetah. “If indeed they obese black women from community achieve improvements in cardiovascular and marking the scrubby landscape, just like a “We see about 80 to 100 percent decrease of do come in, the dog could and would fight to the health centers for their study, which they disease risk factors, and weight mainte- bodyguard ready to ward off any threat to his livestock loss from any predator when the farmers finish,” said Marker. Altercations between the dogs specifically avoided calling a weight-loss nance may need to be sustained longer to charges, which he considers family. “They’re not have the dogs,” said Marker. In the last 19 years, and cheetahs, though, are rare and those who tar- trial. The women were between 25 and 44 achieve such health benefits.” pets. They’re not allowed to be pets,” said Bonzo’s around 450 dogs have been placed with farmers get livestock are usually desperate, such as being years old with an average weight of 178 Bennett said that because the study owner farmer Retha Joubert. and more than 3,000 farmers trained. There is now wounded. But working in Namibia’s tough land- pounds, and almost three-quarters of them program was coordinated through primary The breed descends from ancient livestock dogs a two-year waiting list for the dogs-either stately scape takes it toll. Bonzo has been bitten by snakes, had an annual income below $30,000. care offices and largely computerized, it used thousands of years ago in what is now central Anatolian shepherds or Kangals-and the program stung by a scorpion, attacked by baboons and now Half of the women were randomly was less expensive than a weight-loss inter- Turkey. And they not only save sheep and goats, has expanded to other countries with predators. has tongue cancer from exposure to the relentless assigned to go through the year-long pro- vention and should be feasible in a range but have handed a lifeline to Namibia’s decimated For Joubert, staying up late at night worrying sun. Ironically, despite cheetahs being seen as live- gram, which included self-monitoring of communities. cheetah numbers by reducing conflicts between about her sheep and goats coming home is a thing stock killers, analysis of their droppings has shown through an automated calling system, “This is a very easy, simple intervention farmers and predators. “The dogs are protecting of the past. only five percent had preyed on farm animals. monthly counseling calls, feedback on for us to disseminate very widely,” he said. the flock in such a way that the farmers don’t have Her farm near Gobabis, east of the capital “They do occasionally take livestock,” said Gail healthy diet goals and a membership to For heavy people who can’t or don’t want to kill predators,” said Laurie Marker of the Cheetah Windhoek, lost 60 animals in 2008. But the arrival Potgieter, a human-wildlife conflict specialist at the the YMCA. The other half received their to lose weight, “maintaining and not gain- Conservation Fund (CCF) which breeds the dogs of Bonzo, her first Anatolian, as a puppy five years Namibia Nature Foundation. “But the perception usual care. ing weight should be the absolute clinical near northern city Otjiwarongo. “It’s a non-lethal ago has slashed losses to just one animal last year. that any cheetah is going to start killing livestock The idea of the diet goals - which includ- priority,” he said. “There’s no reason for a predator control method so it is green, it’s happy, Joubert is now training four-month-old Kangal as its main diet is very wrong.” Cheetah numbers hit ed limiting sugary drinks or avoiding fast physician not to do this.”—Reuters it’s win-win.” The concept is simple. !Nussie-whose name starts with the exclamation a low of 2,500 in 1986. But the population has now The dogs are placed with a flock when a few point typical of Namibia’s Nama people-to follow in potentially reached nearly 4,000 — the biggest weeks old to bond with the livestock. They live per- Bonzo’s footsteps. The fluffy-coated pup is learning wild cheetah population in the world. Conjoined twin girls manently with the animals, loyally heading out the ropes by going out with a flock every day on a Cheetahs still face threats on game ranches, with them every day to deter hunters, and bedding leash with a human herder and beds down in the where they eat valuable animals, and on cattle down with them at night. animal enclosure at night. She gets half an hour in farms where the dogs are not suited. But for small separated in China Marker’s centre started breeding the livestock the evening to play in the yard. stock farmers, they have proven their worth. “For dogs to promote cheetah-friendly farming after “She must associate herself with the goats, she the type of livestock farming that’s going on in BEIJING: Conjoined twin baby girls have arate report by the government-run news some 10,000 big cats-the current total worldwide must be a goat, she’s part of a group, that’s the Namibia, it’s definitely one of the most promising been released from a hospital in China portal population-were killed or moved off farms in the main thing I think to make them to protect the ani- solutions that they have,” said Potgieter, who used almost three weeks after they were separat- “The operation resulted in low blood 1980s. Up to 1,000 cheetahs were being killed a mals,” said Joubert, who is deeply proud of her to manage the CCF’s dog program. In Gobabis, ed in a marathon operation, state media loss and the two girls are in stable condi- year, mostly by farmers who saw them as livestock dogs. The dogs’ presence and intimidating bark is Joubert, needs no convincing. “I will always have reported yesterday. It took a team of 20 tion,” said Yang Tiquan, chief pediatric sur- killers. But the use of dogs has slashed losses for usually enough to deter predators, who would dogs here,” she said.—AFP medical workers nearly 10 hours to sepa- geon of the hospital in Nanning, according rate the girls, who were joined at their liv- to Xinhua. The twins were born on June 14 ers, the official Xinhua news agency report- in a small hospital in Guiping county, it ed, citing doctors at a hospital in the south- added. “I felt really helpless when the doc- ern region of Guangxi. tor told me they were conjoined,” the girls’ Many medicines One of the girls took their shared navel father Ying Yigui said, according to gxnews. while the other may have surgery later to Conjoined twins are rare and they have a safe during give her a belly button, according to a sep- low survival rate.—AFP breastfeeding

NEW YORK: Many medications can be used safely by women who are breastfeeding and the benefits of breastfeeding outweigh most harms related to babies’ exposure, a panel of pediatricians said yester- day. In a clinical report, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Committee on Drugs said mothers may be “inappropriately advised” to stop breastfeed- LONDON: In a file picture taken on March 13, 2011 a fox runs onto the pitch ing or to stop taking their medications, for fear the before the Six Nations International rugby union match between England drugs will be passed through breast milk and harm and Scotland at Twickenham Stadium in south-west London.—AFP photos infants. “Sometimes people are told that, because physicians may be worried about the risks the drug London, a playground may pose ... and aren’t necessarily thinking about the potential benefit of breastfeeding,” Dr Hari Cheryl Sachs, the lead author on the report, said. That bene- for 10,000 urban foxes fit includes a lower risk of ear infections, asthma and sudden infant death syndrome, according to the US LONDON: To some they are a nuisance, even a Yet every few years, a case hits the headlines that Department of Health and Human Services. danger. To others, London’s 10,000 foxes are a sparks an outcry against the foxes and a slew of Sachs said properties of the drug itself, whether delightful reminder that this concrete wilderness calls for the animals to be culled or moved to the it’s being used on a long- or short-term basis and the is teeming with wildlife. The ruddy brown crea- countryside. Very early preemies face age and health of the infant all affect how safe it is to tures seem out of place on the streets of the In 2010, an east London mother spoke of her use medication while breastfeeding. British capital-but they are now so common that “living nightmare” after her nine-month-old twin neurodevelopmental risks “It’s hard to make a blanket recommendation on 70 percent of Londoners will have seen one girls were mauled by a fox as they slept in their what drugs are fine for the mother, because it’s going slinking around in the last week, according to a cots. In February, a one-month-old baby boy NEW YORK: Babies who are born at 25 weeks’ Moderately or severely impaired children to depend on multiple factors,” Sachs, from the recent survey. For some city-dwellers, the red fox had his finger ripped off. But animal charities say gestation or earlier and survive early life have were those scoring in the lowest 2 to 3 per- Pediatric and Maternal Health Team in the Food and is the ultimate nightmare neighbor. such attacks are extremely rare-and in some a “substantial likelihood” of having a very low cent on IQ tests, children with cerebral palsy Drug Administration’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Many a Londoner will have had a night’s case, foxes are not even the culprits. IQ or other neurodevelopmental problems in and those who were fully or mostly deaf or Research, told Reuters Health. “It’s always a risk-bene- sleep ruined by a fox’s eerie screeching, only to Trevor Williams, director of the Fox Project childhood, researchers said today. In a review blind. Studies varied widely in the frequency fit decision.” She and her colleagues on the AAP com- wake and find their rubbish bins have been charity, said he knew of three reported ‘attacks’ of nine past studies, they found between 24 of impairment they reported, likely based in mittee said women seeking information on specific upturned. To add insult to injury, the scavenging by foxes on babies in eleven years-but claims and 43 percent of extremely premature part on different practices in different medicines should talk with their doctors and visit the fox will have left a stench of musk behind. With one was actually carried out by the family’s infants went on to have moderate or severe regions, the researchers said. National Institutes of Health-run website, LactMed their flashing eyes and razor-sharp teeth, the own dog. “According to neighbors, the second impairment, depending on just how early the They found that across the board, children ( That site includes the foxes have even been characterized as a men- also involved a dog. The third story was so full babies were born. were at risk of neurodevelopmental problems most up-to-date scientific knowledge on how much ace. There have been a spate of reports of babies of contradictions, few people believe it,” he told Dr Henry Lee, from the Division of - although those risks declined for every extra of a given drug is passed to an infant during breast- attacked in their cots by foxes in recent years, AFP. Even if the stories are true, Williams Neonatal & Developmental Medicine at week in the womb. Among babies born at 22 feeding, its effects on babies and possible alterna- though animal rights campaigners say the dan- claimed, the rate of attacks is nothing com- Stanford University and Lucile Packard weeks, 43 percent were impaired. That com- tives to consider. gers are wildly exaggerated. In June, London’s pared to the 250,000 people bitten by pet dogs Children’s Hospital in California, said it’s a pared to 40 percent of those born at 23 In its report, published Monday in Pediatrics, the mayor Boris Johnson reignited a long-running each year in Britain. “very difficult circumstance for the family” weeks, 28 percent born at 24 weeks and 24 committee focused on a few classes of drugs, includ- debate over whether the animals should be The biggest threat, according to the RSPCA, when a baby is born between 22 and 25 percent born at 25 weeks’ gestation, the ing antidepressants, narcotics and smoking cessation culled-by jokingly suggesting that the tradition- is to the foxes themselves. The average life weeks. Normal gestation is 37 to 42 weeks. study team reported Monday in JAMA aids. Limited information is available on the long- al sport of fox hunting, outlawed in Britain since expectancy of an urban fox is only two years, Twenty-two weeks is considered the earliest a Pediatrics. term effects of antidepressants on babies, it wrote, 2005, should be legalized in the capital. “This will compared to four years in captivity. Cars are baby can be born and still have a chance of About 4 to 5 percent of full-term babies go and because the drugs take a long time to break cause massive unpopularity and I don’t care,” responsible for 60 percent of their deaths. The rest die from illness or are killed by around 100 surviving. But the odds can be so low, and the on to have some type of developmental down, levels could build up in infants’ bodies. said the colorful mayor, who said he was driven to speak out after his cat was apparently marksmen authorized to shoot foxes in London. risks so high, that some hospitals might not problem, Moore said, but that includes chil- “Caution is advised” for certain powerful attacked by one of London’s foxes. Three years ago, there was an uproar after a even offer aggressive care to preemies deliv- dren with milder impairment as well. painkillers such as codeine and hydrocodone - but “If people want to get together to form the video emerged showing four masked men ered at 22 to 23 weeks, said Lee, who wasn’t “Although substantial numbers of extremely others including morphine are considered safer fox hounds of Islington (a leafy north London bludgeoning a fox to death with a cricket bat in involved in the new research. preterm infants go on to develop moderate when used at the lowest possible dose and for the borough), I’m all for it.” There are some 33,000 a London park. But it turned out to be a hoax. “First of all, they’re at high risk of not even to severe (neurodevelopmental impairment), shortest possible time, pediatricians said. Nicotine urban foxes in Britain and a third reside in the The perpetrators, film directors Chris Atkins and surviving, even when everything is done to the results are not completely bleak in that replacement therapy, especially gum and lozenges, is capital, according to research by Bristol Johnny Howorth, had faked the killing in a bid help them,” he told Reuters Health. “Even over half of the children studied did not go typically considered safe to use during breastfeeding, University. A further 250,000 live in rural areas. to highlight the “ludicrous media coverage” of when they do survive, they have high rates of on to develop moderate to severe impair- according to the committee. However the FDA dis- “They are adaptable animals which can eat fox attacks.—AFP disability.” By 25 weeks in the womb, a baby’s ment,” Dr Kimberly Noble, a pediatrician who courages the use of stop-smoking drugs such as many kinds of food and are by nature oppor- chances of surviving and going on to lead a studies child brain development at Columbia varenicline, marketed in the US as Chantix, among tunists,” said Calie Rydings of the animal charity normal life are thought to be significantly University in New York, said. women who breastfeed. better. Lee said the new data could be used Noble, who wasn’t involved in the new RSPCA. “So it is not surprising that they can be The risk of exposure to any drug for babies needs found in some towns and cities.” to help counsel families of extremely prema- research, told Reuters Health in an email that to be weighed against the drug’s importance for the ture infants. “It’s hopefully an informed deci- it’s unclear whether rates of impairment mother as well as the benefits of breastfeeding, sion that the family makes in terms of how would be similar for U.S. babies born very ear- Fox lovers dismiss ‘attack’ tales researchers noted. “The starting point of the report, With its large parks as well as thousands of they’re going to proceed, whether to try to ly. Moore, also from The Children’s Hospital of stressing that the vast majority of drugs are compati- provide very aggressive, intensive care to Eastern Ontario, said the findings were limit- houses with private gardens, London is a para- ble with breastfeeding, is very important in trying to dise for foxes. They have been a part of the city these infants or potentially to provide pallia- ed by the small number of children born at reverse the high level of anxiety and misperception tive and comfort care,” he said. “The hard part the earliest gestations included in the studies. landscape since the 1930s, when the urban of breastfeeding mothers and many health profes- sprawl began to encroach on their rural territory. too is there is still uncertainty. Even though “We don’t want these (data) to make a sionals,” Dr. Gideon Koren, director of the Motherisk there is this risk, there are some infants at physician automatically say, ‘There’s no hope’ Despite the complaints, the foxes have mostly Program at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, cohabited happily with their human neighbors. each of these gestational ages that will sur- or, ‘There’s no chance,’” he told Reuters Health. told Reuters Health in an email. vive and not have disability.” But, he added, “Many parents do think of Some 86 percent of people like the animals, Koren, who wasn’t involved in the AAP publica- according to a poll for Channel 4 TV. Another For their analysis, researchers led by Dr long-term impairment as a major concern for tion, also pointed people to the LactMed database Gregory Moore from The Ottawa Hospital in them, and some parents think of it as a bigger survey by Bristol University found that 10 per- but said he believes the new clinical report “will be cent of Londoners regularly feed them. Ontario, Canada, pooled the results of nine concern than death, for example. For some widely used and cited.” Women who are breastfeed- studies that assessed kids born between 22 parents knowing this data and knowing the Britain has some of the highest-density fox ing should tell their doctors about any over-the- populations in the world, according to Stephen and 25 weeks’ gestation when they were four limitations of it and speaking with a caring counter drugs and herbal remedies they may be This file photo taken September 23, to eight years old. Most of the studies were neonatologist about it, we would hope that Harris, professor of environmental sciences at using, Sachs said, in addition to prescription medica- Bristol. “Despite this, they cause remarkably few 2003 shows a fox looking through a conducted in Europe and together they that would help them in their decision mak- tions.—Reuters included close to 900 children. ing.”—Reuters problems and the vast majority of householders gate at the Royal Courts of Justice in like to see the foxes in their garden,” he told AFP. central London. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 HEALTH & SCIENCE Women in Argentina sue for $54M over faulty implants

