Welcome to NECIS annual Track & Field competition 2019 Idrettspark, 25. – 26. May 2019

Arranged by ISS, technical supported by Gjesdal IL. A club with proud traditions since 1931 and serving athletes in volleyball, cross country skiing and track and fields.

Gjesdal IL a club in Gjesdal County Welcome to wonderful Gjesdal The NECIS Track and Field tournament is a Dear guests – it is a pleasure for me as the wonderful celebration of the end of the sport- Mayor of Gjesdal to welcome you to wonderful ing school year. I am looking forward to seeing Gjesdal. Gjesdal is a middle-sized Norwegian all of you at Gjesdal. municipality with approximately 12 000 in- habitants in suburban distance to the regional Let’s hope for some wonderful, sunny Norwe- capital . I hope you will have the gian spring weather! opportunity to see parts of the community and it´s lovely cultural- and natural landscapes. And Sincerely, perhaps be a tourist at Ålgård and in Gjesdal. David Tremblay, Athletic Director You have come to take part in a friendly com- International School of Stavanger petition between students and athletes from several different international schools and countries. I am certain that Gjesdal IL will be a Dear Athletes, Coaches, Parents good host, and organize competitions, social As Chairman of Gjesdal IL I am proud to pres- activities and experiences you will remember. ent our facilities and hope that you all will have two prosperous days here at Ålgård. Gjesdal IL Frode Fjeldsbø have long traditions in arranging track and field Mayor of Gjesdal events, together with championships in also other events. Besides track and field events Dear Athletes, Coaches, Parents we have been hosting both Norwegian and Nordic championships in 10km cross country, On behalf of the entire International School of Norwegian championship in Triathlon and half Stavanger and Gjesdal Sports Club Commu- marathon. Our track & field members did also nities, I would like to extend a warm welcome take several gold medals in the Norwegian to all of you to the 2019 NECIS Track and championship in both 1500m, 5000m and Field Event. I am really excited to help run this 10.000m some years ago. tournament in an idyllic Norwegian landscape underneath the Ålgårdsknuten and Kollefjell We have been looking forward to this Necis peaks. These peaks also define the foothills of competition since we last year visited Copen- awesome and famous Norwegian landscapes hagen to see and learn. It gave us a warm such as the Kjerag Bolt and Pulpit Rock. heart to see the joy and happiness showed from athletes throughout great parts of Eu- It is a great joy too, that the NECIS Athletic Di- rope. It is our dearest hope that the two days rectors have invited the Gjesdal School to take here at Ålgård will fulfill your expectations, part in the competition. I am hoping to see both in the events, but also socially. many participants from the Gjesdal School. May you all succeed. To all of the athletes, I hope that you achieve personal bests during the weekend, that you Sports greetings celebrate your successes with each other and Kjell Fjeldheim are supportive of each other too. Have a great Chairman time at the tournament, take time to make new Gjesdal IL acquaintances with athletes from the other schools and enjoy your stay here in . 1. ISS Tent and medical tent will be placed on the grass here. This is also the North direction

2. Start area 100m

3. Shot Put, Ball Throw, Turbo Javelin, Discus

4. Outside tribune, and upper en trance to the clubhouse were lunch will be served, and café # 1will be open.

5. Long Jump and Triple Jump. On the grass in this area we would like to have all arrayed before the for- mal opening ceremony.

