December 2014 1 Polish American Postageperiodical Paid at Boston, New York and Additional Entry Offices
FREE CHRISTMAS CARDS WITH NEW GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONSPOLISH AMERICAN — PAGEJOURNAL 27 • DECEMBER 2014 1 POLISH AMERICAN YORK NEW BOSTON, AT PAID PERIODICAL POSTAGE AND ADDITIONAL ENTRY OFFICES AND ADDITIONAL ENTRY JOURNALDEDICATED TO THE PROMOTION AND CONTINUANCE OF POLISH AMERICAN CULTURE WIGILIA PEASANT STYLE ESTABLISHED 1911 DECEMBER 2014 • VOL. 103, NO. 12 | $2.00 PAGE 6 Christ the King is Born Zielinski Named NEWSMARK Bishop, Will Head COUNCIL TO MEET AT YALE. The American Polish Ad- visory Council will hold its annual conference at Yale Uni- Fairbanks Diocese versity in New Haven, Conn., December 7. Entitled “Poland’s Emerging Role in Shaping Global Security & the U.S.-Polish Partnership,” the half day con- ference will focus on Poland’s role in addressing new se- curity challenges including the confl ict in Ukraine as well as how the strategic relationship between Poland and the United States has enabled both nations to effectively ad- dress common threats. The Council will also present a re- port on its efforts to include Poland in the U.S. Visa Waiver program, an issue on which it has lobbied extensively. The APAC, headquartered in Washington, D.C., has held previous conferences and political workshops in Washington and the Chicago area. FAIRBANKS, Alaska Keynote speakers include Poland’s Ambassador to the (KNOM) — Pope Francis has United Nations and national security expert Boguslaw Wi- named a new bishop for the nid, and Poland’s Defense Attaché in Washington Briga- Fairbanks diocese, appointing dier General Jaroslaw Srozyk. a new leader for the 46 parishes Preregistration is required and can be completed at and roughly 18,000 Catholics
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