ARGENTINA: Virginia Luna, lawyer of Argentine women in the lawsuit for defective Poly Implant Prothese (PIP) French-made breast implants, shows one of them in her office at the district courts during a press conference. BUENOS AIRES: About 300 women with in various countries have said the prosthetics faulty PIP breast implants have filed suit seek- were not toxic and did not increase the risk of ing $54.7 million in damages from three breast cancer. Doctors in France have LAS VEGAS: File photo, research associate Pamela Flores conducts a health assessment on a Desert Tortoise at the Desert European companies, their attorney said removed PIP breast implants from more than Tortoise Conservation Center.—AP photos Monday. “We have filed a class-action suit 16,000 women and found a quarter of the against France’s Poly Implant Protheses (PIP), scandal-tainted products had signs of split- Germany’s TUV Rheinland (quality control) ting or leakage, a watchdog there said in Desert tortoise faces and German insurer Allianz,” Virginia Luna June. A total of 16,426 women have had the told reporters, warning that the total dam- implants removed since investigators found ages sought could be vastly higher since the devices were twice as likely to rupture as some 15,000 women are believed to have rival brands, and that French manufacturer threat from its US refuge been affected in Argentina alone. PIP used industrial silicone to fill them, the “In one sample we did, with 500 women, National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM) LAS VEGAS: For decades, the vulnerable US habitat on public land. As the housing boom ders ban hikers from picking them up, since the 19 percent had breakage (in the implant) said. PIP founder Jean-Claude Mas, 73, has desert tortoise has led a sheltered existence. swept through southern Nevada in the 2000s, animals are likely dehydrate themselves by void- which allowed gel to migrate to underarms, been charged with manslaughter and fraud. Developers have taken pains to keep the animal the tortoise budget swelled. ing a year’s worth of stored water when handled. neck and head areas, and even lungs,” she PIP’s implants have been banned and the safe. It’s been protected from meddlesome hikers But when the recession hit, the housing mar- When they’re moved, they nearly always attempt said. News of the faulty implants in 2011 company, located in southern France, has by the threat of prison time. And wildlife officials ket contracted, and the bureau and its local gov- to trudge back to their burrows, foiling attempts sparked fears worldwide, but health officials been liquidated.—AFP have set the species up on a sprawling conserva- ernment partners began struggling to meet the to keep them out of harm’s way. tion reserve outside Las Vegas. But the pampered center’s $1 million annual budget. They’re also beset by respiratory infections desert dweller now faces a threat from the very Housing never fully recovered, and the federal and other illnesses. No more than 100,000 tor- people who have nurtured it. mitigation fee that developers pay has brought toises are thought to survive in the habitat where Federal funds are running out at the Desert in just $290,000 during the past 11 months. Local millions once burrowed across parts of Utah, Tortoise Conservation Center and officials plan to partners, which collect their own tortoise fees, California, Arizona and Nevada. close the site and euthanize hundreds of the tor- have pulled out of the project. “With the money The animals were once so abundant that toises they’ve been caring for since the animals going down and more and more tortoises com- tourists would scoop them up as souvenirs. Many were added to the endangered species list in ing in, it never would have added up,” said BLM quickly realized the shy grass-eaters don’t make 1990. “It’s the lesser of two evils, but it’s still evil,” spokeswoman Hillerie Patton. ideal pets. (For one thing, they can live for 100 said US Fish and Wildlife Service desert tortoise Back at the conservation center, a large refrig- years.) And once the species was classified as recovery coordinator Roy Averill-Murray during a erator labeled “carcass freezer” hummed in the threatened on the endangered species list, peo- visit to the soon-to-be-shuttered reserve at the desert sun as scientists examined the facility’s ple rushed to give them back. southern edge of the Las Vegas Valley last week. 1,400 inhabitants to find those hearty enough to Former pets make up the majority of the tor- Biologists went about their work examining tor- release into the wild. toises at the conservation center, where they toises for signs of disease as Averill-Murray Officials expect to euthanize more than half spend their days staring down jackrabbits and walked among the reptile pens. But the scrubby the animals in the coming months in preparation ducking out of the sun into protective PVC pip- 220-acre refuge area will stop taking new ani- for closure at the end of 2014. ing tucked into the rocky desert floor. Most of mals in the coming months. Most that arrive in The desert tortoise is a survivor that has tod- these animals are not suitable for release, either the fall will simply be put down, late-emerging dled around the Southwest for 200 million years. infected with disease or otherwise too feeble to victims of budget problems that came from the But ecologists say the loss of the conservation survive. Averill-Murray looks as world-weary as same housing bubble that put a neighborhood center represents a harmful blow in southern the animals he studies. He wants to save at least of McMansions at the edge of the once-remote Nevada for an animal that has held onto some the research function of the center and is looking site. The Bureau of Land Management has paid unfortunate evolutionary quirks that impede its for alternative funding sources. “It’s not the most Virginia Luna, lawyer of Argentine women in the lawsuit for defective Poly for the holding and research facility with fees coexistence with strip malls, new homes and desirable model to fund recovery - on the back of Implant Prothese (PIP) French-made breast implants, shows one of them in imposed on developers who disturb tortoise solar plants. Laws to protect the panicky plod- tortoise habitat,” he said.—AP her office.—AFP photos WHAT’S ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013

SEND US YOUR INSTAGRAM PICS hat’s more fun than clicking a beauti- ful picture? Sharing it with others! Let Wother people see the way you see Kuwait - through your lens. Friday Times will feature snapshots of Kuwait through Instagram feeds. If you want to share your Instagram pho- tos, email us at [email protected]


KIFF organizes Freedom Meet to mark Indian Independence Day

n the occasion of India’s 67th Sameer, General Secretary, KIFF Delhi Independence Day, Kuwait India chapter said that, common Muslims who OFraternity Forum (KIFF), a socio were in the forefront of the freedom are cultural organization of Indians living in not equally highlighted in the history. He Kuwait, organized a “Freedom Meet” at recalled the sacrifices made by the free- any, many happy returns of the day to Shaikh Abbasiya. dom fighters. Ghouse Basha. Best wishes from Shaikh KIFF president Saifuddeen Nalakath in Razik Ur-Rahman, President, KIFF MAslam Basha, Shaikh Samiullah, Shaikh Noor Enjoy the taste of true Espresso at his inaugural speech said that, Tamil Nadu Chapter, Abdul Samad, (Pulivendula), Shaikh Riyaz, Kumar, Shaikh Kalimullah, Independence Day is celebrated not only President, KIFF Kerala Chapter, Nawab Mogul Abdul Rasool, Mogul Ghouse, Iqbal, Zubair, Vergnano Cafe at Olympia Complex to commemorate the commitment and Hussain, Secretary, KIFF Karnataka chap- Ansar, Asif (Patchi) Mastan, near and dear ones from determination of freedom fighters ter also spoke on the occasion. The pro- Kuwait and India. he superior quality of the blends espresso to everyday life at home. towards their goal of setting India free gram commenced with a patriotic song comes from the meticulous selec- Espresso is now available in Kuwait, but also it’s a day to evaluate our duties and concluded with National anthem. Ttion of the best raw materials avail- through Al-Sanabel Al-Thahabiya Est. Tel: towards the nation and to pledge to KIFF General Secretary Amjad delivered able, and from an extraordinary produc- 22413795/98. Espresso Vergnano can be shield the attempt of snatching our free- welcome speech. Shihab proposed vote tion process. Cafe Vergnano is the first to ordered through dom and its values by the anti-national of thanks. Announcements introduce an innovation that brings all the Espresso Vergnano capsules are compati- out-fits. passion and pleasure of the perfect ble with other espresso machines. Addressing the gathering, Aman

Indian Embassy sets up helpline he Indian Embassy in Kuwait has set up helpline in order to assist Indian expatriates Tin registering any complaint regarding the government’s ongoing campaign to stamp out illegal residents from the country. The embassy said in press release yesterday that it amended its previous statement and stated if there is any com- plaint, the same could be conveyed at the follow- ing (as amended): Operations Department, Ministry of Interior, Kuwait. Fax: 22435580, Tel: 24768146/25200334. It said the embassy has been in regular contact with local authorities regarding the ongoing checking of expatriates. The embassy has also conveyed to them the concerns, fears and apprehensions of the community in this regard. The authorities in Kuwait have conveyed that strict instructions have been issued to ensure that there is no harassment or improper treatment of expatriates by those undertaking checking. “The embassy would like to request Indian expatriates to ensure that they abide by all local laws, rules and regulations regarding residency, traffic and other matters,” the release read. It would be pru- dent to always carry the Civil ID and other relevant documents such as driving license, etc. In case an Indian expatriate encounters any improper treat- ment during checking, it may be conveyed imme- diately with full details and contact particulars to AUK Mass Communication & Media the embassy at the following phone number 67623639. These contact details are exclusively for the above-mentioned purpose only. students visit Al-Hadath Studios

Issue of online visa ssistant Professor of Mass Communication & As part of an applied learning project, the students for their class”, he added. by Indian embassy Media at the American University of Kuwait, Dr were given the chance to record a session that they had The American University of Kuwait (AUK) is an inde- oreigners requiring visas for India need to AMohammad Akbar, gave his students at the created inside an actual studio. Students were assigned pendent, private, equal opportunity, and co-education- apply it online from 16th June 2013. Broadcast Journalism class an opportunity to visit and specific roles to play as a TV crew, such as interviewer, al liberal arts institution of higher education. The educa- FApplicants may log on to the Public portal at tour Al-Hadath Studios - a local broadcast studio in floor manager, director, where they managed the tional, cultural and administrative structure, methods After successful Kuwait. During the visit, Hussein Jamal, the owner of Al- equipment themselves. and standards of AUK are based on the American model online submission, the hard copy, so generated, Hadath Studios and Director of the News Department Dr Akbar explained that the students felt comfort- of higher learning. The language of instruction is has to be signed by the applicant and submitted and Political Programs at Kuwait TV, welcomed the stu- able inside the studio. “The students acted professional- English. More information on the American University with supporting documents in accordance with dents and conducted a tour in the premises while shar- ly and really took the experience in. They put all their of Kuwait can be found at the type of visa along with the applicable fee in ing his personal experiences as a journalist. energy into creating a full-length live video as a practice cash at any of the two outsource centres at Sharq or Fahaheel. It is essential that applicants fill in their personal details as exactly available in their passports. Mismatch of any of the personal details would lead to non-acceptance of the application. Fees once paid are non-refundable. All children would have to obtain separate visa on their respective passports.

8th Expo Pakistan to commence in September he 8th Expo Pakistan will be held from September 26 to 29 in Karachi. Held annual- Tly, Expo Pakistan is the biggest trade fair in the country showcasing the largest collection of Pakistan’s export merchandise and services. Foreign Exhibitors also use the event to launch their products. Expo Pakistan 2012 was visited by delegates from 52 countries and generated a busi- ness of over $ 518 million. A 16 member delega- tion from Kuwait including reputable companies like Al-Yasra Foods also took part in the last exhibi- tion. Expo Pakistan 2013 is being held under the auspices of the Trade Development Authority Pakistan. Details about the event can be viewed Further information and details of sponsorship can be obtained from the office of Commercial Secretary, Pakistan Embassy, Jabriya (25356594) during office hours.

Write to us Send to What’s On upcoming events, birthdays or celebrations by email: [email protected] Fax: 24835619 / 20 WHAT’S ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 Embassy Information

EMBASSY OF AUSTRALIA The Embassy of Australia has announced that Kuwait citizens can apply for and receive visit visas in 10 working days through All other processing of visas and Immigration matters are handled by the Australian Visa Application Centre located in Al Banwan Building, 4B, 1st Floor, Al Qibla Area, Ali Al Salem Street, Kuwait City. Visit. www.vfs-au- for more info. The Embassy of Australia does not have a visa or immigration department. All processing of visas and immigration matters is conducted by the Australian Consulate-General in Dubai. Email: [email protected] (VIS), immigra- [email protected] (Visa Office), Tel: +971 4 205 5900 (VFS), Fax: + 971 4 355 0708 (Visa Office). Notary and passport services are Abe visits Kuwait’s Islamic relics house available by appointment. Appointments can be made by calling the Embassy on apanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, currently on an He was welcomed upon arrival at the DAI by General mier about some of the relics and items on display. Abe was 22322422. official mission in the country, visited Dar Al-Athar Al- Supervisor, Sheikha Hessa Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, who accompanied by Faisal Mohammad Al-Hajji, Advisor of the n n n n n n n Islamiyyah (House of Islamic Antiquities) on Monday. accompanied him while touring its wards, briefing the pre- Prime Minister Diwan and the head of the honorary mission. J EMBASSY OF ARGENTINE For the Argentinean citizens who had not already enlisted in the embassy’s electoral register, and taking in consideration the elections which was held on Sunday 11/08/2013, it is necessary to justify they no vote by presence at our embassy which located in (Mishref - Block 6 - Street 42 - Villa 57) and should present the DNI and/or the Argentinean Passport. The Embassy of the Argentine Republic in the State of Kuwait avails itself of this opportunity to renew the assurances of its highest consideration. n n n n n n n EMBASSY OF CANADA The Embassy of Canada in Kuwait does not have a visa or immigration depart- ment. All processing of visa and immi- gration matters including enquiries is conducted by the Canadian Embassy in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Individuals who are interested in working, studying, visiting or immigrating to Canada should contact the Canadian Embassy in Abu Dhabi, website: or, E-mail: abdbi-im- [email protected]. The Embassy of Canada is located at Villa 24, Al-Mutawakei St, Block 4 in Da’aiyah. Please visit our website at The Embassy of Canada is P2BK resumes summer program open from 07:30 to 15:30 Sunday through Thursday. The reception is open from 07:30 to 12:30. Consular services for Canadian citizens are provided from 09:00 until 12:00, Sunday through Wednesday. n n n n n n n EMBASSY OF GREECE The Embassy of Greece in Kuwait has the pleasure to announce that visa applica- tions must be submitted to Schengen Visa Application Centre (VFS office) locat- ed at 12th floor, Al-Naser Tower, Fahad Al-Salem Street, Al-Qibla area, Kuwait City, (Parking at Souk Watia). For information please call 22281046 from 08:30 to 17:00 (Sunday to Thursday). Working hours: Submission from 08:30 to 15:30. Passport collection from 16:00 to 17:00. For visa applications please visit the fol- lowing website

n n n n n n n EMBASSY OF US Parents of Kuwaiti citizen children may drop off their sons’ and daughters’ visa or the fourth year in a row, the Youth Project of Speaking about the program, which will go on till SACGC’s PR manager, Shayma Al-Sherida said the applications - completely free of an inter- Proud to Be Kuwaiti (P2BK) resumed with the September 19, the inventors department manager and center served all social sects and supported all gifted view or a trip inside the Embassy. The Fsummer program of ‘Shegardi 2013’ in collabora- acting manager of the creativity department, engineer, and creative citizens and provided them with various children must be under 14 years of age, and tion with the gifted workshop of Sabah Al-Ahmed Khaled Al-Hassan applauded the center’s cooperation services like patent rights and commercial marketing additional requirements do apply, but the serv- Center for Giftedness and Creativity (SACGC). with various NGOs and governmental establishments. of their inventions. ice means parents will no longer have to sched- ule individual appointments for their children, nor come inside the Embassy (unless they are applying for themselves). The service is only available for children holding Kuwaiti pass- ports. To take advantage, parents must drop off the following documents: Child Visa Drop-off cover sheet, available on the Embassy website ( - Child’s passport; The Child’s previous pass- port, if it contains a valid US visa; 5x5cm photo of child with eyes open (if uploaded into DS- 160, photos must be a .jpg between 600x600 and 1200x1200 pixels, less than 240kb, and cannot be digitally altered); A completed DS- 160 form; Visa Fee Receipt from Burgan Bank; A copy of the valid visa of at least one parent. If one parent will not travel, provide a visa copy for the traveling parent, and a passport copy from the non-traveling parent with a letter stat- ing no objection to the child’s travel. - For chil- dren of students (F2): a copy of the child’s I-20. Children born in the US (with very few exceptions) are US citizens and would not be eligible for a visa. Parents may drop off the application packet at Window 2 at the Embassy from 1:00 to 3:00 PM, Monday to Wednesday, excluding holidays. More information is avail- able on the U.S. Embassy website: n n n n n n n

EMBASSY OF UKRAINE The Embassy of Ukraine in the State of Kuwait would like to inform that submis- sion of the documents for tourist visa is temporary closed (from August 26 till September 26). Within the above-mentioned period, the visa will be issued only in the case of emergency. In the case of planning travel to Ukraine, please apply for visa before August 20. n n n n n n n EMBASSY OF SLOVAK The Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Kuwait would like to inform the public that on the occasion of the Anniversary of the Slovak National Uprising and the Day of the Constitutions, the Embassy will be closed on Thursday, August 29 and Sunday, September 01, 2013. The Embassy would like to inform that the Consular Section is open to the public from Monday to Wednesday from 10:00 till 13:00 hrs. TV PROGRAMS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013