6. Finish line. There will be in- side chairs and table in the basement with entrance from this end of clubhouse. Café # 2for food & bever- age will be located here

7. High Jump, this is also the South direction

4 6 2 5 1 3 7 Day 1 - 25 May 2019 Day 1 - 25 May 2019 Approx Time Hotel & Track Event Age / groups Gender Approx Time Field Event Age / groups Gender 0730 - 0735 Pick-up at Hotel All G / B 0900 - 1030 Long Jump U 12 B 0800 - 0805 Arrival at stadium All G / B High Jump ( ASH / CIS ) 16+ G 0830 - 0845 Official opening All G / B Ball Throw ( CIS ) U 12 G 0900 - 1000 Hurdles - Heats / Finals U 14, U 16, 16+ G / B Discus ( AIS / CIS ) 16 + B 1000 - 1130 100m Heats 16+ B To be run as finals 16+ G if 8 or less athletes enter U 16 B U 16 G U 14 B U 14 G 1030 - 1200 Shot Put ( ISD / CIS ) U 16 G U 12 B Long Jump ( CIS ) U 12 G 1000 - 1130 Mini Hurdles ( ISA ) U 12 B High Jump ( ASH / CIS ) 16+ B no 100m competitors U 12 G 1100 - 1300 Lunch All All 1100 - 1300 Lunch All All 1130 - 1230 1500m Finals 16+ B 1200 - 1330 Shot Put ( ISD / CIS ) U 14 G 16+ G Long Jump ( CIS ) U 14 B ( ISL, BIS, ISD, ISS ADS at finish line ) U 16 B High Jump ( ISL / CIS ) U 16 B U 16 G U 14 B U 14 G U 12 B U 12 G 1230 - 1430 200m Heats 16+ B 16+ G U 16 B 1330 - 1500 Shot Put ( ISD / CIS ) U 14 B U 16 G Long Jump ( CIS ) U 14 G U 14 B High Jump ( ISL / CIS ) U 16 G U 14 G Discus ( AIS / CIS ) 16+ G U 12 B Discus ( CIS ) U 16 B U 12 G 1500 - 1600 Triple Jump ( ISH / CIS ) U 16 B 1430 - 1630 400m Heats 16+ B Triple Jump ( ISH / CIS ) 16+ G 16+ G 1500 - 1630 Ball Throw ( CIS ) U 12 B ( Straight final at this time Day 1 if there are six or fewer athletes U 16 B entered in a section ) U 16 G U 14 B U 14 G 1500 - 1630 High Jump ( ISL / CIS ) U 14 G U 12 B U 12 G 1630 - 1800 4 100m Relay finals 16+ B 16+ G 1600 - 1700 Triple Jump ( ISH / CIS ) 16+ B Change Over 1 BIS Change Over 2 CIS U 16 B 1600 - 1700 Triple Jump ( ISH / CIS ) U 16 G Change Over 3 Gjesdal U 16 G U 14 B Special notice: For all track events from 800m and longer there will be a line start. If any athletes falls U 14 G before racing 20m, there will be a U 12 B second start U 12 G All awards ceremonies will be heled straight after event 1815 - 1820 Bus Hotel All All 1930 - 2230 Dinner at Hotel All All Day 2 - 26 May 2019 Day 1 - 25 May 2019 Approx Time Hotel & Track Event Age / groups Gender Approx Time Field Event Age / groups Gender 0630 - 0635 Pick- Up at Hotel All G / B 0700 - 0705 Arrival at stadium All G / B 0800 0830 Hurdles - Finals U 14, U 16, 16+ G / B 0830 - 1000 Shot Put ( ISD / CIS ) U 16 B ( if necessary ) Long Jump ( CIS ) U 16 G 0830 - 0915 100m Semi - Finals U 12 G High Jump ( ISL / CIS ) U 12 G U 12 B Turbo Javelin ( ASH ) U 12 B U 14 G Discus ( AIS / CIS ) U 14 G U 14 B U 16 G U 16 B 16+ G 16+ B 0915 - 1015 3000m Finals U 14 G 1000 - 1130 Shot Put ( ISD / CIS ) 16+ B U 14 B Long Jump ( CIS / ISH ) U 16 B ( ISL, BIS, ISD, ISS ADS at finish line ) U 16 G High Jump ( ISL / CIS ) U 12 B U 16 B Standing Long Jump ( ISA / CIS ) U 12 G 16+ G Discus ( AIS / CIS ) U 14 B 16+ B 1015 - 1115 200m Semi Finals U 12 G U 12 B U 14 G U 14 B U 16 G U 16 B 16+ G 16+ B 1100 - 1300 Lunch All All 1100 - 1300 Lunch All All 1115 - 1200 400m Finals U 12 G 1130 - 1300 Shot Put ( ISD / CIS ) 16+ G U 12 B Long Jump ( CIS ) 16+ B U 14 G High Jump ( ISL / CIS ) U 14 B U 14 B Turbo Javelin ( ASH ) U 12 G U 16 G Discus ( AIS / CIS ) U 16 G U 16 B Standing Long Jump ( BIS ) U 12 B 16+ G 16+ B 1200 - 1230 100m Finals U 12 G U 12 B U 14 G U 14 B U 16 G U 16 B 16+ G 16+ B 1230 - 1330 800m Finals U 12 G U 12 B U 14 G U 14 B U 16 G U 16 B 16+ G 16+ B 1330 - 1415 200m Finals U 12 G 1330 - 1500 Long Jump ( CIS ) 16+ G U 12 B U 14 G U 14 B U 16 G U 16 B 16+ G 16+ B 1415 - 1430 Acceptance Speach All All 1415 - 1430 Acceptance Speech All All 1430 - 1530 4 x 400m Relay Finals U 12 G U 12 B