07:00 Alien Mysteries 13:45 Shake It Up 20:20 W innie The Pooh: Tales Of 07:50 The Science Of Star Wars 14:10 Den Brother Friendship 08:40 The Gadget Show 15:30 Good Luck Charlie 20:25 Pajanimals 09:05 The Tech Show 15:50 Jessie 20:35 Doc McStuffins 00:45 After The Attack 09:30 Game Changers 16:10 Violetta 20:45 Mouk 01:35 Untamed & Uncut 09:55 Game Changers 17:00 A.N.T Farm 21:00 New Adventures Of Winnie 02:25 Hippo: The Wild Feast 10:20 Game Changers 17:20 Austin And Ally The Pooh 03:15 Bondi Vet 10:45 Game Changers 17:45 Good Luck Charlie 21:25 Pajanimals 04:05 Pit Bulls And Parolees 11:15 Game Changers 18:10 Shake It Up 21:35 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 04:55 Snake Crusader With Bruce 11:40 Game Changers 18:30 That’s So Raven 22:00 Timmy Time George 12:05 Game Changers 18:55 A.N.T. Farm 22:10 The Hive 05:20 Shamwari: A Wild Life 12:30 Game Changers 19:20 Violetta 22:20 W innie The Pooh: Tales Of 05:45 Gator Boys 13:50 Food Factory 20:05 Jessie Friendship 06:35 Call Of The Wildman 14:20 The Gadget Show 20:30 Shake It Up 22:30 Jungle Junction 07:00 Dick ‘n’ Dom Go Wild 14:45 The Tech Show 20:50 Suite Life On Deck 22:45 Handy Manny 07:25 America’s Cutest Pets 15:10 Alien Mysteries 21:15 Austin And Ally 22:55 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 08:15 The Most Extreme 16:00 Sci-Trek 21:40 That’s So Raven 23:20 Little Einsteins 09:10 Penguin Safari 16:55 X-Machines 22:00 Jessie 10:05 Hippo: The Wild Feast 17:45 Smash Lab 22:25 A.N.T Farm 11:00 Animal Cops Philadelphia 18:35 How The Universe Works 22:50 Good Luck Charlie 11:55 Snake Crusader With Bruce 19:30 Alien Mysteries 23:10 Wizards Of Waverly Place George 20:20 The Science Of Star Wars 23:35 Wizards Of Waverly Place 12:20 Call Of The Wildman 21:10 The Gadget Show 00:05 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 12:50 Lion Man: One World African 21:35 The Tech Show 00:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives Safari 22:00 Alien Mysteries 00:55 United Tastes Of America 13:15 Lion Man: One World African 22:50 The Science Of Star Wars 01:20 United Tastes Of America Safari 23:40 The Gadget Show 01:45 Reza’s African Kitchen 00:05 Special Agent Oso 13:45 Austin Stevens Adventures 02:10 Reza’s African Kitchen 00:15 Imagination Movers 14:40 Hippo: The Wild Feast 02:35 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 00:40 Jungle Junction 15:30 Shamwari: A Wild Life 03:00 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 00:55 Jungle Junction 16:00 Dick ‘n’ Dom Go Wild 03:25 Food Wars 01:10 Handy Manny 16:30 The Most Extreme 03:50 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 01:30 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 17:25 Talk To The Animals 00:45 Chasing Classic Cars 04:15 Unique Eats 02:00 Little Einsteins 18:20 Pandamonium 01:10 Chasing Classic Cars 04:40 Chopped 02:25 Special Agent Oso 19:15 Monkey Life 01:35 Welcome To India 05:30 Iron Chef America 02:40 Special Agent Oso 19:40 Call Of The Wildman 02:30 Crime Scene Wild 06:10 Food Network Challenge 02:50 Imagination Movers 20:10 Snake Crusader With Bruce 03:25 I’m Alive 07:00 Unwrapped 03:20 Handy Manny George 04:20 Bone Detectives 07:25 Unwrapped 03:40 Special Agent Oso 20:35 Shamwari: A Wild Life 05:10 NASA’s Greatest Missions 07:50 Andy Bates American Street 03:50 Special Agent Oso 21:05 Kingdom Of The Elephants 06:05 Way Of Life Feasts 04:00 Timmy Time 22:00 Lion Man: One World African 07:00 Reign Of The Dinosaurs 08:15 Unique Sweets 04:10 Imagination Movers Safari 07:50 Chasing Classic Cars 08:40 Reza’s African Kitchen 08:15 Chasing Classic Cars 04:35 Little Einsteins 09:05 Jonathan Phang’s Caribbean 08:45 Way Of Life 05:00 Jungle Junction Cookbook 09:35 Danger Hunters 05:15 Jungle Junction 09:30 Amazing Wedding Cakes 10:30 Toughest Military Jobs 05:30 Little Einsteins 10:20 Extra Virgin 11:20 I’m Alive 05:50 Special Agent Oso 10:40 Unique Sweets 00:30 Hillbilly Handfishin’ 12:10 Bone Detectives 06:00 Special Agent Oso 01:20 Top Hooker 11:10 Unwrapped 13:05 NASA’s Greatest Missions 06:15 Jungle Junction 11:35 Have Cake, Will Travel 02:10 River Monsters: Untold 13:55 History Cold Case 06:30 Jungle Junction Stories 12:00 Food Network Star 14:50 Welcome To India 06:45 Handy Manny 12:50 Reza’s African Kitchen 03:00 Mythbusters 15:45 Reign Of The Dinosaurs 07:00 Special Agent Oso 03:50 Auction Kings 13:15 Barefoot Contessa - Back To 16:40 Toughest Military Jobs 07:15 Jungle Junction Basics 04:15 Auction Hunters 17:35 Bone Detectives 07:30 Higglytown Heroes 04:40 Auction Kings 13:40 Barefoot Contessa - Back To 18:25 I’m Alive 07:45 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Basics 05:05 How Do They Do It? 19:20 Secrets Of... 08:10 New Adventures Of Winnie 05:30 How It’s Made 14:05 Tyler’s Ultimate 20:10 Chasing Classic Cars The Pooh 14:30 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 06:00 American Guns 20:35 Chasing Classic Cars 08:35 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 07:00 Mythbusters 14:55 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 21:05 NASA’s Greatest Missions 08:50 Doc McStuffins 15:20 Symon’s Suppers 07:50 Ultimate Survival 22:00 Secrets Of... 09:05 Doc McStuffins 08:40 What Happened Next? 15:45 Chopped 22:55 Hostage In Paradise 09:20 Zou 16:35 Barefoot Contessa - Back To 09:05 Magic Of Science 23:50 Murder Shift 09:35 Henry Hugglemonster 09:30 Border Security Basics 09:50 Henry Hugglemonster 17:00 Barefoot Contessa - Back To 09:55 Auction Hunters 10:00 Lilo And Stitch 10:20 Auction Kings Basics 10:25 The Little Mermaid 17:25 Tyler’s Ultimate 10:45 How Do They Do It? 10:50 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 11:10 How It’s Made 17:50 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 11:05 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 18:15 Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives 11:35 Hillbilly Handfishin’ 00:00 Hannah Montana 11:20 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 18:40 Guy’s Big Bite 12:25 Top Hooker 00:20 Hannah Montana 11:45 Mouk 19:05 Symon’s Suppers 13:15 River Monsters: Untold 00:45 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 12:00 Winnie The Pooh: Tales Of 19:30 Food Wars Stories 01:05 Brandy & Mr Whiskers Friendship 19:55 Food Wars 14:05 Border Security 01:30 Emperor’s New School 12:05 Art Attack 20:20 Chopped THE WHISTLEBLOWER ON OSN CINEMA 14:30 Auction Hunters 01:50 Emperor’s New School 12:30 Doc McStuffins 14:55 Auction Kings 21:10 Chopped 02:15 Replacements 12:45 Doc McStuffins 02:00 Fish Warrior 14:00 Raising Hope Goldmember 20:00 What’s Your Number?-PG15 15:20 Stan Lee’s Superhumans 22:00 Charly’s Cake Angels 02:35 Replacements 13:00 Zou 02:50 Dangerous Encounters 14:30 Two And A Half Men 20:00 Blackthorn 16:10 What Happened Next? 22:25 Charly’s Cake Angels 22:00 The Double-PG15 03:00 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 13:15 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 03:45 Croc Invasion 15:00 Arrested Development 16:35 Magic Of Science 22:50 Unique Sweets 03:20 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 13:30 Henry Hugglemonster 04:40 Zambezi 15:30 The Daily Show 17:00 Ultimate Survival 23:15 Unique Sweets 03:45 Emperor’s New School 13:45 Henry Hugglemonster 05:35 Fish Warrior 16:00 The Colbert Report 17:50 Deadliest Catch 23:40 Food Wars 04:05 Emperor’s New School 13:55 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 06:30 Dangerous Encounters 16:30 The War At Home 18:40 Mythbusters 04:30 Replacements 14:20 New Adventures Of Winnie 07:25 Croc Invasion 17:00 Late Night With Jimmy Fallon 00:00 Crazy, Stupid, Love.-PG15 19:30 American Guns 04:50 Replacements The Pooh 08:20 World’s Deadliest Killer Three 01:20 Rebel Without A Cause-PG 18:00 Hot In Cleveland 02:00 Cottage Country-PG15 20:20 Auction Hunters 05:15 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 14:45 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 09:15 Monster Fish 03:10 Westworld 18:30 The Simpsons 04:00 While You Were Sleeping- 20:45 Auction Kings 05:35 Brandy & Mr Whiskers 15:00 Lilo And Stitch 10:10 Shocking Sharks 04:35 Rhapsody-FAM 19:00 Modern Family PG15 21:10 How Do They Do It? 06:00 Austin And Ally 15:25 Mouk 11:05 World’s Weirdest 07:00 In The Good Old 00:15 Food Lover’s Guide To The 19:30 Happy Endings 06:00 Gabe The Cupid Dog-PG15 21:35 How It’s Made 06:25 Suite Life On Deck 15:40 Higglytown Heroes 12:00 Croc Labyrinth Summertime-FAM Planet 20:00 The Tonight Show With Jay 08:00 The Tooth Fairy 2-PG 22:00 Dynamo: Magician 06:45 Shake It Up 15:55 Zou 12:55 Caught Barehanded 08:45 Light In The Piazza-PG 00:45 Scam City Leno 10:00 Another Stakeout-PG15 Impossible 07:10 A.N.T. Farm 16:10 Zou 13:50 Dangerous Encounters 10:25 Blossoms In The Dust-PG 01:40 Warrior Road Trip 21:00 The Daily Show 12:00 While You Were Sleeping- 22:50 The Big Brain Theory 07:35 Jessie 16:20 The Little Mermaid 14:45 Mother Croc 12:00 Riffraff-PG 02:35 Banged Up Abroad 21:30 The Colbert Report PG15 07:55 Good Luck Charlie 15:40 World’s Deadliest Killer Three 13:35 Now, Voyager-PG 16:45 Lilo And Stitch 03:30 Extreme Tourist Afghanistan 22:00 The Big C 14:00 Chasing Liberty-PG15 08:20 Good Luck Charlie 16:35 Phantom Wolverine 16:00 Billy The Kid-PG 17:10 Doc McStuffins 04:25 Lonely Planet: Roads Less 22:30 Enlightened 16:00 Another Stakeout-PG15 08:45 Doc McStuffins 17:30 Monster Croc Hunt 17:35 Red Dust-FAM 17:25 Doc McStuffins Travelled 23:00 Unsupervised 18:00 Love Birds-PG15 18:25 World’s Weirdest 19:05 Quo Vadis-PG 09:05 Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 17:40 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 05:20 Don’t Tell My Mother 23:30 Late Night With Jimmy 20:00 Rushmore-PG15 19:20 Caught Barehanded 22:00 The Fixer 09:30 A.N.T Farm 17:55 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 05:45 The Best Job In The World Fallon 22:00 Crazy, Stupid, Love.-PG15 00:05 The Tech Show 20:10 Dangerous Encounters 09:55 A.N.T Farm 18:10 Henry Hugglemonster 06:15 Maverick Chef 21:00 Mother Croc 00:30 Food Factory 10:15 Jessie 18:25 Henry Hugglemonster 06:40 Delinquent Gourmet 21:50 World’s Deadliest Killer Three 01:00 Bad Universe 10:40 Jessie 18:35 Zou 07:10 David Rocco’s Amalfi 22:40 Phantom Wolverine 01:50 Bad Universe 11:05 Good Luck Charlie 18:50 Zou Getaway 23:30 Monster Croc Hunt 02:45 Bad Universe 11:25 Good Luck Charlie 19:00 Timmy Time 07:35 Food Lover’s Guide To The 01:00 Good Morning America 01:45 Resolution 819-PG15 00:00 World’s Greatest Motorcycle 03:35 Alien Encounters 11:50 Good Luck Charlie 19:10 Pajanimals Planet 03:00 American Idol 03:30 The Firm-PG15 Rides 04:25 Alien Encounters 12:15 Shake It Up 19:25 Doc McStuffins 08:05 Scam City 05:00 Good Morning America 06:00 Coriolanus-PG15 01:00 Xtreme Waterparks 05:15 The Gadget Show 12:35 Shake It Up 19:35 Zou 09:00 Warrior Road Trip 07:00 Emmerdale 08:00 Love Finds A Home-PG15 01:30 Bert The Conqueror 05:40 The Tech Show 13:00 Shake It Up 19:50 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 09:55 Banged Up Abroad 07:30 Coronation Street 09:30 The Key Man-PG15 02:00 Off Limits 06:05 How The Universe Works 13:25 Shake It Up 20:05 Jake & The Neverland Pirates 10:50 Extreme Tourist Afghanistan 00:00 Hell-18 08:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 11:00 Money For Nothing-PG15 03:00 Globe Trekker 11:45 Lonely Planet: Roads Less 02:00 Gangs Of Brooklyn-PG15 09:00 Once Upon A Time 13:00 Love Takes Wing-PG15 04:00 Bizarre Foods America Travelled 04:00 The Adventures Of Tintin-PG 10:00 Emmerdale 15:00 Offline-PG15 05:00 Bizarre Foods America 12:40 Don’t Tell My Mother 06:00 Brake-PG15 10:30 Coronation Street 17:00 Money For Nothing-PG15 06:00 Hotel Impossible 13:05 The Best Job In The World 08:00 Meteor Storm-PG15 11:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 19:00 Footloose-PG15 07:00 Globe Trekker 13:35 Maverick Chef 10:00 Battlestar Galactica: Blood & 12:00 Touch 21:00 The Big Bang-18 08:00 Off Limits 14:00 Delinquent Gourmet Chrome-PG15 13:00 The Carrie Diaries 23:00 Dirty Girl-18 09:00 Piha Rescue 14:30 David Rocco’s Amalfi 12:00 Blackthorn-PG15 14:00 Live Good Morning America 09:30 Piha Rescue Getaway 14:00 Meteor Storm-PG15 16:00 Touch 10:00 World’s Greatest Motorcycle 14:55 Food Lover’s Guide To The 16:00 Austin Powers In 17:00 Once Upon A Time Rides Planet Goldmember-PG15 18:00 The Carrie Diaries 11:00 Bert The Conqueror 15:25 Scam City 18:00 Blackthorn-PG15 19:00 Touch 11:30 Xtreme Waterparks 16:20 Warrior Road Trip 20:00 Broken Path-PG15 01:15 Butter-18 20:00 Once Upon A Time 12:00 Globe Trekker 17:15 Banged Up Abroad 22:00 End Of Days-18 03:00 The Best Exotic Marigold 21:00 The Carrie Diaries 13:00 Bizarre Foods America 18:10 Extreme Tourist Afghanistan Hotel-PG15 22:00 The Client List 14:00 International House Hunters 19:05 Lonely Planet: Roads Less 05:15 The Way-PG15 23:00 American Idol 14:30 International House Hunters Travelled 07:30 Certain Prey-PG15 09:00 Take Shelter-PG15 15:00 Hotel Impossible 20:00 David Rocco’s Amalfi 16:00 Inside Luxury Travel - Varun Getaway 11:15 Web Of Lies-PG15 01:30 The Descendants-PG15 13:00 Every Jack Has A Jill-PG15 Sharma 20:30 Food Lover’s Guide To The 03:30 Legendary Assassin-PG15 17:00 World’s Greatest Motorcycle Planet 14:45 Arrietty-FAM 05:15 Of Two Minds-PG15 00:00 24 Rides 21:00 Maverick Chef 16:45 Take Shelter-PG15 07:00 The Wishing Well-PG15 01:00 The Killing 18:00 Off Limits 21:30 Delinquent Gourmet 19:00 Like Crazy-PG15 09:00 Legendary Assassin-PG15 02:00 Breaking Bad 19:00 Bizarre Foods America 22:00 Lonely Planet: Roads Less 21:00 Passion-PG15 11:00 Ip Man 2-PG15 03:00 Banshee 20:00 World’s Greatest Motorcycle Travelled 23:00 The Change Up-18 13:00 Mrs. Miracle-PG15 04:00 Franklin & Bash Rides 14:45 Lorenzo’s Oil-PG15 05:00 Royal Pains 21:00 Descending 17:00 We Bought A Zoo-PG 06:00 24 22:00 Departures 19:15 Morning-PG15 07:00 The Finder 21:00 In Time-PG15 08:00 Alphas 23:00 The Whistleblower-18 09:00 The Killing 01:00 Krazzy Planet 00:00 Megastructures 10:00 Royal Pains 02:30 Beverly Hills Chihuahua 3: 01:00 Human Lampshade: A 12:00 Emmerdale Viva LA Fiesta! Holocaust Mystery 06:00 Kid vs Kat 12:30 Coronation Street 04:15 The Great Bear 02:00 Alaska Wing Men 06:10 Iron Man Armoured 13:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 06:00 Freddy Frogface 03:00 Banged Up Abroad Adventures 14:00 Alphas 07:45 Rainbow Valley Heroes 04:00 Clash Of The Continents 00:30 The Daily Show 06:35 Kickin It 15:00 24 09:30 Twigson 05:00 Shark Men 01:00 The Colbert Report 07:00 Max Steel 16:00 Emmerdale 10:45 The Great Bear 06:00 Banged Up Abroad 01:30 The Big C 07:25 Phineas And Ferb 16:30 Coronation Street 12:15 Hugo 07:00 Doomsday Preppers 02:00 Enlightened 07:35 Phineas And Ferb 17:00 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 14:30 Cher Ami 08:00 Megastructures 02:30 Unsupervised 07:50 Slugterra 18:00 Alphas 16:00 The Wild Thornberrys Movie 09:00 Human Lampshade: A 03:00 Last Man Standing 18:00 Twigson 08:15 Pair Of Kings 19:00 Warehouse 13 Holocaust Mystery 03:30 Raising Hope 20:00 Mandie And The Secret 08:40 Kickin It 20:00 Bones 10:00 Alaska Wing Men 04:00 Hope & Faith Tunnel 09:05 Kickin It 21:00 Castle 11:00 Banged Up Abroad 04:30 The Tonight Show With Jay 22:00 Cher Ami 09:30 Lab Rats 22:00 Justified 12:00 Clash Of The Continents Leno 23:30 The Wild Thornberrys Movie 09:55 Lab Rats 23:00 Banshee 13:00 Shark Men 05:30 Hope & Faith 10:20 Pair Of Kings 14:00 Banged Up Abroad 06:00 The War At Home 10:45 Kick Buttowski 15:00 Doomsday Preppers 06:30 Brothers 11:10 Mr. Young 16:00 Megastructures 07:00 Late Night With Jimmy Fallon 11:35 Slugterra 00:00 One Angry Juror-PG15 17:00 Dark Secrets Of The Lusitania 08:00 Hope & Faith 12:00 Kickin It 18:00 Alaska Wing Men 08:30 Hope & Faith 00:00 The Raid: Redemption 02:00 Seeking Justice-PG15 12:25 Max Steel 19:00 Helicopter Wars 09:00 Last Man Standing 02:00 Hell 04:00 Paranorman-PG 12:50 I’m In The Band 20:00 Evacuate Earth 09:30 Two And A Half Men 04:00 Gangs Of Brooklyn 06:00 Batman: The Dark Knight 13:15 Lab Rats 21:00 Monkey Thieves 10:00 Arrested Development 06:00 The Adventures Of Tintin Returns Part One-PG15 13:40 Almost Naked Animals 10:30 Brothers 08:00 Brake 08:00 The Muppets-PG 14:05 Phineas And Ferb 11:00 The Tonight Show With Jay 10:00 Meteor Storm 14:30 Lab Rats Leno 10:00 A Monster In Paris-PG 12:00 Battlestar Galactica: Blood & 14:55 Randy Cunningham: 9th 12:00 The War At Home 12:00 The Girl-PG15 Chrome Grade Ninja 12:30 Hope & Faith 14:00 Charlotte’s Web-PG 14:00 Blackthorn 15:20 Phineas And Ferb 13:00 All Of Us 16:00 The Muppets-PG 00:20 Dead Or Alive 16:00 Meteor Storm 15:30 Phineas And Ferb 13:30 Brothers THE RAID: REDEMPTION ON OSN MOVIES ACTION 01:10 Crocodile King 18:00 Austin Powers In 17:45 The Bourne Legacy-PG15 15:45 Pair Of Kings Classifieds



SHARQIA-1 THE LONE RANGER (DIG) 3:30 PM CHENNAI EXPRESS (DIG) (HINDI) 12:30 AM KILLING SEASON (DIG) 1:00 PM CHENNAI EXPRESS (DIG) (HINDI) 6:30 PM THE SMURFS 2 (DIG) 3:15 PM CHENNAI EXPRESS (DIG) (HINDI) 9:30 PM AVENUES-3 JOBS (DIG) 5:30 PM THE LONE RANGER (DIG) 12:30 AM RED 2 (DIG) 1:00 PM KILLING SEASON (DIG) 8:00 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED THE LONE RANGER (DIG) 3:30 PM JOBS (DIG) 10:00 PM RED 2 (DIG) 6:30 PM KILLING SEASON (DIG) 12:30 AM FANAR-4 RED 2 (DIG) 9:00 PM THE SMURFS 2 (DIG-3D) 1:00 PM RED 2 (DIG) 11:30 PM SHARQIA-2 THE SMURFS 2 (DIG-3D) 3:15 PM THE SMURFS 2 (DIG-3D) 2:00 PM THE SMURFS 2 (DIG-3D) 5:30 PM AVENUES-4 DESPICABLE ME 2 (DIG-3D) 4:15 PM THE WOLVERINE (DIG) 7:45 PM THE CONJURING (DIG) 1:30 PM THE SMURFS 2 (DIG) 6:15 PM THE WOLVERINE (DIG) 10:15 PM THE CONJURING (DIG) 3:45 PM Special Show “THE SMURFS 2 (DIG)” 6:15 PM THE WOLVERINE (DIG) 12:45 AM THE CONJURING (DIG) 6:00 PM THE CONJURING (DIG) 8:30 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED THE CONJURING (DIG) 8:15 PM THE CONJURING (DIG) 10:45 PM THE CONJURING (DIG) 10:30 PM THE CONJURING (DIG) 1:00 AM FANAR-5 THE CONJURING (DIG) 12:45 AM THE CONJURING 1:15 PM SHARQIA-3 THE CONJURING 3:30 PM 360º- 1 THE CONJURING (DIG) 1:30 PM THE CONJURING 5:45 PM THE CONJURING (DIG) 12:30 PM THE CONJURING (DIG) 3:45 PM EL7ARAMY & EL3ABIET 8:00 PM THE CONJURING (DIG) 2:45 PM Special Show “THE SMURFS 2 (DIG)” 6:15 PM THE CONJURING 10:00 PM THE CONJURING (DIG) 5:00 PM CHENNAI EXPRESS (DIG) (HINDI) 6:00 PM THE CONJURING 12:15 AM THE CONJURING (DIG) 7:15 PM THE WOLVERINE (DIG) 9:00 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED THE CONJURING (DIG) 9:30 PM THE WOLVERINE (DIG) 11:45 PM THE CONJURING (DIG) 11:45 PM MARINA-1 MUHALAB-1 DESPICABLE ME 2 (DIG) 12:45 PM 360º- 2 JOBS (DIG) 1:30 PM HAMMER OF G’S (DIG) 2:45 PM RED 2 (DIG) 2:30 PM RED 2 (DIG) 4:15 PM KILLING SEASON (DIG) 5:00 PM RED 2 (DIG) 5:00 PM CHENNAI EXPRESS (DIG) (HINDI) 6:30 PM JOBS (DIG) 7:00 PM RED 2 (DIG) 7:30 PM JOBS (DIG) 9:30 PM JOBS (DIG) 9:30 PM RED 2 (DIG) 10:00 PM KILLING SEASON (DIG) 12:30 AM RED 2 (DIG) 12:30 AM MUHALAB-2 NO SUN+TUE+WED NO SUN+TUE+WED KILLING SEASON (DIG) 1:30 PM FRI MARINA-2 360º- 3 THE CONJURING (DIG) 1:00 PM THE WOLVERINE (DIG) 12:30 PM DESPICABLE ME 2 (DIG-3D) 1:30 PM THE CONJURING (DIG) 3:30 PM THE WOLVERINE (DIG) 3:00 PM DESPICABLE ME 2 (DIG) 3:45 PM KILLING SEASON (DIG) 5:45 PM EL7ARAMY & EL3ABIET (DIG) 5:30 PM DESPICABLE ME 2 (DIG-3D) 6:00 PM THE CONJURING (DIG) 7:45 PM THE WOLVERINE (DIG) 7:30 PM DESPICABLE ME 2 (DIG) 8:15 PM THE CONJURING (DIG) 10:00 PM RED 2 (DIG) 10:00 PM DESPICABLE ME 2 (DIG) 10:30 PM THE WOLVERINE (DIG) 12:15 AM THE WOLVERINE (DIG) 12:45 AM MUHALAB-3 NO SUN+TUE+WED THE SMURFS 2 (DIG-3D) 12:45 PM 360º- 4 DESPICABLE ME 2 (DIG-3D) 3:00 PM MARINA-3 THE SMURFS 2 (DIG) 2:00 PM CHANGE OF NAME MATRIMONIAL Prayer timings THE SMURFS 2 (DIG-3D) 5:00 PM THE SMURFS 2 (DIG-3D) 1:30 PM THE SMURFS 2 (DIG-3D) 4:15 PM THE WOLVERINE (DIG) 7:15 PM DESPICABLE ME 2 (DIG-3D) 4:00 PM THE SMURFS 2 (DIG) 6:30 PM I, Crusian Edison holder of Proposals invited for a fair THE WOLVERINE (DIG) 9:45 PM THE SMURFS 2 (DIG-3D) 6:00 PM THE SMURFS 2 (DIG-3D) 8:45 PM Indian Passport No. E Keralite Marthomite girl (24 yrs, THE CONJURING (DIG) 8:15 PM THE SMURFS 2 (DIG) 11:00 PM 6572487, shall henceforth 159 cm) hailing from an aristo- FANAR-1 THE CONJURING (DIG) 10:30 PM EL7ARAMY & EL3ABIET (DIG) 1:15 AM be known as C. Joseph cratic family and just completed RED 2 (DIG) 2:00 PM THE CONJURING (DIG) 12:45 AM NO SUN+TUE+WED Edison. (C 4493) M.Sc nursing in paediatrics, from RED 2 (DIG) 4:30 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED parents of God-fearing boys with JOBS (DIG) 6:45 PM AL-KOUT.1 28-8-2013 JOBS (DIG) 9:15 PM AVENUES-1 EL7ARAMY & EL3ABIET (DIG) 12:30 PM equivalent qualifications prefer- JOBS (DIG) 11:45 PM KILLING SEASON (DIG) 2:00 PM THE WOLVERINE (DIG) 2:30 PM I, Bhaskar Hungarkatha of ably employed in Kuwait, Gulf/India. Email: georgeth- KILLING SEASON (DIG) 4:00 PM JOBS (DIG) 5:00 PM Indian Passport No. G [email protected] FANAR-2 KILLING SEASON (DIG) 6:00 PM THE WOLVERINE (DIG) 7:30 PM 0638528 hereby wish to DESPICABLE ME 2 (DIG) 12:30 PM KILLING SEASON (DIG) 8:00 PM EL7ARAMY & EL3ABIET (DIG) 10:00 PM (C 4494) DESPICABLE ME 2 (DIG) 2:30 PM KILLING SEASON (DIG) 10:00 PM THE WOLVERINE (DIG) 12:05 AM change my name to JOHN STREET DANCE ALL STARS (DIG) 4:30 PM KILLING SEASON (DIG) 12:05 AM B. D’ALMEIDA. (C 4491) Nair girl from Quilon district, Fajr: 04:00 DESPICABLE ME 2 (DIG) 6:45 PM NO SUN+TUE+WED AL-KOUT.2 27-8-2013 34 years, 153 cm, M.Sc Shorook 05:22 KILLING SEASON (DIG) 8:45 PM DESPICABLE ME 2 (DIG) 12:45 PM Biotechnology, PhD, now KILLING SEASON (DIG) 10:45 PM AVENUES-2 THE SMURFS 2 (DIG) 2:45 PM I, Hareesha, Indian Passport working as scientist at Duhr: 11:50 KILLING SEASON (DIG) 12:45 AM CHENNAI EXPRESS (DIG) (HINDI) 12:30 PM DESPICABLE ME 2 (DIG) 5:00 PM No. E 6534426, have Trivandrum, seeks alliance Asr: 15:24 CHENNAI EXPRESS (DIG) (HINDI) 3:30 PM THE SMURFS 2 (DIG) 7:00 PM changed my name to from well educated, employed FANAR-3 CHENNAI EXPRESS (DIG) (HINDI) 6:30 PM JOBS (DIG) 9:15 PM youth from India/abroad Maghrib: 18:16 CHENNAI EXPRESS (DIG) (HINDI) 12:30 PM CHENNAI EXPRESS (DIG) (HINDI) 9:30 PM JOBS (DIG) 11:45 PM Hareesha Rama Moolya. (Keralite only). Contact email: Isha: 19:36 (C 4489) [email protected] 112