Change Over Gjesdal U 14 G U 14 B U 16 G All awards ceremonies will be heled straight after event U 16 B 16+ G 16+ B 1610 - 1615 Bus to Hotel & Airport All All Organizational overview Title Name Mobile phone

Organizational overview David Trembly +47 993 96 304

Leader Org. committee Egil Ravndal +47 918 42 618

Chairman Gjesdal IL, and speaker Kjell Fjeldheim +47 916 65 539

Chief Operating, to be responsible for Marianne B Tjetland +47 951 76 038 all daily technical / Gjesdal IL business

Gjesdal IL Chief Judge Else Storhaug +47 957 30 738

Red Cross, medical aid Sindre Larsen +47 406 07 395

Secretariat Vigdis Lange Szanto +47 480 83 836

Timing and result Egil Ravndal +47 918 42 618

Timing and result Bernt Sigve Ravndal +47 901 18 908

Café, food and beverage Eli Wiig +47 990 16 705

ISS Tent Brent De Bleser +47 401 74 700

Cleaning & maintenance Arild Volden +47 952 94 822

Starter Frode Vold +47 920 87 192

Grievance Committee, Amsterdam Marianne de Haan +31 622 2396 672

Grievance Committee, Antwerp Peter Vandebovenkamp +32 473 251 432

Grievance Committee, Düsseldorf James Cochan +49 178 521 3007 Schools and competition numbers: Abbreviation Name of School Numbers

AIS Antwerp International Scholl 1 – 99

ISA International School of Amsterdam 100 – 199

ISL International Scholl of Luxembourg 200 – 299

ASH American School of Hague 300 – 399

ISD International School of Düsseldorf 400 – 499

BIS Bonn International School 500 – 599

ISH International School of Hamburg 600 – 699

ISS International School of Stavanger 700 – 799

CIS Copenhagen International School 800 – 899

GS Gjesdalskolen 940 - 999

Other information: Our cafes will be open from 0900 to 1800 on Saturday and from 0900 to 1600 on Sunday. You can pay with card or cash in NOK ( norske kroner ) or in Euro. Prices will be given in both NOK and Euro. All change will be returned in NOK. Lunch tickets will be delivered to team leaders on TLM Friday afternoon. We hope that you all have enjoyed your stay here at Ålgård, and that the competition have been fair and good. We would also like to invite you back next year, on 23rd and 24th of May 2020.

Gjesdal Regnskap AS I Postboks 166 I Krambugata 15, 4339 Ålgård I Tlf. 51 61 54 00 I Fax 51 61 54 01 I E-post: [email protected] I gjesdal-regnskap.no