Directorate General of Civil Aviation Home Page (

Arrival Flights on on Wednesday 28/8/2013 IRC 6692 MASHAD 14:00 Departure Flights on Wednesday 28/8/2013 MSR 611 CAIRO 14:00 Airlines Flt Route Time MSR 575 SHARM EL SHEIKH 14:15 Airlines Flt Route Time THY 767 ISTANBUL-ATATURK 14:10 QTR 148 DOHA 0:05 SVA 500 JEDDAH 14:30 AIC 982 AHMEDABAD 00:05 KNE 481 TAIF 14:10 THY 5464 SABIHA 0:10 JAV 621 AMMAN-QUEEN ALIA 15:10 JAI 573 MUMBAI 00:20 UAE 872 DUBAI 14:15 THY 764 SABIHA 1:40 FDB 8051 DUBAI 15:35 UAL 981 WASHINGTON DC DULLES 00:25 IYE 827 RIYAN MUKALLA 14:30 ETH 620 ADDIS ABABA 1:45 KAC 502 BEIRUT 15:40 DLH 637 FRANKFURT 00:30 FDB 58 DUBAI 14:30 GFA 211 BAHRAIN 1:55 KAC 538 SHARM EL SHEIKH 15:50 MSR 615 CAIRO 00:30 QTR 141 DOHA 14:55 JZR 539 CAIRO 0:40 RJA 640 AMMAN-QUEEN ALIA 15:55 THY 5465 ISTANBUL-SABIHA 01:10 IRC 6693 MASHHAD 15:00 UAE 853 DUBAI 2:25 JZR 535 CAIRO 16:10 SYR 1284 DAMASCUS 01:50 MSR 576 SHARM EL SHEIKH 15:00 ETD 305 ABU DHABI-INTL 2:30 JZR 787 RIYADH 16:15 THY 773 ISTANBUL-ATATURK 02:20 KAC 673 DUBAI 15:05 LZB 7779 BOURGAS 2:35 QTR 134 DOHA 16:15 THY 765 ISTANBUL-SABIHA 02:40 KAC 617 DOHA 15:45 SVA 503 MADINAH 15:45 THY 768 ISTANBUL 2:50 ETD 303 ABU DHABI-INTL 16:35 ETH 621 ADDIS ABABA 02:45 KAC 773 RIYADH 16:00 RJA 642 AMMAN-QUEEN ALIA 3:10 JZR 357 MASHAD 16:50 NIA 254 ALEXANDRIA 02:55 UAE 857 DUBAI 16:55 MEA 409 BEIRUT 03:10 JZR 188 DUBAI 16:00 FDB 67 DUBAI 3:10 FDB 8052 DUBAI 16:20 ABY 127 SHARJAH 17:10 LZB 7780 BOURGAS 03:25 MEA 408 BEIRUT 2:10 JAV 622 AMMAN 16:30 UAL 982 WASHINGTON DC DULLES 17:15 THY 769 ISTANBUL-ATATURK 03:40 NIA 253 ALEXANDRIA 2:00 RJA 641 AMMAN 16:55 SVA 510 RIYADH 17:20 UAE 854 DUBAI 03:45 MSR 612 CAIRO 3:15 FDB 68 DUBAI 03:50 JZR 238 AMMAN 17:05 GFA 215 BAHRAIN 17:20 OMA 643 MUSCAT 3:20 MSR 613 CAIRO 04:15 QTR 135 DOHA 17:20 JZR 177 DUBAI 17:30 QTR 138 DOHA 3:30 OMA 644 MUSCAT 04:20 ETD 304 ABU DHABI 17:20 THY 770 ISTANBUL 4:35 KNE 462 MEDINAH 17:45 ETD 306 ABU DHABI 04:20 JZR 538 CAIRO 17:40 DHX 170 BAHRAIN 5:10 JZR 777 JEDDAH 17:50 QTR 139 DOHA 04:25 CLX 792 HONG KONG 17:45 FDB 69 DUBAI 5:50 NIA 251 ALEXANDRIA 18:00 QTR 149 DOHA 05:15 ABY 128 SHARJAH 17:50 BAW 157 LONDON 6:30 KAC 542 CAIRO 18:15 JZR 560 SOHAG 05:35 UAE 858 DUBAI 18:15 KAC 206 ISLAMABAD 7:25 KAC 774 RIYADH 19:25 FDB 70 DUBAI 06:30 SVA 511 RIYADH 18:20 KAC 382 DELHI 7:30 KAC 674 DUBAI 19:25 RJA 643 AMMAN 06:35 GFA 216 BAHRAIN 18:20 KAC 412 MANILA 6:15 KAC 618 DOHA 19:10 JZR 242 AMMAN 06:55 UAL 982 BAHRAIN 18:30 JZR 555 ALEXANDRIA 6:20 QTR 144 DOHA 18:25 GFA 212 BAHRAIN 07:00 JZR 184 DUBAI 18:30 JZR 1541 CAIRO 6:25 KAC 786 JEDDAH 18:30 THY 771 ISTANBUL-ATATURK 07:10 JZR 266 BEIRUT 18:40 JZR 529 ASYUT 6:40 KAC 166 PARIS 18:40 JZR 164 DUBAI 07:25 KNE 471 JEDDAH 18:40 FDB 53 DUBAI 7:45 FDB 63 DUBAI 18:55 KAC 537 SHARM EL SHEIKH 08:00 NIA 252 ALEXANDRIA 19:00 UAE 855 DUBAI 8:25 GFA 219 BAHRAIN 19:05 BAW 156 LONDON 08:25 QTR 145 DOHA 19:25 ABY 125 SHARJAH 8:50 MSC 405 SOHAG 19:15 FDB 54 DUBAI 08:25 FDB 64 DUBAI 19:35 IRM 1186 TEHRAN 9:10 MSR 606 LUXOR 19:30 JZR 256 BEIRUT 08:50 GFA 220 BAHRAIN 19:50 FDB 55 DUBAI 9:15 KAC 102 NEW YORK 19:35 KAC 117 NEW YORK 09:05 JZR 134 BAHRAIN 20:05 QTR 132 DOHA 9:25 JAI 572 MUMBAI 19:35 JZR 534 CAIRO 09:10 KAC 283 DHAKA 20:15 IRA 603 SHIRAZ 9:25 FDB 61 DUBAI 20:00 KAC 789 MADINAH 09:15 MSC 404 ASYUT 20:15 ETD 301 ABU DHABI-INTL 9:30 OMA 647 MUSCAT 20:00 KAC 671 DUBAI 09:25 MSR 619 ALEXANDRIA 20:30 QTR 6130 DOHA 9:45 ABY 129 SHARJAH 20:05 ABY 126 SHARJAH 09:30 JAI 571 MUMBAI 20:35 UAE 4987 DUBAI 10:05 ETD 933 ABU DHABI-INTL 20:05 KAC 501 BEIRUT 09:45 FDB 62 DUBAI 20:40 ABY 120 SHARJAH 20:45 TGZ 1553 BATUMI 10:35 JZR 189 DUBAI 20:10 UAE 856 DUBAI 09:50 KAC 361 COLOMBO 20:50 GFA 213 BAHRAIN 10:40 MEA 402 BEIRUT 20:15 FDB 56 DUBAI 09:55 KAC 331 TRIVANDRUM 20:50 MEA 404 BEIRUT 10:55 AXB 489 COCHIN 20:35 ETD 302 ABU DHABI 10:15 SYR 1285 DAMASCUS 20:55 KAC 153 ISTANBUL-SABIHA 10:15 OMA 648 MUSCAT 20:55 IAW 157 BAGHDAD 11:00 KAC 351 KOCHI 21:05 JZR 481 SABIHA 20:10 QTR 133 DOHA 10:25 MSC 403 ASYUT 11:35 MEA 403 BEIRUT 21:15 KLM 417 AMSTERDAM 21:05 IRA 602 SHIRAZ 10:25 IRM 1188 MASHAD 11:45 DHX 171 BAHRAIN 21:50 ALK 229 COLOMBO 21:10 IRM 1187 TEHRAN 10:30 KNE 470 JEDDAH 12:15 UAE 4987 BEIRUT 10:50 SYR 1286 DAMASCUS 21:55 UAE 859 DUBAI 21:15 KAC 344 CHENNAI 8:20 JZR 356 MASHHAD 11:00 KLM 417 DAMMAM 22:05 ETD 307 ABU DHABI-INTL 21:30 KAC 302 MUMBAI 7:50 QTR 6131 DOHA 11:15 ETD 934 SHARJAH 22:05 KAC 284 DHAKA 8:15 QTR 136 DOHA 21:35 GFA 214 BAHRAIN 11:25 ETD 308 ABU DHABI 22:15 KAC 352 COCHIN 8:05 GFA 217 BAHRAIN 21:45 KAC 541 CAIRO 11:30 ALK 230 COLOMBO 22:20 JZR 561 SOHAG 12:00 QTR 146 DOHA 22:00 TGZ 1554 BATUMI 11:35 UAE 860 DUBAI 22:25 JZR 165 DUBAI 11:35 JAI 576 COCHIN 22:05 MEA 405 BEIRUT 11:55 KAC 381 DELHI 22:30 JZR 243 AMMAN-QUEEN ALIA 12:20 FDB 59 DUBAI 22:20 IAW 158 AL NAJAF 12:00 QTR 137 DOHA 22:35 UAE 871 DUBAI 12:45 KAC 154 SABIHA 22:20 KAC 175 FRANKFURT 12:10 KAC 301 MUMBAI 22:40 MSR 610 CAIRO 13:00 AIC 975 CHENNAI 22:25 JZR 776 JEDDAH 12:25 GFA 218 BAHRAIN 22:45 THY 766 ISTANBUL 13:10 JZR 239 AMMAN-QUEEN ALIA 22:30 KAC 103 LONDON 12:30 KAC 205 ISLAMABAD 23:00 CLX 870 LUXEMBOURG 16:15 JZR 185 DUBAI 22:40 JZR 480 ISTANBUL-SABIHA 12:30 FDB 60 DUBAI 23:00 KNE 480 TAIF 13:20 UAL 981 BAHRAIN 22:40 MSC 406 SOHAG 12:35 QTR 147 DOHA 23:05 IYE 826 SANAA 13:30 JZR 135 BAHRAIN 23:00 JZR 786 RIYADH 12:50 JAI 575 ABU DHABI 23:05 KAC 672 DUBAI 13:40 DLH 636 FRANKFURT 23:10 KAC 785 JEDDAH 13:00 JZR 554 ALEXANDRIA 23:20 QTR 140 DOHA 13:45 JAI 574 MUMBAI 23:20 IRM 1189 MASHHAD 13:10 JZR 1540 CAIRO 23:25 FDB 57 DUBAI 13:50 MSR 614 CAIRO 23:30 KNE 461 MADINAH 13:10 KAC 415 KUALA LUMPUR 23:50 KAC 790 MEDINAH 13:55 THY 772 ISTANBUL 23:45 JZR 176 DUBAI 13:20 JZR 528 ASYUT 23:55 DIAL 161 FOR AIRPORT INFORMATION stars34 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013


Aries (March 21-April 19) Libra (September 23-October 22) ARIES A feeling of restlessness this morning may lead you to list the variety of You appear comfortable with yourself today. Everything seems to be things you want to accomplish now. Some political issues may come to your attention working together—you may find yourself able to communicate well. You have a natural but most of all you just want to complete your work so you can make some phone calls sense for communicating with others, especially those younger than yourself. Teaching, for a future get-together with friends. This afternoon your activities center on finishing lecturing or making presentations tends to show off your showmanship in grand ways. up old business and list making. Your many responsibilities around the home front may This is a time for imagination and creativity; you can be spellbinding. You are successful keep you away from those who offer you a much-needed relaxation this afternoon. in your endeavors, particularly today. You have great insight into matters of personal There are errands to run and people to see. Soon enough however, you will be able to freedom. You come up with brilliant ways to help others express themselves. You could spend some quiet time with a loved ones. Use the fresh fruits in the stores now for after be helping with babysitting this evening. You relax with children in activities that may dinner desert treats, perhaps a tart. include sports, acting, singing, etc.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Much of your time today is geared toward work. Later today, you may be You may be able to enjoy and value your own life situation today. You are performing or attending a performance of some sort. If you are performing, there will very much involved with all that is traditional, but with this special twist. be time for pictures or to purchase new clothing for the evening’s celebration. For now You are a revolutionary when it comes to the domestic scene and have some very spe- however, the importance of your completing an ongoing task is high on the list of cial insights into home, family and surroundings. You will be giving your home sur- accomplishments. You take an active interest in psychology, different cultures and histo- roundings much scrutiny today. You may want to do some repairs—or in some way, ry. You can find support from all sides when it comes to any sort of mental activity— conceal what is present. One way to do this is in window treatment or interesting paint writing, speaking and all forms of communication. You have high ideals and an ability to patterns on your walls. This type of change holds your interest now. You like unconven- tional friends and are a nonconformist yourself. You have friends that may enjoy helping enchant others with your words and images. Your presence has a way of easing things you today—in turn, you want to help them. You enjoy sharing new techniques. and helping those around you. A sick friend feels better after your visit.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

You express yourself deliberately and do not waste your words. You have a You find yourself in a very practical mood—working with, instead of natural sense of organization and come across as regimented and per- against, yourself. Security is very important and you may find that you are most interested in checking out ways in which to secure your possessions or your busi- haps a little too sober at times. Today will bring opportunities to loosen up and enjoy ness, if you have your own business. There is a promise of company or plans for a dinner yourself, the day and your surroundings. Making your own special contribution, teach- party soon. This may have you interested in spending some extra time in a special section ACROSS DOWN ing or helping someone progress and achieve is a positive happening. Being with your 1. A very small circular shape. 1. Lacking or deprive of the sense of hearing of the grocery store. You set out to purchase all the ingredients necessary for a superlative loved ones or favored friend this afternoon is rewarding, fun and inspiring. There are meal. You are also interested in growing things, perhaps herbs, and may take the opportu- 4. A tiny or scarcely detectable amount. wholly or in part. quick answers, great wit and an excess of insights. This afternoon revolves around a vari- nity to pick up some information on preferred plants for a little garden. You provide peace- 11. Mentally or physically infirm with age. 2. A translucent mineral consisting of hydrated ety of social gatherings; the joy of interacting with others is in high gear. The perfect ful surroundings. It would be fun to have a small pot of herbs for each dinner guest. 15. A federal agency established to coordinate silica of variable color. escape from the ordinary should be merged into your life more often. programs aimed at reducing pollution and pro- 3. A village in eastern Ireland (northwest of Dublin). tecting the environment. Capricorn (December 22-January 19) 16. A woman poseur. 4. A particular environment or walk of life. Cancer (June 21-July 22) 17. An Eskimo hut. 5. An utterance expressing pain or disapproval. You have a special way with the older people in the workplace as well as 6. A belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as 18. A river in north central Switzerland that runs Again, you may find yourself in a group activity. This most probably could within the family setting. As a teacher, you may find yourself spending quite authoritative by some group or school. northeast into the Rhine. be within a conference meeting in the workplace. You can demonstrate great under- a bit of time teaching music, sewing or any of the creative arts. An inner vision coupled 7. (Old Testament) Samson's Philistine mistress standing and sensitivity to the needs of others and are in a good position to communi- with the ability to see the big picture often finds you working as a go-between with oth- 19. A community of people smaller than a vil- who betrayed him by cutting off his hair and so cate. Lovers, children and other people or things dear to your heart are emphasized this ers. You are very giving, accommodating and even flattering in relationships, able to adjust lage. deprived him of his strength. afternoon. Being appreciated and admired for your gifts and talents are powerful needs. to any situation. Reflective and tactful, you are able to please others. Above all, you are for- 21. A priest who served a particular deity in 8. A colobus monkey with a reddish brown coat Taking chances, perhaps reaching out to make friends with those who seem distant, ever charming and gracious as well as a bit mysterious. With all of this going for you, you are able to pick and choose a love relationship of your desire and not just whoever comes ancient Rome. and white silky fringes down both sides of the whether it is with some activity, people, entertainment, etc., can bring big rewards. You along. Be prepared for romance this evening. 23. A heavy brittle metallic element of the plat- body. could discover yourself through creativity and self-expression. This recent increased confidence may be a key to career opportunities. inum group. 9. Standard time in the 5th time zone west of 25. A colorless and odorless inert gas. Greenwich, reckoned at the 75th meridian. 28. Complacently or inanely foolish. 10. A colorless odorless gaseous element that Leo (July 23-August 22) Aquarius (January 20- February 18) 31. A person afflicted with leprosy. give a red glow in a vacuum tube. You may be planning a large get-together with the press or a big sales pro- 32. Ancient Italian deity in human shape, with 11. Tallest living quadruped. Your finished work will be well received; keep up your good work and do 12. Advanced in years. motion and hiring people to advance your business or your career. You are horns, pointed ears and a goat's tail. not slack . . . You will be most pleased with the results. A little research has brought you on the right track but do consider saving a little research money for another promotion in 36. The compass point that is one point north of 13. Great merriment. to some interesting insights . . . Think of what more research could do. This afternoon about a month. This way, the word not only gets around but sticks in the mind of those northeast. 14. A Scottish word. you may find yourself relaxing with neighbors or sibling. You handle words and tell sto- who will support you. This may be political, show business or a new business; whatever 37. A feudal lord or baron in Scotland. 20. The corporate executive responsible for the ries with consummate skill and others love to hear you speak or entertain. Things the case, you will find success. If you have not done this type of advertisement before now, operations of the firm. change and people move—you may want to get it all on videotape or perhaps just a you might call or request a get-together with someone that has done this type of advertis- 38. Bulky grayish-brown eagle with a short tape recorder for all to enjoy. Creative ideas are plentiful—perhaps a progressive back- wedge-shaped white tail. 22. Hardened sugary exudation of various trees. ing and retain some expert advice. There may be prizes, food choices, decorations, etc. You 24. A siren of German legend who lured boat- yard barbecue, swim party, sports competition, etc. You will enjoy good communication can then take the ideas and organize the best part. 39. Straggling shrub with narrow leaves and all day long. conspicuous red flowers in dense globular men in the Rhine to destruction. 26. Any of various plants of the genus Althaea. racemes. 27. The (prehensile) extremity of the superior 42. A metric unit of volume equal to one tenth Virgo (August 23-September 22) Pisces (February 19-March 20) limb. of a liter. 29. (comparative of `near') Being the one of two 43. The herpes virus that causes infectious The pull to change or to try new things may challenge you in the work Join in the teamwork and group spirit today. There are opportunities to that is less distant in space. area this morning. Perhaps a meeting can occur that will give opportunities to all per- learn about your working mates in a team support type of situation. Working together to mononucleosis. 30. Wear away. sons to present their own ideas of how they might or might not want things changed. bring about some venture has resulted in a positive outcome and there is time later today 44. A constellation in the southern hemisphere 33. A particular environment or walk of life. This will certainly cut down on arguments and may even allow you more freedom. to celebrate and praise each other. A clever person you are . . . Taking the opportunity to near Telescopium and Norma. 34. Straighten up or out. Family, home and security seem just about ideal to you and you may decide to stop and show your work or ideas to others is a good idea but it is important not to reveal too many 45. A sweetened beverage of diluted fruit juice. 35. A state in the western United States. purchase an item or two for your home or garden. You may decide to begin some type details, keeping your name on your work. Higher-ups are watching you and they will be interested in what you have to offer. You may reach new levels in understanding about life 47. Normal relaxed breathing. 40. A form of Japanese poetry. of yard work or design a hothouse or a fall garden—you have plenty of ideas. You are today. The evening’s energies are more toward relaxation and appreciation. This may 50. An island in Antigua and Barbuda. very imaginative with your home and domestic setup. Getting everyone involved in a 41. A condition (mostly in boys) characterized by rap session of planning is also good. A sense of community pervades your family life. mean a walk or bicycle ride through the park. 52. The main land mass of a country or conti- behavioral and learning disorders. nent. 46. A metric unit of length equal to one hun- dredth of a meter. 54. (slang) Merchandise that is shoddy or inferi- Word Search Yesterday’s Solution or. 48. In former classifications a major division of 56. A rare silvery (usually trivalent) metallic ele- Mammalia comprising all hoofed mammals. ment. 49. An alluvial deposit that contains particles of 57. An official prosecutor for a judicial district. some valuable mineral. 58. A hard gray lustrous metallic element that is 51. Of or pertaining to a number system having highly corrosion-resistant. 8 as its base. 53. (Old Testament) In Judeo-Christian mytholo- 61. Fiddler crabs. gy. 63. A town and port in northwestern Israel in the 55. A soft silvery metallic element of the alkali eastern Mediterranean. earth group. 67. A city in western Russia on the Dnieper River. 59. The most northwestern Hawaiian island 71. An unimaginably large amount. (beyond Kauai). 73. A percussion instrument consisting of a pair 60. Either of two muscles of the abdomen and of hollow pieces of wood or bone (usually held pelvis that flex the trunk and rotate the thigh. between the thumb and fingers) that are made 62. Squash bugs. to click together (as by Spanish dancers) in 64. Climbing vine native to China. rhythm with the dance. 65. Swiss painter influenced by Kandinsky (1879- 74. A member of a people living in southern 1940). Benin and Togo and southeastern Ghana. 66. (electronics) Designating sound transmission 75. A metrical unit with unstressed-unstressed- or recording or reproduction over a single chan- stressed syllables. nel. 78. A guided missile fired from shipboard 68. A city in the Asian part of Russia. against an airborne target. 69. Someone who works (or provides workers) 79. Small cubes with 1 to 6 spots on the faces. during a strike. 80. Casserole of eggplant and ground lamb with 70. God of love and erotic desire. onion and tomatoes bound with white sauce 72. Edible tuber of any of several yams. and beaten eggs. 76. A note appended to a letter after the signa- ture. 81. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from 77. (Akkadian) God of wisdom. aba cloth. Yesterday’s Solution

Daily SuDoku Yesterday’s Solution WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 information

For labor-related inquiries and complaints: Call MSAL hotline 128 Al-Madeena 22418714 Al-Shuhada 22545171 GOVERNORATE PHARMACY ADDRESS PHONE Al-Shuwaikh 24810598 Ahmadi Sama Safwan Fahaeel Makka St 23915883 Sabah Hospital 24812000 Abu Halaifa Abu Halaifa-Coastal Rd 23715414 Al-Nuzha 22545171 Danat Al-Sultan Mahboula Block 1, Coastal Rd 23726558 Amiri Hospital 22450005 Sabhan 24742838 Maternity Hospital 24843100 Jahra Modern Jahra Jahra-Block 3 Lot 1 24575518 Madina Munawara Jahra-Block 92 24566622 Al-Helaly 22434853 Mubarak Al-Kabir Hospital 25312700 Capital Ahlam Fahad Al-Salem St 22436184 Al-Faiha 22545051 Chest Hospital 24849400 Khaldiya Coop Khaldiya Coop 24833967

Farwaniya Hospital 24892010 Farwaniya New Shifa Farwaniya Block 40 24734000 Al-Farwaniya 24711433 Ferdous Coop Ferdous Coop 24881201 Adan Hospital 23940620 Modern Safwan Old Kheitan Block 11 24726638 Al-Sulaibikhat 24316983 Ibn Sina Hospital 24840300 Hawally Tariq Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25726265 Al-Fahaheel 23927002 Al-Razi Hospital 24846000 Hana Salmiya-Amman St 25647075 Ikhlas Hawally-Beirut St 22625999 Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh 24316983 Physiotherapy Hospital 24874330/9 Hawally & Rawdha Hawally & Rawdha Coop 22564549 Ghadeer Jabriya-Block 1A 25340559 Kindy Jabriya-Block 3B 25326554 Ahmadi 23980088 Ibn Al-Nafis Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St 25721264 Mishrif Coop Mishrif Coop 25380581 Al-Mangaf 23711183 Kaizen center 25716707 Salwa Coop Salwa Coop 25628241 Al-Shuaiba 23262845 Rawda 22517733

Adaliya 22517144 Al-Jahra 25610011 Khaldiya 24848075 Al-Salmiya 25616368 Kaifan 24849807 Shamiya 24848913 INTERNATIONAL Shuwaikh 24814507 CALLS Abdullah Salem 22549134

Nuzha 22526804 Afghanistan 0093 Iran 0098 Albania 00355 Iraq 00964 Industrial Shuwaikh 24814764 Algeria 00213 Ireland 00353 Qadsiya 22515088 Andorra 00376 Italy 0039 Angola 00244 Ivory Coast 00225 Dasmah 22532265 Anguilla 001264 Jamaica 001876 Antiga 001268 Japan 0081 Bneid Al-Gar 22531908 Argentina 0054 Jordan 00962 Shaab 22518752 00374 Kazakhstan 007 Australia 0061 Kenya 00254 Qibla 22459381 Austria 0043 Kiribati 00686 Bahamas 001242 Kuwait 00965 Ayoun Al-Qibla 22451082 Bahrain 00973 Kyrgyzstan 00996 Mirqab 22456536 Bangladesh 00880 Laos 00856 Barbados 001246 Latvia 00371 Sharq 22465401 Belarus 00375 Lebanon 00961 Belgium 0032 Liberia 00231 Salmiya 25746401 Belize 00501 Libya 00218 Jabriya 25316254 Benin 00229 Lithuania 00370 Bermuda 001441 Luxembourg 00352 Maidan Hawally 25623444 Bhutan 00975 Macau 00853 Bolivia 00591 Macedonia 00389 Bayan 25388462 Bosnia 00387 Madagascar 00261 Mishref 25381200 Botswana 00267 Majorca 0034 Brazil 0055 Malawi 00265 W Hawally 22630786 Brunei 00673 Malaysia 0060 Bulgaria 00359 Maldives 00960 Sabah 24810221 Burkina 00226 Mali 00223 Jahra 24770319 Burundi 00257 Malta 00356 Cambodia 00855 Marshall Islands 00692 New Jahra 24575755 Cameroon 00237 Martinique 00596 Canada 001 Mauritania 00222 West Jahra 24772608 Cape Verde 00238 Mauritius 00230 South Jahra 24775066 Cayman Islands 001345 Mayotte 00269 Central African 00236 Mexico 0052 North Jahra 24775992 Chad 00235 Micronesia 00691 Chile 0056 Moldova 00373 North Jleeb 24311795 China 0086 Monaco 00377 Ardhiya 24884079 Colombia 0057 Mongolia 00976 Comoros 00269 Montserrat 001664 Firdous 24892674 Congo 00242 Morocco 00212 Cook Islands 00682 Mozambique 00258 Omariya 24719048 Costa Rica 00506 Myanmar (Burma) 0095 N Khaitan 24710044 Croatia 00385 Namibia 00264 Cuba 0053 Nepal 00977 Fintas 23900322 Cyprus 00357 Netherlands (Holland) Cyprus (Northern) 0090392 0031 Czech Republic 00420 Netherlands Antilles 00599 Denmark 0045 New Caledonia 00687 Diego Garcia 00246 New Zealand 0064 Djibouti 00253 Nicaragua 00505 PRIVATE CLINICS Dominica 001767 Nigar 00227 Dominican Republic 001809 Nigeria 00234 Ecuador 00593 Niue 00683 Egypt 0020 Norfolk Island 00672 El Salvador 00503 Northern Ireland (UK) Plastic Surgeons Paediatricians Ophthalmologists Endocrinologist England (UK) 0044 0044 Dr. Abidallah Al-Mansoor 25622444 Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalaf 22547272 Dr. Khaled Hamadi 25665898 Equatorial Guinea 00240 North Korea 00850 Dr. Abd Al-Naser Al-Othman 25339330 Dr. Samy Al-Rabeea 25752222 Dr. Abdal-Redha Lari 22617700 Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rashed 25340300 Eritrea 00291 Norway 0047 Dr. Masoma Habeeb 25321171 Dr. Abdel Quttainah 25625030/60 Dr. Zahra Qabazard 25710444 Dr. Ahmad Al-Ansari 25658888 Estonia 00372 Oman 00968 Dr. Mubarak Al-Ajmy 25739999 Ethiopia 00251 Pakistan 0092 Family Doctor Dr. Sohail Qamar 22621099 Dr. Mohsen Abel 25757700 Dr. Kamal Al-Shomr 25329924 Falkland Islands 00500 Palau 00680 Dr Divya Damodar 23729596/23729581 Dr. Snaa Maaroof 25713514 Faroe Islands 00298 Panama 00507 Dr Adnan Hasan Alwayl 25732223 Physiotherapists & VD Psychiatrists Dr. Pradip Gujare 23713100 Dr. Abdallah Al-Baghly 25732223 Fiji 00679 Papua New Guinea 00675 Dr. Zacharias Mathew 24334282 Dr. Deyaa Shehab 25722291 Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Dr. Esam Al-Ansari 22635047 Finland 00358 Paraguay 00595 Dr. Ahmed Fouad Mouner 24555050 Ext 510 Dr Eisa M. Al-Balhan 22613623/0 (1) Ear, Nose and Throat (2) Plastic Surgeon Dr. Musaed Faraj Khamees 22666288 France 0033 Peru 0051 French Guiana 00594 Philippines 0063 Dr. Abdallah Al-Ali 25644660 Gynaecologists & Obstetricians Dr. Abdul Mohsin Jafar, Rheumatologists: French Polynesia 00689 Poland 0048 Dr. Abd Al-Hameed Al-Taweel 25646478 DrAdrian arbe 23729596/23729581 FRCS (Canada) 25655535 Gabon 00241 Portugal 00351 Dr. Sanad Al-Fathalah 25311996 Dentists Dr. Verginia s.Marin 2572-6666 ext 8321 Dr. Adel Al-Awadi 25330060 Gambia 00220 Puerto Rico 001787 Dr. Mohammad Al-Daaory 25731988 Dr. Fozeya Ali Al-Qatan 22655539 Dr Anil Thomas 3729596/3729581 Georgia 00995 Qatar 00974 Dr. Ismail Al-Fodary 22620166 Dr. Khaled Al-Jarallah 25722290 Dr. Majeda Khalefa Aliytami 25343406 Dr. Shamah Al-Matar 22641071/2 Germany 0049 Romania 0040 Dr. Mahmoud Al-Booz 25651426 Ghana 00233 Russian Federation 007 Dr. Ahmad Al-Khooly 25739272 Dr. Anesah Al-Rasheed 22562226 Internist, Chest & Heart General Practitioners Gibraltar 00350 Rwanda 00250 Dr. Salem soso 22618787 Dr. Abidallah Al-Amer 22561444 Dr. Mohamme Y Majidi 24555050 Ext 123 DR.Mohammes Akkad 24555050 Ext 210 Greece 0030 Saint Helena 00290 Dr. Faysal Al-Fozan 22619557 General Surgeons Dr. Yousef Al-Omar 24719312 Dr. Mohammad Zubaid Greenland 00299 Saint Kitts 001869 Dr. Abdallateef Al-Katrash 22525888 Dr. Tarek Al-Mikhazeem 23926920 Dr. Amer Zawaz Al-Amer 22610044 MB, ChB, FRCPC, PACC Grenada 001473 Saint Lucia 001758 Dr. Abidallah Al-Duweisan 25653755 Dr. Kathem Maarafi 25730465 Dr. Mohammad Yousef Basher 25327148 Assistant Professor Of Medicine Guadeloupe 00590 Saint Pierre 00508 Dr. Bader Al-Ansari 25620111 Guam 001671 Saint Vincent 001784 Dr. Abdallah Ahmad Eyadah 25655528 Internists, Chest & Heart Head, Division of Cardiology Dr. Nabeel Al-Ayoobi 24577781 Neurologists Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital Guatemala 00502 Samoa US 00684 Dr. Adnan Ebil 22639939 Guinea 00224 Samoa West 00685 Dr. Dina Abidallah Al-Refae 25333501 Dr. Sohal Najem Al-Shemeri 25633324 Consultant Cardiologist Dr. Mousa Khadada 22666300 Guyana 00592 San Marino 00378 Urologists Dr. Jasem Mola Hassan 25345875 Dr. Latefa Al-Duweisan 25728004 Dr. Farida Al-Habib 2611555-2622555 Haiti 00509 Sao Tone 00239 Dr. Ali Naser Al-Serfy 22641534 Gastrologists MD, PH.D, FACC Holland (Netherlands) 0031 Saudi Arabia 00966 Dr. Fawzi Taher Abul 22639955 Dr. Nadem Al-Ghabra 25355515 Dr. Sami Aman 22636464 Inaya German Medical Center Honduras 00504 Scotland (UK) 0044 Dr. Khaleel Abidallah Al-Awadi 22616660 Dr. Mobarak Aldoub 24726446 Dr. Mohammad Al-Shamaly 25322030 Te: 2575077 Hong Kong 00852 Senegal 00221 Dr. Adel Al-Hunayan FRCS (C) 25313120 Dr Nasser Behbehani 25654300/3 Dr. Foad Abidallah Al-Ali 22633135 Fax: 25723123 Hungary 0036 Seychelles 00284 Dr. Leons Joseph 66703427 Ibiza (Spain) 0034 Sierra Leone 00232 Soor Center Iceland 00354 Singapore 0065 Psychologists [email protected] Tel: 2290-1677 Kaizen center William Schuilenberg, RPC 2290-1677 India 0091 Slovakia 00421 /Psychotherapists Zaina Al Zabin, M.Sc. 2290-1677 Fax: 2290 1688 25716707 Indian Ocean 00873 Slovenia 00386 Indonesia 0062 Solomon Islands 00677 lifestyle WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 Gossip

he upcoming Zac Efron comedy movie “Townies” has a new Already slotted on that date are Open Road’s “Chef,” written and name: “Neighbors.” Universal announced the new title Monday. directed by Jon Favreau, and “Tyler Perry’s Single Mom’s Club” from TStarring Efron, Rose Byrne and Seth Rogen, it will be released Lionsgate. Andrew J.Cohen and Brendan O’Brien teamed on the on May 9, 2014. Nicholas Stoller (“The Five-Year Engagement”) will “Neighbors” nee “Townies” - screenplay. Dave Franco and Lisa Kudrow direct the tale of a young couple forced to live next to a fraternity co-star in the film, produced by Point Grey Pictures. house after the birth of their newborn baby. Stoller also directed “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” and “Get Him to the Greek” for the studio. It will be the third comedy film to debut on the May 9 weekend.

atrick Dempsey’s wife inspired him to start racing. The 47-year-old actor has been racing for over eight years Pand competed in his second 24 Hours of Le Mans in France this year, racing a Porsche 911 GTS RSR and finishing fourth in his class. ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ star Dempsey has loved motor racing since he was a young boy but it was his spouse fter bringing the history-making Jillian Fink who convinced him to actually compete. During an US baseball player Jackie appearance on ‘The Late Show with David Letterman’, he revealed: “I’ve loved it since I was a kid and always loved it. My Robinson to the big screen, A father was very much into it. The Indianapolis 500 was a big Chadwick Boseman is going to try event in our house and that’s how it started. I watched a lot of another icon: James Brown. Boseman television and my wife got tired of me sitting around, so she has been cast to play the Godfather of said, ‘Get off the couch and go learn how to.’ “ Dempsey’s trials Soul in a planned biopic by “The Help” and tribulations in the 24-hour pro-am endurance race this director Tate Taylor. The film from year have been chronicled for a four-part TV documentary Universal Pictures and Imagine series, ‘Patrick Dempsey: Racing Le Mans’, and it will also Entertainment is currently untitled. Mick explore the relationship between Hollywood and racing. The Jagger and Brian Grazer are among the actor explained: “It’s a four parter and the first part is setting producers. The project has been in up Le Mans, what it means and the history. Also Paul Newman, development for years, with various Steve McQueen and James Garner are big racers. Paul actors and directors attached. It’s set to Newman had raced there and was on the podium, and an finally begin shooting this year in the US incredible racer, Steve McQueen of course did the movie ‘Le In an interview Monday with The Mans’ and Garner was a big off-road racer.” Associated Press, Taylor said of the great soul singer: “Those are big shoes to fill.”

elly Osbourne wished Miley Cyrus had “put her tongue in her mouth” during her performance at the MTV Video Music Awards. The 28-year- Kold star has given her close friend some words of advice following her racy appearance with Robin Thicke at the VMAs on Sunday which featured her ‘twerking’ and grinding against Robin during their rendition of his hit t turns out the MTV VMA ceremony was also a little ‘Blurred Lines’. Miley, 20, also repeatedly licked her lips as she danced in a occasion for Obamacare and celebrities to combine two-piece, flesh colored latex bikini and rubbed herself suggestively with a Itogether in the guise of none other than Katy Perry and foam finger. During a special episode of ‘Fashion Police’ which aired on President Obama himself last night. It started yesterday Monday night Kelly’s co-stars, including Joan Rivers, criticized Miley’s risque when Perry used her Twitter account to retweet President appearance - which left many famous faces in the audience at the VMAs, Obama’s plea for youth sign up for Obamacare via social such as Taylor Swift, Will Smith and One Direction star Niall Horan, stunned. media. “If you’re one of millions of young Americans w/out Kelly insisted she loved her pal before offering her words of wisdom, saying: health insurance, you can get affordable coverage starting “I look at the performance and yes, I do have a lot of the same opinions as you guys about it ... Look Miley’s my friend and I love her, and I have her back Oct. 1,” the president tweeted from his account. When the no matter what, but as her friend I’m going to tell her - put your tongue in singer retweeted it, he thanked her, which Perry also your mouth! I love you, but just put your tongue in your mouth.” But Kelly did retweeted. Politico, which first reported the Tweets, also like the vintage, black and jewel Dolce & Gabbana separates that Miley, 20, noted that President Obama exchanged tweets with Jason wore on the red carpet and the bikini she gyrated in on stage. Kelly said: DeRulo. DeRulo, promoting the iTunes availability of his “We’re not talking about her performance, we’re talking about what she’s “Marry Me” single, included a link to the Obamacare signup wearing ... It’s not that original (the bikini) but I do appreciate its reminiscent Web site. of the ‘Blurred Lines’ music video.”

tyle guru Michael Raphael claims the ‘Started from the Bottom’ rapper failed to reimburse him for nearly $40,000 in expenses - Sincluding shopping trips and plane rides - incurred while working for the star which aren’t covered by his salary. According to the lawsuit, d Sheeran thinks his female fans want to “mother” him. The 22-year-old singer doesn’t which was obtained by TMZ, Drake hired the stylist in August 2012 to believe he is a sex symbol and thinks women are more interested in looking after him consult on his OVO clothing line at a rate of $39,583 per month. Ethan making passionate love to him. Speaking at the MTV Video Music Awards However, Michael says he also spent thousands of dollars of his own (VMAs), he told People magazine: “I find the whole concept of women screaming at me so money on buying designer clothing such as Nike and Diesel for the odd. It’s very flattering, but I don’t think I will ever consider myself to be a sex symbol. “If rapper, as well as paying for flights and hotels to meet him in locations you speak to most women, they want to take me home and mother me rather than take around the world. The style guru claims the 26-year-old star promptly me to bed. I just have that impression.” The ginger-haired star - who is currently single - was paid his salary and covered additional expenses between August and spotted cosying up to Ellie Goulding at the VMAs in Brooklyn, New York City, on Sunday November 2012 without any issues, but abruptly stopped payments in night with the pair pictured holding hands while watching the performances. However, December 2012. He is now suing his former employer for $76,490 to Ellie was quick to dispel rumors, as she has just started dating One Direction star Niall cover both his salary for that month and extra charges he incurred Horan - who is friends with Ed. In a post on her Twitter account, Ellie said: “I love that hold- while working for Drake. Michael provided numerous receipts to back ing hands with my friends means we’re an item. In that case I am in many relationships. up his claims, which show that he spent $1,162 at Nike, $1,483 at Diesel and $714 at American Rag. Drake - who recently won his own legal bat- tle against the New York City nightclub he famously brawled in with Chris Brown - has yet to comment on the lawsuit.

yndi Lauper feels “sad” for Miley Cyrus following her raunchy. It wasn’t even art.” The ‘Time After Time’ hitmaker controversial performance at the MTV Video Music also aired her disapproval for the lyrical content of Robin’s CAwards. The legendary Grammy Award-winning song, which she believes glorifies “date rape”. She added: singer has expressed concern for the ‘We Can’t Stop’ star “She’s in a song that literally says that the blurred lines after her salacious on-stage antics with ‘Blurred Lines’ hit- allowed you to ... when a woman says no, she means yes, maker Robin Thicke at the ceremony on Sunday likening and that’s frightful because that’s date rape.” Cyndi, 60, fur- the routine to a ‘Girls Gone Wild’ softcore porn video and ther pointed out that fellow performer Lady Gaga - who branding it “raunch” not art. Speaking on Australian radio appeared in a revealing seashell thong bikini - exhibited show ‘Brig & Lehmo’, she said: “That was girl gone wild. So tasteful artistry in her show-opening performance, but sad, so sad. There she is a young 20-something trying to implied that Miley, 20, was simply seeking attention with prove she can hang with the big boys and girls, you know ... her raunchy flesh-colored latex bikini and ‘twerking’. basically simulating a ‘Girls Gone Wild’ video on stage and I just felt like that was so beneath her and raunchy, really lifestyle WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013

Music & Movies

ndian Kashmiri separatists are demanding the recent years but there have been new, deadly out- cancellation of a concert by celebrated conduc- breaks of violence along the contested border Itor Zubin Mehta to be staged in the disputed ter- between Indian and Pakistani forces. ritory next month, saying it would legitimize Indian Mehta announced last year at a reception in “state repression”. The concert by the Mumbai-born New Delhi he would like to play in Kashmir, adding Mehta on September 7 is being organized by the he would “cancel every appointment” to do so. He Indian Kashmir state tourism department and the told India’s IANS news service he had fond memo- German embassy in New Delhi. Veteran separatist ries of a trip to Kashmir in the 1970s with his wife Syed Ali Geelani appealed to Germany to call off the and children. “We fell in love with it,” he said. The concert, saying it “legitimizes state repression” in the Kashmir Monitor in an editorial noted the concert conflict-riven territory. was not an international show but “an individual’s Another senior separatist leader, Mirwaiz Umar show. Musicians from different countries do travel Farooq, echoed Geelani’s call and suggested money to other countries and perform there.” “But as things for the concert would be better spent on a happen in Kashmir, there is little scope for one to “Kashmir-German friendship hospital”. “Musical con- separate politics from other aspects of life,” the certs and killings can’t go hand-in-hand... Germany newspaper said. — AFP has to understand the ground situation,” he told reporters. Civil society and human rights activists in Kashmir also urged Germany to call off the concert, saying in a letter it “must not allow itself to be party to activities that seek to further legitimize the Indian occupation”. Both the Kashmir state government and the Hollywood star George Clooney waves from aboard a taxi boat in the Venice canal grande upon his arrival in Venice for German embassy declined comment. Mehta, 77, the Mostra Film Festival yesterday. Clooney is in Venice to present the movie ‘Gravity’ by director Alfonso Cuaron out of will conduct the Bavarian State Orchestra in works competition at the 70th Venice International Film Festival. — AFP by Beethoven, Haydn and Tchaikovsky for an invit- ed audience of 1,500. The event will be held in the sprawling Shalimar Mughal gardens under the mighty Chinar trees on the banks of the pictur- esque Dal Lake in the state’s summer capital Srinagar. Not all Kashmiris oppose the concert. “It’s a lifetime opportunity to listen to timeless music live,” art critic Lalit Gupta told AFP. German ambassador Michael Steiner said last p-and-coming actress Rachel Brosnahan, who murder-suicide. Told by the priest that she’s destined to week the concert was “for the people of Kashmir”. played call girl Rachel Posner on Netflix’s “House of become a saint, she instead grows up to be a contract “With the magic power of music, crossing geo- UCards,” is set to star in “The Sainthood of Bethany killer. Riddled with guilt and struggling with OCD, she finds graphical, political and cultural borders, we want to Wolfe,” an indie movie that Michael Mailis (“Act of Valor”) herself on the brink of insanity as she’s forced to reconcile reach the hearts of the Kashmiris with a message of and Benjamin Scott (“Lovelace”) are producing, TheWrap what she has become with what she is meant to be. hope,” he said. Kashmir has been divided between has learned. Dustin McLean will make his feature directori- Brosnahan, who recently played Genevieve Duchannes India and Pakistan since their 1947 independence al debut with the film, which is expected to start produc- alongside Alice Englert and Emmy Rossum in WB/Alcon’s from Britain. Rebel groups have been fighting tion early next year. “Beautiful Creatures,” is best known for her work on “House Indian forces in Indian Kashmir since 1989 for inde- Story follows Bethany Wolfe (Brosnahan), a young girl of Cards” opposite Corey Stoll. She made her Broadway pendence or for merger of the territory with In this photograph taken on October 26, 2009, Philharmonic taken in by a priest after losing her parents in a bloody debut in “The Big Knife” and can also be seen in an episode Pakistan. The fighting has left tens of thousands of conductor Zubin Mehta stands before the interpretation of of Netflix’s other original series, “Orange Is the New Black.” people dead. Kashmir has been relatively calm in First Brahms symphonia at the Madrid auditorium in Madrid, McLean has been writing, directing and producing Spain. — AFP award-winning short films for more than a decade. His the- sis film, “Anya,” was chosen to screen at Florida State University’s gala dinner as an example of the school’s best work. Mailis, who previously partnered with Legendary Pictures during the period of “300,” “Batman Begins” and “The Hangover,” is currently partnered with the Bandito Brothers, having executive produced the company’s hit action movie “Act of Valor.” He also served as an executive ob Dylan, “Another Self Portrait (1969-1971): The gesting it was Dylan’s attempt to step away from people producer on the award-winning rock documentary “It Bootleg Series Vol. 10” (Columbia) who worshipped him as a musical genius, a voice of his Might Get Loud. B generation. “He was trying to quit, but no one would Scott, who recently served as VP of development for In the latest entry of his ongoing vault-diving releases, accept his resignation,” he wrote. Fine. So why would any- Eclectic Pictures, co-produced the Amanda Seyfried movie Bob Dylan revisits one of his least- heralded albums. “Self one want to buy a four-disc resignation statement? “Lovelace” and also worked on “Playing for Keeps” with Portrait,” released in 1970, is remembered less today for its Through the years, Dylan’s bootleg series has provided Gerard Butler. He previously founded the independent pro- music than the classic first line of a Rolling Stone magazine some real thrills, and interesting new perspectives on his duction company Infinite Cre8tions and co-founded the review by Greil Marcus that greeted it: “What is this (exple- work. This one doesn’t. Only completists will find some- improvisational comedy troupe Jew-Jitsu, in addition to tive)?” It was hard not to see why. The cultural icon baffled thing interesting. — AP collaborating on projects with Queen Latifah’s Flavor Unit his fans with a badly-produced collection of minor compo- Productions and Allen West Productions. Brosnahan is sitions, some live cuts, covers of traditional folk and blues represented by Innovative Artists, Carole Dibo Talent songs and even contemporary songs like “The Boxer.” Management and Schreck Rose Dapello & Adams, while Marcus, who writes the liner notes for this four-disc box set, Scott’s lawyer is Jeremy Tenser. — Reuters wisely doesn’t step back from that assessment. He shouldn’t. Time doesn’t improve the work. It seems amazing four decades later that an artist of Dylan’s caliber would take such a hands-off attitude toward his art, packing up his basic tracks and sending them to a Nashville producer who adds some truly cringe-worthy Rachel Brosnahan arrangements. Maybe that was precisely the point. Two of the discs in this box are primarily Dylan’s original record- ings with several outtakes, most with minimal arrange- ments. They’re almost uniformly better than what was on the original “Self Portrait.” There are a handful of interesting curios: a version of “If Not for You” with a haunting violin accompaniment, an unreleased studio session with George ilbert Taylor was a master of black and white and a Hitchcock and Roman Polanski. He was the director of Harrison and a full band version of “I Threw It All Away.” master of different universes. Taylor, the influential photography on several distinctive black-and-white clas- Disc three is a recording of the 1969 concert at the Isle G“Star Wars” cinematographer who worked on a sics including Stanley Kubrick’s “Dr Strangelove, or: How I of Wight festival, which interrupted a period of seclusion number of stellar films, died Aug 23 at the age of 99, Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb” and for Dylan. Hard to go wrong with a recording of Dylan per- according to the British Society of Cinematographers. Dee Richard Lester’s Beatlemania chronicle “A Hard Day’s forming with The Band, but the performance has a tenta- Taylor, his wife, told the BBC News that her husband died Night.” He also worked on television series including the tive, almost rushed feel to it. Although the “Self Portrait” at their home on the Isle of Wight off the south coast of very popular “The Avengers.” During World War II, he was sessions seemed strange at the time, Dylan’s subsequent England. active with the Royal Air Force filming nighttime bombing work gives it more context. Still performing regularly at 72, Taylor, a founding member of the cinematographers’ raids over Germany. He was born in Bushey Heath, a small Dylan’s concerts keep his formidable catalogue alive along society, entered the British film industry as a cameraman’s town 20 miles north of London. — AP with an American blues, rock and folk tradition that pre- assistant in the 1920s when he was still a teenager. He had dates even him. These 1970 recordings make clear that dozens of credits to his name and worked with a wide even back then, Dylan was constantly inspired by it. range of directors, including George Lucas, Alfred Marcus has another theory to explain “Self Portrait,” sug-

e’re all being watched. All the time. That’s a key mes- email, and soon an ad pops up telling us where to buy that tainly shown how creepy it can be. In the London we see here A smart script by Steven Knight keeps the action humming sage of “Closed Circuit,” an entertaining and well- thing we sort of mentioned. And of course we’ve learned in - one of the most watched places in the world, we learn, in along smoothly and concisely - if sometimes, it must be said, a Wcrafted if not overly heart stopping British conspiracy recent months not only of secret government surveillance but terms of security cameras - you never know who’s around the bit illogically. And the two main actors are a pleasure to watch. thriller starring Eric Bana and Rebecca Hall. Security cameras even the “Boyfriend Tracker” app for our phones. Perhaps we corner, or who’s been in your apartment, leaving a book Bana seethes with frustration and encroaching fear, and looks are everywhere, giving us birds-eye glimpses of each charac- really do live in a post-privacy era. slightly askew on your shelf. wonderful doing it. As for Hall, this terrific actress brings the ter, and reminding us that we, too, are never really alone. Such But if it’s not a shocking concept, the makers of “Closed You don’t know who that cab driver or dinner-party com- film much of its humanity, striking that difficult balance of a concept is hardly shocking in 2013. After all, we write an Circuit,” an intelligent film directed by John Crowley, have cer- panion truly is. You don’t even know which side your closest competence and determination tempered by a growing colleagues are on. At least, such is life for Martin Rose (Bana) recognition of her frailty. and Claudia Simmons-Howe (Hall), two lawyers who become A top-notch supporting cast features the always excellent ensnared in the legal case surrounding a horrific terror attack, Ciaran Hinds as Martin’s close colleague, Denis Moschitto as the bombing of a bustling London food market. As the film the frightened defendant, Julia Stiles as an American journal- begins, we’re staring, fittingly, at footage from security cam- ist who’s perhaps digging too deep, and, finally, the wonderful eras - eventually 15 of them. Each captures a snippet of life on Jim Broadbent as the Attorney General - Martin’s boss. You’ve a busy November morning. In one frame, a truck shows up seen Broadbent as Denis Thatcher and as Bridget Jones’ dad; where it’s not supposed to. In an instant, 120 people are dead. now watch him play an oily official whose cordial smile seems Rowing peacefully on the Thames, Martin gets a call. The pasted on his face. Never has an invitation to breakfast from lawyer defending the lone surviving terror suspect has com- the boss sounded quite so unappealing. “Closed Circuit,” a mitted suicide. Work pressure and all that. Martin’s been Focus Features release, is rated R by the Motion Picture tapped to replace him. As for Claudia, she’s the Special Association of America for “language and brief violence.” Advocate, an additional defense lawyer designated by British Running time: 96 minutes. Three stars out of four. — AP law to examine secret evidence to be presented in “closed ses- sion,” away from the public and the press. Even Simon cannot see this evidence. And he’s not allowed to communicate with Claudia. This is easy at first, since the two happen to be estranged lovers. They’re ambitious enough not to reveal their past romantic entanglement and thus get removed from the case. But if they’re found out, it could end their careers. And nothing goes according to plan, of course. As the two are drawn together by circumstance as well as their obvious mutual attraction - this is a movie, remember? Lawyers are extremely attractive in movies, even in those odd British wigs - they find themselves This film image released by Focus Features shows Eric Bana, left, and Ciaran Hinds in a scene from ‘Closed Circuit.’ — AP having to meet secretly, blatantly defying their superiors. lifestyle WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 FASHION Fashion Week Lakme

Models showcase creations by Indian designers during the Lakme Fashion Week (LFW) Winter/Festival 2013 in Mumbai yesterday. — AFP photos lifestyle WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 FEATURES London streets packed for Caribbean-themed

undreds of thousands of revelers hit the streets carnival HMonday for the Notting Hill Carnival, the celebration of Caribbean culture that filled west London with dancers in shimmer- ing feathers. The two-day extrava- ganza draws up to a million people to the west London neighborhood to watch troupes in exotic cos- tumes perform on floats as the music pumps out. Revellers milled between the stalls and thumping sound sys- tems, drinking, dancing, and tast- ing jerk chicken as the smells of open-cooked Caribbean food wafted through the air. Police made 111 arrests on Sunday’s first day: 30 for drugs, 27 for public order, nine for assaulting officers, amongst other offences. Some 168 Performers and arrests were made by 2145 GMT visitors take Monday, 61 of them for drugs part in the offences. “On the day we know parade on the that the vast majority of people second day of come to carnival to enjoy them- the Notting Hill selves and soak up the atmos- Carnival in west phere but like any event of this London. scale there are always those who —AFP photos come to commit crime,” said Scotland Yard police headquarters. On Sunday, London Ambulance Service and St John Ambulance treated more than 300 people for cuts and bruises to their feet and alcohol-related injuries. A spokesman said 45 were taken to hospital. Monday saw around 60 bands in costumes dance to the rhythms of the mobile sound systems or steel bands. Around 40 static sound systems were blaring out the beats. The carnival was founded in 1964 following the disturbances in Notting Hill six years earlier that saw clashes between whites and newly arrived immigrants from the West Indies. — AFP Victoria Beckham wants Princess Diana biopic set for to create fashion ‘empire’ limited release ictoria Beckham, the one-time pop star York in 2008 took the fashion world by surprise. world as I can,” she said. who is now one of the most courted Beckham told the magazine that she “There are more categories that I want to in November Vdesigners at the upcoming New York designs clothes she would want to wear her- enter into. I have five categories at the moment. Fashion Week, says she has even bigger plans self, from chic, ultra-flattering dresses to her But at some point I would love to do shoes, I for her eponymous brand. “I want to get bigger current fall line of masculine-influenced coats would love to do fragrance, I would love to do and bigger,” the former Spice Girl told the New and body-skimming skirts and trousers. She makeup, I would like to do underwear. There York Times ahead of the unveiling of her spring- has also branched out into sunglasses, hand- are so many things I want to do.” The 39-year- summer 2014 collection during fashion week, bags and denim, and her main Victoria old mother of four, who recently moved back to which begins on September 5. “I absolutely Beckham label is expanding rapidly in Asia. London from Los Angeles, said that she misses want an empire.” Beckham, who was once only Beckham has also created a new, more-afford- the climate, openness and work ethic in the famous for her stint as Posh Spice and as the able diffusion line, Victoria, which is more casu- city. “I am very career minded, and I think my wife of footballer David Beckham, has come al and colorful to appeal to a younger market. “I personality is more suited to America,” she said. into her own since her first runway show in New want to reach as many women throughout the “I am a working mum.” — AFP Shoe Mart at Centrepoint unveils ‘Back to School’ 2013 collection KUWAIT: Shoe Mart the region’s leading retail haven for ment about the ‘Back to School’ collection launch: “Shoe Shoes & Bag’s have launched a unique ‘Back to School’ Mart’s ‘Back to School’ campaign has proven to be a suc- campaign this season for every little boy and girl. This sea- cess with our customers year after year. Every year we son’s styles offer colorful backpacks, elegant range of strive to make it special to reach out to all and at the same shiny leather bowed, flowered pumps and ballerinas and time create an edge with our offering. This year we have accessories for girls, while boys can choose from a number worked on an extremely unique giveaway as part of ‘Back of comfortable casual shoes, Lamborghini styled to School’ promotion which will certainly thrill children bags, slip-ons and moccasins adorned with and their parents.” buckles or straps. There is also a wide A definite keepsake, customer gets a free alarm assortment of school shoes for girls clock on every purchase of ‘Back to School’ from Classic Mary Jane’s to black bal- product. We are sure that with our ‘Back to let pumps and black school shoes School’ range every little customer of ours for boys. A vivid range of colors will be happy with our giveaway which is and cartoon characters are seen an ideal keepsake. Head to the nearest on various school bags in the Shoemart at Centrepoint which is located range. at Rai, Hawally, Salmiya, Kuwait City, The ‘Back to School’ range Fahaheel, Fintas, Sulaibikhat, Jahra and offers a selection of school the flagship store at The Avenues, The ntertainment One will release “Diana,” a bags, an exciting range of Mall and let your children go wild and biopic starring Naomi Watts as the famed back packs, as well as pencil create their new and improved ‘Back to EBritish princess, on Nov 1, the studio said on cases, lunch boxes and water School’ super look. Monday. The film will open in limited release that bottles .The diversity in first weekend before expanding into more cities the range of school bags and theaters. will most definitely meet Three films will open wide that weekend - every child’s personal lik- “Ender’s Game,” the Thanksgiving animated come- ings and dy “Free Birds” and the geezer comedy “Last prefer- 1 Vegas.” Three others will open in limited release - ences. romantic drama “About Time,” “Le Week-End” and Shoe “Aftermath.” Entertainment One picked up “Diana” Mart’s towards the end of this year’s Cannes Film Festival. general Oliver Hirschbiegel directed the film from a manager, screenplay by award-winning playwright Stephen John Jeffreys, which was based on the book “Diane: Her Hood Last Love.” The film focuses on the last two years of shared his Diana’s life, including her secret love affair with excite- Hasnat Khan. — Reuters Princess Diana biopic set for limited release in November


A boat made to look like a roasted duck is seen on the Huangpu River in front of the financial district of Pudong in Shanghai yesterday.—AFP Shanghai ‘roasts’ the giant Rubber Duck hanghai has served up a “roasted” version the city’s Victoria Harbor. Not to be outdone, told AFP. “Other inspiration came from an ancient towards its body which is made of papier mache, lution scandal which saw more than 10,000 dead of a Dutch artist’s giant yellow duck, com- Shanghai-which is vying with Hong Kong to be Chinese poem: ‘The duck knows first when the with jutting drumsticks and cooked wings. pigs drift down it in March, discarded by farmers Splete with drumsticks and crispy brown China’s financial capital-has unveiled its own ver- river becomes warm in spring’,” he added. Several Chinese cities rushed to display versions upstream. Han said he floated the idea of making skin. Florentijn Hofman’s Rubber Duck installa- sion on the Huangpu River, which forms its Shanghai’s duck is actually a working ferry boat of Hofman’s Rubber Duck which has been mak- a pig but city fathers were not amused. “It was tion gained rave reviews when a 16.5 meter-tall waterfront Bund district. which state media reported yesterday will carry ing appearances around the world since 2007 — my first choice, but the organizers had some con- (54-feet) version arrived in Hong Kong this sum- “The design process took place during passengers and host cultural performances leading the official People’s Daily newspaper to cerns and the idea was dropped,” he said.—AFP mer. Hundreds of thousands of people viewed it Shanghai’s scorching hot summer days, so we including poetry reading. The duck’s head, at the criticize the flock of copycats. But the Huangpu against the backdrop of the skyscrapers that line just thought: ‘Let’s roast it’,” designer Han Beishi bow, is yellow, but reversed and looking back river has made more headlines this year for a pol- Homesick British put colonial stamp on India’s gardens ndia’s monument to love, the Taj tory of British gardens in colonial India. Herbert, professor emeritus of history at Mahal, was once even more romantic, Today the Taj, which draws millions of Mount Holyoke College in Icloaked behind towering foliage and tourists a year, is surrounded by neat rec- Massachusetts. only shyly revealing its contours as the tangles of manicured lawn. “The gardens In India, where outbreaks of malaria, File photograph taken on July 21, 2009 tourists In this file photograph taken on July 21, 2009 mon- visitor approached-until a British viceroy would have had to be trimmed back but dysentery and other illnesses constantly throng the lawns of the Taj Mahal in Agra. soon clouds loom over the Taj Mahal in Agra.—AFP removed the mystery. Lord Curzon, an those who saw them before spoke of brought death, many colonialists enthusiastic gardener and Britain’s how the greenery gradually revealed the desired the comfort that a well-ordered Cuthell wrote in a letter home to her should look like-”and nowhere was this Tomb with their pools, plants and trees viceroy to India from 1899 to 1905, mystery” of the Taj’s stunning facade, garden could lend, she says. For the mother. “You cannot think how one more evident than in India”. Large houses are meant to symbolize paradise and “imposed an imperial stamp” on what Herbert told AFP in an interview. British in India, “like tea, gardens offered treasures out here the quiet little ‘home drew inspiration from country estates are one of the earliest examples of a has become the nation’s most famous Herbert’s book was published recent- colonials reassurance in situations of flower’. Dear little English flower,” she back home with their “sweeping park, royal garden tomb in the Indian sub- monument, says US historian Eugenia ly to rave reviews in India with news stress”, she says. The joy of recreating an said. copses of trees and water” and bunga- continent, scholars say. But they fell into Herbert. magazine India Today calling it a “schol- English flower garden in a foreign land- Wherever the British went, Herbert lows had their “gravel paths, shrubs, neglect as Mughal power waned and Curzon “effectively clear-felled” fra- arly tour de force”. The viceroy was not scape was recounted in rhapsodic terms notes, they took with them, as part of flower beds and attempts at a lawn”. were only restored a decade ago when grant trees, shrubs and other plants to alone in putting his stamp on the Indian by a military officer’s wife, Edith Cuthell, their “cultural baggage”, their love of gar- Usually, the garden was the responsi- the Aga Khan Trust for Culture and the open up views of the Taj, says Herbert, landscape, and a horticultural legacy in 1905. “My violets are in bloom,” dens and their view about what a garden bility of the woman, who was “terribly Archaeological Survey of India brought author of “Flora’s Empire”-a detailed his- remains more than sixty years since the bored with her husband busy running back to life long-dormant fountains for end of British rule. Homesick colonials India,” says the book, which Herbert told the first time in some 400 years. left their imprint on India’s parks and AFP took her “the better part of 10 years” Water started flowing through nar- gardens, many of which are still full of to write. British women in India relied on row canals representing the four rivers tidy, green lawns, trimmed hedges and the services of a gardener to do the actu- of paradise described in the Koran and flowerbeds with British blooms. The al groundskeeping. With labor so cheap, gardeners planted thousands of mango, British left “a lasting horticultural mark sometimes the grass was planted blade lemon and pomegranate trees and on India-much as India did on them”, by blade to create the lawn-the essen- sweet-smelling hibiscus and jasmine writes Herbert, whose book was com- tial part of any proper English garden- plants-Mughal favorites. Despite such piled from letters and diaries of British and also cut painstakingly by hand. But splendor, the British stamp on gardens colonialists and official archives. the tame landscapes created by the remains elsewhere in India. The Taj has When the British first arrived in India British were a far cry from the extraordi- become a “bit of a template” for Indian in the 17th century, they discovered a nary beauty of Mughal gardens. official monuments and gardens, says continent brimming with strange but Humayun’s Tomb in New Delhi-the Herbert, while English annuals and lush, exotic flowers that made them inspiration of the Taj Mahal-is a stun- perennials have become the mainstay yearn for their carefully tended gardens ning example. of many gardens in the subcontinent. back home. “The farther from home they The Mughals, famed for their archi- It is “one of the more benign lega- ventured, the more they longed for A picture taken on August 4, 2013, shows a cast of “Le Penseur” tectural splendors, are one of the Indian cies” of British rule in India, says In this file photograph taken on familiar cowslips and hollyhocks and (The thinker), a sculpture of French sculptor Auguste Rodin (1840- subcontinent’s great dynasties and Herbert.—AFP December 4, 2010 tourists visit Michaelmas daisies, for well-trimmed 1917) displayed on his tomb, at the “Villa des Brillants”, in ruled from the early 16th to the mid- the Taj Mahal in Agra. lawns and neat flowerbeds,” says Meudon, west of Paris. 18th century. The gardens of Humayun’s Sri Lankan police apologize for dog wedding ri Lanka police have apolo- Their marriages were also regis- Ekananayake said the ceremony sniffer dogs. gized for holding a group tered by an official in the presence undermined traditional wedding “This program is aimed at Swedding ceremony for sniffer of a crowd of veterinary surgeons, rituals and should be strongly con- breeding dogs accustomed to dogs after the country’s culture medical doctors, top police offi- demned. He called for an investi- local weather and food, thereby minister condemned the event cers and the public. Video footage gation into the incident. A deco- saving money,” Siriwardena said in and demanded an investigation, on local television showed the rated platform is used for tradi- a statement, adding that in 2011 officials said yesterday. Nine pairs married dog couples were later tional nuptials by the Sri Lanka’s the police department spent of police dogs dressed in shawls, being driven away in a decorated majority Sinhalese Buddhists. $500,000 importing such dogs hats and socks were placed on a police jeep for their “honeymoons.” Police spokesman Buddhika from the Netherlands.—AP decorated platform like those used The ceremony received wide pub- Siriwardena apologized yesterday in traditional weddings in the cer- licity, and also strong criticism for any damage to the country’s emony Monday in the central from the cultural officials. cultural heritage, saying the pro- Sri Lankan police hold a pair of sniffer dogs at a “wedding” of nine dog couples in the town of Kandy. Culture and Arts Minister T.B. gram was aimed at breeding the central Sri Lankan town of Kandy yesterday.—AFP